Dreads big ol Y-NPP document

● Background on the Y-NPP ● The Y-NPP in TNO is a bit of a frankensteinian political party. Whilst broadly united by racial beliefs I envision the Y-NPP still being fairly divided amongst themselves as the extreme right has been OTL. This won’t matter much until post 1972 as Yockey himself has succeeded in uniting the disparate factions behind his own leadership, much to the chagrin of some, but should Yockey fail to take the presidency these tensions will begin to boil over and Yockey might well find himself losing his control over the party and one of the other competing factions seizing his position and attempting to secure the presidency for themselves. Broadly speaking the main factions in the Y-NPP can thus be understood to be the following:

● The Traditionalists: the mainstream of the Y-NPP up until 1972. Broadly speaking this faction follows Yockeys ideas of a strictly authoritarian and anti-liberal government that uses its power to defend western, ie in their eyes white, civilization. As detailed below that will essentially be the crux of their content and Yockey’s goals will be the establishment of an ever more authoritarian government in the US. ● The Esotericists: both a very radical wing of the Y-NPP and decidedly less radical in some ways than the others. Led by Matt Koehl, they take a deeply spiritual view on race and while not as heavily authoritarian as the Traditionalists or as outwardly chaotic as the Vanguardists they will still serve as a hopefully unique fail state for the US. The primary goal of the Esotericists will be to normalize and spread white supremacism and fringe racial religions and philosophies. ● The Vanguardists: the most outwardly radical wing of the Y-NPP. Led by William Luther Pierce, they broadly believe that both the FR-NPP and Yockey/Koehl have failed at preserving the white way of life in the US and that only directly attempting to tear the system down can preserve the things they value. This will be the biggest fail state for the US and one of the most cursed things in TNO.


○ Can be first elected in 1972 ○ Should have some sort of mechanic where pushing too hard too fast on going full fash will lead to you getting ousted. Yockey should have to play a long game where things are done incrementally to slowly build up his power and turn the US’s systems and checks against themselves and overstepping should lead to very bad things, ie his presidency ending fast. Essentially the exact reverse of Italy in 1962, whereas Ciano is someone in a fascist system working to tear it down Yockey is someone in a democratic system trying to tear it down just like the fascists of old did, but this system has been around much longer and is much harder to remove. The goal is to either have Yockey fail and the US potentially able to claw back into some sense of normalcy or Yockey winning and the US entering a hard fail state. ○ Will seek to win three terms (1972, 1976, 1980) if he is played perfectly and avoids being ousted, each term should be more authoritarian than the last and the longer he is in office the worse the situation for the US should become. Each term should thus have its own tree ○ Yockey will attempt to subvert the OFN for his own purposes and will be eager to support far right nations in Europe. ○ His first two terms Yockey will be represented as Fascist in game but if he does attain the third term he will flip to NatSoc and begin being addressed as “President, Commander-In-Chief and General of the Armies of the United States of America, Francis Parker Yockey” ○ The fail state represented by Yockey is the constant fear and terror of .

Domestic policy ○ Is totally hostile to the very idea of the American democratic republic but will stifle this publicly and make slower moves to break it down from behind the scenes ○ Won't go full totalitarian mode for quite some time. His initial tree should be things like: general expansion of government powers and presidential powers especially, look to the imperial presidency for general ideas ○ Establishing rating agencies for various forms of media, this will be sold to the public as a simple measure like it was otl but the longer the Y-NPP rules the more draconian the rules become, slowly but surely crushing any non-Yockey viewpoint ○ Overhauling and "improving" voting laws, will be sold to the public as a way to prevent fraud and such things but will over time lead to more and more gerrymandering and eventually outright manipulation in favor of the Y-NPP ○ Segregation, will be the first big thing the Y-NPP pushes for, not just against African-Americans but all non-whites, they will always push to make it a nationwide thing, will lead to lots of pushback and will be Yockeys first big challenge where his presidency either dies or he survives and solidifies himself more ○ Court modernization plan, sold to the public as a revamp and update to the judiciary for the modern era. In actuality it just slightly increases the number of judges nationwide to be packed with Yockey loyalists. Will impact SCOTUS but only by 1 seat, Yockey’s plan is long term to avoid extreme backlash right away and more and more judiciary update plans will be put in over time until the entire branch is either neutered or filled with yes men who will support whatever Yockey does ○ Suppression of the opposition, again it starts very minor at first and focuses only on the most prominent and vocal L-NPP types but the longer Yockey is in power the stronger HUAC and suppression of anyone who isn’t Y-NPP becomes ○ Hostility to big business. In his first term this shouldn’t result in too much except higher income taxation and increased funding to government work programs and whatnot

○ The second term should start much the same as the first with a general increase in government powers ○ Will move to outlaw all non-European immigration into the United States ○ Income taxation will be further upped and the Federal Reserve will be nationalized and brought under state control ○ Attacks on the media become more pronounced and while you won’t be able to take it too far without risking disaster in this term you can begin to curtail press freedoms quite a bit. Probably will end up with the US dropping to Censored Press if you don’t fail. ○ Another court modernization plan will be put in place. New court districts will be drawn, specifically all the non-Yockey aligned states will be combined into one or two big districts and a bunch of Yockey states will become their own judicial districts. Essentially it would be judicial gerrymandering ○ Voting laws will be further “refined” to make it harder for minorities and non Yockey areas to vote effectively ○ Yockey will purge the military. Not in a kill everyone he doesn’t like way, but in a get rid of the establishment and potentially disloyal types by firing them or making them resign and replacing them with hardliners. Will increase Yockey’s power but drop the army level to Political Interference. ○ The Protecting Americas Traditional Racial Institutions and Obstructing Terrorism Act (PATRIOT Act, for short) will be rushed through congress and signed the same night by Yockey, defunding the CIA and FBI and establishing a new agency (Department of Homeland Security) to be filled with Yockey loyalists who will then begin a mass spying operation in the US to identify and eliminate or arrest an ever growing list of people ○ A number of mid level officers in the military will attempt a coup at this point but the newly founded DHS will pick up on it very quickly and watch them until the last moment when DHS allows them to execute the plot, only to walk into a trap. ○ Whereas segregation is the first big hurdle of term 1 the biggest hurdle for term 2 should be something like outlawing miscegenation across the entire US. Should fail if you haven’t succeeded in the court modernization plans. Will lead to strong pushback, again could kill Yockey’s presidency but if you survive your position becomes even stronger. ○ Yockey will pass an executive order undoing the one from the 40’s and officially re-segregate the armed forces. ○ If you’ve survived until this point then term 2 will end on something like the Communist Control Act being passed and the L-NPP and other such groups will be officially outlawed. Will survive in court if you’ve passed the modernization plans. If not the Act will fail and the backlash will make non Y-NPP parties become more popular and potentially be able to throw you out on a unity ticket or something.

○ No more hiding behind things once you reach this point, the last 2 years of the game are where things start to get really bad if you’ve survived this long. The tree will open with one last round of congress and the presidency becoming even more powerful. ○ A final court scheme will quickly be passed through that ensures SCOTUS is firmly filled with yes men, protests against this will be cracked down upon using both the PATRIOT Act and Communist Control Act and Yockey will simply begin mass imprisoning people who are strongly and vocally against his government, allegedly because they’re plotting insurrection and to overthrow the government. The courts will support this because at this point they’re hardly an independent branch. ○ Election manipulation moves to the next level. You won’t just gerrymander or move polling places around anymore. At this point the Y-NPP will begin openly harassing and arresting candidates from opposition groups on a mass variety of charges and votes will regularly be tampered with ○ Nationalization of all banking and several other things Yockey deems to be important to the state ○ Very open harassment and targeting of Jews by the government ○ The final thing in the two year tree will probably be the reestablishment of internment camps, ostensibly for national security but in reality it just targets everyone Yockey doesn’t like ○ The game will end on an incredibly somber note if you got this far, but there will be some hope because Yockey is aging and nobody is quite sure what will happen to the NPP once he dies and it should be hinted that the people might be able to tear this whole wretched system down as was done elsewhere if the Y-NPP loses its unity but the US will forever be changed because of the events that have transpired and people will always remember, it happened here.

Foreign policy

○ if Japan still has the ports and Hawaii this is where Yockey will be his most aggressive and probably try to take them by force. Could also have negotiations be possible but Yockey should always be a serious hardliner on the topic. ○ If Japan does not hold the ports then Yockey will pretty much pay no attention to them and focus inwards instead ○ Will NOT leave or disband the OFN. Instead he will use the US’s influence to promote things like White Australia and other similar things in Canada, New Zealand and potentially South Africa and fund movements similar to his own in those states. ○ If Bormann or Goering lead Germany then Yockey will eventually grow hostile to them once they begin to collapse and will break ties with Germany because he views them as having failed the western world due to their own ineptness, probably funding and supporting Fash and NatSoc groups in Europe in the aftermath as he now views America as the heart of western culture ○ If Speer leads Germany and they’re going reformist Yockey will be 100% hostile ○ If Speer leads Germany and they’ve remained Fash Yockey will remain friendly with them ○ Will probably support Germany somehow in WRW2 unless it went AuthDem. Justification for this is Yockey’s statements in the Proclamation of London that Slavs are barbarians and his generally dismissive attitude towards them as a collective. ○ If/when Germany dies the US under Yockey will likely try to form an alliance with any hard right European nations left. Maybe Frente Azul/Falangist Spain, Nazi holdouts, maybe some fash or natsoc options in the British Isles etc etc. ○ Will eventually found the European Liberation Front after Germany has died and give them heavy funding and arms shipments to essentially spread Yockeyist (is that a word? I’m making it a word) propaganda across Europe and attack any non-fash, non-natsoc governments on the continent

Cabinet ● VP: Louis T. Byers: member of ’s National Youth Alliance (that Pierce later took over and made into the National Alliance), founded the Francis Parker Yockey Society ● Foreign Minister: Revilo P. Oliver: Classics professor, big believer in and anti-Semitism. Is probably the guy who wrote the introduction to Imperium despite it being credited to Carto. ● Economics: Harold Keith Thompson: Corporate executive, active in far right and fascist political circles, unknowingly a Burgundian agent ● SecDef: John G. Crommelin: US Navy Admiral, strong believer in anti-Semitism and

● Matthias Koehl Ideas

● Can first be elected in 1976 ● Koehl represents a distinct factional shift in the Y-NPP. Whilst people like Yockey will still hold senate seats his failure to secure the White House for whatever reason in 1972 leads to him slowly but surely losing control over the movement and Matt Koehl solidifying himself as its figurehead. Like Yockey he is deeply anti-Semitic and extremely racist but Koehl adopts a very different sort of ideology. He will not pursue rampant authoritarianism solely for its own sake, much of Koehls content is going to revolve around legitimizing the Y-NPP and trying to fully bring white supremacism back as a totally normal thing in society, imagine the 1920’s essentially, that is Koehl’s end goal. ● A lot of Koehls content should revolve around trying to make the Y-NPP more popular across the board and bringing as many (white) people as possible into the party. To this end he will be constantly barnstorming and campaigning as much as possible and will generally try to be very populist in terms of policy. ● His motives are less ulterior than Yockey so he likely won’t get impeached for having some big plot reveal or whatever but he should still face strong backlash for things, particularly segregation and miscegenation or what have you and mismanagement of these could lead to him being ejected or rendered a lame duck. ● Koehl will seek to win a second term in 1980 if he isn’t ejected from office prior to that point. ● Koehl will likely have a foreign policy tree on par with or even potentially larger than Yockey as he will be eager to spread his beliefs to Europe, Russia if possible, Australia/New Zealand etc etc. ● The fail state represented by Koehl is the normalization of racial supremacism and hatred and seeing these things in daily life and thinking nothing of it. Domestic Policy

● Koehl will start off with a series of populist economic programs targeting the Great Plains and New England. He won’t care much about maintaining a balanced budget or whatnot and will instead try to use federal money to fund programs to boost Y-NPP popularity in these areas in hopes of securing a permanent majority. ● Will create the Department of Education and will heavily fund it and in the process propagandize the hell out of the system and fill it with white supremacist ideals and propaganda to try and secure the next generation for the Y-NPP. ● As Koehls cabinet shows below, he has at least broadly united the various religious and philosophical interpretations of white supremacism and he will attempt to form non government organizations and groups in the US and eventually elsewhere to try and spread all of these beliefs in an attempt to bring more and more people in line with his beliefs. ● Koehl will pass an executive order undoing the one from the 40’s and officially re-segregate the armed forces. This will lead to some strong backlash that unless managed carefully could derail his future plans as even the ardent segregationists aren’t massive fans of this. ● In another populist bid Koehl will go after “Jewish Big Business” and try to greatly increase taxation on them while lowering it on the common man, again to try and win people over to the Y-NPP. ● Koehl will organize a mass demonstration in DC that consists of the Y-NPP, various Klan groups, Nazi organizations and really anything more you can think of to try and score a propaganda win for the cameras. The results should be determinant on how much populist stuff you’ve done prior to raise your popularity, if you haven’t done much or have failed to pass these things the rally will be very small and drowned out by protestors and harm Y-NPP pop. A successful rally will be a propaganda win for Koehl and grant a small boost to Y-NPP pop. ● Much like Yockey, Koehl will set up a media ratings agency to go after Hollywood in particular but also try to stifle the most outspoken voices again. ● Repealing the Civil Rights Act will be the big final piece of legislation in Koehls first term. If you’ve done well up to this point the Y-NPP should have fairly moderate levels of popularity and Koehl will use this to the fullest and, citing the Supreme Court, will declare that Separate but Equal will be the law of the land nationwide. ● If Koehl survives the CRA repeal and wins re-election in 1980 he will go into the final year or two of the game bolder than ever. A repeat of his prior mass demonstration will be held and no expense will be spared to try and bring out as many supporters of his as possible to win another big propaganda win that he can parrot around. ● Koehl will work on gerrymandering minority areas to give them as little representation as possible. While he’s not as overtly authoritarian as Yockey he’s still a Nazi jackass and wants to rig the system a bit. ● Another big populist push will be made and Koehl will break up big farming corporations and hand the land back to (obviously white) people in the Plains to further try and turn the area into a Y-NPP stronghold. ● Koehl will hold a meeting with almost every white racist group in the nation and will attempt to bring them all together in broad agreement to further solidify their position in American society and ensure their power going forward. ● Immigration reform that tries to close the borders to everyone who isn’t white is the last thing Koehl will have time for before the end of the game. ● The game will end on a different sort of somber note compared to Yockey. Whereas Yockey, in his most successful run, essentially becomes a dictator in Koehls most successful run he normalizes his beliefs and the Y-NPP is just another political party by the end of it. Klansmen and Nazis are just things you’d see pretty regularly in Koehls America and with any luck our Greys could properly deliver how somber and depressing I’m imagining this being. Foreign Policy ● Koehl will, broadly speaking, be very diplomatic towards what is generally considered the western world and will also attempt overtures to Russia if possible. ● Trade agreements and if possible non-aggression pacts or alliances with European nations will be a big thing Koehl pursues, especially if the government of the nation in question is still Fash or NatSoc by the time he attains office. ● He will always be exceedingly hostile to both Japan and China, seeing them as America's natural enemy and he will covertly support both sides in the GAW to simply try and cause as much chaos as possible in hopes they cripple each other. ● He will always lend some form of support to Germany in WRW2 unless it liberalized and went AuthDem, in which case Koehl will support certain Russias like Rodzaevsky’s instead. ● The OFN nations will be subject to lots of propaganda drives and general American support in their fringe right movements as Koehl attempts to legitimize them. Cabinet ● VP: Ben Klassen, founded the Creativity religious movement ● Foreign Minister: Else Christensen, founded a racist neo-pagan group ● Economics: Richard K. Hoskins, a stockbroker who founded the Phineas Priesthood, a Christian Identity group ● SecDef: Richard Butler, founded the Aryan Nations, generally a militant sort ● William Luther Pierce Ideas

● Can first be elected in 1980 ● Pierce is going to be the most destructive and generally cursed president possible for the United States in TNO. He not only represents a fail state in that you let American society reach this point, but his short bit of gameplay is going to be focused on being as destructive and chaotic as possible. ● His motives are the most openly evil of all the Y-NPP presidents, which is saying something. ● Pierce will have no foreign policy decisions or trees. He will leave the OFN immediately and focus solely on his domestic agenda. ● The fail state represented by Pierce is the raw hatred and violence that is prevalent amongst the far right.

Domestic Policy ● Pierce will open his presidency with a wildly incendiary inauguration speech where he says lots of very gamer things, an early and open view of what this presidency will be like. ● One of Pierce’s first actions is to rush through a lackey to be Attorney General, this will be followed up by a speech where Pierce decries the Supremacy Clause as a tool used by the Jews (nevermind that it was written by James Madison) to cripple American society and force unjust laws across the Union and that his government will no longer prosecute states that attempt to breach it. This starts a trend of Pierce doing things that make no real sense when looked at from a policy perspective because his goal is simply to ruin the system. ● Pierce will try to end any and all federal gun laws that exist. ● Pierce will use COINTELPRO to begin running guns to groups like the Black Panthers while shifting focus away from white groups entirely. The goal being to radicalize both sides as much as possible and try to cause violent incidents. The Waco a month thing won’t be a failure for Pierce, it will be a goal. ● Pierce will try to discharge all non-white members of the military. While this will almost immediately get hung up in court and fail because of due process, Pierce’s conduct will be extremely inflammatory and racially charged and again is simply designed to cause problems. ● Pierce will try to deregulate the chain of command in the military to as local a level as possible. He will encourage states to focus on their own militias and national guards and in a very controversial move he will return to the early days of US policy on the topic and decentralize command of nuclear weapons to the officers in charge of them. ● Just before the end of the game Pierce will be shot dead and his VP will take over. Violent incidents will be becoming more and more common at this point and the government not only will be doing really nothing to stop it, they’ll be reveling in it. ● This will be the most depressing ending for the United States. It will be left ambiguous as to what will happen next in America’s history but things have taken a massive turn for the worst and healing the scars of a man who purposely tried to destroy the Union and turn its people against each other will be America's greatest challenge and nobody knows if it will work. Cabinet ● VP: David Lane, terrorist, member of the white supremacist group The Order, came up with the 14 words slogan ● SecDef: Cecil R. Price, a Klansmen who helped kill civil rights workers ● Foreign: Glenn Miller, white supremacist combat vet, tried to kill Jews at a temple ● Economics: Gary Thomas Rowe, FBI informant in the Klan, did tons of crimes including murder