Catalogue 104 - Books about Churchill A selection of 500 books, arranged with reference to the new Zoller Bibliography Mark Weber Tel: 520-743-8405 The Churchill Book Specialist email:
[email protected] PO Box 90689 website: Tucson, AZ 85752 October 2004 Notes to Catalogue 104 This is the first of a series of three catalogues of books ABOUT Churchill which I have produced, based on the new Zoller Bibliography. (n.b.- Signed copies of the Zoller Bibliography available for $75.00, for details see: Catalogue 104- Books About Churchill for readers. This lists 500 books, most at modest prices, and excludes rarities for collectors. Catalogue 105- Books about Churchill for collectors. This lists about 175 premium books including rari- ties, signed copies, review copies, foreign editions, and books in premium condition. Price $10.00 Catalogue 106- THE REFERENCE COLLECTION. This lists and illustrates about 700 books, all in the best possible condition, including at least 100 titles never offered anywhere else. This is my reference collection and is the most complete collection anywhere. It is offerred as a lot. But the catalogue provides illustrations of the many of the rarities in Zoller which most collectors have never seen, so is a useful reference on its own. Price $10.00 How to read the catalogue entries Each book entry has a catalogue number and title in bold above. There is a picture to the left. The photos on page 1 and 2 are of the exact books. The photos on pages 3-50 are standard images for that title, and may not be the exact book listed.