February Rheumatism. HEROES of PEACE
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THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1909. THE TOTTENHAM OUTRAGE. PARLIAMENT OF LABOUR. THINGS THOUGHTFUL. February Rheumatism. HEROES OF PEACE. "MEYPOIE' TEA g 1/4 E. LABOUR M.P.'s SALARIES. LD METALS MCXJBCSM Find something to do. The power to find FUNERAL OF THE VICTIMS. CARNEGIE AWARDS. of way • purchased for cash.— or make an object is a great part of genius. An Essex Lady, once seriously O H. li. BABNAEL> A: Sow. 144. ljun\j«th Walk. Ixwdon. disabled by this painful disorder, The important announcement was made at th< The victims of the Tottenham outrage were The Trustees of the Carnegie Hero Fund RILLIARD AND BAG/TELLE TABLES. Labour Party's conference at Portsmouth that To cultivate syi.-.pnth'." you must be among is now strong and well; cured by honoured by receiving one of the most re have awarded a memorial medal to the rela Lanre Stock of New and *-ond-harrd Tables always on the difficulty as to Labour members' salaries band ; a'so wastertibl. JI: ri:.±: 1 and Dinin? Table*. Writ* for living creatures and thinking about them; markable funerals that have ever been wit tives of Charles Gotts, of Baxton, North Wal- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." nessed in London. People travelled from all had been surmounted. A certain large sum Lint.—G Edwards. Kinqsland ltd.. N.K. T-l. : 47SOCentreL and to cultivate admiration yotl must ba sham, who lost his life on the 4th December parts of the metropolis to show their respect will, it was stated, be added to the salary ol among beautiful things and looking at them. last. C\ PAGE BOOK ABOUT HERBS AND for the policeman who was shot dead. Police- the secretary, who will disburse to those con \)-± HOW TO CM THEM, port free; s-nd for one. The cold damp days of February usually Gotts, with his brother George and a boy aggravate Rheumatism into painful activity, as constable Tyler's record, to the time he died cerned. —TRIMNKLL. The Herbalist, lit. Ricbavasd-roat'., Cardiff. named Arnold Spinks, were engaged in sink Establish.*! 1S7H. WAS IT YOUT most victims know. One young lady in Essex in the courageous defence of public safety, The difficulty regarding Labour members ing a well, the sides of which collapsed upon thn has most dismal recollections of the month and had been exemfilary. The boy of 10, Richard salaries arose, it will be remembered, through There was somebody who said an unkind trio. Gotts, although in the worst predica word which hurt somebody else. Was. it you? this ailment. Twelve months ago she was a John Jocelyn, was the son of a caretaker. e decision of the Law Courts. E RS DIG ESTION martyr to Rheumatism's acute pangs and tor Man and boy were honoured together in this Mr. George Bernard Shaw took part in the ment, refused his brother's assistance in order There was somebody who was thoughtless that the boy might first be extricated. This Ie the primarr ram* if most of the ill* which w# ar»» »ub- tures, and during a spell of cold damp February great funeral. debate on the subject of the extra payment ol wrt. WHELPTOM'S VEGETABLE PURJFVIMO and selfish in her manner and mode of living. was successfully accomplished, but before Gotts weather, she had to take to her bed, "feeling From 12 o'clock the general public began Labour members for the autumn session. Thoy I'ILLS arouse the otomarh to action. Headache flics) Was it you? could be got out a further fall of earth oc ftway, BiUousnes*. Kidnev ] haulers, and fekin Complaints, There was somebody who never stopped to that I should be," she said, "a cripple for life." to arrive and take up positions on the line of must not, he said, encourage the workers to be disappear. The story of the lady referred to, Miss Ella route to Abney Park Cemetery, though the lieve that the expenses of a professional mai curred, killing him instantaneously. think who was hurt ty the sarcastic word. A bronze medal and an allowance of 30s. per Ask for WHELPTO.VS PURIFYING Pit LS. Was it you? Boyce, 14, Newberry-gardens, Meads-lane, procession was not timed to start from the were large when he was working, and that thej month for a period not exceeding twelve months And remember there is SO PILL "JL'ST AS GOOD." There was somebody who, day in and day Seven Kings, is worth the careful perusal of residence of. the Tylers in Arnold-road till fell off when he was on his holidays. He him every sufferer from Rheumatism. 2 o'clock. Large contingents of uniformed self found when his holidays began his ex were awarded to Edwin Colcomb, who was in j». l.d. of all Cheraiate. out, never did anything to make anybody else jured at GrovenhiJI level crossing, Beverley, Free bj Post, 14 atampa. 4, Crane-courts Fleet-st., Londeq. Relating her experience recently she said.—- and plain-clothes police arrived at every local penses began. They should not pay 3 mar happy. Was it ydu? Yorks, on the 12th October while heroically " For many years wet weather had always a very station in readiness to take their places in merely when he was in Parliament, and then dragging two schoolboys from the front of a depressing influence the procession. Flags were flying at half- when he went to a humble home to give him n< There is a great difference between sitting | on me, my joints mast from most public buildings. remuneration until his Parliamentary work moving train. before the fire thinking about doing good, being stiff with The coffin of the dead constable, covered again commenced. A Labour member should A bronze medal and the sum of £h were and going out in the cold and doing it. strange gnawing with the Union Jack, was carried in a hearse even have extra money during the recess tc granted to Thomas Herkes, a fisherman, of pains; but during a drawn by 6ix horses, and attended by six enable him to go up and down the country Dunbar, who pluckily dired into the Victoria Harbour, Dunbar, at midnight and saved the Some people seem to think that there is no spell of cold damp brother constables as pall-bearers. To the gaining information so as to be able to meet life of a woman who fell into the water. Herkes liberty in obedience. There is no liberty ex weather in February, strains of the Dead March the procession the plutocrat on more equitable terms. has now effected six rescues at Dunbar Dock, cept in loyal obedience—the obedience of the 1907, I was crippled started in the following order:—Mounted The motion put forward by the Paper and holds the Board of Trade medal for gal unconstrained affections. Did you never see with the most ex police; firing party of the Royal Garrison Stainers' Union pledging the Labour Party tc lantry for saving life at sea, which was a mother kept at home, a kind of prisoner, by cruciating agony. I Artillery; band of the N division of police, Socialism fell through, no representative of the awarded to him in 1S0G. He is a man of 45 her sick child, obeying its every wish and could not bear to to whieh Tyler belonged; hearse; coaches, union being present. years of age. Pavilions Erected Complete, from £20. caprice, passing the night sleepless? Will you stand, or bend my with wreaths; detachment of Royal Garrison The chairman ruled that no other delegate was legs. My knees be call the mother a slave? Or is this obedience Artillery; Chief Commissioner Sir Ed Ward competent to act in the absence of the framers came terribly in Henry; the District Commissioner and other of slavery? No, it is obedience of the highest of the motion. HARBROWS WORKS, flamed and swollen, chief police officers; the City police, headed SENSIBLE! liberty—the liberty of love. and I had to take to by a band; the Tottenham and Edmonton THE SOCIALIST RESOLUTION. my bed, where I lay fire brigades; contingents of eighty con On Friday the closing meetings of the SOUTH BERMONDSEY, LONDON, S.E, The man who says he is too poor to give as helpless as a baby. stables from each Metropolitan division, Conference were held, when a number of im will never be rich enough to be other than "A clever doctor numbering 2,000; the police bands of O, A, portant matters were dealt with. Y, H, and K divisions ; representatives of poor in heart. attended me for some The executive committee were authorised If you are looking out for the time, and I took a Tottenham and Edmonton public authori to ask the Labour and Socialist organisations If, of all words of tongue and pen great deal of medi ties ; plain-clothes police and ex-members of within the British dominions whether they Best Boot Polish ever produced The saddest are "It might have been," cine, but was never the force. Only the relatives were in were in favour of holding an All-British coaches. Sir Edward Henry himself walked JUST TRY More sad are these we daily see: free from pain and Labour Conference in 1910. in the procession. Beside him was Mr. Htr- "It is, but hadn't ought to be!" " Could not bear to stand.'' inflammation. The By 362 votes to 313 the Conference declared bert Samuel, M.P., Under Secretary for attacks continued, and every spell of wet itself for the socialisation of the means of weather started pains that extended down to Home Affairs, representing the Home Secro- production, distribution, and exchange, and It is surely strange that, although everyone my ankles and toes.