Horses Shocked, Abused and Children Injured at

Mutton Busting at Tucson

A February SHARK investigation into two Arizona revealed the shocking of horses at both. As if that wasn't enough, there was also animal injuries and child abuse thrown in for good measure, apparently all part of those "rodeo family values" we always hear rodeo announcers droning on about.

In 2008, SHARK first exposed Tucson's La Fiesta de Los rodeo. In spite of extensive local and national media attention at the time, it appears that little has changed at the 2013 rodeo. This is attributable to the continued sponsorship of corporate sponsors, because so long as the money flows, American rodeo animal abusers are unlikely to change.

At the 2013 Tucson rodeo, SHARK filmed the continued shocking of horses out of the chute. The cowardly "cowboys" shocking the horses to make them buck know this is abusive and try to hide their actions from the crowds and cameras. Shocking horses with the Hot Shot Power-Mite is endemic in the rodeo industry. Spokespeople for the manufacturer of the Power-Mite state that it is not supposed to be used on horses AT ALL.

Horses Shocked at 2013 Tucson Rodeo

SHARK exposed what can only be described as severe child endangerment during the Dodge Mutton Bustin' event. Watch as parents amuse themselves by watching their 4-6 yr olds get thrown into metal fences, trampled and or dragged with their helmets flying off. The injured or limping children are then carried out of the arena in tears.

Kids Endangered at 2013 Tucson Rodeo

The Tucson Citizen posted our press release and video online.

Helzapoppin' Rodeo Shocking Horses

Our investigation of Buckeye, Arizona's Helzapoppin' Rodeo also featured shocked horses, along with at least one badly injured calf. Rodeos, often described as the original extreme sport also appear to be the home of extreme animal abuse as caught on tape at the Helzapoppin' rodeo. Grown men using electric shocks repeatedly on a horse's mouth and hitting it in the face. This is supposedly "the way" and a "long standing tradition."

Horse abuse at 2013 Buckeye, AZ Rodeo

Oregon Activists: Please Help Pass Bill To Ban Horse Tripping!

SHARK's video documentation of horses being roped, tripped, slammed and severely abused at the May 2012 Jordan Valley Big Loop Rodeo has prompted Oregon lawmakers to considering a bill to ban "horse tripping."

Rodeo Horses Roped, Tripped, Slammed, Severely Abused

In an article on

Senate Bill 790 would ban tripping horses and roping their legs in the course of a rodeo event. Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, is sponsoring the bill with Sen. Brian Boquist, R- Dallas. Hass said there was no safe way to trip a horse.

"The sheer physics of these half-ton creatures crashing into the ground is often why they're injured," Hass said.

Hass further states:

Hass said he enjoys rodeo, and married a "Pendleton girl." He just doesn't see a place for the practice at the rodeo.

"This won't be the biggest bill we pass in this Legislature or this committee," Hass said. "But I think one measure of who we are is how we treat God's creatures."

Read the entire article here.

A horse goes end-over-end at the May 2012 Jordan Valley Big Loop Rodeo in the horse tripping event As expected, rodeo proponents are opposing the Senate Bill 970.

What You Can Do If You Live In Oregon

Please contact your legislator and ask that they immediately pass Senate Bill 790 to ban tripping horses and roping their legs in the course of a rodeo event. Find your legislator here.

Nevada Activists: Help Pass Ban on Horse Tripping in Nevada!

Activists in Nevada are also trying to get horse-tripping banned. If you live in Nevada, please contact your senators and ask that Senate Bill 72 be passed to ban horse-tripping. Find your senators here.

Horse Slaughterhouse in New Mexico to Open

Call Now to Help Pass Ban on Horse Slaughter

Rodeo people routinely state how much they love their animals, while SHARK is consistently documenting them shocking, kicking, stabbing, and otherwise abusing their animals. Rodeos are big proponents of horse slaughter as is The American Quarter Horse Association - also a rodeo sponsor. How convenient for them to dispose of their spent animals by selling them to slaughter.

There are times when pro-slaughter people, overwhelmed by their own anger and evil, lash- out. The latest example is a shocking video of slaughterhouse worker Tim Sappington shooting a horse at point blank range that has gone viral. We must do everything we can to halt the advancement of horse slaughter and put these people out of business.

Warning: The following video is very graphic and extremely disturbing!!!

Tim Sappington's Message to Animal Activists

Please Use Your Outrage Over This Despicable Act to Take Action for the Horses:

There is a horse slaughterhouse in Roswell, NM in the process of opening next month and there has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding this. While a bill to get horse slaughter outlawed nationwide has been stalled for years (even though 80% of the American public oppose horse slaughter), it is time to demand H.R. 1094 and S. 541 be passed immediately to end horse slaughter and export once and for all.

Please make a phone call to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators to urge co-sponsorship of H.R. 1094 and S. 541, the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act that ends the cruel slaughter of America's horses as well as their export for slaughter abroad.

You can find your representative at this link:

You can say: "I would like you to please co-sponsor, support and immediately pass into law H.R. 1094 and S. 541, the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act to protect our nation's horses and keep the food supply safe for consumers."

Rodeo Clown Convicted of Growing Marijuana

In another case of rodeo values being shown to be really bad values, Iowa Rory Meeks has been convicted of " count of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana."

Meeks worked in rodeos nationwide as a bullfighter and rodeo clown. He could spend the next 20 years in jail for growing 1,000+ marijuana plants.

Rory Meeks; one ugly clown who is about to spend time in jail.

Charlton Heston Spoof - "Cold Dead Hand with Jim Carrey"

Comedian Jim Carrey has produced a spoof of Charlton Heston when referring to a gun and gun rights. Charlton Heston was former President of the National Rifle Association from 1998-2003.