The Sewanee Mountain
The Sewanee Mountain VOL. XXVI No. 38 Thursday, October 21, 2010 Published as a public service for the Sewanee community since 1985. McBee Benefi t Brockett Talk Explores Saturday in Latin America/U.S. Relations On Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 4:30 p.m. in Sewanee, Brockett has taught count- Legion Hall Gailor Auditorium, Charles Brockett, less students in his courses on Latin Family and friends of Glenn Mc- the University’s Biehl Professor of In- America, the U.S. presidency, and Bee are planning a benefi t to collect ternational Studies, will present a talk international studies. Brockett has contributions for his health care costs. titled, “Refl ections on the Challenging authored two books, “Land, Power, The public is invited to a dinner in the Relationship between Latin America and Poverty: Agrarian Transforma- American Legion Hall on University and the United States.” tion and Political Conflict in Cen- Avenue on Saturday, Oct. 23, from 4 In the lecture, Brockett will refl ect tral America” (1998) and “Political to 7 p.m. The menu is fried chicken, upon his many years of research on Movements and Violence in Central baked beans, potato salad, rolls and politics and the role of the U.S. in America” (2005), as well as dozens of dessert for a $7 donation per plate, Latin America. The event is open to articles and chapters on the politics dine in or carry out. There will be an the public, and a reception will follow of Central and Latin America. He has auction for cakes and other donated the lecture.
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