Syuabus December 7-11, 1988 San Francisco Hilton on Hilton Square Keynote Speakers: Jay Haley, Arnold Lazarus and Cloe' Madanes
Brief Therapy: Myths, Methods and Metaphors the fourth international congress on Ericksonlan Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy SyUabUS December 7-11, 1988 San Francisco Hilton on Hilton Square Keynote Speakers: Jay Haley, Arnold Lazarus and Cloe' Madanes ) SM Featured speakers: Daniel Araoz, joseph Barber, joel Bergman, Simon Budman, Gianfranco Cecchin, Nicholas Cummings, Steve de Shazer, Albert Ellis, Richard Fisch, Stephen Gilligan, David Gordon, Mary Goulding, james Gustafson, Carol Lankton, Stephen Lankton, Herbert Lustig, Ruth McClendon, William O'Hanlon, Peggy Papp, Erving Polster, Sidney Rosen, Ernest Rossi, Peter Sifneos, Hans Strupp, Kay Thompson, Paul Watzlawick, john Weakland, Michael Yapko, Jeffrey Zeig and members of the Erickson family. Sponsored by The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona Co-sponsored by The Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, The Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez, California and The Department of Family Practice, University of California at Davis Organizer: Jeffrey K. Zeig Executive Director: Linda Carr McThrall '' Each person is a unique Individual. Hence, psychotherapy should be for., mutated to meet the uniqueness of the ' individual's needs, rather than tailoring the person to fit the Procrustean bed of a hypothetical theory of human behavior. '' Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Table of Contents 1988 International Congress Schedule Wednesday. 2 Thursday. 4 Friday. 6 Saturday .......... .. ~ ....................... : . 7 Sunday ..................................................
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