From: John Robinson To: Christopher Weisgram Subject: Fw: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Marathon County Board Meeting 10/1/19 - Public Comment; Kayla Gorman Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 9:16:09 AM Attachments: PIC Immunocompromised Children.pdf PIC Waning Immunity & Measles.pdf PIC Measles Info.pdf From: kkHAL <
[email protected]> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 12:11 PM Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Marathon County Board Meeting 10/1/19 - Public Comment; Kayla Gorman Good Afternoon, I am writing to express my concerns and opposition to the resolution that supports the removal of the personal conviction vaccine exemption that will be voted on during tomorrows Marathon County Board Meeting. I've included my detailed comments below, along with references and educational handouts from Physicians for Informed Consent that further support my comments below. Please vote NO and leave this decision between parents and their health care provider. My name is Kayla Gorman and I am a mother to a 19-month-old and have another baby on the way. The one size fits all vaccine policies and laws, which fail to respect biodiversity and force everyone to be treated the same, places an unfair risk on a minority of unidentified individuals that are unable to survive vaccination without being harmed. Parents can, in partnership with their child’s health care provider, make informed decisions that best suits their family and their own medical history, whether that decision be to fully vaccinate according to the CDC schedule, partially vaccinate, vaccinate on an alternative schedule or not vaccinate at all. Prior to any medical procedure, the U.S.