IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 904 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 67 tad-19 ta’ Diċembru 2017 mill-Ministru għall-Enerġija u l- Immaniġġar tal-Ilma, f’isem il-Prim Ministru. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra BROADCASTING BROADCASTING A UTHORITY UTHORITY ANNUA L L R EP ORT 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Broadcasting Authority Malta 7, Mile End Road, Ħamrun HMR 1719 Tel: (+356) 2122 1281 E-mail:
[email protected] ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Published in 2017 by the Broadcasting Authority 7 Mile End Road Ħamrun HMR 1718 Malta Compiled, produced and designed by: Mario Axiak B.A. Hons (Business Management), M.B.A. (Maastricht) Head Research & Communications ---MAl-~~LV..---· ar-.Ainllorly Mllll The Hon. Dr Joseph Muscat KUOM, Ph.D., M.P Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister Auberge De Castille Valletta June 2017 Honourable Prime Minister, Broadcasting Authority Annual Report 2016 In accordance with sub-article (1) of article 30 of the Broadcasting Act, Chapter 350 of the Laws of Malta, we have pleasure in forwarding the Broadcasting Authority’s Annual Report for 2016. Yours sincerely, ______________________________ ______________________________ Ms Tanya Borg Cardona Dr Joanna Spiteri Chairperson Chief Executive BROADCASTING AUTHORITY MALTA ANNUAL REPORT 2016 CONTENTS 1. Review of the Year 7 1.1 The Broadcasting Authority 7 1.2 Għargħur Transmitting Facilities 7 1.3 Sponsorship - Certificate Course in Proof Reading 7 1.4 Sponsorship - Malta Journalism Awards 8 1.5 Thematic Reports compiled by the Monitoring Department 8 1.6 Reach-out 8 1.7 Political Broadcasts 9 1.8 Equality Certification 9 1.9 Wear it Pink 9 2.