Sponsored by the Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Muir Institute

RESEARCH Ecological Effects of Climate-Driven Salinity Variation in the San Francisco Estuary: Can We Anticipate and Manage the Coming Changes? Cameron K. Ghalambor*1,2, Edward S. Gross3, Edwin D. Grosholz4, Ken M. Jeffries5, John L. Largier4,6, Stephen D. McCormick7, Ted Sommer8, Jonathan P. Velotta9, Andrew Whitehead10

ABSTRACT SFEWS Volume 19 | Issue 2 | Article 3 Climate change-driven sea level rise and https://doi.org/10.15447/sfews.2021v19iss2art3 altered precipitation regimes are predicted to * Corresponding author: [email protected] alter patterns of salt intrusion within the San 1 Department of Biology Francisco Estuary. A central question is: Can we Centre for Dynamics (CBD) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) use existing knowledge and future projections N–7491 Trondheim, Norway to predict and manage the anticipated ecological 2 Department of Biology and impacts? This was the subject of a 2018 Graduate Degree Program in Ecology symposium entitled “Ecological and Physiological Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA Impacts of Salinization of Aquatic Systems from 3 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Human Activities.” The symposium brought University of California, Davis together an inter-disciplinary group of scientists Davis, CA 95616 USA and researchers, resource managers, and policy- 4 Department of Environmental Science and Policy makers. Here, we summarize and review the University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 USA presentations and discussions that arose during 5 Department of Biological Sciences the symposium. From a historical perspective, University of Manitoba salt intrusion has changed substantially over Winnipeg, MB R3T2N2 Canada the past 10,000 years as a result of changing 6 Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute climate patterns, with additional shifts from University of California Davis recent anthropogenic effects. Current salinity Bodega Bay CA 94923 USA patterns in the San Francisco Estuary are driven 7 Conte Research Laboratory, Eastern Ecological Science Center, US Geological Survey by a suite of hydrodynamic processes within Turners Falls, MA 01376 USA the given contexts of water management and 8 California Department of Water Resources geography. Based on climate projections for the Sacramento, CA 94236 USA coming century, significant changes are expected 9 Department of Biological Sciences in the processes that determine the spatial and University of Denver Denver, CO 80208 USA temporal patterns of salinity. Given that native 10 Department of Environmental Toxicology species—including fishes such as the Delta Center for Population Biology Smelt and Sacramento Splittail—track favorable Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute habitats, exhibit physiological acclimation, and University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 USA can adaptively evolve, we present a framework


for assessing their vulnerability to altered salinity ocean are naturally dynamic, and change in in the San Francisco Estuary. We then present a response to tidal and other ocean influences, range of regulatory and structural management freshwater inputs, and changes in the physical tools that are available to control patterns of structure of these environments (Herbert et al. salinity within the San Francisco Estuary. Finally, 2015). Sea level rise will push high-salinity we identify major research priorities that can water further inland, resulting in salinization of help fill critical gaps in our knowledge about low-salinity and freshwater areas (Chua and Xu future salinity patterns and the consequences 2014). However, the extent of this salinization of climate change and sea level rise. These depends on several other important natural and research projects will be most effective with human-influenced factors. For example, the strong linkages and communication between increased likelihood of extreme events such as scientists and researchers, resource managers, and prolonged droughts and heatwaves will decrease policy-makers. freshwater inputs from snow and rain, and increase evaporation rates, allowing saltwater to extend further inland (Nicholls and Cazenave KEY WORDS 2010). At the same time, powerful storms may Delta Smelt, Sacramento Splittail, sea level transiently increase river flows that push rise, salinity intrusion, freshwater inflow, freshwater seaward and transiently raise sea level, hydrodynamics, habitat, paleosalinity enhancing salinity intrusion in the short term and altering the morphology of estuary channels, resulting in long-term changes in saltwater INTRODUCTION intrusion (Scavia et al. 2002). Human activities Global sea levels continue to rise, and are doing can magnify these salinization effects (e.g., water so at increasing rates, in response to global extraction for irrigation or drinking water, or warming through thermal expansion of the salinity contamination by urban and agricultural oceans, and the melting of glaciers (Church runoff), which has led to what is referred to as and White 2006; Nicholls and Cazenave 2010; the “freshwater salinization syndrome” (Kaushal IPCC 2014; Dangendorf et al. 2017). These trends et al. 2018). Anticipating and managing these in sea levels are predicted to continue, with risks represents a global challenge for coastal projections of an additional increase of 60 cm to ; however, proposed regulatory 2.7 m by the year 2100 (Nicholls and Cazenave solutions will ultimately depend on local 2010; Sweet et al. 2017; Fasullo and Nerem 2018). conditions. Here, our focus is the risk presented Increasing sea levels pose significant physical by future salinization of the San Francisco and biological risks for coastal environments, Estuary (hereafter “the estuary"). including submergence and increased flooding risk of coastal lands, salinization of estuarine The estuary is an expansive system that extends habitats and freshwater resources, and increased from the coastal ocean through San Francisco risk to biodiversity (Scavia et al. 2002; Bay and landward to the inland Sacramento–San Basset et al. 2013). Yet, predicting how rising sea Joaquin River Delta. The estuary is among the levels will affect coastal and connected inland largest of ’s estuaries, and includes ecosystems depends on diverse features of these the densely populated urban Bay Area as well natural systems and associated human effects as the sparsely populated but highly modified and activities. This is particularly evident when rural agricultural lands of the Central Valley. The attempting to predict and manage the effects importance of freshwater resources for drinking of sea level rise and shifting climates on the water, irrigation, and biodiversity cannot be salinization of freshwater resources. overstated. How will future sea level rise and altered precipitation patterns affect this estuarine The salinity gradients that form in the estuarine ecosystem through salinization? What risks can zone between freshwater rivers and the coastal be managed, and which risks cannot? Can we use

2 our existing knowledge and future projections of moderate flow conditions. Yet, the historic the drivers of salinization to predict biological patterns of salinity within the estuary have effects, and develop appropriate management varied greatly over geologic and contemporary plans, interventions, and regulations? time-scales (e.g., Drexler et al. 2014; Hutton et al. 2016; Andrews et al. 2017; Rath et al. These questions were the subject of a symposium 2017; Gross et al. 2018), such that managing held on September 26th, 2018, entitled “Ecological salinity in the face of future risks requires and Physiological Impacts of Salinization of not only an assessment of current patterns of Aquatic Systems from Human Activities,” hosted salinity, but also of historic patterns and trends. by the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute at Characterizing historic salinity levels within the the University of California, Davis, and supported estuary provides not only a baseline by which to in part by the Delta Stewardship Council (Delta judge management actions, but also provides the Science Program) and the UC and context within which native species have evolved Natural Resources Program. The symposium and historically thrived. Below, we review salinity brought together a diverse group of scientists patterns during three broad time-periods: (1) the and researchers, resource managers, and policy- paleo-record during the Holocene, predating any makers interested in the complexity of and substantial human modification of the system; the potential for predicting future salinization (2) the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which scenarios, with a particular focus on the estuary. marked the beginning of increased freshwater This paper is based on the presentations and extraction; and (3) the contemporary period, discussions that arose during the symposium. which is associated with major water projects, Below, we characterize some of the main features increased freshwater storage, managed flow, and of the estuary that have shaped historic and increased demands on freshwater. current patterns of salinity. We then review some of the future risk factors envisioned to 1. The Paleo-History of Salinity in the Estuary increase salinity within the estuary, and the The patterns of salinity fluctuation within the associated consequences for biodiversity and estuary have varied over the Holocene (i.e., human populations. Next, we provide a list of the past 10,000 years) as changes in climate, tools available to resource managers that may be sea levels, precipitation, and related physical implemented to mitigate and reduce salinization. and biological processes shaped the major We end with some suggestions for future research features that characterize the system as a whole. priorities to address gaps in our knowledge, and Paleoclimatic data suggest the early Holocene was some conclusions that might provide guidance for a period of warming temperatures and reduced future studies. precipitation, which peaked about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago, and was followed by cooler and more variable precipitation regimes (Malamud–Roam et HISTORIC AND CONTEMPORARY SALINITY al. 2006). Many of the major geographic features IN THE ESTUARY currently associated with the estuary appear The inland portion of the estuary includes the to have formed in response to rapidly rising Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta (hereafter sea levels that peaked about 6,000 years ago the Delta), which forms an extensive delta and then remained nearly steady, allowing the 2 system that covers approximately 3,000 km formation of tidal marshes (Malamud–Roam et (Figure 1). These rivers bring freshwater into the al. 2006). These physical conditions set the stage Delta from a vast watershed that drains 40% of for the interplay between saline ocean waters California, with headwaters in the Klamath and and seasonal freshwater flows into the estuary. Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. The confluence Similar to contemporary conditions, historic of the rivers is just east of Suisun Bay, which is climatic conditions were characterized by an the shallow inner estuary and the contemporary annual cycle of dry summer and fall conditions, interface of freshwater and saltwater under winter precipitation, and spring and summer

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Carquinez Strait

Central Bay



Figure 1 Map of the San Francisco estuary and river systems. SWP = State Water Project, CVP = Central Valley Project. snowmelt that was comparable to contemporary floodplains with freshwater and sediment (Fox freshwater flows into the system (Goman and et al. 2015; Gross et al. 2018). As freshwater Wells 2000). However, these historic conditions input declined over the summer, salinity levels were characterized by more variable inflow from within the estuary increased and peaked during the upstream watershed, resulting in a more the late fall, creating a predictable intra-annual variable seasonal salinity regime (Gross et al. shift in salt intrusion within the estuary (Gross 2018). During winter rains and spring snowmelt, et al. 2018). Variation in climatic conditions the rivers feeding the estuary would overflow during the past 6,000 years suggest some their banks and inundate adjacent low-lying spatial and temporal shifts in the distribution of

4 salinity within the estuary over this time-period from a natural to an anthropogenic landscape in (Ingram et al. 1996; May 1999; Stahle et al. 2001; turn altered the historic patterns of salinity by Malamud–Roam and Ingram 2004; Malamud– reducing the amount—and shifting the timing— Roam et al. 2006; Drexler et al. 2014). For of freshwater that entered the estuary. Hutton example, paleoclimatic data suggest a prolonged and Roy (2019) use two important historic lines reduction in salinity in the Suisun Bay that started of evidence to document how the relationship approximately 3,800 years ago and lasted for between freshwater flow and salinity within 2,000 years, as well as a more recent freshening the estuary was altered during the early part of during the past 500 years (Malamud–Roam et al. the 20th century. First, they used records kept 2006; Drexler et al. 2014). Nevertheless, Drexler by the California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining et al. (2014) suggest the long-term paleosalinity Corporation (C&H), which relied on freshwater patterns remained relatively stable during the past for its sugar refinery at Crockett (located on the 6,000+ years; with high salinity in South Bay and Carquinez Strait just west of Suisun Bay, see Central Bay, and decreasing salinity with distance Figure 1). Between 1908 and 1929, C&H collected upstream toward Suisun Bay and the Delta freshwater using barges that traveled upstream (Figure 1). This work leads to the conclusion that on the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and the primary historical driver of salinity intrusion kept records of how far they had to travel and into the estuary is the amount of freshwater that the salinity of the water at different locations. flows into the estuary system. This conclusion Second, Hutton and Roy (2019) used records of is also confirmed by Andrews et al. (2017), who salinity at fixed locations across the salinity constructed three-dimensional (3-D) hydrodynamic gradient beginning in 1911, collected by the models of the contemporary and pre-development California Department of Public Works (CDPW), to (circa 1850) estuary, and found the amount of estimate freshwater flows. Hutton and Roy (2019) freshwater flow to be the best predictor of salt found a high correlation between these two data intrusion, with a smaller contribution from the sets using models that relate freshwater flow and altered geometry of the estuary. salinity in the estuary. A major conclusion from this effort is that there was a shift in salinity 2. Salinity in the Estuary Since the End patterns within the estuary starting in 1918 of the 19th Century that coincided with the increased irrigation that The colonization of California by European was associated with rice cultivation, reservoir settlers resulted in the transformation of the construction, and summer water diversion (see estuary from a pre-settlement to a post-settlement also MacVean et al. 2018). As a result, there system (Fox et al. 2015). This transformation was typically greater salinity intrusion during accelerated during and after the California Gold the summer and fall months after 1918 than Rush (1848–1855), as an influx of people led to before 1918 (Hutton and Roy 2019). Increased an increase in activities related to agriculture, salinity intrusion had observable consequences , and the protection of human settlement for users who depended on access to freshwater. and agricultural areas from flooding (Hutton et For example, salinity intrusion had become such al. 2016; Gross et al. 2018; MacVean et al. 2018; a problem that in 1920 the city of Antioch sued Hutton and Roy 2019). Specifically, between the upstream irrigators for taking too much water, 1850s and 1920s there was a substantial increase leading the state of California to implement a in (1) agriculture, which led to the conversion of salinity monitoring program (Gross et al. 2018). native vegetation and water diversion; (2) removal Thus, while the amount of freshwater flow into of riparian vegetation, (3) levee construction, the system remained a primary governing factor stream channelization, and dredging to help on the levels of salinity intrusion, the increased in navigating rivers and controlling floods; (4) diversion of freshwater and land- use changes hydraulic mining; and (5) early development of altered the predicted relationship between in-stream storage facilities (e.g., dam building) freshwater flow and the magnitude of salinity (see Hutton and Roy 2019). This transformation

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intrusion (see MacVean et al. 2018; Hutton and UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESSES THAT Roy 2019 for more details). CONTRIBUTE TO FUTURE RISK Understanding how predicted climate change will 3. The Contemporary Pattern of Salinity alter the physical processes that control salinity in the Estuary intrusion provides insights into how future The estuary has undergone substantial changes risk could be managed. Currently, salinity in since the early 1900s, resulting in the complex, the estuary typically ranges from fully marine modified, and highly regulated system it is today. [between 33 and 34 practical salinity units (psu)] Several major water projects fundamentally during incoming tides at the Golden Gate (ocean transformed the estuary system. Beginning in entry to Central Bay; see Figure 1) to near- the 1930s, the federal government and the state zero in the freshwater tributaries of the Delta. of California began the construction of large The interplay of tides and freshwater inflows is dams and irrigation distribution networks as recognized to alter the distribution of salinity part of the Central Valley Project (CVP) and in the estuary on tidal, spring-neap, synoptic- the State Water Project (SWP). This led to the event, and seasonal scales. The variation in the building of numerous dams, canals, and pipelines, intrusion of saline waters can be understood by which resulted in a significant redistribution of studying the balance of dispersion processes that freshwater that would otherwise have flowed transport salt landward, and net river flow that into the estuary. These modifications decoupled advects salt seaward. Key salt intrusion processes the historic relationship between intra-annual in estuaries include estuarine circulation (Geyer variation in precipitation and salinity intrusion and MacCready 2014) and tidal dispersion (Enright and Culberson 2009). Indeed, the highly processes such as tidal trapping (Fischer 1979). managed system allows for unprecedented control The strength of estuarine circulation processes over the amount and timing of water released increases with increased longitudinal salinity into the estuary. Nevertheless, the quantitative gradients and water column depth, and decreases influence of the physical environment of the with increased vertical mixing (Monismith et al. estuary and climate on salt intrusion remains an 2002). Tidal dispersion processes result from shear area of active research. The models developed in tidal currents that are associated with the by Gross et al. (2018) suggest that the major estuary’s bathymetric and geometric complexities, difference between the contemporary and pre- including side embayments and channel junctions development estuary is in the seasonal variability (Zimmerman 1986). of salt intrusion. In pre-development conditions, inland basins flooded under high-flow/flooding Climate change and regional human actions will conditions, and much of this stored water flowed continue to influence salt intrusion in the estuary back to Delta channels through the wet season on multiple time-scales and through multiple and into summer (Whipple et al. 2012). In pathways. The major pathways include sea level contrast, contemporary conditions are marked by rise and altered quantity and timing of freshwater increased storage of water in reservoirs, which inflow. Additional influences of climate change has reduced winter and spring runoff and allowed may include changes in ocean tidal range (Devlin for more continuous release of freshwater later in et al. 2017), wind fields (Dettinger et al. 2016), the summer (Enright and Culberson 2009). Yet, and evapotranspiration from the estuary (Hemes the contemporary relationship between freshwater et al. 2018). Inundation of Delta islands through inflow and salt intrusion in the estuary shows levee failures or planned tidal restoration will greater salt intrusion for any given flow rate alter the tidal prism and also influence salt (Gross et al. 2018). Recent increases in sea level intrusion (Lund et al. 2008). and erosion of Suisun Bay have likely contributed to these patterns (Enright and Culberson 2009). While contemporary salinity conditions in the estuary vary on seasonal and interannual time- scales because of the large natural variability

6 in precipitation in the watershed, salinity is with an average increase of 4.1º C during the 21st also strongly influenced by water management century, while predicted precipitation changes had associated with water supply and water-quality a large degree of variability among scenarios, but standards at compliance points. To manage a small increasing trend when averaged across water quality in the face of this variability, a scenarios. Much of the interannual variability salt intrusion metric called X2 was developed; in precipitation is attributed to the presence or it is defined as the distance of the 2 psu near- absence of storms associated with atmospheric bottom salinity isohaline from the Golden Gate rivers (Dettinger et al. 2016), and the intensity of (Monismith et al. 2002; see also below). Future the largest storms is predicted to increase with salinity conditions in the estuary will arise from climate change (Pierce et al. 2013). Partially as the combination of climate change, changes a result of increased retention of water vapor in estuarine geometry, changes in land use in in the atmosphere with increased temperature, the watershed, water-management practices the future is likely to include more frequent in response to environmental change, water- “mega-storms” with widespread flooding and quality regulations, and evolving water demand. catastrophic damage (Dettinger and Ingram 2012; Predicting these changes requires sophisticated Yoon 2015), which have historically occurred at tools and a range of assumptions/scenarios a 100- to 200-year return interval. A watershed to characterize uncertainty from biophysical model such as the Variable Infiltration Capacity dynamics as well as uncertainty from human model (VIC; Liang et al. 1994) is used to estimate behavior. Below, we discuss these tools and unimpaired streamflow for given precipitation. assumptions in the context of how hydrology Because the predicted form of precipitation shifts and water management will be influenced under toward increasing rain and decreasing snow, predicted climate-change scenarios. and because snow melts faster in a warmer climate, peak flow events are predicted to Estimated Hydrologic Changes under occur earlier in the year (Anderson et al. 2008). Climate Change With the exception of the Cosumnes River, all Freshwater inflow to the estuary is primarily major tributaries of the Delta are regulated by influenced by the quantity and type of reservoirs. The CALSIM 2 (Draper et al. 2004) precipitation, temperature, land-use patterns, model is a widely used operations model that and reservoir operations. Climate change will estimates monthly reservoir inputs, exports, and directly or indirectly influence each of these other management decisions based on operational factors, leading to shifts in the magnitude and goals and constraints, including salinity-based seasonal timing of flows. To some extent, the water-quality standards. Using a modified version natural variability of flows will be altered by of this model, Knowles et al. (2018) estimated that management intended to meet water-quality the managed Delta inflow under climate-change standards and other management objectives. scenarios would increase during winter and Models that predict future flows to the San decrease during spring and summer, relative to Francisco estuary (e.g., Knowles et al. 2018; contemporary conditions. Vicuna et al. 2007; Anderson et al. 2008) require several components to represent physical Estuarine Physics Under Climate Change processes and operational responses. Global Salt intrusion in the contemporary estuary is climate models under a range of emission determined largely by the balance between scenarios show that climate change will continue intrusion mechanisms and flushing by Delta to warm northern California. These results are outflow (Monismith et al. 2002). Tidally averaged typically downscaled to provide more accurate salt intrusion for the contemporary estuary can and spatially resolved estimates of temperature be estimated from net Delta outflow alone, with and precipitation (e.g., Pierce et al. 2013). a standard error of 3 to 4 km (Hutton et al. 2016), Predicted temperature increased for all 20 climate indicating that Delta outflow is the dominant scenarios considered by Knowles et al. (2018), determinant of tidally averaged salt intrusion for

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a fixed estuary geometry and mean sea level. 3-D hydrodynamic models, existing attempts Secondary influences include varying tidal to simulate both physical processes and their amplitude through the spring-neap cycle, wind, associated management responses have largely and barometric pressure (Walters and Gartner relied on simplified and highly parameterized 1985). Specific events—including levee failures, representations of salt-intrusion physics (Fleenor tidal restoration actions, and dredging—also and Bombardelli 2013; DRMS 2006). influence salinity distribution. The strength of salt intrusion mechanisms relates to estuarine As sea levels rise, tidal dynamics in the oceans geometry and salinity distribution itself. For the and the estuary will also change. Increases in contemporary estuary, tidal dispersion processes tidal amplitude in the coastal ocean have been primarily drive salt fluxes under low to moderate observed concurrently with sea level rise (Devlin flow conditions, with a significant contribution et al. 2017) and, assuming current estuarine from estuarine circulation processes in Central geometry, additional tidal amplification is Bay and San Pablo Bay, which increase with the likely inside the estuary (Holleman and Stacey stronger salinity gradients typically present in 2014). Tidal amplification may increase salt these regions during and after high Delta outflows intrusion, particularly during low to moderate (Gross et al. 2009). Deepening of the estuary as flow conditions. For example, a tidal amplitude sea levels rise or as a result of channel dredging increase of 11% was estimated to lead to an and erosion can be expected to increase the additional 2-km increase in X2 for the 140-cm strength of gravitational circulation (Monismith sea level-rise scenario with 260 m3s–1 outflow et al. 2002). In addition, modeling studies suggest (DRMS 2006). MacWilliams and Gross (2010) that this deepening also increases the strength of estimated the time that varying salt intrusion tidal dispersion processes (DRMS 2006). influenced different sea level-rise scenarios, with a larger effect of sea level rise at low flow, and Observed sea level rise (sea level rise off California a roughly linear increase in salt intrusion length in the 20th century was about 20 cm (Dettinger with the magnitude of sea level rise. et al. 2016). Future sea level-rise predictions span a large range, with typical sea level-rise scenarios A primary difficulty in predicting salt intrusion for the 21st century ranging from 0.2 m to 2.7 under different climate-change scenarios is m (Dettinger et al. 2016), and with more extreme anticipating future management responses. predictions over 2.5 m associated with the melting While management responses to meet current of Antarctic ice (DeConto and Pollard 2016). Rath objectives are reflected in CALSIM 2 and other et al. (2017) analyzed historical salinity data to models, under future scenarios, additional estimate that a sea level rise of 18.3 cm results management responses are likely (Lund et in ~1 km landward shift in X2, for a fixed Delta al. 2008). For example, some levees will be outflow. Consistent with the estimate of Rath et al. fortified to accommodate sea level rise, and (2017), a 3-D hydrodynamic simulation estimated some will be allowed to overtop. Levees are at that 20 cm of sea level rise would increase X2 by risk not just from overtopping but also from 0.9 km. This salt intrusion length increased to 7.9 failure mechanisms that result from seepage km for 1.4 m sea level rise, assuming fixed Delta or catastrophic failure during an earthquake outflow of 260 m3s-1 for both scenarios (DRMS (Mount and Twiss 2005). These risks increase with 2006). For a similar scenario of 1.39 m of sea level sea level rise, amplification of tides, increased rise and fixed Delta outflow of 300 m3s-1, Chua frequency of large floods, and subsidence, which and Xu (2014) estimated a larger X2 landward over the 21st century is expected to drop much of migration of 11.6 km. To comply with existing X2 the levee system below design thresholds (Brooks standards, substantial additional reservoir releases et al. 2012). Levee failures from any cause lead would be required to offset the influence of sea to both rapid salt intrusion as a result of the net level rise (Fleenor and Bombardelli 2013). However, landward advection required to fill Delta islands because of the large computational expense of (DRMS 2006) and, in some cases, longer-term

8 increases in salt intrusion from increased tidal the Delta a “wicked problem” with no single best dispersion. Since the 1890s, more than 100 levee solution (Luoma et al. 2015a). failures have been observed (Brooks et al. 2012). Recovery of water quality after multiple-island flooding events could require approximately ANTICIPATING FUTURE ECOLOGICAL 2 years (CDWR 2018). Tidal inundation in Delta CONSEQUENCES islands and other regions also results from The climate-change scenarios described above planned restoration projects. Effects depend on will impose challenges for how salt intrusion the location and design details of restoration is managed in the future for the biological projects, and are more likely to increase salt resources within the estuary. The conceptual intrusion if located along the salinity gradient model for understanding how environmental (RMA 2009). conditions affect species abundance and distributions is largely based on the ecological Water Management Under Climate Change niche framework that considers physiological While both hydrology and estuarine physics will tolerance to abiotic environmental factors (i.e., be altered by climate change, these effects may be the fundamental niche) and the interactions largely mitigated by water-management practices with the biotic environment (i.e., the realized to meet water-quality standards and other niche; Chase and Leibold 2003). For aquatic objectives. However, the shift in timing of runoff organisms, the fundamental salinity niche to earlier in the year—when reservoir operations can generally be defined as the range of for flood control requirements limit storage salinities where physiological capabilities are (Anderson et al. 2008)—will leave less impounded sufficiently maintained to allow for survival water volume available to offset summer and fall and reproduction. Osmoregulation is the active salt intrusion. This difficulty may be aggravated regulation of internal salinity concentrations by the increased strength of salt intrusion and is a key physiological response necessary mechanisms from sea level rise, tidal restoration, under changing salinities. These osmoregulatory or unplanned levee failures. The tools currently responses vary between species, such that species available to mitigate climate-change effects may fall along a continuum where they either tolerate prove inadequate. The relaxation of salinity- only freshwater or only saltwater (i.e., stenohaline based water-quality standards in 2015, and the species) or they can tolerate a range of salinities management action of installing an emergency (i.e., euryhaline species). Among euryhaline drought barrier in False River (lower San Juaquin fish species that occupy estuaries and coastal Delta), may provide a preview of management habitats, the range of tolerated salinities also responses to future climate and related summer varies (e.g., Schultz and McCormick 2013). Such drought conditions (Sommer 2020). variation likely reflects historic evolved responses to different salinity environments (Schultz and As time passes and climate changes, both water McCormick 2013). However, osmoregulatory demand and water- management objectives are responses are also plastic, meaning that also likely to change (Anderson et al. 2008). The organisms can acclimate to different salinity infrastructure available to manage water will levels within their lifetimes (McEnroe and Cech also evolve. In particular, future infrastructure 1985; McCormick 1995; Sangiao–Alvarellos et al. projects may dramatically alter the kinds of 2005) and potentially through heritable trans- management options available (e.g., the building generational epigenetic mechanisms (Shama et of large underground tunnels to move freshwater, al. 2014; Heckwolf et al. 2018). Thus, coping such as envisioned by the California Water with fluctuating salinity levels reflects both Fix project). The competing objectives of Delta the short-term (within-generation) acclimation management along with the complexity of responses of organisms and the longer-term physical and ecological processes make managing (i.e., across generations) evolutionary responses. Indeed, we know that short-term osmoregulatory

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responses are under strong natural selection in the abundance and distribution of a predator species exposed to variable salinities (e.g., Shaw that preys on the species of concern (Hintz and et al. 2014), and that populations can evolve and Relyea 2017). Third, salinization can alter the adapt to different salinity environments (e.g., Lee competitive interactions between species, such and Peterson 2002; Gomez–Mestre and Tejedo that once-dominant species become subordinate 2003; Whitehead et al. 2011, 2013; Ketola and to species they have historically interacted with Hiltunen 2014; Velotta et al. 2015). As salinity or with new invasive species they come in contact regimes change through the coming decades, a with (Alcaraz et al. 2008). Finally, a diversity key question is whether evolution can keep pace. of other salinity-induced changes is possible, In some cases, fish and other aquatic species including the effect on relationships with (1) can evolve quickly (e.g., decadal time-scales) disease, parasites, and pathogens; (2) disruption of in human-altered environments (e.g., Strauss et microbial communities (i.e., the microbiome); and al. 2006; Smith and Bernatchez 2008; Allendorf (3) synergistic effects with other environmental and Hard 2009; Hoffmann and Sgrò 2011; Reid stressors such as temperature and pollutants. et al. 2016; Oziolor et al. 2019). Whether salinity Thus, predicting how shifting salinity patterns adaptation in resident species can keep pace will will negatively or positively affect any given depend on the genetic variation and architecture species is challenging, but not impossible. that underlies relevant traits, population size, generation time, and interactions with other Nonetheless, our ability to predict broader species (Barrett and Schluter 2008; Bell and ecosystem changes is substantially more limited. Gonzalez 2009; Bell 2013; Bergland et al. 2014; For example, invasions are known to be a major Lawrence et al. 2014; Orr and Unckless 2014). driver of ecological regime change in the estuary, with prominent effects from benthic species Knowing the patterns of variation in short- (Kimmerer 2002; Sommer et al. 2007) as well as and long-term salinity tolerance within and aquatic weeds (Ta et al. 2018). These invasions across species allows us to better understand appear to have fundamentally changed many the predicted biological effect associated with ecological processes such as food webs, and increased salinization. For example, we know shifted biomass trends in entire communities that salinity tolerance can vary between species, (Mahardja et al. 2017). Therefore, we may be between populations of the same species, able to evaluate and anticipate some individual between age classes (e.g., adults, juveniles, species’ responses to changing salinity, but not and eggs), and between different stages of the the response of the entire community, which is life cycle (e.g., migratory vs. resident periods; sensitive to multiple interacting factors. Schultz and McCormick 2012). Thus, predicting the ecological consequences of salinization or In this context, we discuss below the anticipated any other unfavorable environmental change ecological effects of salt intrusion within the requires consideration of several responses that estuary for anadromous fish species (i.e., fish are non-mutually exclusive. First, for mobile that hatch in freshwater, migrate to saltwater, species like fish, a typical response will be and return to breed in freshwater), and two to move away from historically used areas resident fish species of conservation concern that have become unsuitable and shift their (the Delta Smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, distributions to habitats that remain within and the Sacramento Splittail, Pogonichthys their preferred tolerance range (Åkesson 2002). macrolepidotus). Second, spatial or temporal shifts in salinity can alter trophic relationships between predators and Freshwater is often required for spawning and prey (Neuenfeldt and Beyer 2003). For example, the early stages of development (eggs and larvae) salinity may alter the distribution and or of all species that are considered anadromous abundance of the food source used by a species (Zydlewski and Wilkie 2013). Many of the high- of concern, and similarly increase or decrease profile native estuary species—e.g., Longfin

10 Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys), White Sturgeon Salmon) and the accompanying increase in (Acipenser transmontanus), Green Sturgeon salinity tolerance often move rapidly through (Acipenser medirostris), Chinook Salmon estuaries. Therefore, these species are less likely (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)—are anadromous, to be affected by salinity itself. However, species but vary in their spawning sites and the capacity such as Chinook Salmon that spend significant of adults and larvae to tolerate a wide range time in estuaries as part of their downstream of salinities. For example, in some species or migration may be strongly affected if salinization populations—such as Green Sturgeon—that alters the abundance of preferred prey items. For move great distances upstream for spawning in example, the timing of downstream migration freshwater streams far above any tidal influence, in anadromous fishes has been hypothesized the future risk of increased salinization on early to have been shaped by natural selection to developmental stages may be minimal. However, take advantage of increased productivity in the increased salt intrusion may significantly affect estuarine and coastal ocean (McCormick et al. species such as Striped Bass and American Shad 1998), and alteration of the timing of increased that spawn just above the influence of tides, if productivity by salinization could negatively the appropriate areas for spawning are pushed so affect species that depend on these food far upstream (e.g., out of bays and into riverine resources. Similarly, higher salinity may induce areas) that there becomes less appropriate physical broader community changes by allowing marine habitat for early survival and growth. Successful predators and competitors greater residence time hatching and development of eggs and larvae within the estuary, which in turn would increase for some anadromous species like the Longfin interactions with anadromous species. Smelt are strongly correlated to low-salinity events during the winter months (Rosenfeld and In the context of sea level rise and salinization Baxter 2007). Further, rearing of larval Longfin of the estuary, Delta Smelt and the Sacramento Smelt is tightly linked to salinity. For example, Splittail are two important resident fish species of reduced survival of larval Longfin Smelt has been conservation concern. They are both endemic to suggested at >5 psu (Hobbs et al. 2010), and peak the estuary, and their distribution and preferred abundance at 2 to 4 psu (Grimaldo et al. 2017); habitats are tightly linked to salinity patterns. however, larval Longfin Smelt have been found Thus, both species have been extensively studied up to 12 psu (Grimaldo et al. 2017). The effect of in the context of shifting spatial and temporal increased salinization is, therefore, likely to be salinity patterns. species-specific and life-stage dependent. For example, juvenile White Sturgeon (0.4 to 50 g) The Delta Smelt is generally associated with could tolerate salinity of ≤15 psu after an abrupt brackish water areas from San Pablo and Suisun transfer from freshwater, whereas adult White Bays to upstream freshwater regions, including Sturgeon (2.5 to 15 kg) could tolerate and acclimate the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers (Moyle to 35 psu (McEnroe and Cech 1985). In juvenile et al. 1992; Sommer and Mejia 2013). Delta Smelt Green Sturgeon, 170 and 533 days post-hatch fish were historically abundant, but dramatic declines are able to better regulate ion levels than 100 in the 1980s led to it being listed as threatened days post-hatch fish because of differences in gill under the federal Endangered Species Act and morphology and enzyme activities (Allen et al. endangered under the California Endangered 2009); however, all three age groups could survive Species Act (reviewed in Moyle et al. 2018). A 33 psu for 7 weeks, the length of the salinity couple of aspects of the Delta Smelt’s biology are exposures (Allen et al. 2009). important to understand its responses to future changes in salinity regimes within the estuary. Salinization may also influence downstream First, Delta Smelt are short-lived (usually living migration and use of the estuary by anadromous only a single year), semelparous (adults die after species. Some salmonids with strong smolt breeding), and in general produce relatively development (such as Steelhead and Coho few eggs relative to their body size as 1-year-

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olds (Moyle et al. 1992; Lindberg et al. 2013). The Sacramento Splittail is currently considered Second, reproduction generally occurs via an a species of special concern in California, and annual upstream migration in the late fall–early the last surviving member of its genus (its close winter to freshwater spawning sites, where the relative, the Clear Lake Splittail [Pogonichthys larvae develop until they reach post-larval stages ciscoides]), went extinct in the 1970s (Moyle 2002; and undergo a spring migration downstream Mahardja et al. 2015). The Sacramento Splittail to brackish water sites (ranging between 1 to 6 is a minnow (i.e., in the family Cyprinidae) that psu) in what is referred to as the “low-salinity is endemic to sloughs, lakes, and rivers of the zone” (Bennett 2005). However, there may be Central Valley and estuary (Moyle et al. 2004). exceptions to this general migration pattern Unlike the short-lived Delta Smelt, Sacramento (Hobbs et al. 2019). When field survey data have Splittail live 7 to 9 years and produce a relatively been analyzed, these dynamic movements have large number of offspring for their body size been confirmed, and reveal that adults are most (Moyle et al. 2004). Adults typically begin common in habitats with salinities less than migrating upstream with the onset of winter rains 6 psu (Sommer and Mejia 2013). Experimental (between November and January) and spawn work has shown that Delta Smelt can survive between February and April during flow events at higher salinities (Komoroske et al. 2014; that inundate floodplain and riparian areas Kammerer et al. 2016) and can maintain their (Moyle et al. 2004). However, there are two known internal ion concentrations (i.e., osmolality) genetically distinct populations of Sacramento via changes in gill ionocytes (specialized Splittail—the Central Valley population and the cells involved in ion transport) and increased San Pablo Bay population—that differ in their expression of stress-related genes at salinities spawning grounds (Baerwald et al. 2007; Baerwald outside of 1 to 6 psu (Hasenbein et al. 2013; et al. 2008; Mahardja et al. 2015). The young Kammerer et al. 2016). Indeed, some Delta Smelt from the Central Valley population use largely individuals have the physiological capacity to freshwater sections of the Sacramento and San survive full-strength seawater (i.e., 34 psu); Joaquin rivers (less than 1 psu) for early rearing however, relative to individuals in the low- and remain in these areas for 2 to 3 months, salinity zone, they have reduced overall body whereas the San Pablo Bay population uses the condition (i.e., an estimate of energy storage) and higher-salinity Napa and Petaluma rivers (8.5 elevated osmolality (Komoroske et al. 2016). It to 14 psu), resulting in divergent selection for is important to note there was ~19.5% mortality salinity tolerance between the populations (Feyrer within 90 h of exposure to the 34-psu treatment et al. 2010; Verhille et al. 2016; Jeffries et al. (Komoroske et al. 2014). Komoroske et al. (2016) 2019; Mundy et al. 2020). Indeed, several lines of hypothesized that the energetic cost associated evidence suggest that the Central Valley and San with osmoregulation at high salinities potentially Pablo populations differ in their salinity tolerance. interacts with other environmental factors to For example, mortality occurs at 18 psu for the limit the distribution of Delta Smelt within the San Pablo population, whereas the Central Valley system. Such “sub-lethal” effects on condition and population mortality occurs at 16 psu (Verhille et performance have been observed in other species al. 2016). Gene expression changes in response in response to elevated salinities (e.g., Brauner to salinity challenge also differ between the San et al. 1994). Therefore, it is likely there are other Pablo Bay and Central Valley populations, with factors beyond simple salinity tolerance—such as the San Pablo Bay population’s response consistent food availability or interspecific interactions with with greater plasticity in its ability to acclimate to competitors and predators—that will continue to salinity (Jeffries et al. 2019; Mundy et al. 2020). interact with body condition and contribute to High salinities in the estuary may prevent gene habitat constraints for Delta Smelt in the estuary flow between Sacramento Splittail populations, system (e.g., Bever et al. 2016). and contribute to population divergence (Baerwald et al. 2007; Feyrer et al. 2015). These conditions are more likely to occur during periods of extreme

12 drought (Jeffries et al. 2019). Thus, extended challenge will be to move beyond predictions for periods of salinity beyond the tolerance limits for how single species respond, and consider how these populations (i.e., 16 to 18 psu; Verhille et al. communities, food webs, and ecosystems will 2016) have been suggested to contribute to habitat change. fragmentation and reproductive isolation that will facilitate further population divergence in the Finally, while our focus here is largely on salt future (Jeffries et al. 2019). intrusion from sea level rise and reduced inflows from drought, it is important to acknowledge The Delta Smelt and Sacramento Splittail pose that extreme freshwater runoff events are also similar and different management challenges likely to increase in the future. Climate models when future changes in salinity regimes are predict California will experience a 50% increase considered. Delta Smelt and the Central Valley in droughts and flooding (Yoon et al. 2015; population of the Sacramento Splittail require Swain et al. 2016). These flooding events are access to freshwater spawning sites, whereas the often associated with long and narrow corridors San Pablo Bay population may not. However, in of enhanced water vapor called “atmospheric both species, there is evidence that the salinity rivers,” and are responsible for a substantial of the habitats occupied is typically lower than amount of California’s total annual precipitation the ranges they can experimentally tolerate (see (Dettinger et al. 2011). Cheng et al. (2016) describe above). Such results suggest that salinity interacts how an atmospheric river storm resulted in with other abiotic (e.g., temperature, turbidity, extreme freshwater runoff into the estuary and physical structure) and biotic (competitors, resulted in the near 100% mortality of native predators, disease) factors to shape the Olympia oysters. The increasing frequency of distribution and abundance of these fish. In this these freshwater events coupled with increasing regard, Delta Smelt and Sacramento Splittail are salinization will set up much more dramatic unlikely to be different than other species within salinity changes in the estuary. The difference the estuary but have attracted more attention between increased salinities at the end of the dry because of their conservation status. Therefore, season driven by salinization and the near-zero a future challenge will be to better understand salinity associated with wet-season storms will how salinity interacts with other factors, and how be more physiologically stressful and affect local those factors can be managed in the future (see diversity (Montague and Ley 1993; Attril 2002). below). Thus, a future where the “pendulum” is likely to swing between extreme drought and precipitation The ecological consequences for salt intrusion events will need to be incorporated into how and altered precipitation patterns are of course biological resources are managed. not limited to fish species, and effects on other species in the estuary will likely be widespread but variable (Parker et al. 2011). For example, THE MANAGEMENT TOOLS AVAILABLE increasing salinity may negatively affect aquatic The estuary is among the most intensively plants, including seagrasses and other submerged managed ecosystems on the planet (Sommer plants (Short and Neckles 1999). Studies of salt 2020). The intensive management is needed marsh halophytes have also shown that increasing because 150 years of intensifying surface water salinity can negatively affect plant performance, development has resulted in a population and particularly under drought-stressed conditions economy where the demand for freshwater often (Crain et al. 2004; Wigginton et al. 2020). Many exceeds the available supply (Monsen et al. 2007; of these plants are important foundation species, Luoma et al. 2015a, 2015b; Brown et al. 2016; so their loss could have substantial cascading Reis et al. 2019). Indeed, the watershed serves as effects on the invertebrates, small fishes, and the freshwater supply for millions of Californians birds that depend on them for refugia and trophic and a multi-billion-dollar irrigation-dependent support (see Parker et al. 2011). Thus, a future agricultural industry (Monsen et al. 2007). These

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issues are compounded by an imbalance in the that affected the salinity field along the axis of distribution of where most precipitation occurs the estuary, and because average seasonal X2 (Northern California) versus where most of is correlated with the abundance of a suite of the population lives (Southern California), and estuarine species (Jassby et al. 1995; Kimmerer because of the extreme variability in annual 2002). State decision D-1641—the State Water precipitation (Dettinger et al. 2011). Board primarily assigns responsibility for meeting Delta water-quality objectives to the State Water Here, we describe some of the major tools that Project (SWP) and the federal Central Valley are available to manage salinity in the estuary. Project (CVP)—includes seasonal targets for These tools represent a subset of the broader location of X2, based on the historical pattern management approaches summarized in a more of this variable, and by water year type during expansive review by Sommer (2020). Many of winter and spring. these approaches are currently used to manage salinities, and could potentially be used to a The management of seasonal estuarine salinity greater extent in future responses to climate- is also a major component of the Delta Smelt change-induced seawater intrusion. Note that Biological Opinion issued to the State Water our focus here is on the management of salt Project and Central Valley Project (SWP and intrusion from the ocean, not on tributary inputs CVP) under the Federal Endangered Species of agricultural salts. While both oceanic and Act (USFWS 2008). The permit includes X2 agricultural sources are very important water- requirements in fall, a time-period outside of quality issues in the region, in this paper we that required for X2 management by D-1641. emphasize the management of oceanic sources in Specifically, the permits require X2 to be located response to future climate-change scenarios. further downstream during fall of above- normal and wet water years. These criteria have Non-Structural Mechanisms—Regulations since been modified to include more targeted Salinity in the estuary is managed by a complex management actions in summer and fall (USFWS array of state and local regulations. A more 2019; CDFW 2020). comprehensive treatment of these regulations can be found in Sommer (2020). For example, Structural Tools local agreements are in place with regional water diverters in the west Delta such as Contra Costa Reservoirs Water District, and with wetland managers in Upstream reservoirs and their associated Suisun Marsh. Under the federal Clean Water tributaries are a primary tool to manage estuarine Act and the state’s Porter–Cologne Water Quality salinity including X2 (Sommer 2020). While some Control Act, the state and regional water boards of this water may enter the Delta as relatively have the primary regulatory responsibility for unmanaged flow during very high flow events protecting the estuary’s water quality. A key in winter and spring, much of the inflow to the driver of estuarine management is the State Water estuary is intensively managed by a series of Resources Control Board’s Decision D-1641, which large upstream reservoirs. The largest reservoirs sets seasonal salinity targets at compliance points occur on the Sacramento River and its tributaries, along the axis of the estuary (SWRCB 1995). A but the San Joaquin River also has a substantial unique regulatory feature is the management network of reservoirs. These reservoirs allow of the salinity distribution using the X2 metric. water to be stored during wetter years and Low values of X2 reflect wetter years when the seasons, then released downstream during other salinity field is pushed back close to the ocean; periods. These releases are therefore a critical high values of X2 reflect dry periods when tool to prevent seawater intrusion into the upper salt intrudes upstream. This innovative metric estuary during summer and fall, and during was developed in the mid-1990s based on the droughts. recognition that outflow was the primary factor

14 Water Diversions this issue, in 2015 water managers took the The amount of inflow to the lower estuary remarkable step of installing an Emergency is primarily moderated by water diversions Drought Barrier along one of the key corridors associated with the SWP and the CVP (see through which salinity enters the central Delta. Sommer 2020). This inflow is regulated to The barrier was installed in False River during maintain water-quality standards for municipal spring–fall of 2015, which successfully prevented uses, agriculture, and wildlife in the presence salinity from intruding into Franks Tract, a of water exports; more water exports require flooded island that has a major effect on Delta more inflow (Reis et al. 2019). In addition to water quality and hydrodynamics (Kimmerer et the SWP and CVP, there are over 2,000 smaller al. 2019). agricultural water diversions in the Delta (Herren and Kawasaki 2001). Although D-1641 allows up Gates to 35% of inflow to be diverted by the two water As described above, water inflow and exports export facilities in winter–spring and up to 65% from reservoirs strongly affects salt intrusion into of inflow to be diverted during summer–fall, the Delta. When water export pumping rates are the actual amount varies substantially based on high relative to river inflow, salinity can intrude the degree of salt intrusion (e.g., spring versus into the western and central Delta regions. neap tides) and because of endangered species To help reduce these effects, the pathway of management. Water diversions are substantially Sacramento River inflow may be altered, allowing reduced during drought periods, when inflows are a more direct route for freshwater to reach the so low that they must be reduced dramatically export facilities. This is achieved by using the to avoid saline water intrusion into the Delta, Delta Cross-Channel, a set of gates on the lower which would make these sources unsuitable for Sacramento River (Monsen et al. 2010). When use by local water users or exporters (Sommer the gates are opened, Sacramento River flows 2020). For example, during the latter part of the have a relatively direct path via the Mokelumne recent historical drought (2012–2016), inflows River and Georgiana Slough to the export pumps, reached such low levels that water diversions had thereby reducing the hydrodynamic “pull” from to decrease their exports to minimal health and the West Delta, which tends to draw in more safety levels to allow Delta outflow sufficient to oceanic salinity. However, these gates are often avoid major seawater intrusion into the central closed for long periods during winter and spring Delta. During the worst of the drought, there was to protect Chinook salmon that are migrating no Delta outflow to repel estuarine influx and down the Sacramento River (NMFS 2009). elevated salinity (Monismith 2016). With sea level rise, more of the available freshwater flow will The most unusual salinity-management facility be needed to hold back salt intrusion, which will in the estuary is the Suisun Marsh Salinity severely constrain water exports even in normal Control Gates (SMSCG; see also Sommer 2020). years. Suisun Marsh is the largest contiguous marsh on the Pacific Coast, supporting both managed Barriers and unmanaged wetland habitat. Early in the As noted above, the recent historic drought planning of the SWP, new water diversions were resulted in major challenges in preventing salt recognized to result in increased salinity in the intrusion into the freshwater tidal portion of marsh. This was a major concern for wetlands the upper estuary. As the drought progressed, managers, who depended on low-salinity water hydrologic modeling indicated that already low for their managed habitat (e.g., duck clubs). reservoirs and water export operations alone Although this issue was partially addressed by would be unlikely to avoid major salt intrusion water-quality standards for the region, water into the Delta. A key concern was that once managers constructed operable gates to tidally salinity intruded into the region, water quality “pump” freshwater into the marsh during drier would be unsuitable for months. To address periods. In the 1980s, the California Department

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of Water Resources constructed the SMSCG, a salinity field, lateral mixing, and gravitational novel facility that is typically operated October circulation. It is also clear that future inundation to May to maintain low-salinity conditions in of Delta islands could significantly affect salinity the marsh. The facility includes three gates on levels in the estuary (Mount and Twiss 2005: Montezuma Slough, a primary source of tidal Lund et al. 2010). Moreover, thousands of acres flows through Suisun Marsh. The gates are of tidal wetland restoration projects are planned, operated tidally. During ebb tides, the gates are which could also affect the tidal prism and opened to allow freshwater from the Delta to enter thus landward dispersion of salt into the Delta. Montezuma Slough and flush throughout the Depending on the location of these projects, salt marsh. During flood tides, the gates are closed, intrusion could be either enhanced or reduced preventing salt from intruding into the marsh (Lund et al. 2010). It is therefore possible that from the western outlet of Montezuma Slough. specific restoration projects could be planned to Essentially, freshwater is tidally pumped into the improve salinity management in the system, or marsh though the SMSCG, a remarkably effective at least partially mitigate the salinizing effects way to reduce salinities in this region. To our of the future loss of Delta islands through floods, knowledge, there is no facility like it in other earthquakes, or sea level rise. estuaries. However, the operations come with a trade-off. Redirecting freshwater flow into Suisun Marsh causes some upstream salt intrusion along FUTURE RESEARCH PRIORITIES the main tidal axis of the estuary, so additional What should future research priorities for the flow (via export reductions or reservoir releases) estuary be, given our understanding of historic is needed to counteract the resulting movement of salinity patterns, future sea level-rise scenarios, the salt field (X2) along that axis. how physical processes govern patterns of salt intrusion, salinity tolerance of species of concern, In August 2018, the SMSCG facility was used in and ecological linkages? a completely different way: to manage salinities for fish habitat (Sommer 2020). As noted above, We argue that one future priority needs to be Suisun Bay and Suisun Marsh are a key part improving physical models, particularly those of the habitat for Delta Smelt, a high-profile focused on predicting salt intrusion under endangered species in the estuary. During drier different natural and managed scenarios. periods, such as summer, Delta Smelt may be Existing salt intrusion studies often make strong at least partially excluded from Suisun Marsh assumptions and simplifications about how sea because of salt intrusion. To provide improved level rise will affect coastal environments, and habitat conditions for Delta Smelt, the SMSCG these models often fail to account for the complex were operated for a month to reduce salinities in physical processes or management responses that Suisun Marsh, allowing greater occupancy of this can either mitigate or amplify salt intrusion. For region. Predicted benefits included improvements example, 3-D modeling studies that account for in several areas: habitat conditions, food the effects of sea level rise on physical processes availability, growth, survival, and distribution. generally use fixed boundary conditions that These pilot operations reduced marsh salinities do not account for management adaptation to during a key rearing period for Delta Smelt. meet water-quality objectives (e.g., Chua and Based on this initial trial, the SMSCG have been Xu 2014). In contrast, Knowles et al. (2018) used included in recent regulatory permits as a tool a suite of models to predict flows and salinity to manage fish habitat during periods of salt that accounts for management responses to intrusion (USFWS 2019). climate-change scenarios but does not consider the effect of sea level rise on salt intrusion, thus Channel Geometry integrating representations of physical processes As described above, physical geometry and management responses in an integrated water significantly affects the location of the operations and 3-D model. Another approach

16 is to integrate into a water-operations model a of habitats should be a future research priority parameterization of the effect of sea level rise (see Kimmerer et al. 2013; Bever et al. 2016). on salt intrusion. An example is the California If sufficient suitable habitat is available but Water Fix study in which the artificial neural located in different regions of the estuary, then network of a water operations model was trained persistence will depend on the migratory abilities using salinity predictions from a 1-D model that of the species and of other species that constitute was parameterized to reproduce the predicted salt a sustainable biotic community, which may be intrusion from a 3-D model simulation. (https:// re-arranged owing to differences in ability to www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/ migrate and suitability of alternative habitat. programs/bay_delta/california_waterfix/exhibits/ If sufficient suitable habitat is not available exhibit102/index.html). In that case, the flows or accessible, then species will be challenged estimated by the water operations model can to physiologically adjust (i.e., acclimate) to then be applied in a 3-D model to validate the changing salinities, or evolve adaptions to these parameterization of salt intrusion used in the new conditions through natural selection. Little operations model. is known about how the movement patterns of entire fish communities might permanently A related priority is to incorporate how the shift in response to altered salinity regimes, but physical geometry of the estuary will change emerging tracking technology may allow us to in the future. A current simplification when better understand the timing and patterns of modeling future climate change scenarios is movement within the estuary (Åkesson 2002; the use of existing geometry, which does not Hussey et al. 2015; Colombano et al. 2020). represent the expected additional inundation of low-lying areas with sea level rise. Furthermore, In contrast to movement patterns, much more geomorphic adjustment will continue as estuary is known about the physiological mechanisms geometry and sea level evolve—but is typically that underlie osmoregulation and the ability neglected in existing studies. Thus, to estimate to acclimate to different levels of salinity salinity distribution for realistic future scenarios (Baldisserotto et al. 2019). Indeed, how salinity of the estuary, a more complete and integrated induces changes in hormones, levels of gene representation of physical processes and expression, and morphological changes in gills management responses is required. to maintain osmotic homeostasis has been the subject of decades of study (reviewed in In terms of future research priorities to better Baldisserotto et al. 2019). However, while many predict and manage biological/ecological of the key genes involved in ion transport are responses, a better understanding is needed of known, salinity exposure also causes changes (1) the movement of fish and their ability to find in expression of many genes unrelated to and track suitable habitat, (2) their acclimation osmoregulation (e.g., Whitehead et al. 2011; responses to altered salinity and the consequences Gibbons et al. 2017; Mauro and Ghalambor for other traits, (3) their capacity to evolve in 2020), suggesting that physiological responses to response to altered salinity patterns, and (4) different salinity regimes extend to traits beyond ecosystem rearrangement. those that only regulate osmotic homeostasis (e.g., feeding behavior, parasite resistance, As sea levels rise and salinity regimes shift vulnerability to predation). Determining what within the estuary system, the availability of these additional traits are is an important area for habitats suitable for many aquatic species will future study. For example, microbial communities also shift, expand, or contract. Persistence of differ dramatically with environmental salinity resident species will depend on the extent and (Lozupone and Knight 2007), which suggests that accessibility of these remaining suitable habitats. adjusting to new host–microbiome interactions Thus, the development of models of sea level rise may be necessary when species confront new that predict the spatial and temporal distribution osmotic environments. Similarly, in freshwater

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the Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus to understand how organisms cope with these aculeatus) has by natural selection evolved to multiple stressors. The capacity for organisms to overcome dietary deficiency in docosahexaenoic simultaneously acclimate or adaptively evolve acid (DHA) that is lower in prey items in to multiple stressors that exhibit increasing freshwater compared to those in seawater habitats variability and directional change will likely be (Ishikawa et al. 2019). Though many traits may a key determinant in predicting which species matter for fitness in changing salinity regimes, will survive and persist into the future (Todgham osmoregulatory abilities are extremely important, and Stillman 2013; Gunderson et al. 2016). given the considerable metabolic resources However, predicting how organisms will respond spent to maintain appropriate control of osmotic to multiple stressors is inherently difficult balance in aquatic species (Kültz 2015). Since to study and to predict (e.g., Todgham and the estuary spans osmotic habitats from marine Stillman 2013; Gunderson et al. 2016). Controlled to freshwater, resident species include those laboratory studies can be especially useful for that span the physiological continuum from understanding how multiple stressors can interact euryhaline to stenohaline; these physiological to affect an animal’s ability to osmoregulate. traits contribute to species’ abilities to quickly For example, White Sturgeon can osmoregulate acclimate to changing salinity conditions. Indeed, (e.g., McEnroe and Cech 1985), but when food fish populations in the estuary show variation in availability is reduced it takes longer to acclimate how fast individuals can physiologically respond to 24 psu compared with fish fed to satiation (Lee to changes in salinity (Jeffries et al. 2016; et al. 2015). These types of lab studies provide Verhille et al. 2016). critical insights into the conditions that place physiological limits for salinity tolerance but have Acclimation may also emerge across generations limitations for predicting acclimation abilities (trans-generational plasticity); however, in the in future environments. In contrast, while field context of osmoregulatory acclimation, little is studies offer insight into the “realized” salinity known of the ubiquity of this phenomenon, the niche by describing how species deal with nature of the environmental cues that trigger it, complex environments, they lack the control to and the mechanisms through which information isolate which aspects of the environment drive about the environment is transferred across the observed patterns. For example, some Delta generations (e.g., maternal provisioning or Smelt can survive at full- strength seawater, but epigenetic inheritance; Heckwolf et al. 2018). To they are generally found within the low-salinity predict likelihood of persistence, it is important zone of the estuary, suggesting that interactions to understand the physiological limits and timing with predators and food availability shape their of osmotic acclimation for key native species distributions in nature (Komoroske et al. 2016). resident within the estuary system. Schultz and McCormick (2013) summarized salinity tolerances Similarly, interactions with competitors can from a broad range of fish orders, families, also restrict distributions to a smaller subset and species, which provides a framework for of habitats than would be expected based on predicting vulnerabilities of different groups; salinity tolerance alone (e.g., Torres–Dowdall generating similar information for key species in et al. 2013; Mauro and Ghalambor 2020). How the estuary should be a high priority for future future environmental change may disrupt species research. interactions—such as those between predators and prey, competitors, or hosts and parasites Salt intrusion is unlikely to occur in isolation (Broitman et al. 2009; Gilman et al. 2010; Angert from other environmental factors associated et al. 2013)—will complicate future predictions with changing climatic conditions, such as that are based on the current realized niche temperature, flow, turbidity, water quality, and pH or distribution (Urban et al. 2016). Though (e.g., Kimmerer 2004; Cloern et al. 2011; Cloern uncertainty will still remain, future research can and Jassby 2012); thus, other future priorities are combine lab and field studies to better understand

18 the limits of key species in acclimating to CONCLUSIONS salinity, and how other stressors affect these This paper represents a perspective that physiological responses. Such studies will integrates the physical and biological sciences contribute key information to better predicting to examine climate change and the physical the response of interacting species, and to setting processes that will shape patterns of salt intrusion conservation and management priorities. into the estuary—and the expected ecological consequences. We have highlighted some of the If physiological acclimation to salinity and available management options that can be used to other stressors is insufficient to maintain a mitigate these future threats, and some potential species’ fitness in the future estuary, then its research priorities. This integrated perspective capacity to quickly evolve by natural selection is important because the physical and biological will determine its persistence. The ability of sciences often operate separately from each species to rapidly adapt through natural selection other. Yet, understanding and managing complex depends largely on their generation time and ecosystems such as the estuary ultimately the availability of additive genetic variation requires applying such inter-disciplinary thinking for the traits that affect fitness (Barrett and to the challenging decisions that resource Schluter 2008; Orr and Unckless 2014). Therefore, managers and policy-makers face. Indeed, the knowledge of the nature and availability of community of scientists and researchers who additive genetic variation for osmoregulatory study the estuary are at the forefront of inter- traits will be important for predicting a species’ disciplinary research via their integration of the ability to adjust through natural selection. This physical and biological sciences (Feyrer et al. is where quantitative genetics studies that use 2011; Kimmerer et al. 2013; Hance et al. 2020). captive breeding experiments or field pedigree Our goal here is to highlight how we can start information could offer insights and contribute the process of anticipating and responding to to species-management strategies. For example, the changes that are predicted to arise because quantitative genetics studies could identify of climate-induced sea-level rise and altered genotypes that affect inter-individual variation precipitation patterns. We recognize that salt in osmoregulatory abilities (e.g., Brennan et al. intrusion from higher sea levels is only one of 2018), and these genotypes could be tracked many expected future challenges, but we hope and prioritized for maintenance within captive that the perspective presented here can stimulate breeding programs (e.g., for Delta Smelt; Fisch et meaningful discussions and actions on how best al. 2013). Furthermore, if populations in different to plan for these challenges. regions of the estuary system harbor different genetic variants that affect osmoregulatory We hope readers will take several important abilities—such as is observed for the Sacramento points from this paper. First, the extent of salt Splittail (e.g., Verhille et al. 2016; Jeffries et al. intrusion within the estuary has varied over 2019)— then those populations could be prioritized geologic time, and, before humans modified for conservation, which would serve the long- the landscape, was governed by the physical term resilience of the species as the environment geometry of the estuary, seasonal patterns of changes. Similarly, some stenohaline freshwater precipitation, and freshwater inflow. While these species (e.g., minnows of the family Cyprinidae), factors remain an important determinant of salt may have hard upper-salinity-tolerance limits intrusion, human control of water storage, the and limited evolutionary potential (Schultz and timing and amount of freshwater release, and McCormick 2012), making it unlikely that they modifications to the physical structure of the possess the genetic variation necessary to rapidly estuary provide considerable control over current adapt to salt intrusion. patterns of salt intrusion. Looking to the future, the natural and human-controlled determinants of salt intrusion will occur against the backdrop of rising sea levels and changes in freshwater

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inflow. Improved hydrodynamic models, which but the range of environmental conditions that incorporate management actions and geomorphic limit their effectiveness under future scenarios evolution, are needed to better predict future needs to be understood. If future management salinity. Second, the biological communities of the projects adopt such thinking during the planning estuary have evolved physiological mechanisms and permitting process, then funding for these to cope with seasonal and spatial shifts in projects can be structured in a way that permits salinity patterns, but these mechanisms vary, monitoring before and after implementation, to and their capacity to cope with ecological effects allow factors that contributed to their successes that can re-arrange the ecosystem is limited. or failures to be evaluated. In this way, we can Physiological and genetic variation in salinity provide the best science-based management to tolerance and correlated traits within and among maintain the integrity and value of the estuary. species will determine the future vulnerability of these species. Quantifying this variation should be a priority because it could help managers ACKNOWLEDGMENTS anticipate which populations are at greatest risk. The authors wish to thank the Coastal and Lastly, numerous water-management tools exist Marine Sciences Institute at the University of to control salinity patterns within the estuary. California, Davis, the Delta Stewardship Council Managers could be encouraged to experiment and (Delta Science Program), and the UC Agriculture apply these tools to test their effectiveness. and Natural Resources Program for the generous funding that allowed the symposium on which We end with a few ideas we think would this paper was based to occur. John Kelly and two stimulate progress toward the goals described in anonymous reviewers provided comments that this paper. Ongoing regional efforts are needed to improved this manuscript. CKG was supported by coordinate and communicate research about the National Science Foundation grant (IOS 1457383). challenges of salt intrusion within estuary. While KMJ was supported by a Natural Sciences we encourage resource managers to consider the and Engineering Research Council of Canada priorities for future research presented here and to Discovery Grant (05479). encourage the kinds of inter-disciplinary research presented in this paper, we also recognize that physical and biological conditions in the future REFERENCES will be very uncertain. Scientific research, Åkesson S. 2002. Tracking fish movements in water and resource management, and policy the ocean. Trends Ecol Evol. [accessed 2019 would benefit from being prepared to embrace Aug 15];17(2):56–57. this uncertainty and respond accordingly. For https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-5347(01)02418-1 example, one way that scientists and researchers, Alcaraz C, Bisazza A, García–Berthou E. 2008. resource managers, and policy-makers can Salinity mediates the competitive interactions work closely together to respond proactively to between invasive mosquitofish and an endangered changing conditions is by considering water- fish. Oecologia. [accessed 2019 Aug 15];155:205–213. management projects as scientific experiments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-007-0899-4 If we approach water-management projects as Allen PJ, Cech JJ Kültz, D. 2009. Mechanisms of ecological or physical experiments, then, as with seawater acclimation in a primitive, anadromous any experiment, clearly stated assumptions, fish, the green sturgeon. J Comp Phys B. [accessed alternative hypotheses, and predictions should be 2019 Aug 15];179(7): 903–920. part of the planning process. When possible, to https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-009-0372-2 test their effectiveness, the building of barriers or Allendorf FW, Hard JJ. 2009. Human-induced gates to influence local salt intrusion (see above) evolution caused by unnatural selection through could be replicated across different physical or harvest of wild animals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. hydrological settings. Such projects have been [accessed 2019 Aug 15];106(Supplement 1):9987– successful as a management tool in the past, 9994. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0901069106

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