Assemblies of God 8~ R.II
Wir e" Pe"tecost Came to Habama Assemblies of God 8~ R.II . Spt!ncc ~I "6:"'. ",ri. I~ ,.,...w:,,~, , J,.. ."I R --- Rn..... ' ..." .II" ..... 11.-, •. 1911 nr...... ................;~ ~~~~.... ~~::::::~~~::~ :":' ...................\~ rn~. ':. ~':.:. :'.~\:\:',,:":'.:1~.8~ From The American Maga:il/e. June 1939 •• - ~-:....-=- They call her the greatest woman in Egypt-this big-hearted American who looks like Marie Dress- ler and is "Mamma" to 700 orphans and widows J E ROM E EAT T y gyP' ,~ a land of wondcr~. but (0 me E its grcatc~t ,~ M,~:> L,llmn Tra,hcr. hugc and hcany. once of Jad..~onvillc. Fla .. mOlhcr to (>-l7 Egyptian orphan" and 74 pcnnilc:>s widows. At A!. .... ioul, Egypt. shc conduth onc of thc mO~1 amazmg o{X!n hous.c~ in thc world No de!.crving Lillian Trashu child or .... ,dow ha!> cver been turncd al Ass;()ul. /938. l'holf) by Jerome away. IJealty The my~lery of the Sphmx , ~ a ch,ld's Con/inu, /I /UI fHJJ(t J THE HERITAGE t,ETTJ,j:R Wayn, Wom" ' H'U alre.ld) nntn.:cd, Ibl" ,,"uc A01 lIallCllW .\ la~lng d do\C h"ltlk, at an Aw.:lIlbln,', III (jnd legend and ,lnc of the l-!TC,II .... olllen of thl .. L"cnlUl) I.tlhan Tr:hhcr IIKK7·196t) \1." Tra .. hcr', orphanage ;11 A""I(lut, L:g)pt ..... hKh ... no .... L"allcd the Lllhan Tra:.hcr Memorial Orphanage, will be 7" year. old on FchruilfY 10. On that da} In 1911, I. l1h,Ul!OO!.. it lin} baby gIrl 11110 her home.
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