Cross Country Team Sweeps Conference, Page 6 Rhodes Holds Spirit Week Career Services Office Sponsors Career Awareness Week

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Cross Country Team Sweeps Conference, Page 6 Rhodes Holds Spirit Week Career Services Office Sponsors Career Awareness Week Cross Country Team Sweeps Conference, Page 6 RHOOT Rhodes Co STheTOUWEr Weekly Student Newspaper ofoe Rhodes College Vol. LXXXVII, No.8 Wednesday, November 3, 1999 Rhodes Holds Spirit Week By Rochel Chaney the music of the Bouffants. "The pep rallyjust went so well-so did Staff Writer "The Bouffants were great," said the coffeehouse and the dance," she RAB member Jessica Hoffman ('01). said. "Swing low, sweet chariot,' sang "They played '50s, '60s and '70s mu- In conjunction with Spirit Week, the Woolsocks on October 24, kick- sic. They all had beehives and RAB also sponsored Rhodes Apparel ing off the 1999 Rhodes Homecom- sparkly outfits."' days. Hats, T-shirts, and red and black ing Spirit Week. The Woolsocks and The pep rally was new to Home- could be worn in exchange for"prizes Jason Beasley performed in the Lynx coming week, according to Brad of an edible nature." Lair for an All-Male Review, opening Damare ('01), a Timeout for Choices "The idea of all of this is to get the full week of spirit events. member. The pep rally was held on more interest," Fullerton said. "If we "This is the first time we've had October 28 and featured John Ramsey can build a whole week around the events every night of [Spirit Week]:' as emcee; performances by the pep game, hopefully more people would said Barry Fullerton ('00), chair of band, dance team, and cheerleaders; actually come to the game." Rhodes Activities Board (RAB). "We and a student spirit contest. There Timeout for Choices, the Alumni had a lot of various groups putting were also appearances by Coach Office, RAB, the Student Affairs Pro- events together in a collaborative ef- White and President and Mrs. Troutt gramming Committee, and Residence fort." and introductions of the fall sports Life were among the groups who col- Events ranged from an Alcohol teams, Hoffman explained. laborated for the week's events. "Awareness Mock Trial to a Ghosts of "I was happiest with the Pep "(The idea of a spirit week] Rhodes Storytelling night to, of Rally," Hoffman said. "R/odes is not came up during our [RAB] retreat course, the Homecoming dance. exactly famous for its school spirit, but from a lot of the first-years and "The Homecoming dance is a great everyone was cheering and yelling." sophomores," Fullerton said. "RAB thing" Fullerton said. "It's alumni, fac- According to Leah Mercer ('00), is a vehicle to help set up events and Photo By Susan Hughes ulty, staff,and students all intermingling Spirit Week has gotten more people get them out." together. It's a huge night." involved and built a lot of spirit up Kirkpatrick said that, overall, RAB Dancin' The Night Away The dance began for alumni at for the game. "The pep rally was awe- was very pleased with the way the 8:00 and featured the music of The some;' Mercer said. "Ithink everyone week turned out."I hope we can con- James Underwood ('00), Christian Wold ('00), and Callie Summers ('00) New Memphis Hepcats in the multi- that came out really enjoyed it." tinue to have Spirit week turn out the dance with the Bouffants at the Homecoming dance on Friday night. sports forum of the Bryan Campus The turnout at the pep rally was way it did this year," she said. "The This year's Homecoming dance was the first open to students, faculty, staff and alumni. Life Center. At 10:30, students were larger than people had expected, said turnouts were great at almost every invited to join alumni and dance to RAB member Kim Kirkpatrick ('03). event. It was just a great week." Career Services Office Sponsors Career Awareness Week By Valerie Wilet A new event this year, the panel needed:' said Winstead-Young, as ginning Wednesday, November 3,and from all academic departments. Rep- News Editor features students discussing where "many students in the recruiting pro- there will be a waiting list. The din- resentatives will be able to explain the they interned, the responsibilities they cess are taken to formal dinners." ner lasts from 5:30 to 7:30 in the requirements for a particular major Next week, from November 8-12, held, and whether they were paid or Hosted by Director of Career Ser- Alburty Room. as well as answer general questions the office of Career Services will be received academic credit for their vices Sandi George Tracy, "Put Your The staff of Career Services is pro- that a student contemplating differ- sponsoring daily activities as part of work. In addition, panelists will ad- Best Fork Forward"includes a discus- viding video-taped mock interviews ent majors might have. Co-sponsored the annual Career Awareness Week. dress how they obtained the intern- sion about etiquette, as well as menu all day Wednesday and Thursday, by the departments of Academic Sup- According to Assistant Director of ships and will provide advice for those featuring such delicacies as stuffed November 10 and 11. The service is port and Academic Affairs, this event Career Services Jennifer Winstead- who wish to do interesting summer chicken medallions, with Rosemary beneficial for students seeking expe- will be held from 4:30 to 6:00 in the Young, the idea behind the week is to internships. The panel will be held garlic sauce, and, for dessert, vanilla rience in all types of interviews-for in- Alburty Room. "structure programming and infor- from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Buckman cheesecake with raspberry sauce, gar- ternships, post-graduate careers, or In addition to the dailyevents, Ca- mation that really brings careers to the Hall. nished with a bouquet of black and medical school, to name a few. "It's a reer Services will collect names of stu- forefront of the minds of the stu- On Tuesday, Winstead-Young red raspberries. wonderful experience for students to dents attending the events throughout dents." suggested students check their mail- According to Winstead-Young, see for themselves how they are in an the week and will draw two names in The opening event, on Monday, boxes for career guidance information there is always something "question- interview" Young said. a raffle for career survival kits, one November 8, will be an "I Want to of a unique sort, as yet to be disclosed. able" about how to eat at the event, The Career Awareness Week ac- serving the needs of first-years and Know What You Did Last Summer" On Wednesday, November 9, se- and students will learn how to handle tivities end on Thursday, November sophomores, and one for upperclass- panel discussion, which will include niors will gear up for "Put Your Best these tricky dining situations. The 11 , with a Majors Fair. Geared toward men. Also, during the week, the li- five students "who have had interest- Fork Forward," a dinner which event is free, and reservations are first- and second-year students, the brary will display a variety of ing internships/experiences this past teaches the tiquette of formal din- made on a first-come, first-serve ba- fair will provide students an oppor- career-related materials for students summerexplainedW'stead-Young. ing. The program "is very much sis. Interested seniors can sign up be- tunity to speak with representatives to peruse at their own convenience. Opinion Page 2 Wednesday, November 3, 1999 100 Years Of Hitchcock Editor:in d-l7 -~ Matthew Shljpe home for a peek at the dining about Hitchcock's feature films dialogue in Rear Window and the room where the Hitchcocks had and television series, including cigarette extinguished into an AmteEditor Stole Means entertained the likes of George Laura Mulvey, Raymond Bellour, egg in. To Catch a Thief, to the Bernard Shaw, the hidden stair- and Jean Douchet. While there, I shot of a train entering a tunnel BusinessManhprs case in the oldest part of the also got to view new prints of that concludes North by North- GaegScheuchezubu' house, the lavish bathrooms North by Northwest, Psycho, and west and the flushing toilet in Brian Willis with tubs elevated atop broad The Birds. Psycho. SECTION EDITORS The centennial celebrations steps of Italian marble, and the I was impressed with the fact Like the spry corpses in The of the life and work of Alfred J. bedrooms decked out in ornate that, sixty years after the events, Trouble with Harry, Psycho, OpEd Editor Blake Rollins Hitchcock (1899-1980) have gothic woodwork that re- British writers on Hitchcock still Frenzy, and Family Plot, A&E Editor Amy Holcombe Scene Editor Patrick, Lane served to remind us of the ge- minded me of boudoirs de- have not forgiven him for defect- Hitchcock, though dead, refuses News Editor 'Valerie Witte nius and abiding influence of - picted in Hitchcock's 1927 film ing to America, and French writ- to, stay buried. Sports Editor 'Susan Hughes according to Entertainment Downhill. We walked in the ers still see things in his films few Why has his influence per- Rhode'ster Editor Barrett Hathcock Weekly's top 100 list - the garden and strolled on the lawn others can detect. My ears also sisted so long? How can we ac- world's number one film direc- where Hitch cavorted for the perked up when Joseph Stefano, count for the numerous sequels STAFF WRITERS tor. family's home movie camera who wrote the original Psycho in to Psycho and Mel Brooks' back- Emily Bays Heather Locridse This year there have been TV and where his daughter Pat kept 1959, said that his suggestion of KalmanBensth Kenneth Lukas handed "tribute" to Vertigo, High BradDamare RachdOaqey specials about Hitchcock on the her pony before the family a new ending for last year's re- Anxiety? What's to be said about JenniferDurovchic AmiOkauinski Encore Channel and the BBC moved to the States in 1939.
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