February 11, 1962 TEN CENTS
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The Pen.teoosta.l February 11, 1962 TEN CENTS NOT By M ,GHT. NOR OV POWt;R. nUT OY .... Y ~" 'T, .... n." H.E ~ORO • RE~'C'OU$ NeWs THIS WEEK' S COVER Thesc 'it'rrc his it'ords---a"d his epitaph: "With malicc t07.I.'(1rd 1101IC." This statllc of a young Abraham Lincohl !lATIN(: SIN stallds at the entrallce of New Salem, Ill., the vmage in There is only olle thing to do with sin-hate it. Hate which he li1.'cd for six )'('ars. It shows tile great emanci it ill your own life. llatc it in the lives of others. pator carrying a law book and an axe: tI,C "rail-splitter" 1t is said that when the emperor of Constantinople (IIld attorncy 1.1.'110 'it'C 'lt 0 11 to greatness it! the Presidenc)'. arrested Chrysostom and thought of trying to make him recant, the great preacher slowly shook his head. The emperor said to his attendants. "Put him in prison." DIRECTION ~IAKES TilE DI FFERENCE ":-\0," said one of them, "he will be glad to go, for Holiness is very much a matter of aspect. We arc he delights in the presence of his God in quiet." changed by beholding; therefore, vcry much depends on "Well, then. let liS execute him," sa id the emperor. the way in which we look. "lie will be glad to die," said the attendant, "for Once, in the happy month of ~fay, , \.... alked with a he wanls 10 go to hC3vcn-I heard him say so the fricnd in his orchard, mar\'e1ling at the exquisite show Oilier day. There is only one thing that can give Ch,y of dainty blossoms, wh ite and pink, and the "arieties sostOIll pain, and that is to make him sin; he said he of trees setting off each othe r and lending new charms was afraid o f nothing but sin. 1f YOll can make him of beauty. Then we came toward the house and Ilear it sin, you will make him unhappy." stood a tree without a blossom, evcry leaf blackened O h, that God would make us like Chrysoslom 1 and withered. -Selected "How is this ?" I asked. "Ah," said my friend, "this faces the east while those SHUT TilE DOOR all look south. That makes the difference." Some people livc looking within at thcir failures. Some A man was standing in a telephone booth trying to people look around at their hindranccs. Some people live t-a lk but had great difficulty in hcaring. Hc kcpt saying, looking up at their Saviour; they facc thc sunny south. " ~I can't hcar you. I can't hear you." The other mall - Mar/..' G1IY Pearse could hear not only thc man's voice but also the noises from the shop and the street, and so he said, "Shut the door and you c.."ln he.'\r." STRENGTH FOR THE DAY 1fany Christians are likc that. They do not hear God speaking to them because thcy ha\'C not shut out the One reason the Lord gives for not worrying about noises and confu sion of the world. Jeslls makes the shut the future is that we have nothing to do with it. Each door a condition of our communing with God in secret. day has it s own duties, its own needs, its own trials - The S ta11da rd and temptations. And God always gives us strength enough for the day. But if we insist upon dragging out tomorrow's cares and adding thcm to today 's, our strength PARENTAL FAITH will not be enough. For God will not add to the day's \Ve believe in the power of parental faith. The late portion of strength just to humor our whims of anxiety. Dr. A. J. Gordon tclls a beautiful story of the mother So the lesson is that we should keep the days fenced of Chri stian Schwartz, who died at the time of the birth off, each one by it self. of her son. However, she lived long enough to beseech - f. R. Miller her husband to promise her that when God called the babe to be a missionary he would not stand in the way. She could give no guardianship to the life of the child In prayer it is better to have a heart without words but the guardianship of faith. than words without a heart. - Bun)'an Is it strangc that, in an age when missionary enterprise was almost unknown, that child when grown to manhood should come home from the university and declare to his father that God had called him to be a missionary? After Jfle be/iccc the Bible to be l1.e 'nspind and only three days of great soul conflict the father, recalling the infallible and authoriut"C Word of God. WE Il ELlE\,E Ihat thert is oue God. eterll"lIy c",SIenl in thue ptr<on$' God the promise madc to his dying wife, gave him his blessing Father. God the Son. and God the lIoly Gho<t. W~: UEl.n:\,E in Ihe deity 01 our Lord Juus (hr;OI. in II,s "irain birth, ,n and wished him Godspeed as he went forth to Il1dia , Iii. ~;"Ie>. hIe. '" lIi$ n"uclu, in IIi. ,·;<:ar;ous and atoning duth. ;n lIis lJodily ruurrCClion. in IIi, ",cension to the tighl hand a pioneer missionary a generation before Carey. 01 the Falhn. and In fll, I ~r<onal fulure relurn to Ihis urth In J>O"'er and alory to rule o,'er the nations. WE In:UE\,E lilal - Evangelical Christian the only mean. of be",,,, clean'ed from .in is through repe.,tance and bith in the I'redou, blood of Cloti.1. \\'E BELl EVE Ihat <cgeneration by the HOI; Spirit is abo <olutdy e~<en t i,,' for I'er<on,,1 Sah·",ion. WE JE Ll E\ 'j( 1b.1 RI GHT PERSPECTIVE the redempti,c "'ork 01 Chri~t on the er05S IltO,·ide< healinR of the hUll1an tood)' '" an"'~r to helie"ing pranT. WE BELI£\' E I have long ceased to pray, "Lord Jesus, have com that the hapt;,m of the 1I0ly SPIn!. aC{"()r(hng to Act. 2:4. ;s (("'cn to bche"en who a,k lOT ,t. W E BELI EVE in Ihe ,anN" p."lssion on a lost world!" The Lord rebuked me fo r I}·ing po .... ~r of th( 11 0ly Spirit by whose ind\\clhng Ihe Ch r is!i~n is enal'ed 10 li " e a holy hk WE nEUE\'''; in th~ tUllr· making such a prayer. He seemed to say to me, " I have ".<:Iion 01 bolh the u,ed and the lost. Ihe Ofle to e,·ttIUlina had compassion on a lost world and now it is for you hie ~nd th( other 10 ~'-nlullna damnation to have compassion." -A. f. Gordon 2 THE PENTECOSTAL. EVANGEL The Pentecostal I EDITORIAL COMMENT I _. .... ~,.,.' ---. -.. ,-.' .... - ~UBL.I'HJ:O eO"lTINUOU.L.Y BINer; I"S FEBRUARY " , 1962 NUMBER 2492 Keep Happy! BERT \VEBB, ExtCl4tit'/! Dirtctor ROBERT C. CUXNINGHA~I, Editor Lloyd Chri~liansen, Ellitori,,1 As.nsl,ml Nell F. Hall. Editorial Auislaut Happiness does not depend on outward circulll:;lances. True hap Leslie W. Smith, I.U)'Olll F.tiitor piness is a condition of the heart. Jo)' is one of thc fruits of the Norman Pearsall, .1rlist Spirit who dwells within. The kingdom of God, we are told, is Carl G. Conner, CI'rell/lllioll Monogu IIOt meat and drink. but righteousness. and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. T herefore it is not mockery to say to OIlC·S friend~, as one dear EDITORIAL POLlCY BOARD Bert W~bb (Chairman), R. J. Deraltrom, E. W. Bethany, hrother is habitually saying, ·'Keep happy]" It is a gloriollS po:;· G. R. CarlllOn. N. D. Oa~id&on . D. II. Md..aullh1in, Kermit R~nuu, R. II. We~d, A. A. Wibon. "ibilit)' to do this, as this brother's own radiant life te~tifie~. if one's happiness finds its source in God. The happine~s to he found in worldly sources is fleeting and uncertain, hut the happiness one finds in God is eternally and entirely s..1.tisf)'ing. articles This is the kind of experience the Psalmist must have meant Positiv~ Thinking About the when he wrote the lOOth Psalm. ;';-" lake a joyful noise unto the Del'il - Roplloud L. Co:r 4 Lord, all ye lands." Ne\'er mind if someone accuses yOIl of being John Wesley Was Right - Lloyd Chris/imlsrl! 6 100 noisy in your worship. If yOIl are making the noise 111110 Ih ~ Pray for ~Ie - NormOlld 1. Tlrompsoll 7 Lord, and if it is a joyful noise, you are in step with the Scriptures. Living on the In~talhllent ·'Serve the Lord with gladness," the Psalmist said. Can you Plan - Ross L. H o/m(JII 12 think of any other appropriate way to ser\'e IIim? Thc Lord has The Revival Came· Norm H. Dilillick IS been very kind to His people. He has washed away their sins, trans Look at That Child! - Bob Chost 24 formed their lives, healed their bodies, filled them with Ilis own blessed Spirit, and answered their prayers in so many wonderful ways. The least they can do, in gratitude for all Ilis mercies, is to se rve 1-1 im-and to do it with gladness. features "Come before I lis presencc with singing." No matter how your This Present World - Editor 8 \'oice may sound to men, it is sweet in God's ears.