Insurance Journal Magazine
MAY 7, 2012 | VOL. 90, NO. 9 WEST REGION Remarkable 6FRWWVGDOH,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\LVKHUHIRU\RXWRGD\DQG ZHOOLQWRWKHIXWXUH2XUOHDGHUVKLSDQGÀQDQFLDOIRXQGDWLRQ DUHVROLG7KHUHVXOW\HDUVRI OR\DOSDUWQHUVKLSVDQGWKH VWUHQJWKWRVXFFHHGLQDOOPDUNHWF\FOHV $QGWKDW·VUHPDUNDEOH A.M. Best Rating of A+XV (Superior) 7ROHDUQPRUHRUÀQGD6FRWWVGDOH,QVXUDQFHDJHQW a Nationwide Insurance® company Scottsdale Insurance Company and design is a federally registered service mark of Scottsdale Insurance Company. %+,0#()&0*+.)"&-,/0)- $/+.,0&-#00%+,0&/$" -'.0'*(,/**0!.-# 0-./0%-,).-$0- /.0-'.0')'./0#()&0 /0+./0,*'.+,%/0.-/**(-,+$*0 ,%./+*/0,/"/,/,%/ &/$"(,!0-)&/.0,*'.+,%/0.-/**(-,+$* ./+$(/0)&/(.0'$$0'*(,/**0"-)/,)(+$ 0 0)-)+$0"./('0!.-#)&0(,0 //0&-#0)&/00 +,)+!/0%+, 0,%./+*/0-'.0./ /,'/0+*)/. 0#+*0$--(,!0-.0+0 +.(/)0-0(,*'.+,%/0 &/$"0-'.0+!/,%0!.-#0+)%&0)&/ )&+,0-'0/ /.0)&-'!&)0"-**($/ ".-'%)*0.-0+)(-,+$0 0/!(-,+$0%+..(/.* (/-0+)0###+*,-+%- (/- 000.- /,0/)#-.0-0'%%/**0 "$'*0-./0%-,).-$0- /.00')'./00&+ /0*//, "&/,-/,+$0!.-#)&0#()&00#&/,0-*) ® 0/%'./0+..(/.0+./)* +!/,%(/*0+./0!-(,!0+%#+.*0(,0./ /,'/ 00*)/$$+.0*'""-.)0**)/0-. &.(*)(,/0/#)-, 0&/*)/.)-, 0 ,/"/,/,)0!/,)*0 -')&0&-./0,*'.+,%/ ###+*,-+%- 0 WEST N12 On The Cover Special Report: 2012 Super Regional Inside This Issue P/C Insurers™ May 7, 2012 • Vol. 90, No. 9 • West Region 14 20 32 N32 NATIONAL COVERAGE WEST COVERAGE IDEA EXCHANGE N10 Insurance Jobs Outlook: 8 Meteorologist: Tornado Near 40 Cybersecurity Disclosure Getting Better, Region Stockton, Calif., not Unusual
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