
JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Sta nda rds - A. Ph ysics and Chemistry Vol. 79A, No. 1, January-February 1975 for Thermodynamic Properties of * Robert D. Goodwin**

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. 80302

September 6 , 1974

This equation of state was de veloped from PVTc ompressibility data on and etha ne. The hi ghl y-constraine d form ori gi na tes on a given - cuexiste nce boundary (described by equations fur the vapor a nd the urthobaric d e nsities). It the n requires onl y fiv e least-squa res coeffi ­ cient s . a nd e ns ures a qualitatively correct be havior uf the P (p, T) s urface a nd of its de riv atives. espe­ cial ly about the critical point. This nonanal ytic e quation yields a maximum in the specifi c C,,(p, T ) a t the criti cal point.

Key words: Coex iste nce boundary: critical point; e tha ne; equation uf sta te; s; methane; orthobaric d e ns it ies; s pecifi c heats; vapor pressures.

Symbols and Units 1. Introduction Subscripts !2 and.!.. refe r to criti cal and liquid triple A proble m of im portance for the nat ural in ­ points dustry is th e prediction of thermodynamic properties Subscri pt q refe rs to Liquid-vapor coexiste nce of lique fi ed, m u Iti co m ponent . For t he wide a, b, [) nonlinear const.ants in the eq uation'of state range of co mpositi ons encountered , it may be neces­ 8(p), de nsity-de pe ndent coeffi cie nts in the equa- sary to utilize accurate properti es of the pure com­ C(p) tion of state ponents. We the refore be li eve that it will be helpfu l Cer (T), molal capacity for saturated Liquid to have a relatively simple and rational equati on of C~ (T), molal for id eal gas states state of ide ntical form for each compone nt, s uch as C r (p , T) , molal heat capacity at constant de nsity the equation of state described below. C,,(p ,T) , molal heat capacity at constant This equation ori ginates on a give n, liquid-vapor d, de nsitY , mol/l coexiste nce boundary, thus eliminating the long­ j, the , l N-m standing problem of consiste ncy between equations l, the liter, 10- 3 m 3 of state a nd this inde pende ntly-derived e nvelope mol, 16.043 g of CH 4 ; 30.070 g of C 2H(;, (C 12 [261. It ensures a maximum in the s pecifi c heats scale) Ct. (p,T) approaching th e critical point, qualita­ P, pressure in bars, 1 bar= 10 5 N/m 2, (1 tively consiste nt with ex perime ntal behavior near, but atm = 1.01325 bar) not necessarily exactly at thi s pole [161, and it has Per(p) , the , bar only fiv e arbitrary, least-squares coeffi cients. Experi­ R, the , 8.31434 (J/mol}/K me ntal data for methane and ethane p, did"~ de nsity reduced at the liquid triple have been used at densities to the triple-point liquid point density, te mperatures to twice the c ritical, and er, d/dc, density reduced at the critical point pressures to 350 bar or greate r. T, te mpe ra utre, K, (IPTS-1968) Our objective in the present report is to give a co n­ Ter(p) , te mperature at liquid-vapor coexistence cise desc ription of this new type of equation of state () (p) , defin ed locus of te mperatures, figure 3 which, with full docume ntation, has been presente d

U(p, T), T/T (T (p), reduced at in previous publications [14 , 15J. coexistence For me thane we have shown in [141 that a n equation v, l/d, molal , l/mol similar to that described below yields calcul ated W(p ,T) , the specifi c heats, C(J"(T), Cv(p,T), Cp(p,T), and speeds x (T), T/Te, temperature reduced at the critical of sound in acceptable agreement with experimental point data, without any weighting of the e quation of state x" (p), T rr( P )/Te, reduced te mperature at to those data. In a c urrent re port on ethane [15J coexist ence we compute provisional thermodynamic and related Z(P,p,T) Pv/RT, the "" properties by means of the simpler equation of state (1) described herein. *This a l the National Bureau of Sta nd ard~ was supported by The American Cas Symbols and units used here are given in a List. Association. 1515 Wi lson Buule vard. Arlington, Va. 22209. **Cryogcnics Di vis ion. Natiunal Bureau of Standards. Boulde r. Colo. 80302. Fixed-point values from [14, 15] are given in table 1.

71 For equation of state (1) the gas constant IS This monotonic behavior (nonnegative slopes) is R ;= (0.0831434)· (dt ) bar/K, consistent with use of difficult to achieve from equations of state, yet is very the dimensionless density, p ;= d/dt• important for such computations as-

TABLE 1. Fixed·point values from [14,15] W(p, T) = [Cpo (ap/ap)/Cv] 1/2. (c) Methane Ethane

Densit y ...... mol/I..

Vapor ...... 1.567 865.10- 2 1.35114'10- 6 Liquid ...... 28.147 21.68 Te mperature ...... K .. 90.680 89.899 Pressure ...... bar" .. 0.1174 35675 1.009 906.10 - 5

Critical point I I I Density ...... mol/l.. 10.0 6.74 I I Temperature ...... K .. 190.555 305.37 I I Pressure ...... bar.. 45.988 48.755 I I I I a Precision required for vapor-pressure equation. I I I I I ------1I------Various methods for utilizing the equations of state I of pure components to derive properties of mixtures are described in a number of recent publications, e.g., Pc p- [1 , 4a, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 21a, 22, 23,24,271. FIGURE 2. Bp.havior of the critical isother",.

The liquid-vapor envelope, T ()" (p), figure 3, is an important boundary of the P(p, T) surface for the equa­ tion of state. We constrain the equation to this bound-

Tc T-

FIG URE 1. The locus of isochore inflection points. c D 2. The Equation of State

The P(p, T) surface and equations of state are ~l described in several reports, e.g., [6,7,10,12,14,15, Ii 20, 24, 28J. Figure 1 shows the qualitative behavior of / I isochores as indicated by Rowlinson [20J, needed to / I / : give a calculated maximum in C v (p, T) at the critical ./ I ,./ I point via the isothermal co m putation- ,./ I - I -- 'A (a) TEMPERATURE

Figure 2 shows the well-known zero slope and FIGURE 3. Behavior of the locus O(p). curvature of the critical isotherm at the critical point. Point C is the critical point. a nd Tu( p ) is the liquid-va pur coexiste nce e nvelope.

72 ary as follows, by use of the vapor pressures and the describe the sigmoid shape of isochores in the de nsity coexiste nce te mpe ratures T" (p) formulated in the range pc < p < 2·pc, figure 1. appendix. The first of these functions is- For any density (isochore), obtain the coexiste nce te mperature from the fun ction T,,(p) . Use this to (p, T) == x ' /2 'ln [u(p , T)], (2) obtain the vapor pressure P,,[T,,(p)] as a function of density, thus defining the equation of state at coexist­ where u(p, T) == T/ T,,(p). It is lin ear (a 2cp /ap = O) ence. By subtraction one then obtains an equation of e verywhere on the coexiste nce boundary at u = 1, the type of eq (1) . The lin e is not a part of this figure 4. It therefore giv es a criti cal isochore whic h is equation of state linear at the criti cal point because C(p) = 0 by defini­ tion along this isochore, eq (6). The of these functions, 'I'(p , T) , is defined such that eq (1) wiU yield a maximum in the specific where, heats Cv(p,T) at the criti cal point via eq (a). We first define the arguments- F(p , T) == B(p)'CP(p, T)+C(p)''I'(p , T). (1) W(p,T) == o· [T/fJ(p) -1]. The fun ctions B (p) and C)p) are polynomial coeffi­ cie nts to be found by least squares. The te mpe rature· wa(p) == o· [T,,(p) /(}(p) -1] , dependent functions cP (p , T) and 'I' (p, T) must be defin ed to be zero on the coexistence boundary at where 0 is an arbitrary constant, and fJ (p) is ou r T = Ta(P) , as s hown by fi gures 4 and 5. locus of tempe ratures in side the coexiste nce e n· velope, figure 3,

fJ(p) == T,,(p) . exp [-ex ·f(u) ]. (3)

The function feu) here is normalized to unity at the liquid triple-point density-


>8<0 wh ere u, == d,/dc is a co nstant. Function 'I' (p, T) now is defined as the difference,

'I'(p,T) == tf;(p,T) -tf;,,(p) , (4) such that 'I' = °at coexistence, T = T" (p). Com pone nt o T- functions, tf; (p , T) , are designed to give infinite c urva­ ture (a 2 tf;/ap) at the origin, w = O, FIGURE 4. Behavior oJtheJunction (p, T). tf;,(p , T) == [1- W 'In(1 + l/w)] /x , (4-a)

tf;rr(P) == [1- Wrr . In(l + l /wrr )]/x". (4-b)

Figure 5 shows behavior of 'I' (p , T). Sufficie ntly far away from the critical point it behaves roughly like 1/T2, found in the well-known, Beattie-Bridge man equation of state. Behavior of the coefficients B(p) and C(p) in eq (1) is shown by figure 6 for methane. The following polynomial re presentations have been developed tediously by trial,

C (p) == (u - 1) . (u - Co) . (C 1 + C 2 • p) . (6) FIGURE 5. Behavior oj the Junction "'(p, T).

Equation (1) has, in addition to pR T, only two tem· The sign of the curvature of isochores (a 2p/ap) perature-dependent fun ctions, which is the minimum at the coexistence boundary is determined uniquely number of functions (monotonic in T) needed to by the sign of C (p) , figure 6, because (p, T) is linear 73 4. 5 I I I o Figure 7 shows the presumed behavior of C(p) for o o hydrogen, needed to give the observed positive curva­ o 4. 0 f- o - ture of isochores in compressed liquid states at the o lowest [3, 7J. The behavior of figure 7 o o is described by a double root at Co, e. g., 3. 5 - o - o o C(p) =C)' ((T-l)' ((T-Co)2, 0 3.0 t- 0 - 3- 0 or without a root by- o o o - 2. 5 t- o o o o Table 2 presents constants of eq (1) for methane and o - 2. 0 t- o ethane. Individual deviations of expe rimental PVT 0 0 data from eq (1) are given for ethane in [ISJ. For 0~.~0_0__ o L-I ____ L-1 ____L- ____L-1 __~L- __~ 1.5 L methane with eq (1) they are comparable with those obtained in [14] using nine least-squares coefficients. +. 5 r-----r----,----I ---,----,---1---,------, Complete computer programs are reported in [151 for adjusting the vapor-pressure equation, the ortho­ 0 00 00 000 o f------'00 ------=-OO------baric-densities equations, the coexistence-tempera­ o 0 tures equations, and the equation of state (1). o 0 o 0 - 3- -. 5 f- o o o o TABLE 2. Constants for equation oj state (J) o o -1. 0 f- 0 o - Methane Elhane o o ex 2 2 o o -1. 5 - - b 1 1 8 1/2 1/2 1 I 1 I Co 1.9 1.9

Bo 1.5082 12989 1.8481 67996 B, 0.6544 90304 1. 5697 04511 B2 4.1320 82291 5.5601 86452 FIGURE 6. Behavior of th.e coefficients B (p) , C(p) for methane. C, -0.7654 09076 - 1. 0428 42462 C2 -0.0590 88717 + 0.2249 78299 on this boundary. The root in C (p) at (T = 1. 9 was found by least squares for methane and for ethane. It then N 756 562 was introduced as the constant Co in eq (6). This con­ t:J.P IP, % 0.42 0.57 straint is valuable because, under various conditions, we often have failed to obtain any such root from PVT data by least squares. 3. Comments on the Equation

Behavior of the critical isotherm from eq (1) at the critical point is deduced as follows. The functions P(J'[T(T(p)] and (p, T) depend directly upon T" (p), which gives the overpowering factor exp [- y/l (T -11 ] for derivatives with respect to density at the critical point, (T= 1. The function 'I'(p, T) has a finite third ~ O t------~------~~~------~ derivative because it depends also on () (p), eq (3). <.> Its coefficient, C (p), however, is zero at the critical density, eq (6). The first, second, and third derivatives of eq (1) therefore are zero at the critical point. Detailed examinations of this isotherm from eq (1) show, however, that small variations in the assigned (Pc, Te) critical point give small irregularities (nega­ 1.0 o tive slopes) nearby at (J' § 1. We find that, given an accurate value of Te , eq (1) serves to find the critical density which yields a well-behaved critical isotherm [15]. For methane and ethane the value of the critical FIGURE 7. Presumed behavior of C(p) Jor h ydrogen , reflecting density obtained by this method is roughly 1 percent observed positive isoch.ore curvatures in compressed liquid states a.t lower than estimated by the conventional procedure the lowest temperatures [7 1. of extrapolating the rectilinear diameter to the critical

74 tempe rature [14, 15, 20], but in each case falls within Table 3 for methane gives the rms of bounds of un certainty in published works . de viations for authors in [14], corresponding to each Ioschore inA ection points figure 1, calc ulated from function t/J (p, T) d escribed above and, on the bottom eq (1), are obtaine d as the diffe rence of second deriv· line, the mean of combined pressure d eviations. atives (vers us T) from the functions composing Tables 4 and 5 giv e the constants for eq (I-A), so that F(p, T). We ther efore expect hi gh sensitivity to the it will be possible to co mpute s pecific heats. analytical forms of ct>(p, T) and \)f(p, T). Variations of these forms mi ght improve accuracy in re presenting TABLE 3. Methane density deviations . rillS percent PVT data. In the following we describe two a lte rnative functions for \)f(p, T) from among many different Equation of sta te ... eq (1) e q (I-A) functions investi gate d both for ct> (p , T)' and for "'(p, T). We the n compare co mputed specific heats Function

t/J 2( P, T) == 1 - (w - o·w')/(I-o). (7) b 1/8 1/8 a 1/2 1/2 This fun c tion approaches zero at hi gh te mp'e ratures Il 2/3 2/3 in proportion to IIT2, as seen by expanding w' . By E 3/2 3/2 trial with methane a nd etha ne PVT data, we found 8 0 1.9894 21671 2.2373 56347 E= 3/2, and he nce a2 t/J 2la p behaves like (I/w) 1/2 on 8, 0.7924 35706 0.9304 97491 approach to the ori gin, w = O. Co 1. 9 1.9 In (8) we use the arbitrary constant 0 ~ 0 ~ 1 to gi ve C, - 0.8309 40825 - 1.0494 11810 relative weighting to two te rms be ha vin g, respective ly, like lIT and liP at hi gh te mpe ratures, N 756 562 tlP/p. % 0.46 0.79 t/J3(P , T) == 0·(81T) +(l-0) ·[1 - w+ w·ln (w)).

(8) T AB LE 5. Constants for equation of state (i - A), /l.sing

(9) C(rJ) == C I · (rJ-I)' (rJ - Co). (6-A) 7S where exponent 0 < n < 1, and usually, 0.05 ~ n ~ 0.15 , Using !fJ3(P, T), eq (8), on the other hand, yields [16] . results on the logarithmic plot of figure 9. The slope, Figure 8 shows the computed results via !fJ z(p, T), n = 1/3, is close to that observed for our experimental eq (7). Their qualitative behavior is correct, but they oxygen specific heats [8]. cannot be represented by (9). Instead, they are We conclude that o/z(p, T) gives too weak a curva· described accurately to 210 K by- ture to isochores from (I-A) approaching coexistence, (C v -C~) = 15.1-I8.0·(T /Tc- I) 1/ 3, ] /mol/K, and that the forms 0/1 (p, T) and I/13(P, T) may be pref· suggesting that they might become finite at the critical erable, despite the logarithmic infinity in their first temperature. derivatives versus T at the origin, w=O.

o E ...,--­

0> u > u

oL-______-L ______L- ______-L ______~ 190 200 210 220 230


FIGURE 8. Computed interaction specific heats (C" - C~) of methane along the critical isochore, via eq (I-A) and 1/12 (p, T).

4. Conclusions METHANE As argued above, the present equation of state (1) is rational because we understand the purpose of most of its component parts. Inclusion of the vapor pressures and orthobaric densities in this equation merely incorporates these physical properties which almost invariably must be used for a consistent net­ work of thermodynamic functions, and eliminates the long-standing problem of continuity at the co­ ~-O'31 existence boundary [26]. ;~I We believe eq (1) to be valuable for thermal computa­ tions because it ensures an inherently correct be­ • havior of the pep, T) surface, giving a maximum in the specific heats Cv(p,T) at the critical poipt. The very o small number of arbitrary least-squares coefficients N N• (five, and possibly only three) facilitates compari­ sons of the equation of state for different substances, -8 -6 -1 and may be attractive for work on mixtures. We cannot expect eq (1) to represent some high­ precision PVT data as well as equations with a much FIGURE 9. Computed interaction specific heats (C" - C~) of greater number of arbitrary constants. As the preci­ methane along the critical isochore, via eq (I-A) and 1/13 (p, T). sion of "good" PVT data probably is often much bet- 76 ter than absolute accuracy, especially in the critical and polynomials are selected to re pre'se nt small devia­ region, it would appear to be a self-defeating exercise tions. For the saturated liquid, define the variables, to strive for the ultimate "representation" while ignor­ ing essential features of the P (p, T) surface_ Any in­ x(T) == (Tc-T)/(Tc-T,), accuracies in the given, liquid-vapor, P-p-T boundary for eq (1), however, will be propagated along yep) == (p-Pc)/(p'-Pc), calculated isochores because eq (1) originates on this boundary. Yep, T) == (y-x)/(x'-x), Equation (1) almost certainly cannot be integrated analytically to express deri ved properties in closed when the function is- form. It therefore would not be conveni ent for multi­ Y= a+b·x 2/ 3 +c·x. (5.2) property analysis [2] . Equations amenable to in­ tegration, however, probably are not accurate in the For the saturated vapor, defin e the variables, critical region, which influences a large fraction of the pep, T) surface. To some extent, this must create x(T) == (Tc/T-I)/(Tc/TI-I), a need for multi property analysis. For methane with an equation of state similar to yep) == In (pc/p)/ln (PC/) eq (1), on the other hand, we have used a minimum of specifi c heat data only to compute around the critical Y(p ,T) == (y-x)/(x'-x), point for high densities near the critical temperature (fig. 3). In all other regions we computed specific heats when the fun ction is- and speeds of sound "a priori" via specifi c heats and the equation of state, finding acceptable 5 agreement with experimental data. We concluded Y=A, + L Ai' Xi/3. (5 .3) that if such data do not exist experime nt ally, they could i = 2 be estimated via the present type of equation of state Table 7 presents co nstants for (5.2) and (5.3). for many but probably not all regions of the P (p, T) surface [14]. TABLE 7. Constants for orthobaric densities equ.ations 5. Appendices Methane Ethane

5 .1. The Vapor Pressure Equation Saturated liquid densities , eq (5.2)

The original form of our vapor pressure function [9] € 0.36 0.33 is satisfactory for methane [14], but for ethane it has a .8595 3758 .7219 0944 b .0243 6448 .2965 7790 been necessary to add the term d'x 4 [15]. Define the c -.0268 5285 - .3003 6548 argument- Saturated vapor densiti es, eq (5.3) x(T) == (l-T,/T)/(I-T,/Tc )' € 0.41 0.39 when the function is- Al .4171 4211 .2158 7515 A2 -.5194 9762 -.0852 2342 A3 1.2077 7553 - .6152 3457 In (P/P,) = a'x+ b'x2 + c'x3 + d'x4 + e'x' 0-X)3 /2 . A. -1.4613 0509 .2545 2490 (5.1) A, 0.5765 8540 .1517 7230 Table 6 presents the coefficients.

TABLE 6. Constants for vapor-pressure equation (5.1) 5.3. The Coexistence Envelope, Tu (p)

Methane Ethane This envelope is shown by fi gure 3. For the equation of state (1) we obtain the coexiste nce te mperature for a 4.7774 8580 10.7954 9166 any density from the following analytical descrip­ b 1.7606 5363 8.3589 9001 tions. If the coexistence de nsity must be found at a c - 0.5678 8894 -3.1149 0770 d 0.0 - 0.6496 9799 given temperature, it is obtained (for co nsistency in e 1.3278 6231 6.0734 9549 the equation of state) fro m the followin g ex pressions by iteration, using eqs (5.2) and (5.3) only to esti mate an initial density. 5.2. The Orthobaric Densities An important feature of the present formulations [15] is that derivatives- The following expressions are constrained to the boundaries, the triple- and critical points [15]. In each dnTu/dp" case the basic behavior is described by- of all orders, n, are zero at u= 1, the critical point.

Yep, T) =const., We describe T (f (p) in two parts, according as u § 1. 77 This simplifies constraint to the boundaries (liquid and Anneke L. Sengers emphasized to us some time ago vapor triple points). For each range the dependent the importance of the critical region for the entire variable is- equation of state, thus motivating present develop­ ments. In this laboratory, R. D. McCarty provided the essential least-squares program, and we are indebted to D. E. Diller and L. A. Weber for discussions and and we use the following function, infinite at the critical valuable suggestions. The American Gas Associati on density very kindly has supported this work.

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