8 DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1920. Moscovics Offers BIG Easy to Start Jam 4 INDIANS FULL SHE LOOKS PLENTY CONFIDENT THELMADARBY WITH TE LEAGUERS by Talking About * Suggestion •*' '* to New * ' / ' • ' OF SPEED AND AND REIS GIRL YANKS. PIRATES, Series Coin Split Speedway Race Plan JACKSONVILLE, March 30 —h anapr HOT SPRINGS, March 30.—The Yan- Hoggins of Yanks c tin cl nlgans, with Cooper pitchln his best Miller the game use Marsans, reti ‘"bed to of the e|rlng, took over the Pi- They Are All Ready to PEP THESE Would. Let Each Subscription TO LEAVE CITY for Outfielder regulars Ijrnm DAYS the Yanks by the Red Sox, now t! jat 1 in S rate yesterday, 6 to 1. Infield- Bodie Is through with the club. [ ers Webb and Kerns were turned over Up Arms Over Apply to Certain Lap to |). Cal Crum Slated Famous Girl Swimmers Want Both Yankees and Dodgers tosumed the Akron, club today. to Hurl their routine practice sessions he tod Question. MMi in Race. Er Against More Action—Will Move following Monday’s double-bea< wltn JROTVNS. Opening Game the Reds and Nationals. WICHITA, YarcU 30.—The Wichita By HENRY L. FARRELL. Moscovics, general manager of Western league c U b sting Toledo Hens. Fred E. to . i felt the of United Pres* Suiff CorrewponA^KSl Xordyke & Marmon, offers a unique sug- SPOKES. the Browns’ t attlng attabk and ran ” ® YORK, NEW 30.- Vfter afoul of mid-sei son pitching by Mel Gal- NEW March 30— > gestion regard to the $20,000 fund ORLEANS, March , with 11 oxf tne lia for eight It spoils among being gathered by A. A. U. day of rest yesterday, when mo ntngs, losing yesterday’s the world’s series PLAYERS SHOW CLASS that js Indianapolis NO MEETS win set- game to the to the for dis- INJ. Spokes went fishing, the players B-owns, 11 4. three clubs seems to be Ideal business men and manufacturers e a al“- tle down today to hard practi ' S kicking up a baseball fight. V By EDDIE ASH. tribution among leaders in the eighth swimming conditions are im- tnan Unless Guy Morton is showing more s by GIANTS. pennant 500-mile race on the In- ever training trip, On the eve of another , Times Sport Editor. international proved gnd a promise ft given by I. A. before on a i GREENVILLE, March 30.—The Giants York are -still figtiH motor basis ager Speaker absolutely ??!!dent and the New Yankees dianapolis speedway, on the feels year Red Sox arr-lved here today to con- division of last year’s ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March SO.— they are out U. officials that stronger swimmers Guy deliver the goods this - tinue their about the of SIOO for each lap that In A. will exhibition series. There was Miller Huggins, it seems, alloweMH shortly, Indianapolis some friction a nong the players as a re- Four more days of snappy, last-hour front. will be brought here players, traded to the Red TIGERS. sult of Capt. Ar tie Fletcher’s private war practice, peppery with It is Muscovies’ idea to preserve the will of the best girl swimmers against ground keeper and two identity of subscriptions fund, in- loose two 30.—The > ers. Lmnlre Nallin. to the SPENCER. March Ti r agers a slice of the pie earned speed and ginger, are prescribed by Man- stead of pooling them, so that each sub- In the country next fall. full of fight today after thei .VS team. V over REDS. I ager rounding scription apply to a lap, with Darby and Regina Reis, a pair of 12 to 2 the Braves at U, Regulars of the team Wthed all Jack Hendricks in out his will certain Thelma yesterday. will join llle tcara becoiß Tribesmen for the opening of the 1920 200 subscriptions for 200 laps. of swimmers w ho have brought In- CIIARLE3TGx < March 30. —The Reds ter, but they are said tcw'ave fair r at Greensboro Wednesday. and Washinggi;on Americans are stipu- yesterday, the dismfl season. The laps in the race would then be polls to the front the water ranks pIa mean about it diana In V* F the next game of the and disgust of the That means Friday night the Indians named after the firms whose subscrip- during the last few years, announced to- series here and owners.^* tions would apply to them. Marmon of CUBS. ,08t Rutber Luque RED FAMILY A will break camp here, drifting on back viz.. day, through Fred Darby, father , Cubs Y'ork Y'anks at Jack- BATTLE. towards the realm of spring zephyrs lap. Keyless Lock lap, etc. they have been seriously PASADENA, March 30.—T sonvilleif? IN Pw B Thelma, that dropped a ten-inning game 3 B yesterday, 8 to 7. While the Reds were wa*ninßkP Vfl Moscovics" suggestion was advanced in leaving Indianapolis Ll and April showers of home. contemplating to Hanford, Col., I’a “ Coast the post-season speed- a letter to George M. Dickson, who orig* Chicago, to the Seattle 1: a fall for Vice President Smith today is join the Illinois Athletic club of 3 to 2. Speed M a ”, IVHITE SON. Sox, a good row broke nally sponsored the idea of a $20,000 league team, * White otS|[M.: ing on back home, leaving here last night, and unles.-i they hear iTom the officials 1 olaler“s™° al 'VACO, family Hank headed for he will fund, and met immediate approval at Claude Hendrix pitched, the Moran when Indianapolis, where of the Indiana A. A. U. within a short lowing only one tally. walked off w;th Monday’s with of the substitutes, refused to help things shape at Wash- Dickson's hands. game round into time, they will take the Bnal step. Southwestern university, copping by 7 • •at:*- he didn’t get a full ington park for Detroit games and the IVOtLI) ADD to HOLDS FOUR CARDS. 3. lbe Vhlte Sox will play the H-inie Zimmerman was t.r association opening with Toledo, April 14. NEW INTEREST. counted NATIONAL TITLES. COLLEGE STATION, Mar jh University Teias today. sion when the Giants (HH| PRACTICE " - winnings “f GAMES "I think it would add a lot of interest Miss Dary, 16-year-old school girl, who run over rigl l1 1 'O s-c ..id place and. plan long home the J*” in the pie. AT CHATTANOOGA. to the to have Mr. Moscovics’ idea has turned the swimming world topsy- two on a New didn't have a hand Jacques Fournier with ~ I., f|„ Assistant Physical The Tribe now plans to drop off adopted,” states Dickson, “not only from turvey during the last with ened to sue for a share, but in three years in the ninth inning gave the of Chattanooga, Tenn., for a few practice the pofnt of view of subscribers to the her wonderful performances, started her the A lcs prevailed upon to keep out race, a 9 to 6 victory over , ue , Director at Local Y. M. C. A. games, remaining there until April 7, fund and spectators at the but also career under the eolors of the Independ- the fourth game of the Inter-le *S series NAVIN HAD the contestants as ' when they will dash on homeward. wed. ent Athletic club of this city. While a here yesterday. lIIS SAY. With a tropical tan covering the erst- “Carrylug out the plan would mean that of Darby was Fred Hopp r( Indianapolis, has been Then the protest of Frank Navin. member that team Miss as while pinkish cheeks of the tenderfoot each driver who led the field during the In of Important. named assistant physical director of : ident of the Tigers, which held entered most the Central tl e M. C. A Indians, and the Florida variety of Old race would receive a number of individual A. at Chicago, she never ' to succeed E. P. Stocks, third slice of the American league W vet- from Indianapolis A. U. events aud the Sol painting deeper the color of the checks firms instead of failed to make a good showing. r who left 8 assistant. Is ,a graduate of Shortrldge tional and commission membß ?arly training Injuries. Concerning the manner in which the High ytchool, and quite says. ■ “Better play safe wnrhle that pany with Mlns Darby, should they move v 1 3Q has established than naming of laps ought, to be conducted, game a reputation bis performances in regrettable quoth the Big Chief. though the to Chicago. She also entered the School Students j,y the chorus.” natural supposition would with the I. and while there was state bigh so iooj “Un humph."’ agreed Owner Smith, be that subscribers would have laps A. C. ranks. good naturedly. after them coached by William Merrtam. Total of 190. named in the order of thetr finding competition But Cal Crum began Setting out to- entrance to the pool, has the Two years ago. Dickson scarce section country, of I How Such BOXING day. He was duly notified that he would following to offer: In this of the , Harry B. Smith, President were AdJ. Gen. KANSAS j< March 30. team he stacked up as the headliner on the Misses Darby and Reis sent to i a,lon - todaT ITY, —“A si BSC HI HER Si DRAW Marvis Brullow, one of the “early robins” of the fair sex golfers, Chicago by the A. to compete In the Indiana State Rifle assocl that can begt an y high school five in the DEMENTRAL MUSSED UP. mound when the Trihc- meets Toledo OR I. C. contesting j I LAPS. A. A. U. events. At that time corrected scores c f United State;," |g the claim of Coach YORK, March In the Initial game of the season. Hence- at EUenberger park golf course. Central Issued the Sexton NEW 30—Jim Loaj up some “Naming laps after subscribers the It was rumored that they would take up ' c receut in of ll Northeast High school bas- wrestling champion, is forth Crum has begun to limber in teams and Individuals for tl " teal the Greek J order of their arrival would naturally As an advocate afternoon “tee-a-la even as early as this, they would enjoy their residence tr, Chicago and Join the ket ball of this city, which captured undisputed mat king of bis race td “stuff” on the leather pill. of the the Missout The lanky boy looks good, too. He give the first lap to the National Motor golf,” Marvis Brullow. 300 North Ban- it more than spring tonics,” she de- Illinois Athletic club, but both girls door shoot held at 1' of theth'e invitational tournament last and “Greek” Demetral, whom ho I Car and Corporation. range. Os Interest to men bera week. Th| locals have been showing at Seventy-1 has b*en displaying excellent form since Vehicle For the croft avenue, is one the first Irving- declared they had no Intention of do- plenty of seated In a match the Interests of enterprise. of clared. ing R. are scores i L ■ !S s all season, recently de- armory he the squad here, and he is de- best the I do so. local O. T. C. * Regiment after one hour I Joined ton ladies to appear bn the greens of Prospects this year for greater inter- Indian * feating Wl ield, Kas., team was up a not think this ought to be done; in fact, was rumors were floating resentativeH of the _ * which fifty-two minutes, suffering will termined to bulla himself victorious It while these ” e “" runner-up is I believe that all to EUenberger park this spring. est In EUenberger golf are unusually schools. Technical had twe In the Wisconsin tourney last bone. was record this year. subscribers the around that a difficulty arose between d S week. broken collar Demetral pool should have as nearly as possible She loves game. good, particularly city buys the C. officials tered In the match at fifty f< ,t a ring. Stanlfl Cavet, hoyrever. is not yet ready, tl- the if the the two girls and the I. '®®** RK * Jured in fall from the an equal draw laps, A. in the seventy-five dist< Northeast has not said a word though he showed more acceleration In chance to the choice “I believe If more women took up golf, property. and thev severed relations with the club. foot to our Zbyszko defeated John Olin in such as the first, last, tenth, thirtieth, ridge had elgnt men In at India ia “outlaws"’ about wanting seven his heaving performance, with signs of NO ACTION The a battle. minutes. m, more perfect than he had last and other laps that mark major divisions YEAR. “Possible” in each match w control of the race. LAST Blooming year I.ast year the I. A. A. V was formed state basketball tournament fairest way all concerned I opened day or t RITCHIE GETTING CHESTM “The for and Misses Darby and Reis, belonging ton the second . . GOSSETT AND believe would be to have a drawing for and proved too strut B •n MILWAUKEE. March 30.—Rfl REHG O. K. to the Indianapolis Athletic and Canoe match **■ ’ today the right tcH lap positions after all subscriptions are tlon for the youngsters, few Mitchell 'claimed AN INNING WITH THE AMATEURS club, which was enrolled In the I. A. A Hi re You Are Bennv Leonard 'n a “Wild Dick" Gossett and Rebg have in. the executors of the trust fund -and barred from competition against lshed shooting out the con By CHARLIE LOGAN U., were ?f*? “I, by virtue of his victory over • about reached the “Aye. aye. sir." stage f would recommend the speedway man- strong with their teams. But on the Illinois swimmers. ° Jackson in a fast ten-round fight! of convalescence and have deserted the agement In this connection—conducting swimming pletcd course. wl " NEW Y'OB k. Match 30- —James J. Cor- The Indianapolis Amateur Baseball as Bill Donahue's Columbia A. C.'s did The last season was sn Idle its This a"af night. field, leaving the big the drawings In behalf of beft is pos< ( contemplated fight last . B bench for the the various soriation, without Johnny Gaeth, would the impossible Sunday. They took on one for the two young ladles, but they of Shortrldge. which at sis ve the the leading, with tbß Texan first sacker. Covington, the only subscribers, in order to make it unneces- the the following aeore; Clark. 7 hetween Jac j Dempsey and George Car- Mitchell did his Richmond (Ind.) and 9 to they get on J* * sary for them attend in person. The be like Uncle Tom without cabin. dub won. 6. are determined that shall In les - 11S- To pentier ceptlon of two rounds. Not a knbcH patient of Trainer Morgan. to “fun” this year. 168; K. Church, 112; Thrar will not be a one-sided affair. Emerich. the new outer garden worker, erder of the drawings could be arranged all the In fact, he 1 elleveg the French champion was adored. | according to order of When you think Johnny isn't a booster Have you chanced to run across Coach BOTH HIGH records were possesses th has pleased Big Chief Hendricks 'heaps"' tile subscriptions, Stanley The following individual . necessary qualifications to demonstrated giving trie early subscribers a slight, but you are several thousand per cent off Keexle and his little brown der SCHOOL STUDENTS pr A battle the and in today’s practice high school ~„ heavyweight tltleho'der. believe, your noodle. He has been lu the by? Stanley owns an automobile and he j Miss Darby Is now a sophomore at made by local he was making a strong hid for the 1 unbegrudged advantage, and amateur fifty feet (Tech), *??’ This was the opinion expressed by the Can’t Blame Him j at same game for years and knows how to make has the right to meander around In any- Shortrldge high school and Miss Rei# Is Boyer rtrldge). one time hei regular berth, dangled before him in affording the time an excellent Tech., . Beaver (Sho W6. yy champ after sparing with NEW YORK, March 30 opportunity evi n things hum. thing his heart desires. The derby is In the same elaas at Tech. According 187 the deal with the Phillies. for the last subscriber (Terh), 18fl: Ta Carpentler. French idol and European to draw one of more lap very becoming. to an announcement made by Mr Darby, Chaml>er r lz “The ftentier. nfl The other embryonies. Outfielder Shin- the desirable Indianapolis 175; Godfrey Tech). . bri f sparring I did with the weight boxing champion, today wj positions.” have a world of the girls plan to leave Im- 172: J>" Motcalf Frenchman ners and Pitcher Murray, continue to The'femersons didn’t the year closes, 171; Up'legraff (Tech). demonstrated to my satis- discard the cloak of social aUUS display Shinners, especially, prom It is thought that Dickson's unselfish- luck Campbell s Military's on The South Side <"ubs want a game mediately after school 13. 4 faction that a ready class. with Herb spend the summer Chicago (Shortrldge), l.%0; Palin (St ?: be will not be tar- : extraordinary for the business of fl ises to be a sensational find in the asso- ness In this matter find a wide re- Sunday. The west elders took things for Sunday. They play In the 14-year- to In and ' po ’ib11 get for r y blows. Carpentier wealth which IB will year. At seventy-five feet-Dyner £, ' man’s : ing some of the ciation, he can hit good pitching. sponse among present and prospective easy slipped over a 12-to-S win. old class and admit they are the best enter school there next knows how himself, coming if and (Shortrldge), . nK to handle and in incentive for his to Ami the fund, there Is Managers They have been practically “dropped” Metcalf r,zt J, ?2,U i chief Infielder Jimmy .Smith is still unrea- subscribers to Insuring all that want to take a (Tech), 152; iSb(L “8n ,_. less than sixty seconds of our little popular son of France will ■ big swlfmntng game for past Beaver '. The sonable his demands for more salary, of them entrance to rhe enterprise on Huzzte Harris ran cbnnce are requested to call Pros ■ from the the padzer i hnr sparring m Carpentler that upon his career as a drama In Bennv Flagler and pec; year, hard Church (Shortrldgep. 135; >tch showed silent 1 and Owner Smith has about made up practically even terms, and removing any 3452. but both have been training I***- he has jt of side-stepping the studio of the Roberl wild. The former getting three hits and the Y. C. A. they are In rtdget, 131; Cl irk (ShortrlJ and duck- today in his mind to sever diplomatic relations possibility of criticism. at local W. and , 114. ing down t o a | Company. Fort Lee, if copping six bases, while Harris crashed Darby, any- frev (Tech). 110; Hollldayl acience.” Cole Film N.l Obstinate Jim continues to “talk back.” out ones was given a free The Saxons meet and perfect condition. Miss if five long and will at Rural thing, la stronger than ever and deter- He has been offered mor<> “jack"’ than he trip to the Initial corner. Hlovd avenue* Friday night. Thev need \ received at Cincinnati, but he is still plenty of help In the pitching depart mined to go after big honors. Mr. Merrlara, who coached the girls yelping and boasting of Steel league Mickey will be in Military ment. offers, and consequently, he may be left BOWLING | Hodonoa when they entered the game, is now next Sunday. He left the city C. to drift with the outlaws unless he comes harness Teams swimming Instructor at the I. A. C. before the season closed last year, but In the Junior rlazg are re- to keep th* girls here to to terms “pronto,” wihleh In Villa’s fa- quested to call 65.88 and anxious LOCAL MEN HAVE during the short time he played he Woodruff for game*. >-ompete tn the Indiana A. A. U., but Mr. ther-nnd-mother tongue means “quick of extra plus-a-o-m.” crashed out u record number Darby stated today that tn view of the BAD LUCK base hits. The Municipal Baseball league was canoe has no However, if Jimmy does not come or- fict that the club tank I’BORIA, ganized last night Ht the city hall, fly* there are no Indications of them across, the Red Legs will have to de- 111 March 30.—After shoot- teams nnd ing a The Rector outfit Is rounding Into entering, with the other three .x building one, their chances of holding liver another player, according to the total of 870 pin* in their first two )>ctt*l a few Sammy games, and getting away form for the opening of the Municipal In within day*. The Rector the girls are very slim. contract when they annexed great In the A C.'s, High Jinks, Crane. third, Johnson and Heusletn. a pair of circuit. They hung It on the Indian- Meldon A C.'s, Mr. Darby says the big thing thst has apolis C.’a Sunday and are juat more Ct.’lstainorea and Thomas Cusack Com- his daughter and Mlsa Rets to In such a Manager Hendrick;-' Indianapolis starlights, Jumped the track A. wore caused case. and big than full of confidence. pany represented at the meeting. ; make their minds about going to the will speak up for a pitcher, as Wolf lost a chance to take the lead I'he loop up has developed so fast this spring he Is in the doubles of the A. B. C. tourna- will play Sunday afternoon Central A. A U. is the fact that there ball. There will be a meeting of this ‘ are no prominent girl swUntnera the bound to start at the keystone bag. ment hero yesterday. The managers of the teams In the league In next Wednesday night at 8 : state the Indiana A. A. U. has failed OWNER SMITH American Legion league will meet at the o’clock. and Company Wednesday j to stage any aquatic events for girls. SWELL GUY’. They were the only Indianapolis men Aetna Trust eve- who got counts worthy of mention among ning. Get sround and pot a little pep in City amateur With perfect weather for the windup things. teams Interested In play- of the training season the Indians are the first twenty in the doubles. ing Saturday afternoon hall are requested Go to It, Joie happy, rootyless and enjoying the hos- to report at n meeting in the city haU Gat that Aetna Trust Company stuff Saturday night for Ray. pitality of one of the best owners that Louie Cobler topped the list of In- the spasm? Information on anew NEW YORK. March 30.—Jole money In above Guess that Isn’t Saturday mlddl” distance champion, ever spent for accommodations. dividuals from the Hoosler capital with making Johnny and his aoup afternoon circuit. national will The players arc relating a 021 Hines partv f’arl Callahan, who Is organising attempt to break the 1,500-meter record still of tne count. John Shaw, Chicago, went party look the openheartedness of Owner W. C. Smith. up to the lead position in the one-man sick. loop, reports that the following teams here tonight In the Wunamaker Institute There is absolutely nothing about Mr. event with a 713 total. His scores were have aski-d for admission. Prest O-Llte games at the Twenty-second regiment Smith, according to the “boys.” sugge 221, 230 and 257. Parry*, Printers. Indianapolis Air Pumps armory Abel Klvlat holds the record tive of compactness-of-the-coin, or In and the Carpenters’ union. for the distance, which Is 3:55 3-6. the lingo, “tlgntwad.” He has always Nut Stuff A little thing like 432 pins In the final The Indianapolis AID BOXING. had one hand down into his jeans, with game Reserves did not COLLEGES fifty-spot, would have given the Indianapolis JOPLIN. Mo., March SO.—Every sec practice Sunday, they 30.—College* at well three fingers on a willing io pair all the ask for,'but but will turn out , March hoist the greenback the benefit of could In thst Mon of the country has Its favorite at park Sundav, as clubs have contributed to the for round, Heuselln four chances Northwestern next athletic the “boys.” missed at sport, but here they have evolved a weather permitting. The management of aspirants for national amateur boxing spares and Johnson missed one, dropping the year. u^yßj players to stone wishes championship honors thla The en- The send their “love” the their total to 362. brand-new one In throwing. Reserves to state that the fans. The game has become so keen *hst Dennison nine did not defeat his team In try Hat for the title tournament to be a practice gnme Sunday, ns was previ- held by the Boston Athletic association Goodwin drove out a couple of double plans have been made for a contest boys ously announced. next Monday nnd Tuenflay, aa announced tv f father, the BREWERS WORKING HARD. centuries In his singles work, but they to determine the championship. Jop- today, were a by Manager'George V. Brown con- EVANSVILLE, Ind., March 30.—Clear little bit not big enough. llnltes are offering a prize of 41,000 Thursday evening th Chrlstamore tains sparring men from Y’ale. Unlver and to the winner. Juniors will meet at the house sitv of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts cool weather today found the Mil- Mounce opened with a 204 count drop-, settlement waukee Brewers out to bright The contest, to and get set for the Junior amateur title Institute of iVcbnologv; from clubs in girls. Bosse field pod low in the second round : and went which Is believed and It’s the > race. Angele*. Pittsburg, and early and they were given a good up again In the Involve the world title, will All members of the last year's San Francisco, Los third. take team and those wishing play Orleans, Birmingham. Philadelphia. workout by Manager Jack Eagan. Lew place the next few to under New Groh, the new manager here within weeks the Chrlstamore colors are requested Y’ork nnd City. Harvard Is of the Evansville Cobler got hts big number the first between Joe Henry of to New Kansas team of the Three-I league, worked out In Avllla. Mo., attend the meeting expected to add to the college repre- game, when he pounded the maples for and C. A. Thomas of Rogers. Ark. For Information call Woodruff ages— / with the Brewers Bosse field is in good a score. came 13a sentatives. sweet f° r aH ahape, notwithstanding 224 He back with 206 In Sportsmen winner the hard rains of the second round and closed with a 191. concede the will iast week. > throw a rock more than 680 feet, al- McN’eeley didn't get a dime's worth. though a baseball has never been TOUGH LUCK. ALL COMERS thrown more than 426 feet 9 inches. BILLIARD TOURNAMENT ■3 TOLEDO, CLAYPOOL PARLOR, CLAYPOOI, HOTEL BASEMENT. March 30.—Cut off from the Rbe was ’wav off. He couldn’t get Henry threw a atone across a BILLIARD bearing Gene Henning Bars No One la Pocket Prize*—No Entry outside world by the storm which within distance of the two circle forty-acre field practice. Billiards. Hondaomo swept this section Sunday night, Toledo line. In Fees. AH Welcome. Free Lessons, t-lt a. m. Pool Price. !6e Cne Per Hoar, fans are anxiously awaiting, but are un- j When You Say Pool. Say Claypool. GENE HENNING. Mgr. able to learn bow the Mud Hens fared Johnny Kllngman got away on his In the game with Mike Kelley's st. Paul wooden leg. His second game was also ball club at Paducah on Sundav. Nqt not very high, but he hit for a 223 count a word as to the result or a bit of news In the third. from the training camp has come through and the fans are in suspense. Heusletn and Johnson each got a 198 in thetr second doubles game. Bruder and Holtan didn’t get any place An Announcement because the latter 'was miles off form. TIP BITS Bruder got plenty of double centuries. FIGHTS FOR TIJUANA. Can you Imagine Ollle Tucker down In DIRECTED ESPECIALLY Tom Jones and Jack Kearns, who are the 170-class and unable to get away. running twenty-round bouts near Coff- roth’s Tijuana race track in Mexico, Rre Willie Shine and his 168 counts didn’t 'trying to sign up two big events for next amount to a row of pins. month. The first is between Jack Johnson, who Denbig woke up after It was too late To Those Who Live Within Is still in Mexico City, and Bill Tate, to help himself. Meaning that he crashed sparring partner of Jack Dempsey. John- ’em hard In the third game. son has demanded SI,OOO for expenses and asks one-third of the gross receipts. The Bowling fans are expecting anew high club has sent a man to see Johnson and total in the two-man event today when Three Hundred Miles will hear from him this week. ummy Smith and his nartner, F. Smith, Benny Leonard will figure in the other ; of Milwaukee are scheduled to roll. bout and the chances are that Battling Ortega, the Oakland middleweight, wili Officers for next season sad prize be his opponent. Leonard fared so well : awards for this season were disposed of of Indianapolis against Bartfield here that Billy Gibson by members of the Manufacturers’ Bowl- figures Ortega about as dangerous an< ' Ing league In meeting yesterday after- Is willing to have Benny go on with him. noon. J. A. ICing was re-elected presl- The promoters are now dickering with ; dent for the coming year, C. A. Collins 1920 catalogue ready for mailing a days. Ortega. The bout if held will be for of the Kingan team was chosen vice Our will be within few twenty rounds. president and B. O. Manchester was re- It will be the ever an exclusive and acces- Frea Fulton is being communicated elected secretary and treasurer of the largest issued by tire with, too. He may meet the winner o) league. The Capitol alleys were se- sory house. The possessor of this catalogue can save from 10 to the Johnson-Tate quarrel. lected for play next season. It la also planned to have a twelve-team loop next 50 per cent, on all purchases. TOM O’ROURKE ON OLD BOYS. season, officials stated yesterday. Teams wishing are "A fighter wltH a black eye or a nose- to enter asked to write these days is up a Secretary B O. Manchester, National Mo- bleed written like Vehicle Corporation. hero of a war,’ piped Tom O’Rourke the tor and other night, while talking about old and In addition to this, the catalogue describes tough fighters.. "I get a laugh at some of the shows Favorites Loom Up in now,” continued Tom, “when the crowd cheers the boy with a cut lip or a dis- National Tennis Tourney colored eye. The fighter himself thinks A New Plan “Buying-by-Mail” a he’s a spartan. Why, years ago, the bo.v NEW YORK, March 39.—Vincent That Makes Pleasurable had to go twenty rounds or to a finish. William Tilden were Richards, and Howard Those fights. That’s where you had Voshelle, leading aspirants for the men’s to show your true colors. You couldn’t national Indoor tennis singles title Pastime Instead of An Expensive Exasperation stall very well in a twenty-flve-round or In and fellow the annual tourney at the Seventh Regi- a finish fight, a unmarked in ment expected come one goes was a novelty. army were to of those through today’s round without a great “Take Sharkey fighting Jeffries with deal of resistance from opponents. three of his ribs broken ; Lavigne fighting Today’s If you own an auto, send us ear schedule: Vincent Richards Walcott with his the size of a pump- vs. W. Rowe; William Tilden vs. Ben- kin and almost torn off. Take Fitzsim- Voshel vs. your name and address. A mons with both hands jamin Letson; Howard Fred post broken fighting C. Anderson; J. D. Ewing vs. Carlton •Tess in Frisco. Nowadays a sprained Shafer; Fenno; cause hoy stop.” Samuel Hardy vs. J. B. card will do. thumb is for a to Wliliam Botsford vs. 8. V. Brubans; Samuel McAllister vs. J. D. Keyes. CUE CHAMP WINS MATCH. NEW YORK, March 30—J. Howard \ NEW BALL LOOP. Shoemaker of New Y'ork A. C. sucei ss- fully as defended hts title national be week organization amateur pocket billiards champion for taken nhis for the TANARUS,R B of a league to be composed BER by defeating baseba|l of the sixth successive time Michigan G. Gardner,. New York, state champion. the cities of%[outb Bend, City, In the final mstch of the Laporte, Logmeport, Ft. Wayne, Misha- tournament. league 125 to 69. Shoemaker won seven straight. waka and Harbor. The is being promoteoßfcy Chief Ranier, man- MUffallPlll I mm !■* cDnMNuUmrANYv Rurnely GUARANTEE ,3 ager Advaißp team ONLY ONE of the of this LEFT. city. The league be made up of fac- NEW YORK, March 30.—Word of the tory teams in theories of South Bend, 211 and 213 S. Illinois 1 Iceath of Gilbert Ward, one of the four Mishawaka. LaportJfcnd Michigan City, Street brothers, whose rowing the other cities in BVard feats while teams of the The largest lire and uccessory t 3: i:_ ■arned them International fame a half circuit will, he of former major house In the middlo west. Bentury ago, was received today. and league inCllcinapOilS m Alex- miuor plnrs. It Us planned Bnder Ward of Philadelphia is now the to play Spin ofay games and ■la aarrlvor of the crew. also onejiMi hollda^k H^