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February 2005 Bulletin.Pub TheNEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - FEBRUARY, 2005 Bulletin New York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association Vol. 48, No. 2 February, 2005 The Bulletin MYRTLE AVENUE “L” STRUCTURE Published by the New York Division, Electric IS 90 YEARS OLD Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated, PO Box Trains started running on the new elevated private right-of-way on the surface from Wy- 3001, New York, New structure between Wyckoff Avenue and Fresh ckoff Avenue to Metropolitan Avenue. Electric York 10008-3001. Pond Road and the new ramp east of there operation began in August, 1895, probably 90 years ago, February 22, 1915. with trolley cars. A year later, August 20, For general inquiries, This line has an interesting history. On July 1896, Flushing-Ridgewood trolley cars were contact us at nydiv@ 20, 1889, trains started operating from also operated on this right-of-way. electricrailroaders.org or by phone at (212) 986- Broadway to Wyckoff Avenue on a two-track On October 1, 1906, the ramp at Wyckoff 4482 (voice mail structure with island platforms at Broadway, Avenue connecting the elevated tracks with available). ERA’s Evergreen Avenue, Central Avenue, Knicker- the trolley tracks was placed in service. Myr- website is bocker Avenue, and Wyckoff Avenue. A con- tle Avenue “L” service was extended to Met- www.electricrailroaders. org. tract delivered on July 22, 1914 provided for ropolitan Avenue on the existing right-of-way. the rebuilding of the above stations. Side All elevated trains were equipped with trolley Editorial Staff: platforms were built at Central Avenue and poles, which made contact with the trolley Editor-in-Chief: Knickerbocker Avenue, an express station wire when the trains ran on the surface. Bernard Linder News Editor: with two island platforms was constructed at Flushing-Ridgewood trolley service was cut Randy Glucksman Wyckoff Avenue, and the Evergreen Avenue back to the Fresh Pond Road station. Contributing Editor: station was closed on May 3, 1917. The contract for building the elevated struc- Jeffrey Erlitz The contract for the connection from the ture from Wyckoff Avenue to Fresh Pond Production Manager: Broadway “L” to the Myrtle Avenue “L” was Road was delivered on August 28, 1913 and David Ross delivered on July 18, 1913 and work was work was completed by October, 1914. The completed by June, 1914. Trains started op- contract for rebuilding the line east of Fresh erating on June 29, 1914. Pond Road was delivered on July 22, 1914 The contract for Myrtle Avenue Additional and work was completed by January, 1915. A Tracks was delivered on October 1, 1915 and month later, February 22, 1915, trains started the work was 99% complete on August 1, running on the new elevated structure. Flush- ©2005 New York 1919. A middle track was installed from east ing-Ridgewood trolley service was extended Division, Electric Railroaders’ of Broadway to the west end of the Seneca on the private right-of-way to Wyckoff Avenue Association, Avenue station. The middle track was tested on October 19, 1919. Incorporated on January 9, 1919. We have no record of The Myrtle Avenue M line is a lightly trav- passenger trains operating on this middle eled line. In 2003, the busiest station, Fresh In This Issue: track. When we first rode the Myrtle Avenue Pond Road, ranked 299th while the least Tuckahoe- “L” in 1937, the middle was partially disman- busy, Central Avenue, was 399th. There are Mount Vernon tled. The turnouts leading to the middle east 468 stations on the transit system, but only Line—History of Broadway were removed in 1949 and this 424 are listed because transfer stations are track was subsequently removed. grouped together. and Track Plan On September 3, 1881, Lutheran Line dum- (Continued on page 5) ...Page 2 mies started operating via the present-day 1 NEWNEW YORK YORK DIVISION DIVISION BULLETIN BULLETIN - FEBRUARY,OCTOBER, 2000 2005 TUCKAHOE-MOUNT VERNON LINE by Bernard Linder Owners: STREET CARS August, 1893 North Mount Vernon Railway Company November 29, 1901 Interurban Street Railway Company February 10, 1904 New York City Railway Company May 1, 1912 New York, Westchester & Connecticut Traction Company July 13, 1912 Third Avenue Railway Company BUSES January 14, 1932 New York, Westchester & Connecticut Traction Company November 11, 1936 Westchester Street Transportation Company operated under lease from New York, West- chester & Connecticut December 9, 1942 Westchester Street Transportation Company December 17, 1956 Fifth Avenue Coach Lines, Incorporated December 12, 1969 Bus Associates, Incorporated, whose principal stockholders were Arthur and George Ber- nacchia and Raymond Murphy. In 1973, Liberty Coaches’ principals had equal ownership in two New York City operations — Pelham Parkway and Pioneer Bus (whose name was subsequently changed to Command Bus) — and had a 25% interest in the operation of Westchester Street and West Fordham through a holding company, Bus Associates About mid-1982 Liberty Coaches, Club Transportation, and Westchester Street were merged to form Lib- erty Lines Transit, Incorporated Route: STREET CARS First week of August, One battery car started operating from the New Haven station at Depot Place via North 3rd 1893 Avenue, Oakley Avenue, Gramatan Avenue, East Lincoln Avenue, and North Columbus Avenue to Locust Lane (formerly Bronxville Road, two blocks south of the Mount Vernon- Bronxville line). There were only five trips to the end of the line while the others were turned at Primrose Avenue (one block north of East Lincoln Avenue). The car house and power house were located on Third Avenue near Depot Place October, 1893 Second battery car in service December, 1893 Horses replaced battery cars Just before January Cars ceased operating. The company owned two cars and eight horses 23, 1897 February 2, 1897 The city removed portions of the tracks and annulled the franchise January 6, 1900 The mayor and other dignitaries rode the first electric car, making a round trip between the New Haven station and the New York Infant Asylum January 8, 1900 One car started operating on a half-hour headway from North 3rd and Prospect Avenues to North Columbus Avenue and Burke’s Corners October 19, 1900 Extended on White Plains Road through Bronxville to the Tuckahoe line. The company added a second car August 8, 1903 Westchester Street Railroad Company started operating through service from White Plains to New Haven station, Mount Vernon. Westchester Street’s lease with Westchester Electric was called “one-sided” because the latter received three cents for every West- chester Street passenger carried on its tracks plus $400 per annum per mile of single track for power consumed by the cars. Bullinger’s Monitor Guide lists joint operation of Westchester Street and New York, Westchester & Connecticut cars in Bronxville and Mount Vernon 1904* Extended to Waverly Square, Tuckahoe 1918* Extended to Upper Tuckahoe, probably Scarsdale line Probably 1920 Westchester Street discontinued through service between Mount Vernon and White Plains January 14, 1932 Buses replaced street cars Jack May furnished information regarding most route changes. *Approximate date from Bullinger’s Monitor Guide (Continued on page 3) 2 NEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - FEBRUARY, 2005 Tuckahoe-Mount Vernon Line granted temporary consent to operate buses on Central (Continued from page 2) Boulevard instead of North Columbus Avenue. Work BUS CONVERSION DELAYED was scheduled to start within two days to fill in North Bus conversion was delayed a year when Bronxville Columbus Avenue because of construction of Cross refused permission because of a controversy with East- County Parkway. chester. On January 13, 1932, the City of Mount Vernon BUSES January 14, 1932 Buses started operating from Mount Vernon to the Eastchester-Scarsdale line March 6, 1932 Buses were through-routed with White Plains-Scarsdale buses and operated as Route F from White Plains station, Harlem Line, to Mount Vernon station, New Haven Line About 1973 Renumbered to Route 40 June 28, 1976 Extended to Westchester County Medical Center at Valhalla RUSH HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE July 23, 1979 Route 41 buses started operating from Valhalla to Mount Vernon station September 2, 1980 Extended to E. 241st Street-White Plains Road, Bronx September 8, 1982 Started operating Route 43, The Chief Gramatan, from Rye Brook to Mount Vernon station Early 1985 Discontinued Route 43 FOOT BRAKE COMBINED WITH DEAD MAN by the police. Then the Village Trustees obtained an CONTROL injunction. NYWCT received a franchise five years pre- The company had difficulty making a profit when viously, but it was declared forfeited because it did not prices rose during World War I. It was able to econo- build by January 1, 1897. The new franchise issued to mize by converting cars for one-man operation on Union Railway did not include Bronxville. lightly traveled lines. To insure safe operation, dead NYWCT employees stared laying tracks again on Oc- man controls were installed. J.S. McWhirter, Superin- tober 14. There was another fight after 200 yards of tendent of Equipment, invented and patented an un- track was installed. A compromise was reached and the usual foot pedal brake which also included dead man company was allowed to lay tracks on the west side of controls. Operation was different from the modern White Plains Road. Meanwhile, Union Railway employ- brake. The Motorman released the brakes by pressing ees laid tracks in Tuckahoe as far south as the Bronx- down on the pedal and set the brakes by allowing the ville line. pedal to rise. If the Motorman became incapacitated On October 19, the Supreme Court in Poughkeepsie and was unable to apply pressure to the pedal, the issued an injunction ordering NYWCT to stop laying brakes would set. This brake was tested on car 121 tracks in Bronxville. The injunction was dissolved on operating on the Chester Hill Line.
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