MONIQUE BAR6UT Chi~f Executive Officer and Chairperson GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY INVEST I NG IN OUR P LANET 1818 H Street, NW WaShi n ~ton , DC 20431 USA Tel: 202.<411. 1202 Fax: 2 0B 2 2. 3 2~ 0I)24 5 E-mail: mbdrbut@The<iE F,org September 28, 201 0 Dear Council Member, 1 am writing to notify you that we have today posted on the GEF's website at, a medium-sized project proposaJ fro m UN OP entitled Honduras: SFM Maills/reaming Biodiversity COIIse",atioll i,,/o the Management ofPille-Oak Forests II"der the Globa L: SFM Programme Framework Jar Projects II nder the GEF Strategy for Sustainable Forest Management, to be funded under the GEF Trust Fund (G EFTF). The project proposes to im plement mOre sustainable and biodiversity-friendl y forest management practices in pine oak forests by mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into sust ainab le forest management , in conformity with the livelihood suppon needs of the local population. The project proposal is being posted for your review. We would welcome an y comments you may wi sh to provide by October 13, 2010, in accordance with the new procedures approved by the Council. You may send your comments to
[email protected]. If you do not have access to the Web, you may request the local fi eld office of the Worl d Bank or UNDP 10 download the document for you. Alternati vely, you may request a copy of the document from the Secretariat. If yo u make such a request, please confirm for us your current mailing address.