C M Winner of the first heat of the 2017 Annual Flag Day Faustasi Faigamea i le Tai, the Manulele Tausala from Nuuuli, last year’s winner of the Flag Day race, Y K brought in an overall time of 35: 24.78, resulting in a #3 standing among the 9 fautasi that raced, and making it to the final championship race today. [Photo: LF]



2017 exclusively Your Family of distributed by Fine Beverages 699-1854 Le Faigamea i le

Tai 2017 Flag Day The Paepaeulupoo from Aua came in first in the second heat with the overall time of 35: 19.13, barely beating out the Fuao’s time of 35:19.35. Both fautasi are listed in the results as #1 and #2 respectively, and will race in today’s final for the championship against last year’s winner Manulele Fautasi final is set Tausala, and 4 others. [Photo: EM] C M BUT FIRST, THERE WILL BE A ‘SPECIAL’ RACE Y K By Rhonda Annesley, Editor could race for the champion- nyone, here or off- ship title. island, that watched This basically reduced the ALe Faigamea i le Tai field of 14 fautasi to 9. Those 2017 Flag Day Fautasi heats, are the nine you saw in the yesterday, has to admit that 2 heats yesterday: Fealofani maybe, just maybe, the Fau- Samoa II, Fetu O Le Afiafi, tasi Committee has hit on the Iseula O Le Moana III, Man- best way to run the most highly ulele Tausala I and Matasaua in anticipated race in the territory the first heat; and, Aeto, Fuao, each year. Paepaeulupoo, and Taema II in Yesterday’s heats can be said the second heat. to be a start to leaving behind Second, the Committee the Flag Day fautasi’s conten- decided that each fautasi’s tious history of false starts, ‘race time’ in their heat — there jumping-the-gun starts and rules were two hzeats — would set not enforced by the committee, who would race in the final and the list could go on. championship race, which they How did this happen? First, said would have only 7 fautasi the Committee enforced its rule racing. that only one fautasi per village (Continued on page 2) Page 2 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017

➧ Continued… Continued from page 1 The time results of the heats are as follows, according to the paperwork from the Committee: 1. Paepaeulupoo - 35:19.13 2. Fuao - 35:19. 35 3. Manulele Tausala I - 35:24.78 4. Matasaua - 36:35.09 5. Taema - 36:37.25 6. Iseula O Le Moana - 37:55.12 7. Fetu O Le Afiafi - 39:12.23 8. Aeto - 37:27.44 9. Fealofani Samoa - 41:02.23 However, Samoa News should point out that there’s a problem with the listing on the results form: The Aeto’s 37:27.44 is a better time than the Iseula O Le Moana’s 37:55.12, which means Aeto should be at the #6 spot, with Iseula moving over to #7, and Fetu O Le Afiafi and Fealo- fani eliminated, with Fetu’s 39:12.23 at #8, and Fealofani’s at #9. Samoa News was able to contact the captain of the Aeto, Va’amua Henry Sesepasara, who said that they are aware of the ‘error’ and have contacted the Fautasi Committee about it. He said the Committee said they would get back to them and they have not heard anything as of 5p.m. yesterday. Third, the Committee has stuck to their decision for the final 7 in the championship race, and the fautasi with the two slowest times will not be participants. However, the two fautasi will be a part of a ‘special’ race com- prising the 5 fautasi fielded by their villages as ‘second’ boats. While not mentioned by the announcers during the heats, Samoa News was told that the special race is scheduled to happen before the championship final of le faigamea i le tai. Participants are: the second fautasi from the villages of Nu’uuli, , Manu’a, Aua, Pago Pago and will include the two fautasi that didn’t make it to the championship finals. The special race is scheduled for early morning, with the championship race to follow. However, the ocean tides and the weather will have the final say on whether or not any of the races will be run today, as it did yesterday. Sean Tilo and his sister Sherry cheering and dancing for their village fautasi, the Aua Paepaeulupo’o Samoa News wishes all captains and crew the best of luck — during the second heat at yesterday’s fautasi regatta for the 2017 Annual Flag Day Fautasi Faigamea may the strength of your oars guide your flight. i le Tai. The boat came in first in heats overall with a time of 35:19.13. [Photo: EM] 12 sex related charges dropped against juvie

AMERICAN SAMOA RUNAWAY & HOMELESS YOUTH SHELTER police officer Okesene Alo 699-HELP(4357) by Samoa News staff The court also upheld the 7 misdemeanor ARE YOU UNDER 18 AND NEED District Court Judge Fiti A. Sunia has dis- charges and four counts of endangering the wel- missed 12 sex related charges including 10 fare of a child. A PLACE TO STAY? counts of rape against Public Safety officer, After the 14 felony counts were dismissed DO YOU FEEL UNSAFE AT HOME? Okesene Alo, one of the four officers, assigned Sunia then reduced Alo’s bail from $200,000 to the Juvenile Detention Center, charged with to $50,000 but the government objected saying CALL 699-4357(HELP), various crimes over alleged misconduct at JDC. that based on the evidence from witnesses, the MESSAGE us on Facebook (Pasefika Youth Project), Sunia’s decision followed a lengthy prelimi- defendant is the alleged “ring leader” and sought or EMAIL [email protected]. nary examination hearing for Alo, who was orig- to keep the high bail amount. ALL contacts and information are strictly inally charged with 35 counts — 28 of them are However, Sunia says that the court’s decision felonies including 10 counts of rape, one count CONFIDENTIAL. is based on evidence before him. each of aiding and abetting of a rape (when Sunia then bound over to High Court, the Remember to call 911 if you have an emergency. the defendant allegedly put a female and male remaining charges against the defendant, detainee inside a cell to have sexual contact), who is scheduled for arraignment next week deviate sexual assault and first degree sexual Wednesday, where he will enter a plea. abuse. In the Nov. 14, 2016 ‘Drug Incidents in Juve- NOFOAGA SULUFA’I MO LE PUIPUIGA O Following yesterday’s hearing Sunia dis- nile Detention Center by On-Duty Officers’ FANAU TALAVOU A missed all of the sex related counts and one report, prepared by the JDC supervisor and sub- 699-HELP(4357) felony count of witness tempering. mitted to then Police Commissioner Save Liuato In dismissing 14 felony counts, Sunia says Tuitele, there are many allegations pointing fin- Afai e le i atoa lou 18 tausaga ae ua mana’omia the court was “not satisfied” with the evidence gers at Alo and the role he played with drug use se nofoaga malu puipuia e te fia sulufa’i iai... presented by the government for probable cause by the four charged officers as well as certain that a crime was committed. juvenile detainees at JDC. (See Samoa News Ua lagona le le malu puipuia o The government called one witness to the edition Apr. 3.) lou soifuaga i totonu o lou aiga? stand; police Det. Filemoni Amituna’i, who However, the report didn’t mention any alle- VALA’AU MAI! 699-4357(HELP)! led the investigation, handed to him in late gations of rape of a minor or any sexual contact November last year by then Police Commis- between Alo and a minor. The report did say Po o le fa’afeso’ota’i mai i le Facebook (Pasefika Youth sioner Save Liuato Tuitele. that Alo had allowed a male and female detainee Project) po’o le email [email protected]. The court did uphold 14 other felony counts inside a cell late at night, but the male and female O faamatalaga ma fesootaiga uma, o le a malu puipuia. including 4 counts of unlawful possession of juveniles “didn’t have sex”. methamphetamine; 4 counts of unlawful dis- Samoa News will report next week on Ia manatua e valaau le 911 mo so’o se faalavelave tribution of methamphetamine; three counts of other details from the preliminary examination faafuasei e ono aafia ai le soifua maloloina o soo se tasi. aiding the escape of a prisoner; and three counts hearing. See today’s Lali section of Samoa News of permitting the escape of a prisoner. for Samoan story samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 3

A proud Vatia Fuao supporter crossing the road to cheer for her village’s fautasi, which raced in the second heat and came in second with a time of 35:19.35, qualifying them for the championship final today. [Photo: EM] 4-day weekend to celebrate Easter and 117th Flag Day STARKIST SAMOA FOLLOWS WITH ONE-WEEK MAINTENANCE SHUT DOWN by Fili Sagapolutele The 2017 Flag Day official program has not Samoa News Correspondent yet been released. is preparing for an extra spe- The governor has already declared tomorrow, cial end of the week, heading into the weekend Good Friday, a government holiday, as well as on to Monday, with Good Friday tomorrow, fol- Apr. 17. Therefore all ASG offices will be closed lowed by Easter Sunday and on Monday, Apr. as well as some businesses. 17, residents celebrate 117 years since the terri- For the banks, it’s business as usual for Bank tory became part of the United States family. of Hawai’i — with regular business hours for “As Christians, the Paschal Triduum is the both Friday and Monday; while ANZ Amerika culmination of the liturgical season of Lent; Samoa Bank will be half-day tomorrow, closing Did you know that where we journey with Jesus into the desert and at 12noon, and on Monday it will be closed for witness in faith His passion, His death, His burial Flag Day. NAPA SAMOA will and resurrection,” Gov. For the Territorial Bank of American Samoa, add the freon to your said in his Easter message. business operations will close tomorrow as well car air conditioner “Amerika Samoa attests to proclaiming the as Monday in celebration of Flag Day. The bank work of Jesus’ salvation as living testimonies has also posted signs on its front doors with this for FREE when you seen in our cultural practices of family and reli- information. purchase from us? gion,” he said, adding that the territory’s 2017 Meanwhile, StarKist Co., corporate spokes- “Flag Day celebration subsequently follows person Michelle Faist confirmed to Samoa Easter, where we as a country celebrate His News yesterday that there will be no production resurrection and 117 years of God’s bounteous tomorrow (Friday) for StarKist Samoa, in obser- blessings and grace on our islands.” vance of Good Friday. “It is also befitting that as we celebrate Easter StarKist Samoa, the largest private employer and in this Flag Day we celebrate our Youth, we in the territory, will then take one week off, recall our Lord’s words ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, starting Apr. 17, for planned maintenance work, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and said Faist, who also confirmed that StarKist for your children’,” he said. “These words of our Samoa is taking part in the Flag Day ceremony Lord remind us to reform and empower our youth on Monday — participating in the parade. Can- for tomorrow.” nery production will resume Apr. 24. In his Easter message to the people of Amer- For the locally based can manufacturing plant, ican Samoa, Bishop Peter Brown, leader of the Talofa Systems Inc., it will also shut down at the Diocese of Samoa Pago Pago, said, “Our Chris- same time as StarKist and this includes tomor- tian faith is a great gift. It gives us many oppor- row’s Good Friday. The can plant also resumes tunities throughout the year to remember and to production on Apr. 24. Talofa System manufac- celebrate. To remember is to be transformed. The tures cans for StarKist Samoa and both compa- spiritual journey we experience as we approached nies are owned by South Korean based Dongwon Easter is filled with memories that prepares us for industries. the most important foundation of our faith that Unfortunately, any time the cannery shuts We will also: Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead for us.” down, it also affects other businesses, such “I pray this Easter will bring American Samoa as nearby stores catering to cannery workers Change windshield wipers after purchasing FOR FREE true peace and unity especially as we prepare for and aiga buses, chartered to transport cannery Change car battery after purchasing FOR FREE our Flag Day. May your home be filed with peace, workers. love and happiness. May your family reflect the As such, with the weeklong shutdown, as Change your light bulbs after purchasing FOR FREE truth and joy of the Risen Lord for to remember is well as tomorrow being a holiday, many can- be transformed into His likeness,” he said. nery workers as well as others in the community Issue a quote on Special Orders FOR FREE Easter Sunday will be the usual church ser- are heading to neighboring Samoa to spend time Call us today for Quality Napa Auto Parts. vices territory wide, with an emphasis on Jesus’ with families. resurrection in messages delivered by church In observance of Good Friday, Samoa News We also special order Engines and Windshields. leaders. will not publish tomorrow, but will return Also, this Sunday, at the Gov. H. Rex Lee Monday for Flag Day 2017. Results of Flag Day Auditorium, starting at 2:30p.m. is the Flag Day Fautasi Regatta and other Flag Day activities will Church Service. be updated as they happen at the Samoa News NAPA SAMOA Then Monday is the official Flag Day cere- website www.samoanews.com mony, at Veterans Memorial Stadium, and this Happy Easter and Happy Flag Day 2017 to 699-NAPA/6272 year’s theme, pays tribute to the territory’s youth, all our readers in American Samoa and round the “Tupulaga mo a Taeao (or Youth for Tomorrow). world. Page 4 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 TBAS further explains why it is not FDIC insured, yet… by Fili Sagapolutele financial industry knew why Samoa News Correspondent they were leaving but that was Those in the financial not related to the profitability of industry know why Bank of this market place,” said Watson Hawai’i decided to depart who didn’t give details on what America Samoa, and it was not those in the banking industry related to the “profitability of knew of why BoH is leaving. this market place” — American While the FDIC didn’t get Samoa, according to Territorial to the point of approving insur- Bank of American Samoa board ance for the Community Bank, member Steve Watson, in tes- Watson said the governor real- timony before a Senate Budget ized that there is a need for and Appropriations Committee alternate banking beyond ANZ hearing. Amerika Samoa Bank once The three Emergency Medical Technicians, D. Asaeli, S. Tooala, and T. Amituanai, who were Watson’s statement was BoH leaves. He also informed patrolling the East side in their unit yesterday during the fautasi race in Satala. Flag Week is usually made as part of his response to senators that BoH is committed a busy week for the EMS, so 5 EMS vehicles are divided throughout American Samoa to look out for Sen. Fonoti Tafa’ifa Aufata’s to departing the territory. the public in case of any emergencies. [Photo: Ese Malala] question as to why the gov- From these developments, ernment owned TBAS is not BoH leaving and Community insured by US government reg- Bank unable to get FDIC, the ulator FDIC. governor moved to set up TBAS While Samoa News has pro- that would “open without EMS out and about vided extensive coverage about [FDIC] insurance and as it built TBAS not being FDIC insured, up its track record, over a period Watson’s response to Fonoti’s of two or three years [or] four question, also provided some years, would be able to obtain info to the inside workings of insurance and then our goal is to — main station is in the banking industry and the privatize the bank, into the pri- difficulty faced by a new start- vate sector,” he said. up bank to get FDIC approved. Watson also informed sena- Watson explained the reason tors that TBAS has “over 2,000 TBAS is not FDIC insured is customers at this point and close Utulei for Flag Day Week “because it has yet to establish to $2 million in deposits from a satisfactory track record that people who believe in us and By Leiloa Ese Malala drated, heat exhaustion, high sure, eat with moderation while would enable it to retain insur- want our services. And there are Samoa News Staff Writer blood pressure or chronic pains you’re out and about trying out ance.” Additionally, FDIC a lot more customers out there Flag Day Week is the busiest — which is something they food at the trade fairs.” “wants evidence of the eco- looking to join us once we can celebration for Amerika Samoa could prevent from happening. Mrs. Asaeli of EMS also nomic viability of the bank.” offer a fuller range of services.” and Manu’a, with people out Debbie an EMT, told Samoa told Samoa News, “We know He also explained the diffi- “As we’re able to grow the and about — pese & siva prac- News, “We are here to help we will have people that will culty in obtaining FDIC insur- bank, we’re going to be able tices, fairs, night performances you but please prevent your- be drinking, please drink ance and the reason TBAS was to show to FDIC that there’s for the Arts Council program, self from getting hurt. Stay responsibly and do not drink created. demand here, on the deposit work on the run, leaving town hydrated, and if you know and drive. Watch out for your When Bank side, demand on the loan side for the 4-day weekend, and you’re sick, stay indoors and children on the roads during the announced (in late 2012) that and that we can manage a profit- basically enjoying the energy eat moderately to avoid your fautasi races and other events. they were going to depart the ter- able institution which then gives of a community in the grips of blood pressure going high if To have a safe Flag Week, ritory, “a group of community- them the comfort to be able to fautasi fiva. you want to enjoy Flag Week.” let’s work together and be safe. minded persons got together accept us into the FDIC and And, with all the excitement EMT said that the EMS Look out for each other and and made an effort to start the provide insurance,” he said. and pride happening, let’s not main station for Flag Week is have a blessed Flag Week.” Community Bank of American Watson also told senators forget the Emergency Medical in Utulei and so far they’ve EMS’ main station will be Samoa” and “they came up with that he is the Governor’s Legal Service (EMS) that’s out there helped nearly 20 people with in Utulei for the rest of the long pledges of close to $10 million Counsel and not the board or weekend and they also said of capital.” the bank’s attorney. Therefore, patrolling various locations and their blood pressure and dehy- Community Bank sought his legal obligation is to the events, to make sure nothing dration in the last 3 days. if you see them and you are FDIC insurance but “were governor. severe is happening. “Please stay hydrated, the injured let them know, they are unable to get accepted... “When I sit on the board According to an Emer- sun is out and we want everyone willing to help you. There are because the FDIC felt that the of this bank, I sit on the board gency Medical Technician, to carry a bottle of water with 5 EMS vehicles out in different market conditions here were not based on my experience in the every year, Flag Day Week is them, to avoid heat exhaus- locations from east to west and appropriate [for] a new start-up banking and financial industry,” their busy time because locals tion or dehydration, which will the public is advised to give institution,” he explained. he said. “I do not provide legal who are out and about either cause them to faint and become them a call at anytime when in “They (FDIC) didn’t have advice to the bank because that watching Flag Week or par- more sick. And also for those need of help. enough evidence of loan might conflict with my role of ticipating in an event, get dehy- who have high blood pres- demand, they didn’t have evi- providing legal advice to the dence of deposit demand. Bank governor. So I am here as a of Hawaii was leaving, which banker.” was evidence of a bad market Watson made the clarifi- and that’s not why Bank of cation after one of the sena- Hawaii left,” Watson said. tors made reference to Watson “The FDIC, I don’t think being. knew that. Those of us in the

$90 $80 2016 Toyota Corolla © OSINI FALEATASI INC. RESERVES ALL RIGHTS. Daily Rate 2013 Hyundai Sonata Daily Rate Automatic (Red Car) Automatic (White Car) dba Samoa News is published Monday through Friday, except for some local and federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799. Telephone at (684) 633-5599 • Fax at (684) 633-4864 Email advertisements to [email protected] Email the newsroom at [email protected] *NEW* $90 Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. $120 Daily 2015 Kia Sedona Daily Rate 2010 Toyota Tundra Automatic (White Truck) Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in Automatic whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to Contact Information: Jiin Jang the Publisher at the address provided above. O&O INC. CAR RENTAL (258-4563) or Tafa Leaupepe Please visit samoanews.com for weekend updates. PO Box 3897, Pago Pago, AS 96799 Office: 699-4484 • Fax: 699-2307 Located in Nu’uuli (O&O Inc. Wholesale) Email: [email protected] samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 5

Compiled by Samoa News staff organized and coordinated the bookings for 2016 in 2017. (2015 – 2019), for the benefit of industry in other Pacific Island SEMI AUTONOMOUS Pacific’s attendance at Seatrade Under the new agreement, its members. countries like , where AGENCIES MINDFUL Cruise Global, the cruise indus- SPTO, with the support of According to the Visitors the Vuna Port in Nuku’alofa OF ASG’S FINANCIAL try’s premier global event. SPCA will take the lead in coor- Bureau’s April newsletter, has recently undergone a multi- SITUATION SPTO thanked SPCA for dinating Pacific Island coun- SPTO will work with its Pacific million dollar upgrade and is During last week’s emer- their conscientious efforts in tries’ attendance at Seatrade, Islands member governments attracting more visiting cruise gency cabinet meeting, Gov. coordinating the Pacific’s atten- starting 2018. towards creating enabling vessels. Lolo Matalasi Moliga stated that dance at Seatrade, which is held As the leader in tourism mar- environments for the further Samoa is gearing towards “only authorities that receive in March of every year in Fort keting and development for the development of cruise tourism further improvements to the operating subsidies from the Lauderdale, Florida. Visitors region, SPTO aims to collabo- industries. Apia wharf and French Poly- government will be subject to Bureau executive director David rate with key cruise industry The Pacific cruise industry nesia plans to build a new cruise the reduction in hours” which Vaeafe attended last month’s partners, government and pri- has grown by 43% in the last port terminal by 2020. became effective Apr. 10, Seatrade event. vate sector members such as three years and currently gen- SPTO is currently imple- according to ASPA managing Globally, the cruise industry SPCA to open up opportuni- erates around US$640 million menting the Pacific Cruise director Michael Young, who carries approximately 21 mil- ties for existing and new cruise per year for the region. New Tourism Development Strategy was responding to Samoa News lion passengers per year. Global destinations in the Pacific and Caledonia and lead the 2015 – 2019 in partnership with inquiries if ASPA planned to cruise tourism is a US $50 bil- better coordinate priority areas charge, making up 78% of the cruise liners and private sector reduce its working hours. lion industry accounting for of marketing and develop- total number of cruise visits in partners. “ASPA receives no oper- about 24.2 million cruise visi- ment under the Pacific Cruise the South Pacific. (Source: American Samoa ating subsidies from the gov- tors, based on total of forward Tourism Development Strategy Cruise tourism is an emerging Visitors Bureau) ernment. Consequently, it is not subject to a reduction in hours,” Young said. “However, the Power Authority is mindful of the Government’s financial situation and will endeavor to help it reduce costs wherever possible.” LBJ Medical Center officials say they will not be releasing any official response at this time as to whether the hospital plans RESURRECTION & THANKSGIVING MASS to reduce working hours for non-medical personnel who are ERNESTO “ERNIE” DOMINGO FERNANDO not exempted. Sunrise: August 6, 1951 ~ Sunset: March 9, 2017 American Samoa Telecom- munications Authority board chairman Roy J.D. Hall had told Samoa News last week ASTCA was also reducing working hours for all personnel effective Apr. 10. A senior staff member at the Governor’s Office told Samoa News last week Thursday that semi autonomous agencies are included in the reduction of hours. However, the staff member said authorities “also have to manage their revenue stream. For example, if pro- jected revenues are down 15% they have to manage expenses down [by] 15%, which may or may not include reduction in hours.” SOUTH PACIFIC CRUISE SHIP DEVELOPMENTS The South Pacific Tourism John 14: 2-3 Organization (SPTO) has “There are many rooms in My Father’s home and I am going to prepare signed a memorandum of understanding with the South a place for you…so that you will always be with Me where I am.” Pacific Cruise Alliance (SPCA) for greater cooperation on Tuesday, April 18, 2019 the development of the cruise 9:00 am - Cathedral of the Holy Family Parish in Ottoville tourism industry in the greater Pacific Islands region. Wife: Fe Pates-Fernando, American Samoa is a founding member of SPTO and Children: the territory is also a member of Fleance & Taui Langkilde-Fernando and Verdelle Fernando-Valenzuela the SPCA, which includes seven other South Pacific countries Grandchildren: and territories. Justin Gerard, Jazmine Nalani, Jhazara Fe, According to the American Diego Enesi Jr & Taliilagisoumanuia Samoa Visitors Bureau the SPCA has, for the past six years, Page 6 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Scientists seek holy grail of climate change in

C M Oman’s hills Y K SAM McNEIL, from the air and oceans. Associated Press They are coring samples WADI ABDAH, Oman from one of the world’s only (AP) — Deep in the jagged red exposed sections of the Earth’s mountains of Oman, geologists mantle to uncover how a spon- are drilling in search of the taneous natural process mil- holy grail of reversing climate lions of years ago transformed change: an efficient and cheap CO2 into limestone and marble. way to remove carbon dioxide As the world mobilizes to confront climate change, the main focus has been on reducing emissions through fuel efficient cars and cleaner power plants. But some researchers are also testing ways to remove or recycle carbon already in the seas and sky. The Hellisheidi geothermal plant in Iceland injects carbon into volcanic rock. At the mas- sive Sinopec fertilizer plant in China, CO2 is filtered and reused as fuel. In all, 16 indus- trial projects currently capture and store around 27 million tons of CO2, according to the International Energy Agency. That’s less than 0.1 percent of global emissions — but the technology has shown promise. “Any one technique is not guaranteed to succeed,” said Stuart Haszeldine, a geology professor at the University of Edinburgh who serves on a U.N. climate body studying how to reduce atmospheric carbon. “If we’re interested as a species, we’ve got to try a lot harder and do a lot more and a lot of different actions,” he said. One such action is underway C M in the al-Hajjar Mountains of Y K Oman, in a quiet corner of the Arabian Peninsula, where a unique rock formation pulls carbon out of thin air. Peter Kelemen, a 61-year- old geochemist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, has been exploring Oman’s hills for nearly three decades. “You can walk down these beautiful can- yons and basically descend 20 kilometers (12 miles) into the earth’s interior,” he said. The sultanate boasts the largest exposed sections of the Earth’s mantle, thrust up by plate tectonics millions of years ago. The mantle contains peri- (Continued on page 7) samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 7

➧ Scientists seek holy grail… Continued from page 6 dotite, a rock that reacts with the submerged rock would the carbon in air and water to chemically absorb carbon from form marble and limestone. the water. The water could then “Every single magnesium be cycled back to the surface atom in these rocks has made to absorb more CO2 from the friends with the carbon dioxide atmosphere, in a sort of con- to form solid limestone, mag- veyor belt. nesium carbonate, plus quartz,” Such a project would he said as he patted a rust- require years more of testing, colored boulder in the Wadi but Kelemen hopes the energy Mansah valley. industry, with its offshore “There’s about a billion tons drilling expertise and deep of CO2 in this mountain,” he pockets, will take interest. said, pointing off to the east. “Ultimately, if the goal is Rain and springs pull carbon to capture billions and billions from the exposed mantle to of tons of carbon, that’s where form stalactites and stalagmites James Cameron comes in,” in mountain caves. Natural he said, half joking, referring C M pools develop surface scum of to the “Titanic” and “Avatar” Y K white carbonate. Scratch off director who has also pioneered this thin white film, Kelemen undersea technology. Cameron said, and it’ll grow back in a himself piloted a submersible day. to the deepest point on Earth This March 5, 2017 photo shows travertine pools with white films of carbon fused with calcium, “For a geologist this is in 2012 and retrieved sam- a chemical process being explored by a geological research project, in the al-Hajjar mountains of supersonic,” he said. ples while filming “Deepsea Oman. Deep in the jagged red mountains, geologists from the Oman Drilling Project are drilling He and a team of 40 scientists Challenge.” in search of the holy grail of reversing climate change: an efficient and cheap way to remove carbon have formed the Oman Drilling “He hasn’t responded to my dioxide from the air and oceans. They are coring samples from one of the world’s only exposed Project in order to better under- messages yet,” Kelemen said. sections of the Earth’s mantle to uncover how a spontaneous natural process millions of years ago stand how that process works transformed CO2 into limestone and marble. (AP Photo/Sam McNeil) and whether it could be used to scrub the earth’s carbon-laden atmosphere. The $3.5 million project has support from across the globe, including NASA. Carbon dioxide is the pri- mary greenhouse gas driving climate change, which threatens political instability, severe weather and food insecurity worldwide, according to the United Nations climate body. Natural CO2 levels have risen from 280 to 405 parts per million since the Industrial Revolution, and current esti- mates hold that the world will be 6 C hotter by 2100. In 2015, 196 nations signed the Paris climate accords, agreeing to curb greenhouse gas emissions to levels that would keep the rise in the Earth’s tem- perature to under 2 C. That has injected new urgency into the work underway in Oman, where Keleman’s team recently spent four months extracting dozens of core samples, which they hope to use to construct a geo- logical history of the process that turns CO2 into carbonate. “It’s like a jigsaw puzzle,” C M said Nehal Warsi, 33, who Y K oversees the drilling process. Around 13 tons of core sam- ples from four different sites will be sent to the Chikyu, a state-of-the-art research vessel off the coast of Japan, where Keleman and other geologists will analyze them in round-the- clock shifts. They hope to answer the question of how the rocks man- aged to capture so much CO2 over the course of 90 million years — and to see if there’s a way to speed up the timetable. Kelemen thinks a drilling operation could cycle carbon- rich water into the newly formed seabed on oceanic ridges far below the surface. Just like in Oman’s mountains, Page 8 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Greek bailout talks make major breakthrough

A man checks his cellphone as a woman is reflected on a bus stop window pane next to the on reforms Academy of Athens, on Friday, March 31, 2017. Greece and its international creditors are stepping up talks on issues holding up the release of more loans to keep the country’s debt-wracked economy BRUSSELS (AP) — money, Greece would once afloat. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) Greece and its international again be facing the prospect creditors took a big step of having to exit the eurozone medium-term budget targets the International Monetary expect any major hitches Friday toward an agreement — so-called Grexit. and the country’s debts — Fund, which has been part ahead. “The longest distance that will ensure the cash- “The big blocks have key conditions of the Greek of Greece’s bailout programs is behind us,” he said. strapped country gets the now been sorted out and that government. since the first rescue back in As part of its third inter- money it needs in time to should allow us to speed up EU Commission Vice- 2010. national bailout agreement, avoid a potential bankruptcy and go for the final stretch,” President Valdis Dombrovskis In recent months, there has Greece has to make a series this summer. Jeroen Dijsselbloem told said a deal on the latest steps been an open disagreement of sweeping reforms to its For months, the bailout reporters following a meeting to keep Greece afloat should between the IMF and the economy in return for the discussions have stalled amid of the eurozone’s 19 finance be within reach by the time eurozone over such matters as loans. But the talks have disagreements over what ministers in the Maltese cap- the eurozone ministers meet the sustainability of Greece’s dragged on for months, reforms, including to pen- ital of Valletta. again on May 22 — easily debts going forward. freezing the latest loan payout sions, tax and the labor market Once a broad agreement in time for Greece’s next big “There is agreement on and hurting the chances of a that Greece should take in is reached in coming weeks, debt-repayment hump in July. these main topics, on these self-sustaining Greek eco- order to get the rescue money Dijsselbloem said the euro- Another key develop- big reforms, on the size nomic recovery after years of due from its most recent inter- zone will come back to issues ment on Friday appears to be sequencing and the timing recession and turmoil. national rescue. Without the related to Greece’s stringent the ongoing involvement of — that is with the IMF abso- Tsipras’ left-led govern- lutely yes,” Dijsselbloem ment is pushing for a compre- said. “I could not talk about hensive deal that would cover an agreement on those issues more than just spending cuts if the IMF had not agreed.” and reforms by Greece, but PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The broad outlines of Fri- also alleviate the country’s day’s agreement involve debt burden and pave the way AUA FUEL FARM PIPELINE Athens making further eco- for its return to international PROPOSED PLAN nomic reform commitments bond markets later this year. Greece has depended on The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to attend a public meeting on the Proposed until 2020. Plan for the remedial action at the former Aua Fuel Farm Pipeline, a Formerly Used Without the loan, Greece international bailouts since Defense Site (FUDS) that extends approximately 1.75 miles along Highway 1 from Atuu would struggle to make a debt 2010 after it was unable to Village to approximately 350 feet east of Aua Village. The Public Comment Period will be payment in July, raising anew borrow on international bond from 13 March 2017 to 24 April 2017. the prospect of default. The markets. last time, Greece faced poten- To receive the money, suc- Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 tial bankruptcy was in July cessive governments slashed Meeting Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 2015, when the Tsipras gov- incomes, hiked taxes and Meeting Location: American Samoa EPA Utulei Office Building, ernment eventually agreed a implemented market reforms. first floor conference room three-year bailout that could Though helping to put the This Proposed Plan highlights key background information and conclusions presented amount to 86 billion euros public finances on a surer in the Final Remedial Investigation (RI) Report (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE], ($91 billion). footing, the measures came at 2015). In particular, the RI Report concluded that residual petroleum contamination in Greek Prime Minister a cost — the Greek economy soil and groundwater at the project site does not pose a risk to human health and rec- Alexis Tsipras said earlier this lost a quarter of its output. ommended NFA. The RI Report, as well as other reports and documentation, is avail- week that if a breakthrough Dijsselbloem conceded able in the Administrative Record for the project site (Formerly Used Defense Site No. on plans to pay Athens the that the failure to agree the H09AS000703), which is available upon request from the Army. next installment fails to mate- release of the next batch of Copies of the Proposed Plan are available at the following repositories: rialize over coming days, then bailout funds had harmed the eurozone should hold a Greece’s economic recovery American Samoa EPA Feleti Barstow Public Library special meeting of leaders. in recent months. Utulei Office Building Utulei Friday’s developments “That momentum is slip- American Samoa 96799 American Samoa 96799 appear to have put paid to that ping away from us so we For more information regarding the planned remedial investigation and feasibility study, threat. really need to work fast and please contact Helene Takemoto, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District Project Tsipras had blamed have it done certainly well in Manager at: unnamed negotiators among time for the next payments U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Greece’s European creditors Greece has to make,” Dijssel- Honolulu District and the International Mon- bloem said. Programs and Project Management Division etary Fund for “moving the Currently demanded cut- Environmental Branch goalposts” each time Greece backs include new pension Building 230 was close to meeting approval cuts, a broadening of the tax Attn: CEPOH-PP-E (Helene Takemoto) conditions for the bailout. base, labor reforms and priva- Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440 Even Wolfgang Schaeuble, tizations. These will require Telephone: 808.835.4088 the German finance minister approval by Greece’s parlia- Fax: 808.835.4129 who has been one of Greece’s ment, where Tsipras holds a E-Mail: [email protected] sharpest critics over the past three-seat majority. few years, said he didn’t samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 9 Airplane maker ATR signs $536M, 20-aircraft deal with Iran TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Chicago-based Boeing also European airplane manufac- signed a $3 billion deal earlier turer ATR said Thursday it this month to sell 30 737 MAX sealed a $536-million sale with aircraft to Iran’s Aseman Air- Iran Air for at least 20 aircraft, lines, a firm owned by Iran’s the latest aviation firm to strike civil service pension founda- a deal following Iran’s nuclear tion. The Boeing sales repre- accord with world powers. sent the first major deals for an ATR spokesman David American company in Iran since Vargas confirmed the finalized the 1979 Islamic Revolution deal for the 20 ATR 72-600s, and U.S. Embassy takeover. a twin-propeller aircraft, and U.S. politicians have said Iran Air had an option to expressed concern about the purchase another 20. “They airplane sales to Iran. Presi- will definitely help Iran Air dent Donald Trump remains to modernize and develop skeptical of the atomic accord FILE - In this Feb. 7, 2016, file photo, an Iranian Mahan Air passenger plane takes off as a plane regional connectivity across overall and has threatened to of Iran’s national air carrier Iran Air, left, is parked at Mehrabad airport in Tehran, Iran. European the country,” Vargas told The renegotiate it, without offering airplane manufacturer ATR said it signed a deal with Iran Air for 20 aircraft with option for 20 Associated Press. specifics. more on Thursday, April 13, 2017. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File) Home to 80 million people, Iran represents one of the last untapped aviation markets in the world. However, Western analysts are skeptical that there is demand for so many jets or available financing for deals worth billions of dollars. Vargas declined to offer a value for the deal with Iran Air. The confirmed portion of the deal is worth $536 million at list prices, though buyers typically negotiate discounts on bulk orders. Iranian state TV described the deal as being worth about $400 million. The deal also already has the approval of the U.S. Trea- sury, Vargas said. The Treasury must sign off on aircraft deals when at least 10 percent of the airplanes’ components are of American origin. The Trea- sury could not be immediately reached for comment. Farhad Parvaresh, the CEO of Iran Air, told the state-run IRNA news agency that the French-Italian company will deliver nine ATR 72-600s in 2017 and the rest in 2018. He said four of the aircraft will arrive within a month after signing the contract. In February 2016, ATR signed an initial agreement to explore selling the aircraft to Iran Air. ATR is the Toulouse, France-based partnership of Airbus and Italy’s Leonardo S.p.A., which specializes in regional turboprop aircraft of 90 seats or less. The ATR deal comes on the back of the nuclear agreement Iran struck with world powers, which saw Iran agree to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. That deal allowed airplane manufacturers to rush into the Iranian market. Boeing Co. has already made a $16.6 billion sale already to Iran Air, while its European rival Airbus signed one esti- mated to be worth some 22.8 billion euros ($25 billion). The Treasury has signed off on both those deals. Page 10 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Japan PM: NKorea may be ca- pable of sarin-loaded missiles

TOKYO (AP) — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warned Thursday that North Korea may be capable of firing a mis- sile loaded with sarin nerve gas toward Japan, as international concern mounted that a missile or nuclear test by the authori- tarian state could be imminent. “There is a possibility that North Korea is already capable of shooting missiles with sarin as warheads,” Abe told a parlia- mentary panel on national secu- rity and diplomacy. Abe was responding to a question about Japan’s readi- ness at a time of increased regional tension. A U.S. navy aircraft carrier is heading toward the Korean Peninsula as Pyongyang prepares for the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder Kim Il Sung this weekend. And with U.S.-South Korean wargames ongoing, North Korean has intensi- fied rhetoric warning it would This satellite image released and notated by Airbus Defense & Space and 38 North on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, shows retaliate strongly against any the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Korea. (Airbus Defense & Space/38 North/Pleiades CNES/Spot Image via AP) aggression. South Korea has long said it country’s Pyunggye-ri nuclear show continued activity around signed the international Chem- offensive and nuclear capa- believes the North can conduct test site suggests it is “primed the site’s north portal, as well as ical Weapons Convention, is bility. But recently, Abe’s its sixth nuclear test whenever it and ready” for an explosion. personnel and pallets of equip- believed to have up to 5,000 tons ruling party has proposed that chooses. The 38 North website Researchers Joseph S. Ber- ment or supplies in the main of chemical weapons, according Japan should bolster its missile , which monitors North Korea, mudez Jr. and Jack Liu wrote administrative area. to a South Korean defense white defense, including upgrading said that satellite imagery of the that images taken Wednesday North Korea, which never paper, though the North has the capability to shoot down an never acknowledged it. enemy missile and acquiring Experts say if North Korea the capacity to attack the base it were to attack South Korea, was fired from. it would likely target Seoul’s With President Donald defenses with chemical and bio- Trump’s administration not logical weapons dropped from ruling out a military option to aircraft or delivered via mis- dealing with North Korea, “ten- siles, artillery and grenades. sion is certainly rising,” Abe Abe cited Syria, where said Wednesday to a group of dozens of people died recently lawmakers from his ruling party in an alleged sarin nerve gas who sought increased safety American Samoa Government attack, as an example that Japan measures for Japanese nationals DEPARTMENT of COMMERCE should take seriously, stressing in case of an emergency. the need to strengthen its deter- North Korean leader Kim rence against the North. Jong Un, meanwhile, made a Japan has taken a few steps high-profile appearance high- PUBLIC NOTICE this week to reassure the public lighting his country’s economic about its effort to protect the development rather than its COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS public. On Tuesday, the For- adversaries and military might, Program Year (PY) 2017 eign Ministry issued a travel cutting a ceremonial ribbon to Annual Action Plan Draft advisory to Japanese residents mark the opening of a new high- and tourists in South Korea, rise district. reminding them of a growing The sprawling development The American Samoa Government (ASG) invites public comments on the PY2017 Annual Action Plan tension. Chief Cabinet Secre- project, built in just over a year, (AAP) Draft as mandated in the provisions of 24 CFR &91.200 and 91.220 (b). Public comments are tary Yoshihide Suga denied any includes Pyongyang’s tallest invited for a 30-day period commencing on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 to Friday, May 5, 2017. The draft nd “imminent danger,” however. apartments, at 70 stories. North is available at the Department of Commerce, 2 floor of the A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building. Later Thursday, Abe called Korean Premier Pak Pong Ju a National Security Council said the project “incorporates A public meeting to accept verbal and written comments on the PY2017 AAP Draft will be held at the meeting to analyze the latest the latest architectural science Department of Commerce Conference Room on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Translation into North Korea developments and and technology, including solar and out of Native Language (Samoan) that is widely spoken will be provided at the meeting. The ways to respond in case of a and geothermal technology, and Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs of American Samoa complies with 24 CFR & “provocation” from Pyongyang, the greening of roofs and walls.” 91.220 (1) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Individuals with disabilities who may need said Suga, a council member. Kim, who arrived in a black auxiliary aids, services, or special modifications to participate in the public meeting or to comment on the North Korea has amassed “sub- limousine, did not make a AAP Draft should contact the HUD CPD Coordinator, Petti Matila at the following address. stantial amount” of chemical speech. weapons produced at several Pyongyang has invited a Written comments on the Public review draft may be sent to: facilities, he added, without large contingent of foreign Petti T. Matila, HUD CPD Coordinator citing sources. media to cover the birth anni- Office of the Governor rd The rising tension and the versary of Kim Il Sung, Kim A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building, 3 Floor Trump administration’s more Jong Un’s grandfather, and the Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 assertive policy toward North modern and shiny new residen- Office: (684) 633-5155 ext. 226 Korea are apparently helping tial street is clearly one of the Fax: (684) 633-4195 Abe’s government gain public places officials most wanted the E-mail: [email protected] support for a stronger defense. foreigners to see. The North’s Japan, under its postwar con- military might is likely to regain Comments must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5, 2017. If you have any questions stitution, has limited the role center stage on Saturday’s anni- regarding this notice, please contact Petti T. Matila at 633-5155 ext. 226. of its military to self-defense versary, when a large-scale mil- only and relied on the U.S. for itary parade is expected. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 11 sentences NZ woman to 30 months for drugs BALI, Indonesia (AP) — Bali’s airport from Melbourne. An Indonesian court has sen- Indonesia has very strict tenced a woman drug laws and convicted traf- to 2 ½ years in jail for pos- fickers are often executed by sessing methamphetamine. firing squad. The Denpasar District More than 150 people are Court made the ruling against on death row, mostly for drug Myra Lynne Williams on crimes and about a third of Thursday. them are foreigners. The 28-year-old was Eighteen people convicted arrested last August last year of drug-related offenses have when customs and narcotics been executed under the cur- agency officers confiscated rent administration of Presi- New Zealand’s Myra Lynne Williams, center, walks upon her arrival at Denpasar district court for her verdict trial in Bali, Indonesia, Thursday, April 13, 2017. Indonesian authorities arrested 0.43 grams of crystal metham- dent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. Williams in September 2016 on allegations of attempting to smuggle methamphetamine into the phetamine upon her arrival at tourist island of Bali. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati) Nigeria: Talks with Boko Haram continue over Chibok girls MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria’s government says negotiations with Boko Haram continue for the release of the remaining Chibok schoolgirls who were kidnapped three years ago by the extremist group, shocking the world. McDonald’s The government “has gone American Samoa quite far with negotiations,” Vice President Yemi Osinbajo said Wednesday night. He spoke shortly before Friday’s three- Annual Scholarship Awards year anniversary of the mass abduction of 276 schoolgirls from a village in the country’s northeast. At least 195 of them remain captive. Nigeria in October announced the release of 21 Chibok school- girls, saying for the first time that it had been negotiating with the extremist group, mediated by the Swiss government and the Inter- national Committee of the Red “Deadline for Cross. The government denied a ransom was paid and that it had all application.... freed some detained Boko Haram Friday, April 28th, 2017 fighters in exchange for the girls. at 4pm” At the time, officials said they were pressing on with negotia- tions and expected the release of Become a recipient of McDonald’s American Samoa’s a second group of 83 girls “very $36,000 Scholarship Award for the Academic Year 2017-2018. soon.” No more have been freed. Osinbajo indicated that Nigeria • Scholarship awards are available to 2017 high school graduates has faced some challenges in the planning on attending ASCC. latest negotiations but didn’t give • We are offering 4 new awards this year. details, citing security reasons. The failure of Nigeria’s • We have 4 continuing students from last year who are qualified as former government to act long as they meet our minimum requirements. quickly to free the girls sparked • One scholarship is for a 2017 ASCC graduate planning to continue at a global Bring Back Our Girls an accredited college/university in the US. We also have a continuing movement. Members of the movement demonstrated on student every year. Thursday in Lagos, Nigeria’s You can pick up and turn in, an application at the McDonald’s Head Office commercial hub, demanding that the government do more. in Nu’uuli, beginning Monday, March 6, 2017 at 2:30pm. The vice president said Deadline for all applications: Friday, April 28, 2017 at 4pm. securing the safe release of the schoolgirls and others held by For more information, please contact Silika Vai Tui at 699-8686 or Boko Haram is “a matter of Evelyn Gebauer at 699-8699. conscience.” Page 12 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017


C M Y K samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 13 Happy FLAG DAY AMERICAN SAMOA 2017ARTS COUNCIL PERFORMANCES 2017


C M Y K Page 14 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 WHO’S WHO: Trump aides, associates drawing attention WASHINGTON (AP) — A Trump’s stalled travel bans. number of President Donald In the interview, Trump Trump’s top and former aides downplayed Bannon’s role in FILE - In this Dec. 12, 2016, file photo, Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser of U.S. have received unwanted atten- his campaign, claiming that his President-elect Donald Trump, speaks at a news conference at RIA Novosti news agency in Moscow, tion in recent days as they chief strategist was not involved Russia. A published report says the FBI obtained a court order to monitor communications of an struggle with internal divisions, “until very late.” That’s despite adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump last summer. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin, file) poorly worded comments and the fact that Bannon took over investigation revelations. as the campaign’s CEO in for large swaths of the nation, critical time. The day before, It remains unclear how Here’s a rundown of who’s who August of last year. and he has been repeatedly par- he suggested that the use of exactly the two met and what for those trying to keep track: Trump’s early months in odied on shows like “Saturday barrel bombs by Syrian Presi- Page’s role actually entailed. STEPHEN BANNON office have been filled with Night Live.” dent Bashar Assad’s govern- But Page is now known to be Trump’s chief strategist infighting between his aides. But Spicer has spent the last ment might lead to further the focus of a federal investiga- and senior counselor has been “Steve is a good guy,” Trump 24 hours on an apology tour, military action. A White House tion of Trump’s campaign ties the target of the left since he told the Post, but cautioned after he claimed that Adolf spokesman later walked back to Russia. formally joined Trump’s cam- that if the infighting doesn’t Hitler “didn’t even sink to using the comment, saying the U.S. The FBI obtained a secret paign, thanks to the far-right stop, he’ll intervene. It was a chemical weapons.” Critics position hadn’t changed. court order last summer to views of the website he used to rare public warning shot heard noted the remark ignored Hit- Spicer has called his com- monitor Page’s communica- run, Breitbart News. across Washington. ler’s use of gas chambers to ments about the Holocaust tions because the government In an interview with the New SEAN SPICER exterminate Jews during the “inappropriate and insensitive.” had reason to believe Page York Post this week, Trump The White House press sec- Holocaust. The comment PAUL MANAFORT was acting as a Russian agent, appeared to distance himself retary is one of the most visible marked the second time in as Trump’s former campaign The Washington Post reported from Bannon, the chief archi- faces of Trump’s administra- many days that Spicer appeared chairman’s foreign consulting Tuesday. tect of several major admin- tion. His daily on-camera brief- to struggle to articulate the work has become a headache for Page also met with a Russian istration policies, including ings have become must-see-TV president’s foreign policy at a the White House. A Manafort intelligence operative in 2013 spokesman said Wednesday and provided him documents Manafort would be registering about the energy industry, as a foreign lobbyist. according to court documents AMERICAN SAMOA LEGAL AID, INC. The spokesman says from a 2015 prosecution Letialua Building, Second Floor Manafort’s lobbying work alleging a Cold War-style spy P.O. Box 5984 was not conducted on behalf ring in New York. Page was Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 of the Russian government not accused of wrongdoing Telephone: 684-633-3300 • Fax: 684-633-3303 and began before Manafort related to the case and said started working with the Trump in a statement that he shared EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: PART-TIME STAFF ATTORNEY campaign. “basic immaterial information” It’s unclear whether Trump and publicly available research The American Samoa Legal Aid, Inc. (ASLA) is seeking employment of one part-time staff attorney for our non- profit law firm that provides free civil legal services to low-income residents of American Samoa. was aware that Manafort was in documents. talks with the government about A former Merrill Lynch About the Position: registering before he hired him. investment banker, Page ASLA is interested in an attorney with legal experience in Home Foreclosure Defense and Domestic Violence. Experience in the following areas will be considered: Debt Collection Defense, Guardianship, Divorce/Child Before taking over Trump’s worked out of the company’s Support, Social Security, Healthcare, Public Benefits, Employment, Immigration, Disability, Civil Rights, Worker’s campaign last May, Manafort Moscow office for three years. Compensation, and Veterans Benefits. worked for a slew of foreign He now runs Global Energy Responsibilities: clients, including a pro-Russian Capital, a firm described as • Provide effective legal advice and representation of ASLA clients. political party in Ukraine and focused on energy sectors in • Perform work assigned by the Executive Director. Russian billionaire Oleg Deri- emerging markets. • Comply with Legal Services Corporation regulations in 45 CFR Part 1600 et. seq. paska. In 2005, he proposed an MICHAEL FLYNN • Adhere to ASLA Board and Office policies. ambitious plan to promote the Trump’s former national • Allowed to do private practice while working part-time for ASLA. interests of “the Putin govern- security adviser, Flynn was • Articulate ASLA’s mission in the legal community, judiciary, government, nonprofit organizations and the ment” and undermine anti-Rus- ousted in February for mis- community at large. sian opposition across former leading Vice President Mike Requirements: Soviet republics, the Associ- Pence about the nature his • Admitted or being admitted to practice law in American Samoa. ated Press has reported. communications with Russian • Possess the highest ethical standards. The AP also reported ambassador Sergey Kislyak, • Five years experience as an attorney practicing law in American Samoa or the U.S.A. or Samoa. • Familiarity with Legal Services Corporation regulations is preferable. Wednesday that at least $1.2 the White House said. • Possess excellent communication skills. Ability to speak and write both in English and Samoan will be million in payments listed in a Flynn was interviewed by favorably considered. handwritten ledger in Ukraine the FBI in the early days of the • Excellent computer skills. as paid to Manafort were Trump administration about • Familiarity with the PIKA case management system is preferable. received by his U.S. consulting the conversations and his ties • Value diversity and be culturally competent. firm. to Russia are currently under • Ability to work well together with the Board, Executive Director and support staff to fulfill the ASLA mission Manafort has denied any investigation. and Strategic Plan action goals. • Demonstrate a commitment to serve low-income residents. wrongdoing and the White He and his firm also recently House has tried to down- registered with the Justice Starting Salary: play Trump’s connections to Department as foreign agents In the range of $19,000-$24,000 per year for a part-time attorney (20 hours per week). Entitled to 4 hours annual leave, 2 hours sick leave per pay period. Also pro rata share of other benefits enjoyed by full-time employees. Manafort, wrongly stating that for lobbying work conducted he played only a “limited role” on behalf of a company owned Applicants: Applications will be accepted until position is filled. ASLA will review applications as they are submitted. The deadline for applications is Monday, April 24, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. local time. in Trump’s campaign. by a Turkish businessman. Interested candidates should submit a letter expressing why they are interested in the position of ASLA Staff CARTER PAGE A staunch early Trump sup- Attorney as well as what they believe they can contribute to the future of the program and its client community. The Page was a little-known porter, Flynn is a retired United letter should be accompanied by a current resume with the names and contact information of three references. critic of the U.S policy toward States Army lieutenant general Application letter and resume should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format to Fainu’ulelei L.P.F. Russia when he was tapped and was the former director Ala’ilima-Utu, Executive Director American Samoa Legal Aid at email address: [email protected]. by Trump to serve as one of of the Defense Intelligence a handful of foreign policy Agency. ASLA is an equal opportunity employer. advisers. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 15 Trump reverses himself on NATO, China, Russia & more WASHINGTON (AP) — manipulators.” President Donald Trump hasn’t Trump told the paper he’d been in the White House for 100 changed his mind because days, yet he’s already reversed China hasn’t been manipulating himself on many of his key its currency for months. He said campaign promises. a U.S. declaration of Chinese In several interviews this manipulation could jeopardize week, the president has forged efforts to secure the country’s new positions on topics ranging help in containing the threat from NATO to Chinese cur- posed by North Korea. rency manipulation. They come EX-IM BANK: as other campaign promises lag, Trump also appears to have including Trump’s vow to build grown fond of the U.S. Export- a concrete wall along the length Import Bank, which has been a of the southern border and have rallying cry for conservatives Mexico pay for it. who consider it a mechanism of “One by one we are keeping crony capitalism. The conser- our promises — on the border, vative political network estab- on energy, on jobs, on regu- lished by billionaires Charles lations,” Trump tweeted and David Koch has railed Wednesday evening. “Big against the agency. changes are happening!” Trump opposed the Ex-Im Here are some of the areas Bank during his campaign. But where a president who prides he said in the Journal interview President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens himself on his flexibility has that he supports the bank, which Stoltenberg in the East Room of the White House, Wednesday, April 12, 2017, in Washington. been willing to dispense with (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) helps U.S. exporters by making past positions: and guaranteeing loans. Con- NATO one he had been warming up point from an important ally: view with the Financial Times, gress allowed the Ex-Im bank’s Trump cemented his shift in to during frequent telephone Stoltenberg. Trump reiterated that campaign charter to expire in 2015, then posture toward the 28-nation conversations with his world Currently, just the U.S. and pledge. eventually revived it over the military alliance as he stood counterparts. a handful of other countries are “You know when you talk objections of some conserva- alongside its leader at the White “I said it was obsolete. It’s meeting the 2 percnt target. about, when you talk about cur- tives. But it still isn’t able to House on Wednesday. no longer obsolete,” Trump said LABELING CHINA A CUR- rency manipulation, when you conduct major business due to As a candidate, Trump had of NATO at a news conference RENCY MANIPULATOR talk about devaluations, they are vacancies on its board, hurting dismissed NATO as “obsolete,” with Secretary-General Jens During his campaign, Trump world champions,” he said of top exporters like Boeing and saying the post-World War II Stoltenberg after they met in the insisted that one of his first acts China. “And our country hasn’t General Electric. organization wasn’t focused on Oval Office. as president would be to direct had a clue, they haven’t had a Trump told the newspaper combating the growing threat Trump still insists that his treasury secretary to label clue.” he plans to fill two vacancies from terrorism and complaining NATO members meet a 2014 China a currency manipulator. By Wednesday something on the board, adding, “It turns that too many members weren’t agreement to boost defense It was part of a “contract” with had changed. In an inter- out that, first of all, lots of small paying their fair share toward spending to 2 percent of gross American voters that he pledged view with The Wall Street companies are really helped, the defense. He struck an entirely domestic product within a to fulfill. Journal, Trump declared point vendor companies.” different tone Wednesday, decade. He has backup on this Only days ago, in an inter- blank, “They’re not currency (Continued on page 21)

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American Samoa Government LOLO M. MOLIGA LEMANU P. MAUGA GOVERNOR OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR POLOA’IGA FA’ALAUA’ITELE TAUAI, o Aperila 17, 1900, ma Iulai 16, 1904, o Matai o ma Manu’a fa’aaloaloina, i o latou tulaga aloa’ia o suli o Tagata o ia motu, e fai ma sui o Tagata, na faia se maliliega o le tu’uina atu o motu o Tutuila, Aunu’u ma Manu’a i le Malo o le Iunaite Setete, fa’atasi ma aia e pulea ai, i lea lava Malo, ma tau’a ai o Tutuila ma Manu’a; ma TAUAI, o matai o Tutuila ma Manu’a fai ma sui o tagata o latou motu na malilie mo i latou, ma o latou suli, ma sui i le Aganu’u Fa’a Samoa e faia lenei tautoga i le Malo o le Iunaite Setete o Amerika; ma TAUAI, o le Malo o le Iunaite Setete ua malie e fa’avae se faigamalo e puipuia le Aganu’u ma aia, ma mea totino a Tagata Samoa ma taulamua i le tausiga o le filemu ma le soifua lelei o tagata; ma TAUAI, o lenei maliliega o le tu’uina atu na fa’amaonia i le sisiina o le Fu’a a le Malo o le Iunaite Setete i le nofoaga o le Navy, i Tutuila ma Fale’ula, Ta’u; ma TAUAI, o le tatou lava talitonuga, e mautu le Lumana’i o tatou Tagata ma la tatou Aganu’u pe a manuia taumafaiga a tatou fanau; ma TAUAI, i nai tausaga ua mavae, ua tele ina inivesi le Malo i le lumana’i o le Tupulaga, ma ua fa’atula’i ai le ofisa o tupulaga ma tama’ita’i, o le fausiaina o le Maota o Tupulaga i Pago Pago, o le polokalama e fa’afaigaluega ai le Tupulaga i le tau mafanafana, o le polokalama e fa’atamafai ai se a’oga, o le kalapu mo tama ma teine o Amerika Samoa, Porokalama a le Alii Kovana e fa’afaigaluega ai alo ma fanau ua maua tikeri mai aoga maualuluga ma univesite i fafo, ma le tele o isi; ma TAUAI,, a’o fa’aauau pea ona tatou tu’ulima atu ia i latou mea uma e tatau e manuia ai, a ua i o latou lava lima lo tatou lumana’i o la latou lena e fa’amanino; ma TAUAI, o lenei aso ole Fu’a ua tatou fa’amamalu ma aloa’ia ai “Le Tupulaga o la tatou teuga’oa mo le lumana’i“. O le ala lea, i le fa’amanatuina o lea tala fa’asolopito, ma le fa’amamaluina o le ‘autu o lenei tausaga, “O le Tupulaga, o la tatou teuga’oa mo le lumana’i,“ o a’u o LOLO MATALASI MOLIGA, Kovana o Amerika Samoa, ou te fa’alauiloa atu ai o le a fa’amanatuina le Fu’a i le Aso Gafua Aperila 17, 2017, mo le fa’ataunu’uina o ia sauniga mamalu, e fa’amanatu ai le sisiina a’e o le Fu’a a le Malo o Amerika i Amerika Samoa. Ou te vala’au atu ai i le Malo ma tagata nu’u uma o Amerika Samoa, ina ia ‘auai ma le loto e tasi, aua o tatou o tagata o Tu ma le Aganu’u e tasi, a’o tatou fa’asaga i le lumana’i fa’atasi ma le filemu ma le Nofolelei i o tatou loto, o tatou mafaufau ma o tatou agaga. Ua fa’amaonia i le tu’uina o la’u saini ma le fa’amaufa’ailoga o lo’u Ofisa i le Aso Sefulu o Aperila, i le tausaga o lo tatou Ali’i, lua afe sefulu fitu.

LOLO M. MOLIGA Kovana o Amerika Samoa samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 17

American Samoa Government LOLO M. MOLIGA LEMANU P. MAUGA GOVERNOR OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, on April 17, 1900, and July 16, 1904, the Chiefs of Tutuila and Manu’a respectively, by virtue of their offices as the hereditary representatives of the people of those islands, for and on behalf of the people, entered into agreements of cession whereby the islands of Tutuila, Aunu’u and Manu’a were ceded to the Government of the United States of America, with all sovereign rights thereunto belonging, to be annexed to said Government, and designated as Tutuila and Manu’a; and WHEREAS, the Chiefs of Tutuila and Manu’a, for and on behalf of the people of their islands agreed for themselves, and their heirs and representatives by Samoan custom, to owe allegiance to the Government of the United States of America; and, WHEREAS, the Government of the United States agreed to establish a good and sound government, protect traditional rights and property of the Samoan people, and promote the peace and welfare of the people; and, WHEREAS, the agreements of cession were confirmed by the raising of the Flag of the United States, at the United States Naval Station, Tutuila, and at Fale’ula, Ta’u; and WHEREAS, our people have always believed that through the success of our children, the future of our people and our culture will be assured; and, WHEREAS, over the last several years many investments have been made in the future of our youth, including creation of the Department of Youth and Women’s Affairs, the building of the Pago Pago Community Youth Center, the Summer Youth Employment Program, the Adopt a School Program, the Boys and Girls Club of American Samoa, the Governor’s College Apprenticeship Program, and more; and WHEREAS, while we can provide them the tools to succeed, our future remains in the hands of our youth to determine; and, WHEREAS, this Flag Day we celebrate and honor “Our Youth, Our Investment in the Future”. NOW THEREFORE, in honor of these historical events, and in celebration of this year’s theme, “Our Youth, Our Investment in the Future”, I, LOLO M. MOLIGA, Governor of American Samoa, proclaim that American Samoa Flag Day will be celebrated on Monday, April 17, 2017, for the observance of appropriate ceremonies, commemorating the raising of the Flag of the United States of America over Tutuila, American Samoa. I further call upon the government and the people of American Samoa to join in a better future for the territory by vigorously supporting the efforts of our youth to achieve their goals and ideals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature and seal of my Office on this 10th day of April, in the year of our Lord, two thousand seventeen.

LOLO M. MOLIGA Governor of American Samoa Page 18 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017

Located in Nuuuli • 684-699-1711 FLAG DAY Happy AMERICAN SAMOA Pese Tapena e le Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano i Amerika Samoa tusia: Leua Aiono Frost I lenei tausaga ua tonu ai i le Komiti o le Sisigafu’a 2017 ma le Fa’auluuluga fo’i o le C M tatou malo, ina ia lafo atu Pese ma Siva e tofu sao mai i ai Ekalesia iloga e tolu i le atunu’u. Y K Ekalesia Metotisi i Amerika Samoa, Ekalesia Katoliko i le Pule’aga Samoa Pago Pago ma le Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano i Amerika Samoa. O le auga o le fa’amoemoe, ina ia toe timata le upega fagota i fanau talavou o le atunu’u, ae a le folauga a le atunu’u i le lumana’i. ”E ao lava ina toe fa’atepa le fanau talavou i le taua o le latou agaifanua fa’afiafia, ma ia avea fo’i ma ala e milita’i atu ai ni tima’iga i le maualuga o lana faigamalo, o ala sa tapena e tatou tua’a e fa’ao’o ai so latou leo, tima’i pe faitio i a latou faigamalo na tutula’i i o latou fo’i taimi. Lea la ua toe lalaga ai lenei fa’amoemoe, ina ia fa’ailoa i tupulaga talavou, faiga sa sau a’i tatou tua’a, ma ia latou tau’avea fo’i i o latou taimi o lumana’i nei.” O se manatu lea sa mafua ai ona taoto le fa’aiuga e fa’atino e nei Ekalesia uma le pese ma siva mo lenei sisigafu’a. Ina ua fa’ao’o le fanoga o le Komiti o le Sisigafu’a i le pa’ia o le laulauafono a le Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano i Amerika Samoa, na i’u ai i le fonotaga a le Komiti a le Au Toeaina o le a lafo le fa’amoemoe i le Pulega a le Ituau Malosi, lea e aotelega ai Ekalesia e valu: Fa- gasa, Matuu ma Faganeanea, Nuuuli, Tafuna Ma’ama’a. Ierusalema Fou i Fagaima, Petesa Tai, Petesa Uta ma le Talalelei o le Faaolataga i Tafuna. Na filifili fo’i ma le sui o le a avea ma A’o Pese ma toe Taimi Pese, le sofa Tauese Va’aomala Sunia, ma le komiti fo’i o le a latou va’aia toto’a le a’oina ma le tu’ufa’atasia o le fa’amoemoe e tusa ma le vala’au ua fa’auia ai le Ekalesia atoa i Amerika Samoa. O lea la ua lafo le fa’amoemoega atoa o le Laulauafono ina ia tula’i mai le susuga le Faife’au Tusi Seanoa ina ia avea ma se isi e va’aia toto’a le fa’amoemoe i lona tapenaga, fa’atasi ai ma nai Tina penisione o lo’o latou galulue fa’atasi, ae o le pese ma le tapenaga o le laulautaimi, “e tu’u tasi le faiva ia Pili” le tofa Tauese Sunia. Talu mai ona fa’ao’o atu lenei fanoga i le Ekalesia, sa le’i fa’atamala fo’i i ai le susuga le Taitaifono Rev. Mamoe ma ua amata loa ona tapena i ai le fanau talavou. Ua fa’ailoa mai e tusa o le tasi le masina talu ona poto i latou e fa’atautaia aoga o le pese ma siva. O loo faia lava a’oga uma i le Laumua i Kanana Fou, nisi taimi i totonu o le faleta’alo, ae a laofie lava afiafi ona faatautaia lea i le malae. O le aofa’i o le ausiva e silla ma le 200, pe latalata lava foi i le 300 tagata e amata mai i le 10+ tausaga se’ia o’o i le 60+ tausaga le matutua o e uma ua sisiva ma pepese. O le pese ua fa’ailoa mai, “Ua aofia ai nai fautuaga ma fa’afesili mo le tupulga talavou, pe aisea lava ua fa’afaigata ai tupulaga, e ua taumafai atili matua ina ua maua uma mea lelei mo i latou?” “O lo’o taumafai atu ai se tali fa’a-le-Talalelei e fautuaina ai le tupulaga i lenei vaitau. ia toe tepa i le tautiga o matua mai taimi e tele, ma ia latou lagona se fautuaga.” O se talatala mai lea a Rev. Tusi Seanoa e tusa o lea lava fa’amoemoe. E ese mai lea, ua i ai fo’i nai fautuaga i le Faigamalo ina ia folau lelei le Sa o Amerika Samoa. Ua lagona fo’i le tigaina o i ai i lenei vaitau, ae o Tautai lava mo aso o afa ma le louloua. “Ua sili ona fautuaina le mamalu o tupulaga ina ia sapaia le malo i lenei vaitau, ia lago- lagosua i mea uma e au ai le latou auaunaga ma fa’asao atu ai le Sa o le atunu’u ia pa’ia o latou vaitaimi a’o tumau pea le lelei. Ia fai lava sou sao a;o e talavou, lava le malosi e te fa’atinoa ai se mea mo leleiga o le tatou malo ma ona tagala lautele.” O se fa’asoa mai lea a Seanoa e tusa o le auau ole pese. E ese mai lea ua fa’aaogaina e i latou pese o fatuga tuai a le Ekalesia mai lona amataga 1830, seia o’o mai i le taimi nei. Ua i ai nai tala’aga mai le afuaga o le Ekalesia i Malua lona Laumua i Samoa, ma ua o’o mai i Kanana Fou ua fa’atuina ma ua fa’avae ai le EFKAS. O peseta uma sa tusia mai mo Atauloma, Papauta ma usugafono i Malua, ua avea lea ma pese mo siva o lenei fa’amoemoe. Ua fesoasoani malosi fo’i le tama’ita’i o Lupelele i le taumafaiga o taga mo le siva. C M Ina ua tofia mai le sofa Tauese Sunia mo le pese na te tapenaina ma Y K tu’ufa’atasia toe a’o ma taimi, na fa’afetaia lava aua o ia o se tautai i lea fo’i faiva, ua iloga lona tomai i le taleni, aua o le fa’atolu ai lea ona tutula’i i le malae e ta’ita’ia pese mo lana Ekalesia, lona afio’aga ma lana Autalavou fo’i. E le gata i lea, o se lou lava mo lona guata. Ua iloga e na te gafatia faiva o lea fo’i agaifanua a le atunu’u. “O le fa’amoemoega ua lafo atu ia Tauese, ona ua mau fa’atuatuaina e le Ta’ita’ifono lona tomai, aua ua maimoaina e le to’atele ana ta’ita’iga o aufaipese ma ausiva, i totonu o le Ekalesia ma le atunuu atoa fo’i.” E tusa ai ma tofiga ua tu’uina atu, sa fa’ailoa mai e Tauese Va’aomala, “O lenei fa’amoemoe e le o faigofie lona tapenaga, peita’i, ua fa’afetai tele mo le avanoa e fa’atino ai lenei auaunaga e le paria maualuga o le Ekalesia e afua mai lava i Laulauafono ma ona Ta’ita’i se’ia pa’ia i matou nei ua fai ma sui e fai lenei sao.” Ina ua fesiligia e tusa o lona vala’auina e faia lea faiva, sa ia fa’apea ai, “E sili ona ou fa’afetaia le avanoa ma le maufa’atuatuaina o lo’u sui fa’atauva’a. Afai o se mea lea ua aoga ai, via le Atua ua to mai se avanoa, ae o le tofiga ua aurai, o le auauna lava ia e usita’i, a vala’auina, tu loa i luga ma fai e pei ona mana’omia mai.” I le maimoa atu i le taumafaiga, e le o tu’umamaina le avanoa e le EFKAS Pulega a le Ituau Malosi. O lo’o ua tu’u i ai le atoaga o le mafai, ma ua alu atu le afi, ua alu atu le afi e…. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 19

Happy FLAG DAY DAILY STORE AMERICAN2017 SAMOA Nuuuli - 699-2300 Sao o le Ekalesia Metotisi i le Pese ma le Siva - Sisigafu’a 2017 tusia: Leua Aiono Frost C M faiva, a’o se tautua fo’i e aoga ai i le Ekalesia, ona ta’ita’i ma le atunu’u.” Y K “O le tala moni e lauga le Pese, ae le pese le Lauga,” lea la ua alofaiva nei le pa’ia o le Ina ua fesiligia ni fautuaga mo le tupulaga talavou ae a se manuia mo a taeao i aiga, Ekalesia Metotisi mo le fa’amoemoe na vala’auina ai e le faigamalo ma le Komiti o le Sisiga- Ekalesia ma le Atunu’u atoa, ae saunoa mai o ia, “E sili lava ona tatou fa’alogo i le pese, fu’a 2017, ina ia latou fa’atinoa. aua o le tele o fautuaga o lo’o ua tu’uina atu e pei o se auro taua, e tatau i le fanau ona Ua fa’ailoa mai fo’i e le susuga Le Sea Rev. Lokame Malaesili, ma o lo’o ia tausia le fa’aaoga. E oo fo’i i manuia saili e matua mo le fanau, o mea ia e ala uma lava mai le Matagaluega i Susana Uesele i Tafuna, “E le fa’atauagavale lava se manatu i lenei vala’au Atua o manuia. Ia mata’u le fanau, e maua mea uma o le olaga lenei e o’o lava i le poto maualuga. Ua vala’auina fo’i le Sinoti atoa ina matagaluega e 16 ina ia latou tofu sao mo le po’o le étamai.” fa’amoemoe.” I se va’aiga i le taimi o lo’o fa’atino ai le fa’amoemoe mo fa’ata’ita’iga a lea Ekalesia, Ua vala’uina fo’i le alo o le Ekalesia Agafili Sioeli Aisoli Iuli, na te sauna le pese, ae fes- e ta ane le 4:30 i le afiafi ua se’ei tagata uma i le nofoaga ua atofa mo ia. Ta tonu lava le oasoani lava i ai nisi o le komiti tofia mo le fa’amoemoe, le susuga le Failautusi o le Ekalesia, 4:30 tula’i le Faipese ma o le Taimi Pese lava lea, amata loa pesega. Rev. Pasili Farani, lea o lo’o tausia le Matagaluega i Fagatogo. O le siva na amata a’o e le Leai se fa’alogogata e fia va’aia e ta’ita’i o le Metotisi, matua leva ona falelima i sisifo ma fa’amaopoopo lea i le Hall tele i Malaeloa. O le pese sa mua’i tu’ufa’atasia alaalata’i le susuga le Sea, e fa’atali uma tagata i totonu o le Hall a i le hall tele a le Matagaluega i Fagatogo, i lona fa’amaopoopoina fo’i, mo le fa’amoemoe e Susana Uesele. tu’ufa’atasia mulimuli ane ai e pei ona faia nei. O le mea lea e iloa patino ai le mau a le Metotisi, tagata e Peita’i ua atoa nei le tolu vaiaso, talu ona tu’ufa’atasia le Pese ma le Siva i lona atoaga i le fa’avasega lelei mea e fai aga’i i le taimi tonu e ao ina fa’atino Laumua i Susana Uesele, ma ua tino mai fo’i le fa’amoemoe o le Ekalesia i lona atoaga e pei ai! ona mo’omia ai e susuga le Sea ma le nofoa Fa’afeagaiga. Fa’afofoga lelei i le fe’au faufau- tua fo’i i totonu o aiga, ina I le va’ai atu i le to’atele o le aufaipese ma le ausiva lava fo’i a le Metotisi e silia la’ititi ia fa’ata’ita’i mea lelei i le fanau, aua e le sasi lava Upu o le Tusi, lava i le to’a 400 tagata e afua mai le vasega o fanau talavou e 10+ tausaga se’ia o’o i le 60+ “Aoao le tama ia tusa ma ona ala, a matua e le toe te’a ese ai.” tausaga le matutua. O le fa’afetai fo’i sa molita’i mai e le afioga le Sea,ona o le Ua fa’ailoa mai fo’i, ona e le o tasi se ala o tautua ai le Ekalesia i le Malo e ala fo’i i nisi o latou vala’au fa’apitoa i lenei tausaga, ma ua fiafia fo’i fanau talavou o lo’o auai i alogava’a, o nisi o ‘au ta’a’alo i ta’aloga eseese o lo’o fa’atautaia livaliva, aua le ‘au maua vala’au fa’apenei i tausaga nei, ma ua le maua se avanoa mo taimi o lo’o fa’atino a’i a’oga o lenei fa’amoemoe. uma. Ua matele ina toatele sui matutua ua va’aia, ma o se fa’afetai lea, ona ua masi’i mai fo’i fala masi’igata i aiga, ina ia tali lava le vala’au fa’apitoa a le Malo o Amerika Samoa. Ina ua fesiligia e tusa fo’i o le anau o le pese, ae fa’ailoa mai e le susuga le Sea, “Ia e fa’afofoga lelei lava i le amataga o le pese, o lo’o si’i muamua lava le fa’afetai, ia ala atu ai manuia o le Atua i so’o se fa’amoemoe o le a taumafai i ai le malo o tagata i lenei vaitau. Aua lava ne’i ia te’i tatou se vi’iga o nei mea uma, ae ia fo’i le vi’iga i le Atua!” E matua matagofie fo’i le talent a lenei alo talavou. E mautinoa sa muta mai le vala’aulia fo’i o le Mettisi i tausaga o le tua’a o le susuga le a’o pese, tusi pese ma le taimi pese, Agafili Sioeli Iuli. la ua so’o le fau ma le fau i lenei tausaga, ua fa’ailoa fo’i e lana susuga, “Ou te fa’afetai ua taulia Mu i faigamea i lenei tausaga, mo lenei sao maualuga mo le Ekalesia. Ae sili fo’i ona fa’afetai, ona ua tofia mai a’u e le Ekalesia ma ua mau fa’atuatuaina au mo lenei

C M Y K Page 20 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Experts say police who dragged passenger had other options CHICAGO (AP) — Airport But once police were aboard police officers called to remove the plane, it would have been a passenger who refused to difficult to walk away, espe- leave a United Express flight cially if they did not know essentially walked into what law why the passenger was asked enforcement experts say was a to leave, said Kevin Murphy, no-win situation: enforcing a executive director of the Air- business decision by a private port Law Enforcement Agen- company. cies Network. But if the passenger posed no “Once you’re there, it threat and was not being disrup- becomes tough to disengage. tive, officers almost certainly You have an obligation,” could have tried an approach Murphy said. “If someone is other than dragging him out saying they’re staying no matter of his seat and down the aisle, what the property owner says, including simply telling the you have to wonder why they airline to resolve the situation want to try so hard,” to stay ... itself, experts said. “Is there something else going Cellphone video of the on?” bloodied passenger, 69-year- But police officers should try old David Dao of Elizabeth- to find out what they are going town, Kentucky, has become a into and to defuse the situation, public-relations nightmare for if possible, experts said. United and led to the suspen- Officers with the Los Angeles sion of three police officers who Airport Police do not get worked for the Chicago Depart- involved in civil matters such as ment of Aviation. business disputes between air- The video also underscores lines and passengers. They have People with Asian community organizations from Chicago hold signs to protest after Sunday’s a growing dilemma: From air- sometimes refused airlines’ confrontation where David Dao, 69, of Elizabethtown, Ky., was removed from a United Airlines air- lines to schools, police are requests to board planes, said plane by Chicago airport police at O’Hare International Airport, during rally near United’s counter called to deal with situations spokesman and police officer at the airport’s Terminal 1 in Chicago on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. (Chris Sweda/Chicago Tribune via AP) that in the past might have Rob Pedregon. been handled without them, “We don’t just fly into action sometimes leading officers to when someone calls us,” he respond with force far beyond said. Officers will “basically the provocation. find out the whole situation, “Police have an innate why we’re here, get the back- bias for action, but there are ground and then decide if it’s times that it’s not in their best within our legal authority. We interest or that of their agency wouldn’t get (someone) off just EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY to get involved in an issue that because the airline wants them requires you to use a high level off. If a law is broken, then we VACANCY: QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR of force,” said Jim Bueermann, will take action.” Principal Accountabilities: president of the Police Founda- The Chicago Department of • Quality Systems / Food Safety – insure that StarKist policies and procedures, customer requirements, specifications and tion, a Washington D.C.-based Aviation swiftly put the officer regulatory requirements are adhered to during the manufacturing process. research group, and former who removed Dao on leave, • Risk Assessment – continuously supervise the evaluation of critical information such as retort process, can seaming, fish police chief in Redlands, saying he had violated standard receiving and preparation, record keeping, laboratory analytical data, and finished product evaluation so as to eliminate California. “You have to ask procedures and that the agency financial risk to the business. whether ... you really needed to would not “tolerate that kind • Critical Documents – supervise the creation, collection and critical review of all necessary documents required by the, FDA, USDA, DSCP, USDC, StarKist Co, Jewish Orthodox Union, etc. use force when doing the air- of action.” Two more officers • Consumer Complaints – review the available consumer complaint information and supervise operational efforts to line’s bidding.” were suspended Wednesday. emphasize process controllable opportunities to improve product quality. In an interview with ABC’s Officials have refused to say • Leadership –direct the Quality Assurance Specialists, Leads, Coordinators, Technicians and Inspectors to achieve the “Good Morning America” aired what procedures should have principal accountabilities listed above and to operate within budgeted parameters and to identify new opportunities to Wednesday, the chief executive been followed. improve the quality of our products. of United Airlines said the car- The agency also said that • Training – Train Quality Control team members to perform analytical tests and other inspection functions as specified under company or regulatory operating standards, verifies that correct techniques and methods are used and that rier will no longer ask police to its officers, who are not part of accuracy and precision are achieved in doing their jobs. remove passengers from full the Chicago Police Department, • Special Projects – help function as an inspection coordinator with regulatory inspection personnel from FDA, US Army flights. have “limited authority to make Vet, AIB, Jewish Orthodox Union, DSCP, USDC, etc. as assigned by the QA Manager. After passengers were an arrest.” • Monitors for compliance to the approved HACCP program to assure strict adherence to the plan. already seated on the full flight, Officers could have asked • Conduct product reviews and product / process audits to insure compliance to specifications and product design. United announced that four themselves whether the airline Supervise the daily finished product cutting program. people needed to get off to had an option to reconsider its • Manage quality and analytical data and perform statistical analysis to drive quality improvements and cost reductions. • Support R&D on product commissioning’s. make room for employees of a actions, said Chuck Wexler, • Supervises Pest Control technicians in implementation of the plant Integrated Pest Management program. partner airline. When nobody executive director of the Police • Supports the QA Manager in writing new standard operating procedures (SOPs) and work instructions (WIs) for new accepted the airline’s offer of Executive Research Forum, a processes, and revising and updating existing SOPs and WIs. $800 to relinquish a seat, the group that has called for greater Qualifications/Requirements airline chose four passengers at restraint from police officers. • Minimum of five years of overall professional experience in Quality Assurance, Food Safety, or other industry random. All but Dao agreed to But the bottom line, he said, is management / specific discipline. leave. that the airline put the police • B.S. in food science, food technology or equivalent degree. It’s unclear what police were officers in a difficult situation • Experience in HACCP and / or FSMA. told by the airline about the sit- by expecting them “to solve an • Knowledge in thermal processing, and with approved BPCS (LACF regulation 21 CFR 113) uation. Screaming can be heard issue that they had created.” • Intermediate user knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, and Outlook; • Knowledge about Statistical Quality Control; on the videos as Dao is dragged “It was within their decision- • Knowledge about food safety standards as BRC, SQF, ISO 22000, or equivalent; from his window seat and making power to try someone • Demonstrated prior success in achieving results using team driven philosophies. across the armrest, but he is not else,” Wexler said. “The real Please submit resumes to: Attn: Sandy Satele seen fighting with the officers. question is, at what point did Human Resources Office He appears relatively passive the airline think this is no longer StarKist Samoa, Co. while being dragged. Later he’s their problem and turns this E-mail: [email protected] seen standing in the aisle saying over to the police? He could not STARKIST SAMOA, CO. IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER quietly, “I want to go home, I solve this issue the way the air- want to go home.” line could.” samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 21

➧ Trump reverses himself… Continued from page 15 RUSSIAN PRESIDENT military strength, sounding VLADIMIR PUTIN almost in awe of its prowess. As the U.S. relationship “It’s so incredible. It’s bril- with Russia careens from cozy liant. It’s genius. Our tech- to frosty, Trump is keeping his nology, our equipment, is distance from Russian Presi- better than anybody by a factor dent Vladimir Putin. of five,” he said. “I mean look, “I don’t know Putin,” we have, in terms of tech- Trump said Wednesday at the nology, nobody can even come joint press conference with close to competing.” Stoltenberg. Just a couple of months ago, Trump has made conflicting the president was bemoaning statements about his ties to the the military’s state at rallies Russian leader in the past. At a across the country. press conference last July, he “We’re going to rebuild said: “I never met Putin, I don’t out military. Our military know who Putin is. He said one is in shambles,” he said at a nice thing about me. He said rally in Delaware last April. I’m a genius.” “We’re going to make it so FILE - In this July 17, 2016 file photo, then- Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort But during the Republican big, so strong, so powerful that talks to reporters on the floor of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Manafort will primary he boasted of their ties. nobody, nobody, nobody is register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for lobbying work he did on behalf of Ukraine, He said at a November 2015 gonna mess with us, folks.” led at the time by a pro-Russian political party, his spokesman said Wednesday, April 12. primary debate, “I got to know FEDERAL RESERVE (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) him very well because we were CHAIR JANET YELLEN both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were During his campaign, stablemates, and we did very Trump was critical of Federal well that night.” Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, The best people? Trump’s The two appeared on the accusing her of keeping bor- same program, but their seg- rowing rates low to help rival ments were taped in different Hillary Clinton and Democrats. countries. Trump said at the time that he personnel picks haunt him Trump had also previously would likely replace Yellen WASHINGTON (AP) — nefarious ties to Russia and foreign lobbying work can carry said the pair met once, a “long when her term as chair ends President Donald Trump likes says he has no knowledge that up to a five-year prison sentence, time ago.” next year. At the first presi- to boast that he only hires the his advisers were working with but the Justice Department rarely For Trump, dealing with dential debate in September, best people. But his personnel Moscow during the election. brings criminal charges and investigations into possible Trump said the Fed was “being choices keep coming back to The president’s culpability instead urges violators to register. contacts between his campaign more political than Secretary haunt him. appears greatest with Flynn, a On Wednesday, a spokesman associates and the Russian offi- Clinton.” One of the people Trump retired U.S. Army lieutenant for former Trump campaign cials, keeping Putin at arm’s But that was then. Trump, hired for the White House was general who traveled with Trump chairman Manafort said that he, length may be the best political in the Wall Street Journal working as a foreign agent while frequently on the campaign and too, under pressure from the Jus- play. interview, left open the possi- advising him during the election. was tapped as national security tice Department, would formally U.S. MILITARY PROWESS bility of re-nominating Yellen His campaign chairman caught adviser after the election. Flynn file for prior foreign lobbying. The man who once slammed for a second four-year term. the Justice Department’s atten- had been lobbying for a com- Manafort’s work for political the U.S. military as a “disaster” Asked whether Yellen would tion for similarly surreptitious pany with ties to Turkey during interests in Ukraine occurred is singing its praises now that be “toast” when her term ends, work. And a third campaign the 2016 election and even before he was hired as Trump’s adviser was reportedly sur- wrote an editorial on behalf of he’s in charge. Trump said, “No, not toast.” campaign chairman, spokesman “I like her, I respect her,” veilled by the FBI as part of an his client that was published on Jason Maloni said, though the In an interview with Fox Trump said, adding that they investigation into whether or not Election Day. U.S. government raised ques- Business Network’s Maria Bar- he was a Russian spy. “No one expects them to do tions about his activities after he tiromo that aired Wednesday had met in the Oval Office The tales of Michael Flynn, the equivalent of an FBI back- was hired by Trump. morning, Trump talked up U.S. since he became president. Paul Manafort and Carter Page ground check, but a simple — none of whom still work for Google search could have solved Trump — have created a steady a lot of these problems,” Dan drip of allegations that have Pfeiffer, who served as senior clouded Trump’s early presi- adviser to President Barack dency and raised persistent ques- Obama, said of Trump’s team. tions about his judgment. After Trump’s victory, Fly- At worst, Trump’s personnel nn’s lawyers alerted the transi- picks appear to have left his cam- tion team that he may have to paign — and perhaps his White register as a lobbying for a for- House — vulnerable to the influ- eign entity, according to a person ence of foreign powers. At best, with knowledge of those discus- they expose the long-term impli- sions. The White House hired cations of his understaffed and him anyway. After the inaugu- inexperienced campaign organi- ration, Flynn’s lawyers told the zation and undermine his prom- White House counsel’s office ises to surround himself with top that the national security adviser notch talent. would indeed have to move for- “Vetting new hires is stan- ward with that filing. dard procedure for presiden- Flynn was fired in February tial campaigns for exactly this after the White House said he reason,” said Alex Conant, who misled Vice President Mike advised Sen. Marco Rubio’s Pence and other top officials 2016 presidential campaign. about his conversations with “Every employee is also a poten- Russia’s ambassador to the tial liability on a presidential United States. campaign.” Foreign lobbying is legal and Manafort, Flynn and Page lucrative. Both Republican and have indeed become political Democratic operatives offer their liabilities for Trump that he can’t services to overseas clients. But shake in the White House. All the Justice Department requires three are being scrutinized as Americans working on behalf of part of the FBI and congressional foreign interests to register, dis- investigations into whether closing the nature of their work, Trump associates helped Russia the foreigners they dealt with meddle in the 2016 election. and the money they made. The president has denied any Willful failure to register for Page 22 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Auto show: SUVs of all sizes; Sonata aims for a comeback NEW YORK (AP) — From but elegant interior. It also per- Mercedes offers an optional high-performance muscle cars forms. The top version with exhaust system that regulates to hot-selling SUVs to cars hit- a gasoline and plug-in hybrid the noise level of the V-8, ting the U.S. market for the first combination makes 400 horse- something the neighbors should time, the 2017 New York Inter- power and can go from zero to appreciate. The SUV goes on national Auto Show features a 62 mph (zero to 100 kilometers sale in June. There’s also an S diverse lineup of new vehicles. per hour) in only 5.3 seconds. Coupe version that gets to 60 The show officially opens to the It also has Volvo’s semi-auton- mph even faster. public on Friday. omous driving system avail- JEEP GRAND CHER- Here are some of the buzz- able which steers, accelerates OKEE TRACKHAWK: Talk worthy new cars and trucks at and brakes the SUV on well- about fast SUVs. Call Fiat the show. marked roads up to 80 mph. Chrysler nutty, but it’s putting VOLVO XC 60: Volvo MERCEDES AMG the 6.2-Liter, 707-horsepower raises its game in the hottest GLC63 SUV: Here’s a luxury V8 engine from the Charger part of the U.S. auto market SUV with pep in its step. Mer- and Challenger Hellcat muscle with a new version of the XC cedes puts a 4-liter V-8 engine cars into a Jeep Grand Cher- This photo combo shows the Lincoln Navigator Concept, 60 compact SUV. It looks like in this 5-seater SUV, which okee called the Trackhawk. bottom, and the 2018 Lincoln Navigator. The 2018 production a shrunken version of Volvo’s goes from 0 to 60 in 3.9 sec- The company says it’s the most version doesn’t have the concept’s expensive and heavy gull-wing larger SUVs with sleek yet onds. That’s sure to jolt the kids powerful and quickest SUV doors or the nautical equipment stored in the back cargo area. somewhat boxy Volvo styling awake on the way to school or ever built with a scary zero- (AP Photo) on the outside and a simple their morning soccer game. to-60 mph (97 kilometers per hour) time of 3.5 seconds and a top speed of 180 mph (290 kph). The SUV has brakes to match the engine power made by stopping specialist Brembo. TOYOTA FT4X CON- CEPT: Toyota is aiming at the off-road, camp-in-the-woods crowd with a concept vehicle that likely will take on Jeep and Subaru and target Generation Y city dwellers. The RT4X four- wheel-drive Concept looks like a cross between the old Toyota FJ Cruiser off-road vehicle and a Jeep Renegade small SUV. The company says it’s at home in the city but ready to deal with nature. The concept has rear seats that fold flat with a hard plastic easy to wash out cargo area for dogs or dirty camping gear. Its rear hatch opens two ways, horizontally for urban mode and vertically to shield people from the elements when outdoors. No word on when it might come to market, but Toyota needs a vehicle to com- pete for young people, so look for it soon. DODGE DEMON SRT CHALLENGER: Dodge has unleashed the Demon. The Fiat Chrysler brand is laying claim to the fastest production car in the U.S. The Demon Challenger is a freaky-fast 840-horsepower gasoline burner. It can go from zero to 60 (97 kilometers per hour) in 2.3 seconds. That beats the Tesla Model S P100D sedan, which hits 60 in 2.5 sec- onds. Dodge used explosions, burnouts and a small drag strip to roll out the car ahead of the New York International Auto Show press days. The com- pany even brought in Fast and Furious star Vin Diesel for effect. The street-legal Demon also can hit 140 mph while run- ning a quarter mile in 9.65 sec- onds, about two seconds faster than a typical muscle car. It’s available in the fall. SUBARU ASCENT: The Ascent SUV concept, a three- row people hauler, is suppos- (Continued on page 23) samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 23

➧ Continued… AP FACT CHECK: Continued from page 22 edly very close to the final sheet metal on the front, side product that goes on sale next and rear with a lower, more year. The seven-passenger athletic profile, a new grille and SUV looks like a big version slim tail lights. Hyundai says of Subaru’s highly successful it improved the ride and han- Outback wagon. It’ll get a tur- dling with a new chassis. It’s bocharged engine and sporty also quieter than the outgoing fender flares. The new vehicle version. The sportiest version should help Subaru continue its gets a 245-horsepower 2.0- string of annual sales increases. liter turbocharged engine with Last year sales rose nearly 6 a new eight-speed automatic percent to just under 583,000. transmission. HONDA CLARITY: The LINCOLN NAVI- Clarity is Honda’s “triple play” GATOR: Ford gives the new for those who want a more Lincoln Navigator an all-alu- environmentally-friendly ride. minum body and the big luxury The Clarity fuel cell version is SUV sheds 200 pounds. The already available for lease in look is more subtle elegance, California. It has a range up to designed to attract buyers 366 miles, which helps consid- from the more showy Cadillac ering hydrogen fueling stations Escalade. aren’t yet plentiful. The gull-wing doors that The all-electric and plug-in were an eye-catching feature of hybrid versions debuted at the the concept Navigator are gone New York auto show. Both from the production vehicle. seat five adults. The electric The new Navigator gets a 3.5- version can charge in 3 hours, liter twin-turbo V6 that puts out FILE - In this March 19, 2017 file photo, U.S. Coast Guard patrol Lake Worth Lagoon as Presi- but the 111-mile combined 450 horsepower. It seats seven dent Donald Trump returns to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla. It’s widely estimated that city and highway range seems or eight and is due out late this each trip to the resort costs taxpayers $3 million, based on a government study of the cost of a 2013 pedestrian. The hybrid, with an year. Matthew McConaughey trip to Florida by President Barack Obama. But that trip was more complicated and the study’s electric motor and 4-cylinder won’t unveil the SUV this author says it can’t be used to calculate the cost of Trump’s travel. This weekend, Trump is making gas engine, has an anticipated year, but he’ll still be featured his seventh visit to Mar-a-Lago since becoming president. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File) overall range of over 330 miles. in Navigator commercials. TOYOTA SIENNA: BUICK ENCLAVE: It sits Toyota wants car buyers to lower and has a longer wheel- associate the Sienna with base than its predecessor, yet the Do Trump’s Mar-a-Lago “swagger.” But it’s a minivan, Buick Enclave people-hauling where safety counts, and the SUV is more maneuverable. safety upgrades are the most General Motors has given the notable touches in the refreshed seven-passenger midsize utility 2018 version. All Siennas will more third-row seating space, trips cost $3 million? now have standard automatic improved towing capacity and emergency braking and a lane a tighter turning radius than the WASHINGTON (AP) — Judicial Watch estimated that Public Citizen blasted him for departure system that steers outgoing model. A 3.6-Liter, With President Donald Trump Obama’s travel expenses totaled spending another “estimated $3 the van back into its lane. The 302 horsepower V6 engine making his seventh presidential at least $96 million over eight million.” safety system also has pedes- and a nine-speed automatic trip this weekend to his Mar-a- years, based on partial responses Public Citizen said it is trian detection. transmission are standard. The Lago resort in Florida, govern- to its freedom of information quoting the $3 million figure HYUNDAI SONATA: motor shuts off at red lights ment watchdogs and Democrats requests. In December, the from Politico and CBS. CNN Once the style leader in the to conserve fuel and instantly are once again seeing dollar group’s president, Tom Fitton, has also used that number. midsize car category, the restarts when the light turns signs: namely, $3 million. said Obama had engaged in Those estimates all trace back Sonata gets a complete make- green. Outside it has a sleeker That’s a widely used esti- “notorious abuse of presiden- an October 2016 report by the over for the 2018 model year. look and is more aerodynamic mate of what each journey costs tial travel perks” and called on Government Accountability The new version gets updated than its predecessor. taxpayers. The figure comes Trump to overhaul presidential Office. from a government report on travel. a trip President Barack Obama But with seven Mar-a-Lago made to Palm Beach, Florida, visits in less than three months, but the report’s author tells The is Trump guilty of the same Associated Press that it’s a mis- thing? Fitton says he doesn’t take to apply those findings to think so but added, “It’s not Trump’s travel. what we expected from him, A conservative group that given his criticism of Obama.” closely monitors presidential “The best thing he can do is expenses puts the tab for each disclose the numbers and then Mar-a-Lago visit closer to $1 make the case to taxpayers that million. it’s worth it for him to travel Neither the Secret Service, there,” Fitton said. “It’s a debat- which protects the president, able point.” nor the Department of Defense, Trump’s time at Mar-a-Lago which transports presidential appears to be a mix of business vehicles from place to place, and pleasure. He’s twice hosted has provided a tally of any Mar- foreign leaders there, twice a-Lago trip, although a gov- used the resort as a home base ernment office is working up for presidential or campaign estimates that will eventually events in the area and made 15 become public. visits to his nearby golf courses. So why does anyone care The White House doesn’t say whether Trump is frequenting whether he’s golfing. Florida, and how did $3 million One way Trump is saving become the common wisdom as presidential travel money: He the cost of each visit? hasn’t yet journeyed overseas, Trump himself drew atten- though next month he plans to tion to the issue when he make a stop in Brussels. called Obama a “habitual vaca- With a Republican in the tioner” who was costing tax- White House, liberal groups payers money. He repeatedly are joining Judicial Watch in harangued Obama about it on keeping an eye on travel costs. Twitter between 2011 and last Before Trump’s Mar-a-Lago year. meeting last week with Chinese The conservative group President Xi Jinping, the group Page 24 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017


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In The High Court of American Samoa FAMILY, DRUG AND ALCOHOL COURT DIVISIONS FDA/JR No. 36-16 IN RE: A CHILD. NOTICE/FA’AALIGA TO: Ms. Fulaupu Aunai & Mr. Marvin Ieremia Pago Pago Village Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above-named respondents that a petition has been filed before the High Court of American Samoa to terminate your parental rights in a female child born on April 24, 2004, at LBJ Medical Center, Fagaalu, American Samoa. A hearing will be held after two months and ten days from the date of the first pub- lication of this notice, in which the Court may enter an order terminating your parental rights in this child. If you have any objection, or wish to claim or assert your parental rights, you must appear within two months and ten days from the date of the first publication of this notice and file an objection or a claim with the court. O LE FA’AALIGA E TU’UINA ATU ia te oulua ua ta’ua i luga, ua iai se talosaga ua failaina i le Faamasinoga Maualuga o Amerika Samoa, e iloilo ai oulua aia faamatua i se teineitiiti faapea sa fa- nau o ia i le aso 24 o Aperila, 2004, i le Falema’i i Fagaalu, Amerika Samoa. O lenei iloiloga e faia pe a tuana’i le lua masina ma aso e sefulu mai le aso o le ulua’i faasalalauga o lenei faaaliga; ma e ono tuuina atu ai se poloa’iga a le Faamasinoga ua faamuta aloaia o oulua aia faamatua i lenei teinetiiti. Afai e te lua tete’e pe e te lua finagalo e faamaonia oulua aia faamatua, ia oulua failaina se talosaga tete’e i le Faamasinoga i totonu o le lua masina ma aso e sefulu mai le ulula’i faasalalauga o lenei fa’aaliga. DATE/ASO: March 30, 2017

CLERK OF COURTS The quiet underdogs, who are currently making noise in the high school girls’ basketball junior varsity [JV] division: the Manumalo Flames — they have yet to lose a game. Their record includes a handful of wins, one by forfeit, and one tied game against Tafuna. Published: 04/6 & 04/13/17 [Photo: BC] New Zealanders evacuated from parts of coast as storm hits WELLINGTON, New Zea- land (AP) — Hundreds of people in New Zealand were evacuated from some coastal areas on Thursday as the second major storm in just over a week made landfall near the North Island town of Whakatane. But residents of the nation’s largest city, Auckland, breathed a sigh of relief as the remnants of Cyclone Cook moved past them to the east. Authorities had earlier worried the storm could hit the city and cause major problems. “It seems Auckland has largely survived ... unscathed,” tweeted Auckland Mayor Phil Goff. Civil defense authorities said people from about 250 homes in the beach town of Ohope were told they had to evacuate, while other households chose to leave. Authorities had earlier advised people in low elevations on the Coromandel Peninsula to evac- uate to higher ground, as large waves were expected to batter the coast. Air New Zealand suspended flights from Tauranga - Air port and other flights around Logs and debris from a week of flooding are collected behind boats moored on the Whakatane River, New Zealand, Thursday, April the country were also delayed 13, 2017. Hundreds of people in New Zealand were evacuated from some coastal areas on Thursday as the second major storm in just or canceled. The military said over a week made landfall near the North Island town. (JAlan Gibson/New Zealand Herald via AP) it had placed 500 troops on standby. The storm also caused power disruptions to hundreds “We are watching very care- punch. a river burst through a concrete breached levee. That system of homes in Whakatane and fully, we’re not through this The MetService weather levee on the Rangitaiki River as and others will be tested again Tauranga. yet,” she said on Thursday agency predicted rainfall the remnants of Cyclone Debbie by rainfall from the latest storm. Sarah Stuart-Black, director evening. could exceed 100 millimeters hit. The water forced 2,000 MetService predicted winds of the Ministry of Civil Defence The storm was expected to (4 inches) in some places and people to evacuate and flooded from the storm could gust to and Emergency Management, move south overnight Thursday cause more flooding in areas hundreds of homes. 150 kilometers (93 miles) per said the storm was “extremely and reach the capital, Wel- still recovering from heavy rain- Many people have been hour and that waves could rise serious” and severe weather lington, early Friday, causing fall last week. unable to return to their homes to over 5 meters (16 feet). warnings were in place for more problems along the way Last Thursday the town of since then and authorities have much of the country. but also losing some of its Edgecumbe was flooded when been scrambling to shore up the samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 27 Botticelli show features works 2017 NHD Islandwide (Photos: Leua) never before seen in the US

In this Friday, June 5, 2015 file photo a person visits the Italian pavilion as Sandro Botticelli’s mid 1480s painting of Birth of Venus is displayed on the walls at the Expo 2015 in Rho, near Milan, Italy. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni) BOSTON (AP) — A new religious paintings, a specialty exhibition of Sandro Botticel- for the majority of Renaissance li’s paintings, including some artists; and classical mythology, never seen in the U.S., will give including several goddess fig- museumgoers a glimpse into the ures covered by little more than artist’s own search for sanctity. their flowing or braided hair. The show, “Botticelli and the “He set the standard for Search for the Divine,” opens beauty in the 15th century, and Saturday at Boston’s Museum it is one that we — in the 21st of Fine Arts. It showcases valu- century — still respond to,” able works from the Italian Ilchman said. Renaissance master’s catalog, Perhaps the most celebrated including a life-size “Venus” piece in the exhibition is painting being displayed in “Venus,” a reworking of Bot- America for the first time. ticelli’s most famous painting, “We’re giving the American “Birth of Venus.” Completed public a chance to take a trip around 1490, the wood panel to Renaissance Florence,” said painting depicts the goddess of Frederick Ilchman, who curated love wearing a sheer covering the exhibit for the museum. and knee-length auburn hair. The exhibition aims to tell “Venus” is on loan from the how Botticelli developed as Galleria Sabauda in Turin, Italy. an artist. For lovers of Italian On loan from the Uffizi is a Renaissance art, a proper Bot- painting titled “Minerva and the ticelli show in America is long Centaur.” In the artist’s explo- overdue. Botticelli seems to be ration of rational thought verses having a renaissance of his own animal instinct, the painting hundreds of years later after shows a goddess overcoming a being all but forgotten and sur- half-man, half-horse beast. passed by younger geniuses like Botticelli’s work takes a Leonardo da Vinci, said David turn, however, when a new ruler Nolta, a professor of art history comes to power in the late 15th at the Massachusetts College of century. Friar Girolamo Savon- Art and Design. arola was a devout preacher “Botticelli has not always who banned secular arts and enjoyed the fame and popularity culture because it was thought he does today,” Nolta said. to be sinful in nature. After The exhibition at the Savonarola, Botticelli painted Museum of Fine Arts features only religious impressions and 24 paintings on loan from dropped his specialty of sensual Italian museums, including the goddesses and mythological famous Uffizi Gallery in -Flor creatures. ence. There also will be a Bot- “The mood can be severe ticelli painting from the MFA’s and even mournful,” Ilchman permanent collection, and said of Botticelli’s later works. two on loan from the Harvard “It’s a response to a change in and Isabella Stewart Gardner politics and religious that is Museums. borne out in the artwork itself.” Visitors will notice how Bot- “Botticelli and the Search for ticelli practiced dual specialties: the Divine” runs through July 9. Page 28 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Michigan capital rescinds calling itself ‘sanctuary city’ LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan’s capital on Wednesday reversed a deci- sion to call itself a “sanctuary city” that protects immigrants, bowing to pressure from a busi- ness community concerned that the term would draw unwanted attention to Lansing from Presi- dent Donald Trump’s adminis- tration and cost the city federal funding. The City Council voted 5-2 to reverse course just nine days after unanimously deciding to call Lansing a sanctuary. The term “sanctuary city” has no legal definition and varies in application, but it generally refers to jurisdictions that do not cooperate with U.S. immi- gration officials. Under Lansing policy set out last week in an order from Mayor Virg Bernero that stays in effect, employees cannot ask about immigration status, except People crowd the Lansing City Council chambers for a special meeting in Lansing, Mich., Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Michigan’s as required by U.S. or Michigan capital city on Wednesday rescinded its decision to deem itself a “sanctuary city” protecting immigrants, bowing to concerns from the law or a court order. Police also business community that the ambiguous, contentious term may draw unwanted attention to Lansing. are prohibited from holding (Matthew Dae Smith/Lansing State Journal via AP) immigrants for U.S. Immigra- tion and Customs Enforcement now that protects folks and the community, she said. it away,” Dunbar said. Lansing Councilwoman Judi unless federal authorities have a keeps them and their family “It is a darn shame that after The new vote followed 2½ Brown Clarke, who voted to judicial warrant. intact,” said Councilwoman appearing to have a backbone hours of contentious public rescind the measure. “It’s basi- “It is not the two words that Kathie Dunbar, who opposed and actually taking a stand on comment during which more cally a ‘don’t ask’ policy.” make this a sanctuary city. We dropping the term. The reversal something that really matters, than 70 people spoke for and Before last week, but Lan- have an executive order right sent a “really sad” message to folks have decided to just throw against the measure. After the sing called itself a “welcoming vote was taken, immigration city,” rather than a “sanctuary advocates shouted “spineless” city.” Po Box PPB, Pago Pago at the council members. Mem- Trump has warned that sanc- AMERICAN SAMOA American Samoa 96799 POWER AUTHORITY Phone No.: (684) 699-3057 bers of a pro-Trump group also tuary cities could lose federal Fax No.: (684) 699-4129 attended and spoke. money for refusing to cooperate Materials Management Office [email protected] Lansing resident Kathy with immigration authorities. Miles said the 115,000-resident The administration has started city — the state’s sixth-largest publishing weekly reports of REQUEST FOR QUOTES (RFQ) — should not declare itself a local jurisdictions that are not sanctuary for immigrants in the cooperating with federal efforts RFQ NO: ASPA.17.029.ESD-WTR Closing Date & Time: April 27, 2017 country illegally. to find and deport immigrants in Issuance Date: April 10, 2017 No later than 2:00 p.m. local time “How are we going to turn the country illegally. around and tell our citizens to “Recent actions of City The American Samoa Power Authority issues a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to invite qualified firms obey our laws yet this portion of Council, whether intended or to submit quotes for the: people don’t have to obey our not, have placed an unnecessary laws? You’re causing chaos,” target on the City of Lansing SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FLOW METERS – she said. while jeopardizing millions of But Elisabeth Anderson of dollars in federal funding that WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROJECT Lansing urged the council to impacts the city budget,” the Submission not “cave to fear” and let down business groups’ letter says. An original and one (1) PDF must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: “ASPA17.029.ESD. “the most vulnerable of our citi- Of the five members who zens.” She said there is no evi- voted to void the resolution, WTR. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FLOW METERS – WATER METER REPLACEMENT dence that Trump will “come three switched their stance PROJECT.” Submissions are to be sent to the following address and will be received until 2:00 p.m. for Lansing” or that business while two others had missed the (local time), Wednesday, April 27, 2017: interests will be hurt. vote last week. Some said only Materials Management Office After last week’s vote, the mayor can decide the city’s council members received a status as a sanctuary. Other con- American Samoa Power Authority letter from the Lansing Regional cerns included the potential loss Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 Chamber and Michigan of $6.5 million annually in fed- Attn: Ioana S. Uli, Procurement Manager Chamber of Commerce urging eral funding and additional city them to remove references to legal fees. Any quotation received after the aforementioned date and time will not be accepted under any “sanctuary city” from its resolu- Advocates defend sanctuary circumstances. Late submissions will not be opened or considered and will be determined as being tion. The dispute over the term policies for fostering a climate non- responsive. “sanctuary city” comes as an in which immigrants without Document estimated 200 cities, including legal status are more willing New York, Los Angeles and to report crimes and cooperate The RFQ package outlining the quotation requirements is available at The Materials Management Chicago, have declared such with police. Office at ASPA’s Tafuna Compound and may also be obtained from our Website: status to protect immigrants. The issue also has touched http://www.aspower.com. They oppose Trump’s crack- off debate in the Republican- Right of Rejection down on immigrants who are in controlled Michigan Legisla- the country illegally. ture, which is considering ban- The American Samoa Power Authority reserves the right to reject any and/or all quotations and “The term ‘sanctuary’ in ning local governments from to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in the submitted quotations that are not in the best the resolution has become very enacting or enforcing rules that interests of the American Samoa Power Authority or the public. problematic and distracting — limit communication and coop- so distracting in my opinion eration with federal officials Approved for Issuance: Utu Abe Malae, Executive Director that’s it’s taken away from the concerning people’s immigra- intent of our resolution, which tion status. Similar legislation is to protect individuals,” said died in the last session. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 29 NKorea may be capable of sarin-loaded missiles TOKYO (AP) — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe weekend. craft or delivered via missiles, artillery and grenades. warned Thursday that North Korea may be capable Citing Syria where dozens of people died recently Japan, under its postwar constitution, has limited the of firing a missile loaded with sarin nerve gas toward in an alleged sarin nerve gas attack, Abe said Japan role of its military to self-defense only and relied on the Japan, as international concern mounted that a mis- should take the example seriously, stressing the need to U.S. for offensive and nuclear capability. But recently, sile or nuclear test by the authoritarian state could be strengthen its deterrence against the North. Abe’s ruling party has proposed that Japan should bol- imminent. North Korea, which is not a signatory to the inter- ster its missile defense, including upgrading the capa- “There is a possibility that North Korea is already national Chemical Weapons Convention, has been pro- bility to shoot down an enemy missile and acquiring capable of shooting missiles with sarin as warheads,” ducing chemical weapons since the 1980s and is now the capacity to attack the base it was fired from. Abe told a parliamentary panel on national security and estimated to have as many as 5,000 tons, according to a With President Donald Trump’s administration not diplomacy. Abe was responding to a question about South Korean defense white paper. Its stockpile report- ruling out a military option to dealing with North Korea, Japan’s readiness at a time of increased regional ten- edly has 25 types of agents, including sarin. “tension is certainly rising,” Abe said Wednesday to a sion. A U.S. navy aircraft carrier is heading toward the Experts say if North Korea were to attack South group of lawmakers from his ruling party who sought Korean Peninsula as Pyongyang prepares for the 105th Korea, it would likely target Seoul’s defenses with increased safety measures for Japanese nationals in anniversary of the birth of its founder Kim Il Sung this chemical and biological weapons dropped from air- case of an emergency. Defense in Kim Jong Nam murder case fears ‘trial by

ambush’ Selvi Sandrasegaram, center, lawyer for Indonesia suspect Siti Aisyah arrested in the death of KUALA LUMPUR, “Neither side may seek Kim Jong Nam, is surrounded by journalists outside Sepang court in Thursday, April 13, Malaysia (AP) — Handcuffed unfair advantage by concealing 2017. Malaysian authorities said two women swiped Kim’s face with VX nerve agent as he waited in and facing the judge, two young weapons behind its back. There Kuala Lumpur airport for a flight home to Macau in February. (AP Photo/Daniel Chan) women accused of poisoning should be no trial by ambush,” their country’s embassy in uary to star in his video prank Gooi said Hong asked Aisyah Kim Jong Nam appeared in Gooi said. Kuala Lumpur to avoid ques- shows. Over the course of sev- to do several more pranks at the court Thursday as their law- The judge postponed the tioning by police were allowed eral days, he had her rub oil or Kuala Lumpur airport a few yers said Malaysian police still hearing until May 30. to fly home late last month pepper sauce on a victim’s face, days before Kim was attacked. have not handed over security The women are accused after Malaysia struck a surprise “from forehead downwards,” He said Aisyah met Hong at the camera footage and documents of smearing Kim’s face with deal with Pyongyang to ease which he would film on his airport on the day of the killing, crucial to the defense. banned VX nerve agent at a tensions. phone, the lawyer said. and that Hong identified Kim Siti Aisyah, from Indo- crowded airport terminal in Malaysian police have said They practiced at malls, to Aisyah and allegedly put the nesia, and Doan Thi Huong of Kuala Lumpur. But they say they questioned the three men hotels and airports, he said. poison on her hand. are the only suspects in they were duped into thinking and found no grounds to hold Aisyah was paid $100-$200 Malaysia never directly custody in the Feb. 13 killing of they were playing a harm- them. But Gooi said Thursday for each prank and hoped the accused North Korea of car- Kim, the estranged half brother less prank for a hidden-camera that at least one of those three income would allow her to stop rying out the attack, but specula- of North Korea’s ruler. Four show. men — identified by police as working as a social escort, Gooi tion is rampant that Pyongyang North Korean suspects fled the The women face the death Ri Ji U and known to Aisyah said. directed a hit on a long-exiled country the day of the murder, penalty if convicted. as “James” — was key to her Gooi said Aisyah flew to member of its ruling elite. police say. Gooi said he fears the women defense. Cambodia in late January, Tram Hux Hoang, a cousin “The accused person should will become scapegoats because “This amounts to a miscar- where James introduced her to of the Vietnamese suspect, said not be denied her fundamental all the other people believed to riage of justice,” Gooi said of Hong Song Hac, one of four she is doing well in prison and right to a fair trial,” said Aisyah’s have knowledge of the case Malaysia’s decision to allow the North Korean suspects who had even gained weight. attorney, Gooi Soon Seng. He have left the country. men to leave the country. “They left Malaysia on the day of the “The family and many Viet- said he has been waiting for The four North Koreans (the defendants) are already murder. Hong had introduced namese people believe that she police to provide CCTV footage who flew out of Malaysia the scapegoats.” himself as Chang, a Chinese is innocent,” he said outside and statements from three North day of the murder are believed Gooi told The Associated who produces video prank court Thursday. “We believe Korean men who were ques- to be back in Pyongyang. And Press on Wednesday that James shows for the Chinese market, she was cheated and we hope tioned and released. another three who stayed inside recruited Aisyah in early Jan- he said. that the truth will come out.”


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Note: All Schedule dates are estimated 333 Market Street Satellite Building For Local Enquiries, Contact Suite 325 SAMOA PACIFIC SHIPPING, INC. 333 Bush Street Suite# 2580 P.O. Box 1417, Pago Pago, AS 96799 San Francisco. CA 94104 Telephone: (684) 633-4665 • Fax (684) 633-4667 “Our Service Sells Itself” 249 East Ocean Blvd Suite 200 Long Beach, CA 90802 Tel (562) 590-9021 Direct Independent Service Between North America, South Pacific Islands, Hawaii and New Zealand Fax (562) 436-0404 Page 30 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017


The Office of Political Status, Constitutional Review, and Federal Relations, has started an awareness program at the work place and last week, the ASG Office of Disaster and Petroleum Management (ODAPM) heard a presentation from Tapa’au Dr. Dan Aga, who heads the political status office. ODAPM director Alfonso P. Galeai and his staff learned about the US Constitution’s “Equal Protection” Clause, the US citizenship case, and how the American Samoa Constitution is protected by Congress. [photo: Mel Gurr] US seeks to fight IS and oust Syria’s Assad WASHINGTON (AP) — last week’s American airstrikes that the objective of the mis- more,” he said. “The president U.S.-backed rebels groups President Donald Trump’s in retaliation for the chemical sile strike was to send a “strong will make whatever decision he have long pleaded for more U.S. national security adviser on attack hadn’t really changed political message to Assad.” He thinks is in the best interest of intervention and complained Sunday left open the possi- U.S. priorities toward ousting did not rule out additional strikes the American people.” that Washington has only bility of additional U.S. military Assad. if Assad continued to engage in Reluctant to put significant fought the Islamic State group. action against Syria following Pressed to clarify, McMaster atrocities against rebel forces troops on the ground in Syria, So Trump’s decision to launch last week’s missile strike but said the goals of fighting IS and with either chemical or conven- the U.S. for years has struggled the strikes — which President indicated that the United States ousting Syria’s president were tional weapons. to prevent Assad from strength- Barack Obama declined to do was not seeking to act unilater- somewhat “simultaneous” and “We are prepared to do ening his hold on power. after a 2013 chemical attack ally to oust Syrian President — has raised optimism among Bashar Assad. rebels that Trump will more In his first televised inter- directly confront Assad. view, H.R. McMaster pointed Several lawmakers said to dual U.S. goals of defeating Sunday that decision shouldn’t the Islamic State group and entirely be up to Trump. removing Assad. But he sug- Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, gested that Trump was seeking the no. 2 Republican in the a global political response for Senate, praised Trump’s ini- regime change from U.S. allies tial missile strike for sending a as well as Russia, which he said message to Assad, Russia, Iran needed to re-evaluate its support and North Korea that “there’s a of Syria. new administration in charge.” “It’s very difficult to under- But he said Trump now needed stand how a political solution to work with Congress to set a could result from the continu- future course. ation of the Assad regime,” “Congress needs to work McMaster said. “Now, we are with the president to try and deal not saying that we are the ones with this long-term strategy, who are going to effect that lack of strategy, really, in Syria,” change. What we are saying he said. “We haven’t had one is, other countries have to ask for six years during the Obama themselves some hard ques- administration, and 400,000 tions. Russia should ask them- civilians have died and millions selves ...Why are we supporting of people have been displaced C M this murderous regime that is internally and externally in Y K committing mass murder of its Europe and elsewhere.” own population?” Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, After last Tuesday’s chem- the top Democrat on the Senate ical attack in Syria, Trump said Foreign Relations Committee, his attitude toward Assad “has agreed. “What we saw was a changed very much” and Secre- reaction to the use of chemical tary of State Rex Tillerson said weapons, something I think “steps are underway” to orga- many of us supported,” he said. nize a coalition to remove him “But what we did not see is a from power. coherent policy on how we’re But as lawmakers called on going to deal with the civil war Trump to consult with Congress and also deal with ISIS.” on any future military strikes and Still, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a longer-term strategy on Syria, R-S.C., said he believed that Trump administration officials Trump didn’t need to consult sent mixed signals on the scope with Congress. of U.S. involvement. While “I think the president has Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambas- authorization to use force,” he sador to the United Nations, said. “Assad signed the chem- described regime change in ical weapons treaty ban. There’s Syria as a U.S. priority and inev- an agreement with him not to itable, Tillerson suggested that use chemical weapons.” samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 31 New report gives US airlines better grades across the board DALLAS (AP) — The ment counts a flight as being paid?” airlines are getting better at on time even if it arrives up to TripAdvisor released its own sticking to their schedules and 14 minutes late. “Airlines are airline rankings Monday, which are losing fewer bags. Their happy with that (grace period) it said were based on analysis customers seem to be com- because it makes them look of “hundreds of thousands” plaining less often. better and misleads the pas- of reviews posted by users. It Those are the findings of senger,” said aviation con- placed JetBlue and Alaska Air- an annual report on airline sultant Michael Baiada. He lines among the top 10 in the quality being released Monday said airlines can do better, and world, and it rated Delta ahead by researchers at Wichita State besides, travelers pay to be on of American and United among C M University and Embry-Riddle time — not 14 minutes late. the largest U.S. carriers. Y K Aeronautical University. More broadly, a statistical Other outfits including J.D. The researchers use infor- analysis of government data Power and Skytrax also put out mation compiled by the U.S. “really doesn’t take into con- ratings. Airlines boast when Department of Transportation sideration how the customer is they win. Recently, American This Thursday, March 16, 2017, photo shows the interior of a to rate the airlines for on-time treated,” said Bryan Saltzburg, Airlines started putting stickers JetBlue airliner at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New performance, baggage han- an executive with travel site Tri- on all 968 of its planes to note York. Government figures show that U.S. airlines are improving dling, bumping passengers off pAdvisor LLC. “How comfort- that a trade publication, Air at flying on time, handling baggage and not bumping as many oversold flights, and complaints able are they on the plane? How Transport World, named it air- passengers. Complaints are down too. Those are the findings of an filed with the government. helpful is the staff? What’s the line of the year. annual report on airline quality released Monday, April 10, 2017, They planned to release their value for what the customer by researchers at Wichita State University and Embry-Riddle list of the best airlines later Aeronautical University. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) Monday. The report’s general observations: — ON TIME PERFOR- MANCE: The percentage of flights that arrived on time or Coming Friday! close enough rose to 81.4 per- cent in 2016 from 79.9 percent in 2015. Of 12 leading U.S. car- riers, only American, JetBlue and Virgin America got worse. — LOST BAGS: The rate of bags being lost, stolen or delayed fell 17 percent. — BUMPING PASSEN- GERS: Your chances of getting bumped by the airline dropped 18 percent, which doesn’t include people who voluntarily gave up their seat for money or a travel voucher. — FEWER COMPLAINTS: The rate of complaints filed with the government dropped about one-fifth, with complaints rising only for Hawaiian and Virgin America. The official complaint rates don’t include the larger number of complaints that passengers file directly with the airline. The airlines are not required to report those figures. Clearly, however, airlines still have a perception problem. It’s not hard to find passengers C M who complain about a miser- Y K able flight, a missed connection, or shabby treatment by airline employees. Comments like that abound on Twitter. “People don’t look at the numbers,” said Dean Headley, a marketing professor at Wichita State and co-author of Mon- day’s report. “They just know what happened to them, or they hear what happened to other people.” The Wichita State and Embry-Riddle researchers have been doing their report for more than 25 years, making it useful for comparing airlines. But some observers of the airline industry dismiss their number- crunching approach, and there are many other surveys that pur- port to rank the airlines. The Transportation Depart- Page 32 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Investigators to take questions on unsolved killing of 8 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — miles (109 kilometers) south of Investigators plan to take ques- Columbus. A newborn, another tions about the massacre of eight baby and a young child were family members in southern unharmed. Ohio as the one-year anniver- Despite a massive inves- sary of the still-unsolved killings tigation, no arrests have been approaches. made and no suspects identi- Ohio Attorney General Mike fied. A $10,000 reward is being DeWine, whose office is leading offered for information leading the investigation, is scheduled to a conviction. Family mem- to hold a news conference on bers still waiting for answers say Thursday with Pike County updates from investigators have FILE – In this May 3, 2016, file photo, mourners gather around caskets for six of the eight mem- Sheriff Charles Reader. dwindled. Glenna Gilley, whose bers of the Rhoden family found shot April 22, 2016, at four properties near Piketon, Ohio, during On April 22, 2016, investi- 20-year-old granddaughter, funeral services at Scioto Burial Park in McDermott, Ohio. Ohio State Attorney General Mike gators found seven adults and Hannah Gilley, was among those DeWine and Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader planned a news conference Thursday, April 13, a teenage boy from the Rhoden killed, speculated that people 2017, about the unsolved killings, as the anniversary of the massacre approaches. family shot to death at four with information might be afraid (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File) homes near Piketon, about 68 to come forward. “I’m sure there’s someone somewhere that knows some- thing,” she said. Gilley, 65, described her granddaughter as a good person and “a wonderful mother.” Last month, relatives distributed posters with photos of the victims in hopes of turning up local tips. Reader said he believes those responsible were from the area and not out-of- AMERICAN SAMOA GOVERNMENT towners. DeWine said the killers had to be familiar with the land DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION around the properties as well as the properties themselves. Special Education Division Leonard Manley, whose Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 daughter and three grandchil- Phone: (684) 633-1323, (684) 633-4789 • Fax: (684) 633-7707 dren were killed, said it was sus- picious that any assailants were Request for Public Comment on Special Education Funding Application able to get by his daughter’s two dogs. There’s long been The American Samoa Department of Education (ASDOE) Special Education Division (SPED) has for public review its application for speculation that drugs provided funding under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) with the a motive. One of the victims, US Department of Education (USDOE). Christopher Rhoden Sr., oper- These funds are used to provide special education services to all school age children, ages 3 – 21 years, in the territory of American ated a large-scale marijuana growing operation on his prop- Samoa who have a disability that adversely affects their classroom achievement. As a condition for granting the funds, each state erty “with the purpose of distrib- or territory proposing the application must submit the application for public review and comment. The public must be afforded uting the marijuana,” according reasonable opportunities for comment for 30 days prior to the submission of the application on May 12, 2017. The public hearing is to DeWine’s office. scheduled for April 12, 2017 at the ASDOE Guidance & Counseling Office in Utulei at 1:00pm. The Department of Education must Three trailers and a camper review and give due consideration to all comments and suggestions prior to the submission of the application for funding. where the slayings took place were seized by investigators Copies of the application are available at the Special Education Office located at the west end of the Matafao Elementary School afterward and remain in storage. in Faga’alu. All persons interested in the application are encouraged to pick up a copy between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. Meanwhile, the state Supreme Written comments will also be taken during these hours. Comments and suggestions may also be made via email to Faauifono Court is weighing lawsuits filed Vaitautolu at [email protected] or Saouila Fanene Kava at [email protected] or may be sent surface mail to Saouila Fanene by The Columbus Dispatch and The Cincinnati Enquirer seeking Kava, Interim SPED Assistant Director, PO Box ASDOE-SPED, Pago Pago, AS 96799. The Part B Application for funding is also the full, unredacted autopsies of posted on the ASDOE website: www.asdoe.net. the victims. Finagalo Fa’alaua’itele mo le Tusi Talosaga mo Alagatupe Fuafuaina o le Ofisa o A’oga Fa’apitoa The other victims were Chris- topher Rhoden Sr.’s ex-wife, Ua tu’uina mai e le Matagaluega o A’oga Amerika Samoa (ASDOE) Ofisa o A’oga Fa’apitoa (SPED) se avanoa e fa’alia ai finagalo 37-year-old Dana Rhoden; and fa’alaua’itele a le mamalu o le atunu’u mo alagatupe talosaga i lalo o le Maga B Tulafono mo Tagata o iai Manaoga Fa’apitoa (IDEA) their three children, 20-year-old Ofisa o A’oga Fa’apitoa (OSEP) o le Matagaluega o A’oga a le Malo Tele o Amerika (USDOE). Clarence “Frankie” Rhoden; 16-year-old Christopher Rhoden O ia alagatupe ua fuafuaina e fa’atino ai a’oa’oga fa’apitoa tu’uina atu mo tamaiti a’oga uma, e amata mai i le 3-21 tausaga, i totonu Jr.; and 19-year-old Hanna o le teritori o Amerika Samoa o lo’o iai manaoga fa’apitoa ua fa’afaigata ai taumafaiga tau a’oa’oga i totonu o potu a’oga. O se tasi o Rhoden. Also killed were aiaiga mo le taliaina o le talosaga, e tatau i setete ma teritori uma o lo’o talosagaina ia alagatupe ona fa’asalalau a latou tusi talosaga Hannah Gilley, who was Frankie mo se finagalo fa’aalia o tagata lautele. E tatau ona lava se avanoa e silasila lelei ai le atunu’u mo le silafia ma tu’uina mai so latou Rhoden’s fiancee; a cousin, 38-year-old Gary Rhoden; and finagalo fa’aalia e tusa e 30 aso ae le’i tu’uina atu le tusi talosaga ia Me 12, 2017. O le a faia se fono fa’alaua’itele ia Aperila 12, 2017 Kenneth Rhoden, 44, Christo- i le Ofisa ASDOE Guidance and Counseling i Utulei i le itula e 1:00pm. O le a iloiloina e le Matagaluega o A’oga Amerika Samoa pher Rhoden Sr.’s brother. finagalo ma manatu fa’aalia a le lautele ma tu’uina atu ni fautuaga ae le’i o’o i le aso fa’atapula’aina o tusi talosaga. Kenneth Rhoden died of a O lo’o maua kopi o lenei tusi talosaga i le Ofisa o A’oga Fa’apitoa i le itu i sisifo o Matafao Elementary School i Fagaalu. Mo i latou single gunshot wound to the head. His body was the last one e mana’omia se kopi o le tusi talosaga, e avanoa le ofisa mai i le itula 8:00am-4:00pm. O manatu fa’aalia e tauala mai i tusitusiga found by investigators. e mafai ona tu’uina mai i taimi ua fa’atulagaina. A iai nisi manatu ma fautuaga e mafai ona imeli mai ia Fa’auifono Vaitautolu The other victims were shot ([email protected]) po’o Saouila Fanene Kava ([email protected]) pe tusi mai ia Saouila Fanene Kava, Interim SPED multiple times in the head and, in Asistant Director, PO Box ASDOE SPED, Pago Pago AS, 96799. Ua mafai fo’i ona maua se kopi o le Part B. Application i luga o le the case of Christopher Rhoden upegatafa’ilagi ASDOE website:www.asdoe.net Sr., in his upper body and torso as well. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 33 Former Australian foreign minister sharply criticizes (Photos: Leua) Trump

FILE - In this Oct. 21, 2008, file photo, Gareth Evans, former Australian Foreign Minister, speaks to reporters in Sydney. Evans on Thursday, April 13, 2017, called Donald Trump the most “psy- chologically ill-equipped president” in U.S. history, and called on Australia to distance itself from the United States in favor of forging closer ties with China. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft, File)

SYDNEY (AP) — A former postures, not of policies.” Australian foreign affairs min- Australian Prime Min- ister has dubbed Donald Trump ister Malcolm Turnbull has the most “psychologically ill- repeatedly rejected arguments equipped president” in Amer- that Australia must choose ican history, and called on between its most important Australia to distance itself from security partner, the U.S., and the United States in favor of its most important trading forging closer ties with China. partner, China, as tensions Gareth Evans, who served escalate between the economic as Australia’s foreign minister superpowers. from 1988 to 1996, urged Aus- Evans said Australia tralia to become more indepen- shouldn’t abandon its alliance dent, back away from its long- with the United States, but said time reliance on the U.S. and the government should stop instead recognize China as a reflexively supporting every- “global rule-maker.” thing the U.S. does, such as In a speech to the National Trump’s decision to launch Press Club in Canberra, Evans missiles at a Syrian air base. questioned whether Australia’s Turnbull praised the strike as historically close alliance with “a calibrated, proportionate and the U.S. still serves the nation’s targeted response.” interests amid China’s rising The relationship between power and Trump’s unpredict- the longtime allies is at its able leadership. lowest point in decades. Aus- “The Australia-United tralia was disappointed by States alliance has become Trump’s decision to pull the much more immediately salient U.S. out of the 12-nation Trans- since the election of Donald Pacific Partnership trade pact. Trump — manifestly, the Relations soured further fol- most ill-informed, underpre- lowing a widely publicized spat pared, ethically challenged and between Turnbull and Trump psychologically ill-equipped over a refugee resettlement deal president in the United States struck by the previous Obama history,” said Evans, who is administration. now the chancellor of the Aus- The countries will look to tralian National University. shore up relations during a visit “Personally driven by instinct to Australia next week by Vice and impulse, unhampered by President Mike Pence, who is knowledge or judgment, he has also planning stops in Korea, led an administration acting so Japan and Indonesia on a tour far manifestly on the basis of of the Asia-Pacific region. Page 34 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Trump, Xi converge on currency, Syria as US-China

FILE - In this April 7, 2017 file photo, President Donald Trump, left, and Chinese President Xi Jinping walk together after their meetings at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. China says President ties warm Xi has stressed the need for an end to North Korea’s nuclear weapons program in a phone discus- WASHINGTON (AP) — the White House news confer- sion with Trump that followed tweets from the U.S. president urging China to play a more active The United States and China ence with taking a “big step” by role. Xi told Trump that China insists on peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and advocates have struck what appears to be turning back boats of coal that resolving the problem through peaceful means. He said China would maintain “communication and an unusual bargain as President North Korea sells to its northern coordination” with Washington over it. The two leaders spoke Tuesday night, April 11, 2017, Wash- Donald Trump says he won’t neighbor. North Korea conducts ington time. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File) label Beijing a currency manip- some 90 percent of its trade ulator and voices confidence with China. lation could jeopardize talks right, too. But going it alone iting last week, Trump ordered Chinese President Xi Jinping And in one of the sharpest with China on North Korea. means going it with lots of other 59 cruise missiles fired on a will help him deal with North reverses of his presidency, It’s rare for American leaders nations.’” Syrian air base in response to Korea’s mounting threat. Trump backed off from a cam- to link trade or currency disputes Trump’s upbeat assessment government forces’ alleged Another result of the diplo- paign pledge by saying he to broader international security of the relations with China con- use of a sarin-like nerve agent. matic wrangling: a surprising would not declare China to be a efforts against countries such trasted with blunt talk about This week, the U.S. president Chinese abstention on a U.N. currency manipulator, an action as North Korea. Trump’s pre- ties with Russia, a country diverted an aircraft carrier resolution condemning a Syrian that could have led to higher decessors had largely kept such with which he had repeatedly toward the seas off the divided chemical weapons attack. tariffs on Chinese goods. The disputes separate. vowed to start a new partner- Korean Peninsula to deter North In a newspaper interview and accusation had formed a basis Asked specifically if his ship. Trump told reporters the Korea from conducting another a White House news confer- of Trump’s argument for lost decision on currency was part of U.S.-Russian relationship has nuclear or missile test. ence Wednesday, Trump hailed American jobs, on the grounds an agreement over North Korea, reached an “all-time low” amid Bonnie Glaser, a China the rapport he developed with that an undervalued currency Trump responded: “We’re differences over Syria. expert at the Center for Stra- Xi during last week’s Florida was boosting Chinese exports going to see. We’re going to see Trump and Xi spoke by tegic and International Studies, summit, which seems to have and leading to artificially low about that.” telephone Tuesday night, just said the development “bodes yielded an immediate easing of prices, all at U.S. manufac- He also repeated that trade days after their two-day gath- well for cooperation between tensions related to the U.S.-Chi- turers’ expense. concessions could be on the ering at the president’s Mar-a- the U.S. and China.” nese trade imbalance and efforts “They’re not currency table for more cooperation on Lago resort in Florida. He and “It will be interesting to see to prevent Pyongyang from devel- manipulators,” Trump told North Korea. He said he told Putin talked on the phone last what measures China takes oping a nuclear missile capable of The Wall Street Journal earlier Xi last week: “The way you’re week after a deadly subway to ramp up pressure on North reaching the United States. Wednesday, saying the country going to make a good trade deal bombing in the Russian city of Korea,” she said. “That is the “I think he wants to help hadn’t been cheating on its cur- is to help us with North Korea, St. Petersburg. real litmus test.” us with North Korea,” Trump rency for months. He said a U.S. otherwise we’re just going The opposing fortunes of Officials at Treasury, the said of Xi, crediting China in declaration of Chinese manipu- to go it alone. That will be all the two key American relation- agency that is responsible for ships were laid bare in a U.N. issuing currency reports every Security Council showdown six months, confirmed that Wednesday. In an unexpected China won’t be named a cur- move, China abstained rather rency manipulator. The next than joining traditional ally report is supposed to come out American Samoa Government Russia in vetoing a resolution this week. Some Democrats had DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH that would have condemned the supported Trump’s earlier posi- chemical weapons attack in a tion on China. northern Syrian town last week. “The best way to get China to Trump hailed China’s cooperate with North Korea is abstention. Beijing had joined to be tough on them with trade, PUBLIC NOTICE Moscow in vetoing several pre- which is the No. 1 thing Chi- vious Western-backed resolu- na’s government cares about,” The American Samoa Department of Health Early Intervention Program tions under President Barack Senate Democratic Leader Obama. But China’s abstention Charles Schumer of New York “Helping Hands” would like to inform the public that the Annual State ultimately wasn’t much of a said. “When the president fails Application under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act concession since it knew Russia to label them a currency manip- as amended in 2004 for Federal Fiscal Year 2017 is available for public would use its veto power. ulator, he gives them a green On North Korea, Trump light to steal our jobs and wealth comment for a period of 60 days. didn’t outline any concessions time and time again.” China was offering apart from In his interview with the A copy of the document is available to review at the DOH Helping Hands the coal cutoff, which was Journal, Trump also said he Office in Fagaima and is also available for review on the Helping Hands announced two months ago. would prefer that the Federal The United States has been Reserve keep interest rates rela- Early Intervention Program website www.helpinghands-as.org. urging Beijing to use its eco- tively low. And he left open the nomic leverage with North possibility of re-nominating Please call the DOH Helping Hands office at 699-4990 if you have any Korea, which conducted two Janet Yellen for a second four- questions regarding this public notice. underground nuclear explosions year term as Fed chair. That and two dozen missile tests would mark another shift from last year. It is moving closer his campaign position that he Signed, to developing a nuclear-tipped would probably replace Yellen missile that could threaten the when her term as chair ends in U.S. mainland. February next year. Ruth Te’o, DOH Part C Coordinator Trump has given heft to the “I do like a low-interest-rate U.S. demand with shows of policy, I must be honest with force. First, while Xi was vis- you,” Trump said. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 35 UN set to wrap up Haiti peacekeeping mission in mid-October UNITED NATIONS (AP) need for international support — The Security Council is set to strengthen, professionalize to wrap up the U.N. peace- and reform the police — and to keeping mission in Haiti by help the country promote eco- mid-October after more than nomic development and face 20 years, in recognition of “the the “significant humanitarian major milestone” the country challenges” following Hurri- has achieved toward stabiliza- cane Matthew which struck last From left, White House Senior Counselor for Economic Initiatives Dina Powell, President Donald tion following recent elections. October. Trump’s White House Senior Adviser Steve Bannon, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and The council is scheduled to The draft reiterates the need President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus attend a news conference with President vote Thursday on a draft reso- for security in the country to Donald Trump and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the East Room at the White House, lution that extends the man- be accompanied by efforts Wednesday, April 12, 2017, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) date of the mission, known as to address “the country’s MINUSTAH, for a final six extreme vulnerability to natural months during which the 2,370 disasters.” military personnel will gradu- Sandra Honore, the U.N. ally leave. envoy for Haiti, told the council The resolution will create a on Tuesday that “Haiti’s polit- Is Bannon in peril? follow-on peacekeeping mis- ical outlook for 2017 and beyond sion for six months to be known has significantly improved” as MINUJUSTH comprising following elections. This has 1,275 police who will continue opened “a crucial window of Trump comments worry training the national police opportunity to address the root force. It says the new mission causes of the political crisis” should be operational when the that preceded the elections and old mission’s mandate ends on address “the many pressing his populist base Oct. 15. challenges facing the country,” The United States is cur- she said. WASHINGTON (AP) — has apologized repeatedly, why Bannon might be on the rently reviewing the U.N.’s 16 The draft resolution says President Donald Trump has including on Wednesday, and outs at the White House. far-flung peacekeeping opera- that MINUJUSTH, in addi- declared, “I am my own strate- the White House hopes that con- He’s feuded with Trump’s tions to assess costs and effec- tion to helping train the police, gist.” That would seem to bode troversy will pass. son-in-law-turned-senior- tiveness. U.S. ambassador should assist the government poorly for his actual strategist, As for Bannon, before joining adviser, Jared Kushner, and with Nikki Haley told the Security in strengthening judicial and Steve Bannon. the campaign last summer as its economics chief Gary Cohn. Council on Tuesday that thanks legal institutions “and engage And Trump now appears to chief executive officer, he was Both are New Yorkers who have to recent elections in Haiti “the in human rights monitoring, be publicly distancing himself. informally advising Trump. voted for Democrats. Cohn, the political context is right” for a reporting and analysis.” In an interview with The And as leader of the conserva- former No. 2 at Goldman Sachs, new and smaller mission. It would also authorize the New York Post, the president tive Breitbart News he spent the and fellow Goldman executive The draft resolution rec- new mission “to protect civil- said “I like Steve” and called better part of a year connecting Dina Powell, one of Trump’s ognizes the country’s return ians under imminent threat his adviser “a good guy” — but Trump with the populist, nation- top national security advisers, to “constitutional order” and of physical violence” in areas one who wasn’t really all that alist voters who would propel have been gaining favor with the major steps toward stabilization where it’s deployed and “to use involved with his winning elec- him to victory over 16 Repub- president. following presidential and leg- all necessary means” to carry tion campaign. He said his war- lican opponents and Democrat Last week, Trump removed islative elections. out its mandate in supporting ring senior officials, including Hillary Clinton. Bannon from the National But it also recognizes the and training Haiti’s police. Bannon, must “straighten it out In more than half a dozen Security Council, while Powell or I will.” In a second interview interviews during the campaign appears to be ascendant. with The Wall Street Journal, he with Bannon on Breitbart’s The president’s irritation dismissively called Bannon “a radio show, Trump laid out his with Bannon could have roots guy who works for me.” vision for leading the country, in the adviser’s high profile in The unusual public, luke- with Bannon sometimes playing the early days of the administra- warm support from the boss has the role of coach. tion. Democrats waged a cam- Bannon’s friends and advisers Bannon, more than any other paign to brand him as “President worried he will soon be out of White House aide, speaks the Bannon.” He appeared on Time a job. But shedding Bannon language of Trump’s populist magazine’s cover and was por- would be no simple staff shake- base. He spoke in February of trayed on “Saturday Night Live” up. More than any other member “our sovereignty” as a country as the Grim Reaper pulling the of Trump’s orbit, the former and about the new administra- president’s strings. media executive and radio host, tion’s aim for “deconstruction Recently, the president has known as a bare-knuckle polit- of the administrative state.” undercut Bannon in front of ical fighter, has a following all He also helped write many of other senior staffers, including his own. He is viewed by many Trump’s hardest-line speeches. questioning the need for his in the conservative core as the “It would be a terrible presence in certain White House ideological backbone in a White signal if Trump were to either meetings. House run by a president who force Bannon out or let him go Bannon is seen as increas- boasts of his flexibility. because he is the face of the ingly isolated within the White “I think it’s important to rec- national populism that inspired a House, particularly after the ognize the value of the base. lot of voter to vote for Trump,” health care debacle. His hard- It’s important to recognize said Ned Ryun, founder of the line sales pitch to the Freedom the base sees their advocate in conservative group American Caucus lawmakers — he told Steve Bannon,” said Michael Majority and a longtime friend the Republicans that the White Caputo, a former Trump cam- of Bannon’s. House-based legislation was not paign adviser who has known “And what makes it even up for debate — was panned the president for decades. worse right now,” Ryun added, inside the West Wing as a Bannon is not the only “is that people have deep con- major misstep that cost Trump Trump official to find himself cerns about liberal New York votes. The original travel ban, in the hot seat in a White House Democrats associated with a Bannon effort, is mired in the divided. Press Secretary Sean Goldman Sachs coming in and courts, and Trump appears to be Spicer has also come under fire making strong moves at the backing away from some of the for comments he made about the White House.” economic policies that Bannon Holocaust on Tuesday. Spicer That view cuts to the core of championed. Page 36 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017


C M Y K samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 37 LeL eLaliLali


Le tuuga finau i le va o le Paepaeulupoo II ma le Fuao mai Vatia i le taeao ananafi. [ata AF] Fa’alauiloa Fautasi e 7 ua sauni mo le sailiga siamupini o lenei tausaga tusia Ausage Fausia le fonotaga mulimuli a le Komiti o le Tuuga Fautasi ma Kape- teniO o Fautasi uma sa tausinio i ulua’i tuuga e 2 sa fa’atinoina i le taeao ananafi, ua fa’amautu ai loa Sa e 7 ua lautogia mo le sailiga siamupini o Faigamea o le Tai mo lenei tausaga, lea ua fa’amoemoe e fa’ataunu’uina i le itula e 9:00 i le taeao nei. O Sa e 7 ua lautogia mo le sailiga siamupini i le taeao nei e aofia ai le Paepaeulupoo II mai Aua, Fuao mai Vatia, Manulele Tausala I mai Nuuuli, Matasaua mai Manu’a, Taema II mai Leone, Iseula o le Moana mai Fagatogo, ma le Fetu o le Afiafi C M mai Fagaalu. Y K O Sa e lua ua le manuia le la taumafaiga mo se avanoa i le sailiga siamupini o lenei tausaga, e aofia ai le Fealofani Samoa III mai Fagasa, ma le Le Manulele Tausala I mai Nuuuli i le taimi Aeto I mai Pago Pago, o ni isi na taunu’u ai i le tini i le taeao ananafi. [ata AF] o Fautasi sa manatu le to’atele e maua ni o la avanoa i le sailiga siamupini mo le fu’a o lenei Na molimauina e le Samoa le Maoputasi ia Mauga Tasi i le Atua”, o le saunoaga lea a ananafi, lea e aofia ai le Sa mai tausaga. News i tapuaiga a afioaga Asuega ali’i va’a uma sa gafa Mauga, lea fo’i na lagolago atu le afioaga i Fagatogo, le Sa mai Ae tusa ai o fa’amaumauga eseese sa tausinio a latou Sa i le ma le tuuga i le taeao ananafi, i ai le afioga a Lemanu. Nuuuli, le Sa o le Sinapioa o a le Komiti i taimi o Sa uma e aso ananafi le to’a o le tapuaiga i le matagofie o le sa i Na molimauina fo’i i le loo alo e fanau aoga mai le 9 sa tausinio, e televave atu le i nofoaga eseese sa fa’amautu ai ai le tuuga. fonotaga le leai o se tulaga sa Aoga Maualuga i Fagaitua, ma taimi o le mua ma le tulua o le fa’auluuluga o afioaga, ae mo le “Faamalulu atu i afioaga ua fa’aletonu i le tapuaiga a ali’i le Sa o le God is Great o loo alo tuuga lona lua nai lo le taimi o nofoaga sa tini atu i ai le tuuga, le mafai ona manuia tauma- va’a, ona sa molimauina le to’a e le afioaga i Pago Pago. le Sa sa muai le ulua’i tuuga. sa molimauina fo’i le pisapisao faiga a latou Sa, e ui ua le tini le o le tapuaiga ma taumafai ina ia O le mae’a ai o le tuuga E televave atu le taimi a le o le tele o tapuaiga sa i ai, i le fa’amoemoe mo lenei tausaga, fa’atino le tuuga i se tulaga lelei faapitoa lea, ona sauni atu ai loa Paepaeulupoo II i le “35.19.13” fa’amalosi ‘au atu lea i a latou ae fa’amoemoe e toe taumafai ma mama. lea o Sa e 7 ua lautogia mo le ma le Fuao i le taimi e au va’a ina ia fa’amalolosi. mai i lena tausaga o i luma, O le itula e 8:00 i le taeao sailiina o le siamupini i le latou “35.19.35” i le taimi a le Man- Na fa’afetaia e le afioga i ae mo Sa uma ua lautogia mo nei lea ua fa’amoemoe e amata tuuga i le itula e 9:00. ulele Tausala I sa mua i le ulua’i le Lutena Kovana ia Lemanu le tuuga i le aso a taeao, ia fai ai le tuuga mo Sa faapitoa e 4 tuuga i le taimi e “35.24.78”. Peleti Mauga ma le afioga i malu le faiva ma ia fa’amoemoe lea e lei auai i le ulua’i tuuga Page 38 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Fa’aleaoga Fa’amasinoga le tele o moliaga sa tu’uaia ai Okesene Alo tusia Ausage Fausia fa’apea, e ui o loo finau le malo Mai moliaga mamafa e 28 o sa fa’ataga e Alo se ali’i pagota loo tu’uaia ai e le malo le ali’i ma se teineititi pagota sa taofia i Leoleo o le Falepuipui o Tamaiti le JDC e momoe i totonu o le sela i Tafuna (Juvenile Detention e tasi i le po atoa, e leai ni mau Center - JDC), e mafua mai i le na tu’uina atu e le malo i luma o faia o gaioiga eseese faasolitula- le fa’amasinoga e lagolago ai lea fono i totonu o le nofoaga, o lea tu’uaiga, o le mafua’aga lea ua ua fa’aleaoga e le Fa’amasinoga fa’aleaoga ai a le fa’amasinoga Fa’aitumalo, le 14 o ia moliaga le moliaga o le fesoasoani e mamafa, ina ua le fa’amalieina le fa’atino le moliaga o le faiaiga fa’amasinoga i mau fa’amaonia ma se teineititi laititi. sa tu’uina atu e le malo i le taimi I moliaga e 10 o le faiaiga ma o le ulua’i iloiloga i le taeao se teineititi e talavou i lalo o le ananafi. tulafono na tu’uaia ai Alo lea ua O moliaga ua fa’aleaoga fa’aleaoga e le fa’amasinoga, na e le fa’amasinoga fa’asaga ia taua fo’i e Sunia le tulaga lava Okesene Alo e aofia ai moliaga lea e tasi, i le leai lea o ni mau e 10 o lona faia o uiga mataga na tu’uina atu e le malo e lago- fa’afeusuaiga fa’asaga i se tein- lago ai la latou tagi, e le gata la eititi sa taofia i le JDC e 15 ua faaleaoga e le fa’amasinoga tausaga le matua, 1 le moliaga moliaga mamafa o le faiaiga ma o lona fesoasoani lea e fa’atino se teineititi e talavou i lalo o le le solitulafono o le faiaiga ma tulafono, ae ua solofua atu ai ma se teineititi e laititi i lalo o le moliaga e lua o le tagofia o ituti- tulafono, 2 moliaga o lona nosa o se teineititi e talavoui lalo tagofia o itutinosa o se teineititi o le tulafono. e laititi i lalo o le tulafono, ma le Ae mo le moliaga o le O se va’aiga i le itu oloo tima’ia le atunu’u e ala i mea tausami, ituaiga togafitiga e ao ina toe moliaga e 1 o lona taumafai lea e fa’alavelave i se molimau lea togafitia ai le faut pe afai ua mae’a maua i le Rheumatic Heart Disease. Ua tatau foi ona va’ai toto’a fa’alavelave i se molimau. fo’i na tu’uaia ai e le malo ia fanau aua, o le to’atele ua maua i lea lava ma’i fita. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Ae o moliaga mamafa e Alo ao lea ua fa’aleaoga a le 14 ua tofu atu nei i luma o le fa’amasinoga, na saunoa ai fa’amasinoga maualuga mo le Sunia e fa’atatau i le leai lea o fa’aauauina ai o lana mataupu, ni mau fa’amaonia na tu’u atu e aofia ai moliaga e 4 o le umia e le malo e lagolago ai la lea E LE O OE O SE SULI MONI fa’asolitulafno o vaega o le pauta moliaga. fa’asaina o le aisa, 4 moliaga Na taua e le molimau a le ali’i by Sam - Vaega 47 tiute solo ai fitafita ma leoleo Ianeta, e mana’omia e foma’i se o lona tufaina atu lea o vaega leoleo su’esu’e ia Det. Filemoni Na pei e puni le tata o le fatu a le tupu o Eteuati II i nofoaga taimi mo a latou togafitiga, ae o fualaau fa’asaina o le aisa i Amituana’i sa molimau mo le a le fafine faiaoga o Lucy i le eseese, mo le mata’ituina o ni mapu mai pea i fafo e fa’atali fanau laiti sa taofia i le JDC, tasi malo e fa’apea, o se tasi o ali’i fa’amatalaga a le teine tausima’i tagata ese e aga’i atu i totonu o mai ai se isi ripoti lata mai i le le moliaga o le gaoi, 3 moliaga o loo molia i lenei mataupu, o lea ua fa’ailoa ane ia te ia, atoa le malo. E lei atoa se 40 minute tulaga o lona soifua maloloina”, o lona fesoasoani e fa’asola ni ia lea o Aviu Titio, na alu ma ai ma lana fa’amatalaga, e le o talu ona alu ese mai le ta’avale e fai lava tala a le teine tausima’i pagota o loo taofia i le toese, ma fa’afefe le victim #2 ma fai i ai, toe tele se malosi o le tama’ita’i ae vaaia loa e Lucy ma lana ma ia aapa atu ua tapuni le moliaga e 3 o lona fa’atagaina ua la sauni ma Alo e fasioti o ia pologa o Ianeta o loo totoe. Na aumalaga n ta’avale fitafita se faitoto’a, ona laulaututu ai lava lea o ni pagota o loo taofia i le toe fasioti atu ai ma lona Tina, Lucy mo nai sekone ona ia toe 2 o loo fa’alava mai i le pioga lea o le fafine faiaoga o Lucy ma toese e sosola i tua. ina ua la masalomia o ia lea fesili lea i le teine foma’i pe o le auala, e foliga mai o loo auauna e to’alua i fafo ma foliga O le mae’a ai ona tu’uina mai (victim #2) na ta’uina i leoleo le i ai lava se isi auala e mafai ai faia sa latou siaki mo ta’avale le mautonu. “O lea ua mapu mai e le afioga i le ali’i fa’amasino mataupu lenei. ona maua se fesoasoani mo si fegasoloa’i, peita’i e le’i taofia le Ianeta i le falema’i, ou te talitonu ia Fiti Sunia o lana fa’aiuga Na finau le loia a Alo ana tama, pe afai ae fa’atali se latou ta’avale ae sa fa’aauau pea fo’i o le a maua se isi fesoasoani fa’asaga i lenei mataupu, sa ia ia Sharran Rancourt i le ta’avale e aumai ai paina toto la latou malaga ma taunu’u ai i le mo ia, ae o le a se tulaga o Meki faia ai loa ma le poloaiga ina ia fa’amasinoga e fa’apea, o le mai le falema’i tele o loo lata falema’i tele o loo ogatotonu i le e pei ona tatou malaga mai ai, e fa’aitiitia le tupe e taofia ai Alo fa’amatalaga a le molimau a ane, ae na tali le teine foma’i, aai, ma maua ai loa le fesoasoani tatau ea ona tatou fa’aauau e saili i le toese i Tafuna i le aofa’i e le malo o loo fa’avae i luga o “Tina, e mafai ona fai le tullaga, mo le tama’ita’i pologa o Ianeta. mai o ia pe tatou nonofo pea iinei $50,000, mai le aofaiga muamua tala fa’alogo, e leai fo’i ni mau ae pei ona fai atu, e le o toe iloa “Fa’amolemole lau susuga a se’i maua mai se tonu mautu mo sa i ai i le vaiaso na te’a nei e fa’amaonia e lagolagoina ai poo le a le malosi o loo totoe i le teine tausima’i, ua mana’omia Ianeta”, o le fesili lea a le isi $200,000. tu’uaiga fa’asaga ia Alo. lona tino, ona o lea ua foliga mai lava se fesoasoani mo si a’u auauna na matua faigata lava i E ui na finau le loia a le I le aotelega o le fa’afinauga i le suega sa faia ua matua maua- tama, e le o toe umi se malosi o le fafine faiaoga ia Lucy ona tali. malo ia Jedediah Bigelow i le a Rancourt e uiga i lenei lalo lava lona toto, ua mana’omia totoe i lona tino, ua leva fo’i ona Na umi se taimi o tu tu le fa’amasinoga ina ia fa’atumauina mataupu, sa ia finau malosi ai i vave fo’i se fesoasoani i le isi 30 vaivai o ia ma ua mana’omia se fafine faiaoga o Lucy ma fa’atau pea i le $200,000 le tupe e taofia le fa’amasinoga ina ia fa’aleaoga minute o loo totoe”, e le’i uma fesoasoani”, o le talanoa atu lea pupula i le faitoto’a o le potu lea ai Alo i le toese, ona o ia lea o moliaga fa’asaga ia Alo, ona o lelei atu le fa’amatalaga a le teine a le fafine faiaoga o Lucy i le o loo taofia ai Ianeta i totonu, lo o taua i molimau le avea ma loo fa’avae le tagi a le malo i foma’i ae fa’apea atu loa ma le tama’ita’i tausima’i, ae o le taimi ma ua vaaia le amata maligi o ta’ita’i o lenei mataupu atoa, luga o fa’amatalaga a tamaiti sa fafine faiaoga o Lucy e fa’apea, lea o loo taula’i le vaaia le teine ona loimata, ua lava lea e ta’u peita’i na saunoa Sunia e fa’apea, taofia i le falepuipui, e aunoa ma “Fa’afetai tele lava i lau susuga tausima’i i foliga o Ianeta ma ia mai ai ona lagona mafatia ma le tusa lava poo a mafaufauga a ni mau fa’amaonia. a le tama’ita’i tausima’i, ae o le a vaaia ai tulaga fa’aletonu ua i ai le mautonu ua i ai. “Vaai oulua, le malo e uiga i fa’amatalaga Ae na taua e Bigelow i le matou aga’i atu loa i le aai atonu lona soifua. “Fa’ataoto ane i luga ua maligi o’u loimata ona e taua ma ana fa’afinauga, e fa’avae fa’amasinoga e fa’apea, e le gata e maua ai se fesoasoani mo si o le moega lau tama”, e fai lava uma Meki ma Ianeta ia te a’u, le fa’aiuga a le fa’amasinoga i ai i le mataupu lenei su’esu’ega a’u tama”. E fai lava tala a le le fa’atonuga a le teine tausima’i sa ou faapea ou te le toe vaai ia mau fa’amaonia ua i luma o le a Leoleo, ae o lo o fa’aauau pea fafine faiaoga o Lucy ma valaau ma aapa atu ua to mai fagu vailaau Ianeta, ae fa’afetai o lea ua mafai fa’amasinoga, ae le o fa’afinauga suesuega i isi o lo o taua le a’afia atu i auauna ina ia toe si’i atu atoa ai ma masini e fa’apipi’i ai ona toe maua mai o ia, e tatau o loo manatu i ai le itu a le malo. i lenei mataupu. Ianeta i totonu o le ta’avale ma le masini e fa’amanava ai le tein- fo’i la ona ou mautinoa ua toe O le aso Lulu la o le vaiaso E ese mai i moliaga mamafa latou aga’i ese atu loa. E pei ona eititi o Ianeta, ma toso atu ai loa maua lona malosi, ae o Meki, fou lea ua fa’amoemoe e tula’i e 14 o loo tuuaia ai Alo ua tofu silafia, o le nofoaga lea o loo i ai o ia i totonu o le potu tigaina mo ou te le o mautinoa le tulaga ua ai Alo i luma o le fa’amasinoga atu i luma o le fa’amasinoga le falema’i muamua lea na tau isi togafitiga. “Fa’amalulu atu ia oo i ai lona ola, ina ne’i misi atu maualuga. Na taua e Sunia i maualuga, ae o loo aofia atu atu i ai Lucy ma lana aumalaga, te oe le tina ma le au malaga, e Meki misi atu ma Ianeta, ona leai le taimi na tu’uina mai ai lana ai ma moliaga mama e 7 o loo o loo si’omia lava e atumauga o le mafai ona i ai se tasi o outou lea o se uiga o lenei olaga ia te fa’aiuga i lenei mataupu e tu’uaia ai o ia e le malo. le aai o tagata pologa, ma o loo i totonu o le potu o loo taoto ai a’u”. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 39

O se vaaiga ia i latou o lo’o taumafai ona fa’alauiloa i le mamalu lautele e aga’i atu i Utulei i lo latou fale’ie ala e tatau ona tausia lelei ai o latou soifua maloloina lelei. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Fa’aaliga fa’ato’aga, fefa’atau- aiga oloa, soifua maloloina tusia: Leua Aiono Frost talu ona toto, ma o lea fa’ato’a I le itu o fefa’ataua’iga, sa laufanua o aiga. Ona o lenei e mai a latou Ie Elei ma ie Tie Dye, O le malae o Suigaula, ua manatu e eli mai aua le fa’aaliga iloga ona pisi le Island Business lualuagia ma le Fa’aaliga o Fua o Pulou ma Ula felanulanua’i. fa’atautaia ai fa’aaliga e tolu mo a faifa’ato’aga i lenei tausaga. Center, lea e matua fa’atautau o Fa’aeleeleaga a le atunu’u, Ua matua iloga fo’i ona fa’atau le mamalu lautele o le atunu’u “O lenei tausaga ua tagi uma atu ie o ‘auva’a ta’itasi o lea fo’i ua fa’aoso mai ai lava ai a latou fa’atagata ma tanna latou te fa’aaogaina a latou atu le malo, ia sapaia lo latou lo’o tauva i le filigamaea i le tai masini fagavao, sapelu ma ili ‘ava, ma isi oloa e mafai ona tautua eseese. fa’amoemoe, e leai se mea e fai e i lenei tausaga. E le gata i ie ae afi ae maise o tolopa ma isi avea ma ni meaalofa mai le tatou I le itu o fua o fa’aeleeleaga o le tagatanu’u faifa’ato’aga na’o o lo’o ua i ai fo’i ma latou pulou ituaiga oloa uma e fa’aaoga e le atunu’u. le fa’aputuga talo, ua na’o le $10 le sapai lava o le fa’amoemoe, ia i ‘auva’a uma fo’i, fa’apea ma aufaifa’ato’aga i le fa’ato’aina o I le pitola’au a le Matagal- le maualuga, ae mafai ona maua fa’ailoa atu lou loto i lou malo,” mitiafu felanulanu ai. le laufanua. uega o le Soifua Maloloina, sa talo i le ta’i $5. o se manatu lea o lenei ali’i O le itu a le Tool Shop ua Ua tele fo’i isi faleoloa mo latou fa’aaoga lea avanoa e talat- Ua i ai fo’i la’au toto teuteu- faifa’ato’aga. fa’ailoa mai, ua ave’ese uma ta’i teuga eseese ua fa’aalia ai latou alanoa ai ma tagata lautele e tusa fale ua fa’atauina, e i ai ituaiga “E le tu se malo, pe afai e le 10% i tau o oloa o lo’o fa’aalia oloa, ae maise o faleoloa mo o le ma’i danesa, o ona auga, ae Oketi felanulanua’i ua fa’atau tasi le loto, tasi le fa’amoemoe i Utulei, o lona uiga, e eseese lavalava o so’o se ituaiga. Ua maise o ala e iloa ai ua amata mai e le tina o Donna Gurr mai ma ia tatou tiga faatasi, peita’i, uma tau o lo’o fa’atau atu ai i matauina fo’i ua toesea mai tau ona maua sou itutino i le kanesa. Maloata, ma lona fale Fugala’au ua na’o nai mafaufauga lava o latou faleoloa e lua, Tafuna ma i nei oloa, ona o le faaaliga mo Ua latou fa’ailoa fo’i le lea e i Faga’alu, o le Island tama Farmer, ae le fai a’i,” o se Fagatogo. Ua iloga ua aumaia fefa’ataua’iga. leaga o le ulaula tapa’a, atoa ai Flowers. tala ata lea a le faifa’ato’aga mai lava oloa e masani ona fa’aaoga Sa i ai fo’i le vaega gaosi oloa ma gasegase fita e mafua mai E le gata i lena itu ae ua maua . i fa’ato’aga ma le tausia lelei o taulima a le TAOA, ma fa’atau ai. O le taumafaiga fo’i ina ia fo’i le pai fala suamalie ma le tima’i tagata i lenei vaitaimi lelei gaosia e le tina o Rose Gurr e fa’asaoina mai ai se ola. Ua mai Tafeta. Ua fa’aluaina fo’i fa’ailoa mai le polokalama o le lana auaunaga ua fa’aalia i ana Tausiga lelei o Fanau a’o pepe la’au toto e felanulanua’i manu i latou se’ia o’o ina atoa le 7 o latou lau, e aoga tele i le toto tausaga le matutua. O lea polo- ai o pa la’au i autafa o lou maota kalama o lo’o fa’amalosia lava ma tuamaota fo’i. ma ua fa’ailoa fo’i meaa’i paleni O nisi e to’atele o le au e ao ina tausia lelei ai lou tino. faifa’ato’aga, ua ia i esi pula, fai Ua i ai fo’i le situ ua fa’ailoa pula, maukeni ma isalaelu, tipolo maia le tele o ala e tausia lelei ai ma le tele o Pi mo le fofoga tau- le soifua maloloina o tagata uma mafa lava o le atunu’u. i lou aiga, ma ia le maua se tasi i “O lenei avanoa ua maua ma’i fatu.O le tatou malo lea ua e fa’atau atu ai matou fua o matua iloga ona to’atele le fanau fa’aeleeleaga, ae maise ia maua talavou ua matauina ua a’afia o fo’i se avanoa e fetaui atu ai latou fato, ma ua taumafai ona nisi o faifaatoaga i le isi itu o le avatu i latou i fafo mo togafitiga. motu, ua sili lava lea, nai lo lota O lea fo’i le Malae o lo ua nofonofo ma fa’atau atu au oloa i avea ma nofoaga fa’apitoa e lo’u tulimanu i Nuuuli,” o le tala fa’atautaia ai fa’afiafiaga uma ata lea a Ula Fesola’i mai . mo le Sisigafu’a 2017 ma ua Na vaaia le matagofie fo’i o faatautaia e amata mai i le itula e Ufi mai le fa’ato’aga ale tama 6:00 i le affiati. O afiafi e lua ua mai Vaitogi, sa na’o le ta’i $10 Nisi o tamaitai o le Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina o lo’o tautuaina le lautele i Utulei i le mavae, sa tai 9 ai autalavou ua i le fa’aputuga ufi. Ua ia fa’ailoa malae o le Suigaula a le Atuvasa, e tusa ai o ala ua taumafai ai le matagaluega ina ia fa’ailoa atu i fa’afiafia ai, peita’i o le afiafi a mai, ua toeititi atoa le 10 tausaga le atunu’u e puipuia ai o latou soifua. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] nanei ua na’o le to’a fitu. Page 40 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017

**Good News ** Good News** Tala Fiafia THE BOOK SAMOAN LEGENDS OF LOVE AND COURTSHIP AMONG KINGS AND CHIEFS is available at SAMOA MARKETING By Famous Author FOFO IIGA I. F. SUNIA Let your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, Friends, and Families all around This photo from video by KCTV5 shows damage to the side of a building in the aftermath of a the world know their culture and history. fatal explosion at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, Mo., Tuesday, April 11, It makes a great gift to your family and friends. 2017. (KCTV5 via AP)


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ammunition plant in F B Sang in Iliili is seeking a Cashier, Cooker & a House Cleaner with 2 to 3 years of experienced. Send resume to Missouri kills 1 P.O Box 3690. JIM SUHR, “Making ammunition Department of Defense, runs Associated Press is dangerous work and our the plant. Since 2000, Orbital MARGARET STAFFORD, employees risk their lives to has produced more than 17 bil- Associated Press protect the men and women in lion rounds of small-caliber KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) uniform,” Dennis said. “This is ammunition at Lake City for — An explosion Tuesday at a the sacrifice they make to sup- military purposes. sprawling ammunition plant port our country and I am hum- Jim Nickels, vice president Advertise Now near Kansas City, Missouri, bled by the ultimate sacrifice and general manager of Orbital killed one worker and injured this employee made today.” ATK, said the explosion hap- four others, the U.S. Army The Bureau of Alcohol, pened in a building where said. Tobacco, Firearms and Explo- workers mix chemicals into The blast at the Lake City sives will lead the investiga- the primer that goes into all Army Ammunition Plant in tion. Workplace safety experts small-caliber munitions. LET US HELP YOU GET THE WORD OUT Independence, just east of with the U.S. Department of Orbital announced Monday ON YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES! Kansas City, occurred in a Labor’s Occupational Safety that it has received a $92 mil- Weekly & Monthly discounts available. building where chemicals are and Health Administration lion order from the Army for mixed, Army officials. The also will be looking into the 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm ammu- Call 633-5599 for more information. building has been secured blast. nition, adding that Orbital and and rendered safe, they said, The 77-year-old plant, the Army “have made signifi- *Conditions apply allowing investigators to begin created to help arm the U.S. cant upgrades at the facility looking into what caused the military effort in the run-up to in recent years that have explosion. World War II, makes small- enhanced product quality; and Other explosions have caliber ammunition and tests performance, efficiency and occurred at the plant, including its reliability. The factory also operational improvements a 1990 blast that killed one operates the NATO test center. for safety and environmental worker and a 1981 explosion The plant, which sits on stewardship.” AUTO NATION that severely burned a worker nearly 4,000 acres and is the Orbital has roughly 12,500 who later died, according to first of a dozen Army small- employees in 18 states and in NU’UULI: (684) 699-7168 FAGATOGO: (684) 633-2239 FAX: (684) 699-7175 records. In 2011, six people arms factories, has undergone several international locations. were injured in a blast there. hundreds of millions of dol- When the 2011 explosion Tool Set The plant has been fined for lars in upgrades since the mid- occurred at the plant, injuring $35.00 workplace safety issues at least 2000s. The property has more six people, Alliant Techsys- three times. than 400 buildings and nine tems, or ATK, was the con- All the plant’s nearly 1,800 warehouses, and has a storage tractor operating the facility. Axess Speaker employees were sent home capacity of more than 700,000 OSHA fined the plant for after Tuesday’s explosion and square feet. workplace safety issues that told to call in before returning The factory has a govern- year and also in 2008 and $49.99 to work Wednesday. The four mental staff payroll of $2.9 2012. injured workers were evalu- million and a workforce that The largest penalty was in Water Hose ated at the scene and declined includes 29 Department of 2011 when Alliant was ini- additional treatment, officials Army civilians and a soldier to tially fined $28,000. It paid We are now also selling individual 25ft $9.99 said. provide contract oversight. $5,600. OSHA had cited it for tools for only $4.99 such as • Measuring Tape 50ft $14.99 Lt. Col. Eric B. Dennis, the Dulles, Virginia-based “serious” issues with process • Long Nose Pliers Plus 75ft $19.99 plant’s commander, offered his contractor Orbital ATK, the safety management of haz- • Combination Pliers More! condolences to family mem- biggest maker of small-cal- ardous chemicals. • Wood/Masonry Drille Set bers of the worker who died. iber ammunition for the U.S. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 41 Man, 2

daughters (Photos: Leua) dead after 911 call, car fire, police shots

CORRECTS CITY TO GRESHAM - Police tape surrounds an vehicle after a shooting in Gresham, Ore, Wednesday, April 12, 2017. A man and his two young daughters have died after police got word he was threatening the girls, leading to a shootout with officers. (AP Photo/Gillian Flaccus)

GRESHAM, Ore. (AP) — answers, he said. Their names The 911 call from a distraught have not been released. Oregon mother came in shortly Several officers suffered after midnight. minor burns, muscle strains The father of her two young and smoke inhalation from get- daughters was armed and sui- ting the girls out of the burning cidal, and he had vanished with car, he said. the girls early Wednesday after “It’s a horrible and horrific threatening to kill them. scene for all involved,” Ras- When an alert officer mussen said. spotted the man’s black Range Crime scene investigators Rover SUV in a gritty gas sta- huddled around the car under a tion parking lot outside Port- gray, drizzly sky as a coroner’s land more than an hour later, van waited nearby. the situation rapidly unraveled. Two white tents were set up As police approached, the over the car and surrounding man, who was armed with a area and a one-block area was handgun, set his car ablaze with cordoned off with police tape. the 8-year-old and 11-year-old Customers were turned away girls in the backseat. from shuttered businesses at Moments later, at least the strip mall behind the gas one officer fired his weapon, station. Gresham police spokesman Two detectives took aerial Sgt. John Rasmussen said. The photos from the top of a fire 42-year-old man died at the truck ladder as a visibly upset scene. man left red roses and candles Officers shattered the car’s in the parking lot, then hurried windows and dragged the girls away. out, only to find they were Neighbor Rhonda Paul’s already dead, Rasmussen said. apartment was roped off by They likely died sometime police tape, but she made her before police arrived, he said. way out for an appointment. The cause of death for all She said she heard something three has not been released. It in the early morning but didn’t wasn’t immediately clear if the know what to make of it. man killed himself, was killed “I was in the laundry room, by police gunfire or died from and I thought I heard someone a combination of both, Ras- say, ‘Freeze’ and then I heard mussen said. a gunshot,” she said. “I just Autopsies scheduled for got my laundry and went back Thursday should provide more upstairs.” Page 42 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017


Molimau a le malo sa molimau i le iloiloga o le pili a le Senate e talosagaina ai le toe fa’aopoopo o nofoa mo Manu’a. Le Loia Sili ia Talauega Elesalo Ale, afioga i le Mauputasi ia Mauga Tasi Asuega, ma le ali’i foma’i ia Tapaau Dr. Dan Aga. [ata AF] Vevela pea fa’afinauga mataupu toe fa’aopoopo ai nofoa Manu’a Senate tusia Ausage Fausia le tatau lea ona fa’amalosia le ia fa’aitiitia ona nofoa mai le 5 ua faia. E pasia la suiga mo setene o le Senate ia Gaoteote O le iloiloga lona lua a le tulafono, ina ia tasi le tagata i le 3 e pei ona i ai nei. le Fa’avae i le taimi lea, ua Palaie Tofau ma ni isi o sen- Komiti o Mataupu o Tulafono tasi lana palota, e fuafua i “O le mafua’aga lena na mae’a ona tu’umuli ese sui o atoa le mau ina ia fa’apasia le a le maota maualuga i le vaiaso ai sui senatoa mai itumalo tula’i ese ai le usugafono mai Manu’a mai le Fono”, o le sau- pili e sui ai le Fa’avae, ma le nei, e iloiloina ai le pili e sui ai eseese, ma mafua ai loa ona Manu’a ao lei faia le palota, noaga lea a Tapaau. fa’amoemoe e fa’aopoopo ai le Fa’avae, ona o se talosaga pasia le suiga mo Manu’a ina ina ua le fiafia i latou i suiga Na lagolagoina e le pere- nofoa mo Manu’a, ona tu’u ina ia toe fa’aopoopo nofoa e loa lea i le atunu’u e palota 2 mo Manu’a i le maota maua- i ai i le palotaga o le tausaga luga a le Senate, na atagia mai 2018, ae na fa’aoloolo maau ai le vevesi pea o fa’afinauga ni isi o afioga i Senatoa ina ia ma felafolafoa’iga i le va o le fa’ateletelegese se fa’aiuga a le Manu’atele ma le Falesefulu e maota e uiga i lenei mataupu, uiga i lenei mataupu. se’i toe fa’aauau pea ni isi sai- O le iloiloga lona lua a le liiliga, ona e tele mataupu taua Senate sa valaauina mo lenei e tatau ona su’esu’e ma fesil- mataupu, na molimau ai le igia ao lei faia se fa’aiuga. Loia Sili o le malo ia Talauega O se tasi o itu na Elesalo Ale, le afioga i le fa’amamafa e molimau a le Maoputasi ia Mauga Tasi malo i le iloiloga, o le avanoa Asuega, ma le susuga i le ali’i e fa’amalamalama lelei ai i foma’i ia Tapaau Dr. Aga. tagata palota le aano moni O le autu na mafua ai ona o suiga o le Fa’avae o loo valaau le iloiloga lona lua a le fuafua atu i ai le atunu’u, ina Senate i lenei mataupu, o le fia ia faigofie ona talia ma mala- malamalama lea o le maota i malama tagata i le uiga o suiga ni fa’amaumauga o le Fono o e pei ona fuafuaina. le Fa’avae sa usuia i le 1967, Ae na saunoa le Loia Sili pe na mafua aisea ona toe ia Talauega e fa’apea, o se fa’aitiitia nofoa o Manu’a i le tasi o itu o loo fa’aletonu ai Senate mai le 5 sa i ai i le 3 e le pili e pei ona talanoaina, e pei ona i ai i le taimi nei, ae le o sa’o le fa’aupuga o le pili C M pe sa malilie ai fo’i Manu’a i taufa’aofi, ona o loo taua i le Y K ia suiga. gagana o le tulafono le talo- Na fa’amanino e le ali’i saga e fa’aopoopo ni nofoa foma’i ia Tapaau e fa’apea, se 2 mo Manu’a, peita’i o le o loo maua i fa’amaumauga gagana sa’o lava e tatau ona i fa’aletausaga sa tu’uina atu i ai le tulafono taufa’aofi, ia toe le Ofisa o le Initeria i le 1967, fa’afo’i nofoa e 2 a Manu’a sa atoa ai ma fa’amaumauga a le i ai ina ia atoa ai le 5 e pei ona Fono Faitulafono a Amerika manino i le Fa’avae. Samoa i lea lava tausaga, Saunoa Talauega e fa’apea, tulaga i fa’amaumauga sa i ai e faigata i tagata palota le Fono o le Fa’avae i le 1967. ona talia se suiga fou e toe Saunoa atili Tapaau fa’aopoopo, ae faigofie atu ona e fa’apea, e tusa ai o talia se vaega e toe fa’afo’i o fa’amaumauga o le Fono o le le tulafono. Fa’avae i le 1967, o le ali’i O le masina o Iulai o le Fa’amasino papalagi sa fai tausaga nei pe a toe a’e mai ma Fa’amasino Sili i Amerika galuega a le Fono Faitulafono, Samoa i lea vaitaimi, o ia ua fa’amoemoe e toe talano- fo’i lea sa fai ma Loia sinia e aina ai le mataupu e fa’atatau i tusitusia fa’amaumauga o le le pili lenei e sui ai le Fa’avae Fa’avae, sa ia fautuaina malosi o le atunu’u. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 43 Toyota shows robotic leg brace to help paralyzed people walk TOKYO (AP) — Toyota is people relying on a wheelchair Toshiyuki Isobe, Toyota’s introducing a wearable robotic to stand upright and walk. chief officer for research, said leg brace designed to help par- Such systems also can aid Welwalk reflects the compa- tially paralyzed people walk. therapists in monitoring a ny’s desire to apply robotics in The Welwalk WW-1000 patient’s progress, Luke Hares, medicine and other social wel- system is made up of a motor- chief technology officer at fare areas, not just entertain- ized mechanical frame that fits Cambridge Medical Robotics ment. The company also has an on a person’s leg from the knee in Britain, said in a phone R2-D2-like machine, called the C M down. The patients can practice interview. Human Support Robot, whose walking wearing the robotic “They can be so much more mechanical arm can help bed- Y K device on a special treadmill precise,” he said. ridden people pick things up. that can support their weight. Previously, Toyota has “Our vision is about trying Toyota Motor Corp. dem- shown robots that play the to deliver mobility for every- onstrated the equipment for violin and trumpet. It plans to body,” said Isobe. “We have A model demonstrates the Welwalk WW-1000, a wearable reporters at its Tokyo head- start sales in Japan of a tiny been developing industrial robotic leg brace designed to help partially paralyzed people walk quarters on Wednesday. boy-like robot for conversa- robotics for auto manufac- at the main system with treadmill and monitor, at Toyota Motor One hundred such systems tional companionship. It is turing, and we are trying to Corp.’s head office in Tokyo, Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Toyota will be rented to medical facili- also investing in artificial intel- figure out how we can use that Motor Corp.’s Welwalk WW-1000 system is made up of a motor- ties in Japan later this year, ligence and developing self- technology to fill social needs ized mechanical frame that fits on a person’s leg from the knee Toyota said. The service entails driving vehicles. and help people more.” down. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) a one-time initial charge of 1 million yen ($9,000) and a 350,000 yen ($3,200) monthly fee. The gadget is designed to be worn on one leg at a time for patients severely paralyzed on one side of the body due to a stroke or other ailments. The gadget is designed to be worn on one leg at a time for patients severely paralyzed on one side of the body due to a stroke or other ailments, Eiichi Saito, a medical doctor and executive vice president at Fujita Health University, explained. The university joined with Toyota in developing the device. A person demonstrating it strapped the brace to her thigh, knee, ankle and foot and then showed how it is used to practice walking on the tread- mill. Her body was supported from above by a harness and the motor helped to bend and straighten her knee. Sensors in the device monitor the walking and adjust quickly to help out. Medical staff control the system through a touch panel screen. Japanese automakers have been developing robotics both for manufacturing and other uses. Honda Motor Co.’s Asimo humanoid can run and C M dance, pour a drink and carry on simple conversations, while Y K WelWalk is more of a system that uses robotics than a stand- alone robot. Given how common paral- ysis due to strokes is in fast- aging Japan, Toyota’s device could be very helpful, Saito said. He said patients using it can recover more quickly as the sensitive robotic sensor in Welwalk fine-tunes the level of support better than a human therapist can. “This helps just barely enough,” said Saito, explaining that helping too much can slow progress in rehabilitation. The field of robotic aids for walking and rehabilitation is growing quickly. A battery- powered wearable exoskeleton made by Israeli manufacturer ReWalk Robotics enables Page 44 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 North Korea decries US carrier dispatch as parliament meets

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korea’s parliament convened Tuesday amid heightened tensions on the divided peninsula, with the United States and South Korea conducting their biggest-ever military exercises and the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier heading to the area in a show of American strength. North Korea vowed a tough response to any military moves that might follow the U.S. deci- sion to send the carrier and its battle group to waters off the Korean Peninsula. “We will hold the U.S. wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,” a spokesman for its Foreign Ministry was quoted as saying by the state-run Korean Central News Agency. The statement followed an assertion by U.S. Secretary of U.S. military soldiers gather at the U.S.-South Korea joint Exercise Operation Pacific Reach in Pohang, South Korea, Tuesday, State Rex Tillerson that U.S. April 11, 2017. North Korea is vowing tough counteraction to any military moves that might follow the U.S. move to send the USS Carl missile strikes against a Syrian Vinson aircraft carrier and its battle group to waters off the Korean Peninsula. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon) air base in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack carry “If you violate international “This Week.” coordination” with Washington Korean news late Tuesday a message for any nation oper- agreements, if you fail to live up Pyongyang is always over the issue. holding up his assembly mem- ating outside of international to commitments, if you become extremely sensitive to the Spicer said that Trump bership card to vote on state norms. He didn’t specify North a threat to others, at some point annual U.S.-South Korea war spoke last week with Xi about business. Korea, but the context was clear a response is likely to be under- games, which it sees as an inva- the “shared national interest” This year’s meeting kicks enough. taken,” Tillerson told ABC’s sion rehearsal, and justifies its in stopping its close ally, North off what are expected to be nuclear weapons as defensive Korea, from having nuclear major celebrations, including American in nature. It has significantly capabilities, adding that it a large-scale military parade Samoa turned up the volume of its would be helpful if China was and fireworks, to mark the Environmental rhetoric that war could be on more outspoken on the matter. 105th anniversary of the birth Protection the horizon if it sees any signs “He would welcome Presi- of Kim Il Sung, North Korea’s Agency BEACH ADVISORY of aggression from south of the dent Xi weighing in on this a first leader and “eternal -presi Supporting efforts to clean our shores AS-EPA Demilitarized Zone. little bit more,” Spicer said. dent,” and Kim Jong Un’s late “This goes to prove that Earlier Tuesday, Trump also grandfather. the U.S. reckless moves for said that he tried to persuade Xi Though the details of the Release Date: April 12, 2017 invading the DPRK have to put pressure on North Korea April 15 anniversary — known Contact: AS-EPA Water Program at (684) 633-2304 reached a serious phase of its in exchange for a good trade as the “Day of the Sun” — have The American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency scenario,” the North’s statement deal with the U.S. not been officially confirmed, (AS-EPA) advises the public that on April 11, 2017, the said, referring to the country by “I explained to the President Pyongyang residents have been following recreational beaches tested positive for its formal name, the Democratic of China that a trade deal with out every day diligently prac- Enterococci bacteria levels that exceed American Samoa People’s Republic of Korea. “If the U.S. will be far better for ticing in the city’s squares and Water Quality Standards: the U.S. dares opt for a mili- them if they solve the North parks for the mass event. tary action, crying out for ‘pre- Korean problem!” Trump The North Korean parlia- emptive attack’ ... the DPRK is tweeted. ment is often dismissed as rub- ready to react to any mode of In a second tweet he wrote: berstamp because it tends to Utumea-West Stream Mouth Stream Mouth war desired by the U.S.” “North Korea is looking for approve, rather than formulate, Nuuuli Pala Spring $2 Beach In Washington, White House trouble. If China decides to policies and laws, but its role Beach Fagaitua Beach spokesman Sean Spicer said help, that would be great. If is a bit more complex than the President Donald Trump has not, we will solve the problem facade and spectacle presented Fagasa-Fagalea Stream Mouth Masausi Beach been very clear that it’s “not tol- without them! U.S.A.” to the nation by state-run media. Stream Mouth Aoa Stream Mouth erable” for North Korea to have North Korea’s parlia- For one thing, the regularity nuclear-armed missiles. ment, the Supreme People’s of its meetings — it usually Vatia Stream Mouth Stream Mouth “The last thing we want to Assembly, nominally the meets once or twice a year — Laulii Stream Mouth Tula Beach see is a nuclear North Korea that highest organ of government, is, in itself, a sign of stability. Alega Beach threatens the coast of the United opened Tuesday with the coun- “The SPA gatherings com- States, or, for that matter, any try’s leader, Kim Jong Un, pletely undercut any analysis other country, or any other set taking the center seat. or prognostications that the AS-EPA beach advisories inform the public about current water conditions. of human beings,” Spicer said Foreign media are not country is going to collapse. When a beach advisory is issued, it is because water samples indicate that the at the Tuesday news briefing. allowed to attend parliamen- If they failed to convene an American Samoa Water Quality Standard for Enterococci has been exceeded. This Chinese state broadcaster tary sessions. Initial reports SPA session, that would be an advisory is in effect until further sampling and laboratory analyses indicate that CCTV reported that Trump from state media said the indication that there is a funda- Enterococci concentrations are within acceptable water quality standards. spoke Wednesday morning meeting went through domestic mental problem among DPRK The presence of Enterococci in the water indicates contamination by human and/ Beijing time with Chinese elites,” said Michael Madden, or animal wastes. Swimming in water with high levels of Enterococci may cause issues, with Premier Pak Pong stomach problems, skin rashes, and ear, eye, and wound infections. To reduce President Xi Jinping about Ju making a speech about the editor of the North Korea Lead- your risk: avoid swallowing beach water, be sure to rinse or towel off after a North Korea. It said Xi stressed latest five-year economic plan, ership Watch website. swim, and shower once at home. If you are ill, or think you may be ill, AS-EPA the need for an end to North which was announced last year. “If there was an existen- advises that you consult a physician before making any water contact in the Korea’s nuclear weapons pro- Another closely watched cat- tial problem with the (ruling) beaches cited above. gram, and that China insists on egory on the official agenda is Workers’ Party of Korea and Note: AS-EPA monitors the water quality of 44 recreational beaches on Tutuila, peace and stability on the pen- organizational issues, which the political culture, then they the wharf in Aunu’u, and five beaches on Manu’a. Tutuila advisories are issued weekly on Wednesdays. Aunu’u and Manu’a advisories are issued monthly. insula and advocates resolving can mean new appointments to wouldn’t be convening so many Advisories are issued when bacteria concentrations exceed levels determined safe the problem through peaceful senior positions. people at one time in Pyong- for human exposure. Should you have any questions, please contact the AS-EPA means. He Xi China would Like other attendees, Kim yang,” Madden said. Water Program at 633-2304. maintain “communication and Jong Un was shown on the North samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 45 Page 46 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Ready, aim, visit: American Revolution Museum at attention PHILADELPHIA (AP) — headquarters tent, which served With muskets polished, flags as his office and sleeping quar- aloft and one very commanding ters throughout much of the tent in place, Philadelphia’s war. Sometimes described as Museum of the American Revo- the first Oval Office, it hosted lution is at the ready. discussions with the likes of After nearly two decades Alexander Hamilton and wit- of planning, the museum that nessed dramatic moments like tells the dramatic story of the the 1781 Siege of Yorktown, founding of the United States the last major battle of the war. opens April 19, the anniversary It was also the subject of a of the first shots fired at the bat- custody battle. tles of Lexington and Concord After Washington’s death, in 1775 that ignited the war. the tent eventually passed to a This Tuesday, April 4, 2017, photo shows an actual piece of the Annapolis, Md., Liberty Tree, The museum also reveals great-granddaughter, who hap- embedded into an 18-foot-tall tree replica as a touchable element, at the Museum of the American how a diverse population — pened to be married to Robert Revolution in Philadelphia. There were once 13 liberty trees, one in each of the original Colonies, including women, Native E. Lee, the Confederate Civil where the Sons of Liberty met and plotted the Revolution. The Annapolis tulip poplar was the nation’s Americans, and enslaved and War general. But Union troops last surviving Liberty Tree. It was so damaged by storms and decay it had to be cut down in 1999. free blacks — helped push the ravaged Lee’s mansion at (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) revolution and shape the con- Arlington, Virginia, and seized versation about liberty. It does the tent. After the war, a legal so with interactive exhibits, battle began over ownership of seasons. Green was the first military transforms into the Brandywine theater presentations and large- the tent, which was returned to Don’t blink, or you’ll miss engagement of the war, on Battlefield, site of one of the scale replicas, in addition to the family in 1901. the shadow of Washington April 19, 1775. Eight men in the most significant skirmishes of original artifacts and the occa- Lee’s daughter sold the tent moving within by candlelight outnumbered Lexington militia the Philadelphia campaign on sional whiff of gunpowder. about 100 years ago to the Rev. on the tent’s left side. were killed by the British and Sept. 11, 1777. It’s 118,000 square feet of W. Herbert Burk, an Episcopa- nine wounded, and the group Washington’s loss there was history, but here are a handful lian minister from Valley Forge BRIDGE OVER REVOLU- fell back. But several hundred a key step in the British cap- of can’t- and shouldn’t-miss who dreamed of creating a Rev- TIONARY WATERS minutemen later engaged the ture of Philadelphia. The floor exhibits, details that surprise olutionary War museum. The A section of the North British at North Bridge in Con- shakes with explosions, the air and small gems not to pass by: museum acquired it in 2002. Bridge, site of a fateful confron- cord, forcing a marathon-like fills with smoke and the smell of Visitors enter a theater for a tation between colonists and retreat of the British to Boston. gunpowder and visitors are face WASHINGTON SLEPT narrated audio-visual presenta- British regulars, gives a tangible Ralph Waldo Emerson later to face with the British infantry. HERE tion that reveals the tent behind sense of “the shot heard ‘round immortalized the first shot fired The Arms of Independence The museum’s marquee shatter-proof glass and in front the world.” in that skirmish as “the shot section has a vast display of exhibit is George Washington’s of changing landscapes and The Battle of Lexington heard ‘round the world.” weapons used during the war, The bridge was torn down in and includes a fife and drum. A 1788 for a more modern span, digital interactive display that but several pieces of the orig- filmed each weapon in high- inal were found in the Concord definition video lets visitors vir- River in the 1950s. tually handle each weapon — or American Samoa Government instrument — and learn more LIBERTY TREE about their uses, owners and OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT Visitors can put their hands makers. on an actual piece of history with the museum’s 18-foot-tall CHILDREN OF WAR replica of Boston’s Liberty Tree, A trio of displays highlights the first in America. There were the experiences of children INVITATION FOR BIDS once 13 liberty trees — one in during the war. each of the original Colonies — In a corner of a glass case IFB-053-2017 where the Sons of Liberty met that could easily be missed are Issuance Date: April 13, 2017 Closing Date: May 2, 2017 and plotted the Revolution. four small toys worth exam- No later than 2:00 p.m. (local time) Visitors can walk beneath ining. They were excavated the branches and read broad- from British Revolutionary War 1. INVITATION sides like those posted on such campsites around New York Sealed bids are invited from qualified firms to provide “Fagatogo Floating Dock- trees in the build up to the Rev- City. There’s a small, white Replacement of Piles” for the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources. olution and period reproduc- stoneware lamb, a tiny pewter tion lanterns made by tinsmiths goose and a little pewter toy 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS at Colonial Williamsburg will broom and platter. Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa hang from the branches evoking In a separate glass case hangs 1766 Boston. a set of tiny wrist shackles likely Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 2:00 p.m. (local time), May 2, 2017 An actual piece of the forged to restrain a child. At the at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. Annapolis, Maryland, Liberty start of the American Revolu- 3. NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE Tree is embedded on the dis- tion, slavery was legal in every play, and passers-by are encour- colony. That meant all children A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting for all contractors will be held on April 25, 2017 at aged to touch it. of enslaved black mothers were 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Procurement- Conference Room. Bids will not be The Annapolis tulip poplar also slaves. accepted from bidders who are not present at the pre-bid meeting. was the nation’s last surviving Descendants of a Massa- Liberty Tree. It was so damaged chusetts soldier donated a new- 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS by storms and decay it had to be born’s shoes that were made Electronic copies of contract documents, including Plans and Scope of Work can be cut down in 1999. from a British red coat that was examined or obtained from the Office of Procurement during regular business hours free brought back at the end of the of charge. MARCH INTO BATTLE war and preserved through gen- The museum’s interactive erations. Written accounts tell 5. The American Samoa Government reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any bid. exhibits let visitors get up close the story of the young man, who 6. The American Samoa Government reserves the right to waive any informality in bidding to weapons and involved in a went off to war in 1775, rose to key British victory on the road the position of sergeant in 1783, as may be in the best interest of American Samoa Government. to capturing Philadelphia. lost his brother in an attack that The Battlefield Theater turns ended in a mass grave burial, tourists into soldiers for a few and returned home to marry and intense minutes. Visitors are have a child. gathered in groups of 25 and About 10 percent of British are taught how to muster like soldiers who arrived in New DR. ORETA MAPU CRICHTON Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action a company and march together York in 1776 had their wives Chief Procurement Officer into the theater, which soon and children with them. samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 Page 47 ‘Guerrilla’ drama creator defends characters’ ethnicity LOS ANGELES (AP) — wait for me to tell your stories,” John Ridley said he expected Ridley said. “You don’t need his “politically sharp” TV anybody’s permission to go out miniseries “Guerrilla,” about and tell the story you want to England’s 1970s black power tell.” movement, to be provocative. At last week’s screening, But criticism that the drama Ridley was questioned by some excludes the role played by audience members about the black female activists took him project’s approach. “Guerrilla,” by surprise at a screening in debuting April 16 on Showtime, London, he said Monday. stars Indian actress Freida Pinto Protesters gather outside of a news conference where Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke after he He pointed to his track record and black British actor Babou toured the U.S.-Mexico border with border officials, Tuesday, April 11, 2017, in Nogales, Ariz. Ses- of writing for black actresses in Ceesay as an activist couple. sions announced making immigration enforcement a key Justice Department priority, saying he will projects including TV’s “Amer- One questioner said the speed up deportations of immigrants in the country illegally who were convicted of federal crimes. ican Crime” (Regina King) and writers were responsible for the (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin) “12 Years a Slave” (Lupita “erasure” of black women from Nyong’o, Quvenzhane Wallis), the story, according to The Hol- among others. lywood Reporter. Given that, he said, it was Ridley reportedly grew During border visit, Sessions odd to hear that people “feel as emotional in trying to explain though I’m not putting enough his decisions to the audience, women of color in spaces.” at one point invoking his own “I would say very sincerely interracial marriage. But he outlines immigration plan to anybody, if they find fault spoke calmly and carefully as NOGALES, Ariz. (AP) — also urged prosecutors to con- last year. Following the border with what I’m doing or how he addressed the issue from the Attorney General Jeff Sessions sider charging those illegally in tour, Sessions spoke to officials I’m doing it, you don’t need to distance of several days. toured the U.S.-Mexico border the country with felony identity at an International Association Tuesday and unveiled what he theft and document fraud. of Chiefs of Police conference described as a new get-tough “This is a new era. This is the outside Phoenix. He discussed approach to immigration prose- Trump era,” he said. “The law- crime rates, the border wall, cutions under President Donald lessness, the abdication of the immigration enforcement and Trump. duty to enforce our immigration sanctuary cities. He chided The nation’s top law enforce- laws, and the catch and release critics of mass incarceration ment official outlined a series practices of old are over.” and the decline in the prison of changes that he said mark Sessions defended Trump’s population. the start of a new push to rid proposed border wall, saying Sessions was also set to American cities and the border it will be another tool to fight speak with service members of what he described as “filth” illegal immigration amid efforts at Luke Air Force Base near brought on by drug cartels and within the Justice Department Phoenix. criminal organizations. and other branches of govern- Sessions’ immigration plans The tour included visiting a ment to punish and deter border have long been foreshadowed. port of entry, where Sessions crossers. Even as it plans to cut the Jus- exited an SUV in a white shirt He also returned to a tice Department’s budget by This image released by Showtime shows Freida Pinto, left, and baseball cap before entering common theme from the Trump more than $1 billion, the Trump Babou Ceesay in a scene from, “Guerrilla,” written and produced a restricted area. campaign by saying drug cartels administration wants hundreds by John Ridley. Ridley said he expected his “sharply political” TV Sessions has been steadily and criminal gangs are turning of millions of dollars to hire miniseries “Guerrilla,” about black rights activists in 1970s Eng- expanding the Justice Depart- American cities into “war 60 federal prosecutors and 40 land, to be provocative. But the criticism he received at a London ment’s role in the anti-immi- zones” by raping and killing deputy U.S. marshals to focus screening for the series’ lack of a major black female character gration agenda of the Trump innocent people. on border cases. took him by surprise, he said Monday, April 10. (Showtime via AP) administration, but the border “It is here, on this sliver of trip offered the most compre- land, where we first take our hensive look yet at his plans. stand against this filth,” he said. During his visit, he urged Critics blasted the initiatives federal prosecutors to inten- announced by Sessions as fear- sify their focus on immigration mongering and anti-immigrant crimes such as illegal border rhetoric not rooted in facts. crossing or smuggling others “Once again, Attorney Gen- into the U.S. eral Sessions is scaring the public Such prosecutions are by linking immigrants to crimi- already happening on a large nals despite studies showing scale. They made up more than that immigrants commit crimes half of all federal prosecutions at lower rates than the native in fiscal year 2016, according born,” said Gregory Z. Chen, to the Transactional Records director of government relations Access Clearinghouse at Syra- for the American Immigration cuse University. But prosecu- Lawyers Association. tions were slightly down from Sessions made the announce- fiscal year 2015. ment in Nogales, a border city in the Pago Plaza - across from ASPA office. In a three-page memo, Ses- that has witnessed a dramatic sions told U.S. attorneys to drop in immigrant and drug prioritize immigration pros- smuggling in recent years as COME AND HAVE YOUR HAIR ecutions by appointing a border more people enter the country security coordinator who can in Texas, many of them Cen- DONE BY PROFESSIONAL oversee investigations, keep sta- tral Americans fleeing violence tistics and provide legal advice in Guatemala, Honduras and El HAIR STYLISTS: and training to prosecutors. The Salvador. coordinators would meet regu- The Border Patrol’s Tucson larly with federal immigration sector, which comprises most authorities. of Arizona, saw about 65,000 Veronica & Mali In addition, Sessions said arrests of immigrants last fiscal Call for an appointment or stop by and see us!! federal prosecutors must con- year, roughly half the number sider bringing felony charges agents made in 2012, according “Veronica is also a trained barber” against those who have illegally to Border Patrol data. Marijuana entered the country more than seizures have also dropped by Tuesday - Saturday 9am to 4pm once as well as those who marry about 28 percent from 1 mil- 633-0774 Mondays (Appointments Only) to evade immigration laws. He lion pounds in 2012 to 728,000 Page 48 samoa news, Thursday April 13, 2017 PACIFIC YOUTH AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Project: Tausi Feagaiga (Covenant Keeper) Home and Community Based Provider Training and Employment Program www.pycd.net Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans (ANA)