Page References in Bold Type Refer to Primary Articles. Page References Followed by T Indicate Material in Tables. 1781
INDEX Page references in bold type refer to primary articles. Page references followed by t indicate material in tables. A Acetone [CAS: 67–64–1], 7, 899 Acid salt, 1456 A477, producing organism, 118t gas separation, 39t Acids and bases, 12–13 A42867, producing organism, 118t physical properties, 900t Acid sludge, excess air for combustion, 426t A47934, producing organism, 118t Acetone chloride, 7 Acid spoil, 1439t A51568A, producing organism, 118t Acetone cyanohydrin, 7, 465t Acid sulfite pulping process, 1379 A80407 A, producing organism, 118t Acetonephenyl-hydrazone, 7 Acid-thiol ligases, 571t A82846 A, producing organism, 118t Acetonesemicarbazone, 7 Acidulants and alkalizers (Foods), 13–14 AAAS (American Association for the Advancement Acetone-sodiumbisulfite, 7 Acifluorfen, environmental health advisories, 771t of Science), 1 Acetonitrile, 75 Acinetobacter, amphenicol susceptibility, 115t AAD-216 complex, producing organism, 118t Acetophenone, physical properties, 900t Acmite-aegerine, 14 AAD-609 complex, producing organism, 118t Acetorphan, 92t Acne vulgaris, 99 AAJ-271, producing organism, 118t Acetoxime, 7 A35512 complex, producing organism, 118t AB-65, producing organism, 118t Acetylacetone, physical properties, 900t A40926 complex, producing organism, 118t Abaca, 1, 632t Acetyl benzoyl peroxide, properties, 1237t A41030 complex, producing organism, 118t Abherent, 1 Acetyl tert-butanesulfonyl peroxide, properties, Aconitase, 282t Ablating material, 1 1237t metal chelate enzyme, 323t Ablation, 1 Acetyl chloride, physical properties,
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