
170 Glen Iris Rd Glen Iris 3146 Tel: 9885 3624 Fax: 9885 4465

Wednesday 29th April 2015

Shrine of Remembrance Excursion

Dear Parents,

As part of our topic Celebrations and Commemorations, the Grades 3s will be visiting the Shrine of Remembrance on Monday the 18th of May. The day will begin at the Shrine of Remembrance to complete a range of activities as part of the Loyal Friend’s Program. This program incorporates storytelling and ‘hands on’ activities that reinforce the values of service men and women and their loyal animal friends. It also highlights such qualities as courage, devotion and kindness. This excursion follows the holiday and will also allow our students to pay their respects and honour the soldiers that fought in . Lunch will be eaten at the Royal Botanic Gardens, followed by a walk through the Gardens of King’s Domain.

The cost of the excursion is $5.00 to cover the cost of the train. We will be leaving the school at 10.30am and returning by 3.00pm. All programs and tours at the Shrine are free of charge; however, they kindly accept gold coin donations.

Students will need to bring a packed snack and lunch (with minimal wrappings) and a water bottle in a small back pack.

To help with the supervision of the children, we will require two parents per class to accompany us on the excursion. Please indicate if you are able to help in the section below and we will let you know if we need your assistance.

Please complete the permission form below and return it to your child’s teacher, together with any payments (if applicable) by Wednesday the 6th of May.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Givogue, Mary-Anne Jansen, Niki Judd and Tanya Tomic Grade 3 Class Teachers

TO: GLEN IRIS PRIMARY SCHOOL Excursion: Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance and Gardens of King’s Domain

I consent to my child ______Grade ______attending the excursion to Melbourne Shine of Remembrance and Gardens of King’s Domain on Monday the 18th of May 2015.

I authorise the teacher in charge of the excursion to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to the child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary.

Payment for the excursion will be made as indicated below.

I have paid the excursion levy OR

Please find enclosed $5.00 to cover cost AND

Please find enclosed a gold coin donation TOTAL: ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name ______Signature ______

Contact phone numbers on day of excursion ______

I am available to help with supervision on the excursion and have a registered ‘Working with Children’s Check’ at the school office.

Parent’s name ______(Your child’s teacher will advise you if you are required)