'Flex dollars' stretch students' budgets Problems removed from Marriott 's new extended meals plan with Domino's Christie Ware with an apology to those students who were Citv News Editor charged extra forregular purchases," said Chris Scheiser, manager of Domino's. Flex dollars resulted in flex prices for some Students wishing to purchase items at the students ordering Domino's Pizza Sept. 8. regular price will not be charged the extra Larry Orbis, Logan Hall RA, said that sev- 15%.The surcharge applies only todiscounted eral students complained to him that night items. It would be to the benefit of any student about having to pay a 15% surcharge for their with flex dollars wanting to purchase a pizzas, which made the pizzas cost approxi- Domino's item on special to pay cash. mately two dollars more than they would have Noah Rucker, director of Maniott food ser- if the students had paid cash. vices, said that part of the purpose of the new "Several people complained because they flex dollars is toalleviate some of the problems JSU student, Amanda Aultrnan, takes a minute to feed a friendly squirrel. With were not informed of thisurcharge when the; students might face in trying to fit dining hall fall approaching, squirrels are abundant on the JSU campus. bought the plan. I think they were more upset hours into their schedules. by that than by the actual charge itself," Orbis "Not everyone has the same schedule and said. eating habits, so we have a variety of plans to Fund tops half million Flex dollars are part of a new meal plan meet your needs," Rucker said. "These flex offered by Maniott Dining Services. They can dollars are something new and exciting that Terri Cheetwood Elliot Scholarship, named for Mrs. Walker's be used to purchase food at the Roost in the allows a break from the same old thing." News Writer late husband who owned a General Motors Montgomery Building or to purchase items Rucker feels that the flex dollars will be a dealership and an insurance agency in Pied- from Domino's Pizza. success with students. If a student wishes to The JSU scholarshipfund, which for the third mont. Marriott, after hearing the complaints about eat somewhere other than the Jack Hopper year in a row has exceeded one-half million The recipients of the scholarship will be the Domino's prices, scheduled a meeting Dining Hall, he has the opportunity without dollars, recently received a large contribution known as the "Elliot Scholars." They will, with Domino's in order to straighten out the having to pay for it out of his pocket. Another to begin a new scholarship. according to Mrs. Elliot'sbequest, be "deserv- misunderstanding. Domino's original intent benefit is that flex dollars not used during one The latest conhibution to the fund came from ing students." The terms for qualification have was to charge an extra 15% on all discounted semester will carry over to the next semester. the interest earned on a million dollar bequest yet to be announced. items. On the night of Sept. 8, they accidently Anyone wishing to purchase flex dollars from the estate of Marve P. Elliot of Piedmont. The bequest brings the JSU scholarship fund charged students for regular purchases as well. with a meal plan may do so at the dining The interest will fund the Joseph Walker See Scholarship page 4 "Domino's is going to make restitution along hall. The Abstract named third best in Southeast From Std Repor's North Carolina, University of South the Depament of Communication and kind of pleased to see a school of our Carolina and West Georgia College "This is not a Pulitzer by the University as a whole." size win such an award," Thompson Southern University Newspapers for the award. any means, but it's some- Hemlinger said The Chanticleerstaff said. provided The Chanticleer with a The publications were judged by thing to be proud of." has made progress over the years Mackey, who is editor in chief of The chance to compete with newspapers two representatives of the "Atlanta through becoming more professional Chanticleer and who assisted in the from several large universities and to Joumalnandthe"AtlantaConstitutionn --TJ Hemlinger and through gains in equipment. He production of The Abstract, was also take home an award during its annual on the basis of creativity, targeted Faculty Adviser said he was glad for the chance to pleased with the recognition. conference this weekend in Atlanta. theme and layout. studen~publicatio11~competeagainst largerschools toprove "I'm proud that schools all over the The Chanticleer placed third in the TJ Hemlinger, faculty advisor for that Southeastare starting to recognizeour special interest issue category for the The Chanticleer. said the "Abstract" Thompson, who arranged ads for the paper," Mackey said. 1991 "Abstract," a summer orienta- began two years ago to serve as an LaTrania Martin worked hard during "Abstract," auended the awards ban- "It's a compliment to the hard work tion publication of The Chanticleer. informative magazine for incoming the May semester to make sure the quet and was able to see the other of The Chanticleer staff, especially The publication competed against freshmen and transfer students during "Abstract" wasready in timefororien- students' reactions to being beaten by those who worked on The Abstract." newspapers from Auburn University, orientation. tation. a smaller university. Hemlinger summed up the feelings University of Alabama, University of Hemlinger said that staff members "I'm pleased that the students got the "I think the larger schools that we of all the staff members when he said, Florida, University of Tennessee, Jason Thompson,Eric Mackey, Shan- recognition they deserve," Hemlinger placed ahead of, such as Florida State "This is not a Pulitzer by any means, South ,Florida, , Duke, University of non Cooper, Debbie Carlisle and said. "I also think this reflects well on and Tennessee, wefe surprised and but it's something to be proud of." Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer

I What is rape Bill protects victims of in Alabama, m Melanie Jones campus sexual assaults 1 News Ed~tor Under Alabama law, a man commits rape if he engages in sexual incorporated in the police brochure Melanie Jones JSU provides counselling for intercourse with a woman by physical force that overcomes resistance or for the 1992-93 school year. News Editor sexual assault victims through the by threat. A man also commits rape if he engages in sexual intercourse The bill will provide victims with Career Development and Counseling with a woman who, for any reason, is unable to resist. It is also rape when There is a bill currently facing the right to have the crimes commit- Services. a man has sexuhl intercourse with a woman who is incapable of judging Congress that, if passed, will have a ted against them investigated and "We are here to offer counseling, her actions due to the influence of any intoxicating substance. dramatic affect on universities across tried by the proper authorities. support and understanding," Linda First degree rape or sodomy is punishable by a maximum fine of the country. It states that university officials Shelton, counselor for CDCS said. $20,000 and/or imprisonment of not less than 10 years up to life. The bill, known as the Campus cannotpressurevictims to not report Shelton agreed that victims are Rape Awareness and Prevention Program offers the following sugges- Sexual Assault Bill of Rights, will crimes, to report them as lesser reluctant to report crimes. "Students amend the Higher Education Act of tions for rape prevention: Don't prop Residence Hall doors, don't walk crimes by suggesting that the vic- who come in and have been date alone, always lock your car and check underneath your car and the back 1965 to provide for the proper treat- tims are somehow responsible for raped usually don't want others to seat of your car when approaching it. ment by campus officials of sexual what happened, or that they neglected know," Shelton said. To help avoid date rape situations,RAPP suggests that women know the assault victims. or assumed the risk of being as- She said although she strongly The bill calls for universities to men they go out with well because dating casual acquaintances can lead saulted. urges students to report sexual as- to dangerous situations. When dating, tell friends who you are going out create and enforce a written policy Nor can they use the suggestion that sault crimes, few do. with and where you are going. establishing the rights of victims to reporting the offense would bring She said the number of sexual as- be followed by all campus employ- The number for JSU Counselling Services is 782-5475. The office is unwanted personal publicity as a saultsat JSU areNaboutthe same" as located in 107 Bibb Graves Hall. ees. means of pressure. other universities of this size. The bill was triggered by a series ' The bill glso provides for the right The Campus Sexual Assault Vic- of scandals at several universities in to have someone present during le- tims Bill of Rights was introduced Some other ways to help prevent rape are: which administrative officials un- gal proceedings, the right to the full into Congress on May 15, 1991. It Walk, drive and park only in well-lit areas derplayed date rape cases to protect cooperation of the university in was then referred to the Education When returning to a locked car have keys in hand to open their university's reputation at the gathering evidence, and assistance and Labor Committee, and is cur- door expense of the victim. in exercising any options provided rently being revised by the Subcom- When driving or riding in a vehicle, keep doors locked and According to David Nichols, di- by the state and federal government mittee on post-secondary education. windows rolled up rector of public safety. JSU will not in regard to the testing of suspects The bill has 120 co-sponsors and the Don't hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers have a problem with compliance. for communicable diseases. subcommitteehopes to bring it to the Always lock door to room or apartment, even for short Nichols said that when a rape is Under the bill, campus officials House flm for a vote by the end of absences reported to the campus police, the must make sure the suspect is kept this session. Be aware of immediate surroundings victim is immediately taken to the away from the victim, including The bill is sponsored by Joseph Know destination beforehand emergency room and a counselor is transferring classes and providing Biden of Vermont in the Senate. If it Stay alert called in. The policy dealing with for alternative housing for the vic- passes both houses, it will go into Have an assertive manner sexual assault will most likely be tim. effect on Sept. 1, 1992. Police ri de Bikes Melanie Jones News Editor The campus police have expanded "..one of the strongest their services with the help of the links in our community- Order of Omega, a fraternity and oriented policing @arts." sorority leadership organization. The organization donated nearly --David Nichols $1,000 for the purchase of two pro- Director of Public SNety fessional bicycles, which cost a little more than $300 each, and uniforms and helmets for three officers. said, "they aid in crime prevention David Nichols, director of public and public relations." safety, hopes that a third bicycle will Nichols said the program has been be add to the patrol as soon as the very successful in strengthening the money becomes available. relationship between the students and The program began in July and officers, which is an important goal allows at least one officer to be on of the police department. bike patrol during the first and sec- "(The program) breaks down bar- ond shifts and sometimes even the riers between officers and members third. of the campus community," Nichols The police in the bicycle program said. "It is one of the strongest links are not student patrol officers, but in our community-oriented policing regular campus police officers. Ac- efforts." cording to Nichols, they are able to Nichols said that the Order of do everything police in patrol cars Omega's involvement with the pro- can do except transport prisoners. gram has helped with its success be- Nichols said they can issue parking cause it links the program not only to citations, assist motorists, respond the university police, but also to the quickly to calls on campus and even students who wanted it. pull motorists over for traffic viola- Nichols said that to his knowledge, tions. UAB is the only other university in

% "And most iflpomrly," Nichoh' Alabama to have\qs;lwilarprop*. Carnpus Police officer Mike WeUstops fo talk So JSU'siOdentsAllehWI'mbs and PMtjrAdcock. ' \i. ..I\ ...-I ><, * \ \ .. .,* ,. .*\ A*.*. . . A...,k. , * -,,,* ,,,,.., ,,*," ,,,,,,, *::,'t,.,bi,l'-%::'L' :2<' '.:: ' .::.".'-:-".::- '-"""., -- - The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 3

-.- .aBmL,&.-.a.+*.H*.**gad*n. . SGA issues cards, fills three vacant photos senate seats

Dyana Blythe said. "Then they can go out and re- of students, faculty and staff News Wriier cruit more students and the program will be theirs." The SGA will be distributing USA Demck will not actually be a part will be taken Oct. 7-11 savings cards into all students' cam- of the chapter, but all interested stu- pus mailboxes on Monday. dents should get in touch with her "(The cards) are basically discount through the SGA office by Friday. and Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 cards from around the community," SGA senator Andy Freeman an- Vice-President Sam Witherspoon nounced that the campus radio sta- said. tion, 92-J, will begin carrying Na- on the third floor Witherspoon said that he hopes ev- tional Public Radio programming on eryone will take advantage of the Monday. savings cards because the SGA The SGA also appointed Christina of Montgomery Building. worked hard when getting the cards Dobbs, Chris Dempsey, and Greg together over the summer. Turley to fill three vacant senate seats. President Jackie Demck announced Other appointments at Monday No reservations necessary. that Huntingdon College wants to night's meeting include Emory assist the University in starting a Serviss as a new Associate Justice to Seniors may have their photos chapter of the Alabama College Re- the SGA Judicial Court and Joleen taken in cap and gown, publicans Confederation. Roberts as chairman of the Huntingdon recently begantheirown AcademicImprovement Committee. chapter and is eager to work with The SGA meets at 6 p.m. every which will be furnished. other universities. Monday on the third floor of the "It only takes a few interested stu- Montgomery Building. The meetings dents to start the chapter," Derrick are open to all interested students.

Open DWARDS' 7 Days A Week SUPERMARKET 500 PELHAM ROAD, SOUTH - JACKSONVILLE 435-6630 None Sold To Dealers E Senior Citizen's @HOMEOWNED AND HOME OPERATED. STAMPI Discount Price Effective Sept. 18 thru Sept. 24,1991 Every Tuesday I LUNCH by GEORGE 10 TIL 2 DAILY IN OUR DELI "SPECIAL ORDERS ARE WELCOME"


Besides the scholarships awarded by the University, there are four Na- toanestimated$530,OOOforthe 1991- hosal Merit Scholars attending JSU 92 school year, not including music this year. and athletic scholarships. The money During the 1987-88 school year, will fund approx~mately200 aca- there were no National Ment Schol- demicscholarshipsaccor~ngtoLarry ars enrolled at JSU, but the Univer- Smith, director of Financial Aid. sity has gained a scholar every year "We have 120 faculty and leader- since then.

Program is a nationwide scholarship The scholarship fund has increased program. All students taking the by $372,808 since the 1985-86 aca- PSATNMSQT are automatically dem~cyear but is only up $2,700 entered into the program. The quali- from last year's $527,300. fying score for the semi-finalists is Qualifications and award amounts based on the natlonal average. vary for all scholarships. A11 majors Students qualifying as sem~final- and fields-of-study are represented ists then submit further scores and by the scholarship fund. applications.

Melanie Jones News Editor Recent JSU graduate Henry Hope Toby Schwartz, Kenny Simms, Brad between the campus police and the has traded in his basketball uniform Butler, Marvin Epps and Everett students. for a police uniform upon his return to Upshaw havejoinedtheprogramwhich The student patrol officers can lk his alrna mater. provides a number of services to the distinguished from full-time officers Hope joined the campus police de- campus community. by their uniforms' light blue shirts and pamnent as a full-time officer in Au- The student patrol officers provide are unarmed. gust and will artend the Northeast for building security, parking enforce- Nichols said the student program has Alabama Police Academy during this ment, traffic control and residence hall existed since he came to JSU and es- academic year. security. timated that it began in 1981. Hope played for JSU's basketball They also work with the female es- 'We are proud of this program and team for four years, which included a cort program which provides a uni- the students who work in it," Nichols trip to the Final Eight, but still made formed police escort for female stu- said. timetoserveasastudentpatrolofficer. dents upon request so the women will The student patrol officers are often "We're delighted to have him as part not have to walk moss the campus law enforcement students andNichols of our team," David Nichols, public alone at night. said the program provides them with safety director said. "He is excellent at The student patrol officers provide meaningful experience for future full publicrelationsandenjoysthecampus the walking patrol and provide assis- time police jobs. environment." tance tomotorists, such as getting keys The University currently employs Hope graduated from JSU in 1991 out of locked cars. five student patrol officers and 13 uni- with a degree in recreation. Nichols said that since the duties of formed police officers.

S 7 Locations Sewing Ahz6ama Since 195'0



WE ALSO CARRY 0 PERFORMING TALENT REQUIRED You can wln fame and fortune as Alabama's representatwe In the nat~onallytelev~sed MISS USA Pageant next w~nterThe search for MISS Alabama 1s on State f~nalsw~ll be held December 15th. 1991 In Blrm~nghamIf you are slngle and between the ages of 18 and 26 as of February 1, *LAVALIERS FRATERNITY RINGS 1992, you may quahfy For FREE entry Informa *PIN ON BADGE RINGS & PENDANTS .BADGES & CHAPTER GUARDS t~on,send your name, address, age and telephone *FRATERNITY & SORORITY JEWELRY *OFFICER DANGLES to MISSAlabama USA, Nat~onalHeadquarters, PO Box 676, Sllver Sprlng, Maryland 20918 or phone TOLL FREE 800-525-5025 Pelham Plaza 1028 Noble Street Anniston 237-9544 The Chanticleer Thursdav. September 19, 1991 5 SUBWAY'S *Adult Learners' Forum (ALF) receive one. Forms will be sent to will sponsor a reception from 2:30- each student through campus mail. 4 p.m., September26in theHouston =Duringthe fall term, the English Cole Library, 1lth floor. For more Competency Examination will be ANNIVERSARY SALE! informationcontactAliceCusimano, given at the following times: 6-7:30 Buy any footlong sub OfficeofStudentDevelopment,782- p.m. on Oct 8, and 3430 p.m. on 5020. Oct. 9. *Foot of the Mountains Arts and If you are eligible for the fall se- Crafts Festival will be held from 9 mester exam, you must preregister a.m.-4 p.m., Sept 21 at the Civic for it between now and Oct. 3 in the Center in Piedmont, featuring more English Department, Stone Center than lOOexhibitors,avarietyof food 215. There you'll be assigned a spe- vendors, live entertainment all day cific room for the test. When you and Dixie Auto Club's Annual Car take the exam, be sure to bring with Show with over 100enuies. Admis- youphotoidentification,ablue book sion is free. Sponsored by the Pied- and a blue or black pen. mont Arts Council. For more infor- Workshops for the fall examina- mation call 447-6061. tion will be held 3430p.m. on Sept. and get your second *Sign language classes will be of- 30 and 6-7:30 p.m. on Oct. 1 in a second one - FREE! fered this semester in two sessions: Memll Hall, Rm 101. While at- Now that's a deal you can Session 1 (Beginners) tending the one of the workshops really sink your teeth into. 4:30-6 p.m., Mondays Sept. 16 - willnotguaranteeaMpass,"it should FREE* Oct. 21 familiarize the student with what to Offer good Sunday, September 22 Only Session 2 (Intermediate) expect on the examination. NOTE: 4:30- 6 p.m., Mondays at. 28- Attendance at the workshop is NOT 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 9 a requirement to take the exam. No phoneins ------Allclasses willbeofferedinRamona *WSis currently taking applica- *Second tootlong sub must be of equal or lesser price. Not good In comblnatlon with any other offer. Wood 3 17. Call 782-5093 for more tions for the fall semester. Shifts that are available range from 6 a.m. - 1 information. College Center S. Quintard *The scheduled shipment date for p.m. and late night on weekdays. All the 1991 Mimosa is Oct. 5. They interested students can contact the Jacksonville Anniston will be mailed to students' homes. station at 782-5571. 435-4367 238-8222 Students who did not reserve a copy -International English Honor Soci- during the 1990-91 school year will ety, Sigma Tau Delta, will hold its not be allowed to pick up a copy in organizational meeting for the year at the Mimosaoffice. There may bean 2 p.m., Sept 30 in Houston Cole opportunity to purchase copies later. Library, 1lth floor,east seminar room. We only printed as many copies as We will elect officers and plan our Btudent Organization we had orders. The procedure for agenda.~~majasandm~h reserving a copy of the 1992Mimosa second semester sclphomores to gmdu- will be the same. Students must re- ateswith3.0averageort!etterinEnglish Oficers 6 Administration serve a free copy or they will not are eligible to become members. Thanks to caring counselors are cordially invited to attend and medicaistaff++. h Leadership Reception

If you are pregnant-our professional counselors B medical staff provide carlng help In a conftdentlal amecock Center/&tephenson Hal non-judgemental atmosphere. Don't Go Through Life Alone..Call Us.

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1032 18th St. SO B~rm~ngham,AL 35205 (205) 933-6735 Licensed by the State of Alabama Most Insurance and Malor Cred~rCards Accepted 6 Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer

Housing needs help Living it up with CNN and Heflin

This fall as in years past students have moved into residence Friday the 13th. That's not such a But it is nice to know that they are hall only to find rules left unenforced and problems rampant. scary date now is it? I mean, we there. Whenever we want to, we can Many students have complained about excessive noise and evidently all lived through it and sit down and watch our democratic probably without any particular process. drinking in some halls (further evidenced by the fact that harm. It has been said that a free flow of some violators has even thrown up in the stairwells). Well, on with the story. It was last information is the only way to pre- No doubt, the University Housing Office does want to make Friday as I was getting ready for serve a democracy. I agree. living on campus comfortable and convenient for all students. class that I turned on the television live right here in Jacksonville, Ala- ow ell Heflin, for example, has After all, the number of students who return to seek campus - for something at least to listen to bama. been in office for some years. For the while shaving, dressing and so forth And I was impressed by the idea of first time now, we can see how he is housing after the first year is a direct reflection on that office's -when what to my wandering eyes CNN bringing the whole process doing -- how he fairs against all those effectiveness. should appear but Howell Heflin on home to us. These type hearings are guys from Iowa and Hawaii. It is But, unfortunately, lack of discipline in the halls still CNN. as old as our nation, but in the past certainly a better way to judge our continues. And students living on campus may follow their There he was, big as life, our own citizens were basically alienated from Congressmen than those fliers they predecessors again this year with a mass exodus from campus North Alabama senator. the process. each send out every few months. Now don't turn me off yet. No I All we could do is read about it, one It even beats the news because there housing next fall. don't watch CNNa lot, but on Friday day removed, in the papers or catch a is no editting or editorializing before Some students are afraid to speak up. Some are intimidated. the 13th it's good to keep up with three minute snippet on the evening it gets to us. Some are just disgusted after years of the same old problems worldevents. Whoknows what might news. Yes, cable television is opening up recumng year after year. happen. But modem technology has, for the our government to us. As to whether One of the most positive things the housing office, and, Anyway Senator Heflin and his first time in 215 years, brought our it will take over your prime time comrades were questioning Supreme democracy home to us -right there programming, don't wony -- even indeed, the University, has done in recent years is the insti- Court nominee Clarence Thomas. in living color. those guys dontt.want to miss Mon- tution of the Residence Hall Association. RHA gives students Actually, they were drilling Thomas Personally, I think it cannot replace day NightFootball. a voice and can be instrumental in solving these problems with questions left and right. The newspapers, and it certainly won't do So we need not worry, but just take once for all. issues varied. Idon'teven recall what away with the evening news. After advantage of watching live govem- ment on CNN. The Robert Gates -- Realistically, it will take some time. These are not simple which issue Heflin was taking on. all, who of us has time or desire to sit But the important thing is that I was around and watch confirmation hear- CIA hearings are next. problems. watching the confirmation hearings ings every day. Who knows what might happen. But action must be taken. Campus police could do routine walks-through the halls to better control public drinking. Resident assistants and hall directors need to be sensitive to these problems, and especially their effect on new students. Let's remember Pearl Harbor They too need to crack down on violators. And administrators need not be afraid simply to remove habitual offenders from A former Navy ensignat Pearl Harbor, John Westerman, of Atlanta, Ga., had an idea. He lined up 20 Japanese campus housing. veterans of World War I1 to come to Atlanta and apolo- Lewis Grizzard gize to American Pearl Harbor survivors for the Dec. 7, 1941, sneak attack. The Pearl Harbor Survivors Association (PHSA) said, to paraphrase, you must be kidding. %e Chanticleer As a result, John Westerman's idea sank like the Ari- 'A nation that ls afraid to let its people judge truth zona. told how successful the sneak attack had been. and falsehood in an open market is a natron that You want to forgive the Japanese, go ahead. It's still a "My blood boiled both times, " he wrote. is afrald of ~tspeople. ' freecountry.Thanks toa lot of things: Iwo Jima, Midway, Wrote 85-year-old Alice Mathis of Atlanta, "Why -JOM E Kennedy Hirshima, Nagasaki - to name a few. should we fear offending these people when they were But a lot of Americans simply won't have any of it. Can plotting massacre while the diplomats were smilingly Editor in Chief Business Manager Layout. Editor you blame the American survivors for the blood and negotiating in Washington?" Eric G. Mackey Jason Thompson Cllnton Baker brutality they saw that Sunday moming 50 years ago? A letter signed "World War I1 Vet," said, "Germany's News Editor City News Editor Faculty Adviser Recently I wrote about the U.S. government's decision back strong as ever and so is Japan. Next thing we know, Melan~eJones Christie Ware TJ Hemlinger not to inviteour World War I1 Alliesto the 50th anniversary they'll be carving up what's left of the Soviet Union." ceremonies at Pearl Harbor in December. Eleanor L. Jones of Atlanta wrote, "I was 14, listening Features Editor Copy Editor Staff Reporter The reason: soas not to offend the Japanese. Say what? to the radio account of the attack ... my feelings haven't Michelle Martln Krlsta Cavender Keith Langner What business is it of the Japanese who weinvite? It's our changed much since. I don't think the Japanese mentality Sports Editor Photo Director ceremony. Underneath thk Arizona Memorial lie our and inbred desire for conquest haseither. Just the tactics." Secretary dead. Said C.K. Cook of suburban Marietta, Ga, "Offend Tim Hathcock Jay Ennls Patsy Long The mail was mostly in agreement with those thoughts. them -- Hell! We should stop trading with them." And this from Harold L. Criner, also of Marietta, who ?heChankleer, the student newspaper of Jocksonwlle State University. u produced Actually I got only two letters that disagreed. One called entireiy by students The ed~torhas the final decison on ed~torblcontent Fundlng Is me a racist. The other called me xenophobic. The fear of wrote his father served in Guam and Saipan. "I concur provided through Urnverslty appropriations and advertising revenue Offces are in 180 people named Xeno, I suppose. with telling the Japanese to put it where the Rising Sun Self Hall doesn't shine." Letten to the edltor must be typed, double-spaced, s~gnedwth the wnter s offillation Bob Degenhart of Kiawah Island, S.C., was a Navy wth the University and a phooe number It should be no longer than 300 words lieutenant commander in the Pacific during the war. He Forgiving means forgetting. At the outset of William L. Guests commentones are welcome Contact the edltor for details Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, he quotes Ideas on the ed~tonalpage are the op~n~onsof the edltonal stoff unlw othelwfse wrote that hedidn't know which hadmade him the sickest noted - seeing what was left of Pearl Harbor shortly after the this from Santayana:'Those who cannot remember the The edltor reserves the right to edit for content or space attack, or returning years later to the memorial to see past are condemned to repeat it." Send all submtsslons to Enc Mockey. The Ckmkleer, Box 3060, JSU. Jacksonv~lle,Ala 36265 Deadline for all submtsskm b 2 p m Fndoy Japanese tourists laughing and cheering when they were So sorry, Xeno. The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 7 4etters to the Edito-

In response to Tim Hathcock's for lunch. comment in his personal articleabout I challenge Tim to drive 500 laps at 'porn he doesn't can for, I he Bristolor Dover and if he Changes obviously doesn't know what he's his mind, talking about. I have been involved in auto racing Plus, you will not see a stock car for over 30 years and I know for a driver competing in a Superstar com- fact that auto racing is just as physi- petition. They do not have to prove they are athletes, they prove it on the cally and mentally demanding as any *--L other sport he mentioned UdLL I raced for three years before I Sincerely, moved to Jacksonville. I know it is a Allen Hastings lot harder than driving to McDonald's Campus Police Supreme Court: putting beano to the test Recently I received a letter from a buildups that causeexplosionsin ani- public service, to do a Beano Field spots, awaiting developments. Other justice of the United States Supreme mals, plants, plumbing, humans, etc. Test. To make sure the the test was people at these night sports were prob Court concerning a product called In recent months I've received news- legally valid,Iaskedafriendof mine, ably having exciting, romantic conver- "Beano." paper reports of explosions involv- The Miomi Herold Paul Levine, who'sa trained attorney sations, but ours went like this: I absolutely swear I am not making ing a flounder, a marshmallow, a as well as an author, if he'd partici- ME: So! How's everyone doing? this up. The lener, written on official mattress, two wine bottles, several pate. Paul is a selfless, concerned BETH: All quiet! U.S. Su~remeCourt srationerv. pacemakers (during cremation), citizen, so I was not surprised at his PAUL: Not a slap, crackle or pop! comes from Justice John Paul countless toilets, a flaming cocktail statute is ... All right! Who sliced the answer. Anyway, the bonom (Har!) line is that Stevens, who states: called a "harbor light," chicken liv- Limburger? (He glares at other jus- "Only if you mention that my criti- Beano seems to work pretty well. Pdul "Having long been concerned about ers, snail eggs, a turkey, a tube of tices.) cally acclaimed novel 'To Speak for reported the next day that all had been the problem of exploding cows, it Poppin' Fresh Biscuits, a raccoon JUSTICE SCALIA: Well, I am not the Dead" is now available in paper- fairly calm, althoug at 3:30 am. he was seemed imperative to pass on to you and a set of breast implants. naming names, but I happened to be back, " he said. awakened by an outburst "You're fa- the enclosed advertisement, the im- So needless to say, many readers glancing at the liberal wing of the "I'm afraid I can't do that," I said. miliar with the Uzi?" was how he put it portance of which I am sure will be had already alerted me about Beano. court, andIdefinitely saw somerobes But Paul agreed to participate, al- I myself was far safer than usual to light immediately apparent to you." Several of them had sent me actual billow, if you catch my drift. though I want to stress that, being a a match around, and Beth re@ that Justice Stevens enclosed an adver- samples of Beano, which comes in JUSTICE BLACKMUN: Oh, sure, woman, she has never, ever, in her the dog had been unusually quikt tisement from Cooking Light maga- small plastic bottles, from which you and I suppose the conservative wing entire life, not once, produced any So this could be an important product zine for Beano, which, according to squirt drops onto your food. But until doesn't sound like The All Star Kazoo kind of gaseous digestive byproduct, Maybe, when you go to a restaurant, if the manufacturer, Beano quotations I got Justice Stevens' letter, I had not Band over there. My opinions are and when she does she blames it on youordercertainfccds,thewaitershculd from various recognized intestinal- realized that this was a matter of blowing off the bench. the dogs. bring Beano to your table, instead of gas authorities, including (I am still concern in the highest levels of gov- JUSTICE O'CONNOR: Oh yeah? To make htis the most demanding thm stupid utility-polesized pepper not making this up) The New York ernment. When you see the Supreme Well why don't you take your opin- field testpossible, we went toaMexi- grinders "Care for some Beano?,, the Times, The Idaho Statesman and Court justices, they always appear to ions and .. can restaurant. Mexican restaurants waiter could say. 'Tmme, you'll need Regis Philbin. The advertisement be extremely solemn, if not actually This is bad for America. We need slip high-octane beans into virtually it" calls Beano "a scientific and social deceased. It never occurs to you that, our highest judicial body to stop the everything they serve, including And getting back to Justice Stevens' breakthrough," and states: "It's time under those robes, THEY HAVE DI- childish bickering and get back to breath mints. It is not by merechance origmal concern,I think federal helicop to spill the Beano." GESTIVE SYSTEMS, TOO. But debating the kinds of weighty consti- that most of Mexico is located out- ten shod spray massive quantities of I was already aware of this product. they do, as can be seen by a careful tutional issues that have been ab- doors. Beanoonthenation'sdauyfarms,to I don't wish to toot my own horn, so reading of the transcript of a recent sorbed the court in recent years, such Paul, Beth and I applied the Beano reduce the cow methane output And of to speak, but thanks to the efforts of court hearing: as whether a city can legally force an to our food as directed -three to course it should be MANDATORY in hundreds of alert readers, my office CHIEF JUSTICE REHNQUIST: exotic dancer to cover her entire eight drops per serving- and we ate the dining rooms of the United States happens to be the World Clearing Is the court to understand, then, that nipple, or just the part that pokes out. it For the rest of the evening we Congress. I'm sure the Supme Court House for information relating to gas the counsel's interpretation of the So I decided, as a tax-deductible wandered around to various night willbackmeuponthis. Would you pay an extra $1 0 per semester for the move to Division I-AA?

Angi Ascher Angela Ducken Jill Themien Brian McMillan Annette McGuire Freshman Senior Junior Junior Sophomore Sophomore

Yes I would. But would it Not really. I suppose No,Iwouldn'tIdon'tthink No, I mean if the move Yes. In the longrun itwill If everyone agrees that is be fair to our teams? It will they11 just stick it onto it is fair for us to foot the isn't going to take place pull in more money for the right thing to do, then be tough for them to tuition without our vote. bill unless we'll see the until 19%, how am I go- the school. For example, O.K. We should have a compete in the fist years, Other schools who have benefits. I bet..we want ing toreceive any positive scholarship mneY... can student vote to let the but I guess we'll have to made the move haven't see any school improve- results for my investment. atmcteven more talented majority decide. start sometime. done too well. m~ntc students. 8 Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer

Author discusses rape as part of safety awareness

Michelle Martin reports and statistics of all post-secondary schools be Features Editor made public. Certainly Lindquist's efforts, the safety awareness Now more than ever crime is on the rise -- not just in the inner programs and the Act can only ease the date rape epidemic cities, but also on university and college campuses across the flooding the nation today. According to recent studies, country. In fact, an average 18 crimes are committed each one out of every four women will be raped before she week at JSU alone. graduates; and the chances are four times greater she will JSU and colleges nation-wide are taking measures to de- be raped by someone she knows than by a stranger. crease the number of crimes which occur on campus. One such Take the Katie Koestner incident, for example. "Time" example of the crime prevention tactics currently being magazine reports Koestner, now a sophomore at William emplemented is Safety Awareness Week. and Mary College in Virginia, was allegedly raped by Monday the University Program Council will host "Creating someone she had been dating her first par at college. a Safe Campus" at 8 p.m. in Montgomery Building auditorium Just like Lindquist, Koestner began a nation-wide cam- as part of the safety awareness program. Among the various paign to get college administrations more involved in topics to be discussed include crime prevention within the rape incidents involving students. Koestner argues the residence halls and datelacquaintance rape. Author, lecturer system is unfair, for she waited seven and one-half hours Scott Lindquist will be the guest speaker. to speak with a hearing officer about her case, only to For six years Lindquist has been touring the country, dis- learn her attacker was found guilty of sexual assault. His cussing crime prevention to more than 500 corporations and punishment did not fit the crime in Koestner's eyes -he universities. Focusing on date rape, Lindquist developed the was banished from any fraternity or residential house on "ABC'sof Dating Violence," which is essentially his lecturing campusother than hisown for four years, but wasallowed outline, and wrote a book, "Before He Takes You Out." to remain on campus. Says Lindquist in his biographical information release, "My "Time" discusses another case when public notification purpose is not to condemn men, fraternities or male attitides, of crimes on campus could have made a difference. Four but to educate and motivate men and women to look at girls at Carleton College in Minnesota might have pre- themselves, start communicating, and save themselves before vented their assaults had the school warned them of the they become the victim or the perpetrator of a crime." crimes committed by a student there. All four charge they Apparently Lindquist is getting his point across. In fact, he were sexually attacked by the same man, whom the dean is such an effective speaker even the White House has asked of students said, "had no priors other than advances his help. Lindquist briefed the White House on the extent of without sanction." crime on college campuses and discussed the Campus Security Fortunately with the new Act, encouragement of vic- and Crime Awareness Act of 1991, which was still pending tims such as Koestner and the prevention programs given before Congress at the time, but has since been approved. by speakers such as Lindquist, safety awareness will rise Scott Lindquist will speak next week about the The Campus Security and Crime Awareness Act of 1991 to new heights so that at colleges nation-wide, as well as prevention of date rape. goes into effect September 1992, and mandates that crime at JSU, we will be "Creating a Safe Campus."

Health care no problem for JSU offeredFree tutorial at Center services

sources of funding, such as tuition. eter, antihistamine, paintfever reducer and an- Dyana Blythe From Staff Reports tibiotic ointment. Bandages and elastic ban- Features Writer During the summer, a health care consultant examined JSU's infirmary and offered ways dage wraps, as well as an ice pack, are also Even though it is early in the semester, there for improvement. Better health education pro- included. Condoms are optional. is a service available to students who are At a time when campus health care cut-backs grams as well as hiring an additional employee Although JSU does not offer this kit, the having difficulty with thier classes -- the are affecting colleges across the country. JSU were suggested. University does provide a comparable Emer- Center for Individualized Instruction. has no plans of changing its health care facili- One way in which University health care has gency Guide for Injuries and Illnesses. Jane Barnes, assistant director of the CII, ties, according to H. Bascom Woodward 111, already improved this semester is with ex- Woodwardsays these handbooks are free. 'We says, "CII is 100 percent effective in helping vice president for Student Affairs. panded operating hours. Williams Infirmary is are not trying to make money off the students in students pass. Tutors are available in biology, Vema Armstrong, senior educational re- now open from 7:30 a.m. until 530 p.m., but the area of health care." chemistry, math, English, psychology, soci- sources consultant with the American Associa- Woodward hopes to change the hours to 8 a.m. First aid kits, which consist of many of the ology, history, Spanish, French andcomputer tion of State Colleges and Universities, says until 6 p.m. Woodwarc says, "Students usually items as the College-Aid Health Care Kits, are science. "Because schools are trying to keep their total seek health care in the afternoon hours rather also available in residence halls, laboratories, Students who start experiencing problems costs as low as possible, some fees, like health than in the morning." He also says Williams offices and athletic buildings. in class are urged to go to CII for help early on fee, are not escalated to maintain service." Infmary will have another employee Oct 1. JSU is also expanding its health services by in the semester. Those students fill outa form Woodward believes, however, there is no Unlike JSU, other universities are scram- hiring additional employees. Williams Infir- in the CII office, located on the ground floor need for JSU students to worry about their bling to keep their health programs in tack by mary now has a private doctor and registered of theHouston Cole Library, and are assigned health care. He said, "We have no plans to cut raising funds on their own and providing Col- nurse and will hire a nurse practitioner in Oc- a tutor at that time. back health care in any areas. As a matter of lege-Aid Health Care Kits. These kits, de- tober. Barnessays the main thing students seeking fact, we're probably going to improve our signed by S.D. Salvi, are distributed to students Another special feature of the University help need is desire. Shesaya they have "no health care." in residence halls and apartments. Salvi says health care program is group insurance plans miracle dust," but they want to help students However, College Press Service states many the kits emerged because he "felt like kids which are available through the SGA. all they can. campus health services will be terminated due know absolutely nothing about health care." Fortunately JSU is ahead of other schools in Interested students can go by CII from 7:30 to budget reductions. Consequently, student According to CPS, the kit costs $19.95 and one area which should not be neglected -- a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week.TheCenter is health clinics are trying to find alternative in~ludesaG-~a~ehealth care guide, thermom- student's health. I open until 9 p.m. ~onda~sand Wednesdays. I The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 9

Church offers marriage strengthening class 'Until death do you part' camaraderie." Keith Langner "Our main purpose is to Although "Nearlyweds and New- Features Writer lyweds" meetsduringregular Sunday enrich Young ~0'~"sin morning- study time. church mem- One of the most frightening statis- the fornative years of bership is not a prerequisite for the tics for a couple planning to marry is their marriage or pro- class. "We'd like to encourage any- a 50-50 chance of their marriage one who has a serious relationship to swiving. John Holloway, partor of $pective and lo come and be a p~tof it. We think it the First Baptist Church of Jackson- vrovide a Biblical basis wouldbevery beneficial," Holloway ville, and his wife Jane have started for the relationship." says. a class called "Nearlyweds and New- "With all the pressure on today's lyweds" an First Baptist Church. -- Jane Holloway family and the traditional family be- Mrs. Holloway says "Our main FBC, Jacksonville ing brokendown, we feel this isafirst purpose is to enrich young couples in step to strengthening and building the formative years of their marriage ing JSU in 1970. The couple has been the family," Mrs. Holloway says. or prospective marriage and to pro married 17 years,and both feel adeep "We feel First Baptist Church is vide a biblical basis for the relation- sense of commitment to young strategically located, and we are B ship." couples. "Having been a part of the making a new commitment to the a University system, we think we un- U Her husband explains, "It's .,, .,, University and to the college stu- .- amazing to me that we spend more derstand student needs as well as dents" Holloway says. "We would C time teaching someone how to drive anyone," Holloway says. like to be able to put into their hand a than we ever do in preparing them for There are many issues pressing biblical base for theirrelationships, a More than 140 men are participating in JSU Fraternity Rush marriage -- yet they are entering into today's young couples that will be foundation we believe God will this week. This is the first time rushees have been divided in one of the most responsible things covered in the class. "We spend a honor. groups and taken from house to house. Led by Rho Gamms, they will ever enter into. Our (class) great deal of time trying to help "We are trying to offer a relevant fraterinity members whose Greek affiliations are kept secret is a very low-keyed and practical couples (by using) other couples in ministry that will touch students at a during the week, the rushees will have a chance to look at approach to marriage. We use the theclass," Holloway saysUIthelps to very important time in their lives. A all fraternities. Here AT0 member Greg Morris talks with Bible as our source-book, as well as have other people in the class who course like this will go a long way in rushee Mark Gregg while AT0 Tim Umberhandt looks on. outside, current resources." have already been through some of strengthening a yoting couple's rela- The Holloway's met while attend- the same difficulties. There is a lot of tionship."

our new ptedges into our sisterhood,

Janna McKee Billie Trivett Catherine Smith Kari Smith Kristi Glasscox Elaine Tidwell Cynthia Wilmarth Marsha Hines Janelle Tucker Jennifer Williams Paige Vandergriff Dondra Kema Renee Scucchi 10 Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer

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SHOE by Jeff ~ac~e//u I The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 13 The Flip Side 'Hard At Play' +rth Watching-l had and said, "Who let these people in? I V I great expectations to live up to We love stuff like that. It shows to- Upcoming events for Sept. 19-25 in Atlanta, Birmingham Wednesday, Sept. 11, when they getherness - and that's what we're and Calhoun/Etowah counties: played at Birmingham's Oak Moun- all about." tain Amphitheater. After being called Michelle Martin Lewis and The News shifted gears Music: into a good old rock 'n' roll show, back for at least two encores at their Features Editor Storm Orphans, performing at 10:30 p.m. today, at 1987 performance for the"Forewtour performing "Bad Is Bad," the ever Brother's Bar, 405 Pelham Rd., Jacksonville. 435-6090. at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic popular "I Want a New D&g" and Human Radio, performing at 10:30 p.m.today, at Louie Center, The News had to get "Hard "." As Budweiser Louie, 2001 Highland Ave., Birmingham. 933-2778. At Play" to please the straight-and- ence to Southside in Birmingham, beer sponsors Huey Lewis and The Vova Nova, performing at 10:30 p.m. Friday, at The Nick, narrow working class crowd at the Lewis delved back in time to the '50s News' "Hard At Play" tour, the "Bud 2514 10th Ave., S., Birmingham. 322-7550. Amphitheater. for a little different partying atrno- girls" and crew joined Lewis for the Barbara Mandrell, performing at 8 p.m. Saturday, at Eventually The News came across sphere. chorus of "Couple Days Off." Southern Star Amphitheatre at Six Flags, Atlanta. loud and clear, but was a liule misun- Actually it was just like something It was a night for sitting back and Paul Simon, performing at 8 p.m. Saturday, at Oak derstoodatfist. Lewis appeared tired from the movie "Grease." Lewis and taking it easy, listening to some cool, Mountain Amphitheatre, Pelham (Birmingham.) 9854900 and shaky - his vocals flat and The News came out from behind the basic rock 'n' roll music and having or 939-3278. strained. Perhaps he needed a"Coup1e curtain wearing lamented jackets - a ball. It was a night that did not want Sting, performing at 8 p.m. Tuesday. at Oak Mountain Days Off," or as he said before the The News in silver and front-man toend, however, for Huey Lewis and Amphitheatre, Pelham (Birmingham.) 985-4900 or 939- third song, just to get warmed up. Lewis in gold-and black sunglasses The News came back for an encore, 3278. The lauer must have been the case, for a doo-whop session. It was quite performing hits "," "If This Is It," and "Working for as Lewis and The News began an impressive acapella performance, Theatre: For a Living," which Lewis dedi- singing their 1987 hit single, "Power complete with choreographed line- "Doctor Zhivago," playing at 7 p.m. Friday through of Love," the audience was on its feet dancing and knee-dropping.S ha-Na- cated to "everyone who has a day Sunday, at Alabama Theatre, 18 1 1 Third Ave., N., Bir- dancing. Na could not have done better. job." mingham. 251-0418. So Huey Lewis and The News did In fact, young and old were up Appropriately enough, The News "The Passion of Joan of Arc,' playing at 7 p.m. Friday, at dancing and singing along. People segued into "Heart of Rock 'N' Roll" not have two encores, but they did Birmingham Art Association, Birmingham. 328-9127. ranging from age 10 to 60 repre- at this point, continuing with the cur- perform almost 20 songs throughout sented the sold-out crowd at the rent single "Hits Me Like a Hammer" the two hour show. Lacking from this Art: Amphitheater. Whata shock it was to and "Attitude" from the "Hard At concert were only "Heart and Soul," Arts Festival of Atlanta, beginning at 11 a.m. until 9:30 see a woman old enough to be Play" . "," Stuck With p.m.now until Sunday, at Piedmont Park, MidtownAtlanta. someone's grandmother partying After performing these hits, Lewis You" and "Walking On aThin Line." *Photograph a Word," appearing at 7 p.m, today, at with the youngsters. paused and noticed a sign in the audi- However, not many times do musi- Hulsey Recital Hall, University of Alabama at Birmingham. And a party it was -old-fashioned ence. A group of girls holding green, cians play all their hits, but Huey 254-2566. rock 'n' roll style. After exciting fans glow-in-the-dark plastic necklaces Lewis and The News came close. with "Fore" super hit "Jacob's Lad- had put their necklaces together to They were definitely "Hard At Play" der," in which Lewis makes refer- form the wordHUEY. Lewis pointed and deserve a "Couple Days Off."

Meet with representatives from a variety of companies and organizations to explore your career options and employment opportunities. All JSU Students are invited to attend the Fair on: Tuesday, September 24,1991 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. TtlET(ON MONTGOMEW BUILDING ~UDITOT(I(IM PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE: *Alabama Dept. of Public Safety Indianapolis Police Dept. *SouthTrust Bank *Alabama Extension Service K-Mart Corporation *Southern Research Institute *BellSouth Corporation Kroger *Tandy - Radio Shack Bruno's *L.M. Berry & Company *Tanner Medical Center *Colonial Bank *Majik Market *U.S. Coast Guard *Federal Bureau of Investigation *Massachusetts Mutual *U.S. Space and Rocket Center Federal Bureau of Prisons *Mariff, Dowdy & Associates *U.S. Steel *Haverty Furniture Companies *Montgomery Police Dept. *U.S. Office of Personnel Management *HibbitlsSporting Goods *Sherman Williams *University of Alabama - Graduate School *Hill Crest Hospital *Snelling & Snelling Wakefield's e1.R.S. *Social Security Administration *And More ... 14 Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer

JSU prepares for Braves game

Tim Hathcock be 2-0," Burgess said. Sports Editor Coach Ron Jurney's West Georgia team is led offensively by quarterback Chris Bennett. A perfect record against West Georgia hangs He is 19 of 32 passing for 275 yards and 2 in the balance for JSU as it hosts the Braves at touchdowns. The Braves have two competent 2 p.m. Saturday in Paul Snow Stadium. running backs in Eric Gomillion and Louis The Gamecocks are 1-0 after romping over Lomax. Gomillion leads West Georgia with Alabama A&M in its season opener on Sept. 7. 140 yards and is followed closely by Lomax JSU was idle last week. West Georgia lost a with 125 yards. heart-breaker last week to Troy State 13-10. Defensively, the Braves play out of a4-3 base They led 10-0 heading into the final quarter which has proved to be tough against the run. against theTrojans The loss leaves West Geor- West Georgia allowed an average of 82 yards gia at 1-1 overall and 0-1 in the Gulf South rushing in its first two games. Burgess added, Conference. This is the conference opener for "They do a great job of getting people to the the Gamecocks. football. They are going to make you em JSU has never lost to the Braves. They are 13- everything you get." 0 against them, including eight consecutive Burgess has the same formula for success as wins since West Georgia joined the GSC in he always does; not giving up the big play, no 1983. JSU coach Bill Burgess said previous turnovers, fewer penalties and no breakdowns records had no affect on his team's preparation. in the kicking game. "We've got to leam to get "We're going to fry to do our best on Saturday better with every ballgame. In our system, if and not worry about what happened last year or you don't improve, you go backwards," added before that. I'm sure they've got 'It written all Burgess. over their walls, but our guysdon't do a lot of On the injury front, only freshman defensive talking about that." tackle Andre Young is out for the Gamecocks. Burgess certainly has a great deal of respect Young suffered an ankle injury and is expected for this year's West Georgia squad. to miss five to six weeks. "This is the best West Georgia team we've Burgess offers no excuses if his Gamecocks faced since we've been here. You can tell by don't win Saturday. "If West Georgia beats us, watching the Troy game that they believe they it will be because they lined UP between the Coach Eddie Garfinkle discusses a play with (1 to R) Mickey Miller, Ja'Karl Barnett, should have won that game. They could easily white lines and whipped us." Terry White and Rodney Scott. Golf team challenges previous ranking

Jcry Ennis Day three was better, but the team went into leader, not to mention an experienced golfer," Photo Director the final round under pressure. "We played "We have to put last year be- commented Hobbs. very aggressive golf in an attempt to get into Senior Brian Nay played in one tournament the top four. Some of the risks we took might hind us and stand up to the last year. He often missed the five-member have cost a stroke here and there, but I'm pressure we'll receive from a competition team by a stroke or two last year. The JSU golf team, with a seventh-place proud of their effort. We only finished six fairly high ranking. I believe He told Hobbs he is playing his best golf now finish in the 1991 National Championship, strokes behind a fourth-place finish," Hobbs and hopes to be a consistent contender. gained regional and national respect and is said. my players will focus on that Red-shin freshman Michael Swiger is a two- now facing the challenge again. This year's team has a strong nucleus with time winner of the West Virginia Junior Ama- The team will go into the season without the task and compete with desire juniors Jeff Jordan and Jack Napier returning. 99 teur Championships. He had a good summer services of the No. 1 and No. 2 strokes-per- Jordanfinished theseason with a74.61 strokes and determination. and may well fill a missing spot on the team. round leaders, Gary Wigington and Mike per round average. He won the Gulf South -- James Hobbs Also in the running are freshmen recruits Lindsey. Wigington, lost to eligibility, will Conference Championship individual title. JSU golf coach Justin Roberts and Nicholas Peters. Decatur remain at the University to finish his degree "Jeff looks to be our No.1 player," Hobbs native Roberts won his high school sectional and assist as a coach. Lindsey will attend stated. "After a difficult fall season, he came tournament and has been steady in early prac- Auburn University this fall. back with an impressive spring. He was our "I'm expecting he'll rise to the occasion and tice rounds this fall. Peters played for the state The two led the Gamecocks to a first-place lowest player, stroke-wise, in the spring." turn in consistent performances." champion Vestavia Hills High School squad finish after the opening day of the National After his GSC Championship win, Jordan Strong performances are also expected from and has done well on some good courses. Championshipsat Cypress Links in WestPalm was invited to play in the Western Amateur Randy Burns, a new arrival who has recently "We hesitate to put freshmen players in Beach, Fla. The second day of competition held in Benton Harbor, Mich. Jordan missed a finished a stint in the U.S. Army. Burns has a high-pressure situations, but I feel like our was poor according to Coach James Hobbs, bid to attend theNational Amateur Champion- year of junior college golf under his belt as freshmen have already performed under pres- "Usually if one player is struggling on a par- ship by one stroke. well as an impressive golf career while serv- sure. With a smooth transition into the colle- ticular day, someone else will pick up their Napier did well in the nationals, tying with ing. He won the 1990U.S. Army Golf Cham- giate ranks, these boys could contribute this slack. That day saw everyone perform under Jordan for twenty-first place. "Jack played pionship. "Randy is a little older than the rest average. It's sad, but that happens in golf." well in some tough tournaments," Hobbs said. of the team. I anticipate that he'll be a mature See Golf Dage 15 .--..,*.p--... C .---. .------.-..------. r_..^__L _. "-- --.. ^.., .. - . .*..-.. The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 15

Las Vegas-type betting affecting whole nation GOI~ From page14 People lose more than grocery year,"Hobbssaid. Stephen Saunders and David Groat, two strongteam members from last season, will not be playing during the fall. Hobbs said that money on sports gambling although they will miss half the season, he hopes their return next semester will help to Monday Night Football, Sept. 9, the Dallas Sox." Seven members of that team were ex- his Young squad. Cowboys score an apparent touchdown with pelled from baseball, including Shoeless Joe too early* to make two seconds left on the clock to pull within Tim Hathcock Jackson (see "Field of Dreams1')).Jackmn set predictions," Hobbs said. "We're living in a three points of the Washington Redskins. The the precedent for Rose as he too was a sure bet year. We have to Put last Year behind us play is being reviewed by the instant replay for the Hall of Fame. (The charges were never and stand up pressurewe'1lreceive from official. 'Ihousands of fans across the country proven, but the commissioner of baseball has a high ranking. Ibelieve my players will breathlessly await his decision. greatpowers todeterminewhobelongsin base- focus on that task and compete with desire and What's that you say? Thegame is over,right? "bookie charge," usually 10 percent, to the ball and who doesn't). determination." There is no way the Cowboys can win, right? losers. If they have the same numberof winners Tulane University shut down its basketball The golf team opens its season on Sept. 30 at Well, yes and no. The game is over for most as losers each week, the bookies take home 10 program completely in the mid-1980s fearing the Tri-State Classic in Paris. Tenn. The JSU fans, but not for those who have placed a bet percent of whatever the losers bet, and that can its gambling problems were so widespread it golf team has gained regional and IMtional with the local bookie. be a pretty hefty sum. This is all very much could not contain them. Boston College suf- respect the past two seasons. A seventh-~lace You see, the Cowboys are a 3-point underdog illegal. fered a sirnilat scandal a few years earlier, finish in the 1991 National Championships to the 'Skins. If the Cowboys score here and So what's the hann? Well, a lot of people although its program survived. put the team on the map. Staying there is the add the extra point, they have covered the have lost a lot more than grocery money gam- Remember Chet Forte, the guru of television for this year's squad. spread. bling. Ex-future Hall of Famer Pete Rose is the sports? Gambling has ruined his career. He If you think the only big-time gambling going most famous example. Former Colts quarter- awaits sentencing on a gambling conviction. on is in Las Vegas, head to your favorite sports back Art Schlister lost a promising career to And what of the thousands of not-so-famous The Chanticleer bar some Monday and watch the patrons react gambling. He was so far in debt he asked the people whose lives have forever changed due needs toevery scoreas if it's theapocalypse. Sure, the FBI for help. You see, bookies tend not tobe so to a gambling addiction? Yes, it's an addiction lines are set in Las Vegas, but they are used all understanding when you owe them, say, half a all right. Gamblers Anonymous is alive and photographers! across the nation. million dollars or so. In fact, they can bedown- well. Call 782-5701 Here's how it works. Bookies get their lines right ornery about it. By the way, after further review, the Dallas from Las Vegas at the beginning of each week. Isolated cases, you say? There's more. Early touchdown was upheld. The exua point point . or come by The lines are then manipulated so as to have the in this century, the Chicago White Sox were was good. And those who bet on the Cowboys I80 Self Hall same number of people betting on each team. accused of throwing the 1919 World Series, were happy and those who bet on Washington That way the bookies can't lose. They charge a forever more being referred to as the "Black were angry... but they were all losers. for details

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MARRIOTT. > DINING SERVICES Phone (205) 782-7242 16 Thursday, September 19, 1991 The Chanticleer Mickey Miller left A&M to defend Gamecocks leadership role, both in practice and in Miller heading up his inexperienced, gia, my friends love coming to see .lay Ennis the games. I have no excuse for mental tough defense. He described Miller as, games in Jacksonville. They are con- >hot0Director blocks and mistakes." "What college football is all about. verted Gamecock fans," Miller said. Does hard work pay off? Senior in- If the A&M performance is any in- Mickey worked histailofftogettothis When asked if the one week layoff . ade linebacker Mickey Miller proves dication, then there will be 110 need for level. He's a good person, player and had affected the momentum of the 1-0 +,atit does. His 13 tackles versus excuses this season. Miller stated student. Heleadsby example. He plays Gamecocks, Miller commented, "It .labarna A&M began what will several reasons why he is prepared for hard, and he even plays hurt." gave us a chance to go back to some .;xely be a stellar season. a starting position. "I'm used to the Miller is a 5'1 1", 215-pound gradu- fundamentals and correct some mis- Miller is listed as a junior in the system and-the other players now. It ate of Sequoia High School in DeKalb takes we made against A&M. People program due to the fact he red-shii helps when you can anticipate what ~i~k~~Miller County, Ga. He is a psychology major refer to it as putting us a week behind, his freshman year. Hesaw agood bit of your teammates are going to do in a with a business minor who will but I see it as a definite week ahead. playing time last year, but this is truly certain situation. I'm also bigger and job of keeping the opposition's offen- graduate in the spring. Coming from 'West Georgia has a very experi- the year he can call himself a starter stronger, both physically and emo- sive linemenoffof me. That allows me Georgia makes for an exciting meet- enced offensive line with small, very nnd leader of the defense. tionally." to get where I need to be to make the ing with the West Georgia Bulldogs. fast backs. If we're going to stop their '1There is a lot more pressure," said Miller contributes his A&M success tackle." "I've got 30 people coming over for offense,we've gottocontrolthelineof Miller. 'l've kind of been placed in a to the defensive line. "They do a great Coach Burgess is pleased to have this game. Although they live in Geor- scrimmage," Miller said.

BcsOCATHOLIC STUDENTS ORGANIZATION We invite you to share with us on Tuesday evenings. The CSO is open to all college students and their friends to share in a meal and program beginning at 6:00 p.m The following is our schedule for the rest of September. 24th 6:00 Dinner and Bible Study

For more information about SEARCH or ** the C.S.O. program, please call Father Kevin Cooke at (205) 435-3238. The C.S.O. meets at St. Charles Catholic on East 7th Street, Jacksonville.

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> --*-.m-"a------***-*-----a*A--A- $.------..*."--..- ,,'**- - * 1 I 1 *' _...._...~.L....*..... -1. .. The Chanticleer Thursday, September 19, 1991 19.

NCAA Div. I AP PoH 1. Florida State 2. M~aml 3. Michigan 4. Washington 5 Florida 1. Indiana. PA 6. Tennessee 2. Miss. College 7 Oklahoma 3. Grand Valley St. 8. Clemson 4. E. Texas St 9. Nebraska 5. JSU 10, Iowa 6. Mankato St. 1 1. Notre Dame 7. Pltrsburg St. 12.Penn St. 8. N. Colorado 13. Auburn 9. Virginla Union 14.Baylor 10. Wofford 15. Texas A&M 11. Norfolk St. 16. Ohio St. 12. N. Dakota St. 17. Georgia Tech 13. Ashland 18. Syracuse 14. Cal. St.-Sacramento 19. Colorado 15. Angel0 St. M.Pittsburgh 16. Shlppensburg SLICE OF PIZZA 21. Houston 17. Winston-Salem 22. Southern Cai 18. Millersville AT THE ROOST 23.Mississlppi St. 19. Butler 24. California 20. Cal.-Davis 25.Georgia JSU 1991 \\ ONLY Volleyball Gulf South DOMINO'S SAYS Schedule Conference WELCOME BACK Standings THE CHANTICLEER Sept. 18 Samford 7p.m. (H) BY GIVING Sept. 16-20 MUW Invitational TBA Conference Overall A FREE SLICE OF PIZZA STARTING NEXT WEEK FOR Columbus, Miss. 1 .Miss. College 1-0-0 2-0-0 Sept. 24 Alabama-Huntsville 7 p.m. 2.JSU 0-0-0 1-0-0 TO THE FIRST THE DOMINO'S ELIMINATOR Sept. 25 Huntlngdon College 3.West Ga. 000 1-1-0 QUEST AND YOUR CHANCE TO 7 p.m.Montgomery 4.Livingston 0-0-0 1-1-0 100 STUDENTS Sept. 30 North Alabama 7 p.m. (HI 5.Delta St. 0-0-0 1-2-0 WIN FREE PIZZA. Oct. 4-5 UT-Martin InvitationalTBA 6.Valdosta St. 0-0-0 0-1-0 AT THE ROOST TOMORRO W Martin, Tenn. 7.North Ala. 0-1-0 1-1-0 Oct. 8 West Georgia 7 p.m. (H) AT 12 NOON. Oct. 10 Livingston 7 p.m. Uvinaston 0ct.7 1 MISS.College 7 p.m. 435-8200 Clinton. Miss. I Scores from Sept.14 0ct.-14 ~untin~don Coil7 p.m. (H) Miss, College 31, N. Alabama 3 Oct. 15 North Aiabama 7 p.m. Troy St. 13, West Georgia 10 Florence Central Fla. 12. Valdosta St. 0 Oct. 18-19West Georaia- Invit. TBA Uvlnaston 24, Gardner Webb 7 Carrolton, Ga. I cenfial Ark 30. Delta St 15 JACKSONVILLE Oct. 22 Miss. College 7 p.m. (HI Oct. 24 Llvingston 7 p.m. (HI Oct. 2526 JSU lnvitational TBA (H) BOOK STORE oct. 29 ~labama-~untsville7 p.m. ( JSU Fall 1991 Huntsville On The Nov. !-2 Lady Brave Invit. TBA Golf Schedule 'Uptown Square'' Carrolton, Ga. Nov. 5 Samford 7 p.m. 9/30 Birmingham Tri-State Classic Nov. 7 West Georgia 7 p.m. Paris Landlng State Park Carroiton, Ga. Paris, Tenn. Nov: 15-16GSC Tournament 1017-8 TBA. Florence Stetsonlntercolleglate DeBarry Plantation Golf Club Intramural Sports DeBarry. Fla. 10128-29 Alabama lntercolleglate Bent DROP IN AND CHECK OUT OUR Flag Football Brook Golf Club Play begins Sept. 23 Birmingham. Ala. Co ~ecSoftball 1114-5 NEW SHIPMENT OF FALL Play begins Sept. 24 Texas lntercolleglate Tennis Singles Woodhaven Country Club Fort Worth, Texas SHIRTS AND OTHER GAME- Play begins Sept.23 1111 1-12 Tennis Mixed Doubles citrus awl ~olflnvttationai Play begins Sept. 23 Ekana Golf & Country Club COCK CLOTHES. WE'LL BE Co Rec Football I kid:, no. Entries close Sept. 25 - 1991 JSU OPEN SATURDAY FROM Shooting 10:OO UNTIL AFTER THE 1991 JSU Team Schedule Football Schedule Oct. 20 Tenn. Tech (H) GAME. I SO DROP BY. Sept. 7 Alabama A & M.44-18 Oct. 27 Tenn. Tech Invitational Sept. 21 West Ga. Nov. 9 U.S. Military Acad. (HI Sept. 28 Valdosta State Nov. 16 The Citadel (HI Oct. 5 M~ssisstppiCollege Nov. 23 Walsh lnvltational Oct. 12 Delta State Jan. 18 N.C. State (HI oct. 19 ~orthAlabama Jan. 19 James Newkirk Inv. AND Nov. 2 Wofford (HC) Jan. 25 Withrow Invitational Nov. 9 Livingston Feb. 9 Middle Tenn. State Nov. 16 Kentucky State Feb. 15 Collegiate Sectionals ,~.,~,,,..~,,~~C,,,..L.L~,~,i,~Ab.~~~,,~,.,~.~.i,i,4...... ,,. ...-..-. , . .----.. . ,- . ,,,,\%%,,t,,,\-3 . . . . . ,>,,,\\ GO. GAMECOCKS.!. . . . ,,..,,,..,\,,,,\,*%\\\ . . . .p

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