NEXT ISSUE F rid a y 11® °;

DEADLINE ■ Monday H®<

1 Volume n Issue B19 October 12, 1973 626-0666 MECCA PUBUCATTONS, P. O. BOX 627 S. F. CA. 94101 M r . Km iM OM i Swamped by Entries!! ★ News Caps -Confusion- **************** Some Questions Answered

-Who Can Apply? "I will not resign if indicted, I Long-hairs were subject to will not resign if indicted. " instant haircuts last week in Chile Wild applause from a Republican Any Gay male residing within the and all those connected with Allende, bay area (over 21 years of age). Women's convention in Los Angeles. the democratically elected President Cries of "Right on!" Women dan­ violently dead in a government coup, cing on tables. How Much Does It Cost To Apply? were hunted down. Thousands But . . . w ith m uch expression were jailed without hearings. Book TTiere is no_ fee to apply! Once of regret and overtones of martyr­ burnings occurred everywhere. your application has been accepted dom, Agnew did resign . . . on Even so, the funeral of Chilean October 10. the application must find himself a poet and Nobel laureate Neruda, dead at 69 brought out hundreds sponsor. It is the sponsor that pays ********>|t*i!ci(e*:(e** (1) the entrance fee (3S. 00), of mourners who defied the junta's (2) Photography costs (3) campagne anti-Marxist campaign and risked Naples has been struck with a their own liberty by shouting softly costs etc, (once an applicant is Cholera epidemic. Sixteen sponsored, he is a candidate). at first, then louder: "Neruda and people dead in a month, 822 Allende, one fighter. " Since many applicants do not have hospitalized, sponsors yet, G vice versa, "Kalander One old woman sobbed: "We I^tels, markets, cafes, all are burying Allende now. " . will be having an Application- strangely quiet. Disease-wary sponsors nite" Nov 15th (T'-ne and prostitutes on vacation. (cont. on page 23) place to be announced). S

No applications without sponsors will be accepted after Novl4th, So Apply Now! ! ! ! photOQRAphy By 4 JAmes AcmstPonc, -Can a B^ness Sponsor More Than One Candidate? ~ Yes

-How Is Voting Cast ???

Only persons pre-purchasing tickets P o rtraits > C om posit for "Mr. Kalendar Nite" in March may vote. They do this by mailing in the stub of their ticket. In January there will be a special P astilon- Act D esign issue of "Kalendar" with photos of all candidates. You can also see candidates during candidates promotion nites at varies bars during D ec., Jan., •C om nnsrclal and Feb. Voting ends Feb. 28th 1974. (No voting during "M r Kalendar Nite".

For general information call 626-0656 - (SEE AD PAGE 3)

The fourth Open Peninsula Meet­ ing will be held on Thursday, October 18th. The keynote speak­ er will be State Senator Alfred Alquist who will also be available to answer questions. The meeting w ill begin prom ptly at 8 PM in 271 Tresedder H all on the Stanford Campus in Palo Alto. The group hosting the Open Meeting originally was composed of a dozen S. I. R. members inter­ ested in organizing Gay political power in the Peninsula. They have grown to include members of GPU, MCC, The Peninsula Guild and people rwt before affil­ iated with any Gay Organization. The group has funded the print­ ing of a S. I. R. publication, ASSEMBLY BILL 992, A POSITIVE STUDY, giving arguments in favor of passage of the Brown/Bur- ton consesual sex bill and intends to insure all state legislators receive 658-9998 (mornings) a copy. Also available from the group is a map with a list of all Peninsula, State and Federal leg­ islators and their addresses. The next goal is to lobby 495-4769 Peninsula State legislators to sup­ port the Brown/Burton bill. In­ formation about those representa­ tives is now being researched to prepare for effective personal visits. Also being considered is 11B4 Pow ell C O akland) a petition drive to demonstrate community support for passage. RICHARD LAUETTE AND DAVID ALLEN As an artist, David explores this^conflict. His character Lee Jones, porno maker and call boy, searches with desperate thoroughness for sensual gratification with other men only to learn with each encounter that he is emotionally and spiritually alone. "I like men, " the character comments, "but I'm tired of beins a whore. " But he does not stop whoring. Rather he increases the tempo. There's nothing he won't do. Xhere's nothing he really enjoys. He is the pawn of his desires. HOROSCOPE As we visited David related this part of his character to his life at the experiential level. "There's no problem about me picking people up or them picking me up, " he says. That's no problem. The problem is . . . after we V IR G O (Aug. 22-Sept. 22) get home, I'm bored. "Subtly you say things suggesting you might like something more Not m uch until the 21st bizarre . . . without being trashy about it. CANCER (June 21-Jvly 22) when a little ‘ielf discipline could "If that doesn't woik you either have to get really low down and go a long way concerning your trashy or have traditional sex and be bored. Just blowing, you know, A very powerful influ­ desires. Try to resist being selfish is such a bore. I want a whole drama, a whole psychological drama. " ence surrounds you now and you can in a negative manner and remember benefit from it if you use all the that there is a positive form of "I was impressed, " I admitted at this point, "by your courage in tact and diplomacy at your command. selfishness too. Want what you representing yourself so honestly as Lee ^nes, that you worked on Your ambitions are very strong and want for yourself for others too. the character from so many angles: writer, director, physical portrayer your creative energies are pushing On the 22nd don't push yourself. of. to the fore, but you must avoid Your creative energy is low and you "By doing so much, haven't you revealed yourself to the point of "steam rolling" over others in yo'or must take those steps necessary to being extremely vulnerable?" LOGOS: For a richer and farther reaching reading, may 1 suggest way or else you will make the roplenish it. Perhaps through med­ "I know, " David said. "I don't expect a lot of praise, but I do that you read for your sun, moom and ascendant's positions in the same mistakes as before in a sim­ itation or simple movement. On expect commercial success. It's a new kind of cinema. following signs. ilar situation. This advice applies the 23rd, if you have calmed your­ "I know I don't have a gorgeous body people w ill pay five dollars to the 17th and 24th of October self down, you can enjoy a very to see, " he went on. "I didn't put myself in there for ¿at reason. I specifically and the entitle period free and open emotional experience. knew the hazard of casting myself in that way. That's why I surrounded generally. myself with people who did have gorgeous bodies. " U B B A t t O e t It's true. The cast is remarkable for its masculine beauties. There's You can expect lots of interesting changes during this period. Ray Todd, for instance and Jim Cassidy, Richard Lindstrom, Wiston On the 12th in the morning, begins a tug of war between the emotions Kramer and Joey Daniels. and the body. Do you really look like you feel? By the evening, David acts as a chameleon to all of them. His own love for beautiful aroung 6 pm, try not to resist a new direction. The 15th brings high men comes through resulting in an excellent situation in which each adventure. Be brave and courageous and speak only the tmth in the ' of these men is shown off to advantage. He is ever present, but he early evening. By midnight be open and receptive. On the 17th get never upstages. LEO (July 22-Auguat 22) ♦ ttttttttttttttttttttttt some rest and relaxation. You may need it. By evening your sensual Another thing that impressed me, I told him, was the thouroughness nature may be demanding; be selective. Oct. 19th brings a day of You may have to pay off with which he filmed sexual trips involving himself. a little bad "karma" up to the "Like the rimming?" he asked grinning. o n "Family Members" or those who are dependant on you. Try to give compassion and understanding. On the 24th 20th, Try to do so willingly "Yes, " I said remembering an instance in the orgy scene in which he in'ha**"*‘**'^*’^ yourself and gladly for it will enable you uoice from the is pictured licking an ass hole, not passionately or frenetically, but in harmonious surroundings. The 25th may bring unexpect^ changes to get rid of a lot that is holding with a methodical, deliberate enjoyment so that it is evident to every- in your feelings concerning a loved one. ^ one that he LIKES licking ass. you back. Then on the 20th you can relax and dream and get the "1 love ass, " he admitted. "I have a fixation about it. " "Why do you think that is?" I asked. feeling that your dreams have a better chance of coming true. second story "To me that is the most delicious part of the human body. I love FOR reRSONAL CONSULTATION Good luck and enjoy whatever cock but that's not what I’m really looking for. I ’m looking for buns. I C^RTS CALL GARRETT If I get someone I really love with me and he loves to be rimmed comes. Above all, keep your e a r l y m o r n in g s o r ev en in g s and I can read that subconcious thing in his mind saying 'There's this sense of humor. uiindouj gr^ kiMing my ass . . . licking . . . really doing the forbidden. If I feel he feels that. I'll come right there, rimming him. PISCES (Feb. 18-Mar, 20) SCOBFlO{Oet.SMiOV.U) 6 2 6 -2 7 S6 an interview with David Allen (cont. on page 23) This period will find Bored with the same old you a little stubborn. On the 13th routine, darling? Well, cheer up. there appears to be an opposition Things diould start happening around between yourself and something the 8th when the moon moves into by Davidlee Rinker you want that you feel is owed or your sign again causing a good but due to you. Try to understand unexpected change in your love more fully what the word "deserv­ life. You may even want to be alone "You keep meeting the man you think you can love. You go home ing" means. On O ct. 21st you m ay and frustrate things a little bit. with him and the sex is good . . . oe bubbling over with ideas con­ On the 9th, if I were you, 1 would "Then maybe he never calls you again . . . maybe he does . . . cerning where you live, and you seek out a good physic,/apilm and you meet once or twice more . . . but soon you're bored and shcxild try not to waste them. reader or a priest. Maybe just a you drift apart. good friend . . . and have your "It happens again . . . the voice . . . 'I'm in love. ' beads read. H/hi. KmFMomt "You go to bed. "And . . . after you've done this once, twice,* a hundred times, you become cynical. You forget about looking for love. It becomes a conscious 'I'm not kidding myself. 1 want that cock, that ass, to SAGITTARIUS (Noo. 21-Dee. 21) screw or be screwed. ' You ate beauti­ ontest "That's after all those ideals you had are shattered to hell, either C TV' ARIES (March 20-Apr019) by yourself or the other persons. Then what happens is that you do ful and creative now and things ' without . . , the disappointment becomes so engrained. " should be comming your way easily, An experience on the 12th especially on the Mth around 1 pm. may set the tone for this entire Over $1000. in Cash ìhrizes! David Allen, popular gay poroographer, sat across from me speaking On the 15th in the evening there period. You may see a higher form frankly about his personal life. seems to be a difference of opinion of yourself which may cause you WINNERS RECEIVE: CANDIDATE SPONSORS RECEIVE: TTie conversation was an extention of what I had learned from concerning bow you feel about great longing. You may want to ISt. Place- $300. 00 Worth of advertising watching David in his film at the Laurel—THE LIGHT FROM THE something. Watch your temper change and take the next step into Cash SECOND STORY WINDOW. (David not only wrote and directed, he and try not to smoke too much, higher consciousness. Vou must 2nd. Place- $200.00 Worth of advertising also put himself in the major role.) if you do. Midnight of the 19th find the courage to do so. You are Mr. Kalendar- $500. Seeing the film made me want to know the man so 1 asked for an can be a very magical time for you one of a kind and an individual 3d. Place -$ 100.00 Worth of advertising interview . if you "let it be. " The 20th may who feels so very deeply about what 2nd Place- $300. fing you looking good and feeling is happening around you. Try to 3d Place- $200. 4th. Place - $ 50,00 Worth of advertising Small, blond, boyish—nothing formidable, but certainly brash in fine. On the 22nd, however, you do what you can and not worry about a cocky way that suggestes he's approachable, he’ll try anything . , . may feel a little frustrated and what you can't. Otherwise it will 4th Place- $100. Advertising to appear any time during 1974 | his mind is open. All the same you sense he has to want to do what suffering from the after affects of just be an energy rip off. up to one full page per issue. (KALENDAR) he does. greed. (Does not include artwork fees) It is apparent after a few minutes of conversation (with the knowledge CONTEST SCHEDULE of the film behind me, of course) that David exercises intellectual control over desire. □ o C T O y R S th . to NOVEMBER 30th. Quiet but determined, he is caught in a dilemma between the grat- CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Applications taken. ification of sensuality and strong emotional feelings rooted in his spirit­ ------During this entire TAURUS (ApeU ¡ 9 -M ag 2 9 ) J-lD E C E M B £R 4st.-to DECEMBER 31st. ual self. period you might tidee time to Good work should return Candidate promotions ■ (Candidate nites) further advance your thinking good money which you can use to □ JANUARY 1st, to FEBRUARY 30th. and knowledge concerning any further ycxrr creative trips. Especially -SPECIAL Candidate issue of "Kalendar" office or home situation in which on the 13th aroimd 3 pm. On the 19th -Ticket Sales- (Available at select bars & businesses David Allen’s you have control of the environ­ not getting your won way may cause -Voting begins by mail by sending in ticket stub ment. Pay special attention to you some nervous tension in the late to "Kalendar" P.O.Box 627 S.F. 94101. yoUr pets, room m ates, plants, evening. You must resist taking any -Voting ends midnight FEBRUARY 30th 1974 or the care and maintainence of downers if you do and try to get -NO VOTING DURING MARCH or at the Mr. Kalendar of the structure itself. If you can through it straight. On the 25th, if N ite cerem opies- THE LIGHT FROM THE SECOND STORY WINDOW get into it, you will come out you can^ spend the day away from □ MARCH smelling like a Rose . . . your daily life. Be open to strangers "M r. ICALENDAR NITE" (T im e & place to be announced) that you might meet. -Although tickets will be available at the door, they SEE THE MOVIE will have no voting stub. AQUARIUS r/an. 20-Feb. 18) APPUCANTS During this period you O Applications will be taken OCTOBER 5th-NOV. 30th. will be open and expansive. On the GEMINI (May 20-Jtme 21) O ENTRANCE FEE $ 35.00 13th try not to be too self indulgent Read The Book! A good period now sur­ O APPUCANTS MUST: •^ n c e m in g pleasures. Oct. 15th -Reside in the Bay Area. may find your mind soaring with rounds you and you can benefit on many levels, eqiecially on the ISth -Sign a photography release. beautiful ideas around 1 pm. Try -Be 21 years of age Hard Cover 4.25 to do something about them. The from noon on. Try to be receptive -Have a business sponsor 19th brings a struggle concerning and don’t worry about what you have -Abide by the contest rules your will and that of others. Surrender to give in return. Keep your self Order Direct: (Winner will represent the Kalendar at functions to the opposition for the time being. esteem on the higher levels. On On the 24th you will be in a much the 16th, around m idnight (it says during 1974) All candidates are eligible for Kalendar DAVID ALLEN covers during 1974, better position to be able to take here), you may find yourself flying 256 South Robertson Blvd. the lead concerning loved ones and high emotionally. Be considerate (General information- 626-0656 after Oct. 5th. ) Beverly Hills, California 902111 their changes. of those who love you. RAY TODD TURANDOT

We have been blessed recently with an abundance of great record­ ings of complete operas. The latest to arrive is surely one of the all time great performances to be captured on records. Zubin Mehta TANNHÄUSER conducts the London Philharmonic Orchestra with an all star cast of Joan Sutherland, Luciano Pavarotti, ~Montserrat Caballe, Nicolai Good news for lovers of Wagner, the San Francisco Opera produc­ Ghiaurov, Tom Krause, and Peter Pears. Enough said! tion of the 1847 Dresden version of TANNHÄUSER boasts a fine array Ms. Sutherland in the title role, quite a departure from her usual of singers. Lovers of exciting stage design would be well advised to roles, gives us a fresh conception of the icy Princess Turandot in a stay home. fully developed portrayal. Hers is a most believable Principessa, This 1966 production designed by Wolfram Skalicki has to be one frightened to death of males, yet longing to be humanized. Ms. of the tackiest in our repertoire. The set is unimaginative and the Sutherland's palette of vocal coloration runs the gambit from a costumes unbelievably amateur. The dresses for the women of the spine chilling "In questa Reggia" to her final enraptured "II suo nome chorus were downright embarrassing. Leonie Rysanek would have e . . , Amor! " Her retort to Calaf after he guesses the first riddle been more than justified in refusing to wear the unflattering garb is so gutsy I only wish Puccini had allowed Turandot further comment. assigned to her Elizabeth. Detractors of Sutherland's art should give this recording an open- Paul Hager's direction could hardly be considered more than med­ minded hearing. iocre. The principals simply wander^ about the stage and the poor What can one say about Luciano Pavarotti's Calaf or Montserrat chorus members seemed totally bewildered when not executing robot- Caballe's Liu? Botii defy verbal description. Suffice to say that like gestures. I am very tired of Mr. Hager's static staging. Perhaps floating planissimos abound. This trio oL^lIbgers inspired each he is unaware of Wagner's own very comprehensive stage directions for this show. other to the greatest heights of vocal acdom^i^mtent. The recording should be missed by no one. Highest recommen­ Lighting designer Robert Brand kept the principal singers in the dation! dark more often than not. Quivering spotlights focused on their faces putting any facial expression in the dark when the head was tilted below ninety degrees. I swear the audience should all bring flashlights to illuminate the singers themselves in protest. Perhaps someone would get the hint. The grotesque writhing of the ballet in the Venusberg scenes was anything but sensual. It was obvious that choreographer Norbert Vesak has had limited experience in this field of human expression. The new costumes for Venus and the corps de ballet were an absolute waste of a generous contribution from a patron. My bitching aside, we did hear glorious singing, especially from ,Marita Napier as Venus and Leonie Rysanek as Elizabeth. Ms. Napier looked appropriately voluptuous in her role as the goddess of love. Her rich soprano voice projected just the right mood one would expect from Venus. Ms. Rysanek as the virginal and pure Elizabeth was in magnificent voice. Her command, "Haltet ein! " directing the minstrels and knights to hold their positions when they threaten Tannhäuser, set my spine atingle. The prayer of Act III was pious and lovely. Ms. Rysanek's Chrysothemis in ELEKTRA later this season will undoubtedly be great. Jess Thomas in the title role sang admirably in this most difficult of Wagner's tenor heroes. I have never found his voice to be thrilling, but he reliably sings quite adequately. We really have no great heldentenors at the moment to fill such roles. 1 must suggest that Mr. Thomas change hairdressers as his bouffant hairdo is anything but becoming. Baritone Thomas Stewart was the most satisfying vocally of the male principals. This artist has perfected such Wagnerian roles as his Wolfram Von Eschenbach with great skill. Mr. Stewart is a great asset to any production. In conclusion something must be said about the conducting by Otmar Suitner. He happens to be currently in favor as San Francisco Opera's interpreter of Wagner, Frankly, I find his readings to be .uninspired, tired, and frequently a bore. The members of the orchestra are obviously not sufficently motivated by his leadership to produce anything more than merely adequate sound. Mr. Adler, could we please try someone else on the podium for next year’s Wagner offering? Anybody!

Note: Solti's recording of the Paris version of TANNHÄUSER is highly recommended! Just forget the current production and invest in this album .------

SUTHERLAND This has been a great season for fans of Sutherland, We had six madcap performances of her Rosalinda in DIE FLEDERMAUS. On C h arles September 22 she presented a recital at the Flint Center for the Per­ forming Arts in Cupertino. Then she left us with a fantastic surprise portrayal in the title role of TURANDOT in a new recording from London Records BETTE The magnificent hall of Flint Center with its renouned acoustics .pierò provided an ideal space for hearing Sutherland's voice. The program was heavily weighted with French songs and arias, eight selections by Massenet alone. The Italian school was represented by songs of Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, and Mascagni. The first half of the recital concluded with a dazzling "Je suis Titania" from MIGNON by Thomas. She concluded with two mar­ velous arias from Offenbach’s LA PERICHOLE and "Bolero" frorn LE COEUR ET LA MAIN by Lecoeq. After singing twenty-two aimounced MIDLER S a c k ! numbers, Ms. Sutherland could be persuaded to sing only one encore, a sumptuous "Vilja" from Lehar's MERRY WIDOW. Richard Bonynge provided most capable piano accompaniment to What is Bette Midler's magic face doing on an opera page? Well i ^ O L D his wife's art. Despite several obvious clinkers, Mr. Bonynge the CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF OPERA defines 'opera' as [STREET! supported Ms. Sutherland masterfully. It was wonderful to see both "a drama to be sung with instrumental accompaniment by one or of them so relaxed as' they were that evening, even to cutting up. more singers in costume; recitative or spoken dialogue may separate set musical numbers. " For those who missed this thrilling evening 1 would recommend Bette Midler's recent appearances at the Berkeley Community two albums which include several of the selections performed, "The Theater fit that description to the letter. Bette manifests enough Golden Age of Operetta" and "French Opera Gala." energy on stage to power an entire opera company. I love her. HELD

RICHARD BONYNGE and JOAN SUTHERLAND OVER! TUESDAYS thru SATURDAYS 9 and 11 PM RESERVATIONS; 397 5626 your home, financed by city bonds. In addition, there should be City action to win property tax exemp­ ; . - t -■ tion for home improvements. F. How about the issue of jobs ''Î. V. - • • V b IfTfX and environmental protection? M. We can create jobs by protect­ AN INTERVIEW WITH MORRISON ing the environment--upgrading the housing supply, underg>ounding by Frank Fitch the utility wires, improving the parks, cleaning up the Bay, and Jack Morrison is a candidate for carefully guided and controlled the Board of Supervisors in the downtown growth, with the jobs Nov. 6th election. He has served involved going first to San Franciscans. two term s on the Board, from 1962 F. What about the, what I call, to 1970. He gave his support to the archaic sex laws of this state, the gay com m unity BQ^ORE it making about 909< of the people Mr. Brandy Lee became the "in" thing to do. both gay and straight criminals? M. The whole question of sexual F. What is your main campaign activity in private between con­ and Company issue? senting adults should be taken out M. Community and neighborhood of the criminal code entirely. My self-determinadon, an issue that, record on that is very clear. I've I think, cuts accross all kinds of voted to support that on the Board. featuring ideological positions. Commun­ ities must have more decision­ S. L R. STAMPS OF APPROVAL: making power over City Hall pol­ icies and budgets. " FOR SUPERVISOR: Glenn Elliott F. What is your attitude toward Feinstein the present line-item budget? Morrison M. We need a modem city budget Milk that relates PRCXIRAMS to costs Masonek so that taxpayers can tell what Von Beroldingen they are getting for their money. F. What about the police budget? FOR CITY ATTORNEY: M. With a line-item budget the None Board can only see a request for X number of officers, but not how FOR TREASURER: the department plans to utilize M el Haynes them. If they were to submit a 0 program, the Board could insure STATE PROPOSITIONS: that the first priority was the No on 1 safety of people and property. F. How should Federal Revenue On October 3rd the S. L R. mem­ Sharing Money be spent? bership, following a long-standing M. The general revenue-sharing tradition, devoted a considerable law requires no citizen participa­ part of their business meetiirg to tion, whatsoever. I think that considering stamps of approval for the Mayor and the Board should candidates and propositions on the really seize on this as a way of November 6th ballot. opening up the budget process to Jim Foster, political director, the people and citizen input. presented a list of 14 candidates In this respect we are behind other for Supervisor that had indicated cities. For example, in Dayton, some support for Gay issues. He 7 8 8 3 3 6 5 . Ohio, they have priority boards in stated that the Society had a choice the neighborhoods, whereby, a between giving stamp» of approval H K T IP IlIE'^ in iW certain amount of money is set to only five (thereby multiplying ALL PHOTOS OF TONY BY JAMES ARMSTRONG aside and is spent by community the effectiveness) or to any number. groups under fairly strict guidelines. The membership voted to vote on 936 Montgomery OFF BROADWAY F. What should be done now that each of the fourteen separately, FACE program has been phased out? record the number of votes for by Dan Westergard n T P I H I M. We should provide low interest approval and give that stamp to in San Francisco., .of course! loans to rehabilitate or improve (cont. on page 10) "I went to a doctor one time, I now at was having problems with myself. He told me to take a hallucinagenic. I thought about it quite a lot , . . UÜIC and did it. I really got to get in­ side myself and started realizing things about me I'd never thought before. It opened doors for me the new idea in and made me a better person. " "If the conversation is dragging, men^s underwear As you can see, Tony understands The tape recorder is on. The he might feel like going home and his own trips and feelings. A SiiLtc to Uc SOV interview with Tony is playing. getting it on, but I say to myself: "I just broke up with a lover. 'What's going to happen after­ While listening I remember how Why it didn't work was because wards—what are you going to talk easily that interview turned into of me, I don't believe in fidelity. a conversation and from there about?' If I go home with some­ I can't be with one person, which ti<, to tic P^it to a new friendship, but then body I want to make a friend out is what he expected to a certain everything about Tony suggests of him. That's why I don't like cirtent, I have to have my free­ that he loves life and people. the baths. It's too many games. dom . . . it's another Sagittarian "Pm very much a bar person. "I have all kinds of trips I get trip . . . to be able to get out I go to TOAD HALL prim arily into. The times I go out I'm and do what I want to do when I because I just get off on the people always in my levis. They're old want to do it. " there. They are out to have a and falling apart--holding on by a good time. It's great. It really thred, and a levi jacket. I also go. feels good to talk to people, to out in leather. That's my drag. Tony likes music, but Tony get to know them, " "Everybody has his form of drag. LOVES records. He has 1, 500 He's a triple Sagittarius and That's something I just got into L P's and 7, 000 45's. He also not only knows what he wants but within the past few weeks. It's likes to travel and has--British also how to get it. a sensuous type feeling and I love Isles, France, Italy, Greece, Mid- "The first thing I notice about the smell of leather. If somebody East, South Pacific, West Indeis, the people? . . . 1 notice them, the is going to appear in leather pants Carribian, and-Isreal. (He worked physical appearance, what they and jacket that looks good. But for an air line) look like. I try to get to know when he's got the leather bands, them—I eavesdrop and wait for leather hats and chains, that's too He sums himself up better than somebody to say his name.—Then---- muc h,—TTiat‘s d efeatin g t he whole— —1 cou ld:------NOV. 2,3 8,9 14,15 I start a conversation with him. puipose. To me it's a very mascu­ "Very free . . . I just believe If I can converse very comfortably line thing. That's something way in being happy." and teel as il it s not being pushed, down deep inside I've got to keep. " W tiy d o tens of thousands o f guys vMSr I like him. TICKETS AT TICKETRON 4.25, 6.25, 8.25 this sensational now patented under­ wear? Simple. It's a whole now kind of ' frae-feeling comfort no ordinary under­ wear can give. -A totally now concept, -N______ot t: a binding^Ing brief -■ Not______aI baggy' boxer- Not a supporter. -No seat or leg straps to chafe A pull. -Nothing between the legs. NIKOI -Follows“ the ------NATUÍJftAL lines of the aaiiie*ci«d-^aRRi*"Xa«s**U3Sii JOCK SOCK eliminates those unsightly show thru seat teams. Gives a neat, trim, i r masculine look under pants. Alto great for sunning A sports-wlthout being "up­ tig h t" . van e««us order yours today. In toft 4-way stretch nylon with striped waist band. Choice- of white or navy pouch. (Under white pants A trunks ask for solid white.) 3/$IO— 6/tl9.50. State waist size. Add .50 for prompt return.

THETCWN SeXJIRE F«fituting DINNERS: •NEW IDEAS IN MENS FAStWONS Kabuki Theatre SAI A SUNDAY BRUNCH 1 3 1 8 P O L K S T Cousina Mexicana Friday A Saturday b e t w e e n fin e and b u s h huevo s rancheros SAN FFIANCISCO $1 toruncìt R«t*rvations Pl*as* § 5itrlpad band/whita pouch StripedS' band/Uue pouch 7t1-1027 ANIPLE FREE EARIÙN6 FIER 17 On T h* Embarcadaro Solids white

si Get Your Body Beady For The Big Fali ”K ickofr MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK MILK s. by Terry Taylor Greta Gooch, have you really Black Beauty's grand opening gone butch or just lost your mind? z party at the 1001 NIGHTS was one of Be sure to catch Erica and Lakey the nicest I've attended. Not only at the FROUC ROOM. did the Beauty buy drinks for all Fanny of JACKIE D'S sent Lennie the guests for one hour, but also Lynn a dozen red roses for the Reject prepared a buffet that was superb. Party. A lovely gesture from a Another party that will be remem­ lovely person! bered for a long time was given by Mike (formerly of JACKIE D'S) Pat Mathews and Ralph for Rhonda. is it true you want a title so much Excellent food, and party, favors you're willing to do anything. Watch that had everyone completely out Emma Mae Barfly? delighted. Among those present A few words from Polk Street: were Carol Lynn, Vicki, Marlane, I've found out Thirsty Thelma Cristal, Sandy and Kenny, Ericka, hustles champagne at CLOUD 7 Reba, Ryan Marshall, Danny, when she's not dining on spaghetti Gary, Robbie, Toby and Marcie. at Fosters with Stewart. You devil, Tony Dee is now at the GRUB­ T helm a. STAKE with Rikki. Two new faces at the HOUSE OF David Dauber and I will be the HARMONY. Sonny, the new bar­ CAMPAIGN hosts for the Rendezvous Halloween tender and the zany Paul Richards Party on October 28th. Be sure to who appears nightly Wednesday thru come by and join the fun. David Sunday at the organ. WORKERS is now the manager there. From the horse's mouth: Susie s The ALLEY” CAT is one of m y did not throw sugar bowls through NEEDED! l~ favorite places only because of the Foster's windows again. fun people that work there. It's Congratulations to Honey Carolina S no wonder it's always packed. and John I the new Empress and 1 or 2 hours a day 1“ I've heard that since Robbie Emperor of Los Angeles. bleached his hair. Shannon wants Be sure to see . S to become a blonde too! Ricky It's great! 1 or 2 hours a week r~ the waiter, doesn't like Pisces Did you know Marcus was bom at S and the Pisces don't like him. Well, the Queen of Angels Hospital in Los w ell. ’ I- Angeles? I found out lots of fun s. Bruce, form erly of the ALLEY things about Marcus on our recent trip TAXI DRIVERS / HAIRDRESSERS I WAITERS S CAT is now at GORDON'S nightly to Los Angeles for the coronation. on Polk Strasse. r f- Print that picture, Marcus and I print I This Coupon Good For One Free Lesson In Beginning WALKERS / TALKERS ITELEPHONERS Lori Shannon is at the CABARET the whole terrible truth. I Body Building Tues. G Thurs. Only 8:30 PM on Monday and Tuesday. I z (Absolutely No Charge Or Obligation) HARVEY MILK NEEDS YOijR HELP I REGISTER TO VOTE a.o PERSONAL- You can wear a MILK button! r r Requirements: O You con display o MILK poster! 1. 30 day residency by Nov. 6 Ü Apotta^s tem ple You con be a campaign worker! s 2. 18 years of age by Nov. 6 O r~ o f Body B uitdinif O s. You must register if: c X L You have moved since you HARVEY MILK FOR SUPERVISOR 1“ last registered, or (415) 474-0776 •& 771-7174 s u z s. 2. You did not vote in the 1972 I I CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS z Presidential election 851 O'Farrell I 575 CASTRO STREET: PHONE: 864-1390 F YOU MUST REGISTER OR RE­ I s. REGISTER BY OCTOBER 6TH. I ..I ¡C 864-1390 I- mosAto msTtmauom m s o m f X >niw >niw >niw )niw >niw )niw )niw )niw >niw )niw >niw )niw womo f¡/uooos A K A U T Y m s Stm HSKASAtm Map lutings co* $20. for iO lasues. ( %2. each) Prepaid. S u pport

These advertisers support this section of Kalendar- Your Community C o b e a -PLEASE SUPPORT THEM- lU R S 1. A lley Cat 330 Maaott St. »82-7968 (818) -Í® 2. Rendezvous S67 Sutter 781-3949 (B14) 4. 1001 Nights < R ) 335 jones 474-1067 (B16) 8. Trapp 72 Eddy 362-3838 (B17) 11. Blue C Cold 136 Turk 673-3260 (B18) Ì2. Kokpit 301 Twit 77S-3260 (B18) 13. Red Lantern Saloon (820) 180 G olden C ate 77S-4959 f i » 14. Windjammer 64S Ceary 77S-9796 (B19) B a V tb S 18. Club Turkish 132 Tiuk 77S-SS1I (814) B o o k s 21. Turk St. News 66 Turk 885-2040 (814) «I 25. Infamous Bk. St. 219 jones 771-8338 (BIT) 26. Ellis Bookstore 415 Ellis 441-5821 (B20) 27. Inlemational Book Shop 42 Tuik 474-9S08 ( 2 0 ) ShCHTS 40 Psychedelic Shop 1072 Market^^621 »03S7 ( 21)

46. Tom C at 181 EUif 42f-07V t (Ml 47. Hc^ HiU 7 » liu h St. 78X^9468 335 JONES ST. 4«.. Turk St. FoUles 108 Turk St. 474-9SH1 (B2S) M o n - S u n hAiR- cu ttirxi SO. Maaoe Eddy Barber Shop 131 Eddy 771-1013 (814) 5 > 3 0 -U p m mise. VALIDATED PARKING 35. Bob Croaby 227 Eddy St. 474-9810 (823) 5:30-11:30 7S. N a t'l Rent A Bex 340 jottes 77S-9644 (817) -76. StT ^ R .------— SS^drSt. T8 1 -tS«y tB « r StJYSMUF A T trs 265 Eddy 79. Helping Hands across from Downtown Bowl wndby B ru n td * Center 225 Turk 771-3366 (CC) for Dinner Guests only H m n -4 p m SI. D onra Mae Coffee Shop 187 Ellis St. (B25) V E R Y B E S T dey clc.\iiinci so. YOOR CHEF. TRE WORIO fAMOOS B I/U » B f M l r v °^*a!5Xing 441 Eddy 776-2340 (B2S) . ..

c e a R T GAPERS o


The weekend of September 29th hords of royalty and guests invaded the Royal Cyprus kingdom of HRM Bobbie II, Reina de Monterey. I think that the big army base close by GREEN was not quite ready for all of us. Map listings cosf $20. for 10 issues ($2. each), payable in But certainly Bobbie was the gracious advance. hostess she is acclaimed for. The ball was great fun and con­ These advertisers support this section of Kalendar grats go to Miss Pat Montclair for -PLEASE SUPPORT THEM- top honors as guess? yep, Mae VALLEJO W est. . Naturally, I l^d to go a little f BARS -■ far out and Rg..« the Dillinger gang. (S My thanks TOmy escort, A1 (as 1. New Bell Saloon 1203 Polk 775-6905 (B26) Dillinger) Ron and Bob as cops 2. House of Harmony 1312 Polk 885-5300 (B23) ( g and m e as the lady in RED. I think we sorta had the crowd off 4. Polk Gulch Saloon Polk G Post 885-2991 (B22) BROADWAY guard when we started with the 6. The Gangway 841 Larkin 885-4441 (B12) pistols. Fun, fun though. Thanks 7. O n T h e Q . T. (R) Polk G Clay 885-1114 (B25) to HIM Maxine and HIM Marcus I 8. Early Bird 1723 Polk 776-4162 (B18) and HIM Russ II for taking time 9. Cloud 7 2360 Polk 474-9696 (B18) from their busy schedule to attend 10. Havoc House 1548 Polk 441-8413 (B19) the ball. 11. Bojangles (D) Larkin G Ellis 771-9545 (B12) PACtPlC Our sincere best wishes to Rhonda 13. T ories 743 Larkin 673-6820 (B14) III in the year to come. Love you BOBBI and thank you for the great honor bestowed on me by your court. (R) Bars that serve food Back in the city our best to the (D) Dancing bars lACKSON PURPLE PICKLE on th eir 1 s t,.. More??? For those who missed me e A t i n o on the Jim Dunbar show on Friday VÊ 0 RO 18. Miz Browns Morning, it was a blast, I had a 1356 Polk 771-4221 (B23) baU. (L) Open 24 Honrs Now to the wedding of the century? WASHINGTON On Sun, Oct. 7th at the NEW BELL there was a wedding such as never B o o k s before in the annuals of history. 27. LeSalon 1118 Pblk 673-4492 (B12) Sandy and Gypsy were married in or G 28. The Magazine 839 Larkin 441-7737 (B23) a double ring ceremony attended by thousands. For those who did not attend, you could watch on T. V ., 2-4-5 & 7 carried it. Here is the B * \ t h s CLAY MOUTH wedding party: 31. •» Jack's Turkish (U 1148 Post 673-1919 (B19) Gypsy-- Bride (Snauzer) Sandy--Groom (Snauzer) By Dennis Charles Bridesmaid—April (Poodle) (L) Open 24 Hours Maid of Honor—Penny Pug (Pug) di i â l Flower Girl--Snauzer Ring Bearer—Pancho (Chiuahuah) BEEN hearing fun things about Hol- SACRAMENTO Guests of honor—Princess Mei Ling t h e A t o e s Prince Ty Ling (C hinese Pekes) loweeh buses. Particu.^arly the 33. Laurel 2111 Polk 928-1119 (B19) Mules' "Sentimental There were actually gifts from Journey". And of course-the all over the world. The wedding "Kalendar Girls—Sequin ¿epress". m usic-oecO Q cis gown was designed and made by The Cabaret has asked me to he a 35. Gramophone 1538 Polk 885-3322 Roge' of Paris and the rings were judge Holloween night. W ill h.^ve (B17) to go in disquise because of the t. v. 36. Record House Polk at Post 474-6919 made by Cartier' of Paris. All (B23' the wedding party's outfits were cameras and photographers from a made and fitted by Fancy Pants national mag. Saloon here at their San Francisco store. Well, all I can say is, I THE anmial Kalendar Columnist f l o N v e o s was honored to no end to be the Brunch is next. Can you imagine M.C. and minister for this great getting all those —shall I say— cam p occasion. My best to the talkative peoples together?????? ■happy couple. To all who m ade it possible my sincere thanks for a WENT to Folsom Barracks to talk s h o p s about advertizing---- one part of my 40. heaven, fun-filled afternoon. Johnsons Stationery 1334 Polk 474-1030 (Bl?) job that is considered "Fringe Bene­ 43. Leather Forever 1702 Washington (cont. on page 23) fit. " (B23) 885-5773 SIGN seen in Ruby Taboos'. "Oh 46. Ronald James 1201 Sutter 771-9330 (B19) what bliss a woman misses who has never tasted a womans' kisses^" c l o t h i i x i 50. Town Souire 1318 Polk 775-0900 (B18) WENT to the "Truck Stop" and ordered a "Wild Goose" and got one -♦t";—— Honest Jotui's------—1651 Polk------44-1--5219-----— tB20r H o n k l ! ! ! ------^------doy cleA ninc, Also noticed on the menu that you can order a sandwich named "The Rear End. " Its a Chili-burger named after the bar at the "Truck Stop. " Want to know how many of them they w ill sell------s h o e s For you LOGO freaks---- whose is 45. Sayzaar's Booti que 1540 Polk 474-5114 (B19) this one?????

m ise . 71. P. I. P. Printing 1101 Post 441-7227 (B20) GEARY 32. Body Building Club 851 O 'Farrell 474-0776 (CC), 8 <1 I h*/ioNMk linmf gtf ihmmm 28

O'FARRELL TH€ 1108 HILL CiriOhh< rMOM w /2 V B ^ H .SJBFFT 474-1030 1356 Pblk St. Sm nO N ERY 3401 C alif. St. I3 M »out eULCH IM. Hm «■ tMti (Ê WELCOME ABOARD' "Ç 2414 Lombard St. SAN FSANCItCO, CAUFOSNIA «410« Now Playing thru Oct. 16th - "Tlie Erotic Films (Bism 4 ^ 0 ^ « 7 - 12:30 a. tn. ß i of Peter de Rome" OFFteS swrouss • lUMSa STAMAS • ISTTHtHSADf KLLIS STRVtT MSTIMCnvS •M CTIN« CABOS • OABKSB *. CBOSS FSNE Fri. C Sat. Bijou G Left Handed starts O ct 17th 841 LARKIN STREET San Francisco (B-23) 7 am - 3 am I ______s p e c ia l m a t in e e AOMISaCN $3 .0 0 Between O'Farrell & Geary Sts, Phone RR5-4441 INSURANCE dinnars doily 6-11 lö M KI KäT''“' ä T ' 1009Í HOSPITAL INS. BUSINESS OVERHEAD Sunday brunch . LAVENDER CINEMA/, RETIREMENT PLANS EXPENSE INSURANCE lliSO to 3i30 MONEY-BACK UAR. ISSUE LIFE INS. DISABIUTY INS. ROUP INS. (3 OR MORE) Reservations Recommended SOULFUL BRUNCh I Í K t t S í Q l C AND LUNCH SING ALONG PIANO BAR IlLOO AM & 6:00 PM AMAL-OAMATKD UNtVKRSIAI. RKSOURCKS AOKNCY M 2 V A U m C IA ST. (BETWEEN 19thA20th) -Featuring- PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS COVERED Denis Moreen OPEN SAN RANCISCO 10«'COMP. INTER. GUAR. SAVINGS PIAN , Hazel I Mon. thru Fri. 6pm.- Jonny Gibson I Saturday 2pm. 1047 POLK S T ., SAN FRANCISCO (41S) 928-3300 VA 4-3373 B19 I Sunday_____ 10:30 am . I • 2 9 8 6 ” ' ST 9 O C T 17 "i C orner of Folsom & 6tli S t. Crooked at Arrangement Kalendar Columnist Brunch THC BATHS monday eve. oct. is wiU be held at Bradley's Corners. Call 626-0656 for information. FUN-D RAISER FOR PLUS SUPER »«Ot H44 SM / !.' HARVEY MILK % AIL-MALK mhortm /OA rroAci/eo ¡50 (Apollo Gods)5 (B18) PROVIDED BY ADULTS oner OCTOBER A p o llo ’s Temple of MON TUES I WED THURS FRI SAT Body Building ---- - . .. 15 G Western Prize Nite, The Round Up Grand Dutchess’ Celebration, 14 GChain 1 Club, 8 PM at Comer Grocery Bor ^T eathei^O T ever Night SISo in Icatlicr Win a Round Up Trick pillow 1.1 Consciousness Raising Workshop, 8AM MRendezvous, 626-2727 GSpagltcrti Fete 694 at tJie Savoy in Cupertino wear at tlie Boot Camp G Dinner at 1001 Nights G Buffet, 4 -6 PM, Open House, Golden Leather C Western Nite, Folsom Prison to 6 PN4, CCCLH, Cnrage Sale, 934 JI] Ortoberfest at the *PS Dipner :it 6-11 PM, Purple Pickle Q Bridge Tournament, Helping Hands. Q Lunch at Purple Pickle g Calc Cay Liberation House. 934 Pace. MONDAY EVE. OCT. 22 □ "THE WATERGATE COMEDY 225 Turk 7 PM GMichael Owen, Cabaret GLunch at Purple Pickle 2 PM ^ Page, 863-2480 Tatto drawings at tlie Red St.*ir '.3 Bare Back Night at Wild Coose w , Vernier—Open House and Dancing at HOUR" at the Matrix 412 Broadway GBiirc Back Night at City Dump G Films from the 40’s, GGCLH, 034 GCharles Pierce at Gold Street □ Helping Hands Open House, 225 Turk. 9 • 10:30 C 12 pm. a G Dinner at Big Town 4-8 PM 5, LR,, 18 Cover. 8-12:30 AM G Radio C Turn On Niaht, 9 PM, Wild Goose Page, 863-2480, 8 PM L.7Wednesday Niglit Balloon poping G event* final CD Movie at 5 PM, 7Sd chicken, 7 PM, prize night G Beginning body building class at 8:30 G t Hc largest C ocktail Hour with Princess G Policc-G ay Rap, East Bay Cay. Bishop’s PM at Apollo's Temple Oatinff Gam e 9:40 C 11:00. The Round Up Pam, 100! Nights Coffee liouse, 1437 Harrison. Oakland, G1S4 draft beer, 9-2 AM, FeBe's CD Brunch at 1001 Nights 93-1019 8 PM G Dinner at Pier 54, 6 PM G Dancing at Havoc House lJ Mammy Yokum's Dinner, 5-7, Dogpatch G Bare Chest Niglit, The Round UP G Dinner from 4 -7 and 504 well drinks, GP:iu1 Richards at House of Harmony I Boot Camp 2nd Anniv. SIOO Leather G Dinner C Show at Cabaret (M ichael Owen) '_i5 PM buffet. Boot Camp G C u /f C Casli nite, Fol.<>om Pri^n áFashion Show Beldcn Chateau McBareChest Contest' O Midnight buifet. Root Camp r j Speaker from DOB, GGCLH, 934 DOctoberfest at '“PS G Lunch at C old Street I_1 State Senator Alquist. at Peninsula CD9 PM buffet, City Dump Page, 863-2480 7 PM Meeting, 271 Tresedder Mall, Stanford, U Popcorn Party, CCCLH, 934 Page G Street Survival Rap, CCCLH, 934 □ S PM buffet. Wild Goose U "Eugene Oregin", Opera Night at G C PU Pol Luck Dinner, Club House Page, 863-2460, 8 PM G 2nd Anniversary Champagne Buffet Comer Grocery Bar 573-8027, 8 PM .863-2480, 8 PM □ 154 draft, FeBc*s, 2-6 PM Stanford, 321-2300, 7 PM G Dames at Sea, V illage at Bool Camp--Ekittons, 8 PM G Dinner at lOOl Nights, Mon-Sat G Cay Liberation House P.arty, The Stud. L3 Dames at Sea. Village, 9 PM MDVIES Mm.-IHOIIS 830PM/SIIII 5PM G Brunch at Pier.54 11-3 pm G Birtlxiay Party for Carol Lynn at L- S, I, R, Open Meeting and Auction K) PM. 863-2480 iJ Ba^ot Camp 2nd Anniversary O Lumber Yard Hotel Openitig OLunch at Purple Pickle of Lucien's Costumes at Comer Grocerv G Boot Camp 2nd Anniversary LI Brunch at Bradly's. 12-4 PM Frolic Room G Boot Camp 2nd Anniv., Mr. Jockey iJ C o -g o boys, Ruby's G Dinner at Big Town Bar, 8:30 PM ’ Shorts Contest, Cash Prizes, 9 PM G Brarrdy Lee at Cabaret, 9:30, 11:30. uJ Oktoberfest at *PS G D iscoteque, 7-2 AM, Naked Crape GCet-Togethcr-Brunch at Dozpatcli, 'J Claries Pierce at Cold Street MCC Building Fund Auction nt the *P5 L3 Oktoberfest at *PS 1:30 8 A M --4 PM GT wo for one dinners at The Old Stand 9 PM. 285-0392 LJ Spaghetti Dinner at Bradley's G Brandy Lee, Cabaret, 9:30, 11:30, G Lunch at l\iip le Pickle L^Cocktail Hour at the Pendulum, 6-8 G Conciousness Raising for Men Work­ U Brandy Lee opens at Cabaret for 3 □ Let's M.nkc A, Wild Goose 9 PM 1:30 GNew Discount prices at the Shed shop, CCCLH, 934 Pace. 863-2430 G Beginning Body Building Class free, 8:30 weeks. 9:30. ||:30, 1:30 8 AM—6 PM PM at Apollo's Temple ' J Bool Camp 2nd Anniv. FFA plus w Court appointments by 'Dutchess' ^^ffet 9 PM ^t-rry, Country Club, 626-2727, 11 AM i_J Harvey W.nllbanger Party at City S g A P P J KSAN Cay Radio, "Interview with John „Dump, 754 Each, 8 PM Quite SiMiply, the best singer in the world' Rechy" 11:30 AM (J Oktoberfest at »PS London Timos G Candidates Night, 'Cay Voter's 22 Uague', 26 7thSu 474-9959 , 7:30 rD Dames at Sea, Tlic Village 21 23 G Pride EMnner, 7:30 PM, 864-9476 G Dinner at 6, Pier 54 O Movies at 5 PM, 754 cliicken dinners at 7 PM, Police Community Rap, GGCLH, G Western Prize Nite, The Round Up □ win a Round Up Trick Ri How G Tour of San Francisco from 6th G O Go-Go boys, Ruby"s ating Came 9:40 C 11:00, The Round Up I tniroduciion to Yoga, Emmaus, 934 934 Page, 863-2480. 8 PM Dinner at 1001 Nights, Mon-S-it. Morket. CCCLH, 8 PM. 863-2480 Page. 8 PM U U -alhcr C W cacni Nite, Folsom Prison G 154 draft, 2-6 Febe's PURPLE PICKLE Bmnch at 1001 Nighu l J ACT'S HOT L BALTIMORE opens Lunch at Purple Pickle J Lunch at Purple Pickle G Dames At Sea, Village, 9 PM O Charles Pierce at Cold St. Rock Concert at Big Town, 2:30 PM I ' Final Mr. Bare Chest Contest, 1450 Geary. 771-3880 B Rourtd Up Ga Michael Owen, Cabaret, Wed-Sun G Barc Back Night at Wild Goose G Lunch at Purple Pickle G Dancing. Havoc House G F Iea Market, 12-6 PM, S27 Club Gcharlcs Pierce at Cold Street G Dinner at Big Town GN cw Discount Prices at the Shed ■ 71 Cocktail hour at the Pendulum to 8 PM GMammy Yokum's Dinner S-7, Dog Patch G tV o for one dinnen at "The Old Stand" G R in g-a-D ong Night, The Round Up G W ed Night Balloon poyiping G prize PRESENTS G Dinner at 1001 Nights. Mon-Sat JBegioning Body Building at 8:30 PM, G Lunch at the Purple Pickle, Mon-Fri, G G arage Sale, GGCLH, 934 Page, G S PM buffet, Boot Camp O C u ff C Cash Nite at Folsom Prison night Apollo's Temple 11:30-3:00 G ciiain 1 Club 8 PM at Comer Grocery Bar 9 AM-6 PM, 863-2480 DINNER MONDAY NIGHT G Midnight btidiec, Boot Camp G Dinner at Pier 54, 6 PM G D :m cing at Havoc House G C o -g o Boys, Ruby’s G One Act Plays qx>nsored by Intersec­ AT MASONIC AUDITORIUM G 9 p m buffet. City Dump G Spaghetti Fete 694 at the S:ivoy in Cuper­ G Dinner from 4 -7 and 504 Well drinks, G P aul Richards at House of Harmony G Discote<]uv, The Naked Crape 6 TO 11 tino G Lunch ;U Purple Pickle tion for GGCLH at UC Extension, 863- G Celebrities, Politicians, Dancing, Beldcn Chateau G Dinner C Show at Cabaret (Michael Owen) 7-2 AM 2480 G Dinner at Purple Pickle, 6-11 PM G Dinner at Big Town G 154 dr.aft beer, 9 -2 AM, Febe's □ Body buildii^ 10 AM--9PM, Apollo's rumage sale with an auction at 4 PM Gcitarles Pierce at Cold Street O Dames at Sea, Village, 9 PM G Tatto drawings at the Red Star Lunch at Cold Street G Clean Up Buena Vista Park, CCCLH, for candidates for Supervisor, The Sited, G Spaghetti Dinner at Bradley's G Temple G T^SF Beaux Arts Ball, Hilton Hotel, "She vary well might be the greatest pop singer LUNCHES 11 -3 Noon-9PM, 861-2515 G fiare Back Night at City Dump 934 Page, □ hk>t Hilly Tidbits, Dog Patch G Radio C Turn on Night, 9 PM, Wild Goose LJ Let's Make A Deal, 9 Plvt, Wild Goose G 5 .1. R. Trustees meeting, 83 6th St.. n Brandy Lev. Cabaret, 9:30, 11:30, 441-7798, adì for DUon 8 PM □ Dames at Sea, Village,. 8 PM GCaboret, Dinner G Dancing G 11:59 pm - 6:13 am - Witches now betöre the public.”—Atter Dark Pstw Kina G T h e largest C ocktail Hour with Princess G Beginning Body building free, 8:30 PM, 8:30 PM, 781-1570 1:30 □ Brarxly Lee, Cabaret, 9:30, 11:30, Apollo's Temple G MCC Building Fund Auction, Kokpit, G Havoc House, Dancing Christmas Party, Warlocks. Tickets 1:30 Pam, 1001 Nights GPaul Richards, House of Harmony, Wed-Sun SUNDAY BRUNCH 11-3 PM 9 PM. 285-0392 at Leather 'n Things. AN EXCITING SAN FRANCISCO DEBUT (Òp«n4ailyfÓAM M om um m In association with Vincent Ryan and Clifford Hocking Cocktiil Hour B - 7 EVERY SUNDAY EVERY SATURDAY EVERY MONDAY EVERY TUESDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY EVERY THRUSDAY EVERY FRIDAY Special dinners ai Big Town O C PU M eeting, Clubhouse. Stanford, 7 PM, ^Dinner at 6, P, macromc, crocheting, (..> Drawings for cash, 10-12 PM DogPatch 285-0392, 7:30 PM ()D :incing, Havoc House O Mammy Yokum's Dinner, 5-7 PM, O Charles Pierce at Cold Street O Music at 9 PM, dinner from 4-7 will» DhhkWOßTH etc. 8 pm, Corner Grocery Bar O Round UP movies. 8:30 PM O M ovies a t 8:30 PM. Round ud SO4 drinks, Belden Chateau O Dinner at Lu Mer. Reservations Please evenings Dog Patch O Happy Hour, 10 PM-2 AM, Scott's Pit ^M ovies, 8:30 PM- Round Up O F iesta Brunch, O 2S4 beer night, 9-11 PM, Scott's Pit O 154 draft beer, 9-2 AM, Febe's Dancing, Havoc IHousc ON cw Menu, Big Town OCoctail hour at the Pendulum to 8 PM O Largest Cocktail hour with Princess Pam, (7 Beginning body building free, Apollo's O Bclden Chateau dinner from 4-7 PM, O Dancing, Havoc House La Mer 1001 Nights 8Beginning body building free, 8:30 PM O Radical Rap, Helping Hands, 225 Turk O Brunch at Pier 54, 11-3 PM Temple 8:30 PM ^ w ell drinks Apollo's Temple O Hot Hilly Tidbits, Dogpatch 7:30 PM tue, thur,fri, sat. 0 5 PM buffet, Boot Camp (.) Drag Rap, Helping Hands, 22S Turk, O Women’s Meeting, CPU, Clubhouse, Wednesday Night Drawing. Dogpatch O Dinners at Le Mer, Reservations please O O pen House and Dancing .it S. I. R ., 83 6th Lv Lunch at Cold Street, 11-3 O MCC Church Social, 234d G Capp, OOining, Brighten Express O Mtdniglu bidfet, Boot Camp 7:30 PM Stanford, 7 PM, 321-2300 285-0392, 7 PM S t., 781-1570, 8 PM O s PM Pool Tournament, Scott's Pit C^Cay Alcoholics, Congregational Church, ' j East Bay Gay Night at Bishop's Coffee O Body building 10 AM-9 PM, A iello's Cay Alcoholics, Congregational Tem ple 9 PM buffet, City Dump Post G M.tson, 8 PM House, 1437 Harrison, Oakland, 8 PM O Black Leather Jacket Hour 254 Beer Church, Post C Mason, 8:30 PM Sundays 4pm 5 PM buffet. Wild Goose O Money Clip Night, Round Up, Cash prizes Mon-Wed, No Name Bar 8-11 O Discussion Croup, S, I, R ,, 83 6th S t., 8 O Black Leather Jacket Hour 254 Beer 781-1570 O Hard core male flicks, Cay Paree O T itty Tuc. Boot Camp O Sunday afternoon rock concert. Big Town Mon Wed No Name Bar 8-11 OCay Alcoholics, Church of the Advent, O Soulful brunch, Bo »angles Black Leather Jacket Hour 254 Beer 8:30 PM MCC Service, 83 6th S t., 11 AM Mon-Wed, No Name Bar 8-11 11:30 AM Cay Radio Show, KSAN, 95 FM Q3 2:30 PM Rock Concert, Big Town O 7 PM MCC Service,. 23rd C Capp The KALD4DAR is pleased to announce an agreement with Emperor Russ to Brand New on RCA: “I Am A Song’ O s PM Cay Alcoholics, 2121 Pine--Base- ment publish community events as received by his office. To place events call O Psych Rap w/Martin Stow, S, I, R .. Empeiof's Office 621-3784 or write 73B ColUngwood S.F, 94114.______Saturday, November 10 at 8:30 p.m. 83 6th St. Tickets: Orch. and Bale. $6.50; 5.50; 4.50 T T THE ‘‘OOOD_T1ME MUSIC” IS BACKIH ^ . M I L K THE CHUCK ALEXANDER CELEBRITY SHOW — ask their 25,000 Stern Grove fans — Billie and DeDe Pierce A V Q G STAR "STUDDED" CAST «HRVEY ’’O ld Fashioned” and their fabulous jE K IS E I OCTOBER 22ND HALLOWEEN PARTY PRESERVATION HILL L SHOWTIME: 8, 9, 10:30PM W HLLBflNQER 31548 PO LKA S» games & prizes K DONATION: $2 mi Bie Direct from New Orleans, La. Prizes Every 15 min. W 1 R T Y M1-B413 9PM Saturday, October 20 at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, October 21 at 3:00 p.m. GbLDSTR ALL SEATS RESERVED^$4.00 EACH O c t o b e r 3 1 (Best Locations to Earliest Buyers) Phone 282-2621 U (Also, Fri., Oct. 26 at Stanford University— 8pm N Call 321-2300, ext. 2551)______C M MAIL ORDERS NOW: Stephen Batirey Productions. 3216-0 Geary Blvd . S F 94116 (Enclose Stamped Return Envelopet Chuck Christman M BOX OFFICES: Sherman Clay. 141 Kearny S I. let 397-0717. ALSO: Downtown I WED. OCT. 17 HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANT BENEFIT C«n(«r B.O.. Neil Thrams ■ Oakland Peninsula & San Jose B O $: Macy'e and All VOTE I CASTRO ST Major Agencies R L GROUP SALES: Bill Campbell Consultanis, tel 387-6409 HARVEY WALLBANGERS -75C Landscaping L Interior & Exterior T K GOLDSTREET 397-5627 MILK C2Í.-507G IWG SPECIAL Map liMtam CO«« $20. for 10 iauo* ($2. «achU prep did .

Thcac advertl«nain>oR thii wetioaof Kalandar Folsom -PLEASE SUPPORT THEM-

1. Ttte Stud IS3S Fobom 863-2980 (B20) 2. O ff The Leve«

Dear Apollo, I spend three hours or more in a gym every other day and I'm afraid if I let up on my time somewhat, I will start going down hill. What would you advise? Skip

Dear Skip, If your diet and daily life style remains the same, cut down your woikouts by a steady degree and THC keep an eye on yourself and the scale. Also, remember you are getting older and it is a good idea to start planning a program to BOOT keep your body maintained in lOlO Diycinl an attractive, defined state and toned just enough to prevent sagging muscles and flesh, Apollo C A fflP Ion P(qacT/€o 22nd at GOLD STREET a benefit Hank Johnson from the award will star anybody that's anybody. winning TWIN PEAKS, is probably Dear Freaked Out, happy that you are happy, and close to Dolores Street with six Your problem Is a universal one First show at 8:00. A $2 dona­ half the reason for the award. THAT'S IT! beautiful people. that faces or has faced all gay You know your parents, and how tion is asked. Good people! No, I do 'not write any of the people at one time or another. Ray Broshears is luckier, and Volley ball soon! their minds operate. Not all par­ other columns for the paper. I huffy, and still going strong Make no mistake atrout it, we There is NO one sure solution. ents would be able to accept the enjoy writing Dear Jerry because, after his bout with pneumonia! tried at baseball, and for the great EACH person is different and unique fact for one reason or another. through my column, I have gotten Get that copy of the PHOD4IX mistake t-shirts for $3, thank David. making EACH situation a very Don't underestimate your parents, to know some very nice people. PAPER CASTRONITES, and tell Still going stronger than ever special one. though. They are usually more I enjoy sailing, skiing, the me or Mike Frawley what cha is the NOTHING SPECIAL and the Being honest with those you love understanding then we give them sun, and most of all people. You is a must if the relationship is credit for. The love between you might see me at TOAD HALL, think of what they said about "them" CORNER GROCERY—2 bars here CñSTRO UlbbaOE going to be true and lasting. If and their trust in you should be THE STUD, CABARET, or DEVIL'S people! with no competition! Did you hear the one about the your parents think of you as some­ the over-riding factor to produce SLIDE. I have tw o other jobs beside by Randy Johnson Good to see Jimmy (Happy Cio the local punks in this area thing you are not, then the whole a favorable outcome. writing Dear Jerry. One deals with realize that S.F. is the Gay Capitol . . . later, oh, . . . birthday) working at the CITY relationship is a lie. You will be Best of luck to you and your giving away money and the other of the U. S. ? And world! Wise up! "By the way, " says Tina Trash unable to relate your true feelings; I've been trying to get a new DUMP. A welcome addition parents. Remember, you must deals with live music, if that as is Robert Kirt who'se finally The 4th anniversary of the from the CASTRO TUBS, "There thus, making your side of the re­ Bee—but so far . , . reflect your happiness to them. makes any sense? back! SAUSAGE FACTORY, Bob and Issie is only one trash in the city and lationship fruitless!! You must change their entire outlook I hope I have shed a bit more Upcoming events include the 2nd (Good people) tell me, was smash­ Bob, Cook/Waiter at the CASTRO that's me"! Facing and accepting that one's on gayness. I have a feeling that light on who I am. Now, the anniversery of the BOOT CAMP, ing ly successfuL Mark from the WILD GOOSE and son or daughter is gay is usually a benefit for the U, S. Mission Corp CAFE, lost his ring—but how/who/ you will succeed and that you will rest of you beautiful people, where? And as long as I'm men­ Have you seen the man behind the TRUCK STOP is sooo busy, but difficult, but not always painful. be closer to your parents then you at CALIFORNIA HALL on the 12th, the GILDED AGE? If you do, and the places are together thanks to please write to me and tell me tioning the CASTRO CAFE, Bob A parent's main concern is that have ever been. Let me know how who you are and what you're a t the RENDEZVOUS on the 14th talk to him, you'll understand Elis deft haneling. Welcome that their offspring is happy and con­ Grand Duchy I's First Bash, and Reid celebrated his 23rd (Now things come out. thinking. it's his 21st—is he kidding?)— more why he's so successful! hunk Tom to the new REAR END. tent. Your duty, if you do decide Love, th at day at the COUNTRY CLUB If you've seen Tacky Tacky A great addition, as you will see. Love, th a t m eans I'm sw eet 16. But he to relate your true feelings, is to Jerry lerrv at 11:00 a little Merry (Mary) Ruth, did you recognize her? I Ail the help is. And thank you get across the fact that you are making, and to top it off Mark celebrates his birthday once a P. S. Dear Jolm, who did a fan­ d id n 't. for a decent 24 hr. restaurant to happy and content. You must start Dear Jerry, from the BOOT CAMP will be month! Also Happy belated birth­ A-ok people in my book is Sally tastic job, is still in the city and day to Mary Calhoun (TRUCK the area. TIFFINY'S, you got and FINISH a complete gay liber­ I have read your column the last is giving his talented writing arm greeting you at the TRUCK from TOAD HALL, a great sport, stiff competition. ation program in the week your mother STOP (Formerly Burke's) and the STOP) few weeks and am wondering who a rest. and believe me, it's nothing but T he SAUSAGE FACTORY is here. You must get the point and what you are. Do you write REAR END. While there get a load Attention readers: Russ, like a good fun fued between her and (for your convenience) is now across to your parents that the any other articles for the paper? of Tom—or get his load. He's a Marcus, is an Emperor who cares! Mike Frawley from the PENDULUM. open weekends until 4 am on Fri­ majority of gay people are not And as the saying goes, "The I've enjoyed your column and hunk! They'could be secretly married for day and Saturday to see how things found in the city rest rooms. You hope you keep up the honest and Bowling on J. B. 's team is great proof of the pudding is in the all I know. Good neighbors, Ixjth work out. If good we'll have a must be able to clear your parent's sincere answers. fun. Good team mates include eating, " We'll be stuffed! of em! spectaculor 24 hr. eatery right minds of their old prejudices. You J. S ., an adm irer Marvin, Larry, Bob, and J. B. Did ya notice all the new t. v. Whatever happened to Roxanne? here! Dear Jerry, must be able to express your joys P. S, Whatever happened to Dear himself. Art is missed! The shows with homosexual themes? Mike Damon knows! Oh! Oh! Want to see Harvey Milk?. and feeling of being content. John? WINDJAMMER has a hot team with And finally, might I add, honestly! Karyl Andre (KRUZ. NAKED I've met a very beautiful man Hadda Brooks? Randy Randolph? recently. My problem is that I You see, the reason most parents Jim, Charlie, Wink, and Bobby A bit of advice to my fellow GRAPE) Welcome back to the freak out is that they feel guilt. To w rite to JERRY, Dottie Ivory? Jan Jansen? Momi have made definite plans on return­ Dear J. S., as does Mandes with Lucy, Whitey, bartenders. I got $167 in bad living, and would you get Sam's Your job is to show your parents that send letters to: Starr? Rita Thomas? Chuck ing to my home town to try it again. Thank you for your encouraging Pat, Devo, and Merf. PEG'S checks—from friends yet--watch autograph for me? being gay is simply another life "KALENDAR" Alexander, and more? including I've made some committments and comments and your interest in PLACE is our next victem! out! What? Fat Fairy not a reject? style led by millions of people who P.O.Box 627 S.F. Maxine, Reba and Fanny! Mon­ it is now necessary for me to return me. My real name is Jerry M. I Welcome home, Leon. A belated happy birthday to Fun time had by all at J. B. 's for day, Oct. 22nd at GOLD STREET are basically the same as everyone 94101-Attn: soon. What can I do to keep this am a 24, blue-eyed, blond-haired, "DEAR JERRY" Yes I. Ferdinand. It was meant Mike Gerenas' better half and the party. Good people Leimie Lynn at 8, 10 and 11:30 pm you can. else. You must succeed in your 5'9" Pisces originally from an 4 U! Maxine's escort, Keith! and Perry. Vaudeville lives! And the dona­ new relationship? He states he liberation program to the extent wants me to stay, but our new eastern state where I taught re­ Naked unto the Grape I go or Hey, Terry Taylor, I want a Whoever (in the last issue) it tion is only $2. Don't miss it! that all questions about gayness are tarded children for four years. Purple in the Pickle, or how bout re-m atch . Luv ya! was they interviewed concerning Good food at the TRUCK STOP found friendship isn't too secure answered. When your parents re­ yet. Should I continue with my But now I am a happy and content Dirty into D ic k 's--o . k . , o.k., I Have you noticed what a worker Taurus—right on and amen! I'm as witnessed by Dale and Dave turn to the East they should feel plans to move, or change these resident of San Francisco. I live quit! Elmer, (Famous Den Mother) from a Taums and the article is correct (just friends). A question to answer please. the ROUND UP, H. L. Perry, and to the T. Pat and I enjoyed the omeletts . plans and hurt a lot of people very What would you do if you get up Hector are for the community? close to me? George from th e PENDULUM is Our compliments. Distressed! for practice, aien't a bad hitter, If not, do so! one bartender you can't help but Thanx, Chuck (BRADLEY'S didn't fuck up too bad in the LOVE UNLIMITED is a great like! CORNER) for your SUPPORT! outfield, and some local punk Dear Distressed, album! Wouldn't that be a nice Lou Greene m ade an appearance Ask him! (not the captain) replaces you? Your being tom in two directions, GAY PAREE THEATRE theme for our community? I on the Warlock Run, said it was One last thought. How can you I thought baseball was a fun sport! as all of us have been at one time think so! pretty cooL Someone said to expect someone to like you when I'll stick to bowling! ! But the Chuck Alexander, famous or another. Your new relationship make it warmer to Jump into the you don't like yourself? could offer you a lasting happiness. answers lie in the following! Castro customer, is really work­ Randy Johnson Remember, hurt people, hurt fire!! ! And What? No coffee? It sounds as though it might be a bit ing hard for Harvey Milk as we But they all had a great time! people! ALL should be! Monday, Oct. early to tell? Spend as much time as possible to get to know this beautiful new creature. Try to see BARS if it will be a lasting relationship C om er G rocery Bar 4049 18th St. 863- 9463 (B16) or if it is a short termed romance. Nothing Special 469 Castro 626-5876 (B17) Your own happiness is the most Toad HaU 482 Castro 864- 9797 -(B18) private rooms important factor! You say you're C ity Dump 506 Castro 861-4186 (B17) going Irome to "try it again. " It PeiKluIum 4146 18th Su 863-4441 (B17) open 24 hours M istahe 3988 18lh St. 861-1310 (B17) sounds as though you have tried Missouri Mule (R) 2348 Market 626-1163 (B17) before unsuccessfully. Perhaps Puiple.Pickle 2223 Market 621-0441 (B17) men only 863-9963 you have out-grown your home town Naked Grape 2097 Market 863-7226 (B17) and its people. This is not to say The Mint (R) 1942 Market 8ÓI-9373 (B8) 582 Castro J. B.House (R) 1884 Market 863-3323 (B18) that you do not love the people Scott's Pit 10 Sanchez 626-9534 (B17) (B23) between 18th & 19th there, but maybe the environment Dick's On Castro 456 'B' Castro 621-9392 (B18) is too shallow for you. ( R) Bars th at serve food Why not make your trip a vaca­ Aft.-hRS. tion instead of a move? Check out the old home town arxl see if it 38. Tiffiny's 19Q0 Market 626<1308 (B18) offers the warmth you seek. Quite often memories are aU that is left B s X t h S in hometowns. You have grown 18. Castro Baths 582 Castro 863-9963 (B18) and expanded your head. Maybe BOOKS your birthplace has not. 21. Jaguar Books- -4077 18th St. 863-4777 Consider taking this new person with you. He could provide the clothinci warmth your home town might be 31. Leather N'Things 4079 18th Su 863-1817 (B17) lacking. Only YOU can make the 32. J. C. Funky 3985 17th Su 626-7100 (B19) big decision. If your new man is eA tlH Q what you have been looking for, 36. Castro Cafe 484 Castro 621-2125 (B18) why throw him away to "try again. " Consider all factors before acting. 38. T iffiny's 1900 Market 626-1308 (B18) Your happiness is the main concern. I know you will make the best move. Castro Camera Let me know what and who develops. Love, Jerry pets •»> Film 46. Accent on Pets 4148 18th St. 861-2151 (B18) P r in tM ig —Dear Jerry,------»1 plOWCRS plAntS I am really freaked out. I hope Tommy's Plants 566 Castro 863-1883 (B8) you can help me? I arrived in Carriage Trade Lcni^ b ■ lae# 864.^390 your beautiful city about a year Florisu 432 Castro 621-2973 (B18) ago from one of our backward Rosebud- - SOS Castro 863-7988 S7S CASTRO (Btwn 18th G 19th.(B22) eastern states. I love it here. San lAuixlRy- dRy cle.\ninc, Francisco is the first place that I Toni Cleaners 270 Noe St. 861-6993 (BI2) have felt at home. It's warm, compared to the East, friendly and liCihtifXi pRoducts clean. Again compared to the D'Ughu by jay 66 Sanchez 648-1162 (B18) (B20) East. new features loops weekly Chuck C Dave's Mlg. C Repair Service & My problem is that my m other 66 1/2 Senchet 431-5622 (BIS) is going to arrive soon for a week's hAiR-stvlinc, visit. I don't thiid< th at she has Support Vikiri9 Men's Hair StyfiMf 222SMVi. ^¿6-3102 any idea that I am gay. I want to be honest with her, but I am pRiiitinc, - QRAphics-desic,n 4148 • 18th Street admisson $4 (half price with ad)~~ Your Corrummity afraid to, tell her. Can you offer Dave V alentine SS6A Castro 626-2141 (BCh Near Castro Street San Francisco 94114 me any advice??? TELL ‘El YOUSIW Happy and freaked out pRAminc, Pets G (415) 861-2151 THEI OR THEIàP! Supplies Clay Martin 68. designer's Frame C open 10am til 2am daily Picture Co. 23432343 Market Market 861-1613 (B16) shops 69. Gems and jewels 2297 A Market 626-5638 (B19) 70. Contemporary Yam Map listings cost $20 for 10 issues ($2 each) prepaid. FEATURING CLASSICAL MUSIC & Crafts 3819 17th St. 864-3332 ( « M l ONE INCH W 8mm films all-hardcore, color, These advertisers support this section of KALENDAR frs. ENTIRE OPERAS TUES. NITES -PLEASE SUPPORT^ j is n ’t m uch B U T ... 71. The Rosenberg- - 3870 17th St. 863-1910 t o . 4049-18th ST.- Off Castro 72. Castro Camera 575 Castro 864-1390 it caught (B 18) your eye-- T liis space could be yours- 8 6 3 - 9 4 6 3 I lallTertigers OPEN 11am -2an EVERYDAY C all 626-0656 ^ gay & straight $15 per reel ______-HOT SANOWICHES- 1

NQRTff BEflGR GUIDE -3 f*.


V (L

fLUIdlidd Pr«paid. The«* ad tuppon this wctica oi Ktlsndsr- PlEASE SUPPORT THEM. CHESTNUT

L o U k A M ) BARS .>,•7^.45^444. 1. CABARETSHOW KAR ( R) ' 936 MOKIOOIAERY ■p 2. AFTER DA RX(0ANCINC| 916 HOMTCOMERY .1. COLD STRtrr (SHOWS) (R) S6Cou>STR£er GREENWICH WEST 7» BROADWAY 5. SAVOY TTYOU(R) H38 grant 6. JACKSONS (R) 2237 ROWEU T.^THTBAH3) 131 BAY flUERT ’lx t R) Bui (Tim iMv* food. ííÍA9HI^^ B .\ths Q. OAVES KX> Bnsftway UNION B o o k s D IS. CITY Lie ITS 26l Columbus Ci) GREEN CAtinQ 20. SPACHETTI FACTORY (B««rCWinc) 478 CREXN 2L RUBY TABOOS (B«*rC WiM) COLUMBUS AT GRANT \ALLEJO • « WELCOME TO FABULOUS (Tl SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30 - 3:00 »ROADWAY SUNDAY AFTERNOON ROCK CONCERT 2:30 P. MJ 3) - V OB TOWN featuring "PAUL VENTERSTEIN COMPANY" pAcmc UTIX SHOP in our EXOTIC BOUTIQUES (T)cou>i r. JACKSON (cont. form page 6) DANCE NTTELY to the DISCOTEQUE MUSIC of 1 1 >• \ Ë K 1 \ the highest five. DALLAS 3 £» s 1 V»ï O a 1 A near unanimous vote was cast for DIANNE FEINSTEIN, with sev­ COMING ATTRACTIONS ai eral expressing the hope she would be once again elected President of OCTOBERFEAST the Board of Supervisors. The next There is a very distinct difference highest vote getter was JACK October 31st - HALLOWEEN COSTUME BALL between a good cook and a Chef, and we at MORRISON, after a speach com­ 115 Harriett (6th & Folsom) 626-1250 the CABARET consider Fred Finger, our mending him for being a long-time Chef, very special. If you have ever friend of the Gay community. shopped in North Beach or Chinatown, you Following a prolix panegyric by may have seen Fred haggling at the meat Elmer Wilhelm, HARVEY MILK market over the proper thickness of Pork was given a stamp of approval. DINNER MENU Chops, or breaking the language barrier Just below Milk in votes was JDT DAILY 6:00 - 11:30 P. M. Begins Oct I with waving arms to find the freshest fish in MASONEK, followed closely by town. He's a perfectionist — insisting on DOROTHY VON BEROLDINGEN. the freshest produce — so he shops -ft". • Although not receiving a stamp, hjmself. In the kitchen, he prepares all of Peter Tamaras was the only other CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK POUND his own sauces and dressings — even candidate to accumulate a signif­ down to grinding his own herbs and spices icant number of votes. FRENCH FRIES i B ï ï l — and bakes his own whole wheat rolls. The most heated arguments were Fred deliberately keeps his menu small, made against recommending A1 SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING to provide only the best and freshest Nelder. Though he did approach GARLIC BREAD entrees, with a minimum of packaged, us for our support with a promise frozen or canned products. The Lobster, & to approve passage of the Brown- COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d VEAL PARMIGIANA poached in Pernod, is a great favorite. And Burton consensual sex bill, his of course the and Cabaret record as former Police Chief SPAGHETTI WITH SAUCE Steaks, marinated in one of Fred's 'secret' weighed heavily against him. SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING sauces, always get raves. A special herb The political committee had SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN (ONE-HALF) combination gives an unusual zest to the six propositions for which a S. I. R. GARLIC BREAD Pork Chops, and the Veal Cordon Bleu is position was recommended. After SPAGHETTI WITH SAUCE always popular. For those who prefer no voting nearly unanimously to recom­ COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d rrreat, the Vegetarian Platter or a large mend a NO on PROPOSmON 1, a SALAD. CHOICE OF DRESSING Chef’s Salad is an excellent substitute. motion was passed to make no GARLIC BREAD The highlights, of course, are always the positions on city propositions. DEEP FRIED PERCH specials. Each day, depending on freshness It was unanimously voted to COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d and availability, Fred prepares a sea food recommend a NO vote on the un ■ FRENCH FRIES dish. Whether in casserole, poached, baked opposed incumbent for city attorney. or fried, it is always a treat. The Chef's MEL HAYNES was given approval, SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING Special can be almost anything, and left up ’While his indumbent opponent was BARBECUE SPARE RIBS to Fred's imagination, it is always not. GARLIC BREAD something delicious. FRENCH FRIES COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d If you're really lucky, Gary Sargent, our SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING second Chef, will prepare one of his fabulous desserts — always something to GARLIC-BREAD b r o il e d e a s t e r n n e w YORK STEAK look forward to. COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d We're proud of our restaurant, and hope FRENCH FRIES you will stop in and let us convince you, to o ! SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING BABY BEEF LIVER GARLIC BREAD FRENCH FRIES $6.00 SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING COFFEE, TEA, MILK 25d GARLIC BREAD COFFEE, TEA, MILK/25d IB Z B -D B 5B KANSAS CITY PRIME RIB DESSERTS FRENCH FRIES • AM TO 7 PM MON.-»AT RUM BABA SALAD, CHOICE OF DRESSING NATIOriAL PEMT-A.BOX CHEESECAKE w it h w h ip p e d c r e a m GARLIC BREAD MO JOMIA STAMT »»a PAAMClteO 94ks of ingenues acoustics are a problem). And, yes, the in thing. My suggestion for Kimo Productions presents DAMES AT SEA. Book Chuck Zinn and Chip Roberts have a everybody tap dances. Yet the this time is for a delightful buffet. and lyrics by George Haimsohn and Robin Miller, glint of too much speed. Faye, Ken derivative songs and stylized choreo­ music by Jim Wise. Musical direction, Larry Can- Dickmann and Sheldon Glickman graphy are only part of what happens BUFFET MEAT BALLS aga; choregraphy. Gel Lopez; set design. Bob Paul­ are never-tiring wind-up dolls. on stage at the Village. Time (makes about 45-2" size meat balls) sen; costumes by Pat Campuno. Directed by Joe Jolin Reynold's Mona Kent is an telescopes. Chronology becomes V igil. Arlene Dahl, all cartcxin glamour unclear and unimportant. Things 3 lb ground beef (lean with a new set of monograms for happen quickly. Time moves and 3 cups bread crumbs each entrance. we are in it. It should be video­ 2 med. onions (minced) Scenes are stolen with judicious You could see DAMES AT SEA taped, It should be timecapsuled. 1 tbs. cornstarch We've been deluged with pop regularity by Mike Lewis as Trixie, It sliould be seen again in ten 3 eggs (whipped) or GOLDIGGER'S AFLOAT for thirties nostalgia since the mid­ a role created for this production. years. 2 cups canned milk (evaporated) the price of coffee and a pastry sixties. We've all seen it and done A nice innovation by Mr. Vigil who 4 cups Burgundy wine when it opened in 1966 at the it. Why do it again unless you're puts the very funny Lewis to good salt and pepper to taste very off-off Broadway Cafe Citmo going to put it through a change? 1/8 tps. allspice in . The run­ Look at it with new vision? If it's 1/2 cup oil ning time was just under an hour a classic it can withstand anything. 1 cup Wondra flour on a four-by-four stage with a The Kimo production of DAMES Iqt w ater gawky, energetic cast in real AT SEA currently playing at the 1 can beef consomme thrift shop (if not street trash) Village is fascinating because it 1 tbs. sugar rags. dares to feel and look, not like 1/4 cup soy sauce Norma Bigtree, who played the thirties movie musicals the Broadway leading lady Mona Keijt, book allegedly spoofs, but like This dish may be made the day had to have been one of the home­ the epoch in which it was created, before and you can also use BEEF liest people kicking around the the sixties. PLUS from Safeway . . . all the Village. An incredibly ddimy Joe Vigil directed the show with Mix meat, crumbs, onions, corn­ femme fatale in crooked, bucked a hard-edged, non-stop sensibility. starch, eggs, milk, wine, salt G teeth with a nose that started mid­ Everybody's thinking aloud. Talking pepper and allspice. Shape into 73rd and aiMarthiir, oaklaad Levi’s forehead and wormed its way down fast. Nobody stands stilL Nobody balls. Heat oil in heavy skillet below the down above the upper gets surprised. Everybody's moving lOlh and San PibiM — Oakland 46S-7423 10 am to 2 am and brown meat on all sides and opposite eastmont mall fo ra ii lip. Watery eyes, too. Glamour in time. It's that sense of time that remove to dutch oven or heavy pot. was dead and the diow was spectac­ makes this production startling. Blend flour into oil remaining in thepeopie ular. What this DAMES AT SEA is about skillet, add water, wine open m on-fri 10=30-7 Then it got slick. Shortned its is some people in the seventies Where The Action is consomme, soy sauce and sugar, sat 10-7 & sun12-5 are at title (to sim ply DAMES AT SEA), doing a show about the thirties in stirring until smooth. Pour sauce extended its running time (from the sixties. Cum _ over the meat balls and simmer for the a perfect fifty-minute entertain­ If costume designer Pat Campano about 30 min. . . accompany with any questions ment to a padded two acts with was trying to recreate Broadway fluffy rice, fresh green beans topped intermission) aitd got so glossed, glamour and rehearsal drag circa Meat &Greet the with crisp onion rings, bread sticks hutt teased, puffed and fluffed that 1935, he failed; but it clearly appears and cherry-o-cream pie. Recipe nlease call 638-7771 even Ann-Margaret could liove it. that reproduction was not his aim. Empress Candidates follows. Serve a red wine punch stop Dames Overbored! Nothing com­ The look is suggested: in the thirties with the buffet . . . um um good. pared with the fresh, nutsy, de­ the chorines wore wide shorts, but OCT. 24 9:3 0 ’til? liciously stoned first time. Yet here they wear mini-d

BEST BUYS All fruits and vegetables that are in season and for some super buys try the out door Farmer's Market on Alemany Blvd. Fresh chicken has Levi's dropped in price.

HOUSE HOLD H m T Substitute for bread crumbs. Com flakes or rolled oats are excellent.

as your w ater boils m illie p.

f9D 4Y & MTU8D4 V 9 0 0 (SIS) l u n M v a o o (SMI 1550&1450 (BZS) (SZ4) (SZ5) (SIS) (SIS) TH€l/ILMCeTH€WRe bOlCOtUMOlK 4UeMUG 4T IOM04ÌD <;4ri f84flCI';CO


• MAIL tic.')» .imci/'’ OflOER iiiv .ivirtiii ?n K.'tS Pfl. t ¡FORM s \ ¡M,iKpctieck p.\y.ibk I in v ili to Kimo PKOOUCTIOhS ime Slft*eT I si.urpeo Ot> .ind ¿to NEWS CAPS DOG LADY (cont. from page 1) (cont. from page 10)

(co n t. from page 2) I am so sorry, Kemo, I could not make the opening night of JOIS Bette Davis' first husband There’s an old man in the story who says to Lee Jones: "I always DAMES AT SEA, but from what I complained that her favorite bed understand, you peeeed. Break a wanted a friend who could accept his homosexuality and help me companion was a good book. accept mine. " leg, doll. At 65 Bette has given 4,000 books The Casualty Capers at Seaman's JACK AUSHN I asked David if this was what he had tried to do in his film —accept covering four decades of theatre and 6*1", 155^ atíilctlc, fi¿-lovÍDg, yet PERSON WANTED! Tem perary) and more at Fred's! 365-9303 what he was and wanted, show it on film in as explicit a way as Hall was just that. Capers and fun, teriotu minded. Interested in meet- to call on accounts. P. R. work. the arts to Boston University's Mugar fun. See I told you those leather LB20) possible, as his contribution toward a new openness about everything. Library. The Davis collection will Must.not be afraid to meet He said he thought he could agree with that. boys from South of Market are people. Should be clean cut G be housed in separate quarters of the sorta pretty when they are in a buildii^ to be known as the Bette personable. If you can prove dress? Huh, Mr. Cowboy, Jess??? How to get major credit cards! How "Did you like the cop scene?" he asked, referring to a stert S G M I3avls Library, yourself to us you may taken on sequence with a police officer. Don't forget the BOOT CAMP'S to establixh/re-establish good cre­ anniversery with Marcus I as your full time. For information, call dit. How and where to apply for ' Yes, " I said smiling, hoping he would tell more about why he put "CURTAIN CALL" 861-2650 host. No need to sav more because n r certain cards that don't investigate that one in. I know it will be a great success. SELECTIVE MODEL credit background! How to file "I'm not a masochist in the traditional sense, " he went on. "1 Graham Greene, 69, confesses that I'll be there. On the 14th please SERVICE 673-471S your own bankruptcy and save like subtleties. The whole social S G M trip turns me off because writing is becoming more and more drop by the DOGPATCH and have EHeMA c l u b FOR GUYS WHO hundreds! Write: "The Credit difficult—even though he feels his brunch with me and VOODOO. G am e" Box 3183, O gden, U tah it's so amateurish. It's as if you'd already read the script. It seems dig enemas.. All information con­ phony and cheap. In the gay social world I am not a masochist. last book THE HONORARY CONSUL Should be a great fun affair. Then fidential 285-8814 Ext. 54 G 84403 fB20) ______to be his best. Writing it, however, to the RENDE2!VOUS for the crown­ 647-4113 fB201 ______"What I’d like, " he went on, going back to a question I'd asked him earlier about what his world would be if it could be what he he understood "perfectly why'Hem­ ing of Her Grace, Perry I, Grand AN$WtRING SERVICE wanted, "is to have a house full of about twelve black guys. ingway shot himself. " Duchess de San Francisco, where F f e L b e t t e r a Ki d ixiok bt'l-PtR! $5 monthly. Call 864-3000 for "If they want to shit on me . . . they can . . . just a little . . she will name her camp court. And Call now about our program for all your answering service needs. just enough . . . to the point that it’s terribly sophisticated . . . believe me, this is what it is, pu|^ the liberal minded man. Apollo's (B21)______just right. But I approve it. camp. I truthfully don't thiid< Gym, 8510'FarreU, S.F. 771- "I don't want someone throwing me on the floor unless I ask him In Sydney, Australia, a spectacular Perry has anything else in mind, 7174 or 474-0776 f e d ______a t to. flowering of concrete shells encircled except to brinK a little fun into all REC5R5ERTE5YER5 ------F ig ' HStto ¡¿OrPr eK lolo 1 would like to accompany you Bryant, (B18) ______"If someone tied me up I'd want to be able to say, 'Untie me. ' by water is now in operation as an of our lives. Sic'em, girl. on piano—classical music only." "It's hard to find people like that . . . impossible." Opera House. My thanks to Dennis of Kalendar Don 824-2043 B21 The building seats 2, 700 people for bartending for me while I was KALENDAR NUMBER and cost $148. 5 million. Much of in Monterey. Bye for pow. Love the money was raised by a series of always to everyone. GAY 18 YEAk OLD SeEk S BAy state loteries. area job as Go-GO dancer. Will 626-0656 The architectural difficulties were re-locate immediately^ Steve staggering and the building of it took Hawkins, P, O. Box 1671, Hesperia years, but it is open at last. The ***********,|e:^4,,|c,|, California 92345 or phone 714- first production was Prokofiev's 249-6321 anytime. (B201______WAR AND PEACE. British critic Connally said of Poet Auden: He "was for many of * * * + + **♦>(' + + * * * * * us the last poet we learnt by heart. " C120—UKECETl'liJG 0^1 Now Auden, too, is dead along IT ftrl/wf Ray Broshears and his LAVENDER with Bi or Straight Men. Satis- w ith his contem poraries Ezra Pound faction guaranteed (B20)______PANTHERS have made big time Advertisers living outside the San news--two thirds of a page in TIME T.S. Eliot, The place; Francisco'city limits who are using Vienna. Age: 66. MAGAZINE (Oct. 8), TIME refers SLAVE WAKITHi— llVt-IN poesible a phone or personal street address must include $L additional for to the band as a "stiff-wristed team ***********,^*:^,),,|, with benevolent autocrat (56, 6'2", of gay vigilantes. " 220) Box 28U—SF CA 94126. Phone vérification. S.F. residents, no charge. Pyramids are all the rage in cer­ anytim e. 14151 775-4806 fB201 tain circles. They are supposed to NEW IN lOWN? Call 673-7888 have a peculiar energizing power. START AD HERE Paul Tillich, pioneer in existen­ Some even sleep with pyramid tial Christian Theology, is sexually structures under their beds. It's exposed by his surviving wife Hannah an ancient fad, dating back to We res ms a the in a book entitled FROM TIME TO E g y p t . TIME. (Stein G Day; $7.95). It Moderns claim it can energize fight to edit or seems both Hannah and Paul lived wine, freslien vegetables and im­ erotically independent lives. At prove sexual sensitivity. reject aU ads. the end, however, passion's fires having died down, they swore a new WmSTOM KRAMER AND DAVID ALLEN **************** TOUHe BCHlimVL il'UUIÖ APK marriage pact and Paul died at 79 Pum/Uniam $US to $145 mo. $50 holding Hannah's liand. dapoelt. Pay own atUWea. Call E>EAOUNESi Not long ago everybody, includ­ Monday, Tpm M ck 673- J s s L I phrased my question again . ing Barry Goldwater and Armed a little differently, * * * i ! t * * + 1< lit * * * * * * Services Committee chairman "What do you want your life , your fantasies . , . at 60? to be like John Stennis, wanted to economize S H A R E W i t h m E m y c l o s e - i n School children this winter may NAME His response was immediate. on defense spending. But the 1974 Pacific Hgts Victorian, garden OCheck here and add$l. for find themselves on long holidays budget for the Pentagon is basically atmosphere, furnished and spa­ "I would like to be surrounded by gorgeous . " STRICT SB each time of rutming if your due to a lack of heating fuel. The unaltered. Tlie White House itself cious. Ambience. Age 30-55 I was ready for him to say "black boys, " but he surprised me and situation seems grave and no solu­ ad is to be coded. (Phis Reg. ad cost) finished his sentence with "minds. " (Nixon threatened to veto anything preferred. OWn qrtrs. $200 mo. tion in sight. below $79 billion) and the Defense C all 673-8627 (B19)______cmr \ He went on . . . "brilliant people and hangers on. That's fine, Americans in northern climates, Department played pressure games. hai^ers on . . . Then I would like a few totally committed especially in the Northeast, may STATE ZIP friends who have helped each Ather through life. " Result? The military state contin­ COZY STUIDO APT. Great soc- Make checks payable to: expect grim conditions. ues to advance unhampered. ial atmosphere. Newly dec, w/w K alendar The reasons? They vary, cloaked "The land of the free. The home carpet, and laundry. Geary near PHONET 1 DATE Why was I so relieved that sex did not dominate his thinking of in the usual beauraucratic evasions. P .Ö . Box 627 S.F. 94101 the future? ^ of the brave. " Polk, $115. Call 474-7141 in am ENCLOSED RUN My private thought was: Flesh dies. The spirit is incorruptable. I looked across at David, embracing what he was with my eves SUNNY 1 BEDROOM APT. NR. glad we were getting acquainted. ’ Castro V illage. View. $185 "Lee Jones is searching for love, " I said. "But he doesn't find 457-5674 fB19) ______We talked some more about the film and the fact that I thought it. Why do you think that is?" HOMI SERVICES It had expressed dissatisfaction with or at most reluctant acceptance "Love is a problem because we become obssessed with it .ind by TOWNHOtjSE—OAKLAND, UN- ' of the gay world he lived in, our obssession destroy the very thing we want. " furnished, 2 bedroom, creek "The film was sensual, " I told him, "but you were detatched— I thought how much like myself that was and many others I setting, fenced yards, very pri­ know. vate, carpets, A. E.K. carports. MASSAGE STEAM, RUB DOWN, Li DOLCE^A^A*"**’* **=*"*> “if Stable only. $180 per mo. 536- enemas, foot massage, FFA, W 'U tAKE YoUR LoAI) MoV- "I have sex so seldom now, " he replied. "I kid you not. Most We could have talked all afternoon Jor he loved to visit and so Bankamericard, Master Charge 'Ing and hauling. Call Keith do I, but separate social involvements forced an end. I called 0133 days, 456-3856 evenings. 282-8085 (B 25) ______of my sex is in my fantasies and jacking off because my relation­ 1B19J______285-8814. Out calls eves--9 PM ships with people tend to be as disappointing as they were in the him a cab and we said good bye. to 3 AM. 647-4113 fCCl______film . " BE DISCREET GkANDMO'WER kEVEiTDRAliK Once more I looked across, at him lovingly. It seemed to me What is David Allen's future? UNfliRN. oR tliR hl. 1 bH5KRl— at home unless she called Alchemv that his frankness with me in the interview was as healthy as his____ He's come a long way since he played thp hnitaliToH KHr.H K.^y looking guy; w ith talen ted hands. Bartending Service. 552-0010, exposure of himself in the film had been. saved by a god (Jim Cassidy) in DEEP COMPASSION, Perhaps bldg. 851 O'Farrell 474-0776 or ext. 631 Soren Zoron fB19) 771-7174 for) Your pleasure is my satisfaction. It is difficult for people to admit sexual inadequecies, especially THE UGHT FROM THE SECOND STORY WINDOW marks the be­ Call LEE evenings at 824-5343 fB20) in a public way. It's easier and more acceptable to put on facades ginning of his mature artistic expression. u$t our "'W O IH T V5UR PRIVACY of virility and togetherness, to have no hang ups. cktERFU L OWPURNKJdBb a PTS; San Francisco addreas far your pri- $115-155. New Imaginative Decor. HAPPY BiPTHbAY "FAT ANb----- In reference to this he talked about a review of the film that forty" from the Wilde Oscar (B19) Coded vata malL CoaAdaatial, lallaibla Pleasant, friendly building. Good •atvice guaraotaad. TUt ad good appeared in MICHAEL'S THING, a New York bar and entertainment residential block on Haight near guide. According to the review's version of the plot Lee Jones was AT FRED’S'WE tiO N 'f 6611EV£ Cloeeified for $Z. SO toward 2 montha m all Market. Laundry facilities on ■arvica. 340 jonas St. S.F. CA. a man caught up in two dilemmhs. One, himself and two, sex. premises. For good vibes and IN Hollow-Weenies! Kum and MI02 CaU: 775-9644 feci For himself he wanted fame and fortune. For sex he wanted debase­ mellow people call 861-8610. find out at 1718 Broadway in Red- Ade ment and wretched excess. i B 2 3 ) ______wood City. 365-9303 (B20) "That really hit me, " David said. "I think I've read his review GRANDMA’S HELPERS about twenty times. It was very penetrating. He got through to WKiY'PEMoMALHANbS. . . The Cleaniest boys in town. 864- things. It's true. I do desire fame and fortune in some artistic (Massage) Complete physical G 8205. ext. 71 fB19| ______way and as for sex . . . I do have problems. emotional exhileratlon from tip "Homosexuality is not the problem. It's the personality that's to toe . . . Up-tight muscles and the problem. Any personality that has problems will have sex heads expertly relieved. Sensi­ problems. It just always comes out that way. tive, together guy is ready to MASSAGE charm you. David. 474-7141 $ 1 p m t ISSU E We talked for a while then about the artist as a sensitive person fAM best) (cc)______caught in whatever situation life dealt him--his fate, his sociological TO PLACE conditioning, chance—and how his expression of that experience W a s t e r M ASSElih (6LAcfK) ------lIWc H FINANCIAL DlSTklCT Sabm it nd h omnl and add da acts as an expression for less articulate men caught in the same Downtown S.F. Available any Weed days 11:30-2:00 P. M. The dilem m as. tim e. 776-9972 (cc)______idditladdl$2 Cor dach imad in Wilde Oscar 59--2nd St. (B191 wUch It appaaid and wa w ill In particular we talked about the role of the pornographer in m all all tapUas to you. this respect—the difficulties of saying anything of a social or ■ 3 To aaawar antea to KaJdndar, RR5W YMYSÉtf TWtóUfiH------psychological nature in a fuck film. P.O. Bo« 627, S.F ., Zip 94101 David smiled, admitting that he had tried to do that, also ex­ Î ASTROIOCY aatal ehasts cast and pressing his disappointment that so many of the critics had mis­ and pot coda in lower left haitd explained. Birth data, tima and cotnar od etnralopa. understood the motivation behind the film. IPOLX a POST place aacemaiy. Rcaaonabla ratea AT 8 : 0 0 A. POLK GULCH SALOON b2, Call'Carratt Townscad aariy mom* inr or eves. 626-278« (oc) ■ O ^

OtH. 2 ^
