Sroject coƂQaQceG E\

UNIONE EUROPEA Prefettura European Fund for the Integration of citizens of third countries

Mediation, a bridge for the integration Project 2013 FEI Prefecture Massa Carrara

Ciao Salut ¿ȐLjdz¦MirëditaMirë HelloH

p.2 Welcoelc me p.4 Schoolool p.6 CTPP p.8 Woork p.10 Healthealth ns ndnd Associssociatitio p.12 Cariritas a ts forfor ImmImmigran p.14 Servivices

Provincia Massa Carrara Introduction

7Ke reaOL]atLoQ aQG GLffusLoQ of tKLs ErocKure +eOOo Ls coQƂJureG ZLtKLQ tKe Sroject MeGLatLoQ a ErLGJe for LQteJratLoQ $ctLoQ  CaSacLt\ %uLOGLQJ SroPoteG E\ tKe 'eSartPeQt for CLYLO /LEertLes aQG IPPLJratLoQ of tKe MLQLstr\ of IQterLor 7Ke Sroject Ls ƂQaQceG E\ tKe EuroSeaQ FuQG for tKe IQteJratLoQ of tKe cLtL]eQs of 7KLrG CouQtrLes 2002013 aQG Ls PaLQtaLQeG E\ tKe Massaps Prefecture 87* tKat Ls tKe OeaGer Sart LQ tKe 7errLtorLaO CouQcLO for IPPLJratLoQ 7Ke Sroject aOso SroYLGes for aQ eas\ uQGerstaQGLQJ of tKe eGucatLoQaO coQteQts YLGeo aQLPatLoQs LQ ItaOLaQ EQJOLsK FreQcK $OEaQLaQ aQG $raELc ZKLcK LOOustrates aQG reSroGuces s\QtKetLcaOO\ tKe coQteQts of tKe ErocKure 7KLs SuEOLcatLoQ Ls LQteQGeG to LPSroYe coPPuQLcatLoQ EetZeeQ foreLJQ cLtL]eQs aQG PuEOLc $GPLQLstratLoQ to TuaOLf\ tKe offer of SuEOLc serYLces GLrecteG to tKLs coPPuQLcatLoQ aQG to LPSroYe LQ terPs of efƂcac\ aQG efƂcLeQc\ tKe SerforPaQces of tKe reOateG aGPLQLstratLYe SroceGures It ZaQts to Sut tKe OLQJuLstLc aQG cuOturaO PeGLatLoQ ZLtKLQ tKe Sroject aOso for tKe Eetter uQGerstaQGLQJ aQG tKe usaELOLt\ of tKe IQteJratLoQ $JreePeQt aQG of tKe traLQLQJ actLYLt\ 7Ke coOOectLoQ of tKe eOePeQts to reaOL]e tKLs ErocKure Kas LQYoOYeG GLffereQt suEjects ZKo KaYe ZorNeG toJetKer LQ searcKLQJ LQforPatLoQ aQG LQ ZrLtLQJ Lt EYer\ suEject Kas SroYLGeG LQ refereQce to KLs oZQ sSecLƂc coPSeteQce usefuO QeZs aQG LQforPatLoQ to estLPate tKe serYLces for tKe LPPLJraQt SoSuOatLoQ LQ orGer to reaOL]e a JuLGe to tKe Za\ of LQteJratLoQ LQ a QeZ OLYLQJ sLtuatLoQ 7KLs eOaEorate tKerefore ZaQts to Ee a ErLGJe EetZeeQ tKe LPPLJraQt cLtL]eQ aQG KLs terrLtor\ a usefuO aQG SractLcaO tooO LQ orGer to facLOLtate a cLYLO aQG tLG\ GLaOoJue aQG coe[LsteQce Eut aOZa\s resSectLQJ tKe GLYersLt\ a ErLGJe EetZeeQ tKe GLYersLt\ of EeLQJ aQ LPPLJraQt aQG LQteJratLoQ as fuQGaPeQtaO eOePeQts of EeLQJ LQGLYLGuaO a JroZtK route LQ ZKLcK tKe GLYersLt\ Ls traQsforPeG LQto aQ e[SerLeQce of soOLGarLt\ aQG LQteJratLoQ LQ ZKLcK tKe PaturatLoQ of LQGLYLGuaO aQG coOOectLYe EeKaYLor taNe SOace tKrouJK tKe PutuaO uQGerstaQGLQJ IQ tKLs GLPeQsLoQ Lt Ls of SrLPar\ LPSortaQce tKe acTuLsLtLoQ of tKe fuQGaPeQtaO ruOes of OLfe aQG of cLtL]eQsKLS YaOues estaEOLsKeG LQ tKe ItaOLaQ CoQstLtutLoQ Eut aOso tKe NQoZOeGJe oQ tKe Sart of tKe Kost coPPuQLt\ of a GLffereQt cuOture LQ ZKLcK tKe coPPoQ SatK EecoPes tKe qIQteJratLoQr :LtK tKe KoSe tKat tKLs Sroject caQ Ee a JooG SractLce to e[cKaQJe LQforPatLoQ aQG tKat Lt caQ aOOoZ tKe 7KLrG CouQtrLes cLtL]eQs OeJaOO\ arrLYeG LQ tKLs SroYLQce to Peet tKe Eest coQGLtLoQs of OLYLQJ so tKat tKe\ are aEOe to LQteJrate faster LQto tKe Kost socLet\ I taNe tKLs oSSortuQLt\ to tKaQN aOO tKose ZKo coQtrLEuteG to tKe reaOL]atLoQ of tKLs ZorN

I/ 9ICE P5EFE772 9IC$5I2 Gottssa $QQa MLQtraQo WELCOME CREDIT SYSTEM The foreign citizen between the ages of 16 and 65 years at tKe Ƃrst eQtr\ 7Ke coPSOLaQce ZLtK tKe $JreePeQt Ls PeasureG LQ creGLts LQ ItaO\ ZLOO KaYe to sLJQ tKe IQteJratLoQ $JreePeQt OastLQJ tZo \ears ZLtK tKe ItaOLaQ At the time of signature are assigned 16 credits 6tate toJetKer ZLtK tKe reTuest for a PerPLt of 6ta\ for at Oeast 1 \ear 7Ke OacN of SartLcLSatLoQ LQ cLYLc eGucatLoQ course LQYoOYes tKe Ooss of 1 creGLts The credits are acquired: atteQGLQJ courses LQ ItaOLaQ OaQJuaJe cLYLc cuOture COMMITMENTS for foreign citizen: carr\LQJ out certaLQ actLYLtLes for e[: eGucatLoQ aQG SrofessLoQaO traLQLQJ SatK  acTuLre the basic knowledge of the Italian language (level A2) aQG a oEtaLQPeQt of stuG\ TuaOLƂcatLoQs cKoLce of Goctor sufƂcLeQt knowledge of civic culture and civic life in  ZLtK SartLcuOar eQterLQJ LQto a Oease or SurcKase of a KoPe YoOuQteerLQJ refereQce to tKe SuEOLc s\stePs of KeaOtK see S 10  scKooO see S   socLaO MASSA CARRARA The credits are lost LQ tKe eYeQt of: crLPLQaO coQYLctLoQs eYeQ Lf serYLces see S 13  OaEor see S  aQG ta[ oEOLJatLoQs Qot GeƂQLtLYe SersoQaO securLt\ Peasures aOso Qot GeƂQLtLYe  SerforP tKe Gut\ of eGucatLoQ of uQGeraJe cKLOGreQ aGPLQLstratLYe or ta[ crLPes  to NQoZ tKe orJaQL]atLoQ of SuEOLc LQstLtutLoQs 7KHYHULŵFDWLRQRIFUHGLWVLVXQGHUWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RI  resSect aQG suEscrLEe to the principles of the Values act of Citizenship the Sportello Unico for Immigration: and Integration uQGer tKe 'ecree of tKe MLQLster of tKe IQterLor of $SrLO 23 0 after tKe e[SLr\ of tZo \ears Ls e[aPLQeG tKe GocuPeQtatLoQ SroGuceG E\ tKe foreLJQer IQ tKe aEseQce of sucK GocuPeQtatLoQ COMMITMENTS for State: tKe foreLJQer Pa\ SartLcLSate to a test of NQoZOeGJe of ItaOLaQ  suSSort tKe Srocess of LQteJratLoQ of foreLQJers tKrouJK tKe assuPStLoQ of aQ\ OaQJuaJe aQG cLYLc cuOture E\ tKe 6SorteOOo 8QLco aSSroSrLate LQLtLatLYe LQ aJreePeQt ZLtK tKe 5eJLoQs aQG /ocaO $utKorLtLes  eQsure the enjoyment of fundamental rights and the equal dignity of SUI persons without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political The Single Desk for Immigration GeaOs ZLtK: EQtr\ opinions and personal and social conditions, preventing any ƃoZs for ZorNers seasoQaO or Qot CoQYersLoQ of manifestation of racism and discrimination resLGeQc\ SerPLts $rt2 IQteJratLoQ $JreePeQt E8  facLOLtate access to tKe LQforPatLoQ ZKLcK KeOS foreLJQ cLtL]eQs to uQGerstaQG tKe %Oue CarG for KLJKO\ sNLOOeG foreLJQ ZorNers ItaOLaQ PaLQ coQteQt of tKe ItaOLaQ CoQstLtutLoQ aQG tKe orJaQL]atLoQ of tKe 6tate OaQJuaJe test for CEE OoQJsta\ SerPLts FaPLO\  eQsure tKe suSerYLsLoQ of coPSOLaQce ZLtK tKe ruOes for tKe SrotectLoQ of reuQLƂcatLoQ of foreLJQers ePSOo\ees  eQsure fuOO access to tKe serYLces of a PeGLcaO Qature aQG tKose reOateG to scKooO SPORTELLO UNICO IMMIGRAZIONE SUI atteQGaQce DI ACCORDO Prefecture of Massa Carrara PLa]]a $raQcL 1 Exclusions: CoQtact: 6LJ /eucKL FraQco 0 1 INTEGRAZIONE fa[ 0 10 ePaLO: LPPLJra]LoQeSrefPs#SecLQterQoLt PerPLt of 6ta\ OastLQJ Oess tKaQ oQe \ear SatKoOoJLes or GLsaELOLtLes tKat seYereO\ OLPLt QUESTURA DI MASSA CARRARA UFFICIO IMMIGRAZIONE tKe seOfsufƂcLeQc\ or cause serLous GLfƂcuOtLes LQ OLQJuLstLc aQG cuOturaO OearQLQJ 9I$ 'E/ P$75I27$ 1 100 M$66$  M6 )RUYLFWLPVRIWUDIŵFNLQJYLROHQFHRUVHULRXVH[SORLWDWLRQWKH teO 0 1 fa[ 0  Agreement is replaced by the completion of the Course of Social ePaLO: LPPLJTuestPs#SecSsSoOL]LaGLstatoLt Protection MoQGa\6aturGa\ froP 30 to 1200 Where: Lt Ls SossLEOe to sLJQ at tKe œ6SRUWHOOR8QLFRŔRIŵFHIRU,PPLJUDWLRQDW tuesGa\: aSSOLcatLoQ for SaSer SerPLt the Prefecture, or at the police station, depending on the type of permit saturGa\: oQO\ GeOLYer\ of resLGeQce SerPLts

2 3 SCHOOLS SCHOOL Schools in the province that now have set speciƂc activities for the treatment of foreign students. The Italian law establishes an OBLIGATION of IC C2MP5E+E1SIVE I1STIT8TE education until the age of 16 years for DOOWKRVHZKRŵQGWKHPVHOYHVRQWKH DI CARRARA Italian territory, regardless of the IC FOSSOLA GENTILI ofƂce of the CTP see p.6 SRVVHVVLRQRIDUHVLGHQFHSHUPLW. IC CARRARA 5 via del Commercio 1 Marina di Carrara tel. 0585 788353 All schools in the province of Massa Carrara [email protected] welcome inscription requests of foreign abc IC BUONARROTI via Cavallotti 42 Marina di Carrara tel. 0585 786575 students under the age of 16 years and [email protected] promote the integration and interaction of IC CARRARA e PAESI A MONTE via Cucchiari 15 Carrara tel. 0585 71923 foreign students with the school context and [email protected] the territory. IC MENCONI via Marina 2 Avenza-Carrara tel. 0585 857838 [email protected] COMUNE DI MASSA IC DON MILANI via Pisa 18 Marina di Massa tel. 0585 242690 +ere are some examples of [email protected] MEASURES UNDERTAKEN IN SCHOOLS: IC MASSA 3 via Casamicciola 10 Marina di Massa tel. 0585 240162 [email protected] # intervention of PHGLDWRUVIRUWKHŵUVW IC MALASPINA STAFFETTI Viale Stazione Massa tel. 0585 41775 acceptance, inclusion and integration [email protected] # welcome and VXSSRUWWRLPPLJUDQW Direzione Didattica MASSA 2 viale della Stazione 83 Massa tel. 0585 252561 IDPLOLHV [email protected] # weekly help desk open for intercultural Istituto MINUTO via Casone a Mare Marina di Massa tel. 0585 240523 families and teachers [email protected] # afternoon support in the study COMUNE DI # UHPHGLDOFRXUVHV IC MONTIGNOSO via Corniolo Montignoso tel.0585 348093 [email protected] # Italian language workshops COMUNE DI # intercultural workshops, to encourage IC DANTE ALIGHIERI piazza Garibaldi 1 Aulla tel. 0187 420037 interaction, respect and cooperation, even [email protected] through cross-cultural festivals COMUNE DI # theater projects IC FERRARI via IV 1ovembre 76 Pontremoli tel. 0187 830168 # HYHQLQJGDQFHFODVVHVIRUDGXOWV to [email protected] facilitate the process of socialization and COMUNE DI sharing of families. Istituto PACINOTTI via Grottò 8 Bagnone tel. 0187 429004 [email protected] COMUNE DI IC MORATTI piazza Garibaldi 16 Fivizzano tel. 0585 92077 [email protected] 4 5 CTP ITALIAN LANGUAGE TEST The CTP, Permanent Territorial Center, in the At CTP takes place the ITALIAN KNOWLEDGE TEST for foreign citizens who require a province of Massa Carrara is a state school which residence permit for EC. They can support the TEST after sending the request to the is located at the Secondary School of the 1st Ministry of the Interior by Internet. The TEST includes some exams: degree "A. Dazzi" in via Bonascola, Carrara, and 2 of listening, 2 comprehension, 1 writing. is part of the comprehensive institute "Fossola Who gets 80 points of 100 passes the TEST. Who is absent due to illness and present Gentili” in Fossola, Carrara. to the Commission a certiƂcate of basic or AS/ doctor can do new request for test Currently it is attended mostly by foreigners over immediately. Who does not pass or is absent without justiƂcation, can make another the age of 16. Italia request only after 90 days. TRAINING CIVIC EDUCATION The course consists of two sessions of 5 hours each one. PROGRAMS It provides information on the fundamental principles of the Italian Constitution, FREE AFTER1221 C28RSES F2R ITA/IA1 on public institutions, health, education, social services, labor, tax obligations, rights and duties CITIZENS AND FOREIGNERS: of foreigners in Italy. It concludes with a ŵQDOWHVW of veriƂcation. Who passes test gets # literacy course in Italian language L2 credits useful for the purposes of Integration Agreement. # civic training and information on civic life in Italy for foreigners, agreed with the Prefecture (duration 10 hours) SECRETARY CTP # course WRDFKLHYHWKHTXDOLŵFDWLRQRIWKH Secondary School of the 1st Degree “A. Dazzi” via Bonascola 102 Carrara ŵQDOVHFRQGDU\VFKRROGHJUHH (one year) tel. 0585 841061 fax 0585 841288 open from Monday to Saturday 9.00-12.00 The A2 level in Italian language /2 is useful to e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] get RESIDENCE PERMIT EC for long-term web: residents and for the purposes of RECOGNITION OF CREDITS for the fulƂllment of Integration Agreement, signed by the foreigners at their PLACE OF COURSES entry in Italy and tested after two years of staying MASSA in the Italian state. I.T.I.S. “A. Meucci” via Marina Vecchia 230 tel. 0585 252708 The courses take place in Massa or in Carrara; it from Monday to Friday 15.00-19.30 is not excluded the activation of courses in Aulla CARRARA and Pontremoli. Secondary School of the 1st Degree “A. Dazzi” via Bonascola 102 tel. 0585 841061 from Monday to Friday 14.30-19.00 Primary School “Gentili” Fossola P.zza San Giovanni 1 località Fossola tel. 0585 843044 from Monday to Friday 14.00-18.30 6 7 WORK PROJECT WORK Centro per l’impiego (Job Center): The Job Centre has given its adhesion to two special projects, ensuring its assistance for the -linguistic and cultural mediation: at the achievement of the project objectives, through orientation interviews, individual training vouchers, job local orientation service of the Job Center placement internships, distance learning: branches in Massa, Carrara and Aulla, there are # Sprar project (System for protection of asylum seekers and refugees) qualiƂed operators which can provide free /unigiana 2014-2016, in partnership with the Society of +ealth /unigiana (leader), assistance in the mother language, for the AS/1 and ARCI; practices of its competence, and information to # Con-Trat-to project (Against TrafƂcking in Tuscany) other administrative and social needs; in support of victims of trafƂcking and exploitation, promoted by the Tuscany Region. -production of multilingual information material on the services provided by the Orientation service desk of the Job Centre branches: Job Centre, available at the local orientation MASSA via delle Carre 55 tel. 0585 816651-2, fax 0585 816650 service of the Job Centre branches in Massa, e-mail: [email protected] Carrara and Aulla; CARRARA viale ;; Settembre 3 tel. 0585 8484212, fax 0585 8484213 -courses of basic knowledge of the e-mail: [email protected] Italian language: distance learning free and AULLA via Pisacane 3 tel. 0585 4223217, fax 0585 4223219 assisted (project Trio of Tuscany region) in the e-mail: [email protected] local centers (web learning points) of Massa, Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00-12.00 Carrara and Aulla. Tuesday and Thursday 9.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00 Employment Service-Web Learning Points Work territorial directorate of AAA cercasi APPRENDISTA Massa Carrara: e-mail: [email protected] -checking the regularity of work relations; Massa: tel. 0585 816702 -information service; Carrara: tel. 0585 8484207 -resignation; Aulla: tel. 0187 4223227 -absence due to maternity; Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 to 16.00 hours (open all day) -SERVICE T8RN INSPECTOR: Work Territorial Directorate of Massa Carrara Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00, e-mail: [email protected] Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15.00 to 17.00. via Don Minzoni 5 54033 Carrara (MS) tel. 0585 76371

INAIL INAIL obligatory insurance against occupational accidents Massa Carrara: via Don Minzoni 5 Carrara tel. 0585 7731 e-mail: [email protected] and diseases: distributes economic and health Aulla: /argo Giromini 7 Aulla tel.0187 42221 e-mail: [email protected] services. Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30-12.00 Tuesday 8.30-12.00 e 14.30-16.00 INPS main pension authority, receives almost all the public INPS and private employees, and the self-employed workers Provincial Directorate: via Don Minzoni 1 Carrara tel. 0585 769111 which are not members of other social security funds. e-mail: [email protected] 8 9 REPUBBLICA ITALIANA HEALTH TS TESSERA SANITARIA The Company USL1 of Massa and Carrara programs and manages the health care activities of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, the social-welfare activities HEALTH CARD whit health connotations and the social Since 2010 all Tuscan citizens have received a free electronic health card, which activities delegated by local authorities. Ensures, performs several functions simultaneously: National services card (Cns), for the residents and those who are entitled Electronic Health Folder, National health card (Ts), Fiscal code card, according to the laws and regulations, the European Health insurance Card (Team). essential levels of assistance, provided by the acts The TEAM replaces E-111 model and provides health care in the European Union and of national and regional programs, to protect the Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and , according to the regulations of each health of community and individual. country. Together with the TEAM, the user who makes the choice of general The health activity provided by the USL1 of Massa medicine doctor or family pediatrician, receives a document attesting the and Carrara has place in four hospitals (two in the effective date of his choice, with the name of the chosen doctor. coast and two in the area of Lunigiana) and in many territorial subsidiaries distributed in the related area districts. # Ospedale Civico Carrara 118 # Ospedale SS. Giacomo e Cristoforo Massa # Ospedale S. Antonio Abate Pontremoli # Ospedale S. Antonio Abate Fivizzano The Apuan area-district organizes and manages health and social-health services in the FIRST AID province of Massa-Carrara, which includes In company USL1 are present emergency room in every hospital. The access to Emergency the municipalities of Massa, Carrara, Room is direct by ambulance calling number 118. It is good to use the emergency room for and Montignoso. acute and urgent problems that cannot be solved by the family doctor, the In the district area of Lunigiana there is the pediatrician nor by the doctors of continuity of care (former emergency medical Society of Health for the government of health, service). social-health and social-welfare services. The Department of Prevention is the organizational 8532IŵFHRI3XEOLF5HODWLRQV structure of the Company USL1: Toll free number 800 565 509 from a landline only guarantees the protection of public health 0585 657733 – 0585 657547 – 0585 657573 from the risks of accident, illness and disability fax 0585 657795 e-mail: [email protected] found in living and working environments, pursues CertiƂed Mail: [email protected] objectives of health promotion, promotes coherent OfƂcial website USL 1: and responsible life styles. CUP 8QLŵHG%RRNLQJ&HQWUH 848 800 920 10 11 CARITAS and ASSOCIATIONS ARCI Pre-literacy teaching courses Liv. A1, A2, with Ƃnal certiƂcation valid for Integration Agreement CARITAS Body for solidarity of the Catholic Church to support the and request for a residence card: morning (in Aulla), afternoon and evening (in Pontremoli). person in trouble. Provides listening, social counseling, Desk for legal advice in the Ƃrst and last Thursday of the month from 9:00 to 13:00 in Carrara via legal and cultural mediation; provides small answers also Loris Giorgi 3. Info and registration: tel. 3402852033. e-mail: [email protected] to temporary inconveniences about accommodation, food and clothing. Intermediation with institutions, organizations and CITTADINI DEL MONDO associations. Contact with communities of different Cultural and social mediation services within the immigrant communities. On the religious confessions, national and linguistic groups. network for: anti-violence, education, jobs, Italian language courses, MASSA interculturalism, integration, information. CARITAS DIOCESANA OFFICE Montignoso Immigrants Desk: Tuesday 9.00-12.00 tel. 0585 8271202 tel. 0585 8990217 info: viale Monzoni 2?B Avenza-Carrara (by appointment) e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] tel. 0585 281496-3393001787 MASSA-MONTIGNOSO CENTER OF LISTENING VICARIALE via Palestro 43A, Massa FASIM tel. 0585 280460-3924395534 &XOWXUDOPHGLDWLRQŵUVWOHYHOOHJDODGYLFH, Italian language Mon. and Fri. 10.00-12.00, Wed. 14.00-16.00 courses and citizenship rights, free courses for Stay Permit for Saturday by telephone appointment CARRARA long-term residents CE, upgrade for volunteers. CENTER OF LISTENING VICARIALE info: via Pontremoli 8 Avenza-Carrara (by appointment) via VII Luglio 3 tel. 0585 857607 3773093621 tel. 0585 280868-3898298287 e-mail: [email protected] Wed. 17.30-19.30, Fri. 16.00-18.00 sat. morning by appointment AULLA EL KANDIL CENTER OF LISTENING VICARIALE Intercultural training, legal advice, cultural and linguistic mediation co EdiƂcio ex stazione ferroviaria in family, in schools, in prisons and in municipalities. tel. 0187 1780760 info: via Finelli 2A 54033 Carrara (MS) 3203803171 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Opening Mon. and Wed.15.00-17.00, Sat. 10.00-12.00 MIGRANTES CASA BETANIA Listening Center vicariale of Pontremoli Linguistic-cultural mediation, Italian language courses with DITALS degree P.zza Duomo tel. 0187 830143 Listening Center vicariale of Fivizzano co achievement and CILS certiƂcation, training on citizenship and intercultural Misericordia, via Labindo 16 communication, interreligious and ecumenical dialogue, Listening Center vicariale of Villafranca co information and legal assistance. Parrocchia SS. Giovanni Apostolo e Nicolò, via del Borgo, info: director Ivonne Tonarelli ref. Sara Vatteroni 3204335578 tel. 0187 493057 Via Francesco M. Zoppi 14 54100 MASSA MS tel. 0585 8990210

12 13 IMMIGRANT SERVICES LUNIGIANA MUNICIPALITY OF MASSA 62&,(7‚'(//$6$/87( 62&,(7<2)+($/7+ The ,PPLJUDQWV2IŵFH welcomes instances of foreign citizens, informs Project Sprar (System of protection of asylum seekers and refugees) on immigration law, orients on the use of local services, assists in the Lunigiana, 2014-2016, in partnership with the Job Center MS, ASL1 and Arci; practice execution of applications for release, renewal, conversion of 6XSSRUWLQWHUYHQWLRQVVHUYLFHWRFKLOGUHQDQGIDPLOLHV residence permits, of family reuniƂcation, of citizenship. The municipality Monday-Friday from 8.30 to 13.30 of Massa is part of the 1HWZRUNRIIUHHDVVLVWDQFH to foreign citizens for $UDELFODQJXDJHPHGLDWLRQ'HVN the forms compilation of release/renewal of residence permits Wednesday from 9.00 to 12.00 (Experimentation ANCI), and adheres to the SURMHFW5(6,672 (network $UDELFDQG5RPDQLDQODQJXDJHPHGLDWLRQLQVFKRROV information desks for foreigners in Tuscany). LQIR: worker responsible sociale D.ssa Yessica Gussoni ,QIRUPDWLRQGHVNRQWKHŵUVWOHYHO with specialized legal support to the Families and Children Center second level. via 2 54016 Terrarossa di (MS) LQIR: via Porta Fabbrica 1 54100 Massa tel. 0585 490517 tel. 0187 424000 fax 0187 422069 e-mail: [email protected] fax 0585 811633 e-mail: ufƂ[email protected] [email protected] SPORTELLO DONNA Monday-Thursday-Friday: 9.00-12.00 Tuesday: 9.00-12.00; They are desks offering free listening and psychological or legal counseling in accordance 15.30-17.30. Tuesday: by appointment only. with local services to the women who live in situations of hardship, oppression and violence, ensuring anonymity and the right to privacy. 1DWLRQDO$QWL9LROHQFH1HWZRUN WROOIUHHQXPEHU. MUNICIPALITY OF&$55$5$ OfƂce Immigrants non-proƂt organization managed by El .andil Onlus $QWLYLROHQFH'HVN'81$ (see p. 13), at the Headquarters of Social Service. via del Patriota 15, Massa Monday 9.00-12.00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00, LQIR: via Solferino 1 Carrara (MS) tel. 0585 641377 Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00 and Thursday from 15.00 to 18.00 cell. 3776994263 e-mail: [email protected] MUNICIPALITY OF0217,*1262 &HQWUR '211$&+,$0$'211$ Immigrants Desk: Tuesdays 9.00-12.00. It receives on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 # Cultural mediation service directed to the newly arrived Tuesday and Thursday from 15.00 to 18.00 foreign students of Institute G.B. Giorgini. tel. 0585 71299-Available 24/24 cell. 3457975099 # Italian Language Courses L2 (organized during the year in e-mail: [email protected] basis to user residents). $VVRFLD]LRQH 6$%,1( The services are managed prior agreement with Via Sforza 58 Montignoso. It receives from Monday to Friday 10.00-12.30 the Association of Cittadini del Mondo (see p. 13). tel. 0585 349304 cell. 3277194758 e-mail: [email protected] LQIR: Piazza Paolini 8 (Social Services) Montignoso (MS) 63257(//,'211$/81,*,$1$ tel. 0585 8271203 tel. 0585 8271202 Municipalities of Pontremoli, Bagnone, Licciana Nardi, Fivizzano, Villafranca, e-mail: [email protected] It receives from Monday to Friday, also by appointment calling: 0187 460683 [email protected] or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]   Ospedale

Pontremoli Centro impiego Caritas Ospedale

Aulla Fivizzano

Centro Ospedale impiego Ospedale Caritas CTP Caritas Centro impiego Carrara Prefettura Questura


Montignoso Tranlations by The mediators of Graphics by BluzzMedia Associazioni Cittadini del Mondo