Saps Annual Report 2017 2018.Pdf
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SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 PART A A SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE PART A ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 B SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 Compiled by South African Police Service (SAPS) Strategic Management Layout and Design SAPS Corporate Communication and Liaison Photographs SAPS Corporate Communication and Liaison Language Editing SAPS Strategic Management Further information on the Annual Report for the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, for 2017/2018, can be obtained from: SAPS Strategic Management (Head Office) Telephone: 012 393 3082 RP Number: 328/2018 ISBN Number: 978-0-621-46664-5 i SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 SUBMISSION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT TO THE MINISTER OF POLICE Mr BH Cele, MP MINISTER OF POLICE I have the honour of submitting the Annual Report of the Department of Police, for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. GENERAL KJ SITOLE (SOEG) 31 August 2018 ii SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1. General Information of the Department 1 2. List of Abbreviations/Acronyms 2 3. Foreword by the Minister 6 4. Deputy Minister’s Statement 9 5. Report of the Accounting Officer 11 6. Statement of Responsibility and Confirmation of Accuracy of the Annual Report 24 7. Strategic Overview 25 7.1 Vision 25 7.2 Mission 25 7.3 Values 25 7.4 Code of Conduct 25 8. Legislative and Other Mandates 26 8.1 Constitutional Mandate 26 8.2 Legislative Mandate 26 8.3 List of Legislation Tabled in Parliament, in 2017/2018 27 9. Organisational Structure 28 Organisational Profile 30 National Profile of the South African Police Service 30 10. Entities Reporting to the Minister 31 Roll of Honour 32 PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 34 1. Auditor-General’s Report: Predetermined Objectives 34 2. Overview of Departmental Performance 34 2.1 Service Delivery and Organisational Environment 34 2.2 Service Delivery Improvement Plan 37 2.3 Key Policy Developments and Legislative Changes 43 3. Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals 43 iii SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 4. Performance Information by Programme 48 4.1 Programme 1: Administration 48 4.2 Programme 2: Visible Policing 81 4.3 Programme 3: Detective Service 137 4.4 Programme 4: Crime Intelligence 191 4.5 Programme 5: Protection and Security Services 209 5. Donor Funds 216 6. Capital Investment 216 PART C: GOVERNANCE 226 1. Introduction 226 2. Risk Management 226 3. Fraud and Corruption 227 4. Minimising Conflict of Interest 239 5. Code of Conduct 240 6. Safety, Health and Environmental Issues 240 7. Briefings to Parliamentary Committees 244 8. Standing Committee on Public Accounts Resolutions 249 9. Prior Modifications to Audit Reports 249 10. Internal Control Unit 258 11. Internal Audit and Audit Committee 259 11.1 Internal Audit 259 11.2 Audit Committee Report 259 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 264 1. Introduction 264 2. Overview of Human Resources 264 3. Human Resources Oversight Statistics 267 3.1 Expenditure 267 3.2 Employment 270 3.3 Filling of Senior Management Service Posts 271 3.4 Job Evaluation 273 3.5 Employment Changes 274 3.6 Employment Equity 278 3.7 Performance 281 3.8 Performance Rewards 282 3.9 Foreign Workers 283 iv SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 3.10 Leave Utilisation 284 3.11 HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion Programmes 286 3.12 Labour Relations 287 3.13 Skills Development 291 3.14 Injury on Duty 293 3.15 Utilisation of Consultants 293 PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 295 1. Report of the Auditor-General to Parliament 295 2. Annual Financial Statements 305 v SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE PART A ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION vi SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 PART A PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE DEPARTMENT POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X94 PRETORIA 0001 TELEPHONE NUMBER: +27 12 393 1001 FAX NUMBER: +27 12 393 2819 WEBSITE ADDRESS: 1 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE PART A ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ACTT Anti-Corruption Task Team AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa ANC African National Congress AOP Annual Operational Plan ATM Automatic Teller Machine AU African Union BRV Bullet-Resistant Vest CAS Crime Administration System CCTV Closed-circuit Television CFR Central Firearms Register CIT Cash-in-Transit CJS Criminal Justice System CMIS Crime Management Information System CPA Crime Pattern Analysis CPF Community Police Forum CPLs Commercial Pilot’s Licences CR and CSM Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management CSCs Community Service Centres CTA Crime Threat Analysis DIRCO Department of International Relations and Cooperation DHA Department of Home Affairs DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid DoH Department of Health DoJ&CD Department of Justice and Constitutional Development DPCI Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation DPO Designated Police Official DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DSC Detective Service Centre DTI Department of Trade and Industry EFRS Enhanced Firearms Register System EHW Employee Health and Wellness EIS Efficiency Index System EMCS Enhanced Movement Control System ETD Education, Training and Development FCS Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences 2 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 PART A FLASH Firearm, Liquor and Second-Hand Goods FSD Frontline Service Delivery FSDM Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring FSL Forensic Service Laboratory FSW Forensic Social Worker GBH Grievous Bodily Harm GEMS Government Employees Medical Scheme GPAA Government Pensions Administration Agency HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HRA Health Risk Assessment HRD Human Resource Development HRU Human Resource Utilisation IBIS Integrated Ballistic Identification System ICDMS Investigation Case Docket Management System ICITAP International Criminal Investigative and Training Assistance Programme ICT Information Communication Technology ICTS International Cooperation, Trade and Security IJS Integrated Justice System INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organisation IPID Independent Police Investigative Directorate IS Information Systems IS/ICT Information Systems and Information and Communication Technology JCPS Justice, Crime Prevention and Security LAN Local Area Network LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex MCS Movement Control System MPAT Management Performance Assessment Tool MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework NATJOC National Joint Operational Centre NATJOINTS National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure NBIFCPVC National Bureau for Illegal Firearm Control and Priority Violent Crime NCB National Criminal Bureau NDP National Development Plan NFDD National Forensic DNA Database NFMCCC Non-Ferrous Metal Crime Combating Committee NGOs Non-Government Organisations NICOC National Intelligence Coordinating Committee 3 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE PART A ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 NIU National Intervention Unit NKP National Key Point NMF National Management Forum NPA National Prosecuting Authority OCC Operational Command Centres OCPI Organised Crime Project Investigations OCTA Organised Crime Threat Assessment OPAM Operational Planning and Monitoring System ORS Operational Response Services PAS Provisioning Administration System PCoP Portfolio Committee on Police PFMA Public Finance Management Act POLMED Police Medical Aid POLMUSCA Police Music and Cultural Association POP Public Order Police PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPS Presidential Protection Service PSCBC Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council PSS Protection and Security Services RIMAS Risk Information Management Support System RPL Recognition of Prior Learning RSA Republic of South Africa SADC Southern African Development Community SANDF South African National Defence Force SANEB South African Narcotic Enforcement Bureau SAPS South African Police Service SARPCCO Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation SARS South African Revenue Services SASSETA Safety and Security Sectoral Education and Training Authority SCM Supply Chain Management SITA State Information Technology Agency SMS Senior Management Service SONA State of the Nation Address SOP Standard Operating Procedure STF Special Task Force TB Tuberculosis TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio TID Technical Indicator Description 4 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2017/2018 PART A TMS Technology Management Services TRT Tactical Response Team UAMP User Asset Management Plan UK United Kingdom UN United Nations USA United States of America VCP Vehicle Check Point VFR Victim-Friendly Room VIP Very Important Person WAN Wide Area Network 5 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SOUTH