Presented as Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number : 06 4214 007



Presented as Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number : 06 4214 007



I received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I need from God

v This Undergraduate Thesis is dedicated to Jesus Christ My beloved parents My brother My lovely friends


I thank Jesus Christ, my God, best friend and savior. I am nothing without

Him. He has blessed and granted me everything I need and given me nice family and friends around me.

I realize that this thesis would not have been completed without all helps from

Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum. Without his help and guidance, I would be stuck. I also thank my co advisor Modesta Luluk Artika Windrasti, S.S, for reading and correcting my thesis. I also express my gratitude to all English lecturers and staffs for their great role during my time in this faculty.

This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents who have fulfilled anything and given me support. I know their love and understanding have always been my greatest support. And I would like to thank my brother for his support.

My gratitude also goes to all my friends, Lucy, San San, Nana, Juli, Esther,

Atom, Dhika, Vina, Elok, Marcel, Arum, Sella, Denal, and all my friends in

English Letters Department 2006 class A. I am blessed for all the time we shared.

We have been through good and bad times together. Thanks for motivating, making me extremely happy during this time. I also would like to thank Whisnu, Yuanita,

Yokhe, Yokhe, Nur, Ongky, Antoni, thanks for being my friends and giving the greatest support and experience of life. My days would be boring without them all. I

vii will not forget their kindness to me. I thank them for giving me the best days I have ever had. They are the gifts God sent to me in passing my beautiful life. Last but not least, I wish to thank everybody who also plays an important part in my life that I could not mention here one by one. I appreciate every single support, understanding and attention given to me. Thank them and God bless them all.

Yuniar Eka Risti


TITLE PAGE……………………………...…………………………………...... i APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………………….ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE……………………………………………………………..iii LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI……………….…….iv MOTTO PAGE……………………………………………………………...... v DEDICATION PAGE………………………………………………….…….….….vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………….….….….……..vii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………….……..ix ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………..…..……xi ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………………..……xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study………………………………………………….1 B. Problem Formulation……………………………………...………………4 C. Objectives of the Study……………………………………………………4 D. Definition of Terms..……………………………...... ………5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW……………………………………….7 A. Review of Related Studies………………………………………………...7 B. Review of Related Theories……………………………………………...11 1. Theory of Character and Characterization…………………………...11 2. Hedonism in of America……………………...………14 3. Socialites Community…………………………………………..……18 C. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………..……22

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY…………………………………………...….25 A. Object of the Study……………………………………………………....25 B. Approach of the Study……………………………………………...……26 C. Method of the Study……………………………………………………..26

CHAPTE IV ANALYSIS………….……………………………………………...28 A. The Description of Jenny’s Character………………………….………..28 B. The Hedonism in Socialites Community Presented in Gossip Girl……..32 a. Serena van der Woodsen…………………………………………….33 b. Blair Waldrof…………………………………………………….…..39 c. …………………………………………..………………42 C. The Influence of Hedonism in Socialites Community toward the Main Character Jenny Humphrey……………..……………………………….45 a. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Appearance…………………………….45 ix b. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Lifestyle………………………………..47 c. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Trait……..……………………………..52

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION……………………………………………..……...55

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………...... ……58

APPENDICES…………………..………………………………...………………..59 Appendix 1. The Summary of Gossip Girl………………..…………………59 Appendix 2. The Biography of Cecily von Ziegesar……………………….61


Yuniar Eka Risti (2010): The Influence of Hedonism in Socialite Community toward the Main Character Jenny Humphrey in Cecily von Ziegesar’s Gossip Girl.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis deals with the literary work of Cecily von Ziegesar entitled Gossip Girl. The writer is interested to choose Ziegesar’s Gossip Girl because it gives the writer picture of society in United States of America. It also gives a learning that a person in society can give impact toward someone. The writer finds that the society, a major community in the society can influence someone’s appearance, life style and even the trait. Socialite community really exists in United States of America. And Jenny Humphrey who is not a socialite is influenced by them. This novel pictures the impact of the existence the socialite community toward Jenny. This thesis applied a library research to answer three questions that are represented in the problem formulation. They are (1) how Jenny’s character is described, (2) how the hedonism in socialite community is presented in that story and (3) how the hedonism in socialite community influences Jenny Humphrey. To accomplish this analysis, the socio culture and psychological approaches are applied to know further about the society and the effect toward the main character is several aspects such as the appearance, life style and trait. Jenny as one of the main character in the novel is influenced by her society. And the society is dominated by socialite community that gives influence toward Jenny’s trait. And Jenny is trying hard to fit with the society which is high class, wealthy, and hedonistic.

This analysis explores the major characters using theory of characterization. The descriptions of the socialite characters and their lives are the answers in the second problem formulation. And how the life of socialite characters influence Jenny Humphrey is discussed in the last analysis. And as the result of the analysis is the influence of the socialite community toward Jenny Humphrey can not be concluded because the impacts are not stated directly. The impact in Jenny is only superficially. It can be seen in the next books because this book has another series.


Yuniar Eka Risti (2010): The Influence of Hedonism in Socialite Community toward the Main Character Jenny Humphrey in Cecily von Ziegesar’s Gossip Girl.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini mengetengahkan karya sastra dari Cecily von Ziegesar berjudul Gossip Girl. Penulis tertarik memilih Gossip Girl karya Ziegesar karena karya ini memberi gambaran tentang masyarakat di Amerika. Selain itu, karya ini juga memberikan pelajaran bahwa orang dalam masyarakat dapat memberikan dampak terhadap orang lain. Penulis juga menemukan bahwa komunitas sosialita yang mendominasi di novel tersebut dapat mempengaruhi karakter, gaya hidup bahkan sifat seseorang. Komunitas sosialita benar benar ada di Amerika. Dan Jenny Humphrey yang bukan seorang sosialita terpengaruh oleh komunitas tersebut. Novel ini mengisahkan dampak dari keberadaan dari komunitas sosialita tersebut terhadap Jenny.

Skripsi ini adalah studi analitis yang menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan dalam batasan masalah. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah (1) bagaimana karakter Jenny digambarkan, (2) bagaimana hedonisme di komunitas sosialita digambarkan di cerita tersebut dan (3) bagaimana hedonisme di komunitas sosialita mempengaruhi Jenny Humphrey.

Pendekatan sosial budaya dan psikologi di gunakan sehubungan dengan analisa novel yang berkaitan dengan keadaan masyarakat dan dampak di beberapa aspek terhadap tokoh utama seperti penampilan, gaya hidup dan sifat.Jenny adalah satu satunya karakter yang terpengaruh oleh keadaan masyarakatnya. Dan masyarakat yang mendominasi adalah komunitas sosialita yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap sifat Jenny. Jenny berusaha mencocokkan diri dengan orang orang yang berkelas tinggi, kaya, dan hedonis. Analisis tesis mengungkapkan tokoh-tokoh utama menggunakan teori karakter. Penggambaran karater sosialita dan hidup mereka merupakan jawaban dari rumusan masalah yang kedua. Dan penggambaran karakter sosialita yang mempengaruhi Jenny dibahas dalam analisi yang terakhir. Dan pada akhir analisis, belum dapat disimpulkan dampak komunitas sosialita terhadap diri Jenny karena perubahan yang di alami Jenny hanya perubahan di luar. Dan perubahan perubahan yang lain akan tampak di serial buku selanjutnya. xii CHAPTER I


A. Background of the Study

Life is complicated and full of problems. And every human in this world has experienced it. Literature, such as a novel is the mirror of the reality that happens in this world. It is also the expression of happiness, sadness, and human’s feelings. A novel is the result of the author’s responds to the society. The writers of literature have a freedom to express their feelings, ideas, thoughts, experiences and knowledge by writing the work of literature.

The real situation that is described in the work of literature can be the true experience of the author herself or it is the reality happens in that certain of time and place. In Theory of Literature, Wellek and Warren say that novel gives the readers many experiences that can be a reflection of human’s life. The novelists can teach people more about human nature (1956:30). They also mention that literature also has a very useful functions that is dulce et utile. Dulce et utile means entertains and educates. So, literary works are made to give not only pleasure but also positive and moral value to the reader. The literary work must have these two basic functions (1956:56). So, by reading a work of literature, such as novel, for example, the reader can learn many things based on that story. By his/her writing the author wants to show to the reader that something can be learnt from the work of literature itself. Wellek and Warren also cited that literature is an expression of society.

1 2

A literary work reveals about true life that we see in our life. The characters in the literary work represent the reality, or even similar with the reality that happens with the same characters. The work of literature can be a good reflection of a society. The readers can feel the experience in their life without having the real condition with the characters, in that time and place.

A literary work has a close relationship with the social condition at the time when the work is written. Literary work is sometimes based on the society where the author lives. The society influences the author in creating a work of literature because the author is not satisfied with the condition of the society. So the literary work is the way to reveal the author’s feeling.

Gossip Girl tells about several characters that live in a socialite community. This is an American novel. The author herself is also an American. In her novel, Cecily von Ziegesar reveals the reality happens in America that the life condition in America is so close with socialite community. Most of her writings are influenced by the American society. Not only the society, but she also discusses about the teenager’s lifestyle in her novels. In her novel, Cecily von

Ziegesar divides the class, several characters live in , and several characters in Upper West Side. Her novels are taken place in , America and all of them are teenagers literature. The main characters in most of her writings are teenagers.

In this writing, the writer finds that society has a great role to influence the someone’s appearance, characteristic and lifestyle. In this case, the society, 3

socialites influence the another character through the demands that the socilaites have.

This novel, Gossip Girl is chosen to be analyzed because this novel reflects the reality that happens in America, so the reader can know the reality in that place by reading this novel and can learn from it. The writer studies the society, that influences the character’s life. It makes the writer and the reader do not need to experience or see how the society in America. But by reading this book, the writer and the readers know how complicated New York is, what is inside the socialite community, so that it can influence someone character. It can be seen that socialite community really exists and teenagers can be the members of it. Socialite is not only the community, but the most important thing is what inside, the members, the activities, et cetera. Jenny Humphrey, one of the character, she is in a middle class, but she has a huge desire of being like Serena van der Woodsen. Serena van der Woodsen is the main character in this story, and she is the figure of a perfect girl. Every girl wants to be like Serena, so does

Jenny. And Jenny’s desire changes her life. In this story, Jenny is also one of the major characters. She is willing to do everything to be popular like Serena and

Blair, the other characters.

And the focus of this study is the socialite community especially the characters who represent the socialite itself and the other character who is influenced by them. So, this novel deserves to be analyzed because the relation among the characters creates conflicts. We will get the social and psychology study of this discussion. 4

Unlike the other author, Cecily von Ziegesar uses different style and technique in conveying her writing. She uses not only narrative but also adds sub chapters as the review of the chapters before. And those sub chapters are the blog contains the review of the story before. The novel is narrated by a seemingly omniscient character, "Gossip Girl".

It makes the writer and the readers to be very interested in this novel. The writer wants to involve to this novel deeper to reveal what the author wants to convey by writing this novel, what really happens in New York, in socialite community, in all the characters especially the teenagers. And the writer also wants to reveal how big the influence of socialite community, including the members so that it can change someone lifestyle.

B. Problem Formulations

1. How is Jenny’s character described?

2. How is the hedonism in socialite community presented in that story?

3. How does the hedonism in socialite community influence the main

character Jenny Humphrey?

C. Objectives of the Study

The purpose of doing the research of this novel is to get satisfying and reliable answers to the problem formulations above. Firstly, the writer wants to reveal the Jenny Humphrey’s character, the society and relate it. So that the problem formulation number three can be answered. The writer focuses on several 5

characters from this novel that give great impact and also the society that influences most of the characters. And later, this study also reveals the characters, the influence of socialite community toward the character and the impact of the society toward the character as seen in the Gossip Girl novel written by Cecily von Ziegesar.

D. Definition of Terms

1. Hedonism

Hedonism, from the Greek Hedone, “pleasure”. Hedonism is the philosophical view that pleasure is the ultimate good for man. It is also a psychological theory that pleasure motivates human action( The Encyclopedia of

Philosophy:432). The brief definition of hedonism is a mindset that pleasure and enjoyment is the highest priority in someone’s life. It is a way of life in which pleasure plays an important role.

2. Socialite community

Webster New Explorer Encyclopedic Dictionary states that socialite is a socially prominent person (2006:1724). Another source defines; socialite is a person who is known to be a part of fashion. The person is high class, wealthy and journalistic term that was used to describe an international social group of wealthy people is Jet Set (

The definition of community,

…usually refers to a group sharing a defines physical space or geographical area such as neighborhood, city, village or hamlet; a community can also be a group sharing common traits, a sense of 6

belonging and/or maintaining social ties and interaction which shape it into a distinctive social entity, such as an ethnics, religious, academic or professional community…(The Social Science Encyclopedia:114).

So, it can be concluded that socialite community is a group of persons who are known to be a part of fashion, and wealth. CHAPTER II


A. Review of Related Studies

In this thesis, the writer analyzes one of Cecily von Ziegesar’s novels, Gossip

Girl. This part consists of related studies that deal with Cecily von Ziegesar’s novel,

Gossip Girl.

Cecily von Ziegesar is an American. She writes teenager literature. And most of her writings are about teenagers’ life, conflicts and completely teenagers. Teenagers

Literature is very popular right now. Many authors appear and they present easy stories but have good qualities, and one of the authors is Cecily von Ziegesar. Cecily von

Ziegesar also wrote the other series You Know You Love Me, All I Want is Everything,

Because I’m Worth It, I Like It Like That, You’re the One that I Want, Nobody Does It

Better, Nothing Can Keep Us Together, Only in Your Dream, Would I Lie to You?,

Don’t You Forget About Me, and It Had to be You.

Company's Liability’s review tells that Cecily von Ziegesar is mastering in story teller.

This review can bring justice to master storyteller Cecily Von Ziegesar, whose research comes from her own life as an upper eastside, teen. She has a reality-based knack for bringing cigarette-and-pot smoking rich kids into three-dimensional colour. As naughty as these characters seem on every page, they are revealed to be real kids wanting to fit into accepted, meaningful lives as much as sleek clothes (

Cecily von Ziegesar is a good writer. New York Timers states that her writings are best sellers.

7 8

“In this first novel, life is beautiful for our teens from the Upper East Side of

Manhattan. They're rich, they're beautiful, and they know it”

( In this essay, the writer writes her research especially about Blair and Serena, two of the main characters in this novel.

Gossip Girl reports on Serena's struggle with the group and more -- their dates, their parties, their crushes, and their secrets. Cecily von Ziegesar as a writer presents and expresses her idea with an easy way, so that her story can be read for all ages. But the essence of the story doesn’t lose.

A Kirkus Reviews contributor called the novel "a highly enjoyable speedboat of a read, zipping along at lightning speed." School Library Journal's Nicole M.

Marcuccilli dubbed the book "a great read for those who like romance and drama related in a sassy manner."Everyone's lives seem to be getting more complicated," according to Sally M. Tibbetts in Kliatt. (

"Von Ziegesar's approach is fresh, although mean and petty comments dominate these teens' world," Gail Richmond wrote in the School Library Journal.

"Deliciously catty and immediately engrossing," according to a contributor to Kirkus

Reviews, Gossip Girl is a novel that "girls should find … spicy, entertaining, and their own trashy fun." (

Cecily von Ziegesar’s background on the Upper East Side permeates in the content of her books, which has created both negative and positive criticisms by her readers. 9

A very successful series of books is a portrayal of the lives of those living on the Upper East Side. Even though their lives seem to be the epitome of fabulous you soon learn that the phrase “you can’t judge a book by its cover” is as true in the Upper East Side as it is in Topeka, Kansas. The books came easy to Mrs. Cecily von Ziegesar herself because she lived through these experiences. She wrote this series of books based on her life. The article by is called advanced placement and this name suits it very well. The adolescences in this book have the same social lives as most teenagers just in an “advanced placed”world ( Girl).

Danielle Steel and Judith Krantz write in their essay that Cecily von Ziegesar is the author of the "Gossip Girl" books, a series about a group of rich teenagers and their adventures with sex, drugs, and alcohol. The books have been criticized as nothing more than the written equivalent of a soap opera, but fans believe von Ziegesar speaks honestly about contemporary teen life. As a critic for Publishers

Weekly described the series, though anyone hoping for character depth or emotional truth should look elsewhere (

Billboard Magazine, September 1, 2007 discussing Gossip Girl the novel and the film. The magazine states that Gossip Girl the novel and the fils is revolving around a group of privileleged teens who inhabit Manhattan’s Upper East Side (2007: 12).

Cecily von Ziegesar creates popular young adult series novel of the same name with the film, “Gossip Girl”.

Different from Billboard Magazine, Atlanta Magazine, August 2008 edition describes the novel of Gossip Girl clearer. It is explained in that magazine about the adress, brand names dropped, what the fans say and many more. Mitzi Miller thirty- two, the co-writer of Hotlanta said the reality that happens in New York. 10

“Some adults might be blinded by all of the label dropping and brand names and think that we’re promoting superficial values,” Miller says. “But this is for and about teenagers, and these things are important to them, no matter what their budget is. In their world, wearing the wrong pair of jeans one day can send you tumbling five rungs down the social ladder.” (2008:26).

In the same magazine, Atlanta Magazine, August 2008 Edition states the description in the Gossip Girl the novel. For example for the address, it is axplained that Serena lives in Palace Hotel and Blair lives in a penthouse with a view of Central

Park. Then, they usually wear branded clothes like Armani, Burberry, Urban Decay.

And based on the written text in the magazine that “wrong brands are savaged”. And the comment from fans is stated there.

“Cecily von Ziegesar writes in the language of contemporary youth --- things are cool or hot or they so totally suck… she pulls off the tour de force of wickedly satirizing the young while amusing them.” Janet Malcolm, the New Yorker (p. 26).

And Gossip Girl has the same genre with Sophie Kinsela’s writings. Her writings are Confession of Shopaholic, Shopaholic Abroad (2001), Shopaholic Ties The

Knot (2002), Shopaholic & Sister (2004), Shopaholic & Baby (2007). The writer wants to relate that between Cecily von Ziegesar and Sophie Kinsella has the same genre in writing novels. Their novels are series, and they have similar genre and topic. In Sophie

Kinsella writings, the writer can find the hedonism. It is stated in Confession of

Shopaholic that Rebecca Bloomwood does shopping, not because she needs the things, shoes, clothes, bags, but it is just for her pleasure. Her activity is done to fulfill her desire in shopping, and she only shops the branded things. 11

In a novel by Tony Fletcher, Hedonism Lust &Betrayal in New York’s Clubland discusses that hedonism is a fact action trip through a hard core underworld of pounding sex, illegal drugs. It’s a world populated by glamorous things.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

In his book, A Glossary of Literary Term, M.H. Abrams states that a character is a person who has a moral, a disposition and qualities that are expressed in dialogue or what he says and also that the main character is always used in unique way different from other characters in a novel (1981:23) . A character may remain essential “stable”, or unchanged the outlook and disposition, from beginning to end of a work or may undergo a radical change, either through a gradual process of motivation and development or as the result of a crisis. The characters are divided into two major and minor characters. Major characters are substantially involved as the main action as well as becoming the central and the most important in a story. And minor characters are characters that appear in certain setting and they are necessary to become the background of the major characters.

Characters are divided into flat and round characters, according to Abrams

(1981:24). A flat character is “a single idea or quality”. Flat character has a few dominant traits and even has no desires, motivation, or conflicts, such as man against man, man against the society or against himself. Flat character is presented without 12

much individualizing detail and can be described in a single sentence. Beside flat character, Abrams also states round character which is more complex than flat character. The character has many dominant traits and complex desires, motivation and conflicts. And because of these traits, he is more complex and to change his character from the beginning to the end of the work.

In The Novel in English: And Introduction, Ian Milligan states that major characters in a story are those who appear more often than the other characters in the story (1983:155). They also appear in almost all the setting of the story. Those characters are the centre of the story and they are the focus from the beginning until the end of the story. The major characters also perform the important role in classifying the theme of the novel. While minor characters are those who appear in a certain setting.

The roles in a story are less important than those of the major characters

In A Handbook for the Study of Fiction, characters differentiate into protagonist and antagonist (1966:59). Protagonist characters are the chief characters in fiction.

When the readers read a novel, they consider being identical with certain characters.

The protagonist characters are able to raise the readers’ admiration. In fiction, the protagonists generally are often widely known as the hero, who is morally good.

Meanwhile, the antagonist characters are defined as the characters who raised conflicts.

Antagonists are the opponents pitted against the protagonist, directly or indirectly, physically or mentally. In short, the antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist directly, physically or spiritually. 13

According to Murphy in his book, Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to

English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Student, one’s personality may also be shown through personal description that is from the description of one’s physical appearance and attributes attaché to him or her. These attributes may refer to one’s clothing or the way one dresses oneself. It can be seen from other characters’ opinions or ideas about the character through their conversation. Characterization can also be done by placing the character in a certain situation to see how he or she reacts to it. It can be also done by tracing the characters’ past life as it can be revealed in a direct exposition of another characters’ knowledge about the past or the characters’ own initiative to reveal his or her past (1972:161-173).

Based on the book Fiction An Introduction to Reading and Writing, Edgar V.

Roberts states that character is an extended verbal representation of a human being, the inner itself that determines thought, speech and behavior (1989: 143).

Based on the same book, the major character traits are explained. A trait is a typical or habitual mode of behavior, such as acting first and thinking afterwards, crowding another person closely while talking, looking directly into a person’s eyes or avoiding eye contact completely. The characteristics of a person may be in many types, such as lazy or ambitious, anxious or serene, aggressive or fearful, assertive or bashful, negligent or compulsive, open or secretive, confident or self-doubting, adventurous or timid, noisy or quiet, visionary or practical, reasonable or hot-headed, careful or 14

careless, impartial or biased, straightforward or underhanded, a “winner” or a “loser” and so on.

2. Hedonism in United States of America

Based on the Encyclopedia Americana, hedonism is the philosophical view that pleasure is the ultimate good for man. It is also a psychological theory that pleasure motivates human actions. Hedonism itself is divided into two categories. The first one is philosophical hedonism. The term “pleasure” tends to suggest only sensual enjoyments. Hedonism may seem radical because it is forgotten that the hedonist agrees that many things besides pleasure, such as knowledge and virtue, are desirable in that they tend to produce pleasure (1978: 47).

And the second hedonism based on the Encyclopedia Americana is psychological hedonism which means a set of theories of motivation, all of which hold basically that both action and the desire are determined in some important way by pleasure. Contemporary psychology tend to ignore such theories because contemporary psychology is largely concerned with subhuman behavior, in which it would be extravagant to employ the concept of thinking that something is pleasant (1978:47). For example, the statesmen want to be remembered after their deaths, or that people live up to their moral principles, are loyal to their friends, and foster their children’s happiness. 15

The Encyclopedia of Philosophy divided the term of hedonism into two points.

1. Ethical hedonism

Ethical hedonism affirms that only pleasure is intrinsically desirable and that only displeasure or is intrinsically undesirable. The hedonist says that it is life of pleasure. A life is dedicated to the sensory enjoyments like wine, alcohol, women, song, sex. Hedonism is done least injustice if it is taken as simply saying that intrinsically desirable state of affairs is always a state of consciousness in which the person is enjoying himself in one way or another. Reading and creation are activities that people often enjoy, and it included the category of “pleasure” such eating, drinking and sex

(1967: 432).

2. Psychological hedonism

Psychological hedonism is divided into several explanations.

a. Goal is pleasure

It happens when a person is motivated to produce one state of affairs in

presence to another if and only if he thinks it will be more pleasant or less

unpleasant for himself.

It is assumed as a major premise that something is intrinsically desirable if and only if it is something that people desire for itself. The minor premise is the “goal of pleasure” theory-namely, that people want only pleasure for itself. It is therefore concluded that pleasure is the only thing that is intrinsically desirable (1967: 433). 16

b. Motivation by pleasant thought

This theory is the assertation that a person will choose to do A rather

than B or will prefer A to B, whether an action or a situation. “If the thought of

A (with its expected consequences) is more attractive, or less repugnant, than

the thought of B (with its expected consequences)” (1967:433).

c. Conditioning by pleasant experience

This is a theory about the causal conditions of a person’s wants or

values. For example if a person values of ice cream, it is because in the past he

has enjoyed ice cream.

And another source states the explanation of hedonism in America.

Hedonism requires leisure time and personal wealth. Unlike most people in history who have had neither leisure time nor wealth, modern man often has much of both. “America has become a nation of tremendous prosperity. No other nation in the history of the world has known such material abundance, nor enjoyed such a broad distribution of that wealth among its people. The affluence of the American society has elevated pleasure-intended activities from the realm of the ‘desirable’ to that of the ‘essential.’ An entire sector of the economy has blossomed to satisfy the spectrum of people’s urges. America has become a hedonistic heaven.”(

Playboy Press states that this is modern sex revolution. It was led by ‘grown men and women, determined, dedicated, and dirty-minded beyond the call of duty’


Based on the book Utilitarianism, Hedonism and Desert Essays in Moral

Philosophy, hedonism has a pleasure definition which comes in several different form.

There is a distinction among sensual, aesthetic, intellectual and moral pleasures. A 17

sensual pleasure would be one arising from eating or drinking, sexual activities, sunbathing, et cetera. An aesthetic pleasure would be one arising from an experience of something beautiful, such as painting or a piece of music. An intellectual pleasure is a pleasure arising from learning something, and moral pleasure is a pleasure arising from behaving nobly (1997: 119-120).

In his essay “The Hedonistic Face of Humanism”, Robert L. Waggoner states that America has become the world’s foremost champion of hedonism. This is the mindset in which the acquisition of pleasure and enjoyment is the highest priority in life. Responsibilities such as worship to a holy God, fulfillment of obligations, and personal improvement are deemed of secondary importance. Having fun is all that counts. ( And in his essay, he also states that modern condition produced hedonism. This statement is compatible with this topic.

Based on Ruut Veenhoven article entitled “Hedonism and Happiness”, hedonism is a way of life, characterized by openness to pleasurable experience. In psychology, it stands for the theory that pleasure seeking as a main motivator of human behavior. Hedonism is a way of life in which pleasure plays an important role.

Hedonism is associated with good taste and the art of living well. But in the other side, hedonism is addiction, superficially, irresponsible behavior and short-sighted egoism.

(Journal of Happiness Studies: 437). 18

In his writing, Timothy Berman states that an individual or community and culture of individuals are in the pursuit of pleasure and pursuit of power. People are as a culture and society travelling down the road where the pursuit of pleasure and power is one of health and prosperity that is beneficial to the society.

( And the hedonism term in this novel focuses on the sensual hedonism based on the book Utilitarianism, Hedonism and

Desert Essays in Moral Philosophy.

3. Socialite Community

Socialite community is a group of person who are known to be a part of fashion

( Fashion refers to the styles and customs prevalent at a given time. They are also the upper class. Upper class means a concept in sociology that refers to the group of people at the top of a social hierarchy. More than that, they are wealthy.

Wealth is an abundance of valuable material possessions or resource. Because they are wealthy, they usually fund raising. Socialites are philanthropists who do the act of donation money, goods, services, time and effort to support a socially benefit cause.

Therefore, socialites are usually in possession of considerable wealth.

Socialite community has existed in United stated since the mid of twenty century.

In recent years, socialites have been largely neglected in the media and social prominence has come to reside with celebrities, who are more famous, have a public profile and are often accomplished at a specific profession. And that community briefly called Jet Set. 19

"Jet set" is a journalistic term that was used to describe an international social group of wealthy people, organizing and participating in social activities all around the world that are unreachable to ordinary people (

Socialite is defined as a person who is to be part of fashion. And it is stated in socialite-boutique. com, that they sell many branded of clothes online, like Prada,

Gucci, Chloe, Miu Miu, Heliopolis, et cetera. As a socialite, the person always wears branded outfits.

And socialite life is a life where gossip is served

( That is a life where every people talks to each other.

In their writing “The Social Ties Internet Users”, John Curtis and Pippa Noris, they are not stated directly that it is objected to socialite, but the main point is that there is the biggest development in communication technology and it makes easier to undertake both business and pleasure with individual. So, socialite life at that time becomes a part of technology, to make their update in news, gossips.

Based on Class in America, An Encyclopedia, Robert E. Weir states socialite is a colloquial term for person who spends much of his or her time attending parties amid a fashionable set (2007:808). Socialites were once dominated by upper class members of the , but in more recent years the term has become linked with popular culture celebrities. Prestige was once automatically conferred upon socialites, but some modern socialites, such as Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie are considered by some to be gauche and frivolous. The mixing of money, celebrity, culture, and consumption makes it hard to determine just who and what a socialite is. 20

Another source named the term of socialite community with different name. The

World Book Encyclopedia states that social class is a group in a society that have the same social standing (1971: 448e). Social classes exist because people usually classify one another into more or less distinct groups based on such factors as wealth, power, prestige, ancestry, religion, and occupation.

Paris Hilton is one of a picture of socialite. Paris Whitney Hilton is an American socialite, heiress, media personality, model, singer, author, fashion designer and actress.

In popular culture usage the term socialite gives credence to subjective methods of class determination, as these individuals possess great wealth and social power, but far less authority, prestige, and political influence.

An article entitled “The Little Socialites” in New York Magazine November 26,

1996 Edition tells about the social climber. Many moms attend the parties for innocently selfish reasons. They like to dress up their kids and show them off, knowing there are only so many years before their children wearing tattoos and piercing their tongue.

“For now it’s fun to make them as cute as they are,” said a mother on the Museum of the City of New York Holiday Party’s decorations committee. And the other comment is “It’s nice to quickly touch base, smile, chat, and quickly move on,” explained Sharon Grelsahmer (1996:41).

From the explanation above, it can be seen that kids are taught to be a real socialite. They are dressed by good clothes and to be shown off.

Another article written by Gerri Major in Ebony Magazine August 1960 Edition entitled “The New Image Of The Socialite” tells that the society exists in 19 th century. 21

They have several components like wealthy, education, having position and leading role in society. The women have kept alive the spark that kindles feelings of dignity, importance and equality. In that century, socialite was a glittering phenomenon. There is a sexual revolution there. Upper class sexual behavior takes place in luxurious surroundings. There is seclusion and quiet. “The sexual revolution has played role in helping the female achieved a more valid image and identification of her definitive role in society” (1960:62).

Based on the article “Society Capers” from New York Magazine August 1, 1994

Edition, the writer John Connolly wrote in his article that socialites are philanthropies.

They collect assets until hundreds billion dollars for a foundation. A socialite is a person who participates in social activities, they use their social skills and connections to promote and raise funds for various charitable or philanthropic activities.

C. Theoretical Framework

This study analyzes Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar that concerns in the characters and the society as the focus. To support this study, the writer has to collect some data. In order to understand the characters, the writer uses the basic theory of character and characterization. This theory will lead this study into the understanding of the character of Jenny Humphrey. The writer finds the characteristics through the appearance, actions, thought, speeches and comments. The theory of character and characterization are needed in order to analyze the character in this novel who reveals the influence from the socialite community, especially the hedonism side. Because the 22

writer specifies on the major characters, so, the writer uses Miligan’s theory of major and minor characters because this theory is used to classify the major characters.

The writer also reviews the theory of trait which is taken from a source. This theory is needed because it can answer the first and the last problem formulation.

And for the last theory, the writer is reviewing the concept of hedonism. In this case the writer reveals the definition of hedonism from several encyclopedias, journal, magazines, and books. And those definitions really reveal what the writer wants to analyze in this study.

Finally by revealing the characters and the society, the writer finds out that the characters in Gossip Girl are really influenced by the society. CHAPTER III


A. Object of the Study

In this study, the writer analyzes Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl is the work of Cecily von Ziegesar. This is a serial novel. There are many titles after Gossip Girl which are still related with this novel, Gossip Girl, and they are You Know You Love Me, All I

Want is Everything, Because I’m Worth It, I Like It Like That, You’re the One that I

Want, Nobody Does It Better, Nothing Can Keep Us Together, Only in Your Dream,

Would I Lie to You?, Don’t You Forget About Me, and It Had to be You. Those titles are the series of Gossip Girl. Those titles are related with Gossip Girl; the differences are just the conflict and in the next novel appear new character. This novel was published in 2002 by Grand Central Publishing. Gossip Girl consists of 265 pages. The writer and the reader can find sub chapters as the review of the chapters before. The sub chapter is not narrative as the usual chapter, but it is the updated condition of the characters and the events that are published in internet, and the website called The uniqueness of the sub chapters is the characters are not mentioned directly. The name of the characters are hidden by writing the initial name. For example, the name of Serena is called S, Blair is called B, et cetera.

This novel mentions many major characters who comes from Upper class and

Middle class. The characters who are Upper class are socialite community but the mid

23 24

class does not. Then one of the characters from mid class is influenced by the Upper class because she lives around the upper class.

B. Approach of the Study

Considering analyzing this study, the writer uses sociocultural and psychological approaches, because this study focuses on the character in that story and the society. And the society takes an important role in building the character’s trait and this approach is appropriate to connect the social condition in the novel clearly, so the writer also applies sociocultural approach. This approach is used to explore Jenny’s character which is influences by the environment, socialite community. And sociocultural and psychological approaches are the most appropriate way to analyze the character. Reading and Writing about Literature stated that the only way to locate the real work is in reference to the civilization that produces it (1971:9). Civilization as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people and point out that literature takes these attitudes and actions as its subject matter (1971:11). In the same book, Mary

Rohrberger, also states that “the psychological involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns. It draws on a different of knowledge (1971:13)

C. Method of the Study

The writer used library research method because the writer needed to read and collected some data. The first step was reading the novel, Gossip Girl by Cecily von

Ziegesar until the writer understood about the novel. Then the writer was taking some references from some books about the characters, approaches and social psychological theory. 25

The next step was analyzing the novel. Firstly, the writer analyzed Jenny’s character. Then, the writer answered problem formulation number two by giving the description of socialite community and analyzing several characters from the socialite community, because the characters were the most point who can influence Jenny. Then the writer related those two analyses so the influence can be seen in Jenny’s changing in personality. And the last step was making the conclusion of those analyses. CHAPTER IV


This chapter serves to answer problem formulation as stated in the previous chapter. In answering the problem formulations, firstly the major character will be explored. Secondly, the analysis will explore the description of hedonism in socialite community. And the third, the writer will explore how the society influences the main character, Jenny Humphrey.

A. The Description of Jenny Humphrey’s Character

Gossip Girl is a teenage literature, so most of the characters are teenagers. And the discussion in this part is one of the major characters, Jenny Humphrey. Jenny

Humphrey is described as an ordinary and simple girl. And she lives in Upper West

Side with her father Rufus Humphrey and her older brother Daniel Humphrey in an apartment in , New York.

They were sitting at the kitchen table in their large and crumbling tenth floor, four bedrooms West End Avenue Apartment. It was beautiful old place with twelve-foot ceilings, lots of sunny windows, big walks in closets, and huge bathtubs with feet, but it hadn’t been renovated since the 1940s. (Ziegesar, 2002:91).

Jenny is considered as the main character of Gossip Girl. Jenny is the daughter of Rufus Humphrey, a musician. She has an older brother named . Her mother left them for another man. She leaves her family to fulfill her dream of becoming an artist. So, Jenny loves her father and brother so much.

26 27

Their mother had run off To Prague with some count or prince or something, and she was basically a kept woman, letting the count or prince or whatever he was dress her and put her up in hotels all over Europe. All she did all day was shop, eat drink and paint pictures of flowers (p. 97).

Jenny is fourteen years old and she is the youngest character in the novel. So, she is usually called Little J. “Little J buying a huge book on filmmaking at Shakespeare and Co. on Broadway” (p. 158). She is an aspiring social climber, and while she physically resembles Serena van der Woodsen. Jenny often tries to fit in with the rich- girl clique of Blair Waldrof at her school, even though Jenny does not hold a place in their social world. She attends Constance Billard School for girls. She loves the fancy clothes, the expensive parties and dresses, the fact she gets everything and anything they ever could want and live the life of luxury. Jenny knew she is not from that kind of family, she could not get the most expensive thing.

Jenny is a freshman in Constance Billard School for Girls. She has long blonde hair, and large breasts. Her big cup size is drawn the attention of many boys.

She preferred to be invisible. She was a curly haired, tiny little freshman, so invisible wasn’t hard to be. Actually, it would have been easier if her boobs weren’t so incredible huge. At fourteen, she was 34D. Can you imagine?(p. 54).

Based on Abram’s and Ian Milligan theory, Jenny Humphrey can be defined as one of the major character. He said in his book that major character means characters who is the most important in a story. And Jenny Humphrey can be classified as the major character.

Jenny is a loner, she doesn’t have any friends at school. “Like Dan, Jenny was a bit of a loner, and when she needed someone to talk to, she always called him” (p. 62). 28

She is so close with her brother, Dan Humphrey. She is young and very talented. She has great fashion taste and she is a great fashion designer. She makes her own clothes and wears them. Jenny is looked immaculately dressed, however, her clothes are always said to be handmade and not branded. “Burberry plaid coat. Scuffed brown suede boots.

New maroon uniform---odd choice, but she made it work. It looked like … it couldn’t be … could it possibly… Yes, it was”(p. 55).

Jenny Humphrey idolizes the former it-girl Serena van der Woodsen. She admires people such as and Serena van der Woodsen because they are always dressed immaculately and their lives are surrounded by the fashion industry.

She looks so completely cool. It’s like she has this whole new look. I don’t mean her clothes; it’s her face. She looks older, but it’s not like wrinkles or anything. It’s like she’s Kate Moss or some model who’s like, been everywhere and seen everything and come out on the other side. She looks like she’s totally like, experienced (p. 93)

She is learning to become more and more like the elite ones, without the money, or family names, or the popularity. She is from a middle class family which makes her life a lot harder as she socialises with Manhattan's elite teenagers due to the school she goes to. So she really admires Serena, the figure of perfectness in Gossip Girl. And every time, everywhere, Jenny commends Serena.

God, she was beautiful. Her hair was the pale gold color some of the other Constance girls tried to achieve by spending four hours in the hair salon on the top floor of Bergdorf Goodman getting their highlights done. But Serena was natural, you could tell (p. 154).

Jenny Humphrey wants to be “it” girl, popular and sophisticated city girl. She is a westsider and she is doing everything to be like Blair and Serena. For example, Blair 29

holds a party Kiss on the Lips, and Jenny is willing to help Blair making the invitations free. She is a westsider and she is not socialite community, it is impossible for her to join that party. So, if she makes all the invitations, she can invite herself, and she can join to Blair’s party.

“I can do them all by hand tonight and put them in the mail. The materials are the only cost, but I know where to get the quality paper cheap,” Jenny Humphrey said. Jenny raised her eyes. “I was kind of hoping that if I did the invites, maybe I could come to the party?” she said (p. 125).

Jenny's low self confidence is due to never having as much money as the other girls. She comes from an ordinary family. Her father is a musician and she lives in

Upper West Side. She has no much money to make her balance in class level in her school. Most of the students in Constance Billard are upper class. She can attend to that school because her father, Rufus Humphrey has a date with one of the English teacher there. “He only sent Jenny to Constance because it was a very good school and because he used to date one of the English teachers there” (p. 96).

Jenny is sweet, innocent, and nice. It is stated in the previous paragraph that she is a freshman in Constance Billard. When the first day she comes to the school, she sings the hymnals she made. Besides she is sweet, innocent and nice she also spunky.

She does everything to be like what she wants. She wants to join Blair’s party Kiss On

The Lips.And she voluntarily makes all of the invitations, as the result she can make her own invitation, she can join that socialite party.

She approaches Blair, and she offers herself to make the invitation. “I can do the invitation,” a small, clear voice said from behind them. “For free.” (p. 125). That 30

sentence shows that Jenny is nice, she offers to do something that is actually not her job.

Even though, she has another purpose behind. While she really wants the popularity and she understands she has to work for it, so she is seen as the sweet one. She works hard to make all invitations in a night.

When finally she can join Kiss On The Lips, she meets one character named

Chuck Bass. It can be seen from the named of the party, Kiss On The Lips, definitely there is a kiss on the lips. Chuck Bass approaches her and he wants to kiss Jenny. But

Jenny runs off and hides in the bathroom, and calls Dan, her brother to save her from that party.

“What are we doing?” Jenny said confused. “I just want to kiss you,” Chuck said. “I have to go to the bathroom,” she mumbled, stumbling backwards into a stall and locking the door (p. 251).

B. The Hedonism in Socialite Community Presented in Gossip Girl

This part discusses the socialite community that dominated Gossip Girl. The writer tries to analyze the society in New York at that time that Cecily von Ziegesar portrays through the other major characters in the novel. Through the major characters in the novel, the real condition of society in twenty first century in New York can be further revealed. Cecily von Ziegesar chooses socialite community as the characters of her novel to describe the society. In this novel, it can be seen there are common problems which exist in real life. This thesis talks about socialite community and this 31

discussion will be close to difference class, because not all of the characters come from socialite community.

Socialite life is identical with glamorous life, wealthy, hedonism element and gossip is always served. For a socialite fashion, money, gossip is important. And those are for fulfilling their pleasure. Everything talks about pleasure. That can be concluded that socialite is holding hedonism term.

The hedonism in the Gossip Girl will be understood clearly through the description characters who apply the hedonism term itself. The hedonistic characters will be explained below.

a. Serena van der Woodsen

Serena van der Woodsen is one of the major characters in Gossip Girl. She is categorized as a protagonist. And she has a nickname ‘S’ stated in that novel. Cecily von Ziegesar describes her as a great and perfect figure. She has a great physically figure, with her long legs and her blond hair. Besides she also has a complete family, her father, mother and her young brother, Eric van der Woodsen. She has not only a complete family but also money and popularity.

Serena van der Woodsen is described as a rich and popular girl who is often featured on the blog of the mysterious Gossip Girl. She is tall, with dark blue eyes and light blond hair. She's described as extremely attractive to men.

S is back from boarding school. Her hair is longer, paler. Her blue eyes have that deep mysteriousness of kept secrets… if we aren’t careful, S is going to win over our teachers, wear that dress we couldn’t fit into, eat the last olive, spill 32

Campari on our rugs, steal our brothers’ and our boyfriends’ hearts and basically ruin our lives in a major way (p. 2).

She is a daughter of a socialite, van der Woodsens. She is an upper class, and she lives in a huge apartment in Upper East Side. Her family is absolutely rich. She lives in a great city, New York City in Upper Side. She was born and grown there. She lives, goes to school, plays with her friends and sleeps there. Her apartment is luxurious.

She has her own bedroom, bathroom and phone line. It shows that she is really rich. In addition, Serena van der Woodsen wears fantastic clothes and she has private maid who sprayed hourly her bathroom when it smells bed. It means that her maid is ready to serve her all the time. Nevertheless, Serena lacks of affection from her parents. And her life is free. She can do everything she wants without any rules. She has a complete family, a father, a mother and a brother. But her parents are very busy with their social activities and they rarely watch their children. “Both her parents were on boards of all the big charities and art organizations in the city and always had meetings or lunches or fundraisers to go to” (p. 116).

Serena van der Woodsen is grown in a socialite family, socialite community.

Her father and her mother are socialites. They are rarely at home because they are busy with their social activities. So Serena has privacy and she can do everything she wants, such as partying, smoking, drinking, et cetera.

Serena’s sense of style on the show is said to be “inspired by Kate Moss”. That means that she mixes many fashion-forward and vintage pieces together for a look that is with a rocker-chick edge. “It’s like she’s Kate Moss or some model who’s like, been everywhere and seen everything and come out on the other side” (p. 93). 33

Of course, Serena’s style is also inspired by the Upper East Side, so there is always an element of classic chic that gets thrown into the mix. Serena’s clothes may not always look it, but most are very expensive designer pieces, made in luxurious fabrics and costing hundreds of dollars.

She was wearing blue suede knee-high boots and a real Pucci dress. Long sleeved with a high neck and a crystal beaded belt, in blues, orange and green. It was super fantastic. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail on top of her and she was wearing pale blue eyes shadow and creamy pink lipstick (p. 160).

Serena was Blair’s best friend, before she was sent to a boarding school,

Hanover Academy, New Hampshire. When she returns to Constance Billard everyone talks about her. They are gossiping Serena, and Blair, her best friend too. But Serena ignores malicious rumours spread by her cruel classmates.

“Look, see how Serena’s resting her hands on her stomach? She probably pregnant,” Isabel Coates whispered to Rain Hoffstetter. “You only do that when you are pregnant.” “She could have had an abortion this morning. Maybe that’s why she’s late,” Rain whispered back. “I heard she got kicked out for sleeping with every boy on campus.” (p. 55, 60).

Serena is described as a perfect girl. She has everything, money, happy family.

Many people like her, one of them is Jenny Humphrey. It has been stated in the previous discussion that Jenny Humphrey idolizes Serena very much. When all of the people talk about Serena, Jenny cannot accept it. She said that she will punch them who is gossiping Serena. But in the other side, many people envy her. Consequently, when she is back from boarding school, everybody is gossiping her.

“Maybe she had some sort of prostitution ring going on up here. The Merry Madam of Hanover Academy,” he added, laughing at his own stupid joke. 34

“Or some prescription drug,” Isabel said. “You know, like, Valium or Prozac. Maybe she’s gone totally nuts.” “She could’ve been making her own E,” Kati agreed. (p.25).

When Serena returns to Upper East Side from Hanover Academy in New

Hampshire, she and her parents join Waldrof’s dinner. Blair friends also join that dinner. When they see Serena for the first time after her return, they talk about her.

They struck with amazement and admiration, but in the other side, they envy Serena, because Serena is totally perfect.

Chuck saw the girl he’d wanted to sleep with since he could remember wanting to sleep with girls—first grade, maybe? Kati saw the girl she’s been copying since she started shopping for her own clothes—third grade? Isabel saw the girl who’d gotten to be an angel with wings made out of real feathers at the Church of the Heavenly Rest Christmas pageant, while Isabel was a lowly shepherd and has to wear a burlap sack. Third grade again. Both Kati and Isabel saw the girl who would inevitably steal Blair away from them and leave them with only each other, which has to dull to even think about. And Blair saw Serena, her best friend, the other girl she would always love and hate. The girl she could never measure up to and had tried so hard to replace. The girl she’d wanted everyone to forget (p.27-28).

She is great in fashion; she is an upper class, wealthy. And the hedonism term is closed to her life. As it is said in the previous chapter that the definition of hedonism is pleasure that tends to enjoyment (The Encyclopedia Americana, 1978:47). The term

‘pleasure’ in that content of the novel are many things that can create an enjoyment, pleasure feeling to the characters.

In Serena’s case, it can be seen that she smokes cigarettes, she drinks, she shops in Barneys, wears branded outfits, and she has sex with Nate Archibald. “We kissed,”

Nate said. He took a deep breath and held it. He couldn’t just leave it at that. He blew the breath out.” And then we have sex.” (p. 184). All of these activities are human 35

behaviour that employs the concept of thinking that something is pleasant (The

Encyclopedia Americana 1978:47).

The Encyclopedia of Philosophy stated that hedonism requires leisure time and personal wealth. Above all American who is wealthy, and has tremendous prosperity, material abundance like Serena van der Woodsen, being hedonism is a common thing and it becomes part of her life.

More than that description, Serena is a kind and a strong girl. It is not stated in the novel why Serena is sent to the boarding school. But finally she has to leave her glamorous life in New York city, her study and her friends in Constance Billard and her parents send her to the boarding school Hanover Academy.

Serena van der Woodsen is smart and super pretty, but is constantly being told she is not working to her full potential. This novel tells that Serena has returned from boarding school and she is gossiped by all people in Constante Billard. Her return claims that she has some problems in the boarding school so she is considered that she is dropped out from it. Everybody stays away from her, Blair Waldrof her best friend does too. Everybody talks about her behind, but in front she is not concerned.

In order to fill her day, she joins the extracurricular in her school. And she joins the Interschool Drama Club and that club will make a film Gone With The Wind. This club is led by Vanessa Abram. And here, Serena meets Dan Humphrey, Jenny’s brother.

Dan is Vanessa’s friend, and he is one of the actors of Gone With The Wind. Serena should past the casting, and she reads the dialogs in script. She does the scene, reads the dialog with Dan, and she is really great on it. There is a thing called “chemistry” when 36

they do that dialogs on script. Serena never does it before. This is her first time she is acting as an actress on a film. She is enjoying herself. The script is beautiful and passionate according to her. And she thinks that acting is a part on her life beside party.

Vanessa as the director realizes that Serena is great in that casting, more over when she is acting with Dan. Serena and Dan look great and harmonious.

Because of Vanessa’s jealousy to Serena, she does not give the role of Natasha to Serena who acts greatly. Vanessa is jealous to Serena because honestly she likes Dan.

And she cannot accept Dan getting closer to Serena by having a scene together in that film. And she gives the role to Marjorie Jaffe, a sophomore at the Constante and the only girl who has shown up to try out for the role of Natasha in Vanessa’s film. Vanessa uses Marjorie when Serena is obviously perfect for the film.

“Yeah,” said Vanessa, scrambling for a decent reason why she was using Marjorie when Serena was obviously perfect for the part. “Marjorie’s really rough and innocent. That’s what I’m looking for. Dan and I thought your performance was just a bit too.... um... polished.” “Sorry,” Vanessa said, feeling slightly bad. “You’re good actress though,” she added (p.142-143).

It can be seen from this brief summary that Serena is smart. She never joins drama club and this is her first time in acting, but she looks expert in that field.

Serena’s character that has been explained shows that she is the real socialite.

And by explaining her life the author wants to show that the socialite life applies hedonism term, that everything is done is for giving pleasure for the individual. 37

b. Blair Waldrof

Blair Waldrof is the main character of the Gossip Girl. The author, Cecily von

Ziegesar has labelled the character her most complex figure. At the beginning of the

novel, Blair Waldrof is introduced as a privileged on New York’s Upper East Side.

Blair’s parents are divorced and now her mother, Eleanor Waldrof has a boy friend

named Cyrus Rose. And Blair really hates him. Blair is known for her Queen Bee

status at Constante Billard School for girls, small, elite, and all-girls school. In the

novel she usually called B in blog or Queen Bee. She is very beautiful, slender with

long dark brown hair. Physically, she is as perfect as Serena. She is from upper class,

wealthy and lives in expensive apartment in Upper East Side.

Blair is Serena’s best friend before Serena moves to boarding house. And now

Blair has a boy friend named Nate Archibald who is Serena ex-boyfriend. Blair is

beautiful, wealthy and Serena’s former best friend. But she is not as popular as Serena.

In the previous discussion about Serena van der Woodsen, Serena is described as a

popular girl who is looked at by anyone. Blair uses her charm, money, and social clout

to get whatever she wants. She envies Serena’s popularity, in case Serena is her best


Blair saw Serena, her best friend, the girl she would always love and hate. The girl she could measure up to and had tried so hard to replace. The girl she’d wanted everyone to forget (p. 28).

Blair really loves Serena. She lost Serena when Serena moved to boarding

school. Serena’s leaving makes Blair be friends to Kati Farkas and Isabel Coates. And

both of them are not the real best friends. They are friends to Blair because Blair is 38

wealthy and rich. Blair is a queen, she gets everything she wants, and of course being

Blair’s friends Kati and Isabel also get what Blair gets. For example, the Waldrofs is

holding a dinner party, so Kati and Isabel as Blair’s friends are invited to join the

glamorous Waldrofs’ dinner party. It is a benefit for being Blair’s friends. The point is

that being close to Blair is a certain benefit.

But in the other side, she hates Serena. Serena’s beauty and popularity shadow

her. Blair is as beautiful as Serena, but she is not as popular as Serena. Everybody

loves Serena, and she is a trendsetter. What Serena wears, how she performs, what her

appearance is loved by everyone, but Blair does not. Serena is gifted with the kind of

coolness and she is the girl every boy wants and every girl want to be. And Blair as

Serena’s friend doesn’t looks as cool as Serena. Blair seems invisible when Serena

besides her. That makes Blair envies Serena.

At first, when Serena had gone to boarding school after sophomore year, Blair had really missed her. But it soon became apparent how much easier it was to shine without Serena around. Suddenly Blair was the prettiest, the smartest, the hippest, most happening girl in the room. She became the one everyone looked to (p.26).

Not only on that condition, has Blair also envied of Serena because Serena charms everymen. Nate Archibald is Serena ex-boyfriend. And after Serena’s leaving,

Blair has dating with Nate. When Serena is back, Blair is panic. She worries about Nate if Nate will go back to Serena. This is partly due to a certain degree of jealousy she feels toward her friend and occasional rival, Serena. At times, these insecurities create what

Cecily von Ziegesar labels as a complexity which contributes to Blair’s character. 39

In the novel Blair has another side, she has tendency to be bitchy and controlling side. She has a huge desire to have sex with her boy friend, Nate before graduating.

Blair wishes and compels Nate to have sex with her, but Nate rejects. I’m about to have sex with Nate, she thought giddily (p. 18). Blair is passionate having sex with Nate, although Nate does not want to do it. In a chapter entitled b & n come close but no cigar tells that Bair has prepared everything for having sex. Blair checks everything is ready, her skin kept nice, her hair, her bathroom, condom and including her naked body. And she is waiting Nate in her penthouse. When Nate is coming, she hurries Nate to take his clothes off, but Nate denies. The reason is Nate has done sex with Serena before. That makes Blair hates Serena more. Blair is often gossiping Serena, her best friend.

Blair is a kind and smart girl. According to the definition in chapter two about socialite community, socialite is a philanthropist. Socialites use their wealth to collect money for a purpose. It means that they are raising fund to do something in society.

That Blair is a kind girl stated in the novel. She is the chair person of charity activity in saving birds, to raise money for the Central Park Peregrine Falcon

Foundation. Peregrine falcon is a large bird with a dark back and wings and a lightly coloured front, which catches mice and other small animals. Those peregrine falcons in

Central Park will homeless. Therefore, Blair and her friends will arrange a party to invite other socialites to make them collect their money for saving the homeless peregrine falcon in Central Park.

The three girls were sitting in the Constance cafetaria, discussing the upcoming Kiss on the Lips benefit to raise money for the Central Park Peregrine Falcon Foundation. Blair was chair of the organizing committee, of course (p. 77-78). 40

Those explanation and quotation show that Blair is a kind girl. She is a socialite, she does something for charity, raising fund for the birds in Central Park. Although the way she is raising fund is by making a party. Blair’s character description is appropriate with the definition of socialite community which is hedonistic.

Every socialite usually a hedonist, Blair is included. Like what is stated in previous chapter that the main definition of hedonism is pleasure. The socialite is rich, wealthy and has much money. And usually they spend it for pleasure and charity.

They usually do something for pleasure. The simple example is socialite like

Serena and Blair buy branded clothes. They wear the best outfit. It is stated in the first chapter that Blair wears black cashmere cardigan, and new black ballet flats (p.6). wearing branded and new clothes are a kind of pleasure for socialite, pleasure to show that they are wealthy and they can wear branded clothes. It is a kind of a pleasure of socialite when they are ostentatious. Another example, Blair is usually doing party.

When she wants to raise fund for the peregrine falcon, she makes party, and the name of the party is Kiss On The Lips. And the party itself is a kind of pleasure.

c. Chuck Bass

Chuck bass is one of the male characters in Gossip Girl. Cecily von Ziegesar, the author describes him as a handsome and charming man at times. Chuck Bass is raised in most elite social circle because he is Misty and Bartholomew Bass’s son. His father is a wealthy businessperson. He and his family lives in the Plaza Hotel, Upper 41

East Side. And Chuck Bass attend to St. Jude’s School for Boys. He is a pompous character who desires for expensive clothes, alcohol, and sex.

Chuck Bass, the oldest son of Misty and Bartholomew Bass was handsome, aftershave-commercial handsome... Chuck was also the horniest boy in Blair and Nate’s group friends. Once, at party in ninth grade, Chuck had hidden in a guest bedgroom closet for two hours, waiting to crawl into a bed with Kati Farkas, who was so drunk she kept throwing up in her sleep. Chuck didn’t even mind. He just got in bed with her. He was completely unshakeable when it came to girls (p. 16-17).

Chuck Bass is Nate Archibald and Blair Waldrof’s friend. And he is only interested in sex and money. He is described as the horniest boy in the novel. Sex is the only thing in his mind. When Serena is back Chuck immediately takes Serena to sleep with him. He says that he will sleep with many girls until the end of the month, and

Serena can get her turn later. “Well, I’m all booked up for this month, but I can’t put you on the waiting list,” Chuck said huffily, try to regain his composure (p. 23). The quotation shows that Chuck is busy, often doing sex. Besides he loves sex, he loves gossiping too. When Serena is back, Chuck is gossiping her with his male friends. He is back bite that Serena is so slutty, therefore Serena is back to Manhattan. This character is described with a fashionable style. Chuck Bass has flamboyant style. He is usually wearing cashmere scarf to complete his style and he is called “scarf boy”.

His character is playboy, and he is often alternate partner in sex. After sleeping with a girl in a night, he left. And the night after, he has different partner. Besides, in

Gossip Girl, Chuck is described that he likes Blair Waldrof, although Blair is Nate’s girlfriend, his best friend. 42

Chuck Bass dislike Dan Humphrey because he is not a socialite. Chuck only wants to be friend with persons who have same class level with him. And Dan Humprey is not in the same class level with him. Chuck thinks that Dan is not as rich as he and his friends.

Not only an obnoxious boy Chuck is also a caring friend. Chuck is shown as being fiercely loyal to his best friend, Nate Archibald. He knows Nate Archibald’s biggest secret. He knows that before Serena moves to boarding house in Hanover

Academy, Nate and Serena are having affair and sex. He tells no one. This deed shows the good side of Chuck Bass.

Like what is stated in the previous paragraph that Chuck Bass is a socialite. He is rich and wealthy because his father is the owner of Plaza Hotel in Upper East Side where Bass and Waldrofs live.

Chuck bass who is a son of wealthy man is arrogant, because he has money. He thinks that he can get everything with his money. This character is as the same as Blair

Waldrof’s character, that money is everything. The description of Chuck character reflects the socialite life which is glamorous and everything done is for fun and fulfil the pleasure of sex, partying, wearing branded outfit.

Chuck Bass is also described as the antagonist character. Based on the book, A

Handbook for the Study of Fiction the antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist directly, physically or spiritually. And in this novel, Chuck Bass attempts to to hook up with Serena van der Woodsen and Jenny Humphrey. And the top of the conflict is raised when Chuck is approaching Jenny in Blair’s party, Kiss On The Lips. 43

The hedonism apply in this case based on the explanation in chapter two is the sensual hedonism which arises the pleasure in drinking, having fun and sexual activities.

C. The Influence of Hedonism In Socialite Community toward the Main Character

Jenny Humphrey

This part discusses the influence of hedonism in socialite community toward the major character, Jenny Humphrey which is caused by the other major characters and those characters have been revealed in previous discussion. The writes tries to analyze the hedonism in socialite life in United State of America that Ziegesar portrays through the major characters in the novel, so that the characters can influence somebody’s lifestyle, personality. Through the major characters in the novel, the real condition of the society especially socialites. The study mainly discusses the major characters.

Ziegesar chooses wealthy, rich socialite people as the characters of her novel to describe the society. In this novel, it can be seen there are common problems which exist in real life. The problem is faced by another character who is not wealthy, rich and not a socialite.

1. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Appearance

Jenny Humphrey lives in Upper West Side with his father, Rufus Humphrey a rock and roll infamous musician and his older brother, Dan Humphrey. Upper West

Side is a place where people unwealthy lives. And the wealthy people, like Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldrof, Chuck Bass lives in Upper East Side. And Jenny 44

Humphrey who is westsider has a chance to school in Constante Billard School For

Girls where the socialites exist there because of her father. “He only sent Jenny to

Constance Billard because it was a very good school and because he used to date one of the English teachers there” (2002:96). Jenny’s father loves her so he registers her daughter to that school.

Jenny who is an ordinary and not wealthy girl associates with her friends in her school who is wealthy and popular. She is always trying to fit in with the more popular girls at her exclusive private girls' school, Constance Billard, where Upper East Side princesses like Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen attend.

Jenny Humphrey is influenced by her socialite classmate. It can be seen from her appearance. It has been explained in the previous discussion that Jenny is a good designer. She designs her own clothes and wears it. She rarely buys new clothes, and outfits. Since she has attended to Constante Billard, Jenny becomes a different person.

She is not the way she is. She wants to buy clothes where Serena, Blair and the other socialites buy their clothes, in Barneys.

“Go to Sears, it’s the proletarian department store. Whatever that means. I don’t know where Sears is, if it even exists anymore. Anyway, I want to go to Barneys. I can’t believe I’ve never even been there. I bet people like Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldrof go there, like, everyday” (p. 194).

From that quotation we can see that Jenny is shopping in Sears before. Sears is a department store. And after she is acquainted with Serena and Blair and idolizes them, she is experiencing a changing. She starts buy new clothes in Barneys, an elite boutique where Serena and Blair buy their dresses. Barneys is a shopping place for socialite and 45

wealthy person but jenny who is not a socialite shops in Barneys, in case she shops in

Sears before.

She shops in Sears before, and then after she knows Serena and her classmates shop in Barneys, she shops there. The major of that society is the upper class where

Jenny attends to school, they are wealthy and socialites. Besides, Jenny is not and she tries to fit with them, their style, although it is hard for her because she is not rich. It shows in that novel that Jenny is different from other characters. First, she is the youngest character in this novel, a freshman in Constance Billard School for Girls. And she is one of the characters who is not from a socialites community which is the characters are dominated by the socialites characters. Jenny Humphrey is the only character who is influenced by the society. The wealth element makes Jenny Humphrey, a westsider goes with the stream of the eastsiders. Because her friends are wealth, socialites and because they have money they shops in an elite boutique like Barneys,

Jenny as an ordinary and not wealthy girl tries to fit with them.

2. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Lifestyle

In chapter two the term hedonism has been discussed. And the point of the hedonism stated by Encyclopedia Americana is pleasure that can motivate someone to do an action. In this novel most of the characters are doing everything to get pleasure.

For example, Serena van der Woodsen one of the major character in that story, she is wealthy, and perfect. Because of her wealthy she can do everything she wants. She loves party, she smokes, drinks and has had sex with Nate, her ex-boyfriend. Those 46

things give pleasure for someone. Many hedonism aspects can be found in this novel.

Based on the Encyclopedia of Psychology life style is personal action as forward oriented and it is determined by individual values, responses to the environment


The novel tells about the socialite characters like Serena van der Woodsen and

Blair Waldrof. Serena van der Woodsen is one of the hedonistic characters. She is a party lover. Before she moves to boarding school in Hanover, she is the real socialite who spends her whole live with parties. She knows how to dance in party. “Then Serena began to dance, her arms raised over her head, kicking her feet out in front her and shaking her shoulder. She definitely knew how to dance” (p. 248). Party is the element that influences Jenny.

Party is a part of Serena’s life. Party and dance can give her an enjoyment and a pleasure in her life. Serena is not invited to Blair party so she fills her night with Dan and Vanessa, watching Ruby’s performance is a bar. Although that event is not a party like what Serena usually has before, Serena is dancing that time.

Not only Serena van der Woodsen but also Blair Waldrof who is wealthy is including a hedonistic character in this novel. Blair Waldrof is a socialite who is wealthy and participating in social activities. And in the novel, Blair is a chairperson of the organizing committee. And she will hold an event to raise money for the Central

Park Peregrine Falcons Foundation.

..discussing the upcomming Kiss on the Lips benefit to raise money for the Central Park Peregrine Falcon Foundation. Blair was chair of the organizing committee, of course. “Those poor birds, “Blair sighed. (p. 77-78). 47

Blair as the committee, she raises funds with her community to save the birds peregrine falcons in Central Park that are homeless and almost extinct. And she raises funds by making a party with a name Kiss on the Lips. The hedonism term is applied in that case. The socialite life is inseparable with parties. In every case or event, party is a must and it is including in raising funds for charity for the homeless birds.

Blair is holding a party with a name Kiss on the Lips for charity activities, raising funds for the birds in central Park. The theme of the party is not appropriate with the charity activity. Indeed, she gathers all her socialite friends to join that party in order to get much money to succeed her program in saving the birds. But behind it she has another purpose.

Party and sex are inseparable. And in every party sex always exist. That is a common thing. “You guys,” she scolded. Get a room!” (p. 245). That is Blair’s main purpose. She wants to have sex with Nate. Because when she gets the first chance,

Serena is back. She lost her chance because Nate and everybody focus on Serena. Blair has prepared everything not only the charity activities for the peregrine falcon, but also she has prepared for losing her virginity with Nate.

Blair checked out her naked body in the mirror. “I’m naked,” Blair told him. “Really?” Nate said, barely absorbing the information. “Can I come in?” “Just hurry up and take your clothes off,” she said. She took his hand. “It’s okay. Come on.” “Take off your clothes, Nate,” Blair whispered. (p.176-179).

Having sex with Nate desires Blair. They are having a relationship and sex is a necessary in a relationship between a girl and boy in socialite. Having a sex can give 48

enjoyment and pleasure for the couple who do it. Blair loves Nate so she is willing to lose her virginity with Nate.

Besides, it is a good moment to show off that she exists and concerns to the birds. Like what is stated before that Blair wants to be visible like Serena so she arranges a party for charity.

Over by the door, Rebecca Agnelli from the Central Park Save the Peregrine Falcon Foundation was just putting on her mink coat and kissing Kati and Isabel goodnight. Blair was walked over and pressed the twenty-dollar bill into her hand. “That’s for the birds,” Blair said with her fakest smile. “Don’t forget your gift bag!” (p.260-261).

Party and sex are related each other and give an enjoyment and pleasure. Those two things make Jenny changes. Jenny Humphrey is a westsider who never joins a socialite’s party. And in the novel Jenny is told that she is innocent. She never dates with any boy.

First Jenny does everything to join Blair’s party, Kiss on the Lips. She makes the invitation freely in order to make her own invitation. She really wants to join that party. She wants to be like Serena, Blair and the other socialites who do partying all day.

She wants to be like Serena or Blair but it is impossible because she is not wealthy. Her father, Rufus Humphrey is not a socialite and he is only a musician. So it is impossible for Jenny to be wealthy like Serena or Blair or her other friends in

Constance Billard. Her father hates when Jenny is influenced by her classmate, because it remains him to Jenny and Dan’s mother who left them for a rich people. 49

“It’s a big deal because you’re not going to get used to this silly debutante nonsense, and you’re going to wind up a big fake like your mother, who hangs around rich people all the time because she’s too scared to think of herself” her father shouted (p. 97).

That conversation shows that the Humphreys are not rich, it is proved by the mother’s leaving for rich people. Jenny realizes that she is different from her friends at school. She is not wealthy so she cannot be popular. She is a loner, she has no friends at school. She is invisible because she is not a socialite and rich, but her big cup size makes her visible.

One thing that is different from Jenny is she shops in Barneys. In the previous discussion, the writer tells that Jenny is a good designer. She designs her own clothes and wears it. Her clothes are handmade and not branded. And for the party Kiss on the

Lips she buys the dress in Barneys. She wants to look fascinating with her branded dress that she buys in Barneys. Serena, Blair and socialites shops in Barneys and so does Jenny who really wants to be like them. When someone can shop in Barneys, it is a proud of someone’s. It gives a pleasure in someone’s heart and makes she is more confident with branded clothes. That is the moment when her personality is influenced by her society. Jenny feels insecure with herself. But actually in case that she is great with her clothes which she designs. She is constantly comparing herself to Blair and

Serena and this makes her feel self conscious and very unconfident. Therefore, she is trying hard to fit with them by doing like what they do such as go to the socialite party and shop in Barneys. 50

In addition, Jenny is trying to be like Serena. She wants to be like Serena, beautiful and slender. And she is doing diet in order to get a body shape like Serena.

Jenny loves eating a toasted, buttered, chocolate-chip scone almost every day. But now she consumes fruit. “Jenny was eating half a grapefruit and drinking a cup of peppermint tea. She’d been eating less and less” (p. 92).

3. Hedonism Changes Jenny’s Trait

Jenny Humphrey who lives with her father and brother is a kind girl. She loves them so much because she only has them as family and friends. Since she attends to

Constante Billard an Elite school and she meets Blair and Serena, she compares herself with them. She never goes to a socialite’s party before and now she desires to join to that party, although her father forbids her.

“Shame on you. Those people only wants those birds around because they’re pretty. Because it makes them feel like they are in the pretty countryside, like they’ re at their house in Connecticut or Maine. They are decorative. Leave it to the leasure class to come up with some charity that does absolutely no one any good at all!” (p. 97).

Even though Jenny is forbidden to go to that party, she insists to go. She does not obey what her father says. She insists to come to that party because she thinks that the party is fun and her socialite friends will exist there. “I just want to have some fun,” she said stubbornly (p.97). Jenny’s answer is connected with the term hedonism that someone do an action to get something pleasurable.

Jenny Humphrey who is an obedient daughter becomes a disobedient.It is caused by her dream of being like her friends although it is impossible. Jenny will do 51

almost anything to be accepted by the popular crowd. Jenny seems to have two sides to her personality. The first side is sweet and innocent and nice. And after she knows

Serena, Blair and the other socialites, she wants to be like them. And trying to be socialite is hard for Jenny because she has no money, family name and popularity.

Because of her desire, Jenny becomes a protester daughter. She insists to go to the party.

Her work is not in vain. Finally she can join Blair’s party, Kiss on the Lips. she comes alone. Jenny is a stranger in that party and she knows no one there. “God, I don’t know anyone here,” she said nervously (p.228). Until Chuck Bass the antagonist characters sees Jenny. Jenny is a westsider who never joins the party, Chuck never sees her before. Chuck is a playboy, so he approaches her.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me?” Chuck said, staring at Jenny’s chest. “To who?” Jenny said, frowning. “I’m Chuck. Would you like to dance?” “Sure, let’s dance,” she slurred, falling against Chuck’s chest. “Good girl,” he said, like he was talking to a dog. (p. 231).

Chuck feels that he finds his next victim. Jenny looks very innocent and Chuck is tempting and wielding her. Besides Jenny feels that she is successful. She is acquainted with Serena, Blair, helping Blair making the invitation and now a male socialite is approaching her. Jenny is in danger when she meets Chuck. Chuck comes closer and closer and he intends to get a room with Jenny. Later Jenny is aware that she is in danger so she tries to run off from Chuck.

She reached up and pushed against Chuck’s chest, pulling her head away from him, desperate for air. “I have to go the bathroom,” she mumbled, stumbling backwards into a stall and locking the door (p.251). 52

Chuck Bass is in action and now Jenny is in danger. Jenny knows anyone in party, she doesn’t know who she can ask for help. So she calls Dan, her brother to come and save her.

Jenny Humphrey is an obedient daughter. Based on the book Fiction An

Introduction to Reading and Writing it calls trait. Jenny is changing because of her dream. Firstly she is very innocent and obedient to her father. The she is changing to be a disobedient daughter because she insists to go to the socialite party. And after she can join, she gets her dream she is almost being raped by Chuck Bass. She starts to know that being socialite is not only having fun, having party. Now she experiences the impact.

Her desire of being like Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldrof, joining socialites community, wearing branded clothes, being popular, getting such a fun thing makes her gets misfortunes. Jenny makes the invitation for all guests in party Kiss on the Lips freely in order to make her own invitation so that she can come. And after she can join, Chuck Bass almost does the unpleasant thing toward her.

It can be concluded that Jenny tries hard to fit with the socialites. Her character, social activities, and family condition are not compatible with the life style in socialite community. Jenny’s changes superficially. She is influenced by the society, her friends but the fact that Jenny does not involved to that society.

In this analysis, the writer wants to show that hedonism has several definitions in different points. And by stating those several definitions, the writer shows that the hedonism generally means pleasure. But the pleasure itself has many different meaning. 53

The writer focuses on the psychological hedonism because that is what the story says.

The hedonism makes the major character, Jenny Humphrey does everything to be like what she wants and that becomes her motivator to get her goal, joining the socialites community. But the ethical and the philosophical hedonism which has same explanation also needs to be discussed because it relates to the topic and the analysis. They differentiate the hedonism in socialite community and in other fields. CHAPTER V


This literary study finally arrives at some important points as a conclusion.

This thesis explores Ziegesar’s Gossip Girl and focuses on the one of the major character in the novel and the society that can reveal through the previous discussion of the characters. The society and the characters are the elements that present in the novel.

First, socialites dominate the novel because most of the major characters are socialites. In addition, there is one major who does not come from socialites and she is influenced by the socialites because she lives around them. The first discussion focuses on the Jenny’s character description. Jenny is one of the major characters who is influenced by her socialites friends. She is not a socialite. In that novel the characters who are not socialites, called westsiders and the socialites called eastsiders.

Like Jenny Humphrey, she is not a socialite, she lives in Upper West Side, and she is called the westsider. Jenny is a sweet, kind, nice and innocent girl. She is the youngest characters in the novel but she is talented, she is a good designer. She is not wealthy, not popular and she is trying hard to fit with all her friends at school. She wants to be like them especially Serena and Blair. Everything is done to be like her wealthy, popular friends.

54 55

And the second problem in this thesis deals with the society in the novel. The society is dominated by the social upper class. Through the major characters present in the novel, Cecily von Ziegesar reveals the social activities of America society. And the society which is dominated by the socialites community arising several aspect like wealthy, hedonism, party and sex. Those are portrayed by the description of the characters, Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldrof and Chuck Bass. Those characters apply the definition of socialites because they are really socialites in the novel. And they also apply the hedonism term. The story portrays their lives that full of parties, drinks, cigarettes and sex. Socialites’ life in United States of America which is glamour, wealthy, great in fashion and philanthropy is depicted by those three characters. There are several socialite characters in the novel, but it only focuses on some characters that have significant role in revealing the society in America at that time. And they have a role in influencing Jenny’s changing.

And the third conclusion is about the influence of hedonism toward Jenny

Humphrey. Jenny’s changing in several aspects becomes the matter in the novel. Her appearance, lifestyle and trait change after she meets the socialites. In the beginning, before Jenny attends to Constance Billard an elite school, she is shopping in Sear and she makes her own clothes, but after that she is shopping in Barneys where the eastsiders shop and buy branded outfits. She becomes a disobedient daughter. She insists go to the party although her father forbids her. Everything is done to be like her socialites friends, to be like Serena, Blair although it is impossible because she 56

has no family name, no popularity, no wealth. She becomes an unrealistic person.

And the socialite life is not suitable at Jenny characteristics and lifestyle. As far as the discussion the socialite characters give bad impact toward Jenny, therefore Jenny becomes a different individual. And it has not been concluded whether the influence of hedonism in Jenny is permanent or not because this book has another series. And the problems and matters are discussed in the next books. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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The story begins with Blair Waldorf at a party at her house with her friends Kati Farkas, Isabel Coates, Chuck Bass, and boyfriend Nate Archibald.

Soon after, Blair Waldorf sneaks away from the party to her room in order to have sex with Nate. However, they are interrupted by the arrival of Serena van der

Woodsen, Blair's old friend who left one year ago to attend in Hanover boarding school. When Serena was around, Blair was always left in her shadow, so when she returned Blair was not particularly thrilled to see her, especially when Blair finds out that Serena and Nate had sex the summer before Serena left. She tries to keep Serena out of loop such as not inviting her to the Kiss On the Lips party, a benefit for the two peregrine falcons living in Central Park. Serena does not understand why she is being ignored by all of her friends so she decides to branch out and try new things, especially since she does not have any extracurricular activities on her record. She tries to join the school play, a terrible modernized, musical version of "Gone with the Wind" but decides to try out for her classmate,

Vanessa Abrams' short film in Central Park.

When Serena is not joining the socialite activities anymore because she is ignored, Jenny tries hard to join with Blair and friends. She does everything to be accepted in socialites community. Her desire is being popular, rich like Serena and Blair. She is always desperately trying to fit in with the it crowd.

Serena performs very well at her tryout but Vanessa is jealous of how her

59 60

best friend and secret crush, Dan Humphrey, acted lovesick around her so she decides to pick a sophomore, Marjorie instead. Undeterred, Serena decides to make her own film and enlists the help of Jenny Humphrey, Dan's younger sister.

Also all throughout the book, Gossip Girl, a popular blog site, which many visit, spreads around rumors, or gossip, about this group. Appendix 2


Cecily Brooke von Ziegesar was born on June 27, 1970 in Norwalk,

Connecticut. She is an American author best known for the young adult Gossip Girl books. Her series books talks about a group of rich Manhattan teenagers and their adventure with sex, drugs and alcohol. The genres of her books are drama, comedy, short and romance.

Her childhood dream was to grow up to be a ballerina. She began lessons at age 3 and auditioned for the School of American Ballet at age 8, but was rejected. As a teenager, she commuted to Manhattan at 6 a.m. to attend The Nightingale-Bamford

School. After graduating from Nightingale, Von Ziegesar attended Colby College.

Then she spent a year in Budapest working for a local radio station. She then returned to the United States to study creative writing at the University of Arizona, only to drop out shortly thereafter.

She creates the Gossip Girl series, because it presents a view of high-end teenage lifestyles. The Constance Billard School for Girls is based upon an exaggerated version of her alma mater, Nightingale as well, events from the book are based on her extremely wealthy friends who had "those parents" and "those lives", as well as Von Ziegesar's own life as being a gossiper.

The series of the Gossip Girl the novels are Gossip Girl, You Know You Love

Me, All I Want Is Everything, Because I'm Worth It, I Like It Like That, You're the

One That I Want, Nobody Does It Better, Nothing Can Keep Us Together, Only In

61 62

Your Dreams, Would I Lie To You, Don't You Forget About Me, It Had to Be You, and I Will Always Love You..