Mackenzie King Will Form New Liberal Administration
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SEWS VOL. XXXIV—No. 36. ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1926 $2.00 A YEAR. Cape Breton South MacDonald, Con 2,515 INCREASES HIS MAJORITY Colchester McYutL Con 2,049 Cumberland Smith, Con 1,459 Col. C. W. P. Ramsey Weather Pul Damiier on MacKenzie King Will Form Digby-Annapolis Short, Con. • 306 Halifax (two seats) Black, Con 7,023 Quinn, Con 7,023 Kiiy in klo Acciilent Kenyon Tnwnship Fair New Liberal Administration Hants-King's Ilsley, Lib 116 Inverness McDougall, Con 598 (Montreal Gazette) The heavy downpour of rain on Pictou ....Cantley, Con . 1,327 Col. C. W. P. Ramsey, commander Thursday, the second day of the An- Queen’s-Lunenburg Ernes' Con 895 of the Canadian Overseas Construction nual Pall Fair of the Towmship of Meighen Beaten ; Six Cabinet Ministers Defeated ; Liberals Richmond-West Cape Breton MacDonald, Con 601 Corps during the Great War, was fa- Kenyon Agricultural Society materi- Sholburne-Yarmouth Hatfield, Lib 1,327 tally injured on the East Stanbridge ally affected the attendance and un- Gain 11 Seats in Ontario ; A Fall Session highway, one mile and a half north MANITOBA—17 MEMBERS doubtedly accounted for ,a falling off of Bedford, shortly after five o’clock in exliibils in several classes causing To Vote Supply Likely CONSTITUENCY MEMBER-ELECT MAJ. on Saturday afternoon, when he lost Brandon Korke, Lib. Prog, disappointment to the Board of Direc- 1,177 control of his automobile and was tors who had so confidently looke^ ms PARTY EETJBNS TO POWER Dauphin AVard, Lib. Prog 1,486 ditclied. Tlic automobile turned over forward to surpassing all previous re- Lisgar Brown, Lib. Prog. 1,263 and he was pinned beneath. He was cords ns a result of the consistent pre- Macdonald Lovie, Prog I 1,997 removed to a nearby gasoline station, liminarj' work performed by them. Mnrquette Glenn, Lib. Prog 1,099 where ho died half an hour later. An They a/e not downhearted by any Neepawa Milne, Prog 1,590 inquest was held on Saturday evening means and the setback only encourages Nelson Bird, Prog , 566 by Dr. Homc-r E. Mitchell, of Bedford, them for continued co-operation of Portnge la ^Prairie MePerson, Lib 432 coroner of the district, and a verdict officers, members and exhibitors. Provencher Beaubien, L.-P Acclamation of accidenta! death was returned. Those who faced the weather and Selkirk Bancroft Lib._ Prog. Lab 1,329 Information given to Coroner Mit- took in the Fair were well rewarded Souris Steedsman, Prog 800 elioll was that Colonel' Ramsey had for their ^*isit as there was a good Springfield Bissott, Lib. Prog 914 been to Bedford and was driving home show of cattle and the display in the St. Boniface Howden, Lib 2,660 when the accident occurred. The road Sliow Room, so large and varied, was Winnipeg North ...Heaps, Labor 2,626 Arch’d J. Macdonald M.P. Elect ahead was clear, according to O. Casey most'attractive and called forth much Winnipeg North-Centre Woodsworth, Labor 3,018 Glengarry and H. Miller, of Bedford, who were commendation, Tho grand stand was Winnipeg South MeDiarmid, Lib. 1,088 in a following automobile. Thpy told generously patronized, in fact, it held Winnipeg South-Centre Thorson, Lib 512 The Glengarry Liberal campaign the corohor that Colonel Ramsey’s au- a capacity crowd. The dance hall was AÎiBERTA—16 MEMBERS came to a very satisfactory close from tomobile suddenly swerved, drove into the drawing card for the young peo- CONSTITUENCY MEMBER-ELECT MAJ. the Liberal standpoint on Tuesday the ditch and turned turtle They went ple who tripped the floor in merry Acadia *. Gardiner, U.F.A 3,979 last when our candidate Mr. Archie to his assistance and found him pinned dances to the accompaniment of an. Athabaska Kellner, U.F.A 1,496 .1. ^lacdonald, North ^Lancaster carried beneath the heavy vehicle bleeding excellent orchestra. Battle River, Spencer, U.F.A 3,399 the day by a majority of 631 votes. from a bad wound in the abdomen. President E. J. McEwen and Secre- Bow River Garland, U^F.A 1,904 That the victory was a popular one The witnesses removed the victim tary-Treasurer J, P. McNaughttom Calgary East Adshead, Labor 931 was demonstrated in no uncertain man- to a gasoline station kept by Fred Cou- speaking for their eo-directors as well, Calgary West Bennett. Con .-iU4o ner by the cheers and applause which ture and there summoned Dr. H. J. take this means of thanking the many Oamrose Lucas, U.F.A 1,451 greeted Mr. Macdonald’s majorities as Sheet, of Bedford. Shortly after the patrons wh ovisited them on this oc- Edmonton East Blatchford, Lib 109 thej’ were announced from time to. arrival of the doctor, Colonel Ramsey casion and others who helped in any Edmonton West Stewart, Lib 1,013 time during the evening. Our candi- died and the. coroner was notified. The way. Lethbridge Jelliff, U.F.A 1,741 date has certainly deserved to win as victim’s body was removed home after We may just add since the “printing of Macleod ^ Coote, U.F.A 3,006 he had given his County splendid ser- the inquest. the list of ^Ipceial Prizes the follow- Medicine Hat Gcishaw, Lib 1,618 vice in Parliament and had always SAAV SERVICE IN WAR ing donatio^)s were received: J. A, Peace River Kennedy, U.F.A 755 clone his utmost to protect the inter- Colonel Colin Worthington Pope Sangster Esq,, M.P.P., $5; D. A. Mc- Red Dear Speakinan, U.F.A 3,010 est of his con.stituejits. Ramsey was born at Bury, Compton Donald $4; Francis Trottier $2. However the Majority does not in- Vegreville Luehovich, U.F.A 842 County, Que., 43 years ago. He re- THE PRIZE LIST Wdtaskiwin Irvine, U.F.A 458 dicate the closeness of the fight, the ceived his education in the Eastern riding being contested with all the Townships. Like his father, the late HEAVY STALLION REGISTERED BRITISH COLUMBIA—14 MEMBERS energy of the candidate. Mr. D. I). Mc- W, Allan Ramsey, he became a civil Clyde or Shire Stallion, 4 years and MAJ. CONSTITUENCY MEMBER-ELECT Cuaig and the resources of his Con- engineer. lip—James Vallance. Cariboo Fraser, Con. servative friends. Mr. MeCiiaig while Both father and son laid out plans CLYDES AND SHIRES REGISTERED Comox-Alberni 7 ..Neill, Ind^ he fought hard and fairly through for the coust.rnctiou of many miles of Mare and foal, mare only to be Fraser Valley Barber, Con. the campaign and used every lawful the Canadian Pacific Railway. The judged—John M. Arkinstal. Kootenay East King, Lib 268 means to secure his return to Parlia- short line of the C.P.R. betw'een Mont- HEAVY ^ DRAUGHT HORSES ANY Kootenay West Esling, Con. ment, was unable to overcome the real and Toronto stands as a monument BREED Nanaimo ' Dickie, Con. feeling among the people gener- to his engineering skill. New Westminster McQuarrie, Con. ally that the Liberal party had given For many years adjutant of the Foal of season, 1200 lbs. or over- Skeena .Brady, Con 400 to Canada a wise and beneficial ad- 7th Hussars of the Townships, Col- John M. Arkinstal. Vancouver-Burrard Clark, Con. ministration. and had by strict econ- onel Ramsey was asked by the C.P.R. Pair of horses in harness, mares oi* Vancouver Centre .... • Stevens, Con 1,831 omy and careful attention to business to form a regiment of engineers when geldings—John F. McRae. AGRICULTURAL HORSES Vancouver North McRae, Con. lowered to a considerable .degree the the Great War broke out- This regi- Vancouver South Ladner, Con 5,086 burden of taxes which oppressed our ment was known as the Canadian Over- Pair of horses in harness, mares or; Victoria .i...,!... Tolmie, Con. ' citizens generally. seas Construction Corps. King George genldings—Thomaa Stuart. RT. HON W. L. MACERNZIE KING Yale Stirling, Con. He took his defeat like a man and recognized the high order of Colonel HORSES FOR GENERAL PURPOSES YUKON—1 MEMBER lost no time on Tuesday evening in Ramsey’s services, and conferred the Foal of Season—E. Cass. making his way to, the Liberal com- - RESULT OF THE VOTE BY CONSTITUENCIES CONSTITUENCY MEMBER-ELECT MAJ. distinctions of Companion of St. Mich- Express Horse, 1400 lbs and under— mittee rooms to congratulate his vict- Letters of abbreviation after the nominees^ names indicate parties as Yukon .Black, Con. ael and St. George, and the Distin- 1st D. J. McEwen, 2nd A. W. McEwen. orious rival. His sportsmanlike con- follows; L. Liberal C, Conservative; P. Progressive; L. B., Liberal Pro* guished Service Order. Express horse, over 1400 lbs.—1st ONTARIO—82 MEMBERS duct in this regard was not a surprise gressive; C.P.A., United Farmers’ Alberta; Lab., Labor; Ind., Independent; After the war, on his return to James Vallance, 2nd John M. Arkin- CONSTITUENCY MEMBER-ELECT MAJ. Prot., Protectionist. to anyone- as Mr^ McCuaig has always Canada, Coloney Ramsey lived at stal. Algoraa East Bowman, Lib. 787 been highly esteemed by all who had Montreal and Lancaster until early Pair -of horses, marcs or geldings in. QUEBEC 65 MEMBERS Algoma West Simpson, Con 2,630 the pleasure of knowing him. this year when he bought the C. S, liarness—1st K. K. McLeod, 2nd John (X)KBTITUENCY i;ii:MBER-ELECT MAJ. Brant f... ^ Smoke, Con 157 Our candidate and those who worked Campbell estate, near Bedford, Que., F. McRae, 3rd J. D. Fraser. Argenteuil L ...Perley, Con 325 Brantford ..Ryersou, Con^ 1^121 so assiduously to assure his election which he named the “Ailwin Farms.” CARRIAGE HORSES Bagot Morin, Lib.