84 bus time schedule & line map

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The 84 bus line (Chipping Sodbury) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chipping Sodbury: 3:10 PM (2) Wotton-Under-Edge: 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM (3) : 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 84 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 84 bus arriving.

Direction: Chipping Sodbury 84 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Chipping Sodbury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:10 PM War Memorial, Wotton-Under-Edge B4058, Wotton-under-Edge Tuesday 3:10 PM

Full Moon, Synwell Wednesday 3:10 PM Synwell Lane, Wotton-under-Edge Thursday 3:10 PM The British School, Wotton-Under-Edge Friday 3:10 PM

Fountain Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge Saturday Not Operational

Bearlands, Wotton-Under-Edge Wotton Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge Civil Parish

Wortley House, Wortley 84 bus Info Direction: Chipping Sodbury Elmtree Cottages, Wortley Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 40 min The Old Rectory, Alderley Line Summary: War Memorial, Wotton-Under-Edge, Full Moon, Synwell, The British School, Wotton- St Kenelm's Church, Alderley Under-Edge, Fountain Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge, Bearlands, Wotton-Under-Edge, Wortley House, St Giles' Church, Wortley, Elmtree Cottages, Wortley, The Old Rectory, Alderley, St Kenelm's Church, Alderley, St Giles' St Giles Barton, Hillesley And Tresham Civil Parish Church, Hillesley, Pond, Hawkesbury Upton Pond, Hawkesbury Upton Hawkesbury Upton, The Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton, The Fox Inn, Hawkesbury Upton, Britain The Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton Bottom, Hawkesbury Upton, Pike Cottage, Dunkirk, Dunkirk Crossroads, Dunkirk, Petty France Hotel, High Street, Hawkesbury Civil Parish Petty France, Horton Turn, Petty France, The Cross Hands, , The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury, The Fox Inn, Hawkesbury Upton Camers, Old Sodbury, The Dog Inn, Old Sodbury, Fox Close, Hawkesbury Civil Parish Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury, Colts Green, Chipping Sodbury, The Bell Hotel, Chipping Sodbury, Britain Bottom, Hawkesbury Upton Kingrove Crescent, Chipping Sodbury, The Boot, Chipping Sodbury, The Clock, Chipping Sodbury, Pike Cottage, Dunkirk Chipping Sodbury School, Chipping Sodbury

Dunkirk Crossroads, Dunkirk

Petty France Hotel, Petty France Horton Turn, Petty France

The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury

The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury

Camers, Old Sodbury

The Dog Inn, Old Sodbury

Commonmead Lane, Old Sodbury

Colts Green, Chipping Sodbury

The Bell Hotel, Chipping Sodbury Station Close, Sodbury Civil Parish

Kingrove Crescent, Chipping Sodbury

The Boot, Chipping Sodbury

The Clock, Chipping Sodbury 33 High Street, Yate

Chipping Sodbury School, Chipping Sodbury Direction: Wotton-Under-Edge 84 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Wotton-Under-Edge Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM Stover Road, Yate Badminton Road, Civil Parish Tuesday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM

Yate Station, Yate Wednesday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM 13 Station Road, Yate Civil Parish Thursday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM Longs Drive, Yate Friday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM 64 Station Road, Yate Saturday 6:10 AM - 7:05 PM Mow Barton, Yate 126 Station Road, Yate

Morrisons, Yate 84 bus Info The White Lion, Yate Direction: Wotton-Under-Edge 103 Station Road, Yate Stops: 42 Trip Duration: 60 min Shopping Centre, Yate Line Summary: Stover Road, Yate, Yate Station, Yate, Longs Drive, Yate, Mow Barton, Yate, The Ridge, Yate Morrisons, Yate, The White Lion, Yate, Shopping Highway, Yate Centre, Yate, The Ridge, Yate, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury, Chipping Sodbury School, Chipping Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury Sodbury, The Clock, Chipping Sodbury, Bowling Hill, Yate Road, Chipping Sodbury, Love Lane, Yate, Hill House, Wickwar, Poplar Lane, Wickwar, Youth Centre, Chipping Sodbury School, Chipping Sodbury Wickwar, High Street, Wickwar, Cowship Lane, , Heath End Cottages, Cromhall, Heathend The Clock, Chipping Sodbury Garage, Cromhall, Longcross, Cromhall, Wotton 41 High Street, Yate Road, Cromhall, Bibstone Turn, Bibstone, Woodland Road, Leyhill, Leyhill Prison, Leyhill, Moreton Lodge, Wickwar Road, Chipping Sodbury Leyhill, Green, Tortworth, Elmtree Farm, Barnhill Road, Yate Chareld, Chareld Hill Crossroads, Chareld, Chareld Primary School, Chareld, Berkeley Close, Love Lane, Yate Chareld, Manor Lane, Chareld, Railway Tavern, Chareld, The Limes, Chareld, New Mills Hill House, Wickwar Roundabout, Kingswood, Chareld Road, Wickwar Road, Wickwar Civil Parish Kingswood, Tennis Court, Kingswood, War Memorial, Kingswood, Katharine Lady Berkeley's School, Poplar Lane, Wickwar Kingswood, Westelds, Wotton-Under-Edge, Garage, Wotton-Under-Edge, War Memorial, Wotton-Under- Youth Centre, Wickwar Edge

High Street, Wickwar 68 High Street, Wickwar Civil Parish

Cowship Lane, Cromhall

Heath End Cottages, Cromhall

Heathend Garage, Cromhall

Longcross, Cromhall Bristol Road, Cromhall Civil Parish Wotton Road, Cromhall 6 New Cottages, Cromhall Civil Parish

Bibstone Turn, Bibstone

Woodland Road, Leyhill

Leyhill Prison, Leyhill Tortworth Road, Tortworth Civil Parish

Moreton Lodge, Leyhill

Tortworth Green, Tortworth

Elmtree Farm, Chareld

Chareld Hill Crossroads, Chareld B4058, Chareld Civil Parish

Chareld Primary School, Chareld

Berkeley Close, Chareld

Manor Lane, Chareld 2 Manor Lane, Chareld Civil Parish

Railway Tavern, Chareld

The Limes, Chareld

New Mills Roundabout, Kingswood

Chareld Road, Kingswood

Tennis Court, Kingswood

War Memorial, Kingswood Abbey Street, Kingswood Civil Parish

Katharine Lady Berkeley's School, Kingswood

Westelds, Wotton-Under-Edge 1 Chipping Gardens, Wotton-under-Edge

Garage, Wotton-Under-Edge Bear Street, Wotton-under-Edge

War Memorial, Wotton-Under-Edge B4058, Wotton-under-Edge Direction: Yate 84 bus Time Schedule 38 stops Yate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM War Memorial, Wotton-Under-Edge B4058, Wotton-under-Edge Tuesday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM

Full Moon, Synwell Wednesday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM Synwell Lane, Wotton-under-Edge Thursday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM The British School, Wotton-Under-Edge Friday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM

Fountain Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge Saturday 7:10 AM - 6:10 PM

Bearlands, Wotton-Under-Edge Wotton Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge Civil Parish

Wortley House, Wortley 84 bus Info Direction: Yate Elmtree Cottages, Wortley Stops: 38 Trip Duration: 40 min The Old Rectory, Alderley Line Summary: War Memorial, Wotton-Under-Edge, Full Moon, Synwell, The British School, Wotton- St Kenelm's Church, Alderley Under-Edge, Fountain Crescent, Wotton-Under-Edge, Bearlands, Wotton-Under-Edge, Wortley House, St Giles' Church, Hillesley Wortley, Elmtree Cottages, Wortley, The Old Rectory, Alderley, St Kenelm's Church, Alderley, St Giles' St Giles Barton, Hillesley And Tresham Civil Parish Church, Hillesley, Hawkesbury Upton Pond, Hawkesbury Upton Pond, Hawkesbury Upton Hawkesbury Upton, The Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton, The Fox Inn, Hawkesbury Upton, Britain The Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton Bottom, Hawkesbury Upton, Pike Cottage, Dunkirk, Dunkirk Crossroads, Dunkirk, Petty France Hotel, High Street, Hawkesbury Civil Parish Petty France, Horton Turn, Petty France, School, Horton, Post Oce, Horton, Social Club, Horton, The Fox Inn, Hawkesbury Upton Mapleridge Lane, Horton, Totteroak Farm, Horton, Fox Close, Hawkesbury Civil Parish Grace Close, Chipping Sodbury, Jenner Close, Britain Bottom, Hawkesbury Upton Chipping Sodbury, Wickham Close, Chipping Sodbury, Kingrove Crescent, Chipping Sodbury, The Boot, Chipping Sodbury, The Clock, Chipping Sodbury, Pike Cottage, Dunkirk Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury, The Ridge, Yate, Shopping Centre, Yate, Morrisons, Yate, Mow Barton, Dunkirk Crossroads, Dunkirk Yate, Longs Drive, Yate, Yate Station, Yate, Stover Road, Yate, Stover Road, Yate Petty France Hotel, Petty France

Horton Turn, Petty France

School, Horton

Post Oce, Horton

Social Club, Horton

Mapleridge Lane, Horton

Totteroak Farm, Horton Grace Close, Chipping Sodbury Grace Close, Sodbury Civil Parish

Jenner Close, Chipping Sodbury Hartley Close, Sodbury Civil Parish

Wickham Close, Chipping Sodbury

Kingrove Crescent, Chipping Sodbury

The Boot, Chipping Sodbury

The Clock, Chipping Sodbury 33 High Street, Yate

Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury Bowling Hill, Yate

The Ridge, Yate Highway, Yate

Shopping Centre, Yate

Morrisons, Yate

Mow Barton, Yate 126 Station Road, Yate

Longs Drive, Yate 64 Station Road, Yate

Yate Station, Yate 7 Station Road, Yate Civil Parish

Stover Road, Yate

Stover Road, Yate Badminton Road, Westerleigh Civil Parish 84 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved