The Ukrainian Weekly 1969, No.24
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Connecticut UNA District Sets NATIONAL CAPTIVE NATIONS COMMITTEE SPURS Action Plans OBSERVANCE OF "WEEK" HARTFORD, Ckmn. - On ; statistics demonstrated the WASHINGTON. D.C. -i Edward J. Derwinski (Re and receptions will be organ Sunday, June 8. 1969, an or vital role the UNA has played Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, Ргезі– j publican) Introduced sped.i! ized in his honor. ganisational meeting of the j in th2 Ukrainian community. dent of the Ukrainian Con resolutions calling for sup As in previous years, the UlfA District Committee Л He also dwelt on. the recent gress Committe of America port of the captive nations observance of "Captive Na Connecticut was held with j decisions of the UNA Su and Chairman of the National movement. tions Week" in New York 24 branch officers from 9 j preme Assembly, such as the Captive Nations Committee, During the "Week" a s`?rio.s City will be observed by vari branches in attendance. The! UNA Cultural Foundation, issuxl a statement urging all of manifestations, rallies, and ous groups and organizations. meeting was presided by і the English-language Ency American ethnic organiza meetings will be held In A liturgy for the captive na Prof. John Teliuk, chairman j clopedia Institute and the tions and patriotic societies Washington. New York. Chi tions will be celebrated at St. of the Committee with Wil donation of S13.000.00 for to us2 the maximum of all cago. Phoenix, Philadelphia. Patrick's Cathedral, on Sun liam Gma as secretary. various Ukraiuian community available media to fo,'us at Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleve day, July 13, 1969 during Prof. Teiiuk gave a brief j efforts in the United States tention on the captive na land. Los Angeles and in which Rev. George Muresan, report on the activities of the | and Canada. tions. other cities. a Rumanian Eastern-Rite Oflicially, the "Week" falls On July 16. 1969 the NCWC priest, will preach on the per District Committee and out Mr. Hawrysz also thanked lined plans for a new mem in the period of July 13-20, will hold the 10th Anniver secution of the Eastern Chur UNA organizers who brought 1969, and is highlighted as sary Banquet at the Univer ches by the Communists. bership campaign and also a total of 112 new members the "Tenth Anniversary of sity Club, at which Mr. Following the mass, a rally proposed to mark the 75th into the UNA: Mr. Homotiuk the Captive Nations WeeK George Meany, President of will be held in Central Park, anniversary of the UNA. On of Br. 277, Mr. Halkevych of Resolution." AFI-CIO, and Dr. Ku Cheng- sponsored by the New York the proposal of Eus\achy Br. 59, Prof. Teliuk of Br. In a letter eent to every kang. President of the Asian Chapter of the National Cap- Homotiuk, secretary of UNA 414, Mr. Dobchansky of Br. Branch 277, it was decided to U.S. Senator and Congress Peoples' Anti-C ommunlst live Nations Committee un- 54. Mr. Oliynyk of Br. 387 man. Dr. Dobriansky invited League, will be honored. der- the Chairmanship of hold a UNA jubilee UNA і and Mr. Finiw of Br. 350. banquet on Sunday, Sep"tem- j them to make statements on Judge Matthew Troy. Mayor ber 14, 1969. in the Ukrain- \ A lively discussion develop the floor of Congress" during Observance in New York John V. Lindsay and others iatv National Home in Hart- ed, with several participants the "Week,'' and stated: will addrese the gathering. ford, Conn. A special commit touching on the new member 'The basic issues facing Dr. Ku will also be honored Mayor Lindsay will also sign tee of 9 members, headed by ship campaign, the forthcom our nation today are the same in Philadelphia and New York a proclamation at New York's Prof, Teltuk, was elected for ing 27th UNA convention as thsy were ten years ago, City, where special dinners City Hall. the preparation of the jubilee next year, the problem of except that we're at a greater banguet. youth, church matters, and disadvantage in coping with VNtftrSujW'wng Advfaor and" vSvobodaV^^""^ thetnr^K^llkteiow of' the Anna Chopek Speaks at Fraternc! Field .Organizer Stefan Haw- The UNA District Commit 60f)i have riot rendered the ryaz wai' the principal speak tee of Connecticut is com captive nations — the peo Congress, Attends Ceremony er at the meeting. He outlined j prised of li,` branches, repre ples themselves — any less past UNA activities and with | senting ove/ 3,000 members. captive. While we attend to derivative issues auch as Viet nam, the ABM, etc., it would Plan CX Observance in New York It would be fatal to have our attention diverted from the ABN ^EPRKSENTAXIVE, MAYOR UNDSAY original issue of the captive TO ADDRESS RALLY IN CENTRAL PARK nations and Soviet Russian NEW YORK. N.Y. ,- Yn- Dr. Ivan Docheff. Vice imperio-colonialiam. Among roslav Stetsko. President of Chairman of the Committee, the many actions that can be the Anti-Bolshr/ik Bloc of announced that Mayor John taken both for our security Nations in Munich. Germany, V. Lindsay of New York will and the freedom of one billion will be the principal speaker also address the rally, which captive peoples, a Special on Sunday. July 13, 1969 at will take place at the Band Irlouse Committee on the Cap the "Captive Nations Week" Shell in Central Park at 10:45 tive Nations and a full-scale Rally sponsored by the N.Y. A.M. A musical program with Senate reappraisal of U.S. po licy toward the USSR - Mos Chapter xf the National Cap Ukrainian, Estonian, Byelo cow being the only formida AT PROCLAMATION SIGNING: left to right, Joseph A. tive Nations Committee, russian. Slovak and Croatian ble enemy — would unleash McVeigh, Catholic Association of Foresters; Miss Anna headed by Judge Matthew participants will also be pre an Education for Freedom Chopek, UNA; John A. Donahue, Workmen's Benefit Fund: Troy. sented at the rally. BLESS NEW CHURCn Archbishop Ulstyslaw to Attend through Con trast which, Gov. Sargent; William Duthie., Order of Scottish Clans; John Liturgy at St. Patrick's PITTSBURGH, Pa. The Pre-Svuodal Meeting more than anything else, H. Madden, Order of Protection. , would redirect the energies of On Sunday. July 13, at newly erected St. George's BED DEFECTIONS Ukrainian Catholic Church in BOUND BROOK. N.J. ' our youth in constructive BOSTON. Mass. - Miss meeting were the following 10:00 A.M. a liturgy for the The Archbishop of the LJ- union with those of youth Anna Chopek, Supreme Ad UNA officers: Mrs. Anne Re- SURPASS 1968 TOTAL captive nations will be cele Pittsburgh, Pa., was conse krain Orthodox Church її seeking liberty and freedom visor of the Ukrainian Na mick, secretary of UNA brated at St. Patrick's Cathe crated by Metropolitan Am the U.S.A.. Mstyslaw Skryp- throughout the Red Empire." tional Association, was one Branch 238. Mr. Leon Наг– SAIGON - Informed gov dral in New York City, whi".-h brose Senyshyn on Sunday, nyk. departed for Europe on of the speakers at the sum dink. secretary and Mr. Leon ernment sources said the will be attended by repre June 22. Pastor of the S450, June 27 to take part in a mer meeting of the New Eng Kindeforski. president. number of Communist defec sentatives of captive nations series of church activities Bi-Partisan Support Sought 000.00 edifice is tr.e Rev. Ba land Fraternal Congress I Branch 206. Woonsocket, R.I., tors thus far in 1969 had sur organizations as well as A- sil Dzydzora. A i?ivine Litur scheduled to take place there and Mr. John Laba, secretary passed the total for 1968. merican civic and patriotic this summer. In the Housa of Represen which was held at the Sea gy was concelebrated follow tative Cong. Daniel J. Flood Crest Hotel in North Fai-| of UNA Branch 177 of Provi They said 19. 459 Reds had groups. The Archbishop, who is ing the Consecration by Met (Democrat) and Congress dence, R.I. surrendered under the During the week Mayor simultaneously acting as the mouth. Mass., Saturday, June j ropolitan Ambrose. Msgr. Mi 21st. Earlier. Miss Chopek took "Chieu Hoi" (Open Агтз) Lindsay will issue a "Captive Metropolitan of the Ukrain part in the proclamation sign program welcoming defectors. Nations Week" Proclamation chael Poloway, and Rev. Hen ian Autocephalous Orthodox Miss Chopek, an attorney ing ceremonies in Boston, de Last year's total was 18, 171. at New York's City Hall. ry Sagan. Church in Exile, will Ukrainian by profession, spoke on the signating June 8-14, as "Fra a session of the Council `f subject of wills, probate and the Metropolitahate and a At Toronto ternal Week.': The UNA Su trusts. preme Advisor serves as tha meeting of the University Mr. Harold Lyhne. chief Committee, which will take second vice-presia;nt of the agent for the Aid Association place in Munich from July 7 Toronto, Ont. A circular New England Fraternal Con Fine Ms, Museum at Dauphin Festival Archbishop issued by the School Adviso for Lutherans, spoke on the to 11. ТЬіз will be a prelude gress. The proclamation was importance of insurance as an DAUPHIN, Manitoba. - the United States in 1951, , ancient art of decorating to the Extraordinary Synod Mstyslaw S,krjpnyk ry Board of the Ukrainian signed by Gov. Francis W. Canadian Committee, over estate planner's tool. The Fourth Annual Ukrain and subsequently became an j Easter eggs, and painting. of the Ukrainian Autoceph`b Sargent.