Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: DM/15/02063/FPA Erection of turbine no. 2 a 46.3m tip height turbine with FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: associated access and sub-station (one of two turbines sought under two planning applications) NAME OF APPLICANT: Mr M Thompson ADDRESS: Pundergill, Rutherford Lane, Brignall, Barnard Castle ELECTORAL DIVISION: Barnard Castle West Henry Jones, Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER:
[email protected], 03000 263960 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS The Site 1. The application site comprises agricultural land that lies approximately 180m to the south of the A66 and 200m to the west of Rutherford Lane. The watercourse of Punder Gill runs roughly east west to the south of the site. A large copse of trees stands immediately to the west of the site. 2. The nearest residential properties outwith the applicants control are situated approximately 215m to the north east at North Bitts, 520m to the east at Dent House Farm, 395m to the west at South Flats Farm and 565m to the south at Timpton Hill Farm. Dent House farmhouse and its adjacent outbuilding is a grade II listed building. The nearest Public Right of Way (PROW) is No.5 Brignall which commences/terminates on the eastern side of Rutherford Lane 220m south east of the application site. 3. The south eastern extent of the North Pennines AONB lies approximately 2.1km to the south of the site, whilst the site itself is designated as an Area of High Landscape value in the Teasdale Local Plan. The nearest site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) lies approximately 1.5km to the west of the site.