"'''''''Of' Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) Teams Aboard HI-1 Completed 2 Multidisciplinary REA Surveys at Sites TUT-17 and TUT-4
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration "~1-..., : ..~~ NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE "'" yo'" "I''''''tu Of ~ Silver Spring. Maryland 20910 1 CRUISE REPORT VESSEL: Hfialakai, Cruise 08-02 (Fig. 1) CRUISE PERIOD: 18 February-19 March 2008 AREA OF OPERATION: American Samoa TYPE OF OPERATION: Personnel from the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), NOAA, and their partner agencies conducted integrated coral reef ecosystem assessment and monitoring surveys in waters surrounding Tutuila, Ofu, Olosega, Ta'u, Swains Islands, and Rose Atoll. All activities described in this report were covered by the following pennits: DMWR 2008/002, NPAS-2008-SCI-0005, FBNMS-2008-0001, USFWS 12521-08002, USFWS 12521-08003, USFWS 12521-08004, USFWS 12521-08005, USFWS 12521-08006, USFWS 12521-08007, USFWS 12521-08008. ITINERARY: 18 February Start of cruise. Embarked Marc Nadon (fish), Paul Brown (fish), Kevin O'Brien (fish), Paula Ayotte (fish), Jason Helyer (coral), Jean Kenyon (coral), Suzy Cooper-Alletto (algae), Sarah Myhre (algae), Molly Timmers (invertebrates), Noah Pomeroy (invertebrates), Stephane Charette (towed diver, fish), Kevin Lino (towed diver, fish), Edmund Coccagna (towed diver, benthic), Jacob Asher (towed diver, benthic), Oliver yette,r (oceanography), Ellen Smith (oceanography), Frank Mancini (oceanography), Daniel Merritt (oceanography), Jim Bostick (divemaster and chamber operator), Jamie Carter (data manager), and Scott Ferguson (chief scientist). Departed Pago Pago, American Samoa, at 0905 and began transit to Cape Matatula on the NE tip of Tutuila (- 16 nmi). Boat orientation and dive safety briefings were performed, and an introductory meeting was held for new scientific personnel.
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