Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 11-7-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1980." (Nov 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 'Daily 13gyptian Gus says the voters lhJ& enly madeo lameo ducks ol Hme Friday, November 7, 1980-\'ol. 75, No. 55 lawmakf'n bat also let the Soutbem Illinois University watt>r oat ol theolr poads. Reagan tells Iranians no use waiting for him LOS ANGELES lAP> - Campaign staff chief William President-elect Ronald Reagan RPiatf'd slory-Ptqif' Z Meese Ill was named staff chief to.ld Iran 1)11 Thursday that it in the transition. ";I~ not profit by waiting for the arms control, he would not He named three prominent Umted States' presidential ignore Soviet actions in other' Democrats to his fon!ign policy transition before relelh;ing the areas ol world relations. am L."TY committee - Sen. 52 American hostages. "I don't think you simp!v sit Henry M. Jackson of Reagan said he is willing to do down at a table with the SOviet Washington, Sen. Richard Stone all he can to help win freedom Uaion to discuss arms of Florida ano Washington for the 52 Americans, but "we Ji~itation, for example, but you attorney Edward Bennett are not going to intrude" on d1scuss the whole attitude Williams - and said he would negotiations during the fmal world attitude, as to whe~ like to establish a bi-partisan months of President Carter's we're going to have a world ol appr~ach to foreign policy administration.