Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Local Newspapers

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Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Local Newspapers Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Local Newspapers Day Month Year Forename Surname Surname, Forename Type Source Date Announcement 23 4 1849 , D YG 28 Apr 1849 Same day, (On Monday, the 23rd inst.), at Malton, aged 40, Ann, wife of Mr. E. Goff. 24 12 1858 Ascough ? ?, Ascough M YH 24 Dec 1858 Ware - Ascough. On the 18th inst., at Norton, near Malton, Mr. Charles Ware, joiner, to Miss Ascough, of Malton. 28 6 1845 Jane ? ?, Jane M YH 28 Jun 1845 Same day (on Tuesday 24th), at Kirbymoorside, by the ReV. B. Couch, Mr. John Clark, huntsman to the Sinnington Hounds, to Jane, daughter-in-law of Mr. John DaVison, of the George Inn, New Malton. 19 12 1846 ?????? ?????? ??????, ?????? M YH 19 Dec 1846 Same day (Sunday 13th), at St. Michael's church, New Malton, by the ReV. W. Carter, incumbent, xxxxxxx, cabinet maker, and assistant oVerseer, to Miss Mary Blake, both of New Malton 12 11 1855 Jane Abba Abba, Jane M YH 17 NoV 1855 HALLENBY-ABBA.-On Monday last (12th NoVember), at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the ReV. W. Carter, Mr. James Hallenby, clerk, to Miss Jane Abba, both of that place. 15 10 1859 Frances Abbey Abbey, Frances D YG 22 Oct 1859 On Saturday, the 15th inst., at Malton, aged 49, Frances, wife of Mr. Richard Abbey. 22 10 1859 Frances Abbey Abbey, Frances D YH 22 Oct 1859 Abbey. On the 15th inst., at Malton, Frances the wife of Mr. Richard Abbey, aged 49 years. 30 1 1867 J. Abbey Abbey, J. M YG 3 Feb 1867 ABBEY-ROBINSON.-On the 30th ultimo, at the church of St. Nicholas, Norton, by the ReV. E. Day, incumbent, Mr. J. Abbey, of Malton, gardener, to Miss Ann Robinson, of the former place, dressmaker. 30 1 1867 J. Abbey Abbey, J. M YG 9 Feb 1867 ABBEY-ROBINSON.- On the 30th ultimo, at the church of St. Nicholas, Norton, by the ReV. E. Day, incumbent, Mr. J. Abbey, of Malton, gardener, to Miss Ann Robinson, of the former place, dressmaker. 11 9 1841 Miss Abbey Abbey, Miss M YH 11 Sep 1841 On Wednesday last, Mr. W. Cornwell, of Malton, to Miss Abbey of the same place. 28 10 1869 John Abbott Abbott, John M YH 30 Oct 1869 ABBOTT-HOPKINS.-On the 28th inst., at the Friends' Meeting-House, Malton, Mr. John Abbott, of Mount Villa, Malton, mining engineer, to Phoebe Susanna, the eldest daughter of Mr. John Hopkins, The Brows, and bailiff of the Borough of Malton. 7 2 1851 Mary Ann Abbott Abbott, Mary Ann D YG 15 Feb 1851 Same day, (On Friday, the 7th inst.), at Malton, after a long illness, aged 33, Miss Mary Ann Abbott. 15 2 1851 Mary Ann Abbott Abbott, Mary Ann D YH 15 Feb 1851 Same day (Friday 7th), at New Malton, Mary Ann Abbott, straw bonnet maker, aged 33. 20 8 1853 Elizabeth Abraham Abraham, Elizabeth D YG 27 Aug 1853 Same day, (On Saturday, the 20th inst.), at Malton, aged 76, Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Wm. Abraham, miller. 10 9 1859 Robert Abraham Abraham, Robert M YH 10 Sep 1859 Abraham - Bell. August the 30th at St. Michael's church, Malton, Mr. Robert Abraham, to Miss Ann Elizabeth bell, both of that town. 7 1 1872 Elizabeth Abram Abram, Elizabeth D YH 13 Jan 1872 ABRAM.-On the 7th inst., aged 30, Miss Elizabeth Abram, housekeeper, of Malton. 17 6 1879 Hannah Acaster Acaster, Hannah D YH 21 Jun 1879 ACASTER.-On the 17th inst., at Barton-le-Street, aged 89, Hannah Acaster, late of Malton. 21 3 1845 John Acaster Acaster, John D YG 29 Mar 1845 Same day, (On Friday, the 21st inst.), aged 64, Mr. John Acaster. He was for 36 years in the employ of Messrs. Walker and Dunlop, merchants, Malton. Type: B : Birth; D : Death; M : Marriage Source: YH : York Herald; YG : Yorkshire Gazette Copyright ©2020 Malton and Norton Heritage Centre 1 of 218 Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Local Newspapers Day Month Year Forename Surname Surname, Forename Type Source Date Announcement 19 4 1869 James Acklam Acklam, James M YH 24 Apr 1869 ACKLAM-YATES.-On the 19th instant, at St. Leonard's church, Malton, by the ReV. R.W. Elliott, Mr. James Acklam, joiner, to Miss Hannah Yates, both of Malton. 27 12 1851 Henry Adamson Adamson, Henry D YG 3 Jan 1852 Same day, (On Saturday, the 27th ult.), at Malton, after a long illness, aged 64, Mr. Henry Adamson, joiner. 21 11 1846 Thos. Adamson Adamson, Thos. D YH 21 NoV 1846 Same day (Saturday 14th), at New Malton, in his 85th year, Mr. Thos. Adamson, for more than thirty years a schoolmaster at North Grimston, near that place, where he was highly respected. 20 12 1864 Sarah Admanson Admanson, Sarah D YG 24 Dec 1864 ADMANSON.-On the 20th inst., at Malton, aged 74, Sarah, widow of Mr. Henry Admanson. 4 10 1870 Lucy Affleck Affleck, Lucy D YH 8 Oct 1870 AFFLECK.-On the 4th inst., at Malton, aged 24, lucy, the wife of Mr. William Affleck, draper, Norton, and fourth daughter of Mr. Wm. Anderson, gunsmith, Malton. 14 3 1864 Hannah Agar Agar, Hannah D YG 19 Mar 1864 AGAR.-On the 14th inst., at Malton, aged 77, Hannah, daughter of Mr. John Agar. 17 3 1864 Hannah Agar Agar, Hannah D YH 26 Mar 1864 AGAR.-On the 17th inst., at Malton, aged 77, Hannah, sister of Mr. J. Agar, watchmaker, of that town. 15 7 1835 Mary Agar Agar, Mary D YG 1 Aug 1835 On Wednesday, the 15th ult., much respected, after a lingering illness, Miss Mary Agar, sister of Mr. John Agar, watchmaker, Malton. 26 12 1835 ? Ainsley Ainsley, ? D YH 26 Dec 1835 On the 19th inst. at Malton, aged 74, Mrs. Ainsley, mother of Mr. Barns, of that place, solicitor. 19 12 1855 Mrs. Ainsley Ainsley, Mrs. D YG 26 Dec 1855 Same day, (On Saturday, the 19th inst.), at Malton, aged 74, Mrs. Ainsley, mother of Mr. Barns, of that place, solicitor. 10 1 1863 Agnes Aitchison Aitchison, Agnes D YH 17 Jan 1863 AITCHISON.-On the 10th inst., at Walworth, London, of consumption, aged 29, Agnes, the wife of Mr. George Aitchison, formerly of Malton. 11 10 1875 female Alexander Alexander, female B YH 12 Oct 1875 ALEXANDER.-On Monday, October 11th, at Malton, the wife of W.C. Alexander, Esq., of a daughter. 29 11 1845 Charles Allan Allan, Charles D YH 29 NoV 1845 On Thursday, the 20th inst., at New Malton, aged 75, Mr. Charles Allan. 9 2 1850 Elizabeth Allan Allan, Elizabeth D YH 9 Feb 1850 Same day (Tuesday 5th), at New Malton, aged 34, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Allan, of that place. 6 1 1854 Isabella Allan Allan, Isabella D YG 14 Jan 1854 Same day, (On Friday, the 6th inst.) at Malton, aged 54, Isabella, wife of Mr. Wm. Allan, glazier, Market-place. 5 7 1851 Mary Allan Allan, Mary D YH 5 July 1851 Same day (on Friday 27th), at New Malton, aged 80, Mary, widow of Mr. Christopher Allan, of that place. 9 6 1845 Mrs. Allan Allan, Mrs. M YG 14 Jun 1845 On Monday, the 9th inst., at New Malton, Mr. Richard Dobson, cooper, to Mrs. Allan, widow of Mr. William Allan, Queen's Head Inn, New Malton. 4 1 1858 Robert Allan Allan, Robert M YG 11 Dec 1858 Same day (Saturday the 4th), at Malton, Mr. Robert Allan, to Miss Mary Young, both of that place. 24 11 1847 Tamer Allan Allan, Tamer D YG 2 Oct 1847 Same day, (On Friday, the 24th ult.), at Malton, of typhus feVer, aged 31, Tamer, wife of Mr. John Allan. 2 10 1847 Thomas Allan Allan, Thomas D YH 2 Oct 1847 Same day (Saturday the 25th), at New Malton, of scarlatina, aged 3 years, Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Allan. Type: B : Birth; D : Death; M : Marriage Source: YH : York Herald; YG : Yorkshire Gazette Copyright ©2020 Malton and Norton Heritage Centre 2 of 218 Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Local Newspapers Day Month Year Forename Surname Surname, Forename Type Source Date Announcement 19 12 1842 William Allan Allan, William D YG 24 Dec 1842 On Monday, the 19th inst., aged 72, Mr. William Allan, of New Malton, late Professor of the French Language. 6 2 1855 William Allan Allan, William D YG 10 Feb 1855 Same day (Tuesday the 6th), at Malton, aged 58, Mr. William Allan 6 2 1855 William Allan Allan, William D YH 10 Feb 1855 At Nw Malton, on the 6th inst., Mr. William Allan, aged 55. 8 5 1865 F. Allanby Allanby, F. D YG 13 May 1865 ALLANBY.-On the 8th inst., at Malton, Mr. F. Allanby. 2 4 1845 Frances Allanby Allanby, Frances M YG 12 Apr 1845 On Wednesday, the 2nd inst., at New Malton, aged 28, Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. Allanby, agent to Mr. Walker, York and Scarbro' carrier. 5 4 1845 Frances Allanby Allanby, Frances D YH 5 Apr 1845 Same day (on Wednesday 2nd), at New Malton, aged 28, Miss Frances Allanby, eldest daughter of Mr. Allanby, agent to Mr. Walker, the York and Scarbro' carrier. 8 5 1865 Francis Allanby Allanby, Francis D YH 13 May 1865 ALLANBY.-On Monday, the 8th inst., Mr. Francis Allenby, of Malton. 13 3 1850 Mary Allanson Allanson, Mary M YG 16 Mar 1850 Same day, (On Wednesday, the 13th inst., at St. Michael's Church, Malton, by the ReV.
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