GOSPEL in CHINA Presbyterian Church of England
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No. 600 MARCH, 1896 Price One Penny THE GOSPEL in CHINA Presbyterian Church of England CONTENTS. CALENDAR ........................................... _ _ ... 53 HOME MISSION COLLECTION........................................... 53 FROM MONTH TO MONTH ... ... ._ ............ 53 READINGS IN PRACTICAL RELIGION ...................... 55 HOME BIBLE READINGS.................................................... 56 OUR OWN MISSIONS— Current Notes............................................................ ... 57 The Amoy Work: A Visitor’s Impressions ............. 58 Formosa : Southern Stations........................................... 59 Wukingpoo : NewH ospital (Two Illustrations).............. 60 Engohhun ................................ 60 Chinohew ............ ... ........................................... 62 Changpoo .......................................... 62 Our Students anD Our Foreign Missions ... ... 62 ARAMAIC VILLAGE IN THE ANTI-LEBANON ............ 63 (Three Illustrations) SKETCHES FROM OUR TOWN ...................... «= CHILDREN’S PORTION .............................. 67 NEW BOOKS ........................................... «7 CHURCH TALK.......................................... 60 50 ADVERTISEMENTS A Wonderful Medicine. 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These are Facts, testified continually by Beecham’s Pills. members of all classes of Society; and one of the ?$est guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated ig i Beecham’s Pills. Beecham’s Pills have the Beecham’s Pills. largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM’S PILLS PBKPABED BY THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELEN’S, LANCASHIRE, As« Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medielne Dealers everywhere, in Boxes, Aid., is. ljd., and 2s. 9d. each. Full Directions given with each Box. BEECHAM’S TOOTH PASTE Will reoommend itself; it is effioaoions, economical, olean see the teeth, perfumes the breath, removes tartar, and prevents decay. It is composed of the best known ingredients for neutralising the aoids of the mouth, preventing all deleterious deposits upon the teeth; and it is a pleasant and reliable dentifrice. BEECHAM’S TOOTH PASTE is put up in collapsible tubes, perfeotly air-tight, and so adjustable that no waste need ooour. The packages are prettv for the toilet table, and most convenient for the travelling bag. They are sold every where for ONE SHILLING EACH. ADVERTISEMENTS. 51 SPECIAL OFFER TO READERS OF “THE MONTHLY MESSENGER.” THE REMAINING VOLUMES OE THE “Proceedings of the Pan-Presbyterian Council,” HELD AT TORONTO IN 1892, Will he sent Carriage Paid to any address for 3s. 6d. EARLY APPLICATION SHOULD BE MADE, AS ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES REMAIN. The following are some of the principal Papers contained in the Volume : ^ev\ Professor Lindsay, Glasgow.—“The Protestant Reformation: Rev. Dr. Sanders, Biddle University, U.S.A.—“The Work of the its Spiritual Character ; and its Fruits in the Individual Life.” American Churches among the Negro Race.” Rev. Professor H. Bavinck, Kampen.—“ The Influence of the Pro Rev. Hugh Mackay, Round Lake.—" The Work of the Presbyterian testant Reformation on the Moral and Religious Condition of Church among the Indian Aborigines of Canada.” Communities and Nations.” Rev. A. L. Phillips, Alabama.—“Church Work among the Coloured Rev. Professor Leitch, Belfast.—“ The Influence of the Protestant People.” Reformation on the Intellectual State and Progress of Communi Rev. Dr Robertson, Winnipeg.—“Church Life and Work in ties and Nations.” Canada.” Rev, Dr. Baird, New York.—“The Influence of the Reformation Rev. Professor Rentoul, Melbourne.—“ Church Life and Work in on the Civil and Political Institutions of Communities and Nations.” Australia.” Signor Filippo Grilli.—“ The Waldensian Church in Italy.” ^ev*_T’Pr(?fessor -D* Van Horne, Ohio.—“The Characteristics and Rev. Dr. Burrell, New York.—“The Relation and Duty of the Missions of the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches.” Church to Outside Societies during Christian Work.” Sev- Dr. M°NK° Gibson, St. John’s Wood.—“The Strength and Rev. Principal MacVicar, Montreal.—“The Biblical Idea of the Weakness of the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches.” Ministry.” Eev-TTDr; V^N Sltk15> New York.—" The Unsolved Problems and the Rev. Dr. Oliver, Glasgow.—“The Minister as a Teacher.” Undeveloped Resources of our Churches.” Rev. Dr. Ross Taylor, Glasgow.—" The Minister as an Organiser.” Rev. Dr. Eschbach, Frederick City, Nd.—“Unemploved Resources Rev. Principal Hutton, Paisley.—“ The Training of the Ministry.” of our Churches.” ReVTrSnin^”NNIS’ Ee“Ut’ Syria,~“ Native Agents and their Rev. Dr. Drummond, Glasgow.—“The Influence of Christian Work on the Spiritual Life.” ilson Rev. C. M. Grant, B.D., Dundee.—“ Native Churches and Self- Rev. Dr. W , Ohio.—“ The Aggressive Movements of our Support.” Churches.” lexander att Rev. Gbijtith Ellis, M.A., Liverpool.—“ The Relation of the A W , Esq., Glasgow.—“The Land Question.” JNative Churches to the Home Churches.” Rev. Principal Grant, Ontario.—" The Wage Question.” Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, D.D., Wilmington, N.C.—“The Cultivation Rev. Dr. MacdonalD, Calcutta.—“The Opium Question in India.” or the Missionary Spirit at Home.” Rev. W. Park, M.A., Belfast.—“ The Recreation Question.” Rev. Dr. McKichan, Bombay University.—“ A Century of Mis Rev. John Campbell, Edinburgh.—“ The Drink Question.” sions, Pasteur Choisy, Geneva.—“ Roman Catholicism in Switzerland.” Rev. Dr. Laws, Livingstonia.—“ The Dark Continent.” Rev. Dr. James Kerr, Glasgow.—“Romanism in Groat Britain.” Rev. Dr. J. G. Paton.—“Mission Work in the South Seas.” Rev. John Laing, D.D., Ontario.—“ Romanism in Canada.” Rev. AV. A. Wilson, Indore.—“Among the Hindoos.” Rev. Dr. UnderwooD, Corea.—“Romanism in Foreign Mission Rev. C. W. Matbeb, D.D., China.—“ Higher Education in China.” Fields.” Speaking of the “Notes on Church Government,” contained in the Appendix of the above Volume, ev. Dr. Chambers, of New York, says m the January Presbyterian and Reformed Review “Nowhere else, in any tongue, is there such a collection of trustworthy statements on these points.” Original Price, 7s. 6d. Now offered, Post Free, 3s. 6d. each. LONDON ; PUBLICATION COMMITTEE, 14, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. 52 ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 5 LIFE OF CHRIST WILL BE ISSUED TO READERS OF QUIVER” Xss. < BEING ONE FIFTH ITS PRESENT PRICE. W Full Particulars—with the First of three Coupons which it will be n ecessary to possess in order to obtain the work at this price—will be found in THE QUIVER for March, ready now, price 6d. CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, London; and all Booksellers. BOOKS FOR PRESENTATION, Etc. THE FOLLOWING BOOKS WILL BE SENT POST FREE AT THE PRICES NAMED 1 By “IAN MACLAREN.” s. d. RAMSAY, Rev. W. M., LL.D. s. d. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush, 61- 4 11 The Church in the Roman Empire, The Days of Auld Lang Syne, 6/- 4 11 12/- -------- 9 6 DAWSON, Sir J. W. SMITH, Rev. G. A., D.D. Modern Science in Bible Lands, 6/- 5 O The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, 15/- ------ 12 :O BULLOCH, J. M. History of Aberdeen University, 4/6 3 IO SMITH, W. ROBERTSON, LL.D. Prophets of Israel and their Place in DENNY, Rev. JAMES, D.D. History, 10/6 ------ 8 6 Studies in Theology, 5/- 4 2 HASTINGS, Rev. J. B. SMITH, Rev. JOHN, /D.D. The Problem of the Ages, 3/6 - 3 1 The Permanent Message of the Exo dus, 3/6 ------- 3 S' Hazell’s Annual Cyclopaedia, 3/6 3 2 STALKER. Rev. JAMES,; D.D. MACKAY, Rev. G. L., D.D. The Two St. Johns, 6/- 4 11 From Far Formosa, 7/6 6 2 The Ministers’ Diary and Almanac, WALKER, Rev. Dr. NORMAN. 2/- -------- 1 9 Chapters from the History of the Free Church of Scotland, 7/6 - - - 6 2 RAMSAY, Rev. W. M., LL.D. St. Paul, the Traveller and the Roman WELSH, Rev. R. E. Citizen, 10/6 ------ 8 6 In Relief of Doubt, 3/6 3 1 Church Praise and Bibles in various styles of binding1. Price List on ajplication. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE, 14, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. CALENDAR.—FROM MONTH TO MONTH. 53 CALENDAR. FROM MONTH TO MONTH. Home Mission Collection, March 15th- Synodical Committees, March 16th—18th. “ The intolerable strain ” involved in the provision by the wealthiest Church in Christendom—the Church of CALLS. England—of a diminishing fraction of the cost of maintain Mr. T. Mackay, M.A., Assistant at Regent Square, to ing her “Voluntary Schools,” is apparently to be relieved Pendleton.