2010 International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies Volume 10, Number 2 Federal Aviation Administration International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies A Publication of the FAA Academy Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Volume 10, Number 2 2010 blank page REVIEW PROCESS The Federal Aviation Administration Academy provides traceability and oversight for each step of the International Journal of Applied Aviation Stud- ies (IJAAS). IJAAS is a peer-reviewed publication, enlisting the support of an international panel of consulting editors. Each consulting editor was chosen for his or her expertise in one or more areas of interest in aviation. Using the blind-review process, three or more consulting editors are selected to ap- praise each article, judging whether or not it meets the requirements of this publication. In addition to an overall appraisal, a Likert scale is used to mea- sure attitudes regarding individual segments of each article. Articles that are accepted are those that were approved by a majority of judges. Articles that do not meet IJAAS requirements for publication are released back to their author or authors. Individuals wishing to obtain a copy of the IJAAS on CD may contact Kay Chisholm by email at
[email protected], or by telephone at (405) 954- 3264, or by writing to the following address: International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies Kay Chisholm AMA-800 PO Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 POLICY AND DISCLAIMERS Policy Statement: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy strongly supports aca- demic freedom and a researcher’s right to publish; therefore, the Federal Aviation Administration Academy as an institution does not endorse the viewpoint or guarantee the technical correctness of any of the articles in this journal.