
External Ear

Congenital aural atresia (744.01)

Congenital microtia (744.23)

Cerumen impaction (Wax) (380.4)

Exostosis (Surfer’s Ear) (380.81)

Osteoma (380.81)

External auditory canal stenosis

Postoperative (380.52)

Inflammatory (Medial Canal Fibrosis or Medial Third Stenosis) (380.53)

Traumatic (380.51)

Chosteatosis obturans, Keratosis obturans (380.21)

External auditory canal (380.21)

Otitis Externa

Localized (Furuncle) (680.0)

Acute (Swimmer’s Ear) (380.12)

Chronic (Itchy Ear Syndrome) (698.8)

Mycotic (Fungal) (111.9)

Malignant (Necrotizing Externa, Skull Base ) (480.14)

Ear vesicles (Viral, Herpes Zoster Oticus) (053.71)


Bullous (384.01)

Acute (384.01)

Chronic (384.1) Herpes Zoster Oticus (Ramsey Hunt Syndrome) (053.71)

Perichondritis, Pinna (380.01)

Cellulitis, Pinna (380.11)

Hematoma, Pinna (380.31)

Foreign body, External Auditory Canal (931)

Abrasion, External Auditory Canal (910.0)

Squamous cell carcinoma, External Auditory Canal (173.2)

Middle Ear

Otitis Media

Acute ( Infection) (382.00)

Chronic (Tympanic membrane perforation) (384.21)

Serous (Middle Ear Fluid) (381.10)

Mucoid (Glue Ear) (381.20)

Tympanic membrane perforation (Hole in the ear drum)

Marginal (384.23)

Central (384.21)

Multiple (384.24)

Subtotal (384.21)

Total (384.25)

Retraction pocket (Sunken in area of the tympanic membrane)

Cholesteatoma (Skin cyst)

Attic (385.31)

Middle ear (385.32)

Middle ear and mastoid (385.33) Congenital (385.33)


Primary (385.31)

Secondary (385.32)


Oval window (387.9)

Obliterative (387.1)

Far-advanced (387.1)

Tympanosclerosis (Scar tissue)

Tympanic membrane (385.01)

Tympanic membrane and (385.02)

Middle ear (385.00)

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (381.81)

Patulous (381.7)

Barotrauma (993.0)

Idiopathic Hemotympanum (385.82)


Acute coalescing (383.00)

Acute (383.00)

Chronic (383.1)

With Subperiosteal abscess (383.01)

Atelectasis, Tympanic membrane (Collapse of tympanic membrane)

Flaccid (384.81)

Non-flaccid (384.82)

Cholesterol Granuloma (385.82) Middle ear (385.82)

Mastoid (385.82)

Petrous apex (385.82)

Conductive Loss

Unilateral (389.05)

Bilateral (389.06)

Clear middle ear effusion (Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea) (388.61)


Objective (388.32)


Stapedial (388.32)

Tensor Tympani (388.32)

Palatal Myoclonus (333.2)


Internal Carotid Artery (388.32)

Jugular (388.32)

Venous Hum (388.32)

Aberrant carotid artery (388.32)

Dehiscent jugular bulb (388.32)

Arteriovenous malformation

Temporal Bone (747.81)

Dural (747.81)

Arteriovenous fistula

Temporal Bone (447.9)

Dural (447.9) Glomus Tympanicum (227.6)

Glomus Jugulare (227.6)

Middle ear adenoma (212.0)

Squamous cell carcinoma, External Auditory Canal, Middle Ear, and Mastoid (160.1)

Petrositis, Petrous apicitis (383.20)

Gradenigo’s syndrome (393.20)

Chronic (383.22)

Inner Ear and Temporal Bone

Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma) (225.1)

Intracochlear (225.1)

Intralabyrinthine (225.1)

Intracanalicular (225.1)

Neurofibromatosis Type II (237.72)

Meningioma (225.2)

Petroclival (225.2)

Cerebellopontine angle (225.2)

Tentorial (225.2)


Vagal nerve schwannoma (225.1)

Glossopharyngeal nerve schwannoma (225.1)

Hypoglossal nerve schwannoma (225.1)

Trigeminal (Fifth nerve) schwannoma (225.1)

Glomus Jugulare (227.6)

Glomus Vagale (227.6) Chordoma (170.0)

Chondrosarcoma (160.10)

Cochlear hydrops (386.02)

Meniere’s Disease ()

Cochleovestibular (386.01)

Cochlear (386.02)

Vestibular (386.03)

Inactive (386.04)

Lermoyez’ syndrome

Crisis of Tumarkin

Autoimmune disease (279.4)

Luetic inner ear disease (097.9)

Benign Paroxysmal Positional (Positional vertigo) (386.11)

Posterior semicircular canal (386.11)

Lateral semicircular canal (386.11)

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (386.43)

Vestibular Neuronitis (Vestibular Neuritis) (386.12)

Labyrinthitis (Inner ear infection)

Serous or Toxic (386.31)

Viral (386.35)

Bacterial (Suppurative) (386.33)

Perilymph Fistula

Oval window (386.42)

Round window (386.41)

Vertigo (386.10) Inner ear concussion (780.4)

Labyrinthine Loss

Unilateral (386.55)

Bilateral (386.56)

Labyrinthine Hypofunction

Unilateral (386.53)

Bilateral (386.54)

Vestibulopathy (386.9)

Syncope (780.2)

Dizziness (780.4)

Sensorineural (Nerve Hearing Loss)

Sudden onset (388.2)

Noise induced (388.12)

Presbycusis (Age-related Hearing Loss) (388.01)

Unilateral (389.13)

Bilateral (389.11)

Asymmetric (389.16)

Subjective Tinnitus (Ear ringing) (388.31)



Congenital Hearing Loss

Mondini malformation (744.05)

Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (744.05)

Cochlear nerve aplasia (744.05)

Common cavity malformation (744.05) Cochlear aplasia (744.05)

Cochlear hypoplasia (744.05)

Michel deformity (744.05)

Schiebe aplasia (744.05)

Pendred Syndrome (243)

Jervell-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (426.82)

Tinnitus (Ringing in the ear)

Objective (388.32)

Vascular (388.32)

Internal Carotid Artery (388.32)

Jugular Vein (388.32)

Transmitted Cardiac Murmur (388.32)

Arteriovenous malformation or fistula (388.32)


Inner ear (388.31)

Central Nervous System (388.31)

Hyperacusis (Recruitment) (388.42)

Discriminative Hearing Loss

Auditory Neuropathy

Mixed Hearing Loss

Unilateral (389.21)

Bilateral (389.22)

Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea (388.61)

Encephalocele of the temporal bone, middle ear, or mastoid (742.0)

Meningocele of the temporal bone, middle ear, or mastoid (742.0)

Facial Paralysis (Palsy) (351.0)

Synkinesis (351)

Facial Paresis (351.0)

Bell’s Palsy (351.0)

Herpes Zoster Oticus (Ramsey Hunt Syndrome) (053.71)

Hemifacial spasm (Facial twitching) (351)

Facial Schwannoma (225.1)

Facial Hemangioma (228.09)

Geniculate Ganglion Hemangioma (228.09)

Temporal Bone Fracture (Fracture of the skull base)

Longitudinal (801.01)

Transverse (801.01)

Mixed (801.01)

Otic capsule sparing vs. Otic capsule involving (801.01)