Dundee City Council
DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL REPORT TO: POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE - 22 APRIL 2013 REPORT ON: THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS FOR 2013-2014 REPORT BY: DIRECTOR, LEISURE AND COMMUNITIES REPORT NO: 154-2013 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT To submit to the Committee a request for the approval of the Management Agreement to Dundee Contemporary Arts Ltd and Dundee Ice Arena and the renewal of Revenue Grant support to Dundee Science Centre, Dundee Industrial Heritage Ltd, Dundee Repertory Theatre Ltd - Main House, Creative Learning Team and Scottish Dance Theatre, Grey Lodge Settlement, Dundee Voluntary Action Ltd, Volunteer Centre Dundee Ltd and Dundee International Women's Centre. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Committee: 2.1 remits the Director, Leisure and Communities, on behalf of Dundee City Council, to update the Management Agreement with Dundee Contemporary Arts Ltd and Dundee Ice Arena. 2.2 remits the Director, Leisure and Communities, on behalf of Dundee City Council, to enter into a one year Service Level Agreement with Dundee Science Centre, Dundee Industrial Heritage Ltd, Dundee Repertory Theatre Ltd - Main House, Creative Learning Team and Scottish Dance Theatre, Grey Lodge Settlement and Dundee Voluntary Action Ltd. 2.3 remits the Director, Leisure and Communities, on behalf of Dundee City Council to award grants to Volunteer Centre Dundee Ltd and Dundee International Women's Centre. 2.4 remits the Director, Leisure and Communities to keep these arrangements under review and amend as appropriate. 2.5 approves the level of Management Fee
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