JavaFX Compiler Maven Plugin

New version found at JavaFX Maven Plugin

What does it do?

The unique goal of this plugin is "compile". The plugin will compile javafx source files without interfering with the java compiler. It activates the javafxc Ant task using the Maven model to fill the classpath and other parameters. All generated class files will be generated under the standard maven dir "target /classes" and so packaged and distributed by Maven automatically.


Binaries distribution On JFrog public Artifactory repository jfrog-javafx-plugin The source code on JFrog subversion repository: jfrog-javafx-plugin The JIRA project for bug reports and next features: JFXCP The maven generated site: jfrog-javafx-plugin

Activating the plugin

Just add the following plugin to your pom.xml file:

org.jfrog.maven.plugins jfrog-javafx-plugin compile

And the following plugin repository to your settings.xml or pom.xml (best practice is to do it in a profile):

jfrog-plugins-dist jfrog-plugins-dist false

JavaFX dependencies has Maven2 POM declaration

To use javafx SDK jars in your project you need to declare the following dependencies in your POM file: javafx javafxrt 1.1.1 javafx javafxgui 1.1.1

Standard configuration

The default source path for javafx project is: src/main/javafx and if you have resources under it you need to add in your POM:

${project.basedir}/src/main/javafx **/*.