Banquet Planning 1971

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Banquet Planning 1971 lferb-I The following are to receive certificates at the May 16 banquet: --w~oRAT= to~~ ;rofh(J'tt71 John Schultheis~ 6240 La Tijera Blvd. Lucien Ballard LA. 90056 31430 Broadbeach Road Malibu, CA 90265 Ben Shedd 5732 Lexington Apt. 4 Stanley Cortez Hollywood 90038 1512 Sunset Plaza LA 90069 Maureen Smith 1570 N. Edgemont Apt. 104 William A. Fraker Hollywood 90027 233 North Carmelina Ave. LA 90049 Richard Vandenberg 1145 W. 31st St. Charles F. Wheeler LA 90007 1309 N. Amalfi Dr. Pacific Palisades 90272 s·teTe Cohen, who last year was given a certificate ASSOCIATE MEMBERSH!P: ~mrtJ"'lt"'""ttr*~~~~Cohen" wants one made out to dated to last year. Alvista Perkins (Unable to get address) .R tlf t nb:rll ~ NEW Ft:JLL STriDENT MiiM~: Joseph Bridges 454t South New Hampshire LA. 90005 Joseph A. Daccurso 935 W. Joth St. Apt.l05 LA 90007 Steve Greenberg I 1977 N. Gramercy Pl. ~ Hollywood 90028 Randolph Huber 1145 West 31st St. LA 90007 Nathan L. Kaufman 643 W. 30th St. Apt. 10 LA 90007 James B. Kelley FRAN•"- T HDINDL,: i Jrt. 1047 Lincoln Blvd. Santa Monica ) 0 HA, 19/0 Ronald Kowall 8612 Balmar Ave. Northridge 91324 Doe Mayer 4582 .Star1ing Way LA. 90065 Charles L. Rumsey I SSO N. Croft Ant. 6 Delta Kappa .Alpha April 25, 1971 National Honorary Cinema Fraternity Members and Friends of DKA: On Sunday, May 16, 1971, the Alpha Chapter will hold its annual Spring Awards dinner, at which time we initiate our new Active, Associate and Honorary Members. Division of Cinema UNIVERSITY OF Sou THERN CALIFORNIA ScHooL oF PERFoRMING ARTs We are pleased this year to welcome as Honorary UNIVERSITY PARK Members of our na tiona! fraternity four top Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 CinematographerS: DKA H onoraries Mr. Lucien Ballard, known for his work in Julie Andrews HANGOVER SQUARE, TRUE GRIT, Lucille Ball Anne Baxter and THE WILD BUNCH; Eric Berndt Richard Brooks Joe E. Brown Mr. Stanley Cortez, known for his work in Frank Capra THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, George Cukor John Cromwell BLUE, and THE NIGHT OF THE Irene Dunne HUNTER; Blake Edwards John Ford John Flory Mr. William Fraker, known for his cinematography Gene Fowler Marjorie Fowler in ROSEMARY'S BABY and John G. Frayne THE FOX, and for his direction Arthur Freed Greer Garson of r.DNTE WALSH; Conrad Hall Henry Hathaway James Wong Howe Mr. Charles Wheeler, known for his work in DUEL AT Ross Hunter DIABLO, CHE, and recently John Huston Ub Iwerks nominated for an Academy Norman J ewison Award for his work in "Chuck" Jones Gene Kelly TORA I TORA I TORA. Stanley Kramer Jack Lemmon Mervyn LeRoy This spring the awards dinner is planned as a Sol Lesser less formal, more personal gathering, to allow Harold Lloyd Frances Marion a more direct interchange between members and Steve McQueen our honored guests and friends. Arthur Miller Jack Oakie Charles Palmer Dinner will be served at the Gate of Spain Gregory Peck Mary Pickford Restaurant, 1111 Second Street, Santa Monica Miklos Rosza at 7:30 p.m. Cocktails will be at 6:30 p.m. Rosalind Russell George Seaton Space is limited. If you plan to attend, Mark Serrurier please return the enclosed envelope with your Jean Simmons Mogen Skot-Hansen check as soon as possible, or reservations Robert Snyder may be confirmed by calling the Cinema Department, George Stevens James Stewart 746-2235. Robert Surtees Gloria Swanson Norman Taurog We look forward to seeing you. William Tuttle Slavko Vorkapich King Vidor Hal Wallis Jack Warner Mae West K::Ji · ;foi~~- Wally Westmore Haske! Wexler Billy Wilder /~nneth Robi~on Elmo Williams In Memoriam Robert Wise President Roy Wolford Charles Bracket4<R/ SW William Wyler C. B. DeMille Sir Cedric Hardwicke Fred Metzler William Seiter Fred Zinnemann Ka.rl .Freund Jesse Lasky Boris V. Morkovin Adolph Zukor Gregg Toland W•lham Goetz William Cameron Menzies William Perlberg Jerry Wald I \ I Certificates 16 March 1971 Certificates - Early Date As Marked Honorary Richard Kritzer " 30 April 1950 )t Lucien Ballard , Frank J. Adinolfi, Jr. v Stanley Cortez 10 May 1970 1 William A. Fraker John A. O'Connor "1 25 May 1969 ~ charles F. Wheeler )I Steve Cohen 8 March 1970 Associate '( Al vista Perkins Active X Joseph Bridges ~ Joseph A. Daccurso 1 Steve Greenberg 1 Randolph Huber )f Nathan L. Kaufman V James B . Kelley 1 Ronald Kowall '/. Doe Mayer 'I Charles L. Rumsey ~ John Schultheiss 'f Ben Shedd 1 Maureen Smith ~ Richard vandenberg Delta Kappa Alpha N a tio na/ Honorary Cinema Fratemity Divisio11 of Cit~ema UNIVERSITY oF SouTHERN CALIFORNIA S CHOOL OF PERFORM ING ARTS UNIVERSITY PARK Los ANGELES, CALI~· oRNIA 90007 DKA H onoraries April 26, 1972 J1;lie Andrews Lucille Ball Dear Friend of DKA, Lucien Ballard Anne baxter EricRerndt Mssrs. Rouben Mamoulian, Allan Dwan and Wilton Richard Hrooks Holm will be honored May 21st, at a dinner Joe E. Brown Frank Capra sponsored by the Alpha chapter, Delta Kappa Stanley Cortez Alpha, national honorary cinema fraternity George Cukor John Cromwell of the University of Southern California. Irene Dunne Hlake Edwards John Ford You are cordially invited to join us in this John Flory event which will be held in the Palm Court Gene Fowler Marjorie Fowler Room, Alexandria Hotel, Spring Street at 5th, john G. Frayne Los Angeles, at 6:30p.m. (Dinner at 7:30p.m.) Arthur Freed Greer Garson Conrad Hall This distinguished and historical site was Henry Hathaway James Wong Howe chosen because of its close association with Ross Hunter Hollywood's colorful past. An exciting program John Huston Norman J ewison is planned and should be of particular interest "Chuck" Jones to all friends and members of DKA. Gene Kelly -~· Stanley Kramer Jack Lemmon Tickets for the dinner and program are only $8, Mervyn LeRoy Sol Lesser and may be secured in advance by returning the Frances Marion Steve McQueen enclosed slip with your check (to u.s.c.). Checks Jack Oakie must reach us by May 15th to reserve your chair Charles Palmer at the dinner. A secure, underground parking Gregory Peck Mary Pickford area may be reached from Spring Street, just Miklos Rosza south of 5th. Cost of parking is $1. Rosalind Russell George Seaton Mark Serrurier We sincerely hope you can join us and help to Jean Simmons Mogen Skot-Hansen make this event memorable for our honored guests Robert Snyder George Stevens as well as for those who attend. James Stewart Robert Surtees Gloria Swanson 7 Norman Taurog Cordiallli . /! _ / William Tuttle V d:rf;' ~ Slavko Vorkapich ~ ~ · /~ . /~~a-> King Vidor Hal Wallis Jack Warner David Fertik, president ( seph Bridges, Chrmn Mae West Alpha Chapter, DKA Banquet Committee Wally Westmore Haske! Wexler Charles Wheeler Billy Wilder Elmo Williams In Memoriam Robert Wise Roy Wolford Charles Brackett f Sir Cedric Hardwicke William Cameron Menzies William Perlberg William Wyler C. B. DeMille ' Ub lwerks Fred Metzler William Seiter Fred Zinnemann Karl Freund Harold Lloyd Arthur Miller Gregg Toland Adolph Zukor William Goetz Jesse Lasky Boris V. Morkovin JerryWald 10/71 Delta Kappa Jtlpha National Honorary Cinema Fraternity ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY PARK Los ANGELES 7, CALIFORNIA Daulat S. Masuda President Gene Lemmon F ice-President Ralph Rodine Corresponding Secretary Steve Coakley Re,cordit~Q Stcretary Chrjs Seiter ,r ·~ Treasurer \ Barry Kirk Public Relations Warren Brown Film Classics William S. Mehring Faculty Advisor HONORARY MEMBERS George Stevens Mogen Skat-Hansen Joe E. Brown Wally Westmore Jesse L. Lasky Arthur Miller William Perlberg Arthur Freed Stanley Kramer John Huston Jerry Wald William C. Menzies Miklos Rosza Slavko Vorkapich Fred L. Metzler John L. Cromwell Sir Cedric Hardwicke Gregg Toland Boris V. Morkovin UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CINEMA UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES 7, CALl FORN lA Lo:: :~::: lc:; ,., i. r. Delta Kappa Alpha May 10, 1976 National Honorary Cinema Fraternity IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE DKA SPRING AWARDS DINNER MOVED TO JUNE 13 Dear members and friends of DKA, Through a series of unforeseen complications and conflicts in. scheduling Delta Kappa Alpha has rescheduled its 1976 Spring Awards Banquet. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused our members and Di'l.lision of Cintma friends. We look forward to seeing you. UNIVERSITY OF SouTHERN CALlFORNIA scHooL oF PERFORMING ARTs On Sunday, June 13, 1976 the Alpha chapter of Delta UNIVERSITY PARK Kappa Alpha will hold its Annual Spring Awards dinner at Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 which time we will initiate our new Honoraries. We are DKA H onoraries most pleased this year to welcome as Honorary members• Julie Andrews Lucille Ball Delmer Daves for his work as a writer and director Lucien Ballard Anne Baxter of such films as Dest'ination Tokyo, Eric Berndt Richard Brooks Broken Arrow, 3a10 To Yuma, Dark Passage Frank Capra William Castle Stanley Cortez Glenn Ford for his work in such films as Cowboy, George Cukor John Cromwell Blackboard Jungle, Teahouse of the , Irene Dunne Allan Dwan August Moon and currently M~dway Blake Edwards Rudy Fehr Sylvia Fine Lyle Wheeler art director for Gone With the Wind, John Flory Gene Fowler Anna and the King of Siam, The Robe, Marjorie Fowler John G. Frayne Diary of Anne Frank, The King and I Arthur Freed Lee Gannes Greer Garson Hal Roach Sr. will accept the Pioneer In Film Award To ~ n Green Conrad Hall for his work in comedy (Harold Lloyd, Henry Hathaway Howard Hawks Laurel & Hardy, Patsy Kelly, Our Gang) Edith Head Alfred Hitchcock and also drama, as Of Mice and Men Wilton Holm Tames Wong Howe l!.oss Hunter Among those joining the program for this year's John Huston NortJan J ewisou Honoraries will be Robert Wise, Walter Plunkett, Arthur "Chuck" Jones Gene Kelfy Knight, Tony Slide, George Duning, Barry Shear, Dale Stanley Kramer Fritz Lang Hennesy and Frank McCarthy.
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