Grapevine is published monthly by: Cylch y Frenni Circle of Churches A Local Ministry Area comprising the parishes of , Llanglydwen, , Llanwinio and Mynachlog-ddu

Ministry Team Leader: The Reverend Jonathan Copus MA 01994 438414 [email protected] Focal Ministers

Clydau: Mrs Elizabeth Law 01239 698607 [email protected] Llanfyrnach: Mrs Eunice Batchelor JP 01239 831556 [email protected] Llanglydwen: Reader Mrs Maureen Henneveld 01994 419841 [email protected] Llanwinio: Mr Philip Higginson 01994 484498 [email protected] Mrs Judy Webb 01239 698405 [email protected] Mynachlog-ddu: The Reverend Jonathan Copus MA Pastoral Eucharistic Assistants The Focal Ministers Mr David Carter 01239 831103 [email protected] PCC Secretaries Clydau: Mrs Elizabeth Law Llanfyrnach: Mrs Hazel Jones 01239 831595 [email protected] Llanglydwen: Mrs Susan Copus 01994 438414 [email protected] Llanwinio: Mr Philip Higginson 01994 484498 [email protected] Mynachlog-ddu: Mr Alex Velky 01994 419849 [email protected] Publicity Officer Mrs Sharon Edge 01437 532 681 [email protected]

Grapevine copy deadline is 23:59 hrs on the 10th of the preceding month

Editor: Ms Kathie Dubben, Myrtle Hill, Gellywen, SA33 6DS [email protected] 01994 484404

£130 per full page ad £70 per half page ad £40 per quarter page ad

Treasurer: Mr Keith Taylor, Brynderi Farm, Whitland, SA34 0JD [email protected] 01994 448653 Front cover: Roses at Bowood House by Kathie Dubben


Cylch y FRENNI Circle of Churches Clydau, Llanglydwen, Llanfyrnach, Llanwinio and Mynachlog-ddu

SERVICES IN JULY At At Morning andreadings first last onlyPrayer the are ; used 3rd Wednesday: Thomas, Apostle Bro Preseli 10.30 am Holy Eucharist (and readers givethegiven announce peoplepage please find numbersWould where to time page!) 7th The Third Sunday after Trinity (Green) Llanglydwen 9.30 am Holy Eucharist

Mynachlog-ddu 11.15 am Holy Eucharist numbersPagethe to bilingual refer the Newof copiTestament es Llanfyrnach 11.15 am Communion by Extension 14th The Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Llanglydwen 9.30 am Morning Prayer Llanwinio 9.30 am Communion by Extension Clydau 11.15 am Communion by Extension the halfverse of

Llanfyrnach 11.15 am Holy Eucharist

‘ a

st ’ 21 The Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Green) means the the ofhalf first verse; Llanglydwen 9.30 am Communion by Extension Llanfyrnach 11.15 am Communion by Extension Mynachlog-ddu 11.15 am Communion by Extension 28th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity: (Green)

Llanglydwen 9.30 am Morning Prayer

Llanwinio 9.30 am Communion by Extension ‘

b ’ ’ Clydau 11.15 am Morning Prayer secondmeans the Llanfyrnach 11.15 am Morning Prayer

Some Holy Days not on a Sunday 22nd Mary Magdalene 25th James, Apostle

3 NO. 34, PLEASE, WITH EGG FRIED RICE So we have / will shortly have a new Prime Minister in the form of Michael Gove / Sam Gyima / Matt Hancock / Mark Harper / Jeremy Hunt / Sajid Javid / Boris Johnson / Andrea Leadsom / Esther McVey / Dominic Raab / Rory Stewart / Jeremy Corbyn. Meanwhile, Ed Davey / Jo Swinson takes / will take up the reins of the Liberal Democrats. And we will definitely be leaving the EU on 31st October / staying in the EU / having a second referendum.* *Delete as appropriate That’s more choices than your average Chinese takeaway. And don’t think you can look to history for help. Take the Conservative leadership contest, for example, where the clear front-runner is often the loser. The odds-on favourite at the time of writing is Boris Johnson. But then he was also in pole position in 2016, when the winner was Theresa May. Mind you, that was at least in part because he called a press conference at which he was expected to launch his candidature, and instead stunned everyone by announcing he would not be running. In 2006 the runaway candidate was David Davis, beaten in the event by David Cameron. Before that, in 1990, Michael Heseltine was expected to sweep the board; instead, the party got John Major. Still further back, in 1995, no-one doubted that Edward Heath would win the contest. He lost to Margaret Thatcher. If uncertainty reigns on this side of the English Channel, what about mainland Europe? Who will succeed Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker? Manfred Weber? Michel Barnier? Margrethe Vestager? Frans Timmermans? Nigel Farage?

4 How do you react to all this uncertainty? Are you fed up with it all, or excited? We’re all familiar with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle with regard to sub-atomic particles; but what about on a human scale? In medical circles, uncertainty has its own measurement: the PRU, or Physicians’ Reaction to Uncertainty, including such factors as doctors’ reluctance to tell patients they’re not sure what it is they’ve got. From a patient’s viewpoint, would you rather your GP said confidently you were suffering from hyperplasmic onomatorrhegia or admitted frankly they just hadn’t a clue what was wrong with you? Psychologists say most of us would be happier with that fictitious name for our condition; and in fact there are many terms used by the medical profession which simply describe the symptoms in Latin without even guessing at the cause – a device designed to give the impression they’re on top of your case. You’d have a right to be annoyed, though, if you were diagnosed with plumbum agitans (swinging the lead). On the whole, we feel happier if we can name something, even if the name doesn’t tell us much. Perhaps that’s why one of the creation stories in Genesis describes the way the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the wild beasts. Naming something gives you a sense of control over it: though whether calling a lion a lion when your head is in its jaws gives you much comfort is a matter for debate. One positive effect of all the current political uncertainty is that at least it’s made a lot more of us engage with national and international affairs: the recent European elections saw the biggest turn-out in 20 years. There is an old book with chunks of Latin designed for learners to translate at sight – ‘unseens’, as they were called. It has a jokey quotation in the front: Greet the unseen with a cheer! That’s actually from a poem by Robert Browning, hoping he would be remembered after his death as: One who never turned his back but marched breast forward, Never doubted clouds would break. Perhaps that’s the challenge of 2019, not to be depressed by the apparent chaos all around us but to stride confidently forward, playing our part in shaping the future. After all, there is one constant we can be certain of finding there: God. BLOOMIN’ MARVELLOUS That’s the prospect on Saturday 6th July, when chapels and churches in the Hermon area hold a flower festival. Taking part will be Hermon Chapel, 5 Brynmyrnach Chapel and our own, our very own Llanfyrnach Church. This last will be decorated by ladies from the church plus The Heritage Group, Glandwr W I, Betty’s sister Eirlys and Jane Picksley. Afternoon teas will be served in Hermon Centre from 12 noon till 3.30 pm, and will cost £5. SCRIBES WANTED Chatter chatter have you heard The latest gossip ? Not a word To anyone... But do you know that Natter natter well my dear You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was shocked ! So sang Mrs Honeyman, the village gossip in the 1960s BBC series Camberwick Green. According to one website, before the Internet she was ‘the fastest method of information transfer’. Now, of course, there’s Grapevine as a source of local information – but not unless your Editor receives it. That’s where you come in. Don’t just stand there in your village shop telling one person at a time: share news and views via this venerable publication. All contributions will be welcome if sent to [email protected]. FAREWELL FOR NOW

6 On Saturday, 8th June, the body of Peter (‘Pete’) Graham Davies was laid to rest in Clydau Churchyard. Moving tributes were paid to him by his family, concentrating on his love of all things living, plants and animals, and of sport – both football and the less physically energetic pursuits of darts, skittles and rifle shooting. We commend him to God’s keeping and remember his family in our prayers. RE-WORDING THE LORD’S PRAYER The Independent newspaper reported on 6th June that the president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, had told Avvenire newspaper that Pope Francis had signed off on liturgical changes, including a revision of the Lord’s Prayer. In doing so, he seems to be following a change approved by French Bishops in 2017. The Lord’s Prayer is derived from Matthew 6: 9-131: the translation used in the Roman Catholic Church is derived from St Jerome’s Vulgate Bible, which is his 4th Century Latin translation of earlier Greek and Hebrew texts. The revision relates to verse 13, which reads in a later English translation: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”2,3 Pope Francis has reportedly approved changing “lead us not into temptation” to “do not let us fall into temptation”, as his view is that Satan is the “one who leads you astray”. The wording he intends to drop portrays God as the potential tempter4 of mankind. The change of language will be incorporated into the revised third edition of the Italian Missal: the textbook for Catholic Mass.

7 The ‘change’ of wording is to the Italian version, showing in this article in English translation. There has been no discussion in the English-speaking Catholic Church about any possible change as yet. Academic Meredith Warren, a lecturer in biblical and religious studies at Sheffield University, told the Guardian newspaper: “This new version of the Lord’s Prayer tries to avoid implying that God has some hand in evil: but in doing so the Pope not only overlooks the many biblical examples where God works with the Devil to tempt4 his followers and even his own son. The new version actually goes against the plain meaning of the Greek of the gospel text.” The unvarnished New Testament (translated by Andy Gaus) is an attempt to provide a literal translation of the Greek and renders Matthew 6, 9-13 thus: So pray like this: Our Father in the skies, Let your name be sanctified, Let your kingdom come, May your will be seen5 On Earth, just as in the sky. Give us day by day the next day’s bread, And forgive our debts6 The same as we forgive7 the debts that others owed us. And do not put us to the test, But snatch us from the Evil One’s3 clutches, let it be so.8 If you forgive people for stepping out of line, Your Heavenly Father will forgive you too. But if you don’t forgive other people, Your father also won’t forgive you for stepping out of line. The English ‘Geneva’ translation (1607 edition) reads “And lead us not into tentation but deliver us from evil”. William Morgan’s 1588 Welsh translation is “Ac nac arwain ni i brofedigaeth eithr gw aret ni rhag drwg” while in 1770 y Parch Peter Williams rendered it “Ac nac arwain ni i brofedigaeth eithr gwared ni rhag drwg”. The Lord’s Prayer as used in our services is derived from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer which itself is derived from a translation of the Latin Sarum Rite 8 developed at Salisbury in the wake of the Norman invasion. So several steps removed from the Biblical wording. In our current ‘Holy Eucharist 2004’ the Welsh version at the bottom of page 21 uses exactly the words of y Parch Peter Williams’ translation and the English version on page 22 is the same as the Geneva Bible except it has the current spelling of ‘temptation’. The updated version at the top of the page says “A phaid â’n dwyn i brawf, ond gwared ni rhag yr un drwg” (And save us from the time of trial but deliver us from evil”) So we would seem to be a decade and a half ahead of the Pope’s thinking. Richard Law Study Notes by Revd. Jonathan Copus 1: … and Luke 11. 2-4, a shorter version, which among other things omits the ‘deliver us from evil’ phrase. Luke’s version begins simply Father, which is thought to reflect the Aramaic word Abba, roughly equivalent to the English Dad. Some scholars see this as highly significant, showing that Jesus taught his followers to address God in respectful but familiar terms. This theory is reinforced by the fact that Abba appears in Romans 8. 15, where St Paul feels the need to translate it into Greek (as ‘father’) for the benefit of Greek speakers, suggesting that the familiar Abba mode of addressing God was a hallmark of early Christianity. 2: The Greek literally says Do not lead us into testing. 20th-century scholars interpreted this as a reference to the Great Trial at the End of the Age: that’s where the Save us from the time of trial idea comes in. 3: The Greek can mean either evil or the evil one. 4: ‘Temptation’ in Tudor and Elizabethan English meant ‘testing’: this is the sense in which Jesus goes into the desert to be tested by the Devil (Mk 1. 12- 13//Mt 4. 1-11//Lk 4. 1-13). 5: Literally: Let your will become. 6: Luke has sins. 7: The most reliable text of Matthew’s Gospel has we have forgiven. 8: Let it be so does not appear in the most reliable version of the Greek text. What follows (If you forgive … stepping out of line) is generally accepted as an explanation, rather than an integral part of the Lord’s Prayer. Only Matthew plunges into this description of conditional forgiveness: Luke does not. Jonathan Copus 9 Above: Gracie Soffia Wiggans holding her new twin baby brothers, Caleb Rhys and Ellis Macsen

Right: Fruits of their labour—Ladies who attended a Willow Weaving Workshop at Canolfan Clydau organised by Marie DuQuesnay

10 MERCY – THE LITTLE GIRL WITH NO FEET. AN UPDATE I expect you remember Mercy – the 9 year old girl in Uganda that some of us support, who lost her feet in a house fire as a baby. As I write this, things aren't too good. Her bones started breaking through her stumps again a little while ago, but she wasn't able to undergo surgery because she had a flare-up of her sickle cell anaemia. She went into hospital in Entebbe on the 13th June for surgery, but blood tests showed that there are still malaria parasites present, and her blood count is still very low following the sickle cell. So for the time being she remains in hospital under medication with her foster-father in attendance to prepare her food and generally care for her – only medical treatment is provided, which of course has to be paid for which is where we come in. The family have very recently moved home following her foster-mother's job loss – and the home that went with it. They have found somewhere in a safe area – parts of the Fort Portal area aren't safe but are subject to slave raids (mainly children taken) from nearby Congo; so it's been a busy time. I've been busy, too! The crochet bells continue – I now have strings of rainbow bells at £7 as well as single bells in many different colours. But my new line is bookmarks as per the picture, which range in price from £1.50 to £2.00, all of which goes to Uganda to help support Mercy. Packed in cellophane, they contain a brief note about Mercy, and will easily post! Sold according to weight (!) if we can't arrange delivery/collection, postage will be added. Interested? Contact me on 01239 698405, [email protected]


12 Mercy bells and bookmarks and other items will be on sale at the following shows - Sat. 6th July, 1.00 pm Tegryn family fun day, Tegryn football field Including a tombola Sat. 27th July, 12 noon, Vintage Show & Fun Day, Bwlchygroes Community Hall Weds. 7th August, all day Nevern Show on the Mynachlogddu Church Cake stall Sat. 20th July, 7.30pm, Carew village hall, Charity Line Dance. Admission £6 Any further info? Phone me on 01239 698405 Judy Webb Mynachlog-ddu Cakes Galore – Come and buy, at… …..Nevern Show, Wednesday 7th August, where the Mynachlog-ddu lot are running their annual cake (plus savouries) stall. Last year, see photo, we had a


14 good and happy time in our gazebo on the other side of the ring from the main marquee. The Show is a nice compact affair, ‘The small show with a big heart’ they call it. No loud music and no perpetual smell of burgers and onions. You can explore the craft stalls and the animal pens in an hour or so. Unique Alpacas will be visiting for the first time, and Teifi Valley Motor Club will be there. Then you can eat at an eatery, visit our stall and buy our cakes, and oh, watch the show and the demonstrations in the ring. Come for the day! It’s at Bayvil Farm, SA41 3XN Llanfyrnach Below is a fantastic photo of Llanfyrnach Station dated 1959 provided by Richard Law. Should bring back a few memories! Maybe you are even in it!!!

Do any other readers have any vintage photos they would like to share? If you do, send them to the editor—in any format—and they will be included in the Grapevine. Thanks.

15 Above: TV cameras turned up at Bethel, Llanddewi, recently after the Service while the members were having tea. Pamela Lewis from the chapel was presented with the "Halen y Ddaear" (Salt of the Earth) award for her work for the chapel and in the community. Also pictured with Pamela are Alwyn Humphries, on the right, from S4C who presented the award and Eric Howells who nominated Pamela. Below: Adam Legg of Llanglydwen was 70 on 9th June, and celebrated with a well-attended hog roast at the Bont, raising £900 for Macmillan Nurses. As may be guessed by the cake, Adam is a very keen fisherman! Adam is a member of Whitland Male Choir, many of whose members were present, and after singing 'Happy Birthday' sang a very moving rendition of 'I bob un sydd ffyddlon'. Many happy returns, Adam!


LANWINIO W.I. On Tuesday the 11th of June Julie Marsden came to Llanwinio to deliver a taster version of Dru Yoga. It was a very gentle yoga session which culminated in a deep relaxation and meditation. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it - even those who were so relaxed they fell asleep! July’s meeting will be the annual day out, details of which are closely guarded, but a great day is guaranteed for all! New members are always welcome. Meetings are usually held at Llanwinio Community Hall at 2.00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month. For more information, contact the president, Anne Summerbell on 01994 484278

17 Meidrim and Merthyr Canon Jeffrey Gainer 01994 231378 Services in July 2019 7th Third Sunday after Trinity Meidrim 9.00am Morning Prayer 9.45am Y Cymun Bendigaid 4.00pm Evensong Merthyr 11.15am Holy Eucharist 14th Fourth Sunday after Trinity Meidrim 9.00am Boreol Weddi 11.15am Holy Eucharist 4.00pm Hwyrol Weddi Merthyr 11.15am Y Cymun Bendigaid 21st Fifth Sunday after Trinity Meidrim 9.45am Holy Eucharist (bilingual, 2004 rite) 4.00pm Evensong Merthyr 11.15am Morning Prayer 28th Sixth Sunday after Trinity Merthyr 9.45am Holy Eucharist Meidrim 11.15am Matins 4.00pm Hwyrol Weddi Merthyr The funeral of the late Mrs Beryl Joyce Walters was held at Merthyr Church on Tuesday. May 28th, when a large and respectful congregation gathered for the service which was taken by the Rector. The organist was Mr William Bott and the Scripture lesson was read by the minister of Cana chapel, the Revd Beti Wyn James, who had come back from Cardiff (where she had been attending the Urdd Eisteddfod with her own family) in order to join us. Immediately after the service the mourners were able to meet many of those who had attended the church service before proceeding to Cana chapel graveyard where the burial took place.

18 Joyce herself was born in 1926 in Cardiff and as a young woman worked in the Ministry of Agriculture. She married Bob in 1950 and they were given over half a century of happy married life as well as two sons, Robert and Stephen. To them, as also to their spouses, Meinir and Liz, and their families we extend the assurance of our thoughts and prayers whilst giving thanks also for the kindness and friendship that Joyce showed to so many in the course of a long and well- lived life. Although much afflicted by ill health latterly, Joyce retained a lively interest in other people. May she rest in peace. Please note that on the first Sunday of this month, and immediately after the service, there will be a Parochial Church Council meeting to consider the works required to be carried out on the church building and not least to counteract the perennial problem of damp. A good attendance will facilitate matters and enable us, hopefully, to come to a common mind concerning an affordable programme of works. Once this is decided we shall have to comply with faculty procedure. Meidrim We extend our sympathy to Mrs Hilary Evans, her husband Dorian (our church treasurer), to Rachel, Kate, Daniel and to Simon, Hilary’s brother, on the demise of the late Mrs Rhona Thomas of Milford Haven at the age of 95. Mrs Thomas was the widow of Canon Geoffrey Thomas who for twenty years was the Vicar of Milford Haven as well as Canon Treasurer of St Davids cathedral. Her funeral was held on Tuesday. June 4th when Fr Paul Davies, formerly assistant curate to Canon Thomas, presided at the Requiem eucharist. The cremation took place at Parc Gwyn, Narberth. Recently a family from British Columbia called unexpectedly on the Vicar and sought information about the last resting place of a former resident of Meidrim. Unfortunately we do not have a plan of the burials in Meidrim churchyard. The deceased was a Mr Frederick Walther whose funeral was held in church here in 1979. He lived first of all in one of the cottages (now demolished) in Upper Village and near the churchyard entrance and latterly at Dan y Fron. On making further enquiries the Vicar was able to find out a little bit more about Mr Walther but unfortunately was unable to obtain information about the exact spot where Mr Walther is buried in the churchyard. Does anyone reading this have any idea where his grave might be so that we may inform his grand- daughter who is now aged 75 herself? The same lady vividly recalls staying at the old Vicarage for a few days, probably shortly after the Second World War,

19 when she was hosted by her grandfather’s neighbour and friend, the Revd J. J. Thomas who was incumbent here until 1957. Those who like to support local music making have an opportunity to do so on July 10th when Cantorion Llanddowror will give a concert in Llanddowror Church under the direction of Mrs Elizabeth Jameson . The Carmarthen Ukuleles will also take part! Tickets cost just £6.00 and the proceeds will go to church and choir funds. The concert begins at 7.30 pm. Advance notice. August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration, a feast which is probably more observed in Eastern than in Western Christendom. Nonetheless a group of clergy will be attending the eucharist here on that day at 12 noon and parishioners are exhorted to join them for the Sunday eucharist at noon on that day. We ae glad to see Mr Arwyn Lewis out and about after his recent stay in Glangwili hospital and trust that he is making progress. We are sorry to hear of Major Ivor Ramsden’s accident and operation so soon after his wife’s death, and trust that he is feeling better in the care of his daughter, Mrs Victoria Bruce and her sister, Clarissa, at his home in Cosheston.


Above: Willy Boot’s birthday party Below: Eglwys Gymyn flying the flags

21 Sunday, July 14, is Sea Sunday when we shall have an opportunity to remember the work of all who spend their working lives on their boat or ship as well as the Church’s ministry to seafarers. There is an Anglican chaplain at Milford Haven and others serve in other ports in many parts of the world. Whitland, Cyffig, Llanboidy Llandysulio, Clunderwen The Reverend Kingsley G Taylor, BD MA 01994 240494 [email protected] Assistant Priest Dr Canon Jeni Parsons Services in July 7th Trinity III St Mary 10.00 am Holy Communion St David 11.30 am Holy Communion 14th Trinity IV St Mary 8.00 am Holy Communion St Tysilio 9.00 am Holy Communion St Mary 11.00 am Matins St David 1.00 am Matins Cyffig 2.30 pm Holy Communion St Brynach 4.00 pm Holy Communion 21st Trinity V St Mary 8.00 am Holy Communion St Mary 11.00 am Matins St David 2.30 pm Holy Communion 28th Trinity VI St Mary 8.00 am Holy Communion St Tysilio 9.00 am Holy Communion St Mary 11.00 am Holy Communion St David 11.00 am Matins St Brynach 11.15 am Holy Communion Cyffig 2.30 pm Evensong

22 Victorian, Old Fashioned or simply Traditional? There is a lot to be said for tradition. I was impressed by a funeral I attended recently (see below), it was not Victorian or Old Fashioned but it was Traditional. The funeral was in St Peter’s Lampeter Velfrey with a burial in the churchyard. Rev Huw Davies took a very respectful and dignified service, Chancellor Geoffrey Morris played the organ, Rev Nigel Griffin and I were both there (so were Daniel O’Donnel and Aled Jones singing through an iphone), but more than this, the whole community was there. For a few days now I have been reflecting. We don’t have traditional funerals like that very often these days, sadly partly because of the lack of space in our churchyards, and it is traditions like this that I miss so much. All the modernisation the church has gone through, has it done any good? Has it stopped our numbers going down? In Memoriam Our sympathy to the family and friends of Mair Smith of Tavernspite who passed away peacefully aged 89. The funeral took place in St Peter’s, Lampeter Velfrey on Friday 24th May. Mair was a much loved and respected woman and will be greatly missed.

23 Apology Sincerest apology to John Seeley, in last month’s report of the Baptism of Cian James Seeley in the Cyffig version his name as grandfather was missed out while other names were mentioned. Events so far Sat June 8 10.00 am Gift Day St David Sat June 22 2.00 pm Summer Fete Llanboidy Sat June 29 2.00 pm Cream Teas St Tysilio Fri July 5 6.00 pm Barbecue at Station House (St Mary) Sat July 27 2.00 pm Cream Teas Red Roses (Cyffig) Thu Aug 15 7.00 pm The History of Whitland from the last Ice Age by the Vicar at St Mary’s Sat Aug 17 10 am – 4 pm Gift Day St Mary’s Wed Aug 21 7.00 pm Bingo Red Roses Cyffig We would just like to remind everyone that our "Cream Teas" will take place in Red Roses Hall on Saturday 27th July 2pm—4pm. The Bingo Night is on Wednesday 21st August, also in Red Roses Hall, doors open 7pm for 8pm start.

Llanboidy Gracie Soffia Wiggans was delighted to welcome her 2 new baby brothers, Caleb Rhys and Ellis Macsen, albeit a little early on the 24th May – they are now at home with their proud parents Emily and Will Wiggans who shall certainly have their arms full They are the Grandsons of Sue and Huw Jones of Cilowen Uchaf, Login Our good wishes go to the whole family and hope they do not get too many sleep deprived nights Llanboidy in Bloom competition Llanboidy Community Council are encouraging everyone to fill their gardens with blooms and decorate their homes with hanging baskets and window boxes and enter this competition which is intended to make Llanboidy alive, not with the sound of music, but with colour and scents from flowers and shrubs Judging to take place in August with results on Sunday August 18th. 24 Dates for your diary Friday 5th July: Llanboidy market hall are having a Barbecue, plus stalls, at Cresswell Quay – 5.30 onwards – in aid of funds for the hall Thursday 11th July: Llanboidy WI will be meeting at 7.30 pm in the Family Room at the Social Club, Llanboidy. The speaker will be Mr Robert Jones, talking about Bees and Beekeeping, and the competition will be a Kim's game - a fun test of your short term memory! Friday 12th July: Concert at Pisgah Chapel, Llandissilio at 7.30 with Huw George presiding. Whitland Male Choir and soloist Gwydion Rhys will be performing – in aid of Llandissilio Playing Fields Coffee, Craft & Conversation - Join Jacqui in the Market hall, Llanboidy, on Thursday mornings from 10.00 am to 12 noon. £4 including coffee and cake. Personal projects, skill sharing and group learning, plus lots of laughter Please , please, please let me, Sue Jones have any Llanboidy news for the next edition of Grapevine and I will forward to Kathie, our Editor My email address: [email protected] Phone: 01994 448303 Text: 07530 523813

25 Eglwys Gymyn It is good to have a celebration in any month, but in June Eglwys Gymyn has enjoyed two. First we had the 92nd birthday of a stalwart of our congregation, Mr W Phillips, who has been a regular member since the days when he still wore short trousers!!! Although no longer attending every Sunday we still have the pleasure of his company on special occasions, like St Margaret's Day, in June. Our second celebration was actually St Margaret's Day on June 9th, which is held on the second Sunday in June every year. Reverend Huw held the 3.00 pm service with the sermon address to the congregation by our guest Reverend Nigel Griffin. As is traditional at Eglwys Gymyn, the service was followed by afternoon tea in the Church Hall. The derivation of our West celebration of St Margaret, who is a Scottish Saint, is not clear, but her image is a principal part of the main stained glass window behind the altar. Work to deal with some of the issues identified in our 2018 Quinquennial report continues at a moderate pace. However the Diocesan Faculty approval for repairs to the Chancel wall, which holds the stained glass window depicting St Margaret, is still awaited, but I suppose looking at the 2000 year history of the church, a few more months is of no consequence. In July, regular Church Sunday services will be held at 2.00 pm with Rev Huw 2.00 pm every Sunday led by Rev Huw St Margaret's Day service, 2.00 pm Sunday 9th June

26 Mercy Update. Some photos of this brave little girl taken only a couple of days after enduring a horrible operation in Entebbe, Uganda, to stop her bones growing through her stumps. She is home again now with her foster family, but these awful operations will continue until she has finished growing. Also pictured are the bells and bookmarks Judy Webb is busy crocheting to raise money for her care. See page 11.

27 Whitland Male Choir On 28th May we had a great concert at St John’s Church, Tenby, raising funds for the church organ maintenance. A decent size audience attended making it a rewarding night for all. On Saturday 8th June a concert was arranged between the choir and Clive Edwards, at the Social & Sports Club, Whitland. Raising funds for Breast Cancer Care. It was a fantastic evening, with all the talent from various choir members, including a Shambles sketch. We also had the popular Elderly Brothers, and Huw Jones telling a story on choir members with the deck of cards. Clive Edwards, also sang and entertained in his own unique way, also Rob Williams did a Max Boyce solo, and the choir sang a few songs. The evening was full of hilarity and entertainment, including our compère for the evening, David Thomas, who was certainly a match for Clive on the humour front. A big thanks to Hefina Jones and Owain Lewis for keeping us all in check and for conducting and accompanying us. Between the tickets, raffle and auction, the grand sum of £1,215.00 was raised for Breast Cancer Care. On that note I need to remind everyone that our seven cyclists will be doing their sponsored cycle from Lands End to Whitland on 26-29th June. Any donations for Breast Cancer Care can be given to choir members, or the Just Giving page on the choir’s Facebook page. On Saturday 6th July we will be in concert at Pisga Chapel, Llandissilio with soloist Gwydion Rhys and Huw George presiding. All funds are for Llandissilio Playing Fields Association.

28 Please note that the choir website is on and not We are also on Facebook. We are still looking for new members to join our choir. If you are interested please attend our practice sessions on Thursday evenings at the Memorial Hall, Whitland at 7.30pm. You can sit and listen or join in, no obligation. You can also contact our Secretary, Hugh Lewis on 01994 240437 Afon Taf Gardening Club, Whitland

On the 20th of June Peter Whittaker from Glyn Bach Gardens, Llangolman, gave a very interesting talk on garden pollinators. Plenty of bees were in evidence, but they are not the only pollinators by any means. Bees are under threat at the moment and are vital to food production.

The next meeting will take place on the 18th of July when Sheena Crossley will talk about’ Gardening on the Cheap’. Meetings usually take place at 7.30 pm at Whitland Town Hall on the third Thursday of the month. For more information please contact the Chairman, Jan on [email protected]

29 Llanfyrnach Parish Heritage Group On the 3rd of July a visit is planned to Scolton Manor at 2.00 pm. There will be an introductory talk about the house. Meetings usually take place on the first Wednesday of the month at the Brynach Room at Canolfan Hermon at 7.30 pm Trinity, Llanboidy, Tabernacle, Whitland and Bethel, Llanddewi Velfrey Minister Revd. Guto Llywelyn, Tel. 01269 851655 [email protected]

Trinity: Delyth Dent Tel. 01994 448606 [email protected] Tabernacle: Meryl James Tel. 01994 240350 [email protected] Bethel: Eric Howells Tel. 01994 240205 [email protected] Services in July Bethel, Llanddewi July 7th: 14.00 Communion Sevice with Baptism July 14th: 10.30 Service through the medium of English July 21st: Annual Pilgrimage July 28th: 14.00 English Communion Service Tabernacle, Whitland July 7th: 9.30 Family Communion Service (cup of tea to follow) July 14th: 14.00 Yr Egin, Carmarthen July 21st: Annual Pilgrimage July 28th: 11.00 Communion Service

30 Trinity, Llanboidy July 7th: 11.00 Communion Service with members taking part July 14th: 14.00 Yr Egin, Carmarthen July 21st: Annual Pilgrimage July 28th: 9.30 Communion Service (Sunday School at 9.30am every Sunday) Bethel For our secretary Ms Pam Lewis the service on May 26th was the usual Communion Service with a cup of tea to follow, so she was surprised to see two tables laid out with more than just tea and biscuits and even more surprised when the door opened and a team from S4C entered and asked for her. Unknown to Pam, Rev Guto Llywelyn and Sir Eric Howells had arranged for an interviewer to come and present her with flowers and a commemorative plate as part of their “ Halen y Ddaear” slot which acknowledges people who have been active in their community over a long period. The team were there for almost an hour and the result will be shown at a later date. The following Sunday members attended Bethel, Loveston for their Anniversary Services and then went for a meal at a local restaurant. We had our usual service on 9th June and that evening we went to Ebenezer Cold Inn who had invited our minister as their guest preacher. There was a joint service in Trinity on the 16th and a service dedicated to Christian Aid on the 23rd with a collection for their Sierra Leone appeal. Our service on the 30th is an English Communion and the Communion Service on 7th July will also see the baptism of little Morgan Hugh, whose family have been faithful to Bethel for many generations.


Trinity The Sunday services on the 5th and 26th May were led by the minister, Revd. Guto Llywelyn. On Sunday, 12th May members joined Tabernacle chapel for their Annual Service led by guest minister the Revd. Jeff Williams, Brecon. Mrs. Wendy Lewis was the guest preacher at the service held at Bethel chapel on Sunday, 19th May. Congratulations to Angela and Gareth Murray on the birth of their grandson Llŷr, and to proud parents Phillip and Cathy. Members wish to send their deepest condolences to all those who have lost family and friends during recent weeks. We think in particular of the family of Mr. Robert Anthony, Pantycelyn, Llanboidy following their tragic loss. Tabernacle Reverand Jeff Williams from Brecon was the guest preacher at the Annual Services this year. We had a lovely day in his company with a sermon service in the morning and a service with Jeff and the children and young people in the afternoon.

32 We ventured on something new with our Christian Aid service this year. We held a bread and cheese dinner after the service and the dinner, along with the collection, raised £200 to Christian Aid. One of our members, Let Morse, is a resident at Dolyfelin Home in St. Clears. We decided to hold a service there recently and 18 chapel members joined with the members for a mid-afternoon service. Let took part and throughly enjoyed meeting her friends from the chapel. Also one of our members, June Jenkins, celebrated her 80th birthday recently and all Tabernacle members send her their best wishes.

Collection! Please note that each church is responsible for collecting their own copies of the Grapevine from Reception at Dentron, Llys Myrddin, Efailwen. They will be ready for you after 3.30 p.m. on the Saturday immediately preceding the last Sunday of the month.



Willow Weaving A recent short course in willow weaving held at Canolfan Clydau, Tegryn, produced some very impressive results. On the afternoon this picture was taken, plant supports, dragonflies and snails were the order of the day. If you are interested in hearing of any future courses to be held there, please contact Marie on 01239 698003.


1st Tuesday: 7.30 Games Night

2nd Tuesday: 2.00 W.I. Every Thursday: 7.30 Young Farmers find us on Facebook: Llanwinio Community Association

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