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Abstract,QWKHFRXUVHRIRXUUHVHDUFKRQ7XUNLVKFURFXVHVLQDUHDVRIWKH$QDWROLDQ'LDJRQDO FHQWUDOHDVW- ern ) a new understanding of the was obtained. Phenotypic and morphological param- eters were used for comparison purposes, as well as geographical distributions of genetic groupings. Eleven new were found and are described.


Key words: New crocus species, Anatolian Diagonal, phenotype, geography, morphology, Turkey, Crocus kartaldagensis, Crocus romuleoides, Crocus marasensis, Crocus pelitensis, Crocus schneideri, Crocus mun- zurense, Crocus malatyensis, Crocus kangalensis, Crocus sivasensis, Crocus ponticus, Crocus berytius.

* Correspondence to: [email protected]

Introduction 2XULQYHVWLJDWLRQV KERNDORFF & PASCHE 1993, 1994, 1997, DEKERNDORFF et al. 2011, 2012; PAS- ,QWKHPRVWUHFHQWFODVVL¿FDWLRQ MATHEW 1982) Crocus bi- CHE 1993) also resulted in the description of new taxa treated as ÀRUXV MILLERR was described as a variable species concerning following MATHEW¶V  FODVVL¿FDWLRQ+RZHYHU NDU\RORJ\ n = 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22; BRIGHTON et al. 1973) doubts arose concerning their taxonomical rank, because 23 sub- and morphology. Therefore, MATHEW  GLYLGHGWKLVVSHFLHV species of one species would be unique in the genus and seemed into several subspecies distributed from Italy to the Caucasus to be rather improbable to us. and , with the type species referring to the Italian &ELÀRUXV ,QSDUWWKUHHZHFRPSOHWHGRXU¿HOGVWXGLHVRQ &URFXVELÀR- populations and the highest taxon diversity in Turkey. rus “sensu lato” in south-west Anatolia. We obtained interesting Nearly 20 years ago, we started morphological and geo- new information on the alliance and distribution of the graphical investigations of C.ELÀRUXV populations in Turkey aff- in this area and continued our research in the mountains of cen- ter seeing many strange crocus populations in Lycia, which were tral-east Anatolia. QRWLGHQWL¿DEOHZLWKWKHNQRZQNH\VDWWKDWWLPH7KHUHIRUHZLWK the aim to clarify the situation and to identify those populations, we measured and analysed 20 morphological parameters of a General aspects of the new situation in the VWDWLVWLFDOO\VXI¿FLHQWQXPEHURIUDQGRPO\VHOHFWHGVSHFLPHQV genus Crocus RIDSRSXODWLRQ ZHDFFXPXODWHGDERXWUDZGDWDRI crocus populations all over Turkey; KERNDORFF & PASCHE 2004b, From our present state of knowledge it seems necessary to   recognise and discuss some fundamental principles in tax-

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Fig. 1: The Anatolian Diagonal and its phytogeographic districts (extract of Davis, 1971).

onomy and systematic which were followed by us in our recent 6LJQL¿FDQWH[DPSOHVIRUVXFKFRÀRZHULQJSRSXODWLRQVZLWKRXW work to clarify the taxonomical status of the crocuses investi- LQWHUEUHHGLQJ ZHUH IRXQG LQ WKH$QWLWDXUXV DUHD  ZLWKWKH gated. First of all, we had the necessity to consider the accepted taxa C. albocoronatus KERND. & PASCHE and C. pelitensis DQHZ GH¿QLWLRQVRIWKHWD[RQRPLFXQLWVRIVXEVSHFLHVDQGVSHFLHV taxon described in this paper), in Pisidia with the taxa aff. C. isauricus (SIEHE EX BOWLES) B. MATHEW and C. crewei (HOOK. L 6XEVSHFLHV LQIUDVSHFL¿FWD[RQ DUHWD[DZKLFKDUHVOLJKW- F.) B. MATHEW, in Caria C. ionopharynx KERND. & PASCHE and C. ly morphologically differentiated as well as geographically caricus KERND. & PASCHE, in the Lycian Taurus with the taxa aff. and/or ecologically isolated but still potentially capable of C. nubigena (HERB.) B. MATHEW and C. babadagensis KERND. LQWHUEUHHGLQJZLWKRXWVXEVWDQWLDOUHGXFWLRQLQIHUWLOLW\ HJ & PASCHE. WETTSTEIN MEIKLE FUCHS 1898; 1957; 1958). Furthermore, phylogenetic investigations clearly support a LL 7KHPDLQGLIIHUHQFHRIDVSHFLHVLQFRPSDULVRQWRDVXEVSH- GLVWLQFWLRQDWVSHFLHVOHYHO PETERSEN et al. 2008; HARPKE et al. FLHVLVLWVUHSURGXFWLYHLVRODWLRQIURPRWKHUWD[D HJ MAYR 2013) as &ELÀRUXV subspecies were found in distinct clusters. 1992). As consequence, different species of the same genus One cluster is very homogenous and occupies the sister group and at the same locality should only occasionally produce position to a large clade comprising series Aleppici, Flavi, Spe- hybrids or only sterile hybrids. ciosi, Reticulati and other former &ELÀRUXVVXEVSHFLHV HARPKE HWDO 6XUSULVLQJO\WD[DRIWKLVYHU\GLVWLQFWFOXVWHUDUHLQ- +RZHYHUWKHGH¿QLWLRQVRID³VSHFLHV´DUHPXFKPRUHFRP- habitants of the Anatolian Diagonal or are occurring north, east, plex and still a matter of controversial discussions and there is DQGVRXWKHDVWRILW7KH\DUHFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\KDYLQJFKURPR- still much space for individual interpretation. Therefore, in case some numbers mainly between 18 and 24 while C. cf. bilforus of systematic uncertainties the term subspecies is often used as a west of the Anatolian Diagonal have chromosome numbers be- dumping ground for similar taxa of varying rank. WZHHQDQG SCHNEIDER et al. 2013). For species of this dis- Nevertheless, if one looks at the known existing hybrids in WLQFWFOXVWHU ³$GDPLFOXVWHU´ ZHZLOOHVWDEOLVKDQHZVHULHVLQ the series %LÀRULLWLVVXUSULVLQJWKDWWKHUHDUHRQO\VRPH QRQH a new systematic treatment of the genus. The crocuses presented fertile?) between C. chrysanthus HERBERT and & ELÀRUXV but LQWKLVDUWLFOHDOOEHORQJWRWKLVFOXVWHU HARPKE et al. 2013, and QRQHEHWZHHQWKHRWKHUWD[DDQGQRQHEHWZHHQWKHGH¿QHGC. own unpublished data). ELÀRUXV VXEVSHFLHVQRWHYHQZKHQWULHGWRFURVVDUWL¿FLDOO\:H )XUWKHUPRUHSK\ORJHQHWLF HARPKE et al. 2013, unpublished) found mixed populations of “allegedly” &ELÀRUXV subspecies DQG PRUSKRORJLFDO KERNDORFF et al. unpublished) investiga- ÀRZHULQJ DW WKH VDPH WLPH EXW ZLWKRXW DQ\ WUDFH RI K\EULGV tions suggest that &ELÀRUXV from the type region in Italy gener-

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Fig. 2: Localities and HKEP-identity numbers (next or above the points) of investigated crocus populations. Distribution map generated with DIVA-GIS v7.5.0 using the altitude layers provided by at the DIVA-GIS homepage. ally is distinct from all Turkish populations, which means there Characterization of the distribution area is no &ELÀRUXV in Anatolia and no &ELÀRUXV aggregate. 7KHVH ¿QGLQJV DOVR IRUFH XV WR UHWKLQN WKH UHVXOWV DQG LQ- Compared to the area dealt with in part two and three, the terpretations of our multivariate morphological cluster analyses, “Anatolian Diagonal” is much larger with an extension of ap- which we used for taxonomical differentiation in part two and proximately 800 km, from the Anti-Taurus to the eastern end of WKH3RQWLFUDQJHZLWKDELIXUFDWLRQLQWKHVRXWK )LJ ,WFRQ- three. As those included solely morphological and phenotypic sists of many often clearly separated mountain stocks or ranges, parameters they were only useful for morphological separations DOO PRUH RU OHVV RULHQWDWHG IURP VRXWKZHVW WR QRUWKHDVW *HR- RISRSXODWLRQV WD[D 1HYHUWKHOHVVLWZDVDKHOSIXOWRROWRXQ- graphical isolation inside this area may be responsible for the derstand and handle the recognised complex situation of cro- high number of endemics in many genera, which are restricted to FXVHVLQ6RXWKZHVW7XUNH\DQGWRJHWDQLGHDKRZFRPSOLFDWHG parts of this diagonal mountain-belt or can be found right along the situation in the genus really is. The situation improved dra- LW DAVIS  )XUWKHUPRUHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH$QDWROLDQ'LDJR- matically when genetic analyses were included in our work. We nal CULLEN XQSXEOLVKHG GLVFRYHUHGDUHPDUNDEOHÀRUDOEUHDN are now able to infer relationships within the genus, which is the when he analysed the distribution of plant species for volume PRVWLPSRUWDQWSUHUHTXLVLWHIRUWD[RQRPLFDOGH¿QLWLRQVDQGV\V- one of the Flora of Turkey. Our phylogenetic results concerning tematic groupings. In our case analytical results of two nuclear the genus Crocus HARPKE et al. 2013, unpublished) also clearly as well as two chloroplast regions are available for this purpose. VXSSRUWWKLVÀRUDOEUHDNWKURXJKLQQHU$QDWROLDDVQRQHRIWKH Adami-group taxa can be found westwards of the Anatolian Di- One can expect of course correlations between genetic re- agonal. sults, the morphological parameters, and the geographical dis- Phytogeographical differentiations in and adjacent to the tributions of the crocuses. To shed more light on these connec- $QDWROLDQ 'LDJRQDO DAVIS 1971) can be seen on Fig. 1. Ac- - WLRQVDQGWR¿QGRXWWKHPRVWXVHIXOSDUDPHWHUVIRUWD[RQRPL cording to the actual situation, areas belonging to the Irano- cal purpose, all taxa, which genetically group together, will be Turanian region are predominant in central Anatolia, divided compared phenotypically, morphologically, and geographically. E\WKH$QDWROLDQ'LDJRQDOLQWRDZHVWHUQSDUW FHQWUDO$QDWROLD In our opinion, this is the most effective way to establish now a &$ DQGLQWRDQHDVWHUQSDUW HDVW$QDWROLD($ 7KHVRXWKHUQ natural system of Crocus. More results of these investigations DQGVRXWKHDVWHUQSDUWRIHDVW$QDWROLDLV0HVRSRWDPLD 0HV  concerning, e.g., tunics and testa will be published else- which is warmer and dryer. In the wetter Euxine province where. (8; RIQRUWKHUQ$QDWROLDSULPDULO\(XUR6LEHULDQHOHPHQWV

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FDQEHIRXQG+RZHYHUWKHHDVWHUQSDUWRIWKLVSURYLQFHLVFDOOHG Field studies &ROFKLFVHFWRU &ROHDVWRI2UGX LQZKLFK&DXFDVLDQHOHPHQWV DUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHG7KLVZHWDQGVKHOWHUHGSDUWHYLGHQWO\ Looking at the dimensions of the mountain belt an exhaus- LQKDELWVGHVFHQGDQWVRIWKH%RUHDO7HUWLDU\ÀRUD DAVIS 1971). tive investigation of all Crocus populations is nearly impossible In the area of the southern bifurcation of the diagonal mainly within a lifespan. All the mountains are inhabited by many inter- constituents of the east Mediterranean province are existent, esting and sparsely understood crocus populations, which were VXEGLYLGHGLQWRWKH7DXUXVGLVWULFW 7 DQGWKH$PDQXVGLVWULFW merged into only four taxa by MATHEW (1982): &ELÀRUXV subsp. $ 7KHODVWRQHLVUHPDUNDEOHIRULWVQXPHURXV(XUR6LEHULDQ adamii GAY and subsp. tauri MAW inside the diagonal, subsp. elements, which might have imigrated from the north, probably artvinensis PHILIPPOV in north-eastern Turkey, and in Mesopota- DORQJWKH$QDWROLDQ'LDJRQDOGXULQJWKHJODFLDO SOXYLDO SKDVHV mia subsp. pseudonubigena MATHEW. RIWKH3OHLVWRFHQHVWDUWLQJDERXWPLOOLRQ\HDUV 0D DJR To reduce our travelling distances, we divided our investi- The mountains of the Anatolian Diagonal, especially in the gation area in a southern and a northern part where we made bifurcation, belong to complex geological formations and hence 11 expeditions to selected mountain ranges between 1995 and have very different soil types. Different rocks and soils have in- )LHOGVWXGLHVZHUHFRQGXFWHGRQGLIIHUHQWSRSXODWLRQV ÀXHQFHRQHFRV\VWHPVDQGSODQWOLIH1HYHUWKHOHVVWKHUHLVQR RQPRXQWDLQUDQJHVRUPRXQWDLQVWRFNVLQ/D]LVWDQ ¿YHSRSXOD- tendency observable that Crocus species prefer a special type of WLRQV $QWLWDXUXV WKUHHSRSXODWLRQV $PDQXV RQHSRSXODWLRQ  edaphic condition because they seem to be evenly distributed on &DSSDGRFLD IRXUSRSXODWLRQV 8SSHU(XSKUDWHV ¿YHSRSXOD- all kinds of soils, as long as these are rich in nutrients. For this WLRQV  0HVRSRWDPLD ¿YH SRSXODWLRQV  1RUWK $UPHQLD WZR reason they mostly can be found on black or brown humus-rich SRSXODWLRQV DQG6RXWK$UPHQLD RQHSRSXODWLRQ  )LJ 7DE soils. 1a). Of several other populations in these areas and those to the HDVWDQGVRXWKHDVWQR¿HOGVWXGLHVFRXOGEHPDGHIRUGLIIHUHQW reasons but genetic investigations of leaf-material were possible Climate 7DEE  The same morphological characters/parameters were con- 7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOGLIIHUHQWFOLPDWLFLQÀXHQFHVDQGPLFURFOL- VLGHUHGDVGHVFULEHGSUHYLRXVO\ KERNDORFF & PASCHE   mates along the Anatolian Diagonal. In general, the borders of $JDLQZHSKRWRJUDSKHGDODUJHQXPEHURIÀRZHULQJVSHFLPHQV WKHUHFHQWFOLPDWLF]RQHVRIWKHLQYHVWLJDWLRQDUHDPD\EHGH- to document the variability of colouring and the general appear- ¿QHGDVIROORZV DQFHVGLVWLQFWQHVVRIÀRZHUVRIHDFKSRSXODWLRQ$VHOHFWLRQLV L In the south-western part of the Anatolian Diagonal the SUHVHQWHGLQWKH¿YHFRORXUSODWHV )LJV ZKLFKLQFOXGHIRXU examples from the type locality of each investigated population. Mediterranean belt extends from the southern Bolkar 'D÷ODUÕ 0HUVLQ WRDSSUR[LPDWHO\.DKUDPDQPDUDúLQWKH north including the Amanus range with an eastern edge QHDU*D]LDQWHS7KLVUHJLRQLVSUHGRPLQDWHGE\GU\VXP- The type off C. tauri mers and relatively humid and mild winters. 2QHRIWKH¿UVW¿QGLQJVZDVWKDWDW\SLFDO C. tauri form is, North of this area and west of the Diagonal central Anato- LL FRQWUDU\WRWKHSUHVHQWNQRZOHGJH MATHEW 1982), not at all com- OLDQFOLPDWH FRQWLQHQWDOFOLPDWH H[LVWV mon in all the areas investigated. In addition, beneath extreme LLL East of the Diagonal central-east Anatolian climate is pre- YDULDWLRQVRIWKHÀRZHUVDPRQJLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKLQSRSXODWLRQV GRPLQDQW HDVW FRQWLQHQWDO W\SH YHU\ FROGDQG GU\ ZLQ- ZHDOVRIRXQGVLJQL¿FDQWSKHQRW\SLFDQGPRUSKRORJLFDOGLIIHU- ters) with easing conditions south of the Antitaurus and the ences between populations. Their morphological differentiation *QH\'R÷X'D÷ODUÕPRXQWDLQDUF 0HVRSRWDPLDFOLPDWH LV DOVR VXSSRUWHG E\ NDU\RORJLFDO SCHNEIDER et al. 2013) and type in the Euphrates-Tigris area, very hot and dry sum- SK\ORJHQHWLFLQYHVWLJDWLRQV HARPKE et al. 2013, unpublished). mers). Therefore, to distinguish and describe new taxa found in the LY ,QWKHQRUWK 3RQWLFUDQJH WKHFOLPDWHLVPXFKZHWWHUDQG C. tauri distribution region, a comparison with the type became milder except for the high mountain areas above 1500 m necessary. The type locality of C. tauri is said to be “near the Ci- elevation. OLFLDQ*DWHV´DWDQHOHYDWLRQRIPFROOHFWHGE\0U$XFK- $OOWKLVDQGLQWHUPHGLDWHVRIFOLPDWLFUHJLRQV UHJLRQDOPL- HU(OR\ VSHFLPHQV QRV  DQG  LQ .HZ DQG *HQHYD FURFOLPDWHV LQÀXHQFHWKHRFFXUUHQFHDQGGLVWULEXWLRQRIFURFXV- KHUEDULD 7KHVXUURXQGLQJVRIWKH&LOLFLDQ*DWHVDWWKLVDOWLWXGH es. In the southern slopes of, e.g., the Antitaurus, crocuses grow seem to be highly improbable from the ecological point of view at 700-900 m elevation, with lower boundaries for the occur- for an “alpine crocus”, that C. tauri LVPHDQWWREH8QIRUWXQDWH- rence towards the middle of the Anatolian Diagonal, where they ly, after a long thorough search in this area and on mountains on mostly grow above 900 m, regularly around 1500 m but also up ERWKVLGHVRIWKH&LOLFLDQ*DWHZHZHUHQRWDEOHWR¿QGLW to approximately 2500 m or even higher. In the wetter and milder In the original description of the species MAW  PDGHD climate of the northern and north-eastern parts of the mountain painting of C. taurii drawn from a herbarium sheet which he lent ranges crocuses are mainly concentrated in the higher mountains from “Monsieur de Candolle”, which allegedly stems from speci- DQGDERYHJURXQGDSSHDUDQFHLVFRQ¿QHGWRWKHPRQWKVEHWZHHQ mens of the type locality. On this sheet are of the Aucher- April and October. Exceptions are the north-eastern lee-sides of (OR\FROOHFWLRQQR:HLQYHVWLJDWHGGLJLWDOFRSLHVRIKHU- the Pontic range, which are not more than 30 km away from the EDULXPVSHFLPHQVRIWKH*HQHYDKHUEDULXPZKLFKZHUHNLQGO\ %ODFN6HDFRDVWZKHUHFURFXVHVJURZDVORZDVPDERYH VHQWWRXV $XFKHU(OR\VSODQWVQR * DQG VHDOHYHODQGFDQÀRZHUDOUHDG\IURPPLGRI-DQXDU\RQZDUGV * * 7KHSODQWVZLWKWKHFROOHFWLRQQR

162 STAPFIA: reports KERNDORFF DO‡ &URFXVELÀRUXV²Part IV STAPFIA 99 (2013): 159–186

Table 1a: Identity parameters of investigated Crocus populations of the Anatolian Diagonal including chromosome numbers

population altitude specimens taxon definition on genetic, mountain range date of identity area (or range) investigated morphological and 2n (or city surroundings) field studies (HKEP)* (m) (n) geographic bases 0001 22 Mesopotamia Nizip environs 800-900 17.02.2000 29 pseudonubigena 18 0101 22 Mesopotamia foot of Kartal DaF 1000-1100 15.03.2005 40 kartaldagensis 18 0501 22 Mesopotamia Güz DaF 900-1200 15.03.2005 30 romuleoides 18 05042 15 Amanus Karaman-Mara env. 900-1100 18.03.2005 30 marasensis 22 0508 14 Antitaurus Karanfil DaF 1000-1200 20.03.2005 31 pelitensis 22 0514 20 Cappadocia $*1;*4F*4*9F 2000-2300 03.05.2005 31 schneideri 20 0524 14 Antitaurus Berit Da 1900-2300 02.04.2009 26 berytius 18 0613** 04 Lazistan Giresun Da4*9F 1500-1600 15.03.2006 31 undefined (adamii-group) 18 0616 24 North Armenia Güllü Da4*9F 2000-2100 17.03.2006 30 undefined (adamii-group) 18 0618 21 Upper Euphrates Mescit Dalari 2100-2200 19.03.2006 34 undefined (adamii-group) 20 0621 04 Lazistan D4*0F 1900-2100 20.03.2006 32 ponticus 18 0926 20 Cappadocia Yama DaF 1900-2000 28.03.2009 31 undefined (adamii-group) 18 0929 21 Upper Euphrates Agörmez DaF 1800-2000 23.03.2009 37 tauri epitype 18 1016 04 Lazistan KalkanlFDa4*9F 2200-2300 10.04.2010 36 aërius 22 1019** 24 North Armenia Kop DaF 2300-2400 11.04.2010 16 undefined (NE-Anatol. gr.) 18 1037*** 25 South Armenia Palandöken Da4*9F 2300-2400 20.04.2010 28 adamii f. roopiae WOR.18 9009 14 Antitaurus Central Taurus 900-1200 19.03.2005 31 albocoronatus 20 9347 21 Upper Euphrates Munzur Da4*9F 900-1200 16.03.2005 23 munzurense 20 9359 04 Lazistan Karçal DaF 500-800 15.02.2007 36 artvinensis 20 9361 04 Lazistan *-F9aF 1000-1200 18.02.2007 33 fibroannulatus 24 9910** 21 Upper Euphrates *84F3*?*;.8. 1200-1300 24.03.1999 18 aff. munzurense 20 9913 21 Upper Euphrates Kub DaF 1500 27.03.1999 29 undefined (NE-Anatol. gr.) 18 9914 22 Mesopotamia Maden Da4*9F 900-1100 17.03.2005 33 malatyensis n.d. 9917 22 Mesopotamia Malatya Da4*9F 1500-2100 27.03.1999 29 undefined (NE-Anatol. gr.) 20 9923 20 Cappadocia Kangal environs 1400 28.03.1999 31 kangalensis 18 9927 20 Cappadocia Tecer Da4*9F 1500-1800 28.03.1999 34 sivasensis 36

* investigators Helmut Kerndorff & Erich Pasche 2 discovered by J. Lebsa & W. Näcke under JLWN 9807 ** no photographs are available for these populations *** 1037 is genetical (ITS-region) identical to C. adamii ArmGet_1_2, C. adamii Arm Van, C. adamii MP9676 (see table 1b)

Table 1b: Identity of Crocus populations with DNA-results only (no field studies existent)

population identity mountain range altitude taxon classified according to genetic area (collector) or nearest city (or range) (m) groups or morphology HKEP 0611 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates Köse DaG 1900-2000 undefined (E&NE-Anatolian group HKEP 1018 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates E-Giresun Da6+;G 1900-2000 undefined (E&NE-Anatolian group HKEP 1020 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates E-Giresun Da6+;G 2100-2200 undefined HKEP 1025* Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates &+;GD3D/5+6+;G 2000-2100 undefined (adamii-group) HKEP 1026 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates E-Giresun Da6+;G 1700-1800 undefined (adamii-group) HKEP 1029 Turkey 04 Lazistan Karagöl DaG 1900-2000 undefined (adamii-group) HKEP 1032 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates Körolu DaG 1700-1800 undefined (belongs to western taxa) HKEP 1034 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates Kepez DaG 1800-1900 undefined (tauri-group, cf .0929) HKEP 1035 Turkey 21 Upper Euphrates Kepez DaG 1700 undefined (tauri-group, cf .0929) HKEP 1036 Turkey 24 North Armenia Palandöken Da6+;G 1800 undefined ? Persia Zanjan Abhar 2150 cf. adamii JMM 01-136 Persia, Kurdistan E of Sanandaj 2100 cf. adamii MP 9676 Armenia Gegam Mountains (Gekhard) ? cf. adamii (= type of C. geghartii SOSN.) Zhirair Basmajian Armenia Vanadzor ? cf. adamii Zhirair Basmajian Armenia Getahovit ? cf. adamii Zhirair Basmajian Georgia / Russia ? Caucasus ? cf. adamii Dr. R. Fritsch 2505 Armenia GPS 39.051694, 46.302109 2800 cf. adamii 7183**, B 10 0355320 Armenia surroundings of Geghard monastery ? biflorus, (referred by us to adamii-group) 7184***, B 10 0355321 surroundings of Artashchavan, near Armenia 1800 biflorus, (referred by us to adamii-group) (DNA Nr/ voucher Nr.) river Khloidzhur

* photographs from this population are shown in Fig. 9 ** col. 24.4.1946, then cultivated until 29.3.1968 *** voucher from 30.3.1960, Botanical Garden Berlin

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KDYHVHYHQUHVSHFWLYHO\HLJKWOHDYHVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH The parameter values are mostly identical. The discrepancy painting of Maw. Bracts and bracteoles of these specimens are in the leaf-number is already recognisable in former collections VWLOOPRUHRUOHVVVLOYHU\EXWWKHXSSHUFDWDSK\OOVDUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\ RI WKLV VSHFLHV VHH GLVFXVVLRQ DERYH 7KH GLIIHUHQFH LQ OHDI brown. From parts of the corm tunic still left in one plant, one width can be referred to the fact that only very few herbarium can suppose a papery one. MATHEW¶V  GHVFULSWLRQRIVXEVS specimens were available for the measurements of the original tauriLV¿WWLQJWRWKLVH[FHSWIRUWKHFRORXURIWKHFDWDSK\OOVZKLFK description and not a statistical representative number of indi- DUHVLOYHU\6SHFLPHQVRQWKHWZRRWKHUVKHHWVRIC. taurii with viduals like in our investigation. Indeed, the herbarium speci- collection no. 2128, collected in the same area, have either only PHQVIURP*HQHYDRIC. tauri sent to us have 4-5 leaves and are IRXUOHDYHV * RU¿YHOHDYHV * 6SHFLPHQV between 1 and 2 mm in diameter, which is congruent to our ob- of no. 2128 were also deposited in Kew and a digital copy of it servation. A detailed description of the C. tauri epitype is given was kindly provided by . On this sheet there is a under point 12 of the description of new species. remark of Maw, that he was seeing this specimen as identical to QXPEHU7KXVHLWKHUWKH$XFKHU(OR\SODQWVRIFROOHFWLRQ EHORQJWRDGLIIHUHQWVSHFLHVQRW\HWUHGLVFRYHUHGRUUHSUH- Morphological investigations sent individuals of C. tauri with exceptionally many leaves. The - ODWWHUZRXOGEHLQDJUHHPHQWZLWKRXU¿HOGVWXGLHV SRSXOD General Observation tions, approximately 800 individuals), where eight leaves where IRXQGRQO\RQFH LQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3IURPQHDU.DUWDO'D÷ The results of the considered morphological and phenotypical of which 40 specimens were investigated) and seven leaves found FKDUDFWHUVRIDOOLQYHVWLJDWHGSRSXODWLRQVDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEV RQO\IRXUWLPHVLQWKUHHSRSXODWLRQV +.(3VSHFLPHQV 2a-d. It is noteworthy that in all the investigated populations the RXWRI+.(3RXWRIVSHFLPHQV+.(3RXW median of the leaf-number is three or four, thus little variable. In of 31 specimens). But all of these plants are phenotypically very contrary to that the numbers of leaf-ribs underneath varies from different from C. tauri of the herbarium specimens. As we were not able to rediscover the type locality, and especially the number RQH WR ¿YH ZLWKWKH WHQGHQF\ WR KLJKHU QXPEHUV LQ WKH QRUWK Cataphylls, bracts and bracteoles are all white/silvery except for of leaves of the type is disputable, we decide to apply the mor- SRSXODWLRQV+.(3+.(3+.(3ZKLFKDUHDJ- pholigcal parameters used by MATHEW  IRUWKHFKDUDFWHULVD- LQJEURZQLQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3WKH\DUHHYHQSHUVLVWHQWDQG tion of &ELÀRUXV subsp. tauriWRGH¿QHDQHSLW\SXV6SHFLPHQVRI LQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3RQO\UDUHO\EURZQLVK0HGLDQOHQJWKV WKHSRSXODWLRQ+.(3VHHPWR¿WEHVW7KHSRSXODWLRQLVOR- cated in the central Anatolian Diagonal, near the city of Darende, RIRXWHUVHJPHQWVL]HVYDU\IURPWRPPWKHZLGWKIURP between Malatya and Kayseri, which was also described as typi- WRPP5HVXOWVRILQQHUVHJPHQWVDUHVOLJKWO\ORZHU 7DEE  FDODUHDIRUWKLVVSHFLHV MATHEW 1982). 7KHVKRUWHVW¿ODPHQWVDUHIRXQGZLWKLQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3 PHDQPP WKHORQJHVWZLWK+.(3 PHDQPP  All morphological parameters used by Mathew were compared 9HU\SURPLQHQWDQWKHUVZHUHREVHUYHGZLWKLQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3 to the epitype:  PHDQPP WKHVKRUWHVWRQHVLQ+.(3 PHDQ 7.42 mm). Mean-length of style-branches vary from 4.3 mm MATHEW &ELÀRUXV subsp. WDXUL accrording to (1982): +.(3   WR  PP +.(3   6W\OHOHQJWKV FRPSDUHG corm tunic: rather membranous, not usually markedly WRVWDPHQDUHDOZD\VVKRUWHUZLWKLQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3DQG coriaceous PRVWO\ORQJHUZLWKLQSRSXODWLRQ+.(3$OORWKHUSRSXOD- OHDYHVQR VWLIÀ\HUHFWDQGVKRUWHUWKDQWRHTXDOOLQJ WLRQVVKRZVLJQL¿FDQWYDULDWLRQIRUWKLVSDUDPHWHU WKHÀRZHUDWDQWKHVLV Remarkable under the habitual point of view are populations leaves, diam.: 1.5-3.5 mm IURP WKH .DUWDO 'D÷ ODUJH DQG FRORXUIXO +.(3   *] bract, bracteole: silvery, often rather large and conspicuous, 'D÷Õ YHU\ VPDOO ÀRZHUV RSHQ OLNH ÀDW VWDUV QHDU WKH JURXQG not markedly long-attenuate at the apex similar to Romulea +.(3   DQG 0DGHQ 'D÷ODUÕ ODUJH ÀRZHUV SDOHWRPLGOLODFZLWKQRSURPLQHQWGDUNHU and unusual rosy-lilac ground-colours and prominent frequent VWULSHVRQWKHH[WHULRUEXWVRPHWLPHV¿QHO\ WXUTXRLVHRUEOXHYLROHWEORWFKHVQHDUWKHSHULDQWKWXEH+.(3 veined or feathered darker; throat pale yel- 9914). Most interesting is a population from the surroundings low RI.DUDPDQ0DUDú +.(3 GLVFRYHUHGE\-/HEVD : 1lFNH SHUVRQDOFROOHFWLRQQR-/:1 ZKHUHDOOLQGLYLG- Specimens of HKEP 0929 (Epitype of &WDXUL MAW XDOVKDYHGDUNEURZQSHUVLVWHQWFDWDSK\OOV )LJI ZKLFKLV deposited at Gatersleben, GAT 7147): known to be typical only for some taxa of series Flavi. corm tunic: Outer and inner corm tunics membranous Very interesting are two extremely small populations in the OHDYHVQR PHGLDQ VHHFRPPHQWVLQWKHWH[W  $QWL7DXUXVDQGWKH0XQ]XU'D÷ODUÕ7KH¿UVWRQHGHVFULEHGE\ OHDYHVVWLIÀ\HUHFWDQGVKRUWHUWKDQWRHTXDO- KERNDORFF  DV &ELÀRUXVsubsp. albocoronatus, has rath- OLQJWKHÀRZHUDWDQWKHVLV er narrow star-like segments, inside a deep rosy-lilac colour, the leaves, diameter: 1.5-2 mm outside of the outer segments buff-coloured and violet striped. It EUDFWEUDFWHROH VLOYHU\VNLQQ\FRQVSLFXRXVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\ has intensive brown cataphylls/bract/bracteole with age, in few prolonged VSHFLPHQVWKHFDWDSK\OOVDUHDOVRSHUVLVWHQW +.(3 7KH ÀRZHUV SDOHWRPLGOLODFZLWKQRSURPLQHQWGDUNHU VHFRQGRQHIURPWKH0XQ]XU'D÷ODUÕLVFRQVSLFXRXVO\FLOLDWHG stripes on the interior and exterior but some- on mature leaves, which is very unusual in crocus. The anthers WLPHV¿QHO\YHLQHGRUIHDWKHUHGGDUNHUHVSH- of all investigated populations are yellow, except the ones of FLDOO\WRZDUGVWKHSHULDQWKWXEH VHHFRORXU +.(3 DOOEODFN +.(3 EODFN\HOORZ  plate 3), throat pale yellow to dark yellow DQG+.(3 EODFNLVKJUH\LVKDQGJUHHQLVK 

164 STAPFIA: reports © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.a


Table 2a: Results of field studies for cataphylls, bracts, bracteoles, and true leaves

cataphylls/ population true leaves bracts/bracteoles (HKEP) colour number (range) mean median diameter5 (mm) ribs underneath white stripe1 0001 silvery / white 2-5 3,24 3 1-1,5 1-2 <1/3 – 1/3 0101 silvery / white 3-8 4,49 4 1-2 2  - 1/3 0501 silvery / white 2-5 3,17 3 1 (1)2 <1/3 – 1/3 0504 silvery/aging brown3 2-5 3,43 3 1,5 (1)2 <1/3 – 1/3 0508 silvery / white 2-5 3,16 3 1-1,5 2 1/3(>1/3) 0514 silvery / white 3-7 4,29 4 2-2,5 (3)4(5)  - 1/3 0524 silvery / white 3-5 4,24 4 1 (1)2 <1/3 0613 silvery / white 2-7 4,03 4 1,5 2(3) <1/3 – 1/3 0616 silvery / white 3-6 3,63 3 1,5-2 2(3) <1/3 – 1/3 0618 silvery / white 2-5 3,18 3 1-1,5 2  - 1/3 0621 silvery/aging brown4 3-6 3,73 4 1,5-2 2(3) <1/3 – 1/3 0926 silvery / white 2-4 3,32 3 1-2 2-3 <1/3 0929 silvery / white 2-5 3,62 4 1,5-2 2 <1/3 – 1/3 1016 silvery / rarely brownish 2-5 3,17 3 2-2,5 2  - 1/3 1019 silvery / white 3-7 4,25 4 1,5-2(2,5) (2)3(4)  - 1/3 1037 silvery / white 2-4 3,14 3 1,5-2 (2)3 1/6-1/4 (1/3) 9009 silvery/aging brown2 3-7 4,10 4 1-1,5 2 1/3–>1/3 9347 silvery ?dried 2-4 3,13 3 1,5 2-3 1/3–>1/3 9359 silvery/aging brown 3-6 4,31 4 1-1,5 1-2 1/3–>1/3 9361 silvery / white 3-5 3,74 4 1 2 <1/4 9910 silvery / white 3-4 3,30 3 1,5-2 3-4 <1/3 – 1/3 9913 silvery / white 2-6 3,47 3 1-2 2 1/3 9914 silvery / white 3-6 3,55 3 1,5-2 1-2(3) 1/3–>1/3 9917 silvery / white 3-5 3,66 4 1-2 2(3) 1/3 9923 silvery / white 3-5 3,58 4 1-2 (1)2(3) 1/3 9927 silvery / white 2-5 3,68 4 1-2 2(3-4) 1/3

1 in dimension of leaf-diameter (approximately 1/3 is considered as “normal”) 2 rarely persistent 3 persistent 4 get brown already in early stadium 5 at broadest part

Table 2b: Results of field studies for segment sizes

population range of segment sizes (mm) (HKEP) outer length1 outer width1 inner length1 inner width1 0001 23, 29, 32 05, 06, 08 22, 26, 28 05, 06, 08 0101 19, 25, 34 05, 08, 11 17, 24, 33 05, 08, 10 0501 16, 20, 24 03, 05, 07 14, 18, 22 03, 05, 06 0504 17, 25, 33 04, 05, 07 16, 25, 33 04, 06, 08 0508 16, 22, 32 04, 05, 08 16, 21, 29 05, 07, 09 0514 19, 23, 29 05, 08, 13 18, 23, 28 05, 08, 12 0524 15, 22, 32 07, 10, 15 13, 21, 31 05, 09 14 0613 20, 24, 31 06, 08, 13 19, 23, 30 05, 08, 11 0616 20, 24, 30 07, 09, 15 19, 23, 29 06, 09, 13 0618 16, 22, 26 05, 08, 10 15, 20, 25 05, 08, 11 0621 20, 24, 33 06, 08, 10 19, 23, 31 04, 08, 11 0926 09, 23, 28 07, 09, 11 18, 22, 27 06, 08, 11 0929 20, 24, 30 07, 09, 12 18, 22, 29 06, 08, 10 1016 21, 30, 38 07, 11, 16 21, 29, 45 06, 11, 17 1019 19, 25, 35 06, 09, 12 19, 26, 36 06, 10, 12 1037 20, 25, 33 06, 09, 13 19, 24, 32 05, 09, 12 9009 18, 25, 34 03, 05, 08 17, 23, 34 04, 06, 08 9347 15, 21, 28 05, 08, 11 15, 20, 26 04, 08, 10 9359 17, 24, 32 05, 07, 09 16, 23, 30 05, 08, 11 9361 19, 23, 26 06, 07, 09 19, 22, 25 06, 07, 10 9910 23, 29, 36 06, 08, 12 20, 26, 34 05, 08, 11 9913 21, 27, 31 05, 08, 12 20, 26, 30 05, 08, 13 9914 19, 29, 39 06, 09, 12 19, 27, 33 06, 09, 11 9917 20, 25, 32 07, 08, 15 20, 25, 31 07, 09,1 3 9923 22, 28, 36 07, 10, 12 20, 27, 34 07, 09, 13 9927 20, 25, 33 07, 09, 12 19, 25, 33 07, 09, 13

1 left side = minimum, middle = mean, right side = maximum values

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Table 2c: Results of field studies for filaments, anthers, and styles

population filaments anthers styles length acc. to length (mm) length (mm) length (mm) length (mm) length1 (mm) length acc. to (HKEP) stamen (mean) (median) (mean) (median) (mean) stamen2 (mean)3 0001 3,75 4 8,10 8 6,96 02, 02, 25 -0,79 0101 3,95 4 9,82 10 6,86 03, 00, 20 -0,63 0501 4,13 4 7,42 7 5,71 01, 02, 24 -0,81 0504 3,90 4 12,10 12 4,31 00, 00, 30 -1,00 0508 3,71 4 8,65 9 5,73 09, 09, 13 -0,13 0514 2,87 3 8,07 8 5,33 13, 06, 11 -0,17 0524 4,78 5 10,38 9 4,45 13, 32, 10 0,05 0613 4,00 4 10,16 10 7,14 09, 12, 10 -0,03 0616 3,10 3 9,63 10 5,94 15, 13, 02 0,43 0618 3,58 4 8,45 8 5,15 22, 08, 03 0,58 0621 4,59 5 11,53 11 7,77 13, 15, 04 0,28 0926 3,74 4 10,16 10 8,48 22, 09, 00 0,71 0929 3,23 3 9,94 10 6,23 08, 19, 08 0,00 1016 4,33 4,5 11,47 10,5 6,82 13, 16, 07 0,25 1019 4,50 4,5 9,73 10 5,21 10, 07, 05 0,09 1037 4,43 4,5 8,14 8 4,94 06, 19, 03 0,57 9009 3,81 4 9,03 9 6,70 13, 05, 13 -0,26 9347 2,70 3 10,27 10 6,27 06, 04, 13 -0,39 9359 3,00 3 9,58 10 8,19 34, 02, 00 0,94 9361 3,21 3 10,67 11 8,92 30, 03, 00 0,71 9910 5,07 5 9,56 10 6,06 07, 09, 02 0,39 9913 5,17 5 9,69 10 6,39 11, 13, 04 0,34 9914 4,36 4 10,71 10 7,14 07, 22, 02 0,65 9917 5,13 5 10,10 10 5,69 18, 08, 03 0,17 9923 5,00 5 9,58 10 8,00 18, 03, 10 -0,23 9927 3,75 4 9,79 10 6,19 17, 01, 16 -0,44

1 length of branches 2 no. equal, longer, shorter (of investigated specimens) 3 mean of styles longer (1), equal (0), and shorter (-1) of stamens

In the northern part of the Anatolian Diagonal, six popula- Differentiation of genetic sub-groups in the “Adami tions of Crocus could be investigated. One of those is the re- cluster” markable C. artvinensis known since 1917 to occur in the vi- FLQLW\RIWKHFLW\RI$UWYLQ,WVPRVWFKDUDFWHULVWLFÀRZHUDVSHFW Due to the completely changed situation in our work it seems is a very broad violet stripe in the centre of the outside of the useful to us only to compare those populations phenotypically and outer segments, although this feature is more variable than pre- morphologically, which were genetically clustered together in dis- YLRXVO\WKRXJKW )LJLO 7KHVHFRQGRQHLV &¿EURDQQXODWXV, WLQFWXQLWVRUVXEXQLWV JURXSV  7DE )LJ³$GDPL´FOXVWHU GLVFRYHUHGLQ KERNDORFF & PASCHE 1993) and described same colours of groups on both). Detailed genetic results concern- as &ELÀRUXV subsp. ¿EURDQQXODWXV. This one has a strange outer ing this cluster as well as all others of section Nudiscapus will be FRUPWXQLF FRQVLVWLQJ RI QDUURZ SDUDOOHO ¿EUHOLNH EDQGV DQG published elsewhere. As already mentioned in part two and three, sporadically basal rings. The third one is a very strange popula- ERWKTXDOLWDWLYHDQGTXDQWLWDWLYHFKDUDFWHUV SDUDPHWHUV DUHXVHG tion not alike the two others from a high alpine region of the IRUFRPSDULVRQSXUSRVHV7KHVHDUHSUHVHQWHGLQWZRSDUWVDW¿UVW HDVWHUQ3RQWLFUDQJH *O'D÷Õ ,QWKLVWKHVHJPHQWVDUHFRP- LQDFRPSDULVRQRIWKHÀRZHUYDULDWLRQRIHDFKSRSXODWLRQLQ)LJ paratively pointed and the basal colour is in general rather light 4 and secondly in a comparison of the most important morpho- blue to soft lilac with white veins, resembling a mixture between logical and phenotypic results of Tab. 4. The genetic analyses re- the species “¿EURDQQXODWXV” and “tauri”, but the corm tunic is YHDOHG¿YHPDMRUVXEFOXVWHUVRIWKHODUJH³$GDPLFOXVWHU´ 7DE similar to C. artvinensis. Most spectacular, however, in this one  7KHVHVXEFOXVWHUV JURXSV DUHWKH³( 1($QDWROLDQ´JURXS WKH³DGDPLL´JURXS ZHVWDQGHDVW WKH³PXQ]XUHQVHJURXS´WKH LVDVDOPRQFRORXUHGWKURDWDORQJZLWK¿ODPHQWVDQGVW\OHVRI ³SVHXGRQXELJHQDJURXS´DQGWKH³WDXUL´JURXS6HSDUDWHRUVLQJOH the same colour to be found in several individuals. This colour positions in the large “Adami-cluster” have C. schneiderii +.(3 ZDVVHHQE\XVIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHLQWKHJHQXV 0514), C. munzurense DQGDUHODWHG VSHFLHV +.(3  DQG 7KH GLYHUVLW\ RI WKH  SRSXODWLRQV VWXGLHG DOO DORQJ DQG +.(3  C. berytius +.(3 DQGC. pelitensis +.(3 within the Diagonal is surprising compared to the, absolutely 0508), the last four described in this paper. Although support val- seen, few localities investigated. It shows a very high degree of ues for some phylogenetic groups are quite low at the present state variability, which we never expected, but is indeed comparable of investigation they are of course worth a comparison with phe- to the one we found in south-western Anatolia. notypic and morphological parameters.

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Table 2d: Results of field studies for colours of filaments, connectives, anthers, and styles

population identity colour of filaments colour of connectives colour of anthers colour of styles (HKEP) 0001 light yellow to yellow colourless black/gray/greenish orange 0101 yellow gray to black black orange 0501 colourless to light yellow colourless to gray 7%yellow, 93%black yellow to orange 0504 orange colourless yellow red 0508 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow orange-red to red 0514 deep yellow to orange light yellow to yellow yellow orange 0524 orange colourless yellow orange to orange-red 0613 colourless to light yellow colourless yellow deep yellow to orange 0616 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow yellow to orange 0618 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow yellow to orange 0621 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow yellow to orange 0926 yellow colourless yellow orange-red 0929 yellow colourless yellow orange 1016 colourless to light yellow colourless yellow orange 1019 colourless to light yellow colourless yellow orange 1037 colourless colourless yellow light yellow 9009 yellow colourless yellow orange to orange-red 9347 yellow colourless yellow orange-red to red 9359 light yellow colourless yellow orange 9361 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow orange to orange-red 9910 yellow colourless to light yellow yellow orange 9913 yellow colourless yellow yellow to orange 9914 deep yellow to orange colourless yellow red 9917 light yellow colourless yellow orange 9923 colourless to light yellow colourless yellow, black edges yellow to orange 9927 light yellow to yellow colourless yellow orange-red to red

&RPSDULVRQRIÀRZHUYDULDWLRQ ,QWKHFRQQHFWHGVHFRQGJURXS *PúKDQH(U]XUXPJURXS +.(3DQG WKLVJUHHQLVKWXUTXRLVH]RQH Especially in the south and the north of the Anatolian Di- is by far not so well developed. Indeed, only three specimens of agonal the genetic and phenotypic diversity of the investigated SRSXODWLRQKDYHWUDFHVRILW,QVWHDGWKH\HOORZWKURDWLV populations reach a remarkably high level. Although it is not marked, especially in population 1019 which means, these two possible to consider all populations of Crocus in this large area, JHQHWLFJURXSVDUHHDVLO\VHSDUDEOHE\ÀRZHUSDUDPHWHU RXU¿QGLQJVKHOSWRGUDZDPXFKFOHDUHUSLFWXUHRIWKHFRPSOH[ ,QWKHWKLUGJURXS 3RQWLFJURXS+.(3 ÀRZHUVPLVV- VLWXDWLRQRIFURFXVHVLQWKH$QDWROLDQ'LDJRQDO,Q)LJDOO LQJ   DQG   VWULSHG ÀRZHUV DUH PRVW IUHTXHQW DQG LQYHVWLJDWHGSRSXODWLRQVDUHSUHVHQWHGE\DVHOHFWLRQRIVL[ÀRZ- VHSDUDWHVWKLVJURXSIURPWKH¿UVWWZR3RSXODWLRQKDV HUYDULDQWVRIGULHGVSHFLPHQV$WD¿UVWJOLPSVHRQWKLV¿JXUH a deep brownish-violet striping near the perianth tube on a one can see already how different they are. In our opinion, this is GHHSEOXLVKYLROHWÀRZHUSRSXODWLRQKDVDPXFKOLJKW- WKHRQO\XVHIXOZD\WRFRPSDUHÀRZHUYDULDWLRQVLQCrocus. Try- er ground-colour and the spot near the perianth-tube is much LQJWRFRPSDUHDQGUHPHPEHUWKHÀRZHUYDULDQWVRIDORFDOLW\LV more bluish and elongated up the segment, which separates it DOUHDG\GLI¿FXOWEXWIURPORFDWLRQWRORFDWLRQLWLVLPSRVVLEOH ZHOOIURP Trying this by using photographs or herbarium vouchers is also 7KH $UWYLQ JURXS +.(3  DQG   LV UHSUHVHQWHG UDWKHUGLI¿FXOWRULPSRVVLEOHEHFDXVHRQHQHHGVVHYHUDORUPDQ\ E\WZRHDVLO\GLVWLQJXLVKDEOHVSHFLHV3RSXODWLRQLVDOVR good collections, which then have to be observed at the same profusely striped and feathered on a light to deep bluish ground developmental stage. In the following we consider major visible whereas population 9359 has an invariable soft lilac ground col- DWWULEXWHVRIWKHÀRZHUVRIHDFKSRSXODWLRQWRVHHLIWKH\FRUUH- our with one prominent deep violet vein accompanied by small VSRQGWRWKHJHQHWLFVXEGLYLVLRQV JURXSV RI7DE vertical ones. These features make them easily separable from 7KH0DODW\DJURXS +.(3 ZKLFKLVWKH the Pontic group. Both groups are striped and feathered pro- ¿UVWJURXSLQWKH( 1($QDWROLDQFOXVWHU 7DE LVFKDUDFWHU- IXVHO\ZKLFKVHSDUDWHVWKHPIURPWKH0DODW\DDQG*PúKDQH LVHGE\DVLJQL¿FDQWJUHHQLVKWXUTXRLVH]RQHDERYHWKHSHULDQWK (U]XUXPJURXS7DNLQJDOOWKLVLQWRDFFRXQWLWLVFOHDUO\YLVLEOH WXEHZKLFKLVLQWHQVL¿HGLQGULHGVSHFLPHQV7KHÀRZHUVDUH WKDWRQO\WKHIHZÀRZHUSDUDPHWHUVFRPSDUHGFRQ¿UPWKHJH- deep bluish-violet without or with very little veining. QHWLFJURXSLQJVRIWKH( 1($QDWROLDQFOXVWHU

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Fig. 3: Distribution of genetic groups (colours for Tab. 3 and Fig. 3 are the same).

7KH DGDPLLZHVW DQG DGDPLLHDVW VXEFOXVWHUV 7DE   DUH A closer investigation of this connection is unfortunately not JHQHWLFDOO\QRW\HWVXI¿FLHQWO\VHSDUDWHGVRJURXSVDQGVRPH SRVVLEOH EHFDXVH WKH ORFDOLW\ RI +.(3  ZDV GHVWUR\HG WD[DDUHVWLOOZLWKRXWQDPHV6SHFLPHQVRIWKH¿UVWJURXSRIWKLV meanwhile. Remarkable of these populations are the mostly FOXVWHU SRSXODWLRQV+.(3DQGSDUWRIDGDPLLZHVW  JUH\LVKEOXH FRORXU DQG VLJQL¿FDQWO\ URXQGHG VHJPHQWV DW WKH have dark blue but only occasionally bluish-violet ground col- DSH[6SRWVQHDUWKHDSH[DUHUDUHO\SUHVHQWEXWDEOXLVKJUHHQ- our. Noticeable is the often diffuse and tight dark blue speckling LVKEURZQLVK]RQHPD\H[LVW7KLVPDNHVWKHÀRZHUVRIC. mun- and striping especially in the centre of the outer segment and the zurense +.(3 DQGSRSXODWLRQ+.(3HDVLO\GLVWLQ- ODFNRIDEURZQ]RQHRUVWULSLQJWRZDUGVWKHSHULDQWKWXEH guishable from others. 7KHVSHFLHVRIWKHQH[WJURXS SRSXODWLRQV+.(3DQG 7KH ÀRZHUV RI WKH SVHXGRQXELJHQD FOXVWHU SRSXODWLRQV 9009, part of adamii-west) are easy to distinguish. Population 9009 +.(3    DOVR KDYH WKHLU SHFXOLDULWLHV 7KH has a soft lilac-rosy ground colour with outer segments repeat- ground colour of all of them is rather bright, either white or soft edly buff-coloured and thin vertical violet stripes accompanied by lilac. The striping is less intense developed and sometimes re- much thinner ones. Population 0504 has a comparable striping but duced to a prolonged spot from the throat upwards in the middle the ground colour is creamy-white to soft lilac. Remarkable in of the outer segments or is even totally missing. The segments both are the rather pointed and narrow segments, which separates DUHUDWKHUQDUURZDQGRQRFFDVLRQDFXWHZKLFKJLYHVD¿UPH[- WKHPZHOOIURPWKH¿UVWJURXSRIWKHDGDPLLFOXVWHU ZHVW  SUHVVLRQRIWKHÀRZHU 7KH QH[W JURXS LV RQO\ UHSUHVHQWHG E\ SRSXODWLRQ +.(3 The tauri cluster is represented by obviously phenotypically EHFDXVHQRÀRZHUVRIWKHRWKHUWKUHHSRSXODWLRQV +.(3 GLIIHUHQWSRSXODWLRQV3RSXODWLRQ+.(3LVGH¿QHGE\XVDV  DUHDYDLODEOH6RDFRPSDULVRQZLWKWKRVH the epitype of C. tauri. Five of the shown dried specimens have is not possible. Despite this it is obvious that in this population QRVWULSHVEXWDVLJQL¿FDQWGDUNEURZQRUYLROHWVSRWQHDUWKH no dark spots towards the perianth tube exist, only yellowish to SHULDQWKWXEH7KHRWKHURQH SRSXODWLRQ KDVZKLWHRUVRIW greenish areas without borders. OLODFÀRZHUVDOZD\VZLWKEOXLVKRUJUHHQLVKVWULSHVQHDUWKHSHUL- 7KHQH[WVXEFOXVWHU DGDPLLHDVW LVUHSUHVHQWHGE\FURFXV- anth tube mostly only extended to half of the segment. Results HV +.(3 KDYLQJPRUHYLROHWWLQJHGÀRZHUVWKDQ of chloroplast trnL-F analysis from 9923 are also different from WKRVHRI+.(3ZKLFKDUHGHHSEOXH7KHFRORXUVDQGPDUN- 0929, which means they are readily separable. ings near the perianth tube are also rather different. In population The last two populations have outstanding phylogenetic po- DQGEHQHDWKD\HOORZWKURDWVSRWVRIGLIIHUHQWFRORXUV VLWLRQV3RSXODWLRQ+.(3LVYHU\FRORXUIXOEXWDOVRYHU\ are present. Most variable in this respect is population 1037. It variable. The segments are more or less rounded on top, the is also strange to see, how deeply coloured the dried specimens striping is mostly absent, if present then thinly. The ground col- of this population are compared to the living ones documented our is a deep violet blue with all kinds of darker spots near the LQ)LJ$VLQWKH( 1($QDWROLDQFOXVWHUWKHJURXSLQJVRI perianth tube usually prolonged and thinned in the middle of WKHDGDPLLFOXVWHU DGDPLLZHVWDQGDGDPLLHDVWVXEFOXVWHU DUH WKHRXWHUVHJPHQWSHDNHGDWWRS3RSXODWLRQ+.(3KDV FRPSDUDWLYHO\ZHOOVHSDUDEOHE\ÀRZHUFKDUDFWHULVWLFV a white ground colour with dissimilar stripes. Either they are Population 0514 has an outstanding genetic position which is striped all over the segment or they only have one stripe in the QRWUHÀHFWHGLQWKHÀRZHUV,QVWHDGWKH\DUHH[WUHPHO\YDULDEOH middle of the outer segment frequently accompanied by thinner LQDOODWWULEXWHV FRPSDUHVSHFLPHQVDQGLQ)LJ ZKLFK RQHV7KHUHDUHQRLQWHQVL¿HGVSRWVQHDUWKHSHULDQWKWXEH PDNHVLWGLI¿FXOWWRGLVWLQJXLVKLWIURPRWKHUV &RQFOXVLRQRIDOOWKHVHÀRZHUFRPSDULVRQVLVWKDWZHIRXQG 7KH0XQ]XUHQVHJURXS SRSXODWLRQV+.(3DQG a high degree of correlation between phylogenetic groups and consists only of two species which are obviously very similar. ÀRZHUSDUDPHWHUVZKLFKLVHYHQWUXHDOVRIRUVXEFOXVWHUV

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Table 3: Genetic sub-divisions of the basic Adami-cluster for the analysed populations1.

cluster sub-cluster population identity E & NE-Anatolian Malatya group 9913, 9914, 9917 Gümühane-Erzurum group 0618, (1036), 1019, Pontic group (1018), 1016, 0621 Artvin group 9359, 9361, adamii adamii-west 0926, 9927 9009, 0504, 0613, (1025), (1026), (1029), adamii-east 0616, 1037, (adamii_7183BGBM), outstanding position 0514 munzurense 9347, 9910 pseudonubigena 0101, 0501, 0001 tauri 0929, (1034), (1035), 9923 outstanding position 0524, 0508

1 detailed genetic results of the Adami-Cluster (HARPKE et al. 2013) will be published elsewhere

Comparison of morphological variation RIWKHRWKHULQYHVWLJDWHGSRSXODWLRQVODFNWKHVHVXEVSOLWV6LJ- QL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHVDUHREVHUYDEOHEHWZHHQWKHQRUWKHUQSRSXOD- To see if a comparison of quantitative morphological and WLRQV  DQGWKHVRXWKHUQRQHV  7KLVLV phenotypic parameters to the genetic groupings reveals a similar especially true for the colour of cataphylls, bracts and bracte- outcome we use the parameters and their values in Tab. 4. It oles, the proportion of the segments, and in some degree to the should be mentioned here that we introduced a more detailed style-length according to stamen. description of the corm tunic than previously used. Reasons are The eastern investigated populations of the adamii sub- LQWHUHVWLQJ¿QGLQJVLQYHVWLJDWLQJPRUHWKDQDQQXODWHFRUP FOXVWHU +.(3 DUHVLPLODULQFRORXURIFDWDSK\OOV tunics from populations in Turkey, the and Italy, which bracts, and bracteoles, the leaf-diameter, number of leaf-ribs, are to be published elsewhere. and length of styles according to stamens. Very different are /LNHZLVHWRWKHÀRZHUFRPSDULVRQWKH0DODW\DJURXSSUH- their corm tunics, the dimension of the white stripe, and the sents itself very homogenous, especially concerning the corm OHQJWKRI¿ODPHQWVDQGDQWKHUVZKLFKFOHDUO\DOVRVHSDUDWHWKHP WXQLFSDUDPHWHUV 7DE 3RSXODWLRQ+.(3GLIIHUVIURP as distinct taxa which also means their genetic relationship is  DQG  KDYLQJ VKRUWHU ¿ODPHQWV DQG E\ UHG DQG ORQJ KDUGO\UHÀHFWHGE\WKHFRPSDUHGSDUDPHWHUV style-branches and styles which are mostly longer than stamen. 7KHQH[WFURFXV +.(3 KDVDQRXWVWDQGLQJSRVLWLRQLQ 7KHFRUPWXQLFVRIWKH*PúKDQH(U]XUXPJURXSDUHDV- the phylogenetic tree, which can hardly be seen comparing morpho- tonishingly uniform but very different to the Malatya group. logical parameters. Only two distinguish it clearly from most other 7KHVDPHFDQEHUHDOL]HGIRUWKHSURSRUWLRQVRIVHJPHQWV PHDQ LQYHVWLJDWHGSRSXODWLRQVWKHXQXVXDOO\KLJKQXPEHURIOHDIULEV  length of outer segment divided by mean width of outer seg- on average on both sides of the blade) which is the highest number PHQW 7KH\DUHIRUWKH*PúKDQH(U]XUXPJURXS of all populations investigated, and rather short style-branches. and clearly less than for the Malatya group which has between 7KHWD[DRIWKHPXQ]XUHQVHFOXVWHU +.(3 DUH 3.13 and 3.38. in many respects equal, e.g., in corm tunics, length of anthers, The two species of the Pontic group are similar in many mor- number of leaves, leaf-diameter and style-branches. Different SKRORJLFDO SDUDPHWHUV OLNH VHJPHQWSURSRUWLRQ OHQJWK RI ¿OD- DUHWKHÀRZHUSURSRUWLRQVWKHGLPHQVLRQRIWKHZKLWHVWULSHDQG ments and anthers, leaf-number, leaf-diameter, leaf-ribs, length styles according to stamens. Very different is the average length of style-branches and style-length compared to stamen but differ RI¿ODPHQWVLQRQO\PPZKLFKLVWKHVKRUWHVWRQHRI ZLGHO\ LQ FRUP WXQLF SDUDPHWHUV 7DE   +HUH RQ RQH KDQG all investigated populations. In contrast, 9910 has an average WKHSK\ORJHQHWLFJURXSLQJLVFRQ¿UPHGEXWRQWKHRWKHUKDQGLW length of 5.1 mm, which is almost double of those of 9347. shows that two different species are involved. 7KH SVHXGRQXELJHQD FOXVWHU +.(3     LV The Artvin group is similar to the Pontic group. Most param- well separated from all other groups, as it is the only one having eter-values are similar but the corm tunic is very different in the non-yellow anthers, which gives this parameter more taxonomi- $UWYLQJURXS,QSRSXODWLRQ+.(3LWFRQVLVWVRIWKLQ¿EUH cal weight than thought previously. More or less equal in this like bands occasionally with rings at base whereas in population group are corm tunics, colour of cataphyll/bract/bracteole, length 9359 it is coriaceous with splits into broad segments of >5 mm RI¿ODPHQWVGLPHQVLRQRIWKHZKLWHVWULSHQXPEHURIOHDIULEV and well developed also coriaceous rings. and length of styles according to stamen. Different are segment $OOSRSXODWLRQVRIWKHDGDPLLZHVWVXEFOXVWHU +.(3 SURSRUWLRQV ± OHQJWKRIDQWKHUV ±PP DQG  DUHDOVRDVWRQLVKLQJO\FRQJUXHQWFRQ- DYHUDJHOHDIQXPEHU DOPRVWLQLQDQG  cerning their corm tunic, most remarkable are the sub-splits of It shows that these phylogenetically combined populations are the tunic which are few but present in 4 of 5 populations. Most quite different to each other and well separable as species.

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7KH WDXULFOXVWHU +.(3    LV UDWKHU XQLIRUP HUHGSDUDPHWHUWKH\DUHGLIIHUHQWZKLFK¿WVZHOOWRWKH¿QGLQJ morphologically. The corm tunic parameter are almost identi- RI WKH ÀRZHU FRPSDULVRQ DQG VKRZV WKDW WKH\ DUH LQ JHQHUDO cal, leaf-number, leaf-diameter, leaf-ribs, colour of cataphylls, quite different to each other and to the other investigated popu- bracts, bracteoles, segment proportion, and length of anthers are lations. DOVRVLPLODU'LIIHUHQWDUHDYHUDJHOHQJWKRI¿ODPHQWVOHQJWKRI The conclusion from all these comparisons is that the phy- style-branches and length of styles compared to stamen, which ORJHQHWLFJURXSLQJKDVDKLJKGHJUHHRIHTXLYDOHQFHLQÀRZHU VHSDUDWHVWKHWZRSRSXODWLRQVOLNHWKHÀRZHUSDUDPHWHUVGR variation and morphological/phenotypic parameters, which thus 7KHODVWWZRWD[DRI7DE +.(3DQG KDYHSK\- FDQSURYLGHDEDFNERQHIRUWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGGHWHUPLQDWLRQ logenetically an outstanding position. Almost in every consid- RIWKHWD[DLQWKH¿HOG

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KERNDORFF DO‡ &URFXVELÀRUXV²Part IV STAPFIA 99 (2013): 159–186 2 +0,65 +0,32 +0,17 +0,58 +0,09 +0,25 +0,28 +0,91 +0,94 -0.26 -1,00 -0,03 +0,43 +0,57 -0,39 +0,39 -0,87 -0,81 -0,79 +0,01 -0,23 -0,13 l. style acc. stam. red yellow to orange orange yellow to orange orange orange yellow to orange or. to orange-red orange or. to orange-red red yellow to orange yellow-orange light yellow orange-red to red orange orange yellow to orange orange orange yellow to orange orange-red to red col. style l. style- bran. 7,14 6,39 5,09 5,15 5,21 6,82 7,77 8,92 8,19 6,70 4,31 7,14 5,94 4,94 6,27 6,06 6,64 5,71 7,86 6,21 8,00 5,73 col. conn. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c-ly gr-bl c-gr c c c c = width of outer segments; l. fila. length our of style; l. style acc. stam = length leaf diam. = diameter; col. conn. colour of 1-2(3) 2 2(3) 2 (2)3(4) 2 2(3) 2 1-2 2 (1)2 2(3) 2(3) (2)3 2-3 3-4 2 (1)2 1-2 2 (1)2(3) 2 leaf ribs no. des) leaf diam. (mm) 1,5-2 1-2 1-2 1-1,5 1,5-2,5 2-2,5 1,5-2 1 1-1,5 1-1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5-2 1,5-2 1,5 1,5-2 1-2 1 1-1,5 1-1,5 1-2 1-1,5 1 -1/3 2-2,5 (3)4(5) ly-y 5,33 orange -0,14 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3  1/3-> 1/3 1/3    <1/3 <1/4 1/3-> 1/3-> <1/3- <1/3- <1/3- 1/6-1/4 1/3-> <1/3-  <1/3- <1/3- <1/3-1/3 1/3 1/3-> white stripe leaf no. mean 3,55 3,47 3,66 3,18 4,25 3,17 3,73 3,74 4,31 4,10 3,43 4,03 3,63 3,14 3,13 3,30 4,92 3,17 3,24 3,62 3,58 3,16 ic groups (different sha ic groups i = triangles, tribri triangles forming a bristly neck, nt no teeth; colour of cataphylls: silv. = col. anth. yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black 7ye93bla y/gr/g/bl yellow y/bl edge yellow n. = mean length of style-branches; col. style col = segments; l. out length of outer w. ey, g = greenish; leaf no. mean number; l. anth. (mm) 09,79 yellow 3,68 1/3 1-2 2(3-4) c 6,19 orange-red to red -0,44 10,71 09,69 10,10 08,45 09,73 11,47 11,53 10,67 09,58 09,03 12,10 10,16 09,63 08,14 10,27 09,56 10,39 07,72 08,10 09,94 09,58 08,65 col. fila. y-or y ly ly-y c-ly c-ly ly-y ly-y ly y or c-ly ly-y c y y y c-ly ly-y y c-ly ly-y opulations according to genet 3,74 y 10,16 yellow 3,32 <1/3 1-2 2-3 c 8,48 orange-red +0,71 4,36 5,17 5,13 3,58 4,50 4,33 4,59 3,21 3,00 3,81 3,90 4,00 3,10 4,43 2,70 5,07 4,10 4,13 4,70 3,23 5,00 3,49 l. fila. (mm) fter, ab = absent, pr present, tr w. out. (mm) segm. l. out. 3,22 3,38 3,13 2,75 2,78 2,73 3,00 3,30 3,43 5,00 5,00 3,00 2,67 2,78 2,63 3,63 3,13 4,00 4,93 2,67 2,80 4,40 col. cat. bract bracte. silv silv silv silv silv silv/r.b s/ag.b. silv s/ag.b. s/ag.b. ag.b.p. silv silv silv silv silv silv silv silv silv silv silv eters of the investigated p eyish, bl = black; colour of styles: or orange; l. style-bra pr, few, nt pr,large,nt pr, nt pr, few, nt pr, few, nt ab pr, c, nt pr, few, nt pr, c, nt pr, c/m, nt pr, few, nt pr, nt pr, few, nt pr, c, nt pr, few, nt pr, nt pr, few, nt pr, c, nt pr, few, nt pr, few, nt pr, c, nt pr, c, nt anthers; col. anth. = colour of anthers, bla = black, gr tent, col. = colour; cat. cataphylls; bracte. bracteole; segm. tribri 3-7 tribri 3-7 tribri 5-8 tri 5-8 tribri 5-7 bri 7-10 tribri 3-5 tribri 2-6 tribri 5-8 tribri 9-12 tribri 5-7 tri 5-10 tri 2-6 tribri 5-8 tribri 5-7 tribri 3-4 tri 4-10 tri 3-6 tribri 5-9 tribri 5-9 tribri 3-7 tribri 5-7 neck (mm) rings , m = membranous, fb fibrous bands, so mean-values 2 ab ab ab pr, few pr, few fb ab fb ab pr, few pr, few ab ab pr, few ab ab ab ab ab pr, few ab ab sub- splits mm >5 >5 >5 2-5 2-5 fb >5 fb >5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2 2 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 >5 2-5 so so so m m m so m so m m m m so m m so so so m c so outer inner splits c c c m m fb c fb c c/m c/m m m c m m c/m c c m c c : Compilationand of mean values phenotypic param 9914 9913 9917 0618 1019 1016 0621 9361 9359 09269927 c/m9009 c/m m0504 m0613 0616 2-51037 2-5 pr, few0514 pr, few 5-9 tribri 9347 c 3-7 tribri 9910 pr, few, nt0101 pr, m, nt so0501 silv0001 silv >50929 2,56 9923 ab0524 2,780508 m 3,75 3-5 tri ly-y m pr, c, nt 2 silv ab 2,90 2-4 tri 2,87 y-or pr, few, nt 08,07 silv yellow 2,20 4,29 5,63 or 08,50 yellow 4,30 <1/3 1 (1)2 c 4,45 or. to orange-red +0,17 HKEP tunic corm in dimension of the leaf diameter; silvery, r.b. = rarely brown, ag.b. = aging brown, p persis filaments; col. fila. = colour of l. anth. length connectives, c = colourless, ly = light yellow, y gr according to stamen; Table 4 Explanatory notes: corm tunic: c = coriaceous 1

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Description of new species 'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZC. kartalda- gensis is only known from the type locality in the foothills of the .DUWDO0RXQWDLQV KHQFHNDUWDOGDJHQVLV ZHVWRI*D]LDQWHS7KH KERNDORFF & PASCHE 1. Crocus kartaldagensis VSHFLHV plant grows together with Quercus coccifera, Juniperus, Colchi- nova cum, Romulea bulbocodium var. leichtliniana, Gagea, Hyacin- thus orientalis, Paliurus spina-christi, etc. +RORW\SXV7XUNH\0HVRSRWDPLD*D]LDQWHS3URYLQFH ZHVWRI*D]LDQWHSLQWKHIRRWKLOOVRIWKH.DUWDO'D÷Õ P+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7  2. Crocus romuleoides KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV nova Cormus 1-1.5 cm diameter, tunicae exteriores coriaceae usque ad papyraceas, collum 4-10 mm longum. Cataphyllae ar- +RORW\SXV7XUNH\0HVRSRWDPLD$G\DPDQ3URYLQFH*] genteae-albae. Folia 3-4.5-8, virida, 1-2 mm diameter, compla- 'D÷ÕP+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7 nata ad apicem, glabra, 2 costis in omni sulco in folio inferiore. 7381). )ROLD EUHYLRUD TXDP ÀRUHV VXE DQWKHVL )DX[ OXWHD 3HULDQWKLL WXEXV DOEXV SURIXQGH YLRODFHXV DG DSLFHP 6HJPHQWD H[WHUQD Cormus ca. 1 cm diameter, tunicae exteriores coriaceae, in-  PP SOHUXPTXH  PP ORQJD Q     PP SOH- teriores molles, collum 3-5 mm longum. Cataphyllae argenteae- UXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPPSOH- DOEDH)ROLDSDXFD Q  YLULGDWHQXLVVLPDSOXVPL- UXPTXHPPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q   QXVYHPPGLDPHWHUJODEUDEUHYLRUDTXDPÀRUHVVXEDQWKHVL 6HJPHQWDLQWHULRUDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD 1 costa, raro 2 costis in omni sulco in folio inferiore. Corolla PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHU- IDXFHÀDYD3HULDQWKLLWXEXVDOEXVQRQQXPTXDPYLRODFHXVDG QDLQWXVDOEDXVTXHDGOLODFLQD6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDFXPYHOVLQH DSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD virgis dilutis, sed macula basilari saturate brunnea-violacea, in- PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQD WHUGXPHORQJDWXVYHUVXVDSLFHP6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDVHPSHUVLQH PPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q striis. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola adsunt, argentea,  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHUQDLQWXVDOED6HJPHQWDH[WHUQD UHFXWLWDFRQVSLFXD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q  OXWHD plerumque cum colore diluto et maculis, interdum striata non at- JODEUD$QWKHUDH VDJLWWDWDH QLJUDH  PP ORQJDH Q  WLQJHQWLDDSLFHP6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPDFXODPLQRUHVHGVHPSHU 40). Antherarum connectivum plerumque luteolum, raro nigrum macula diluta caerulea versus basim. Prophyllum abest. Bractea YHOJULVHXPSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVDXUDQWLDFXVGLYLVXVLQSDUWHV HW EUDFWHROD DGVXQW DUJHQWHD SDULWHU ORQJD )LODPHQWD  WUHVVDHSHEXFFLQDWXVDGDSLFHPUDPLVWLJPDWLFLPP PPORQJD Q  VLQHFRORUHXVTXHDGÀDYXPJODEUD$Q- ORQJL Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQYLVD&KURPRVRPDWRUXP WKHUDHPPORQJDH Q  QLJUDQWHVOXWHDH somaticorum numerus 18. sagittatae, rotundatae ad apicem. Connectivum sine colore usque Corm 1-1.5 cm in diameter, outer tunics coriaceous to pa- DGJULVHXPSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVOXWHXVXVTXHDGDXUDQWLDFXP pery, the inner ones papery, neck 4-10 mm long, consistent of GLYLVXVLQUDPRVWUHVUDPLVWLJPDWLFLPP Q  6WLJ- triangles; splits of tunics both from the neck down and the basis PDDQWKHULVEUHYLRUYHODHTXDOLV  ORQJLRU   Q   up into segments of wider than 2 mm, no further splits, rings Capsula et semina non visa. Chromosomatorum somaticorum present, more or less papery, smooth or slightly pronged, no numerus 18. teeth. Cataphylls silvery-white. Leaves 3-4.5-8, green, 1-2 mm Corm about 1 cm in diameter, tunics coriaceous, the inner LQGLDPHWHUHQGVÀDWWHQHGJODEURXVZKLWHVWULSH WRRI ones softer, neck 3-5 mm long, built of broad triangles, splits of leaf-diameter, 2 ribs underneath. Leaves at anthesis shorter than tunics mainly from the basis up into segments of 2mm, rarely ÀRZHUV7KURDW\HOORZQRKDLU3HULDQWKWXEHZKLWHGHHSYLROHW ZLWKVXEVSOLWVRI PPULQJVSUHVHQWVPRRWKHGJHGWRVOLJKWO\ near the apex. Outer segments between 19 and 34 mm but usual- pronged, no teeth. Cataphylls silvery-white. Leaves few, 2-3.2- O\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PP  Q  JUHHQYHU\WKLQPRUHRUOHVVRQHPPLQGLDPHWHU ZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVX- glabrous, white stripe 1/3 or less of leaf-diameter, one rib, rarely ally 24 mm long, between 5 and 10 mm but usually 8 mm wide WZRULEV XQGHUQHDWK/HDYHV DW DQWKHVLV VKRUWHU WKDQ ÀRZHUV Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHZKLWHWROLODF2XWHUVHJPHQWV Throat yellow, no hair. Perianth tube white, sometimes violet with or without faint striping but with an intense brown-violet QHDUDSH[2XWHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\ VSRWQHDUWKHSHULDQWKWXEHZKLFKFDQEHVLJQL¿FDQWO\HORQJDWHG PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PP LQGLUHFWLRQWRWKHDSH[ )LJHK ,QQHUVHJPHQWVDOZD\VZLWK- ZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVX- out striping, the brownish-violet spot near the perianth tube is DOO\PPORQJEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH never elongated. Prophyll absent. Bract and bracteole present, Q  7KHLQVLGHRIDOOVHJPHQWVLVZKLWH2XWHUVHJPHQWV VLOYHU\VNLQQ\FRQVSLFXRXV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV4PP Q normally with faint colouring and markings, sometimes more = 38), yellow, no hair. Anthers arrow-shaped, black, 7-9.8-12 intensely striped but never reaching the apex. Inner segments PPORQJ Q  &RQQHFWLYHPRVWO\\HOORZLVKDQGFOHDUO\YLV- with less markings but always with a faint bluish spot towards LEOHUDUHO\EODFNRUJUH\LVKSROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHRUDQJHGLYLGHG WKHSHULDQWKWXEH )LJLO 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFWDQGEUDFWHROH into 3 branches, often trumpet shaped at the upper end, branches SUHVHQWVLOYHU\RIHTXDOOHQJWK/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV4.1PP 3-6.9PPORQJ Q  6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLV Q  FRORXUOHVVWROLJKW\HOORZQRKDLU$QWKHUVVKRUW7.4- VKRUWHUWRHTXDOORQJHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRW PPORQJ Q  EODFN\HOORZQRLQWHUPHGLDWHV seen. Chromosome number 2n = 18. broadly arrow-shaped with rounded tips. Connective colourless Molecular analyses showed Crocus romuleoides +.(3 WR JUH\ SROOHQ \HOORZ 6W\OH \HOORZ WR RUDQJH GLYLGHG LQWR  0501) and C. pseudonubigena +.(3 DVFORVHVWUHODWLYH branches, mostly not extended at the upper end, branches 3-5.7- to Crocus kartaldagensis. PPORQJ Q  6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLV

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VKRUWHUWRHTXDOORQJHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRWVHHQ one middle stripe getting thinner towards the apex or overlayed Chromosome number 2n = 18. by 5 longitudinal violet strips to the top of the segments. In- Crocus romuleoides is a rather interesting new crocus. Ac- ner segments only with the brownish-blue spot, never elongated cording to molecular analysis it is most closely allied to Cro- RUZLWKVWULSHV )LJHK 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFWDQGEUDFWHROH cus kartaldagensis +.(3  , and C. pseudonubigena B. SUHVHQW VLOYHU\ VNLQQ\ /HQJWK RI ¿ODPHQWV  PP Q  MATHEW +.(3   RUDQJHQRKDLU$QWKHUVYHU\ORQJ12.PPORQJ Q = 30), yellow, acutely arrow-shaped but lower tips short, of a 'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZ C. romule- weak consistence and bent aside. Connective colourless, pollen oides (Romulea-like) is only known from the type locality in the \HOORZ 6W\OH GDUN \HOORZ WR RUDQJH GLYLGHG LQWR  EUDQFKHV *]PRXQWDLQVLQWKH3URYLQFH$GL\DPDQ,WLVDUDWKHUWLQ\EXW only with tips somewhat thickened, branches comparatively LPSUHVVLYHFURFXVZKLFKRSHQVÀDWOLNHDVWDULQIXOOVXQJLYLQJ short, 2-4.3PPORQJ6W\OHOHQJWKFRPSDUHGWRVWDPHQDOZD\V WKHLPSUHVVLRQRIDZKLWHÀRZHULQJRomulea. The plant grows VKRUWHU   Q  &DSVXOHFPORQJRYRLG6HHGV together with Quercus, Helleborus vesicarius, Crocus graveo- not seen. Chromosome number 2n = 22. lens, grasses, etc. Crocus marasensis DIWHUWKHFLW\RI.DKUDPDQPDUDú) is a very distinct and interesting crocus in several aspects. It was IRXQGE\-/HSVDDQG:1lFNHLQDQGJLYHQWKHFROOHFWLRQ KERNDORFF & PASCHE 3. Crocus marasensis VSHFLHV QXPEHU-/:17KH\UHFRJQLVHGLWVVSHFLDOLW\EXWZHUHXQ- nova able to identify it with the keys given by MATHEW  7KH\ VHQWKHUEDULXPPDWHULDOWRXVIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQ)URPWKLVLWZDV +RORW\SXV7XUNH\$PDQXV.DKUDPDQPDUDú3URYLQFHHQ- clear that more investigations would be necessary to determine YLURQVRI.DKUDPDQPDUDúP+.(3 LWV VWDWXV:H PDGH ¿HOG VWXGLHV RI WKLV YHU\ UHPDUNDEOH FUR- *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7  FXV8QWLOQRZLWLVRQO\NQRZQIURPWKHW\SHORFDOLW\DQGWKH Cormus 1-1.5 cm diameter, subglobosus; tunicae papyraceae population we could investigate is not very large. Therefore we usque ad dilute coriaceas. Cataphyllae argenteae, atrobrunneae assume that the plant is rather rare. It is the only crocus with HW SHUVLVWHQWHV VLPLOHV &URFR ÀDYR )ROLD  YLULGD  an annulate corm tunic having persistent cataphylls like species mm diameter, glabra, 1-2 costis in omni sulco in folio inferiore; of series Flavi and Crocus )LJI 7KHFRUPWXQLFVDQGWKHLU EUHYLRUDTXDPÀRUHVVXEDQWKHVL)DX[ÀDYDJODEUD3HULDQWKLL rings are intermediate between coriaceous and papery. Remark- WXEXVDOEXVYLRODFHXVSURSHDSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQD able are the unusually long and acutely arrow-shaped anthers PPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD Q  PPSOHUXPTXH and the short styles which never overtop the stamen. Its closest PPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPPSOHUXPTXH UHODWLYHV EDVHG RQ PROHFXODU ,76DQDO\VLV DUH FURFXVHV RI WKH PPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWD ´DGDPLLZHVWVXEFOXVWHU´ 7DE  LQWHUQDHWH[WHUQDLQWXVDOED6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDH[WXVDOEDVHP- per macula prominenti subfusca-purpurea, aut sine virgis aut 'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZ C. marasensis extenta in mediam virgam, gracilia futura in apicem vel proprie is only known from the type locality in the surroundings of the REORQJLVYLRODFHLVYLUJLVLQDSLFHPVHJPHQWRUXP6HJPHQWD FLW\RI.DKUDPDQPDUDú7KHSODQWJURZVLQFOHDULQJVDQGHGJHV interna cum macula brunneola-caerulea sine strias. Prophyllum of shrubs woods together with Pinus brutia, 6W\UD[RI¿FLQDOLV, DEHVW%UDFWHDHWEUDFWHRODDUJHQWHDUHFXWLWD)LODPHQWD Juniperus, Scilla etc. PPORQJD Q  DXUDQWLDFDJODEUD$QWKHUDHYDOGHORQJDH  PP Q    OXWHDH VDJLWWDWDH &RQQHFWLYXP VLQH FRORUHSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVSHUOXWHXVXVTXHDGDXUDQWLDFXP 4. Crocus pelitensis KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHVQRYD divisus in ramos tres, rami stigmatici 2-4.3-7 mm longi. Longi- WXGRVW\ORUXPEUHYLRUTXDPDQWKHUDH   Q  &DSVXOD +RORW\SXV7XUNH\$QWLWDXUXV$GDQD3URYLQFH.DUDQ¿O FPORQJDRYRLGHD6HPLQDQRQYLVD&KURPRVRPDWRUXP 'D÷  P  +.(3  *DWHUVOHEHQ *$7 somaticorum numerus 22.   Corm 1-1.5 cm in diameter, subglobose; tunics papery to Cormus 1 cm diameter. Tunicae coriaceae, interiores molles, slightly coriaceous, the inner ones papery, neck 5-7 mm long, non membranaceae, tunicae dissectae in segmenta 2-5 mm, sub- built of broad triangeles; splits of tunics into segments of > 2 ¿VVXUDHDEVXQWFROOXPFRQVSLFXXPVHWRVXPPPORQJXP mm, very rarely with subsplits; rings present, papery, irregularly constans ex triangulis latis prope basim, abrupte expansa in seg- pronged, no teeth. Young cataphylls silvery, getting persistently mentis longis acutis; annuli adsunt, coriacei, cum margine integ- dark brown with age, comparable to those of &ÀDYXV. Leaves ra vel leviter divaricata, dentes absunt. Cataphyllae argenteae- few, 2-3.4-5, green, 1.5 mm in diameter, broadest in the middle, albae. Folia 2-2.3-5, virida, 1-1.5-mm diameter, glabra, 2 costis JODEURXV ZKLWH VWULSH  RI OHDIGLDPHWHU   ULEV XQ- in omni sulco in folia inferiore. Folia breviora ad anthesim quam GHUQHDWK/HDYHVPRVWO\VKRUWHUWKDQÀRZHUVDWDQWKHVLV7KURDW ÀRUHV)DX[OXWHDSHULDQWKLLWXEXVDOEXVLQWHUGXPYLRODFHXVDG yellow, no hair. Perianth tube white, near apex violet. Outer seg- DSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD PHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q   Q  PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWD EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHU LQWHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXH VHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJEH- PPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDHWH[WHUQDLQWXVDOED WZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  7KHLQVLGH 6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDSOXVPLQXVYHVWULLVYLRODFHLVREORQJLV)DX[ of all segments is white. The outside of the outer segments is OXWHD6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDVLQHYLUJLVVHGPDFXODIXVFDYLRODFHD white, always with a prominent brownish-purple spot from the ad basim. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola adsunt, argen- perianth tube upwards, either without striping or prolonged into WHDUHFXWLWD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q  SDOOLGHOXWHD

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Fig. 5: Colour photographs of Crocus malatyensis (a-d), HKEP 9913 (e-h), HKEP 9917 (i-l), HKEP 0618 (m-p), C. aerius (q-t).

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Fig. 6: Colour photographs of C. ponticus (a-d), &¿EURDQQXODWXV (e-h), C. artvinensis (i-l), HKEP 0926 (m-p), C. sivasensis (q-t).

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XVTXHDGOXWHD$QWKHUDHEUHYHVPPORQJDH Q   VXEXODWDDWURYLULGDPPGLDPHWHUJODEUD    FRVWLVLQ OXWHDHVDJLWWDWDH&RQQHFWLYXPVLQHFRORUHSROOHQÀDYXP6W\- RPQLVXOFRLQIROLRLQIHULRUHHYROXWDLQ¿UPDVXEDQWKHVL&RURO- lus rubroaurantiacus, divisus in ramos tres, non dilatatus ad api- la fauce lutea usque ad aurantiacam. Perianthii tubus albus, pal- FHPUDPLVWLJPDWLFLPPORQJL6WLJPDDQWKHULVEUHYLRU OLGHFDHUXOHXVYHOYLUJLVSDOOLGHFDHUXOHLVDGDSLFHP6HJPHQWD YHODHTXDOLVORQJLRU Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQ H[WHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD Q  PP visa. Chromosomatorum somaticorum numerus 22. SOHUXPTXH  PP ODWD Q    6HJPHQWD LQWHUQD  PP Corm about 1 cm in diameter; tunics coriaceous, the inner SOHUXPTXHPPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  ones softer but not membranous: splits into segments of 2-5  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHUQDLQWXVSDOOLGHFDHUXOHDUDURDOED PP QR VXEVSOLWV SUHVHQW QHFN FRQVSLFXRXV EULVWO\  PP interdum dilute venosa caerulea. Latera externa segmentorum long, consistent of broadly based triangles abruptly expanded exteriorum pallide caerulea cum nervatura saturate caerulea vel into long acute stripes; rings present, coriaceous, whole-edged magis intense pinnatinervia, sine macula fusca ad basim. Late- or very slightly pronged, no teeth. Cataphylls silvery-white even ra externa segmentorum interiorum pallide caerulea, generaliter on drying. Leaves few, 2-3.2-5 green, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, VLQHPDFXODVLJQL¿FDWD3URSK\OOXPDEHVW%UDFWHDHWEUDFWHR- glabrous, white stripe 1/3 to >1/3 of leaf-diameter, 2 ribs under- ODDGVXQWDUJHQWHDUHFXWLWD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q  neath of each side of the blade. Leaves at anthesis shorter than 30), saturate lutea usque ad aurantiaca. Antherae 5-8.1-10 mm ÀRZHUV7KURDW\HOORZQRKDLU3HULDQWKWXEHZKLWHVRPHWLPHV longae, luteae, perlatae et complanatae ad apicem. Connectivum YLROHWQHDUWKHDSH[2XWHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXW ODWXP SDOOLGH OXWHXP XVTXH DG OXWHXP SROOHQ ÀDYXP 6W\OXV XVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\ aurantiacus usque ad rubroaurantiacum, divisus in partes tres, PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPP GLVWLQFWXVOREDWXVHW¿PEULDWXVDGDSLFHPUDPLVWLJPDWLFL EXWXVXDOO\PPORQJEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\ PPORQJL6WLJPDDQWKHULVEUHYLRUXVTXHDGDHTXDOHP PP ZLGH Q    ,QVLGH DOO VHJPHQWV DUH ZKLWH 2XWVLGH RI ORQJLRU  &DSVXOD HW VHPLQD QRQ YLVD &KURPRVRPDWRUXP outer segments is white, more or less intensively striped violet somaticorum numerus 20. longitudinally. No dark spot near the perianth tube but the yel- Corm around 1 cm in diameter, tunics coriaceous, the inner low of the throat shining through. Inner segments without strip- ones softer, neck very short, 2-4 mm long; splits of tunics most- ing but with a small brownish-violet spot near the perianth tube ly into segments broader than 5 mm, no subsplits present; rings )LJLO 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFWDQGEUDFWHROHSUHVHQWVLOYHU\ present, few, coriaceous; whole-edged or very slightly pronged, skinny. Filaments rather short, 2-3.7PP Q  OLJKW\HOORZ no teeth. Cataphylls silvery-white. Leaves 3-4.3 Q  VXE- WR\HOORZQRKDLU"$QWKHUVVKRUW8.7PP Q  \HO- ulate, dark green, comparatively broad, 2-2.5 mm in diameter, low, acutely arrow-shaped. Connective colourless, pollen yel- glabrous, white stripe small, ¼ of leaf-diameter rarely broader, ORZ6W\OHRUDQJHUHGGLYLGHGLQWREUDQFKHVQRWZLGHQHGDW ULEVXQGHUQHDWKPDQ\    OHDYHVSRRUO\GHYHORSHGDWDQWKH- apex; branches 4-5.7PPORQJ6W\OHVDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLQ sis. Throat yellow to orange, no hair. Perianth tube white, bluish VKRUWHUWRHTXDOLQORQJHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGV or bluish striped near apex. Outer segments between 19 and 29 not seen. Chromosome number 2n = 22. PPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXW Crocus pelitensis is named after the Pelites, glossy, clay-rich XVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQG LURQFRQWDLQLQJFODVWLFVHGLPHQWVZKHUHZHIRXQGLWÀRZHULQJIRU mm but usually 23 mm long, between 5 and 12 mm but usually WKH¿UVWWLPHLQ,WZDVDEHDXWLIXOVLJKWWKHZKLWHFURFXVHV PPZLGH Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHSDOHEOXHUDUHO\ JURZLQJLQFUHYLFHV¿OOHGZLWKEODFNLVKVRLOZLGHRSHQLQWKHVXQ white, sometimes with a faint darker blue veining. Outside of on a brownish-red rather glossy stony background. We found it in outer segments is light blue with a darker blue veining or more several localities in the same area but mostly on calcareous rocks. intense feathering, no dark spots near the perianth tube but the According to molecular analysis C. pelitensis is most closely yellow of the throat shining through. Outside of inner segments allied to C. berytius. SDOHEOXHJHQHUDOO\ZLWKRXWVLJQL¿FDQWPDUNLQJVRUVSRWVEXWWKH \HOORZRIWKHWKURDWVKLQLQJWKURXJK )LJTW 3URSK\OODEVHQW D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t. C. pelitensis is known to us %UDFWDQGEUDFWHROHSUHVHQWVLOYHU\VNLQQ\/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV IURPWKHW\SHORFDOLW\LQWKH.DUDQ¿O'D÷DQGVHYHUDORWKHUORFDOL- 2-2.9PP Q  GHHS\HOORZWRRUDQJHQRKDLU$QWKHUV ties mainly on calcareous rocks in the Antitaurus, Adana Province. short 5-8.1-10 mm long, yellow, not distinctly arrow-shaped, The plant prefers black humus pockets under Pinus, Juniperus, YHU\EURDGDQGÀDWWHQHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\DWWRSZLWKDQRWFKLQWKH Crataegus, Acantholimon, Astragalus, thistles and grasses. middle. Connective broad, light yellow to yellow, pollen yellow. 6W\OHRUDQJHWRRUDQJHUHGUDWKHUEURDGGLYLGHGLQWREUDQFKHV which are mostly so tight together that it gives the impression KERNDORFF & PASCHE 5. Crocus schneideri VSHFLHV RIEHLQJXQGLYLGHGWKH\DUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\OREHGDQGIULQJHGDW nova the upper end, branches 2-5.3PPORQJ6W\OHVVKRUWHUWR HTXDODQGORQJHUDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQ Q  &DSVXOHDQG +RORW\SXV7XUNH\&DSSDGRFLD.D\VHUL3URYLQFH7DKWDOÕ seeds not seen. Chromosome number 2n = 20. 'D÷ODUÕP+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7 7240). Crocus schneideri is a distinct crocus genetically as well as PRUSKRORJLFDOO\ 7DE ,WLVQDPHGWRKRQRXU,QJR6FKQHL- Cormus ca. 1 cm diameter. Tunicae coriaceae, internae mol- der, a dedicated lover of crocuses for almost all his life, a friend OHV FROOXP EUHYLVVLPXP  PP ORQJXP ¿VVXUD WXQLFDUXP and the investigator of chromosomes of our studied crocus pop- SOHUXPTXHLQVHJPHQWLVODWLRULEXVTXDPPPVLQHVXE¿VVXULV ulations for which we thank him very much. annuli adsunt, pauci, coriacei, margine plena vel leviter divari- &RQFHUQLQJWKHUHVXOWVRI,76DQDO\VLVLWRFFXSLHVD\HWXQUH- cati, dentes absunt. Cataphyllae argenteae-albae. Folia 3-4.3-7, solved isolated position in the large “Adami-cluster”.

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'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZC. schneideri PP Q  \HOORZQRKDLU$QWKHUV10.3-12 mm long, yel- LVRQO\NQRZQIURPWZRORFDOLWLHVLQWKH7DKWDOÕPRXQWDLQVLQWKH low, arrow-shaped. Connective broad, white to yellowish, pol- Kayseri Province. The plant grows together with Juniperus ex- OHQ\HOORZ6W\OHRUDQJHUHGWRUHGGLYLGHGLQWREUDQFKHVVLJ- celsa, Centaurea, Hyacinthus orientalis subsp. chionophila, Berb- QL¿FDQWO\H[SDQGHGDQGIULQJHGDWWKHDSH[EUDQFKHV6.3-10 eris crataegina, Gagea, Ornithogalum, Iberis, Globularia, Salvia PPORQJ6W\OHVDUHPRVWO\VKRUWHUWRHTXDODFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQ aethiopis, Arum dioscoridis, Geranium tuberosum, Erysimum etc.  DUHORQJHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRWVHHQ Chromosome number 2n = 20. Crocus munzurense is closely re- ODWHGWRWKHVSHFLHVRI+3(. 6. Crocus munzurense KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV nova 'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZC. munzurense LVRQO\NQRZQIURPWKHW\SHORFDOLW\LQWKH0XQ]XU0RXQWDLQVLQ +RORW\SXV7XUNH\8SSHU(XSKUDWHV(U]LFDQ3URYLQFH FHQWUDO7XUNH\ KHQFHPXQ]XUHQVH (U]LQFDQ3URYLQFH7KHSODQW 0XQ]XU'D÷ODUÕP+.(3 *DWHUVOH- grows together with Quercus, Gagea, Hyacinthella, Iris galatica, EHQ*$7  Ophrys, Biarum, Iris reticulata, Sternbergia clusianaa etc.

Cormus 1-1.5 cm diameter, tunicae exteriores et interiores In 1999, we have been in parts of the Anatolian Diagonal membranaceae, collum setosum, 5-7 mm longum. Cataphyllae WRPDNH¿HOGVWXGLHVIRUFRPSDUDWLYHSXUSRVHV KERNDORFF et DUJHQWHDHDOEDH)ROLD Q  DWURYLULGDPPGLD- DO 2QHRIWKHYLVLWHGPRXQWDLQUDQJHVZDVWKH0XQ]XU meter, matura valde ciliata et hirsuta, 2-3 costis in omni sulco 'D÷ODUÕLQ&HQWUDO$QDWROLDZKLFKDOVROLHVLQWKHPLGGOHRIWKH LQIROLRLQIHULRUH)ROLDHYROXWDLQ¿UPDDGDQWKHVLPQRQQXOOD Anatolian Diagonal. Earlier, at the end of April 1993 we found a DWWLQJHQWLDÀRUHVLQEDVL6DHSHVHJPHQWDODWHURWXQGDWDDGDSL- crocus population in this mountain stock long after dehiscence, cem. Faux saturate lutea usque ad aurantiacam. Perianthii tubus VRZHFRXOGQRWLGHQWLI\LW)URPWKHORQJ FP VWURQJO\FLOL- DOEXVYLRODFHXVDGDSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPSOH- ated and hairy leaves, an unusual feature in the genus, one could UXPTXHPPORQJD Q  PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD expect something special. The plant and its suggested name Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJD was already mentioned in our part 1 of “&ELÀRUXV in Anatolia” PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHW KERNDORFF & PASCHE 2004b). When we returned to this locality LQWHULRUDLQWXVSDOOLGHFDHUXOHDOLODFLQD6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDH[WUD \HDUVODWHUZHZHUHOXFN\WR¿QGDIHZÀRZHULQJSODQWVZKLFK leviter caerulea raro bubalina, praecipue sine aut modo signis SURRIHGRXUDVVXPSWLRQRIDQXSWRQRZXQNQRZQVSHFLHV8Q- GLOXWLV6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHULRUDVLPLOLDPDFXOLVPLQRULEXV IRUWXQDWHO\WKHUHZHUHQRWHQRXJKÀRZHULQJVSHFLPHQVWRPDNH brunneolis versus basim. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracte- GHWDLOHG¿HOGVWXGLHVRIWKLVSRSXODWLRQ,QZHUHYLVLWHG ola adsunt, argentea, longitudo aequalis, conspicua, plerumque WKLVORFDOLW\DWKLUGWLPHDQGPDGHVXI¿FLHQW¿HOGVWXGLHVWRJHQ- DWWLQJHQWHVVHJPHQWD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q  OX- erate the description of this new taxon. tea, glabra. Antherae 8-10.3-12 mm longae, luteae, sagittatae. Connectivum prominens, album usque ad pallidum luteum, pol- OHQ ÀDYXP 6W\OXV UXEURDXUDQWLDFXV XVTXH DG UXEUXP GLYLVXV 7. Crocus malatyensis KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV LQUDPRVWUHVH[SDQVXVHW¿PEULDWXVDGDSLFHPUDPLVWLJPDWLFL nova PPORQJL6WLJPDDQWKHULVSOHUXPTXHSDXOREUHYLRUYHO DHTXDOLV  ORQJLRU Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQ +RORW\ S X V  7XUNH\ 0HVRSRWDPLD 0DODW\D 3URYLQFH visa. Chromosomatorum somaticorum numerus 20. 0DGHQ'D÷ODUÕP+.(3 *DWHUVOH- Corm 1-1.5 cm in diameter, outer and inner tunics membra- EHQ*$7  nous, neck bristly, 5-7 mm long, built of elongated triangles; splits of tunics mainly from basis upwards into segments broad- Cormus subglobosus, ca. 1 cm diameter, tunicae coriaceae, er than 2 mm, no subsplits, rings present, papery, few and poorly interiores molles; collum setosum, 3-7 mm longum. Cataphyllae developed, smooth-edged to slightly pronged, no teeth. Cata- DUJHQWHDHDOEDH)ROLDDWURYLULGDPPGLDPHWHU phylls 3-4 silvery white. Leaves 2-3.1 Q  GDUNJUHHQ JODEUD  FRVWLVLQRPQLVXOFRLQIROLRLQIHULRUH)ROLDHYROXWD mm in diameter, strongly ciliated and hairy when mature, white LQ¿UPDDGDQWKHVLQQXPTXDPDWWLQJHQWLDÀRUHVDGÀRUDWLRQHP stripe 1/3 to > 1/3 of leaf-diameter, 2-3 ribs underneath each )DX[VDWXUDWHÀDYDUDUHSXQFWDWDYLRODFHDJODEUD3HULDQWKLLWX- side of the blade. Leaves mostly poorly developed but some EXVDOEXVEUXQQHROXVDGDSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPP UHDFKLQJWKHÀRZHUDWDQWKHVLV7KURDWGHHS\HOORZWRRUDQJH SOHUXPTXHPPORQJD Q  PPSOHUXPTXHPP no hair. Perianth tube white, violet near the apex. Frequently the ODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQ- segments are broadly rounded at the apex. Outer segments be- JDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQD WZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQ et interna albida usque ad pallida lilacina-caerulea sine maculis. DQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEH- Latera segmentorum exteriorum rosea-lilacina sine macula, raro WZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJEHWZHHQDQG cum virgis dilutis vel macula pallide caerulea ad apicem. Latera PPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHXQL- interiora segmentorum interiorum pallide rosea-lilacina, macula formly bluish-lilac. Outside of outer segments bluish or rarely intensa ad apicem. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola adsunt, buff-coloured, mainly without or only with faint markings. Few DUJHQWHDUDURFRQVSLFXD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q   individuals have violet feathers. Inner segments like the outer glabra, lutea. Antherae 8-10.7-14 mm longae, luteae, late sagit- with less markings brownish towards the perianth tube, often the tatae, rotundatae ad apicem, incisione profunda in medio. Con- \HOORZWKURDWVKLQLQJWKURXJK )LJDG 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFW QHFWLYXPODWXPDOEXPXVTXHDGSDOOLGHÀDYXPSROOHQÀDYXP and bracteole present, silvery, skinny, of equal length, conspicu- 6W\OXVGLYLVXVLQSDUWHVWUHVUDPLVWLJPDWLFLPPORQJL Q RXVPRVWO\UHDFKLQJWKHVHJPHQWV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV2.7-4  6W\OLDQWKHUDVVXSHUDQWHVYHODHTXLORQJL  EUHYLRUHV

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Fig. 7: Colour photographs of C. albocoronatus (a-d), C. marasensis (e-h), HKEP 0616 (i-l), C. roopiae (m-p), C. schneideri (q-t).

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Fig. 8: Colour photographs of C. munzurense (a-d), C. kartaldagensis (e-h), C. romuleoides (i-l), C. pseudonubigena (m-p), C. tauri epitype (q-t).

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 Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQYLVD&KURPRVRPDWRUXPVR- culis cordi similibus in omni segmento similis Croco kotschyano. maticorum numerus incognitus est. 3HULDQWKLLWXEXVDOEXV6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPSOHUXPTXH Corm subglobose, around 1 cm in diameter, tunics coriaceous, PPORQJD Q  PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q   the inner ones softer, neck bristly 3-7 mm long, consistent of elon- 6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPPSOHUXPTXHPPORQJDPP gated triangles split downwards; splits of main tunic upwards few SOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHUQDLQWXV mostly into segments > 2mm, no subsplits; rings present, coria- alba usque ad pallida lilacina, sine maculis. Latera externa seg- ceous to papery, smooth-edged to very slightly pronged, no teeth. mentorum exteriorum plane alba usque ad pallida lilacina, sine vel Cataphylls 3-4, silvery white. Leaves 3-3.6 GDUN JUHHQ  UDURPDFXODGLOXWDSDOOLGDFDHUXOHD6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDHDGHPFROR- mm in diameter, glabrous, white stripe 1/3 to > 1/3 of leaf-di- re, generaliter sine macula. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteo- DPHWHU  ULEVXQGHUQHDWK/HDYHVSRRUO\GHYHORSHGDWDQ- la adsunt, argentea, recutita, raro conspicua. Filamenta 4-5-7 mm WKHVLVQHYHUUHDFKLQJWKHÀRZHU7KURDWGHHS\HOORZUDUHO\ZLWK ORQJDOXWHDJODEUD$QWKHUDHPPORQJDH Q  ÀD- small dark violet spots, no hair. Perianth tube white, only slightly vae, interdum margine nigrae ad apicem, sagittatae. Connectivum brownish near the apex. Outer segments between 19 and 39 mm ODWXPVLQHFRORUHXVTXHDGOXWHXPSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVVDWXUDWH EXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDO- luteus usque ad aurantiacum, divisus in partes tres, late buccina- O\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXW WXVHW¿PEULDWXVDGDSLFHPUDPLVWLJPDWLFLPPORQJL XVXDOO\PPORQJEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  6WLJPDDQWKHULVEUHYLRUYHODHTXDOLVORQJLRU Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHZKLWLVKWRSDOHOLODFEOXHZLWKRXW Capsula et semina non visa. Chromosomatorum somaticorum nu- PDUNLQJV7KHRXWVLGHRIWKHRXWHUVHJPHQWVLVDOVRSDOH URV\ merus 18. lilac with no markings, rarely with very few faint lilac stripes or Corm 0.8-1.5 cm in diameter; outer and inner tunics coria- a small bluish spot at the apex, comparable to some variants of ceous, neck 3-7 mm long, bristly, consistent of elongated trian- C. vernus7KHUHLVDOZD\VDVLJQL¿FDQWDQGPRUHRUOHVVLQWHQVH gles; tunic splits are mainly from the neck downwards, less from bluish-turquoise spot above the yellow of the throat which is shin- the basis up into segments broader than 2 mm, no sub-splits, rings LQJWKURXJK7KHRXWVLGHRIWKHLQQHUVHJPHQWVLVSDOH URV\ OLODF present, many, smooth-edged, no teeth. Cataphylls 3-4, silvery without markings but with a similar intense spot near the apex white. Leaves dark green, 3-3.6 Q     PP LQ GLDPH- DOLNHWKHRXWHUVHJPHQWV )LJDG 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFWDQG WHU JODEURXV ZKLWH VWULSH  RI OHDIGLDPHWHU     ULEV XQ- EUDFWHROHSUHVHQWVLOYHU\UDUHO\FRQVSLFXRXV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV GHUQHDWK/HDIGHYHORSPHQWDWDQWKHVLVYHU\GLIIHUHQW QROHDYHV 3-4.4PP Q  \HOORZQRKDLU$QWKHUV10.7-14 mm long, ±UHDFKLQJWKHÀRZHU±RYHUWRSSLQJWKHÀRZHU 7KURDWOLJKWWR yellow, broadly arrow-shaped rounded at the top with a variably deep yellow often only formed as heart-shaped spots on each seg- deep notch in the middle. Connective broad, white to yellowish, ment, with the white of the segment surrounding, similar to those SROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHGLYLGHGLQWREUDQFKHVWKHVHPRVWO\SUHVVHG of C. kotschyanus, no hair. Perianth tube white. Outer segments tightly together giving the impression of being entire, branches EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQ 3-7.1PPORQJ Q  6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLV DQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWV IUHTXHQWO\ORQJHUWRHTXDO  DUHVKRUWHU Q  &DSVXOH between 20 and 34 mm but usually 27 mm long, between 7 and and seeds not seen. Chromosome number unknown. PPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUH Crocus malatyensisKDVUDWKHUODUJHÀRZHUVRIDGLVWLQFWSDOH white to very pale lilac, without markings. Outside of outer seg- OLODFZLWKDWLQWRIURV\6LJQL¿FDQWLVWKHEOXLVKWXUTXRLVHVSRWRI ments plain white to pale lilac, without or very rarely with faint the segments near the perianth tube that is always present. Cro- bluish markings. Inner segments of the same colour but generally FXVHVIURPORFDOLWLHV+.(3DQG+.(3DUHWKHFORVHVW ZLWKRXWPDUNLQJVWKH\HOORZRIWKHWKURDWLVVKLQLQJWKURXJK )LJ relatives in molecular analyses. 9a-d). Prophyll absent. Bract and bracteole present, silvery and VNLQQ\UDUHO\FRQVSLFXRXV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV5PP Q  17), yellow, no hair. Anthers 7-9.6 'LVWULEXWLRQDQGKDELWDW8QWLOQRZC. malatyensis PPORQJ Q  \HOORZ is only known from the type locality in the province of Malatya, sometimes thinly black-edged in the upper part, broadly arrow- therefore it was named malatyensis. The plant grows together shaped, rarely canaliculated. Connective broad, colourless to yel- with Quercus, Juniperus, Crataegus, Gagea, Ranunculus, Mus- ORZSROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHVGDUN\HOORZWRRUDQJHGLYLGHGLQWR cari comosum, Verbascum, Ophrys, Crocus pallasii subsp. turr- branches, broadly trumpet-shaped and fringed at the apex, often cicus, Colchicum etc. tightly together giving the impression being entire, branches 4.5- 8PPORQJ Q  6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLV VKRUWHUWRHTXDOORQJHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRWVHHQ 8. Crocus kangalensis KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV Chromosome number 2n = 18. nova Crocus kangalensisLVDPHPEHURIWKH³WDXULFOXVWHU´ WDEOH 3) but is a more distant relative of C. tauri than, e.g., populations +RORW\SXV7XUNH\&DSSDGRFLD6LYDV3URYLQFHHQYLURQV +.(3DQG WDEOHE  RI.DQJDOP+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7 7390). D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t. C. kangalensis is clearly DPHPEHURIWKH,UDQR7XUDQLDQVWHSSHÀRUDOHOHPHQWV,WVHHPV Cormus 0.8-1.5 cm diameter, tunicae exteriores et interiores to be rather local and is until now only known to us from the type coriaceae, collum setosum, 3-7 mm longum. Cataphyllae 3-4, ORFDOLW\DURXQG.DQJDO KHQFH kangalensis LQWKH6LYDV3URY- DUJHQWHDHDOEDH)ROLDDWURYLULGD Q  PPGLDPH- ince. The plant is, in our opinion, in great danger due to a rapidly WHUJODEUD    FRVWLVLQRPQLVXOFRLQIROLRLQIHULRUH)ROLDQRQ increasing agricultural use of the land in this area. It grows to- HYROXWDDGDQWKHVLQLQWHUGXPDWWLQJHQWLDÀRUHVDGÀRUDWLRQHPYHO gether with Onobrychis cornuta, Convolvulus, Iris danfordiae, VXSHUDQWLDÀRUHV)DX[SDOOLGDXVTXHDGVDWXUDWHOXWHDPVDHSHPD- Iris galatica, grasses, thistles, etc.

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9. Crocus sivasensis KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV 0ROHFXODUDQDO\VLVUHYHDOHG+.(3DVFORVHVWUHODWLYH nova C. albocoronatus KERND. & PASCHE +.(3 +.(3 DQG+.(3DUHJHQHWLFDOO\QHDUDOOLHV +RORW\SXV7XUNH\&DSSDGRFLD6LYDV3URYLQFH6(RI 6LYDVP+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7 D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t. C. sivasensis grows on 7391). PRXQWDLQVLQWKHSURYLQFHRI6LYDV KHQFH sivasensis). It is un- til now only known from the type locality and another locality Cormus 1 cm diameter, subglobosus, tunicae coriaceae usque in the same area. The plant grows together with Crocus dan- ad membranaceas, collum setosum, 3-7 mm longum. Cataphyl- fordiae, Colchicum triphyllum, Quercus, Crataegus, Juniperus, ODH  DUJHQWHDHDOEDH )ROLD  Q    DWURYLULGD  Ornithogalum etc. PPGLDPHWHUJODEUDFRVWLV UDUR LQRPQLVXOFRLQIROLR inferiore. Folia non bene evoluta ad anthesin, raro attingentia segmenta. Faux lutea, glabra. Perianthii tubus pallide caerule- 10. Crocus ponticus KERNDORFF & PASCHEVSHFLHV XVYLRODFHXV DWUDQV YHUVXV DSLFHP 6HJPHQWD H[WHUQD  nova PP SOHUXPTXH  PP ORQJD Q     PP SOHUXPTXH  PP ODWD Q    6HJPHQWD LQWHUQD  PP SOHUXPTXH +RORW\SXV7XUNH\/D]LVWDQ5L]H3URYLQFH*O'D÷Õ PPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJ- P+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ*$7  menta externa et interna pallide lilacina-caerulea sine macula. Latera externa segmentorum exteriorum albida usque ad saturata Cormus 1-2 cm diameter, tunicae coriaceae, interiores violacea-caerulea sine macula, arcte venosa vel virgis distinctis PROOHV FROOXP  PP ORQJXP &DWDSK\OODH DOELGDH HWLDP DWURYLRODFHLVVLQHPDFXOLVVHG]RQDGLIIXVDIXVFDWDYHUVXVDSL- EUXQQHVFHQWHVGXPLXYHQHV)ROLDDWURYLULGD  PP cem. Latera externa segmentorum interiorum omnino eiusdem diameter, glabra, 2 costis in omni sulco in folio inferiore. Folia FRORULVVHGJHQHUDOLWHUVLQHPDFXOLVYHUVXVEDVLP]RQDGLIIXVD DWWLQJHQWLDÀRUHVDGDQWKHVLQ)DX[SDOOLGHOXWHDXVTXHDGVDO- fuscata. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola adsunt, argentea, monem coloratam, glabram. Perianthii tubus albus, brunneolus- UHFXWLWDQRQFRQVSLFXD)LODPHQWDPPORQJD Q   YLRODFHXVDGDSLFHP6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPSOHUXPTXH pallide lutea usque ad lutea, glabra. Antherae 7-9.8-12 mm lon-  PP ORQJD Q     PP SOHUXPTXH  PP ODWD Q gae, luteae, sagittatae, incrassatae distinctae ad apicem. Con-   6HJPHQWD LQWHUQD  PP SOHUXPTXH  PP ORQJD QHFWLYXPDOEXPXVTXHDGSDOOLGHÀDYXPSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXV PPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHW divisus in partes tres, rami stigmatici 2-5.5-9 mm longi, expansi interna intus caerulea-lilacina, nervatura plus minusve intente HW ¿PEULDWL DG DSLFHP 6W\OL DQWKHULV EUHYLRUHV YHO DHTXLORQJL caerulea. Latera externa segmentorum exteriorum pallide caer- ORQJLRUHV Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQYLVD&KUR- ulea-lilacina, macula brunneola ad basim. Latera externa seg- PRVRPDWRUXPVRPDWLFRUXPQXPHUXVHVW mentorum interiorum omnino eiusdem coloris, nervatura diluta et pallide caerulea. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola ad- Corm around 1 cm in diameter, subglobose, tunics coriaceous to membranous, the inner ones membranous, neck bristly, 3-7 mm VXQWDUJHQWHDUHFXWLWDSOHUXPTXHFRQVSLFXD)LODPHQWD long, consistent of elongated triangles; splits of tunics at basis PPORQJD Q  SOHUXPTXHSDOOLGHOXWHDLQWHUGXPVDOPRQHD glabra. Antherae 9-11.5-15 mm longae, luteae, anguste sagitta- into segments of > 2mm, sub-splits present but few, rings present, tae, incrassatae vel acutae ad apicem. Connectivum angustum, papery, smooth-edged to slightly pronged, no teeth. Cataphylls 3, DOEXPXVTXHDGSDOOLGXPÀDYXPSROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVGLYLVXV silvery white. Leaves 2-3.7 Q    GDUN JUHHQ  PP LQ in partes tres, luteus usque ad aurantiacum vel salmonem colora- GLDPHWHUJODEURXVZKLWHVWULSHRIOHDIGLDPHWHU UDUHO\ or 4) ribs underneath. Leaves not or poorly developed at anthesis, WXP5DPLVWLJPDWLFLPPORQJL6W\OLDQWKHULVORQJLRUHV very rarely reaching the segments. Throat yellow, no hair. Perianth YHODHTXLORQJLEUHYLRUHV Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQD non visa. Chromosomatorum somaticorum numerus 18. tube light bluish-violet, near the apex darker. Outer segments be- WZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQ Corm 1-2 cm in diameter, tunics coriaceous, the inner ones DQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEH- VRIWHUQHFNPPORQJFRQVLVWHQWRIEURDGWULDQJOHVVSOLWV tween 19 and 33 mm but usually 24 mm long, between 7 and 13 of tunics into segments of > 2 mm, no sub-splits, rings present, PPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHYHU\ smooth-edged, no teeth. Cataphylls whitish but turn to brown light to light lilac-blue without markings. The outside of outer even when young. Leaves 3-3.7GDUNJUHHQ  PPLQ segments is whitish to deep violet-blue, without markings, tightly GLDPHWHUJODEURXVZKLWHVWULSH ±RIOHDIGLDPHWHU veined or distinctly feathered deep violet, no spots but rarely with ribs underneath on each side of the blade. Leaves reaching the DGLIIXVHGDUNHU]RQHWRZDUGVWKHDSH[7KHRXWVLGHVRILQQHUVHJ- ÀRZHUVDWDQWKHVLV7KURDWOLJKW\HOORZWRVDOPRQFRORXUHGQR ments are equally coloured as the outer ones but generally without hair. Perianth tube white, near the apex brownish-violet. Outer markings, towards perianth tube is a more or less diffuse darker VHJPHQWVEHWZHHQ  DQG  PP EXW XVXDOO\ PPORQJ Q ]RQHRIWHQWKH\HOORZWKURDWVKLQLQJWKURXJK )LJTW 3URSK\OO  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q   absent. Bract and bracteole present, silvery, skinny, not conspic- Inner segments between 19 and 32 mm but usually 23.5 mm XRXV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV3.8PP Q  OLJKW\HOORZWR ORQJEHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\PPZLGH Q   yellow, no hair. Anthers 7-9.8-12 mm long, yellow, arrow-shaped Inside all segments are light bluish-lilac with a more or less in- with a distinct thickening at the apex. Connective white to yellow- tense blue veining. Outside of outer segments light bluish-lilac LVKSROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHGLYLGHGLQWREUDQFKHVIUHTXHQWO\WLJKWO\ with a brownish spot near the perianth tube, which can be pro- pressed together, giving the impression of being entire, branches longed by a soft bluish veining with a pronounced central stripe, very variable 2-5.5-9 mm long, expanded and fringed at the apex. thinning out towards the apex of the segment. Outside of inner 6W\OHVKRUWHUWRHTXDODFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQORQJHU Q segments equally coloured, markings faint and very pale blue  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRWVHHQ&KURPRVRPHQXPEHUQ  )LJDG 3URSK\OODEVHQW%UDFWDQGEUDFWHROHSUHVHQWVLO-

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a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

m n o p

Fig. 9: Colour photographs of C. kangalensis (a-d), C. berytiuss (e-h), C. pelitensis (i-l), HKEP 1025 (m-p). .

YHU\VNLQQ\LQPDQ\LQGLYLGXDOVFRQVSLFXRXV/HQJWKRI¿OD- EUDQFKHV7.8PPORQJ6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLV ments 3-4.6PP Q  PDLQO\OLJKW\HOORZEXWVRPHWLPHV ORQJHUWRHTXDOVKRUWHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGV salmon-coloured, no hair. Anthers 9-11.5-15 mm long, yellow, not seen. Chromosome number 2n = 18. narrowly arrow-shaped, thickened or acute at apex. Connective Crocus ponticus LVPRVWFORVHO\DOOLHGWRSRSXODWLRQV+.(3 QDUURZZKLWHWROLJKW\HOORZSROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHGLYLGHGLQWR DQG+.(35HPDUNDEOHRIWKLVGLVWLQFWQHZFURFXV branches which can be tightly pressed together, yellow to orange is the often salmon-coloured throat and the equally coloured or salmon-coloured, in some individuals expanded and fringed, styles, which is unique in the genus.

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D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t. C. ponticus is obviously EXWOHVVGLVWLQFWRIWHQWKH\HOORZWKURDWVKLQLQJWKURXJK )LJH DQ(X[LQHHOHPHQWFRQ¿QHGWRWKHDOSLQH]RQHRI/D]LVWDQ8QWLO h). Prophyll absent. Bract and bracteole present, silvery, skinny, now it is only known from the type locality in the north-eastern UDUHO\FRQVSLFXRXV/HQJWKRI¿ODPHQWV4.8PP Q   SDUWRIWKH3RQWLFUDQJH KHQFH ponticus LQWKH5L]H3URYLQFH GHHS\HOORZWRRUDQJHQRKDLU$QWKHUV8.8PPORQJ Q  The plant grows above the tree line together with short grasses,  \HOORZEURDGO\DUURZVKDSHGZLWKDQRWFKRQWRS&RQQHF- Rosa, Juniperus, Acantholimon, Scilla, Verbascum, Gagea etc. WLYHEURDGVLOYHU\ZKLWHSROOHQ\HOORZ6W\OHRUDQJHWRRUDQJH red, divided into 3 branches, often standing closely together, giv- ing the impression of being entire; ends of branches expanded KERNDORFF & PASCHE 11. Crocus berytius VSHFLHVQRYD DQGVLJQL¿FDQWO\IULQJHGDWWKHDSH[EUDQFKHV4.5-7 mm long. 6W\OHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLVORQJHUWRHTXDODQG +RORW\SXV7XUNH\$QWLWDXUXV.DKUDPDQPDUDú3URYLQFH VKRUWHU Q  &DSVXOHDQGVHHGVQRWVHHQ&KURPRVRPH %HULW'D÷P+.(3 *DWHUVOHEHQ number 2n = 18. *$7  According to molecular analysis C. berytius is less closely related to all the other species in the basic “Adami-cluster” ex- Cormus 1-1.5 cm diameter, tunicae exteriores et interiores cept for C. pelitensis membranaceae, collum 2-4 mm longum. Cataphyllae argenteae-  7DE  albidae. Folia 3-4.2-5, atrovirida, glabra, virga alba minus quam D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d h a b i t a t. C. berytius grows in the GLDPHWHU  FRVWLVLQRPQLVXOFRLQIROLRLQIHULRUH)ROLD berytius) in central Turkey. It is until HYROXWDLQ¿UPDDGDQWKHVLQUDURDWWLQJHQWLDÀRUHV)DX[OXWHD %HULW PRXQWDLQV KHQFH raro suffusa brunneola, glabra. Perianthii tubus albus, brunne- QRZRQO\NQRZQIURPWKHW\SHORFDOLW\LQWKH.DKUDPDQPDUDú Province. The plant grows together with Astragalus, Acantholi- ROXVYLRODFHXV SURSH DSLFHP6HJPHQWD H[WHUQD  PP mon, Juniperus trees, Corydalis rutifolia subsp. erdelii, Orni- SOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDLQWHUQDPP thogalum, Anemone blanda, Crocus kotschyanus etc. SOHUXPTXHPPORQJDPPSOHUXPTXHPPODWD Q  6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHUQDLQWXVSDOOLGHFDHUXOHDQHUYD- WXUDLQWHQWHFDHUXOHDFRPSDUDQGD&DHULRHW&¿EURDQQXODWR 12. Crocus tauri MAW Latera externa segmentorum exteriorum pallide lilacina-caeru- lea, interdum nervaturis tenuibus atrocaeruleis. Basis segmento- +RORW\SXV67XUNH\QHDUWKH&LOLFLDQ*DWHVRIWKH7DX- rum exteriorum macula violacea vel brunneola-violacea. Latera UXV$XFKHU(OR\H[VLF1RVDQGLQ+HUE'H&DQG externa segmentorum interiorum eiusdem coloris, sed sine vel *0DZ6\QRSV*HQXV CrocusLQ*DUG&KURQQHZVHUYRO cum nervatura diluta. Prophyllum abest. Bractea et bracteola [YLS   adsunt, argentea, recutita, raro conspicua. Filamenta 2-4.8-7 PPORQJD Q  VDWXUDWHOXWHDXVTXHDGDXUDQWLDFDJODEUD Crocus tauri (KERNDORFF & PASCHE) ex MAW $QWKHUDHPPORQJDH Q  OXWHDHODWHVDJLWWDWDH cum incisura ad apicem. Connectivum latum, argenteum-album, (SLW\SXV7XUNH\ 8SSHU (XSKUDWHV 0DODW\D 3URYLQFH SROOHQÀDYXP6W\OXVDXUDQWLDFXVXVTXHDGDXUDQWLDFXPUXEUXP $J|UPH]'D÷ÕP+.(3 *DWHUVOH- GLYLVXVLQSDUWHVWUHVUDPLVWLJPDWLFLH[SDQVLHW¿PEULDWLDGDSL- EHQ*$7  FHPPPORQJL6W\OLDQWKHULVORQJLRUHVYHODHTXLORQJL EUHYLRUHV Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQYLVD&KUR- Cormus subglobosus, 1,5-2mm diameter. Tunicae exterio- mosomatorum somaticorum numerus 18. rae et interiorae membranaceae. Tunica dissecta in segmenta Corm 1-1.5 cm in diameter, outer and inner tunics mem- !PPVXE¿VVXUDHDEVXQW&ROOXPPPORQJXPVHWR- branous, neck short 2-4 mm long, consistent of short triangles; sum, formatum per triangulos elongatos. Annuli adsunt, mem- splits of tunics mainly from basis upwards into segments of > 2 branacei, pauci, serrati. Cataphyllae 3-5, argenteae albae. Folia mm, sub-splits present, rings present but very few and poorly 2-3,6 Q  PPODWDJODEUDFRVWLVLQRPQLVXOFR developed, smooth-edged or slightly pronged, no teeth. Cata- LQIROLRLQIHULRUH6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDPPORQJD phylls silvery white. Leaves 3-4.2-5 dark green, glabrous, nar- PPODWD6HJPHQWDLQWHUQD22PPORQJD8-10 mm URZDERXWPPRUOHVVLQGLDPHWHUZKLWHVWULSH RIOHDI ODWD QDGXQXPRPQHV  3URSRUWLRVHJPHQWRUXPH[WHULR- GLDPHWHU  ULEVXQGHUQHDWK/HDYHVQRWRUSRRUO\GHYHORSHG UXPORQJLWXGRODWLWXGR 6HJPHQWDH[WHUQDHWLQWHUQDLQWXV at anthesis, rarely reaching the segments. Throat yellow, rarely atrocaerulea usque ad violacea sine macula. Latera externa seg- tinged brownish, no hair. Perianth tube white, near the apex mentorum exteriorum et interiorum atrocaerulea usque ad vio- brown-violet. Outer segments between 15 and 32 mm but usu- ODFHDFXPPDFXODLQFRQVSLFXDHW]RQDIXVFDWDDGEDVHP)DX[ DOO\PPORQJ Q  EHWZHHQDQGPPEXWXVXDOO\ saturate lutea usque ad aurantiacam, glabram. Perianthii tubus PPZLGH Q  ,QQHUVHJPHQWVEHWZHHQDQGPPEXW albus, violaceus-caeruleus prope segmenta. Filamenta lutea, usually 21 mm long, between 5 and 14 mm but usually 9 mm lata facta ad basem, longitudo media 3 mm. Connectivum sine ZLGH Q  ,QVLGHDOOVHJPHQWVDUHOLJKWEOXHZLWKDQLQWHQVH FRORUHSOHUXPTXHSRWLXVODWXP6W\OXVOXWHXVXVTXHDGDXUDQ- deeper blue veining all over the segment comparable to those WLDFXPGLYLVXVLQUDPRVWUHV¿OLIRUPXVLQFUDVVDWXVDGDSLFHP of C. aerius and &¿EURDQQXODWXV. Outside of outer segments ORQJLWXGRSOXVPLQXVYHPP6WLJPDDQWKHULVDHTXDOLV LV OLJKW OLODFEOXH ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW ¿QH GDUNHU EOXH YHLQLQJ ,I ORQJLRUEUHYLRU Q  &DSVXODHWVHPLQDQRQYLVD veined then the whole segment. Near the perianth tube is a dark Chromosomatorum somaticorum numerus 18. violet or brownish-violet spot which can be prolonged to half Corm subglobose, 1.5-2 mm in diameter. Outer and inner of the segments with strongly serrated edge. Outside of inner tunics membranous. Tunics split into segments of >2-5 mm, segments equally coloured but with none or more faint veining; QRVXEVSOLWV1HFNPPORQJEULVWO\IRUPHGE\HORQJDWHG towards the perianth tube is the same spot as with the outer ones triangles. Rings present, membranous, few, saw-toothed. Cata-

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KERNDORFF DO‡&URFXVELÀRUXV²Part IV STAPFIA 99 (2013): 159–186 phylls 3-5, silvery white. Leaves 2-3.6 Q     PP FUCHS, H.P.  +LVWRULVFKH%HPHUNXQJHQ]XP%HJULIIGHU6XEVSH- ZLGHVWLIÀ\HUHFWQRKDLU:KLWHVWULSH WRRIOHDIGLDPH- ]LHV²7D[RQ7: 44-52. ter. Ribs underneath 2 on both sides of the blade. Outer segments HARPKE, D., MENG, S., RUTTEN, T., KERNDORFF, H. & BLATTNER, F.R. 20- 24- 30 mm long, 7-9-12 mm wide. Inner segments 18-22-29  3K\ORJHQ\RICrocus ,ULGDFHDH EDVHGRQRQHFKORURSODVW 8 DQGWZRQXFOHDUORFL$QFLHQWK\EULGL]DWLRQDQGFKURPRVRPHQXP- PPORQJ PPZLGH QIRUDOO  3URSRUWLRQRIRXWHU ber evolution. — Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 66 segment length/width = 2.7. Inside all segments are deep blue KERNDORFF, H.  7ZRQHZWD[DLQ7XUNLVK Crocus ,ULGDFHDH ² to violet without markings. Outside of outer and inner segments +HUEHUWLD 49 deep blue to violet with inconspicuous markings and darker KERNDORFF+ PASCHE, E   Crocus mathewii. A new autumn- ]RQHQHDUWKHEDVH7KURDWGHHS\HOORZWRRUDQJHQRKDLU3HUL- ÀRZHULQJ Crocus from Turkey. — The New Plantsman 1 DQWKWXEHZKLWHYLROHWEOXHQHDUVHJPHQWV )LJTW 3URSK\OO KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E.  =ZHLEHPHUNHQVZHUWH7D[DGHV absent. Bract and bracteole present, silvery. Filaments yellow, &URFXV ELÀRUXV.RPSOH[HV ,ULGDFHDH  DXV GHU 1RUGRVWWUNHL ² broadened at base, median length 3 mm. Connectives colour- /LQ]HU%LRO%HLWU 29 OHVVPRVWO\UDWKHUEURDG6W\OHV\HOORZWRRUDQJHEUDQFKHG KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E.  &URFXVELÀRUXV in Anatolia. — The ¿OLIRUPWKLFNHQHGDWWRSPHDQOHQJWKPP6W\OHOHQJWKDF- 3ODQWVPDQ1HZ6HULHV9ROXPH2, part 2: 77-89. FRUGLQJWRVWDPHQLVHTXDOORQJHUVKRUWHU Q  &DS- KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E. D 7ZRQHZWD[DRIWKH&URFXVELÀR- sule and seed unknown. Chromosome number 2n = 18. rus DJJUHJDWH /LOLLÀRUDH,ULGDFHDH IURP7XUNH\²/LQ]HU%LRO Beitr. 36: 5-10. KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E. E &URFXVELÀRUXV in Anatolia, Part Supplementary comment 7ZR²7KH3ODQWVPDQ1HZ6HULHV9ROXPH3, part 4: 201-215. KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E.   &URFXVELÀRUXV in Anatolia, Part In the course of our investigations in the Anatolian Diagonal 7UHH²/LQ]HU%LRO%HLWU 38 we found another rather pale blue crocus with a normally whit- KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E.  7ZRQHZWD[DRICrocus from Tur- ish to pale yellow throat in the alpine region of the Palandöken NH\²6WDS¿D95: 2-5. 0RXQWDLQVVRXWKRI(U]XUXP +.(3)LJPS ,WUHVHP- KERNDORFF, H., PASCHE, E., HARPKE, D. & BLATTNER, F. R.  7KUHH bles C. roopiae WORONOW, GHVFULEHGLQWKH)ORUDRIWKH8665 new species of CrocusIURP7XUNH\²6WDS¿D 95: 99-105 IURPWKH.DUVDUHDLQQRUWKHDVWHUQ7XUNH\ 1RW6\VW([+HUE MATHEW, B.  : The crocus. A revision of the genus Crocus ,UL- +%39   *URVVKHLP )O .DYN ,    W\SH LQ daceae). — Timber Press, Portland, 127 pp. 7LÀLV 7KLVRQHZDVSXWLQWRV\QRQ\P\E\ MATHEW  DV MAW, G.  $PRQRJUDSKRIWKHJHQXVCrocus²'XODX &R being a form of &ELÀRUXV subsp. tauri. According to our phylo- /RQGRQ9,,,SS genetic results it belongs to the adami-east sub-cluster and not to MAYR, E.  $ORFDOÀRUDDQGWKHELRORJLFDOVSHFLHVFRQFHSW² the tauri cluster. Although it has identical sequences to C. adamii $PHU-%RW79: 222-238. $UP*HWBBC. adamii Arm Van, and C. adamii03 VHH MEIKLE, R.D.  :KDWLVWKHVXEVSHFLHV"²7D[RQ 6: 102-105. Tab. 1b) it is a phenotypically and even morphologically diff- PASCHE, E.  $QHZ Crocus ,ULGDFHDH IURP7XUNH\²+HUEHUWLD ferentiable “form” of C. adamii VHH7DEDG7DE)LJ  49 More investigations are necessary to determine the taxonomical PETERSEN, G., SEBERG, O., THORSØE, S., JØRGENSEN, T. & MATHEW, B. status of this crocus.  $SK\ORJHQ\RIWKHJHQXVCrocus ,ULGDFHDH EDVHGRQVH- TXHQFHGDWDIURP¿YHSODVWLGUHJLRQV²7D[RQ57: 487-499. SCHNEIDER, I., KERNDORFF, H. & PASCHE, E. (2013): Chromosome num- bers of Turkish Crocus /LOLLÀRUDH,ULGDFHDH DQGWKHLUJHRJUDSKL- Acknowledgements cal distribution. — Feddes Repert. 123: 73-79. WETTSTEIN, R. The work for this paper was supported by scanned copies of   *UXQG]JHGHUJHRJUDSKLVFKPRUSKRORJLVFKHQ 0HWKRGHGHU3ÀDQ]HQV\VWHPDWLN²*XVWDY)LVFKHU-HQDSS KHUEDULXPVSHFLPHQVRI%ULDQ0DWKHZ IRUPHUO\.HZ DQGWKH *HQHYDKHUEDULXPIRUZKLFKZHDUHYHU\WKDQNIXO:HDUHLQ- GHEWHGWR,QJR6FKQHLGHU :XVWHUPDUN IRUFKURPRVRPHFRXQWV +HOPXWKERNDORFF DQG')*IRU¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWRIPROHFXODUZRUN:HDUHHVSH- &DVDGD(LUD6mR5RPmR&[$ cially thankful to Mr. Bernd Rier for his great support writing the 6mR%UiVGH$OSRUWHO Latin diagnoses. Last but not least we thank our families for the Portugal great interest, help and patience at any time. Erich PASCHE Feldstraße 71 42555 Velbert References *HUPDQ\


186 STAPFIA: reports