Friday February 22 2008 Write for this section:
[email protected] VIEWArts 21 That Mitchell and Webb Interview !anks to Peep Show, David Mitchell and Rob Webb are the most recognisable double act since Fry and Laurie. But, as they tell Patrick Kingsley, there’s more to David and Rob than just Mark and Jeremy ob Webb and David Mitchell acronymed TMAWL? Mitchell go to the loo, he goes to the loo. people assumed that because we dle-class theatre-goers.” David seem a bit bored of Peep again: “Content-wise, the new We’ve also got a sketch about were the stars of Peep Show, we elaborates on their travails: “We Show. Of course, they’d be series contains a lot more stand- these heli-vets.” And what are had a duty to be anti-capitalist.” were just putting on shows in the Rtoo diplomatic to say so them- alone, one-off stuff. There aren’t these? “Just some very bad vets,” “And I’ve owned a Mac since London fringe. We were very low selves, but after an hour’s conver- many recurring characters and explains Rob. 1998,” Webb interjects. “It was a on money and we had no idea how sation with them both, there is we’ve got rid of a lot of last year’s Of course, TMAWL and Peep natural choice.” to go about finding an agent.” a lurking suspicion that they’re content like Big Talk and Ted Show aren’t their only notable Indeed, the Nineties were Many ex-Footlighters are reluc- slightly tired of the offbeat Chan- and Peter, the snooker commen- projects.