TRAVEL ISSUE Bethlehem,Jerusalem, Nazareth, Gal.Ilee,The River Jordan
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TRAVEL ISSUE Bethlehem,Jerusalem, Nazareth, Gal.ilee,the River Jordan For More Information Call: 1-800-486-8359 journeys@groupist www ..journeys-unlimited Optional tour extensions available to: Greece, Jordan, England, Turkey, Italy, Ghana, South Africa and ETHIOPIA on the cover I Fresco at Temp le of St. Sava, Belgrade, Serbia . Orjen / Creative Common s ph oto THE [IVING CHURCH thi s week April 4, 2010 news 4 Litu rgist : Don't Lose 'Balanced Eucharistic Piety' essay 8 Th e Saints of Ca nterb u ry BY J OSEPH BRJTIO N review essay 11 Lessons from the Past , 100 Years Lat er BY GEO RGE SU MNER books 14 Ang lica ns Aga inst Apartheid 193 6- 1996 Religion and Politics in Kenya BY RICHARD J . MAM MANA, J R. CcEli enarrant 15 Ca th olicism Part 4: Covena nt (i) BY CH RISTOPHER WELLS catholic voices 16 We Ha ve a Gospel to Proclaim BY JAMES TENGATENGA other departments 18 Sund ay's Readings 20 Lett ers to th e Editor 22 People & Places TH E LIVINGCHUR CH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundatio n, Inc. The his toric missio n of the Living Chu rch Foundation is to promote and support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. APRJL 4 lOIO · THE I IVING CHURCH 3 80-tzd OA,/4- CHO IR news CHAIR Liturgist: Don't Lose 'Balanced Eucharistic Piety' Making th e Holy Eucharist the ness , the embodiment of God's great normative worship service in Epis merc y to those who were und eserv copal churches has creat ed a chal ing and unworth y sinners , and were lenge of retaining the Eucharist's invited to the Lord's table only profound sense of holines s, said the through his gift of grace. In the 1979 Rev. Dr. Patrick Malloy, professor of liturgics at the General Theological Seminary in New York. "We are closer now to what Cran "Every time a group mer had intended; in 1979 it seems that what Cranmer wanted to have gets together you don't with FIBRE RUSH SEAT happ en actually happ ened," Malloy said March 12 as part of Virginia have to have a Mass." Since 1877 Theological Seminary 's ser ies, "The R.Geissler.i Inc. Prayer Book at 30." Dr. Malloy Thomas Cranmer ( 1489-1556), 2641 E. Greystone Ct. the martyred Archbishop of Canter Eagle, ID 83616 Phone: (800) 862-3159 bury who wrote and compiled the www first two editions of The Book of prayer book , he said, that sense of Common Prayer, wanted laity - not God's great merc y and the unwor just priests - to participate in the thiness of his people is embodi ed in Holy Eucharist regularly , as was the Eucharis tic prayer of humbl e done in Jesus' tim e. access , which begins, "We do not "The 1979 prayer book has gotten presume to come to this thy Table, 0 expeRrencea us back to our Reformation roots and merciful Lord, trustin g in our own to our ancient roots," Malloy said. righteousness , but in thy manifold Life-chanGinG Returning to early Christian roots and great mercies. We are not wor is beneficial and can help parish thy so much as to gather up the prLGRimaGe ioners know that they, as well as crumbs und er thy Table." priests , can draw near to the holy, "The prayer of humb le access , in2010! Malloy said. He cautioned, however, from what I can see, has fallen on that with more frequent celebration hard times ," Malloy said. "Now that I've of the Eucharist some reverence and Malloy said he wished the 1979 travelledwith humility, the "balanced Eucharistic prayer book used a word other than Illuminated piety" that should attend the sacred, celebrant for the priest who leads Journeys, the way I may have been lost. the Holy Eucharist , because it can travelhas "I cannot read your so uls, so I be interpreted to distanc e members foreverchanged " don't know if the fact that the of the congr egation , who are also -Ca rol fromChicago Euchar·ist is now the norn1ative Sun ce lebra nts. Using celebrant is a Contemplative day patt ern has changed people ," "hug e mistak e," he said; using Ireland: Malloy said. "Cranmer did not tak e presid er (for one who leads) would A Pilgrimage Communion lightly. Today, I fear have been better. that sometimes ... many of us do Sept. 18- 0ct. 1, 2010 approach the sacra ment very Liturgical Heritage Call now for a brochure lightly." 720489.8073. Toll free 877.4 89.8500 [email protected] Malloy emphasized that Cranmer While Euchar·istic-centered wor For moret ravelan d retreat wanted a profound sense of God's ship can give parishioners a sense of opportunities.vis it ourWeb site www mercy to draw people to church; the being one with Christ and one with Eucharist was the pinnacle of holi- (Continu ed on page 6) 4 TH E LIVING C IIUR CH · ill'Rll. 4. 2010 Canon Glasspool Wins Consents A March 18 stateme nt from Lam beth Palace has expresse d the Arch bishop of Canterb ury's conce rn about the confir mation of the Rev. Canon Mary Glasspoo l as a bishop suffragan of Los Angeles. "It is regretta ble that the appeals from Anglican Communion bodies for cont inuing gracious restra int have not been heeded," the stateme nt said. "Furth er consultation will now take place about the implications and consequences of this decision." On the day her approva l as a bishop-elect was made officia l, Canon Glasspoo l acknowledged the mixe d response her elect ion has prompte d among Anglicans across the world. She said in a statement release d March 17 that she was "aware that not everyone rejoices in this elec tion and conse nt, and will work , pray, and co ntinu e to exte nd my own hands and heart to bridge those gaps, and stre ngthen the bonds of affect ion among all peo ple, in the name of Jesus Christ." Glasspool was elected Dec. 5 to be one of two bishops suffragan for the Diocese of Los Angeles. The other, the Rev. Canon Diane Jard ine Bruce, was elected on Dec. 4. They will be consecrated together on May 15 in a service led by Pres iding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. Glasspoo l received sufficie nt con sents fro m bishops and sta nding Follow the path of Apostles Paul and Barnabas during committees more than a month their journey on the island to preach Christianity in 45AD. Discover amazing Byzantine churches and marvel before the dead line. intriguing frescoes in UNESCO- listed heritage sites . "Today's affirmat ion of the elec Visit early Christian basilicas . beautiful monasteries and tion of a supe rbly qualified cand i museums of Byzantine art . In Stavrovouni monastery. date as a bis hop in the Episcopa l you will find piece of the Holy Cross and in Kykko Chur ch is goo d news not ju st for monastery the icon of Virgin Mory, whose painting those who wor k for the fuller inclu was attributed to Luke the Evangelist. Enjoy a spiritual life in this Mediterranean heaven. sion of the LGBT baptized, but for The>y~ar round island the whole churc h," sa id the Rev. www David Norgard , president of Integrity, a nonprofit organization of Cyprus Tourism Organization, 13 East 40 th Street, New York, NY 10016 lesbian, gay, bisex ual, and tra nsge n Tel: (212) 683-5280 E-mail: [email protected] der Episcopa lians. APRIi 4. Will· T l I [ 11\/IN(; C l IURC I I 5 news (Cont in ue d from pag e 4) each other - thus building up and stre ngthening the body of Ch1ist - Malloy cautioned that it would be a sham e to diminish other liturgical services, such as those of the Daily Office. "We have made the Eucharist so normative on Sund ays that we must be careful not to lose the rest of our liturgica l Christi an heritage," he sa id. "We kept alive a liturgy that in many parts of the world was utt erly lost. I am shocked that when seminarian s come to se minary, they do not know how to say the Daily Office. That is a great loss in our chur ch. I don 't think that's what Cranme r meant." Asked by TLC how congregations can mainta in a sense of reverence and balanced Eucharistic piety, Mal loy suggested that when congrega tions gather at other times for meet ings and dinners, they not routinely The AmericanStudy Program celebrate the Eucharist. Oxford,England "Every time a group gets together you don't have to have Mass," he 4 August - 10 August 2010 sa id. If the group wants to have a service, he said, it can use Morning "Christianityin the 21st Century" Pra yer, Noon day Pra yer, Evening Is there an order for the universe and meaning to om· existence? Prayer or Compline. Locatedat historic St. EdmundHall , this unique conference offers lectures as well as Moving from Morning Prayer to ample time to enjoy the universitycity and surroundingareas. Euchari stic -centered worship was Cost: $1800 the most visible of severa l results of Includes room, all meals, moming coffee, afternoon tea, and extms. the 1979 prayer book, said the Rev. ConferenceSpeakers: Dr. Geoffrey M. Price, interim rec The Rev'd. Dr. John Kerr:Priest of the Churchof Englandand former Warden of the tor at Abingdon Chur ch in White Society of OrdainedScientists .