
The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(1) February 2002

Published by The Field Naturalists Club of since 1884 :

From the Editors

Some changes have been made to the Guidelines for Authors that appear at the end of this issue. Authors are asked to carefully read the guidelines and consult the most recent issue of the journal when preparing a manuscript for publication.

The Victorian Naturalist would not be successful without the enormous amount of time and effort given voluntarily by a large number of people who work behind the scenes.

One of the most important editorial tasks is to have papers refereed. The Editors would like to say thank you to those people who refereed manuscripts during 2001

Robyn Adams Tom Darragh Richard Hobbs Noel Schleiger David Ashton Xenia Dennett Sheila Houghton John Seebeck Ken Bell Joan Dixon Laurie Laurenson Melody Serena Andrew Bennett Kelvyn Dunn Richard Loyn Rick Shine David Branagan Clem Earp Brian Malone Letitia Sifberbauer David Britton Ian Endersby Peter Menkhorst Dianne Simmons Barry Butcher Anthea Fleming John Neil Ian Smales Malcolm Calder Maria Gibson Tim New David Taylor Malcolm Carkeek Ken Green John Peter Robert Wallis Rohan Clarke Clarrie Handreck Julie Phillips Anne Warren Helen Cohn John Hawking Pauline Reilly Stephen Wroe

The Victorian Naturalist publishes articles for a wide and varied audience. We have a team of dedicated proof-readers who help with the readability and expression of our arti- cles. We would especially like to acknowledge Virgil Hubregtse and Michael McBain who proofread all of the manuscripts for our two McCoy special issues. For proof-read- ing of the other issues, thanks to:

Tania Bennell Murray Haby Tom May Ian Endersby Virgil Hubregtse Geoffrey Paterson Jennie Epstein Genevieve Jones Gretna Weste Maria Gibson Michael McBain

Sincere thanks to our book reviewers for 2001 who provided interesting and insightful comments on a wide range of books and other materials:

Rod Barker Ron Fletcher Martin O'Brien Ken Bell Maria Gibson Bernadette Sinclair Joan Broadberry Pat Grey Deirdre Slatlery Nick Clemann Anne Morton

As always we particularly thank our authors who provide us with excellent material for publication.

Our editorial advisory team continues to provide valuable advice and assistance: Ian Endersby, Ian Mansergh, Tom May and John Seebeck.

On the production side, thank you to:

Michael McBain, who has just retired from maintaining our internet site, Ken Bell, who prepares the annual index, Karen Dobson for printing the mailing labels, Dorothy Mahler for administrative assistance, and Printers, Brown Prior Anderson Pty Ltd, especially Steve Kitto. T Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(1)2002 February

Executive Editor: Meriiyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

Research Reports The of Kororoit Creek - Stressed Relicts and City Slickers, by Paul G Close 4 The Mammal Fauna of Remnant Native of the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains of Victoria, bv Susan A Hadden 14

How Do Foraging Butterflies Select Flowers? bv Melissa B Nunn .21

Contributions Hooded Thinornis rubricollis Chick Attacked by Conspeciflcs, by V Teoh and MA Weston 27

Invertebrates of Mount McKay - a Brief Survey, by EJ Grey 29

Naturalist in the The Blitz, by Ken Green 36 Mountains

Honours Australian Natural History Medallion 200 - Alan Bridson Cribb, by Ian Endersby. .38

Tributes Graham Martin Pizzey, by Sheila Houghton .39

Book Reviews Wyperfeld: 's First Mallee National Park, by GeoffDurham, reviewed by Sara Maroske 40

How to Identify Wildflowers of the Grampians, by Ken Woodcock, reviewed by Margaret Corrick 44

New Guidelines for Authors at the end of this issue

ISSN 0042-5184

Cover: Dr Alan Cribb, the 2001 Australian Natural History Medallion recipient, with his wife Dr Joan Cribb, (ANH Medallion recipient in 1994). Photo: Wendy Clark. Empathy Photographies.

Web address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~tnev/

email: fn c v (a v i c n c t . n e t . a u Research Reports

The Fish of Kororoit Creek - Stressed Relicts and City Slickers

Paul G Close 1

Abstract Kororoit Creek is a metropolitan watershed in which human disturbances may have reduced the health of aquatic fauna populations. Identifying changes in the distribution, diversity and abundance of aquatic fauna is hindered by a paucity of biological information, especially with regard to fish. Intensive surveys conducted during January 2000 quantified the richness and abundance of fish and decapod Crustacea at six sites in Kororoit Creek. A total of nine freshwater and one estuar- ine fish species was collected, of which five were native species representing approximately 50% of the native taxa expected to occur in the catchment. The relative abundance of exotic species tended to be high in the lower catchment and very low in the mid- to upper catchment. This study identifies a number of anthropogenic factors affecting aquatic fauna populations in Kororoit Creek. {The Victorian Naturalist 119(1), 2002, 4-13)

Introduction With increasing urbanisation and indus- streams in the area and identify trialisation, there is increasing pressure on priority management areas, Melbourne the ecological integrity or 'health' of Water Corporation has established a aquatic ecosystems (e.g. Klein 1979; stream health assessment program includ-

Growns et at. 1998; Sonneman et al, 2001; ing ongoing monitoring programs such as Walsh et al 2001). Until recently, few the Melbourne Water Water Quality investigations into the of urban Monitoring Network, Biological watersheds and their aquatic fauna have Monitoring Program and the Tributary been reported, making assessment of Investigation Program. These Programs human disturbances on these environments combine a range of stream health indica- difficult. In particular, there is little infor- tors (e.g. fish and macroinvertebrate mation regarding the diversity, abundance assemblages and water quality) at various and distribution of fish species in urban temporal and spatial scales. In 1999, systems. Furthermore, historical fish data Melbourne Water commissioned the are often compromised by survey method- Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental ology and design. For example, whilst the Research to assess the current state of fish health of Kororoit Creek has been assemblages in Kororoit Creek as part of described based on macro in vertebrate pop- the Tributary Investigation Program. ulations (Papas et al. 2000) and physical This paper reports the species richness, and chemical characteristics such as abundance and distribution of fish and instream and riparian habitat and water decapod Crustacea in Kororoit Creek and quality (Mitchell 1990; Melbourne Water identifies anthropogenic disturbances 1997), previous studies of fish in the catch- potentially impacting on the integrity of ment are limited by age (McKenzie and aquatic fauna populations. This provides O'Connor 1989) and geographical extent valuable base-line information with which (McGuckin 1999; DNRE 2000). future monitoring events may be compared. Nevertheless, there is increasing recogni- Methods tion of the intrinsic value of urban streams Study area and their associated flora and fauna. Basic Kororoit Creek catchment covers an area biological data, such as species richness, of approximately 250 : (Fig. Stream abundance and distribution can provide km 1). flow is intermittent, with zero discharge important information for the conservation occasionally recorded at the hydrographic of values such as biological diversity, station near Deer Park (station number research and education, and aesthetics. In 5509) (McGuckin 1999). Although stream an attempt to determine the health of flow is intermittent and ephemeral in the upper reaches, Kororoit Creek is dominat-

1 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, ed by long and relatively deep pools,

PO Box 137, I leidelberg, Victoria 3084 which may provide refugia for aquatic

The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

A V) u \ \ £ • Sunbury N

w kr • Diggers Rest HSite 5 k^~ VICTORIA S.

Site 4 ( / Fish Survey Site

• Suburb Melton East ^

^^7 • St Albans ^ [

Site 3

Deer Pirk •

^ . • Sunshine

S m Brooklyn SCALE Site 2 A

2 4


L Sue 1

Altona %y V-v_^v ^-"" *• Altona Bay

Fig. 1. Location of sites in Kororoit Creek where aquatic fauna surveys were undertaken, fauna during periods of low flow if Kororoit Creek is approximately 80 km in instream habitat becomes discontinuous. length and flows in a south-easterly direc- The catchment relief is relatively low, with tion through rural farmlands in the head- the headwaters rising just south of waters and mid-catchment and Gisborne at an altitude of approximately urban/industrial areas in the mid-catch- 460 m above sea level (m ASL) in basalt ment and coastal lowlands. Kororoit Creek country of the . flows into Bay near Altona.

Vol. 119(1)2002 Research Reports

Quantification of site attributes quantity of cat food was placed in each Five study reaches vvere selected along bait trap to attract fish. The wetted time

the length of Kororoit Creek (Fig. 1 ), based (fishing lime) for each net was recorded. primarily on altitude and distance to river Site 2 and the riffle habitat at site 3 were mouth. Within each study reach, a single surveyed using a two-pass bank-mounted survey site was established to represent the (Smith-Root® 7.5GPP electrofishing unit) available aquatic habitat attributes, includ- electrofishing technique with fine mesh ing flow type and cover elements. At site 3, nets blocking the downstream and an additional survey reach was established upstream margins of the survey reach. to include a reach of riffle habitat. Voltage settings ranged from 170 to 340 V Although riffle habitat is scarce in the mid- to produce approximately 10 amps. For reaches of Kororoit Creek, riffles often sup- these sites, the length of the survey reach port different assemblages of fish species (m) and the electrofishing time (min; total (see Matthews 1998 for a recent review). time during which electrical current is For each survey reach, the mean width applied to the water) taken lo complete and mean maximum depth (m) was calcu- each pass were recorded. lated from at least five measurements of All fish and decapod Crustacea collected each dimension. Spot measurements o\~ were identified and counted. Nomenclature water quality parameters were recorded for fish species follows Allen (1989) and within each survey reach. Water tempera- Paxton et a!. (1989), and Horwitz (1990) ture (°C) and electrical conductivity for decapod Crustacea. ((.tS/cm at 25°C) were measured with a Analyses \\ I \V I 320 meter, dissolved oxygen Catch per unit hiomass and (mg/L) with a WTW OXI 320 meter and effort, fish density pH with a WTW I 320 meter. Estimates of catch per unit effort The relative abundance (% of wetted (CPUE) vvere calculated for both netting surveys area) of hydraulic units, habitat attributes and electrofishing surveys. For netting sur- and cover elements was estimated for each veys, CPUE was calculated for each net- survey reach. Hydraulic units at each site ling technique and expressed in were defined using the following cate- terms of the number of fish collected per hour. gories: cascade, rapid, riffle, glide, run, The wetted time for individual nets pool or backwater (after Anderson and was summed to give a total wetted time and Morrison 1989; Anderson et al 1989). was used in the calculation of total Substrata were described in terms of the CPUE for each site. CPUE for electrofishing sur- percentage composition of various particle veys was also expressed in terms of the si/c groups, namely boulder (particle size number of fish collected per hour using >256 mm), cobble (64-255 mm particle the summed time of two electrofishing passes. si/e), pebble (16-63 mm particle size), : Estimates of hiomass (g/m ) and density gravel (2-15 mm particle si/e). sand (0.1-2 (fislvnr) were only calculated for mm particle si/e) and sill/clay (particle elec- trofishing surveys. size <(). I mm). The relative abundance of dominant cover elements, including sub- Res tills stratum, woody debris (logs, branches), Site descriptions leaf litter (including bark), overhang, bank The five survey sites were distributed vegetation overhang and aquatic vegeta- evenly throughout the catchment in terms tion, was also estimated and recorded. of altitude and distance from river mouth Aquaticfauna survey (fig. I; Table I). The uppermost site (site was located Surveys were conducted during January 5) near the headwaters of Kororoit Creek at an altitude 155 2000. All sites (except site 2) were sur- of m veyed using a consistent array of several ASL and 40 km from the river mouth. Sites 4 and 3 in different net types including single-winged were located the mid- catchment at altitudes of 100 fyke nets, fine mesh larval nets (200 urn and 50 m ASL and 32 and 15 to river mesh), and bail traps. A combination of a km mouth, respectively. Site single eyalume light stick and a small 2 was located on the

The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Table 1. Characteristics of the stream, reach and instream habitat for each of the study sites located on Kororoit Creek. Substrata and instream cover are defined in the text.

Habitat Survey SiteS Site 4 Site 3 Site 3 Site 2 Site 1 Characteristics * *

Stream Characteristics Elevation (m ASL) 155 100 50 50 15 5 Distance to river mouth (km) 40 32 15 15 6 3 Discharge ML/day 0.0 0.9 1.8 3.8 - Reach Characteristics Mean stream width (m) 6.8 11.8 3.6 4.5 5.5 25.8 Mean depth (m) 0.8 2.6 0.3 2.4 6.7 1.8 Water Quality Temperature (°C) 24.7 22.1 18.4 21.2 19.5 23.5 Electrical conductivity (uS/cm) 520 1973 2290 1697 2360 2560 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 2.2 3.8 3.2 3.8 9.0 7.8 pH 7.T 7.2 7.4 7.4 8.0 7.9 Substratum (Composition %) Sheet rock - _ - -

Boulder 20 20 15 1 30 20 Cobble - 10 30 20 - Pebble - 5 - - Gravel - 5 5 5 Sand 5 20 5 5 Silt 75 30 10 90 40 40 Clay - 20 40 - 30 Instream Cover (% of wetted area) Substrate (Rock) 3 20 30 15 - Logs/Logjams 5 5 - - Branches/Branch piles 5 10 2 - 2 - Leaf litter - 5 5 5 Bank overhang 10 10 10 - Vegetation overhang 5 5 - 10 - - Urban rubbish - 10 2 10 5 Aquatic vegetation 5 15 20 20 20 20 Flow Type (%) Rapid/cascade - - - - Run - 45 - - - Riffle - 35 10 Glide - - 100 Pool 100 100 20 100 90 - Backwater ------Reservoir/lake - - - - Tidal - -

* denotes sites surveyed using electrofishing techniques. coastal lowlands 6 km from the river aquatic fauna varied between sites. At the predominantly mouth at an altitude of 15 m ASL. Site 1 majority of sites, cover was was located on the coastal margin, 3 km emergent aquatic vegetation {Typha sp. and from the river mouth at an altitude of 5 m Phragrnites australis) and rocky substratum pre- ASL. This site represented the upper limit (Table I ). At sites 3, 4 and 5 cover was of estuarine influence. sent in the form of overhanging banks and Instream Except for site 2, instream substrata were overhanging terrestrial vegetation. dominated (--50%) by finer particles, name- woody debris (logs and branches) only con- of cover and was ly sand and silt/clay, with the remaining tributed small amounts site ). substrata comprised of boulders and/or cob- present at all sites except 2 (Table 1 recorded for each bles (Table I). The substratum at site 2 Stream discharge was comprised approximately equal proportions survey site on the day of survey except for

4 and I where a suitable discharge of silt (40%) and coarser particles of cob- sites bles and boulders (50% combined). transect could not be established. Instream habitat that may provide cover for Discharge estimates varied between sites

Vol. 119(1)2002 ) Research Reports

Table 2. Freshwater native and exotic fish species previously recorded from Kororoit Creek, and their current .

Species Common Name Conservation Reference Status

Native AnguiUa australis* Short-finned CW McKenzie and O'Connor (1 989) McGuckin (1999)

Ga/axia.s maculatus* Common CW McKenzie and O'Connor ( 1 989) McGuckin(I999) Nannopvrca austrails Southern Pygmy Perch CW DNRE(2001)'

Philvpnocloii grancliceps flat-headed Gudgeon CW McKenzie and O'Connor ( 1 989) McGuckin(1999) Psciulaphritis arvillii* Tupong CW DNRE(2001)' McGuckin(l999)

Reiropitwa se/noiti Australian Smelt CW McKenzie and O'Connor ( 1989) : \ iacqitarla uustralasica Macquarie Perch FFG listed DNRE (2001 Exotic Carassius auratus Goldfish Gamhusla holhrooki Eastern Gambusia Tinea tinea Tench

" - * freshwater migratory; Translocated population; ' Recorded by Museum of Victoria; C Common, W = Widespread : Unpublished survey results (Cadwalladcr 1981); Conservation status follows DNRE (2000). and ranged from zero near the headwaters of this species since 1894 by the Museum (site 5) to 3.8 ME/day at site 2 in the mid- of Victoria (DNRE 2001). The only record

catchment (Table 1). Water quality para- of Southern Pygmy Perch Narmoperca

meters also varied between sites (Table 1). australis is from 1934 and the specimen is Dissolved oxygen was generally low, rang- held at the Museum of Victoria. ing from 2.2 mg/L at the uppermost site Three exotic fish species have previously (site 5) to 9.0 mg/L at site 2 (Table 1). been recorded from Kororoit Creek (Table Electrical conductivity was high at all sites 2). Tench Tinea tinea were recently col- (>1500 uS/cm) except the uppermost site lected in Kororoit Creek for the first time

(site 5) (Table 1). At all sites pH was alka- since they were stocked in 1914 line and tended to increase slightly in alka- (McGuckin*1999; DNRE 2001). linity closer to the river mouth. Survey results Historical data Species distribution Few fish surveys have been conducted in Aquatic fauna surveys were conducted

Kororoit Creek, with most records of over a period of 8 days between 1 7 and 25 species richness and distribution from January 2000. A total of nine species of McKenzie and O'Connor (1989) and was recorded, of which five

McGuckin ( 1999). Ten species offish have (55%) were native (Table 3). Three of previously been recorded in the system these native species are diadromous. One

(DNRE 2001 ) (fable 2). Seven species are estuarine species, Tamar River Goby native, and of these, three are considered Afwcagohius tamarensis, was collected at diadromous (i.e. migrate between freshwa- the most downstream site (site I). Two ter and estuarine marine habitats at particu- genera of decapod Crustacea were collected lar stages of their life; Table 2). The in Kororoit Creek. Although no specimens Macquarie Perch Maccptaria uustralasica were collected, an additional of

is native to Australia but is not endemic to decapod , Engaeus, was also Kororoit Creek. While 50 Macquarie Perch recorded by the presence of their charac- were stocked in 1912 at Sunshine, this teristic burrows. species has not subsequently been recorded Four exotic fish species were collected in (DNRE 2001). A recent collection of Kororoit Creek (Table 3) including Carp Tupong Pseudaphritis iirvillli in Kororoit Cyprinus carpio, another new species Creek (McGuckin 1999) is the first record record for Kororoit Creek.

The Victorian Naturalist S

Research Reports

Table 3. Relative abundance (%) of fish species and total number of decapod orustacea collected at each study site.

Species Site 5 Site 4 Site 3 Silo 3 Silo 3 Silt* 2 Site N N N F.F KF+N IN

Teleosts AxiguUlidae Anguilki australis (Richardson) 10.2 V7 5.9 4.2 10.0 40.9

< .al;i\iiilae Galaxias truttacens (Valenciennes) 2.8 •

Galaxias maculatus (Mel)owall) • 78. ! 1 i 47,5 10.6 Uelropinnidue

Retropinna semoni (McDowaJl) I I 1.4 VI 1.9 3,2 7.0 Cyprinidae * Carassius aaratus (I innaeus) • 4.9 1.5 [2,3 • * 7 ( 'yprinus carpio (Linnaeus) 13 14.8 Tinea nncd (McDowell) * • • PoeciUidae * ( nimhusii! holbfooki (Girard) • 2.1 • 12.8 4,2 Phitypnodon grandiceps (McCulloch) S7.S 933.2, 2.4 66.8 • 17.6 {fitrcagobtm tamarensh (Johnston) 1.5

Total Number of Fish 147 1 1136 425 1461 219 142

Decapod C rusiiuea Parastacidae

1 ( 'herco, destructor Us Atyidae Paratya austratiensis Present Presenl Picscnl I'icsciil hescul Piescul

Number of Species III Ml

Habitat sur\c> characteristics are defined in I able I, / indicate the presence of the species at low * abundances (' 1%). denotes exotic species. N, netting sur\e\ II. electro fishing survey.

Species composition and richness varied techniques. This is the first documented throughout the system. At most sites a record of this species in Kororoit Creek. range of aquatic fauna species was record- Common Qalaxias Galaxias maculatus

ed, except at site 5 in the tipper reaches of were collected at three sites located In the the System where only one species, mid to lower catchment (sites 1, 2 and %) Common Yabby Cherax destructor, was with relative abundance estimates ranging

collected. At the site immediately down- from 1 to 78.8%. I he highest relative stream (site 4), a total of six species was abundance was recorded at sites surveyed recorded. Aquatic fauna assemblages were using eleetrofishing techniques (sites 2 and most diverse throughout the middle and }). Estimates of relative abundance from

lower reaches of the system (sites I, 2 and netting surveys were relatively low ( 11%). i). Species richness ranged from eight to Australian Smelt Retropinna scnioia ten species at each of these sites. were collected at all sites except the upper- Short-finned Eel Anguilla australis were most site (site 5>. The greatest relative collected at all sites except the uppermost abundance (7%) was recorded at the most site (site 5). The relative abundance of downstream site (site I). Relative abun- Short-finned Eel was greatest (approxi- dance estimates were similar (approxi- mately 40%) at the most downstream site malel) }%) in the two reaches (sites 2 and (site I). At all other sites, the relative 3) surveyed using bank-mounted elec abundance ranged from 3.7% at site 3 lo trofishing techniques. 10 2% at site 4. flat -headed Gudgeon Philypnodon Galaxias truttaceas grandiceps were recorded at all sites

were collected only at site 3 (12 individu- except the uppermost site (site 5). Relative at sites sur- als) using bank-mounted elcctrolishing abundance was high ( -80%)

Vol. 119(1)2002 Research Reports veyed with netting equipment (sites 4 and finned Eel. Other large-bodied fish present 3) and lowest al the electro fishing survey in the catchment were exotic species, name- sites 2 and 3, Young-of-the-year fish were ly Carp, Tench and Goldfish. Fyke nets rep- numerically dominant in samples from resented the only efficient technique to cap- sites 3 and 4 (Close 2000). ture these larger-bodied species. Tamar River Goby were restricted to Discussion estuarine habitats and only three individu- Species distribution and abundance als were collected from the most down- The composition and species richness of stream site (site 1 ). Tamar River Goby aquatic fauna assemblages varied between comprised 3.5% of the total number of fish survey sites within Kororoit Creek. In gen- collected at this site. eral, species richness was greatest in the Of the exotic fish species collected, mid- to lower catchment (sites 3, 2 and 1). Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki Species richness decreased with increasing was the most widespread, occurring at all distance from the creek mouth to a mini- sites where fish were caught. Estimates of mum at the uppermost site (site 5) where relative abundance were generally low only one species, Common Yabby, was (<5%), except at site 2 where they con- collected. Tbe relative abundance of exotic tributed 12.8% of the total catch. Goldfish species in aquatic fauna populations Carassius auratus exhibited a similar dis- ranged from zero to 38.8% and generally tribution and relative abundance, being col- increased with increasing distance from lected at three sites (sites I, 2 and 3) with source. the highest relative abundance (12.3%) the collection of Spotted Galaxias and recorded at site 2. Tench were only collect- Carp represent the first documented ed at two sites (sites 3 and I ) and were pre- records of these two species in Kororoit sent in low abundance. Similarly, Carp Creek. In a recent survey of the system by were only collected from the two most McGuckin (1999). Tupong was collected downstream sites (sites 1 and 2). in a fyke net survey near Clarkcs Road, Catch per unit effort, fish biomass and Rockbank. Tupong was the only species density recently recorded in the catchment that The results of netting and electroflshing was not collected in this study. While there surveys were different in terms of both are historical records of Southern Pygmy species richness and species abundance, Perch and Macquarie Perch, both from the and catch per unit effort (CPUE) (c.f. early 1900s. neither species was collected fables 4 and 5). CPU£ for netting surveys in the present study. at four sites ranged from 0.34 to 2.66 The low abundance of the migratory fish hr (Table 4). In comparison, CPUE for Tupong recorded by McGuckin (1999) and electroflshing surveys conducted at sites 2 the absence of Tupong and Southern and 3 was 114.3 and 269.1 fish/hr respec- Pygmy Perch in the present survey is of tively {Table 5). Al site 3, where both net- conservation concern, as the reasons for ting and electroflshing survey techniques their poor representation in fish assem- were employed, both these techniques blages is unknown. In Victoria, Tupong recorded similar species except for Spotted are considered diadromous, with adult fish Galaxias and the Common Yabby that were migrating downstream to estuaries to only collected by electroflshing (Table 5\ during autumn and winter (Andrews The efficiency of the different netting 1996). Upstream migration of juvenile techniques used in this survey varied Tupong from estuaries into riverine reach- between sites, although larval nets proved to es has also been described during spring be the most efficient netting technique at all and summer. Only one inslream barrier to sites (fable 4). Flat-headed Gudgeon domi- fish movement is documented on Kororoit nated species abundance and CPUE for lar- Creek (McGuckin 1999). Although this val nets. At site 5, only one species, the barrier may allow fish passage at some Common Yabby. was recorded in larval high flows (McGuckin 1999), its presence, nets. The only large-bodied native fish along with other possible barriers, may recorded in Kororoit Creek was the Short- contribute to the low abundance of Tupong

10 The Victorian Naturalist 7 >

Research Reports

Table 4. Results of netting surveys including the number and type of netting equipment used at each site, pooled wetted lime, and abundance (in parentheses) of each species collected. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) for each net t\ pe is expressed in terms ofnumber of fish caught per hour of wetted net time.

Tvpe and Pooled Tot*il Niun her of CPUE Total Number Wetted Speeies Fish/Dec; ipod llsh/hr CPUE of Nets Time (his) ( rustacea llsh/hr

Site /

- 1 \ ke 5 %.7 \at5S), Cc(7), ri(M 66 0.7 3" - Mesh 1 [93 Ca(l). IV (4) 5 0.3 4" - i 0.1 0.N2 Mesh 1 19.3 Cc(2) larval -2 .IS. At (2), Cc(4), Cm (15). 62 1.6 Gh u>>, Pg(26), Rs(10) Hail Trap - 10 193 tt (3), Pg(4) 7 0.05

Site .? Fyke -8 156 A, 1(37), (im(l). Pg(l), It (4) 43 0.3 Larval -2 39 Aa(l), Pg(961),Gm (5) 987 25.3 2.66 Gh(3), Ks (14), rt(3) - 7 0.05 Rait 1 rap 10 105 Ca(l). (im(2), Pg(4) Site 4 Fyke -9 1X4.5 Aa(M). Pg(4) 17 0.1 2.S Larval -2 41.0 Aa(2), Cd(l), Gh(l), 1 16 0,34 Pmno). Rs(2) Bail Trap - 10 205 Pg(i5) 15 0.1 Site 5 Fyke -4 60 Cd(24) 24 0.3 Larval - 2 34.5 Cd(71) 71 2.1 0.54 Bait Trap - 10 172.5 Cd(54) 54 0.3

I River Abbreviations denote species; Aa, Shorl-linned I el Inguilfa australis; At, amar Gob} Afurcagobius tamarensis; Ca, Goldfish Carass4us awatus; Cc Carp Cyprtrm carpio; Gh, Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki; ( \\, Common Yabb) Ckeraz destructor; Gm, Common Galaxias Galaxias maculatus; Gt, Spotted Galaxias Gataxias truttaceus; Pg, Flat-headed Gudgeon

Phitypnodon grandiceps't Ks, Australian Smelt Rflro/>inint seintmi; It, I ench / inca tinea.

area sam- Table 5. Results of electrofishing surveys at sites 2 and 3, including electro fishing time, pled, species diversity, abundance and biomass. Estimates offish biomass, density and catch per unit Tort (CPUE) are also provided. Sample Area Species Biomass Total Density CPUE time Sampled Biomass g/nr Number lish/nr fish/hour

a Of 1 isli (hrs) (m ) <*)

Site 2

S46 Aa (22) 0.40 1 14.3 1 .92 Aa(2774) 7.68 Ca(406.2) Ca(27) Cc(323.7) Cc(30) Gh(15,5) Gh(28) (im (661.7) (im (104)

( Pg(4.6) Pg 1 Rs(.I) Ks<7)

Site .? 269.1 1.58 562 Aa(!773) 9.0 Aa(25) 1.2 Ca (470.3) Ca(21) Cd(7.7} Cd(l) Gh(5.3) Gh(9) Gra (960.8) Gm(335) (il(50.7) (ii(l2) Pg(2.9) Pg(10) \ls(\3) Rs(13) Ca, (ioldlish Carassius aura Abbreviations denote species: Aa, Short-fumed Lei Iftguilla aUStralis\ (iamhusia holbrooki; Cd, Common Yabby tus; Cc, Carp Cyprinus carpio; Gh, Eastern Gambusia Galaxias Galaxias maculatus; (it. Spotted Galaxias Galaxias trut- ( herax destructor, Gm, Common Ks, Australian Smelt Kctmphma setnnni. taceus; Pg, Flat-headed dud geon I'hiivpntnhm I'jiun/icc/iw

Vol. 119(1)2002 M Research Reports

Table 6. The proportion of" species recorded (bold) at each site expressed as a percentage of the total number of-expected species (non-bold) and the relative abundance (%) of exotic fish at each site. Site Expected native % of % exotic species expected abundance

Aa, (iau. Gin, (it, Mm, Pa, Pg, Pro, Pu, Rs 50 20.4 Aa, (iau, C;m, (it, Mm, Na, Pa, Pg, Pm, Pu. Rs 45.5 38.8 Aa, Cd, Gau, (im, Gt, Mm, Na, Pa, P». Pu, Rs 54.5 2.7 Aa, Cd, Gau, Om, Gt, Mm, Na, Pa. Pg. Pu, Rs 45. 5 0.6 Aa, Cd, (im, Na, Pa, Pu, Rs 14.3

* denotes migratory species. Abbreviations denote species: *Aa, Short-finned Lei Anguilla australis; Cd, Common Yahby Cherax destructor; *Gau, Pouched Lamprey Geotria australis; *Cim, Common Galaxias Gataxias maculatus; (it. Spotted (/ataxias Gataxlas truttaceus; *Mm, Short-headed Lamprey Mordacia mordwc\ Na, Southern Pygmy Perch Natmopcrca australis: Pa, I'rcshwater Parafya australicusis; Pg, Rat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps; *Pm, Australian Grayling Pro/otroctcs maraena\ Rs, Australian Smelt Retropinna semani\ *Pu, Tupong Pseudaphritis urvUtil-

by inhibiting recruitment of young fish tion offish populations, a list of taxa migrating upstream from estuarine areas. expected to occur at each site on Kororoit Southern Pygmy Perch has not been Creek was compiled using available histori- recorded in Kororoil Creek since 1934, cal survey data (DNRE 2001) and refined

although il has been collected in nearby using knowledge of distribution and habitat tributaries of the (DNRE requirements of Victorian fish species. The 2001). Kororoit Creek is considered to richness of freshwater fish species at sites have a significant amount of potentially located on the coastal margin (site I) and suitable habitat (abundant submerged/ coastal lowlands (site 2) was approximately aquatic vegetation) for Southern Pygmy 50% of the total expected species richness, Perch (pers. obs.) and its absence in sam- and the relative abundance of exotic ples from recent surveys is currently unex- species ranged from 20.4 to 38.8% (Table plained. 6). Similarly, approximately 50% of the species expected to occur at sites in the Impacts on the Kororoit Creek System mid- to upper catchment (sites 3 and 4) Numerous factors potentially affect the were recorded in this study, although the environmental condition of Kororoit relative abundance of exotic species was Creek, and more specifically, populations very low (2.7 and 0.6%, respectively). The of aquatic fauna. In general, these impacts species richness recorded from the upper relate to the whole catchment, although catchment (site 5) in this study represented there are additional disturbances that are only 14.3% of what was expected to occur. site specille. Impacts on aquatic fauna pop- No exotic species were recorded at this site. ulations in Kororoil Creek include urbani- The composition of fish assemblages sation and industrialisation, mainly in the may vary temporally and respond to varia- mid- to lower reaches of the catchment; tions (natural or anthropogenic) in stream clearing of native riparian vegetation and discharge, water quality, habitat structure the introduction of exotic species; and the abundance of food as a result of bed and bank instability, mainly in agricul- variations in spawning, recruitment and tural areas in the upper catchment; barriers recolonisation success (see Matthews 1998 to ; introduction of exotic for a recent review). Nevertheless, the species; and alteration of the natural How species composition of fish assemblages regime. recorded in this survey appears altered As with many other aquatic ecosystems in from that which would be expected to Victoria (Koehn and O'Connor 1990), occur naturally in Kororoit Creek: native habitat loss or alteration is considered a pri- species richness appears reduced and exot- mary factor that has an impact on the health ic species have been introduced. Those of aquatic fauna populations in Kororoil species not recorded in the current survey Creek (Close 2000). To assess the condi- which arc expected to occur in the calch-

12 The Victorian Naturalist c

Research Reports ment arc Pouched Lamprey Gcotria aus- DNRH (2001) Victorian Aquatic Fauna Database. Fish surve\ data tor Kororoit (.reek, l.averton Creek, trails. Short-headed Lamprey Mordacia Skeleton Creek, and the Werribee River including mordaX\ Southern Pygmy Perch tributaries. Department of Natural Resources and Ncwnoperca uustralis, Tupong Pseuda- Environment, Victoria. Crowns IO, Pollard DA and Gherke PC (I9W) phritis urvillii and Australian Grayling Changes in river fish assemblages assoeiaied with maraena. Whilst ongoing vegetated and degraded banks, upstream of and with- monitoring will provide a better under- in nutrient-enriched /ones. Fisheries Management andEcology 5, 55-69. standing of the the Kororoit dynamics of floruit/ P (1990) A taNonomic revision of the species

Creek fish assemblage, the data discussed in the freshwater cravllsh genus Engaeus 1 richson here, coupled with the identification of (Decapoda: Paratacidae). Invertebrate 4. 427-0 14. potentially n u m e ro u s an t ro pogen i Klein RD (1079) Urbanization and slrcam qualit\ impacts on the health of Kororoil Creek, impairment. Wnter Resources Bulletin 15, 948-963. 1 Koehn JD and O'Connor WCi (I') )!)) I hreats to suggest that the current fish assemblage Victorian native freshwater fish. The Victorian may represent stressed and relict native Naturalist 107. SI 2. species as well as exotic species or "city Vlatihews W.I (1998) Patterns in Freshwater Ftsh Ecology. (Chapman and Hall: New York) slickers' which may be more resilient and MeGuekin J (1W9) Fish of Kororoit (.'reck, Prepared resistant to disturbed environments. for Biosis Research l't\ l.id-

( I McKen/ic JA and (VTonnor \\ i (19S91 he fish Acknowledgements fauna and habitats of Kororoit Creek, rruganma Thanks to Melbourne Water Corporation lor Swamp, l.averton Creek and Chert) I ake, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research. commissioning this study. Thanks also to Peter Technical Report Series No 97, Departmeni of I airbrother for Reldwork assistance and Rhys Conservation, Forests and I ands, Victoria. the Coleman (Melbourne Water), Arthur Rylah Melbourne Water (1997} Health oj Waterway* Within Institute internal review panel and two anony- iiu Pari Phillip c6 Catchements t>tr s mous referees for comments on an earlier ver- Annual Stream Health Monitoring Report i I «' sion of the manuscript. R Coleman, M liatn and V I'clligunc. Melbourne Water Corporation, Melbourne.

Mitchell P 1990) I lie environmental condition of References f Victorian streams. A report for the Departmeni of I'f'll Men OR (1989) Freshwater ofAustralia, | Water Resources Victoria. Publications? New Jersey) Papa? PJ, Nicol M and Crov\ther I) (2000) Melbourne Anderson JR and Morrison Ak (1989) Environmental Water Biological Monitoring Program - 1999/2000. flow studies Foi the , victoria, Pari (. onsultanc) report to Melbourne Water. Departmeni H. Fish hahiun assessment. Arthur Rylah Institute for

o I Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. Environmental Research, Technical Report Scries No Paxton JR Hoese 1)1 Allen CiR and Hanley JR (1989) 74. Departmeni of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Zoological Catalogue ofAustralia Volume 7. Pisces. Victoria. Pctrom) /ontidac to Carangidac. ( Australian Anderson JR. Hill JM and Morrison \K I 1989) Government Publishing Service: ( anherra) Environmental Bow studies tot the Wimmera River, Sonneman J V Walsh C.I, Breen PF and Sharpe AK I Victoria. Par! . fechnical appendices Vrthut Rylah (2001) I fleets of urbanisation mi streams of the Institute for Environmental Research., Technical Melbourne region Victoria. Australia. II. lienthie Report Series No 7 7. Department of Conservation, diatom communities. Fresltwater Biology 46. 535- .Mill i .ii i niv-.t- U.K. Victoria. 551, Andrews AP fl996j f amil\ Bovicotjdae Congolli, In Walsh CI. Sharpe AK. Brest] PI' and Sonneman .1 \ Fre&kwater FrsHes oj South eastern \ustralia, pp (2001 ) I fleets of in ha ni sat ion on streams of the I9S-2O0 I d KM McDowall. (Reed Bool i Melbourne region Victoria Australia. L Henihie

( hatsv ood I macroinvertebrate communities, Freshwater Biology Close PG (2000) \r\ Assessment ofthe Aquatic Fauna 46. $53-565, Of Komroii (reek. Victoria Cunsuhanc} report to Melbourne Water. Departmeni of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. I.)\R[ (2000) threatened Vertebrate Fauna in and ) ictorta. Department of Natural Resources

I Environment. Victoria

Vale Jack Hyett

Members of The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria will be saddened to learn of the death of Jack Hyett in July 2001. Jack was an honorary life member of the Club and an Australian Natural History Medallionisl. A tribute to Jack will appear in a later issue.

Vol. 119(1)2002 13 Research Reports

The Mamma) Fauna of Remnant Native Grasslands of the Western Basalt Plains and Northern Plains of Victoria

Susan A Hadden 1

Abstract Twenty-four native remnants in the Western Basalt and Northern Plains of Victoria, Australia, were investigated to determine the composition of the mammal fauna and evaluate their habitat use. These sites included remnants that had differing levels of grazing pressure, structural attributes and floristic diversity. Mammals were assessed by pitfall trapping and systematic search- ing. Grassland characteristics, representing structure and diversity, that might affect the mammal species richness oflhe grassland were recorded. Five mammal species were recorded in the Western Basalt Plains and four in the Northern Plains. Sites with light grazing, open ground cover and high native plant richness favoured native mammal species. (The Victorian Naturalist 119(1), 2002, 14-20)

Introduction In many regions of Australia, only dis- simple-structured communities (Lunt junct remnants of the original forest, 1991); however, they are complex at the woodland and grassland vegetation remain small scale (Patton 1935). Their complexi- within an expanse of cleared agricultural ty arises from their diverse floristic and land {Kitcheners/ aL 1980; Bennett 1990). faunal composition and the interaction Remnants are under continuing pressures between these elements (Lunt 1991; from a variety of pastoral activities, includ- Morgan 1994). They have been largely ing grazing, fire and pasture 'improve- cleared for agriculture because the fertile ment'. Their ability to cope with changes soils were suited to pasture improvement in management is of great interest. and cropping, with the structure of remain- Because most vertebrate fauna have not ing grassland remnants being severely successfully adapted to modified environ- reduced by cultivation. ments, remaining patches of natural vege- The aim of this research was to document tation are of importance to the regional the occurrence and abundance of ground- conservation of the indigenous fauna dwelling mammal species in native grass- (Bennett 1987a; Hadden and YVestbrooke lands and relate these to the importance of 1996). With increasing loss and fragmenta- vegetation structure. tion of the natural habitat, determining Methods both the consequences of habitat fragmen- Study sites tation for fatmal communities and the char- Twenty-four grassland remnants were acteristics of remnants that favour fauna surveyed for ground-dwelling mammals. conservation in particular, the role of dis- These sites included remnants that had dif- turbance - is essential. ferent levels of grazing pressure, structural Native grasslands have been identified as attributes and floristic diversity. one of the most threatened ecosvstems in The Western Basalt Plains comprise a Victoria (Groves 1979; DCL: 1990, 1992; series of lava flows, which are interrupted Lunt 1991; McDougall and Kirkpatrick in places by outcropping of other rock 1994; Foreman 1996). Prior to Huropean types. The Hat to undulating basalt plains settlement they covered approximately on which the community occurs cover 30% of Victoria, occurring across the approximately 21,000 knv of Victoria. The western and northern plains, generally con- area is bounded by Melbourne in the east, lined to the lowlands, below 500 m alti- Hamilton in the west, Beaufort to the north tude. The western and northern plains lie and Colac to the south. The average annual within the two natural regions of the rainfall ranges between 500 and 800 mm, Volcanic Plains and Riverina of Victoria most falling between April and November. (Conn 1993). Grasslands may appear to be The soils of the Western Basalt Plains are described as duplex clays, with a shallow 1 Centre for Environmental Management. University clay and humus profile overlying another ofBallarat, PO Box 663, , Victoria 3353 Email; s.haddentwballarai. edu.au

14 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

less permeable clay layer, restricting root and released. Twelve hours of searching development and drainage (Conn 1993). were undertaken at each site. The Riverine Plain of south-eastern Assessment was undertaken from Australia is the eastern portion of the January 1995 to February 1996. Six sur- Cainozoic sedimentary veys, approximately 8 weeks apart, were Basin dominated by Quaternary alluvial conducted at each site for each grassland sediments, and occupies a large part of region, involving 7488 trap nights and 288 both Victoria and hours of systematic searching. (Butler et al 1973). The Victorian portion Habitat analysis is typically referred to as the Northern The habitat variables considered as Plain, occupying approximately 25,000 being important in affecting the km extending from Wangaratta and potentially richness and abundance of mammal Wodonga in the east to Charlton in the species in remnant native grassland were: west (Conn 1993). It consists of a relative- • cover of cool season perennial grass; ly homogeneous flat to undulating quater- • cover of warm season perennial grass; nary alluvium land-form, generally receiv- • cover of native herbs; ing less than 400 mm of rainfall per • cover of exotic grasses; annum. The grasslands and grass) wood- • cover of exotic herbs; lands occur on relatively dry and high • cover of bare ground; ground, away from /ones of seasonal inun- • cover of dry litter material; dation. The soils are typically poorly • lloristic composition (total, natives only drained with a firm clay surface texture and exotics only); (McDougallt'/t//. 1994; Foreman 1996). • grazing pressure (sheep per ha and months grazed); and Survey methods • invertebrate richness. Pitfall drift-fence system The percentage cover of the seven func- The traps consisted of thirteen 20 litre tional groups described above was record- plastic buckets buried in the ground so that ed using the point quadrat method the lip was flush with the ground level lo (Goldsmith et at. 1986). A 10 m tape mea- form a pit. The traps were arranged in a sure was laid out through the trapping grid grid system of 3 * 2 (repeated 2.5 times), and at every 10 cm point, a steel pin was 20 m apart. A drifi-fence extended through lowered into the vegetation, and the func- the centre of each trap and extended for 2 tional contacted by this pin record- m either side. The lower 2 cm of the fence ed. Only one functional group was record- was buried in the ground to prevent ani- ed per point, giving 100 point touches per mals from crossing under the fence. Holes grassland site. This can be interpreted as were drilled in the bottom of each pit to the percentage of cover for each functional them from filling with water when prevent group. Measurements of cover were rained. Traps were opened for four it recorded seasonally, in conjunction with nights during each survey period and were the trapping session. The botanical compo- checked ever) morning and afternoon, sition of the grassland site was determined resulting in 52 trap-nights for each site per from the number of vascular record- survey period. All vertebrates trapped were ed from a 5 * 5 m quadrat within the trap- and released at the point of cap- identified ping grid, during spring. All vascular ture, with care being taken lo minimise any plants were identified and recorded. . Mark-recapture distress to the The number of sheep per hectare and the methods were employed to (car-tagging) number of months the paddocks are grazed estimates of abundance. obtain per year defined the grazing pressure. Information about these variables was Systematic unci opportunistic searching directly from the relevant Systematic searching involved searching obtained landowners. for" mammals under logs, behind bark, richness was estimated through ground cover and in water. An) Invertebrate number of in vertebrate orders fauna seen or hand-caught were identified based on the

15 Vol. 119(1)2002 Research Reports

at each site. Invertebrates were sampled Northern Plains. The Fat-tailed Dunnart using small plastic cups lilted with alco- Sminihopsis crassicaudata was found in hol/glycero! solution. Ten cups were both grassland regions, whilst the placed randomly in the ground throughout Common Dunnart S. marina was only the trapping site and sampled during each encountered on the Western Basalt Plains trapping session. with just a single capture at one site. Three Species were categorised as common or exotic species, the Brown Hare Lepus uncommon, based on records held in the capensis, Mouse Mouse Mus musculus and funiculus, Atlas of Victorian Wildlife (NRE). I aunal European Rabbit Qryctolagus species were then given a classification as were recorded in both regions. Tables 1 being rare and/or endangered based on the and 2 record the abundance of faunal Atlas of Victorian Wildlife records. Species species recorded within each remnant, for knoWn from less than 50, 5° latitule/longi- each region. Because the European Rabbit lude grids, were categorised as uncommon. and Brown Hare were sighted only and not Some variables were combined to compare trapped, accurate abundance levels could particular trends in the data. The habitat not be determined; their presence at a site variables of grazing, cover and native plant is indicated by K All further results and richness were classified into groups for an discussion are based on the native species. initial review of (he data. The variable of Site occurrence of native mammuls grazing was split into lightly and heavily- Fat-tailed Dunnarts were recorded at grayed sites and was based on the DSF. lev- every site in the Northern Plains (100%) els and number of months grazed - those and seven of the 12 sites in the Western which were grazed all year round with a Basalt Plains (58%) (Tables I and 2). The MSI- rating of 3 ha and over were classed as single record of the Common Dunnart was heavily grazed. Those sites that were rested at a site in the Western Basalt Plains where lor at least three months of the year and with Fat-tailed Dunnarts were also recorded. a DSE of less than 3/ha were lightly grazed Five of the 12 sites in the Western Basalt sites. The variable of cover was split into Plains revealed no native mammals. open ground cover sites and dense ground cover sites. I his was based on the percent- Site occurrence of the age cover of tussocks, with sites having The introduced House Mouse occurred at greater than 50% tussock cover classed as live sites on the Western Basalt Plains dense ground cover sites and those sites with (42%) and eight sites on the Northern less than 50% tussock cover as open ground Plains (67%). cover sites. The variable of native plant rich- ness was split into floristically rich sites and Native mammals in relation to site lloristieally poor sites and was based on the characteristics and previous information number of native plant species. Those sites The most common marsupial. Fat-tailed which had more than 30 native plant species Dunnart, was abundant at a number of were classed as lloristieally rich and those lloristieally rich sites, but was also found with Fewer than 30 native plants were in high numbers on degraded grassland classed as floristically poor. remnants and in exotic pastures. This species has adapted to altered grassland Statistical analysis conditions. Found living under stone walls Descriptive statistics were used to list and rock piles, the species was observed to and describe the mammal composition of use wolf spider holes on the Northern

native grassland sites. 1 hey were used the Plains. It is considered to be a common to outline the characteristics of the fauna and widespread species with few concerns investigate similarities and and to general about its conservation status. However, at differences between the grassland sites. a number of grassland sites around Melbourne, the species has disappeared Results from areas where it was once in high abun- TWO native mammal species were identi- dance (Colin Hocking pers. comm.). Very fied within the 24 remnants of native few recaptures were made in this study, grassland, with both represented in the and the species may warrant careful survey Western Basalt Plains and one in the

16 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Table 1. Mamma! species recorded from grassland remnants of the Western Basalt Plains, with numbers of captures during 7488 trap nights. + present but abundance levels not determi ned; * intro- duced species.

Species Site 12 3 456789 10 11 12 Family Sminthopsis crassicatukila 14 8 Sminthopsis marina Family Muridae Wits muscultts* Family Leporidae Lepus cctpensis* Orvctohtgus cuniculu

Table 2. Mammal species recorded from grassland remnants of the Northern Plains, with numbers of captures during 7488 trap nights. * present but abundance levels not determined; * introduced .species.

Species Site

6 7 S I I 12

Family Dasyuridae Sminthopsis crussicauciala 4 10 8

Family Muridae

Mus musculus* 3 2 I Family Leporidae Lepus capensis* Oryctolagus cuniculus * +

- over the corning years to assess fluctua- Plains (p 0.001 ) but not for the Northern tions in population numbers and status. Plains (p -0.156). The second species. Common Dunnart, is Mammal abundance and ground cover considered uncommon throughout Victoria The Fat-tailed Dunnart was more abun- despite its name (Morton 1995). All other dant in the open vegetation cover sites than records for this species arc in woodlands in the dense vegetation cover sites. The (Menkhorst 1995; Morton 1995) so this difference was more pronounced in the record from grassland suggests that the Western Basalt Plains, but not significant species may occupy habitats outside its in cither region (p = 0.196 and 0.278 previously known range. respectively). The House Mouse showed a different response to ground cover in the Mammal abundance and grazing pressure two regions. On the Western Basalt Plains, The relative abundance of the Fat-tailed sites with a dense ground cover supported Dunnart was higher on lightly grazed sites significantly higher numbers of House than on heavily grazed sites. The differ- Mouse (p = 0.003), whereas on the ence was more pronounced on the Western Northern Plains, sites with open ground = 0.002) and not signifi- Basalt Plains

Plains - 0.241). -" cant on the Northern (p Mouse (p 0.14 1). The opposite was observed for the House Mouse which was more abundant on heav- Mammal abundance and plant species richness ily grazed sites. There were no records of Fat-tailed Dunnart was more com- the species on the lightly grazed sites of The richer plant sites at the Western Basalt Plains. This difference mon at the native than was significant for the Western Basalt sites which were florist ically poor. The dif-

Vol. 119(1)2002 17 Research Reports ferences observed on the Western Basalt Dunnart are characterised by sparse shrub Plains were significant (p 0.002), but not and ground cover (<50%), but often with on the Northern Plains. There were higher dense leaf and bark litter (Menkhorst numbers of House Mouse on floristically 1995). This species has not previously poor sites than on those which were floris- been recorded from grassland vegetation lically rich. The differences observed on and this record provides a major range the Western Basalt Plains were significant extension for the species. The site near (p = 0.003), but not on the Northern Plains. Colac is close to woodland vegetation, which may provide an explanation for this Discussion record. The mammalfauna lew mamma! species were recorded on Factors influencing abundance of the native grassland sites on either the Western Fat-tailed Dunnart Basalt Plains or the Northern Plains, with The abundance of the Fat-tailed Dunnart just one native mammal species. Fat-tailed appeared to be influenced by a number of Dunnart, occurring widely in both regions. habitat characteristics and it was more Fat-tailed Dunnarts were found to be wide- common on sites that were lightly grazed. spread and common in both native grass- This suggests that high levels of grazing lands and exotic pastures. Other mammal may affect the species' abundance, by species, including introduced Brown Rat reducing the availability and quality of Rutins norvegicus and native Swamp Rat R. ground cover. Sites which had an open

lutreolus (J Seebeck pers. comm.), have ground vegetation cover tended to support been recorded in grasslands, particularly on greater numbers of Fat-tailed Dunnarts than the Western Basalt Plains, but were not those which were structurally dense. encountered during this survey. The Fat- Because the species is an active forager of tailed Dunnart has a broad geographical dis- and other invertebrates, open spaces tribution, occurring across southern for hunting prey may be extremely impor- Australia in a variety of vegetation habitats, tant. Dense vegetation cover at ground including open woodland, low shrublands of level would severely limit the ability of the sallbush and bluebush, tussock grasslands species to move. However, the need for

and gibber plains (Morton 1995). It inhabits cover is also important for protection from only lowland areas in the western half of raptors, foxes and cats and for shelter from Victoria (Menkhorst 1995). Morton (1995) adverse weather conditions (Birney et al, and Menkhorst (1995) state that unlike most 1976; Abramsky et al 1979; Grant et al, native mammals in Victoria, the Fat-tailed 1982; Alder 1985; Clark et al. 1989; Dunnart appears not to have been greatly Bowles and Copsey 1992). Although bur- disadvantaged by early agricultural develop- rows in the soil (Northern Plains) and under ments, and populations survive on improved rock {Western Basalt Plains) are vital for pasture throughout the Volcanic Plains, Fat-tailed Dunnarts, some form of tussock Olway Plains. Wimmera and Riverina. cover is required. Selection of sites vvith Morton (1978a) states that the species is pre- open ground cover but with tussock cover dominately an of sparse grassland minimises the detection by aerial predators. and open shrubland where there is a signifi- Potential predators of Fat-tailed Dunnarts, cant component of bare ground. From this and other native mammals, include intro-

information on the species, it was expected duced Dog Cams familiarise Fox Vutpes that captures of Fat-tailed Dunnart would be vitlpes: Cat Felts catus\ native Brown mainly confined to grassland sites with bare Goshawk fascial us; Grey ground a significant component. Goshawk A. novaehol/ancliae; Wedge-tailed The Common Dunnart was found at one Eagle Aquila audax and Whistling Kite site from the Western Basalt Plains and Haliastur sphenurus (Bennett 1987b). On despite its vernacular name, is not common grasslands, tussock cover is most effectively

in Victoria. It is most commonly found in provided by scattered tussock grasses Poa woodland, open forest and heathland but spp. on the Western Basalt Plains and wal- has also been recorded near rainforest veg- laby grasses Austrodanthonia spp. on the etation (Fox 1995). Sites of Common Northern Plains.

IS The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Cover is also important to the Fat-tailed are highly fecund and adaptable, and have Dunnart for diurnal shelter, and may ame- been described as the ultimate mammalian liorate local weather conditions. The Fat- 'weed' (Menkhorst 1995). They have tailed Dunnart constructs nests within tus- exploited a wide range of habitat types socks or other dried plant material beneath across Australia. In natural vegetation. rocks and within cracks in the soil. Sites House Mice rely heavily on their ability to with a greater richness of native plants sup- construct burrows or to shelter beneath ported more Fat-tailed Dunnarls. Although rocks or logs, and their distribution is there- the species was found at every site on the fore largely determined by characteristics Northern Plains and over half of the of the soil (Menkhorst 1995). The species Western Basalt Plains sites, as well as on has excellent dispersal and short-term

all exotic pasture sites, relative abundance colonising abilities and usually occupies did have a slight correlation with native unfilled niches (Braithwaite and Gullan species richness. The more floristicallv rich 1978). It is a primary coloniser after distur- sites, which are most likely to be more bance but once vegetation is suitable for intact, will presumably support greater native mammal species, populations of numbers of animals. As invertebrates are House Mice rapidly decline. Numbers of

still found in high numbers on more floris- House Mice on both the Western Basalt tically depauperate sites, food resources are Plains and Northern Plains were higher on

still adequate to support Fat-tailed Dunnarls heavily gra/ed sites and on sites which but may not be able to do so in the long were floristicallv poor. This supports the term. Such sites may only provide an findings of Hadden and Westbrooke extension of marginal habitat from a core (1996), who found numbers of exotic grassland area - an area which is used for species higher on more degraded, heavilv foraging, but not as a permanent living site. gra/ed and weedy Bulokc woodland sites. Fat-tailed Dunnarls have been found to The Northern Plains sites with an open have a preference for loose scattered rocks ground Cover supported greater numbers of in grassland remnants (Mathieson 1987). mice than sites with closed ground cover. Rock piles in grassland areas did provide- On the Western Basalt Plains, sites that had some habitat; however, those on agricultur- a dense vegetation cover supported more the al land did not (Mathieson 1987). Areas individuals. It may be that, on more with numerous, scattered rocks provide intact grassland sites, the House Mouse is more potential nesting sites. Because the unable to compete effectively with the Fat- species tends not to be territorial, the pres- tailed Dunnart, while on more degraded ence of numerous scattered rocks may help and depauperate sites, the Fat-tailed thus enabling the in the migration of individuals between Dunnart is less favoured, species. areas for both breeding and exploitation of House Mouse to be the dominant have stated that available food resources (Morton 1978a, b, I on and Pople (1984) apparently unable to com- e). In this study, the Fat-tailed Dunnart was House Mice are found living under stone walls and rock pete successfully with small native mam- reported that piles, and was observed using wolf spider mals. Abramsky ci al. (1979) holes on the Northern Plains. Micro-habitat native mammals remained on natural short- only the exotic mammals use by this species at grasslands reflects the grasa prairie and modified areas. need for three important requirements: occurred in completely cover for actively forag- 1. open ground Management implications invertebrate food items; ing for Conservation of native mammals tussock cover for diurnal shelter and 2. The Fat-tailed Dunnart was located across predator avoidance; and a range of grassland types of the Western 3. floristic diversiiy. Basalt Plains and Northern Plains. were made. It Factors influencing abundance of the However, very few recaptures House Mouse is not known if populations of Fat-tailed habitat variables Dunnarts are secure on these grassland rem- I he relationship between Dunnart was recorded and the introduced House Mouse contrast- nants. The Common Western Basalt Plains. ed with the Fat-tailed Dunnart. House Mice at one site on the

19 Vol. 119(1)2002 .

Research Reports

IX I, conservation program for native Given that this species is uncommon and (1992) Draft grasslands and grassy WOtKtlaQuS in Victoria. grass- has not previously been recorded in Department -of Conservation and Environment land vegetation, survey work to attempt to Victoria. Foreman PW (1996) Ecology of native grasslands on locate more individuals is warranted. \ icioria's Northern Riverine Plain. (MSc thesis. La Trobc University, Bundoora) Acknowledgements Fox BJ (1995) Common Dunnarl Sminthopsis murina. The author would like to thank the editorial In The Mammals of Australia, pp 150-151- Ed R assistance of Martin Weslbrooke. John Secbeck Strahan (Australian Museum/Reed Books: Sydney) and Andrew Bennett. Thankyou to the land-hold- Fox BJ and Pople AR (1984) Experimental confirma- tion of inierspccifie competition between native and ers and their wonderful grasslands on which introduced mice. Australian Journal of Ecology 9, many a day was spent searching they are beau- 323-334. and tiful places: Ian and Irish Taylor, Kevin Goldsmith FB, Harrison CM and Morton AJ (1986) Jenny Blake, Cam and Cathy Nelson, Claire and Description and analysis of vegetation. In Methods in Jamie Dennis, Janet and Lochy Gordon, Angus riant Ecology, pp 437-525. lids PI) Moore and SB Oxford) and Sally Ramsay, tan and Jill Buchanan, Jack Chapman. (Blackwe 1 1 Scientific Publications: and Jean Wishari, Dorothy Davics, George Grant WE, Birney EC, French NR and Swift DM (1982) Structure and productivity of grassland small mammal MeGillivray, Wendy Rolfe, Don Glasson, Laurie communities related to grazing-induecd changes in and Greg Rankin. Fauna survey was eon- Boyd vegetative cover. Journal oj Mammalogy 63, 248-260. ducted under the Department of Natural Groves Rll (1979) The status and future of Australian Resources and Lnvironment Research Permits grasslands. Journal of Ecology 2, 76-81 RP-94-173 and RP-95-199. The research also Madden SA and Westbrooke ME (1996) Habitat rela- received approval from the University of Ballarai tionships of the herpetofauna of remnant bulokc woodlands of the Wimmera Plains Victoria. Wildlife Animal Ethics Experimentation Committee, Research 23, 363-372.

Kitchener D.I, Chapman A, Dell .1, Mnir BG and Palmer References M (1980) assemblage and reserve si/e and Abramsky /, Oyer Ml ami Harrison 1>0 (1979) structure in the Western Australian wheatbell - some mammals in experimentally Competition among small implications for conservation. Biological perturbed areas of the shoitgrass prairie. Ecology, 60, Conservation 17, 25-62. 530-536. bunt ID (199!) Management of remnant lowland grass- Alder (iH Habitat selection and species interac- (1985) land and grassy woodland tor nature conservation: a analysis with small mammal tions: ail experimental review, the Victorian Naturalist 98. 56-60 populations. Oikos 45, 380*390* Mathieson G (1987) The distribution and abundance of Bennett AF : (1987a) Conservation of mammals within a the lot-tailed dunnarl on the western Plains of fragmented forest environment: the contributions of Victoria. Ballarat College of Advanced F.ducation, Ml insular biogeography and autecology. In feature eon- Helen, Battarat role o} remnants of native vegetation, senation. the McDougall K and Kirkpatrick JB (1994) Conservation 41-52. Saunders, Arnold. \\ pp Eds DA GW of lowland native grassland in south-eastern Burbidge and AJ Hopkins. (Surrey Beatly and Sons; Australia, (Worldwide Fund for Nature Australia: Norton) Chipping Canberra) Biogeography and conservation ot" Bennett At (1987b) McDougall K. Applets} M and Barlow T (1994) forest environment in mammals in a Fragmented Western Basalt Plains Lake Omeo Murray Valley south-western Victoria. (Unpublished PhD thesis, Riverine Plains and the Wimmera. In Conservation o} University of Melbourne) lowland native grassland in south-eastern Australia, Bennett A\ (1990) llahitat corridors: their role in pp 44-1 12. I ds K McDougall and JB Kirkpatrick. conservation. Department of wildlife management ami (Worldwide Fund for Nature Australia. Canberra) Conservation and Fnvironment/Allhur Rylah Institute Menkhorst PW' (1995) Mammals of Victoria lor 1 nviionmcntal Research Victoria. Distribution. Ecology and Conservation. (Oxford Bimey Granl WC and Baud DDM976) Importance EC L niversiU Press: Melbourne) cover to cvcles of Mkrotus populations, of vegetative Morgan JW (1994) The ecology of grasses and grass- EcohgySl, 1043-1051. land in lowland Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist Bowles JB and Copsey (1992) Small mammal AD III. B7t93. abundance as a function of herbaceous cover type in Morion SR (1978a) An ecological study of Sminthopsis south central Iowa. Prairie Naturalist 24, 109-1 19. erassteaudala (Marsupiala. Das> uridac) I. (1978) Habitat selection Brailhwaile KW and Gtillan PK Distribution studv areas and methods. Australian by small mammals in a Victorian heath land Wildlife Research 5, 151-162. 109-127. Australian Journal of Ecology i, Morton SR (1978b) An ecological study of Sminthopsis Butler BE, Blackburn G, Bowlei JM, 1 awrenCe ( R. erassieaudata (Marsupiala: Dasyuridae) II, Behaviour Newell and Pels S (1973) A geomoryhie map JW of and social organisation. Australian Wildlife Researeh the Riverine plain Oj south-eastern Australia. 5. IG3-I82 (Australian National University Press; Canberra) Morton SR ( 1978c) An ecological study ntSminthopsis Clark BK, Kaufman D\V. thick EJ and Kaufman GA erassieauitata (Marsupiala: Dasyuridae ) 111. (19,89) Small mammals m tall-grass prairie: patterns Reproduction and life history, Australian Wildlife associated with grazing and burning. Prairie Research 5. 183-21 !. Naturalist 11, 177-184. Morton SR (1995) Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis eras- Conn B.I (I9'M) Natural regions and vegetation of yicauduta. In The Mammals of Australia, pp 130-131. Flora of Victoria Volume I Introduction, Victoria. In Id R Strahan. (Australian Museum/Reed Books: New 79-158. lids and Walsh. (Inkata pp DB foreman NG South Wales) Press: Melbourne) Patton RT 1 1935) Ecological studies in Victoria Pan IV : f)CI ( 19911) Remnant native grass/amis ami erassv basalt plains Association, f'roeeedings of the Royal woodlaihls the Melhounie area- Department of of \>.eictv of Victoria 4H, 172-191. Conservation and Environment Victoria.

20 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

How Do Nectar Foraging Butterflies Select Flowers?

Melissa B NumV

Abstract Nectar foraging tendencies of two species of butterfly was experimenially investigated using charac- teristics of flowers thai may influence selection of nectar resources. Potentially influential character- istics of nectar flowers were simulated in various combinations in a controlled laboratory situation. Wild-caught butterflies were captured tor use in the experiments. The two species preferred different combinations effectors, potentially reflecting their natural fbodplanls. Common Grass-blue Zizina hbradus visited small white flowers most frequently, a combination of factors displayed by known toodplants, Australian Painted Lad\ Vanessa kcrshawi preferred to teed on yellow . medium or large flower combinations that match the flowers of (apeuced Arctotheca calendula and some othei observed loouplants. The position of the experimental flower on the 'stem' was not a signilicanl contributor to flower selection; however, flower size did contribute. There was a positi\e relation- ship between the si/c of the butterfly and that of the flower chosen. In the wild, this ma> reflect not only the flower's abilitv to support the weight of the butterfly, but also the amount of nectar supplied

bv the flower. [The 1 1< tortan Naturalist ll')i I), 2002, 21-271


Butterflies arc the most studied of the lahnulits is more often found in gardens, invertebrates, yet there is still much to dis- lawns, pastures, and weed) areas than in cover about their ecology, behaviour and bushktnd (Coupar and Coupar 1992). They genera] biology. The focus of research is are common in many suburban areas, generally on rare or exotic species, and lit- including Ballarat. tle information is known on the more com- Insects locate nectar-bearing flowers by mon species (Kitching and Schecrmever means of visual cues rather than by smell

1999). or touch. The attraction is so powerful that Definitive studies of ecology and behav- butterflies will be attracted to flowers that iour are lacking for common species such are placed in an artificial setting, fhese

as Yellow Admiral Vanessa it en, visual eties attract the butterfly to the Australian Painted Lady Vanessa kershawi nioUth of the corolla. Nectar guides (mark- and Common Grass-blue Zizina lahnitins, ings on Flowers) provide a way of guiding which occur frequent!) where this study the proboscis of the butterfly toward the was conducted. nectaries (organs that secrete nectar). Butterflies feed solely on a liquid diet Nectar guides may tvlleet strongly in the consisting of plant nectar and sometimes ultraviolet section of the light spectrum in water or other fluids (Braby 2000). The which butterflies are sensitive preferred source of nectar lor butterflies is (Brackenbury 1995). nectar-bearing flowers. The nectar that is Ford (1985) has suggested that smaller produced b\ plants contains two of the nectarivorous species are more mobile most vital ingredients for obligatory feed- than larger species and perch on flowers on ers such as butterflies: carbohydrates and the end of branches without breaking them. protein (Brackenbury 1995). Butterflies, The smaller bird species are also more with their specialised narrow tubular pro- acrobatic and are able to hover above the boscis, are able to access carbohydrate-. flowers on the tips of fhe branches and and proteins contained in nectar bv capil- feet). Butterflies may mirror this behav- lary action (CSIRO 1991). iour, whereby smaller butterflies may pre-

Vanessa kershaw i generally appears in fer flowers on the tips of stems. late August and early September in the It is documented that sometimes different

Ballarat region and is usually the first adult butterfly species prefer different flowers butterfly to be seen each season ((i (Clyne 2000; Braby 2000). However, over Ambrose pels. comm. 2000). Zizina 100 species of buLterfl ies feeding on Lantana Lantana camat'a have been observed, which suggests that butlerllies

! > i i Univei I Cento | h ' roummial Management, also be The aims Ballarat, Ballarat, Victoria may opportunistic. Of this

Vol. 119(1)2002 21 Research Reports

study were to use artificial flowers to dis- in the study is shown in Fig. 1. Small nails cover which characteristics of flowers were used to hold the flowers to the frames attract two butterfly species, and to com- and the glue used on the nectar cups was pare the findings to known foodplants and used to seal the centres of the flowers

their characteristics. It was expected that against leakage of nectar. Yellow cotton the butterflies in the study would also pre- wool was then packed tightly into the nec- fer a particular group of flowers. tar cups to absorb the nectar, preventing drowning of the butterflies whilst still Methods allowing access. Preparation Two butterfly species, Vanessa kershuwi Nectar and Zizina labradus. were used in the Artificial nectar was produced using a examination of three important flower recipe used at Melbourne Zoo's Butterfly characteristics. These were chosen based House. The nectar used in this study and in on the literature (Brakenbury 1995; Coupar a study conducted by Harris (1993) con- and Coupar 1992). These characteristics tained approximately 15 percent sugars. were size, colour and the position on the The recipe (see below) was halved to make plant where flowers grow. Artificial plastic one litre of nectar. This formula makes flowers were used and the sizes (small, enough nectar to feed about 800 butterflies medium and large) were scaled to known for 24 hours. nectar source species from the daisy family The recipe used by the Melbourne Zoo's Asteraceae. The artificial flowers were 2.5, butterfly house comprises 500 ml of puri- 4.0 and 6.0 cm in diameter respectively. fied water (boiled), with 130 g of sucrose The paint colours chosen for the study and 95 g of glucose or dextrose added and included three that were common in the stirred until they were dissolved. 200 g of Ballarat region in September, namely liquefied fructose (approximately 130 g white, yellow and purple. Two positions when crystallised) were added and stirred were chosen to represent flowers that grow in until dissolved. 500 ml of cold purified close to the main trunk of the plant and water and half a teaspoon of honey were flowers that grow on the tips of the plant. added and the solution and stirred. Cold A cage was constructed by modifying an purified water was added to take the quan- old plywood finch cage. The sides and roof tity up to two litres. were cut out and replaced by fibreglass fly- The different types of sugars are from wire, with the exception of one side that various plant sources, each supplying dif- was draped with muslin. This enabled ferent molecular structures and nutrients. access to the inside of the cage and was knotted when not in use. The frame of the cage was painted white so that it provided I a light coloured backdrop against which butterfly activity could be seen clearly. o o The artificial (lowers were drawn on ice- cream container lids in the shape of flow- ers from the Asteraceae family. These were then coloured with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints were used because they dry quickly, are odourless and non-toxic. They also do not run into the nectar solution on contact. Four millimetre plastic hose was Fig. I. The design of the timber frame on which sliced to produce thin plastic rings that the artificial flowers were placed during the acted as nectar cups. These were glued to study. The base and main trunk were made of - 25 ; 19 pine painted the centre of the flowers with non-toxic mm mm green. The three branches were made from dowel 10 mm in glue. Three timber frames were construct- diameter. The dowel represents the branch of a ed to hold the flowers and to simulate posi- plant and the newer placed closer to the centre tions on a plant where the flowers might of the dowel represents flowers close to the grow. The design of the timber frame used trunk.

22 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

The addition of honey is thought to he the Limitations vital ingredient that provides the butterllies Other variables or characteristics that with the essential nutrients that can sustain may influence the frequency of visits such them over a long period. Honey contains as nectar volume, shape of flower and Vitamin C, protein and small quantities of ultraviolet reflectivity were not tested. The nitrogenous compounds, minerals, organic brief nature o\' the study limited the num-

acids and lipids (Winston l°K7). The but- ber of variables that could be tested. It was terflies at the Melbourne Zoo spend their decided onl\ to test what were thought to entire lives on this formula. be the most influential factors including Size, colour and position, allowing these Capture ofbutterflies variables to be thoroughly examined in the Butterllies were captured on sunny da>s in time allocated. early September when they first began to All taxonomic names in this paper follow emerge. Optimal capture numbers were on that o\' Bra by (2000) for butterflies and days that had followed one or two tine, Ross (2000) for vascular plants. warm days. The capture sites included gar- dens in town and an open area on the Results Ballarat University campus at Mount Helen The flower characteristics preferred by thai has both native and exotic vegetation. each butterfly species are shown in figs 2. An net was used to capture the butter- 3 and 4. Vanessa kershawi visited yellow llies. Undamaged specimens were retained flowers more often than white or purple and put into a container with a muslin insert flowers. Response to colour itself, when in the lid. T he butterflies were not fed for 48 tested for both species, showed no signili- hr before an\ sampling to encourage cant difference of frequencies compared to hunger. Sixty-seven individuals were cap- the other factors (F - 5.907, p = 0.064).

tured during the study, 35 of which were V. I his indicates that there was no particular

kershawi and 3 1 Z lahrmlus colour preference overall for both species.

I here was, however, a colour-species Foraging observations interaction evident, which indicates that Observations were undertaken on lour each species (ended to prefer a particular occasions, 48 hours after capture. The colour (F 9.550, p 0.030). study cage was placed in a glasshouse thai The majority of flowers visited by V, ker- provided a warm and humid environment, shawi were large or medium in si/e. As which encouraged butterfly activity. The shown in fig. 4. V, kershawi also iended to glasshouse was connected to a thermostat, \isii (lowers that were positioned close to was kept at around Each which 25°C, the trunk of the plant more often than those hour, which observation period took one positioned on the tips of the branches. was the optimum time discovered from a However, there was no significant differ- hour was enough time for pilot Study. One ence Found between the use of the two each butterfly to feed three or four limes positions on the plant (F I.I 13, p to allow the nectar to and was brief enough 0.402). stav moist. Zinnia labradus significantly favoured

white flowers (I " 0.030; Fig. Data analysis 9.559, p with purple and yellow (lowers Data were analysed using the software 3), the

j being less frequently visited. There was package si ss 10 for Windows. Univariate also a significant preference for small ANOVA test was used to test for signifi- flowers (l r - with the cance between the categories of data 8.72, p 0.041), medium and large (lowers much less often (Coakes and Steed 2001; kitchens 1998), visited (fig. 2). There appeared to be a The ANOVA statistic is used to examine slight preference for (lowers positioned on the difference between the means of forag the tips of the brandies, but the difference tag frequencies for the two species, and to was jiot significant (1 3.692, 0.105). determine whether they are significantly p Vanessa kershawi tended to visit medium different. Profile plots and ANOVA were sized yellow flowers that were positioned used to sec if there were any interactions on the trunk more frequently than anv between the characteristics studied.

Vol. 119(1)2002 23 Research Reports

20 t

15 I 'anessa


10 Zi^ina labradus

c 53 XT U


small medium large

Flower characteristic

Fig. 2. Frequency of visits for Vanessa kershawi andZizina labradus with respect to flower size.



* 10

yellow purple white

Flower characteristic

Fig. 3. Frequency of visits for Vanessa kershawi and Zizina labradus with respect to colour of flower. other combination of characteristics (Table factors. This is also evident from Figs 2 and

1 ). Flowers that were not visited at all 3. The position of the flower on the plant included large purple trunk, small white had little influence on visit frequency. trunk and medium white branch flowers. Discussion Ziziha labradus tended to visit small, white Vanessa kershawi visited yellow flowers flowers (Table 2). Use of the two small most often. These flowers were mostly white combinations were significantly dif- medium or large. It is evident that flowers ferent from the other combinations. The with combinations of traits that V. kershawi flowers that were not visited at all were the was observed to feed on in this purple, medium and large flowers posi- study may match such species as tioned on the branch. Capeweed Arctotheca calendula. Daisies Euryops sp. The characteristics that had the strongest and Everlasting Daisies association with visiting frequency were Bracteantha sp. Low (2000) details some butterfly species the colour and size of the flower. This sug- found to have fed on such species of food- gests that each species has a preference for plants. Foliage of these plants is also eaten particular characteristics in these groups of

24 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

I amssa kenham

Zmna labradus

trunk branch

Flower characteristic

with respect to flower position. Fig. 4 Frequency of visits for Vanessa km 'shm i and Zizina labradus b\ the butterfly's larval stages (Braby not be able to support the weight of larger 2000). Smooth Cats Ear Hypochoeris butterflies. Therefore the larger of these glabra and Hairy llawkbit Leontodon two butterflies may find the larger flowers taraxacoldes are also abundant introduced offer a more stable support when feeding. yellow flowered daisies in the region. They Main (1981) suggests that the larger the flower over many months and are common- flower, generally the more nectar it pro- support ly visited by V. kershawi for nectar ((i duces, and that bigger flowers can Ambrose pers. comm. 2000). Capeweed is a larger both by the quantity of nectar flower. weed of agricultural areas and is more often and by the strength of the This can encountered by butterflies (Low 2000) near also be applied to butterflies. Larger flow- Baltarat than their native larval hostplants, ers usually have a larger nectar reward members of the family Astcraccae. than smaller flowers, making them more Zizina labradus showed a significant attractive to larger species of nectar forag- preference for white flowers. This agrees ing fauna (Paton 1985). However, Dunn with the reports by C'lyne (2000) and (1999) lists several very large butterflies Common and Waterhouse (1972) of butter- feeding on small flowers of Lantana, and nectar per flower. flies feeding on flowers with similar char- highlights a low yield of acteristics. Such flowers include Lawn The larger butterfly would need more ener- Daisy Be/lis perennis. Clover Trlfoiium gy to sustain itself; it would therefore lend subtemmeum and native peas. The size of to vfeit the flowers that were more likely to rewards in a field situation. these flowers is similar to that of the small contain larger kershawi was much flower in this study, which could explain The body size of V. flowers in the study. the preference for small flowers. Small, larger than the small bigger the white flowers were the most visited of all The results suggested that the it be visited the combinations, and were significantly flower, the more likely was to different from the other combinations, on the trunk. Under normal circumstances, although not from each other. This indi- a larger flower with sturdier support would a more stable feed- cates that there is no preference by Zizina offer these butterflies labradus to the positioning of flowers on ing platform (Main 1981). be two possible explanations the trunk or branch. There may Vanessa kershawi visited large and medi- for the feeding patterns observed in this suggests that but- um flowers with a slight but not significant study. Thompson (1999) their preference for the trunk, (i Ambrose, terflies tend to be specialised in host plant. This sug- (2000 pers. comm.) suggests that flowers choice of nectar and they he predisposed to that are pollinated by small butterflies may gests that may

25 Vol. 119(1)2002 Research Reports

Table I. The number ol visits per hour made by Tab|e 2. I he number of visits per hour made by Vanessa ketshawi U> each (lower combination. Zizina labradus to each flower combination.

Colour Size Trunk Branch Colour Size Trunk li ranch

yellow s 1,5 2.25 yellow s 2.25 2.5

in 535 2.25 m 1 0.75

1 4.25 2.75 1 0.75 0.25

purple s 1.25 0.25 purple s I 2.25 in 0.25 0.75 m 0.75

1 1 1 0.75

while s 0.5 while S 5.25 5.75

Ml 1 m 1 1.5

1 1.25 0.25 1 0.25 1 .25 select the flower types or characteristics purple (lowers in the wild, including those thai optimise their foraging efficiency. As of Culleri, Hardenbergia and iiovca spp., the preferences for natural hosiplnnts which may or may not have ultraviolet pat-

( match the preferences of the (lowers in the terning (Clarke and Lee l >S7). study, it may be likely thai these recorded The methods used were novel and impro- preferences are adaptive for the ruilterlly vised because there has been limited study species used in this sludy. in this area. There has been no benchmark When foraging lor nectar, butterflies method for Ibis particular area o\' research sometimes exhibit constancy (preference and methods were chosen according to

for .i particular species previously visited) their expected suitability. Other variables and often ignore rewarding llowers of dif- may contribute to the selection of nectar ferent speeies ((ioulsen et al, 1997)< plants, such as the time of day, size and Nectar rewards were constant for all llow- type of nectar reward, shape of flower, ers during Ibis and so did not ultraviolet relleetivity and possibly pollen contribute to the observed differences in volume. Further study should endeavour lo foraging frequencies. Darwin (1859) answer these questions. described bow the learning of handling Conclusion skills by a butterfly for one llower inter- Vanessa kershctwt and Zizina labradus feres with the learning of handling skills prefer (lowers that exhibit a different com- for another. I kindling skills are skills that a bination of characteristics. The characteris- butterfly has bad to learn to feed from a tics preferred by V, kcrshmvi include \ el- llower. For example, a butterfly may have low, medium or large flowers and / to perform mid-flight ""acrobatics' to feed labradus, white, small flowers. These from a particular tubular flower, or must combinations o\' characteristics tend lo land on a certain area of another flower lo 1 match those o\' the butterflies known avoid falling off. The butterflies possibly foodplanls. visited llowers similar to those with which they were familiar and did not ncca" to Acknowledgements learn such handling skills, in the short time I hunks to Graeme Ambrose who supervised this the of study. project, and gave me feedback on the develop- The reflectivity of the paint on the llow- ment of this manuscript, and lo the anonymous ers was not tested in ibis study. The effect reviewer who read and commented on the manu- of ultraviolet reflectivity of the (lowers on script. frequency of visits is mil known. However, References it is known ( visual cues are used to limbs MF (2000) The butterflies oj liisir.i/m. Their attract butterflies lo llowers (Braekenhury Identification, Biology ami Distribution, Vol i. 1995), Colouration ol the artificial (lowers (CSIRO Publishing; Melbourne) tiriiekcnhui'Y J (1995) Insech <">/ was simple, without any ultraviolet pattern- Fhwet'S; A Hio/oyjcti/ Partnership, (BlamUbrd: United Kingdom) ing. Nectar guides were not provided nor Clarke I and I ee II 0987) Name That Flower The were patterns that may be visible on (lowers Identification of Flowering Plains. (Melbourne University Press: Burwood) under ultraviolet light. Zizina labradus visits

26 The Victorian Naturalist ( \mtrihutions

Cl\ne D (2000) Attracting Your Butterflies to Garden, Kilching Rl and Seheermyer I (1999) Foreword. In (Reed New Holland: Sydney) Biology at Australian Hutterflies, pp \\-\\i. I ds RI.

; SJ and Steed I i Coakes G(200l srss \naly$U N ftfoitf Kitching, I*' Sehcermever, RJB .lones and Nl Pierce. Anguish. (John Wiley and Sons: Milton) (CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood)

< and oupar P ( Coupar M 1992), Flying Colours I ow I (2000) Flutterby, butterfly. Nature tustraiia Common Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Moths o) Winter 2000, 24-25

So l nth -cast cm Australia. (New Sen ill Wales Mam AR (l )Sl) Plants as animal lood. In The Bhhgy

I inversiiy Press: Kensington) of Australian I'lanls, pp 342-360. I ds .IS Pale and AJ

CSIRO (1991) The twectsoj lustralto I TexthooH to, McComb. (University of Press: Students and Research Workers, Division of Nedlands, Western Australia) Entomology, CSJRO. (Melbourne Uni\ersiiy Press: Paton DC (1985) Pood supply, population structure, Carlton South) and behaviour ol New Holland lloneyealers Darwin C (1859) The Origin aj Species (Ne* Collier: Phytidonyri&s novaehailandiae in woodland near New York) llursham. Victoria. In Birds of I'ucalypt Forests ana

Ford il\ (1985) A synthesis of the foraging ecology Woodland- Ecofogy, ( onservation and Management, and heha\ loin of birds in euculypi Ibresis and wood pp 124-137. Ids A keasl. II Recher, II Ford and I) lands. In Birds, ot Etteaiypi Forests and Woodland. Saunders. (Surrey Really and Sons Ply I united' Ecology, Conservation and Management, pp 249- RACU I; Chipping Norton)'

I II I 254, ds A keasl. Recher, H ord and D Saunders. ROSSJH (2000) (ed) I Census of the lascular I'lanls Qj

(Surrey lleatty and Sons Ply Ltd RAGl : (hipping I'ictorni, 5 ed. (Royal Botanic Gardens oi Victoria: Norton) Melbourne) (ioulson I), Stout JC and Hawsoti SA (1997) Can Thompson JN ( 1999) What we know and do not know (lower constancy in Declaring butterllies he explained about convolution: insect herbivores and plants as a in Darwin's interference hypothesis? Oecoiagica test case. In Herbivores: Between Plants and 112,225-231. Predators, pp 730 Eds H OK". VK Brown, and KM

Harris J (1993) The life history of the Australian i (rem, (Blackwcfl Science I id: Oxford) Admiral butterfly, Vanessa itca. in the BaNar&l dis- Winston Ml (1987) The Biology of the tfbmrj Bee trict. (Student report. Biological Resource (Harvard University Press: Cambridge)

Management, BalJaral i niversitj College, Ballarat)

Kitchens I.J (1998) Exploring Statistics t Modem Introduction to Data Analyst* ami Inference.

Duxbun Press: (. alitornia)

Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis Chick Attacked by Conspecifies

V Teoh 1 and MA Weston

We report an observation oi~ adult gers that chicks may encounter are note- Hooded Thinornis rubricollis worthy. attacking a flightless chick al Mornington On 30 December 2000 one oi' us (VI} Peninsula National Park. The chick was was conducting a loot patrol along the not seen again, and apparently did not sur- ocean beaches in the Mornington vive to fly, although it is not known Peninsula National Park, between Sorrento whether the attacks contributed to its pre- and Porlsea, Victoria. Al the Franklin sumed death. Causes of mortality in Road access track <3N"2(C S, 144'M.V E), al Hooded Plover chicks are poorly known, Porlsea, a pair of adults attending a young although mortality rates are high (Weston chick was observed (the chick was 1998a, 2000). The eastern population of between 17 and 24 days old). This area is this species is threatened, and is classified used by flocks in winter, and by small as Vulnerable (Garnet! and Crowley 2000). flocks during the breeding season (B

( onsequently, any observations of the dan- Dow ling pers. comm.), A group of six adults was close to the pair and chick. The Parks Moniini'hih Peninsula National Park, Victoria pair attending the chick was aggressive liinton Street. Rosebud, Victoria $939 rhreatcned l*ird Network, Birds Australia National towards the nearby flock, and a number of Office, 415 Rivcrsdale Road. Hawthorn bast, Victoria short aerial chases were observed. In the

JI23 Email: mAveMon a hud .austi a I ia.com.au

Vol. 119(1)2002 27 Contributions confusion, the chick was temporarily sepa- obs.). The observations occurred on a busy rated from its defending parents. Adults Saturday, and so recreationists (or VT) from the Hock ran directly at the chick, and may have displaced the birds, and caused the chick ran away from them. Adults from them to concentrate into one area. the flock also began 'dive-bombing' the Disturbance by humans displaces some chick by flying low and directly at it. birds, including those with broods (Hockin About four such 'dive-bombs' occurred, et al. 1992; Brown and Morris 1995; Hill and the chick was struck twice. The chick et al 1997; Lord et al 1997). Displace-

fell over on each occasion, and each strike ment of breeding Black Skimmers caused feathers to be dislodged from the Rynchops niger to nearby less-disturbed chick. Each time the chick was struck the areas has caused nesting density to attacking adult landed and chased it on increase, and this may have caused an fool Until a parent intervened. During these increased number of territorial disputes attacks the chick piped continuously. which could compromise the survival of

It seemed that the attacks would continue, chicks (Safina and Burger 1983). A similar so when three adults from the flock aggres- displacement, albeit over a shorter time- sively approached the chick, VI intervened span, may have lead to the extreme aggres- in order to give the chick a chance to find sion reported here. shelter (these birds were part of an inten- Acknowledgements sively managed population; see Dowling Thanks to B Dowling and M Urquhart (Parks and Wesion 1999). The chick managed to Victoria). .1 Peter (Birds Australia), Anne hide, ll was evident that the aggression Morton (Assistant Editor) and an anonymous continued between the parents and the referee for their comments on, and contributions (lock after observations ceased. Although to. the publication of this note. The Threatened Bird Network is funded by the Natural Heritage the parents were seen on two subsequent Trust visits (on 5 January 2001 and 18 January 2001), the chick apparently did not survive References Morris (1995) Investigator distur- to Hedge as it was not seen again. Brown KM and RD bance, chick movemenl, and aggressive behaviour In No other reports such aggression to of Ring-hilled Gulls. Wilson Bulletin 107. 140-52. chicks are known to us (Marchant and Dowling B and Wcslon MA (1999) Managing a breed- Higgins 1993). Weston (2000) observed ing population of the Hooded Plover Thinornis ruhri solits in a high-use recreational environment. Bird broods for more than 270 hours and never Conservation international 9. 255-70, recorded any such attacks. In an intensive Garnelt S and Crowley Ci (2000) The Action Plan for Australian Birds. (f nvironment Australia Canberra) 9-year study in the National Park, no such Hill I). Hockin D, Price I). Tucker G, Morris R and attacks have been recorded until now Treweek J (1997) Bird disturbance: improving the (Dowling and Weston 1999; B Dowling quality and utility of disturbance research. Journal of Applied Ecology 34^ 275-88. and M Urquhart pers. comms). The aggres- Hockin I), Ounsied M, Gorman M. Hill D, Keller V sive defence by the parents is common; and Barker MA (1992) Examination of the effects of brood-rearing parents repel intruding con- disturbance on birds with reference to its importance in ecological assessments. Journal of Environmental specifics vigorously, with one observation Management 36, 253-8$. parent 'dive-bombing' and striking an of a Lord A. Waas JR and times J ( 1997) Effects of human intruding adult (Weston 1998b). activity on the behaviour of northern New Zealand Dotterel Chnradnus ohscurus aquttonius chicks. The cause of this aggression is unknown, Biological Conservation 82, 15-20. but we speculate thai displacement of the Marchant S and Higgins PJ (1993) Handbook of Hock occurred, such that territorial aggres- Auslraliaih Sew Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Volume 2. Raptors to . (Oxford University sion escalated to the point where the chick Press: Melbourne)

was attacked. The pair had been in the area Safina C and Burger J (1983) Effects of human distur- since 23 November 2000, and in early bance on reproductive success in the Black Skimmer.

Condor^ I o4-7 1. December a Temporary Beach Closure had Weston VIA ( 1998a) takes Hooded been implemented, so the territory seemed Plover chick. Australian Bird Watcher 17, 266-7 Wesion (l99Xb) Some undescrihed aggressive spatially stable. Observations of colour- MA behaviours, displays and calls of the Hooded Plover banded birds have shown that birds in in Western Australia. West Australian Naturalist 22. flocks consist of non-breeders and some- 105-14.

Wesion MA (20(H)) I he elTeel of human disturbance on times include off-duty, and presumably the breeding biology of Hooded Plovers. territorial, birds pers. breeding (MAW (I 'npublishcd PhD I "he-its. I University of Melbourne)

28 The Victorian Naturalist .


Invertebrates of Mount McKay - a Brief Survey

EJ Grey

Abstract This note reports the results of a brief, small-scale survev of terrestrial invertebrates near Mount McKay in north-east Victoria conducted in October 1999. Survcl) areas, in this sub-alpine /one, included Open Heathland, Tussock Grassland and small Snow Gum pauciftorti patches. The invertebrates were collected in pitfall traps and b\ hand and the greatest numbers were taken in

the more open sites that were exposed to sunshine. (The I ktorian \ annalist 119 (1), 2002, 29-35)

Introduction A combined Field Naturalists Club of Conservation Council 1977), and Victoria and Victorian National Parks Swarbriek (1946) gives notes on some o[ Association expedition to Mount McKay the 50 species of insects collected by hand was held over the period 29 Oetober- at Ml Buffalo over a period of two weeks. 2 November 1999. The purpose was to Methods increase appreciation and knowledge of the Mount McKay forms pail of the Bogong ecology, geology. Flora and fauna of the High Plains in the Victorian High Country area in view of its proposed excision from and lies approximately 2 km south of Falls the , a decision that Creek Village. Vegetation varies from has since been rescinded (Parliament of Open Heathland through Closed Heathland Victoria 2001). to Tussock Grassland with small patches A small-scale surv-ey of terrestrial inver- of Snow Gums. Rocky outcrops are also a tebrate fauna was undertaken as part of the feature. expedition. Two sites were sampled by pit- I he two sites chosen for pitfall trapping fall trapping, and direct hand collecting each comprised three distinct vegetation was carried out over several areas around Mount McKay. types: 1. Snow Gum Eucalyptus paucifiora At the time of the expedition, inverte- patches with exposed granite outcrops. brate activity would have just started to Open Heath species also occurred with increase after the winter months. From this grassy, open spaces between shrubs. point of view a later time, perhaps Januaiy 2. Open Heath with Phcbaliitm xqitamulo- would have produced greater numbers siim subsp. alpinum (in flower) and (Green 1997). Mountain Beard Heath Leucopogon A short search of the literature indicated hookcri. Other species most likely pre- there were few studies of ground dwelling sent but not identified would have includ- invertebrates of the Australian high coun- ed Grevilica aitstralis, Alpine llovea try. The most comprehensive general dis- Hovca morUana, and Alpine Orites Oritcs cussion of invertebrates in these areas is hy lanclfolia (, Green and Osborne (1994), while Green Vegetation Map and Guide to Alpine (1997) details survey results from pitfall flora. Pretty Valley Sheet); trapping over a lengthy period in the 3. I ussock Grassland with Soft Snow Grass Snowy Mountains, particularly emphasis- Poa hiemata and Ranunculus sp. (in ing the seasonal and altitudinal variations. [lower) (Bogong High Plains Vegetation Osborne et at- (1978) listed invertebrates Map and Guide to Alpine Flora; Willis et collected from the snow surface in ul. 1975). National Park and Green (1982) The two sites were located near access reported the results of pitfall trapping roads Its the east of Mount Mckay and both beneath the snow, from the same area. 1 had elevations c. 1500 m ASL The first site \ survev of "sub-alpine woodland con- established (site A in this article) was locat- ducted in" 1973/1974 in Victoria listed 51 , ed ai 36°52*38* S 147°14 45" B, and the invertebrate families from 7 orders (Land , second (site B) at 36*52*54" S I47°l5 0n:. At each site, the three distinct habitat types

' i i ri i

Vol. 119(1)2002 29 Contributions

were a short distance apart, separated by Tuble 1. Mt Hotham Weather Station. Data for some 20-30 m and with little difference in October and November 1999. altitude. Oct Nov Direct hand collecting was done at a 1999 1999 number of areas around the vicinity of Mean daily maximum Mount McKay. The results section records 8.0 8.1 temperature °C where the specimens were found. Mean daily minimum 1.8 1.4 At the pitfall trapping sites A and B, temperature °C three lines of six traps were set with one Highest temperature °C 15.6 15.4 line in each habitat type. Each line was Lowest temperature °C -5.4 -6.5 Mean monthly rainfall numbered: I, Snow Gum patch; 2, Open mm 29.2 137.6 Heathland; 3, Tussock Grassland. Plastic coffee cups of 200 ml capacity, height 80 level, and all other invertebrates to order mm and top diameter 72 mm were used for (sometimes class or phylum). The keys the traps. Each trap was dug in flush with used for identification included: the ground and 30 ml of preserving fluid (Andersen 1991; Greenslade 1979; was placed in each. The preserving fluid Shattuck 1999); (Moore 1980); spi- was a 50/50 mixture of ethylene glycol and ders (Davies 1986); and all other inverte- 70% ethanol. The pitfall traps were open brates (Harvey and Yen 1989). for four days from 28 October (the day Results they were dug in) to 1 November 1999. The material trapped in each of the six The weather during this period was vari- traps per line was pooled to give able with cool, sunny days, one night with one sam- ple for that site, e.g. Al contains severe frost, and some rain. A maximum/ all mater- ial from the six traps in the minimum thermometer and a rain gauge Snow Gum patch at Site A. Table 2 is were set up at Site A. The thermometer a list of the total numbers of invertebrates per pitfall was suspended from a Snow Gum branch, trap line. and the rain gauge was attached to a star The most numerous groups were picket. Over the sampling period, the found in "Other orders', and recorded shade temperature range was -3° while Plies (Diptera) made up most of the numbers, Springtails to +13°C and 40 mm of rain" fell. The (Collembola) were very weather observations for Site A were abundant at site Bl with an estimated number of assumed to apply to Site B as the sites 10,000 individuals (see note in Table were less than one kilometre apart, had 6). The numbers of Ants () westerly aspects and were roughly at the caught in same elevation. the pitfall traps are shown in Table 3. The ants were identified For comparison, weather data for the to genus (indicated as months of October and November 1999 sp.), to species group (as shown by species were obtained from the Bureau of in inverted commas) or, in some cases, to species. Meteorology for Mt Hotham, the nearest A total of eight genera from four sub- recording site (Table 1). Mt Hotham is sit- families was recorded from uated c. 15 km south-west of Mt McKay the pitfall traps. The largest number were from the and has an elevation of 1849 m, which is Dolichoderinae (92%) with one approximately 350 m higher than the site species group at Mt McKay. Anonychomyrma 'itinerant' making up 96% of the sub-family. Hand collection was carried out at ran- The Dolichoderinae are dom and no attempt was made to regulate generalist preda- tors and favoured the the time spent in this activity, or the num- Open Heath and Tussock Grassland bcr of people involved. Invertebrates were habitats. These ants are characteristic of open and collected from vegetation, under rocks and sunny places (Andersen 1991). However, the from streams, and each person kept a note large num- bers found in the of the habitat for each sample. Tussock Grassland (site A3) may be associated with At a later date, identification of ants was a large nest (or nests) or a foraging to genus (species or species group where trail. Shattuck (1999) notes that nest sizes for possible); beetles and spiders to family Anonychomyrma

30 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Table 2. Total numbers of invertebrates collected in pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open Heath Tussock Grassland Site Al Bl A2 B2 A3 B3

Ants (hhmenoptera) IS 7 52 40 259 5 Beetles "(Coleoptera) 19 13 40 33 23 15 Spiders (Araneae) 5 4 17 3 20 15 Other Orders 85 10,293 367 500 267 324

Table 3. Total ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) in the pitfall traps. Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open Heath Tussock Grassland Site Al Bl A2 B2 A3 B3

Myrmicinae Aphaenogaster sp. MonutHorium sp. Pheidole sp. 6 Ponerinae Amblyopone australis Dolichoderinac

' 'iiincrnns 52 259 . {/loinxhomvnnu sp. 12 Formicinae Plagiolepsis sp. Prolushis sp.

' of the "uincrans range from 500 to tens of thou- numerous group, making up 69% collected. The sands of workers. total number of beetles most abundant The maximum temperature o\^ 13°C Ground Beetles were the most were found in the Open recorded during the survey is at the lower family and Grassland. These bee- ievel for functioning with 10°C being Heath and Tussock on smaller and the limit for any functioning al all tles (and their larvae) feed larvae of other (llolldobler and Wilson 1990, 1994), weaker insects as well as on Dolichoderinae genera invertebrates. They use their strong jaws I herefore, the two crushing their vic- must have adapted to foraging in these for seizing, tearing and 1987). cool conditions, although the temperatures tims (Hawkeswood Ihe second group is the herbivores, at the ground surface and certainly within encompass those that, as adults or the nest would have been higher than the which well as dead or shade temperatures measured. On the other larvae, feed on living, as plant material - Longicom hand, specialist cool climate ants, in this decaying Leaf Beetles case Motwmoriuw, Plagiolepsis and Beetles (Cerambycidae), and Weevils (Cureulion- ProiasiuSi were not notably abundant in (Chrysomelidae) idae). this survey (Andersen 1990). Click Beetles (Hlateridac) can be included Table 4 lists the beetles (Coleoptera) found in both groups since larvae of some mem- in ihe pitfall traps. Identification was to fam- bers of this family are plant feeders while ily level. However, the key used (Moore insect larvae (Mathews 1985). 1980) was not applicable for beetles smaller others eat Pitfall trapping favours the ground than 3 mm. and so were classed as 'undeter- 1 hence larger numbers of mined specimens. dwelling families, Beetles, Rove Beetles and Weevils Ihe beclle families found in this survey Ground and Osborne 1994). can be divided into two main groups. The (Green that The greatest spider abundance came from first group is those adults and larvae food. the Open Heath and Tussock Grassland ret) on living prey or carrion for Most of the spiders caught in the These are the predators - the Ground habitats. traps were from ground-dwelling Beetles (Carabidae), Pselaphidac and Rove pitfall and this reflects the method used Beetles (Staphylinidae) and are the most families

31 Vol. 119(1)2002 Contributions

Table 4. Total beetles (Coleoptcra) in the r thrall traps.

Habitat Snow Gum l*Ji tch Opt n Heath Tusso<:kG assland Site Al Bl A2 B2 A3 B3 Family Carabidaa ((Jround Beetles) 5 6 31 26 17 5 - - - - Cerambycidae (Longhorn Beetles) 4 I - - - - Chrysomelidae (Leal' Beetles) 1 3 - Curcutionidae (Weevils) 3 6 6 1 3 - - - - Klatertdae (Click Beetles) 1 1 Psclaphidac - - - - - 2 Staphylinidae (Rove Beetles) 5 7 - - - - Undetermined 5 - 2 - 5 2

Table 5. Total spiders (Araneae) in the pili all traps.

Habitat Snow G mi Patch Open Heath Tussock G rassland Site \l III A2 B2 A3 B3 Family - - - - - Mygalomorphae 1 lexaihelidac 1 Nemesiidae 5 - - - *

_ _ _ Araneomorphae (inapliosidae _ 10 1 - - - - - Hadrotarsidae 1

Lyeosidae (Wo If Spider) 2 7 2 1 6 Milurgidae 3 9 - - IS 8

for sampling. Spiders that spend their lives Mekeown 1942) and possibly the rain al above ground level the web builders and the lime of the survey influenced the num- other foliage-dwelling speeies - are unlike- bers of Collembola from site Bl.

ly to be found in pitfall traps. Table 5 lists, The large number of Hies (Diptera) are in families, the spiders found. difficult to explain, although the cold to Three families, the (inapliosidae, cool weather may have inhibited their fly- Miturgidae and Lyeosidae, comprised the ing and kept them on the ground. bulk of the specimens. All of these fami- Although opportunistic and unregulated, lies arc active, open-range hunters preying hand collecting (from foliage, under litter on a variety of invertebrate fauna including and rocks, and in one ease from a stream), crickets, locusts and other spiders (Brunei discovered members of the orders shown 19%). in Table 7.

The single member of the I lexaihelidac The Wolf Spider (Lyeosidae) was teased comes from the family thai includes the from its burrow with a grass stem, the bur- Sydney Funnel Web spider, but our speci- row scaled with a knife and the spider cap- men is not this species. lured on the ground surface. Table 6 gives an indication of the variety Further observations of invertebrate fauna found by pitfall trap- One interesting observation was the num- ping. Only adults from all the orders were ber of mating pairs of the Mountain found in the traps, and larvae were notice- Spotted Grasshopper Monistria concinua ably absent. Most of the material was iden- that were seen on roads and in the bush tified to order level, although one cen- while inspecting pit-fall traps and during tipede could only be identified to class. hand collecting. These are large grasshop- The Hies (Diptera) and mites (Acarina) pers with bright yellow spots on the body were the most abundant orders, although at and a pale streak extending from the body one site in the Snow Gum Patch habitat an to under the eye. The female is nearly dou- estimated 10,000 springtails (Collembola) ble the length of the male and both are were collected. Mites and Collembola have t brachypterous\ i.e. lacking functional both been recorded in large numbers in wings (Green and Osborne 1994). The alpine areas (Green and Osborne 1994;

32 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

* Table 6. Total 'other invertebrates in the pit fa II traps.

Habitat Snow Gum Patch Open H eath Tussock Grassland Site Al Bl A2 B2 A3 B3 Order/Phylum Acarina (Mites) 42 4 27 28 59 2 Amphipoda (Amphipods) 6 18 9 1 1 3 Ph\Ium - Annelida (Worms) - _ 2 _ . _

Blattodea (Cockroaehes) 1 _ _ 1 1 1 Class - Chilopoda {Centipedes) - . . _ _ 1

Lithobiida _ (Centipedes) 1 1 1 1 I

; Collembola (Springtails) 4 10,000 3 II 2 3 Diplura (Diplurans) - 2 - . _ _ Diptera (Flies) 205 249 314 390 173 294

Haplotaxida ( 1 - - Earthworms) 2 1 7 Hemiptera (Bugs) 3 5 13 20 21 12 - _ _ Hymenoptera (Wasps, Bees) 2 1 4 Isopoda (Slaters) - -) - - - _ Opilionida - (Harvestmen) 3 6 1 28 1 - - - - (Grasshoppers) 8 1 - - - _ Platyhelminthes () 1 _ Polydesmida (Millipedes) - - - 3 - - Polvzoniida (Millipedes) - 2 - - - - Sphaerotheriida (Millipedes) 4 - - - - - S> niphyla (Symphylans) - - - 3 ------i Undetermined 4 1

* estimated by counting a fraction of the sampl e and mult iplying to arrive alan approximate total.

Mountain Spotted Grasshopper has the are usually built as an aid to regulating the ability to overwinter at any stage of devel- colony temperature and moderating opment from the third instar to adult by extremes, an advantage in this situation entering diapause. This is the reason for (Holldoblcr and Wilson 1990). These ants such an early appearance of adult were members of the genus Iridomyrmcx Mountain Spotted Grasshoppers and their (sub-family Dolichoderinae), a large genus mating at this time. noted for occupying both 'the driest and Another part of our work took us into the wettest of snow country environments" sphagnum bogs in Pretty Valley at the (Green and Osborne 1994). headwaters of Pretty Valley Creek. Here It is interesting to note that the ant we noticed two types of terrestrial inverte- species from the Dolichoderinae found in brates living in a wet environment. The the pitfall traps did not appear to have built first was the presence in the sphagnum mounds as none was sighted and they are beds of a number of spider holes, which normally quite visible. were 30-40 mm diameter and closed with a Discussion dome-shaped web. These were taken to he In spite of the cool weather and early (for the retreats of Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae), invertebrates) season, a variety of inverte- and Main (1984) notes that 'some species brates from 25 orders were recorded in this occur in bogs'. The only other likely spider brief survey. Thus, the indication is that a family to be found in this situation would rich and diverse invertebrate fauna inhabits be the Water Spiders (Pisauridae) and, in this area. Further detailed surveys over particular, the genus Dotomedes, However, longer periods and including summer these spiders do not build a retreat or bur- would be necessary before firm conclu- roM (Main 1984). sions can be made about the invertebrate The second was the surprising presence fauna of Mt McKay. of many ant nests in the bogs. 1 hese con- The results of a survey of invertebrates sisted of mounds constructed of vegetation from a low sub-alpine (1680 m ASI.) site fragments, largely sphagnum moss, that in the Snowy Mountains were given in were raised above the water level. Mounds

Vol. 119(1)2002 33 Contributions

Table 7. Specimens caught from hand collection. Habitat key: UR, under rock; OV, on vegetation RS, at road-side; 1C, in cascade; OH, open heath; FB, from burrow. Order Family Genus/Species Habitat/Location Group/Species UR OV RS IC OH FB Amphipoda Araneae Araneidae Gnaphosidae Lycosidae Micopholeommatidae Miturgidae Nicodamidae Symphytognathidae Zodariidae Blattodea Coleoptera Carabidae Chrysomeledae Curculionidae Tenebrionidae Diptera Ephemeroptera () Hymenoptera Formicidae A/nblyopone Hypoponeru Arumychomyrma

' 'itinerans Myrmecia pilosula Isopoda Odonala (nymphal case) Orthoplera Hemiptera Plecoptera (larva) Polvdesmida

Green (1997). Table 8 compares the inverte- results, for selected groups, from this study Table 8. Comparative results from two brate studies shown as percentage contribution with those from the work at Mt McKay. It by numbers for selected groups. is interesting that the two sets of results are Contribution quite comparable, despite the difference in % total numbers, and emphasise the influence Low sub- Mt McKay of Collembola on invertebrate fauna com- alpine area (1999) (Green 1997) position in these areas. One interesting question that further Coleoptera 1.3 1.1 2.1 3.0 work on ants might answer is why in this Hymenoptera Araneae 1.8 0.5 survey there was a virtual absence of cold Collembola 80.1 79.4 specialists species climate {Monomorium Diptera 9.6 12.9 spp.j Notoncus spp. and Prolasius spp.). Acarina 1.1 1.3 From previous studies (Andersen 1990) Total 1,068 12,616 these would have been expected to make up a substantial proportion of the ant fauna. species and opportunists such as Another point relating to ants which Rhytidoponera spp. and Paratrechina spp. requires further work is to understand how are the most common ants. The results the ant communities are interrelated at Ml from this survey do not bear this out and McKay. Other work has indicated that possibly a different community organisa- Dolichoderinae species, which include tion exists at Mt McKay where Anonyckomyrma and Iridomyrmew play a Dolichoderinae were found to be the most less dominant role and arc less abundant in abundant family. cooler climate communities (Andersen The results of this limited survey give 1990). In these communities, cold climate some indication that the Mt McKay habitat

34 The Victorian Naturalist .


is relatively undisturbed because of the Green K and Osborne W (1994) Wildlife of the Australian Snow Country. (Reed Books: absence of opportunistic ant species that C'halswood) Greenslade PJM (1979)' A Guide to Ants of South are characteristic of disturbed areas Australia. (South Australian Museum: Adelaide) (Andersen 1990). However, additional Harvey MS and Yen At. (1989) Worms to Hasps: An 111 ust ruled Guide to Australia \s Terrestrial work on this point is also needed. Invertebrates. (Oxford University Press: South Melbourne) Acknowledgements llawkeswood T (1987) Beetles oj Australia. (Angus The collecting was done under Flora and Fauna and Robertson: Svdnev) Permit Number 10000715. Thanks are due to Holldobler B and Wilson EO (1990) The Ants. (The members of the Field Naturalists Club of Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Victoria and Victorian National Parks Massachusetts) Holldobler B and Wilson F.O (1994) Journey to the Association who helped with the fieldwork ,\\m\ Ants. (The Belknap Press of Harvard University subsequent identification, to for and Ian Bell Press: Massachusetts) providing weather bureau data. Special thanks I and Conservation Council (1977). Report on the go to Erich and Hlsbeth Sacco and Patricia Gre\ Alpine Study Area. (Land Conservation Council: for their assistance in setting up the pit-fall lines. Melbourne) An early draft of this article was much improved Main BY (1984) Spiders. (William Collins Ply Ltd: Sydney] by the comments of an anonymous referee.

Mathews LCJ ( 1985) A Guide to the Genera oj Beetles oj 4. References Part {South Australian Museum: Adelaide) Andersen AM (1990) The use of ani communities 10 VkKeovvn K.C (1942) Australian Inseets. (Royal evaluate change in Australian ecosystems: terrestrial Zoological Society of New South Wales: Svdnev) a review and a recipe. Proceedings a/the Bcological Moore BP (I9K())',( Guide lo the Beetles' of South- Social) oj'Australia 16. 347-357. Eastern Australia. (Australian I nlomologieal Press:

Andersen The Ants Australia \ AN (1991) oj Southern Sydney) Guide to the B&ssian Fauna, (Commonwealth Osborne" W, Preece M. Green K and (ireen M (1978) Scientific and Industrial Organisation: Research East Gungarton: A Winter Fauna Survey above 1500 Melbourne) metres. The Victorian Xatitra/rst 95. 226-235. Bogong High Plains Vegetation Map and Guide to Parliament of Victoria (2001) Land (Further Alpine Flora. Pretty Valley Sheet. (nd| (Victorian Revocation oj Reservations) Act 2001 Const/Nation Trust) Shattuck SO ( 1999) Australian tuts. Their Bioloev and Brunei B (I99f>) Spiderwatch: A Guide to Australian Identification, f Commonwealth Scientific and Spiders, (Reed Rooks: Australia) Industrial Research Organisation: Collingvvood) Davles VI (1986) Australian Spiders: Collection, Swarbrick L ( 1946) Notes on insect life at Ml Buffalo. Preservation and Identification. (Oucensland The Victorian Xaturn/ist 63. 19-23. Museum Booklet 14) Willis Jll. 1 uhrer BA and Rotherham LR (1975) i-'teld Green IC (1982) Notes on winter-active invertebrates Guide to the Flowers and Plants of Victoria. (All beneath the snow. The Victorian \afuralist 99. 144- and AW Keed Ptv Ltd: Svdnev) 146. Green K (1997) Inter-annual, seasonal and ulliuidinal differences in invertebrate activity in the Sium\

Mountains. The Victorian Naturalist 1 14. 222^229.

Vale Alexander Clifford Beauglehole oam

Club members will be saddened to learn of the death of Cliff Beauglehole

in January 2002. Cliff made enormous contributions to our knowledge of

the distribution and conservation of Victorian plants. I le was also a recipi- ent of the Australian Natural History Medallion. A tribute to Cliff will

appear in a later issue.

For assistance with the preparalion of this issue, thanks to Karen Dobson (label printing), Dorothy Mahler {administrative assistance) and Phil Bock (web page).

Vol. 119(1)2002 35 Naturalist in the Mountains

The Biodiversity Blitz

I here is something very satisfying about aquatic fauna and flora, soil invertebrates, seeing a group of experts in their own snowbank invertebrates, spiders, velvet Fields enihiisccl by being together with worms, vascular plants, horticultural like-minded people, their only task to go plants, fungi, mycorrhi/al fungi, lichens, out and explore. This was the seene at mosses, liverworts and snow algae. The Isoseius/ko National Park on the weekend public was invited to participate and vol-

of I?- 1 S January when a 'Biodiversity unteers were on hand to help with sam-

1 1 Rlil/ was held over 24 hours. It was the pling and also to enjoy the 'show and tell lirsl major event held in Australia to cele- held in the Thrcdbo Community Mall at the brate the International Year of Mountains. completion of the 24 hours. The concept of a Biodiversity Blitz origi- Timing was always going to be a prob-

nated in Germany, where it is a eommon lem; there is, for example, a predictable event, and spread to Switzerland in 2000, sequence of insect emergence in the moun-

where it was sponsored hy the German tains and many adults are gone long before journal Geo. The lask is to document every others emerge. We were never going to be

species of living thing within a defined in I he right place at the right time for aiea over a 21 hour period. The Swiss everything the annual grasshoppers 1 event Alp Blix was held near Chur and Koscittscola had only reached their first was organised hy .liirg Midler from the instar whereas the Mountain spotted Natural History Museum at Chur (well Grasshoppers Monistfict conclnftQ were

worth ii visit!). I arrived at Chur after the well represented by all instars. Many of the event luil the continuing enthusiasm of herbs were in flower but we were about .liirg and the results published in lull colour three weeks loo early for (he grasses.

1 in '(ieo sparked my interest. hollowing the early spring thaw in the Because we needed accommodation and mountains, the following cool stretch

because it is the International Year of right up to snowfalls on Boxing Day Mountains, the blitz was set up to look at meant that snowbanks were still large and, the biodiversity between our accommoda- with the shining on them, snow algae tion at Thrcdbo at 1100 m altitude and the were blooming and warm conditions and summit of Ml Koseiu/sko at 222S m a strong winds just before the blitz dumped total o!"27 square kilometres, rather big but many insects on the snow surface ready to

at least it had something for everybody. be collected. Warm nights also aided the (ielling so many experts together in one entomologists with their insect traps. place for one weekend involved a lot of Some species were easy to tick off organisation,, not made easier as the date (Crimson and Snow Gums were approached by the fires that started in never going to be a problem!). Ticking oil NSW around Christmas and look myself the was a simpler job than expect- and most i»l the local National Parks and ed with a visit to the pool just below the Wildlife Service staff out of the running for a good purl of the time. There were logistical problems loo; how to find a punl

and then gel it onlo Australia's highest

w ater bod\ I ake Cootapalamba.

Victoria's Depart men I o\ Natural Resources and Environment solved the firsl problem and Brian Timms, who has worked on the lakes for man\ years, pro- vided the muscle for the latter. In all, 71 people participated, with experts in birds, (and other beasts), Biologists sorting the catch from I ake insects, eollembola. and , fish, Cootopatamba,

36 The Victorian Naturalist e

Naturalist in the Mountains

bite and have to strike like snakes whereas modern spiders bite horizontally. Ted Edwards, who spent ten or so days in the area, collected an estimated 400 moth species including one last caught in 1922. Another moth was previously collected only once from Kosciuszko, the remaining specimens known only from and Mt Buffalo. One new species was found, and another moth of interest was a larva of a Bogong Moth which turned up in a soil Brian Timms leads out with the Victorian punt sample. Other insects of interest were para- above Lake Cootapatamba. sitic Hies found remote from their hosts. Thredbo Community Centre which result- Among rarities, with a little adjustment ed in a sighting within two minutes. To of the boundaries, we were able to include complete the monotremes, an Echidna one of the last ten known ponds in NSW wandered across the village green through containing the endangered Alpine Tree groups of holiday makers. Even when sur- Liioria vcrrcuxii alpina, but it has been a rounded by people it didn't go into its long time since a Corroborree Frog has defensive dig-in mode hut carried on its been seen anywhere near the search area. way. Among the rarer species, Mountain Thanks to the work of Alec Costin et ai Pygmy-possums and a Broad-toothed Rat (their Kosciuszko Alpine Flora was were caught on the summit of Mt reviewed in volume 118 of The Victorian Kosciuszko. Just down from the summit in Naturalist)^ there were no surprises among the cross-drains beneath the walking track, the native vascular plants but we await the the Mountain Galaxias Calaxias olidus identification of mosses, lichens and liver- showed which was Australia's highest fish. worts where there may be some new the task One intrepid researcher was given species. of documenting the feral fish using a dry A report on the event with species lists fly (Brown were confirmed). will be published in t i m e fo r I h Bats presented a problem. It was eus\ Internationa! Year of the Mountains enough to set harp traps in flightways ( onference in November this year. through the trees but above the treeline Published by the Cooperative Research to used. anabat detectors had be The Centre for Sustainable Tourism (Griffith Bat. Chocolate Wattled Lesser Long-eared University) and the Australian Institute of Bat and Southern Forest Bat were all Alpine Studies, it will contain the methods caught and the White-striped Kreetail Bat and the locations and where possible, a Wattled Bat were identified and Gould's complete species list as well as any inter- their calls. from esting findings to come out of the blitz. were Dead male alpine funnel webs Despite the complexity of the organisa- brought in by the public, their bodies are a tion it was good once again to participate sight in January (nearly as com- common in an effort to document simpl> what is out monly seen as the males at night in 25"' there as I creep towards my anniver- across the grass- December as they wander sary of naturalising in the mountains. land in search of females). It took a little more effort to find live funnel webs, but a Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service live female was keen to demonstrate the PO Box 2228. Jjndabyne, NSW 2627 difference between modern and primitive spiders. Primitive spiders have a vertical

Editors 1 Note: To help celebrate the United Nations International Year of Mountains, Ken Green will be our 'Naturalist in the Mountains' during 2002. We look forward to publishing Ken's contributions about our mountain environments throughout the year.

Vol. 119(1)2002 37 .


Australian Natural History Medallion 2001

Alan Bridson Cribb

The winner of the 2001 Australian Dr Cribb has recorded his considerable Natural History Medallion was Dr Alan research activities in a total of 149 papers Cribb, nominated by The and articles, 134 as sole author, and pub- Naturalists' Club for an outstanding con- lished six books, four jointly with his tribution to natural history over a period of wife. Joan. His two books are Marine fifty years, culminating in his publication Algae of the Southern Great Barrier Reef of the field guide Seaweeds of Part I. Rhodophyta and the Seaweeds of' Queensland. The nomination was support- Queens/and. He has described a number ed by The Royal Geographical Society of of new species (24 algae, 14 marine fungi, Queensland for Dr Cribb's contribution to one ). Alan and his wife four major expeditions, being involved in kindled the current interest in native food research project selection, overseeing the which had hitherto been overlooked by the quality of submitted reports and refereeing scientific community and general public. submitted papers. He attended the expedi- In 1997 the Queensland Natural History tions to Cape York in the Wet Season and Award was presented to Dr Cribb for his awareness and to the I. awn 1 1 1 11 National Park. many contributions toward Alan Bridson Cribb graduated with a knowledge of natural history in BSe from the University of Queensland in Queensland. In addition to his academic c at the I )48 and subsequently gained a Masters achievements he introduced a course degree and PhD from the same university University of Queensland especially to From the year of his graduation until 1988 provide an appreciation of botany for non- he held positions at the University of scientists. This theme was always present Queensland except for a short time with in his talks to natural history groups and to CS1R fisheries early in his career, lie was the public through radio and newspaper in turn, demonstrator, lecturer, senior lec- articles. He has led many field excursions turer and finally Head of the Botany for the Queensland Naturalists' Club and Department. other groups and is a much appreciated Dr Cribb is an authority in marine and exhibitor at Club meetings. In retirement freshwater algae concentrating on systcm- since 1988, he has continued to promote atics of the Queensland flora, marine and public awareness of the contribution of terrestrial vegetation of the southern part plants to human welfare and their impor- of the Great Barrier Reef, and marine tance and role in biodiversity. fungi. Voucher specimens from his Dr Cribb has held membership of a num- research form the bulk of the reference ber of professional and natural history collection at the Queensland Herbarium. societies within the State, nationally and In association with his responsibilities for internationally. This included the positions teaching the principles of botany and biol- of Editor and President for the Queensland ogy of terrestrial plants, Alan Cribb has Naturalists' Club and twenty vears on the contributed significantly to the documen- council of the Great Barrier Reef tation of the distribution of Queensland Committee. He was elected fellow of the flora by the provision of numerous cheek- Phycological Society (). lists of plants for the National Parks and In the area of conservation, Alan Cribb Wildlife Service. Many of these record has put his expertise to good use b\ new species or extensions of range. His preparing submissions to relevant authori- work on the Great Barrier Reef led to a ties. These have included reports and evi- scheme of classification for the inlertidal dence to the Royal Commission on reef and several papers on the algal ecolo- Petroleum Drilling on the Great Barrier gy of the area. Reef, the zoning of the Capricornia see-

38 The Victorian Naturalist Tribute tion of the Great Barrier Reef Marine tions to botany, marine biology and con-

Park, and the revegetation of North servation, he is a worthy recipient of the Stradbroke Island after sand mining. 2001 Australian Natural History There are many people, not only mem- Medallion. bers of the QNC hut also the public in Ian Endersby general, are indebted to Alan who Dr 56 Looker Road Cribb for new knowledge and understand- Montmorency, Victoria 3094 ing of natural history. For his contribu-

Graham Martin Pizzey

4 July 1930 - 12 November 2001

A note of sadness was struck at the pre- warden of the wildlife sanctuary at sentation of the Australian Natural History Coolart, on Westemport Bay, greatly Medallion on 12 November 2001, when appreciating the opportunity of involving Tom May, after welcoming some previous the public in the development of this Medallionists, announced that Graham important site, following this, in Pizzey had died that day. Graham Pi//c> 1984, he and his wife, Sue, began a search was awarded the Australian Natural which led ultimately to their acquiring a History Medallion in 1986, in recognition piece of natural bushland near Dunkeld, in of his long involvement with natural histo- the Grampians, where, as he described in ry and conservation, and his work in shar- articles in The Age, they could live and ing this knowledge, through words and observe nature, and provide an opportunity photographs, with the general public. He for paying guests to share in this experience. contributed a regular natural history col- Although the move to Dunkeld meant in 1 that no longer participated umn to The Age from I 954 to 965 and to Graham The Herald from 1965 to 1983. The impor- many o( the organisations with which he tance of ecology and the need for conser- had been involved, he continued as hon- vation were reflected in the address he orary ornithologist to the Museum of gave to the Club on receiving the Victoria, and up until the time of his death Medallion. Too many people were he was working on the protection of the unaware ol~ the natural world, being Brolga in western Victoria. focussed on material things, and the gap Birds were Graham Pizzey "s major inter- Field between them and those that appreciated it est and his authoritative book, A was wide, and he emphasised the need to Guide to the Birds of Australia, meticu-

1 develop a 'land ethic whereby people saw lously researched and illustrated over 15 themselves as belonging to the land rather years, was published in 1980. It ran to 14 completely revised, than its being something to be exploited. editions; the latest, Graham Pizzey played a significant part appeared in 1997 and became a bestseller. of the in the campaign to protect the Little Desert Graham Pizzey was a member Naturalists Club Victoria from in the late 1960s, and in the conservation Field of movement which culminated in the estab- 1962 to 1 994. lishment of the Land Conservation Council Sheila in 1971, which led to a great increase in Houghton

1 1 Scenic Court, < iisborne land across the State. He was a protected Victoria 3437 member of the National Parks Authority from 1967-1971. In 1981 he was appointed

Vol. 119(1)2002 39 Book Review

Wyperfeld: Australia's First Mallee National Park

by Geoff Durham

Publisher: friends of Wyperfeld National Park hie.. Elstemwick, Victoria, 2001. Paperback, viii + 200 pp (including maps, black & white, and colour photographs, and eleven appendices). ISBN 646 40101 7. RRP $25.00.

On the cover of this book is a picture of Wyperfeld: Australia's First Mallee the setting sun silhouetting a kangaroo and National Park is as handsome, accessible. her joey. Red light catches the hair around concise and informative a manual as any- her body and the grass at her feet, broken up one could wish to see, and one that no visi- only by the long shadows cast by tree trunks tor to the Park will wish to be without. behind her. It is a scene recalled with plea- Durham has presented an absorbing story sure by campers in any of the Mallee of the Park in 15 chapters accompanied by national parks of northern Victoria. The numerous photos, maps and diagrams, all solitude, and remoteness, the ancient land- carefully laid out by Leon Costermans. scape, the regular sightings of large fauna, There are eleven appendices at the end of the colourful sunsets followed by brilliant the book (including lists of plants and ani- starry skies on clear nights are all attractions mals and an explanation of place names), a to travel to these wonderful places. bibliography and a comprehensive index. Wyperfeld National Park was, as the title The first part of the book deals with the

of the book says. Australia's first Malice history of the Park. It includes information national park. It started life as a 9,600 acre on diverse topics such as the land, its peo- (3,885 ha) reservation in 1909 and has been ple and wild life, which Durham weaves added to a dozen times subsequently, with together skilfully into a sustained narra- the latest addition in 1992, making it, at tive. The Wotjobaluk were dispossessed of 357,097 ha, the third largest national park their land when the first settlers arrived in in Victoria (behind the Alpine and Murray- the area in 1848. Within 50 years Sunset National Parks). Wyperfeld lies in Wotjobaluk culture was shattered and the the north-western part of Victoria in an area land also changed irrevocably. The birds, known as the Mallee and is dominated by however (including the Mallee Fowl), Mallee vegetation. The original section of were still sufficiently abundant at the end the Park was in the parish of Wyperfeld but of the century to attract the notice of field the origin of that name is obscure. naturalists and these visitors were the dri- My father, Ian Maroske, was a member ving force in getting the first piece of land of the Committee of Management of reserved as a park in 1909. Wyperfeld National Park (later Advisory Durham's chapters on natural history are Committee) from 1959 to 1993 when he particularly good. In chapter four he retired as Chairman. He joined after describes the three seasons of the Park, dry, curiosity about the large blanks on maps of cold and breeding, and the ways in which north-western Victoria led him to explore organisms have adapted to live through the area. In his more than thirty years of them. Settlement has more often than not service he visited the Park numerous times disrupted these relationships. Exotic pests, and his delight in what he saw never large bush fires, reduced water flows and dimmed, nor his wish to share that plea- so on have all created management prob- sure with others. His papers on the Park lems. For example, Cypress Pines burnt out are now held at the State Library of around Lake Brimin in 1946 showed no Victoria, and include information for a signs of regenerating naturally due to over- book that he was never able to publish. grazing by rabbits as well as kangaroos. If he had lived to see the use that Geoff They have been replanted by hand and net- Durham has made of these and other mate- ted to protect them, the nets only recently rials he would have been very gratified. having been removed.

40 The Victorian Naturalist Book Review

In part two of the book, four distinctive I have many wonderful memories of regions of the Park are described in detail: Wyperfeld National Park. As a child I the flood plain, Pine Plains, the eastern recall the approach through seemingly interface and the western wilderness. The interminable cleared land to the south. At flood plain is the termination of the last the rustic gateway (no longer extant) Wimmera River and splits the Park in two would appear in front of the car and we from south to north. Floods are now rare in would pass through into the bush with evi- the Park and one of my cherished memo- dence of European settlement rapidly ries is of swimming in Outlet Creek in receding. We followed a ribbon of Black 1976 (the last time that water reached the Box along the course of Outlet Creek to Park). The northern most point of the flood Wonga Camp Ground on the lookout for plain is Wirrengren Plain which is part of kangaroos and emus. There we were often Pine Plains. The land to the east of the met by the Park's first Ranger Rudd flood plain is a strong-hold of the Mallee Campbell who always had some pepper- Fowl and to the west is a wilderness which mints for my brother and sister and me. almost doubled the size of the Park when it Wyperfeld is not a place of dramatic vis- was incorporated in 1991. tas like Mt Buffalo or Wilsons Promontory, Part three of the book consists of general but its landscape is attractive. This wonder- visitor information. It details facilities at ful book will make an important contribu- Wonga Camp Ground and tion to increasing appreciation of the Park. b Camp Ground in the Park, and in nearby It is, as it says of itself, an invitation, an settlements. The established walks and dri- introduction and a practical guide with ves in the Park are sufficiently numerous background information to enhance every and various to suit most kinds of visitors. visit". It was published by the Friends o\' Maps and some notes (especially for the Wyperfeld National Park and will make the drives) are provided in the book and com- Park many new Itiends. I will have it, open, plement the information sheets produced in my hand on my next visit to the Park, soon. by Parks Victoria. Additional information which I hope will be very on the Park can be found using the bibliog- Sara Maroske raphy at the back of the book, or making a I Wnslctl Street trip to the Information Centre at Wonga Northcote, Victoria 3Q70 Camp Ground.

corrections to minor errors Footnote: The book's editor. I. eon Costermans, wishes to record some which occurred in the production process.

Page 43: The caption for photo 6 should read *6 Copper Stag ii.amprima varians)\

is synonymous with the Where Stipa is given in the text as the genus for Spear-grass species, this list page 152. more recent Austrostipa S.W.L. Jacobs and J. Hverett (1996), as given in the plant on

Page 111: The photo caption should read 'An overnight bushwaiking group at Wonga Lake'.

(Round Lake is not ringed by Red-gums!).

to Outlet Creek Track ...'. t word ' Track' in \.. south-west Page 1 36: ^nder Walks, delete the with 'From here, the gravel Page 139; In the paragraph under Day visitors, replace the last sentence northwards'. road is usually reasonable for two-wheel drive vehicles for 10 km erieoides suhsp. ericoides should Page 156: Under Lpacridaccae, the common name for Hraehyloma is not recorded north of the read Brush Heath. ("Pink Beard-heath' is Uueopogan ericoides which Little Desert).

Page 171: After Silver Gull Hants novaeho/icindiae), delete the code 'A'. Australia, 6th Page 190: In the Bibliography, add: Cogger. H.G. 2000, Reptiles & of to on page 16*. edn, Reed New Holland, Sydney I his is referred page, due to last-minute layout adjustments. In the index, several page references are in error by one July 2001

Vol. 119(1)2002 41 Guidelines for Authors - The Victorian Naturalist

Submission of all Manuscripts Abbreviations Authors may submil materia] in the form of The following abbreviations should be used in research reports, contributions, naturalist notes, the manuscript (with italics where indicated): et letters lo the editor and book reviews. A ah; pers. obs.; unpubl. data; and pers. coram. Research Report is a succinct and original sci- which are cited in the text as (R(i Brown 1994 entific paper written in the traditional format pers. coram. 3 May). Use 'subsp.' lor .subspecies. including abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion. A Contribution may consist of Units reports, comments, observations, survey results, The International System of Units (SI units) bibliographies or other material relating lo nat- should be used for exact measurement of physi- ural history- The scope of a contribution is broad cal quantities. and little defined to encourage material on a wide range of topics and in a range of styles. Figures and Tables This allows inclusion of material that makes a All illustrations (including photographs) are

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the editors also welcome enquiries from poten- tit Tables must into 55 mm or I 15 mm. If tial reviewers, using a table editor, such as thai in MS Word,

Submission of a manuscript wilt be taken to do not use carnage returns within cells. I fse tabs mean that the materia! has not been published, and not spaces when setting up columns without nor is being considered for publication, a table editor.

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Three copies ol the manuscript should be pro- must be numbered consecutively (Fig. I, Fig. 2. vided, each including all tables and copies at' etc.) and put on a separate page at the end of the figures. Original artwork and photos can be manuscript. Tables should be numbered consecu-

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ble spaced with wide margins and pages num- Please consult the editors if additional details are bered. Please indicate the telephone number required regarding document formats and image (and email address if available) of the author specifications. Authors who are not computer liter- who is to receive correspondence. ate should contact the editors to make special Electronic versions of the manuscript are only arrangements. required upon resubmission after referees' com- ments have been incorporated. Documents should Journal Style be in Microsoft Word for Windows v2 to ensure Authors are advised to note the layout of head- compatibility with the typesetting software Quark ings, tables and illustrations as given in recent Xpress. Other PC formats may be accepted (e.g. issues of the Journal. Single spaces are used RTF or later versions of MS Word), but addition- after full slops, and single quotation marks are al type-setting time is required with the subse- used throughout. quent delay of publication. In all papers, at the first reference of a species, please use both the common name and binomial. Taxnnomic Names However, where many species are mentioned, a Cite references used for laxonomie names. list (an appendix at the end), with both common References used by The VUloruoi Naturalist are and binomial names, may be preferred. Lists listed al the end of these guidelines. must be in laxonomic order usin<: the order in )

which taxa appear in ihe references recommend- Wolf 1. and Chippendale GM (1981) The natural ed below. distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. The journal uses capitalised common names Australian National Parks and Wildlife tor species followed by the binomial in italics Service, Special Publications No 6, Canberra. without brackets, e.g. Kangaroo Grass i'hemeda triandra. Other methods of referencing may be acceptable

itt manuscripts other than research reports, and References the editors should be consulted, for those using References in the levt should cite author and the bibliographic software 'laidNote', a style year, e.g. Brown (1990), (Brown 1990), (Brown guide for The Victorian Naturalist will be avail-

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1 1 ) *!)). Green I (Brown and Green L990; Blue tion on style, write to the editors, or consult the (990; Red 1990), If there are more than two latest issue of The Victorian Naturalist or Style authors for a paper use Brown et ah ( 1990). Manual tar Authors, Editors and Printers These should be included under References, in (Australian Government Publishing Service: alphabetical order, at the end of the text (see Canberra). below). The use of unpublished data is only accepted if the data is available on request for Manuscript Corrections viewing. Pers. obs. and pers. corona, should not Authors can verify the final copy of their man- be included in the list of references. Journal uscript before it goes to the printer. A copy of titles should he quoted in hill. their article as 'reads for the printer' will be sent and only minor changes may be made at this

I eigh J. Boden R and Briggs J (1984) Extinct stage. and Endangered Plants of Australia. (Macmillan; South Melbourne) Complimentary Copies

Lunacy I.) (199S) Bush Rat. In The Mammals ot After publication of an article in the journal, \u\iraha, pp 651-653. Id R Strahan. live complimentary copies of that issue are sent (Australian Museum Reed New Holland: to the author(s) for each paper. Authors o\' S\ dney Naturalist Notes and Book Reviews will receive

I the journal. Phillips A and \\ atson R ( 1 99 ) Xantkorrhoea\ two complimentary copies of consequences of 'horticultural fashion". The Victorian Naturalist 108. 130-133, Additional copies of The Victorian Naturalist;

Smith AB (1995} Flowering plants in north- 25 copies. $50.00 ( I postage); 50 copies, $90.00

eastern Victoria. (Unpublished PhD thesis. ( l postage), including GST. Additional copies University of Melbourne) must be ordered before printing.

Cheeking species names is the responsibility of authors. The books we would like used as references for articles in The Victorian Naturalist are listed below. Authors should refer to the source used for species names in their manuscripts. In every case, the latest edition of the book should be used.

Mammals - Menkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Birds Christidis I and Boles W (1994) The Mammals of Victoria- Distribution, Ecology Taxonomy and species <>/ Birds of tustralia and Conservation. (Oxford l!ni\ersit\ Press: and us Territories. Royal Australian

1 South Melbourne) Ornithologists Union Monograph 2. (RAOl : Melbourne) Reptiles and Amphibians Cogger II (2000) Keptilei and Imphibians o) Australia, 6 ed. Plants Ross .III (ed) (2000) A Census of the (Reed Books; C'hatswood. NSW) Vascular Plants oj Victoria, 6 ed. (Royal Melbourne) luslratia: Botanic Gardens ofViCtOria: Insects (SIKO (I99|) The Insects <>J a textbook for Students and research workers.

Vol I and II (MUP: Melbourne)

Please submit manuscripts and enquiries to;

The Editor The Victorian Naturalist Locked Bag 3, P.O. Wackburn, Victoria 31 30

Phone/Fax (03) 9X77 9860, Kmail [email protected] Web address; http://www.vicnetrieLauV frtcW How to Identify Wildflowers of the Grampians

by Iven Woodcock

Publisher: The Community Association ofHalls Cap Inc. RRP $10.50

This is an unusual little book illustrated Keeping abreast of changing nomencla- with 15Q very small colour drawings and ture is a problem for both authors and nat- minima] text. There are six illustrations on uralists. This should not deter beginners each page and species are grouped accord- from learning about native plants; even the ing to (lower eolour. This presents some most knowledgeable of naturalists are problems in grouping the blue, violet, rarely completely up to date. An addendum mauve and pink species, where the subtle paragraph after the index lists some recent colour differences are notoriously difficult changes; however Lcioncma hilohum is to describe or reproduce. The descriptions still the valid name for what was formerly are brief with one or two important fea- Phchalium hilohum. The illustration of tures arrowed on the drawing. Both the Utricularia is presumably U. dichotomy common and botanical names are given not U. uniflora that is an Hast Gippsland but any technical or botanical terms arc species. entirely avoided. This makes it easy for This very elementary and relatively beginners in wildllowcr study and should cheap little book could be useful to those enable recognition at least to genus. totally unfamiliar with wildflowers and However problems may occur in differen- would probably enable them to recognise tiating the species in genera such as many of the common flowers, at least to Hihhcrtia or in the pea flowers, where sub- genus. Anyone seeking more information tle differences in leaf characters can be would need to refer to one of the several critical. For example no mention is made other more detailed and comprehensive of the leaves being in very obvious oppos- books dealing with Grampians plants. ing pairs (decussate) in Eutaxia. This char- acter is easy to see and distinguishes Margaret Corrick Eutaxla from all other yellow or orange 7 Gleoluss Sireel Balwyn, Victoria 3103 flowered peas in the Grampians. A note or sketch of the legume shape would also have been helpful in sorting out the peas.

The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc RegNoA00336UX

Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists.

Registered Office: I'NCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia.

Postal Address: PNCV, I OeRed nag J, PO Blackburn, Victoria $130, Australia.

l 7 l Phone I a\ (03) >s 7 £>860; International Phone/Fa* 61 3 'S77 986$. Patron John Landy, mbk, The Governor of Victoria -.

i Th ^ Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(2) April 2002

Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since AV.S'-/ .

Birds of Box Hill

by less Kloot with illustrations by Nicolas Day

Publisher: Victorian Ornithological Research Group. 2000. RRP $18.00 ( I $2 postage per copy) (Order from VORG, 133 Graydons Road. Moorooduc. Victoria 3933)

The Birds of Box Hill derives from a these areas although this chapter and those study undertaken by the Victorian on Parks and Gardens of Box Hill and Ornithological Research Group (VORG) Birds Recorded in Selected Areas could between 1988 and 1991, and it is refresh- have been combined. I really enjoyed read- ing to see amateur research organizations ing the chapters on the history of Box Hill publishing the fruit of their work in a man- and on Robert HalTs work. Lots of inter- ner accessible to the public. This book cer- esting snippets and facts can be gleaned tainly has a lot in il that will appeal, espe- from this book. I particularly liked the list cially to the residents of Box Hill and other of birds recorded at the end of the 19"' cen- eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The VORG tury which includes their common name of survey arose from a desire to compare line the time, for example Sordid avifauna of Box Hill in the late 1980s with (Dusky Woodswallow), Funeral Cockatoo that recorded by one Robert Hall, a local (Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo), and Rose naturalist, in the 1890s, when Box Hill was Hill (Eastern ).

a sparsely populated area. The book not I have one major quibble with the book only presents a guide to the birds found in given that there are chapters on Attracting the Box Hill area but also presents the Birds to your Garden, Robert Hall (1867- reader with an idea of the abundance of 1949) One Hundred Years On, and The each species and will be useful for genera- History of Box Hill (which includes the tions to come as a base-line of the avifauna origin of the suburb's name) there is very of an established suburb. When Robert little prominence given to the vegetation of Hall was conducting his original surveys the area and its change over the past centu-

the area was mainly a collection of farms ry. I am none the wiser after reading this with much remnant vegetation - limes have book about the original flora of this area. certainly changed. Although given the loss of woodland bird The llrst part of the book is basically a species (White-winged Chough, Diamond Held guide to the birds of Box Hill, with Firetail, Regent Honcyeater, Spotted concise, pertinent text and excellent black -thrush, Brown and and white illustrations from Nicolas Day. for example) in the past

il is large I low ever the use of colour would have been hundred years presumed that a far more desirable in an identification guide part of the area was open euealypt (box) aimed at novices. In all a respectable 78 woodland with a grassy understate} species were recorded on a regular basis and All up a terrific little book that will hope- are illustrated, with eight being introduced. fully appeal to residents of Melbourne's The thirty-seven species that were infre- middle eastern suburbs and those of us quently recorded during the VORG survey who have a deeper interest in the changes {seen four times or less) include some very in Victorian avifauna wrought over the last

interesting and exciting sightings such as hundred years. If it inspires only some Box . Baillon's Crake, Rufous Hill residents to take more interest in their and some obvious escapees such natural surrounding, which it will, it as Budgerigar and , These should be considered a great success.

species are not illustrated which I think is entirely appropriate if the field guide por- Stuart Dashper 13 Ryan Street tion of this book is aimed at novices. East Brunswick The chapter on Selected Birdwatching Victoria J0S7 Areas of Box Hill gives a good guide to The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(2)200: April

Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

Index to Volume UH, 2001 is in the centre of this issue

Research Reports A Herpetofauna Survey of the Victorian Alpine Region, with a Review of Threats to These Species, by Nick Clemann 48

The Mammals of Parker River Inlet, Otway National Park, by MEWestbrooke and PT Prevett 60

Contribution Habitat of the Endangered Hibbertia procumbens (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) from the Central Coast of New South Wales, by Stephen AJ Bell 69

Naturalist Notes Wingan Wilderness, by Ron Fletcher 74

Naturalist in the Mountains The Changing Mountains, by Ken Green 76

Tributes Jack Hyett OAM, by Cecily FalMngham 78 Alexander Clifford Beauglehole, by Margaret Corrick 81

Book Reviews Birds of Box Hill, by Tess Kloot with illustrations by Nicolas Day, reviewed by Stuart Dashper 46

Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank, bv Andrew Seattle and Paul Ehrlich, reviewed by TR New 58

A Field Companion to Australian Fungi, by Bruce Fuhrer, reviewed by Jenny Tonkin 79

Wildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas, by Alan Fairley, reviewed by Cecily Falkingham 83

ISS\ (1(142-5184

Cover: Tall Everlasting Helichrysum datum photographed by Ron Fletcher at Wingan Inlet. See

Natura list Note on page 74.

Web address: http://www.vicnel.net.au/~fncv/ email: fncvfa vicnet.nct.au i Research Reports

A Hcrpetofauna Survey of the Victorian Alpine Region, with a Review of Threats to These Species

Nick Clemann 1 Abstract A wide-ranging survey of the reptiles and frogs of the Vielorian alpine region was conducted in sum- mer and early autumn 2001. Light habitat types.' that were easily discernible in the Held were identi- lied, and randomly-positioned sites chosen in these habitats. Surveys of these sites were conducted using 'active search' techniques, and results bolstered with incidental records. Three frog and eleven ta\a were recorded across all areas and habitat types. Notable records included a range exten- sion lor the threatened Alpine Bog Pseudsmota cryodroma, and the collection of specimens of undescribed li/ards from the genus flgcniiu from the Bogong High Plains, Davies Plain and Ml Bogong. Threats to Victorian alpine herpetofauna arc discussed, as is the dramatic decline in many areas of the Alpine free frog I.iloria vcrrcauxH alpiua. (The Victorian Sutunitisi 119 (2), 2002, 4S-58)

Introduction The herpetofauna (reptiles and frogs) of Skink kosciuskoi (Critical l\ the alpine region of Victoria is largely Endangered), Alpine She-oak Skink

endemic to alpine areas, the general ecolo- Cyclodomorphus praealtus { XL ndangered), cryodroma gy of these taxa is poorly understood, and Alpine Bog Skink Pseudemoia they face a suite of threatening processes. (Vulnerable, and endemic to Victoria) and The aim of this project was to refine our Glossy Grass Skink Pseudemoia rawlinsoni understanding of the habitat associations of (Lower Risk Near Threatened). With the these taxa, and the processes that threaten exception of the Glossy Grass Skink, these them. To this end, a broad-scale Held sur- species are restricted to alpine areas. In vey and a detailed literature search were addition to these species, two undescribed carried out. taxa of the seincid genus OGCUr in The alpine region of Victoria embraces the region. Draft Action Statements have the highest plateaux in the State, and been developed for the Alpine Water Skink extends from the Mt Cobbcras area near the (Meredith et al. in press) and Alpine She- border with New South Wales in the north- oak Skink (Clemann in press). east, along the top of the Great Dividing The biology and ecology of these species Range, to the Mt Baw Raw area in the are poorly known, as are the processes that south-west. This region can be crudely threaten them. Plausibly, these threats

defined as commencing at about 1 200 m include grazing and trampling of habitat by altitude, and extending to the highest point cattle, feral horses and deer, by in Victoria, the summit of Mt Bogong at introduced carnivores such as cats and or destruction 1 986 m. It receives a consistent snow cover foxes, habitat modification during winter months. due to development (e.g. ski resort infra- The alpine region contains several species structure, walking and vehicular tracks), of threatened herpetofauna. This fauna recreational activities or the invasion of (with threatened categories according to weeds, illegal collection, inappropriate fire NRE (2000) in parentheses) includes: regimes and global warming due to the Alpine Tree Frog Litoria verreauxii alpina effect of greenhouse gases. This latter (listed as Vulnerable nationally on process is of particular concern for alpine Australian and New Zealand Environment fauna; under an enhanced greenhouse sce- and Conservation Council (ANZECC 1999) nario, considerable contraction of alpine and Protection Act habitat may occur, with little or no oppor- \W2 lists, and Critically Hndangered in tunities for emigration to other suitable Victoria), the Baw Baw Frog Phihria frost locations. Whilst the Alpine Tree Frog is (Vulnerable on the ANZECC list, Critically known to have suffered major declines Endangered in Victoria), Alpine Water throughout much of its range (Gillespie et al. 1995; Hunter et al 1997), the current 1 Arthur Kvlah Institute for Environmental Research, status of alpine reptiles is poorly known. Oepartmen'l of Natural Resources and Environment, [*() However, some of these species may also Sox I 37. Heidelberg, Victoria 3084

48 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

have declined due to one or more of these land, heathland, montane dry woodland, processes. Snow Gum Eucalyptus paucfflora wood- The alpine region of south-eastern land and Rocky Outcrop Shrubland/lterb-

Australia contains other threatened alpine land Mosaic - this last habitat type is spe- vertebrate species: Southern Corroboree cific to the Mt Buffalo area) were chosen Frog Pseudophryrie corroboree (Endan- for general herpetofauna surveys, and an gered in NSW). Northern Corroboree Frog effort made (where possible) to sample P. pengilleyi (Vulnerable in New South two sites in each habitat type in each area. Wales), and the Mountain Pygrny Possum Although most of these sites showed vary-

Burramys parvus ( Vulnerable on the ing degrees of disturbance, sites classilled \\/T:CC list. Endangered in Victoria). as 'cleared/disturbed' were usually grossly Several vegetation communities, namely the modified. These sites included areas such Alpine Bog Community, Alpine Snowpatch as cattle yards, ski runs, and areas used For Communilv and hen (Bog pool) Commun- rock or gravel extraction or surrounding ity, are also listed on Schedule 2 of the human developments such as huts and Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act carparks. 1988 (FFG). Also listed on the FFG as a These eight habitat types often were not potentially threatening process is soil ero- strictly discrete, and considerable variation sion and vegetation damage and disturbance and overlap between habitat types was evi- caused by cattle grazing. dent. Vor example, 'heathland' sites were often found to surround bogs. This meant

Methods v that, whilst surveying a bog' site, this site Study areas would grade into heath (and vice versa), Study areas were selected to represent often with dense Epacris sp. in the inter-

alpine areas across north-eastern Victoria 1 grade /one. 'Grasslands were often a com- that were relatively accessible and have a bination of tussock grass, herbfields and continuing history of human presence, and very low (usually < 30 cm high) heath. thus were likelv to contain a considerable Snow Gum woodland, whilst always domi- degree of anthropogenieallv -generated dis- nated by an overslorey of Snow (ium, var- turbance. Examples of the processes that ied markedly in understorey and ground- typify such disturbances include mining, storey composition, for example, some pressure, resort development, recreational Snow Gam woodland sites contained stock and feral herbivore grazing and tram- extremely dense, head-high heath, others pling, and track and road construction. contained a low, tussock grass groundcover, Logistic and time constraints restricted sur- and main were intermediate between these veys to plateaux with relative!) easv extremes. Similarly, some Snow (ium sites access. As such the following areas were contained numerous, large rock outcrops, for surveys: Ml Buller Mt Stirling, chosen whilst others were devoid 6f rocks. the Dargo High Plains, Dav ies Plain, Dinner Plains, Falls Creek Bogong High Site selection Plains, the llowitl Plains, , Within each survey area ('Study areas' Mt Bogong and Ml Buffalo. Several of above) a series of random grid points was these 'areas' are generic terms for series of generated and plotted onto maps. Once in alpine plains. For example i lowili Plains' the Held, these grid points were considered incorporates areas such as Bryces. Snowy potential sites, and were visited (with and Bennison Plains; 'Dinner Plains* emphasis on those sites within a reason- incorporates areas such as I lourbag. able walking distance from roads and Horsehair and Emu Plains; and 'Dargo tracks) and systematically surveyed until Plains' incorporates areas such as (row. two sites had been sampled in each habitat Lankev, Ireastire, Halfway and One Pole type in each area. All other grid points Plains' were then disregarded. Using this system- atic approach, grid points that occurred in Habitat habitats that had already been adequately types that were easily Light broad habitat surveyed were also disregarded. Wherever identified in the Held (bog, cleared and or possible, all sites were located more than disturhed. tussock grassland, rock} grass-

Vol. 119(2)2002 4<> Research Reports

one km from any other site. Nol all habitat Several specimens of I'sctuk'wtiia could types were detected in each area. In some not be confidently assigned to a particular areas it was only possible to locate enough species. In particular, there was confusion habitat to survey one site in some habitat regarding intermediate colouration and mor-

types. Also, in some areas it was necessary phology between specimens of P. ayodro- to select habitat in a non-random manner, mct and P. pagertstecheri. Voucher speci- because (here were only one or two patch- mens of these taxa from these areas were es of this localised habitat in some general sent to the South Australian Museum survey areas. (whose staff described these taxa) for resolu- tion. Despite this, some specimens from Ml Survey techniques Buffalo could not be confidently identified. Within each site a time-constrained (20 Specimens of undescribed from minute) 'active search' limited to the the genus ligernia were collected on the appropriate habitat type was conducted Bogong Nigh Plains (Ruined Castle south between the hours of approximately 0X00- o\' Palls Creek), Davies Plain and Mt 1830 daylight savings lime. This technique Bogong. Additionally, a gravid female had involved noting all basking or active rep- been collected on Mt Buffalo in December tiles, and any frog calling activity. Rocks I997i an <-l onc of this lizard's offspring has and logs were rolled, soft logs were been sent to the South Australian Museum cleaved. loose bark was peeled, and litter for laxonomic study, along with the and gravel silted to detect sheltering ani- Egerniu and Pseudemoia specimens col- mals. At each site the habitat type and any lected during the present study. obvious disturbance were noted, and gen- The Alpine She-oak Skink was not eral weather variables such as temperature. recorded during this study, despite surveys cloud cover and wind velocity were and incidental searches in localities from recorded, which this species had previously been This application of a single survey tech- recorded (Lankey Plain on the Dargo High nique for a variety of taxa has obvious lim- Plains, Ruined Castle and Basalt Hill on itations, including failure to detect particu- the Bogong High Plains and several locali- larly cryptic species, and a high likelihood ties in the vicinity of Mt llotham) (Schulz of underestimating the abundance of a al. 1995; Ilein/.e 1997; Schulz and species thai are difficult to detect during Mansergh 1997; Atlas of Victorian active searching. For example, species that Wildlife database). prefer dense tussock grass habitat are usu- Two taxa were recorded from only a sin- ally very difficult to detect or capture (for gle area. The Victorian Smooth Froglet confident identification) using this tech- was delected in the Mt Buller/Mt Stirling nique. Thus, the following results provide area, and the Black Rock Skink Eg&mta only a coarse index of abundance. saxatilis intermedia was detected on Mt

Results Buffalo (fable I h The Alpine Water Skink Three frog la.xa (Alpine free Frog, was detected only on Davies and the Common Froglet slgnifera and Bogong High Plains. Conversely, the Victorian Smooth Froglet Geocrinia vfeto* Southern Water Skink Eulamprus tympa- riana) and 12 reptile taxa were recorded num was detected at eight of the nine areas, and Tussock either during surveys or incidentally ( Table Pscudemoia pagertstecheri were recorded at seven. I }. Several threatened taxa were also recorded, and these included the Alpine Davies Plain yielded the highest number of taxa (nol including taxa not I ree Frog on the Dargo Plains and Ml identified to Bogong, Alpine Water Skink on Davies species level) during this study, with 10 Plain and the Bogong High Plains north- species, whilst nine were recorded on the Howitt Plains (Table I). All east of I alls (reek, and Alpine Hog Skink of the other in the Bullcr/Stirling, Davies Plain, llowitl areas returned between five and eight Plains, possibly Mt Buffalo (see below) species. and Lake Mountain areas. This latter local- The mean number of reptile species ity represents an extension of the known recorded for each habitat type was four range of this species. (4.4 when Rocky Outcrop Shrubland,

50 The Victorian Naturalist 1— s

Research Reports

"? " . -§ oU "c a 1 ^«3 c-- i un i co "* u s: ?3 „ o +j 3 § 2 2® *Po

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Vol. 119(2)2002 51 Research Reports

llerbland Mosaic, found only on Mt The apparent declines detected in the pre- Buffalo is disregarded). Both the Southern scni study accord with those detected by Grass Skink Pseudemoia entrecctsteauxii other authors. The population status of this and Tussock Skink were recorded in six taxotl was reviewed in 1995 (Gillespie et

habitat types, and the Southern Water al 1995), at which time it appeared that it Skink in five {Table 2). Species recorded had suffered major population declines in in only one habitat type include Coventry's the Australian Capital Territory and Skink Niveosc'mvus covenlryi. Black Rock Kosciusko National Park in New South Skink and Egernia sp. (although these Wales. Subsequent surveys funded by the undescribed taxa were also incidental!) Alps Liaison Committee confirmed major

recorded in Snow Glim woodland). The declines in this region of its range, but did Alpine Water Skink was recorded in two not adequately assess the (axon's status in habitat types (bog and heathland), although Victoria. Other targeted frog surveys con- they show considerable overlap. ducted on Mt Baw Baw (G Hollis unpubl. Bog habitat yielded the highest number data) and Lake Mountain (B Malone pers. of reptile species (six) across all areas, comm.) indicate that the laxon has disap-

whilst heathland and rocky grassland peared from these pails of its former range. returned five species (Table 2). Other habi- Osborne et al (1999) suggest that the tat types yielded three or four species, with Alpine Tree Prog is in immediate danger

r the exception o\' Rock> Outcrop Shrub- of extinction in New South W ales and is land llerbland Mosaic (one species from highly threatened in Victoria. two sites on Ml Buffalo). Current knowledge of the status of the The largest reptile occurring in the alpine Alpine Tree Frog and the nature of declines region, the Highland Copperhead Austre- has been reviewed recently (Osborne el al laps ramsaylj was recorded at five of the 1999). It is clear that these declines have eight study areas. This species occasional- occurred concurrently with those in all ly reaches considerable densities for a top- other endemic alpine frog taxa (

order predator, with up to four adults frost i. Pseudophryne corrohoree, P recorded in areas of approximately pcn^illeyi, Limnodynastes dumcrilii fryi).

1600 m during this study . These high den- I low ever, it is still unclear what the causes sities were noted where there was also a of these declines are. Possible causes high abundance of scincid li/ards, particu- include changes in climate and increased larly Southern Water Skinks. ultraviolet radiation. The disease Chytridiomyeosis, caused by a fungal Discussion pathogen, has recently been implicated in During this study the Alpine Tree Frog the decline of numerous frog species, was not detected at several localities such including taxa closely related to the Alpine as Lake Mountain and the Howitl, Davies Tree Frog (Berger et at. 1 999), and may yet and Bogong High Plains where it was once be found to be contributing to the decline known to be abundant and where many of the laxon. Post-Luropean settlement specimens of this subspecies in the impacts, such as grazing and lire regimes Museum Victoria collection originate have also been implicated (Gillespie et ai (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife database). 1995). Recent evidence from North Most of these specimens were collected in America (Kiesccker et al 2001) suggests the 1960s and '70s. The last records of this that synergistic affects of several processes frog from Lake Mountain and Davies Plain may cause the decline of some were from 1993 and 1994, respectively species. In particular, Kiesecker el al (Atlas o\' Victorian WifdHfe database). (2001) have shown a pattern whereby cli- Whilst intensive frog surveys have been mate change has reduced water levels at conducted during the breeding season of some oviposition sites, causing high mor- the Alpine Tree Frog on Mt Baw Baw tality of embryos by increasing their expo- (where this taxa was once abundant) for sure to I IV-B radiation (which is increasing the last six years, no specimens have been due to ozone depletion) and, consequently, detected, suggesting that this frog no increasing embryo vulnerability to infec- longer occurs in this area. tion by pathogens.

52 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Gillespie e* a/, (1995) suggested that the following threatening 1- processes are affecting populations ~° - ~ *J r i — r- J2 -r 1 OBI'S of the Alpine free Frog: • trampling of habitat by cattle and

possibly feral horses is likely to "© . . O destroy Alpine Tree frog breed- ing habitat; • the construction and manage- ment oi' hydro-electric facilities in some areas has reduced the number of breeding sites avail- able to the subspecies; SS c v X • ski resort development is likely to affect the taxon adversely -_< o S through modification of habitat;

• due to its restricted high altitude

distribution, this frog is likely to susceptible climate OS r~> i- Q be to change associated with the enhanced f i ^~ = *n S ' — "H greenhouse effect; ^ n 7 • other potential threats include development for recreational "3'a.g infrastructure and associated

i i riC • w- roading, and the impact of wild- tire. Structural complexitv of habitat has been cited as a critical require- ment for many reptile species and communities (e.g. Brown and Bennett 1995; Hadden and

r — o | - Weslbrooke 1996; Brown 2001). Grazing and trampling by stock in Ml OJ ^j _ £ the alpine region affects habitat complexity through (1) direct removal of vegetation, (2) destruc- tion of structural components in *— o -^ K - "2 c« the ground layer, and (3) soil com- -J u — paction (Tigs I and 2). As such, o & ^ grazing and trampling by stock may represents a significant threat to a range of the region's herpelo- o - g 7 | ~* ^ e ^ — fauna. During the present study

,3 > Cl. \> 3 W (J • = gross damage caused by cattle C ^~ C O = C c v. ^ < 3 ur: f— c/5 ^j grazing (ly pi lied in bigs 1-4) was noted in all areas where grazing persists. Soil erosion and vegeta- -p i- a 3 Pv ,© ~" £ & tion damage associated with graz- ing listed as threatening •e- "5 'a- have been . S R ir s u ^- J/ processes under the II (i, and us i> o s *~ -' "-u — c 'u —i _ o 5 © w C "2 5 & a | threats to specific taxa and com- n ft w tr'C munities in Action Statements pre- g us 3 a a c g pared for: I'll lll-S C 60 • Alpine She-oak Skink (Cleinann is.Se in press); cc kj k: kj U: -- a. cucu

Vol. 119(2)2002 53 /us (

Fig, I. Uteralion "i vegeuillon sirucuirnl complexity in cattle grazing and trampling on the Howln I'l- mi ilc.iw ruin:' mikI trampling inside ilu' fenced area has profound!) modified the structural niL'!'!ii\ ol the inv.'M k urwsslund

• \ipiiu- Watei s k ink (Meredith

,,, , Similarly, ' soil erosion and vegetation darn (Wahnsn etal f >; pers. obs.), Hits dam- age associated with grazing are the prlmaq age ma) eventuall) exclude the Upine processes currently threatening the Alpine Water Skink from these habitats. Other Bog Community, Vlpine Snowpatch authors (Coventry and Robertson 1980; Community and Fen (rVog pool) Mansergh 1982) have also highlighted this

• ommunity, .ill ol which have been listed threal to the habitat ol the Vlpine Water

.i . threatened on Schedule 2 ol the FFG. Skink,

Ine Vlpine Watei Skink [s restricted to rhe Alpine Water Skink occurs In the alpine sphagnum mossbed heath associa stream bog system along Nelse (reck. tlons (thai forms 'bog' and some 'heath* north-easl of Falls Creek, Within these land' habltal as dehned in the presenl bogs the lizards use the corntce-like sphag-

stud) ) along drainage lines and small mini overhanging the water as basking streams Phis habltal type is particularly sites, When approached, the) frequently susceptible to damage b) cattle seeking drop from this overhang into the watei and watei and gnu ing on the palatable sedge retreai beneath the overhang to avoid cap

Can \ gtiuilkhaudlana (McDougall 1982, ture rhis sphagnum margin is usual!) 1989; nki In prep ) Severe habital degra dostroyed In cattle seeking water ami fod- daiion caused b) gra ing and trampling der (NRE in prep.; pers. obs.; Fig, D has been noted al several sites where this McDougall (1989: 8) notes that 'the grow ii ard occurs (Meredith ct g! in press; ing edge of the layer bordering pools is pcis, obs.; Fig \) Whilst cattle typically most susceptible to dislodgmeni and onl\ 1 graze on ihe sedge in lale Mimniei destruction 1\\ trampling lianiplinu is {\.\i\ Rccs 1984), Mc Dougall (1989) found likely to destroy a \ ital habital component thai this short exposure to cattle was suffi for these lizards, rhe Vlpine \\ ater Skink eicm tt* severe!) damage bog margins lias been recorded on the Bogong High

54 Ihc Victorian Naturalist R< trch Reports

Plains both north of Rocky Valley Storage, where grazing has been excluded since 1991, and south of this dam where grazing continues. During the present stud) we detected this species in nog habitat in this

northern area, but did not detect it in the Current!) grazed areas to the south. Further work is needed to compare this species' persistence and abundance in these areas. Such work will Further illuminate the Alpine Water Skink's response to grazing.

and its response to removal of grazing. Fig. 2. Alteration ol vegeisiion structural com- Less ob\ ious than the highk \ isible dam- plexity in cattle grazing and trampling in the often is age slock cause to bogs, alteration Ml Stirling area. I Ik- area in the lop q\ the pho-

to the hydro log) of stream and hoc sys- tograph is .i Cattle exclusion /one. I he Structure Of the vegetation in the Foreground (outside of tems caused by trampling. I Ins impact can the cattle exclusion zone) has been profbundlj result in channelling and resultant lowering modified In cattle grazing. of the water table (i.C V 1982). Bog sys- tems and the peal soils derived from them Skink habitni (D Heinze pers. comm.). are dependent on a high water table. As Habitat of this species m Basalt Mill near these peat soils dr\ out the) become sus- falls (reek is also subject to cattle grazing ceptible to erosion; thus grazing within in summer, as is the third broad locality at these zones causes high levels of damage which it has been delected (l,anke>s leading in the past to these areas being pro- Plain). Cattle graze on species of tussock gressive!} withdrawn from grazing (L( C grass that arc important components of 1982). Of the broad habitat types surveyed Alpine She-oak Skink habitat (van Rees for this study, bog was the mosl species 1984).

rich for reptiles, and is probably the mosl I he Alpine Bog Skink occurs in grass-

threatened habitat in the region. I he land. Snow Gum woodland and healh- impacts to resident herpetofauna ol this Iands, yet is most abundant in bogs and habitat degradation have not been quanti- bogg> creeks (Hutchinson and Donnellan fied, but rna) be severe. 1992; pers. obs.). Its occurrence in these The Alpine She-oak Skink was not habitats is often marginal, overlapping

recorded during this study, I his cryptic with the Tussock Skink and Southern skink, which may be common at some Grass Skink. Despite this sympatry, the localities, is often difficult to detect, and Alpine Hog Skink tends to occur in wetter detection may require the right weather microhabitats than the Tussock Skink, and conditions (P Robertson pers. comm.). in more open areas than the Southern Schulz and Mansergh (1997) note the Grass Skink (Hutchinson and Donnellan uncertainty associated with detection of 1992; pers. obs.). The occurrence of the (his species; searches by these authors in Alpine Bog Skink on Dawes Plain, close the same places in different years have to the New South Wales border, suggests

yielded considerably different results. This that it may yet be detected in similar habi- species has been recorded at only three tat over the border. broad localities within Victoria, two of The Southern Grass Skink and the which are in alpine resorts (in the vicinity Tussock Skink were frequently recorded of Ml llotham and Falls Creek Alpine during this study; each was recorded in six Resorts), where its habitat is subject to habitat types, within six and seven of the ing disturbance due to recreational broad study areas, respectively. This activities and slashing ol native vegetation reflects their widespread and abundant during grooming of ski runs (Schulz el til nature in the alpine region. The taxonoim 1995; Schulz and Mansergh 1997; of lizards in this genus has only recently t'lemann in press; D Denize pers. comm.). been clarified by using eletrophotdic, Slashing ma> be sufficient to destroy the kar\ otopic and morphological data structural integrity of Alpine She-oak (Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992).

Vol. 119(2)2002 55 Research Reports

-/v^t 5ft&^lfcftl cT* **

— ~*m

Kig. 3. Damage in hog habitat on Davies Plain Fig. 4. Damage caused b\ cattle to the margin caused by cattle trampling. Nearby undamaged Of a wet area that was once a bog stream com- habitat is occupied by the Alpine Water Skink. plex on the Bogong High Plains.

Unfortunately, considerable variation and agement should be an urgent priority in overlap in colouration and morphology this area. exists between alpine taxa within this There is a growing body of evidence that genus (particularly P. pagewtecheri and P. cattle grazing has a significant detrimental crvoc/ronnt), confounding the identification effect on alpine habitats (references cited of some specimens in the field. Tentative throughout this discussion) and, conse- identification of some specimens collected quently, a deleterious effect on terrestrial during this study required confirmation by alpine fauna. In particular, grazing has a Dr Mark Hutchinson (South Australian devastating impact on wet vegetation asso- Museum). In the absence of further elec- ciations in alpine areas that are important trophoretic testing, the identification of habitat for the Alpine Bog Skink. and vital some specimens (notably those from Ml for the Alpine Water Skink, and Wahren et Buffalo) remains uncertain. a/. (1999; 165) note that 'continued graz- Davies Plain was the most species rich ing by cattle is not compatible with the (10 taxa) of the broad areas surveyed in conservation objectives for this vegetation this study. recorded in type'. This damage has long been recog- this area included the Alpine Water Skink nised (Costin 1958), and it is now clear and Alpine Bog Skink (historically, the that grazing in alpine areas places at con- Alpine Tree Frog also occurred on this siderable risk the conservation value of the plain). The unidentified Egernia species region. The only way of ensuring the con- recorded on this plain (and throughout the tinued existence of several terrestrial verte- alpine areas) are significant fauna, and are brates and the integrity of some plant likely to be candidates for future listing as species and communities may be to control threatened taxa (P Robertson pers. comm.). densities of cattle and horses, or remove Thus, Davies Plain is of particular value them from certain areas. Williams et a/. for threatened alpine herpetofauna. Despite (1997) summarised the damage caused by this, the area remains subject to cattle graz- cattle grazing on the Bogong High Plains ing, and is one of the strongholds for feral (including the facilitation of weed inva- horses in the Victorian alps. Many horses sion), and recommended the removal of were observed on this plain during two cattle from these plains. The fact that cattle days of fleldwork. Whilst horses on the have been successively excluded from Bogong High Plains represent an isolated parts of the high plains (e.g. northern population, those on Davies Plain are Bogong High Plains. Mts Bogong, I lotham members of a population extending from and Feathertop) for conservation purposes Thredbo in New South Wales to the is indicative of the damage stock have in Victoria (M Walters pers. caused in these areas. The rcvegetation and comm.). Both cattle and horses are causing recovery of areas after cattle or other stock considerable damage to bog habitat on have been removed is an extremely slow Davies Plain, suggesting that their man- process owing to the harsh nature of the

56 The Victorian Naturalist )

Research Reports

alpine climate and the low mineral content Acknowledgements Of soils (Dowries 1961; Bridle and John Silins. Simon Scott and Casste Wright pro- vided Kirkpatrick 1999). In fact, some alpine enthusiastic and helpful Ik-Id assistance, and made field work considerably more enjoy- wetlands mav take decades or even hun- able. Throughout the project, stall from Parks dreds of years to recover from the impact Victoria and NRL regional staff provided vital of livestock incursion (Wahren el a! local knowledge and facilitated access to all

19%). The last grazing leases were with- areas. In particular I thank Jeff ( arboon and drawn from Kosciuszko National Park in Ron Riley from Parks Victoria. Similar!), staff from the Lake Mountain Alpine Reserve assist- 1969, but rehabilitation of habitat damaged ed with local knowledge and the provision o\' by cattle is still needed todav (Scherrer and access to this area. Mark Hutchinson {SA Pickering 2001). Consequently, grazing Museum) confirmed the identities of several pressure should be eliminated from these specimens collected during this project, and pro- areas sooner rather than later. Implicit in vided useful dialogue about the distribution and ecology ol various the need to remove grazing from some species. John Coventrv (Museum Victoria) and Peter Robertson areas is the need for habitat rehabilitation, (Wildlife Profiles Pl> Ltd) also provided useful A major consideration of such rehabilita- feedback during the project. Michelle Walters tion is the costs of these that activities are ( Australian National University) provided valu- usually borne by organisations different able information on feral horses. Marcus Whitby from those responsible for the damage- provided the Egemia specimen from Mi Buffalo. Geoff Brown and David Choquenot Thus the benefits of grazing go to private (ARI) supervised this project and assisted with individuals, whilst the cost of reparation is critiques of the manuscript, Ian Mansergh, borne b\ the public (Scherrer and Graeme Newell and Tim C'lanev (all NRF) also Pickering 20013. provided valuable comments on the manuscript.

The impact of introduced predators such I thank Professor Richard Shine lllniversilv of Sydney) for reviewing the manuscript and sug- as foxes and cats on alpine herpetofauna gesling improvements. has not been quantified; however, observa- tions of foxes in some alpine areas has References

( 1. I I shown that they prev on a range of reptile \\/i | 999) Threatened lustration aurm Australian and New Zealand Environment and species, including the Skink Alpine Water Conservation Council

(R Martin pers. comm.). Such impacts arc- Bennett S, Brereton K, Mansergfl 1. Berwick s. SijndiiiH'ii k likely to be particular!) devastating for and Wellington C (£991) The potential e fleet of the enhanced greenhouse climate change on species with verv small geographic ranges selected Victorian fauna. Arthur Rv lull Insiiiuic (such as the Alpine She-oak Skink), those technical Report Series No 123,

Burger L, Spcare R and I Ivan A ( lis l rid with a high degree of habitat specificity, (1999) fungi and amphibian declines: overview, implications and particularly those occupying narrow, often future directions In Declines and Disappearances oj linear habitats (such as the Alpine Water Austral), m Frogs, pp 23-33 Ed A Campbell.

(Biodiversity I nvironiftent Australia: Skink), and those whose populations are Croup, Canberra) diminished or stressed due to other threat- Bridle Kl and Kirkpatrick JIJ (1999) Comparative Ho. ening processes. Similarly, domestic pets l ts ol Mock and wild vertebrate herbivore grazing on treeless subalptne vegetation, Eastern Central may be a threat to the Alpine She-oak Plateau. Tasmania. Australian Jaiimal >>( BotQftv 47, Skink in the vicinity of the Mi Hotham and 817-834.

Falls Creek villages. Brown G W [2001) I he influence of habitat distur- bance on reptiles in a Box-Jronbark eucalypt forest of 'global Climate change (i.e. warming' South eastern Australia. Biodiversity and may pose a considerable threat to alpine ( 'anservatinn 10, 163-176, organisms. Whilst some taxa may be able Brown Ci and Bennett A 1 1995) Reptiles in rural envi- lonmenis The distribution, habitat requirements and altitudes to to migrate to higher maintain conservation status od the reptile fauna of the their preferred climate, others will not, and Murray- Darling Bash Area in Victoria, Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Department of species already at the top of their possible Conservation and Natural Resources, Heidelberg, altitudinal distribution are Iikel\ to be \ ii toria. replaced by other species moving up Oemaiin N (in press) Action Statement lor die Alpine She -oak Skink ( '\iluilumorphas (Hughes and Westoby 1994). As climate praeallUS. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, conditions change, generalisl species tna> \T Iboume. have a greater Capacity to occupy, reinvade ( osini All (L958) [tie grazing factor and the mainte- nance of catchment values in the . or outcompcle specialist congeners ( SIRO Australia Division Of Plain Industry

( Bennett el ul 1991). Technical Papei No 10

Vol. 119(2)2002 57 '

Booh Hevi&w

(in <•! s, Robertson P and C'tantnn n Cwvemri \J and Robertson P ct9B0) Nc* rocordii MwwUthC, Hudaon I'oi die Alpine watei Skink itincid li/.ardi lYom Victoria fA* Vtt tartan press) Action Statemenl ol Natural ViiiuralfxtW 190 193, fculamprut koseluxkai Department Melbourne, , 1*961) Mil- Resources and I nvironment, Eaai nes RCJ f Victorian High Plains the vertebrate fauna in Victoria environment and In use Proceedings of the Raval NKI (2000) riireatoned

.i nl vertebrate fauna considered 1 1 tOOO, tystanfttlc lial v,„ ictyof i „/,

I I ant Melbourne Aii'-.ii;iliiiti alps ;i review, A report to the Australian rwironment, NKI (in prep-) Alpine Bog ( om-mumly. I lora and |r , M i iaii Committee. Departmetil 0} Parks, and i CTuaranteo Action Statement. Flora ( tmservatlon and Natural Resources, Hcidclbi rg euna Division, Department ol Natural Resources Victoria and Applied I cologj Research Group, Fauna

i asl Melbourne Universit) ol < anberra, Bdconncn, M I and Environment, t; Population Madden SA and Waslhrooke Ml tl99G) Hnbiial rcla Osborne W, Hunter D and Mollis (1999} contraction m Australian alpine linnahipa ol the herpetofauna oi remnant Buloke declines and range Oisuppaarancas Australian wondlandsol the Wimmi ra Plains, Victoria Wildlife firoej* In Declines and qf Ul A Campbell. [Biodivcrsiti Kt'MMrchih '*- ; 172 Frogx, pp. 145 157,

Ciroup. I nvironment Australia: Canberra) Hi m/r i) ( |997) Notes on a new surve) technique in Effects oi era? locating the Alpmc She-oak Skink CwhdomorphuA Sohcrfei P and lackering CM (2001) \ lourtstm and climate change on the Alpine prat aim in the mi llotliam area, it toria f'/w Ing, ///<- \ egetatiun oT Kuacluazko National Part Victorian Naturalist 114, I Id 177 change Victorian Naturalist 118,93-99 Hughes 1 and Westobj M(1994)< limate and

Alexandei I and Manscrgh I (1995) Notes , ,,ii .ri\.ni(tii policies in Australia, toping with Kchulz M. She Skink Cycladtmwrphu* cha that la rai hwuj and nol vol certain I'at'lflt on the Alpine oak Are... victoria Conservation Biologi t, S0H 118 praeoltus in the Mi HMham alpine potemtal survey tech* tluntei i». Osborne ws and Smith Ml (1997) with a description of a new 219-220, ' Naturalist 112, Pislribulion and abundance ol the Alpine free I ruu rrlque. The tctarton

I location tor the (Utoria wrcauxit afpinu) in the Australian alps Schul/ M and Mansergh (1997.) New praea/tus in national parks, report on me Hrs! neasons survey Alpine Sne-oak skink Cycladumorphm

1 1 I Naturalist 114, 78- 79 ')'»(. Q Victoria The fctorian 1 1 l\ Heritage Unil Snowj Mountain* Region, Nsv\ National Park* and WildlHc Servici van Rccs H (19W) Behaviour and die! of Tree ranging Hutchinson MN and Dimnellan SC (1992) raxonomj cuttle on the Bogong High Plains Victoria, Forests and I ands, and genetic variation In the Australian lizards ol foe Departmenl of Conservation. 409 genu* Pxvudvmaiu (Scincidae I ygnsominaej, Victoria. Report No JaurmtlaJ Natural ffUttnyl* US '"' Wahrcn CH, Williams RJ and Papal WA (1996) lire the Bogong I ecplog) of wetlands and snow patcJies on i K i, icckei im. rtluustein AR and Beldcn (2001) Complen causes "I amphibian population declines High Plains Reporl to the \ustratian Heritage Dcpartmenl oi Va/wv 410,681 {, ' ;1 Commission and the Victorian

i National F-state simK I Natural Resoureea and nvironment. I CC (1982) Report on lite Alpine \rea and project Nn M0. Conservation I nuncil, \ ictorta Granta Program ol the Wahren en, Williama RJ and Papst WA (J999) Alpine Manaergh I (1982) Notes on (he range extension Alpine Watei skink {S/>//, nnnwi pim\ kfixciuxhii) in and suimipine vegetation on the Bogong Australian Victoria The\ h tarian VaturuttstW, 123-124 High Plains, south-eastern Victoria. Journal Botany AT, 165 188, Mi Dougall Kl (1982) I he alpine vegetation ol the of Williams Papst and Wahren (1997) rhe iinpuir High Plains I nvironmental Studies RJ, WA CH Publication No 157, Ministry for Conservation, impact o\ cattle gracing on alpine and subalpine plant Vidoria communittta of the Bogong High Plains.

t to Departmenl of NaturaJ I cattle [^published report the McDougail kl ( 19891 he elTeci o1 excluding Iroma mossbed ontne Bogong High ri,nn\, Victoria Resources and I nvrronment. \iilmi Ksiah Institute for Environmental Research, leehmeal Report Series No 95.

Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank

h> Andrew Beattieand Paul Ehrlich

Fublishen Mdhounw University Press, 2QQI 239pp. (SBND522 84986 5 $4%95>

eloquent con- 1 oss ol biodiversity the wealth of n;it- Solutions is written hy two ural v;niel\ Oil OUT pkinct is one of the servalion eeologists to help eonvey the greatest concerns pf modern times. In a potentially tangible values of organisms WOrld driven largely by pragmatic deei- that are most eommonly regarded as pas- sions, evaluating and eommunieating the sengers in wider conservation endea\our, richness and variet) of living organisms is namely the invertebrates, mieroorganisms an important basis for conservation. Wild ami Mower' plants. Bealtie and Ehrlich

5S Tho Victorian Naturalist Book Review

demonstrate the immense o! importance augments the main content. Chapter I these organisms, and their incredible spec- commences with an apt quotation from trum of largeh unexplored benefits to (and Anionic van 1 eewenhoek (1632-1723)

uses for) humanity, together with their 'All we have v ei discovered is bul a trifle varictv and vital roles in ecological sus- in comparison with what lies hid in the tainability, Collectively, invertebrates have great treasure of nature', a sentiment 1 'solved mam of the problems of survival acknowledged by main modern commen- in complex or extreme environments that tators and sobering in relation lo the still challenge human ingenuity, and Study- assumptions we tend lo make in our deal- ing they have how done this ma\ provide ings with life on earth. I he history of dis- valuable clues for human wellheing. The cover) of invertebrates and microorgan- breadth of examples used is impressive, isms continually shows the uncertainties and the simplified language renders the we face in living lo define their richness book accessible lo general readers whose even within an order of magnitude. More knowledge of invertebrates ma) be limit- Specific themes are then developed, cover- ed. Christine Turnbull's clear line draw- ing most major ecosystems, and stressing ings of mail) of the organisms discussed the uniqueness and intricacies of the inter- are also helpful and appealing. actions between taxa and the ways in Indeed, from some points of view, the which stud) of living organisms provides efforts to write in very general terms are lessons for human technological enterprise occasionally Frustrating, in that highly in virtually an> field of endeavour

complex scientific stories are presented including pharmaceulica l/medical bene II is, ver\ simplistically and the sense of wonder robotics, chemical engineering (bio-

we should feel at their inlricacv lends to mimicrv ). biological monitoring, recycling 'gel lost'! The information presented here materials, and the wide variety of other

is too important to be taken for granted. ecosv stem serv ices. I Ise of bacteria lo help

Nevertheless, the reader will surely appre- clear up diesel spills in soils or feeding on ciate the authors' attempts to summarise old car lyres and noxious agricultural

such a \ast compass in this form. I heir key chemicals; of bull ant secretions as antibi- message is that we must be induced to otics; of spider silks as models lor light-

1 value and develop the concept of "natural weight bod) armour; of velvetworni 'spit

1 capital before its value is destroyed, and as rapid-setting glue and correspondingly

that natural capital is the very organisms rapid solvents for it; and of tardigrades as

that we usual 1) overlook or deride. The producers of antifreeze are amongst the loss of biodiversity can be attributed large- numerous tantalising issues discussed. The ly to three categories of human activity: potential list of such benefits is both end- overpopulation, o\ erdev elopmenl and less and fascinating. ov sexploitation. One important message Much of this book induces an increasing

(p. 224) is that "we can never predict what sense of wonder at the possibilities for 1 species or populations are going to be use- people lo 'capitalise on such values of ful or even desperately important in the natural biodiversity, and the urgency lo do

future', and consequent!) the arguments so. I he authors convey powerfully that we sometimes advanced on redundance of lose biodiversity at our peril, and the book many taxa (so that these are then function- is a valuable contribution to the conserva-

ally dispensable in terms of pragmatic tion debate, Read il. and spread its mes- human values) arc very poorly founded in sages as widcK as you can! present knowledge. Curtailing losses of taxa from human activities may well be the TR New Dqwlmcii! m kes lo our future survival. JioologJ I ,i Trobc University, Victoria t08fi The book consists of 13 main chapters, and a list of further reading, which usefully

Vol. 119(2)2002 59 .

Research Reports

The Mammals of Parker River Inlet, Otway National Park

Mf* Westbrooke 1 and PT Prevctt 1

Abstract Studies of small mammals at Parker River Inlet from 1085-95 have demonstrated the presence ol ten species of small mammals, Trapping, spoi lighting and incidental sightings have shown that a further IN species of mammals occur within an area of 200 ha. Pseuthmys fumeus and Anicchinus minimus, recorded in this survey, are rare and restricted in Victoria. The species richness of the area is related to the heterogeneity of the vegetation, with twelve vegetation types being identified in the study area. The occurrence of the more abundant small mammals, Rutins fuse ipes, Rutins lulrcoius, Mus structure iloristics. Causes of muscuhts and Arttechinus swairwortiU ' s correlated with vegetation and fluctuations of the populalions of the exotic species M muscu/us and Rutins rutins are considered. Management recommendations, which reflect the high significance of faunal habitat in the area, arc made with the aim of minimising human impact. {The Victorian Naturalist 1 19 (2), 2002, 60-68)

Introduction Methods Botunically, the Otways, in particular the Small mammal trapping /Parker River area, is consid- A trapping grid was established at Parker ered significant as an isolated western River Inlet. It comprised 100 trap locations extremity of a vegetation type much more 20 m apart encompassing an area of extensive in eastern Victoria and Tasmania approximately 5 ha of diverse topography (Carr 1971). Preliminary surveys in l°82 and vegetation. One trap was placed at and 1983 at Parker River Inlet, located in each site. Small folding mammal traps 33 the southwest corner of the main block of 10 < 10 cm (Elliott Scientific Equip-

Otway National Park (Fig. 1), revealed the ment, Upwey, Victoria) were baited with a presence of six species of small mammals, mixture of peanut butter, rolled oats and and sufficient interest was generated to honey. Sites were trapped for three consec- warrant a more extensive, long-term study utive nights on 14 occasions from April At the mouth of Parker River, sandstone 1985 to October 1988, a total of 4200 trap cliffs give way to dune limestone cliffs, nights. Traps were cleared and reset each outcrops and stable dunes (Fig. 2). The morning. Animals caught were identilled, lower course of Parker River is aligned sexed, weighed to the nearest gram and along a fault. The estuarine sector has marked with numbered fingerling tags developed where the Fault zone crosses the (National Band and Tag Co. No. I) on the coast, allowing the stream to cut a wider ear.

valley in the fractured rock. The estuarine Recording of other mammal species sector is short and largely tilled by a tidal From April 1985 to March 1995 inciden- of in-washed sand (Rosengren 1984). tal observations were made of other mam- Parker River enters the estuary over a mals occurring in the vicinity of the Inlet series of cascades and small falls. Elevated within the area shown on Fig. 1. In March areas receive abundant rains, failing main-

I 989 a Harp Trap was set at the bridge ly between autumn and early summer. over Parker River. 1 km from the inlet, for Rainfall at Cape Otway averages 890 mm three consecutive nights to trap insectivo- per annum, but rises to twice this Figure on rous bats. the Parker Ridge. The combination oi^ these elements has resulted in both floristie Vegetation assessment and structural diversity of vegetation with At each trap site on the small mammal a great variety of associations being repre- grid, the structure and Iloristics of the veg- sented within a small area around Parker etation were assessed and related to the River Inlet. Data presented relates to an occurrence ol the more frequently trapped area of 200 ha located either side of the species. The vegetation of the surrounding lower reaches of Parker River. area was also surveyed.

1 Centre for Environmental Management, University of Ballarat, PO Bo\ 663. Ballarat, Victoria 3353

60 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Blanket Bay

Point Lewis

Trap Grid

I | Study Area

i i

Point Franklin kilometres

Fig. 1. Location of study site at Parker River, Otway National Park, Victoria

Results ground layer was dominated by ferns Vegetation including Common Maidenhair Adiantum Eleven vegetation associations were identi- aethiopicum, Hard Water-fern Blechnum fied in the area around the lower reaches of procerum, Common Ground-fern Culcita Parker River (Fig. 3). Seven of these were dubia and Spreading Fan-fern Sticheris represented within the trapping grid and lobatus. are marked *. Taxonomy is according to Eucalyptus obliqua open-forest Ross (2000). Open forest dominated by Messmate E. * Eucalyptus globulus tall open-forest obliqua, to 20 m.with an understorey of (Gully) shrubs to 2m. Shrub species include Heath Fall open forests dominated by Blue Tea-tree Leptospermum myrsinoidcs. Gum Eucalyptus globulus, with a range of Lance Beard-heath Leucopogon lanceola- associated shrub species including Hazel tus. Prickly Moses vcrficillafa and Pomaderris Pomaderris aspera, Prickly Large- leaf Bush-pea Pultenaea Currant-bush Coprosma quadriflda and daphnoides. Privet Mock-olive Notelaea ligustrina. The

Vol. 119(2)2002 61 Research Reports

Fig. 2. Parker River Inlet. Otway National Park. Victoria

*£. obliqua/E. globulus open forest (Open shrubland of Scented Paperbark Forest) squarrosa and Prickly Tea-tree Lepto- Open forest dominated by E. obtiqua and spermum continentale occurs. The ground

E. globulus. An open understorey of Poa layer is sparse or absent. spp. with Austral Bracken Pteridium escu- Closed heath land lentum. Spiny-headed Mat-rush Lomaudra On flat poorly drained areas along the longifolia subsp. longifolia. Snowy Daisy- Blanket Bay Road a closed heath of Scrub bush Olearia liruta. A- verticillata and Sheoak Dwarf Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa. paludosa, Sheoak A. pus ilia, Prickly Tea-tree L. con- * "Otway messmate' low open-forest (L. tinentale and B, marginata occurs. Other Open Forest) associated species include Austral Grass- Low open forest of the hybrid Otway tree Xanthorrhoea australis. Common Messmate with an understorey dominated Heath Epacris impressa and members of by Tussock Grass Poa labillardieri, L. the Restionaceae. There is an occasional longifolia subsp. longifolia, arid P. escu- overstorey of Bog Gum Eucalyptus kitso- lentum. Scattered shrubs include Coast niana. Beard-heath Leucopogon parviflorus and *Low open heathland (Heath) Silver Banksia Banksia marginata. Areas on the dune limestone cliffs are Eucalyptus viminalis woodland dominated by L. parviflorus. This varies

On undulating stabilised dunes between from small stunted shrubs less than 1 m the lighthouse road and Blanket Bay Road tall in exposed sites to 3 m in more shel- occurs a woodland of Manna Gum E, vimi- tered situations. Leucopogon parviflorus nalis with a sparse shrub layer of A. verti- was generally an overstorey to either P. cillata and B, spinosa, with a ground layer labitlardieri or Buffalo Grass Stenotaph- rum secundatum but, dominated by P. lahillardieri and /_.. long'h where associated folia. with L. continentale, Manuka Leptosper- mum scoparium and B. marginata^ an Leptospermum continental/Melaleuca almost impenetrable thicket existed, scjuarrosa tall closed-shrubland excluding any ground layer. Scattered In more or less sheltered coastal gullies stands of Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina to the west of Parker River a dense closed verticillata also occur.

62 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

L. contmentale/ Leucopogon parviflorus Low Open Shrubland

L. contmentale / Allocasuanna spp Closed Heath

Coastal Dune

Grassland / Shrubland


Grassland / Herbland

Phragmites australis Grassland

Restricted occurence kilometres Leptospermum contmentale Closed Heath / Melaleuca squarrosa f Study Site Tall Closed Shrubland j

National Park, Victoria. Fig. 3. Vegetation communities of Parker River, Otway

(Grass) *Coasta! dune complex (Dune) Tussock grassland Marram Grass Ammophila orenoria and Poa labillardieri, forms dense stands to 1 S. secwidatum. Poa labil- Hairy Spintfex hirsutus provide m in height with the dominant species in low- the major stabilizing vegetation on the sea- lardieri was whereas S. seeimdaium occurs ward dunes. Associated species include P. lying areas, species on level areas eseulentum and Knobby Club-rush Isolepis as the dominant system and the first dune nodosa. Sea Rocket Cakile edentuta is between the dune In this situation the Buffalo apparently the first species to colonise the limestone cliff. Grass has been grazed by roaming cattle to sand of" the open beach but this may be the a low, even lawn, interspersed result of large-scale sand movements. produce with other grass species such as Hare's Phrag) *Pkragmites australis grassland f Tail Lagurus ovatus, Slender Tussock- Common Reed Phragmites australis grass Poa tenera. Cocksfoot Dactylis River dominates a stretch alongside Parker glomerata, Yorkshire Fog Holeus lanatus between the waterfall and the beach. Poa and Tall Fescue Festuea arundinaeea. labillardieri occurs with it except where inundated with water.

63 Vol. 119(2)2002 .

Research Reports

Captures/ 100 trap nights

R fuscipes R lutreolus R. rattus M. musculus A swatnsoni Species

1985 11986 D1987 1988

Fig. 4. Mammal captures/ 1 00 trap nights, Parker River Inlet, Victoria.

Small mammals were made together with five bat species Nine species of small mammal were trapped in March 1989 (Table 2). recorded: Swamp Rat Rutins lutreolus t Discussion Black Rat Rutins rutins. Bush Rat Rutins Small mammals frequently fuscipes., Smoky Mouse Pseudomys captured at fumeus, Mouse Mouse Afns musculus, Parker River Inlet were R. fuscipes, R. Agile Anleehinus Anteckinus ugilis. lutreolus, A/, musculus and A. swuinsonii. Swamp Anteehinus Antechinus minimus, Pseudomys fumeus, although only trapped Dusky Antechinus Anteehinus swuinsonii twice is a significant record for the area and White-looted Dunnart Sminthopsis since it has been infrequently recorded in leucopus. A single dead specimen of the Otways. Antechinus minimus is listed Southern Broun Bandicoot Isoodon ohesn- as rare in Victoria because it is found only in small ins was also found. Relative abundance of isolated populations. There are two the more frequently occurring species over only previous records of Sminthopsis leucopus from the Cape Otway area. The the four years based on captures per 1 00 appearance and later disappearance trap nights is shown in fig. 4. The occur- of a population of R. rutins is of interest rence of the small mammal species in the and may be related to in seven vegetation types represented on the changes use in the area. trapping grid is shown in Table l Rattus fuscipes is a widespread and com- Other mammals mon species, being found in sub-alpine During the period of the study incidental woodland, coastal scrub, eucalypt forest

observations often larger mammal species and rainforest. It is nocturnal, preferring

64 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Table 1. Relationship of small mammals to vegetation types, o. not reeorded; -f, occasional; #, 1re- l°°S). quent. * denotes exotic species. Taxonomv according to Mcnkhorst ( Grass Phrag Dune Heath L. Open Open Cully Forest Forest

# So/fM.5 fuscipes H # + # u

+ i i + Rattus Iutreoius fl # # *Ratfus rattus + + + + o Pscudamys /mucus t 4 o + *\fi/s nuisculus # u n n & o

-1 + 1 Inicchinus swainsonu I o +

1 + Antechintts agil/s o o + | Antechinus minimus + + f-

' Smirtthopsis leucopus 4

Inlet. * denotes e\ot- Table 2. Species of areer mammals and bats recorded adjacenl to Parker Ri\er

it species.

Speeies Evidence Location

Oniithorhynchus anal inns Diurnal observation Parker River Forest Tctchyglossus acitteaius Diurnal observation Open Wallabia bicolot Diurnal observation Widespread Phascolarctos cinereits Diurnal observation \\ oodland Trichosurus vulpecula Nocturnal observation Open Forest Pseudockeirus peregrinus Nocturnal observation Open Forest

I all Open Forest Petaurus australis Nocturnal observation

l ( )pen Petaurus breviceps Nocturnal observation all Forest Acrohates pygmaeus Nocturnal observation I all Open Forest Isoodon obesulus Carcass Open Forest Dunes *\'ulpes vulpes Scats, prints Harp trap Tall Open Forest I espadelus darlingtoni

I all Opcn-loivsi Vespadelus regulus Harp trap

I all Open Forest ( 'halinalobus rtiorio Harp trap

I all Open Forest I trap C 'halinolohus gouldii larp Tall Open Forest Vyctaphttus geqffroyi Harp trap Tall Open Forest FaisistreUus iasmaniensis Harp trap Cage trap Parker River fh riroim 's c -hr\ 'sogaster Parker River Inlet Arclocephalas pusillus dorifcrus Diurnal observation

other animals, are a major areas where there is dense ground cover. and habitat requirement. Although non-fossorial. it excavates bur- rows under stumps, logs, bushes and RattUS Ittfrcoius has been described as a grass sedge. Catling clumps of grass (Warneke 1971). In spite rodent ol" heath, or pointed out that, whilst R. fuscipes ol having broad habitat preferences (Hall ( 1986) species. R Iutreoius is and Lee 1982), several studies have shown is primartl) a forest and considered to be a wet heath species thai it to be associated with dense cover vegetative cover. structually complex vegetation types inhabits areas of thick (Leonard' 1970; Warneke 1971; Catling (I98(>) identified dietary differ- ences as the reason that R. Iutreoius pre- Braithwaite et al, 1978). Rutins fuscipes post-lire. Rutins Iutreoius has been shown to be adversely affected by cedes R. fuscipes feeding on it was is predominantly a herbivore, lire (I ox 1982) and, in the Otways, mosses, fungi, some herbs, absent Tor three years of post-lire succes- sedges, insects {Seebeck 1995a), whilst R. sion (Rogers 1991). The results of this and fuscipes is omnivorous, eating insects and Stud) associate R. fuscipes with dune com- plant material (Seebeck 1995b). A', tutreo plex* vegetation with dense ground cover. soils, which ins was trapped most frequently in the Thus it appears that friable grassland, sites that had provide favourable conditions for burrow- heath and tussock ground layer and a generally ing and support a rich microfauna ol a dense

65 Vol. 1(9(2)2002 Research Reports

sparse overslorey. This species was fre- able to threats such as wildfire and feral quently encountered in the coastal dune predators (Menkhorst 1995), recent studies complex, often adjacent to the beach. have shown populations along the Otway

Mica muscuhis is an introduced species coast (Westbrooke et til. 1995) and Port existing in large populations where appro- Campbell National Park (Twyford 1997). priate food is available, and is an oppor- Whilst there are only two prev ious records tunistic and omnivorous species {Watts of 5. leucopus from the Cape Otway area,

and Aslin 1 98 I). Norton (1987) pointed this may be the result of low capture rates out that at several healhland sites, the for this species rather than rarity. Us con- species showed clear habitat preferences servation status nonetheless remains for similar floristic groups. In dry healh- unclear (Menkhorst 1995).

land in north-easten Tasmania captures of Psaulomys fumeus is uncommon or rare House Mice were positively correlated throughout its Victorian range (Menkhorst with floristic richness and negatively cor- 1995), and was described by Bra/enor related with vegetation cover less than 50 (1934) from two specimens taken at cm high. Floristically diverse habitats Olangolah near Beech forest in the Otwav could provide a range of food resources Ranges of south-western Victoria. Another throughout the year, support year-round specimen was collected in the same area in breeding and result in a rapid population 1937. One specimen was trapped at the increase. Rapid population growth is well mouth of Parker River in 1980 and two documented for this species (Newsome were captured at Blanket Bay to the east in 1969). Mus musculus was most commonly 1985. Cockburn (1981) suggested that the trapped within the heath and low open-for- habitat preferences of P. fumeus reflected est, this preference perhaps reflecting suit- selection for those areas providing a year- ability of the soil for burrowing, or related round source of high quality food, rich in to plant diversity and the greater range of nitrogen and, further, suggested that post- food sources throughout the year. Data fire succession producing an understorey support a significant decline in the popula- rich in peas and wattles is essential for its tion of this species over the four years of continued survival. In this study the two the study at Parker River. This may be a specimens were trapped in low open-forest result of decline post fire, as has been vegetation, a trapping rate of approximately reported by Newsome ( 1995). He suggest- one per 500 trap nights for this communi- ed a decline 3-4 years post-fire together ty. Low trapping rates are common for this with a return of populations of native species and a number of reasons for this rodents. The last fire in this locality, imme- have been suggested. Menkhorst and diately to the north-west of the study area, Seebeck (1981) noted that population den- was at least ten years prior to this study. sities of P. fumeus were generally low, Antechinus swafnsonii is a small ground- possibly due to its preference for drier hill- dwelling marsupial. According to Dickman sides with a heath understorey. Hven at (1995), the preferred habitats of A. swain- such sites the species may never develop sonii have a dense understorey of fern or high population densities. Pseudomys shrub. Although Dickman (1995) believed fumeus is considered to require careful the species to be a soil-fossicking insecti- monitoring, principally because of succes- vore. Hall (1980) regarded A. swainsonii siona! changes in vegetation communities as a generalisl and an opportunistic feeder. and therefore change in habitat suitability During the winter, nests are excavated in to the species (Menkhorst 1995). creek banks or just below the soil surface. RctttUS rattus was introduced to Australia often under the cover of decaying logs or from Europe. It is generally considered to grass (Dickman 1995). Antechinus swain- be a vagrant in undisturbed Australian veg- sonii was trapped only in the gully and on etation and is more usually associated with the medium slopes and ridge within the disturbed situations in coastal Australia. open forest communities. Settlement on Parker Hill and camping at Whilst A minimus is listed as rare in Parker River Inlet may have provided the Victoria because it is found only in small required disturbance for the small popula- isolated populations which are thus vulner- tion of R. rattus that occurred there. A

66 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

large percentage of the captures were on spreading by rhizomes, quickly colonises the periphery of the flat grassland used by recent sand accretions to the dunes. campers and grazed b> livestock. These However, the rhizomes are broken easily habitats of dense Buffalo Grass, heath or under the loose sand when trampled, and tussock grass ma\ have provided suitable many areas have become devoid of this nest sites. Ruttus rutins has not been cap- valuable stabilizing species (Anon 1981). tured at Parker River Inlet after 1986. The stability of coastal dunes in southern Factors that may have influenced this are: Australia has been maintained by hand-

(i) reduced use of the inlet for camping planting of the vegetativcly propagated since the establishment of the National Ammophila arcnaria. introduced to Park and the closure of the inlet access Australia from Western Europe and this is track to vehicles; well established. Cattle selectively graze (ii) continued euthanasia of specimens the native S. hirsutus in preference to the trapped on a regular basis from what may exotic A arenaria (pers. obs.). A number have been a population not well estab- of other exotic species occur in the dis- lished. turbed communities ofthe inlet and at least Other species recorded in this studv are two have become established within the unremarkable in themselves but the very period of this study, i.e. Cape Gooseberry high species richness of mammals. 25 Physalis peruviana and Sea Spurge native and three exotic, within an area of Euphorbia paral las. o\' funn-us, ridge- 200 ha. makes the area highlv significant, 1 he preferred habitat P four further native species. Cercarfetus top sclerophy II forest with a diverse under- nanus. Potorous triductylus, Dasyurus storey of heath dominated by legumes maculatus and Miniopterus schrefbersti (Menkhorst and Seebeck 1981), is regener- have been recorded within 2 km of the ated by lire and Coekburn {1995) suggests post-fire succes- inlet. that it is dependent upon sion for its continued survival, lie also Management implications considered the species to be in danger of This study at Parker River Inlet has extinction. This studv has confirmed the of different demonstrated the association presence of P. fumeus within the Otway mammal species with particular vegetation National Park and appropriate manage- type*. Consequently- concern is expressed ment procedures should be considered for the management of the area. along with the needs of other small mam- grazing has Clearing of woodland for mal species. to Cape occurred from Point Franklin A notable absentee from the area is the Otway. Pastures are unimproved and were Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus. used for grazing cattle, which wandered According to Mcnkhorsl (1995), the freely over large areas of pasture, wood- species has been found in dense Poa grass- land and dune. These cattle have altered land beside Parker River and on dunes the vegetation of the cliffs by trampling, within 50 m of the sea. No specimens were aggravating erosion, and initiating and recorded at Parker River Inlet despite trap- such facilitating the spread of exotic weeds ping between 1985 and 1989 in locations and Lagurus as Stenotaphrum seamdatum where it might be expected. OVatus, Despite being established as a Mus museulus becomes abundant and National Park in July 1981, cattle were not ubiquitous about 18 months after a bush- block of excluded until the purchase of a fire, at a time when native species of private land to the west of the inlet, in rodent have become rare. The outbreak can River, live- 1985. At the inlet of Parker last up to 3-4 years, with M musculo dis- coastal stock had reduced areas of the appearing as populations of native rodents of heath and tussock grasslands to lawns begin increasing again (New some 1995). spaces on exotic grass species. These open A controlled burn was carried out in open sea attracted level ground and close to the forest at Blanket Bay, 4 km east of this species such many campers. Native plant study site in January 1990. This has pro- as SpmtfeX hirsutus are susceptible to dam- vided the opportunity to assess changes in hirsutus. In trampling. Spinifex the small mammal populations following

67 Vol. 119(2)2002 Research Reports

I Habitat and species fire at a site similar lo parts of the trapping lockings M (1981) distribution diversity of small mammals in soulh-easl Queensland grid used for this study (Wcstbrooke and in relation lo vegelalion structure. Australian Wildlife

Prcvett 2000). Resmrch*f 99-m, Leonard B (1970) Fffeels ol control burning on small It is apparent thai major disturbances 1 " 1 mammal populations 2 I ire Ecology Symposium through the of or roaming activity man Papers, pp 1-14 forests Commission of Victoria: livestock are detrimental to both the plant Melbourne. Menkhorst (1995) Mammal* oj Victoria dis/rihu and animal communities at Parker River PW lion, ecology and conservation. (Oxford University Inlet. Such degradation of habitats may Press: Melbourne) favour the exotic mammal species R. rattus Menkhorst PW and Secheek Jll (WSl) The distribu- tion, habitat and status of P$&udomyS lumcw-, and A/, musciiliis (Watts 1995; Newsome Bra/enor (Rodentia: Muridae) Australian Wildlife 1995). Research 8. 87-96 Newsome Al (199.5) House Mouse Mus musculus In

Acknowledgments The Australian Museum t 'ompletc Book of Australian Roberlson; We would like to acknowledge the assistance Mammals. L-'d R Slrahan. (Angus and Sydney) and cooperation of sinff of DNRI , C'olac Newsome AK (1969) A population of house mice lem Region, and in parlicular Alan Rampcl, Senior porarily inhabiting a South Australian wheatficld. Ranger, Otwaj National Park. Journal of Animal ecology/ 38, 34 1 -59, Norton TW (19S7) The ecology ol small mammals in References northeastern Tasmania II. Pscudomvs novachollaudt the in of the Anon ( 1981 ) A study of land the Catchmeni ac and the introduced Mus musculus tustralian Qtway Range and adjacent plains. (Soil WMfife Research 14,534-41. Conservation Authority: Kcw) Robinson AC (1975) Some aspects of the population

Hamuli Jl- How KS and Humphreys WF (1976) The ecology of the bush rat, Rattus I use i pes, easl- use of habitat components by small mammals in iWaternouse). In Harnett et al. (1978) Ihe use of em Australia. Australian Journal oj Ecology 3, 277- habitat components by small mammals in eastern 85. Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 3, 277-2S5. Bralthwaite RW, Cpcftburn A and Lee Ak (1978) Rogers UM (1991) The effects of post-fire succession Resource partitioning by small mammals in lowland on small mammals of the Otway National Park. healh communities of soulh-eastern Australia Undergraduate project report, Ballarat University

. tusttahan Journal oj Ecology 3, 423-45. College, Ml Helen.

Braithwaitc KW and I ee AK (1979) The ecology of Roseitgren N (1984) Sites of geological and geomor- Rattus lutreolus in a Victorian heathland population. phological significance in the Shire of ()twa\. Australian Wildlife Research 173-79. % Department of Geography : University of Melbourne. Bra/enor CW (J 950 J The Mammals oj Victoria. Ross .III (cd) (2000M Census oj Vascular Plants of (Brown, Prior and Anderson: Melbourne) Victoria, 5 ed, (Royal Botanic Gardens: Melbourne)

( ) Parker River, Carr GW 1971 Vegetation of the Cape Scebeck .III (1995a) Swamp Rat. In Mammals of oiway Region. Geebmg Naturalist It, 66-73. Victoria: distribution, ecology and conservation. Td lutreolus, Catling PC ( 1986) Rattus colonizer of heath- PW Menkhorst. (Oxford University Press; land after lire in the absence o\ f'seudonns species? * Melbourne] tystraliqn Wildlife Research 13, 127-39. Seebeck Jll (1095b) Bush Rat. In Mammals of Cockburn A (198J) Population regulation and disper- Victoria, distribution, ecology and conservation, Ed sion of the Smoky Mouse, Pseudomvs fuincus, I PW Menkhorst . (Oxford I nivcrsiiy Press: Dietary determinants o\' mierohabilat preference. Melbourne) tu.s/rahan Journal of Ecology 6, 231-54, Iwyford Kl (1997) Habitat relalionships of small (/ockburn A (1995) Smoky Mouse I'scudomys fumeus- mammals at Port Campbell National Park. Victoria. In The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammalogy 20, 89-98. Australian Mammals, Hd R Strata) n. (Angus and Warneke RM ( 1971 ) Field sludy of the Australian Bush Robertson; Sydney) Rat, Rattus fuscipes, (Rodentia: MuridaeJ. Wildlife Diekinan CR M995) Dusky Antechinus Anteelunus Contributions Victoria 14, 1-115. s^iiinsonii. In The Australian Museum Complete Walls CHS (1995) Black Rat. In The Australian Pooh of Australian Mammals, Id R Slrahan. (Angus Museum Complete Hook oj Austiahan M

New South Wales: Sydney )

6S The Victorian Naturalist 1 1

( 'ontrihutions

Habitat of the Endangered Hibbertia procumbem (Labill.) DC (Dilleniaceae) from the Central Coast of New South Wales

Stephen AJ Bell 1

Abstract Hibbertia procumbem U abilt.J DC (Dilleniaceae) is eurrentb listed as an endangered species under 4 '*)?. the A.S'll Threatened Species Conservation Act I Ibis species is exlremely rare in New South

Wales, with only two records now known for the whole of the Slate; it is more common in Victoria, where populations are concentrated in the coastal districts, and in Tasmania. Future taxonomie revi- sion ma\ possibK differentiate the New South Wales specimens from those in the more southern Stales. A new population of Hibbertia procumbem is described here for Bumble Mill on the Central (oast of New South Wales. Habitat details are provided for this and the only other known New South Wales location at Strickland State forest. A conservation risk code for the New South Wales L populations is suggested, following the ostein of liriggs and I cig.h ( )%>. Additional searches for Hibbertia pwcitmbens in New South Wales should he made within appropriate habitat both in and outside conservation reserves in the northern S>dne\ Basin region, to ascertain the conservation sta-

1 tus of the species and to assist taxonomie revision. {The Victorian Vaturtdm 1 ) i^i. 2U02. 69-74 i

Introduction Hibbertia procumbem tlahill.) DC different taxon is involved. In any case, the (Dilleniaceae) is a \er> rare, summer-flow- New South Wales specimens are recog- ering, prostrate shrub growing in scrubby nised as problematic, and will require taxo- heath on sandy soils in New South Wales. nomie resolution in the future (H Toelken, Victoria (Harden and Everett 1990), and pers. comm.). tinder current legislation in Tasmania (II Toelken, pers. eomrn.). New South Wales, //. proeumhens is con- Currently, // procutnbens is listed as sidered endangered, in recognition of the V.S'II its apparently high- endangered in Schedule 1 of the paucity of records and Threatened Species Conservation Act ly restricted range.

1995, although national!} it is not consid- This paper reports on a new population ered rare (Briggs and Leigh 1996), In New o\' H proeumhens located during vegeta- South Wales, Harden and Everett (1990) tion surveys undertaken in Wyong Shire note that this species has been recorded on the Central Coast of New South Wales only from the Mountain area of (Bell in prog.). The site near Bumble Hill the Central Coast botanical subdivision. In on the edge oi' the Somersby Plateau was

Victoria, //. proeumhens is locally com- recognised as being highly significant for mon in coastal heathland and heaths the State, and the opportunity is taken here woodland, with a discontinuous distribu- to document the habitat attributes in this tion from the Portland area. Otway area. The only other known population in Ranges, Anglesea, Western Port (including New South Wales was also re-visited in French and Phillip Islands), (ape Paterson, order to compare and describe the habitat Wilsons Promontory, near Traralgon and there. at a lew sites east of Or host


i . representation i Kotara ail there is currently no known i i lora Survcj PO Bo* 216,

Vol. 119(2)2002 69 Contributions of this species within formal conservation a population of around a dozen plants was reserves. The existing site in Strickland estimated for this site, but subsequent

State Poresl is approximately 15 km south- searches for the species in adjacent areas east of the new location at Bumble Hill. during October 2001 revealed a much larg-

ihhhertia procumhens was also collected er population of between 1 00- 1 50 plants. in December 1998 during searches for the Other associated species within the endangered herb ProstCMtkera funonis on scrub/heath included (in decreasing order behalf of the NSW National Parks and of relative abundance) the shrubs Wildlife Service (S Douglas, pers. comm.). Pultcnaea ferruginea var. ferru^inea Identification was not possible at this time Petrophiis puicheila, Paeekea diosnujoiia. due to a lack of fertile material, and a cut- Acacia lini folia, Phyllola phylieoides, ting was propagated to provide flowering Hossiaea heterophylla. Lamheriia formosa, material for later identification. It was only liihhcrtia aspcra. Plutysace tinearifolia, while assessing the status o\ threatened liakca daelyloides, Acacia sp. B, (ircvilica flora in the Gosford City Council area that huxifolia subsp. huxifotia. Acacia suave- the identity Of the unknown // was con- oiens, Ppaeris puicheila, Ltiuc&pogon firmed (Douglas and Burcher in prep.). esq ua mat us. Dillwynia sericea and This was verified in August 2001 when Hossiaea scolopendria; the herbs fertile specimens were observed in the Mitrasacme poiymorpha. Paters tin in field. sericea, Siackiioitsia nuda. Dampiera

sfricta, Phyllantinis hirfelius, //. riparia Habitat at Bumble Hill and Scacvola ramosissima\ and the Hill record was in The Bumble made graminoids [nl&opQgQn avenacctts, 2000, within a liauksia November ericijb- Cvuthochaeta diiaidra, Xtnifhorr/ioca iici var. hispida ericlf&tia~AngophorQ rcs/nifera, Lomaintra ohiiqua, Sehoenas scrub/heath on skeletal sand} soils derived icpidt)sperma subsp. pachyiepis. Xvris from I riassie llawkesbury sandstone (see compianaia, Arist'nla vagans and

Appendix I for common names and Loifiinidra glauca. The small fern authorities of all plant species discussed in iindsaca linearis and the terrestrial orchid the text). Soils have been mapped a1 this Crypiostylis ereeta were also present. location as part of the Lambert (la) soil landscape, which consists of a loose, stony. Habitat at Strickland State Forest brown, sandy-loam topsoil with apedal, Efforts were made to revisit the location single-grained structure and a porous oi' the Strickland State forest record in sandy fabric, over a yellowish-brow n July and August 2001. Notes accompany- clayey-sand subsoil with apedal massive- ing the original collection in Wl included lo-wcakh pedal structure, and a porous a description of the habitat as 'Banksia eri- earth> fabric (Murphy I W). The site is cifolia Ailocasuarina distyla open scrub, located on a mid-lo-upper exposed slope on skeletal Sandy soil with rocks'. The site (aspect 355°), on a gently sloping sandstone reference co-ordinates provided did not

,v bench (S ), and at an elevation of 90 in correspond with the description of the area

\SI . Structurally, the vegetation is com- (inaccurate by approximately 5 km), which posed of a tall shrub layer 2-3 m in height indicated that the site was "along track to and 20-40% cover, dominated by Banksia Picnic Area, off Dog Trap Koad. Angophora hispida, Banksia ehcifalia var. Strickland Slate Forest*. Consequently, a ericijblia and LeptGsp&rmum irinervimn. search of the general area around the

Ik'lm\ this at a cover of 50-66% is a 1 m Banksia Picnic Area managed to locale layer of shrubs dominated b\ Hanksia iri- suitable habitat and plants of H. procum- ei/olia var. erieifoHa, Hakea terctifolia and hens. While detailed counts were not made lianksia obtongffbiia, Ground layer vegeta- at this site, it was estimated that a popula- tion merges with (he shrub layer, and is tion of perhaps 100-200, possibly up to dominated by l.cpyrodia scariosa. 300 plants, occurs here. The Strickland

Priiothrix deuxta and minor. The State forest population is probably the site appeared lo have been burnt approxi- larger of the two known New South Wales mately _>-5 years prior to survey. Initially. sites.

70 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Like Bumble Hill, the Strickland Stale C Conservation and Management Forest population occurs within a scrub/ Populations of //. prociunhens at both heath of Banks in ericifolia var. ericifolia Bumble Hill and Strickland Stale forest and some Angophora hispidii, on skeletal represent the only known records for New sand\ soils derived from the Triassie South Wales. Both populations occur on llawkesburv sandstone series. Murphy the edge of the Somersby Plateau, an (1993) has mapped the soils at this site as undulating plateau of Triassie llawkesbury forming part of the Sydney Town (st> soil sandstone forming a northerly extension o\' landscape, although the description of both the llornsby Plateau (Murphy 1993). the soils and the vegetation provided by Neither site occurs within formal conserva- Murplvv (1993) suggest that the area in tion reserves, although use of that part of question is in Fact a small unmapped Strickland State forest for limber produc- occurrence of the Lambert (la) landscape tion is unlikely. Within New South Wales, (see above description), As at Bumble Hill, both the northern and southern limits o\~ the site oeeurs on a gentle upper slope (7°) distribution are represented by these two but at an aspect of 164" and an elevation of sites, covering a geographical range of only 15 km. Ibis area is also known for 180 m AS1 . Structurally, the vegetation consists of a tall shrub layer (4-5 m. 10 % other ta\a o\' interest in the // genus (e.g. cover) of stunted Eucalyptus haemastoma Ifibhcriio enipetrifolitj subsp. tuninaia), and Hanksia ericifolia var ericifolia* with including some as yet undescribed species, some Lepiospermum trinervium and which require further investigation (II Angophora hispida also apparent. He low Toelken. pels. comm.). this, a combined shrub ground layer up to In the context o\' regional vegetation is 2 m in height and 50-SO % cover occurs. communities in which this species dominated by Grevillea speciosa, found, the descriptions of habitat for the

t i n s fi t ^:\o s e 1 w i t h Dillwynia sericca and Hanksia ericifolia two I oc a o y the var. ericifolia. llawkesbury Coastal Banksia Woodland ol Other species present in the area included NPWS (2000). This vegetation type is spo- (in decreasing order of relative abundance) radically distributed around the NSW the shrubs Banks Ui ohlongifathz, Eersoonia Central (oast on Hawkesbury sandstone tsophylkr Leucapogon esquamotus, derived soils (particularly the Lambert soil scolopendria, Bauera microphyl- landscape), and hence there is considerable o\ If la. llihherfiu cistiflora subsp. Cistiflora* potential for oilier populations Makea tereti/olia, Epacris palchcUu, prociunhens to occur in the region, NPWS Pultenaea elliptica, Baeckea diosmifolia. (2000) have mapped S732 ha (extant) o\ Hakea dactyloide$< Acacia suaveolens, this vegetation type in the Central Coast Piatvsaec fincarifoiia, Petrophilc pulchel- area. Much ol this already occurs within reserves managed by the la, Persoonia lanceuiatu, Lepiospermum conservation polygalifoliurri subsp, polygatifolium, NSW' National Parks and Wildlife Service, Grevillea buxifolia subsp. buxifolia, including Brisbane Water, Dharug, Popran buxifolia SUbsp, obovafa, and Yengo National Parks, and Parr State Consequently, potential Hihbertia empctrifolia subsp it nc inula- the Recreation Area. herbs Aciinoiits minor, Xanthosia tridenta- habitat for the species does no! appear to Several Stale ta, Proscra aunculata, (joinpiudohium be immediately threatened glabratum; the graminoids Lcptocarpus forests managed by State Forests of New tenax, I.epyrodia scarioso. Ptilothri\ South Wales also contain this habitat (e.g. Ourimbah Slate deusta, Xyris compianaia, Patersonia Strickland Slate forest and

sericca, Lepidosperma fit t forme, Forest), Xiinthorrhoea resirufera, Cyathocluicfa Although lisled on Schedule 1 of the

; ( diandra, Schoenus lepidosperma subsp. NSW Threatened species 'onservation pachvtepis; and the ferns/allies Sefayjncila Act, If. prociunhens does nol have an offi- the uliyinosa, Sehizaea bifida and f.oidsaea cial conservation risk code under linearis. Aliocastutrina dfstyla was not BriggS and Leigh (1996) System, most observed, although Ailocasuarino lit {oralis likely due to the extent of populations in the distance was in the general area. Victoria and fasmania. Given

Vol. 119(2)2002 71 .


between the New South Wales and more Future survey of heath and scrub vegeta- southern populations, further taxonomic tion on Hawkesbury sandstone geology revision of this group will probably ulti- within this part of the Sydney region mately reeognise two distinct taxa. should include diligent searches for H.

Consequently, it is suggested that (at least procumhens, particularly on and around for New South Wales) this species be the Somersby Plateau. It would also be given a code of 3E, indicating an endan- desirable for dedicated searches to be gered species with a known geographical made within appropriate habitat in existing range of greater than 100 km, but with no conservation reserves in the region to known representation within formal con- ensure that long term conservation of the servation reserves. Should taxonomic revi- species is secured. Further collection of sion determine that the New South Wales specimens and lodgement at national specimens are in fact distinct from those in herbaria is also required to assist in taxo- the southern States, then a risk code of 2E nomic revisions of this laxon. would be more appropriate. For New Acknowledgments South Wales, a regional code of 57 Wyong Shire Council is acknowledged for fund- (Central botanical subdivision) Coast ing the Shire-wide vegetation survey in 2000- should also be included. 2001, during which the Bumble Hill population The lloristic composition of //. procitnh was discovered. Assistance in the Held was ably bens habitat on the Central Coast of New provided by Jedda I.emmon, while confirmation of Hibbertia procumhens specimens from South Wales is heavily influenced by lire, Bumble Mill and Strickland Slate forest was particularly in relation to lire frequency undertaken by staff at the National Herbarium of and intensity (Bradstock et at. 1997). NSW. Neville Walsh (National Herbarium of Management strategies for habitat known Victoria) kindly provided location details and

to support //. procumhens are therefore general information for Victorian populations, while Hellmul Toelken (State Herbarium likely to revolve around appropriate tire of South Australia) provided comments on taxono- regimes, although specific research is my and distribution of this difficult taxon. Peter required to confirm this. The lire response Hind (National Herbarium of New South Wales) mechanism for other Hibbertia species in provided information on NSW collections. the Sydney region predominantly involves Travis Peake commented on the manuscript and resprouting from basal shoots, although encouraged further searching for the Strickland Stale Forest population. Steve Douglas also high intensity tire has been reported to kill commented on the manuscript and provided use- species (Benson and McDougall some ful information on the Strickland Stale Forest 1995). Observations made in the field sug- population. gest that H, procumbent would resproul fol- References lowing lire, since specimens growing on Bell SAJ (in prog.) Classification and mapping of the trail margins in Strickland State Forest were vegetation of Wyong Nhiiv. Euslcoasl Mora Survey. noted to have resprouled from basal shoots Unpublished report and map lo Wyong Shirt- following trailbike disturbance. Council. ( Benson I) and McDougall I. ( 19 >5) Ecologj of Syclnev Weed invasion is a concern for the plant species. Part 3. Dicotyledon fiam flies Strickland Slate Forest population. Cabombaeeae lo Euponiatiaeeae. Ciiiinini>hauha 4.

2 1 7-43 1 Surrounding habitat is being invaded by the Bradstock KA, lo/cr M(i and Keith DA (1997) Effects exotic Finns rniiiatu while trail margins are of high frequency fins on florist! c composition and also affected by invasion of exotic Whisky abundance in a fire-prone heathland near Sydney

Australian Journal ofBotany 45. 64 1 -655, (irass Andropogon virginicus. Appropriate Briggs JD and Leigh JH (1996) Rare or Threatened management of the powcrlinc access trail Australian I'lants, rev ed. (CSIRO: Australia) along which several specimens occur is Douglas SM and Rurcher P (in prep.) Gosford Cit\ Council threatened hiola profiles am! assessment paramount. Erosion, sedimentation and the guidelines. ESP Ecological Surveys and Planning introduction of non-indigenous till such as (Yes wick with AES Environmental Surveys Cowan. South basaltic road-base are currently undermin- Harden GJ (Ed) (1990-1993) Flora of New Wales Volumes 1-4. (UNSW Press: Kensington) ing the integrity of the general habitat, and Harden (hi and Everett .1 (1990) Dilleniaeeae. In Flan; promoting weed invasion. At Bumble Hill, ofNew South Wales Volume I, pp 293-303. (UNSW similar threats are not yet apparent, Press: Kensington) Harden GJ and Murray EJ (2000) Supplement to Flora site is private land in close although the on nt New South W&U$ Volume I. (UNSW Press proximity to a main road. Kensington)

72 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Kodela PC. and Tindaie MD (2001 ) Acacia sp. B. Flora and Central Coast region. A project undertaken for ofAustralia, 11A,223. the Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Murphv CL (1993) Soil Landscapes oj the Gosford- Environmental Management Strategy by CRA Unit. Lake Macquarie 1:100 000 Sheet Report. Sydney Zone, NPWS.

Department of Conservation and I. and Management. National Parks and Wildlife Service (2000) Vegetation survey, classification and mapping: limer Hunter

Appendix 1. Scientific and common names of species mentioned in text. Nomenclature generally follows Harden (1990-1993) and Harden and Murra\ (2000), except where recent revisions have been published. Family Species and Authority Common Name

Class Lyeopsida (Cliibmosses and quilhvorts)

Selaginellaceae Selagirtella uliginosa (Lai i Spring

Class Filicopsida (Ferns) Schizaeaceae Schizaea bifida W ilkl. forked Comb Fern Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea linearis Sw. Screw Fern

Class Conil'eropsida (Conifers) Pinaceae Firms radiate D.Don * Kadiata Pine

Class Magnoliopsida (Flowering Plants) Subclass Magnoliidae (Dicotyledons) Dilleniaceae Hibbertia pracumbens (Labill.) DC Hibbertia cistiflora Wakef. Subsp. cistiflora Hibbertia aspera DC Hibbertia empetrifolia (DC) Hoogland subsp. uncinata Toelken Hibbertia riparia (R.Br, ex DC) Hoogland Euphorbiaceae Phyllantkus hirtellus F. Muell ex Muell. \rg. I'h} me Spurge Droseraceae Drosera aurlculata Backh. ex Planchon Xllocasuarina distyla (Vent.) L.Johnson Ulocasuarma tittoralis (Salisb.) I. .Johnson Black She-oak Baueraceae Bauera microphyila Sieberex DC. Proteaceae Persoonia lanceolata Andrews Persoonia isophylla L.Johnson and P. Weston PetropMe pulckella (Schrader) R.Br.

Greviltea buxifolia (Smith ) R.Br. subsp. buxifolia (irc\ Spider Flower Grevillea speciosa (Knight) Me Gillivraj Red Spider Flower Hakea teretifoiia (Salisb.) Britten t taken dad) hides (Gaertner) Cav, Lambertiaformosa Smith Mountain Devil Banks/a oblongifolia Cav.

Banksia ericifolia I., f. var. ericifolia Myrtaceae Angophora hispida (Smith) Blaxcll Dwarf Apple Eucalyptus baemastoma Smith Broad-leaved Scribbly Gum Leptospermum trinervium (Smith) J. Thompson Leptospermum palygalifolium Salisb. subsp. polygcthfbiium Baeckea diosmifolia Rudgc Rutaecae Philotheca buxifolia subsp. obovata (G.Don.) Paul G. Wilson Fahaceae: Mimosoideae Acacia linifolia (Vent) Willd. Flax-leaved Wattle U aeia sttavcoiens (Smith) Willd. Sweet Wattle- icacia sp. B (Kulnura form of,) icrmmalisY glabratwn Sieberi ex D( Da inty Wedge Pea I abaeeae: I aboideae Gompholobium Phyllota phylicoides (Sieber ex DC.) Benth. Heath Phyllota Pultenaea elliptica Smith Pultenaeaferruginea Rudge var. ferrugirtea I iilhwuia sericea Cunn. Bossiaea icolopendria (Andrews) Smith Bossiaea heterophylla Venl

Vol. 119(2)2002 73 Naturalist Notes

Appendix 1. {cont.J Familv Species and Authority Common Name Epacridaceae Epacris pukhella Cav- Leucopogon esquamatus K.Br. Goodenkceae Dampiera stricter (Smith) R.Br. Scdcvola raniosissima (Smith) K.Krause Lamiaceae I'mstunlhcru junoni.s B..l,( onn Somersby Mintbush Apiaccac Avlinoitis minor (Smith) DC Lesser Flannel Mower Xanthosia tridentata DC Platysace lirtearifolia (Cav.J Norman Loganiaceae Mitrasac/ne pofymorpha R.Br. Stackhousiaceae Stackhousia inula Lindiey Subclass Liliidae (Monocotyledons) Lomandraceae Lomundru ohliqua (Thunb.) J.F.Macbr. tomandra glauca{K&x~) F-wart Pale Mat-rush Xanthorrhoeaceae Xcmthorrhoea resinifera (Sol. e\ Kite) E.C.Nelson and DJ, Bedford Iridaceae Patersoma sericea R.Br. Cryptostytis creek/ R.Br. I Ulan lontuie Orchid \> ridaceae AV/v.v complunutu R.Br. ( \ peraceae Schoemts tepidQSpGrma(FMue[\.) K.L.Wilson subsp. paehylepis (S'.T. Blake) K.I .Wilson Lepidosperma fdifarme Labill. Ptilothrlxdeusta{k.Br.) K.L.Wilson ( 'yathochaeta diandra (R.Br.) Nees Restionaceae Lepyrodia icariosa R.Br. Leptocarpus tenax (Labill.) R.Br. * Andropogon virginicus L. Whisky Grass Arist'ula vagans C'av. Three-awn Speargrass Anisopogon avenuceus R.Br Oat Speargrass * non-native species 1 a distinct form of jjcaeia tenwna/u (Salisb.) J.F. Macbr, recognised Wans in Voli Acacia up. B I (Kodela and indale 200] ).

Wingan Wilderness

Tucked away about halfway along the were among some of the more obvious coastal strip that forms the Croajingaiong examples of the wildlife. I would like to National Park in Hast Gippsland, and share three observations. accessible by way of the West Wingan Near the entrance to the camping area is Road, is a very secluded section of the a stand of the Tall Everlasting fieli- Park at Inlet Wingan (Fig. i ). In recent chrysum datum (front cover), which in years the road in, about 18 km east from Victoria is confined to . It is C'ann River and extending 34 km south usually found in damp areas, and often from the Princes Highway, has been upgraded so thai in normal conditions any standard vehicle can have access. The road is not suitable for caravans, but is quite adequate for trailers. If in doubt, inquiries should be made at the Parks Victoria Office in C'ann River. During holiday peri- ods, it is necessary to book camping sites. This particular area, with well appointed camping sites, is a favorite destination for fishermen, but hikers, bird watchers and botanists will all find much of interest. Lyrebirds and reptiles of various sorts Fig. 1. Wingan Inlet

74 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist Notes

l*"i«. 2. Lilac UK Schelhammera umiutan

along watercourses, in dr\ sclerophyll forests. The dominant tree in this particular location is Red Bloodwood Corymbla gummifera (formerly Eucalyptus gum- mifera) at its southern limit. ['all Everlasting is a spectacular plant Fig. 3. free Trigger-plant Styl'ulium laricifolium. when flowering, usually during the Spring. Up to two metres high, the rather woolly found in Western Australia, but the Tree stems support large heads of flowers sur- Trigger-plant Stylidium laricifolium {Fig. rounded by shining white . 3X confined in Victoria to the Wingan Usually tucked away in moist shady Inlet area, with stalks up to 150 cm spots beneath the understorey, but very crowned with a panicle of usually white v isible because of its distinctive coloration, flowers, is as noteworthy as any of them. is the Lilac Lily Schelhammera undulata The foliage is crowded along the stem, the (Fig. 2). This is the sole representative of young plants in particular appearing very the genus in Victoria and is confined in much like conifer seedlings and this indi- this State to near Orfaost and to far f asl cates the origin of the specific name. Gippsland. All of the many specimens seen which is derived from the Latin 'larix\ 5 around Wingan Inlet were procumbent, the meaning 'larch , a European conifer. flower parts making a strong contrast with These are but three of the many attrac- the dark green foliage. tions of river, bush, lake and beach at

Of about 140 species of Styiia'i urn found Wingan Inlet. in Australia, ten occur in Victoria. Many of these are small herbs, most with flowering Ron Fletcher 28 stalks less than 30 cm long. Generally the Marjorie Ave Belmont, Victoria 3216 more spectacular members of the genus are

For assistance with the preparation of this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Karen Dobson (label printing), Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance) and Phil Bock (web page).

Vol. 119(2)2002 75 Naturalist in the Mountains

The Changing Mountains

When all else is change, mountains seem were kids we would be swimming all the so solid. However, we should expect time/ The difference is that now we are a mountains to change; change was after all bit more selective about the temperature

what formed them. I recall one geomor- needed before we would go for a swim. In phologist questioning a land manager's the same way snow was always deeper as a assertion that one aim of management was kid {but then again our legs were shorter!). to halt erosion in the mountains - erosion, Leaving aside faulty memories, there have

he pointed out, is a natural process, one been documented changes in the climate

that is important in building mountains in (covered in the book Snow: a Natural

the first place. These changes lake place History; an Uncertain Future) and some

over many millennia. However, we are less memories... I do recall in the 1970s people

prepared tor changes that occur within our ice skating on Sponars Lake; now I haven't own lifetimes. My thoughts turned to this seen that for a time! Other changes, possi-

topic of change as I celebrated 25 years of bly associated with climate warming, have naturalising in the Snowy Mountains in been the loss of frogs; the decline of Baw early March this year with a walk into Baw Progs in Victoria and Alpine Tree Blue Lake to copy that first exposure to the Frogs both there and here in the Snowies. mountains with Will Osborne in 1977. On We have just completed the annual popula-

that occasion I saw a Peregrine and tion monitoring of Southern and Northern Black-shouldered Kites (neither commonly Corroboree Frogs; the Southern has

seen since at that altitude - I guess 1 was declined alarmingly and may have little just lucky) and though ticking off ravens. 1 future except in captive breeding at the

hardly noticed the pipits. Now I mentally Amphibian Research Centre in Victoria tick off these birds, eyes open for the occa- (along with the one remaining Spotted sional patrolling kestrel or introduced sky- Tree Frog from north of the border). So lark displaying and ears open for the hid- far, the Northern Corroboree Frog is a bit den Australian Raven tucked away better off. amongst the hundreds of Little Ravens, Is this change all doom and gloom? There Flame Robins in season (spring) and are some positives, the change from the Pacific Black Ducks in summer and low broadscale fuel reduction burning in the down near the treeline, White-browed mountains and the regeneration of the Scrubwrens are all searched for and ticked. Snow Gums that used to scar the side of the These arc species that were always here Grey Mare. Following intensive winter fox but my laboriously gained expertise now baiting to protect the Mountain Pygmy leads me to expect them. But what of the Possum there has been a sighting of a Spot- things that weren't there? Brumbies have tailed Quoll in the winter snow and the become a major feature of the alpine zone finding of a quoll latrine high above the

in just a few years; certainly when I com- treeline near Thredbo, reminding me that pleted field studies for my PhD the pad up Richard Helms in 1896 recorded traces of to the South Ramshead was walkers only quolls as being abundant in the vicinity of

(with the occasional fox), now it is a major Bogong Moth aestivation sites. Another horse trail from Dead Horse Gap. Yarrow positive change has been the added interest

or Milfoil has spread across the mountains in the mountains. When 1 began my natu-

wherever disturbed ground has given it a ralising there was very little support for toehold, and pigs are now commonly mountain research and very little interest. found higher than ever before. The number of researchers involved with Weather always changes from what you the Australian Institute of Alpine Studies

remember (even if it doesn't really). One and the numbers that turned up at the local recalled the oft-repeated 'summers Biodiversity Blitz (see last edition) are aren't as hot as thev used to be. When we heartening evidence of a renewed interest.

76 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist in the Mountains

It is tempting on an anniversary to reflect mountains. The migration of the Bogong on these long-term changes that have taken Moths back to their natal sites is a less co- place, but always of interest are the ordinated and spectacular event than their changes on a smaller scale; these are the arrival, with numbers seemingly melting over the weeks. For most reptiles and ones I love to observe, particularly in this away season. Autumn is possibly the time of frogs their winter is going to be similar to greatest change - leading to that funda- the insects, a simple case of fattening up. mental difference between summer and finding a protected hibernaculum and sit- winter: the presence of snow. It is the peri- ting it out. However, for the C'orroborec od when animals like the Mountain Pygmy Frogs, their eggs arc silting awaiting the Possum have to put on the weight neces- rains that will enable eggs to hatch and the sary to gel them through to spring (and tadpoles to move from their nests in sphag- they are often into hibernation well before num moss into the ponds for the winter. the winter. the first snow comes). Other animals are Plants too are hardening for shuffling their lives about. Bush Rats deep- recovering resources from above-ground en their burrows to push them into warmer tissue, a fact attested to by the changing depths for winter. Despite the well known colours in the mountain heaths. matu- post-breeding die-off o\' the male ration is completed and cold hardiness with decreasing temperature in Antechinus it is the autumn that is the most increases challenging for most Antechinuses at high- much the same way as in the insects. of change er elevations with heavier animals losing Spring may seem a time major autumn. The weight through the autumn, and lighter but it is not so absolute as animals exiting the population. Insects spring thaw is incomplete, winter snow snowdrifts March or have to lay their eggs before the summer may persist as into are awaiting that runs out (this is helped in the Alpine April, but in autumn we Thermocolour Grasshopper by daily one day when the change becomes landscape changing changes in body colour to make the best absolute, a summer becomes a use of the available heat energy of the sun) subtly into autumn suddenly while those insects that are to overwinter winter landscape. must start to synthesise cry oprotectants Ken Green (antifreeze and the like) from sugars. Birds National Paries and Wildlife Sen-ice flitting over in twittering flocks are PO Box 2228 Yellow-faced Honey eaters, the most con- Jindabvnc. NSV\ 2627 spicuous of the emigrant birds in the

One Hundred Years Ago


On Emus - impediment on that account, A curious Emus can swim rivers if necessary. SO there would be no under the notice of Mr. Price Fletcher, incident in the domesticated habits ol this bird occurred child was trailing a terms : liule three-year-old who described it to me in the following "A swallowed all hut half the strum. The small tin horse and carl, when along came an l-nm and suincicntly short to allow it to remaining halt dangled from its beak for halt the day unit! cut aston- swallow what had been an irritation lot hours. Both child and l. were considerably lor strange horses when tied to fences will get ished, lame F.mus are by no means desirable pets, damage to property. Lmus are said to be terribly Frightened b) the prying bird, and eventually do Hocks, as lambs will follow an> large quickly moving object and ., )„ , ance among the young this means lambs soon lose their "dames" and thus get led away by BmuS in broad areas, By deliyht in chasing both lambs and mothers.* themselves, in addition the l.mu seems to lake a

Will, 165, March (902 From The I ictorian Naturalist p

77 Vol. 119(2)2002 Tribute

Jack UycttoAM (1915-2001)

Naturalist, teacher author, family man and friend

When asked to write this tribute to the pletely to collccl and study a wattle goal

late Jack ilyeit, I wen! first to his books on moth found by one of the girls. These and

iii> shelves, ( )ui lull * oilier a collection ol news- wonderful siorics are described In I

papci articles, photographs, poems and Bushman's Year (1959}* with -'in introduc-

Iribules I I4)in Viirioiis natural history niaga lion by the laic Alan Marshall, and A /iocs. Jack had given 1718 the poems nianv Bwthmuff's Harvest (1961), Jack pays trib- years ago written by other authors but ute to ins father 'whose interest in die bush 1 expressing his love foi die hush. and its creatures inspired mine. II you are Enclosed With die poetry was an ailiele lueky ihese (wo hooks can slid he lound in

written by the late JA i each MSc at a Lime some second-hand bookshops,

when I was ahoul lo launch iulo a teaching Jack with his chosen profession ol' leach cureei mysell in primary and secondary iug weul on lo inspire so many children, schools. The lasl paragraph ol the articje very much as die late CrosWe Morrison v states be happ> if your pupils are discover had done with iiis radio shows and

hi) 1 , things you know nothing about, for as Wildlife magazines, .lack's teaching career

I dual Italics, the eminent tialurc-sludy never real]} ended, as many of us were lo apostle, tells us truly thai the best teacher of benefit from his CAT courses on Bird natWC siud> is the one whose pupils farthest Study in Australia. Also his students at the 1 Outrun him. teachers' college will remember his unique Jack was a modest man who made light Style. I remember one evening class al a ol his ol staggering number achievements. Ilox I hit college when he enthusiastically He possessed a well modulated speaking raced to the hoard and illustrated the skele- voice ami a slow smile which widened into tal structure ofa gantlet's body, explaining a huge grin when re- living some ol Ins best how when lhc\ hil the water when lishing, bllah experiences. sometimes from a great height, their skull A local newspaper (1959) wrote up the structure ami bom- density protects them ccrcnionv al a priinarv school in lilackburn from injurs. He ihen proceeded to draw to honour him on Ihc publication Of the oilier birds and how they survive in the

booh I Bushman's )

leading i\\^ days to the ceremony I can main of us lo join the club during his lee- imagine the wis chuckle as he said 'I must lures. When Jack led an excursion lor the

agree 11 has only been since dies discos club you could be sure ot large crowds and civil thes be let out of school half Would an scrs long consoss, I or seven years he was lioui early so this function could be held/ involved in mammal ami bird surveys ol

I neks were the children whom he taught Wilsons Promontory, in seveial primary schools, especially one Me was foundation President of the teacher rural schools. If I had been fortu- Victorian Ornithological Research Group nale lo have had even ONI teacher like (VORG), flic kingwood Field Naturalists lack during primary school! It was not to ( lub, of which he was a founding member, be .lack's arithmetic classes were cheerful nominated him lor the Australian Natural K interrupted b) students to point out birds llistors Medallion, which he received in in the school ground, tortoises were 1985-. Me was awarded the medal of The watched lessons lo during observe how Order ol Australia ( I °°7) for his contribu- Ihes breathed, frogs, li/ards and insects lion u« conservation and the environment. brought into class ty students were welcome ami Honorary ' tie membership in Mas diversions both to students and teacher. 1999 to the Field Naturalists Club o\

I ven a rounder game was abandoned com- Victoria,

7X The Victorian Naturalist Book Review

His achievements and awards in natural As a teacher he inspired and enthused. history study are widespread and many, His love of poetry, the classics, overseas and include his legacy of hooks written on and interstate travel made for many lasei- a wide range of natural history topics. Mis nating discussions, and he was always a talks given to many Field Naturalists and loyal and earing friend and a top naturalist. Bird Observer Clubs are legendary. This Cecily F;ilkin

Jack appears in The I le Nat 116(5), 158.

A Field Companion to Australian Fungi

by Bruce I uhrer

Publisher: Blooming Hooks, 2001 revised edition, paperback, colour photographs. ISBN IB7647340L RRPS24 95

The first edition o\* A Field Companion to as the previous edition and commences Australian Fungi appeared in 1985, and with a short discussion about mycological has been reprinted in 1993 with some characters, classification, ecology, names minor changes to names inserted as an and other aspects such as distribution and errata sheet. Bruce Fuhrer's books are well edibilit) as well as a simple, visual key.

known to us all for their wonderful pho- f lowever, while there is an extension to the tographs. Consequently, this revised edi- •Acknowledgements' there is sadly, no tion o\' the out of print and very popular other change to the introductory text. The earlier edition has been anticipated keenly arrangement of species included in the

for some lime. I he demand for books such book follows that of the major groups pre- as this attests to the increasing awareness sented in the visual key and this arrange- of fungi and related groups by many mem- ment permits a novice to quickly find bers within our community. This increas- whether a particular fungus is described. ing awareness of fungi and Cryptogams has The gilled fungi group has the greatest been fostered and encouraged by the quali- number of species documented and illus- ty of Bruee's works on the subject. These trated with photographs and these repre- publications have provided an introduction sent approximately 32 genera. The species to groups of organisms about which there range from the captivating little Mycena was formerly little readily available illus- austrororida to the larger and much more trated literature. This heightened interest robust Cortinarins radieatns. The other

b_v an increasing number of people has groups i\ presented are coral fungi, poly- facilitated community mapping and survey pores, puffballs, stinkhorns, spine fungi, schemes for fungi, such as those conducted leather and shelf fungi, jelly and cup fungi. 1 during naturalist clubs surveys and forays The revised edition presents over 150 and Fungi map. photographs of the same I 38 species of The obvious major difference between this commonly occurring fungi in the previous revised edition and the previous one is thai edition, and these exquisite photographs the new edition has a soft cover and Myeena remain the great strength of this hook. It is epipterygia replaces M. sanguinolenta on disappointing that no new photographs and the front cover photograph. As a result of the no new laxa have been included in this new soft-cover format, the book is slightly revised edition. Mere was a wonderful smaller than that of the hard cover edition, opportunity to increase the number and lighter and somewhat pliable so thai it rests range of species featured and to illustrate more comfortably in the hand. the extremes of the range of morphological A lick/ Companion to Australian Fungi: variation and colour that is found in some Revised Edition maintains the same format of the species such as Coins hirudinosus or

Vol. 119(2)2002 79 Hook Review

Democybe cramesina. Photographs dis- identify fungi in the field by trying to photographs. It is playing the range and change of colours as match the fungi with the succeed. Often some species mature, for example, the pur- a wonderful sensation to sole source of readily ple tones of Cortinariu.s areheri that turn these books are the Australian brown with age would he a useful adjunct, accessible information for the perform a very and reduce the likelihood that species will mycological llora and they encouraging he confused with others. The images are important role in educating, supplemented with thumbnail sketches in and fostering interest in these neglected case of fungi, the text of each species, but this informa- groups of organisms. In the an increasing understanding tion is often too brief and lacking in diag- there is now nearly nostic detail to really elucidate and con- that fungi are a vital component of genuine firm identification. every ecosystem and there is a The revised edition of A Field thirst for knowledge about them. This needs to be satis- Companion to Australian Fungi is there- demand for information to so. fore essentially the same as the edition that fied and here was an opportunity do Companion to Australian Fungi it replaces, except that the 'errata' pub- A Field

I for lished with the 1993 reprint, have been is owe of the first books that reach the mysteries incorporated in the text and the names of a when trying to decipher through further 17 taxa in the previous edition have encountered during my rambles also been updated or corrected. These the forests. As an avid consumer of won- updates include the transfer of some of the derfully illustrated books such as this, 1 Cortiuarius species into the genus hope that further editions will expand the species featured and include I >iT!uocybi\ and the use of the genus number of Laccocephalum for the sclerolia-forming more descriptive text so that we can polypores; for example, Pofyporus mylittae expand our knowledge. Many a lime of been an aim- is now recognised as L mylittae, as are P. what would otherwise have tumulosus and P. sclcrotinius, recognised less ramble in the bush has been trans-

into a treasure hunt as I have as /_,. tumulosus and /,. sclerotinius respec- formed tively. Although the new names appear in eagerly looked for fungi. The book has the 'Index', they have not been cross-refer- opened my eyes, and we are indebted to enced lo the older names, and the syn- Bruce Fuhrer for making a new edition onymy similarly does not appear within available to those who do not already own the lext for each species. a copy of the previous edition. My com- The incorporation into this new edition of ments 'for more' are a reflection of how edi- labelled illustrations to outline the princi- beneficial I have found the previous ple fungal morphological characters listed tion and my frustration in not having in the visual key would have enhanced the access lo more of these wonderful pho- utility of the edition. As would the inclu- tographs of an even greater number o\' sion of terms such as glutinous, habitat, species. We rely on the author to lake up parasite, troop and spore print in the glos- the challenge and to provide us with the sary to cover the use of these terms in the tools to increase our understanding of lext. A further suggestion would be to these vital components of the natural update the list of suggested reading materi- world. al as the present list has not been updated References to include the more recent important Bowgher Nl. and Syme K (199&) Futtgi qt Southern mycologica! works, such as Bougher and Australia. (University of Western Australia Press; Syme (1998), Grgurinovic (1997). nor the Ncilkmds. WA) ( l Grgurinovic CA (i > >7) Larger Fungi of South revised edition of Young (1994). While Austni/ur (The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and l these works are perhaps at the more pro- Stale Herbarium antl The llora and Fauna of South Australia Handbooks Committee: Adelaide) fessional* end of the spectrum for some, Young T (1994) Common Australian Fungi, 3 &d- they are often the only remaining current (University of New South Wales Press; Sydney) resources to use that are specific to the Australian mycological llora. Jenny Tonkin Plant Sciences and Biodiversity is so important about books such as What Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue this is that many people rely on them to South Ynrra, Victoria 3141

SO The Victorian Naturalist Tribute

Alexander Clifford Beauglehole

26 August 1920 - 19 January 2002

Cliff was the youngest of the three sons caves of the area. Cliff had long been aware of Richard and Margaret Beauglehole, of the significance of these and was con- dairy and potato farmers at Trewalla, near cerned at the damage being done to the Portland. Soon after Cliff was born the caves through rubbish dumping and road family moved to a mixed farm at Gorae works. In 1963 Cliff and Fred, together West where Cliff attended the nearby with a team of local naturalists, started the country school, travelling each day on excavation of McEacherrTs Death Trap horseback down a bush track. Through nat- Cave. Several tons of cave sediments were ural curiosity and encouragement from his sieved and the identifiable remains of some parents he soon developed a good knowl- 2,000 animals were recovered. In 1964-5 edge of the natural history of his area. By Norman Wakefield3 became involved in the the time he left school he could scientifi- excavation. The assessment of this material cally name about 60 species of local added immensely to the knowledge of the orchids and had begun sending specimens fauna! succession of the area. to WH Nicholls. a leading orchid specialist Throughout these years, Cliff continued of the period. During the 1940s he discov- his botanical explorations, extending his ered three previously undescribed species. field to include the non-vascular plants. He Soon after leaving school he began a sys- covered the whole of the south-west area tematic botanical survey of the Portland of Victoria in search of mosses, liverworts, area, listing over 750 species, almost dou- lichens and fungi. He also studied and col- ble the number then recorded lected the marine and freshwater algae of In 1949 Cliff married Hilda Oakley. He his area, lie had an amazing ability to rec- was able to buy the farm at Gorae West and ognize new or rare species and his collec- subsequently their daughters Valerie and tions are proving a treasure house for pre- Yvonne were born. From the outset Hilda sent day laxonomists. took a keen interest in, and often helped During the 1960s Cliff widened his hori- with, Cliffs projects. Her assistance in run- zons still further and undertook two trips to ning the farm was invaluable in enabling Lord Howe Island, one long trip through him to give time to his explorations. the Northern Territory and West Australia Early in 1950 Cliff began a study and col- and three shorter trips in central Australia. lection of the local native bees, in associa- On each occasion he brought home large tion with the entomologist Tar Hon collections of specimens. In 1967 he 1 of embarked on a full-scale botanical survey Rayment . This resulted in the recognition 30 new species, three of which were named after the collector and five alter the district. He also worked on wasps with Tarlton Ra) merit and on ants with John McAreavy. Cliffs interest in birds led to the collec- tion and recording of beach washed sea birds from Discovery Bay. Between 1951 and 1963 almost 5000 carcases were col- lected b> Cliff and his helpers including 950 in one day in August 1959. The skele- tons were prepared by natural decomposi- tion of the flesh and were eventually donated to museums in Australia and the United States. During the 1950s Cliff and Fred Davies MMW"—7 =1 of Portland commenced an extensive sur- Cliff Beauglehole in the 1950s. Photo by I

Vol. 119(2)2002 81 Tribute

had of the Grampians. During the 1940s he Taxa named after cliff. made several trips by motor-bike to some Vascular Plants the Victoria Range of the remoter areas of Bassta beaugieholei Ising and believed that, in spite of a good deal of C'aladeriia beaugieholei O.l. Jones work done by others, there was still much C 'aloneuia beaugieholei O.LJones brunnescens subsp. beaugieholei to be discovered. Cliff was already corre- Epilohium K.R.West& P.M. Raven sponding with Jim Willis at the National Lobelia beaugieholei D.E.Albrceht accompanied him on Herbarium and had Prasophyllum beaugieholei W.I I.Nicholls Held trips in the Grampians and Portland Soianutii beaugieholei D.F.Symon area. Jim's encouragement in the StyHdium beaugieholei J.I I.Willis RJ.Gassin Grampians survey also led to the first offi- Utrieitfaria beaugieholei Villarsia unbrieola var. beaugieholei H.I. Aston cial recognition of Cliffs work, when he Marine alga received a grant from the Maud Gibson tlehnitithoelada beaugieholei Womersley Gardens Trust. Moss Following this first survey (Miff worked Phaseum beaugieholei I. G. Stone for the National Parks Service in Western Lichen beaugieholei Filson Victoria, lie then moved on to a study of Heleroclea Bees East Gippsland and eventually completed Kxoneura elijfoniielia Raymenl whole of Victoria. plant surveys of the Hylueus clifjonliellus Rayment This work was subsidised by the Land Megaehila eliffonlii Raymtmt Conservation Council of Victoria who published his results in the form of conser- overseas. These will continue to be an vation recommendations. Cliff subsequent- invaluable resource and a permanent ly published complete checklists for the memorial to his dedication. whole State, lie received some financial Cliff participated with local naturalists in support from the Western Victorian field many campaigns for environmental con- Naturalists' Clubs Association and from servation. Their efforts were rewarded individual clubs and kindred associations, when the Mount Richmond and Lower lie also received a substantial grant from Glenelg National Parks were gazetted, lie the Utah Foundation (USA) toward the was actively involved in the formation of alpine area surveys, and a grant from the Western Victorian Conservation Alcoa Australia for work on their smelter Committee thai led the battle for the site in Portland. He was influential in preservation of the Little Desert. He was a inspiring many country naturalists to con- foundation member of the Portland Field tinue to monitor their environment, Naturalists Club and of the Western enabling them to report reliably on conser- Victorian Field Naturalists Clubs vation issues. Association, a member of the National Botanists throughout Australia and many Parks Association and of the Bird from overseas knew Cliff personally. He Observers Club. In 1982 he became an willingly gave time to guiding and assist- Honorary Member of the Field Naturalists ing visitors doing fieldwork in his area. Club of Victoria in recognition of 40 years His friends and associates have lasting continuous membership. In 1971 he was memories of expeditions with Cliff. His awarded the Australian Natural History boundless energy and enthusiasm and his Medallion and in 1984 the Medal of the wide knowledge of the environment Were Order of Australia.

exhilarating. Lunch breaks provided an Cliff is survived by his wife, two daugh- opportunity to study marauding insects and ters, seven grandchildren and two great-

to watch birds. I lis keen eye for different great grandchildren. or unusual plants and his meticulous care

inspiration and 1 Tarllon Of his specimens were an Bees of the Portland District ( 1953), Rayment 363-83(1967) example to less experienced field workers. The Victorian Naturalist 84, the Victortan Naturalist 88. 344-46 and 360-361 (1971) Above all he will be remembered for the diversity and quality of his collections, Margaret Corrick numbering over 90,000. which have been 7 Gleiiluss Street Bahvvn. Victoria 3103 lodged In herbaria all over Australia and

82 The Victorian Naturalist 1 Book Review

WiJdflowers of Sydney and Adjoining Areas

by Alan Fairley

Publisher: Bloomings Books 2001. 26$ photographs, ISBN 187647338X, EBP $52.95

I he blank space on top of the cover of same with I'tcrostylis conciwhK where the

this book should read A Field Guide to deeply notched labellum is mentioned but the VVildflowers of Sydney and Adjoining not shown. Drosera spaihulata and Areas*. Perhaps this was a publisher deci- Caleana major could have been sharper sion and not the author's. This compact, and larger. Identification of eucalypl easy-to-use book is just perfect for the rain species would have been easier with close- coat, parka or rucksack pocket. up photos of fruits on all species. The The alphabetical layout is quick and easy small insert photo, showing in some to use in the Held, although botanical instances canopy or trunk, are not helpful groupings can be difficult if one is not sure in identification. of the family, e.g. a typical page layout is: The author slates that his book Wild- Acacia hinervaia Two-veined Hickory flowers of Sydney aims to encourage an family Mimosaceae appreciation of the floral beauty and vari-

This is followed by a coloured photo, ety of this area, but I was a little disap- description, flowering period, distribution, pointed that none of the beautiful grasses habitat, notes, similar species and specific in full bloom were included. sites. In other words all you need to know Attention to these few minor drawbacks from a field Guide. of the book in my view could have

If I had possessed Alan's book on previ- improved an already fantastic field Guide ous trips to Kuring-gai Chase, Royal to some of the most beautiful and accessi- National Park and Lane (2o\c National ble areas not far from Sydney.

Park, my plant identification would have A map o\' Sydney and adjoining areas is been much easier with so many of the provided and all the places mentioned in commonl) seen species all in one book. the book are shaded green. This works On m\ first trip to the above-mentioned well with site information specified on

places, I was just learning botany and I each page for every plant described. remember juggling at least three books, The references and further reading will cross-referencing and burning the midnight be much appreciated by the reader and the

oil. For this reason I think Alan's book will glossary is what you would expect from an suit the beginner as well as the more expe- experienced naturalist, bushwalker and rienced plant tover. author of 25 books. All photographs have been taken b\ the This book is not just for the resident or author, in situ, without flashlight. Most visitor to Sydney it also contains 122 photos are adequate for identification with Victorian species and 153 Queensland some outstanding photos of Telopea spc- species which also occur in Sydney and ciosissima, the calistemons, banksias, adjoining areas. Only 34 are restricted in Phitotheca, Correct and Thyso not us their distribution to the Sydney region,

tuberosus. I would highly recommended the pur-

I was disappointed thai some of the small- chase of this great, compact little book, er flowers were not filmed with a close-up bulging with information to anyone plan- lens, i.e. Rt/lingia hermunniijoiio, ning a trip to Sydney or adjoining areas. Micromyrtus ciliata, (irevillea huxifolia, Hardenbergia viotacea and the baeckias. Cecily Kalkinj»ham 27 Chippewa Avenue The author mentions the twisted labellum Ddiiv.iic. Victoria 3 1 1 in l'icr<>\!\ii\ curta but has photographed the back and side of two specimens. The

Vol. 119(2)2002 83 1

The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. RegNoA003361IX J

Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Registered Office: FNCV, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia.

Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Hag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Phone/Fax (03)9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, mbr, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms Wi-.nov Clark, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 Vice Presidents; DrNoel Schlliolr, 1 Astley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and Dr Ai an Yln, 52-54 Brushy 1 Park Road, Wonga Park, 3 1 5. 9722 1665 Hon Secretary. Mrs Anni; Morton, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656

Hon. Treasurer: Ms Barbara Bi 'Rns, 1 6 Montclair Court, Templestowe 3 1 06. 9846 2608 Suhsciiption-Seeretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor. The Vic. Nat.: Mrs Mkrii .yn Gri-y, S Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223 Editors, The Vie. Nat.: Mr Ai isiair Evans, 28 Chandler Road, Glen Waverley 3150, 85054339 and Mrs Annl Morton, as above.

Librarian: Mrs Simula Hou.hion, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. All 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator: Mr DENN5S Mllt/lr, 8 Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Brokerage: Book 1 Mr Ray Win I , 9 Longtown Court, Craigiebum 3064. AH 9308 3770 Newsletter Editors: Dr Noli Scni.i 101 r, as above, Mr Keith Marshall, 8/423 Tooronga Road, I lawthom Last 31 23, 9882 3044, and Mrs Joan Broadbury, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 1218 Conservation Coordinator: Mr Jim Wai ki.r, 167 Balaclava Road, Caulfield 3162. 95275601 Group Secretaries

Botany: Ms Karin Dobson, 58 Rathmullen Road, Boronia 3155. till 9877 9860 Geology: Mr Rob Hamson. 5 foster Street, McKinnon 3204. 9557 5215 Eauna 'cv: Soi'Hll Ms Smai.i , 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach 3196, All 9772 2848

Marine Research: Mr Mich all Lyons, 1 1 ligh Street, 8 Nunawading 3 1 3 1. AI I 9877 3987 Microscopical: Mr Ray POWER, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 351


Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (free to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate.

Yearly Subscription Rates -The Field Naturalists CI ib of Victoria Inc.

First Member Metropolitan $44 Concessional {pensioner/student/unemployed ) $33 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $30 Junior (under 18) $16 Overseas AU$65 Additional Members Adult $16 Junior $6 Institutional Australian Institutions $55 Overseas Institutions AU$65 Schools/Clubs $35 Send to: FNCV. Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 31 30, Australia.

Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3 125. Th

\v Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(3) June 2002

Murray River Special Issue Part One

Published bvl he Meld Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 Introduction - Murray River Special Issue

Terry Hi II man*

Australia's major river; a resource criti- Management implies knowledge. If we set cal to our national rural production; a out to manage a natural resource we need to - this beautiful and sometimes unique landscape; know how it works which means in an ecosystem under threat - the Murrav is case that wc need an understanding of the organisms, its all of these. 'Murray ecosystem', its key The Murray Darling system drains about How-related processes, its biodiversity and '<'- of Australia's surface but, despite its the factors supporting it. This special issue levels. size, flow volumes are small reflecting the provides knowledge at all these terrestri- arid nature of most o\' its catchment. The Current knowledge regarding fish, average annual (natural) discharge from al vertebrates, and invertebrates (aquatic significance the system is equivalent to 16-17 hours' and terrestrial) is provided. The How from the Amazon. The Basin sup- of the floodplain as a functional part of the ports nearly half of Australia's rural pro- river is recognised through papers on Red duction. On average, water use (almost all Gum forests, their fauna and the signifi- irrigation) removes around % of the cance of fallen timber, and on floodplain connectivity Murray's water before it reaches the sea' wetlands. Geomorphology and and dams and weirs drastically change the with wetlands are two important flow-relat- pattern of flow. ed issues discussed. Diversity at every level Two other key aspects of the Murray's from fish to microinvertebrates is 'show- How are variability ('droughts and Hood- cased' and includes a useful key to tadpoles 1 introduction into how bio- ing rains ) and unpredictability. These con- and a fascinating ditions favour organisms adapted 10 peri- diversity is maintained using the example of ods of wet and dry extremes with little sea- niche segregation by turtle species. 2 of The I'ictorian sonal or inter-annual reliability . Many of This special issue the papers in this special issue of The Naturalist represents a valuable and acces- Victorian Naturalist deal with organisms sible compendium of knowledge about the or whole systems (e.g. River Red Gums, Murray. For those who remember the turtles, and floodplain wetlands) which Royal Society o( Victoria symposium on depend on rainfall Or How cues to initiate the Murray Darling held in October 1977 vital functions. Again, the effects of How (I do, sadly) it is instructive to sec how far regulation are significant here. we have developed in knowledge and Beauty is, of course, personal and emphasis over the past 25 years. ascribed by the 'beholder' but 'wetness Compendia are usually shelved for future and dryness' must surely contribute much reference as a need arises. These papers to what is beautiful in the Murray land- should be read now. We arc facing impor- scape and the response o\' its organisms to tant decisions regarding the management these forces provides what is characteristic of the Murray - particularly How regula- and sometimes unique, tion - and the community (regional and

Iri natural resources it is a common mis- national) will need to form an opinion take to confuse 'use' with 'management', regarding the trade-off between water for and most of what we have termed manage- production and water for supporting the ment in the Murray to this point in time has Murrav ecosystem. This special issue will really been the development of more effi- provide an ecological basis on which such cient ways of using the resource. an opinion can (and should) be formed.

1 Reducing the output to 4-5 hours of 'Amazon flow'. ] Note that the enforced reliability of seasonal How, resulting from river regulation, tends to ' Department of Environmental Management and remove the competitive advantage which sueli Ecology, 1 a t'robe University. PO Box X2I, Wodonga, Victoria 2689 adaptation would otherwise provide. 4

The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(3)2002 June Murray River Special Issue Part One

Executive Editor: Merityn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

This issue is dedicated to Natalie Joanne Smith (31 May 1974 - 22 July 2002)

Introduction, by Terry Hillman 86

National Parks and Reserves on the Murray River: an Historical Perspective, by Daniel Catrice 88

Geomorphology of the Murray River Basin, by Noel Schleiger 95

Floodplain Wetlands: the Jewels of the Murray River, by Rhonda Butcher and Michael Reid 102

Habitat Change in River Red Gum Floodplains: Depletion of Fallen Timber and Impacts on Biodiversity, by Ralph Mac Nally, Andrea Ballinger and Gregory Horrocks 107

Vertebrate Fauna of Barmah Forest, a Large Forest of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the Floodplain of the Murray River,

by Richard H Loyn, Linda F Lumsden and Keith A Ward I 1

The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Reptile Fauna of the Murray River Region in Victoria, by GeoffBrown 133

Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia: a Guide with Keys, by Marion Anstis, reviewed by Angus Martin 144

Rivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin, edited by WJ Young, reviewed by Gerry Quinn 147

ISSN 0(142-5)84

Cover: Morning reflections on a Murray River billabong near Mildura. Photo by Anne Morton.

Web address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~fncv/vicnat.htm email: fncvfajvicnet.net.au Murray River Special Issue

National Parks and Reserves on the Murray River: an Historical Perspective

Daniel Catrice 1

Abstract Attempts to establish national parks and reserves along the Murray River occurred late in the history of Victoria's conservation movement. For much of its recent history the Murray has been made to serve industry and agriculture. The first timber reserves and State forests, which had been set aside from 1869, confirmed a pattern of exploitation which went largely unquestioned until well into the twentieth century. This article looks at settlement and land-use along the Murray and the efforts of

conservation groups to protect the lands bordering the river from unregulated development. It con- cludes with a brief historical overview of the key parks and reserves along the river - Hattah- Kulkync, Murray-Sunset and Alpine National Parks; Barman State Park; and Murra> Kulkyne Park. (The 1'icfonai! Naturalist 119 0), 2002, SS-94)


The Murray River is the main stream of began to show interest in the Murray from Australia's greatest and most important the early 1900s, and with the assistance of

river system. Il rises in the Australian Alps sympathetic officers in the Fisheries and just below Mt Kosciuszko and enters the Wildlife Department and the Forests sea in South Australia. For 1800 km of its Branch of the Lands Department, impor-

length it forms the border between New tant areas like the Kulkyne and Barmah South Wales and Victoria. This journey forests were managed with greater care. takes the river through some of Victoria's This growing enthusiasm for nature most significant and diverse natural land- emerged from a sense that too much had scapes, from wild forested gorges, through been lost in the years since white settle- riverine plains and majestic Red Gum ment. As one writer observed: 'Nature, as forests, to semi-arid desert country. if offended, withdraws half her beauty Sadly, the river has been taken for grant- from the land; the pasture gradually loses ed for most of its recent history. By the its freshness, some of the lakes and rivers 1840s most of the river frontage had been run low, others become wholly dry. The taken up by land-hungry squatters for wild animals, the former peaceful denizens whom the river was a source of water and, of the soil, are not more to be found, and later, a convenient transport route for pro- the explorer, who has gazed on the district

duce and supplies. The floodplain forests in its first luxuriance, has seen it as it never were exploited as a timber resource and the can be seen again' (Henrv W Havgarlh

country beyond was partitioned into farms 1 848, cited in Dingle 1984:'l38). and grazing runs. To promote agricultural Over time, conservation groups became settlement the river was dammed and its more vocal in their demands for the estab- waters diverted for irrigation projects. The lishment of national parks to preserve areas

1 Murray is now a regulated river. Weirs and of 'unspoilt nature . This article investigates dams have ensured water in the Murray all some of the human impacts of settlement year round, but these have turned the river and land-use along the Murray and reviews into a series of connected pools. the various efforts to protect land and The conservation movement turned its resources in the face of the rapid, some- attention to the Murray relatively late. The times devastating changes worked upon the first national park along the river, Hattah landscape since European settlement. Lakes, was reserved only in I960, and Exploration and settlement today there are still only a scattering of The first Europeans to conservation reserves. Groups like the see the Murray River were the exploration party Field Naturalists Club of Victoria and the led by Hamilton Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Hume and William Ilovell. They crossed the river near Albury in 1824, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, naming it the Hume. Just six years later the 41, PO Box East Melbourne. 3002 explorer Charles Sturt renamed il the Email [email protected] Murray in honour of Sir George Murray,

88 The Victorian Naturalist Part One then British Secretary of State for the contributor to The Victorian Naturalist Colonies. Always with an eye to the future, found when he visited the country between Sturt saw the Murray as a river highway Kulkyne Station and Mournpall in 1914: helping to open up vast tracts of the 'twenty years previous to our visit these Australian outback. After Sturt came Major trees [Biack Box Eucalyptus largiflorens] Thomas Mitchell who crossed the Murray had been ringed, and the resulting conse- at Robinvale in 1836. Like Sturt, Mitchell quences were acres of bare, wind-swept believed the river should be made to serve earth, destitute of aught green, and a bewil- a purpose. Travelling down the river dering interlacement of fallen trunks, and towards Swan Hill he noted 'grassy plains limbs that would appall even an old-time bounded by sand hills on which grew South Gippsland pioneer' (The Victorian pines' and predicted, accurately, that the Naturalist 31, 1914). area would be favourable for cereal crops, Settlers also made extensive use of River grazing or irrigation (Bardwell 1990: 23). Red Cum Eucalyptus camalclulensis for Explorers like Hume and Hovel! and huts and fences, and despite a proclama- Major Mitchell travelled with an eye for tion that all Murray Pine spp. new pasture, so it is not surprising that within ten miles of the river was to be left squatters soon followed in their footsteps. untouched, by 1875 the local forester al The Murray River promised a near perma- Barmah reported that all of the Murray nent water supply, natural pasture and a Pine stands at Barmah Island had been good supply of timber. Within ten years of removed (Hibbins 1991). Mitchell's expedition, squatters had taken Land clearing upset the ecological bal- up most of the river frontage. ance. In 1X58, the naturalist Gerard Kreffi Edward Curr, a Tasmanian merchant and explored the lower Murray and Darling landowner, established a run at Barman in Rivers with Victorian Government 1841. Curr later wrote that the land was Zoologist William Blandowski. Krefft flooded for several months of the year, but noted that the Rabbit-rat Comlurus albipes, then -abounded ... with excellent sheep Gray's jerboa Kangaroo or Burrowing feed, in the shape of couch grass, young Bettong Bettongia lesueur graft and several rare reeds and so on'. It was, he said, 'usually other species of marsupial had become as green as an emerald from November to or extinct on the Victorian side of the March when (other] pastures were with- Murray (Dingle 1984). Ironically, others that the kangaroo and possum ered and dried' (Curr 1965: 76 1. complained From the outset, settlers drastically were multiplying at an astounding rate, due changed the environment. Trampling by in part to the decimation of Aboriginal stock compacted delicate vegetation and tribes who had hunted them for food. looked soil, muddied and eroded precious water- Some of the earliest settlers back courses, and introduced and spread new in later years and lamented the changes that 'fences grasses. Cattle selected the most palatable they saw. Edward Curr decided that the species, which led to a decline in the density and tree-ringing have not improved and diversity of native plants. They scene' nor could he enthuse over progress devoured the line fuels that carried fire, when old forests along the Murray were sawmills leading to the invasion of native grasslands 'fast being converted by steam with bv scrub. They spread exotic weeds in fur into railway sleepers'. I le remembered and dung. They removed seed heads and regret 'the primitive scene, the Black with (lowers, which disrupted plant reproduction. his fishing canoe, the silence, the gum- After the squatters came selectors, encour- trees' (cited in Dingle 1984: 138). aged by a series of Land Acts which had The Nile of Australia' been enacted in the 1860s. Selectors who Navigation was the first commercial use took up land were required by the govern- of the Murray. River boats began operating ment to "improve* their selections by clear- on the Murray as early as 1S53, carrying ing vegetation. "I hey did this with indis- supplies inland and returning with pro- criminate zeal, spurred on by the need to duce. They opened up remote areas for set- render every acre productive. Ringbarking tlement and helped to make the pastoral was the cheapest form of clearing as one

Vol. 119(3)2002 89 Murray River Special Issue and agricultural industry more profitable. had a wood consumption ol' one ton per They were also able to carry goods more two hours (l)avies I07X: 46). Strenuous efficiently than bullock dray. So great was efforts were also made to clear the river of the promise of river transport thai some 'snags', the fallen trees and limbs which began to talk Of the Murray as 'The Nile of fell into the water. This assisted navigation Australia' or *Th* Mississippi of New but had a marked effect on native fish, par-

( Holland' (Davits i >7X: $4), ticularly Maccullocheila By the 18708 up to thirty steamers and as peetU Which used fallen lives as shelter and many barges worked llie Murray, Darling breeding habitat. Fish numbers deolined and Murriimbidgee Kivers. The bulk of the dramatically during this period, from

1 X Kiverina woolelip was Ibus transported 29 r 064 kilograms netted in ^ 5 to only southwards through ibe ports o( Echuca 4.27-^ kilograms taken from the same areas and Swan I Mil (Priestley t984i 59). Smaller in lX"6 The most audaeious irrigation project took shape al Mildura. In ISS4 Canadian- born (ieorge and Ben Chaffey were invited by the Victorian government to establish an irrigation settlement on the Murray (Davies l°7S). The Chaffeys were granted so, ooo acres of rabbit-infested land which they cleared, subdivided and serviced with water channels. Huge pumps were placed in INS° al Psyche Bend where water was drawn from the Murray and pumped to Kings Billabong. From there, through a series o\' pumps and open chan-

nels it was distributed throughout the area, Al Psyche fiend the steam engine drove three centrifugal pumps, each delivering S000 gallons of water per minute. Ultimately, irrigation along the Murray

was no! the success it was envisaged by

government or farmers. Environmentally, it was disastrous. The waste of water through evaporation and seepage was enormous. Worse still was the effect of clearing and ploughing on vast areas inland from the fixer. This allowed rain to run straight into Ronald East oi the State Kivers and Water the subsoil raising the water table and Suppb Commission stands astride the Murray bringing saline groundwater close to the River near Nyah State Forest during the drought soil surface. The introduction o( irrigation ol 1923 (Picture Collection, State I ihurv of \ ictoria) water exacerbated the problem. Irrigation-

"0 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

induced salinisation was recorded at Mildura as early as 1895 (Hastburn 1990). B\ 1911 it appeared near Cohuna and Kerang. Today it affects virtually all regional settings along the river, including the highlands, the riverine plain and the mallee of the Murray-Darling Basin.

Timber reserves and slate forests The first attempts to control land and resources along the Murray came in 1865 when the Victorian government ga\e itself loud the power to proclaim reserves for the A of Red (ium timber arrives ;it the I vans Bros sawmill in 'preservation and growth o\ timber' feluica, 1923. (Historic Places Section, DNRJ | (Wright 1989; 107). By the close of the decade 276,1 16 acres had been set aside as Barmah forest. The Commission noted state forests and timber reserves, including that the forest had been cut over several the Barman forest of 19,600 acres, created times, and that at the current rales of cut- in 1869 (Wright 1989). further reserves ling, the forest would not yield live years' were created at places like Gunbower supply (Fahey 1987). Island. N\ah and Walpolla. partly to halt A similar pattern of use developed in most the damage being done to River Red Gum of the R^d Gum forests along the river. Bv forests as a result of unregulated harvest- 1932 the district forester at Swan I Mil report- ing, but also to secure a valuable economic ed that all the red gum at Annuello, resource. Mamboing and Toll Toll had been cut out These developments were not motivated CHattah-K-ulkvne National Park' Resource by ecological intent. Government action Collection file I7C: 3/1). was propelled largely b> utilitarian con- It look many decades for the State's forests cerns. Red Gum forests along the Murra) to be placed under more effective manage- continued to be heavily exploited for mill ment. Although a series of bills specillcal- logs. During the nineteenth century, l\ lor forest legislation were introduced sawmillers had onl\ to pa> £15 to set up a into parliament, in 1879, 1881, ISS7 and mill in the forest, and for £10 for cartage 1892, none was enacted, finally, in 1907 a and £5 for each man employed in felling forests Act was passed, which provided timber, he could fell the pick of the trees in for the establishment of a Stale forests the forest (Fahey 1987). In the Barmah Department under a Minister of forests. A Forest the Red Gum trade flourished, Conservator of forests was appointed, prompting one observer to claim that the with appropriate supporting staff and timber was an 'object of worship on the power to declare permanent forest reserve Murray'; (Moulds 1991 ). Over the next decade, sev- The mills declare dividends because eral initiatives were undertaken, including

of it; the sleeper-cutter keeps the pot improvement works on the forest estate, boiling in return for his daily sweat the establishment of hardwood plantations fire upon it. The bullock driver draws his and improved protection measures.

Saturday night beer from it. The from the 1920s foresters based at Omen. axeman's camp in the bush is kept Swan Hill, Nyah and Mildura made attempts lo re-afforcst native supplied in tucker by it. The barge- pine areas, master, the deck hand, and the skip- I in fortunately, until the 1960s ihese efforts per oi' the river tramp knows its were largely unsuccessful. In the Barmah value well (Brady 1912, cited in forest, thinning and coppice treatment was Hrbbins (991: 38).' carried out in the 1920s and 1930s, foresters also experimented with non- The 1901 Royal Commission on Slate indigenous species. At the Timberoo forest I uresis and limber Reserves reported crit- in the 1930s Red Ironbark Eucalyptus ically on the use and management of the suleroxyion and Silky Oak (ircvillca rohus-

VoL 119(3)2002 91 Murray River Special Issue ia were trialed Cllartah-Kulkyne National FNCV combined the desire for open air Park' Resource Collection File). recreation with an interest in the natural Foresters were often the first advocates environment. The Club instituted walking for conservation. It was at their insistence* and camping expeditions in which the during the 1930s, that settlers in the observation of wildlife and the collection llattah-Kulkyne area were forbidden to of botanical specimens were important remove native pines from their selections. activities. The FNCV was soon joined by In the Barmah Forest in the 1940s foresters other societies, including the Wattle Club, and scientists began to re-assess the impact the Royal Australasian Ornithologists of grazing. Forester, WP Ungate drew Union, and the Bird Observers Club. This attention to the damage done to saplings by small but committed conservation move- cattle. 'When grass was dry' he said, 'cat- ment, led by influential spokesmen like tle would eat anything green*. Tingate's Baldwin Spencer and Sir James Barrett, concerns were echoed by his colleague, began to exert pressure on the government Stan Duncan, who observed in 1950 that to protect Victoria's bushland. there was little hope for widespread re- In 1914, the FNCV became interested in generation of the forest until grazing was the Hattah Lakes system near Mildura. At its discontinued. The Forests Commission meeting on 14 December the Club decided acted on this advice and in 1950 Barmah to write to the Fisheries and Game West, Yalca and portions of Yielima were Department and request that the area be pro- closed to cattle (Fahev 1987). claimed a sanctuary for native game. Native game sanctuaries were proclaimed under the Water reserves Game Act of 1890 and made it unlaw fill for Another government concern of the any person to kill any native game within a 1870s and 1880s was the need to protect designated area and specifically mentioned Water resources from the designs of squat- by proclamation (Mahon 1992). Of particu- ters and selectors. Thus, in 1881 all lar concern lo the FNCV was the practice of unalienated land within one to one-and-a- punt-gun shooiing on Lake Mournpall. half chains of the colony's 'Rivers, Speaking for the resolution, JG O'Donoghue Rivulets, Creeks, Channels, Aqueducts, reported on a recent visit to the Lake where Lakes, Reservoirs, Swamps, Inlets, Loughs he claimed that, after a single discharge of and Straits' was reserved (Wright 1989: the gun used by one individual, as many as 224). The order ensured the Murray River 72 pairs of ducks had been 'picked up' {The water frontage was retained in public own- Victorian Naturalist 1915: 31). The resolu- ership and today this corridor forms the tion was supported by the Inspector of basis Of the Murray River Reserves man- Fisheries and Game, Mr F Lewis, and in aged by Parks Victoria. 1915 an extensive area embracing parts of National parks Chalka Creek, Lakes Hattah, Litlle Hattah, For many conservation-minded people, Mournpall and Brockie, together with all the creation of Stale forests and Crown land within half a mile of the creek and lake, land reserves was not enough. Towards the was proclaimed a sanctuary for native game end of the nineteenth century a growing (The Victorian Naturalist 1915:32). body of Scientific opinion became increas- In 1919, about 3620 acres were reserved ingly vocal in their demands for the protec- as the Kulkyne State Forest, and an addi- tion of wildlife and the establishment of tional 77,470 acres were dedicated in 1 924. national parks. In the broader community A Kulkyne National Park was first pro- loo there was a growing awareness of the posed in 1938 when Mr LG Chandler of natural world. Changing recreation pat- Red Cliffs outlined to the Ornithologist's terns brought about by extensions to the LJnion and the FNCV the desirability as a network and the emergence of field national park of the Kulkyne State Forest naturalist and bushwalking clubs awak- and an area of Crown land to the west. A ened people to the beauties of nature. commiltee of the Union investigated the The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria request and decided that the proposal was (FNCV) was one of the first supporters of premature because of the then unsatisfacto- national parks. Fstablished in 1880, the ry administration of national parks in

92 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Victoria. The Union recommended instead its plans to open up areas of the Little Desert that the area should be added to the State for fanning. The dispute led to the reservation forest and administered as an area for the of the Little Desert as a national park, but conservation of mallee fauna and flora. The more importantly it convinced the government agreed to the request and Government that a more systematic system of 42,000 acres were added to the State Forest land-use planning was required to balance the in 1941. Al the same time, the whole competing claims for uncommitted Crown Kulkyne State Forest was declared a sanc- land. The outcome was the Land Conser- tuary for native game (*Hattah-Kulkyne vation Act 1970 which established a land National Park* Resource Collection File). Conservation Council to make recommenda- In 1956, after a long campaign by the tions to the Government on the balanced use FNCV and the Victorian National Parks of public land in Victoria. Association (VNPA), the Victorian gov- The Little Desert dispute was a watershed ernment passed Australia's first legislation in the history of the conservation movement

for the control of national parks. The in Victoria. It changed forever the method National Parks Act created a National bv which decisions were made about the

Parks Authority, one of the nation's first future use of Crown land. It also revealed statutor\ bodies to oversee the manage- the extent of public support tor conservation, ment of national parks. shaped new altitudes about the environment, While the Act provided for the manage- and helped the conservation movement to

ment of national parks, it did not make refine its campaign techniques. adequate provision tor the selection of new Bv 1978, the Land Conservation Council areas which were required in order to give had completed reports on fourteen investi- a broad representation of ecosystems with- gation areas, although only two of these in the State. The YNPA recognised that the reports covered areas adjoining the Murray:

State's network of national parks was far North East 1 (19771) and Mallee (1977). from being a representative sample of LCC recommendations led to the reserva- ecosystems. \ survey by the Association tion of 20 new parks under the National revealed that a considerable portion of the Parks Act 1978, increasing the area reserved sixty-two "vegetational alliances' identi- under the Act from 283.000 hectares to fied were not protected in existing reserves 774,000 hectares. (Frankenberg L971). The Kulkyne State Only one park along the Murray was Forest included important areas of the included under the new legislation. The 'Saltbush, Bluebush' alliance comprising Murray Kulkyne Park, comprising 1550 low shrubland and low open-shrubland. In hectares of Murray River lloodplain. was 1959 the YNPA submitted an extensive proclaimed as a result o\' the 1977 LCC report to the government requesting the investigation into the Mallee studv area. In reservation of the entire forest as a national 1990 the Park was increased in si/e to 3530 patk(VNPA Newsletter, October 1959). hectares with the addition of the Liparoo Consequently, in I960 an area of approx- Block and renamed Murray Kulkyne imately 18.000 hectares, including Lake Regional Park. Hattah was reserved as llattah Fakes In I9S2 Barmah Forest was declared a National Park. In 1980 the surrounding wetland of international importance under State forest which had previously been the Ramsar Convention, the international held under grazing lease was incorporated treaty to protect wetlands, and in 1987 the to form the llattah-kulkv ne National Park FCC recommendation of 1985 to create of 48,000 hectares. the Barmah Stale Park of 7,900 hectares Since 1970 the reservation of new national was finally implemented. The park com- parks and conservation reserves has been prised two sections: the first incorporating based on recommendations by the Land wetlands and forests at Top Island, War Conservation Council (FCC), now the Plain and Barmah Fakes; the second cov- Environment Conservation Council. The ering a drier forest of River Red Gum,

LCC vv as created in the aftermath of the I .ittle Grey Box Eucalyptus mkrocarpa. Yellow Desetl dispute when, in the (ace of concerted Box Eucalyptus melliodora and Black Box public opposition, the government abandoned Eucalyptus largifhrem.

Vol. 119(3)2002 93 Murray River Special Issue

the Two of ihe largest parks along the Murray for what is now the eastern subspecies of Burrowing Betlong Betlongfa lesueur graii. I River protect vastly different ecosystems. am also grateful to Linden Gillbank of the After decades of argument and debate, a History and Philosophy of Science Department. series of national parks in the alpine area I University of Melbourne, for editorial comment. were reserved by the Victorian government References in 1979, These parks, which included the BardwelJ S (1990) The Mr Mitchell Trail Exploring Cobberas-Tingaringy National Park along Australia Felix. (Department of Conservation, Forests the headwaters of the Murray, were joined and i unds: Victoria) Out EM (1965) Recollections Qt Squatting in Victoria* in 1989 as the Alpine National Park. Two then called the Port Phillip District, from 1*4! to years later, Murray Sunset National Park of 1851. (Melbourne University Press: Melbourne) Davies (1978) Man and the Murray, (NSW 633,000 hectares was declared in the semi- University Press: Sydney) Ihe arid desert country beyond Mildura. Dingle I ( 1084) The Victorians: Settling. (Fairfax, Syme

Sydrtej l park is the second largest national park in & Weldon; Haslbuni D (1990) The River Murray History at a Park Victoria after the Alpine National and Glance (Murray-Darling Basin Commission; was proclaimed, appropriately, on World Canberra) History the Hannah Environment Day. Fancy C ( 1987) Barniah Forest: a of Forest. (Department of Conservation, forests and The declaration of a new national park on lands; Victoria) the international day recognising the Frankenberg J (1971) Nature Conservation in Victoria, a Survey. (Victorian National Parks Association) indi- 1 importance of the environment is an "HaUali-Kulkyne National Park Resource Collection cation of the changing value we place on File F/C: 3/1, Historic Places Section, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. the land and the wildlife it sustains. The Ilibbins GM (1991) Hannah Chronicles. (Lynedoch Murray River continues to support agricul- Publications) F.astburn (eds) (1990) The Murray ture and Industry, but it is also widely val- Mackay N and D (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) ued for its natural and cultural values, the \1ahon G (1 992) An Appraisal and Review of river is still beset by environmental prob- Sanctuaries and Wildlife Reserves Systems in Victoria, (Department Conservation and Fnvironmenl; lems, including salinity, erosion, soil acidi- of Victoria) ty and habitat loss, but in the national Moulds F (1991) The Dynamic Forest, A History n{ parks and conservation reserves along the Forestry and Forest Industries in Victoria. (l.\ncdoch: Richmond) river, nature now comes first. Priestley S (19841 The Victorians; Making Their Mark (Fairfax, Syme & Weldon; Sydney) Acknowledgements The Victorian Naturalist, various issues (full citations in

I am indebted to Peter Menkhorst of the Parks text). Flora Fauna Division, Department of Natural Wright R (1989) The Bureaucrat's Domain Space and (Oxford Resources and Environment, Tor correctly iden- Ihe Puh/ic Interest in Victoria. 1836~84. University Press: Oxford) tifying Gray's jerboa Kangaroo as an early name

The Whirry River in The Victorian Naturalist A Thousand Miles on THE Rjveb Mi kray By OW Rosenhain Read before the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, 16th April 1917

The squatter in the early days set about in a ruthless fashion ringing trees, with- out let of hindrance— to do this work must have cost many thousands of pounds; and now you see these dead monarchs of the forest tor hundreds of miles on the river front, and extending back as far as the eyes can reach, one mass of white, dead limber. In places the fallen timber is so thick that cattle cannot penetrate.

After taking in sufficient fuel, a start was made for Barham Sawmills. This is a large mill on the New South Wales side, owned by the Barham Sawmitling Co. On account of the river being ver> low for many months previously, a fairly large stock of timber had accumulated, and they estimated there were about 1.000,000 superficial feel of timber stacked there. The manager told me that timber was

becoming very scarce, and it hardly pays now to do the cutting. The nearest trees that can be felled are about ten miles from the mill.

From The Victorian Naturalist XXXIV (4). August 1917, pp 49-58.

94 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Geomorphology of the Murray River Basin

Noel Schleiger 1


The Murrav Ri\er is an exotk stream. Since time it has been both a betrunked and, more recently in the Pliocene, an engrafted river s\slem. Since the Pliocene, the direction of the course of

the Murray has been influenced by upfaulting and jointing of the rocks over which it flows. Geomorphologicaf features such as the valley-in-valley structure, sharpened spurs, valley scroll deposits, incised meanders and valleys, bahadas and prior streams are the direct consequences of uplift, where the river rejuvenates its valley to reach its former base level in its mountain, valley or plain tract. Features of the plain tract are sinuous meanders, because ol' low gradients, with levee hanks. o\-bo\s lakes, lagoons, anabranches, effluents and distributaries. Saline ground water entering the Mutfay River has created problems for water management of the Murray. Part of this is due to irrigation of soils developed on a salts sea bed in late Miocene and in part due to salts aquifers being cut bv the Murray bed. Aeolian features in the semi-arid areas of the Riverine Plain of the Mallee and \\ immera involve parna deposits, deflated play as, parabolic sand dunes on the l.owan Sand for- mation and lunettes on the eastern shores of drying lakes. These are the product of a more arid cli-

I mate in the Pleistocene through to the present da\ . i The tatarim Naturalist II** (3), 2002, 95-101 >

The Murray River is an exotic stream

The Murray River is the major river in (millions of years ago) (Twidale I%8).

Australia. It drains an area of more than When Australia began drifting from 1,020,000 km and is 2560 km long from Antarctica 65 Mya (V/hile L999) much of source to sea. When combined with the Victoria south of the Great Dividing Range Darling River, the tract is 5250 km. the was successive!} transgressed by shallow fourth largest in the world after the Nile, seas. Also at that time, the Murray Gulf, the Amazon and the Mississippi-Missouri occupying the south-west part of the system (Twidale 1968). The average Murray-Darling Basin, was inundated by the runoff per unit area is only 4% of that of sea. the Danube Basin in luirope. which Hills (1975) referred to these shallow emphasizes the arid or semi-arid nature of transgressions as formed by general down- the catchment. While the average rainfall warping or epeirogenic movements (from or conti- over the whole catch men I is 425 mm per the Greek epeiras mainland annum, only 5% of the total catchment nent). Such movements can be simple exceeds 750 mm per annum. Most of the uplift or depression, tilling or broad warp- high rainfall is over the Koscius/.ko and ing which affect wide regions rather than

Victorian alpine plateaus. narrow belts (see Fig. 1 ).

The Murray is thus an allogenic or exotic Within the Murray Gulf, marine sediments stream, for it rises in high rainfall areas, began from Middle Palaeoeene and contin- giving it sufficient Mow to pass through the ued through to late Miocene when the sea semi-arid desert regions of the Victorian retreated in response to the epeirogenic and South Australian Malice, where it has uplift of the bordering highlands. no tributaries, to reach the sea at Goolwa A series of parallel to sub-parallel on the Coorong. Over this tract, water loss stranded coastal ridges successively devel- is mainly by evaporation and partly by oped as the sea retreated over a period o\' downward percolation into the porous falling high sea levels. rocks of its bed and banks. Lake Victoria Stratigraphy of Ihe Murray iiuW has an annual evaporation rate of 1500 A detailed stratigraphy of the Murray mm, vet its annual rainfall can vary from Basin is described by Lawrence and Abele 250 to 875 mm.

( 1988). Figs 2 and 3 summarise the struc- The Murray Gulf ture and relative ages ol the sedimentary [he Murray River, as we know it today, groups and members. The Australian depo- developed in the Pliocene Period 2.5 Mya sitions! stages and the Ibraminiferal zones which date ihun are indicated in the right-

'''' 3, ! hand column ofFig, Ile> Sired, Monti * ei

Vol. 119(3)2002 95 Murray River Special Issue

Great Aile&ii

* South Australia * »i-

ikdukk ;ii or close to surface

Riverine Plain

Marine Scdirtictiiauou PWtUiKWft) Hprel Grea| Dividing Range

to Miocene time. The rivers enter the Gulf via separate Pig. I. I he Murray Gulf from Pataeocene mouths.

environ- The local changes of lithology (facies followed. Two units highlight this changes) across the Murray Basin From ment: the Torrumbarry Clay and the South Australia and Victoria make it diffi- Calivil Sand. sonic cult to give decisive orders of age for The Torrumbarry Clay units. The facies changes from west to east Lawrence (1975) described this member are the consequence of the gradual shal- in the Echuca North No 1 Bore (Fig. 2) lowing of the Gulf. from 58 to 77 m. It consists of while In general, the Renmark group is the old- kaolinitic clay up to 30 m thick. It overlies est, ranging in age from mid-Palaeocene to the Calivil Sand and is overlain by the mid-Miocene. The Ettrick Marl, and the Quaternary Shepparton Formation. It was tieera Clay to the east and on the same deposited in lakes and on the alluvial stratigraphic level, overlie the Renmark plains. group. The lower part of the Geera Clay is the lateral equivalent of the Ettrick Marl. The Calivil Sand The Duddo Limestone overlies the Ettrick Macumber (1972) described this member Marl and merges into the upper part of the in the Calivil No 2 Bore between 86 m and Geera Clay. The Winnambool Formation 105 m. It overlies unconformable the overlies both the Geera Clay and the Palaeozoic bedrock or disconformably on Ettrick Marl. Finally, in late Miocene, the the Renmark Group. The Calivil Sand is of Bookpurnong Beds marked the end of grey, poorly sorted quartz sand and gravel marine sedimentation in the Murray Basin. with a white kaolinite matrix. Quite often In the Pliocene, terrestrial deposition then the member is auriferous and may contain

96 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

200 - Bookpurnong Beds ^jl? /J? Winnambool Fomiaiicjn


Fig. 2. The structure of the Murray Basin, following a west to east cross section from the South

Australia border to Echuca, with eight key boreholes supplying the stratigraphy ( from Lawrence 1 975 ). diatoms and plant impressions, and forms Defeated stream buried fan deltas up to 45 m thick. For The Cadell Tilt Block more detail see Bowler and Maeumber The diversion of the Murray River north-

1 is an example of a defeated ( 1 968) and Lawrence and Abele ( 988). east of hehuca stream. Harris (1938) describes 'the great Features of the Murray River bend of the Murray River makes to the mountain, valley and plain tracts of The south when about 48 km HE o\' Lchuca\ the Murray River exhibit a variety of geo- His fig. I shows the Cadell Tilt Block arc discussed below. morphic features which uplifted along the Cadell Fault which runs north-north-east along the Colbinabbin Betrunked and engrafted river systems Range of greenstones to lig. ] shows the extent of the Murray Dcniliquin. Gulf in relation to present day streams. The now dry segment of Green Gully Prior to the incursion of the Murray Gulf, which crosses the westerly-tilted uplifted- the ancestors of the present day streams block from Mathoura is known as a wind would have entered the sea, depending on gap. The Moira Marshes at the base of the their position then, as one river system as Cadell Tilt Block, with its outcrop of allu- at present. vium, marks the ponding of the Murra> Once the Murray Gulf was established, just west of its diversion point (Hills 1975; these streams would have debouched into it Bowler and Maeumber 1968). by separate mouths, e.g. Fig. I shows the betrunked Murrumbidgee and Darling as a The North West Haul at Morgan, SA river system. There is much debate among geologists In the Pliocene, when the sea retreated, about whether the southerly deflection of joined as the Murray and Murrumbidgee the Murray at Morgan is the result of the one. At Wcntworlh. the Darling joined defeat faulting on the eastern margin of the Murray to complete the system, and then Lofty Ranges. Twidale (1968) states 'the to be flowed across the former sea bed Murray makes a sharp turn southward in deflected by the elevated Flinders-Lofty response to a series of low north to south block to reach the sea at Goolwa, South fault escarpments located within the Australia on the Coorong. This stream sys- Murray plain' between Morgan and tem is an engrafted river system for the Blanchetown which appears to be a com- Murray and its tributaries engrafted a new plex but well marked fault zone. course over the former sea bed, the slope Williams and Goode (1978) proposed north-west, of which must have been to the that before uplift of the Lofty and Flinders then westerly and finally southerly. Ranges an ancient Murray River extended River Twidale (1968) shows the Murray across the line of these ranges to a major

I he Murray deflected by the Morgan fault. delta in the Spencer Gulf. Brown and was defeated at Morgan, deflecting it in a Stephenson (1991) have made a compre- southerlv direction to (joolwa (lig. 4a). hensive study of the Murray Basin and

Vol. 119(3)2002 97 Murray River Special Issue

Foram Australian stages Key Foraminifera Age Epoch Stratigraphic units zones (Mya) Shepparton Fm 14 Kalimnan Upper Parilla Sand Lower Cheltenhamian

13 Mitchellian

12 10.5 11 Bairn sdalian Orbiculma universa O.suluralis 15 10 Balcombian Praeorbicuhna glornerosa cunia Batesfordian Globigennoides sicunus 8 7 Long ford ian 6 c G tnlobus Globoquadrina dehiscens 2 1 Janjukian 23.5 22 ja Giobigenna euapeiiura Upper 20 Oligocene 19iq 18 Guembolitria stowensis 32 Lower 17 Aldingan 16 37.5 Renmark Upper Jli." 43 Eocene Group 11 Middle 10 n 49 Lower

535 Wangenppian Upper 56 Paleocene Middle

62 Lower 65

Fig. 5. Geological age-correlation chart of the- stratigraphic units of the Murray Basin.

argue that this event was unlikely in the the Cainozoic. So whether the Murray Cainozoic era. The evidence of borelogs River at Morgan is a defeated stream is a suggests that the precursor to the modern paradox, as it has all the features of one. Murray emptied into the Buceleueh Anastomosing streams Hmbaymenl at least from the Eocene. There arc streams along the Murray in its Therefore, if Williams and (ioode (1978) riverine plain which form a network of are correct, the trans-Lofty tract would he widely spaced streams, large enough and in the Cretaceous or earlier. For more. long enough to rank a name. These streams detail on this debate see Brown and have diverged from the Murray to join it Stephenson (1991). These authors argue further downstream, e.g. Gunbower Creek that in the late Miocene a marine transgres- and Ban* Creek. Such streams are known sion which persisted into the early as anabranches. Pliocene to the mouth of the Murray was Another type of diverging channel may located near the geographic centre oC the terminate in a shallow lake or swamp. This Murray Basin. This mouth migrated west- is known as an effluent, e.g. Chalks ('reek in erly along the course of the present Murray the Hattah-tvulkyne National Park termi- RLver as the sea began retreating from the nates in part at Lake Lockie one of the basin. About 2-5 Mya leclonism in the Hattah Lakes. In North West Victoria near western Murray Basin led to the formation the border with NSW and SA, Lake Victoria of Lake Bungunnia which ponded the terminates Rufus River, which leaves the Murray at Morgan (Fig. 4c). About 0.7 Murray and Hows northerly. Toole Creek Mya the lake waters retreated and the actually leaves the Murray River in NSW Murray proceeded along a southerly down- and joins the Wakool River in the Riverina. stream course from Morgan following a this is a distributary stream. glacial sea level drop. These anastomosing streams have levee Brown and Stephenson (1991) stress that banks built up on either side of the stream the western mouth hypothesis did not occur at Hood time. During flood time, erosion for the ancient Murray at any time wilhin

98 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

through a levee bank can allow the distrib- utary to take an entirely new course as the channels are split and shifted. This allows a large area to be covered very thickly with vu)[.:(, r, i u .| alluvium, as occurs between Kovv Swamp and Lake Charm.

I alfey-in-valfey structure Between Mannum and Morgan in South Australia, the Murray Valley shows valley- in-valley structure, which suggests there are two base levels due either to epeirogenic uplift of the area, or in response to a drop in sea level. The first base level was a valley cut in the mature landscape before uplift or sea level lower- ing. The second base level is the stream today, a valley incised in the former valley. The first base level was cut in Pliocene times, for Twidale (1968) reports small outcrops of cross-bedded sandstones 6-7.5 m thick scattered over the cliff tops. There is an oyster bed at the base of the cross- bedded sandstone of Pliocene age. these Pliocene sediments have not been formed gliLimh outside the confines of the wider valley, M mm i and were laid down in a narrow estuary, Fig. 4. (a) The Murray River deflected southerly far inland up what is now the Lower by the Morgan Fault (after firman 1966), (b) Murray Valley. Directional control of the Murray tract by joint- ing in the Miocene sediments (enlargement of Influence of bedrock jointing ilic Frame in a) Killer O'Driscoll I960), (c) Palaeodrainage of Murray Basin in late Pliocene Gcomorphologieally, joints are important m earlv Pleistocene (2.5-0.7 M\a). 1'he Murray as they form lines of weakness which can System engrafted partly across the old sea floor be exploited by weathering agents, espe- ro enter I ake Bungunma. After 0.7 Mya an exit cially water and wind. The pattern and drainage line developed west of the I'innaroo spacing of the joint pattern (i.e. the texture Block to drain the lake into the Southern Ocean and hence the modern Murray tract (after of the joint system) are imposed on the Brown and Stephenson 1991 ). pattern of relief. The geometry and spacing of joints van within the same rock and certainly from one rock to another. The alluvium between the two /ones o\ lateral Miocene calearenite (sandy limestone) currasion marked hy the sharpened spurs. alluvial deposition are forming the Murray cliffs markedly show These /ones of scroll (Hills joint blocks exposed in the cliffs. This known as vallev deposits 1975). [oitil pattern has been picked out by the Murray in S;\ (Fig. 4a, b). Alluvialfans or alluvial cones

\ alley-in-valley struc- Sharpened spurs and valley scrolls I he Murray shows the ture west of Wodonga. Tributaries entering I he Murray reaches maturity when terraces of the Murray drop their amplitude of Us meander belt is equal to the upper sediment on approaching the Murray in the the width of its valley floor. The Murray a Hat cone. If several tributaries has incised a valley through the hills, form of build alluvial cones side-by-side, an allu- Where it is still cutting laterally into its apron will form sub-parallel to the banks to form accentuated or sharpened vial of the terrace. This is known as spurs, then swings awav to the other side upper edge (Holmes (>). If uplift contin- and laterally corrades hills on the other a bahada l% ues or the Murray corrades its bed verlical- side. In so doing it deposits valley plain

VoL 119(3)2002 99 Murray River Special Issue

ly lower, Ihe tributary incises the Hood west and south-west winds mantle over the plain and may even build another alluvial accumulating dune. Ihe majority of cone at a lower level (Hills 1975). Victorian lunettes, including many exam- ples between Kerang and Swan Hill, are Parna deposits believed to have formed between 15,000 Parna is a wind blown silt deposited in and 17,500 ya (Bowler and Macumber many parts of southern Australia by rain 1968), Around Boort, the younger ages of after dust storms, especially in the lunettes suggest that the special conditions Pleistocene when the climate was more for lunette formation did not occur there arid. Wide areas of the Murray Basin are until later. In some lakes, younger lunettes covered at the surface with a layer of clay- formed in sequence as the lake shore loam called parna. It is like the loess of shrank back, or several smaller lakes China but of a pallid grey colour around formed within the one larger basin. Melbourne. Areas of consistent loss of dusl and sand are said to be deflated. In the Salinity in the Murray River northern plains arc small barren swales, or Lakes consistently fed by streams, yet 'scalded' areas which are believed to be inadequate to cause the lake to overflow, formed by the deflation of salt-affected accumulate all salts brought in so that their soils during dust storms. waters become highly saline. When these Mostly sand is moved by saltation with lakes dry out they become clay pans or jumps at about 25 to 30 cm above the sur- playas. If they are salty, yielding crystals face. Strong gale-force winds carry sand of halite (sodium chloride) and gypsum along the ground, forming aeolian sand rip- (hydraled calcium sulphate), then they are ples with wave lengths of 9 to 12 cm. Such salinas, e.g. Lake Tyrell near Sea Lake on sand can blast and polish heavier pebbles the floor of the Murray Basin. and wear Hat, sloping surfaces on them. In the Wentworlh-Mildura area of the These pebbles are known as ventifacis. Murray and in South Australia between Kenmark atid Morgan, groundwater from Lakes ant/lunettes springs seeps into the bed of the river. Hills (1940) was the first to document Below normal river level the springs arc lunettes. These are crescent-shaped ridges not visible. Some of these waters are saline. on the eastern shores of lakes. They were Attempts are being made in the Sunraysia first described by Major Thomas Mitchell area to intersect these saline aquifers and from Green Lake and Dock Lake near the stop them from entering the Murray. The Grampians in Western Victoria. They are saline water is pumped into playas, where it widespread in Australia south of latitude n is evaporated and the salt is harvested. I his 32 S, and there are even some in Tasmania. has minimized saline water entering the They differ from sand dunes in consisting Murray in the Mildura area. wholly of clay-loam on the eastern shores

of lakes in semi-arid areas. The summit is Summary broadly rounded. The highest pan is closer The geomorphic features described in the to the lake shore than the outer margin Murray Basin are of two types: tectonic (horns). They curve parallel to the smooth structures, which have influenced the curve of the lake shore on the eastern side. direction of the Murray tract; and semi- They are due to beach erosion by westerlies arid features involving aeolian and fluvi- when the lake is level seasonal!) low. In atilc processes due to the exotic nature of cross section, lunettes arc typically asym- the river system. metrical, with the sleeper slope facing the Tectonic structures lake. Ihe bedding in lunettes is generally Both epeirogenic movements parallel to the surface apart from where it is and local- truncated on the lake- facing side. ized faulting have been active over the his- Lunettes are built of granular aggregates tory of the Murray Basin. Cpeirogenic of clay and silt on the fake floor when the movements are responsible for the water dries up, leaving salts accumulated belrunked and engrafted river system at the on the lake bed as pellets of Clayey materi- commencement and completion respec- al. Clay pellets driven by the prevailing tively of the Murray Gulf transgression.

100 The Victorian Naturalist Pari One

Faulting of uplifted blocks such as Cadell and the Morgan faults has been effective in diverting the course of the Murray. Joint directions have been responsible for the zig-zag course of the Murray in South Australia. In its mountain and valley tract upstream from Wodonga, valley-in-valley structure has produced river terraces in response to either lowering of sea level or epeirogenic uplift of broad areas. In such a situation, fault aprons and bahadas can result from higher bankful discharge and runoff. Incised streams, valley scrolls, and sharpened spurs are common in uplifted, rejuvenated areas of north-east Victoria and South Australia. Fig. 5. Anabranches, effluents and distributaries Semi-aridfeatures in the plain tract of the Murray. Fluviatile features References The lack of tributaries joining the Murray Bowler JM and Macumber PC. (1968) The Riverine is a feature of the Mallee and Wimmera. Plain in Northern Victoria. In A Regional Guide to The Loddon and the Avoca Rivers fail to Victorian Geology Exi ttrston No 13 pp 133-144. Ids J McAndrew and MAH Marsden. reach the Murray. Due to the gentle slopes, Browtl CM and Stephenson Ah (1991 1 Geology qj the levees and sinuous meandering with ox- Mitrun Basin Southeastern Australia. BMR Bulletin bow lakes, lagoons and cut off meanders 2^5. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra.

Firman JB ( 1966) Stratigraphy Of the Chowilla Area in are numerous. Anabranches, effluents and the Murray Basin: Quarterly Geological Notes. distributaries are common between Echuca Geological Survey <

Farna from the precipitation of rain fol- gin. Australian i< icoyra/iher 3, 15-21.

Hills ES ( 1975) Physiography of Victoria An lowing dust storms, parabolic dunes on the Introduction to (>coiuor/>holoy\\ iWhitcombe and Quaternary l.owan Sands, as well as Tombs; Australia) lunettes on the eastern margins of lakes, Holmes A (1969) Principles of Physical Geology. (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd: London) testify to the dominance of and swamps Lawrence CR and Ancle C (I9SK) The Murray Basin wind in the dry summers from the In Geology of Victoria. Lds JG Douglas and JA Leriuison. (Victorian Division Geological Societv of Pleistocene through to modern times. Australia Inc: Melbourne) Lawrence CR (1975) Geology, Hydrodynamics and saline Irrigation and movement of ground llYilrmlicihistry oj the Southern Murray liasin. water into the Murray have increased the Memoir 30. Mines Department, Victoria, Australia, Macumber (1972)- Progress report on the salinity of the Murray since European set- PG Groundwater Survey of the Avoca and Loddon tlement. The problem is complex and cost- Valleys. Progress Report nlihe Geological Survey of ly to solve. On the positive side, the Victoria McAndrew J and Marsden MAII (1968) A Regional Murray Basin could be important for the Guide to Victorian Geology, (icology Department,

' harvesting of earth resources in the 21 University ol' Melbourne, Melbourne. century. Heavy minerals, e.g. magnetite O'Driscoll LPD (I960) The Hydrology of the Murray Basin Province in South Australia. Bulletin of the in from and ilmenite, are evidence Geological Survey ol' South Australia 35. prospecting projects. As well, granite and Parkin LW (1969) Handbook oj South Australian Geology ((ieological Survey Of South Australia: good quality gravel, lime, sand and clay Adelaide) deposits may lay the basis for building and Stephenson At! and Brown CM (19X9) The ancient engineering projects. Murrav River System. BMR Journal of Geologyand Geophysics II, 387-395- Acknowledgements Iwidalc CR (1968) Geoinorphology with Special Reference to iustral/a. (Nelson: Melbourne) The author appreciated the help of I)r Ken Hell While ML ( 1999) Reading tin- Hocks, (Kangaroo Press: aspects of the manuscript. Roger f'ierson of with Australia) helped with key references. Deakjn University Williams CI. and < .oode AD1 ( I97X) Possible western Dorothy Mahler helped with typing and layout Outlet lor an ancient Murrav River in South of manuscript. Australia S< w/. // 9. T 12-447.

Vol. 119(3)2002 101 Murray River Special Issue

Floodplain Wetlands: the Jewels of the Murray River

Rhonda Butcher 1 and Michael Reid

Abstract Wetlands and billahongs of .the Murray River Hoodplain are intimately connected willi the main- .iirjin, and whilst this may imply a degree of similai ily, work over the past 20 years has shown that this is not necessarily the case, While billahongs are formed by the river, the physical and chemical gradients of the river and floodplain wetlands are quite different and thus the biological communities are quite different. This paper briefly describes some of the ecological differences between the main- stream and the floodplain wetlands touching on the importance of connectivity, disturbance, and the

variability of the 1 lloodplain communities. [The Victorian \aiurnlis! 1 ** < 3 >. 2002, 102-107)


Seasonally or intermittently Hooded wet- focus of considerable scientific interest lands and billahongs are common in flood- and research in the past 15 years. plain ecosystems and are important func- Billahongs are floodplain wetlands that tional components of the Murray River are formed by the geomorphic action of (lig. 1; llillman 1986). Over 7000 wet- the stream. Most billahongs are old sec- lands coveting an area greater (ban tions Of the main channel formed by mean- 200,000 ha have been mapped along the der cutoff or channel avulsion. Some may length of the Murray River downstream of even act as anabranches during periods of flume dam, with half of that area constitut- high flow. Cut-off meanders can he quite ing floodplain wetlands (Pressey 1990). deep thus forming unique deep-water bill- Uillabongs are probably one of the best- ahongs, which can retain water for much known aquatic habitats in Australia, and longer than most floodplain wetlands. are a major feature of the 300 kilometre Other smaller billahongs may be formed in long, confined floodplain from the Hume floodplain depressions such as scroll dam to Tocumwal. Downstream of swales or when smaller tributaries dry out Tocumwal tectonic activity, principally to a series of pools. Superimposed upon uplift of an area known as the Cadell block this variety of form is that created by the around 60,000 years ago (Page et al. 1 996) process of sediment deposition, which has contributed to the formation of three leads to a mosaic of billahongs of various major alluvial fans: the Barman, Wakool shapes and depths across the floodplain. and (junbower. Frequent flooding of these The process of infilling appears, in many low-lying fans has led to the development eases, to be very slow, meaning that indi- of extensive floodplain wetland forest vidual billahongs can be very old. (Young and llillman 2001). Radiocarbon dating ofbillabongs on the In 1986 Terry llillman published a hook Murray River suggests that they have been chapter simply entitled 'BUJabongs* in in existence for up to 7000 years (Ggden et which he highlighted the diversity and pro- al, 2001). Even more impressive, dating of ductivity of billabong communities and two billahongs on the demonstrated their distinctiveness from indicates they were cut off from the main- those the of mainstream Murray River. He stream over 12,000 years ago these bill- lamented our lack of understanding o\' ahongs remain more than three metres these systems, and whilst our understand- deep (Ogden el al. 2001 ; Reid in press). ing of the ecology of billahongs and other floodplain wetlands have been variously lloodplain wetlands remains limited, it has categorised according to a number of sys- improved. Billahongs have a unique place tems, bin mainly reflect the water regime. in Australian folklore, and they, along with They can have water for varying lengths o\ other lloodplain wetlands, have been the time, and are generally Characterised as being shallow, less than 2 m deep. The ele- vation of the floodplain is generally only a

nt' !'< School Biological Sciences. ) !lo\ IS, Monash few metres and the lower areas will be

I 'nivvrsiiv, Victoria 3800 prone lo more frequent flooding events. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, PO rio\ 8602, Christchiirch, New Zealand

102 The Victorian Naturalist Pari One

Issues of connectivity One of the features of natural floodplain ecosystems is the degree to which water and other materials move between the mainstream, floodplain wetlands and the terrestrial floodplain. Since European set- tlement and regulation of the Murray River there has been a physical and biotic separa- tion of the components of the floodplain, mainly through alteration of the flooding regime. The connectivity of the system has U&T' been disrupted. Fig. I. River Red Gum forest in Four dimensions flood at of connectivity are Hannah. Photo bv I.indv Uimsden. apparent in a river sysfenfl as it flows from

its headwaters to the sea. The first is the longitudinal or upstream -downstream width and sinuosity all increase. In the water column, dimension. The second is the lateral move- downstream decreases ment of water from the river channel into occur in dissolved oxygen concentration, the terrestrial environment, such as occurs the amount of" coarse particulate organic matter and the in floodplain areas. The third is the subsur- degree of variation in water face movement of water through porous temperature, whilst turbidity, salinity, dis- solved material in the streambed both laterally organic matter, nutrient concentra- tions and water and vertically into the substrata. The flnal mean temperature each tend to increase dimension is temporal, reflecting the (Boulton and Brock 1999). overriding change in the physical dimensions of the The influence is the directional various components of the river-floodplain flow of the water. The system through the seasons and with the physical and chemical environment of advent of floods and droughts. floodplain wetlands and billabongs is deter- mined by the water Most stream biota have distinct prefer- regime: when they have water (summer, winter, spring), ences for specific conditions and will live, when it arrived, how long the or be most abundant, where they have the water stayed and how greatest chance of surviving and reproduc- much water is present. The timing and dura- tion of flood ing. For example, some invertebrates are the pulse is a key factor in dri- ving wetland biota life adapted to living in the cool, highly o\>- cycles (Reid and Brooks 2000; 2001*). genated riffle areas of uplands streams. Young Wetlands and Murray Cod prefer the warmer lowland billabongs are relatively closed systems and lack the longitudinal gradient seen in rivers. reaches. I hey have been shown to like par- Events which affect physical ticular snags and are quite content to wan- the and chemi- cal environments of these systems can, and der over the floodplain when there is a do, occur at different times and rates flood. Leeches prefer the still vvalcrs of te.g. flooding/drying) even in quite geographical- floodplain wetlands (and (arm dams in the absence of natural wetlands), and River ly close systems (Boon et al 1990; Boulton Brock 1999). Red Gums require certain periods of inun- and Water chemistry has been shown to reflect a cyclic pattern dation in order to germinate. Some biota closely attuned to the hydrological will occur in different areas of a floodplain regime. Thus, flooding leads to dilution of wetland system at different stages oflheir life histo- waters. This is followed by gradual rv, a feature that highlights the importance concentration, of connectivity across floodplain systems. which becomes extreme in periods of drought. Associated with these From the headwaters of a river to the changes are biotic also affect river mouth a number of physical and patterns that the nutrient cycling ( chemical features change. Channel gradi- patterns. onsidering this, billabong and floodplain wetlands are highly ent, mean particle size of the substrate and variable, rich and, al limes, extreme shading by riparian vegetation all decrease environments (Millman Boon al. as yon move downstream. On the other 1986; et 1990; Reid and Brooks 2000). hand, mean flow and discharge, channel

Vol. 119(3)2002 103 Murray River Special Issue

- Biological processes primary produc- zone, the profunda I zone and the littoral tion and the microbial loop zone.

When water arrives it triggers the release The littoral or edge zone is characterised of a pulse of nutrients from the sediments. by relatively coarse sediments and a com- At the same time plants and algae germinate plex habitat structure. The complex struc- from the seed bank in the sediment of the ture arises because large plants can grow in

wetland and begin to grow. The nutrients this zone as it usually equates to the provide food for the bacteria, which then cuphotic zone, which is detlned as the begin to break down the terrestrial organic depth to which light penetrates in the water material that has been inundated. The column to sustain/support photosynthesis. microbial loop is a very important compo- An abundance of woody debris often con- nent of wetland function. It was once tributes further to the habitat complexity of

thought that bacteria's main role in ecosys- this zone. The littoral zone is generally the tems was as decomposers of dead and dying most biologically diverse region within a matter, thus making the nutrients available wetland. For this reason, along with more to other consumers. However, research has practical reasons related to access, this shown that microbes are actually a food zone is often the focus of biological study. source in themselves and form part of the The region of the wetland that lies beyond

food web, thus the term microbial loop has the euphotic zone is known as the profun-

become popular. Biota which feed on bacte- da I zone. There is not sufficient light at this ria include protozoans, such as small flagel- depth to support photosynthesis so no lates and ciliates, and rotifers which are in plants grow here. Bacteria, delrivores and turn eaten by bigger invertebrates, and so on the animals that feed on them predominate (Boulton and Brock 1999). within this zone. The sediments are gener-

The main groups of primary producers ally liner and there is less structural diversi- include both micro and macroscopic ty than in littoral areas. The separation forms. The macroscopic primary producers between littoral and profunda) zones is are the water plants, which include both highly variable, and in many shallow clear submerged and emergent forms that grow water wetlands a true profunda! zone may in shallow areas. The distribution of aquat- not exist (Boulton and Brock 1999). ic plants is strongly determined by water The air-water interface or the neuston of depth and clarity because they are limited the water surface supports a number of spe- by light availability. The microscopic pri- cialised biota. Virtually all of the biota mary producers include two major groups, adapted to the neuston are predators, and the periphyton, which grow attached to the come mainly from the Hemiptcra (bugs) and sediments and other submerged surfaces the Coleoptera (beetles). Some biota are tem- (e.g. woody debris, plants) and the phylo- porary members of the neuston as they are planklon. which occur in the water col- air breathers. These include the eulicid mos- umn. In the Murray River and the associat- quito larvae, diving beetles, and other bugs. ed deep billabongs today, the bulk of pri- Because these animals are air breathers it is mary productivity appears to be carried out believed they are relatively tolerant of poorer by phytoplankton (Ben Gawne pers. water quality, especially low oxygen levels eomm.; Reid et ul. in press). However, (Boulton and Brock 1999). there is evidence from the sedimentary The open water column is often referred records of several Murray River billabongs to as the pelagic or limnetic zone. that prior to the arrival of Europeans aquat- Invertebrates found in the open water zone ic plants and periphyton were much more can be divided into the nekton, generally important primary producers (Ogden 2000; macroscopic organisms that are strong, Reid ), in press). active swimmers, and the zooplankton, smaller organisms that are generally weak- Habitat /ones within wetlands and asso- er swimmers or that passively drift or float ciated invertebrate assemblages within the water column. Many zooplank- Generally wetlands can have up to four ton such as rotifers, water fleas and cope- readily identified habitats or microhabi- pods are grazers, and can be found in large lals: the water surface, the open water numbers in the water column (Boulton and

104 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

and Brock 1999). The nekton includes the fish years. Studies in Australia (Boulton 1997) and and the larger invertebrates, such as many Lloyd 1992; Jenkins and Briggs De bug and beetle species, that feed on the overseas (Hairston and De Stasio 1988; zooplankton or on each other. Stasio 1989; Hairston et aL 1995) show that The micro-invertebrates of floodplain eggs estimated to be up to 300 years old can wetlands and billabongs are particularly hatch under suitable conditions. The long seedbanks pro- well known due to the efforts of Russ Steel lived nature of the egg and refuges from extended and his colleagues. A considerable body of vide not only the a taxonomic and ecological work has shown periods of drying or drought but also maintaining genetic, phenotypic, that, not only are there large numbers of means of diversity (Ellner species present in these habitats, but that species and community Hairston et ai 1996; many which were thought to belong to cos- and Hairston 1994; However, despite mopolitan species are actually endemic to Leek and Brock 2000). experimen- Australia. The most diverse billabong this apparent resilience, several variation assemblages are not planktonic, but are tal studies have shown that spatial variety of invertebrates epibenthic~and epiphytic in the littoral zone in the number and sediments can be (Hillman and Shiel 1991; Green and Shiel emerging from Hooded variation in the Hooding 1992; Shiel 1995; Shiel eta/. 1998). part ly attributed to those sediments (Boulton and How changes in the water regime affect history of 1992; Boulton and Jenkins 1998; biota and the broader functioning of the Lloyd 2000). Thus, changes in floodplain ecosystem are questions on Nielsen et ai with river regu- which considerable work has focused. A Hooding regime associated to affect number of studies suggest that wetland lation appear to have the potential viabilitv of the egg bank and hence the invertebrate communities arc affected by the and diversity of emergent com- periodicity, seasonality and duration of abundance flooding (Boulton and Lloyd 1992; Nielsen munities. 2000). However, el ai 1999; Quinn et al Concluding remarks mechanisms driving the observed pat- the One of the main controlling elements in terns are likely to be complex. For exam- structuring aquatic communities is distur- a recent study by Quinn el ai (2000) ple, bance. In Australia we have high natural changes in invertebrate com- compared the disturbance with frequent floods and munities temporary and permanent wet- of droughts, which are believed to be one of lands on the Murray (regulated) and Ovens the major determinants of aquatic commu- (unregulated) floodplains over time fol- nity structure. Human disturbance com- Hooding. They found that distinc- lowing pounds environmental change and is super- between permanent and temporal) tions imposed upon natural variability. Virtually- persistent for wetlands were clear and their all of our rivers and streams have had wetlands but that no distinction Murra\ How regime altered in some manner, usual- could be made between temporary and per- ly b> diversions or dams. Altered volumes wetlands on the Ovens floodplain, manent and seasonality of flows radically change even for the samples taken just one month the natural settings of rivers and streams Hooding. This suggests that some of after and the delivery of water to the floodplain the mechanisms linking biota and flooding and its associated wetlands. These changes regimes operate at large spatial scales. have, in turn, been implicated in the loss of area of great interest is how changing One native species and an increase in invasive flooding regimes may affect the emergence exotics that are apparently belter suited to (hatching) of resting stages of invertebrates the new conditions (Stanford 1996). sediments fol- and plants from floodplain The cumulative effect of these distur- inundation. The low and unpre- lowing bances is the decoupling of the complex rainfall that characterises much of dictable interactive pathways that are characteristic Murray-Darling basin means that aquat- the of the four dimensions of connectivity along organisms must be able to persist through ic rivers in large basins (Stanford 1990). periods. Many do so by producing long dr> Rivet regulation is just one example. It eggs or seeds lhat can desiccation-resistant decouples the longitudinal and lateral for many lie dormant in dry soil or sediment

105 Vol. 119(3)20112 Murray River Special Issue

dimensions of rivers. In the Murray, for Acknowledgements example, we have whole sections of river We would like to thank Drs Russ Shiel and thai have been converted from flowing Daryl Nielsen for information and comments on various sections of this paper. lotic environments to a series of lentic weir pools. The weir pools act as a migration References

barrier for fish and other animals, they act Boon PI, ( rankenburu J, llillman TJ, Oliver RL and RL as tlood and nutrient sinks and they can Shiel (1990) BHJflbomjS. In The Murray, pp 183 200. Fils N MacKay and D l.astburn. (Murray Stimulate biophysical consistency in down- Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) stream sections of the river. A difficulty Uoulton AJ and Lloyd L.N (JQ92) Flooding frequency and invertebrate emergence from dry sedi- associated with disturbance ftoudplain is identifying ments or the River Murray, Australia. Regulated causality, Particularly in lowland and mid- Rivers; Research and Management 7, 137-151. Buullon AJ and Jenkins KM (1998) Hood regimes and land reaches of rivers, attributing alter- invertebrate communities in floodplain wetlands, (n ations in aquatic community structure to Wetlands in a dryland: Understanding far manage- ment, 137-146. Ld any one disturbance is quite difficult. pp WD Williams (Lnvironment Australia. Biodiversity Group; Canberra) Increased salinity, increased turbidity and Houlton AJ and Brock MA 11999) lustration sedimentation, alterations to How regimes Freshwater Ecology: Process and Management ((ileneagles Publishing: Glen Osmond, S A) and water quality are all things that tend to Butcher RJ, Davis JA and Lake PS (in prep). Assessing happen together, so separating out one cul- biodiversity in Australian wetlands: Trials and tribu- lations. prit can be quite a challenge at times. Ji De Slasio BT - (19X9) | he seed bank of a freshwater Billabong and wetland environments are crustacean copepodologv for the plant ecolot-ist, 1377-1389. extremely variable and this heterogeneity is Ecologyl% Lllner S and Hairston NG Ji (1994) Role of overlap- also reflected in the biotic community. Even ping generations in maintaining genetic variation in a when the tloodplain is inundated and would fluctuating environment. The American Naturalist 143,403-417. appear on the surface to be a homogeneous Green JD and Shiel RJ (1992) Australia's neglected single wetland environment, environmental freshwater mierofauna. Australian Biologist 5. 118- patchiness still exists as different biota 123. Hairston NG Jr and De Stasio BT Jr (1988) Rate of respond differently to the flood event. This evolution slowed by a dormant propagule pool. variability makes the life of a natural Hmure 336* 239-242. Hairston NG Jr. Keams CM and Lllner SP (1996) resource manager quite difficult. For exam- Phenotvphic variation in a /ooplankton egg bank. ple if a manager is trying to assess the impact Ecology77, 2382^2392. Hairston NG Jr, Van Brunt RA Jr. Kearns of an environmental water allocation to a CM and Lngstrom DR (1995) Age and survivorship of dia- floodplain system, the scale at which vari- pausing eggs in a sediment egg bank. Ecology 76, 1706-171. ables arc measured and recorded will have a HiMman TJ M986) Bfllibongfe In / imnologv in great inlluence on what information can be iustroiia, pp 457-470. Lds P DeDeckker and WD gained. Biota operate and respond at differ- Williams. (CSIRO: Melbourne and Dr W Junk: Dordrecht) ent scales and rales: this spatial and temporal llillman fj and Shiel RJ (1991) Macro- and micro- variability is a critical feature of all wetland invertebrates in Australian billabongs. lerh. environments and needs to be carefully con- International I'erein. Limnol 24. 1581-1587. Jenkins K and Briggs S (1997) Wetland sidered invertebrates when undertaking any ecological and Hood frequency on lakes along Teryaweynya assessment of a wetland (Wcins 1980; Creek. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Leek VIA and Brock MA (2000) Ecological and evolu- Schneider 1994; Butefrer etaL in prep). tionary trends in wetlands: Evidence from seeds and Floodplain wetlands and billabongs form seed banks in New South Wales. Australia and New the aquatic component of the Jersey, I ISA. Plant Species Biology 15, 97-1 12. floodplain Nielsen DL, llillman I'J and Smith 1-J (1999) Effects o\' and have distinct differences in the physi- hydrological variation and planktivorous competition on maeroinvertebrale cal and chemical gradients and in the bio- community structure in experi- mental billabongs, i-reshwaier Biology 427-144 logical 42, processes and communities com- Nielsen 1)1 . Smith P.), llillman TJ and Shiel RJ (2000) pared to the mainstream. It is easy to think Impact of water regime and fish predation on zoo- plankton resting egg production and emergence. o{ them as separate entities, but all three Journal of Plankton Research 22. 433-446 major components (terrestrial tloodplain, Ogdeo RW (2000) Modern and historical variation in aquatic floodplain habitat and the main- aquatic macrophyte cover of billabongs associated With catchment development. Regulated Rivers stream) of floodplain river systems such as Research and Management 16. 497-5 1 2. Ogden R, the Murray are interdependent. They are Spooner N, Reid M and Head J (2001) Sediment dates with implications for the age of the highly complex and variable, fascinating Conversion from palaeoehannel to modern fluvial environments: jewels that we should learn activity on the Murray River and tributaries. Quaternary International to appreciate and treasure. 83-85. 195-209. Part One

Chronology Darling Basin, Australia. Proceedings of (he Page K. Vinson G ant! Ptfce D ( 1996) of Nlumimbidgee River palaeochannels on the Riverine International Association oj''Theoretical and Applied Plain, southeastern Australia. Journal of Quaternary Limnology, 28. Quantitative Spatial Science 11. 31 1-326 Schneider DC (1994) Kcolop' Press: San Diego) Presses Rl (1990) Wetlands. In The Murray, pp 167- and Temporal Scaling (Academic ISZ~ Eds \ MacKay and D Easthurn. (Murray Shiel RJ (1995) BiHaDOngS. Australasian Science 16. Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) 10-13. Floodplam Quinn GP. Hillman TJ and Cook R (200(1) 1 he Shiel RJ, Green JD and Nielsen Dl. (1998) species? ; are there so many response of macro Invertebrates to inundation in biodiversitv wh) lloodploin wetlands: a possible effect of river regula- Hydmhiologia3»l^-%&. Landscapes and catchment basins. tion? Regulated Riven Research and Management Stanford JLA (19%) Lds 16,469-477. In Methods in Stream Ecology; pp 3-22. FB Lamberti. (Academic Press San Reid MA (in press). A diatom-based palaeoecologieal Hauer and GA study of two billabongs on the (Joulburn River Hood* Diegtr) J (1 989) Spatial Scaling in Ecology. plain, south-east Australia. Proceedings <>? the t5th Wiens A 385-397. International Diatom Symposium, Curtin University Functional Ecology 3* rivers I tale of two Perth Australia Young WJ and lillman LI (2001) A In Rivers as ecological systems The Murray Darling Reid MA and Brooks JJ (2000) Delecting effect i 9* id WJ (Murraj Darling environmental water allocations in wetlands ol the Basin pp 101-135 Young. Canberra) Murm\ -Darling Basin. Vuslralia, Regulated Riven Basin Commission: (2iH)i) Rivera as Ecological Systems Research and Management 16, 479-496; Young WJ led) Basin The Murray Darling Basin l Murray Darling Reid MA. Mum .1. Ogden RW, Tibbv .1 and Kershaw Commission: Canberra) \l' (in press). Long-term perspectives on human impacts on floodplain-rivci ecosystems Murray-

Habitat Change in River Red Gum Floodplains: Depletion of Fallen Timber and Impacts on Biodiversity

1 1 Ballinger and Gregory Horrocks Ralph Mac Nally , Andrea

. Abstract , , .11, structural element lor animals and plants Fallen timber or coarse wood} debris, is a major habitat been massively manipulated both throughout forested areas worldwide. fallen timber volumes have .cultur- collection, fuel reduction) and through indirect act.v Hies (silv t|,n ;lHi direct means ( fire-wood senescence). Work in our laboratory has focused on assess- al management preventing trees reaching Gum Eucalyptus ccwuddii casts lloodplam in" the extent of fallen timber depletion in River Red estimate thai contemporary (alien limber loads forests of the southern Murra\ -Darling Basin. We to European settlement. We also have been average about 16% (about 19 tonoe/ha) of loads prior biodiversitv of both vertebrates and inver- investieatine relationships between fallen timber loads and that loads at least twice current levels tebrates Our observational and experimental results indicate ofecologicallv critical species (e.g. Yellow-tooted Anteehinus exert a positive influence on a number Therefore, restoration targets ol 4rrtechmus flavipes, Owwcterh pkumms). structure. The element ol habitat , 40-50 tonne ha Jeem reasonable objectives for managing this critical

rim \aiuralc! I 19 I J), 2002. (07-1 13)

Introduction One example of the former is Ecological problems have become- es ol habitats. which reduces How vari- increasingly evident in lowland rivers, river regulation, ability and may even reverse seasonal How mostly resulting from human-induced habi- patterns (('lose' 1990; Lake 1995; Ward and tat changes in the streams, their riparian Stanford 1995), In terms of habitat struc- /ones, floodplains and in the broader catch- ture, one of the most striking impacts on ment (Dexter ct at. 1986; Harding and ( l reduction > floodplains has been the general Winterboura 1995; Harding el at. ! >8, o\' structural variety, especially loss of 1999), Many human impacts have resulted mature trees, ground cover and natural litter in simplified habitats. Simplification has Here, we focus on the loss of involved diminution ol variability and or 'debris*. timber (also known as coarse or large magnitude of important ecological process- fallen atlribm- woody debris) from floodplain habitats and es, as welt as changes in structural evaluate effects of loss on biodiversity. Fallen timber on floodplains is ecologi-

Uifl I Poll* i . t fci Biodi i it) ) it: yields struc- i ( iralmn rain cally important because 1 ) .I . i , . ,| l;...;. Si lew PO ,, i„, M, ,| | :; , i S, tural habitat for fauna during both dry pert- i. . Vi BOO

107 Vol. 119(3)2002 Murray River Special Issue

ods (e.g invertebrates, non-aquatic verte- reaches were surveyed in this way: Murray brates, I lawkins et al. 1 983, Stanhope et al. (Albury to Murray Bridge), Murrumbidgee 1987) and during inundation (e.g. fish, (downstream of Wagga Wagga), lower aquatic invertebrates and microorganisms; Darling (downstream of Menindee), Bryant 1983; Thorp et aL 1985; O'Connor Lachlan (Tlillston to Murrumbidgee con- 1991; Fausch and Northcote 1992); (2) may fluence), Wakool (downstream of the be a nutrient source for invertebrates, flora Edward River), Edward (Deniliquin to and fungi (Bilby 1981; Culp et al. 1996; Wakool confluence). Darling Anabranch Edmonds and Marra 1999); and (3) traps (downstream of Popilta), lower Goulburn fine debris, in-flowing nutrients and sedi- (downstream of Nagambie), Loddon ment, producing complex microhabitats for (Bridgcwater to Little Murray continence). animals (I larmon et al. 1986; Andrus et al. Campaspe (Lake Eppalock to Murray con- 1988; Aumen 1990; Naiman and Decamps fluence) and Avoca (downstream of 1997). Thus, fallen timber provides shelter Charlton) rivers. Much of the residual 18% and nutrition for many invertebrates, rep- (Gunbower Island, Barman forest, Millewa tiles, small mammals and fishes. foresi. lower Goulburn south of Nathalia, 1'he paper is divided into sections cover- lower Ovens floodplain around Peechelba) ing the current status of fallen timber on was too thick ly forested to survey from the floodplains of the Murray River and its air. The thickly forested areas were sur- major tributaries in Victoria and New veyed using at least thirty 0.5 ha plots in South Wales, and how that status might each named area. Surveys were conducted relate to pre-Kuropean fallen timber loads. on both public land and on private lease- We then discuss results of some observa- hold properties on the Iloodplains. tional and experimental studies involving Fallen timber estimates the aerial the responses of terrestrial invertebrates from survey and vertebrates to the presence of fallen Fallen timber loads on more than half of timber in floodplain habitats. the surveyed area were estimated from aeri- Fallen timber—now and then al-survey data (1 19,480 ha). We found that In River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldu- the average fallen timber density was about lensis forests of the Murray-Darling Basin 19 tonne/ha. Ibis figure is a little less than on public land alone, c. 1 15,000 tonne of the complete complement of limber of firewood and c. 122,000 tonne of limber three, one-metre diameter (at breast height) (including wood chips) are legally removed River Red Gum trees spread over each ha annually (Crabb 1997). The total forested (c. 21 tonne/ha). The 19 tonne/ha value is area also is much contracted. It appears that consistent with the mean of the ground- in the past, floodplain forests were more truthed sites, which was 22 tonne/ha. The open with fewer trees per unit area. These total amount of fallen timber on the Hood- forests probably had a substantially greater plain outside of the forest blocks was about number of large, senescent trees (Parkinson 2,262,900 ± 100,000 tonne. and Mac Nally 2000). which produce the Fallen timber in the major forest blocks greatest volumes of woody debris through Barmah had the greatest density of fallen natural bough abscission and tree death timber on the southern Murray-Darling (Jacobs 1955). Centuries-long silvieullural floodplain, averaging over 24 tonne/ha. exploitation has led to a virtual absence of The average in the lower Goulburn area large, old trees. Thus, recruitment of fallen was about half of the Barmah value, and timber also is much reduced. These obser- the other areas were between these vations suggest that fallen limber is now extremes. The estimated amount of fallen much depleted in floodplain forests of the timber at Barmah is about 741,900 tonne, southern Murray-Darling Basin, but what is but may be as little as 565,700 tonne the magnitude of that depletion? or as much as 957,700 tonne given the uncer- To assess current fallen limber loads, we tainties in the estimation process. used a combination of aerial surveys and In the five forest-block areas, comprising ground-truthing (Mac Nally et al. in press 101.600 ha, the mean estimate is 1.912,200 b). Some 2442 km of the 2987 km of the

108 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

tonne of fallen timber. The range of esti- loads (Maser and Sedell 1994), so it is mates was 1,483,300 tonne to 2,393.500 unlikely to be a gross overestimate. tonne. This wide range is due to the small If the old-growth-site data of Robinson's areas of each forest actually surveyed (1997) study are representative of pre- using transects in the forest blocks: impact levels, then a fallen timber density

between about 0.1% in Barmah and of about 125 tonne/ha probably is reason- Millewa (hence confidence limits of about able. Such a densitv implies a loss of 25% of the mean) and. at most. 0.6% on between 23.000,000 a'nd 24,000,000 tonne

the Ovens floodplain. for the 22 1 .080 ha considered here, or the equivalent of 3.3 to 3.4 million River Red Total fatten timber load estimates Gums of one-metre trunk-diameter in the Combining results from the blocks and form of fallen timber. This amounts to the aerial survey, the total fallen timber on the total timber standing on 1 15,000 ha of southern Murray-Darling floodplain that mature, old-growth River Red Gum forest we surveyed Was about 4,175.100 tonne, given representative standing-timber with 95% confidence limits of 3,645,000 woodloads in contemporary, managed to 4,753,600. Average density of fallen forests (200-300 tonne/ha), which is about timber is about 19 tonne ha. the amount of standing timber on over half of the area that we measured! Pre-European levels offallen limber on ftoodplains Loss of fallen timber: impacts on An exhaustive examination of plans. biodiversity forestry records and historical literature sug- Our concern about fallen timber loads in gests that the structure of River Red Gum the floodplain forests is mostly to under- communities has changed considerably. stand how broad-scale, intensive change in However, there are virtually no carls* histori- a major structural element of habitats pertaining to River Red cal data Gum affects the capacity of animals (and plants) relatively little is known of the forests, and to persist. To address this question, we debris in these environ- dynamics of woody have used a number of observational and In lieu historical information, a ments. of experimental methods to try to link biodi- useful approach is identification of surrogate versity with different fallen timber loads in modifications following sites at which three main areas of the southern Murray- European settlement have been minimal- Darling Basin with extensive remnant such sites yield the best picture of pre- may River Red Gum forests: Gunbowcr Island, loads. Robinson European fallen timber Barmah Forest and the Hood- found that standing crops of live (1997) plain (all in northern Victoria, Australia). trees, fallen timber and stags were all signifi- The first two forests lie along the Murray in inaccessible, old-growth cantly higher River itself, while the latter straddles a areas in the Millewa areas than in managed major, essentially unregulated tributary of forest, South Wales. State southern New the Murray River. Levels of fallen timber were about five-fold higher in old-growth areas (125 tonne/ha), Terrestrial in vertebrates while the values for managed areas were Due to their comparatively small physi- comparable to those reported here (20-30 cal size and limited mobility, terrestrial tonne/ha). There appear to be very few other invertebrates may exhibit strong responses existing sites upon which to base historical to localized habitat changes. Invertebrates estimates, given the relative accessibility of also represent the vast majority o\^ biodi- the floodplains and the demand for firewood versity (Sala 2000). These features make and timber over the past two centuries. We invertebrates important subjects for think that Robinson's figure is a reasonable research on the impacts of habitat-structur- given that most inver- one because it was not greatly different from al change. However, the maximum load (95 lonne/ha) we record- tebrate species respond at localised scales ed in 516 half-hectare transect surveys along (Hansen 2000), the impact of any localised the Murray River and tributaries. The figure variability in habitat is potentially much also is low by comparison with overseas greater than for more mobile species, such

Vol. 119(3)2002 109 Murray River Special Issue

as birds, that can 'even out' small-scale blage structure may be more informative environmental change by moving to near- and indicative of system change. by or more distant locations (Mac Nally in Those areas of the forest that have been press). Thus, the invertebrate assemblage most affected by removal of fallen timber at any given point locality is the product of generally are the same areas that now flood a complex array of interacting factors, of very infrequently under current flow which fallen timber load is just one. In regimes. The confounding of llood-prone- addition, the sheer variety of invertebrates ness with fallen timber load makes teasing makes it difficult to adequately character- out the particular role of fallen timber in ize invertebrate assemblages (Colwell and affecting biodiversity challenging. Focusing Coddington 1994). Through our attempts on the response of obligate saproxylic

lo study invertebrates in River Red Gum species (dead-wood specialists) is one strat- forests, we have encountered some novel egy for getting a clearer signal of the impaci aspects of these problems. of removal of fallen timber. This method The invertebrate fauna of Murray Basin red has been used successfully in the boreal gum forests reflects the geographic position- forests in Europe and North America, where ing of the forests. A large component of the saproxylic species, particularly coleopter- fauna is composed of typical dry-sclero- ans. represent a major faunal component phyll-forest species (e.g. Promecoclerus spp. (Harmon et al. 1986; Jonsson and Jonsel |Coteoptera: Carabidae], Matthews 1980), 1999; Sehiegg 2000). These highly special- but there are also riparian-zone specialists ized beetles cither feed directly on rotting (e.g. Tachys spp. [Coleoptera: Carabidae]. limber, or on fungi growing on logs. Matthews 1980, Dolomedes sp. [Araneae: Despite extensive sampling in River Red Pisauridael), arid-zone faunal elements (e.g. Gum forests, we trapped very few obligate Rhyiistenms spp. [Coleoptera: Carabidae], saproxylic species. The low numbers of Matthews 1980; Neostorena sp.), as well as these species mav be due to an unsuitable widespread species (e.g. Rhytidoponera combination of regular forest flooding and metaillcQ (Smith) [Hymenoptera: the unpalatability of River Red Gum timber.

Form i c i d , ae ] Lycosa pseudospeciosa However, despile the paucity, we found Framenau and Vink [Aranae: Lycosidae]). fallen timber to be an important factor influ- There are also many undescribed species for encing the composition of coleopteran which biogeographic affiliations cannot be assemblages in River Red Gum forests. alu'ibuted at this time. Thus, rather than being a critical resource to We find that the various elements of this a limited range of highly specialized taxa, diverse fauna respond to habitat change dif- fallen timber in River Red Gum forests has ferently. For example, the removal of fallen an important ecological function by provid- timber often results in forest-floor habitat ing habitat-structural complexity to a wide that is drier and more open, which favours range of more generalized species. arid-zone species. Zodariid spiders ('knob- Terrestrial vertebrates ble' spiders; Shield 2001), which are arid- zone specialists (Churchill 1998), increase We have investigated the responses of ter- restrial vertebrates in abundance and diversity in areas with (mammals, birds, rep- tiles and frogs) reduced fallen timber loads. In contrast, to differences in fallen tim- ber certain species of lycosid or wolf spiders loads in the three major forests are restricted to areas with relatively high (Gunbower Island, Barmah, Ovens flood- plain; fallen limber loads. Thus, while the species Mac Nally et al. 2001). In each for- comprising invertebrate assemblages, and est, seven graded (by fallen limber loads: their relative abundance, differ with 1.4-60.2 tonne/ha) sites were investigated over two years. amounts of and proximity to, fallen timber, These sites were chosen to reflect the no reduction in biodiversity per se has been maximum observed range in cur- rent loads in the forests. identified in areas where fallen timber had Our results showed that the been removed. We need lo be wary of only native, terrestrial mammal using species richness alone as a measure (Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes) occupied sites of ecological change when shifts in assem- in significantly

no The Victorian Naturalist Part Gin

higher densities when fallen timber loads (Ward et al. 1999; Lake 2001), which we exceeded 45 lonne/ha. Ground-dwelling know little about directly. If Robinson's birds and those using fallen limber are ( 1997) data are representative of pre-impact more prevalent, and in richer diversities, in levels, then a fallen timber load of about the vicinity of accumulations of wood) 125 lonne/ha may be a reasonable figure. debris. Overall, fallen timber loads did not This load implies a restoration target o\' appear to relate significant!) to avian pat- 27.635.000 tonne alone for the 221,080 ha terns apart from at the local scale (i.e. near considered here. The magnitude oi' this wood accumulations). Neither frogs nor objective is such that it would lake main reptiles seemed to be influenced by fallen decades just to be able to grow a supply of timber loads. There were very few reptiles, new timber to fell for this purpose! which may reflect broad-scale depletion of Another approach is to try to reinstate fallen timber from these habitats; similar ecological function. For example, our impacts are evident in wood-depleted box- objective has been to relate wood loads to ironbark forests Immediate])/ to the south of the diversity of animals. We need to recog- the floodplain forests in northern Victoria nise that this restricted objective addresses (Bennett etal L99S; Bennett et

. ., umritiS*, whose densities increased sub- few decades stantial^ in all treatments with Fallen tim- Restoring the ecological integrity of the ber loads exceeding 40 tonne ha (Mac lowland tloodplains of the Murray-Darling the rivers Nail) et Cfl in press a). This value is about basin must invoke return of the twice the basin-wide average for flood- and riverine environments to something plains of the southern Murray-Darling nearei their pre-European-settlemen* con-

Basin. It is important to conduct further dition. One of the main components of the work to see whether the reproductive per- structural complexity of floodplains, fallen formance of the birds also increases in a timber, is effectively missing over vast corresponding fashion (Walters et ah areas. Restoration will be a Herculean task 1999). While analyses and studies are con- for many reasons, most especially because tinuing, our results suggest that the of the lack of replacement limber. Thus, Yellow-looted Antechinus has a similar not only docs fallen timber need to be rein- pri ference lor sites with loads exceeding stated, but there needs to be a massive 40 tonne/ha, which is consistent with our expansion of forested habitat on the flood- results from the observational program, plains to service the ecological well-being (jiven the restricted breeding season and of the floodplains. In the shorter term. the retention of pouched young, we should thought needs to be given to developing a soon be able to assess whether more wood management strategy for restoring fallen translates into more antechinuscs. timber. For example, given a limited amount of material, bow can it be best ( onelusions placed to begin the long road to recovery? Implication s for restoration Arc flood runners to be preferred given i" approach- I here arc two main avenues their greater significance to both inundated first is to ing habitat restoration. The and dry-phase fauna'.' How specific are

, i its state i i lem i" pre-impact

Vol. 119(3)2002 III Murray River Special Issue animals in their use of fallen timber in References Andrtis CW, Long BA and 1 roechlich IIA (1988) of its location on the lloodplain? Is it terms Woody debris and its contribution to pool formations Canadtwl best to augment existing accumulations or in a coastal stream 50 years after logging. Sciences 2080- Journal <>f Fisheries and Aquatic 45. is it more effective to more widely and 2086. fallen timber? The thinly distribute the Aumen NO (1990) Influence of coarse woody debris disturbed woody debris story is only at the begin- on nutrient retention in eataslrophically streams. f lydrohiologia 190, 183-192. nings of its rudimentary course, but our Bennett A, Mac Nally R. Yen A. Brown G. Lumsden task is a huge work has established that the L, Horrocks G, Soderquist T, Loyn R. Silins .!. Wilson J, one because of the severity of the changes Kmsi.a S. Itespc D. Clarke M. Grey M, llinkley S, Siothers K, Price R. Alexander J and that have been wrought since European [.owe K (1999) Extinction processes andpuna con- (Land settlement. servation in remnant hox-ironhark woodlands. and Water Research and Development Corporation Caution: floodplain vs in-stream fallen and Lnvironmem Australia: Canberra)

1 Krasna S Brown G. I.umsden . Hsspe D, timber loads Bennett AF, the future Wildlife and Silins J ( 1998) Fragments for river-restoration literature Plains}. Much Of the in the Victorian Riverina (the Northern concentrates on in-stream fallen timber, (Department of Natural Resources and Environment: Melbourne) "snags', which are perceived to be critical Bilbv RH (1981) Role of organic debris in regulating elements for fish, macroinvertebrates, the export of dissolved and particulate matter from a algae and 'biofilm'. Our focus on Hood- forested watershed. ftcofagy 62, 1234-1243) Bryant MP (1983) The role and management of wood} plain fallen timber should help to place the debris in west coast salmonid nursery streams. North perspective. What are the Fish Management 3. 322-330. snag problem in . \merican Journal of IB (1998) Spiders as ecological indicators in relative merits of fallen timber on flood- Churchill ihe Australian Iropics: family distribution patterns channels? There are surpris- plains and In along rainfall and grazing gradients, 17" European ingly few measurements of natural loads of Colloquium of Araehnolouv 1997. F.dinhmgh. pp in-stream fallen timber in Australian 325 $30, Ed I'A Selden. Close A (1990) The impact of man on the natural How for lowland rivers (Marsh rivers, especially regime, In The Murray, pp 60-74. Ids N Mackay and Commission: et al 1999). Marsh et ai (1999) estimated D Eastburn. (Murray-Darling Basin in-stream fallen timber loads in the Canberra) RK and Coddington JA (1994) Estimating ter- tonne ha Colweil Edward River to be 90 ± 60 restrial biodiversity through extrapolation. Transactions Roval Society London li (0.015 in 7m ). Given that floodplains Philosophical 101-118. cover much greater areas than the associat- 345. Crabb P (1997) Murray-Darling Basin Resource^ ed rivers (rivers usually <10() m wide), the Murray -Darling Basin Commission. Canberra. severity of fallen timber depletion from Culp JM. Scrimgcour GJ and Townseud GD (1996) Simulated fine woody debris accumulations in a stream floodplains seems to be at least an order of increases rainbow-trout Irv abundance. Transactions of magnitude worse than in-stream de-snag- the American Fish Society 125. 472-479. regula- Rose mid Davies N ( 1986) River ging. This is a critical point should restor- Dexter BD. JJ tion and associated forest management problems in snags to rivers remove fallen timber ing the River Murray Red Gum forests. Australian from floodplains. This would be a severe Forestry 49. 16-27. (1999) Decomposition ot and certainly misguided case of robbing Edmonds Rl. and Maria JL woody material: Nutrient dynamics, invertebrate/fungi Fallen limber manage- Peter to pay Paul. relationships and management in northwest forests ment in floodplains and in the associated Proceedings Pacific \ on Invest Forest And 461. 68-79, channels must be considered in a unified Rang* iondSod Organism Symposium Norlhcote (1992) Large woody I ausch KD and TG 1999). wa\ (Mac Nally and Parkinson debris and salmonid habitat in a small coastal British- Columbia stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Acknowledgements Aquatic Sciences 49, 682-693. We thank the Murray-Darling Basin Garnet! ST and Crowley GM (2000) The Action Plan Commission (Project R7007), the Australian for \mtruUan Birds, Environment Australia, 7 Research Council (Grant Nos I 19804210, Canberra. RA Effects of habitat complexity and A 19927 168) and the Victorian Department of Hansen (2000) composition on a diverse litter microarthropod Natural Resources and Environment for funding assemblage. Ecology %i, 1 120-1 132. this We are grateful for the many persons work. Harding \£. Young RG. Hayes JW, Shearer KA and collection of these data and who assisted in the Stark JD (1999) Changes in agricultural intensity and in the logistics of setting up the experiments; the river health along a river continuum. Freshwater most important contributors were: Amber Biology 42*345-357. GS and Parkinson, Chris T/aros, Lawrie Conole, Harding .IS, Benlleld FT*. Bolslad PV, Helfman F;BD (1998) Stream biodiversity: the ghost of Matthew Voting, Robert Price. Keith Cherry, Jones use past Proceedings of the National Academy Darren Ward and Nick Giles. land of Sciences of the United States of AmerUa 95.

112 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

14&43-I4847. change and implications for restoration. Restoration Harding JS and Winterboum MJ (1995) Effects of con- Ecology,

trasting land use on physico-chemical conditions and Marsh N. Rutherturd 1 and Jerie K (1999) Large wood} benthic assemblages of streams in a Canterbury debris in some Australian streams; Natural loading, (South Island, New Zealand) river system. New distribution and morphological effects. In The Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Challenge of Rehabilitating Australia's Streams, 2.

29, 479-492. 427-432. Eds I Rutherford and R Bartley. Adelaide, Harmon ME. Franklin JF, Swanson F.I. Sollins P, Australia. (Cooperative Research Centre for Gregory SV, l.aitin JD, Anderson NH. Cline SP, Catchment Hydrology. Monash University) Aumen NG, Sedell JR. Lienkaemper GW, Cromack Maser C and Sedell JR (1994) From the 'forest to the

K Jr and Cummins KW 1 1986) Ecology o\" coarse sea: thescohg} of wood in streams, rivers, estuaries, woody debris in temperate ecosystems. Advances in and oceans. (St Lucie Press; Del ray Beach, USA) Ecological Research 15, L33-302. Matthews EG (1980) A guide to the genera oj beetles

Hawkins CT. Murphv Ml . Anderson Nil and ofSouth Australia. (South Australian Museum; Wilzbach J (1983) Density offish and salamanders in Adelaide) relation to riparian canopy and physical habitat in Naiman RJ and Decamps H (1997) The ecology of streams of the northwestern United States. Canadian interfaces; Riparian /ones. Annual Review OfEcology

Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40. 1 173- and fystematics2&< 621-65&

I [85 O'Connor NA ( 1991 j The effects of habitat complexity

( colonising Jacobs MR 1955) Grav th habits 0) the i w alypts on the macroinverlebrates wood substrates Australian lowland Oecolagia 504-572. i Government: Canberra) in a stream. 85, Jonsson BG and J onsell M (1999) Exploring potential Parkinson A and Mac Nally R (2000) An analysis of biodiversity indicators in boreal forests. Biodiversity historical information on coarse woody debris loads and Conservation 8, 1417-1433. Oil southern Murray-Darling basin floodplains. lake PS (1995) Of floods and droughts; river and Murrav -Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, sire, tni ecosystems of Australia. In River and stream Robinson R (1997) Dynamics of coarse woody debris ecosystems 22, pp 659-690, Eds CE Cushing. KW in lloodplain forests; Impact of forest management Cumituns and GW Miushall. (Elsevier; Amsterdam) and flood frequency. (Unpublished BSc (lions) the

sis, I Lake PS (20011 On the maturing ol restoration: Charles Stun niversitj i Linking ecological research and restoration Sala OL (2000) Global biodiversit\ scenarios for the

Ecological Management and Restoration 2, I 1 0-1 15. year 2 100. Science 287. I 770- 1 774.

Mac Nailv R (2001 i Alcsoscale' experimental investi- Schiegg K (2000) Effects of dead wood volume and gation of the dependence of riparian fauna on flood- connectivity on saproxvlie insect species diversity. plain Coarse woody debris. Environmental /, ,,,, leiHv'l, 290 198

Management and Res toration 2, 1 47- ] 49, Shield JM (2001) Spiders ol Bendigo and Victoria's Mac NaJly R (in press) Scale and an organism-centric Box Iron bark country. (Bendigo field Naturalists focus for studying interspecific interactions in land- Club Inc: Bendigo) scapes In Issues in Landscape Ecology- Eds JA Stanhope MJ. Powell l)W and Hartwiek LB (1987) Wiens and MR Moss. (Cambridge I diversity Press: Papulation characteristics of the estuarine isopod New York) { monnosphucroma insulare in 3 contrasting habitats - Mae Nails R, Morrocks G and Petliler L (in press ai sedge marsh, algal bed, and woodv debris. Canadian 04' Experimental evidence for beneficial effects of fallen Jo W „ai of Zoology 65, 2097-2 1

limber in forests and implications for hahitat restpra Thorp JM, Mel wan I M, flynn ML and llauer IR colonization of submerged tion. Ecological Applications. I I985) Invertebrate wood Mac SalK R and Parkinson A (1999) Edges define the in a eypress-lupelo swamp and blackwater stream. stream! Restoring the integrity of riparian /ones American Midland Naturalist 113, 50-68.

beginning with coarse woodv debris K WD) on the Walters JR. lord MA and Cooper CB ( 1999) The eco- Murray-Darling floodplains. In The Challenge oj logical basis of sensitivity of brown treeereepers to 411-41-6 habitat fragmentation; a preliminary assessment. Rehabilitating lustraha I Streams, 2, pp ( 'onservaiion I 3-20. lids I Rutherford and R Hartley . Adelaide. Australia. Biological 90, [Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Ward JV and Stanford JA (1995) Lcological connectiv-

! iis Hydrology, Mona-.li I nivcrsily) ity in alluvial river ecosystems and disruption by Mac Nalty R, Parkinson A, Mormcks G, Conole L and Bow regulation. Regulated Rivers Research and Tzaros C (2001) Relationships between terrestrial Management 11, 105-1 19. vertebrate diversity, abundance and availability of Ward JV. loekner K. Ldwards P.I, Kollmann J, coarse wood) debris on south-eastern Australian Bretschka G. Gumell AM, Pens GE and Rossaro B river for floodplains. Biological t observation 99, 191-205. (1999) A reference system the Alps: The Ci T iume lagliameuto'. Regulated Rivers Research Mac Nail) R. Parkinson A. I lorroeks and Voting M (in press b) Current loads of coarse woody debris OH ami Management 15, 63-75. south-eastern Australian floodplains: evaluation of

For assistance with the preparation of this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing). Ann Williamson (label priming) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative


Vol. 119(3)2002 113 Murray River Special Issue

Vertebrate Fauna of Barmah Forest, a Large Forest of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the Floodplain of the Murray River

1 1 Richard H Loyn , Linda p Lumsden and Keith A Ward

Abstract Barmah forest is part of the largest River Red Gum forest in the world, and several studies have examined aspects of its vertebrate fauna in recent decades. This paper summarises this work and gives an overview of the forest fauna along with some historical information and comments on pos- sible effects of management practices. Altogether 35 mammal. 205 bird, 20 reptile, 10 frog and 2S llsh species have been recorded in or near Hannah forest. Bats constitute a high proportion of the mammal species. Arboreal mammals are represented by several species in generally low numbers. The onl\ native rodent is the aquatic Water Rat. and the onl\ small native ground-dwelling mammal is partly arboreal (Yellow-fooled Anteehinus). The most numerous ground-dwelling birds are those lhal can also feed from other substrates during Hoods (e.g. Broun I reecreeper), Three bird species

(White-plumed I loneyeater. Striated Pardalote and Brown ! reecreeper) form a high proportion of individuals in the bird community (40%). C'anop) feeding iuseetivores are patchily distributed and their numbers are negatively correlated with aggressive White-plumed I loneyealers. which even dominate on box ridges. I lollow -nesting birds form a high proportion (34%) of individuals in the bird community. The forest is an important habitat for several threatened species, and for large num- bers ol waterbirds, fish and frogs that breed there during Hoods. Deep spring Hoods provide the best breeding conditions lor many of these species. River regulation, grazing and logging have all con- tributed lo a range of historical changes. Mostly anecdotal evidence suggests loss of some mammal and bird species and more recent declines in certain waterbirds, frogs and snakes. The Hsb fauna is

t now heavily dominated by introduced species. {The Ictorian Vai.uralist 119 (3). 2002. I M-l.^)


River Red Gum Eucalyptus carnaldulmm pie visits from 1977-80 (Chesterfield et at. is one of the most widespread eucalypl 1984); inlenniueni observations by the species in Australia, commonly growing authors in subsequent years; data collected beside rivers and in ephemeral watercourses during fauna studies in the 1990s (Bennett and lloodplains over much of the continent et at. 1994; Brown and Bennett 1995;

(Costermans 1981; Groves 1981). It occurs Lumsden et a/. 1995); results from moni- as linear strips along inland rivers with more toring projects undertaken by the Barmah- extensive stands of forest or woodland in Millevva Forum (Maunsell Mclntvre 2000; temperate areas, including the hanks and Waul et ai. 2000; Ward 2001, "in prep.; floodplain of the Murray River. The most Webster 2001, in prep.); other miscella- extensive remaining stand is the Barmah- neous documents (e.g. Cadwallader 1977); Millewa Forest (60,000 ha), straddling the records in the Victorian Atlas of Wildlife Murray River between l-ehuca, Deniliquin and personal communications from natural- and Tocumwal (Dexter 1978; Murray ists. The paper aims to give an over\ie\\ Darling Basin Commission 2000). with details of selected studies only (e.g. Despite the wide occurrence of River Red quantitative area searches for land birds). Gum forests and woodlands, little has been The latter information has been reported published on the vertebrate fauna inhabit- previously (Chesterfield et ai, 1984), hut ing this distinctive forest type. This paper not analysed or presented in a widely avail- describes aspects of the vertebrate fauna of able form. The paper focuses mainly on the Barmah forest. It is based mainly on multi- Victorian side of the river, but mentions some known contrasts relating to the New South Wales side. 1 Arthur Rylah Institute, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 123 Bnrtvn Street Barmah Forest Heidelberg. Victoria 3084 The forest covers 29,500 ha in Victoria, Institute lor Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture. Department "I Natural Resources and Environment, within the traditional land of the Yorta TutLira. Victoria 3616 Yorla people. It is a Ramsar listed wetland, Author for correspondence: Richard Loyn and sections were declared State Park in Email Richard. I oynf

114 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

1987, with Reference Areas at Top Island and Top End (LCC 1985). The forest is dominated by River Red Gum over most of this area, and periodic Hoods play a crucial role in maintaining the health of these

ecosystems (Fig. 1; Bren and Gibbs 1 986; Dexter et ai. 1986: Bren 1988; MDBC 2000). Stands of Ore> Box /-; microcarpa and Yellow Box E. melliodora grow on raised sandy ridges, and Black Box A k I i largiflorcfhs occupies some low-lying ephemeral swamps, and the fringe of the forest block. I'nderstorey vegetation is mostly open and dominated bv grasses. with a high proportion of introduced weeds (Chesterfield etal 1984; Frood and Ward in prep.). Scattered shrubs occur especially on box ridges (where some species such as Silver Banksia Baftksia marginata are rep- resented only on the New South Wales side) and on riverbanks. Silver Wattles Acacia dealhata and thickets of introduced Blackberries Ruhus fntticusus and Willows SaitX spp. grow mainlv on riverbanks. Various aquatic plants dominate ephemeral swamps in low-lying areas, with extensive beds o\' Moira Grass PseudQraphis Fig. 1. flooded River Red Gum forest. Photo b\ spinescens forming on treeless floodplains l.indv Lumsden. as floods recede (Chesterfield 1986; Ward 1991, 1994). autumn for use by irrigation farmers. Hence Cattle have been allowed to graze on the there has been a reduction in the extent and Victorian side for many >ears. and have frequency of winter-spring floods and an impacted on swamp vegetation, with Giant increase in summer-autumn flows to lovv- Rush Juncus fngens prospering at the l> trig areas. The dam at Dartmouth was also expense of Common \<<:cd Phfagmifes OU&- intended to provide a capacity for flushing trail's and Cumbungi Typha angustifol'm the river to control salinity problems down- (Chestertield I9S6), Sheep have grazed on stream, flows of water through the forest the New South Wales side. Grazing has been are further regulated by means of sluice reduced in recent years. logging has pro- gates on most creeks and major flood run- ceeded on both sides of the river for many ners (distributary channels). vears, with railway sleepers being a major Methods product (Dexter 1978; Chesterfield 1986). In the early Limited logging continues in the Stale Park stages of this studv, all parts

(IX I, 1992). of the forest were explored to gain a gener- Varying proportions of the forest are inun- al picture of the fauna and its distribution. Quantitative dated when the river overflows its banks. data on land birds were obtained on six sites b\ I he natural season for flooding is late win- searching areas oi'

ha - ter and spring, following w inter rain and 4 (200 200 m) for an hour each in snow melt in the mountains. Since the October-November 1977 (a dry year, no flooding) 1930s, the river has been regulaled by con- and October-November 1978 (a wei struction of dams near A Ibury-Wodonga year, with fioodwater lv ing over about Oam, half the forest at the lime of the survey). (Hume 1934) and Dartmouth ( 1980), A canoe was used to gain access in and a weir at Yarrawonga ( 1939). The main 1978, but the aim o! regulation has been to store water at surveys were conducted on foot (wad- ing in water up to peak Mows and release it during summer- neck-deep at one site).

Vol. 119(3)2002 115 Murray River Special Issue

approximately 20 sites The data were analysed by grouping around searches at the forest. Breeding attempts species into guilds, and examining effects Throughout primarily recorded from tadpoles col- 6f sites (6) and years (2) using analysis of were samples. This program variance (assuming no interaction between lected from dip-net in has continued into 2001/02, with monitor- sites and years). I ive of the sites were various months through- stands of River Red Gum on the flood- ing undertaken at (Ward 2002). plain, and one was on a sand-ridge domi- out the year Resources nated by mature Grey Box with some The Department of Natural variety Yellow Box. Four of the River Red Gum and Environment has undertaken a adjoining the forest stands were mature and three of them con- of fish surveys in and Stuart al. 2001). tained many large old hollow-bearing (MeKinnon"l997; et monitoring programs have been trees. The fourth site (Barmah Island) con- Additional Barmah-Millcwa Forum tained mature trees but few old living vet- established by the and land birds (R erans, as intensive silvieultural treatments to survey waterbirds comni.) and frogs (Ward had killed such trees by ringbarking and Webster pers. poisoning over several decades. The fifth 2001,2002). Victorian Wildlife (NRt Red Gum site (burnt) was regenerating The Atlas of

) consulted for recent and histori- from a severe wildfire that burned -30 ha 2001 was species, examining all 5- ten years before the study, and most of the cal records of all overlapped the forest. few old trees were dead. minute grid cells that Water birds were counted at various Results attempts were times during this period, and Mammals made to count colonial breeding water A total of 26 species of native mammal birds in each of these years. Small mam- and nine species of introduced mammal mals were trapped at five sites in three sea- has been recorded in or near the forest in sons, using folding aluminium traps and recent times (Appendix 1). small wire-cage traps (1280 trap-nights) No exclusively terrestrial native small and harp traps and mist-nets for bats (at mammals occur in Barmah forest. The four water-holes in January 1980) Yellow-footed Anlechinus is widespread, (Chesterfield el til. 1984). Scats and signs although uncommon, and spends lime on were recorded, and spotlight surveys were the ground as well as being arboreal. This conducted on foot and from vehicles. species was trapped in low numbers As part of a broad scale study of verte- (14/1280 trap-nights on the early survey) brate fauna of the Northern Plains in the and several were seen during the day for- early 1990s (Bennett et at. 1998) five sites aging from branches of River Red Gums. within Barmah forest were sampled for The only other small mammal trapped on bats and arboreal mammals. Harp traps the early survey was the introduced House bats at each site for two were set for 280* nor- Mouse (5. 1 trap-nights). Even the nights. Spotlighting was undertaken on mally common and widespread Hchidna is foot by intensively searching a I ha plot rarely seen in Barmah Forest. for 45 minutes, on two consecutive nights. The two native aquatic mammals (Platypus Colonial breeding water birds were and Water Rat) are present in the river and counted from the air in most years since creeks, though only the latter is common. the 1980s when there was a spring flood Eastern Grey Kangaroos are common and (Ward 1993, 1996; Ward etal. 2000), with conspicuous throughout the forest, with ground truth ing where possible. Earlier concentrations often occurring in and near records from 1955-1979 were collated by extensive grass plains. White individuals 1 ). ( ow ling and Lowe ( 98 1 are seen occasionally. The Black amphibian survey for I he first in-depth has only recently been recorded within Barmah forest was conducted in 2000/01 Barmah Forest with the first record on the (Ward 2001). Progs and their breeding Atlas of Victorian Wildlife from 1994. This attempts were surveyed at night on a species has recently expanded its range into monthly basis between September and western and northern Victoria (Menkhorst February by documenting vocalising 1995). Common introduced ground- species plus undertaking some limited

116 The Victorian Naturalist Part One dwelling mammals include European Rabbits (in fluctuating numbers, e.g. more in 1980 than 1977), Brown Hares, , Feral Cat (mainly on forest margins), Feral Horse (several herds of 'brumbies', mainly in central and western parts of the forest) and Feral Pig (especially in swamps in the west of the forest). There have been recent records of Sambar Deer, perhaps illegally released, but it is not known if they have established a population. Seven species of arboreal mammals inhabit Barmah Forest. Common Brushtail Fig. 2. The Gould's Lond-eared Bat consider- Possums are common among River Red Nyctophilia gmtldi was recorded al ate rates in Barmah Forest than else- Gums while Common Ringtail Possums higher where the Northern Plains. Photo by Lindy For example, dur- in occur on the box ridges. Lumsden. ing the 1991 survey Common Ringtail 5-" Possums were recorded at densities of Lake, drinking from nearby creeks (Loyn animals per ha at the two sites in box Red Gum 1981 > and feeding on River woodlands, while none was recorded at the blossom. The only camp regularly used by three Red Gum sites. Sugar Gliders are this species in Victoria is at the nearby found near riverbanks scarce, and mainly town of Numurkah, where up to 2000 Silver Wattles. This area is close to with individuals congregate over summer. inland edge of their range and Sugar the Barmah forest has a high diversity o\' Gliders appear to be uncommon compared insectivorous bats with all but one species elsewhere in their distribution. Squirrel to known from the Northern Plains occurring Gliders are also rare with only two records there. The one exception is the Greater two animals were from the forest: Long-eared Bat Nyetophi Iks timoriensis observed on a Yellow Box rise on Long (Fig72), which has been recorded from a Track in 1982 (J Alexander pers. Plain single individual in Black Box woodland was observed on Barmah comm.). and one south-west of Lehuca (Lumsden 1994). Brush- 1 978. The semi-arboreal Island in While most species occur in a range of veg- Phascogale is also rarely recorded in tailed etation types, the Southern Myotis is forest with only three records on the the restricted to riparian forests, as it forages Victorian Wildlife, all from the Atlas of exclusively over water, catching aquatic 1980s. More recently, one individual early insects and small fish (Menkhorst 1995). observed in 1991 on a mature Red was This species was caught on Barmah Island semi-open Red Gum forest in Gum within during the early surveys, and has been Barmah Lake day visitor area (PG the recorded in NSW along the Murray River at pers. comm.). The Feathertail O'Connor the Barmah Bridge (Law and Anderson Glider has been recorded only once from L999), (in 1999; L Conole pers. comm.). the forest Capture rates of insectivorous bats during small and cryptic nature of this The size the 1990s surveys were higher in Barmah it difficult to detect, and it is species makes Forest than the mean for all the sites in the widely in the foresl likely to occur more Northern Plains. Some species were one record would suggest. Koalas than "this recorded at markedly higher rates within been re-introduced into the forest as have Barmah, in particular the GoukFs Long- a state-wide translocation program. part of eared Bat, which is close to the inland limit Bats comprise the largest proportion of of its distribution in this area. The fauna of Barmah the native mammal Southern Freetail Bat, Little forest Bat and one species of flying-fox and forest, with Gould's Wattled Bat also had high capture species of insectivorous bats recorded 12 rates within Barmah. The Southern forest (Appendix 1). Little Red llying-lox. ai Bat, which is common throughout much of irregular summer visitors, at times form- Victoria, is rare in this region. ing camps of 200 in trees near Barmah

117 Vol. 119(3)2002 . . i

Murray River Special Issue

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IIS The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Land birds roadside trees outside the forest. White- Overview of land bird community browed Scrubwrens are found mainly in Altogether 199 species of native land bird beds of rushes JimCus spp. in swamps, and and six introduced species have been locally elsewhere (e.g. on riverbanks and

rec o rd e d in o r near B a r in a h I o re s i in fallen branches on logged coupes). Beds (Appendix 2), Three species are numerical- of Giant Rush are the main habitat for ly dominant in River Red Gum stands: Little Grassbirds and support high densi- White-plumed Hone y eater. Striated ties Of Superb hairy-wrens, though the lat-

Pardalote and Brown I reecreeper, together ter are common in a wide range of habitats.

forming 40% of individuals in the bird Red-browed f inches are locally common

communil) ( fable I ). Sulphur-crested in thickets of Blackberry and other species Cockatoos are common and widespread. along the riverbank. Other species are and make themselves conspicuous through widespread but scarcer than in more Varied their incessant screeching calls. Other par- forests outside the floodplain: they include rots, including the yellow form of Crimson iwo that forage from the bark of upper Rosella. are common and easily seen. branches ( and Brown-head- Three black-and-white birds thai have ed ) and a group of small insec- become common in farmland (Australian tivores such as Brown Ihornbill and Magpie, Magpie-lark and Willie Wagtail) .

are Widespread through the forest, especial- Several species are more common in road- ly in open grassv stands of River R^^ Gunt side vegetation, farmland or forest patches

Emus are conspicuous, especial I) in and mi tide the forest than in the forest itself, near grass plains and swamps. Hollow- including . nesting birds form a high proportion of the and Gre\ -crowned Babbler (Appendix 2). bird coitttnilnity, contributing means of Bush Stone-curlews inhabit patches of rem-


' .. of individuals in mature stands of nant woodland outside the forest, and are Rivet Red Gum or Grcv Box and up to rare within the forest. Gilbert's Whistlers

54% of indiv iduals on some sites (I able I ). and Striped are resident in low Bo\ ridges support a surprisingly similar numbers oil box ridges on the NSW side

fauna lo the River Red Gum stands. White- ( P Maher pers. comm.) but rare on the plumed Honeyeaters arc less dominant but Victorian side. Speckled Warblers occur in a

still the most common honeyeater (Table I ). rarely grazed patch of shrubby River Red

Some small insectivores are more common ( uini forest near Nathalia, but apparently not than in River Red Gum stands, including in Barmah forest. (' nest nut-runt ped Yellow Thombills and White-winged Ihornbills occur in a swamp dominated h\ Irillers. A few common farmland birds Tangled Lignum Muehienbeclda floruletitct favour bo\ ridges, including Galahs and near Nathalia, mu\ are rare in the forest

Yellow -rumped Thombills (mainlv in where lignum is scarce. Several species char- Yellow Box), though the latter species has acteristic of dr\ environments occur in small apparently increased and is now common numbers outside the forest (Appendix 2). on treeless plains and among adjacent River Introduced land hint species Red GtimstL Conole pers, comm.). Hooded Tour introduced bird species have been Robins are scarce inhabitants of bos ridges, observed within the forest: Blackbird (in as are Gilbert's Whistlers and Striped Blackberry thickets on riverbank. and near* Honeyeaters on the NSW side. b\ gardens): European < foldfmch (occasion- Man) oilier species are localised, and al birds, feeding mainly from introduced sonic are associated with particular habi- \steraceae seeds but once reported taking tats such as box ridges or riverbanks nectar from box blossom; II Marshall pers i Appendix 2). Open-countn species such comm.). House Sparrow (groups locally as Richard's Pipits. Singing Bushlarks and around cattle yards) and Brown are found only on tree- (breeding in tree hollows near Barmah Lake less flood-plains, when conditions are suit- in spring; Hocks sometimes feeding around able leg. after Hoods). NoiS) Miners are drying lakes in summer). These and other lound only in small patches of River Red species are more common in farmland and Gum on edges of treeless plains, and in

Vol. 119(3)2002 1!*) Murray River Special Issue

towns outside the forest {Appendix 2), and a eastern part of the forest. The abundance fifth speeies (Eurasian free Sparrow) of canopy foraging insectivores was nega-

r occurs in small numbers at Nathalia. A sixth tively related to the abundance of W hite~ species. , has recently plumed Honeyeaters across the sites and reached Nathalia (2002), as part of its gen- years (r = -0.76, p < 0.001, n = 12). eral range expansion, but has not been Water birds recorded in the forest. When the forest floods, the treeless Quantitative data from dry and wet years plains become lakes and are populated by Numbers of individuals of all species vast Hocks of water birds. During a major observed on the six study sites in a dry Hood, the treed parts of the forest provide year and the following wet year are shown breeding habitat for hundreds of ducks, in fable 1. by species and grouped into mainly of three common species (Grey guilds. Total numbers of land birds were Teal, Pacific Black Duck and Australian remarkably similar in the two years. Wood Duck), most of which nest in hollow However, the most numerous species trees. The swamps attract a greater diversi- (White-plumed lloneyeater) was substan- ty of species, including Black Swans and a tially more common in the dry year (1977), wide range of ducks, grebes and other and species diversity was correspondingly birds, flocks of Australian Pelicans may higher in the wet year (1978). gather on treeless plains, though breeding Water birds were present on these sites in has not been proved for that species. 1978, but not in 1977 (Table I). Other The most spectacular breeding colonies guilds showed little difference between the are those of the communally breeding two years, except for canopy foragers birds such as ibis and cormorants. In the which were markedly more common in major floods of 1973-75, it was reported

1978 than 1977 (Table 1). This difference that hundreds of thousands of ibis bred at was highly significant (p - 0.003). several distinct colonies in the forest Total numbers of land birds were very (Chesterfield et al, 1984). In subsequent similar between sites (Table I) and differ- years, hundreds or thousands of pairs have ences were not significant (p = 0.375). bred during spring Hoods, numbers vary- However, substantial differences were evi- ing with water depth. Beds of Giant Rush dent for particular guilds (Table I), includ- and sometimes Common Reed are the ing canopy foragers (p < 0.001), aerial for- favoured habitat, and are typically flat- - = agers (p 0.046), bark foragers (p tened by the ibis to make nesting plat- 0.013), hollow nesters (p = 0.045) and nec- forms. Straw-necked Ibis form dense larivores (p = 0.056). Nectarivores were colonies and Australian White Ibis gener- most numerous on Barmah Island in the ally form groups of smaller sub-colonies. west of the forest, and scarce in the recent- Little Pied Cormorants nest colonially in ly burnt site and the dry site at lop Island. River Red Gum trees, often in association This guild was dominated by White- with small numbers of Little Black plumed Honeyeaters. Bark foragers (main- Cormorants. Great Cormorants and Darters

Iv ) were most numerous at have nested locally in some years, select- Boals Deadwoods, which contained many ing large River Red Gums near creeks. large old River Red Gums (dead and alive) White-necked regularly nest in among low-lying swamp vegetation. small colonics, usually fewer than ten Hollow-nesters were most numerous at pairs, in tall River Red Gums. Yellow- Boals Deadwoods and Gulf, and least billed Spoonbills sometimes nest singly in numerous at Barmah Island and the burnt tall River Red Gums, or they may nest site, where most old trees had been killed close to colonies of cormorants or White- by silviculture and lire respectively. This necked Herons. guild included the treecreepers and a wide Great Lgrels regularly nest in large River range of and other species, but was Red Gums on the New South Wales side dominated by Striated Pardaloles. Canopy of the river during spring floods. foragers were most numerous at the recent- Previously they nested on the Victorian ly burnt site and at Top Island, in the drier side at Black Swamp until 1964, and near-

120 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

by at Bullock Creek in 1966. 1968 and Frogs 1969 (Chesterfield et al. 1984). Small Ten species from two families of amphib- numbers of Little Egrets and Intermediate ians have been confirmed to reside in or Egrets are sometimes seen with them, and near Barmah Forest (Appendix 4). Hylidae both species have bred in the forest in the is represented only by Peron's Tree Frog, past (see Historical Changes below). while Leptodactylidae is represented by the Nankeen Night Herons also periodically Southern Bullfrog, Barking Marsh Frog, nest on the NSW side of the river, with Spotted Marsh Frog, Giant Bullfrog, colonies of 2000-3000 nests having been Common Spadefoot Toad, Bibron's recorded at Porters Plain during the flood- Toadlet, Plains Froglet, Common Froglet

2000/0 1 ( Webster 200 ). and Sloane's Froglet. ing of 1 Most breeding occurs in spring, and win- Common Spadefoot Toad and Bibron's ter Hoods rarely induce extensive breeding Toadlet are recent new records For the forest. in the forest. In contrast, winter rains may extending the known range of the latter induce Hooding in nearby pasture, and species. There is a single record of the criti- floodwaters sometimes attract substantial cally endangered Giant Bullfrog from the numbers of waterbirds including some that farmland area just south of Barmah Forest. A rarely visit the forest itself, e.g. Red- species formerly listed as occurring in necked Avocet. Many ducks and other Barmah Forest, the Warty Bell Frog Litoria waterbirds have bred on these floodwaters. runitormis, was not found to occur in the for- When floods recede from the forest, open est and the single original record was found muddy shores can attract small waders to be erroneous (P Robertson pers. comm.). including Palaearctic migratory species Well vegetated, shallow!} -flooded wet- such as Latham's Snipe and Common lands have been found to contain the high- Greenshank. However, there is usually too est numbers of vocalising and breeding much vegetation to provide good habitat frogs. However, ephemera! rain-filled for most migratory species, and numbers depressions were also found to be signifi- observed are generally low. cant, and the two new species records for the forest came from such locations. Creeks Reptiles and rivers generally support the lowest have been Twenty species of reptile numbers of frogs (Ward 2001, 2002). recorded in Barman Forest incuding two tortoises, two geckoes, six skinks. three Fish other lizards and seven species of snakes Twenty-eight species of fish have been (Appendix 3). Yellow-bellied Water recorded in the vicinity of Barmah Forest, Skinks are conspicuous among Riser Red with ten of these being exotic (Appendix 5). Gums, and Boulenger's Skinks are com- Native fish, particularly large 'commer- mon on box ridges (P Brown pers. comm.). cial* species such as Murray Cod and Tortoise nests are often raided by Red Golden Perch, were known to be particular* Foxes, with eggshells and footprints ly plentiful in the mid- 1800s to the early remaining as evidence. 1900s when commercial fishing was under- Historical records up until the 1970s listed taken in the Murray River and adjoining snakes in the Barmah Forest as being very Barmah-Moira Lakes. However, significant common (as per review by Leslie 1995). decreases in catches were recorded by the However, numbers have greatly decreased 1890s, and Golden Perch replaced Murray since this time, to the point where snakes Cod as the most common species (Ross are now uncommon. The Red-bellied Black 1892, cited in Leslie 1995). to Snake is the most commonly observed Carp and Redfin were introduced in snake in Barmah Forest today, though lagoons in the Deniliquin district Eastern Tiger Snakes may have once been 1884 and goldfish were in fountains in more common (Leslie 1995). Eastern Bchuca in the 1890s (Leslie 1995). Even Brown Snakes are also occasionally seen, without deliberate release into the along with some rarer and more cryptic adjoining waterways, floodwaters would species (Appendix 3). Carpet Pythons cause an inevitable introduction into the favour the drier Box ridges. river system.

Vol. 119(3)2002 121 Murray River Special Issue

By 1993, a fish study in Moira Lake sions, and are likely to be resident in small failed to locate a single 'commercial' numbers. Grey-crowned Babblers have species offish (Gerkhe and Brown, cited in declined within the forest and are now Leslie 1995). Instead, Carp dominated the more often seen al, roadsides outside the waterways. Although other studies have forest (Chesterfield et al. 1984; Robinson found populations of Murray Cod. Golden 1994; Garnett and Crowley 2000). A small Perch and Silver Perch to persist in Barman group persisted on Top Island until at least Forest, some native species have declined 1979 (Chesterfield etal. 1984). so much thai they are now rarely encoun- Several waterbird species are currently tered in the area (McKinnon 1997; listed as threatened (NRE 2000) on the Sivakumaran and Brown 2001). Such basis of restricted breeding colonies. This species include River Blaekfish, Freshwater approach is currently being revised. Catfish and Maequarie Perch. Furthermore, Barman Forest is sometimes one of the few Carp have been iound lo spawn so prolifi- breeding colonics in the State for Great cally in the shallow vegetated wetlands Fgrels, and has been of even greater within Rarmah Forest that the region ma> be importance lor other species of egret (see a major point source breeding location with- Historical Changes, below). The forest in the Murray system (Stuart el ui. 2001 ). may sometimes be an important breeding habitat for two threatened and poorly Threatened Species known non-colonial waterbirds with cryp- Of the mammal species recorded in tic habits. Australasian inhabit Barman Forest, three are listed as threat- beds of Giant Rush, and several mav be ened (Appendix I). Within Victoria the heard booming in the forest during Hoods endangered Squirrel Glider is found onl\ (Chesterfield et #f. 1984). Littte Bitterns in the Northern Plains and adjacent Box- prefer beds of Cumbungi or Common [ronbark region. It occurs in either box Reed, and ma> be found on Top Island and woodlands with more than one species o\' Boals Deadvvoods during tloods, as well as eucalypt. or in River \

Nine land bird species listed as endan- I here is currently a very low diversity gered in Victoria (NRF. 2000) have been and abundance of terrestrial mammals in observed in or near Barman Forest Barman Forest. This may be a natural (Appendix 2). but most appear to be occurrence, as the pattern of regular Hood- vagrants or rare \ isitors to the general area. ing would result in inhospitable conditions Three threatened species may have impor- unless species were able to climb trees or tant habitats within the forest; Barking find high points on which to escape. In , Superb Parrot and Gre\ -crowned areas where there are alternative vegetation Babbler. The forest is one of the lew types on higher ground (e.g. Black Box breeding habitats lor Superb Parrots in the woodlands around the edge of the forest. State (Chesterfield el a/, 1984; Webster Yellow Box woodlands on sandy rises) I9SS; Garnet* and Crow lev 2000). Barking these may be important refuges for indi- have been recorded on lew occa- viduals to shift into to escape die inunda-

122 The Victorian Naturalist Pari One lion. Where clearing has extended right up small area to support a colony o( bats to the edge of the Red Cium, this may limit (Lumsden and Bennett 2000). Although the the options lor small mammals and hence proportion of large trees is lower in Barmah

influence their survival. The low diversity 1 orest than in remnants within farmland due may also be a result of management to timber harvesting (Bennett a al. 1994), changes since European settlement, [here the area o( forest is much larger and hence is evidence to suggest that other species o\' there are more suitable roost sites overall. terrestrial mammals once occurred in this Both species selected areas of the forest region (see below). Grazing and trampling that had high densities of their preferred by domestic and Feral animals ma> have roost nves (Lumsden e\ ai 2002). reduced ihe quality o\' habitat for these \s a habitat for land birds, the stands of species, and increased predation from River Red Gum appear to be quite similar introduced predators may also have con- to less extensive stands elsewhere along tributed to their demise. the Murray River. Birds that nest in tree In most areas of Victoria, native rodents hollows are substantially more common are usually a prominent Component o\ the than in other forest types (Loyn 1985), small mammal fauna (Menkhorst 1995). reflecting the age of many of the veteran However, in Barmali Forest the semi- trees and their tendency to form hollows aquatic Water Rat is the only species of through dropping branches. Ground-feed- native rodent present. It is likely that sev- ing birds respond positively to the amount eral other species of rodents once occurred of coarse wood) debris (Mae Nally el al. in the Northern Plains, bul are now extinct 2001). Birds that feed from open ground

(see Historical Changes, below ). are common if they can use alternative

Compared to the ( irey Box woodlands ot substrates during floods (e.g. Brown the Northern Plains, the Red Gum forests Treecreeper and Buff-rumped Thornbills have higher densities of Common Brushtail feeding from bark, and Superb Fairy-wrens Possums, but lower densities of Common among aquatic plants), while obligate Ringtail Possums. All the arboreal and ground feeders are scarce or confined to l semi-arboreal mammals found in the region box ridges (Chesterfield et ai. I )84; Loyn require tree hollows in which to nest and 1985). This is analogous to the current sit- are more abundant in areas with higher uation with small native mammals, of densities of large old trees with hollows. which the only remaining species {Yellow- The extensive area of Red Gum woodland looted Antechimis, discussed above) can in Barmah forest provides important hahiiat forage both from the ground and trees, for bats within the region. Recent studies of Perhaps the deduced loss of mammal the roosting and foraging requirements of species from Barmah I ores! owes more to the Lesser Long-eared Bat and Gould's clearing of adjacent box woodlands, than Wattled Bal found that individuals fed in to changes within the forest ilsell remnant vegetation within the rural land- White-plumed I loney eaters dominate the scape, bul roosted within Barmah forest bird fauna of the River Red (ium stands, and (Lumsden et ai 2002). Both species were appear to exclude small insectivorcs through highly selective of the types of trees in territorial aggression. I his may account for which they roosted, with Gould's Wattled the patchy distribution of small insectivorcs Bats selecting very large live River Red such as thornbills in the forest. The typical Gums (Lumsden et ai. in press). In contrast hones eaters of box-iron bark forests are

Lesser Long-cared Bats roosted predomi- fuscous 1 loneyeaters / khenostomus juscus nantly in dead trees, and the females select- and Yd low -lulled I loneyeaters L. melamps ed large old ring-barked Red (aims as (loyn 1985; Silveira ct al. 1997), but they maternity sites to raise their young. are absent from box ridges in Barmah llssures forest, perhaps because White-plumed I ntrances were usually narrow so which provided protection from predators 1 loneyeaters are prevalent. Recent dala and competitors. Individuals regular!}' shift- from a large group of stud) sites among the ed roost sites with subsequent roosts close River Red (iums in the lores! (Mac Nally et together. This behavioural pattern requires a al, 20'H) include While-plumed 1 lonevealer high density of suitable roost sites within a as the fifth most common species (not the

Vol. 119(3)21102 123 Murray River Special Issue

Thornbills have first as in earlier work), and Iwo small insec- gest that Yellow-rumped 1980s tivores (Wcebi)l and Ycllow-rumped increased since the 1970s and early the forest Thornbill) featured in the lop four. This may when they were scarce in Restless suggest a recent change in the dominance of (Chesterfield et al. 1984). White-plumed Honev caters and supports the Flycatchers may have declined and only two (L notion of an inverse relationship between were observed during recent studies numhers of small insectivores and White- Conole pers. comnv). Many other changes plumed Honeyealers. may have occurred, but gone unnoticed or undocumented. Historical ch anges Changes in populations of water birds One of the earliest European settlers in may be readily noticed by visiting natural- was Edward Curr who the Northern Plains ists, but hard to interpret because of the occupied a pastoral run near the junction of mobility of these birds, and the great varia- Rivers in the the Murray and Goulbum tions expected from year to year with dif- described the abo- 1840s (Curr 1883). lie ferent flood patterns. Magpie Geese were for food ,h riginal women digging out rats common in the 19 century (Chesterfield 'kangaroo-rats' and 'field- and referred to et ai. 1984) and disappeared from Victoria specimens were rats'. Unfortunately, as no until recent ^introductions. Brolgas were which collected we cannot determine also common in the 1890s (Leslie 1995). species these may have been. The Lesser Hundreds of Brolgas displayed and nested apicalis, native Stick-nest Rat Leporillus a on War Plain in the 1920s (Tom Galloway large nests of sticks, was rodent that builds in Chesterfield et al. 1984), and the species in the Mai lee region of Victoria recorded is now much reduced, with a pair nesting and may also in 1857 (Wakefield 1966) in nearby farmland but rarely visiting the is interesting to have been in this area. It forest. A great diversity of breeding water- Creek" in speculate whether "Rat Castle birds was recorded by Norman Favoloro in after this Barman Forest was named the 1930s (in Chesterfield ei al. 1984). species. Several species of small macrop- including Whiskered Terns. Hoary-headed ods have disappeared from the Northern Grebes and BaillonVs Crakes. Verbal Plains. The Rufous Bettong Aepyprymnus records from various sources suggest that ntfescens and Bridled Naillail Wallaby Intermediate Egrets were the most numer- recorded from Onrchoga/ea fraenalu were ous egret breeding in the forest before the Barmah Red Gum forests, downstream of 1940s "(Chesterfield et al. 1984), and they (Wakefield (near Gunbower) in the 1850s are now the rarest. Hundreds of egrets bred also been present in 1966) and may have at Black Swamp during floods at the time.

these species are now r Barmah Forest Both whereas now breeding is more common at extinct in Victoria (Menkhorst 1995). Algeboia Plains on the NSW side, and Among land birds, both Bell Miners and involves greatly reduced numbers, mainly Barmah Crested Bellbirds were reported at of Great Egrets. Ibis now breed in lower 19"' 1883; forest in the century (Curr numbers than they did in the peak Hoods BlakerscVtf/. 1984; Chesterfield et ai 1984) of the early 1970s. Plumed Whistling- and no longer occur in the region. Several Ducks and Cattle Egrets colonised the or near the honeyeaters occur erratically in region in the early 1970s, but are found Honeyeaters may forest, and Blue-faced mainly in surrounding farmland. have declined through persecution by fruit Azure Kingfishers became temporarily White-throated Treecreepcrs were growers. scarce in the late 1970s, perhaps because of 1940s and are apparently rare before the the proliferation of European Carp and con- of increases now common, perhaps because sequent turbidity in many creeks regeneration after log- in stand density with (Chesterfield et al. 1984). However, they Pied ging (Chesterfield et al. 1984). recovered quickly and were again a common over the same Currawongs have increased feature of the river and creeks in the 1980s. mainly to the forest period, as winter visitors Many factors have been implicated in the increased during edge. Long-billed Corellas decline of frogs, reptiles and fish. These Nally al. the 1970s^ Recent data (Mac St include commercial fishing pressures, com- 2001) and Atlas records (Appendix 2) sug- petition and predation from introduced

124 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

species (e.g. fox predation on tottoise eggs reverse some of those changes, with bene- or Mosquitotlsh predation on frog eggs and fits to certain water birds and land birds. larvae), structural alterations to habitat The ecosystem is highly complex, and a (through grazing pressure and altered flow system of regular monitoring and adaptive regimes), reduction of instream habitat (such management is needed to deal with the as through extensive de-snagging opera- unexpected changes that can confidently tions), and altered flooding regimes (com- be expected in future. mensurate with riser regulation in the mid- Acknowledgements 1930s). Many people contributed to the studies and Changes in habitat have occurred, espe- observations that formed the basis of this paper. cially on the swamps, through combined We are grateful to all, although there are too effects of river regulation and grazing. many to mention individually. Several col- Trees are encroaching on some previously leagues have Worked closely with us at different Andrew Bennett, Geoff Brown, open plains and dying back on others times, including

I van Chesterfield, Malcolm Macfarlane and (Chesterfield 1986). Beds of Giant Rush John Silins. The studies were funded by NRH, have tended to increase at the expense of and logistic help was provided from the Forests Cumbungi or Common Reed, which are Office at Nathalia. Specific information for this more palatable to cattle (Chesterfield paper was supplied b\ Andrew Corrick and Barbara Baxter (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife) and 1986). Tarmo Raadik (Aquatic Fauna Database). Management Law rie C oriole (Ecology Australia) provided some recent observations and Michael Seroggie Deep spring floods clearly prov ide breed- (NRE) made useful comments On a draft. Anne fre- ing conditions for waterbirds, and their Morton invited us to write this paper. Mans quency and extent have declined with river thanks to all.

regulation. It will be a special challenge to References provide adequate Hows with increasing

1 I), Bennett V. Brown (<. Lumsded , Hespe Krasna S for water use in the Murray demands and Silins .1 (1998) Fragments for the Future Darling catchment (V1DBC 2000). flood !i dtife in the Victorian Rtverina (the Northern tains) (Department of Natural Resources and patterns are important for all aspects of the Environment Eas! Melbourne) vegetation forest's ecology, including Bennett AF, Lumsden I F and Nieholls AG (1994)Tree wood (Bren and Gibbs 198ft Chesterfield 1986; hollows as a resource tor wildlife in remnant lands: spatial and temporal patterns across the north- Ward 1991, 1994; Blanch et al 1999), ern plains of Victoria. Australia. Pat {fi\

health of trees (Dexter et al. 1986), fish t owervatltm Biology I, 222-235. (McKinnon 1997; Gehrke and Harris UlaUrs M Davics SJ.lt and Reilly PN (1984) The tttas oj \usrraliart Birds {Melbourne i nivwsHj (Leslie 2001). A 2001), and waterbirds Press: Melbourne) specific allocation of environmental water Blanch VI. GanfGG and Walker Kf (IW) Tolerance plants to Hooding and exposure indicated has been provided for the Barmah-Millevva of riverine by water regime. Regulated Rivers: Research and river system, and forest from the regulated Management 15, 43-62, is primarily used to allow waterbirds (and Bren 1.1 (1988) flooding characteristics of a riparian red gum forest. Australian Forestry 51. 57-62. tlora and other fauna when known to be Bren [J and Gibbs Nl. (1986) Relationships between attempts necessary ) to complete breeding flood frequency, vegetation, and topography in a river red gum forest. Australian Fbresi Research 16. 1 1 cslie and Ward in press). $."57-370 Old hollow-bearing trees are locally con- Brawn GW and Bennett Al (1995) Reptiles in rural spicuous, especially along the river environmcnTs. The distribution, habitat requirements (Newton-John 1992), although they occur and conservation Status of the reptile fauna of the Munay-Darling Basin area in Victoria. A report to at lower densities in the forest compared to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Department many remnants in farmland (Bennett et al of Natural Resources and Environment: Heidelberg.

( Ungtry's 1949-50 1994). Logging and firewood collection adwalladerPL (1977) J.O. Murrey River Investigations. Fisheries and Wildlife Paper No reduced in recent years, and this have been (3. Fisheries and Wildlife Division, Victoria, the vegetation of should facilitate efforts to maintain the ( heslcrlleld I A (1986) Changes in red gum forest at Barmah, Victoria. supply of hollows and replenish coarse the river \tt\irulian Forestry 4*>, 4-15. sustainable rates. Grazing l debris at 111 I losn RII and Macfarlane (l )84) woody I luitield A, MA has contributed to major changes in wet- flora and latina ol Barmah Stale forest and their management, Research Branch Report 240, Forests land vegetation (Chesterfield 1986), and Commission, Victoria. planned reductions in grazing should help

Vol. 119(3)2002 125 . .

Murray River Special Issue

Costermana LF (I MSI) Native Trem and Shrubs oj lumsden It. Bennett At, and Silius IF (2002)

South-eastern Australia, | \\ eldon Publishing: Sydney I Location of roosts of the lesser long-eared bat

Cowling S.I and Lowe KW (I 98 I ) Studies of ibises in \'\cto/>liiht\ geo/froyi and Gould's wattled bat Victoria. I. Records of hreedine since 1955. Emu 81. Chalnmlohus ^ouldii in a fragmented landscape in 33-39. South-eastern Australia. Biological Conservation

Cuit EM (1883) Recollections of Squatting in I ictona, 106, 2^7-249,

2 ed, 1965. (Melbourne University Press: Mdbotl I umsden LP, Bennett Af and Silins JF (in press) DCE (1992) Barmah Slate Park 'and Barmah State Selection of roost sites by the lesser long-eared bat

Fore si Manage men t Plan. Department of Nyctophilia* eeotfroyi and Gould's wattled bat Conservation and Environment, Victoria, Chalinalohus gouldii in south-easlern Australia. DcUer BD (1978) Silviculture of the river red gum Journal of/.oology. forests of the central Murray flood plain. Mac Nail) R. Parkinson A. Ilorrocks G. Conole L and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 90, 175- f/aios C (2001) Relationships between terrestrial ver- 191. tebrate diversity, abundance and availability of coarse Dexter BD, Rose i and Davies N (1986$ River regula- woody debris on south-eastern Auslralian floodplains.

tion and associated lores! managemenl problems in Biological Conservation 99, 1 9 1 -205 tlie River Murray red gum forests, Austrahan Maunsell Mclntyre Pty. Ltd (2000) Bird breeding, rain- Fores try 49. 16-27. fall and Hoods. Report to Ihe Barmah-Miilewa Forum,

I rood D am\ Ward KA (in prep.) Mapping the under- McKmnon 1 J (1997) Monitoring of fish aspects of Ihe storey vegetation of Barmah Forest, Pathways Hooding of Barman Forest, final report to the Experiences and Departmenl of Natural Resources Murray Darling Basin Commission for Natural and Environment! Resources Management Strategy Project V014, Garnet! SI and Crowley GM (1000) The Action Plan Marine and Freshwater Resources Inslitule, for Australian finch. (Fnvironmenl Australia: Qtieenseliff. Canberra) Murray Darling Basin Commission (2000i The

( .11 iehrise PC and I [arris 1 (200 1 ) Regional-scale effects Baniiah-Vlillevva foresl Water Managemenl of low regulation on lowland riverine fish communi- Strategy. Murray Dai ling Basin Commission: ties In New South Wales, Australia. Regulated Canberra. Rivers Research and Management 17. 369-391 Mcnkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Mammals of Victrom GrOVeS Rll (195)) Australian Vegetation. (Cambridge Uistrihution Ecology and Conservation (Oxford

i ini\ersity Press; Cambridge) University Press: Melbourne)

I aw B and Anderson J (1999) A survey for the Menkhorsl PW. Weavers BW, and Alexandei .ISA Southern Myolis Myofis (Vespertilionidae) Distribution, habitat and conservation macropm I 1988) status and other bat species in River Red Gum Euc&typtUS of the Squirrel Glider Petatirus unrfolccnsis cama/didcnsis forests of the Murray River, New (Pctauridac: Marsupial ia) in Victoria. Australian South Wales. Australian Zoologist 31, 166-174, Wildlife Research 15. 59-71. fCC (19S5J final Recommendations: Murray Valley Newton-John -' (19921 Arboreal habit a I hollows in

Area. I and Conservation Council, Victoria. River (ted Gum {E cauuddulcnsis) in the Barman Leslie pJ (1995) Moira Lake - A case study qf the forest. Unpublished report, Department of Forestry. deterioration of a River Murray natural resource, University of Melbourne. ilir-.i-, (Unpublished Masters I Diversity of NRK (2000) Threatened Vertebrate fauna in Victoria Melbourne) 2000: A systematic lisi of vertebrate fauna consid-

Leslie DJ (2001 ) L fleet of How regulation on colonial- ered extinct, at risk of extinction or In major decline ly-ncsting walerbirds in the Barmah-Miilewa Forest, in Victoria. DNRF; Last Melbourne.

south-eastern Australia. Regulated Rivers. Research Robinson D ( 1994) Research plan tor threatened w ood-

and Managemenl 1 7, 2 I -36. land birds of south-eastern Australia. Arthur Rylah

I eslte D.I and Ward KA (in press) Murray River Inslitule Technical Report Series 133.

I nvironmenlal flows 2000/01 , Journal of Ecological Silvcira CI . Yen AL, Bennett AF. Brown GW. Management and Restoration. Hinkley SD, Loyn Rll, Lumsden LI and Smith W I nvn Rll 11981) Kittle Red flying-foxes collecting (1997) Fauna of the Box-tronbark Study Area \

water in fur. The Victorian Naturalist 98, 194-195. report prepared for the I and Conservation Couneil. Loyn Rll (1985) fcology, distribution and density of Arthur Rylah Institute; Heidelberg.

birds in Victorian eucalypt forests. In finds of Sivakumaran KP and Brown P (2001 ) Barmah-Miilewa Fiualypt Forests and Woodlands, pp 33-46, Eds A Carp population biology, Marine and Freshwater Keast. 1 IF Recher, II ford and D Saunders. (Surrey Resources Institute and Department of Natural Bcatty: Chipping Norton) Resources and Lnvironment, Victoria-

I .umsden If ( 1994) The distribution, habilat and con- Stuart I, Jones M and Koehn J (2001) Targeting spawn-

servation status oFthe Greater I ong-eared Bal ing habitats to conlrol carp populations, 12" HyctOphUtiS finuutensis in Victoria. The Victorian Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference. 21-25 May Naturalist 111,4-9. 200 1, Melbourne,

Lumsden LF, Bennett Al , Krasna SP and Silins JE Wakefield NA (1966) Mammals of the Blandowski (199?) The conservation of insectivorous bals in Expedition to north-western Victoria. The Victorian

rural landscapes o\' northern Victoria. In People and \atitralisil*), 371-39 1. 42- Nature Conservation, pp 1 1 48. Ids A Bennett, G Ward KA (1991) Investigation into the flood require- Backhouse and T Clark. {The Royal Zoological ments of the Moira Grass Plains in Barmah forest.

Society of New South Wales: Mossman) Victoria. Integrated Watering Strategy Report No I Lumsden LI and Bennett Al- (2000) Bats in rural land- floodplain Ecology Group. Departmenl of scapes: a significant but largely unknown faunal Conservation and Lnvironment, Shepparlon. component. In Balancing Conservation and Ward KA (1 993) 1993 Barmah Forest walerbird-nesl- Production in Grassy Landscapes Proceediuc; OJ ing aerial survey. Floodplain fcology Group. the Bushcarc Gfassy Landscape* Conference Clare Department of Natural Resources and Environment,

South Australia. 19-21 August 1999 pp 42-50. f.ds I Shepparton. Barlow and R Thorburn. (Environment Australia: Ward KA (1994) flood requirements ot wetland vege- Canberra) tation in ihe Barmah forest. Victoria. Integrated

126 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Watering Strategy Report No 10. Floodplain Ecolog) in Barmah-Millewa Forest, 2001-02. Final report pre- Group, Department of Conservation and Natural pared for the Barmah-Millewa Forum. Resources: Shepparton. Webster R (1988) The Superb Parrot: a survey of the Ward KA (19%) 1996 Barmah Forest aerial survey for breeding distribution and habitat requirements. nesting waterbirds. Department of Natural Resources Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service and Environment, Shepparton. Report Series 12. Ward KA, Caldwell M and Lcnn RII (2000) Proposed Webster R (2001) Waierbird counts of Barmah- December 2000 Water Management Operations Plan Millewa Forest: Spring 2000 and Summer 2001. for Barmah Forest. Department of Natural Resources Report to the Barmah-Millewa Forum. Fcosurveys, and Environment. Deniliquin.

Ward PA (2001 ) Monitoring frog response to flooding Webster R (in prep.) W'aterbird counts of Barmah- in Barmah Forest, 2000-01. Final report prepared for Millewa Forest: Spring 2001 and Summer 2002. the Barmah-Millewa Forum. Report to the Barmah-Millewa forum. Ecosurveys, Ward PA (2002) Monitoring frog response to flooding Deniliquin.

Appendix 1. Mammals of Barmah Forest, including the number of records on the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife. Note that numbers of Atlas records may give a false impression of the abundance of species subject to special survey effort (e.g. Koalas), while introduced species tend to be under- recorded. + indicates personal communication. Threatened species categories: End, endangered; Vul,

vulnerable; LRnt. lower risk, near threatened (NRF 2000). 1. introduced to Australia.

Common name Scientific name Atlas records in or Threatened status near Barmah Forest in Victoria

Short-beaked Echidna Tackygiossus aculeatus Platypus Ornilhorhynchus untilinus Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinusflavipes Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa Vul Common Trichosurus vulpecula Feathertail Glider Acrobates pygmaeus Petourus breviceps Squirrel Glider Petaurns norfolcensis End Common Ringtail Possum Pseudoeheirus peregrinus Eastern Grev Kangaroo Maempus giganteits Black Walla'by Waltabia bicoior Koala Phascalarctos cinereus Little Red Flying-fo\ Pteropus scupiilaiiis Southern Freetail Bat Mormoplerus sp. Eastern Freetail Bat Mormopterus sp. White-striped Freetail Bat Tadarida australis Gould's Wattled Bat C 'halinolohus gouldii Chocolate Wattled Bat ( 'halirtolobus morio Southern Myotis Myotis macropus LRnt Lesser Long-eared Bat Nyctophilia geoffroyi Gould's Long-eared Bat Nyctophilia gouldi Inland Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens balstoni

Large Forest Bat I espadelus darlingtoni Southern Forest Bat Vespadelus regulus Little Forest Bat Vespadelus vulturmts Water Rat Hydromys chrysogater

House Mouse Mus m ii sen his Black Rat Raltus rutins Red Foa Valpes vulpes Cat (feral) l-'elis eutus Horse (feral) I'Ajiius cabaUus Sambar Deer Cerviis unicolor Pig (feral) Sits serofu

Brown I [are iepus capensis European Rabbit Oryctolagus funiculus

Vol. 119(3)2002 127 Murray River Special Issue

Appendix 2. Birds of Barmah Forest. Note that records from imprecisely defined locations do not generally appear as 5-minute Atlas records and are marked +: this applies mainly to records before the 1990s. AR, Atlas records in or near Barmah Forest; BLLIab, broad local habitats; FLHab, finer local habitats; MS, migratory status; TSVic, threatened status in Victoria. Broad and fine habitats: W, water bird (v, among dense vegetation; in, mainly on bare mudflats; sv, in lightly vegetated swamps; o, in open water; t, nesting in or among trees; s, nesting colonialiy in swamps when Hood- ed; r, along river; f, mainly in farmland or farm dams outside forest). F, forest or woodland bird (rg, mainly in red gum; b, mainly in box; s, most common in or near swamps or riverbanks; p, most com- mon on treeless plains within the forest; rd, more common along roadsides or in remnant vegetation outside the forest; g, more common in gardens outside the forest; no , widespread). O, open country species, usually found outside the forest (gp, mainly near gravel pits). Migratory or other temporal status: S, mainly summer visitor (e.g. Sept-April); W, mainly winter visitor (March-Sept): V, vagrant or rare visitor; X, extinct, not recorded since 19th century. Threatened or introduced sta- tus: CrEn, critically endangered; End, endangered; Vul, vulnerable; LRnt, lower risk, near threat- ened; DD, data deficient; l. introduced to Australia. *, reeds or cumbungi; f, rushes. Common Name Scientific Name AR BLHabFLhab MS TSVic

Emu Dromaius novaehodandiae 44 F s pectoralis 4 O Brown Quail Cotumix ypsdophora E s DD Painted Button-quail Turnix varia 15 F striata 84 F rg Geopelia cuneata 2 F rg V Vul Common Bronzcwing Phaps ehaleoptera 27 F b Ocyphaps lophotes 42 O Buff-banded Rail GalliraUus phihppensis 4 W V Spotless Crake Porzana tahuensis 1 w V Australian Spotted Crake Porzanafluminea + w v Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla + w V s Black-tailed Native-hen Gall inula ventraiis 2 w V Dusky Qadinula tenehrosa 14 w r Purple Swamphen Porphyria porphyria 16 w V Fulica atra 5 w Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus gradarius + F rd Great Crested Grebe Podieeps cristatus 4 W Australasian Grebe Taehyhaptus novaehodandiae 6 W

Hoary-headed Grebe Podocephalus poliocephalus 1 w Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax earho 52 w t Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 44 w t Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax varius 8 w LRnt Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanolcucos 80 w t Darter Anhinga melanogaslcr 21 w u Australian Pelican Pelecamts conspieidatus 37 w Whiskered Tern Chddonias hyhridus 8 w sv S LRnt Silver Gull Larus novaehodandiae 5 w Black-winged Stilt Hiniantopus himan/opus f w sv Red-necked Avocel Recurvirostra novaehodandiae -f w sv/o/f Red-kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 1 w sv Masked Vancdus miles 39 w,o in Banded Lapwing Vanedus tricolor 1 o Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapidus + w m Black-fronted Dotterel Elscyornis melanops is w m

Common Greenshank Tringa nchularia i w m s Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata + w sv S Stint ( 'a/ Red-necked id/is ruficodis i w m s Latham's n Snipe Gadinago hardwickii .1 w v s Brolga Grus ruhicunda 2 w f Vul Glossy Ibis Plegadisfalcineilus 1 w sv Vul Australian While Ibis Threskiornis Molucca 85 w s Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicodis 63 w s Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 24 w t Vul Yellow-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes 44 w t Little Egret Egret ta garzetta 4 w I CrEn Intermediate Earel Ardea intermedia 21 w t, sv CrEn

128 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Common Name Scientific Name AR BLHabFLhab MS TSVic Great Egret Ardea alba 59 W End Cattle Egret Ardea ibis + w,o V White-faced Egretta novaehollandiae 90 w White-necked Heron Ardea pacifies 52 w Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax ca/edonicus 31 w Vul Little Ixobrychus minutus 3 w y* S find Australasian Bittern poici/optilus 5 w vt End Chenonetta jitbata 70 w [Magpie Goose] A nseramts semipalmata + w X End Black Swan Cygnus airatus 42 w Plumed Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna eytoni 2 w Australian Tadorna tadornoides 22 w Pacific Black Duck superci/iosa 71 w

Chestnut Teal Anas casianea 1 w Anas gracilis 59 w Australasian Anas r/iynchotis 2 w Vul Pink-eared Duck Ma/acorhync/ius membranaceuL 3 w Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa + w End Hardhead Aythya austratis 3 w Vul

Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis 1 w Vul Musk Duck Biziura Io bata 7 w o Vul Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 2 () Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 20 w V Accipiter fasciatus 11 F Accipiter cirrhocepha/iis 6 F Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 42 F Hieraaetus morp/moidcs 7 F

White-bellied Sea-Eagle Ha/iaeetus leucogaster 15 W t End Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenwus 50 W t Black Kite Mi/vus migrans 3 o Black-shouldered Kite /-Janus axillaris 7 o Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos + F I'd V Australian Falco iongipicnnis 11 F,0 Falco peregrinus 6 F rg Falco subnigcr 2 o End Brown Falcon Falco berigora 29 O Nankeen Kestrel F'aico cenckroides 18 Southern Boobook \: uv>x novaeseelandiae 19 F Barking Owl Xinox connivens 7 F End Barn Owl Tylo a/ha 12 o Musk Lorikeet (j/ossopsitfa concinna 9 F b Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galcrila 336 F,0 1- g

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo Cacatua leadhcateri 1 F V Vul Little Corella Cacatua sanguinea 8 O ,<) Long-billed Corella Cacatua tcnuirostris 44 1 rg Galah Cacatua roscicapilla 332 o Cockaticl Nymphicus ho/landicus 9 o Superb Parrot Ro/ytclis swainsonii 195 F End <"g Crimson (Yellow) Rose I la Plat) 'ccrciis elcgans flaveo/us 301 F Eastern Rosalia Piatycercus eximius 70 F,0 b Red-rum ped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 196 F,0

Blue Bonnet Northic/la hacmatogastcr 1 KO V

Budgerigar \ /< lopsittacus ttndu/atus 2 F,0 V lawny Frogmoulh Podargus strigoides 12 F Australian Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 4 F Dollarbird Euryslomus oncntalis 7 F rg, r S Azure Kingfisher Alcedo azurca 24 W r Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineac 183 F

Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 1 90 F s Red-backed Kingfisher Todtraniphus pvrrhopvgia l F £P V

Rainbow Bee-eater Mrtops ornatus 49 1 s "> v\ hite-throated Needletail //irundapus t audacutus K() s

Vol. 119(3)2002 129 i

Murray River Special Issue

Common Name Scientific Name AR BLHabFLhab MS TSVic Fork-tailed Swift . Ipus pacificus I F,0 Pallid Cuckoo Cuculus pallidas 19 F Fan-tailed Cuckoo Caeomantis JlahcUiformis 16 F

I lors field's Bronze-Cuckoo t 'hrysococcyx basalis 22 F Shining Bron/e-Cuckoo ( ^hrysococcyx tweidus n F Black-eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans + F Welcome Swallow llirundo neoxena 132 o,w While-backed Swallow C 'herumocca leucosternus 2 o Tree Martin llirundo nigricans 47 F fairy Martin llirundo arid 6 o,w Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 164 F Rufous Fanlail Rhipidura rufifrons 1 F SV Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrvs 220 1\0 Leaden flycatcher Myiagra ruhecula 9 F Restless Flycatcher Myiagra inquieta 58 F .lacky Winter Microcca fuse i turns 168 F Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 29 F Red-capped Robin Petroica goodenovi 73 F flame Robin Petroica phocniccu 22 l\0 W Pink Robin Pclroica rodinogastcr 4 F WV I looded Robin Mclanodryas cucullata 4 F Golden Whistler Pachycephala peetoralis 29 F Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rujirentris 155 F Gilbert's Whistler Pachycephala inomata 5 I Grey Shrike-thrush ( "ollurieincla harmonica 283 F Magpie-lark tira/ii/ia cyanolcuca 112 F,<) rg Crested Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus 91 F [Crested Bellbird] Orcoica guttnralis f F Black- faced Cuckoo-shrike C 'oracina novachollandiac 141 F White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis F Ground Cuckoo-shrike C oracina maxima + ()

White-winged I filler Lalage sucurii 29 F ( ire\ -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 16 F rg, ixl l-nd White-browed Babbler Pomatostomus supcrciiiosus 3 F b White-fronted alhifrons 3 0,W P Ephthianura tricolor (J SV Southern Whiteface P Aphcloccphala icucopsis + o edge Speckled Warbler ( tkanfcola sagittate h p rd Western Gerygone Gerygone Jitsca 60 F Weebill Smicrornis hrevirostris 202 F Striated Thornbill Icanthiza iineafa 53 F nana 61 F Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla 7 F s Buff-rumped Ihornhill Acanthiza reguloidcs 169 F Chestnul-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis + F ignum Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa 121 O g White-browed Scrubwren Scricomis frontalis 32 F s Cincloramphus entrails 7 C Incioramphus mathewsi 35 F rg little Grassbird \ legalur us gramincus 7 W V Clamorous Reed Warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus 28 W V Superb Fairy-wren Malurus evaneus 195 F s While-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorvnchus 35 F,W fg Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus 1 F While-browed Woodswallow Artattnis supcrciiiosus 28 F Black-faced Woodswallow Artamus cinercus I O Dusky Woodswallow Artamus cyanopterus 139 F Varied Sitlella Daphaenositta chrysoptcra 36 F Brown Treecreepcr ( 'limacleris picumnus 362 F While-lhroated Tree-creeper C 'ormohates leucophacus 299 F Mistletoebird Dicaeu/n hirundinaeeum 92 F Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus 41 F W Striated Pardalote Pardalo/us striatus 347 F

130 The Victorian Naturalist 731

Petri ()/h

Common Name Scientific Name ~AR HI llab KUiab MS TSYic

s i I v ere) e Zoster* *p$ lateralis 26 F g White-naped I (one) eater Melithreptus lunatus 1 1 \\\

Black-chinned I loneyeater Melithreptus gularis 52 F

Brow n-headed I Ione\ eater Melithreptus brevirostrrs 43 F Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 2 1 b sv V White-plumed I lone) eater Lichenostomus penicillatus 328 F [] Wanorina melanophrys 1 F X Nois> Miner Manor'ma melanocephala 56 1 id Anthoehaera canmcutata 3 F V

Striped I loneyeater Plectorhyncha i kmceolata 1 b, NSW Kanthomyza i phrygia 1 V

Blue-faced I loneyeater Entomyzon 1 cyamtis 1 Noisy Friarhird Philemon cornicutatus 153 F s Little rriarbird Philemon citreogularis 144 1 rg s Richard's Pipit tnthus novaeseelanalae 21 p Singing Bushlark Wirafra i javanica p s Diamond Firetail guttata i h Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata i 1

Red-browed I inch Neochmia temporalis 15 1 s Olive-backed Oriole Ofhlus sagittatUS 17 F rg s White-winged (hough Corcoran melanorhamphos 1 15 1 Strepera graculina 25 1 w Pied Butcherbird ( 'racticus nigrogularis 14 F id < ire) Butcherbird 3 ( 'racticus torquatits F rd Australian Magpie Qymnorhina tibicen 259 i ,o i'i> Australian Raven ( 'orvus corortoides 269 F

Little Raven ( 'orvus mellori 50

( omrnon Blackbird Junius mcntla 10 1 g I louse Sparrow Passer domesticus 21 g Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus \ a Nalhali; 1 1 European Goldfinch ( arduelh If) carduelis g Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris 67 o,w

Common Myna Acridotheres tristis i o a Nathalu 1 1

Appendix 3. Reptiles of Barmah Forest. I hrealened species categories; End, endangered; Vul, vul nerable; LRnt, lower risk, near threatened; 1)1), data deficient (NRE 2000).

Common name Scientific name Atlas records in or Threatened Mains

near Hannah I orcst in Victoria

( iimnion Pong-necked lortoisc Chehdtna longicollk 1

Murray River I ortoise Emydura macquarii 2 Wood vlttatui I Marbled Gecko Phyllodactylus marmoratus 12 Olive Legless Lizard inomata I

I astern Bearded Dragon Pogona borbata 1

Tree Goanna I dranus varius lb |)|)

( amain \ Wall Skink Cryptohlepharus carnahyi 16

I ,arge Striped Sk ink ( 'icnolus robustUS 2 Skink Garden Lampropholis guichenoti I I Yellow-bellied Water Skink Eutamprus heatwolei 1

( fre> \ Skink Wenetia greyii I Boulenger's Skink \4orethia boulengen 54

Peters's Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops bituberculatus I \\ oodland Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops proximus 8 Vul

I iger Snal e Nutcclus sculatits 2 Red-bellied Black Snake Pseudechis porphyriacus 1 i .i item Brown Snake Pseudonaja textilis 8 \',:\w(\y Bandy Vermicella I annulata I Rm ( arpet Python Morelia wilota metcalfei 3 End

Vol. 119(3)2002 |3| Murray River Special Issue

categories: C'rHn, critically endan- Appendix 4. Amphibians of Hannah I oresl. Threatened species gered; 1)1), data deficient (NRE 2000).

ncil ( ommon mime Scientific mime Alias records in or Threate stains near Hannah Forest in V icloria

Peron's lice Frog Litoria perorti 70 Southern Bullfrog Limnodynastes dwnerili 59 Harking Marsh Frog Limnodynastes fletcheri X

(iianl Bullfrog Limnodynastes interioris 1 rlai

Spotted Marsh Frog Limnodynastes tasmanlensis 1 IX Common Spadefool Toad Neobatrachus sudelli 8

Bibron's Toadlcl Pseudophryne bibront I 62 Plains I roglel Crlnia parinsignifera ( 54 Common I roglel 'rinia signifera ( Sloane's Froglet 'ritiiif sltHinci 3

Appendix 5. Fish of Hannah Forest. Threatened species categories in Victoria: C'rl'n, critically endangered; End, endangered Vul, vulnerable; 1)1), data deficient (NRb 2000). I, introduced to Australia.

Common name Scientific name Threatened status in Victoria

Silver Perch Bictyanus bidyanvs Crl.n

Goldfish Carassius auratus 1 Common Carp Cyprinus cctrpto 1 River Hlacklish Gadopsis marmoratus 3road fin Galaxias Galaxias brevipirtnis Flat-headed Galaxias Galaxias rostratus 1)1)

Mosquitoftsh Gambusia kolbrookl I Western Carp Gudgeon Hypseleottis klunzingeri

Carp Gudgeon ( 2 spp.) Hypseleotris spp.

Trout ( od Macculiocheila macquahensis C Tin Murray Cod Macculiocheila peehi peelii Vul Golden Perch Macc/inirin ambigua Vul Macquarie Perch australasica End Crimson-spotted Rainbow fish Melanotaenia fluviatilis DO

Oriental Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus 1 Short-headed lamprey Mordacia mordax Southern Pigmy Perch Nannoperca australis Bony Bream erebi

Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus myktss 1

English Perch Perca fluviatilis 1 Flat-headed Gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni

Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar 1

Hrown Troul Salmo trutta 1 Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus Vul

Tench Tinea tinea 1

Carp - ( roIdfish hybrid

The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist

Naturaj History Notes

Mr. JG O'Donohue said that the manager of the Kulkyne Station, in a recent letter to him, mentioned that thousands of cormorants o\' several species were nesting at the present lime in the Mournpoul sanctuary. In these particular locali-

ty these birds were not hitherto known to breed so late in the season.

C From The Victorian Naturalist XWII1 (2), IS June 1 )I6.

132 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Reptile Fauna of the Murray River Region in Victoria

Geoff Brown 1

Abstract The lands surrounding the Murrav River, from source to South Australia, support a remarkahle diver- sity of terrestrial reptiles. At leas! ninety-lour species, representing nine families, are known from the environs of the Murray River in Victoria, and this fauna consists of a blend of arid-adapted elements from the north-west with temperate elements from the east. Species richness and diversity of regional reptile assemblages tends to increase along the gradient from cool mesic (Eastern Highlands) to warm drj regions (Mai lee). S kinks are the dominant component (44%) of the overall reptile fauna in terms of number of species. Skinks also exhibit a distinct decline in proportional species composition along the en\ ironmental gradient from the east to the north-west, in contrast w ith dragons, geckoes and leg- less lizards, reptile families that show a steady increase in their proportional representation. twenty- four reptile species known from the Murray River area are considered threatened in a national or sUite (Victoria or New South Wales) context, and at least another IS species are considered locally threat- ened. The majont\ o! tlvse threatened species arc found in the north-west of the slate, and most are classitled as such because they are either at the limit ol their distributional range in northern Victoria, and consequently occur only rarely, or because the) are habitat specialists and considered to be disad- vantaged bv habitat change or loss. The major determinants of reptile occurrence (and decline) are

briefly discussed. 1 77><. u Va/Mrato/119(3),2QG2, [33-143)

The Murray River The Murrav River is one of Australia's carpa or River Red Gum E. camaldidcmis) great rivers and, together with the Darling of the plains of the Riverina. to the semi-arid River, forms the catchment tor a vast por- habitats on dune-fields in the Mallee. tion of south-eastern continental Australia. The dominant land use along the Murray The headwaters of the Murra> River rise in River flood-plain is agriculture. Over the last the Great Dividing Range at about 1430 m century widespread clearing has enabled on the New South Wales-Victoria border intensive and extensive cropping and graz- and then How westwards for 2530 km to ing across large areas, particularly in the the Southern Ocean in South Australia Riverina. Timber harvesting on public land (Young and Hillman 2001). is carried out, mostly in the highlands and Within Victoria the Murray River tra- riverine forests of the Riverina, although the verses a range of climatic /ones (or 'natur- target species and the purposes for which harvested vary, fuelwood (dead and al' regions, after Conn 1993) over approxi- they are mate!) 1900 km. extending from the high- down material) is also a relatively important for commercial operators and altitude F astern Highlands at its source, industry, both through the fiat riverine plains of the individual licensees. Riverina region of north-central Victoria, While sections of the Murray River area, to the Murrav Malice in the semi-arid notably the mallee habitats in the north- north-west of the state. This environmental west and the open forests of the Eastern relatively well vegetated, gradient is reflected in the climate, in Highlands, arc increasing temperature and decreasing much of the remaining plains have suf- such that only a rainfall along a southeast-northwest axis, fered extensive clearing, vegetation as well as in vegetation patterns and fauna small and highly fragmented assemblages. The vegetation along the mosaic now exists. This mosaic includes Murrav River ranges from montane forests mallee or woodland associations and con- and alpine woodlands of the mesic high- sists principally of linear remnants along lands of the Great Dividing Range in the streamsides and roadsides, a handful of rel- typically river- east, through dryland and riverine wood- atively large blocks that are lands (typically dominated by Mack Box ine Slate Forests or Slate Parks, and a myr- parcels, Eucalyptus targiflorens, Grey Box E. micro- iad of small vegetation generally located on private land. The amount of suitable habitat within the Murray River Arthur R> lah Institute for Environmental Research,

]l : ,(I nenl ol Natw R' '"" ' " ' tivironment, catchment, and ils current management. 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084

Vol. 119(3)2002 133 .

Murray River Special Issue

has undeniable implications for the effec- tive conservation of reptiles.

Species composition and distribution of reptiles along the Murray River Ninety-four species of reptile, represent- ing nine families, are known from the environs of the Murray River in Victoria (Table I). These families include tortoises £3 species), dragons (9), (9), legless lizards (8), skinks (41), goannas (2), pythons (I), blind snakes (4) and elapid snakes (17) (Atlas of Victorian Wildlife. Fig. 1. The Regal Striped Skink regius is an agile NRL). These species incorporate an terrestrial skink that, in Victoria, is found in semi-arid grasslands and woodlands of extremely diverse array of sizes, life- the north-west. forms, habitat requirements and distribu- (epidopodus, occurs in the tions. Taxonoim for reptiles in this paper Malice and plains, but with few follows Cogger (2000), except for Hooded representative species in the highlands. second Scaly-foot Pygopus schradcri, which fol- The group, which embraces such species as free Dragon lows James et al. (2001 ) Amphihohtnis This reptile fauna consists of a blend of muricultts. Blotched Bkie- tongued Lizard Tiliqua arid-adapted elements in the north and west nigrohttea. Garden Skink Lamprophoiis with temperate elements from the south and guichenoii and Red- bellied Black Snake east. There is a strong trend of increasing Pseudechis porphyria- cus, occurs widely in species richness and increased diversity of the highlands and plains, but not in the Mallee. taxonomic composition of regional reptile The other assemblages along the gradient from cool groups have a more limited dis- tribution across mesic to warm dry regions. Skinks are the the region. A group of species occur most conspicuous component of the overall only in the Mallee (e.g. Malice fauna in terms of both numbers of species Dragon Ctenophorus fordi. Regal Striped Skink and life-forms. They comprise 44% of the Ctenotus regius (fig. 1), Coral Snake reptile species known from the area, and Simoselctps austral is, Muellers Skink exhibit a marked decline in proportional mztelleri) and at the oilier end composition of the reptile assemblage along of the environmental gradient are those species the environmental gradient from the Eastern that occur primarily within the highlands (e.g. Highlands in the east (68°o). to the Malice Mountain Dragon region in the Tympanocryptis diemensis, White's Skink north-west (44%) (fable 1 ). A Egernig whit it. contrasting trend is apparent for dragons, Delicate Skink geckos and legless lizards, reptile families LampropholU del teat a. Highland Copperhead that show a stead> increase in their propor- Austrelaps ramsayi). The Tessellated tional representation in the species assem- Gecko Diplodactytus tessellatus is an example blage along the same environmental gradi- of a true arid-zone species (Rawlinson 1971) ent. The highlands in the east exhibit the that is found onl\ in the lowest species richness (27%). extreme north-west. Its distribution in Victoria is marginal to Reptiles of the Murra> River can be oate its main occurrence gorised into several groups, each of which in the drier interiors of the eastern and cen- reflects a distinctive distribution. Two tral Australian stales (Cogger 2000), and follows the Murray major groups represent species that are rel- River corridor (Atlas of Victorian atively widespread across the region. One Wildlife). Conversely, the Garden Skink group, including species such as Common and the Lastern Water Skink Eitlamprus Long-necked Tortoise (Iwlod'ma lotiglcak quoyii are true mesic species which also appear to lis. I arge Striped Skink Ctenotus rohusms, use the mesic environ- ments Boulenger's Skink Morethia hmdengeri. of the Murray River and Darling Stumpy-tailed Lizard Trachydosaurus River respectively, to extend their main dis- tributions rugosus and Common Scaly-foot Pygopu.s from eastern Australia. The

134 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Eastern Water Skink is known in Victoria when an individual was recorded in the only from the Malice around the confluence north-west corner of the state (Atlas o( of the Darling and Murray Rivers. Victorian Wildlife, NRE). The majority Overall, the Murray River reptile fauna (18) of these threatened species are found in includes three aquatic species (3%), all tor- the north-west of the state, whilst three are toises, 65 species (69%) that arc consid- known from the Eastern Highlands and ered terrestrial. Seven arboreal (7%) twelve from the Riverina. ( these species arc classified as species, eight species ( )%) that are semi- Main of arboreal, and II species (12%) that arc threatened because they are at the limit o[ fossorial (Table 1). The proportion oi' their range in northern Victoria, and conse- species categorised as terrestrial (e.g. main quently occur only rarely, for example, skinks and elapid snakes) systematically species such as lessellated Gecko, licaked decreases from east to west. Conversely, Gecko Rhynchot'ihira ornata. Hooded the proportion of fossorial species and, to a Scaly-fooi Pygopus schraderi. Desert lesser extent, those categorised as arboreal, Skink Egerrtia inornatit. Yellow-faced increases from east to west, fossorial Whip Snake Demamia psummophis and species in the Murray River area consist of Western Brown Snake Pseuda-naja several species of legless lizards, the skink nuchaiis all have broad continental distrib- genera Hemrergis and Ixrisia, blind snakes utions, yet extend onl\ marginal ly into and two species of uncommon elapid Victoria. Conversely, the Striped Legless snakes. Most ol these species are restricted Lizard Delma impar and Alpine Water examples to the Mallee. Skink Enlamprus koscimhoi are oi threatened species that arc typically reptiles Conservation status of confined to more mesic environments ol" status of reptiles The conservation many south-eastern Australia. outside in rural environments of Victoria, Some of these threatened species, includ- - small of the highlands, is alarming while a ing the Striped Legless Li/ard. Hooded number of species (e.g. Marbled Gecko Scaly-foot, Murray Striped Skink Ciciio/ns Christ inns marmoratus, Boulenger's hnichyniiyx, and Carpet Python Morelia and Skink) are relatively widespread com- Spilota lucfciiifci, are classified because distributed mon, most species are patchily they are habitat specialists and considered remnant vegetation) (restricted to isolated lo be detrimental!) affected by habitat (Brown and and occur in very low numbers change or loss (Robertson et al 1989;

I here has been a wide- Bennett 1995> Cogger et ui. 1993), I he Striped Legless extinction of rep- spread decline and local Li/ard, for example, is in a demonstrable ironmenl. tiles in the rural cn\ stale of decline because it is restricted lo a l species Overall, at least )4 reptile have particular habitat, native grassland, which Rivet been recorded from the Murray area, Ins become exceedingly limited in area and (25 species) are about one-quarter of which is fragmented and prone to further reduc- national con idered officially threatened in a tion (CNR 1992; Dorrough and Ash 1999), South Wales) con- i u state (Victoria or New Scab -foot and I wo species, the Hooded text (fable 1). At least another IS species are considered I he Alpine Water Skink, on the 1 are considered locally threatened, 'Critically Endangered in Victoria. The basis of limited distribution and relative!} occurrence in Victoria ol the Hooded

Table I ). low numbers of records (see Scaly-foot is known from three historical These threatened Victorian reptile species (undated) museum records, two records include a locally extinct species, the Small- from the Riverina in the 1990s (Alias of scaled Snake Oxyuranm microlepidota^ two Victorian Wildlife, NRL) and most recent- arc '( riticalK Endangered', species that ly from the vicinity ol I etrick Tcrrick seven that are 'Endangered*, five that are National Park (P Robertson pers. comrn). Risk ulnerable\ eight that are 'Lower At the opposite cud of the environmental near threatened* and another that is 'Data gradient, the Alpine Water Skink is known Death Deficient' (Table 1 1. I he < ommon from a lew localities, generally in alpine Acunihophis anhircticits was also Adder bogs, in the I astern Highlands (Atlas of extinct in Victoria until recently. on idered Victorian Wildlife. NR I |,

135 Vol. 119(3)2002 Murray River Special Issue

Several other species that occur in the Murray River area of Victoria have appar- ently declined over recent years or are per- ceived to be threatened, especially by habitat loss or modification. Although abundant where it occurs, the Mallee Dragon appears to be restricted in Victoria to mallee habitat containing Triodia (Sadlier and Pressey 1994). Triodia is an important habitat requirement for other species, notably Brooks's Striped Skink Ctenotus brooksi, Obscure Skink Morethia ohscura and Western Blue-tongued Lizard Tiliqua occip- italis, which show only a limited or patchy distribution in the state. In general, the greatest threats to reptiles (i.e. those affecting the largest number of reptile species nationally) are habitat clear- ance, habitat modification, overgrazing by stock, urban development, and predation by introduced predators (Cogger etal. 1993). Brown and Bennett (1995) found that the majority of reptile species in the Victorian Riverina, the most alienated natural region through which the Murray River flows, Kig. 2. Juvenile Tree Goanna Vanmus varius, a occurred in very low numbers or showed a large semi-arboreal species that is found in for- patchy distribution. Their data, when cou- est or woodland environments across much of pled with existing distribution records and Victoria. available biological and ecological data, affected by the modification of the structure signal low survival status and hence seri- of the ground-level strata (Brown and Bennett ous concern for the long-term security of 1995). Grazing, the commercial collection of the reptile assemblage of this region. firewood, and the removal of litter and timber Although some reptile species are natural- debris by land-holders are all common prac- ly rare in the Riverina. some are also rare tices along the Murray River, particularly in because they are likely to have suffered the Riverina, and all involve the removal or more than others from the effects of clear- alteration of elements of the ground-layer that ing or disturbance. Large species, such as many reptile species require for shelter, forag- Tree Goanna Vanmus varius (Fig. 2) and ing or reproduction sites. some of the elapid snakes (e.g. Notechis scidatas. Red-bellied Black Processes influencing the distribution Snake), which have relatively large home anil conservation status of species ranges (in the order of hectares) are likely to The major impact of land use along the be excluded from patches that are small and Murray River within Victoria has undoubt- isolated. These larger species have naturally edly been the dramatic reduction in forest low densities, and therefore are especially cover. This has been particularly acute in prone to reduction in suitable habitat. The the Riverina, where forest cover dimin- Tree Goanna, a solitary species known to ished by 84% in the period 1869-1987 inhabit only forest and woodland communi- (Woodgate and Black 1988). A major con- ties, typically shows a strong affinity with sequence of this extensive clearing across specific trees within its home range, which the Basin has been the fragmentation and provide hollows for shelter (Greer 1989) isolation of remnant vegetation, such that and basking sites. Hence, timber harvesting an array of different-sized patches now is also likely to disadvantage this species. pepper the landscape. Many of these patch- Some of the small reptile species, especially es are small, less than 10 ha, and isolated. skinks and legless li/ards, are adversely For the reptiles (and indeed, all fauna), the

136 The Victorian Naturalist — 1 * 1 1

Part One

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Vol. 119(3)2002 137 Murray River Special Issue

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138 The Victorian Natumlist 3 , Part One

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Vol. 119(3)2002 139 Murray River Special Issue

immediate consequences are twofold: there is an overall reduction in the total amount

of habitat that is available, and hence the overall size of regional populations; and secondly, the ability of species to persist in the developed landscape largely depends on their capacity to use small and isolated remnant habitats.

Brown and Bennett ( 1995), using reptiles Of the Victorian Riverina as their focus, found that the distribution and abundance

of reptiles in the rural environment is influ- Fig. 3. The Painted Dragon Clenophorus f actus enced by a number of factors, operating at is a terrestrial lizard that is generally restricted different levels, including climate, land- in Victoria to woodlands and shrublands in the scape factors, major habitat types, micro- north-east. habitat, grazing and timber removal. These government agencies (Brown and Bennett are explored briefly below. 1995). Climatic gradient The Murray-Darling Basin overall and in The environmental gradient (reflected in Victoria particularly, has suffered an extra- climate and vegetation) provides the over- ordinary degree of habitat loss (Woodeate riding natural factor affecting reptile distri- and Black 1988; MDBMC 1987; Goldney bution. This is most conspicuously mani- and Bowie 1990), an unfortunate conse- fested in the biogeographical trend of quence of which, at least for wildlife, is the increasing species diversity and abundance creation of a more homogeneous landscape. from the mesic east to drier, warmer habi- Importantly, most of this clearing was tats in the west. Reptiles are ectothermic, undertaken on freehold land, and freehold relying on external heat sources to deter- land in this area now has less than 2% tree mine body temperature, and using behav- cover (Land Information Group, NRH). ioural and physiological mechanisms to The effects on reptiles of clearing some

regulate it. As a consequence, more reptile vegetation communities are indisputable. In species are found in arid and semi-arid malice vegetation, for instance, 70-95% of habitats than temperate ones; arid zones in the original herpetofauna has been perma- Australia support an extraordinary diversi- nently lost from areas that have been ty of reptiles, in part because of their phys- cleared (Rawlinson 1981; Cogger 1989). iological and ecological adaptations to a Another landscape factor which has a con- dry. warm environment (Pianka 1986; siderable impact on many species, particular- Bradshaw 1986; James and Shine 2000). ly those that have small home ranges or are relatively immobile, is isolation (or degree of Landscapefactors connectedness) of suitable habitat. The major The pattern remnant vegetation in the of impacts for reptiles arising from isolation rural landscape influences the distribution appear to be a reduction in species numbers, a of reptiles in several ways. Most species greater incidence and persistence of generalist of reptiles depend on areas remnant of species and an increased vulnerability to habi- habitat and rarely occur in cleared farm- tat disturbance or degradation. Recent studies land. Remnant vegetation displays great have shown that even common species that variation in its reptile fauna, and linear are considered habitat generalists are affected remnants, particularly roadside vegetation, by habitat clearance and the subsequent isola- typically yield the highest reptile densities tion of populations (Sarre 1995). and richness. This is partly attributable to The fragmentation process affects reptiles the typically greater degree of substrate primarily by progressive reduction in the complexity on roadsides (compared with amount of suitable habitat and the associated other remnant types), a result of the low increase in the degree of isolation shown by levels or absence of grazing and the clear- many of these fragments. Also, fragmented ing of vegetation and coarse woody remnants in farmland are more vulnerable to debris. Roadsides are usually managed by disturbance and degradation across edges.

140 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Major habitat type terrestrial species, even more so than broad Major habitat types provide another factor habitat type. To illustrate, the Spotted affecting reptile occurrence. In the Burrowing Skink is Victorian Riverina for instance, Black Box an arid-zone resident and a habitat general- woodlands support more reptile species and ist for which abundance has been correlated families and reveal greater reptile densities, with litter build-up and other ground-level than River Red Gum forests (Brown and substrates, such as timber and discarded Bennett 1995). Although the major habitat corrugated iron, that afford shelter (Henle tvpes are correlated, in part, with the envi- 1989). Other fossorial terrestrial reptile ronmental gradient, some importance can species have also shown strong connections be attributed to their influence as determi- with various components of the terrestrial nants of reptile distribution and abundance. microhabitats, such as bark that has been River Red Gum forests are noticeably shed naturally or piled following forestry depauperate in terrestrial reptile species; activities (Bynoe's Gecko Heteronoua those species typically resident are relative- binoei: Bustard 1968a), well-developed lit- decresien- ly large, generalist species (Yellow-bellied ter (Three-toed Skink Hemiergis Water Skink Eulamprus heatwoki, Tree sis; Robertson 1981). litter depth and pro- Goanna, Tiger Snake, Red-bellied Black portions of bare ground and grass sub- Snake) or arboreal species (Marbled Gecko, strates (Coventry's Skink Niveoscincus Carnabv's Wall Skink Cryptoblepharus coventni; Brown and Nelson 1993). arboreal or semi-arboreal carrtabyi, Tree Skink Egcmia striatum. A number of the Murray Carpet Python) regularly recorded in semi- reptile species occur along varying degrees, aquatic and Hood-prone environments, usu- River, and ail require, to microhabitats as foraging, basking ally in low numbers (IXC 1983; Brown and elevated species include Bennett 1995). River Red Gum forest domi- or shelter sites. These skinks and goannas, and nates watercourses and low-lying areas vul- geckos, dragons, some dragons. nerable to periodic Hooding across the while some of them (e.g. Goanna Varanus gouldii) arc flexibly riverine plains. It is probably because this Sand species seem to be depen- forest type experiences regular inundation arboreal, other microhabitats. For exam- that the proportion of terrestrial reptile dent on elevated ple, numbers of the strictly arboreal gecko species is relatively low; and that most fos- Gehyra variegata in western sorial species have rarely been recorded. free Dtella New South Wales are strongly correlated Microhabitats with the size, shape and density of Black Microhabitat characteristics are important Box (Henle 1990). after determinants of reptile occurrence, Modification of the microhabitat is clear- gradient. accounting for the environmental ly one of the most important processes gov- Generally? greater reptile numbers are cor- erning reptile occurrence and abundance, hetero- related with increased structural and can arise in myriad different ways (e.g. ground-level geneity, particularly in the fire, introduced animals, salinity changes, or and shrub strata. Open grazed grassland, recreational impacts, altered water regimes, heavily -grazed woodland with bare ground pollutants and biocides). However, the two are likely to support few, if any, reptiles. activities that arguably have the most influ- Structural complexity near ground-level is ence on habitat structure in rural environ- clearly important to many reptile species, ments along the Murray River are grazing including a range of skinks (Downey and and timber removal (both standing timber Dickman 1993; Hutchinson 1993), legless and coarse woody debris). lizards (Rauhala 1993; Robertson and Grazing Edwards 1994) and elapid snakes (Shine Though few studies exist which examine I9S7; Schwaner 1991). For example, the the effects of different grazing regimes on value of even modest vegetation cover for reptile occurrence and density, the limited the habitat generalist Boulenger's Skink evidence suggests that excessive grazing emerged during drought conditions in west- has a significant impact on many terrestrial ern New South'" Wales (Henle 1989). reptiles, both in Australia (where much of Microhabitat is known to be an important the evidence is inferential) (Reciter and element of niche partitioning in fossorial/ 141 Vol. 119(3)2002 Murray River Special Issue

l.im 1090; Cogger et at 1993; Scougall et Conclusions at 1993; Smith et al 1996; Brown 2001) In summary, habitats along the Murray and overseas (Busack and Bury 1974; River are diverse and this is reflected in Jones 1981; Brooks 1999). Grazing affects the wonderful variety of reptiles that are the mierohabitat principally through the known from the river's environs. Whilst simplification ol" the understorey and the conservation status for many of these ground-layer, seen in lowered structural species is stable in Victoria, a substantial and (1 Oris tic diversity, altered floristic number of species are considered threat- composition and soil disturbance. Species ened. The threats to reptiles generally vary which live underground (e.g. Aprasiu spp., according to land management practices Ramphotyphtops spp.. Coral Snake, Band} along the river's course. What remains Bandy I'crmicella annitiatu) or forage in constant, however, is that the responsibility the sub -soil and litter layers (e.g. for ensuring the survival of reptiles, indeed H&miergh spp., Lerista spp.) are likely to all native fauna, is ours. be most affected by impacts such as soil Acknowledgements compaction and soil erosion. Hits paper benefited from the scrutiny of Rick Timber removal Shine (University of Sydney), Nick Cleinann, Paul Close and Phoebe Macak (all Arthur Rylah Timber extraction clearly disadvantages Institute for Environmental Research) am! the those arboreal species that depend on elevat- provision of information by Peter Robertson ed sheltering, basking and foraging sites (e.g. (Wildlife Profiles Pty Ltd), the Atlas of many geckos. Tree Skink, free ("ioanna) Victorian Wildlife and Land Information Group simply through the reduction of suitable (both NRL). Much of what is presented here was stimulated by discussions and collaborative habitat. The Tree (ioanna for example, uses research with ecotogists, particularly t)r Andrew tree hollows for shelter, exposed trunks ami Bennett (Deakin University}. branches tor basking, and includes eggs or nestlings of tree-nesting birds in its diet References tiradshaw SO (1986) lc<hvsiolny_\ o/Oesen Reptiles. (Greer V>S9; Green and King 1993). While (Academic Press! Sydney) limber extraction adversely affects a number Brooks M ( t999) Effects of protective fencing on birds, M/ards, and Black-tailed [-tares in the western Mojave of reptile species, this practice is known to Dwert, Environmental Management 23, 387-400. benefit some species. I or example, stumps Brown (iVV (2001) The inlluence of hahilat disturbance resulting from the harvesting of Callitris on reptiles in a Bo\-lronbark eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia. Biodiversity and eventually provide suitable mierohabitals for Conservation 10, 161 -176. Bynoe's Gecko and Tree Dtella. relatively Brown CiW and Bennett Al- (1995) Reptiles in rural widespread gecko species that are able to environments, the distribution, habitat requirements and conservalion Status of the reptile fauna of the exploit the apertures that form between the Murray-Darling Basin area in Victoria. A report to bark and the stump (Bustard 1968b). the Murray -Hurling Basin Commission. Department ofNatural Resources and Environment, Heidelberg. Many terrestrial species which rely on Brown CiW and Nelson .11. (1993) Inlluence of succes- timber cover, fallen for activity and breed- sion:! I stage of Ruealvptus vegetans (Mountain Ash) ing sites are also disadvantaged by fire- on habitat use by reptiles in the Central Highlands, Victoria- Australian Journal of Ecology IN, 405-4] 7. wood removal. Eleven species were found Busack St) and Bury RB < I TO) Some effects ol" off-road to exploit logs in the Riverina (Brown and vehicles and sheep grazing Ofl li/ard populations in the

Moja\e ( 6, 179-183. Bennett 1995); many species closely asso- Desert. Biological 'onservation Bustard I!R (T968a) The ecology of the Australian ciated with them either for shelter or activ- i»ccko lleieronotia hinoei in northern New South ity sites (e.g. Carnaby's Wall Skink, Wales. Journal oj Zoology 156, 483-497,

Bustard 1 1 K (1968b) The ecology of the Australian Skink). The value logs for a Garden of gecko Gehyra variegata In northern New South 3- number of terrestrial and/or arboreal reptile Wales. Journal oj Zoology 154, II 1 38.

CNR ( BW} Striped I egless Lizard Delttta impar. Action species is well known (Webb 1985; Greer Statement No 17. Department of Conservation and 10X9). the decline of the Carpet Python in Natural Resources, Victoria. the semi-arid region of Victoria and New Cogger I IC t ^1989) I lerpetofauna. In Mediterranean Landscapes in lustralia, pp 250-265. Eds JC Noble has attributed to South Wales been a num- and RA Bradstock. (CSIRO: Melbourne) ber of different processes, amongst them Cogger IKr (200Q) Reptiles and Antphthtans oj

Australia. (Reed New Holland: Sydney I the loss of hollow-bearing trees due to lim- : 1 ogger IKi. Cameron ll , Sadlier RA and Eggler V ber extraction, and firewood collection ii'"M) rhc h'tion Plan tar Australian Reptiles

(Sadlier 1994; Shine and Fitzgerald 1996). i Australian Nature Conservation Agency: Cunberia) Conn BJ (1993) Natural regions and vegetation o(

142 The Victorian Naturalist Pari One

Ids Banks and \A Victoria. In Flora of Victoria. Vol /, Introduction, pp 19-21, IWIK pp 127-138. CB 79-I5S lids DB foreman and NG Walsh (Inkala Martin. (Zoological Board of Victoria: Parkville)

Press: North Ryde) Recher 111 and Lim 1 [1990) A review of current ideas conservation and management of Dorrough J and Ash JE ( (999) Using pas! and present of the extinction, habitat to predict the current distribution and abundance Australia's terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Proceeding <>! of a rare cryptic lizard. Delma impar (), the Ecological Satiety ofSouth Australia 16,287-301-

Australian Journal oj Et oktgy 24. 614-62 I. Robertson P ( 1981 ) Comparative reproductive ecologj Dowries PJ and Diekman ("K (J99JJ Macro- and of two south-eastern Australian skinks In IT) hero habitat relationships among lizards of san- Proceedings oj the Melbourne Merpeto logical dridge desert in central Australia, In Herpetolom In Symposium Stay 19-21, 1980, pp 2.5-37. Eds C B Australia A Diverse Discipline, pp 133-138, Eos I) Banks and AA Martin. (Zoological Board of Lunney and D \_\ers (Royal Zoological Society of Victoria: Parkville)

Siheira (I , New South Wales; M osman) Robertson l\ Benneti Al , Lumsden II.

ii'kliiL';, Johnson PCi, Yen Al ., Millcdgc GA. 1 ilKwhile PK I DC and Bowie US (1990) Some management implications tor Ihe conservation of vegetation rem- and Pribble til ( 1989) Fauna of the Malice shid\ area nants and associated fauna in the central western north-western Victoria. Arthur Kylah Institute ior

I cchnical Report Series region of "New South Wales. Proceedings oj the I inironmenlal Research No Ecofogtcai Society ofAustralia 16, 427-440. 87. Department of Conservation, Forests and lands. Victoria. Green B and King D 1 1993) Goantta: The Biology qf biolo- Varartid Lizards. (Southwood Press; Marrickville) Robertson Pand Edwards S 1 1994] Conservation o\ the malice Worm-l.i/ard {Aptaslo. auriF4t) Aj3 rreet \Y t 1989) The Biologx and Evofutioi g) Utstraliun Lizards (Surre> Beatt\ and SpBS* initial hnvestigation Report to the Department o\' Chipping Norton) i onscrvation and Natural Resourecs and Australian HenleK (] 989) Population ecolps tnd or; oJ Mature Conservation Agency. 1 reptiles the diurnal skink Morethia bout\ ng> ri in and Sadlier RA of scincid lizard related to Leiotopfrma entre* Sadlier R A and Presto) Rl (1994) Reptiles in ..',...... -,. eastern Australian. amphibians of particular Conservation concern the i from south , / ,..,, <>i tustralia ivestom division ot New South Wales; a prelimin.u i on th ftoya* taoie% South

1 -54, 112. 143-51- review' Biological Conservation 69, 4 :,,, s and populations 0i Hutchinson M\ and SC Donncllan (1992) taxonomy i [995) Size structure of and genetic variation in the Australian lizards of the (h'dura reticulata (Reptilia: Geldcontoac) in wood- •> implications for the Future regional I land remnants: genus Pjseudemoia (Seineidae i igomuiae). currently common species, ai a) Natural Histor) 26. 215-264. distribution of a Hutchinson MN (1W) family Scmcidae In Faunaof iustralian Journal ofEcology 20. 288 298. ( I ' iger Snakes >''l I Spatial patterns f II) tl in i i La, 261- Schwaner \ustrtiL i ol \mphibta and Kept I pp

'" ' I. of snulh- ; ij'idae) 279, Eds CJ Glasby, GJB doss and PI Uecsley. \fotet al I on offshore islands 25, 278-283 (Australian Government Printing Service ( anberrai ern Australia. Journal of Herpetohgy Scotlgal! SA. Majci .11) and Hobbs RJ (1993) Edge it ( \ M994) //'("A Red Usi Categories. (Gland: effects in grazed and ungrazed Western Australian It. (Nl whcatbclt remnants in relation t» ecosystem recon- I in BH. Donncllan SC and Hutchinson MN I 00 /'i struction, In Nature Conservation < Reconstrui lion I axenon ic rt vision of tlie Australian lizard Eds nigrte&S (. Gekkonoidca). Recardi oj Fragmented Eco&vstems, pp 163-178- DA South Australian Museum H : Saunders, RJ llobbs and PR Fhrlich (Suite} Bcatty and Sons: (hipping Norton) James CD and Shine K (2000) W ll) are there so main Iniraspccilk variation in thermoregula- coexisting species nl li/ards in Australian de Shine R (1987)

1 " habitat use by Australian ...... , |25. I. 141. tion, movements and abun- Blacksnakcs. Pseudechii porphyriacus (I lapidae), Jones kl* t 1981 ) I fleets of grazing on lizard 165-177. dance and diversity in Western Arizona. The Journal qffierpetohg) 21.

I in litzgerald ( [996), nrge snakes a Southwestern Naturalist 1ft. 107-1 15. Shine R and M l'>ilion-. [ landscape, the ueolugy of Carpel Valley area. I and aic rural I I I [983) Report on the Murray ..nation Council, Melbourne. Morcha spibta (Serperrtes; Pythonidae) in coastal east-

1 VI 21. ( ern Australia, Bfofogtoal ( onservatkm 76, 1 MOBM( il 'S7, Murray-Darling Basin Environmental Arnold GW, Saire S, Abensperg- ! rami M h; mree- Stud) Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Smith GT, effects habitat frag- Council. and Steven 1)1. ( 1996) The of mentation and livestock-grazing on animal communi- \Ki (200t)i Threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria ties in remnants of gimlet Eucalyptus saiuhns wood- 20Q0: a systematic list of vertebrate tana considered in the Western Australian whcatbclt. II. I.i/ards. extinct, at risk of extinction or in major decline in land o) \pptted Ecology J3, 1302-1310. toria. (Department of Natural Resource Journal use and activity patterns in Environment: Last Melbourne) Webb GA (I9S5) Habitat southeastern Australian skinks, In Biotagv <>/ tiistai I ' Some Pianka IR ( I9g6) Ecofag)' and Natural i Reptiles-, 23-30, Eds G Desert Lizards. (Princeton University Press; New \ustralctsian rt>g& and pp Grieg, R Shine and II Ehmann (Royal Zoological Jerscv ) ground movements and Society of New South Wales) Rauhala MA 1 1993) Above ( Woodga'te P and Black P (1988) Forest i 'over 'hattgex i ,i , nation on habitat of\Aprasia parapuchetla

1869-198 - (Department of Conservation, revealed hv pitfall trapping. HcrpetofatmO 23, 3Q-3 I m Victoria ittd n ptilea ol forests and I .amis: Melbourne} Rawlinson PA i 1971 t Amphibian WJ and Hillman I I (2001) The Murra> River fit><>k, 1 1-36, Young Victoria Reptiles. In i ictorian Year pp Melbourne) to the Darling River [Unction, In Hivrrs as Ecological I riiinciit Printer: v. .(< 101-I3L Ed Kawlinson PA (I9S1) Conservation ol Australian m\ The Murray Darling Basin, pp Darling Basin (oinmissiou. amphibian and reptile communilies. In Proceeding* WJ Young. (Murray ( 'anln-n.M oj tilt Melbourne Hsrpi tola • al vmpv rum May

Vol. 119(3)2(102 143 Murray River Special Issue

Tadpoles of South-eastern Australia: a Guide with Keys

by Marion Anstis

Publisher: Reed New Ho/land, Frenehs Forest 2002, 281 pp. ISBN 1876334630. RRR $59,95

In the context of the Murray River, or measurable or countable things such as indeed of any and all aquatic habitats in appendages, scales, fin rays or body seg- south-eastern Australia, this is the book I ments; you have to rely on much less

wish I'd written! I But didn't; and even if I quantifiable characters, including body had I wouldn't have been able to do it half shape and form, fin depth and eye position. as well as Marion Anstis has. Australian Very occasionally a tadpole has a bizarre, herpetology has been extraordinarily the-only-one-of-its-kind characteristic: the enriched by contributions from people with- Glandular Frog Litoria suhglandidosa of out primary training in the field: such shin- northern New South Wales provides one ing examples as Mike Tyler, Eric Worrell, such example. For the most pail, however, George and John Cann, John Coventry and tadpoles are tadpoles are tadpoles. But Charles Tanner come readily to mind. And their mouths are truly a marvel, the more now Marion Anstis has joined that distin- so because not a vestige of the larval guished company, with a flourish! Studying mouth structure remains in the frog, which frog life histories has been a spare-time has pretty regular jaws and teeth much occupation for Marion, a full-time music more resembling yours or mine. Most teacher, for the years of Held and laboratory commonly in tadpoles the jaws have a work, photography, drawing and writing beak-like configuration, rather like that of that went into the book. What if she had a squid or octopus; they're made of keratin been in a position to pursue her passion for (horn) and are jet-black, with serrated

tadpoles full-time? - I dare say we would edges. Surrounding them, typically, is a now be in a position to savour her books on fleshy, folded disc, roundish or oval in out- the tadpoles of Australia, the southern hemi- line, fringed by a single row or multiple sphere or the world... rows of short papillae. The area between - The subtitle of Marion's book A Guide the jaws and the papillary fringe bears a with Keys - sums up its outstanding number of rows of tiny, keratinous teeth, strength: it responds comprehensively to giving the appearance of a series of minia- the naturalist's need for assistance in iden- ture black combs. The size and shape of tifying tadpoles. If you want to know more the jaws, the disposition of the papillae about how tadpoles work, their anatomy and, most particularly, the number of rows and physiology, their behaviour, ecology o\' teeth and their arrangement, show con- and evolution, then you can turn to Roy sistent variations among species, meaning McDiarmid and Ron Altig's encyclopaedic that the details of mouth structure are usu- Tadpoles: The Biology of Amtran Larvae ally the most useful attribute of tadpoles (University of Chicago Press, 1999). But if for the identifier to home in on. And I your interest is in your local tadpoles, the guarantee that your first glimpse of a tad- sorts of places to find them in, how they pole's mouth structure will absolutely develop, and most particularly the sorts of delight you with its neatness, its complexi- frogs they'll turn into, then Marion's book ty, its symmetry. The downside? - it's loo is the very one you've been waiting for. small to really appreciate without a hand- Tadpoles, it must be acknowledged, are lens or - vastly belter - a stereoscopic difficult identify; to undoubtedly that's microscope. Even then you need to gently why it's taken so long for us to come to manipulate the mouthparts if you want to terms with them. For the taxonomist the be sure of seeing the fine details properly. saving grace of tadpoles is the mouth (The lower photograph on p 141 of the book structure, of which more in a moment. For gives you a good idea of how much - or the rest, they are seriously deficient in how little! - of the mouth structure vou can

144 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

discern just by inspection. And the drawing standard one developed by American

below reveals what it's really like.) authors, but Marion has adapted it to better What all this means, in the end, is that fit the local scene, and included extra mere descriptions of tadpoles, no matter drawings which illustrate some of the vari- how good they are, are not going to unrav- ation among Australian species. If you're el the mysteries of their identity. You need describing tadpoles or taking measure- a key, and you need copious, excellent ments of their dimensions, it's crucial to

illustrations. 1 don't think you could ask note what stage they're at, and on pages any tadpole book to fulfil those prescrip- 13-19 you'll find the means to do so. tions with greater inclusiveness. elegance The bulk of the hook (1% pages) consists and accuracy than Marion's has achieved. of species accounts; no less than 84 of the More than that, she has squarely confront- 89 species and subspecies of frog known to ed the problem that tadpoles change so occur in New South Wales, Victoria and much throughout their development that Tasmania are included. Since more than what will suffice to identifv them at on^ half of them were barely known or com-

stage v\ ill be of no use w hatcv cr at another. pletely unknown before Marion's work, this The magical mouth morphology, for is indeed a remarkable accomplishment.

instance, is not fully expressed in earlv lar- What is just as meritorious is that there are

vae, so it isn't of much help. But >ou may colour photographs of li\ ing tadpoles of all well be put on the right track by, say. the but three forms. Kach account is headed presence or absence of external gills in a with a colour photograph of an adult frog very early stage, structures which vanish and a distribution map oi' the species; then altogether as the tadpole grows. follow descriptions of breeding sites, eggs, So something over one-sixth of the book embryonic and larval development, tadpole

is devoted to two very substantial and behaviour, and similar detailed keys, one to tadpoles and the other species. The tadpole photographs usually to eggs and embryos. To prevent the tad- include several views and sometimes sever- pole key from becoming too unwieldy, tad- al stages (the Holy Cross load Vataden poles are first classified into 17 general hennetti and the Red-crowned Toadlel body types and their mouths (or "oral Pseudopkryne australis are good examples; discs') into 15. These are individually illus- even though the caption o\' the P. australis trated with line drawings; so when you photo is awry'). And even if you don't like encounter in the key 'Body type 10, oral tadpoles much you'll have to admit that disc type K' (for instance), you can find out some of them arc simply gorgeous to look at once what you should expect to see. But at: the Dwarf Tree Frog LUoria fallax on p Haswell's Froglet there are also plentiful illustrations of other I 17, for example, or features of tadpoles; the position of the Paraerinia haswelli on p 234. As well as eyes, the shape of the body and tail, the the photos there are excellent drawings, fnM locations of the spiracle {opening of the gill of a tadpole in left lateral view (to show the chamber) and the anus, the various pigmen- position of the spiracle, which is an impor- tation patterns, and so on. Similarly, for the tant aid to identification, but rarely shows egg and embryo key, there are colour pho- up in photos) and, second, of the oral disc. will ever tographs of egg-masses and drawings of Although I don't believe tadpoles if egg and embryonic features be easy to identify, I do think that you Preceding the keys there is a general lake full advantage of all the explanatory introductory section covering the classifi- and illustrative material that accompanies cation of frogs, methods of collecting and Marion's keys, and if you make yourself caring for tadpoles (with reminders about generally tamiliar with the species accounts, legal and ethical constraints), issues relat- you'll have a better chance than people any- ing to the conservation of frogs and tad- where else in the world of establishing what poles, and - perhaps most useful Of all an sort of frog the particular tadpole in your illustrated account of the stages ol tadpole sights is going to turn into. and inconsistencies are few and development. Irom Stage 1 (newly fertil- Biters ized egg) to Stage 46 (newly metamor- minor as far as I can see. Tasmania's Moss is a is listed as Bryobatrachus nimbus; phosed froglet) I he staging system Froglet

Vol. 119(3)2002 145 Murray River Special Issue

it should (according to the latest opinion) ple of how attractive modern field guides be included in Crinia. Here and there a can be. In either case, warmest congratula- spot on a distribution map has gone astray: tions to Marion Anstis on a truly invaluable for instance the Victorian Smooth f'roglet piece of work. Additional commendations to Geocrinia victorkma has acquired an out- the Australian Biological Resources Study, lier population near Jerilderie, NSW, and to Rio Tinto and to the World Wide Fund an even more remote one somewhere in for Nature, all of whom supported Marion's the vicinity of Sydney! On the other hand, research and the production of the book. Banjo Frogs Limnodynastex dumerffii, cor- Well done, Reed New Holland, too, for rectly said to occur on Flinders Island, achieving a quality of production that Tasmania, don't feature there on the map, matches the quality of the research, and for and their occurrence on King Island, holding the price at a reasonable level. Tasmania, is overlooked altogether. And my favourite tadpole? - the one fea- Although there is a Glossary on p 8, you'll tured on pp 130-132, the Heath Frog

search it in vain Tor such technical terms as Litoria littlejohni. Why? Well, for one adhesive organ, pronephric bulge, and sto- thing my respected mentor and colleague

modaeal pit. And finally - in the interests Murray Littlejohn and I were the first to of user-friendliness I would have liked study the life history and describe the tad-

the page-headings to be more informative. pole of this species. That it was named for Quite frequently, in the species accounts, Murray, the person who has done more you'll find yourself looking at a page o\' than anyone else to enrich our knowledge

text and illustrations with the species name of Victorian frogs, is particularly pleasing.

inconspicuous or absent: pages 134, 136 If it's permissible to dedicate a book review

and 138-13° are a few among many exam- then I dedicate this one to him, on the occa-

ples. It means that if you're flipping sion of a milestone birthday that he through the book and glimpse a tadpole or achieves on the very day that I'm writing

mouth like the one you're trying to identi- this. But finally, the Heath frog tadpole is fy, you then have to turn back a page to just a delightful animal - big, velvety-

find the name. Use of species names as black, always active (Marion describes it as page-headings would have avoided this 'agile'), easy to feed and care for, and near- minor inconvenience. ly always successfully reaching metamor- In sum, then, if you want to take advantage phosis in suitable captive conditions. If of the fact that at last! being able to iden- only every home could have one!

tify south-eastern Australian tadpoles is a Angus Martin realistic prospect, this is the book you sim- Senior Associate in Zoology ply must have. Even if you're not a tadpole Department ofZoology enthusiast, you may buy the book (as one I Jniversilv of Melbourne Victoria 3010 friend has done) not for its usefulness, but Email [email protected] just because it's such an outstanding exam-

The tadpole o( IVion's Tree Prog Litoria pcronii, a common and abundant species in eastern and northern Victoria, including the Murray Valley. Photos by Marion Anstis.

146 The Victorian Naturalist Part One

Rivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin

Edited b) WJ Young

Publisher: Mwray-Darling Basin Commission, 2001 GP0Box4O9, Cmberra, ACT 206! Paperback. 336 pp, colour illustrations. $6ft. ISBN 1876830034

This ambitious buck aims to summarise ters are the best summaries of relevant infor- our knowledge of the eeolog> of the river mation for the Murray-Darling Basin avail- section systems of the Murray-Darling Basin, able; in particular, I found the on especially the effects o\ How and flow large plants very useful. one change in these ecosystems. This is a laud- Like any book of this type, especial!) able and limelv objective as the availabili- with numerous authors across different things that don't ty and quality Of Water for irrigation, con- chapters, there are some the sumption and the environment is one of the work so well. I have already mentioned major resource management issues cur- lack of critical evaluation of the literature. rent!) facing Australia and the world. Similarly, there is usually no distinction Overall, the book achieves this aim, pro- made between information based on pub- based on viding a comprehensive summarv of scien- lished data versus information information based on tific and other literature related to the Observation versus It is not that any o! the Murray-Darling Basin up to about 1999. I pure speculation.

but that it use the word summarv rather than review information isobviousl) incorrecl no indication of the uncer- deliberate!) here because review implies is presented with

I chapters also some critical evaluation and this book tainty associated with it. he of detail and tends to report other people's results varv quite a bit in the amount information provided. For uncritically. The book seems to have been quantitative climates edited very consistently; the chapters are example, chapter 4 {Landscapes, flow cross-referenced with no obvious changes and Mow regimes) is detailed with curves ami hydrographs provided. in style between them, although the level duration chapter 2 (River How, process- of detail does van between chapters. The In contrast, contributing authors generally represent es, habitats and river life) is very descrip- details such as cross-sec- scientists with considerable expertise on tive, even though changes in river morpholo- their particular topic within the Basin. The^ tions illustrating have been really helpful. There book is also a remarkable collection of gy would annoyances with the photographs of physical and biological are also a few minor are no characteristics of the Murray-Darling way the book is structured. There points at the c\^ of each Basin. These photographs would make a summaries of main messages in each chapter verv valuable resource for educators, both chapter so main is also an awkward book secondary and tertiary, if the) were avail* tend to be lost. It to cite because authors are associated with able in electronic form. I urge the Murray and sections Darling Basin Commission to consider both chapters (e.g. Chapter I) chapters (e.g. Chapters 5 and 6). releasing a CD based on the book. within ciu\, the main difficulty this book The range of topics covered is impressive In the audience. It is and appropriate. The Introduction claims will face is finding its target clearly not a 'coffee table' book designed that 'It presents, lor the first time, a compre- it test- hensive conceptual model for the major for the general public, neither is a suited for a university course in river rivers of the basin ../ (page vii). This model book

ecology, although 1 would imagine both is really the first part of the book these groups would find parts of the book (I ncletMandiug river systems) and while the informative. It seems designed for material required for a conceptual under- very professionals in a range of fields who are standing is included, there is not really any science or management model, even informal, presented. The second associated with the land of our river systems. Specialist geologists p n of the book deals with specifics of hydrologists will 11 nd useful information scapes. Hows and biota. Some of these chap- or

147 Vol. 119(3)2002 1

throughout, and agricultural scientists, Despite the confident tone in some sec- economists, engineers, etc. will find the tions of this book, our limited understand* hook a valuable summary of the effects of ing of the links between How and river Hows on river ecology. My final comment, ecology is still a major constraint on sue- whieh is not meant to devalue the book in cessful management of one of Australia's any way, is that I hope that parts of this most important resources, the rivers of the book are quickly out of dale. This will Murray Darling Basin, mean that research on the effects of How erry Quinn on riverine ecosystems, and the Murray- ,.„,...... ( tor ,,,-,,. . K( Freshwater Ecology Darling Basin particular, m is continuing School of Biologic Scienws and our knowledge base is improving. Mormsh University,, Victoria 3800

The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Keg No AO0336MX •*

Established 1880 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history ami to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists.

Registered Office: FNCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 313-0, Australia.

Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bog 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia.

Phone/Fax (d3> ^S77 mi); International Phone/Fax <-i J <>S77 <>nm), Patron John Landy, mm-:. The Governor of Victoria Key Office- Hearers President', Ms Wi:ndy ark, ()7 c O Pgkenham Street, Blackburn 3 1 30. 9#77 )26o

Vice Presidents: Dit Noi i SCHl i u.i k, I Aslley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and Ok Ai an Yin, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 31 15. 4722 1663 lion Secretary: Mrs Anni ; Morion, 10 Kupicola Court, Rowville 3I7K. 9790 0656 Hon, Treasurer: Ms BARBARA BURNS, 16 Monte fair Court, Templeslowe .3106. os4(> 2008

( Subscription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3 1 M). X60

Executive Editor, The Vic Nut.: Mrs Mi rii vn Gri y, K Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. oss9d223 Editors, The Vic. Nat.: Mr Ai .isiair Iaans, 3/1 778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168, 8505 4339 and Mrs Anni Morion, as above.

Librarian: MrsSiiiii a Mom hi ion. FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 31 JO. All 542S40 l >7 Excursion Coordinator, Mr DENNIS Mm i/ir, S llareourt Avenue, Cau field .3162. 9523 [853 Hook Brokerage: Mr Ray Willi r, 9 Longlown Court, Craigieburn 3064. All l)_308 3770

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and Or Noi i St hi irur, as above. ( 'oaservation C 'oonlina/nr: Mi< Jim Wai ki r, 167 Balaelava Road, Caullield 3162. 0527 560] (roup Secretaries

Botany: Ms K\ri n DoBSON, 58 Rathnuillen Road, Boronia 3155. Ml) 9877 9860 Geology: Mr Rob IIamson, 5 Foster Street, McKinnon 3204. 9557 5215

l-aiina 111 l Survey: Ms Son Smai , 107 Boudi Road, Bonbeaeh 31%. All 9772 2S4X

Marine Research: Mr Miciiai i Lyons, IS High Street, Nunawading 3131. A1I')S77 J987 Microscopical; Mr Ray POWER, 36 Sehotlers Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 351 MEMBERSHIP

Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monlhly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings {free to all) and excursions (transport eosls may be eharged). Field

work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number ot" locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged lo participate.

Printed bj Brown Prior Anderson. 5 Evans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125. ^The V Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119 (4) August 2002 Murray River Special Issue Part Two


Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist

Notes of a Short Coeeectinc. Excursion to THE Upper Murray

By Messrs C French and D Best Read before the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, Nov 17 1884

In crossing a paddock, close to the railway line, we found quantities of a small but pretty composite, the name of which, with those of the other plants collected, have been identified and named by the kindness of Baron von Mueller. Some of the plants here collected, as also portion of those from Mulwala, he found to be of interest, and a complete list of all our specimens appears as an addendum to this paper. Turning over some logs, we were fortunate in finding a few specimens of a very handsome beetle, Carenum sp. which were the first of the kind taken by us. We had not proceeded far before we came across a couple of the large Iguana {Hydrosaurus varius) common to the district, one being beautifully marked with yellow bands; but feeling sure of getting some on the day of our intended depar- ture we did not attempt to capture it, which we now regret, as we did not again see a similar one, although we did many of the plain coloured, and of these we brought down two; the former although only a variety is much rarer than the latter. We drove towards the Murray pine scrubs ... a hall was here made, and a cock- roach hunt suggested and improvised. This, we can assure our friends, was no ordinary cockroach hunt, for these bulky and somewhat repulsive looking fel- lows, burrow to a depth of nearly 2ft. into the sand, and forcibly reminded us of a wombat hunt on a small scale. We were fortunate enough, after digging for our bare lives, to find some of these Titanic cockroaches, which were speedily bot- tled up for our collections. Proceeding along we came across our first Quandong tree, Santalum acumina- tum, which to our great delight had a few ripe fruit on the top branches. The Quandong here seems to be fast dying out, the cause being generally attrib- uted to the clearing off for the improvement of the runs for sheep. We] afterwards did little | a botanising in the surrounding pine scrubs, collecting a few orchids, amongst them being rufa, var. Mitchells this being considered somewhat of a rarity here.

From The Victorian Naturalist 1(13), January 1885, pp 135-139.

The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist

Wanderings on the; Murray Feood-Peain By JG O'Donohue

1 Read before the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, 8th February 1915

Whilst ranging through the Mallee we realized, at a very early stage in our pere- grinations, that caution had to be exercised in the choice of a site whence to view a foraging bird. At every few yards the extensive and crater-like nests of the Myrmecia nigricipes were to be encountered. These ants appeared to be always spoiling for fight, and if one of us inadvertently approached within half a dozen yards of a citadel, or. for that matter, allowed his shadow to fall upon it, out they would pour in myriads, and, with gaping mandibles, skirmish over a large area in quest of the offender.

From The Victorian Naturalist XXXU (2), lOJune 1915, pp 25-35. The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(4)2002 August Murray River Special Issue Part Two

Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

Fish of the Murray River, by John Koehn 152

Niche Segregation between Three Species of Freshwater Turtle in a Large Billabong During Flood, by Catherine E MeathreL Phillip J Sitter and Nada M Radford 160

Invertebrates of the River Red Gum Forests of the Murray River, by Andrea Ballinger and Alan L Yen 174

A Preliminary Survey of the Arboreal Invertebrate Fauna of Two River Red Gum Trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis near the Murray River, by Alan L Yen, Simon Hinklew Peter Lillywhite, John Wainer and Ken Walker I 80

Aquatic Macroin vertebrates of the Murray River, by Phillip J Sater and John H Hawking I86

The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp.) of the Murray River Catchment, by Geoffrey N Edney, Dale G McNeil and Susan H Lawler 200

Murray River Microfauna, by Russell J Shiel 205

ISSN (MW2-51S4

Cover: Sweeping bend of the Murray River near Mildura. Photo by Anne Morton.

Web address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~fncv/vicnat. htm

email: f n c v (a v i c n e t . n e t . a u Murray River Special Issue

Fish of the Murray River

John Koehn'

Abstract Fish are an integral component of the Murray River, contributing to its biodiversity, ecology and cul- tural heritage, as well as providing commercial and recreational fishing opportunities. Fish are an important way of connecting the community to the river system. The number of species in the MLinav River is low by world standards; species range from the large, well known Murray Cod to smaller, lesser known species, such as Australian Smelt. Seven fish species are considered to be nationally threatened, with several other species threatened on a regional basis. Many of the threats to the fish species relate to the use of water and its associated infrastructure- Changes "to (lows, barri- ers to lush passage, cold water pollution, snag removal and habitat alterations, commercial and recre- ational utilisation, and interactions with introduced fish species have all contributed to the decline in fish populations. Many of these threats are currently being addressed or under consideration for changed management regimes to reduce their impact. Issues such as the provision of more water for improved environmental flows will pose ongoing challenges. The restoration of riverine ecological processes is a key way by which fish populations may be restored, and this needs to be undertaken with the support of the community. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2002, 152-150)


Although they largely remain hidden river with a relatively low overall dis- under the water surface, fish are an integral charge, it can be compared to the more part of the fauna of any river system. This than 1300 fish species described for the is no more so than in the Murray River, Amazon Basin (Cadwallader and where the legendary 'mystique' of large Lawrence 1990) and highlights the impor- species such as Murray Cod Maccullo- tance of the need for conservation of indi- chetla peelti peelii transforms their impor- vidual species. The majority of the species tance from being merely fish species to is widespread along the river, although becoming important components of our some have distributions more suited to folk lore and cultural heritage. Fish pro- either the upper or lower /ones, for exam- vide a major way in which (he community ple. Two-spined Blackfish Gadop&is can be connected to the river and its fauna hispinosus occurs in the higher reaches, (Sinclair 2001). Whilst Murray Cod are whilst species such as the Bony Herring well known because of their size and status Nematolosa erchi are only found in the as a species of commercial and recreation- mid and lower river /ones. A further group al significance, there are many other of seven dtadromous species, which species which are also important but lesser require access to marine/estuarinc waters known. Fish are an important component to complete part of their life cycles, are of the biodiversity, ecology and culture o\' found in the lower zones of the river. the Murray River. These species include the Pouched and

Short-headed Lampreys; Geotria australis The native fish and their stains and Mordacia >rda\\ Short-finned Eel The number of fish species in the Murray Atoguilla atistralis^ Common Galaxias River is relatively low by world standards, Ga/axias maculatust Tupong Pseuda- totalling only about 30 native species phriiis urvilii. Estuary Perch Macquaria (Table 1), several of which are restricted to colotwrum and Blue-spot (ioby Pseudo- the lower river zones and associated with godius oiontm. Other essentially marine marine or estuarine reaches. Whilst this species such as Mulloway Argyrosomua number of species may be expected of a hololepidotus would also have entered the lower, estuarine river reaches more fre- quently in the past.

1 Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, The exact number of fish species present Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, is not really known, with the taxononn of Department of Natural Resources ami Bnvlfronmcnt, several groups undergoing revisions, 1 23 Brown Street, I leidelherg. Victoria -^0N4 Email John. Koelinfcnnv.v ic.guv.au including the hardyheads (Atherinidae),

152 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Table 1. Species list (From Pierce 1988 and Cadwallader and Lawrence 1990) and conservation sta- tus for freshwater fish of the Murray River. EPBC, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, Protection Act; ASFB, Australian Society for Fish Biology 2001 listing; CE, critically endangered; E, endangered; V, Vulnerable; Epop, endangered population in New South Wales; FFG, listed under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, Victoria. P, New South Wales Protected species (i.e. no take); (P), Protected from commercial take; UC, under consideration.

Listing National Vic NSW Common name Scientific name EPBC ASFB Native freshwater species Gadopsis marmaralus DD Two-spined Blackfish Gadopsis bispinosus Broad-finned Galax'ias Galaxias brevipinnis Flat-headed Galaxias Galaxias rostrutus V DD Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus DD Murray Cod Maccullochelh peelii peelii UC V, FFG Maccullochelia macauariensis E a CE, FFG E,P Golden Perch Macquaria amlvyua V

Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica i: E L, FFG V,P Silver Perch Bkfyanus bidyarms V CE. FFG V,P Southern Pygmy Perch Nannoperca australis V Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus V V, FFG (P) Bony Herring Nematalosa erebi

Southern Purple Spotted Moyurnda adspersQ 1 CE, FFG Epop Gudgeon Western Carp Gudgeon Hypseteotris kiunzingeri Midgeley's Carp Gudgeon Hypseleutris spp. Flat-head Gudgeon Philypnadan grandiceps Dwarf Flat-head Gudgeon Phifypnodon sp. FFG Crimson Spotted Mclaiioiacma fhivialilis m, FFG Rainbowfish fluviatilis Murray Hardyhead ( 'ratcrocephalus L, FFG E stcrcusmuscarum fluvial His

Agassiz's Chanda Perch Ambassis agassizi I \, FFG Epop

Native diadromous species Short-headed Lamprey Afan/acta mordax Pouched Lamprey Geotria australis Short-finned Lei Anguilla australis Common Galaxia Galaxias macula! us Tupong Pscudaphritis urviUii Estuary Perch Macquaria calonnrum Blue-spot (ioby i-'sctuloyuhius alarum

Introduced species

Brown I rout Salma irulta Rainbow Trout Oncarhynchus mykiss Carp ( 'yprinus carpio

I ench Tinoa tinea Goldfish Carassius aura/us Redlin (English Perch) I'crca fhtviaiilis Gambusia Gambusia halhraoki Weatherloaeh Misyurnus anyuiliicaudattis galaxiids () (T Raadik pers. present in the Murray River. One addition- comm.) and gudgeons (Lleotridae), which al native species, the Broad-finned include hybrid species (Bertozzi et al. Galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis, is now pre-

2000). New genetic techniques arc also sent in the upper and mid reaches where it being used to investigate several other has been introduced from east coast rivers species and these taxonomic revisions through flows from the Snowy Mountains could result in the description of nev\ Scheme (Waters et al. 2002). This normal- species. Light introduced species arc also ly diadromous coastal species appears to

Vol. 119(4)2002 153 Murray River Special Issue

be completing its life cycle landlocked in freshwater, as occurs in the highland lakes in Tasmania (Fulton 1990). Pish species range in size from the Muiray Cod, which is Australia's lain m

freshwater fish (recorded up to 1 13 kg), to smaller species such as the Australian Smell Rett -(i/'ititn/ setnonl which weighs only a lew grams. Photographs, illustra- tions and detailed information on these fish species can he found in the following texts: (adwallader and Backhouse (1983), l*'ij». I. I'roul cod MavailhH'hclUi in(ic(jiuirii'nsi\ Merrick I and Schmitla ( *>S4 >, Koehn and is now critically endangered- The only remain* O'Connor (1990a), McDowall (1996) and ing natural recruiting population occurs in the Allen

It has been recognised that most native fish species in the Murray River have suf- Mora and fauna Guarantee Act in Victoria fered major declines (e.g. (adwallader (www.nre.vic.gov.au).

1981; Cadwallader and Gooley 1984). I he Commercial fisheries for species such as causes of such declines have heen dis- Murray Cod, Golden Perch Kfacquarla cussed by many authors (e.g. ('adwallader ambtgua, Silver Perch and Catfish have all 1978; Koehn and O'Connor 1990b; been greatly reduced or ceased (Reid cl al.

Kearney el al. I is 1999). here concern (>*>7). I Recreational angling remains popu- about the long-term future of many lar and many native species such as species, with seven already being consid- Murray Cod and Golden Perch are keenly ered nationally threatened ( I able I), sought. I ake Mulwala provides one oi' including the critically endangered Trout Australia's premier Murray Cod fisheries Cod Maceitilochclia macquartends (fig. but cod from it appear lo use both the I) (Australian Society lor Fish Btolog} Murray and Ovens rivers upstream for '(MM). The natural range of this species is spawning (Koehn 19%). This highlights

now restricted to about I 20 km of the the importance of tributary streams to the Murray River, immediately downstream of lishoflhe Murray River system. I ake Mulwala. Whilst this species has been stocked from hatcheries into (he Fish habitats, needs and threats upper Murray River and other sites, these The stale of llsh habitats and threats to fish have not yet formed self-sustaining them vary along the river. Recent scientific populations. Many other species have assessments of flow and environmental reduced Or fragmented ranges and are list- impacts along the Murray River (Thorns et ed as threatened in either NSW Or Victoria al 2000; Jensen & ai 2000) highlight how ( fable I). Concern has been expressed al threats change through the reaches (fable 2).

the status o\' many o\' these species in lor example, cold water pollution is an issue South Australia (Pierce I0SN). downstream of Lake Hume and Dartmouth The capture of Trout Cod ami Silver Dam {on the Mitta Milla River) and barriers Perch is now prohibited in both New South lo llsh passage more an issue in the lower Wales and Victoria. Of particular commu- reaches. Many of the threats are related to nity concern is the decline of mau> 'Hag- the human use of water and associated infra- ship' species such as Murray Cod, Trout structure and the issue of environmental Cod, sib ci- Perch Bidyamtti hidyams and (lows was a reoccurring one. In essence, llsh Catfish TtmdanuS tandamis. These species need instream structural habitat and access are readily identified by the public, and lo it, suitable water conditions in terms of their loss indicates that all is not well with quantity and quality and a functioning the health of the river. The fish community ecosystem to provide food resources. in the lower Muiray River has been listed The native fish present in the Murray as endangered in New South Wales (New River could be described generally as a Wales fisheries South 2002 J and under the 'warmwater' species assemblage. Water

154 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Table 2. Major threatening processes for fish in the Murray River summarised from Thorns et a! (2000) and Jensen et at. (2000).

Reach Major threatening processes relating to fish

Dartmouth Dam to Lake Hume Constant flows, unseasonal high Hows, reduced Hooding, unseasonal water temperatures, reductions in snags Lake Hume to Toeumwal Constant Hows, unseasonal high flows, reduced flooding, unseasonal water temperatures, reductions in snags to Tocunwal Torrumbarrv I 'nseasonal high Hows, reduced Hooding, constant Hows, reductions in snags Torrumharry to Wentworth Reduced flows variation and Hooding, reductions in snags, constant flows, harriers to fish passage, increased turbidity VVentworth to Wellington Reduced Hooding, barriers to fish passage, reductions in snags, possible fish health impacts from Lake Victoria. Lower lakes and Coorong Reduced freshwater Hows, harriers to fish passage

temperature is important for the function- strate that are dependent on parental care. ing of fish populations, particular!) for It has often been contended that many fish reproduction, larval survival and optimal species have their recruitment aided by growth. The release of cold water from Hooding, being able to exploit the high low level outlets in impoundments poses a food availability on floodplains in times of major problem to warm water fish, restrict- Hoods. Whilst there is little evidence for ing the success of spawning and may have use of the floodplain {Humphries et a/. detrimental effects on metabolic function 1999). nutrients from the floodplain can be and growth rates (Koehn 2001). This is released during flooding and support an highlighted in the upper zones of the increase in production of algae, aquatic Murray River where high volume, cold plants, zooplankton and other invertebrates water irrigation releases occur from the that provide rich food sources for juvenile low-level outlets of Dartmouth Dam and fish (Gehrke 1991). Reduced Hooding, Hume Dam. Three species of warmwater together with diminished flow levels could native fish (Trout Cod. Macquarie Perch significantly decrease juvenile habitat Mactfiuiria autralasica and Murrav Cod) availability and food production areas. A have disappeared from the reaches of the further complication is the clearance and Vlitta Mitta River downstream of the replacement of native vegetation with Dartmouth Dam. It is likely that recruit- flood intolerant exotic crops and pastures. ment of these species has not been possible Under such conditions, floodwaters rapidly due to cold water releases during the become de-oxygenated as microbial com- spawning season of this species (Koehn et munities decompose the Hooded vegeta- al. 1*995)4 Low water temperatures from tion. This may adversely affect the survival Lake Hume is likelv to continue to restrict of certain fish species, particularly when Murray Cod recruitment in the river down- movement to other areas is restricted stream. The Murray River also receives (Gehrke 1991; McKinnon and Shephead water of unknown temperatures from the 1995). Snowy Mountains Scheme (Jacobs 1990). Fish can be mobile, and many have a Cold water does however favour intro- need to move widely throughout the river duced species such as Brown and Rainbow system. Species such as Golden Perch are Trout Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchi/s mobile (Koehn and Nicol 1998), with mykiss that can pre) on smaller native some individuals migrating over 1000 km

species. (Reynolds 1983), ll has recently been dis- Reproductive Strategies varv among covered that high numbers of species. Some species such as Golden of Species, such as Silver Perch, also move Perch and Silver Perch produce up to upstream (Mallen-Cooper efaf, 1996), pre- 500,000 eggs which are laid in the water sumably to recolonise. Species, such as column and left without care by the par- Murray Cod, which were previously ents, hi contrast, species such as the River thought to be sedentary have been shown Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus lay only a lo undertake pre-Spawning migrations few hundred adhesive eggs on a wood sub- {Koehn 1997), Whilst these species may be

Vol. 119(4)2002 155 Murray River Special Issue

able to survive ami reproduce even if such amount of habitat available. Of course movements arc not able to take place, their there must also be access to this habitat, ability to recolonlse and their ultimate sur- which can be blocked by barriers. Snags or vival and distribution over the longer term large woody debris are the major form oi' may he detrimentally affected. Lake structural habitat in lowland rivers and arc Hume, Lake Mulwnla and Torrumharry widely used by many species (Koehn Weir all pose harriers as do the many locks 1993; Koehn and Nicol 1998), The use of and weirs in Ihe river downstream Of this habitat by species such as Murray Cod

I aiston. has long been recognised (Koehn 1997).

Many other species, especially those in S n a g re m oval h a s been w i d e s p i * e a d Ihe lower /.ones of Ihe river, have pails of throughout Ihe river, with snag numbers their life cycle that must be completed in now considerably less than those that saline water (normally the sea) and hence occurred nalurally. Snags are used as home have to migrate to complete their life sites for territory formation, predator Cycles. Harriers at Ihe barrages (Murray avoidance and prey detection. They offer mouth) prevent movements to and from protection from high water velocities, and ihe sea as well as preventing Ihe occasional are sources of food and spawning sites lor entry of many marine species. Some many species. Snag removal has caused a migrations are understood to occur in a major loss offish habitat. particular season, for a particular reason, Many other floodplain habitats, such as e.g. for spawning, and may often he affect- billabougs and wetlands, have also been ed by changes to flows. However, our degraded, removed or made inaccessible. understanding is not complete for all Habitats in the form of pools and scour

movements, 1 lenee fish passage should be holes can also be lost through infilling by available to all species throughout ihe year. sedimentation. Removal of snags and bank Aggregations of fish migrating upstream erosion can lead to a more uniform channel often occur immediately downstream of without a diversity of habitats. Variations barriers (weirs and dams) making these in depth and velocities are also important to Fish very susceptible to capture by anglers. provide the suitable habitat for all species Increases in water levels, both large and throughout their life cycle, and Ihe presence small, can stimulate the movement of fish of snags promotes such habitat diversity.

( (Mallcn-Coopcr et ul l >%). Reductions in bight introduced fish species are also pre- Hooding may restrict such movements, as sent in the Murray River. Of these. Carp might constant How levels. The limiting of Cyprinus carplo, Redlln l\rca fluvnttilis cues and the barriers to movement ma> and (iambusia Gumhusia holhrooki are the affect Spawning success and Ihe distribu- most widespread. Carp receive the most tion of species. Sudden reductions in How public attention and are often blamed for levels can also lead to (he stranding of fish. many of the ills of the river. Recent reviews Another form o\ fish movement is Ihe (e.g. Koehn ef ai 2000) indicate that they drift of larvae (Koehn and Nicol L998; are typical invasive species, which arc

Humphries and I ake 2000; Humphries et tough and well adapted to making the most a!, in press), I his has the purpose oi' of already degraded riverine environments. reeolonisation and distribution of off- With minimal prcdation pressure from spring, and can he affected by altered How reduced populations of native species such rales and impounded waters. High irriga- as Murray Cod and Golden Perch, Carp tion Hows during early summer may mean populations have expanded rapidly. Now in thai larvae are carried greater distances large numbers they contribute to water lur- than would have occurred naturally. bidily, uproot aquatic plants and utilise

Impounded waters can (rap larvae and pre- large amounts of habitat space. It is esti- vcnl their distribution downstream. Such mated the) make up 90% of fish biomass in effects can alter the structure of fish popu- man> reaches of the Murray River (Harris lations. Larvae can also be transferred into andCehrke 1997). irrigation channels where ihe\ are unlikeh Ihe introduced salmonid species (mainly to sun i\ v ( Koehn and Nicol 1 9*>S). Brown and Rainbow front) are restricted Fish numbers arc often related to the mainly to the upper river /ones (above

156 Ihe Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Lake Mulwala) and are keenly sought by plan is to be superseded by a Native Fish some anglers. Together with Redfin, these Strategy (Murray Darling Basin species are formidable piscivores, which Commission 2002) which will address key can impose predation pressure on smaller components for the restoration of native native fish species. Redfin populations fishes across the Murray-Darling Basin, appear to be reduced in many areas com- including the Murray River, over a 50 year pared with the past (Cadwallader 1977), time frame. Reeenlly, the river has been but this species persists throughout the assessed in relation to environmental flows river, particularly in still waters. Gambusia and olher threats, with many options for have been implicated in the harassment of actions being canvassed (Thorns et aL fish through fin nipping and potential pre- 2000; Jensen et at. 2000). Several of the dation of eggs (Cadwallader and options discussed, together with other Backhouse 1983), but their impact on management actions, are already planned native species is not known. or under way, Some of these actions can be Goldfish Carassius auratus are common, initiated readily whilst others must be often in high numbers in the lower river structured over the longer term. The provi- reaches. Oriental Weatherloaeh Misgurnus sion of better environmental Hows was one anguillicauc/ati/.s arc an aquarium species recommendation which was seen to have now present in the Murray River from the most benefit for the whole river Lake Mulwala to Barmah. Their distribu- (Roberts et at. 2001) and negotiations to tion has increased downstream from the improve environmental water allocation Ovens River. The impacts of this hardy and its delivery are being undertaken species, which can survive in damp mud, is through main different forums. not known. Other introduced species such Options are now being considered for the as Roach Rutilus rutilus, Atlantic Salmon remediation of cold water releases from

Salmo salar and Brook Trout SalveUnits Lake Hume. A fish lift has been installed fontinalis have been recorded in the at Lake Mulwala to assist with fish passage Murray-Darling Basin (Cadwallader and past that structure and a fully operational Lawrence 1990). Whilst not yet present in fishway has been installed at Torrumbarry

the Murray River, the coastal species weir (Mallen-Cooper et ai 1995). There is Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceus has anecdotal evidence of increased numbers also recently been recorded in the of Silver Perch upstream of Torrumbarry Cam pas pe River (P Humphries pers. following the installation of that fishway. comm.), presumably after a translocation. Modifications to existing, poorly function- Many of the fish species of the Murray ing fishways and the construction of new River are or have been sought after for their tlshways arc intended for all structures commercial or recreational significance. downstream of Torrumbarry including the Commercial fishing has undoubtedly taken Barrages at the river mouth (J Barrett pcrs. a toll on numbers of some tlsh species in comm.). the past (Rowland 1989). Today however, A considerable amount of research has most catch is from recreational take and been undertaken in the Murray River to this is not well quantified. Commercial improve our ecological knowledge of fish native fin fishing now only continues in in this ecosystem. The general movements South Australia and this is likely to be and habitat use of Murray Cod, Trout Cod reduced or phased out in the near future. and Golden Perch have been investigated The reduction of species other than those (Koehn and Nieol 1998). Particular sought by fishers indicates that this was not emphasis has been placed on investigating the only cause For the decline of Murray the downstream movements of fish, espe- River fish species. cially Golden Perch, with respect to inter- ference to this type of movement caused Conservation efforts and the future by weirs (J O'Connor unpubl. data). Study A fish Management Plan for the Murray of the downstream movement offish lar- River was initiated in 1991 (Lawrence vae has also been undertaken. A resnag- 1991) outlining management action to be ging project (adding large woody debris) lias taken to improve fish populations. I his been undertaken downstream of Lake

Vol. 119(4)2002 157 Murray River Special Issue

MuKvala to provide additional habitat for water species such as Murray Cod and Trout Cod and other species. This project Golden Perch. The provision of fish pas- has determined the structure and pattern of sage ai Lake Mulwala may allow the Trout down- snags and is currently monitoring recoloni- Cod and Silver Perch populations sation by fish and macroinvertebrates. stream to establish in the lake and rivers Study of movements and recruitment of upstream. Additional water to meet envi- carp around Barmah has highlighted this ronmental needs is still required to provide area as a likely key source of recruitment adequate environmental flow conditions to for the river (Stuart ei ai 2001). This new restore some of the key flow components, information has been included in a new which maintain ecosystem processes. This carp management plan for the area. will remain one of the biggest challenges National recovery plans have been pre- for the restoration of fish populations in pared for Trout Cod (Brown ei ah 1998), the Murray River. Silver Perch (Clunie and Koehn 2000a) Acknowledgements and Freshwater Cattish (Clunie and Koehn The author wishes to thank Simon Ntcol and 2000b). Whilst the latter two plans are yet Paul Humphries for comments on the manu- to be implemented, the ecology of Trout script. Cod has been investigated and monitoring References of the Murray River population undertak- Mien GR. Midglcy SH and Allen M (2002) A Field this popula- en. Recent data indicate that (mule to the Freshwater Fish <>f Australia. (Western tion is at least stable and may be expand- Australian Museum: Perth)

Australian Society lor Fish Biology (2001 ) ing downstream. The provisions of fish Conservation status of Australian fishes 2001. passage at Lake Mulwala may allow this Australian Society /or Fish Biology' Newsletter 31, species to colonise the lake and expand its 37-41. BerUwi 1. Adams M and Walker KF (2000) Species population upstream into the Ovens and boundaries in carp gudgeons (Eleotridae: Murray Rivers. Ideally, this would link the Ihfsclcotris) from the River Murray, South and exten- population to the fish currently being Australia: evidence for multiple species sive hybridization. Marine and Freshwater Research River as part the stocked in the Ovens of 51,805-815. national recovery plan. Brown AM, Nieol S and Koehn JD (1998) Trout cod - Major project review Report. The restoration of ecological processes, Recovery plan Internal report to l-nvironment Australia. Department organic such as migration, recruitment and of Natural Resources and Environment. Melbourne. 1949-50 production and cycling, must be recog- Cadwallader PL < 1^77) J.O. I anglry's Murray

River investigations, I ishcries and Wildlife Paper nised as key components for restoring the Victoria No 13, Murray River. With these processes in Cadwallader PI. (!97S) Some causes of the decline in place, the fish populations then have a range and abundance of native fish in the Murnn- Darling River System. Proceedings of the Royal chance to re-establish and increase. This Society"of Victoria 90,21 1-224. ecosystem approach to management must Cadwallader PL (1981) Past and present distributions include the tributaries and catchments of and translocations of Macquarie perch Macquaria australa.sica (Pisces; Pereichlhyidae), with particular the river. Ultimately, the management of reference to Victoria, Proceedings of the Royal the river must include and be supported by Society of Victoria VS. 23-30. community ownership. Cadwallader PL and Backhouse GN (1983) A Guide to the Freshwater Fish oj Victoria. (Govcramaoi result increased knowledge and As a of Printer; Melbourne) recent and intended management actions. Cadwallader PL and Gooley GJ (1984) Past and pre- and translocations of Murray cod there arc some positive signs for fish in the sent distributions Muccullochella peeli and trout cod M. maeqttaricnsis provision fish pas- Murray River. The of (Pisces: Percichthyidae) in Victoria. Proceedings of

sage throughout the river will allow 1 the the Royal Sacicr\' of Victoria %, U-43. I he entry of some marine species, allow Cadwallader PL and Lawrence B (1990) Fish. In Murray, pp 317-63- Lds N Mackay and 1) Kaslburn. species with marine life stages to (Murray Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) recolonise the river successfully and allow Clunie P and Koehn J (2001a) Silver Perch: A Recovery Plan. Linal report for project R8002 10 migratory fish within the river to move and Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra. recolonise freely. This should improve the Clunie P and Koehn J (2001b) Freshwater catfish: A distribution of species such as Tupong. and Recovery Plan. Pinal report for project R8002 to Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra. Silver Perch. More natural water tempera- Fulton VV (1990) Tasmanian Freshwater Fishes. Fauna can only tures downstream of Lake Hume Of I asmania Handbook No 7. (University of be a positive for the recruitment of warm Tasmaniaji and Inland Fisheries Commission of

158 The Victorian Naturalist > )

Part Two

Tasmania; HobaH) Koehn JD, Doeg I J, Harrington D.I and Milledge GA Gehrke PC (1991) Avoidance ol inundated lloodplain (1995) The effects of Dartmouth Dam on the aquatic habitat b> larvae of golden perch iMacguartet fauna of the Mitta Mina River. Report to the Murray- awbigtiQ Richardson); Influence of water qualify or Darling Basin Commission. food distribution? Australian Journal of Marine and Koehn JD, Brumley AR and Gehrke PC (2000) Freshwater Research 42, 707-19, Managing the Impacts oj Carp (Bureau of Resource Harris )\\ and Gehrke PC (1997) Fish and Rivers in Sciences: Canberra) - Stress The NSW Riven Survey (NSW J isheries Lawrence BW (1991) Fish Management Plan

I Mfice of Conservation and the Cooperative Research (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) for Centre Freshwater Fcology ; Cronulla) Mullen-Cooper M. Stuart IG. Hides-Pearson I and

I Humphries P and Lake PS (2000) -'ish larvae and the Harris Jl! ( 1995) fish migration in the Murray River management of regulated rivers. Regulated Rivers: and assessment of the Torrumbarry llshvvay. Final Research and Management 16. 421-432. report to the Murrav -Dai ling Basin Commission for Humphries P, Koehn JD and King A.l (1999) pishes, NRMS project N002, Elows and tloodplains: links between Murray-Darling McDowall RM (Ed) (1996) Freshwater Fishes in

freshwater fish and their environment Environmental Smith-Eastern Australia. ( Reed: Sydnej :- Biofog a/ ) e& 56. 129-151 McKinnon I. J and Shephead N (1995) Factors con- Humphries P. Serafini LG and King AJ (in press). tributing to a in Ihe Broken (.reek. The

Ri\er regulation and fish larvae; variation through Victorian Naturalist 1 12. 93-99. -25. space and lime. Freshwater Biology 47. 1 Merrick JR and Sehmida EG (I9S4) ItiMudtan ,. T [1990) Flow regulation. In the Murray, pp freshwater Fishes. iGriffin Press; Ncllcy South

39-61. lids \ Mackay urul I) I aslburri. (Murray Australia) Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Murray-Darling Basin Commission (2002) Draff Jensen A, Good M. Harvey P. Tucker P and long M Native l-'ish Strategy for she Murray -Darling Basin (2000) River Murray barrages environmental Hows (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) An evaluation uf environmental flow needs in the New South Wales Fisheries (2002) Species impact

tower lakes and Coorong. (Murray-Darling Basin Statement on Fishing in the I QWetf Murray River

Commission (an 1 Catchment, Public consultation document May 2002'. Kearney Rl . Davjs KM and BfiggS Kl (]999j Issues New Souih Wales Fisheries: Sydney. affecting the sustainability ol Australia's Ire- 1 Pierce BE (1988) Improving the status of our rtVej fisheries resources and identification of research Murrav lishes a discussion paper on ihe potential of strategies. Project No 97 U2. final report, Ma\ co-operative management. In Proceedings oj the 1999. Workshop on Native Fish Management, pp 7-19. Koehn .ID (1993) Fish need trees. The Victorian (Murray-Darling Basin Commission; Canberra)

Naturalist 110.255-257. Keul DD. Harris III and ( hapman DJ (1997) NSW

Koehn JD (1990) I Til* key criteria lo sustaining the inland commercial Hsherv data analysis, I RDC pro- wild stock Murray cod fishery in lake Mulwala. In jei No 94 027 Report. I.I paitcrns. fish Pn>: q i and fl arid \ \sh riei t ongress Reynolds (1983) Migration of live Volume 7. Developing and Sustaining World pedes in the Murray-Darling River system. Fisheries Resources- The State oj Science and iusV'ulian Journal of Marine and Freshwater S57 Management, Brisbatu M\ I m, iv I 19 I ds DA Research^ 871

Hancock and JP Beumer. (CSJRO: ( ollingwood) Roberts J. Boatman B. (lose A. Frdinanu B, llillnian

ii. J, ; JD 1 1997) md mov«ment$ of frcrfiwa- T. Jones G, Ganf G. Geddes M, Koehn Newman B.

U'i fish in the Murray- Dai I ine Basin. In 1995 Paton D. Suter P and Fhoms, M (200IJ Scientific //:'i, r/wi Environment Research f ot urn Proc edingz panel assessment of modelled How and technical of the inaugural Riverine Envt anment /' search options for ihe Ettvei Murraj \ report lo the Murray- DarliiiL' Ministerial ) arum of AfDBC Natural Hesoura ifanagem> m Basin Council. ; "'»'>- Rowland SJ (I9S9) Aspects of ihe hislory and fishery l 1995 Srratcx) funded p ofi l a m Attwood Victoria pp 27-32. UK RJ Banens and R of the Murray cod. MacculJochelta peell (Mfrctielf) iPercichihv idac). I ehane. (Murray-Darling Basin Commission; Proceedings oj the Linnaean

/, ii 111'. 'I I wibcrra) Soc/i aj W South Wales 201 I ochn J (2001) Ecological impacts of cold water Sinclair'P(200l) Th \hnnn A River and Its Peopk. releases on iish and ecosystem processes. In Thermal (Melbourne University Press: Carfron South) pollution oj the \fun a) Darling h

I horn-. Suter P, Roberls J, Koehn .1, Jones (., Koehn J and \icol S ( 1998) Habitat and moVi mi Cf1 M

"1 - requiremi it! ol fish. In 1996 Riverine Environment Ilillman and Close A (1998) Munay RTvel Research Forum Proceedings oj the Inaugural Dartmouth to Wellington and the Lower Darling

Rivenne Environment R* < arch orum Brisbane River. Report of the Muna> Scientific Panel on

I - I I ; i t I . r I i 1 I n v ra n e n a f o w s r ra a n October 1996, pp -6 I ds RJ Banens and R ehane. m Mu y D ng B as (Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra) Commission, Canberra, ( I r , JM. Shirley M and loss GP (2002) koehn JD and I WO | I9WJ I] Biohg Waters ,, mem oj \ ati\ e Freshwater Hydroelectric dcvelopmenl and iranslocalionof

,, i ' a cloud at the the . eminent Printer: Melbourne) Gataxhu brevipinnis'. end of lun-

lor assistance in preparing this ismic, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing). Ann Williamson (label printing) and Doroth) Mahler (administrative assistance).

Vol. 119(4)2002 159 Murray River Special Issue

Niche Segregation between Three Species of Freshwater Turtle in a Large Billabong During Flood

1 Phillip J Suter' andNada M Radford' Catherine E Meathrel ,

Abstract During the summer of 1996/97 habitat and dietary overlap of three species of freshwater turtle, billabong in Chelodina t&agfeoUtSi C expansa and Emvchira mucquahi in Lake Moodemere, a large north-east Victoria, were studied to assess their level of niche segregation. Lake Moodemere was inundated by flood waters and was connected to the Murray River for the first four weeks of the rang- study. Five separate habitat types of varying complexity were identified within the billabong, ing from open water to dense reed beds. All three species of turtle preferred the more complex habi- turtles tats in which to forage, but very few turtles contained food. During times of flood, all appeared to become opportunistic and consumed any food items available. Prey refugia were unim- portant during times of flood. {The Victorian Naturalist 119 (4), 2(102, 160-173)

Introduction The biodiversity of billabongs is greater longieollis, C. expansa and EL mactptarii than that of the parent river with which has been species-specific and comparative they are associated, and this is thought to between rivers and billabongs (Chessman be promoted by high productivity and 1988; Kennett and Georges 1990). Limited environmental variability (Hillman 1986). previous research on sytnpatric chelids has The high levels of productivity of lower- suggested some degree of habitat and order organisms in billabongs provide a dietary overlap in the prey consumed, plentiful food supply for higher-order con- especially between the long-necked sumers such as waterfowl, carnivorous fish species (Chessman 1988; Legler and and freshwater turtles (Carpenter et al. Georges 1993). There remains a paucity of 1985). Turtles are an important element in quantitative research detailing the turtles' the dynamics of Australian freshwaters. ecology. They occupy a complex trophic role, feed- Analyses of community dynamics ing on a large variety of plants, animals depend on measurements of how' organ- and microbes and via overland migrations isms utilise their environment (Krebs can enter temporary water bodies that are 1989). The choice of niche by freshwater inaccessible to other aquatic vertebrates turtles is likely to be influenced by varying (e.g. fish) (Chessman 1978). degrees of intra- and interspecific competi- Three species of turtle (family Chelidae) tion. The measurements of niche parame- occur on the floodplain of the Murray ters of one species or population may be River - the Eastern Snake-necked Turtle compared to that of another species or pop- Chelodina longieollis (Shaw), the Broad- ulation. Food is one of the most important shelled River Turtle Chelodina expansa dimensions of the niche and the analysis of (Gray) and the Murray Turtle Emydura dietary preference of an organism is niche specifications macquarii (Gray). Table I summarises the strongly related to the major differences between these three of that organism (Krebs 1989). The three svinpatric species (information taken from species of Murray River turtles all Goode 1967; Goode and Russell 1968; occurred in a large, permanent billabong Legler 1978; Chessman 1983, 1984, 1988; on the Murray floodplain. Lake Georges 1984; Georges et al. 1986; Moodemere. north-eastern Victoria. To Kennctt and Georges 1990; Legler and assess competition between the three Georges 1993; Cogger 1996). species of turtles two interactive niche Most research into the ecology of C dimensions were analysed (habitat and diet) over a four-month period from October 1996 to January 1997. Lake Department of Environmental Management and r Ecology, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Victoria Moodemere w as flooded at the start of the 3690 research. The billabong was connected to Author for correspondence: Catherine Meathrel the Murray River (usually separated by fmail c.meathrel [Waw.latrobe.edn.au

160 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Table 1. Comparison of the habits ; and size of the three turtle species foun d in the River Murray.

Species Chelodlna e. xpansa Chelodirui hmgicollis Eniydura macquarii

inland South Australia through Range Murra\ -Darling system, , Coastal and central and coastal waterways from Murray-Darling system Queensland Queensland to South to inland and northern Australia NSW

Feeding strategy obligate carnivore on opportunistic carnivore omnivore, scavenger, motile prey, especially including carrion, decapod especially on periphylon Hemiptera, fish and and benlhic decapod crustaceans invertebrates

Preferred aquatic permanent shallow, ephemeral large, permanent habitat billabongs

Egg-la\ing season late autumn early summer earh summer

Nest substrate heavy soils heavy soils light sands

Position within top bottom middle the water column

Distance found moderate high low from parent river

A\crage adult 43 2S 31 carapace length (cm) Neck morphology long long short about 150 m) for the first month of the out (Land Conservation Council 1983). study and, as river levels subsided, the bill- Lake Moodemere is therefore classified as a abong became isolated. Turtles were cap- perennial billabong (mean annual depth of and depth vary tured in a number of different habitat types 1 .2 m) although surface area of varying complexity in order to test the seasonally and annually. At peak Hooding null hypothesis that there would be no spa- in October 1996, the billabong measured 1 10 in tial overlap between the species. The null 1.8 by 5.1 km, had reached km area hypothesis that there would be no dietary and was, on average, 3.8 m deep. overlap between species in any habitat The billabong is surrounded by a commu- type was tested by assessment of the type nity of closed grasslands and tall open forest and abundance oi prey available to each dominated by River Red Gums Eucalyptus chelid species and this was compared with canutldulensis. Common species surround- the prey actually consumed. ing the billabong and its periphery are Giant Rush duncus ingens^ bulrush Schoenoplectus Methods sp., Common Reed Phragmiies ausfra/is, Study site spike-rush Eleocharis sp., milfoils Lake Moodemere is a crescent shaped, Myriophyltum spp., Floating Pond Weed ox-bow billabong situated 5 km west of Potamogcfon irivarimttus, llat-sedge Carex Victoria (36" Rulherglen in north-eastern sp. and Water Ribbons Trigtochin procerum 03" 146" an annual S, 23' I -) that receives (Land Conservation Council 1983). rainfall of between 500-600 mm (Land

Conservation Council 1 983 ). Lake Classification of habitat types for this study Moodemere was chosen En total, live distinct habitat types were species ot because large numbers of each determined For investigation (fable 2). previous turtle had been caught during the These habitats were chosen on the basis of 1 robe summer by researchers from La turtle prey reiugia. For analysis, habitats

1 'niversity. were ranked by complexity. Habitat com- wide On average, the billabong is 600 m plexity was assessed on the basis of sub- and 2 km in length with a surface area of jective estimations of the surface area

0..X6 . a 150 m approximately km Because available to turtle prey. It was assumed was dug for channel to the Murray River that the greater the surface area available. water regulation, the billabong never dries

Vol. 119(4)2002 161 Murray River Special Issue

Tabic 2. Classification of habitat complexity within Lake Moodemere, Victoria. * Reed beds con- ** areas open water present, tained areas of I -5m' of open water within the reed bed. No of

Habitat ir.it.il a l Relative width of Relative abundance Reed bed Complexity

in. i type stems or branches of stems or branches width i ranking

Open water Nil Nil

Woody debris Broad I ,ow Reed bed Narrow Low 2 3 Reed bed Narrow Medium 18 20* Reed bed Narrow High 20 25**

the higher the complexity of the habitat, Collection and processing of turtles and the greater the number Of prey items Lake Moodemere was sampled continu- available to turtles. Estimations of surface ously for turtles on two consecutive days area were calculated by the approximate each month from October to December width of reed stems or snags, multiplied by and twice in January. Bach Held trip was the relative abundance of the given refuge conducted continuously between 10:00 br (reeds or snags). Water depth and tempera- and 13:15 hr the following day. This ture were measured in each habitat type allowed each net in each habitat to be in during each sampling trip. the water for a total of 24 hours. All turtles were caught under the authority of the Assessment ofprey in the habitat types Victorian Department of Natural Samples of potential prey were collected Resources and Environment (permit num- from each habitat type during each trip. ber RP-96-147) and the La Trobe Invertebrates and small fish were collected University Animal Experimentation Ethics water substrate and from the column, Committee (permit number LSC 9624). or snags to among refuge-type reed beds Habitat preference for each species of ensure a reasonable sample through the turtle was measured by the abundance of All reference samples were col- habitats. each species captured in the live habitat using a 200 jam mesh clip net with a lected types. Within each habitat in Lake 0.29 m 0.25 All mouth dimension of m. Moodemere, two standard design fyke nets using vigor- sweeps were for 20 seconds a were placed randomly. Only areas that ous and continuous action. Invertebrates included the habitat type for at least 10 m within the water column were collected b> either side of the net were sampled. to collect walking forward, so as not Previous researchers have caught turtles the substrate, organisms stirred up from using baited nets (Georges 1982; Georges with the dip net circling up and down, back ei al 1986; Bjorndal 1991 ). However, bail- forth. Invertebrates within the sub- and ed nets were not used in this study because strate were collected by walking backward it was thought that baits would attract tur- and kicking up the substrate while circling tles and cause an artificial habitat shift. dip net 10 above the bottom. Reed the cm Nets in all five habitat types were and beds were sampled for invertebrates checked and cleared every four hours. fish vigorously thrusting the dip net by Once captured, turtles were returned to the amongst the reeds using an up, down and shore in water-filled bins. There, all turtles Invertebrates and fish asso- around motion. were etched on the edge of a scute for branches were sam- ciated with submerged recognition of having been captured. This agitating the surface of the branch- pled by ensured that no one turtle was sampled es with the leading edge of the dip net. more than once for its gut contents. The Specimens were preserved in 70% alcohol first ten turtles above 15 cm carapace and later identified to order or family and length for each species per trip were sam- presence and absence of counted. Only pled for dietary analysis using stomach those laxa were used for comparison with Hushing (Legler 1977). This procedure of turtles as the sweep net found in the gut look place as soon as possible, lasted sampling method did not resemble turtles' approximately two minutes per turtle and actions. huntimi alwavs occurred within one hour of collee-

162 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

tion. Stomach contents were preserved in Table 3. Stomach content items found in 70° o alcohol. Once their stomach contents Chcloditm L'xpansa, C longicoUk and /:'. mac- had been sampled, turtles were held until quarii sampled in Lake Moodemere, Victoria, a,

ihe next visit to their site of capture (i.e. adult; I, larval stage. maximum holding time of 4 hr). Turtles Aquatic plants were not released immediately, as this Aquatic and terrestrial plant debris would have required excessive disturbance Aquatic invertebrates in the \ icinity of other nets. Asehelminthes: Nematoda Annelida In the laboratory, gut samples from tur- Hirudinea tles were examined under a stereo-micro- Oligochaeta scope. Sand was assumed to have been Arachnida accidentally ingested by turtles and was Arthropoda: Crustacea not included in the analysis of food items. Cladocera Turtles that yielded no digesta were ("'ope pod a Decapods assumed to contain no material in the gut Atyidae: Paratya australiensis and were excluded from the analysis (fol- I'alaemonidae

lowing Georges 1982). Percentage compo- Parastacidae: ( 'herax destructor sition by number, mass and frequency of Arthropoda: Insecta Coleoptera (a) occurrence were used to evaluate the rela- Dvtiscidae (a) tive importance of different foods eaten by IKdrophilidae (a) turtles. The numerical method involved Coleoptera (I) counting the number of items belonging to Diplera (a) each taxonomic group. Aquatic insects and l)iplera(l) Hpheineroplera (I) small crustaceans usually remained intact

1 lemiptera (a) and were eas\ to count. Items that did not Corixidae occur as discrete units (such as filamentous Notoneclidae

algae and carrion) could not be counted Meso\eliidae: Mesovelkt Sp, and were omitted from the numerical Odonala (I) analysis. The diet of a turtle was assessed l'leeoptera(l) Triehoptera (I) by combining the percent numeric, mass Mollusea and frequency food items of in the stomach BivaJvia of a turtle and calculating an Index o\' Gastropoda

Relative Importance (1RI) (Pinkas 1971 ) as Terrestrial invertebrates follows: Arachnida Insecta

l.epidoptera (I) Numerical percentage Vertebrates; Chordata occurrence of FC, in I. Teleostomi: Cyprinidae Kill

total occurrence of all IT' for all 1 Cypriiuis CQfpiO and Cafassius aitmtits Etkotridae sp. Mass percentage Mucous and undetermined

mass of FC„ in I, (in

total mass of all FC for all I erence collections) functional groups.

I requi tu . ol occurrence percentage These functional groups were based on total proportional occurrence ofFC. general location and size of food items in 100 total proportional occurrence for all FC relation to assumptions of how a turtle would distinguish them. Pooled groups

where l arc category only took into account organisms that FCn and n food and were L individual number iT respectively. The relatively similar in size and generally IRI gives the relative occurrence of the remained in the same area (as per Williams items in the diet lor the numerical or mass 1980 and Ingram vt al. 1997). value of a food type. Aquatic plants were separated from the In total, 45 different categories were rest of the plant debris found because these counted from stomach samples (fable 3). items were fleshy and of bite-sized pieces of stems i oi analysis, these 45 categories were and shoots. All other plant material, pooled into 12 (for turtles) and 1 1 (for ref- including terrestrial River Red Gum leaves.

Vol. 119(4)2002 163 Murray River Special Issue

Table 4. Functional grouping of organisms found in the stomachs ol'turlles and reference collec- tions, Lake Moodeniere, Victoria.

I iim 'tioiial i^i (nip Invertebrates Justification

Benthic organisms llirudinae All cither crawl, sprawl or climb across Irichoptera larvae (or just a centimetre above in the case Plecoptera nymphs of freshwater worms) the benthos Odonala nymphs hphemeroptera nymphs Oligochaeta

Surface Him organisms Terrestrial insects All occur at or near the surface of the Diptera adults water Mesoveliidae adults

I itloral/pclagic/surface I lemiptcra Adults move throughout the water column adult insects

I iltoral/pclagie/suiiacc (olcoptera I arvae move throughout the water column larval insects

1 iltoral/pelagic/surfacc (oleoplera Adults move throughout the water column and beflthk adult insects and on the benthos

Pelagic /ooplankton Cladoeera /ooplankton throughout the water column Copepoda

Pelagic active movement Fish larvae and adulti Fish throughout the water column

littoral and mobile Decapod crustaceans Occur on plants and substrate in the littoral /one

I iltoral and sedentary Mollusea Occur on plants and substrate in the littoral /one

reed stems and small grass-like plant mater- arate group i'or this reason as well but ial, was termed plant debris. they were not grouped with the adults as Aquatic invertebrates were grouped into they occupy different niches. Cladocera functional groups as described in Tabic 4. and Copepoda were grouped as /ooplank- Benthic inverts b rate s included: ton. The decapod crustaceans, Alyidae,

I lirudinea, Oligochaeta, l,phemeroptera Palaemonidae ( and prawns) and nymphs, Odonala nymphs, Plecoptera yabbies Cherax destucfor were all nymphs, Trichoptera larvae, because all grouped together. The Mollusea either crawl, sprawl or climb across the (Hivalvia and Gastropoda) was classed as benthos (Williams 1980; Ingram ct al. a distinct group. All fish adults and fish 1997), Invertebrates associated with the larvae were grouped because both were surface included Diptera adults, adults o\' active within the water column. the family Mesoveliidae (I lemiptcra) and Analyses of the dietary data were per- all terrestrial invertebrates that had fallen formed using hierarchical clustering and onto the water. Except for Mesoveliidae, ordination programs in the numerical all other Hemtptera adults were swim- analysis package PATN (Belbin 1092). mers and moved about the water column Similarity of diet was assessed using the in the littoral, pelagic and surface /.ones. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure clus-

For this reason I lemiptcra adults were tered using Unweighted Pair Group kept as a separate functional group. ArithMetic Averaging (UPGMA). Diptera larvae were kept separate as a Hierarchical clustering was used because group as not all occur near the surface; with a small to moderate data set (0 - 100), some can be i\n\nd associated with the most relationships could be determined benthos, (olcoptera adults remained as a from a single dendogram (Belbin 1992). separate group because, although they Resultant groups were confirmed by exam- were associated with the littoral and ining their positions in ordination space pelagic /ones like I lemiptcra, they were using Semi-Strong Hybrid multidimen- also associated with the benthos, sional scaling (SSII). This grouped turtles ('olcoptera larvae were retained as a sep- or habitats into three dimensions.

164 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

The dietary indices o\' niche breadth and water covered the hillabong and joined it dietary overlap were calculated. Niche to the Murray River. In November the lake breadth was calculated using Levins1 mea- became isolated from the river and the sure, B -" l'S/r„ where/' proportion of a water level was approximate!) 0.5 m December and January levels. From \\kk\ item 1 to n in a species (Levins !96Sa above levels cited in Krebs 1989}, to assess the unitbrmi- December to late January the water Temperature tv ol distribution of dietary Ibod items decreased a further 0.2 m. among the turtle species. Levins' measure increased gradual!) from October (17.2 ± a was minimal when a turtle species con- 0.3 C) to late January (27.4 i Q,5°C) (l\ M tained onlv one food type (minimum niche - 326.57, p 0.(1001 ). breadth, maximum specialisation). The There was a significant difference in the of freshwater turtles caught at range oiB was from I to tt, where n was the number breeding sea- total number o{ food types. To standardise intervals during the 1996797 == df 3, 0.001). Only niche breadth to generate ffAl B was son (x 91.252, p longicoliis was caught during expressed on a scale from to l .0, and was one C calculated by dividing B by the total num- October and three of this species in caught in - - I Most turtles were ber of food types (i.e. A\ - (B l ) (n )). November. late Dieter} overlap was calculated using carl> January

because it January, turtle numbers decreased slight!) Horn's index (#,„ I lorn l%6) still the numbers minimised biases associated with human in 31 ) but exceeded observations of resource categories that caught in Octobei and November. caught in each animals may not distinguish (Krebs I989) I he number of turtles habitat complex- and was calculated as: habitat was dependent on - fable ( I, 0.001, f 41021. df - ,l, ^tp, logaf^ ity (X p fi ffty Pat) IV»--IV most often in habi- Epjftiow^/ltog^ 5). Turtles were caught least tat live (highest complexity ) and the Data were analysed using either PA I N or habitat one (lowest complexity). the SPSS statistical package (SPSS Inc. often in and [he total number of turtles caught per 1 993) and all tests followed Sokal habitat was positively related to complexi- Rohlf(l995), All means are presented ± I = 0.675x l 0.275; standard error unless otherwise stated. ty (linear regression: > p o.oi). The coefficient of determination, Results however, was low. Only 15% of the varia- depth sig- Lake Moodemere changed in tion in turtle numbers caught could be ', nificant! v {one-way ANOYA. I ,., explained b> habitat complexity. summer I the 60.27, p < O.0OI; Fig. ) OVer anil habitat complexity of 1996/97. The water level during Prey availability classification enabled October was at its highest when tloods The LIPOMA groups with a covered the region. An extra 2.8 m of recognition of three habitat dissimilarity of 0.87 and showed a seasonal all separation (Fig. 2). Group I consisted of habitats during the Wood and open water plus habitat ( lowest complexity) samples live late in the season (highest complexity). Within the main cluster of this group was a lighter cluster of the open water habitats and habitat four and live of the November sampling. This indicated a strong similarity between the low complexity habitats and Hooded habitats. Ibis group was largely formed due to the greater amount of ZOO-

'"' '" Oe, no. On «ta tan plankton present. Group two contained Sampling trip only habitat four, collected in December. This sample split was largely due to the depth at lake Mean l± ! BE) water Fig. I. high abundance of benlhic invertebrates Moodemere, Victoria during the 1996/97 turtle and the presence of aquatic Acarina and breeding season.

165 Vol. 119(4)2002 1

Murray River Special Issue

Mollusca. Group three contained the late Table 5. Frequencies of freshwater turtle season samples from habitats of greater Species caught in Lake Moodemere, Victoria complexity. A greater amount of fish and 1996/97 turtle breeding season. Habitat com-

Decapoda ;ii this time of sampling were plexity is ranked from I, lowest to 5, highest.

responsible lor this grouping. II abil at

These groupings were confirmed by SSI I Species 1 2 3 4 5 Total

ordination (Fig, 3). The stress lor the three- ( 'hc/ix/imi 2 3 5 6 16 dimensional plot wits 0.067 and was axpansa

accepted as a very good lit (Uelbin 1992). ( \ longicollis 5 1 10 12 28 ">2 Emydura 2 7 1 6 4S I or ease of presentation, the llgure shows macquarii the three-dimensional configuration of ref- erence samples as projected into the first Total 2 14 15 21 40 *)2 two dimensions (first two axes). Group one clustered closely and indicated a strong There was a significant difference in the association while group 3 was more broad- amount o\' fish, llemiptera and Coleoptera ly spaced. larvae between species (one-way ANOVA, . " < Dietary preference turtles I 5.50, 0.0 i, < of !3 p F253 3.89, p = = Stomach contents were Hushed from a 0.05, F2]H 4.76, p 0.05}. Chelodina total of 15 C. expansa, 17 ('. longicollis expansa consumed more llsh than both C and 24 A macquarii in Lake Moodemere longicollis and E, macquarii', C, longicollis between October 19% and January 1997. consumed more llemiptera and Coleoptera

The major component of food found in all than E. macquarii {p - 0.05, Scheffe's species was plant debris representing '80% post-hoe tests). for all species (Fig. 4). The next most abun- The LIPOMA analysis produced three dant food category in the diet of turtles was groups at a level of 0.35 dissimilarity (big. fish. Fish constituted approximately 20% of 5). Ibis low level of dissimilarity and each C. expanses diet and a minimal percentage species occurring in each group indicated a in the other two species. Emydlira nnic- high level of similarity of diet. The ordina- tfiiarii was the only species to contain a tion plot for the analysis of turtles versus minimal amount of aquatic plants. The food categories eaten supported the group- remaining \'o

food categories such as Decapoda and fish. good fit (Belbin 1992).

ii I o.m ! 0. '96


(i ibj i ii i, Mi iV

; ,i . i ., III. ii

1 Hah i it 2,

titibj i ii i,

M ,! ! ', l1 Noi I

I 1 i II.iIm ,il i , ai i

ii i i RabJ , N i v

i II iIm .il I Ivu I ,'.in | , y

Mil! I , pi I

,' N.l',1 , K. It I y .Lin

i: i..n . ibi M , Jan

' i. i i i . i . 1 K.i: i J. i , y in

,, K.i ! M.iln ,11, : -Lin

ii I lldbil 5, I .1.111

. .i i llabll \, Late ' n

i- .'.ii: Habits .

I I i I I

' 11 i. i .'. '96 I.im 0.03 i |8 .

in ,iv Curtis Dj as LmiJ u Lty

rig. 2. Dendogram based on turtle food found within habitats over the 1996/97 season, from a Bray Curtis association.

166 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

M food types were shared, C fongicollis and

• . E. macquarii had the least overlap between

«,. ,,,,! u their dietarv niches (R„ 0.1 939).

*i(inu| . Discussion DJ A The number of turtles captured in this study was known to be lower than actual \« turtle numbers in the billabong, but were

-QS assumed to be a reflection of actual turtle abundance. The number of turtles caught axis 1 could have been affected by a number of

Fig. 3. SSH ordination ploi in luo-dimensions factors: being washed a\va\ by the flood, based on turtle food found within habitats from decreased net effectiveness with higher a Bray-Curtis association. Stress - 067, volumes of water, low temperatures and/or absence due to migration. Turtles are ectotherms and consequent^ Group one turtles clustered broadly, indi- ha\e a bod\ temperature close to that of cating a broad association between the Un- their environment (Begon et al. 1990). ties. The broad clustering on the ordination During lower temperatures in October, tur- plot supported the high level of dissimilarity tles may have been less active throughout shown in the dendogram within this first the water column due to their reduced group than the other two. I his first group metabolism (Parmenter I9XI, Zimmerman was responsible for a greater amount o\' and Tracy 1989). food in the categories - plant debris, ZOO- During the flood, the five habitats studied plankton and surface invertebrates. The tur- within Lake Moodemere were completely tles within this group had been eating more, submerged. No reeds or snags were visible and the variation of food eaten was reflected when the water depth reached 4.1 m and by the higher level of dissimilarity between the submerged refugia no longer provided turtles. invertebrates with a substrate close to the Groups two and three were tightly clus- water's surface. Williams (1980) has tered on the ordination plot and indicated a shown that many aquatic invertebrate^ close association between stomach con- move along or amongst the protective veg- tents of these turtles. Turtles within these etation to the water's surface to breathe. two groups contained very little in their Increased water levels and How rates meant stomachs. The} separated out on the den- thai these animals were probablv swept dogram because each contained slightly away, or were more vulnerable to preda- different food categories. Group two tion. However, given the large dilution included aquatic plants and benthic inver- effect of the Hood, turtles were most likely tebrates, and group three included very low unable to find prey in the deeper waters. amounts offish, plants, aquatic plants, Hence, turtles may have moved to the shal- zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. The lower habitats, leaving the main body of majority of turtles were in group three and the billabong (the area of netting) in search indicated that most turtles did not contain of prey. very much, if any, food in their stomachs. In November, the number of turtles On a scale ofO to l, the Levins' value for caught remained low yet the water temper- niche breadth was low for all species. ature within the billabong had increased Chelodina longicollis had the most spe- and the water level had returned almost to cialised diet with a niche breath of 0.0039. normal, as indicated by water marks on the Emydura macquarii had a niche breadth of tree lines and reed beds. The bottom of the 0.0085, whereas C. expansa had the broad- main body of the billabong was cooler and est (albeit still low) breadth of 0.0424. turtles may have sought warmer water in I he dietarv overlap between C, expansa which to forage where the eetothermic (K 0.9329) was high; and C kmgicollis (1 invertebrates may have been more abun- so too, was the overlap between C, dant (Chapman et al. 1996). When the expansa and E macquarii (R„ 0.9244). water level receded, some turtles were number of similar I In, indicated that a

Vol. 119(4)2002 167 Murray River Special Issue



E £ Z, 60 D Others Aquatic Plants HFish

40 Plant Debris

? 20

C. expansa C. longicoHis E. macquarii

n = 15 n = 17 n = 24

Fig. 4. Cumulative proportional lRI values of diet items in the three turtle species {Chelodinu expansa, Chelodina fongicdtlis and Emydura macquarii) from Lake Moodemere, Victoria during the

1 996/97 breeding season. stranded in smaller pools of water and had been using the shallower outer region were observed to cross land to return to the of the billabong earlier in the season may billabong. Crossing back to the permanent have moved back into the main water body billabong was gradual as the smaller pools of the billabong in January. The turtles dried up and/or became devoid of food could now perhaps sustain a higher meta- resources before larger pools. bolic rate. Collections taken during this The number of turtles caught in Lake study indicated that invertebrates and fish Moodemere was maximal during January. were most abundant among the reeds and This was probably the result of three fac- snags by this time. Consequently, the need tors: increased water temperature, for turtles to seek out other areas in which increased immigration and decreased water to forage may have become unnecessary. level. The warm water in the main section No turtles were recaptured over the dura- of the billabong may have increased the tion of this study, either from their original activity levels of turtles, making them habitat of capture, or any other habitat. more apt to encounter a net during move- This suggested that turtles disperse widely ment. Also, the immigration of turtles throughout the billabong, and showed no

(Graham et at I 996) from ephemeral bill- habitat preference. Given the fluctuations abongs (that were becoming loo warm or in water level and temperature of Lake too dry) into the main billabong would Moodemere during the 1996/97 turtle have increased turtle abundance within breeding season, it seems reasonable to Lake Moodemere and hence, the probabili- suggest that preferences may not have ty of capture. Finally, an increase in the been detected simply on the basis of the number of turtles moving around in the billabong being so dynamic. In years of water column, coupled with the decreased greater billabong stability (i.e. non-flood water levels, would have increased the years), habitat partitioning by turtles may catehability of turtles. be evident given enough netting over a Shallower areas in which turtles were variety of habitats. thought to have occurred in the cooler After Hooding, none of the turtle species October and November months were, in appeared to have a preference for any partic- January, probably unfavourable habitats ular habitat type. This suggested that all for turtles due to very warm and hypoxic three species of turtle shared the same habi- water (Chapman et al. 1996). '['utiles that tats within Lake Moodemere, and that the

168 The Victorian Naturalist n |

Part Two

0.0036 0.6341 1.2647

I I I C. longi IndivOl E .macqu Indiv28

E.macqu Indiv37 |_

E . macqu In.div36 C. longi rndiv02 C. longi Indiv4 4 C. expan Indiv07 E.macqu Indivl5 E.macqu Indiv21 C. expan Indiv05_ E.macqu Indiv09| E.macqu Indivl4 E.macqu Indiv55 | E.macqu Indivl3 |_ C. expan Indiv08

E.macqu Indivll I C. longi Inaxv20 |_ |

C. I longi Indiv30 | C. expan Indiv35_|_|_| C. expan Indivl9 '_

C. expan Indiv25 I C. expan Indiv32

E . macqu Indiv06

E.macqu Indivl8_ | E .macqu Indiv48|_ |

E.macqu Indiv29_| I C. longi Indiv34_l l_

" E.macqu . : . 7 E.macqu Indivl2 C. longi Indiv03 C. longi Indivl7 | E.macqu Indiv22_

C. longi Indiv31|_ |

C. longi Indiv4 6_|_ I

I C. longi Indiv45 I C. expan Indiv42 C. longi Indiv51_| C. longi Indiv33 C. longi Indiv40

. - E.macqu I C. longi :;. Iiv26 E.macqu Indiv04 E.macqu IndivlO | C. expan Indiv38

C. longi Indiv43 I C. expan Indiv41 |_ C. expan Indivl 6 C. expan Indiv47 |_

E.macqu Indiv24 I E.macqu Indiv50 l_i

E.macqu . I ] |_ C. expan Indiv39

E.macqu I

. . i j IndivS4_l_ |

: . I C. expan 6__ I

. . C expa 2 I I


. )036 0.9494 1.5800

iray-C irtii I similarity

Fig. 5. Dendogram of turtles versus food eaten based on a Bray-Curtis association. C, longi Chelodina lortgicollis, C. expan = C, expanse* and E. macqu Emydura macqttarii. niche requirements of each individual tion of turtles by habitat type (Fig. 6) did species were met within these shared habi- not support this assumption, probably due tats. to the limited number of dietary samples Turtles were caught more frequently taken from each of the five habitats. within the medium to high reed bed areas The reference collections of prey types with higher complexities, compared to were not distinguishable by habitat groups open water areas of a billabong. This sug- but rather by seasonal groups (Fig. 3), and gested that there were favourable condi- suggested that although the same food cate- tions for turtles in areas associated with gories were generally found within each higher habitat complexities and a greater habitat, their abundances varied temporally. amount of prey. Unfortunately, the ordina- Plant debris was the dominant food item

Vol. 119(4)2002 169 1

Murray River Special Issue

** t f •

SSH Axis 1

Fig. ft. SSI I ordination plot in two-dimensions based on turtle diet from a Bray-Curtis association. Stress - 0.123. in the stomachs of all species of turtle sam- quantity and quality. Turtles may sate pled from Lake Moodemere, even surpris- themselves on plants when food of higher ingly, the obligate carnivore Chelodina nutritional value (invertebrates) is less expansa. Plant debris included reed stems abundant. Conversely, plant debris may be and small particles such as seeds from ter- passively ingested while turtles forage for restrial and aquatic plants. This material is benthic or littoral invertebrates (Legler primarily cellulose and, being difficult to 1978). The presence of plant debris in the digest, yields little nutritional value. obligate carnivore, C, expansa, may sim-

4 Georges ( >S2> studied the diets of fresh- ply have resulted from passive ingestion. water turtles in eastern Australia and con- Metabolic and digestive rates in reptiles sidered this plant material to be unimpor- vary in a mass-specific and thermal depen- tant and eliminated the food category from dent manner such that gut passage lime further analysis. Yet the ubiquitous pres- will affect the interpretation of stomach ence of plant debris in the diet of turtles contents (Coulson and Coulson 1986). from Lake Moodemcrc suggested that Smaller prey, such as zooplankton or some value must be gained (Bjonidal insects, and softer bodied prey, such as

1989). Vogt and Guzman Guzman (1988) shrimps Paratya australiensis, digest faster studied the dietary preferences oi' freshwa- than larger or more indigestible prey. This ter turtles in Mexico, There, turtles implies that, if turtles are feeding on small- retained a large proportion of plant debris er, more easily digestible prey, they will be in their diet (more than any other food under-represented in the sample (Bjorndal lype), especially when co-existing with and Bolten 1992). Paratya auslraliensis other species of turtle. This same study filter-feed on reeds and/or snags (Pringle ei also found that the absence of one species ai. 1993) and the higher proportion of of turtle in a water body influenced the diet plant debris from reed remains may be of the remaining species, with the domi- linked to turtles passively ingesting reeds nant food source shifting from plant debris while feeding on shrimps. to insects. It seems sensible to suggest the Lish rated highly on the index of relative presence of plant material in the diet of importance (IR1) scale, presumably turtles may mirror a balance between because of their mass. Fish matter, thoimh

170 The Vietorian Naturalist a

Pari Two highly digestible^ was more abundant than face film ot on floating aquatic plants smaller prey in the did of the obligate car- (Williams I'JNO). Of the llemiplera lowwd nivore, C expanse. Research by Legier in stomach samples ol' turtles from I ake in ( 1978) demonstrated that, when all species Moodemere, all were found the water CO-OCCUr in highh -productive, ephemeral column or near the surface. hillabongs, resources are partitioned. I ish Overall, then, the diet samples taken and shrimp are consumed primarily by the from turtles in I ake Moodemere suggested carnivorous species, w it h the omnivores that resources were shared over all liabi concentrating on invertebrates and aquatic tats, The high proportion of plant debris in plants. When the turtles migrate back into their diets indicated that most turtles were more permanent hillabongs, such as Lake essentially omnivorous, eating soflcr-hod- Moodemere, resource levels are rclaliwK ied animals and passively ingesting, plants lower and prey items are wo longer parti- However, caution must be exercised when c suggesting the of prey selection tioned (Chessman l >78). method After Rsh, the ne\t most common diclaiy based on so lew samples, Also, sampling item sampled from lake Moodemere tur- was conducted over a 24 hour period on tles was aquatic plants. Interestingly, / live occasions. There is no information in frequently tur- macquarii is the only omnivorous turtle in the literature regarding how this billabong, and the oul> specie- tles teed 'm the wild. Clcarlv, samples from observed direct!) to eat aquatic plants. This daily foragers would differ from those o\ is consistent with the findings on the diet ol weekis foragers Hem c, the samples n in may nol truly indi- Ibis species bv Chessman ( l X(>)- obtained this Stud) \fier aquatic plants, the ne\t most com- cate the degree ol resource partitioning monly occurring item in die diet of turtles between these species. from lake Moodemere was aquatic All ot the turtle species occupying I ake in. . Adults of both Coleoptera and Moodemere showed an extremal) narrow Memiplera trap air beneath their hard, niche breadth and a high degree of diclarv shell-like forevvings (elytra) and in overlap, which suggested that turtles were between microscopic, hydrofuge hairs on competing lor a limited resource, in llu

air m.i\ ease lood, I he relationship between com- ilk- bod) I he entrapped bubble ol niche overlap is last several hours It) days at low tempera petition and Complex I'^IS'J). instance, zero niche lure, tlngram et a/. 1997). At the start ol (Kiebs For not that interspecific this study, the lower water temperatures Overlap does mean is niche WOUld have meant thai the activity ol these competition absent. Conversely, diving beetles and bugs would have been overlap does not always imply competl cases niche overlap is only less, owing In both Iheir eetolherniie exis- tion. In many ol tence and that a given amount ol entrapped used as a descriptive measure communi-

( ( (kiebs l )X >), However, air would have lasted longer. As the water ty organisation temperature increased towards summer, high overlap occurs in both diet and habitat ol scarcity if ani- nips to Hi- surface for oxygen replenish- during periods resource ment by these insects would have mals do nol disperse widelv scale I" a " increased in frequency, thereby increasing On a niche breadth of U tur- this would he classified the lime vulnerable to predation by turtles. tle species in Stud) Species ol Coleoptera and llemiplera as dietary specialists. Recall, however, that carnivore, known to stay under watei permanentl) C exptW&Q is an Obligate C i

/., is an gcncralisl otnnivorc in (Ingram el aL 1997) were not found in macquarii tins study. ephemeral billabongs or when all species stomach i iampfed during do nol co oceui with'ii a given habitat ( ori\idae, Notonc tidac -Hid Ncpidac are

( (Chessman l >x^ (984, 1986) Assuming totall) aquatic families ol Hcmiptera, liv- that sufficient samples were obtained dm ing ,, ithin the watei column (Williams in- l<> the degree oldiei.u 1,, i.miiii; . to e the Study Show g Oj 1 i ome the surfai of each turtle species, it I .penalisation to renew an supplies, with he CoiKidac and NolonectJdae being ver> active would seem that there was a low diversity Mesoveliidae are associated with the sur- of pre) ipei res available to the turtles, This

Vol 119(4)2002 171 Murray River Special Issue

may have resulted from the posl-llooding llcs. Competition from Red-fin and occa- dilution effects making only eerlain prey sional Golden Perch Macquaria atnbigua ia\a vulnerable to predation. may decrease the amount of food available Given the high degree of dietary overlap to turtles, forcing the turtles lo seek non- found between the lurlles in Lake preferred foods. This may have been Moodemere, a particular type of food may reflected in the amount of plain debris. have been a limiting resoufce. Dietary The majority of lurlles caught in lake overlap was highest between the two earni- Moodemere contained very little in their vores {( 'hc/odiiia expansa and C, fonxicol- stomachs, reflecting (he limit in food avail-

//.v), as expected- It was also high between ability. Turtles thai had emply stomachs the obligate carnivore (( '. ex/hinxa) and the clustered more lightly on the ordination onmivore (/*, macquwii), Interestingly, plots and dendograms simply because they dietary overlap was lowesi between the were empty. The lurlles with more food Opportunistic carnivore ((' fo/igicoilis) and ilems in their stomachs tended to eat a the omnivore. Relative to other biilabongs, wider variety of food types, rather than lake Moodemere is lacking in macro- specialise, although their niche breadths

pliytes (pers. obs.). Therefore, ii was possi- were still quite low. Ibis explains why ble that the omnivore shifted toward a there was no separation of turtle species on more carnivorous diet, partitioning the ani- the dendograms, because only nine indi- mal prey between all three turtle species. viduals contained a substantial amount of

When food is both diverse and abundant food. Ciiven the limited sample si/e, it was within the hillabong, in this case alter the decided to include the rarer food types in flood, interspecific competition for food Ihe diel of lurlles. Exclusion of rarer taxa resources may be lessened. loo lew turtles may have reduced "noise' around patterns were sampled during and immediately seen in Ihe dendogram and ordination plots after the Hooding event lo discern if inter- (Faith and Norn's 1989), but the end result specillc competition was reduced al that would, most likely, not have changed. lime. When water levels dropped and the The spread of all three species throughout temperature within the hillabong increased, the dendograms' groups indicated that all a substantial number of lurlles were cap- three species of turtle were eating essential- tured (n 54). The high degree of dietary ly the same food, from the same habitats. overlap, suggesting competition lor food, lurlles did not appear lo favour any one may have been an artefact of competition particular habitat type or prey item. with other predators at the hillabong. The habitat and prey selectivity displayed Other major consumers of /ooplanklon by turtles in Ibis study may not relied the and macro tm erlebrates in billahongs present conditions, but those learned previ- include several species oi' water birds and ously, lor instance, the three species of native and introduced fish (llansson ei

( l >7N; IHinn and Uoon 1993). lake Study, not as a reflection of the current Moodemere is considered lo have an over post-flood conditions when resources were abundance of Red-lln Parca fluvtatus (G presumably abundant but as a reflection oi~ (loss pers. comm.); many smalt members oilier seasons. In these perhaps more Typi- of Ibis species were caught in this study, cal' years, water levels are lower, habitat

I he perch population is considered densily- diversity is lower and food resources may dependenl because there were many stunt- be limited. As such, the turtles ma> over-

ed individuals. As lor many density-depen- lap in lime, space and the utilisation of all dent fish, their large numbers and reduced resources in this closed system. si/e result from high levels of both inter- and inlraspecific competition (Liehold References (i, Barlow ( Mc 1 ouahHn R ami Hock K (1986) 1996). Studies on the diets o\^ lish in bill- .---...... Complimentary< / feeding-r- habits of goldenpw. wvl perch| , t ,. l Uacquarin ahongs (Harris 1985; Barlow et ai. l >N<>; Macifuaria ambipmambigutt (Richardson) (Percichthyidae)(Percichthytdae) amiml silver perch|u-n.-h Biifyatmsftit/vuuns bidytmusbidyunus (Mitchell) Rowland L992 in Ingram et.al. 1997) have 1 rcraponldae)I'eraDOnldael in farm dams,dams ProceedingsPraceettfnvx ajnl theth* shown thai fish commonly cat C'olcopteia, LtnmxmSociet) >>/ VewSauth U'aU-s 109, i43-J52. Dipt era. Hemiptera, Qd Oil ata and Begun M. Harper 31 ami I'ownsend CR (1990) /« ohf® fntiividuals, Poputatfam onti ( 'omwunities Irichopiera, all of which are ealen by tur-

172 The Victorian Naturalist I Part Two

2 ed, (Blackwell Science; Melbourne) primary producers, limnology and Oceanography Bclbin L (1992) PATH, pattern anal} sh pa< ' 32. 723-729, K SIRO: Canberra) Harris. JH (1985). Diet of the Pcreielv Bjorndal KA (1989) fle\ibility of digestive responses Maeauari novcmaculcaia ( Periformes; Australian Journal oj in two generalist herbivores, the tortoises Geocftelorn thyidae). in the Sydney Basin. 21*>-254 carbotiarla and Geochelone d&nttculata. Oecoi&gia Xhtrinc ami Freshwater Research 36, in 78.317-321. Hillman 1.1 (.1986) Billabongs. In Limnology and Bjorndal KA (1991) Diet mixing: nonadditive interac- [ustralia* pp 457-470. Ids P De Deckker W tions of diet items in an omnivorous freshwater tur- W illiams. (CSIRO: Melbourne) "'overlap" in compara- 7 1 1 Measurements ol t1e.£co/«s 2. 1234-1241. Horn (1966) 100. Bjorndal KA and Bolten \B (1992) Body size and tive ecological studies American Naturalist digestive efficiency in a herbivorous freshwater tur- 419-424. .111 and Shiel RJ (1997) Aquatic tle: advantages c>\ small bite size. Physiological Ingram BA. Hawking a guide to the iJentilication o ogy65, 1G2B-I039 life in freshwater ponds, tnputculturi ponds and /arm Bunn Si: and Boon PI (1993) What sources oforj and ecology of life in (Co-operative Carbon drive food webs in billahongs? A study bused ilatif- m south eastern Australia

Feology : Alhury ) on stable isotope analysis. Qecohgia 96. 85-94. Research Centre for Freshwater (1940) Habitat utilisation Carpenter SR. kitchell JF and Hodgson JR (1985) Kenneli RM and Georges A and reproduction of the Cascading trophic interactions and lake productivity. and its relationship to growth "turtle. Chelodtna longicollh Bioscieru e 35, 634-639. eastern long-necked Chelidae). from Australia. Chapman U, Chapman CA and (handler M (1996) i fesmdinata.

:; Wetland ecotones as refugia lor endangered fishes. Herpetoiagica 46, 22-3 - Methodology, {Harper Biological Conservation 78. 263-270. KrehS I -I (19S9) Ecological ( ollins: New York) Chessman BC (1978J Ecological studies of freshwater Council (1983). Report em the turtlcs in south-eastern Australia. (Unpublished PhD Land Conservation area. (Land Conservation Council: thesis. Monash University. Melbourne) Murray Valley Chessman BC (1983) Observations on the diet of the Melbourne) Hushing: a technique for broad-shelled turtle- Ckelodirta expansa (Gray) Fegler JM (1977) Stomach studies. Herpetoiogica 33, 2SI-2K4. (Testudhtes: Chelidae). Australian Wndtifi R - chelonian 197S) ( H^etvatiotis on behaviour and ecoF 10. !69-|72. Fegler JM ( ,',-, I.I turtli hi an \ustralian turtle, Chelodtna expansa ( hessman BC (1984) Food of the Miaked-nei /<><>! (lestudines: Chelidae). < anadtan Journal aj .... , ,, (Testudines: i helidae) otffi i Shawl 2449-2453. the Murray Valley. Victoria and New South 56. Chelidae. Georges A ( 1993) family In Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 11,573-578. fegler JM and Vohnne 2.1 Amphibia and o\ the Murray turtle. ; auna W Australia. man I 1986) Diet BC Ross (Testudines: Chelidae). Repttlkt. pp 142-152. Ids C Glashy, G and P Emydura macquarU (Cray ) \uslralian Government Publishing Service: \ustraUan Wildlife Research 13. 65-69. Bc-esley. ( freshwater Canberra) Chessman BC (1988) Habitat preferences o I South Feibold MA (1996). A graphical model ol keystone turtles in the Murrav Valley. Victoria and New food webs; trophic regulation of abun- Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 15. 485-491. predators in dance, incidence and diversity patterns in communi- Br 1IG (1996) Amphibians and Reptiles oj ties. American \aturalist 147. 7S4-XI2. Australia. {Reed Books \ ilia Melbourne) turnover rates in fresh- Effect of tempera Pannenter RR (1983 ) Digestive i oidson R\ andCoulson fD| 1986) waler turtles; the influence ol temperature and body ture on the rates of digestion, amino acid absorption Jhvsu>log\ 70A, alligator. Comparative si/e. Comparative Hioehemistn and f I assimilation of the

' Biochemistry and Physiology 83A >85 ^** I i 23& habits study. Pish Bulletin 152. Correlation oi environ- Pinkas I (1971) Food | DP and Norrts RH (1989) mental variables with patterns of distribution and 5-10. Blake \ Covictl AP, Bu/by RM and .dance Of common and rare freshwater macroim Pringle CM, G shrimp in a i I Rects omnivorous 77-98 inte; \ 1 1993) of vertebrates. Biotogi at I anservtition 50, sediment removal, distur- '"- traliati turtle montane tropical stream: Oeorgi \ i 982) Diet of th invertebrates and enhancement ol in in bance Of Sessile , ;.,, $ii (Chetonia: < 'helidae). unpn algal biomass. Oecvlogia^X 1-4 1. I underslorey duelive lenlic em ironment, Copeia 1982. 33 136 ( II Rohlf 1 J (1995) Biometry, 5 ed. W i, the nesting and nat- Sokal RR and orges \ i 19X4) Observations on freeman: New York) incubation ol the long-necked tortoise Chelodtna ural (SPSS: 15. SPSS Incorporated (1993) SPSS for Window 5 expanse in south-east Queensland, fjerpetqfaufta ( 27-3! 'hicauo'r parti- ol Vogl RC and (.u/man Guzman S (19S8) Food Georges V Richard II and Wensing N (1986) Diel - hvshwaler lurtle communily. ( M in a neotropical the" freshwater turtle Chelodtna lottglcaUti 37-47. I apeia 1988. restudlnes Chelidae) from the coastal duft lal I Wellborn OA, Skelly \)K and Weiner I.I I 1996) of lite Jervis Ba\ territory. Australian Wildlife Mechanisms creating community structure across a Research 13. 301-308, grid lYeshwatfit habitai gradient \nnuat Review oj 1^.; toi i i Uistral'm ,.,,,1, i | aj ; i Toi i | i i rfl Systematica 17, 357-363. Ibi i Ecolag} and , H Qui tea (I indsdowne Press: M< lustralian FreshwoU i I if the ol eggs of Williams WD ( 1980) i,,, i, I and Russell J (1968) Incubation Inland Waters, revised ~wi notes on theft Invertebrates oj lustralian ( ehelid tortoises, ol of Australia; ed, I I he Macmillau Company embryologies! development. Australian Journal oj Melbourne)

Zooioi i I* W-761. ( I , ,,, l and racy c (1989) Interactions i merman I Ihinnej N I »96) i ge \ and Mc and eeioiheini\ and her- the eastern long-necked lur- between the envfronmeni I rrestrial orientation bj ' Journal of hivorv in reptiles. Physiological ZooloQ (&, I I ile. Chelodtna tongicnilis, from Australia. 109 //<,,,,, talc W Ifi 477. Eflcci ii . i . I and Persson L (1978) i on Johansson

i ...,, since fiJC . ,, ! nil nutrient release and

173 Vol. 119(4)2002 Murray River Special Issue

Invertebrates of the River Red Gum Forests of (he Murray River

1 Andrea Bailinger and Alan i. Yen


I Mihi;i\ I \<\ < I he Rivoi . Kurmunded Rivei Rod ruin forests foi mm h ol lis length hose forests ore

habitat im ,, tK 1 .mil 1 diverse Invi rti brati fauna, both in the dominant Rivei Red Gum trees and in the surrounding ground luyei A briel infrndui tion Is provided to some ol Lhc Important ecological roles bj played invertchrutes In these forests I hu responses ol some oJ Lhese invertebrates La flooding is /'»» discussed (f/ft Victorian NuiuraltaiXW {A) 1002 174 I

lull oilut (ion

Rlvei Red < i Em afyptus camaldulen < 'ollett (2001 h Yen (unpubl. data), and xls forests are a dominant feature ol the Ballinger (unpubl. data), Mm i.t\ R tvei floodplalns. Yen <•/

' l ls B,ack masses oi the pergid sawfly each other, there is still much to be done Perga dorsatis arc often seen the before wc have a cleat understanding ol moving on trees in search of suitable foliage, the structure and [Unction ol the Inverte 0ther chcwi type Insects brate fauna Yet, with the limited infbrma ng feed difler- Cllll V on lhc lMVCSi Some Insects, lion available and with research current!) - predom- mantly the caterpillars several in of species oi progrc8S , we can still outline some of u* moth, onl\ feed on one surface of the leaf; 1 1 important roles that invertebrates pins

l ' 10 ' 1 . . ceding the leaf to give || st exposes veins | n K porests the appearance of a skeleton. of the In this paper wc provide examples ol One m,,sl common caterpillars to leed in this invertebrate fauna typical ol River n^\ u;l ls the ^umleal Skeletoniscr, Gum forest and present a guild approach as > Uruhu A variation ol this feeding a means of coping with the sheet divcrsit) [**&*?< behav- l0UT mvolves moth larvae thai ol arthropods, We then use Flooding as an bind two a*es t0 8«thcr vsll(l silk and skeletonise example oi hov, die guild approach can be 'f the leaves on the inner surfaces. used to understand Ihe impact ol ecologi eal mincrs fced ,vhuvn cal processes on invertebrate assemblages ' ** upper and lowei epidermis oi leaves, rhe adult female Invertebrates of the River Red Gum tree oviposits into the leaf, and the larvae feed rhe oanop) invertebrate faana oi E as the) move through the tissue, rhe feed- i amalih/tvnsL\ is dominated by herbivorous ing produces an often species characteristic inset is and theit associated parasitoids and pattern on the leaf. Most leaf miners are predators Phere are, however, othei types Hies or moths Examples include the ol Invertebrates present, such as pollinators agrom) /id Fl) Japanagromy: a eucalypti and scavengers I he invertebrates on River and the ineurvariid moth Perthida sp. Red Qum can be grouped into three broad Gall-inducing insects also la\ eggs into types; (1) species that feed on River Red the plain tissue However, unlike leafmin- Gums; (2) species that feed on other fnver ers, ovipositing gall-inducing insects tcbmles; and < the remaindei fhe follow release chemicals thai Induce the plant to irty information is based on Moore ( 1966), produce extra tissue, which the developing

Morgan ( and 1986), Stone Bacon ( 1994), larvae then feed oa rhe shape of the gall is nsualK School "i Wolofiiuil Sciences. Mimi.i-.Ii University characteristic of the species. i luyion, \ iiMonn iKon Gall-tnducing insects general!) belong to

i I'.iik ' linwhj Ko.ui Wonaa Purk \ ti lortn U1J

-' I 7 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

the Hies, wasps and true hugs. Examples are often found protruding from the ground the fly Fergusonim sp. (Fergusoninidae) beneath the canopy. and the coccoid Apiomorpha frenchi (Eriococcidae). Species that feed on other invertebrates fhese can The Kemiptera (or true bugs) use stylet- be divided into two groups: predators and like mouthparts to i'ca.\. Some are sap- parasitoids. The main insect predators in the canojn suckers on leaves, sueh as the white Lace include: cantharid beetles, lerp, Cardiaspina albitexturu while others, mantids and iieuropterans (which use such as the scale insect. Eriococcus con mandibles lo chew their prey), asilid flies and reduviid bugs (which use slylel aceus, leed on twigs. I cafhoppers like mouthparts). Spiders are (( icadelHdae) are especial I) common on abundant under bark, River Red Gums, and include the wafer- particular!) Club'tona spp, (Clubionidael, thin nymphs of Stenocotis Spp, and various jumping spiders

( S 1 i i a ) . High numbers of invertebrates are found a 1 e d e White-tailed spiders, when the River Red Gum flowers. Adults of Lampona cylindrata (I.amponidae) are many species depend upon nectar and common, and are thought lo pre) on the pollen, although their immature stages have numerous sac spiders (Brunei 1994). I'amil) groups complete!} different feeding ha hits: of the social huntsman, Delenq sp, are buprcstid beetle larvae are wood borers, ich- (Sparassidae.) found under larger sheets bark. ncumonid wasp larvae are predators, and of There are certain of carabid calliphorid fly larvae arc carrion feeders. groups beetle that rely on the subcortical habitat Oilier visitors include ihrips (Phlcteothrips provided b\ the bark o\ River Red spp.). Mower wasps, and ants. One of the Oums (Baehr 1990), sueh as sp.. which is visitors thai arrived after European settle- Sphallomorpha believed lo prey on ants moving up and down the is the I lone) 1 ment Bee ipis melliji 1 trunk (Matthews 1980)- Other non-insect The bark of River Red Gums is shed, but predators include: not completely detached from the tree, pro- pseudoscorpions, the viding ideal habitat for subcortical fauna scorpion Lycha& marmoreus and cen- tipedes. Manv predators are highly (Baehr 1990). Bark prohablv functions pri- mobile and can within marily as a protective environment, rather move freely and between trees. than acting as a direet source of food, The Ciumleaf Man\ foliage active invertebrates (herbi- Skcletoniser, is a good vores, predators, parasitoids) mav shelter example of haw much diversity can be associated with an individual species. beneath the bark. I he main insects thai Austin leed on bark are bark beetles and ambrosia and Allen (1989) recorded 22 para- species beetles that leave carvings, scribbles or Sltoid supported by the immature of the (iutnleal galleries on the wood beneath the bark Stages Skcletoniser. The eggs of the (New !98 (iumlcaf Skcletoniser may be parasitised by a small wasp. Insects that feed on the wood of the liv- Trichogramma

sp. I here ma\ be egg predators such ing tree are not as eommonb seen bccail as the predator) mite Microsnuiris of their habitat. They are generalls the gaannae

(Hrythraeidae). I here are larval parasitoids immature stage- of lorjgicom (in branches such as ichneumonid and ehalcid and trunk) and buprcstid beetles (in twigs wasps and tachinid and branches) or cossid and hepialid Hies {Campbell 1962). I o complete the complex, there could moths. They bore through the timber, leav- also be pupal parasitoids such as the ehalcid ing galleries that can be used by fungal and wasp Brachymeria rubripes. detritus feeders. The larvae of longicorn and buprcstid beetles can be parasitised by Other in vert ehrates ichneumonid and braconid wasps or The remainder of the invertebrates preyed on by elerid and cticujid beetles. include species that scavenge upon detri- Root leeders include (he larvae of scarab tus, fungal feeders (such as bookliee), for- beetles, such as Heteroqyx and agers (e.g. ants such as Crematogaster sp. and the giant ghost Anoptognothus, ol seeking the honeydew exudations of sap-

moth Inctciui atrtpalpis, I lie ends of the sucking insects or nectar), and accidental empty brown pupal cases of the latter are

Vol. 119(4)2002 175 Mitrriiv River Special Issue

visitors (spe< ies thai use the tree lor ihoU Many species ol anls nesl underground or

I'-i , sin h as ad nil stages of aquatic insects), in logs, so their foraging activity is greater Some invertebrates also use mlcrohabitai within this stratum. Anls are a major scav- features, such as bird nests and live hol- enging ami predatory groupi but some lows Bird nests provide shelter for beetles, species are also important seed removers.

Hies, ilnips and moths. There arc ectopara- I he role ol anls in seed dispersal is likely sites Mich as ticks and lice associated with to lie relatively limited in Kiver Ked (ium

the vertebrates tore. I because these forests are largely Rfver Red Gums can have parasitic mistle- devoid ol the shrubby understorey plants,

1 toe pi. mi , mi ih. -in. One ol the interesting such as Acacia Spp», which typically have associations is the feeding on mistletoe by seeds adapted to dispersal by ants. Instead, larvae ol the lycacnld butterfly, Qgyris the main seeds available would he those of

I otane hose caterpillars are attended by am Kiver Ked (iums and grasses. I he green- spci ics intm genera such as lridamyrmexx head ant, Rhvtitlopoaciit mr/iilhcd, one of

( 'iim/><>noftt.\, ( WmutogtiHtery Matiamarlum^ the most commonly trapped ants in River

rmvttttii, ( V// ( 7(7///.v, ln<>n\(hoin\riH(i Ked Gum forest, is recognized as an and Froggattetla (Eastwood and Fraser importanl seed remover in other dry scle- 1999). Many of these ani species have rophyll forests (Drake 198], Hughes and

4 )').' ground layer ih'sis, so thctr movement Weslolw I ). Seeds ol'shruhs adapted to between the nesi and the canopy is an dispersal by ants lend to have hard coat- Importanl link between these two strata, ings thai are not penetrated b\ the mandibles ol A* Metallwa (Rodgerson Invertebrates of the ground and soil layers p'^S) In contrast, Drake (1 98 1) identified ilk- diversity seen in the arboreal fauna Eucalyptus app seeds with relatively weak extends it> forest floor invertebrate assanv coals as being vulnerable to being eaten by blages. Although the ground iayei is not as A' Metallica. fhus, the role ofants in River rich in herbivorous species .is ila* canopy, Ked (mm loiest ma\ he one of seed eaters there arc man) species of more mobile her* rather than seed dispersers. bivores, such as grasshoppers, as well as Given the abundance of logs in River Red the subterranean rool feeders mentioned ciuin forests, wood feeding invertebrates are previously, fhe ground layer lias many not as common as might he expected. The microhahitai features thai provide habitai reasons lor this are discussed in Mac Nally for invertebrates! fhese include coarse d id (2002). In areas thai <\o not Hood regu- wood) debris, logs, and rocks, Some of larly, termites [Coptat&rmes sp ) are verj these i .in in* microcosms ol their own, u iih abundant in fallen timber. Saproxylic beetles a diverse fauna, bul verj different com found in River Ked Gum forest include pared if the canop) fauna. Ihcrc are nunc Kylion spp. (Uostiichulac), which bore into detritivores, scavengers, seed removers and the sapwood (CSrRO 1991), I ike hark, logs predators active on the ground provide shelter, rather than a direct food Fallen leaves, twigs ami bark form a layer source, to numerous species. Main ants, of organic litter on the forest door. Although i nc liuling fridomyrmvx spp. and the littei layei In Rlvei Red Gum forest ta Monomorium spp . nest in rotting logs. not as deep as in wetter forests (Glezebroofc I he subterranean stratum is home to .mil Robertson 1999), the decaying organic mau\ detritivores, predators, and immature matter is still an important resource to many Stages of canop) species. I lie soil species invertebrates Mam small beetles, such as perform several important functions, sitvanida, feed on the moulds grow ing ou the including burrowing (which assists soil litter (Matthews 1992) aeration and water percolation) and mixing Moihs in families such as the oechophortds of decomposing organic matter. I he have specialised to feed on dead leaves, thus important groups of Soil animals include 101111111!* an iiupotianl fust step in the recj earthworms, spiders, beetle larvae and cling process Diere are numerous other moth larvae, I ivittg in a Inirrow potentially detritivores, such as cockroaches ami Hies, confers an advantage in a seun-ariil envi as well as a \er\ rich micro -in\ eiiehr.Ue roniueni, because temperature and luimidi fauna dominated iw imtcs and springtaits t> tend to he moderated m the burrow,

170 Hie Victorian Naturalist Pan Two

However, h is likeK that flooding prevents guild classification for arboreal insects in burrowing laxa obtaining great diversity in the United Kingdom. The major guilds that River Red Gum forest. The burrowing they defined are (I) phytophages (plant wolf spider Lycosa ieuckartii is found in feeders), divided into (la) chewers and (lb) relatively open areas that flood infrequent- sap-suckers; (2) epiphytic fauna; (3) scav- ly. The beetle Clivina quadrat i/ronx enging fauna (excluding ants, but including (Carabidae) is captured in pitfall traps in nectarivores); (4) predators, divided into damp areas. Its powerful forelegs are used (4a) insect predators and (4b) other preda- for burrowing in sand (Matthews 1980). tors (excluding ants); (5) parasitoids; (6) ants; and (7) tourists. This idea has been Guilds extended to arboreal invertebrates in Borneo Mac Nally et al. (2002) and Yen et at (Stork 1987) and Australia (Yen 1989; the sheer diversity of (2002) emphasize Abbott et al 1992; Peters el al, 2001), in River Red ("turn for- invertebrates found although Abbott et al (1992) and Peters et composition of invertebrate est. The al. (2001) modified the guild definitions to varies both assemblages is not static, but suit their particular studies. The use of spatially and temporally. Yen et al (2002) guilds permits examination of how groups found that there was considerable seasonal of animals, not necessarily taxonomically of species on two individual trees turnover related, utilise a resource. I or example, a each other. located in close proximity to possum that chews the leaves of a particular While acknowledging the limitations o\' species of cucalypt ma> be placed in the (2002) pitfall trapping, Mac Nally et al same guild as a leaf chewing species of bee- composition of ground-dwelling found the tle. A particular species can change guilds assemblages to between invertebrate vary in different life cycle stages, for example, as in response to seasons and years, as well the larvae of bupreslid beetles feed on wood characteristics. It is most likely forest-floor in the trunk (guild la), while the adults feed species turnover that there is considerable on Rowers of the tree (guild 3). associated with time (day night, seasonal), inundation habitat condition (tree age, tree flowering, Invertebrate response to conditions. River Red Gum soil moisture, organic litter loads on forest Under natural by frequent flood- floor), in space (both on highly-locali/ed forests are characterized of forest inundated and broader scales e.g. between individual ing, with extensive areas invertebrates trees, and between trees in different geo- for prolonged periods. Those either graphical locations), environmental change usually found on the forest floor must or ascend the trunks (floods, drought) and anthropogenic fac- move to higher ground River Gums. Thus, tors (clearing, grazing, fragmentation. and/or canopy of Red guilds in River Red Cium inappropriate fire). ground-dwelling are to display relative niche Yen et al. (2002) identified the canopy forest expected mobility to invertebrates trapped, to species using the plasticity and high compared counterparts in less variable habitats. usual laxonomic characters that separate their Regulation of the Murray River has sub- them at the class, order, I'amilv and species stantially reduced the frequency and extent levels. However, with such a large number mitigation potential!) of invertebrate species and with changes in of flooding. Flood alters the structure of ground-dwelling the composition of the fauna, it is difficult invertebrate guilds, allowing species not to describe what each invertebrate species adapted to inundation to invade. In addition, is doing in River Red Gum forests. This regarded as canopy inhabi- can be overcome to a certain extent by many species spend some part of their life cycle on assessing the ecological functioning of the tants floor, and hence are affected by invertebrates. As many closely related the forest in flood regime. The next section species fulfill similar ecological roles, alterations examines how changes created invertebrates can be classified according to of this paper reduction ramify throughout all the guilds as defined by Root (1967): 'groups b\ flood demonstrating 'hat various guilds are of species that exploit the same class of guilds, 1 elements of a environmental resources in a similar way. profoundly interconnected Moran and Southwood (1982) developed a single ecosystem.

177 Vol. 119(4)2002 Muriiiv River Special Issue

In spring/summer 2000 the Hannah as pancake spiders (/ Icmiciuen spp. ) and Forest experienced major flooding for the sac spiders (( lublona spp.), specimens of a llrsi lime in several years. Immediately fol- number o\ species commonly trapped on lowing the recession of floodwatcrs, we the ground in newly cmersed areas were sampled ground-dwelling invertebrates ai collected, including small wolf spiders (e.g. different localities ihroughoui the forest Arioria howufimcnsis) and earabids (e.g. thai had been subject to inundation of Cotadromus lacordairei). Thus, many varying extents. The fauna on sites thai species thai are typically thought oJ as had been extensively flooded was very dif- ground-dwelling may utilize arboreal habi- ferent from the fauna o\' sites that experi- tat when necessary. Since much terrestrial enced moderate or minor/no Hooding. prey must also climb to avoid rising Hood- Predator) earahids (ground beetles) com- waters, tree trunks potentially provide rich prised only 4% oi the beetle fauna trapped [lickings lo the gcneralist-prcdalor guild on sites which experienced minor or no during the inundation phase. Oilier gcneral- Hooding, compared with 63% on sites ist predators, such as marbled scorpions, which experienced extensive flooding. house centipedes, earth centipedes ami Similarly, numbers of wolf spiders seolopendrid centipedes are eommonlv (I yeosidae) increased dramatically in trapped on both the forest floor and on tree areas that had recently been inundated for trunks in River Red (ium forest. prolonged periods, Wolf spiders and eara- Ants, as a guild, potentially demonstrate bid beetles comprise a guild of ground- the greatest plasticity in terms of habitat

dwelling, gcneralist predators. I he domi- usage in response lo Hooding. The ground- nance of this guild immediately following foraging ant fauna of River Red (ium for- emersion is likely to reflect an increase in est is not particularly diverse, with only both live pre> and carrion availability about seven species being commonly pit- resulting from aquatic la\u becoming fall trapped in Hannah forest, including: stranded by receding floodwatcrs. Many lr/ilot!i\iiih\ sp., Rhytidoponera metailica, earabids are adapted to hunt in the riparian Camponotus sp. and Paratrechina sp. /^\\^c. Pot example, (\tfinlrormis ItiCor Although these species usually nest on the ./«///,/, a common species on Hood-prone ground, or in rotting logs, when the forest sites, has been recorded pre) ing upon Frog floor flooded all common species were (Littlcjohn and YVaincr 1978). Several Oi found to shift the nesl, complete with the dominant wolf-spider species trapped reproductives, larvae and pupae lo under on sites soon alter floodwatcrs receded bark on tree trunks. Again, vertical migra- also arc associated with the edge of water- tion enabled rapid recolonisation of areas ways, such as Irtomi howquttensix following the recession of floodwatcrs. (Framenau submitted). Although ant activity was temporarily In order lo exploit this short-term increase reduced by aboul half in areas that had in prey availability, wolf spiders and cara recently experienced extensive Hooding, bid beetles must be able to colonize areas ants were still pitfall trapped in high num- rapid I) as floodwatcrs recede. All earabids bers on such siles. captured in areas that experienced exten- Flooding also impacts on other guilds. sive flooding were fully winged, and hence Inundation produces changes in canopy potential I) capable ofqurckly dispersing structure, with increased leaf longevity and

into areas l > ( >s). new b\ flight. However, vertical si/e (Stone and Hacon l This poten- migration, onto tree trunks, or into the tial^ impacts on phytophagous guilds. In canopy, also represents an important Hood- addition, increased soil moisture resulting survival strategy lor Wolf spiders and eara- from flooding is known lo control popula- bids. We trapped invertebrates on tree tions oi' the (iumleaf Skeletoniser Uraba trunks in both Hooded and dry areas of for- lugens (Campbell 1962), Thus, the effects est, During periods when the forest floor of flooding are manifold and extend to all was inundated, searching under sheets o\' areas of River \Wi\ (ium forest and to the bark mi trees standing in floodwatcr invertebrates that live there. A guild revealed high numbers of invertebrates. In approach to invertebrates lets us consider addition to die usual subcortical fauna, such the ecological processes in River Red (ium

I7S The Victorian Naturalist f

Part Two forest without being overwhelmed by the {Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest, iustralian Journal oj'Eeology 24, 625-635, great biodiversity. Hughes I and \\ estohy M i 1992) I ate of seeds adapted for dispersal bv ants in Australian sclcrophvll vegeta- Acknowledgements tion. Ecology 73, 1285- 129-9.

The Murray-Darling Basin Commission provid- I irtlejohn MJ and Wainer JW (19781 Carabid beetle ed funding for research on forest-floor inverte- previne on frogs, The Victorian Naturalist 9?, 251- brates in River Red (ium forest. Thanks to 252. Mat Villy R, Ballinger A and llorroeks G (2002) V o I ke r V ra in e n a u (The U n i \ e r s i t y o Habitat change in Rivet Red Gum llooilplains: fallen Melbourne) and Martin Itaehr (Munich timber and biodiversiiv. The Victorian Naturalist 119, Museum) for kindly identifying the wolf spiders 1(12- 1 US. and ciirahid hectics collected. Ralph Mac Nails Matthew-, It. 1 1980) I Guide to the Genera oj Beetles and PS Lake provided doctoral supervision 10 of South Australia Part I Archost&mat& and Andrea Uallinger. tdephaga (South Australian Museum: Adelaide)

I Matthews G 1 1992] I Guide to the Genera oj Beetles References ofSouth Australia: Part6 l'al\^hay_,i lytnexyloidea, Cterotdea and CuCujoldea (South Australian Abbott I. Burbidgc t, Williams M and Van lleurck P Museum: Adelaide) (1992) fauna ofjarrah {Eucalyptus mar- Moore KM (19675) Observations on some Australian ginata) foliage in Mediterranean forest of Western forest insects. 22. Notes on some Australian leaf- Australia; Spaltal '"id temporal variation in abun- miners. The Australian Zoologist 13, 303-349, dance, biomass. guild structure and specie-, composi- l Moran VC -md Southwood I Kl S2) I he guild tion. Australian Journal oj Ecology 17, 263-274. eomosition ol arthropod comniunities in trees Austin AD and Allen GR f!989) Parashoids ol ( who Journal oj \nimal Ecology, 51, 2S9-306, fugens Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidaa) in South Morgan ID (T-986) forest insects. In The Ecology ol \u-aralia, With description of two new species ol the Forests and Woodlands -/ South Australia, Braeonidac. Transactions oj the Koval Society oj pp s4 67. Id 1 1 R Wallace (Government Printer: South tustralta 113, 169-184, living Adelaide) Baehr M (1990) I he carabid community under New 'I R tl'ixs) Associations between insects and the hark of Australian eucalypts. In The Role oj I'iiinis (New South Wales University Press Ground Beetles in Ecological and Environmental

Kensington I .in g, pp-3-11- I d Nl- Stork (Intercept Ltd: Peters P.f Read J and Sanson GD £2001) Variation in I lampshire) the guild Composition of herbivorous insect assem- Brunei B(1994) TheSiOien Wen A Vaturat Histor} oj blages among CO-OCCUtTmfl plain species iustralian Australian S/'/'i/.w (Reed New Holland: Sydney) Jourai oj Ecology 26, 585-399. i ampbell KG (1962") I be bioJog) ol ftosella fugens I (1998) Mechanical defense in seeds pai Rodgerson (Walk.), the Gum I eal Skeletonise! moth, with adapted lor ant dispersal, Ecology 79, 1669-1677. licular reference to the Eucalyptus camaldulensis ol' Root, RB (1967) I he niche exploitation pattern the (Rivet Red (ium) forests of the Mum} valtej Dehn. Monographs 37 blue-gray gnalcatcher. Ecological ', region Proi a dings oj the Unnean Saciet] oj Vew 517-350. South WaU s 87, M6-338 Stone 1 and Bacon PI (1994) Insect heibivoiv in a i ii. ri Biologv ofosyllids, and i N (2(101) and contra! River Red (iuni (Eucalyptus camatditlensct Dehnh.) Aw possible causes Ibl defoliation o1 Eut alyptus fort SI in southern New South Wales Journal catnldutensis Dehnh, (River Red Gum) in south easl Australian Entomological Society -V*. 51-56. em Australia. Australian Forestry 64, 88-95, Stone I and Bacon PI (I99S) I ear" dynamics and CSTRO Divis oi Entomotoja (1991) The Insects <>/ fbresl work- bisect herbivory in a Eucalyptus < amuldutensia \ustralia a ti ttbook for undent* and ft search under moisture stress Australian Journal >>t Ecology ers. 2 ed. Volume II. (Melbourne I niversin Press* 20.47; Melbourne) 181 stork Guild structure arthropods from sclero- Nf (1987) of Drake v\ I (1981) Vnt-aeed interaction in dry Bornean rain Fon&Sl tpeefi £ ff/Ojffi al Entomology' 12. plnll roresl on North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, 69-80, \u itralia tustralfan Jburnal oj Botany 29( '<), 293- Yen ai (1989) Ovfcrstorej invertebrates in the Big 310. Desert. Victoria. In Mediterranean hartdseapes in I ( Associations I ,i itwood K and raser AM I999J Australia. Malice Ecosystems and their Management, between lycaenid butterflies and ants in Vustralla pp 2S5-299. EdS SC Noble and RA Bradstoek Australian Journal ofEcology 24 503-537. (( SIRO l.asl Melbourne) tramerum V\V (submitted) Revision Ol the wolf Spider . P. I Walker Yen Al , llinkley S, I illv white Wainer and oi six new genus Artoria I horell with the description K (2(102) A preliminary survey ol the arboreal inver- . , . in South- , n nin floodplain habitats Victoria, I tcbrata tauna of two River Red < Ium trees Eucalyptus

-., . ., i. ,i, . mIi,' I Araueae. I vcosldae). camahiulcnsi.s near the Munav River Tin: Victorian Glazebmok US and Robertson Al (1999) I he effeci oi Maturalist 119. 180-185 o i line and flood timing on leal litter breakdown

,;;, Ml ,| nutrient dynamics in a River Red (ium

Tin Siory cm i m Murray Rim r By AS Kenyon, Melbourne

Those interested in the Murray River story should read The Nile ofAustralia, by Newlands; Half-crown id John Gordon; Paving the Way, by Simpson Bob, by Price Waning, and Knocking About, by August Pierce.

From The Victorian Naturalist LIX(1),8 May 1942, pp 16-19.

Vol. 119(4)2002 179 Murray River Special Issue

A Preliminary Survey of the Arboreal Invertebrate Fauna of Two River Red Gum Trees Eucalyptus camaldulensis near the Murray River

1 1 ', Alan L Yen Simon Hinkley , Peter Lillywhite', John Wainer"

and Ken Walker 1

Abstract In February unci October 1999, the canopy and bark invertebrates from Iwo individual River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees in the Moira State l-'orest NSW were collected. A total of 458 morphospecics was collected from the canopy and 69 morphospecics from beneath the bark. In view of the wide distribution of River Red (ium across Australia, this preliminary survey suggests that there is a high level of invertebrate biodiversity associated with this tree species. (The Victorian

Naturalist 1 1<> (4), 2002, 180-185)

Introduction Methods Many eucalypl species have a diverse Field work was conducted in the Moira invertebrate fauna, primarily insects, asso- State Forest (oITCoolamon Road), Rivcrina

, ciated with them (Majer et ai 1997). There Region, New South Wales (35 l, 52 46" S is considerable information available on a l44°55'36" K). Sampling was undertaken few of these insect species, particularly on two occasions: 8-10 February 1999 and those that have attained pesi status, but 6-7 October 1999. In February, a River Red there have been relatively few studies on Gum was selected, sampled and then felled the total fauna. One of the common land- to take foliage and wood samples. In scape components associated with the October, the invertebrate fauna of a nearby Murray River is the River Red (ium tree was sampled. This tree was not felled Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. A pilot for foliage and wood samples. study, in an attempt to document the inver- Arboreal invertebrates tebrate fauna of a single River Red (ium Arboreal invertebrates were collected by tree, is reported here. There is considerable spraying the canopy with synthetic seasonal variation in the composition of pyrelhroid ResliiVX) the invertebrate fauna, so the project (manufactured by Wellcome) diluted 1:40 with water. The involved assessing individual trees at dif- insecticide was applied ferent limes of the year. with an engine dri-

ven spraying machine (Stihl® SO I 7 River Red (ium is a widespread species, electronic backpack sprayer) probably the most widely naturally distrib- that dispels droplets uted species of eucalypt across Australia of insecticide. The operator was

elevated to ol~ I (Chippendale 1988). Invertebrate studies a height up to 5 m with a cherry picker. on River Red (ium have involved studies Spraying was conducted early of pest species such as the (_ium Leaf in the morning (about 0700) in order Skeletonise? Moth Uraba iugens to utilise rising warm air currents. Spraying the whole tree took about hour. (Campbell 1962) and psyllid bugs (Colletl one Pyrelhroid insecticides 2001) to estimates of the amount of insect work as knock- down insecticides; herbivory on foliage (Stone and Bacon insects succumb to the insecticide 1994). There are no published studies on after contact. The active life of the insecticide is the composition of the arboreal inverte- measured in terms of a few seconds after exposure to brate fauna associated with this species. sunlight The sprayed invertebrates fell from the canopy, and were collected by placing a continuous layer of plastic sheeting beneath the 1 canopy. The invertebrates Museum Victoria, GPO Bnx GG6E, Melbourne, Victoria J001 were left to fall for an hour after cessation 52-54 llrushy I'nrk Road, Wimyu Park, Victoria 31 15 of spraying, and then the invertebrates on

5/17 I isher Street I isi Malvern Victoria sI45

180 The Victorian Naturalist \

Part Two the sheets were collected by forceps or and llymenoplera was divided into ants paint brushes. This continued for 4 hours and non-ants (mainly wasps). Specimens after spraying, after which there were no were then identified to the morphospecics more invertebrates falling on to the sheets. level. In some groups (Coleoptera, The first tree was sprayed in tine weather Neuroptera, Diptera and f epidoptera), on 9 February 1999. A tree approximately immature stages were treated as separate 23 m in height, single trunk, with a good from adults. head o\' foliage was used. One of the con- Specimen sorting and storage ditions for the permit was that the tree was All material was labeled and stored either not very old (less than 1.5 m dbh), did not in 70% elhanol or pinned. Specimens are have tree holes or pipes, and was not of to be initially used as part of a Museum Aboriginal cultural significance. The tree Victoria exhibition on River Red Gum bio- had only one mistletoe plant. The tree was diversity, after which it will be deposited estimated to be about 80 years old b> New Into the Museum collection. South Wales forest Commission staff. A similar sized tree was sprayed on 7 Results and discussion

October L999 using the same regime. I his Total invertebrate fauna tree v\as located approximately 100 in A total of 8456 invertebrates, identified from the february tree. into 547 morphospecics from 24 orders, was collected from the two trees with all Bark invertebrates the collecting techniques (Yen 2000). Invertebrates dwelling beneath the bark Results presented in detail here are only the were collected by direct searching before canopy and bark samples because the other spraying. The bark was peeled off from microenvirouments were probably under- Tevel to a height accessible with a ground to sampled. I he identification of specimens step ladder (about 3-4 m). Invertebrates were morphospecics may result in the double collected with forceps or paint brushes. if I counting of certain species ( ) immature species arc Invertebrates from other mierobabitats and adult stages of the same different morphospeeies, or (2) The leaf litter and wood) debris beneath considered sexual dimorphism the canopy o\' the tree was raked over and if there is marked invertebrates were collected by forceps which has not been considered. distinguishing before spraying. Two samples o\' litter, The potential effects of adults as different morphos- each from ground area ot approximately I immature and o\' x the laboratory pecics can be estimated when the number I m, were brought back to from the canopy is for extraction in Tullgren funnels (heat morphospecics collected spraying resulted funnels). Samples were left in the Tullgren considered (Table I). The in 45H morphospecics, of which 31 were funnels for 5 days. I he soil directly Consequently beneath the litter searched was raked and larval morphospeeies. morphospeeies, were lar- dug up to a depth of 10 cm for inverte- 31/458 (6-8%) of of individuals is con- brates. Invertebrates were collected using vae. When the number

were larvae. 1 or forceps. Only a small number of inverte- sidered, 316/6666 (4.7%)

percentages are I 1.6% brates were collected in february using the bark fauna, the for morphospecics or 0.7% (K/l 175) this technique, so it was not repeated in (8/69)

(fable I ). October. Several samples of timber (trunk for individuals and branches) were taken back to the iabo- ( anopy invertebrate fauna iator> to see if any invertebrates emerged, In February 1999, a total of 297 morphos- for 12 months. I he timber was kept peeies, represented by 4092 individuals from kept, but little emerged I eaves were also 19 orders, was collected from the canopy from these samples, spra) ing, and 260 morphospecics (2574 indi- viduals) were collected in October- A total of identification morphospeeies (6666 individuals) was All specimens were sorted initially lo a 45S

). two trees (Table 1 higher taxonornic level generally to the obtained from the groups I dominant invertebrate ordinal level. However, millipedes and he most in of number of morphospeeies were centipedes were identified onl> tO ( laSS terms

181 Vol. 119(4)2002 Murray River Special Issue

-tO'O- en m oooor-iomoo — ooomoooom—

r-- — — r- n fi o o o o M o - o — oo^Dmoooo

— «

in ___\c — ot m o o o o r-i o — ooooommoooom^o^-

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CCOM-OO- o — o f-, o cN t~~ m a — n in — in

Tj- O — OOO^OiTi^-in-O^'CMOin^r^CC'hn'-'M in r-i m — n rj- -^ rj in md in o m


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a fi- f3 fU rs s 3 g g ca rt -a x) o g- s S55 £ a. a. o « *J -^ *i is e o. a. a. g ^H. S S" S" 9- 9»\t So G G 8 a.-o flits' a*: -a aj r " b = jj u B a ?3 c a> •§1.8 a. a- ^£ o & •- 4J >% .>i c q JlX H

182 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Table 2. Number of:species of inv ertebrates colli3Cted only in February, only tn October and in both February and October (total). Order Canopy Bark February October Total February October Total

Araneae 12 16 12 2 11 4

Scorpionida 1

Pseudoscorpion ida 1 1 1

Acarina 3 1 1 5 1

Chilopoda 1 o Diplopoda ?

Collembola 1 1 3

Thysanura 1 o Odonata 3

Blattodea 2 1 o

Mantodea 1

Orthoptera 4 2 1 2

Phasmatodea 1

Psocoptera 2 1 Hemiptera 59 19 9 J 8

Thysanoptera 2 1 2 1

Neuroptera 1 1 T f)

Neuroptera larvae 1

Coleoptera 29 37 16 1 5 Coleoptera lar/ae 2 6 2 5

Strepsiptera 1 Diptera 29 21 25

Diptera larvae 1 G

Lepidoptera 1 Lepidoptera larvae 7 9 3 Q 3

- 1 lymenoptera ants 7 3 5 2 4 2

• Hymenoptera other 42 38 12 1 o

Total 207 161 90 9 52 s

bugs (Hemiptera), flies (Diptera), wasps and spiders, bugs, mites, beetles, and ants

(Hymenoptera). beetles (Coleoptera), spi- in October (Table 1 ). ders (Araneae), and ants (Hymenoptera) in When the number of individuals under

February (Table I ), and in October the bark is considered, the dominant groups in descending order of dominance was beetles, February were ants, spiders and mites (fable

Hies, wasps, spiders and bugs (Table 1 ). I). In October, the ants still dominated the

In terms of numbers of individuals, the bark fa u n a , fo 1 1 owed by millipedes most dominant groups were ants, beetles, (Diplopoda) and pscudoscorpions bugs, (lies, thrips (Thysanoptera) and mites (Pseudoscorpionida) (Table I). It is interest-

(Acarina) in February (Table I ), while bee- ing to note that only seven invertebrate tles, flies, bugs and wasps dominated the orders were collected under bark in February

October sample (Table I ). The reduction in compared to 14 orders in October. numbers of ants between February and Differences between February and October October was most marked. Of the 458 morphospecies collected Bark in vertebrate fauna from the canopy, 207 were collected In February 1999, a total of 17 morphos- only in February, 161 only in October, pecies, represented by 64 individuals from and 90 (19.7% of morphospecies) were 14 orders, was collected from beneath the collected in both February and October. bark, and 60 morphospecies (Mil individ- Of the 69 morphospecies collected from uals) were collected in October. A total of beneath bark, nine were collected only

69 morphospecies ( I 1 75 individuals) was in February, 52 only in October, and (I of obtained from the two trees (I able 1 ). eight 1,6% morphospecies) were At the morphospecies level, the dominant collected in both February and October groups were spiders and ants in February, (fable 2).

Vol. 119(4)2002 183 :

Murray River Special Issue

bark and canopy in another; this could Table 3. Num her of species or ly on canopy or on bark, or on both canopy and bark (C+B). occur for groups such as scorpions and ants.

Order Canopy Bark C+B Links between canopy and bark Araneae 33 10 7 A total of 436 morphospecies were col-

Scorpion ida 1 lected only from spraying the canopy, 37

Rseudoseorpionida 1 1 morphospecies collected only from

Acarina 1 4 3 beneath bark, while 31 morphospecies

Chilopoda 1 Diplopoda 2 were found in both canopy and bark sam- ples (Table the spray- Collembola 1 2 1 3). However, canopy

Thysanura 1 {) ing could have sampled bark invertebrates ^ Odonata from further up the tree. Blallodea 3

Manlodea 1 (} River Red Cum invertebrate diversity

Orthoplera 6 1 1 Stone and Bacon (1994) studied insect Phasmatodea 1 herbivores in River Red Gum forests in the Psoeoptera 2 1 nearby (iulpa Island State Forest Hemiptera 8? 4 () (NSW).

Thysanoptera 4 1 They found 49 species of phytophagous Ncuroptera 3 insects in the canopy, and the dominant Neuroptera larvae I orders were the Phasmatodea, Hemiptera, (olcoplera 80 5 2 Thysanoptera, Coleoptcra, Diptera, Coleoptara larvae 9 4 1 Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. In our Slrepsiplera 1 DSptera 85 study, Phasmatodea and Lepidoptera

Diptera larvae I occurred in very low numbers.

Lepidoptera 1 Majer et ai. (2000) used canopy knock-

Lepidoptera larvae IS 1 down on fo u r species of e u c a I y p t s • 1 lymenoplera an is 7 8 Eucalyptus creha and E. moluccana in east- - 1 lymenoplera other 92 1 ern Australia and E. marginata and E. calo- Total 436 37 31 phyliu in western Australia. They found 27 orders of invertebrates: 967 morphospecies in eastern Australia and 687 morphospecies The total numbers of individuals collected in western Australia. Their method differed front the canopy in February was 4092 in that their sampling regime involved

in ). compared to 2574 October (Table 1 The spraying 10 trees of each species and collec- increase was due lo more spiders (154 in tions were made with 10 « 0.5 nr funnel- February: 75 in October), miles (230:19), shaped nets under each tree. The procedure bugs (646:474) and significantly, ants was repeated seasonally for four seasons. (1201:1 15). In contrast, there were more The larger number of morphospecies col- beetles 1 (625:765) and non-ant lymenoptera lected by Majer et a/. (2000) may be attrib- ( 132:274) in October. For the fauna beneath utable to the larger number of cucalypt bark, the number of individuals in October species in their study, more intensive sea- was I I 1 1 compared to 64 in February. sonal sampling, and geographical differ- Practically all invertebrate orders had more ences in the fauna. individuals beneath bark in October, and the Eucalyptus camuldulensis is the most major components were spiders, scorpions, widely naturally-occurring species of euca- pseudoscorpions, millipedes and ants. lypt in Australia. Our study involved two These seasonal differences may be attrib- individual trees in one locality, and even utable to seasonal activity patterns in the allowing for over-estimation of number of diffcrenl invertebrate groups. Some may morphospecies by distinguishing between simply have been more active at one time of immature stages and adults, some 458 mor- the year, while others may have been utilis- phospecies were collected from the canopy ing different microhabitats or had different and 69 morphospecies from beneath the patterns of seasonal development. Some bark. We could expect this number to species may be inhabiting the soil or litter increase substantially if the study was layers during one season and move into the repeated to allow for species turnover a.sso-

184 The Victorian Naturalist a Part Two

elated with seasonal changes, changes in the picker, and we wish to thank Geoff Heagney, Nick Saunders, David Leslie, Lisa Whiting, state of the tree (e.g. flowering), differences Wayne O'Brien and Paul Childs for their help. between individual trees in the same area, The project was undertaken under the conditions locations, differences between geographical of the State forests of New South Wales Special differences between extreme environments Purposes Permit No 05352 issued to AL Yen. (temperate versus arid), and allowing for the References fact that the fauna dwelling within the tim- Campbell KG (V962) The biology of Rosclia lugens ber is under-represented. (Walk.), the gum-teaf skslfittmizer moth, with partic- Since Huropean settlement. River Red ular reference to the Eucalyptus camuldulensh lA-hnh. (River Red Gum) forests of the Mnn*;i\ \;il Gum woodlands have undergone a range of lev region. Proceedings of the Linneari Society oj environmental changes such as timber har- Vu South WalesW* 316-338, vesting, fragmentation, and altered hydrol- Chippendale GM (1988) Eucalyptus, tngophora 1 (Myftaceae), Flora of Australia I ). (Australian If the effects of these and ogy regimes. Government Publishing Service: Canberra) other changes on the invertebrate fauna of < olletl \ (-0UI) Biology and control of psvllids, anil causes for defoliation of Eucalyptus River Red Gums is to be understood, basic the possible cLinuiUhilcnsi.s Dehrth. (River Red Gum) in south- the composition of the ( information on eastern Australia. Australian Forestry 64, SX- >:v invertebrates associated with River Red Majer JI). Rceher ! 11 and ( ianesh S (2000] Diversity pat- terns of eucalypl canopy arthropods in eastern and Gums over a broad range is required. western Australia, Ecological EntamoiQ%}> 25, 295-306. 7 \1njei .ID. Keener III , Wellington AH, Woinsrskl J< / Acknow lodgements and Yen \l (1997) Invertebrates of eucatypf forma- The authors wish to thank the following lions, In Eucalypl Ecology Individuals "> for assisting with Museum staff and volunteers Ecosystems, pp 278-302. I els J Williams and ICZ Held work: John Coventry, Ross Field, Alan VYoinarski. (Cambridge I IniversitS Press! Cambridge) Henderson, Rhys Jones, Carolyn Rasmus sen, Stone C and Bacon Pfi (l ( ' lM) Insect herhivory in a Gum (Eucalyptus camaidulensis Dehrth.) Chris Rowley, Dean Smith and Rodney Start. River Red forest m southern New South Wales, Journal oj the The New South Wales forest Commission pro- Australian Entomological SocietySX 51-56. vided logistic support in terms of staff assis- Yen \l (2000} Biodiversil) in River Red Gum. The the cherry tance, chain saw work and use of Bush Telegraph May-July 2000, 7.

The Murray River in The Victorian Naturalist and Loddon Rivers Nous on \ Com i ciiNc. Trip to tin: Murray

B\ ( I reneh, Jun.

I 1X97 Read before Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, 1 January

4th November. — Drove to Sail Lake and caught a couple of Lizards— Monitor and a lace Lizard, or Iguana; on the latter were noticed a great many ticks similar to the ones found on Opposums and Native Bears. Bee-eaters were seen in numbers, but they were only just commencing to tunnel, and none had eggs. Orange-fronted Kphthianuras were seen in fairly numerous quantities, but though some hours were spent searching round the edges of this lake amongst the Salicornia bushes, only one nest was taken... Much to our gratification a nesi of Chestnut-eared linen was found underneath and attached to a Brown i lawk's nest.

- into New South Wales to work some swampy coun- 1 0th November crossed the following were conspicuous: try ... birds were numerous, amongst which Painted and New Holland Snipe, Dottrel (of four species), Rails (of two species). Bee-eaters, Ibis. Black-tailed Tribonyx, &e. Altogether upwards of 100 different species of birds were noticed. Plants to the number of about seventv were collected, in flower, which was a very fair collec- about eighty tion, considering the dry season. Beetles were fairly numerous, on our species being collected. Appended are lists of the specimens obtained excursions.

From The Victorian Naturalist XIII (10), January 1897, pp 127-134.

Vol. 119(4)2002 185 Murray River Special Issue

Aquatic Macroinvertcbrates of the Murray River

1 Phillip J Suter1 and John II Hawking

This article is dedicated to the memory of Prof WD (Bill) Williams (1936-2002) whose early hooks on the aquatic invertebrates of Australian inland waters stimu- lated interest and research on the ecology of these important groups.

Abstract The aquatic macroinvcriebrute f&iina of the Murray River is presented based on surveys and scientif- ic literature. Insects dominate Che aquatic macroin vertebrate fauna but the non-insect groups such as the crustaceans, molluscs, worms and other primitive classes are also well represented. The distribu- tion of the fauna is discussed in relation to the four physical and biological /ones of the river; the Headwater, Kivvrine, Malice and Lower Murray tracts. The hiologv and ecology ol many groups is documented and. where possible, the impacts of human influences on the invertebrates of the Murray River are given. {The In torian Naturafhti 1H(4). 2002, 186-200)

Introduction The aquatic invertebrates are to a certain 430 macroinvertcbrates taxa were recorded extern the forgotten fauna of the Murray from the Murray River between Jingellic River. With the exception of the Murray and Lake Alexandrma during 1980-1985 River crayfish and of course the nuisance (Bennison et al 1989). Insects dominated insects such as mosquitoes the aquatic the aquatic invertebrates with crustaceans, invertebrates come a distant second to the molluscs and worms also well represented. more obvious aquatic icons such as Sources of information for this paper 1 Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Maequarie include (Bennison et al I OS ), Botilton and Perch and other native llsh. However, the Lloyd 1991; Suter et al. 1993) and person- aquatic invertebrate fauna arc an important al observations by the authors. Throughout component of a healthy functioning river the paper reference will be made to the and should not be viewed as just a pail of highly modified How regimes caused by the food supply for fish. The aquatic the consumptive use of water from the maeroinverlebrates are an essential compo- riser. This has undoubtedly influenced the nent of a functioning aquatic ecosystem. macroinvertebrate composition and distrib-

1 hey are primarily decomposers with her- ution (Geddes 1990; Walker 1990), but bivores and predators making up the func- detailed discussion of these effects is tioning feeding groups (Bolton and Brock beyond the scope of this paper. An excel- 1999). Their feeding activities mobilise lent presentation of the hydrologieal and carbon and energy from plants through to gcomorphological structural changes to the the higher aquatic orders. In addition the river can be found in Thoms et al (2000). aquatic macroinvertcbrates have been used The Murray River physically and biolog- successfully as indicators of water quality ically can be divided into lour major zones and river condition (Norris et al. 2001 ). or tracts (Bennison el al. 1989; thorns et

The aquatic macroinvertebrale fauna of al. 2000)(Fig. 1); the Murray River as a whole were not • the Headwaters tract reaches from the examined systematically until 1980 when Murray's source to Albury . The gradient of the then River Murray Commission com- the river is steep and the streams are domi- menced their biological monitoring pro- nated by cobble, boulder and sand sub- gramme which is still ongoing today. Over strates with little organic material. This zone includes the alpine areas down to the foothills (fig. 2); Department of Environmental Managemen! and • the Riverine tract reaches from Albury to Ecology, I .a Trobe University Albury/Wodonga Campus, Cooperative Research Cefttre for Frestiw&tc? the junction of the Edwards River. The Ecology, POBox82l Wodonga, Victoria J689 gradient is low, the substrate is dominated Murr;i\ Darling Freshwatfii Research Centre, hy sand and silt with moderate levels of Cooperative Research Centre lor freshwater Ecology, POBoxWl Al!mr\. NSW 2640 organic material and the river (lows across

186 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

New South


Fig. 1. The four physical and biological tracts of the Murray River. a broad floodplain and is multi-channelled This paper provides an overview of the with extensive floodplain wetlands; aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the • the Mallee tract reaches from the Murray River, including both the main Edwards junction to the Darling junction. channel and the floodplain wetlands that The low gradient continues, and the sub- together constitute the ecological compo- strate is sand and silt with moderate levels nent and integrity of the river, and relates of organic material. Throughout this tract their distribution to these zones. the river flows along a single narrow Cnidaria watercourse; and The Cnidaria is represented in the • the Lower Murray tract reaches down- Murray River by at least three genera, two stream of the Darling junction to the hydrozoans {Hydra and Cordylophora) Murray mouth (Fig. 3). The river gradient and the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta is the lowest in this tract, the substrate is sowerbyi. The solitary hydroid Hydra is dominated by sand and silt with moderate found in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower levels of organic material, and the river is Murray Tracts but the colonial hydroid now highly regulated with locks and weirs Cordylophora appears restricted to the which have altered the characteristics of Lower Murray Tract (Bennison et al. the river from lotic to lentic.

3. Murray tract in South Australia. Fig, 2. Headwater tract near Jingelhc. Fig, Lower

Vol. 119(4)2002 187 .

Murray River Special Issue

1989). Both these genera occur on logs and other such stable substrates. Their distribu- tion may be greater than the artificial sub- strate data Suggests but other sampling methods used in rivers may limit the ade- quacy of collections. The freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbyi has been recorded in the Hume reservoir but it is rarely seen because it is small (25 mm diameter) and almost trans- parent. This limited distribution in the Fig. 4. Tubificid worm Rnmeiuuru sowerbyi Murray system may be a product of sam- pling effort. Little is known about this Nematomorpha (Horsehair worms) species although Williams ( 1980) recorded Adult horsehair worms, genus Gordhts, that it is usually found floating near the have been recorded in pools in the surface of large freshwater lakes and reser- Headwater and Riverine tracts of the voirs. Murray River down to Corowa. The larvae and juveniles arc parasitic in terrestrial Turbellaria (Flatworins) invertebrates (insects) where they encyst Flatworms are recorded throughout the after being eaten and later break out of the river from the headwaters to Lake host as an adult when the host is near water Alexandria. In the headwaters Sputhtilu (Williams 1980). sp., a very dark animal, is commonly found mi rocks. Ball (1977) recorded that all Annelida (Worms and leeches) species of Spathula are found in cool, well The oligochaetes (segmented worms) are oxygenated mountain water. Curapfngtts is common throughout the Riverine, Mai lee a lowland species and has been recorded and Lower Murray tracts. Worms do occur from above Lake Hume lo the end of the in the Headwater tract, but numbers are Murray River. The taxonomy of this group generally low. Bennison el al. (19S9) only is limited and formal identification requires identified the worms as non-tubifids and serial sectioning of properly preserved ani- tubillcids. The non-tubifieid worms were mals (St Clair el al 1999). It is highly like- abundant in the Riverine and Malice tracts ly that there are more species than these particularly in the depositional zones two in the Murray, particularly in the where organic material accumulates. The

1 leadwater tract (St Clair et ul. 1 999). tubificid worms were low in abundance along the length of the river suggesting TemnocephaUcUa ver\ low levels of organic pollution. One

I he temnoeephalans are small oval- of the most noticeable tubificid worms is shaped animals with 2-6 apical tentacles. Branchiura sowerbyi, a distinctive hairy - The temnoeephalans are ectosymbionts on gilled worm recognised by the posterior freshwater crayfish. Some species live on half having conspicuous gills (Fig, 4). It is the carapace of these large crustaceans and common but not abundant in all tracts others in the gill chamber where they feed downstream of Albury occurring in deposi- on small insect larvae, rotifers and nema- tional /ones where there is a build up of todes, and algae (Williams 1980). An indi- tine organic material. crayfish can often have multiple vidual The leeches were represented by two species on its body. A study by Cannon families, Glossiphoniidae and Richard- and Sevvell (1994) suggested that each sonianidae. The Glossiphoniidae are small crayfish species had a distinct temnoeepha- translucent leeches that prey on inverte- lan fauna associated with it. The taxonomy brates particularly freshwater gastropods of this group is currently being revised. At (Williams 1980) and are low in abundance least nine species have been recorded from in the Headwater, Malice and Lower the Murray River with Temnocephala Murray tracts. The larger Richard -

t jt'ca in the I leadwater tract and Temnoce- sonianidae were rare in the river and were phala vhaeropsis mainly from the Malice only recorded in the Lower Murray tract. and Lower River tracts.

188 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Kig. 5. Murray River Mussel Alathyria jucksoni. lig. 6. Gastropod snail.

Mollusca (Snails and mussels) The mussels have a larval stage (glochidia) The molluscs are well represented in the which is parasitic on fish (Walker 1990)

Murray River with 5-10% of the communi- and it is most likely that A. condola has ty composition in the main channel of the colonised the Murray on fish migrating Headwater tract, but they decline to less from the Murrumbidgee River via the than 5% in the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Mulwala Canal. Murray tracts (Bennison el ai 1989). The Gastropoda (Sn atis) distribution of many species may have About IS species of gastropod molluscs changed since regulation of the Murray or snails (Fig. 6) have been recorded from began in the early 1900s (Sheldon and the lower Murray River and were abundant Walker 1993). in the first half of the 20"' century (Sheldon Bivalvia (Mussels, pea-dams) and Walker 1993). Recent work along the lower reaches suggests that many species The small bivalves Sphaeriitm sp. s risidium sp. and Corbiculina austratis have very low abundances or no longer occur in the main channel of the river with occur (Bennison et ai 1989; Boulton and Sphaerium most abundant above Lake Lloyd 1991; Sheldon and Walker 1993). Hume, PisiJiuw in the headwater streams One such species, Notopala suhlineata and C australis along the length of the hai/Icvi\ is a live bearing snail that was river from the headwaters to Lake common from the lower Murray but now Alexandria. appears extinct in the river. However, an Two large bivalve molluscs are associat- extant population was reported by Sheldon ed with the Murray River. The common and Walker (1993) taking up residence in riverine mussel Alolhyria jacksoni (Fig. 5) the Kingston and Loveday irrigation occurs in the main stream channel in areas pipelines near Barmera, South Australia. with flow, and the floodplain mussel Sheldon and Walker (1993: 298) suggest Velcswiio ambiguus is found in the slow or that "this is possibly the last surviving pop-

still water? of backwaters and billabongs. ulation of N. hartley?. In addition a num- In the Lower Murray tract the hydrology ber of other species of snails have a greater has been highly modified by the presence abundance in pipelines than in the lower of locks and weirs resulting in river, including, h'crrissia pcttcrdi, (iahhia stationary/slow flowing reaches rather than australis, Glyptophysa a/iciac. Thiara

v a natural flowing river. Walker (1990) sug- halonncnsis and Angobia attgasP. All gested thai this change has provided the these species are detritivores feeding on opportunity for Velemnio ambiguus (the organic and microbial accumulations and floodplain species) to invade the main the inside of the pipelines provides ideal channel of the river at the expense of habitat compared with the highly regulated Alathyria jacksoni (the riverine species). lower Murray River (Sheldon and Walker Velesunio ambiguus lives In the calm 1993). The pipelines provide the variabili- waters behind the weirs and A. jacksoni in ty of wetting and drying that once occurred the turbulent waters below the weirs in the lower Murray, but does not occur (Walker 1990). now due to regulation. This refuge in the A population of a third species of mussel irrigation pipelines is also a nuisance for A, condola exists below Lake Mulwala. irrigators as the snails can block sprinklers

Vol. 119(4)2002 189 Murray River Special Issue

and drip irrigation lines. The sculptured snail Thiara balonnensis still occurs in the river from Lake Mulwala to South Australia but is now rare in the lower reaches of the river except in the irrigation pipelines. The freshwater limpet Fcrrissia petterdi is still common throughout Ihe Murray and its flood plain being found in fast flowing waters as well as in billabongs and backwaters. There are seven species of the family Planorbidae represented along the Murray, with riverine and floodplain species. Glyptophysa gibbosa. Isidore!la hainesii, Glyptophysa aliciae, Bayardella cosmeta are found mainly in the river, whereas Fig. 7. The water mite Peza, ops. Gyraulus meridional is, G. tasmanicus and Ife/ieorhis uustraliensis are more common 1980 after which it was replaced by Physa in the backwaters and billabongs. The acuta. Potamopyrgus niger was introduced riverine species have helicoil shells (nor- from New Zealand and occurs in the lower mal coiled snail) and the floodplain species Murray tract. It is possible that this species have flat, ammonite-like shells. These will also become widespread throughout snails all graze on aquatic plants. the Murray and its tributaries. Glyplophysa gibbosa, Isidorelia hainesii, Gyraulus meridionalis, Helieorhis aus- Arachnida (Water mites) tralicnsis, Glyplophysa aiiciae and Water mites are a common fauna of the Bayctrdella cosmeta, occur along the Murray River and its floodplain wetlands length of the Murray whereas G. fusmani- but are not well documented because they Citt only occurs in streams of the upper are difficult to identify. Reliable identifica- Headwater tract. Regulation has been tion of water mites of the Headwater tract implicated in the loss of aquatic plants in has shown that there are representatives of the Murray River (Thorns et al 2000) par- three major groups: Hydracarina, ticularly where there is raised turbidity llalacaroidea and Oribatida. The last two reducing light availability (Lower Murray groups are few in number with only single tract) and river bank erosion (Riverine, species of each group being recorded, Mai lee and Lower Murray tracts). This whereas the Hydracarina are abundant and reduction of aquatic plants in the main diverse. An unknown species of Orabatida channel may also have affected the distrib- is commonly collected from gravel beds in ution of the planorbid snails. In floodplain the river. Also commonly collected is the wetlands where the aquatic plants are still halacaroidean Peza ops, a terrestrial-like abundant the planorbid snails still can be mile, whose gnathosoma has a long, found. curved, slender rostrum, with the pedipalps A number of introduced gastropod snails inserted above the rostrum (Fig. 7). The have successfully colonised the Murray common Hydracarina are Coausfralio- River. Physa acuta, a snail introduced buics, Ausfroliobates, Killimobates, from Europe or North America, was h'lahelUfrontipoda. I/ydroma and known from only the lower Murray prior Unionicola. Watermites are also common to 1970 (Smith and Kershaw 1979). in floodplain wetlands with over 20 mor- However, this species has spread the pho-species recorded from wetlands along length of the Murray and now competes the Murray in South Australia (Suter et al with the planorbid snails and in many 1993). cases has replaced the native species. Water mites have also been found para- Bennison al. et (1989) recorded the planor- sitising the freshwater mussels, with six bid snails Isidorelia sp. and Physastra gib- species being associated with Velesunio bosa downstream of the Hume weir until amhiguus and 3 of those with Alathvria

190 The Victorian Naturalist .

Pari Two

_ mmmsm

*>. Fig. 8. (Tie Common Yabbj Cherax destructor Fig. I he Murrav Crayfish Euustacus armatus. jaeksoni . live species o\' the genus to oi' I nionicolo have onl\ been iccorded from How regime due the presence locks contrast, is the Murra) in South Australia. I he sixth, and weirs. In Maerohraehnim

i tiiotiicolopsis opimipalpis, has been more prevalent in the foothills o\' the

Found oo V. ambiguus collected from the Headwater tract, ('arnliiui is rare al all

Murrav River near Alburv ( \ ids 1980). sites along the river. The Murray River has two species o\' (Shrimp, yahhics crabs) Crustacea and freshwater crayfish, the Common Yabbv

I he crustaceans are a major component ( herax destructor (Fig. X> and the Murrav of the aquatic invertebrate fauna of the River Crayfish Euastacus armatus (Fig. 9). Murray River, and are the dominant inver- Both species are omnivores feeding on tracts the tebrate group in the low kind of detritus, algal biofilm and carrion. The river. In the Headwater. Riverine and yabby is the smaller of the two species Mallee tracts the Crustacea represent (- 250 g in weight; ( icddes 1990) and is invertebrate between 2-5% of the aquatic common in billabongs, backwaters and community, but in the I ower Murray tract o I h e r well a \\<\ s on t h e f I ood p I a i n the proportion of crustaceans increases to Following floods, numbers can increase 10-15% the inacroinvertcbrate commu- of rapid!} and large numbers are caught from nis (Bennison el al 1989), wetlands along the floodplain. Cherax now occurs in the main channel Amphipoda (Sideswintnicrs, scuds) destructor ol the river in the Lower River tract where The amphipods. side swimmers or scuds, the locks and weirs have changed the How are small fast swimming crustaceans that regime from a river to a series of long nar- have a very distinct distribution in the row lakes, rhe Murray Rivet eiavfish is Murrav River, (ieneraily the> are rarelv the second largest freshwater crayllsh in found in the main channel upstream ol" the

the world { reaching up to 3 kg in weight; Darling River junction. Amphipods (ieddes 1990) second only to the giant become a major component of the lower freshwater crayfish Astacopsis gouldi from river fauna in South Australia with Tasmania. It lives in the main channel of Ausiroehiiionia 5pp. and two species k^ the river and tributaries where flow rates gammaricl amphipods reaching high abun- are higher, (ieddes (\W0) noted that (* dances downstream of Morgan. destructor is adapted to slow flowing, Decapoda (Yahbies, crayfish, shrimps and warm water and is active in the warmer prawns) months (September to May) whereas. A'. Shrimps and prawns are represented armalus is adapted to cool waters and along the Murray River by three species, strong flowing rivers and is active in the Paratya australiensis, Macrobrachium cooler months (May to October) when anstralien.se and Caridina mccullochl. All oxygen concentrations are high. The three species occur in both the main chan- occurrence of the two species in the nel and floodplain wetlands. Paralva Murray River follows a similar pattern to becomes more abundant in the main chan- the mussels with the riverine species (/ nel in the lower sections of the river sys- armatus) being replaced by the lloodplain tem and this could be a response to altered Species (C destructor) in those sections of

Vol. 119(4)2002 191 Murray River Special Issue

the river which are controlled by the locks Australia and becomes common in the and weirs. Geddes (1990) suspects thai lower Murray River. natural populations of £. armatus are now- Insects extinct in South Australia, The distribution The insects are the dominant macroinver- of the Murray River crayfish is also influ- tebrate fauna in the Murray River repre- enced by fishing pressure and habitat mod- senting over 70% of the communities in ification. Snags in the Murray River pro- the main channel and wetlands in all tracts. vide large stable substrates for macroinver- tebrates both and number of species and Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) abundance is higher on snags than on the The mayflies are a primitive order of associated river bed (Lloyd et al. 1991). insect with an aquatic nymphal stage and The removal of over 13 million snags from two terrestrial winged stages, the subimago the river (Thorns el al. 2000) not only has and imago or spinner. They are diverse in affected the fish populations but also the the Murray River with over 20 species macroinvertcbratcs, and most probably the being recorded along its length but they Murray River crayfish. represent less than 5% of the aquatic com- The small spider crab Amarinus lacustris munity. The number of species present is found in with commonly streams elevat- declines along the river's length with ed salinities. This species is only found in approximately 15 species in the Headwater the lower Murray downstream of Murray tract, less than ten species at Albury and Bridge where it lives in the roots of the downstream in the Riverine tract and only willow trees that dominate the riparian four species downstream of the Darling zone. River junction. This reduction in taxa can Syncarida also be seen at the generic level with Coloburiseidae The syncarids are primitive crustaceans (Coloburiseoides) Onisci- gastridae {Tasmanophlebia) that lack a carapace over their thorax and Baetidae (Edmundsiops) although extinct syncarids were marine Caenidae {Irpacaenis and Tasmanocoenis) and the Leptophlebiidae inhabitants all living forms are now (Atalephlebia, Nousia, restricted to fresh waters (Williams 1980). Koorrnonga, Ulmerophlebia, A single specimen of a syncarid crustacean Nehoissophlebia and Austrophlehioides) in the Koonunga sp. has been recorded from the common Murray River near Albury. Syncarids of Headwater tract. In the Riverine tract downstream Albury only Atalophlehia. this genus are usually associated with deep of Nehoissophlebia, Edmimdsiops, hyporheic gravels, and so are rarely found Irpacaenis and Tasmanocoenis arc in rivers unless washed out during high found. Atalo- Mows. phlehia, Cloeon and Tasmanocoenis are the only genera that occur in the Lower Isopoda Murray tract. The reduction of taxa may Two species of isopod occur in the reflect a natural gradient from upland to Murray River, Heterias pusilla and lowland river conditions as Coloburis- Tachaea picta. H. pusilla is a small isopod eoides* Edmimdsiops, Nousia, Koor- which lives in tine organic deposits in the monga, Austrophlebioides and Nehoisso- Riverine, Malice and Lower Murray tracts. phlebia all occur in cool, highly oxygenat- They are occasionally recorded from the ed flowing streams that are usually associ- upper catchment, but they generally arc ated with upland reaches. The genera rare. Tachaea picta has a more restricted Atalophlehia* Cloeon and Tasmanocoenis distribution occurring only in the Lower are more commonly associated with warm, Murray tract downstream of the Darling slow Rowing habitats. junction, but rarely downstream of Pardo et al. (1998) recorded a decline in Morgan. The distribution of Tachaea is mayfly diversity in the usually restricted to the Darling River downstream of Dartmouth dam ( I I where it is parasitic on shrimps and species) compared with an unregulated trib- prawns. During Darling River flood, utary (17 species). There were fewer lep- Tachaea picta is washed into South tophlcbiid mayflies in the regulated com-

192 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

pared with the unregulated river. They and Tasmanocoenis arcuata occur from argued that the pattern of flow and cold Albury downstream to Echuca; and water releases in summer In the regulated Tasmanocoenis tillvardi and Tasmano- Mitta Mitta Rivers adversely affected the coenis arcuata are common in the mayfly community. The relative abundance Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murray tracts.

of nymphs of Coloburiscoides was not dra- The two headwater species /. deani and matically affected by the regulated flows Tasmanocoenis sp. B appear to be influ- (21% in unregulated and 27% in regulated), enced by inter-basin transfers of water but Edmundsiops hickmani declined from from the catchment.

53% to 1 3% (Pardo et al 1998). These two Irpacaenis deani has higher abundances species are restricted to the fast flowing above the transfer point at Khancoban and mountain streams where they are found on Tasmanocoenis sp. B increases down- rocks or on logs in the fast flowing water. stream of the transfer point (Mclnernev Coloburiscoides w r edge their bodies 2000). In years when transfer volumes are between rocks using the spines on their high Tasmanocoenis sp. B abundances gills as anchors (Dean and Suter 1996) and increase and years when transfer volumes use the long hairs on their legs and mouth- are low favours Irpacaenis deani. parts to trap particles of organic material Odonata (Damselflies and flowing by in the last flowing water. dragonflies) The The two genera of the Baetidae recorded dragonflies and damselflies have aquatic larval stages and terrestrial in the Murray River, Edmundsiops and adults. Sixteen species of damselflies Cloeotu occupy the lotic and lentic habitats and 28 species of dragonflies have been recorded respectively. Edmundsiops is restricted to from the Murray River and its floodplain. the upper catchment, whereas Cloeon is They represent less than of the associated with the lower tracts in station- 5% macroinvertebrate community in the main ary waters and wetlands particularly in channel of the river (Bennison et al. 1989), beds of aquatic plants. but up to in the wetlands. The nymphs of the Oniscigaslridae 10% Many of the species are obligate stream-dwellers, {Tasmanophlebia) occur in standing waters restricted to the flowing part of and slow flowing reaches of rivers and the river channel. However, downstream streams from the mountains to near sea from Echuca the river flow has been reduced by level. They are normally found on sandy the construction of many locks which form substrates (Dean and Suter 1996), but they large impoundments of still-waters which do not occur downstream of A I bury in the have allowed colonisation Murray. by standing water The caenid mayflies, the smallest species. In the montane section of the Headwater mayflies in Australia, are found along the tract the damselflies (Zygoptera) are river's length and also in the floodplain restricted to three species, Ausiro- habitats. These mayflies are delritivores argiolestes calcaris, A. ieferomelas and and live in sill and sand particularly on Synlesies weyersii, 'The fauna changes after logs and in leaves on the bottom. They arc- Khancoban to a valley fauna, with rarely seen as they emerge from the river Nososticta solida and Rhadinosticta sim- to fly as dusk falls and they only fly for a plex the dominant damselflies down the short period, maybe two to three hours, length of the river with Pseudagrion aure- during the night. Swarms may continue all ofrons from Lake Mulwala to South night but emergence ceases as the sun Australia. The floodplain wetlands contain starts to rise. Dawn swarms continue for an standing water species Xanthagrion ery- hour or two after sunrise. The caenids are throneurum, Austrolestes analis. A. leda, poor fliers and dispersal is also restricted. Isehnura heierosticta and /. aurora. Five species are commonly found along The dominant species of dragonflies the Murray River. Irpacaenis deani and an (Anisoptera) in the upper montane reaches undescribed species Tasmanocoenis sp. B of the Headwater tract are Austroacschna is found in the Headwater tract down to flavomacidata, and Synthemis eustalacta Albury; Tasmanocoenis sp. B, Tasmano- the larvae of which survive the winter COents tillvardi, Tasmanocoenis tonnoiri

Vol. 119(4)2002 193 Murray River Special Issue

snow conditions. Below the snow line the Therefore they arc almost all restricted to dragonfly fauna is characterised bj the the Headwater tract where their relative gomphids Amtrogomphtis gu&rltoi, abundance is less than 5% of the macroin- Hemlgomphus gouldii^ the aeshnids, vertebrate community. Stonellies do occur Ausiroueshnu at rata\ A- iucrmis, A, pul- in the Riverine tract in areas of fast Hows chra and the synlhemistid, luisynihcmis and usually a constricted river channel (e.g. hrcvistyla. The fauna changes after the Barmah Choke). The Murray River Khaneobnn to a valley fauna of fauna has representatives from four fami- A ustroacschna unicornis, A USitrogpmphus lies, with the (iripoterygidae being domi- ochrucens, Apocordutia mucrops, nant with at least 15 species in the genera Corcluicphya pygmaea and Kusynthcmis Dinotopcrla, Rickopcria, Nexvmanoperla, \rirgula. Austroacschna unicornis ranges Iltiesoperla and Leptoperla* Mclnerney from the Khancohan valley reach through (2000) recorded abundant Dinotopcrla ser- t<> South Australia, whereas the other ricaiula and Rickopcrla fugosa down- species are only common to above Lake stream of the Khancohan pondage due to Mulwala, except for A. macrops which has the reduced temperature of the water from been recently collected from the Hannah the Snowy inter basin transfer. Forest, near Malhoura (Hawking unpubl. Downstream of Albury stonellies are rare data). The gomphid A. ochraccus is with Dinotopcrla scrricuitda being record- replaced by its congener,/, australiac from ed in the Malice tract where the velocity o\' Lake Mulwala to the lower reaches in water is high. In the lower river tract only South Australia, lianicordulia fan is very one species has been found. Dinotopcrla abundant \n the lakes and locks but i( also cvansi was recorded in the Murray River- found along the total length of the river. near Murray Bridge. This warm water Mie opportunistic species, flc/nianax species also lives in farm dams (Suter and pafaicnsis (Fig. 10), Orthctvum caie- Bishop 1990) and may well have colonised donicum, Diplacodes bipunctata and D the lower Murray from this source. hacwatodes, can be found in the slow The other families represented are the flowing and backwater areas of the lower Austroperlidac\ Notonemouridae and Murray occurring now in both the wet- Luslheniidae. The Kustheniidac are preda- lands and main channel. tory stonetlies and arc represented by three genera, Cosmiopcrla. Thaumatopcrla and Plecopiera (Stoneflies) Eusthenia. These large insects are only Stoneflies are cold water adapted and the found high in the headwaters of the upland nymphs of most stonellies occur through- tributaries of the Murray River. Also only out winter and spring, and are rarely found in the headwater tributaries are the during summer. Mclnerney (2000) record- Notonemouridae (Austroccrca tasmanica) ed reduced abundance of sloneflies in and the Austroperlidae (Ai/stropcntura vic- spring to summer as they emerged to terres- toriue, and Acruropcria atra). Acruropcria trial adults. Stonellies are generally [\m\M\ atra is found associated with accumula- in fast flowing cool water streams and tions of dead leaves or leaf packs in pools rarely occur in wetlands on the lloodplain. in the upper catchment.

Megalopterti (Dohsonfties) The Corydalidae are large (up to 50 mm) predatory aquatic insects with a short lived terrestrial adult. They are represented in the Murray River by a single species Archichauliodes (Riekochaidiodcs) gut- tijerus (Walker) which is restricted to the Headwater tract where the river is fast flowing and the substrate is dominated by rocks and cobbles overlying sand". Archichauliodes larvae can also be found Liu. 10. Larva oflhe dragonfl) Hetnianax inipucnsis under rocks in dry stream beds in upper catchment intermittent streams.

194 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Fiji. 12. I he giant water bug Diphnychus eques Fi£. 11. A backswimmer (Notonectidae)- (Belostomatidae).

Hemiptera (True hugs) are also fulls aquatic and occur in the Aquatic bugs arc characteristic of still Murray, but usually are rare and mainly waters and backwaters, and so arc often associated with lloodplain wetlands. The associated with wetlands rather than rivers. Nepidae are represented by the water scor- In the Murray owv 30 species are recorded pion (Laccotrephes triSfis) and the needle from along the bank edge of the main river bug {Runutrit dispar). These are large usually in areas where flows are slow but species (up to 50 mm) with a long respira- their relative abundance is less than 5%. tory tube extending from their abdomen The aquatic bugs are nearly all predators which enables them to hunt below the and consume gaseous oxygen from the air water surface and breath air through the rather than dissolved oxygen from within tube which they extend beyond the surface the water. They lay their eggs in or on tension of the water. The giant water bug plants or attached to a firm substrate Diphnychus eques {Belostomatidae) and (Lansbury and Lake 2002) and the females the creeping water bug Naucoris congrex -15 nun o\' one genus of giant water bugs (Naucoridae) are also quite large ( (Belostomatidae: Dlpionychus) lay their long) and occur in macrophytes particular- eggs on the back of the males (Hawking ly in lloodplain wetlands. As the name

k i and Smith 1997). The aquatic bugs occupy suggests t h e py gm y ba c s w m m e rs two distinct habitats, being either fully (Pleidae) are quite small (-2.5 mm) which aquatic or surface dwellers. makes this group rarely seen, but the) do The fully aquatic bugs are dominated by occur in wetlands along the Murray. the water boatmen (C'orixidae), with The surface dwelling bugs include the the Rkeumato- MicronccitL Si^ura, and AgraptOCOrixG water striders Tenagogerris t most common genera, and the baeksvvim- metro, and Limnogonus (Gerridae), the in striders (Veliidae), mers (Noioueclidae; fig. I I) represenled small water Microvella the Murray River by Anisops and Emthares, the water treaders Mcsovcliu Micromcta annae is common along the (Mcsovcliidae) and the water measurers whole length of the river and in floodplain Uydrnmefra (I lydrometridae). These taxa wetlands. M. gracilis and M. robusta are occur in both the main channel and llood- River. also common in the Riverine, Malice and plain wetlands of the Murray In channel of euphrosyne and RheumatQ' I ower Murra> tracts. the main Tertagogems the Murray, Sigara suhiacvifrons and metra philarete occur in the Headwater Ri\erine, Agrqptocorixa hlrtifrons appear restricted to tract and Limnogonus sp in the in river tracts. Micmvciia the Headwater tract, but it is widespread Malice and Lower wetlands from Albury to South Australia oceamca occurs in the Riverine tract, the full (Suter a at 1993). Slgara truncatipala is Microvella peramoena along including lloodplain restricted to the Lower Murray tract where- length of the river Igraptocorixa eurynome was throughout wetlands and Mesovelia hungerfordi is both in the the river's length. found in all tracts of the Murray lour other families, Nepidae, Naucoridae river and its wetlands. and Belostomatidae (Fig. 12) and IMeidae

195 Vol. J P> (4) 2002 Murray River Special Issue

Neuroptera (Lacewings) The predatory diving/tiger beetles (Fig. There are two Families of lacewings that 13) are very active hunters that use occur in the Murray River, the Osmylidae gaseous oxygen to breathe and therefore and the Sisyridae. The osmylids must return often to the water surface to {Kempynus sp.) are often found on large replenish their oxygen supply. They are rocks and boulders in the splash zone in usually associated with pool or pond habi- small upland streams, and have not been tats. Tiger beetles range from small (<5 recorded downstream of Jingellic. The mm), medium (5-15 mm) to large (15-34 sisyrids or sponge flies (Stsyra sp.) occur mm). The small species in the Murray in the Murray but are rarely found as they River include Antiparus With three species live in sponges on logs or rocks. Sponge- in the headwaters {A. hlakei, A. femoralis flies lay their eggs on vegetation overhang- and A. gilberti), but only a single species, ing a stream and the emergent larvae drop A. gilberti, downstream of Albury. to the water and swim to a freshwater Liodessus gemellus, L. amabalis and sponge. The larvae use their long straight Sternopriscus multimaculatus occur in the jaws to probe the sponge tissue and feed Lower Murray tract, whilst Limbodessus on the contents (New 1991). They have compactus and Allodessus bistrigatus are been collected from logs in the Barmah- found along the full river's length. The Millewa forest but may be more wide- medium sized tiger beetles include spread, wherever sponges occur. Rhanius suturalis found in the Headwater and Riverine tracts only, and the wide- Coieoptera (Beetles) spread Eretes australis and Megaporus sp recorded the bee- Bennison et ai (1989) that are found in wetlands in all tracts and species rich group of tles as the second most occasionally in the main channel. The in the Murray aquatic macroinvertebrates large predatory diving beetles Cybister sp with River. Over 90 species were recorded has only been recorded from the Mallee richness in the Headwater and greatest tract. Riverine tracts. The beetles represented 15- 20% of the composition of the macroinver- D'tptera (True flies) tebrate community in the Headwater tract, The true flies are the most species rich of less than 15% in the Riverine tract, less than the aquatic insects in the Murray River 3% in the Mallee tract and less than 10% in with 158 different species recorded by the Lower Murray tract. Both the riffle bee- (Bennison et ai. 1989). It is likely that the tles (Elmidae) and tiger beetles (Dytiscidae) number of species of dipterans is higher dominated the Headwater tract but many than this due to the improvements in the species of the tiger beetles were also com- taxonomic literature since the study. The mon in the Riverine. Mallee and Lower flies represented between 20 and 30% of Murray tracts, particularly in the floodplain the total species composition in the wetlands. Headwater tract, but increased their domi- The riffle beetles can be found feeding nance in the Riverine and Mallee tracts on algae attached to logs and rocks in fast with 40 to 50% of the total species rich- flowing streams in the upper catchment ness. In the lower Murray tract the impor- where they are both abundant and species rich. The headwater streams have at least 10 species within the genera Kingolus, Sitnsonia, Notriolus and Austrolimnius, Downstream of Albury the numbers of species and genera declines with only Kingolus, Austrolimnius and Coxelmis (total of five species) in the Riverine tract and only a single species of Kingolus and Coxelmis in the Mallee and Lower Murray tracts. In the lower gradient stretches of the the elmids are found associated Murray Fig. 13. The tiger beetle Sternopriscus with logs and snags. (Dytiscidae).

196 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

lance of the dipterans declined to between have been shown to be associated with 30 and 40%. exposure to chemicals such as heavy met- Adults of the biting midges (Ceratopo- als and pesticides (Madden ei at. 1995; gonidae), blackflies (Simuliidae) and mos- Madden eta/. 1992; Warwick 1990). In the

quitoes (Culicidae) are the main nuisance lower Murray tract P. paludicola is rare in insects associated with the river. The lar- the main channel of the river, but is the vae of the ceratopogonids are found along major predacious midge in saline evapora- the length of the Murray, but there are tion basins and other wetlands on the more species in the Riverine and Mai lee floodplain (Suter et ai 1993; Suter et al.

tracts than in the Headwater or lower 1995). This species is also abundant in rice Murray tracts. These animals arc more fre- fields and with Chironomus tepperi can quently found in the drying mud of wet- attain very high numbers and become a lands and in the lower Murray in saline nuisance insect. Chironomus tepperi is an seepages along the cliffs near irrigation early coloniser of wetlands following areas where thev can cause significant nui- Hoods and can attain very high numbers sance value (e.g. Loxton; Suter unpub- prov iding a primary food supply for native lished data). The blackflies are usually waterfowl (Maher and Carpenter 1984). associated with flowing water and firm sta- However, in rice fields these large num- ble substrates like rocks and logs. There bers can cause damage to the rice crop are few species in the Murray all upstream (Stevens 1995) thereby escalating these of Swan Hill, with Austrosimulium furio- beneficial insects to an economic nuisance sum in the Headwater tract, Austro- The rapid colonisation and population simulium montanum, A, bancrofti, Simu- growth of C. tepperi in floodplain wetlands Uum omatipes and Simulium niehotsoni in and rice fields appears associated with the the Riverine tract. Mosquitoes are rare in high levels of organic material present in the main channel of the Murray River, but the sediment (Suter et al- 1995). they do breed on the floodplain particular- Triehoptera (Caddisflies/Casemoths) ly following floods when water becomes The caddisfHes have a terrestrial stage that trapped in isolated pools and ponds. resembles a moth, but the larvae are aquatic The non-biting midges (Chironomidae) and construct a diverse array of cases in are the most diverse of the dipterans, and which they live. In the main channel of the are found in all habitats along the length of Murray the caddisflies represent approxi- the river. There are predatory midges mately 15% of the aquatic community in the (Tanypodinae), organic feeders Headwater tract and between 5-15% in the (Chironominae, blood worms), filter feed- Riverine, Mallee and Lower Murrav tracts ers (Chironominae, Tanytarsini) and wood (Bennison et ai 1989). Although they are borers (Chironominae). The wood borer found in a wide range of habitats the greatest Stenoehirononnis watsoni is found in all number of species occur in cool flowing tracts of the river associated with logs and streams and as such have a very distinct submerged bark from riparian trees. Many upper catchment distribution in the aquatic of the filter feeders (Kiefferuhts martini, macroinvertebrate community ofthe Murray Rheotanytarsus spp. and Tanytarsus spp.) River, At least 12 families (Atriplectididae, also arc associated with logs and snags Calamoeeralidae, ( alocidae Helicophidae, where they build tubes from which they ( onoesucidae, Lcnomidae, Hydrobiosidae, can catch organic material flowing past. Hydropsychidae, Hydroptilidae, Leptocer- Rheotunytarsus spp., which are only found idae, Limncphilidae, Odontoceridae, in the Headwater tract, construct a silk net Philorheithridae) with >30 species of caddis- attached to its tube to trap its food. The flies are recorded from the Headwater tract Chironominae dominate the Riverine. whereas the Riverine, Mallee and Lower Malice and Lower Murray tracts. Murray tracts have only 3 families present An interesting observation was made by (Lenomidae, Hydroptilidae and Peltigrove (1989) that the larvae of Leptoceridae) with fewer than 15 species. Procladius paludicotd showed abnormali- The caddisflies are sensitive to environ- ties ot the mouthparts in the Malice region mental change, particularly in the high of the Murrav River. Similar abnormalities

Vol. 119(4)2002 197 Murray River Special Issue quality waters of the upper catchment. They have a diverse range of habitat use and diet and so alteration to water quality, hydrology or addition of pollutants affects their community structure. Mclnernev (2000) found that there was a reduction of the community structure of the eaddisflies as a response to the inter-basin transfer of water from the Snowy Scheme. The preda- cious eaddisflies Taschorcmu cvansi and Ecnomina sp. show a reduction in abun- dance downstream of the inter-basin water transfer the leptoccrid eaddisflies while Fig. 14. larva of the Hydropsychidae (Tri- Triplectides eiitskus and Triaenades sp. choptera). became more abundant downstream of the inflows. species occur with Ecnomus pansus, E. The diet of larval eaddisflies can be continentalis, and Ecnomina F sp. AV9 divided into three main types based on (Cartwright 1997) common in the rivers method of collection of food (Neboiss and streams, but downstream of Albury K

1 991 ). There are the net spinners, pansus is only found in the Riverine and (Hydropsychidae) that construct silken Malice tracts. In the Albury area E. pansus retreats with a silk net at the entrance used occurs in the main channel of the river and to capture organic particles carried past in E. turgidus and E. cygnitus are found in the current. The Hydropsychidae (Fig. 14) wetlands on the floodplain. In South arc almost restricted to the I leadwater tract Australia E. pansus and E, russellius are where three species of Cheumatopsyche both in the main channel and E. turgidus and one species of Diplectrona occur. occurs with E. pansus in the wetlands. However, Cheumatopsyche also occurs Lepidoptera (Aquatic moths) downstream of Hume and Varrawonga Moths of the family Pyralidae. subfamily weirs where there is fast flowing water. Nymphulinae (Fig. 15), are the only lepi- The case makers (Calamoceratidae, dopteran group to have aquatic larvae or ( aloeidae, I lelicophidae, Conoesucidae, aquatic caterpillars (Hawking 2001). The Hydroptilidac, Leptoceridae, Limno- taxonomy of this group is still in its infan- philidae, Odontoceridae and Philorheith- cy although recent work has enabled dif- ridae) shred and chew on leaves, or graze ferent species to be recognised (Hawking on algae. The Leptoceridae is the most 2001). Five species of pyralid are found species rich family in the Murray. In the along the Murray River. One species headwaters at least 12 species are found inhabits rocks in the fast How regions of mainly in the genera Nofalina (5 spp.) the I leadwater tract. The larvae construct Triplectides (4 spp.), Occctis (2 spp.) and silk retreats on rocks and feed on the Triaenodes (1 sp.). Triplectides australis attached algae on the rock surface. In con- and Triplectides ausiralicus occur along trast the other four species are found on the length of the Murray with T. aiistraiis macrophytes. Three species occur in the mainly in the main channel and T. australi- ribbonweed beds (Vallisnera) in the fast eus in the lloodplain wetlands. Lcciridcs How of the upper Murray from Khancoban varians, an endemic species to South to Varrawonga. They construct a case of Australia, occurs in the lower Murray near Vallisnera strips attached to the plant leaf Murray Bridge. blades. One species is restricted to the The third group include the free living pondweed Potamogeton in the slow flow- r.cnomidac and I lydrobiosidae. Species in ing areas. The larvae construct a case by these families arc predators. The ecnomids cutting a section of leaf and folding it back occur throughout the river and its flood- onto the leaf. This species is common in plain, but at the species level there are dis- the Potamogeton beds of lower Murray tinct changes from headwaters to Lake River from Hchuca to Woods Point. Alexandrina. In the headwaters three

198 The Victorian Naturalist )

Part Two

References Ball IR (1977) A monograph of the genus Spathula (Platvhclminthes' lurbellana: TrielaUadu). Australian Journal oj'Zaohg\\ Supplementary Series 47. 1-43,

BemrisOn GL, llillman I J and Sulcr P.I (1985) Mucroinvertebrates oldie RJVCT Murrav (Sorvej and Monitoring. I4N0-19N5): Water Quality Report No 3. Murray Darling Basin Commission, Canberra. Boulton AJ and Lloyd I N (1991) Maeroinvcrtcbralc assemblages in Hoodplain habitats of the lower River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Riven Research A Management 6, 183-201. Boutton A.! and Brock MA (\999) lustration l-reslnuuer Eceingy Processes ant/ Management. (Gleneagles Publishing- Glen Osmond)

Cannon I ell 1994") RC and Sew KB ( Symbionts and biudi- varslp Wemoin oj the Queensland Museum 36, 33-40.

Fig. ( arm right l) 15. Pyralid larva in its case (Nynipluilinae). 1 1997) Preliminary ptiae to the identified tfotl at late insiar larvae of Australian ( euamu/ae. I'lulapaiauuikh' and iasnnhilae thiseeta: TrichopteraJ; Identification No [fl. Conclusion Guide (Cooperative Research I entre far Freshwater Bcelogj i ! AJburA This paper has attempted to give an Dean JC and Suler P.I (1996) Mavlh lymphs a) tusrra/ia a I iunle (ienci overview of the aquatic macroinvertebrate to a Identil lealion ( mide No 7. (Cooperative Research Centre tor Freshwater fauna o\' the I Murray River without IcolOg) : Alhury) GeddesMCi 1990) Crayfish, In Tht 303-31 attempting to give an assessment of the Murray, pp I

Eds N Mackav and I) I asihurn. (Murray Darling Basin condition of the river. Norris et at. (2001) (. omiiiissk.n: Canberra) recently concluded that the macroinverte- Hawking FH(20Q1) In introduction h th identfficatiun / aquatic caterpillars (lepidoptera) found in brate communities along the Murray River ~" Australian inland waters'. Identification Guide No ; from Dartmouth to Dam Lake l Alexandria (Cooperative Research Centre for resbwatei I colo© were in poor condition. They also high- AHhii\ } Hawking JH and Smith (i997) Colour guide to inverte- lighted the absence of pristine or minimal- brates <>f uitraitan ml,, ml wat.-i $ Jdentilieadon duide No ly modified sites in lowland rivers in the S. (Cooperative Research Centre lor I reshwatei Murray Darling Basin and recommended Ecology: Alburj i ansbury l and l ake ps (20G2) Tasmaniem aquttfh ana' caution in the interpretation semi of the results. aqiiaiii lu/im/.ucrans: Identification and I cologv

The current distribution of the macroinver- (irnde \n 40 (Cooperative Research < cnirv im

I I reshwatei cologj : AJburj i tebrates has certainly been modified by the Lloyd IN Walker kl and llillman 1.1 (1991)

influence of regulation, particular!) in the I tmmnmenial significance of snags in the River Murray. Australian Water lus.anh idMsQry Council Lower Murray tract where the river now is protect Report 85/45. 1-33. a series narrow lakes of and some species Madden C P. Austin \D and Suiei PJ (1995J Pollution have benefited at the expense of others monitoring usiqg L-liiiunomid larvae: W'hai isadeformi i\'.' in ( \h(ronomidi From gau-.s to ecosystems, pp 89 le.g. the yabby replacing the Murra\ cray- I 94 d P Cranston, f< SJRO Publications: I asi fish), and introduced species have success- Melbourne) Madden CP, Suler P.I Nicholson BC and \uMin \l> fully invaded the river (e.g. Physa acuta). (1992) Deformities in chimnnmid larvae as indicators is However* it not possible to determine nf pollution (pesticide) stress, \eiherlamls Journal o/

the extent of modification of the inverte- h/uati: 1 1 atag) 2U 551-557, Mahei Ml ,mA I arpenter SM (19S4) Benthic studies Ol brate fauna because there are only limited Waterfowl breeding habilal in south-western New South data prior to construction of the locks and vv.ikies. ii. Chironomid populations. Australian Journal of Marine ami freshwater Research 97-1 weirs. In addition, the other lowland risers 35. 10, Mclnerncv. PJ (2000) I he effects of inlci -basin ualei in the Murray Darling Basin with which Iramfei from die Snuuy Rivei to the Swamp) Plain and the Murray communities could be com- Murrav Rivers uri the Pphemeroptcra, Plccoptera and

I riehnptera. (Unpublished Honours thesis, la I robe pared are also affected by regulation. This i oiverstt] - SVodonga) lack of a reference condition limits the Meboi is A (1991) I riehoptera. In The imeets vfAustralia, 787-816. (Melbourne Universiiv ability to assess the condition of the pp Press: Melbourne) New IK (1991) Neuroptcra. Iti I he twectz tsj tuaraha,

Murray but we are now in the position to .'. I -'niversilv pp | (Melbourne Press: Melbourne)

Norris I ision P, Da\ies I monitor the effects of management deci- RH. N. Cmsh.l, D\ei I , mke S.

Prossei I and Young B (2001 ) Snapshot a/ the Murrav- sions (e.g. environmental Rows) on the Darlfrig l-:asin h'lvm Cnmlihon (Murrav Darling Basin aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of Commission: Canberra)

Paido I, Campbell IC, and Biiltain .11 the Murray River, (1998) Influence of dam operation on maytTj assemblage strwetureand lile his- tories in two south-eastern Australian streams Regulated Rivers ResrarchiK Management 14. 285-295.

Vol. 119(4)2002 1*19 1

Murray River Special Issue

1 IMIij'tove V (I'JN ') LiirVfil llioulllpail dclunnilics ill Australia (Australian Centre tor Water Quality I'roiltiihiix i>tiliultii>lit skiisc (Diptera; ChJnjnomidatO Kcscarch: Adelaide)

1 the Mimi:i\ and Darling Rivers, Ausiralia Sulci PJ, Goonan I'M, Beer JA and lliompsnn Hi (1993) Hvdttjhtolugui 175, III 117. fhe response ol chironomid populations to flooding

I. Kivcr SI ( mi K, Ihuy, I and Wiusor I (I49QJ A suivev Dl and drying in flood plain wetlands of the lOWCf spttiiiuhi itvwit ii, ill and other freshwater * in Murray in South Australia, lu (.'ha'unoinitls From

- I' the Victorian Alps with mi evaluation ol the amsi'iMi \\i-ncs to ecosystems* pp 185-195. I'd Cranston .

hun status ui each species. Proceedings <>/ the Royui (CSIRO Publishers: I asl Melbourne)

1 ' ( lldliuan Socltitv a) Victoria III., I I 'I I hums M, Sulci P, Roberta J. knehn J. Junes i,

Sheldon I and Walker K1 (1993) Pipelines as a refuge for I and (lose A (2000) Report of Ihe River Murray [reshwutci snails Regulated Rivers Research & Scientific Panel 011 I'nvii'ounienlal Mows, River Murray l to MtmuxemvmH, ! >5 199, Dartmouth Wellington and the Lower Darling

ii.l i the < Smith, and Kershaw l« ' 1979) Welti Guitfa to River. Murray-Darling Basin Commission. anberra.

1 Nan marltut Molluscs <>f Smith eujttern Australia Victs k<> (1980) New 1 niouicolidac (Aeari.

(Australian i Inlvertaty 1'ivss: ( Canberra) Mydrocliiicllac) from Ausiralia. Transactions oj the Ktevewi mm (1995) ulologj and control "i Chtronomm Royal Society ofSouth Australia MM, 27-40.

tepperi Skuse, .1 pesi oi rice ho New South Wales, in Walker Kl (1990) Mussels. In llir Miimiv, pp S09-307.

' Chironumias lii'iii .isv/.w ta ecosystems, pp 235 W I ds N Mack ay and l> I asllunn (Munay Darling Basin

t < I (I I' lansion. (CS1RO Publishers last Melbourne) Commission: 'anberraj

Sulci I'J ami liisliop II (1990) Stoneflies (Plecuptem) ol Warwick Wl (1990) I he use of mojpholo(.'ieal delonni- Smith Aiisiiaiia. in Mayflies and Stnneflies Ltfc lies in chironouiid larvae for biological effects moniior- 1 Historic mui nii'lovv. pp is*)- !!/, id 1 c Campbell inr I m nntmuail Canada Nalional I lydrolo^y Research (K.liivu-1 Academic I'uhlishcrs: l»oidreelll| Institute. Saskaloon.

Sum PJ, i,uunaii I'M. Beci .l.\ and rhompson Ml ( 1993) Williams WD (1980) Australian Freshwater Life The

1 htofamcnl ami physlco choinicnl monitoring tturfy a) invertebrates aj Australian inland waters. (MacmiHan

wet/anas from the A'/ iv' Minion flood plain m South Citinpany of Ausiralia I'ly I Id: South Mclhourne)

The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp«) of the Murray River Catchment

1 Geoffrey N Edney , Dale (i McNeil' and Susan 1 1 l.nwler


1 he Swamp Yttbb) has been recentlj collected from Barman Slate Forest, the Ovens River, Victoria

.iii.i i Viiiikiiiiu, NSW Here we present the species in general terms and provide figures tor identifi- cation. I he Swamp Yabhv differs from oilier ( 'hentx species both in morphology and ecology, I his animal resides primarily in burrows rather than ihe river. Burrowing Charux were previously unknown in Victoria, i The Victorian Naturalist t!9(4), 2G02, 200 !04)

Introduction ihe Swamp Yabby has been known to nomic description, leaving ihe speeies locals, fishermen, rangers and scientists for wiihoui conservation status. some lime hul remains undeserihed, We have collected Swamp Yabbies despite Specific promotional efforts by the {i'hcfiix sp.) from three locations, the Victorian Department o\' Natural Ovens River lloodplain in Victoria and (he Resources ami Environment who even Murray and Edward/Gulpa lloodplains in released a range ol material identifying the New South Wales. Specimens were col- Swamp Yablw as a Conservation priority. lected from the Ovens near Wangaratla

The speeies is Called (7/t7(/\ sp. (' in the and Ihe I'dward/Ciulpa near Deniliciuin

( ( preliminary key In llorvwt/ (l > >>). ,\ full through excavation of burrows. Depending description cannol he achieved however, on ihe water table, crayfish were located in primarily due to the lack of specimens col- burrows up to one metre in depth, whilst lected, and importantly, ihe absence of a some large burrows were excavated to a female specimen This prevents an\ la\o- depth of over a metre without locating a Specimen During a very minor Hood on

1 ihe Murray lloodplain at Hannah, Swamp I due\ I coloi'ical Services, hi Wilson Street. Wodonju, \ ichMia 1690 Yabbies were collected using submerged, iVpaihnent of I'm ironiuculal Manai-'cincnl and baited hoop nets. 1 i I .i I't) s. . l . \\o\ 1 colom frobe inivcrsit) , Wodonga, other investigators Victoria V«S'». and Ihe Cooperative Research Centre have reported collect- lor I reshwalcr Ecology, Mhuiy, New South Wales ing Swamp Yabbies from iwo more

I mail s.Iau leiu/aw LilH'he edu an

200 Ihe Victorian Naturalist Part Two

« feJWS*^

'---•- .


Fig. 2. The collecting site near the Ovens River. At this site Cherax sp. was collected in a Red Gum floodplain forest.

water that was 10-20 cm deep and they were caught late at night. Nearby burrows

were clearly visible (Fig. 1 ). The burrows at the Ovens River were on elevated land between billabongs. This land would be underwater only during flood events and is usually about two to three

metres above the water level. It is currently used for cattle grazing. The chimneys Fig. 1. The collecting site in the Bamiah Stale Forest, a) The small stream in which the Cherax (entrances to Swamp Yabby burrows) at the sp. were captured, b) The burrow entrance of Ovens River were 30-40 in from the closest Cherax sp. Note the cattle hoofprints trampling billabong(Fig. 2). the burrow entrance. Matchbox indicates size: Identification Victorian tributaries of the Murray; at Lake The Swamp Yabby has a unique mor- Nagambie, on the Goulburn River, south of phology and is easy to recognise. Shepparton (Royal 2002) and Lake Anecdotal evidence suggests a community Nillahcootie, near Mansfield on the Broken awareness of a Marge black yabby with River (Brian Woodbridge pers. comm.). huge claws'. An unknown ranger at This suggests that their range covers not Barmah State Forest called the animals

t only the floodplains of the Murray and its Moonclaws\ in response to its large, cres- associated anabranches, but also the three cent shaped claws. most significant Murray tributaries of The species is easily recognised by its north-eastern Victoria. claws, which are very broad and have a

paddle-likc protrusion (Fig. 3). It is also Description of collections often larger than Cherax destructor col- Eleven specimens were examined (Table lected from the same site. Three Swamp

I ). I hree were caught in open water in the Yabbies from Barmah showed occipital Barman State Forest, Victoria, and seven carapace lengths (OCL) of 70, 70 and 75 were dug from burrows near the Ovens mm, while we caught over fifty C. destruc- River, Victoria, and the Murray River at tor, the largest of which was 60 mm OCL. Oeniliquin, New South Wales. An addi- We expect that larger specimens of both tional juvenile specimen was kindly pro- species occur. vided by Brian Woodbridge of the Murray River Aquarium in Lchuca, Victoria, who Sympatric crayfish species successfully bred them in captivity. The Swamp Yabby does not occur in iso-

The Barmah State Forest site was a low lation. It coexists with the Common Yabby dry floodplain with a small, slow-flowing ('. destructor throughout its entire range, creek at its centre. Cattle were grazing in and with the Murray River Crayfish the area, These crayfish were found in EuQ&tocus ctruiatus throughout most of its

Vol. 119(4)2002 201 Murray River Special Issue

Tabic I. Swamp Yabbies examined by the authors. Sizes are given in mm OCL {occipital carapace

length: from the eye to where the carapace joins the tail). ' at 2 years of age

Silt- Sex Number Size range Collected by collected (*raiscd by)

Murray River at Barmah State Forest, Victoria male 3 70-75 ONE Ovens River, Wangaratta, Victoria male 2 50-60 GNE& DGM I'dward/Ciulpa Junction, Deniliquin, NSW male 5 50-70 DGM

Murray River Aquarium, Kchuea, Victoria male 1 34' BW*

range. It is sympalric with the burrowing species Engaeus lyelti and Engaeus cymus (llorwilz 1990), and with the genus

Geocharax (Tyler et at 1 983).

Behaviour, inter- and infra-specific competition

From our observations, it seems that the Swamp Yabby is more aggressive than C destructor and is likely to outeompete it in the wild. When divided by a barrier within the same aquarium, the Swamp Yabbies made extreme exertions to breeeh the bar- rier. When no barrier was provided, C. destructor were immediately attacked and swiftly killed unless they left the water via an emergent slick or rock. Swamp yabbies also exhibit strong intraspeeific aggression. Tour Swamp Yabbies were placed in aquaria (160 h 40 cm), and isolated in lour small burrows separated by dry earth barriers. Alter the Fig. 3. a) The Swamp Yabby (Cherax sp>). b) first night the smallest individual had been To identify a Swamp Yabby, the width of (he cut in half and only one individual survived claw (B) is more than 50% of the length (A), the first week. This individual subsequently and a paddle (C) is present on the claw. survived in the aquarium for over a year. Swamp yabbies appear to have quite a soft have been classified carapace compared with C. destructor. by Horwilx and Richardson (1986). Three types are recog- Although this may be an adaptation to bur- nised; burrows opening below the water rowing, it is surely a disadvantage during inlraspeeillc competition. There was no surface in a permanent water body, bur- rows connected to the water evidence of cannibalism after death from table but not to a stream or lake these competitive bouts. and burrows independent of the water table. Ellen Clark anticipated The degree o\' habitat partitioning this scheme with her between Swamp Yabbies and C destructor terms aquatic, semi- aquatic and terrestrial (Clark 1936). in the wild is uncertain. Chcrax destructor The genus Cherax is known to construct were never found in Swamp Yabby bur- burrows which arc always connected cither rows although they did exist in shallow to a permanent water body or to the simple burrows in the same dry billabong water table as the Swamp Yabby. Only single speci- (Horwitz and Richardson 1986). There are mens of Swamp Yabbies were found with- three burrowing Cherax known from Queensland: punetatus, C. in each burrow, suggesting a non-colonial C. rohus- burrowing system. tus and C cartalacoolah (Short 1993). All of them are smaller than the Swamp Yabby Crayfish burrows and burrow in sandy substrates. The bur- Australian freshwater crayfish burrows rows o\' Cherax plehejus, from southwest

202 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Western Australia, descend vertically to a small chamber where one often finds a male and a female (Horwitz and Knott 1983),

Burrowing by the Swamp Yabby The Swamp Yabby constructs a burrow that is always connected to a permanent watercourse or to the water table (Type 2 as described by Horwitz and Richardson were freshly sealed 1986). Some entrances Fig. 4. A Swamp Yabby surrounded by with mud indicating the presence of water cetosymbiotic worms Temrtoseweilia minor. within the burrow system. The Swamp Photo by Karli Hawking. Yabby appears to remain in its burrow for much of the time. The burrow covers more Temnocephalans (Fig. 4) are eclo-symbi- than one cubic metre and could be much otic worms that lay eggs under the tailfins larger underground. A surface chimney and live on the carapace of crayfish leads to a tunnel which descends for a (Cannon 1991; Cannon and Sewell 1994. short distance and then will branch or join 1995; Sewell and Cannon 1995, 1998). a chamber. They filter feed and are attached by a large The burrow has several chambers which caudal sucker. Large numbers of temno- are about the size of a football. Some are cephalans were observed on all Swamp used for storing water. There are often Yabbies collected. Some of these were sent multiple tunnels connecting chambers and to Lester Cannon o\' the Queensland several surface holes. Burrows Of the Museum, who identified them as Swamp Yabby can be distinguished from Temnosewellia minor, a species known to those of C destructor and Engaeus by the be common on Cherax in the Murray River sheer size of the entrance hole: usually 5-8 catchment. Temnocephalans are lurbellari- cm in diameter vs 1-2 cm for Engaeus and an llatworms known to be symbiotic on generally <4 cm for C destructor. freshwater crayfish throughout Australia To date we have only collected males, (( annon 1991). The worms are nearly as and other workers have confirmed an variable as their hosts, and may be species Sewell cMivirteK skewed sex ratio I 1 armo Raadik specific in many cases (Cannon and and Brian Woodbridge pers. comm.). The 1994). reasons for this are unknown. It is possible Impacts and conservation that there is some sexual habitat segrega- All of our sites were grazed by cattle. tion, however current collecting techniques The soil showed extensive disturbance may somehow be biased towards finding from trampling and gracing. There is anec- males. Females may live in extremely deep dotal evidence that cattle impact heavily burrows and remain non-emergent during on Swamp Yabbies and many Swamp small Hoods. Yabby burrows were found within hoof- Associated fauna prints and with flattened chimneys. Burrowing crayfish are known to support Crayfish chimneys were scarce in the open a large and often unique fauna termed the and more common around fallen logs and 1 roots. habitats provide protection pholeteros . 1 heir burrows are refuges for These other animals during drought. We have from soil disturbance such as during Hoods observed an Engaeus lyelli and a large or trampling, and may provide a food number of the frogs Limnodynastes fas- source, attracting invertebrates during maniensis in burrows during our excava- decomposition. tions. The burrows of other crayfish often In 1936 farmers were complaining about support fauna) assemblages {Horwitz and losing cattle and horses in 'crab-hole coun- Knott [98-1; Surer and Richardson 1977). try' near Benalla, Victoria (Clark 1936), In addition, the crayfish themselves sup- and anecdotal evidence suggests that these port a diverse ectofauna, which are animals complexes were always ploughed in for that live on their shells, tails and gills. safety. Although the species responsible

Vol. 119(4)2002 203 Murray River Special Issue

reviewer for their com- has never been identified, similar collapses thanks lo an anonymous ments. Extra big thanks to the CampbeU and have rteen reported due to extensive bur- Williamson families for their hospitality, access rowing bv Engaeus (Clark 1936), The to their properties, und the use of their shovels. Manilla area, however, is now knovui lo be Ihese Crayfish were collected under research centra] to the Swamp Yabby distribution permits from the Victorian Oeparimenl of Resources (RP:-562) and New South and it is possible lhal these 'crab' hole Natural (T96/187HP). areas may have been the result of large Wales Fisheries Yabby burrows. aggregations of Swamp References symbiunls u! the Furthermore, the Murray, Edward/Gulpa, Cannon l.RCi < 1991 ) Icinnocephalnn Broken, and Goulbotim Rivers are all freshwater cray fisli Cherax quactricarfnvtvs frOni northern Australia Hydrc>btobgia 227. Wl-347. highly regulated. High winter and spring Symbionls and Cannon I Rti arid Sewell Ml (1994) My. Hows, lhal would have traditionally Hood- biodiversity - Memoirs <>/ the Queensland Museum ed Swamp Yabby habitats no longer occur. 13-40. Cannon t.K(. and Sewcll KB (1995) Cmspedeltlnae The effect of these impacts on Swamp haei. 1931 (I'laiyhclminihes: Temnocepfralida) Yabbies and their habitat warrants further ectosymbionts from the branchial chamber of crayfish (Crustacea: Parastacidae), Investigation. The Ovens River, which Australian Memoirs ofthe Queensland Museum 38, S97-4 1 8. remains mostly unregulated, provides a and land crayfishes Ot Clark I (1936) The freshwater Museum good Opportunity to observe Swamp Australia. Memoirs <>/ the National of 5 I u toria 10. -58 habitat in a more natural Hooding Yabby Clark in streams (irowns !() ( [9950 UtUCopsiS goutdi bur- regime. The destruction of such large Of the Cou Range, Northern lasnumia; the effects ol row complexes, and the deterioration of eaiehmcnt disturbance. Papers ami Proceedings <>! the koval Society Tasmania 129, I -ft. suggest that past Of natural How conditions species in Ilorwil/ I' (1990) A taxonomic revision of

land practices may have had a large impact the freshwater crayfish genus Engaeits I riehson (Decnpoda: Paraslaciduc). invertebrate Taxonomy 4, Ofl Swamp Yabby habilat. Trab-holc

1 427*014, Country is virtually gone now from the Ilorwil/ I' (1995) .1 prelmmmry key to the speeies of Uenalla area. It is now difficult to ascertain Oecapada (Crustacea Mafacastraca) found in waters hlentitieation Guide No 5. how these laud practices may have impact- Australian inland (Co-Operative Research Centre lor Ireshwuter ed upon Swamp Yabb\ populations in the EcologJ : Alhur\ ) past and how these ma> have affected its llorwit/ P anil Knoll B (1981) The tannal assemblage hnrrows in sedgelaiul and for- distribution and ecology. in I'rcsliwalcr crayfish est al Lightning Plains, Western lasmunia. Papers lo affect Disturbance has been shown and Proceedings ol /he Royal Soeietv of lasnumia Crayfish populations elsewhere in Australia 125. 29-32. ol" Ilorwil/ I' and knoll 11 (1983) I he burrowing habit it is possible thai (Growns 1995), ami ( the koonnc 'hera\ plehe/tts ( Dceapoda: disappeared J- many former populations have Parastacldoe). Western lustra/tan Naturalist 15. 1 1 due lo human disturbance. It should also 117. llorwit/ PHJ and Richardson AMM ( I9RC) An ecolog be noted that the large complex of chim- icaJ classification of* the burrows of Australian neys which first drew our attention to the Freshwater Crayfish. Australian Journal <>t Marine presence of the Swamp Yahln on the and l-'reshwater Research 37, 1W-242. Royal D (2002) www.crayfislmorld.coni to a Ovens River was graded make se.mniiitj Sewell Kit and Cannon 1 RC ( 1995) \ elec- drainage channel during roadmaking activ- tron microscope study of Craspadella Sp. from the branchial chamber ofredclaw crayfish. Cherax ities in 1998. Although some burrows still t/ianh leannatus, from Chieenslnnd, Australia. persist there, it is clear lhal current land H\ l /ro/vo/oiuaM)5, 151-15& use also has an impact upon the Swamp Sewell Mt and Cannon I.R(i (1998) New lemnoccpha- lan.s from the branchial chamber ol Australian Yahh\ and its habitat. Eaastacus and Cherax hosis, Proceedings oj the

1 inueaii Society of \e\v South Hales 119, 21-36. Acknowledgements species of Short J ( 1993) Cherax eartalacoolah* a new We\l like to thank Uriaii Woodbridge ofMurray freshwater crayfish (Dceapoda, Parastacidae) Irom River Aquarium. EchuCA, for the ju\ enile Northeast Ansiralia. Meunurs a! the Queensland s,) Swamp Yahhv anil his observations. Tarmo Museum 33. S5 . IV und Kichaidson AMM (1977) I he broloffi ol Raodlk of the Departmoat of Natural Resources Suter two species of EngaeuA (Dceapoda: I'araslacidae) in and Environment for his observations, l ester I asmania III. I Uihilat. food, associalcd lamia and dis- for the temnocephalan Cannon identifying irihuiion. Australian Journal of Marine and worms, and Karli Hawking lor photographing Freshwater Reseatvh2&Q$-\Q3. lor iissisl- \\ them. I Hanks lo l)r Adam Campbell rylei Ml. iuidale CK, I ing JK and Holmes J inu with specimen collection and extremely (1983) \afural History of the Southeast. (Ko\al brave assistance during burrow excavation Also SOCietV of South Ansiralia Ine)

204 The Vietorian Naturalist Part Two

Murray River Microfauna

Russell J Shier

Abstract Hie microfauna of the Murray and tributaries is a speciosc, albeit neglected, component o1 the river- There ine biota. The community derives from diverse imstream .and, seasonal!), olT-streani sources. are regional differences in species composition tributaries may contribute different m\a io the persists mainstream river. A mixed assemblage of prolists. rotifers and micron uslaceans into the lower Murray, with longitudinal changes in species composition during long travel times to the river mouth. Effects of river" regulation, land use and salinisatiou ou microfaunal biodiversity are sum- marised. [The Victoria* Ntxturatisi 119 (4), 2002,205-211)

Introduction In marked contrast to the recent surge o\ plankton communities in lake research activity on macroinvertebrate tax- Alexandria, at the Murray month in South (ieddes onomy and ecology in the Murray-Darling Australia, was examined by ai. 1990) reviewed infor- Basin, spurred by river health initiatives (19S4). Boon et t and pressure for biodiversity information, mation on upper Murray billabong ecolo- for the Murray- the microfauna of Murray -Darling waters gy, including mierobiola, remains largely neglected. Microfauna reg- Darling Basin Commission volume 'The riverine /oo- ulate bacterial and algal abundance, and Murray': information on vol- occupy important links in food chains for plankton was reviewed for the same higher order consumers such as macroin- ume (Shiel 1990). Other relevant and more vertebrates, fish and birds. In most recent studies include: invertebrate emer- (Boulton Australian freshwater ecosystems, but par- gence from Hooded sediments rapid responses to Hood ticularly in the Murray-Darling system, and Lloyd 1992), rotifer assemblages these connections have been under-esti- events bv billabong Shiel 1993). Lakes Hume and mated or ignored (Green and Shiel 1992). ( ran and /ooplankton in the context ol' What little information exists on the Dartmouth microfaunal component of the Murray biomanipulalion (Matveev and Matveev of habitat and micro- River and tributaries derives largely from a 1997), heterogeneity biodiversity across ephemeral wet- few local studies. Species composition and faunal predation on successional events in littoral microcrus- lands (Shiel iv ai 1998), fish (Nielsen et ai 2000a, b) and tacca from a year-long study of a Goulburn /ooplankton sediments River billabong were documented by Slue! the role of propagules in /ooplankton of Lake Hume (Langley et ai 2001; Nielsen et ai 2002; I 1976). The was reported by Walker and llillman Shiel vial. 2001; Skinner etat 2001). other impoundments ( 1977). that of several Composition of Murray River microfauna bv Powling (1980). A basin-wide survey, Three broad groups of mieroinvertebrates published in part by Shiel cf ai. (1982), comprise the bulk of pelagic and littoral demonstrated the disparate nature of the communities in Murray-Darling waters, mtcrobiota of the west-flowing Murray viz. prolists (Protista), rotifers (Rolifera) River and the south-flowing Darling River. and a suite of microcruslncea dominated former contained a cool-temperate The by eopepods (Crustacea: Copepoda), ruslacean -dominated lacustrine mic roc cladoccrans (Crustacea: Branehiopoda: assemblage, attributed to (limnoplankton) Anomopoda/Ctcnopoda) and (occasional- the serially-impounded nature of the ly) ostracods (Crustacea: Oslracoda). Other Murray River, the latter a true riverine groups occurring in microfaunal samples (potamoplankton) community dominated include larvae or small adults of various by rotifers, main ol which are wnrm- insects, particularly I > i p 1 e r a a n d or tropical in affinity. stenotberms llemiptera, and water mites (most often in structuring ZOO- I role ol turbidity he llydracarina or Oribalida). These latter groups may be abundant seasonally and be

i ii important in structuring microfaunal Department erf Environmental Biology, University of Adelaide, s>mih Australia 5005

205 Vol. 119(4)2002 Murray River Special Issue assemblages through food web interac- tions, however, for the purposes of this review, only the major groups are treated further. ;•. Protista: Protists (or protozoa, unicellular heterotrophs) include flagellates, ciliate* and amoebae, both naked and lestale. They •^ are commonly the numerically dominant animals in any sample taken from Murray River standing (lenlic) or slow-Flowing (lotic) waters. Protists are under-represent- ed in rapidly-flowing lotic waters; they arc relatively fragile, and do not survive.

Protists, remarkably, have received only *&« cursory mention in Murray River ecologi- cal studies, if they are mentioned at all. The lack of study of Australian ciliates, for Fi«. 1. Stentor cf. awethystinu: tt\ example, was regarded as 'regrettable and billabong, Murray River floodplain near somewhat astonishing' when an endemic Uonegilla, Victoria. Photo by Russell Shiel. Murray River loricate ciliate was described (loissner and (VDonoghue 1990). The age environs of Lake Catani, Ml Buffalo, with of the continent and the potential for isola- 89 laxa, 34 oflhem new to Australia, record- tion to drive speciation events were seen as ed from eight ,S/>//my////?//sediment samples. significant in predicting a diverse indige- Six of the testates were noted as 'strictly nous prolist community. (iondwanarT in distribution. Several others A suggestion that Australian protisl were undeseribed and possibly Australian assemblages may differ from those of the endemics. New records o\' naked amoebae northern hemisphere was made by (I lelio/oa) also were reported from ponds in Lay bourn-Parry et ai, (1997), who collect- the Mt Buffalo region (Mikrjukov and ed Stentoi\ a Auxotrophic (photosynthetic) Ooome 1998). Given that almost half of the ciliate, from two Murray-Darling reser- amoebae reported in these two small surveys voirs (Tuggeranong, ACT and Hume, were new to the Australian fauna, it would NSW). Stentor blooms colouring the water seem that a diverse and unrecorded protisl black have long been reported from fauna awaits discovery! e Murray River waters (e.g. as ef. The only group of protists which has Ciirinicostotnttnr in Walker and llillman been studied intensively in Murray River

1 1977), where densities -50,000 I have waters is the freshwater Acanthamoeba been recorded (cited in Laybourn-Parry et Naegleria, particularly in the lower ai 1997). Stentor is uncommon in northern Murray in South Australia, from which hemisphere waters, where it is subjected to Adelaide and other regional centres draw heavy predation by, inter alia, eyclopoid drinking water. As the causative organism eopepods. The latter are rare in Murray of amoebic meningitis, Naegieria, and River reservoirs, which lend to be domi- other pathogenic protists such as Giarciia, nated by herbivorous calanoid eopepods are continuously monitored by the (see below), hence predation pressure on Australian Water Quality Centre at Stentor appears to be low. Stentor also Bolivar, South Australia. reaches bloom populations seasonally in (iiven the paucity of studies on protists in some Murrav River billabongs (cf. Fig. 1, Murray-Darling waters, little can be said of Shiel 1990). their potential for bioindication or their Further evidence for distinctive protist biodiversity in any of the Basin's waters, assemblages comes from a recent study of which is remarkable given the level of testate amoebae in the upper Murray catch- research effort applied to protists else- ment (Meisterfeld and Tan 1998). They where (see, for example, Foissner and reported a rich testate community in the Berger 1996).

206 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

F = 66 09(p<0.001) 1:2



pH 6.29 pH 6.32 pH 6.75 pH 6.41

Fig. 2. Collecting sediment cores from Ryan's Fig. 3. Resting egg counts in sediments from biennial and #3, Bonegilla. Photo by Russell Shiel. three flood frequencies: annual, every c. 25 years (from Shiel et al 200 1 ).

Rotifent: Rotifers, the smallest metazoans, remain in dry sediment until rewetting and with most <200 urn in size, are commonly appropriate cues to hatching. All resting the most abundant microfauna after pro- eggs do not respond to the same cues, tests. More than 600 of the 720 rotifer hence there is a succession of hatching species now known from Australia have events, with concomitant compositional been recorded from Murray-Darling waters chanees the longer a previously dry habitat (Shiel unpubl. data). The greatest rotifer is Hooded (Tan and Shiel 1993). Fig. 2 the biodiversity is found in ephemeral waters, shows collection of dry sediment from where >100 co-occurring species have previously-wetted margin of Ryan's #3, a floodplain been collected in single net tows (Shiel et shallow ephemeral pool on the also support rich of the Murray River adjacent to Ryan's #l, aL I 998). Billabongs rotifer assemblages by virtue of the vege- a permanent billabong. Resting stages

I diame- tated, partitioned habitat; >350 micro iau- counted from l mm slices of cm nal species, including >200 rotifer spp., ter cores taken from these sites showed have been recorded from an ephemeral significant differences in density (Fig. 3), with highest densities at pool over more than 20 years of sampling up to 1 200 cm \ the biennially (Langley et al. 200I; Shiel et al. 2001). the margin of Ryan's #3, More commonly, a collection will contain flooded (ephemeral) site (Shiel et al. 5-50 rotifer spp., depending on structural 2001). complexity of the habitat - densely vege- Mkrotrustacea. Of the three main groups tated and therefore partitioned billabongs of microcrustaccans abundant in Murray have more species than does the open River waters, eopepods tend to predomi- water of reservoirs and rivers. Floating and nate, with cladocerans either perennial in submerged vegetation provides some pro- low numbers or markedly seasonal, when lection from visual predators. Rotifers they may reach high densities. Ostracods, occupy all feeding niches in such parti- except in salinized waters, tend to be rare tioned" habitats - detritivores, bacteri- incursions from the littoral, their preferred ovores, herbivores, carnivores and para- habitat. Most abundant eopepods in reser- sites. Suites of each of these feeding voirs and billabongs, and also often in weir groups may co-occur. For example, several pools and downstream reaches of the co-occurring species of Brachiomts, Murray and tributaries, are calanoids of the Keratella or Trichocerca may Filinla, family Centro- overcome the problem of compelition for pagidae, commonly Boeckelia and resources b> taking different size food Calamoecia species, with HeniiboeckeUa items. Experimental evidence suggests that species in ephemeral waters, and (rarely) even bacteria may be partitioned in a simi- Gladiofcrcns in down- chem- the usually-coastal lar manner, b\ si/e, morphology or stream sites such as Lake Cullulleraine. (Boon and Shiel 1990). Rotifers are istry Two species of the northern affinity ephemeral habitats by able to persist in Diaptomidae occur across northern production of resistant resting eggs, which

207 Vol. 119(4)2002 '

Murray River Special Issin

Auslialia, and may SXtefld mlo llic north ol ed wiih sediments ami vegetation (el*.

Ihe Mm ray Dai liny Basin i< i Bayly Hamond \W) |%6) Plankton collections are usually dominat-

< )i about iii i entropugid spe< ies known ed by juveniles of the resident copepods,

lioiu Auslialia, the mOBl CO Oil ill both nauplii ami copepodite stages, and

Mimas River waters, and ai mi, , southern this presents a major taxonomic impedi Auslialia generally, is BoPcMlu fihirfini nieiii io biodiversity studies. Not only docs

lata, which occurs across a wide range oi ,1 researchei have to determine the species

habitat types (l!u) l> 199 [] in fish free present, hut also may need lo discriminate

/' ephemeral habitats the large M mm) the life stages, 1 his is not an easy lask >itr be a ma) seasonal predator on othei when three 01 foui species ( o o< c ur, and planl tors (Green «/ al 1999), with />' samples may include several copepodite pfleudovfwfae and HtfrnihutickeHa svarii and sub-fldllll inslars, with OCW sc\ 01 (he nlso 1 Hiniiion in ephemet al waters other required F01 spe< Ies determination,

/»' Rillabong i" . ies Include 5 fluvialh, Juveniles also lend io predominate in nitntttii and /f wmnwh /-«/, wlmh mas CO downstream rivet reaches; adults apparent- occur with one oi nunc CutuftwucUi ly are able lo avoid outflows bom weir

< * spec ies, < ommonl) ' ampulla 01 pools 01 reset voirs

1 w tin ro in 1 ni 1 in!- ( iucasi 01 ee ladoeerans ( 'svalei lleas')iiia> makeup calanoids in a habitat is usual, four 01 five a signiflcant pari ol mlcroflnunal communis

I' SO, and \i\ Is laic Nolabls , ,ahni/ed is diversity in shallow vegetated habitats,

mi i w atci h ol ni Mm 1 a\ egions around hill less so in open walei of reservoirs and Kerang/Swan Mill have halophile rivers, where Iheii si/e renders lliein sus-

' i alanoi.K, ( 'altittlOLU hi \,i/iiui oi < rflttfl CCptible hi preilalion hs inaeroins ei tO

A//./, suggesting a much longei evolution brutes and fish, More than half of the c, .n\ historj <>i .al mi /,n ion than thai 200 spp. of cladoeerans now known from Induced bj human activities in the region ihe continent OCCUl in Murray Darling


. 'Oil 111 Ihr la 1 \v.\r, waters rhc Iannis Chydoridae is the most Cyclopoid copepods ure less well known diverse, and in excess of 100 Species have in Mimas Kiwi u.iirc I Iks aic not com- been recorded from Australia, with more mon Of alniiutanl in the Open walei ol ihan hall' of them endemic (Shiel ami reservoirs or rivers, but * an be seasonally i liekson 1995) More than 20 species of spei iosc and abundant in billabongs ami i hydorids co occurred in a Goulburn bill- ephemeral waters, I'luw idl both herbivo abong (Shiel 1976) where they (Hied dctri- Mur. ami carnivorous ni( hes, pre) includ lisore and hcibisorc niches. Mans chs up' rotifers, othei copepods, cladoeerans dorids are adapted to scraping bjofilms and iH't a'.ionallv i , i l.u small macioins rk' from mm OS, hence an.- littoral 01 epiphs I brales, e,g, mussel glochldla (juveniles), ie m habit, (>nl\ species ol < hyttorm tend Mosl spei ies are rrom the Family lo he Collected in open walei, ami then ( 'yclopidae, and aboul too &pp, arc Know n associated with filamentous algal blooms Prom the continent Common genera are where ihcs colleci looil by scraping along iwitwiovyvlaps (a large predator), Eucy filaments. vlopx, \foxocyv/ap& ami \in roi h (opt ()id> a less other cladoccran families

I In- lattei iwo genera arc the mosl spet iose have imls plankionic representatives in based on present taxonomlc Information Mimas Rivet waters. Bosmina (Itosuun- (( y llolynska 1000) \$ Pot calanoids, idae) is common in tesersoii And riser two »m more species co occurring at a site plankton, as is Diaphonosoma (Sididae), is 1 ommon, often markedly differeni In ami seasonally , \4ohta (Moinidae)

1 ilu-u-ln il reducing competition, Duphnio (Maplmiilac), one of ihe laii'ci

\ ilind group oi copepods, the harpacti cladoeerans, lends to he seasonal in hill coids, air benthk in habil, raivb collected abongS and ephemeral habiials, or peunm in , Is open w Btei ami pooi .ludied in al in loss numbers in reservoirs, ss here il is

Australasia < 'utuhocaMfHiis species uppear probabls subjci led lo heas s preilalion lo Ik- the mosl ( ouiMMii in Mimas Riser pressure Smalloi d&phmds, such as hillnbonus and ephemeral waters, assoclat Ci-'rioJaphniu, are more often collected in

208 I lu* Victorian Naturalist Pari Two

in source plankton tows, other daphnid genera Geographical differences in the mierofauna and Sitnocephalus, Scapholeberis - are bill- waters, regionalism abong shallow water dwellers. One daph- regional rainfall events will influence what is being inoculated nid genus, Daphniopsis, is a halophile, particular assemblage weirs and occurring in salini/ed waters throughout into tributaries. Downstream River provide low- or the Basin, Species of other families of locks on the Murrav retention cladocerans Macrothricidae, Ibocryp- no-flow conditions and a longer reconstitution ol a tidac and larger sidids (e.g. Latonopsis) are time, which permits assemblage. This is usually found in shallow, vegetated habi- microerustaeean studies as 'age' ol tats, particularly regular!) inundated referred to in European dominating in ephemeral pools. the water, with rotifers short retention- NotabI> absent from Australia, possibly waters of low 'age' (e.g. as Lake Mulwala) and evolving after the breakup of Gondwana, lime storages such assemblages appearing in are the northern hemisphere predatory microerustaeean waters of greater 'age' (e.g. long retention- cladoceran families ( ei eopagidae. such as bakes Dartmouth Leptodoridac and I'ohphemidae, which time storages Uaranyi ui. 2002). are important •strueUireiV of plankton and UumeMcf- ei phenomenon reflects is the life communities in northern hemisphere What this respective mierofauna. At waters (Shiel and Dickson 1995; cf. Rivier cycle of the temperatures in Murra> River trib- 1998). Species of Podonidae are reported ambient utaries, rotifers are reproducing in days, r i n e w a t e r s a r o u n d fr o m coastal i m a weeks. Rotifers are able Australia but not from inland Australia microcrustacea in life cycles in the short (Smirnov and Timms 1983). to get through their microcrustacea are Oslracods, which include delritivores, retention-time storages, require stable conditions For herbivores and predators, occasionally are not, I he latter longer period to reach adult reproductive abundant in collections from billabongs a are unable to complete life and ephemeral pools. In some billabongs. stages and turbulent or rapid through-How five or six species of oslracods is not cycles in disparity is the I his cycle unusual large species (e.g. Awstralo- Storages. life differences noted earlier cvpns, Mytilocypris) may co-occur with basis for the (Shiel at. 1982) between Murray and smaller (e.g. Cypretta, Limnocythere, et

I he mierofauna of the Newnhamiu). Oslracods rarelv appear in Darling mierofauna. series of lentic or at least open water collections. Murray traverse a slow-flowing weir pools; those of the Sources of microf'uima in (he niainskm Darling below the headwater rivers a lotic ri\crs system, at least until Menindee Lakes. is exper- In Murray River waters there no Unlike the Murray system, which has an imental evidence to demonstrate the contri- extensive network of lentic waters a het- bution of headwater reservoir limnoplank- erogeneous array of billabongs (llilhnan of coninbii lon 10 downstream rivers, nor 19S6), intermittently flooded harmah- lions from floodplain lentic waters, from Millewa forest waters, the Maci|uarie circumstantial evidence in the studies cited Marshes, irrigation returns from tributary earlier, and from studies of river micmiau systems the Darling is deeply incised (up 2002), the these na elsewhere (e.g. Baratiyi et aL to 10 m) into its floodplain, and lacks in persistent micfofaunal comuuimtv source? of lentic mierofauna. It remains a disparate con- downstream reaches reflects lotic, largely unimpeded system, albeit owe impoundments, tributions from upstream of low How, floodplain waters which may at times have Notably, a rotifer-dominated river micro- river, regions of slow- Kcralclla and ;i connection to the fauna (Brticliiomts, How such as backwaters or braided chan- Svnchuctu dominants among 22 rotifer from river- nels, waste stabilization ponds species) was collected from the Murrav side communities which may discharge River near Morgan early in 2002 (MC stand- into Murtas tributaries, in fact any (ieddes pers. comm.), over 20 years after a rivet at ing water which connects to the very similar autumn river plankton was the an) time. reported from the same reaches of

209 Vol. 1 19(4) 2002 Murray River Special Issue

lower Murray (Shiel el al. 1982)* Despite The future? widely publicised alterations to the flow In the Murray-Darling Basin, as in salin- regime, abstractions, declining water quali- izing wetlands in the southwest of Western ty, tlie spread of carp and other deleterious Australia and in other degraded wetlands effects of human interference with Murray on continental Australia and Tasmania, waters, the microfauna appears remarkably species diversity is inversely related to little changed. Twenty years may be salinity. The diverse microbiola of fresh insignificant in the lime frame of the waters is replaced by a halophile or halo- Basin's ecological evolution. biont assemblage tolerant of the new con- ditions. The new taxa may even be more Biogeograpby/eademisna abundant than the assemblage they Microfauna! biogeography is subject to replaced, but they are invariably less spe- two interpretations - that of the 'cosmopoli- ciose. For example, the 100-specics rotifer tan! sts', for whom everything is every- assemblage of upper Murray billabongs is where, and the 'regionalists\ for whom it is rep laced by o n e or t wo species of not. Many of the microfauna species found Brachionus/Hexarthra around Kerang, and throughout Murray River waters are the the multispecies assemblage of Boeckella same species found in rivers and lakes Calamoeciu Ilemiboeckella of upper everywhere; they are indeed cosmopolitan. Murray billabongs is replaced by But some are not. If they occurred world- Calamoeciu salina or C. elirellata in the wide, surely they would have been recorded salinized downstream lakes. In the human in some 300 years of microfauna! research time frame this decline in biodiversity is in the northern hemisphere. well documented for macrofauna . Whai is As noted earlier, the protists remain enig- not documented is the loss of species at the matic. A small block of rotifers are more microfaunal level due to loss of habitat. restricted, (iondwanan or Australasian on With greater than 70% of billabongs now present distribution information. About 13- gone from some floodplain reaches (e.g. 15% of rotifers are Australian endemics, or (ioulburn River downstream of Eijdon), possibly more correctly 'Australasian'; how many species previously found only some Brachionus species previously in those billabongs are now lost? thought to be indigenous have been report- Persistence of propagules in sediments, ed from Thailand (Sanoamuang et al. despite the loss of wetlands, may be used 1995), Most of the apparently indigenous to counter the suggestion that microfaunal rotifers are known from only one or a few species are being lost at an increasingly habitats, primarily billabongs or small rapid rate. But as mentioned earlier, resting ephemeral waters, and appear to be stages may have specific cues for emer- restricted to them. The implication that gence, and habitat changes such as salin- they are thus endangered by loss of habitat ization may remove these cues. Decreased is clear, but loss of species remains undoc- flooding frequency may exceed the life umented for the continent. expectancy of a propagule - resting stages Cladoccrans presently stand at c. 48% have a Unite life, be it decades or perhaps endemism, but this figure is likely to centuries. Further, propagules evolved to increase when taxa carrying 'northern resist desiccation, not trampling by cattle, hemisphere' names are examined more or tractor and plough. The introduction of closely using modern methods (Shiel and exotic planktivorous fish (e.g. Gamhusia), Dickson 1995). The work of Bayly (cited either deliberately or accidentally, must in Bayly 1992) indicates that the level of also have had a profound impact on micro- endemism in the Australian calanoids faunal populations. approaches 90%. Cyelopoids are less In summary, it is evident that microfau- intensively studied, but evidence to date nal heterogeneity persists in the more pris- (e.g. Ilolynska 2000) suggests that greater tine (upper) Murray-Darling floodplain e n d e m i s m w ill be re v e a I e d as the waters, and it is the floodplain which is the Australian 'cosmopolitan 1 species shed source of the biodiversity, not the reser- their 'European' names. voirs, which are relatively recent in an evolutionary lime-frame, nor the rivers,

210 The Victorian Naturalist Part Two

Rohozinski J which transport micro fauna and propag- ( 1997) A mhotrophic eiliate as a major contributor to plankton ules. With loss of the more pristine wet- pholosynlhcsis in Australian lakes. L(mn$hg) and Oceanography 42, 1463-1467. lands due to agriculture, salini/ation, or Matveev V and Matveev L (1997) Grazer control and other causes, the microfauna is lost, as ulti- nutrient limitation of phytoplanktou biomass in two Australian reservoirs. Freshwater Bhtog}'38, 49-63. mately, if not replenished, is the bank of Meisterleld R and Tan L-W (1998) I irst records ol" tes- Cysts, resting eggs and eph'ippia in the sed- tate amoebae (Protozoa; Rhizopoda) from Mount iments. Buffalo National Park, Victoria: preliminary notes. The Victorian Naturalist 115, 231-238. References Mikrjukov K and Croome R (1998) Observations of helkvoans in ice-Covered ponds on . Baranyi C. Hein l\ llolarek C. keckeis S and Schiemei The I tetorian Naturalist 1 15. 239-241. T (2002) Zooplankton biomass and community struc Nielsen Dl . Smith FJ, Hillman TJ and Shiel RJ lure in a Danube River lloodplain system: effects of (2000a) Impact of water regime and fish predation on

hydnplog) . Freshwater Biology 47. 473-482, zooplankton resting egg production and emergence. ' Bayly [AE ( 1 966} The Australian species ot Dt aptoTHUS Joumal of Plankton Research 22, 433-446. (Copcpoda: Calanoida) and their distribution. Nielsen DL, Ilillman TJ. Smith I J and Shiel RJ Australian Journal of Marine and Freshv at\ (2000b) The influence ofa planktivorous fish on zoo- Research 17, 113-134 plankton assemblages in experimental billahongs t> t Bayl) IAL ( I >2 i The non-marine Centropagidae -9. Hydrobhhgia 434, I K opepoda: Calanoida) of the world Guides to the Nielsen DL. Smith FJ. Ilillman 1.1 and Shiel RJ (2002) identification of the microinvertefrratet <

1 . . U 984) Seasonal studies on the zooplankton Shiel IU and Dickson JA (1M95) CkKloecra recorded o I Lake Alexandria, River Murray, South \ustralia, from Australia. Transactions oj the Roycn* Society oj and the role of turbidity in determining zoopl.mlU on South tustralia 119, 29-40. community structure- Australian Journal oj '

I fresh- ncen !D and Shiel RJ ( 1992) Australia's neglected UydtvbiQtogia%9n,?84& water microfauna- Australian Biologist 5. U8 [23, Shiel RJ. Green JD and Tan L-W (2001) Microfaunal Green JD, Shiel RJ and Littler RA I 1999> Bo* and resting stage heterogeneity in ephemeral pools, ma/or iCopepoda: Calanoida): a predator in upper River Murray floodplain. International V. !i -il.un ephemeral pools. Anhn inr i eretniguttg fUr Theoretische und Angewandie HydrobiG , 145. 181-196 timnolagie, I crhandhtne,en'll, 3738-3741. llamond R (19457) Non-marine harpaciicoid copepods Shiel RJ, Walker kl and Williams WD (1982) of Australia. I. Camhocamptidau of the genus Plankton of the lower River Murray, South Australia. '.. ''.'. . . . - .:,! [ amp/itt wood, s. lal. and Fthulocamptus, Australian Journal Oj Marine and I rr.s/r.i atfff .. including the description of a related arid Research 33,301 ' new Of (anthocamptus from . speCK8 Skinner R. Sheldon F and Walker KL (2001) Invert* : Taxonomy 1. 1623-1247, Propagules in dry wetland sediments as indicators of

' Ilillman 7.1 I 19X6) Billabni, . In / ftMOlC ecological health; effects of salinity. Regulated Australia. Dp 457-470. Ids P l)e Dcckker and WD Rivers Research and Mtu/ai-emeni 17, 191-197, Williams fi S1RO runk BV; Melbourne/Oordrecbt) Smimov NN and Timms BV 1 1983) A revision id' the ih i ka M (2000) Revision of the Australasian Australian Cladocera (Crustacea); Records of the '

' species of i lu' genus We&ocyclops Sars ' \UStraitan ^hr-eum, Supplement I, 1-132. 51). it I | l-ipidaei. Annates Zoohgici Mi opepoda Ian L-W and Shiel RJ (1993) Responses ol billabong 447 otifer communities to inundation. Hydrobiolosia

i i im and R I ielsen Dt Green JD logli Shii 255/256, $61-369.

egg-i i oraeri- i Mai liing from the sediment Ml) Walker KL and Ilillman LI (1977) limnological sur- al-dutpersing? ihe use of mesocosms \t\ as vey of the River Murray in relation to Albury

' Hydrabiofagia 203 I rotifer biodiversity 444S, WodOflga AWDC Albury.'

' i p M ii . Scaler GGR and

Vol. 119(4)2002 211 The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. RegNoAQ03361 IX *

Established 1NS0 In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open lo any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists.

Registered Office: FNCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia,

Posts] Address: FNCV, Locked Bag S, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130, Australia.

phone/Fax (03) 9877 9860; International Phone/Fax 61 3 9877 9860, Patron John Landy, mm*:. The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President. Ms Wi-ndy Ci ark, l>7 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 98779266

Vict Presidents: Dr Noei Schi eiger, I Astley Street, Montmorency 3094. 9435 8408 and Ds Ai an Yin. 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 31 15. 9722 L665 Hon, Secretary. MRS Anni MORTON, 10 Kupieola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon Treasurer. Ms BARBARA BURNS, 16 Monlckiir Court, Templeslowe 3106. 9546 2608 Subscription-Secretary: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 9877 9860 Executive Editor, The t'ie. Nat.: MRS MERJ1 yn GREY, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223 Editors, The lie Nat,: Mk Ai isiaik Ivans, J/.1778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168, 8505 4339 and MRS Anni MORTON, as above.

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Excursion Co ordtnator: Mr Dennis Mi i i/i k, s Harcourt Avenue, Caufield 3162. 9523 1853 Booh Brokerage: Mr Ran White, 9 Longtown Court, Craigiebum3064, am 9308 5770 Newsletter Editors'. Mrs Joan Broadui rky, 2 Shaun Court, rcmplestowe 3 106. 9846 1218

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1 i * Marine Research: Mr Miuiai Lyons, 18 I ligh Street, Nunawading >13l. am 9877 >S7

i Microscopical: Mr Ran Power, 36 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754, >7i7 isl i MEMBERSHIP

Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News free. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (Tree to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate.

Yearly Subscription Rates-' The J- [eld Nai ii r:i islN < ll.l. of Victoria [tic

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Printed b\ Brown Prior Anderson, 5 I vans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125. Th Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(5) October 2002

Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Vietoria since 1884 Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi

by Taylor F Lockwood

Publisher; Taylor Lockwood 2001. 128 pp. 250 colour photographs. RRP$55 Available from Fungimap, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, phone 03 9252 2374

The aptly titled Treasures from the identification at a later date, and some of the Kingdom of Fungi is the long-awaited hard- photographs are artistic rather than scientific, bound collection of Taylor Lockwood's and so lack all the diagnostic features amazing photographs. Taylor has been pre- required for identification. However, scien- senting these in slide shows around the world tific presentation is not the aim of this book. for the past 15 years. This 128 page book Taylor's goal was to inspire interest in and

contains approximately 250 colour pho- appreciation of fungi, which I feel he has tographs of fungi, illustrating 157 taxa from well and truly accomplished with this col- 19 countries (Including 25 Australian taxa). lection. Treasures from the Kingdom of Text is limited to the preface, foreword and a Fungi is not a field guide or scientific text brief introduction; most of the book consists (which should have few unidentified of page after page of delightful photographs photographs and preferably include a scale), including many mushrooms but also a good but a brilliant 'coffee table book* on fungi. selection of puffballs, stinkhorns, coral and To produce a book without some typo- bracket fungi. graphical or grammatical errors would be The images are grouped together in chap- an almost impossible task. There were a ters that divide the book aesthetically small number of general mistakes in this rather than scientifically. Chapters include book as well as a few names spelt incor- The Span of the Rainbow' showing fungi rectly; Cyptotrama aspratum (spelt as of every colour of the rainbow. 'Foods of asprata), Mycena leaiana (incorrectly spelt the Gods' illustrating some of the edible leiana) and Tremella fuciformis (incorrect- fungi, and a 'Lovers* Lane' of naturally- I\ spelt fusiformfs), also in the index occurring, artistically-twinned examples. Boletus is spelt Bolteus, and Cladonia Each photograph is captioned merely with comes before Cladina. However, these cer- identification of the fungus (although some tainly do not detract from the overall high 20% are 'unidentified', not even to genus), standard of presentation. and the general location where the photo- The retail price of $55 for this book may graph was taken (usually the country name seem a little high, but it is well worth con- only, but states are also listed for the USA sidering for the bounty of beautiful, high examples), Taylor's enthusiasm for the quality images. Taylor's aim 'to inspire topic is clearly evident with the layout and others into deeper appreciation of this spe- backgrounds on each carefully designed cial part of the natural world' has been page showing great attention to detail. admirably achieved by superbly illustrat- Having spent many days in the field in ing the diversity of this often weird and search of perfect fungi to photograph, and wonderful kingdom. Although this is not a having referred to many other books of scientific text 1 still feel it should be pre- field photography, I can personally attest sent on the book shelf of every mycologist to the difficulty of finding a good quality and naturalist as an inspiration and delight specimen and the skill required to capture if nothing else. it adequately for posterity. The broad Simon range of superb field examples chosen as H Lewis Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne the subject matter in this book are evi- Birdwood Avenue. South Yaira, Victoria 3141 dence of Taylors efforts v on the ground*, Twelve Fungimap Target species are included (most and his technical and creative talents as showing diagnostic features); Amanita phallohles (var. photographer are clearly demonstrated in alba) p. 45, Ascocoryne sarcoides p, 106; Bpietethis nhscurccoccineits the spectacular images that result. p. 51; CoprimtS comuttis p. 1 IS; Craterelhis cormtenphides p. 121; Cyptotrama aspratum One drawback of this book is the number pp. 37, 55; Lcpista inula p. I \S, Mvccna intcmipta pp. of photographs labelled as 'unidentified', 31. 42; Myvena leaiana p. 86; Podoscrpala push p. 28; ( Pscittbhydnum yclatinosum pp. 20, 7 >; Tremella fuci- Taylor does not collect specimens to allow formis p. 1 06. c u

The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(5)200: October

Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

Research Report Seasonal and Altitudinal Differences in the Abundance and Species Richness of Some Macroinvertebrates in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia, by Michelle Stock and Catherine Marina Pickering 216 Contributions Observations on the Feeding Behaviour of Uchidanurinae (Collembola; Neanuridae) in Australia, by Penelope Greenslacie. Sean Moore and Roger Farrow 221 Butterfly Management Uses Pollard Walk, by Bryan T Haywood and Christopher J Wilson 224 First Record of the Asian Freshwater Leech Barbronia weberi (Blanchard, 1897) (Euhirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Australia, by Fredric R Govedieh, Bonnie A Bain and Ronald W Davies 227 Dragonfly Nymphs with Dipteran 'Hitch-hikers': an Example of Phoresy Found in , by Anneke Veensfra-Qnah 229 Acacia obtiisifolia - Introduction and Spread in Native Bush, by David Cheat 231 The Discovery of Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri along the , Yellingbo, by Dan Harley 233 Ooline Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell.: a Survivor, by Ron Fletcher 235 Foraminifera from , Victoria, by Ken N Bell 237 Naturalist in the Winter Keeps Us Warm, by Ken Green 238 Mountains Snow in Spring, by Ken Green 240 Tribute William Nigel Balcombe Quick, by Michael F Braby and

.' Charles McCubbin , 242 Book Reviews Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi, by Taylor F Loekwood, reviewed by Simon If Lewis 214 Butterflies of Australia: their Identilication, Biology and Distribution, by Michael F Braby, reviewed by Andrew Atkins .,..244 Dragonflies of the World, by Jill Silsbv, reviewed h*- John Hawking 245 Possums: The Brushtails, Ringtails and Greater Glider, by Anne Kerle, reviewed by Ken Bell 246 ISSN 0042-5184

Cover: Dragonfly Aeshna sp. - a representative of the invertebrates covered in this issue, e.g. dragonfly nymphs (p. 229) and dragonflies of the world (p. 245). Photo by Roger Gaymer. Weh address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~fncv/vicnatfhtm email: In c V (2? vi net.net. a Research Report

Seasonal and Altitudinal Differences in the Abundance and Species Richness of Some Flying Macroinvertebrates in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia

Michelle Stock 1 and Catherine Marina Pickering 1

Abstract Seasonal and altitudinal effects an invertebrate abundance and the diversity of Hying macroinverte- brates, including potential pollinators, were examined at an alpine, subalpine and montane site in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia. Sampling using traps consisting of sticky white balls was con- ducted at four times during the growing/flowering season (between December and March), Only insects greater than 4 mm (macroinvertebrates) were identified. Of the total of 9011 invertebrates collected the most diverse and abundant macroinvertebrate taxa were Diptera. The next most abun- dant and diverse were the Hemiptera and Hymenoplera, with few Lepidoptera and Orthoptera. There were both seasonal and altitudinal effects, with the abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates and Diptera (>4 mm) highest between December and February, corresponding to the main flowering periods. Abundance at all sites declined in March as temperatures declined. The abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates in the alpine site was higher than expected compared to the montane site during the first three sampling periods. This differs from studies overseas that have found a decline in macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance with increasing altitude. [77k? Victorian Naturalist 119(5). 2002,216-221)

Introduction Invertebrate diversity, abundance and Green 1997). For example, very few activity have been found to decline with Diptera and other flying insects overwinter increasing altitude in mountain regions in alpine areas with most either there acci- (Primack 1978; Arrovo et al. 1982, *1985; dentally (lifted by air currents), or migrat- Inouye and Pyke f988; Kearns 1992; ing into the alpine for the summer, but Primack and Inouye 1993; Green 1997; returning to the lower areas to breed during

Bingham 1998). This is thought to be due winter (Mani 1968; Green and Osborne to the increasing severity of the environ- 1994). During the snow free period insect ment, with lower temperatures, less bio- activity can vary with weather conditions, mass of vegetation, longer periods of snow particularly temperature, and wind. This cover, increased risk of frosts etc. at higher can result in seasonal and diurnal variation altitudes (Mani 1968; Arroyo et al. 1985; in the abundance and diversity of pollina- Inouye and Pyke 1988; Green and Osborne tors in alpine sites (Arroyo et al. 1985; 1994). For example alpine areas are char- Inouye and Pvke 1988; Bergman et al. acterized by atmospheric cold, high atmos- 1996; Green 1997). pheric aridity, snow and ice, high ultra- The most common type of insects in the violet radiation, large diurnal fluctuations alpine region of Kosciuszko National Park in temperature, and rapid desiccation of are Orthoptera (crickets and grasshoppers). delicate and soft-bodied organisms. These Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (bugs), factors constrain the survival, growth and Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). reproduction of invertebrates limiting their Diptera (flies) and Collembola (springtails) abundance and distribution in high altitude (Inouye and Pyke 1988; Green and environments (Mani 1968: Arroyo et al. Osborne 1994; Green 1997). The main 1982, 1985; Green and Osborne 1994; potential pollinators of the Kosciuszko Green 1997;Korner 1999). alpine flora are thought to be the Diptera Invertebrate abundance, activity and with 60 species visiting flowers (Inouye diversity can also vary seasonally in sub- and Pyke 1988). Hymenoptera (33 species), alpine and alpine areas, including in the along with several species of Lepidoptera Australian Alps (Inouye and Pyke 1988; and Coleoptera, were also found on tlowers (Inouye and Pyke 1998). Unlike other 1 School of Knvironmenlul and Applied Sciences, alpine areas, there is a lack of social bees Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus. PMB 50 and other types of specialist pollinators in Gold Cousi Mai! Centre, Queensland 9726. Kmail c.pickeringfivmiailbox. gu.edu, mi the Australian Alps and in New Zealand

216 The Victorian Naturalist .

Research Report

tall alpine areas matching an apparent lack of 1 1640 m vsi ) and the final site was in specialist syndromes (Primaek alpine herbfield in the alpine region above 1978; Lnouye and Pyke 1988; Pickering Charlotte Pass Village on Mt Gutherie 1997). The decline in the abundance and (I860 m am.). diversity of insect pollinators in subalpine Sampling occurred four times during the and alpine environments is thought to have flowering season. Initial sampling was on influenced pollination syndromes, timing 18-20 December 1998 when all sites had of flowering and duration of stigmatic been snow free for several weeks and tem- receptivity of alpine plants (Arroyo et ai peratures were starting to increase. Sites 1982, 1985; lnouye and Pyke L988; Kcams were sampled again on 16-18 January 1999 1992; Totland 1993^ Bergman et al 1996; at the peak of the alpine flowering season. Bingham 1998; Pickering 1997; korner The third sampling period was 1-3 Pebruary 1999). 1999 when flowering was declining at all if sites. final sampling was 27-29 March I he aim of this study was to examine The altitude and seasonality affected the diversity 1999 when flowering was finished and cli- and abundance of some living macroinverte- matic conditions were less favorable for

brates in kosciuszko National Park. It would insect activity, be expected that the abundance of inverte- At each site o\w passive trap was ran- brates including pollinators varies within a domly placed along each of live 30 m tran- flowering season, with the highest abun- sects approximately 50 m apart. The traps dance in the warmest months (January- were left for two days. Invertebrates collected February in Australia). Peak (lowering in the greater than 4 mm in length were in alpine region o\' koscius/ko National Park and identified to morphospecies the

. feasible to iden- also occurs in the warmest months, although Held laboratory It was not some species flower early in the season., tifv invertebrates less than 4 mm in the soon after snow-melt or later in the season- Held laboratory often in March (( osiin et el. 2000; pers. Statistical analysis obs.). Al lower altitudes insect numbers Effects of altitude and season on species could peak earlier in the season during richness and abundance were examined hv spring, when most plants are flowering. tvvo-wav analysis of variance using SPSS Numbers could also remain higher lor 10.00 (Coakes and Steed 2001). However, longer, as temperatures are higher on aver- due to the relative lack of spatial dispersal age, and do not fall as fast late in the grow o\' the traps at each altitude, the altiludinal ing season (March-April; Green and effect must be interpreted with caution. To Osborne 1994). It would also be expected satisfy the assumptions of the analysis the that at higher altitudes macroinvcrtebrate total number of invertebrates, total number activity/abundance would be lower than at of Diptera, and number of invertebrates >4 subalpine or montane sites at any given time. mm data were transformed using a natural

t ) transformation. Tukeys post hoc- Methods log (x 1 used to compare means at each Study site test was Macroinvcrtebrate diversity and abundance time and site. was sampled using passive traps consisting Results white Stvrofoam balls (II cm diameter) of Diversity and abundance coaled in jangle Trap® (modification ol' A total of 9019 invertebrates was collect- method by Prokopy 1968) attached to 2 ed over the four sampling periods al the mm diameter wire, with the balls posi- three sites. For macroinvertebrates (2490 tioned approximate!) 5 cm above the vege- 4 mm), the most common were Diptera tation. Traps were placed al three altitudes (Hies 69%; Table 1 ). The other groups of in Koscius/ko National Park. New South macroinvertebrates in decreasing abundance lowest altitude site was in the Wales. I he were llemiptera (bugs 11.5%), vegetation i u\ ilvpnts woodland (montane Mymcnoptera (bees and wasps I 1%), Sawpit (reek. I he i near 1400 m asi Lepidoptera (moths 4%), Orthoplera next site was in subalpine heath near (grasshoppers 4%), Blattodea (cockroach- Prussian (reek below Smiggin Moles

Vol. 119(5)2002 217 1

Research Report cs - less than 1%), Arachnida (spiders - less ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interac- than 1%) and Coleoptera (beetles - less tion, df= 6, F = 12.733. p < 0.001). than 1%). Approximately 76% of the inver- The data for Diptera only also showed tebrates caught were smaller than 4 mm the same pattern. There was a significant

(Table 1 ) and were not identified. interaction between altitudes and times Diptera were the most diverse macroin- (Table 4; two-way ANOVA, effect of time vertebrates as well as the most abundant by altitude interaction, df= 6, F = 6.378, p (Table 2). There were 31 morphotaxa rep- < 0.001 ). The number of Diptera also resenting at least 10 families. Hymenoptera declined dramatically in March at all alti- were represented by three bee morphotaxa tudes (Table 4). and four wasp morphotaxa. Within the There was considerable variation in Lepidoptera there were five morphotaxa, diversity of macroinvcrtebrates at the dif- with at least one representative of the ferent altitudes and times (Fig. 2; two-way Oecophoridae, Geometridae and Noctuidae ANOVA, effect of time by altitude interac- families. There were four Orthoptera mor- tion, df = 6, F = 3.835, p = 0.003). All photaxa, one type of Blattodea, one type of three altitudes showed a relatively constant Coleoptera, and two types of Hcmiplera. number of morphospecies between December and February, with a clear Effect altitude and time of decrease in March (Fig. 2). The total number of invertebrates varied seasonally at each of the three altitudes Discussion with a clear decline in invertebrate num- The abundance and diversity of inverte- bers in March compared to earlier in the brates was lower at the end of the grow-

season (Fig. 1). There were significantly ing/flowering season in March than in more invertebrates collected in December December and January at all three alti- in the alpine site than at any other time at Table 2. Diversity of insects trapped at the three any altitude (Fig. 1; two-way ANOVA, altitudes during the 1998/199° flowering season effect of time by altitude interaction, df- at Kosciuszko National Park. 6, F = 19.819, p < 0.001). The peak num- Order Family No. morphotaxa ber of invertebrates was highest in January for both the subalpine and montane sites. Diptera Total 31 Muscidae The data for just the small invertebrates Taehinidac (less than 4 mm) showed the same pattern as C'alliphoridae for total invertebrates. The largest number of Syrphidae invertebrates was found on traps in the alpine Tabanidae site in December, and there was a decrease in Asilidae the number of invertebrates caught at the Tipulidae Simulidae three altitudes in March (Table 3; two-way Tcphritidae Culicidae Table 1. Number of invertebrates belonging to Unknown different orders trapped at the three altitudes Hymenoptera Total (montane, subalpine and alpine sites) in Anthophoridae koseiuszko National Park during the 1998/1999 lehneumonidae grow ing/flowering season. Unknown Lepidoptera total Invertebrate Total all % % Oecophoridae order number invert. > 4 mm Geometridae Micro- and meso- Noctuidae inVertebrates 693 76.85 Unknown Diptera 1432 15.88 68.58 Orthoptera Total

Hemiptcra 240 2.66 1 1 .49 Acrididae Hymenoptera 226 2.51 10.82 Lepidoptera 87 0.96 4.17 Blattodea Total Orthoptera 84 0.93 4.02 Coleoptera Total

Blattodea It) 0.11 0.48 Cleridae Arachnidae s 0.09 0.38 Hemiptera Total

Coleoptera I 0.01 Cicadidae rotal 9019 Unknown

218 The Victorian Naturalist Research Report


600 c i T T 400


. ^ ZH

1) December January February March December January February Marcl Alpine Alpine T I

December January February March December January February March Subalpine Subalpine I I I

December January February March December January February March Montane Montane

Fig. 1. Mean and standard error of the total Fig. 2. Mean and standard error of the diversity number of macroinvertebrates per trap at four of macroinvertebrates per trap at four times dur- times during the flowering season at three alti- ing the flowering season at three altitudes in tudes in Kosciuszko National Park. Kosciuszko National Park.

tudes. This pattern is consistent with other the potential for insect pollination for those studies in alpine and subalpine sites in few alpine plants that flower late in the Kosciuszko National Park that used differ- season (Arroyo et al. 1985; Inouye and ent sampling methodologies (Inouye and Pyke 1988; Primack and Inouye 1993; Pyke 1988; Green 1997), as well as with Bergman et at. 1996). The bulk of the studies of alpine and subalpine environ- flowering in the Kosciuszko alpine ments elsewhere in the world (Arroyo ei occurred in December and January, when

al. 1982, 1985; Primack and Inouye 1993; macroinvertebrate diversity was high. By Bergman et al. 1996; Bingham 1998). The March, however, when only a few species reduction in invertebrate numbers in were flowering (e.g. Mueller's Snow-gen- March is likely to be due to factors such as tian Chionogentias mnelleriana), most lower temperatures at the end of the flow- plants had finished releasing their seeds ering season. Factors such as temperature, and insect diversity had decreased to only wind speed and light levels have all been one morphospecies (a hymenopteran). found to affect insect activity, including in The high abundance and diversity of sites close to those used in this study macro-Diptera compared to other orders of (Primack 1978; Arroyo et al. 1985; Inouye macroinvertebrates found in this study are and Pyke 19X8; Primack and Inouye 1993; consistent with observations in nearby Bergman et al 1996). These changes in sites. Diplera were the most diverse (31 invertebrate numbers are likely to affect species, at least 10 families) and abundant

Vol. 119(5)2002 219 Research Report

Table 3. Mean (and standard error) of the number of 4 mm invertebrates trapped at each sampling period at alpine, subalpine and montane sites.

Sampling date Alpine Subalpine Montane Total 20 December 1998 469 ± 109 112:1:8 I10±18 230 ±57 18 January 1999 73 ± 14 120 ±24 166 ±46 I20± 19 3 February 1999 31 ± 18 66 ±24 121 ±43 82 ± 18 1999 29 March 2i I 15±8 72 ± 9 34:, 10 Total 168 ±54 78 ± 13 117± 17 120 ± 19

Table 4. Mean (and standard error) of the number of Diptera trapped at each sampling period ai alpine, subalpine and montane sites.

Sampling date Alpine Subalpine Montane Total

20 December 1998 75 ± 27 14 ±3 34 ± 10 41 ± II 18 January 1999 29 i 3 31 ±7 23 ±7 28 ±3 3 February 1999 27 ±6 19 ±5 24 ±5 23 ±3

29 March 1999 1 .4 ± 1 9±2 3 4 1 Total 33 ±10 16 ±3 22 ±4 24 ±3

taxa (69% of insects greater than 4 mm) in lo insects greater than 4 mm and hence does the study presented here, lnouye and Pykc not reflect total invertebrate diversity. (1988) also found that Diptera were the The relative dominance of Diptera most abundant and diverse flower visitor, amongst alpine insect fauna, particularly with a total of 60 species of Diptera, among potential pollinator suites, has been belonging lo 18 families visiting flowers found in a range of alpine regions (Inouve from a range of species. The most abun- and Pykc 1988; Kearns 1992; Totland dant flower visitors were Diptera, account- 1993). It is thought, in part, to be due to ing for 62.3% of flower visitors, followed Diptera numbers not declining, or not by Hymenoptera (30.8% flower visitors), declining as fast with increasing altitude as then Lepidoptera (11.2%) and Colcoptera the abundance and diversity of other insect (1.9%) (lnouye and Pyke 1988). groups, such as bees (Primack 1978; Arroyo Several studies have shown that species etal 1982, 1985; Reams 1993). For exam- richness decreases with increasing altitude ple, the diversity of Diptera was higher at (Mani 1968; Arroyo ef a!. 1985; Primack high and mid elevations than at low eleva- and lnouye 1993; Green 1997; Bingham tions in study across an altitudinal gradient 1998). From this, it was expected that there in the Rocky Mountains, USA (Kearns would be a greater diversity of taxa in the 1992). The abundance of Diptera did not montane site, than the alpine and subalpine decline with increasing altitude, unlike other sites. This was not the case. Overall there groups of insects (Kearns 1993), resulting in were forty-three morphospecies of macroin- the increasing importance of Diptera as pol- vertebrates in the alpine, thirty-three in the linators at higher altitude. Similar patterns subalpine and forty in the montane site. In have been found in some other alpine addition, during peak flowering in the regions (Primack and lnouye 1993; Totland alpine, there were either more or similar 1993) with Diptera abundance and diversity numbers and diversity of macroinvertebrates found to be fairly constant or declining more than in the subalpine and montane sites. slowly across altitudinal gradient. The effect Therefore, it could be that there are quite of this is that at higher elevations, which high numbers of macroinvertebrates, partic- often have fewer bees and other specialized ularly Diptera, available to act as pollinators pollinators, Diptera were most common at the time of peak flowering in the alpine. (Arroyo el al. 1982; Primack and lnouye The results obtained in this study should be 1993). In the study presented here, Diptera viewed with some caution, as they could be were also found to be the most diverse and due lo site specific factors, and hence may abundant insects in the alpine zone, adding not be representative of a general trend with support to their prominence as potential pol- altitude. Also, the diversity data only applies linators in such environments.

220 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Acknowledgements Australian StiOW Country. (Reed Books; Chalswood) Thanks to New South Wales National Parks and Inouve l)W and Pyke GH{19S8) Pollination biology in the Snowy Mountains of Australia: Comparisons Wildlife Service for access to the site, and to with montane Colorado. I ISA. Australian Journal Janice Harrington, Karen Rudkin and Kylie of Ecology 13, 191-210. Catteral for their assistance in the field. Kearns C A (1992) Anlhophilous fly distribution across an elevation gradient. American Midland Naturalist References 127. 172-182.

Primack .1 ArrOyO M1K. R and Armesio (I9S2) knnicr C ( 1999) Upine Plant Life Fuxetionai Plant Community studies in pollination ecology in the Ecology of High Mountain Ecos}'stems. (Springer; high-temperate Andes of centra! . I: Pollination Berlin)' mechanism and altitudinal variation. American Mani MS (1968) Ecology and Bfogeagrapfoy ofHigh Journal of Botan) 69, S2-97 Altitude Insects National Library of Australia, Series

Arroyo MIK. <\rmeslon JJ and Primack R.B { 1985) fnlomologtca 4 studies in Community pollination ecology in the high Pickering CM ( 1997) Reproductive strategies and con- temperate Andes of central Chile. II: Effects of tem- straints ol" alpine plants as illustrated b\ five species perature on visitation rates and pollination possibili- of Australian alpine Ranunculus- Opera Botanica ties, Plant Systematica and Evolution 149, I87-Z03. 132. 101-108. Bergman P, MoUu C and llomgren B (1996) Primack R.B (1978) Variability in New Zealand mon- Micrometcnrological impacts on insect activity and plant tane and alpine pollination assemblages Sew reproductive success in an alpine environment, Swedish Zealand Journal of Hotanx 1. 66-73.

l aptand trcticand tlpiue Research 2H, 196-202. Primack RB and Inouve DW (1993) Factors affecting Bingham RA (1998) Efficient pollination of alpine- pollinator visitation rates; a biogeographie compari- plants. Nature 391, 238-239. son. Current Sciences 65. 257-262. O.akcs SJ and Steed IX. (2001) SPSS Analysis Without Prokopy RJ (196S) Sticky spheres tor estimating apple Anguish, (Wiley: New York) maggot adult abundance, Journal oj Economic

Costin AB. Gray M. Tottcrdcll CJ and Wimbush I XI lntnmnloK\-U\. 1082-1085,

{IQQtyKoscwka lij'itifh'hni. (CSIKO; Collingwood) I otland ( 1993) Pollination in alpine Norway; (lower- Green K. (1997) Inter-annual, seasonal and altiludinal ing phenology, insect visitors, and visitation rates in differences in invertebrate activity in the Snowy two plant communities. Canadian Journal of Botany Mountains. The Victorian naturalist 114.222-229. 71. 1072-11179. Green K and Osborne VV (1994) Wildlife of the

Observations on the Feeding Behaviour of Uchidanurinae (Collembola: Neanuridae) in Australia

1 Penelope Greenslade , Sean Moore? and Roger Farrow'

Abstract Two observations of feeding on the plasmodial stage of a slime mould (Myeeto/oa) in Eucalyptus forest in Victoria and Tasmania by species of the log-inhabiting Uchidanurinae are documented. It is suggested that feeding on Protozoa may be much more common in members of the Neanuridae than

is currently considered. The Uchidanurinae are of conservation significance as they lend to be inhab- itants of old growth \cgetation, highly diverse in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania and very sus-

ceptible to human impacts. (The Victorian Naturalist 1 19 (5>. 2002. 221-223)

Introduction The Uchidanurinae are among the largest far, collections from south-east Australia and and most spectacular Collembola. Tasmania indicate that about thirty species Individuals may be up to 10 mm long and are can be distinguished on gross morphology dark blue, grey or black with a flattened, seg- and it is likely that a much larger number of mented body furnished with lobes and digila- cryptic species exist (Greenslade 1991, tions often conspicuously tipped with orange 1993). The subfamily is also found in New or yellow. The animals live in or under old Zealand, New Caledonia and pails of south- decaying logs in old growth forests or in east Asia and is considered to be (iondvvanan heathland undisturbed by lire for long peri- in origin (Greenslade 1991 ). ods, and unlike most other Collembola, lack Based on their mouthparts, Collembola a jumping organ. Although only three can be divided into two groups. The first Australian species have been described so group possesses a mandible with a toothed molar plate while Ihe second group has a National [ m

Vol. 119(5)2002 221 ( 'ontnbutiom

group suggest that Collcmbola have rela- feeding on (lie slime mould growing on the tively unspecialised feeding habitats and outside of a rotting log, possibly Acacia consume fungi, bacteria and other microor- sp., in cucalypt forest with an understorey ganisms, with some preferences for certain of bracken Pterldium esculentum. Again, fungal species, possibly based on nutrition- the observations were made during the al value {Hopkins 1997). However, by defi- day. On the first occasion, two individuals nition, easily cultured species are likely to were noted at 2 pm feeding in overcast. show relatively generalised feeding prefer- calm and wet conditions at a temperature ences so llie unspecillc nature of feeding of approximately I2°C. On the second habits may not be as widespread as these occasion, ten individuals were observed at observations indicate (Circcnsladc 1993). 10 am in overcast, calm and damp condi- families lacking the molar plate, such as tions at a temperature of approximately the Neanuridae to which the Uchidanurinae 8°C. This site was extremely humid, being belong, show a greater morphological varia- adjacent to a rainforest gully. Photographic tion in mouth parts, suggesting that a range records of both observations were made of specialised feeding habits may be a char- and specimens were collected, The two acteristic of this group. It is known that sev- species were different and belonged to two eral species of Neanurinae, a closely related different available genera in the subfamily, have been kept alive for long I'chidanurinae. The I asmanian species periods as long as temperatures are kept low belonged to Acanthamira sp. ef, dendyi and moisture regimes high, but feeding and (Lubbock 1899) and the Victorian species reproductive behaviour were never observed to Womcrslcynwria sp. hicornis group in culture (L Deharveng pers. comm.). The (Womersley 1940), but cannot be identi- llchidanurinac are typical of the Neanurinae fied further until a revision of the subfami- in thai individuals have been kept at a tem- ly in Australia can be carried out. perature of 4°C for over five months, but Specimens of both slime mould and feeding on microorganisms such as bacteria, Collcmbola from the Kinglake National yeasts or fungi was never observed nor were Park were retained for examination in cul- any eggs seen (I* Greenslade pers. obs.). In ture but proved difficult to observe under a addition, studies of the alimentary canals of normal microscope light. Neanurinae have failed to find any identifi- Discussion able contents (I. Deharveng pers. comm.). Slime moulds are found on shed bark,

Observations well-rotted logs and in leaf litter, mainly in TWO independent observations in the moist environments. They are most easily field have been made of Uchidanurinae cultured from cut bark and survive desic- feeding in natural undisturbed environ- cation and rehydration (Stephenson and ments. In both cases a number of individu- Stempen 1994). All collections of als were observed during the day feeding I'chidanurinae from forests have been on the plasmodial stage of a yellow slime made from similar habitats, that is either mould, probably Fitligo sept tea. The first within or under logs or in leaf litter with an observation was made by R. Farrow in tall abundant bark content. Individuals are usu- wet selerophyll forest in the Florentine ally collected from just under bark on logs Valley, southwest Tasmania, in February or between bark and the thick layer of

l l >92. farrow photographed two individu- moss growing on it. als apparently feeding on a conspicuous Slime moulds were, in the past, consid- yellow slime mould growing on the lower ered to be closely related to fungi, as indi- side of a well-rotted log, possibly of a cated bv the scientific name, Mv xomycetes.

Eucalyptus species, in deep shade about I low ever they are now considered to have a midmorning. The second set of observa- closer relationship and ancient ancestry with tions were made by S Moore on both the Protozoa, and are more correctly referred to 29 July, 2001 and "the 5 August, 2001. at as Mycetozoa (Wheeler 1984). Although the same site in semi-open eucalvpt forest soil Protozoa have sometimes been record- in Kinglake National Park, northeast of ed as food of Collcmbola there have been Melbourne. Victoria. These animals were no direct data to support the suggestion. In

222 Hie Victorian Naturalist Contributions

fact, reviews of feeding in Collembola usu- also explain their preferred habitat under the ally fail to mention Protozoa (Christiansen bark of rotting logs. Moreover, the literature 1964) or mention them but give no support- indicates that the feeding habitats of the ing reference (Rusek 1*998). Andren and family Neanuridac are still unknown

Sclinurer ( 1985) assume Protozoa constitute because identifiable gut contents are not nor- a considerable proportion of the diet of mally observed in mounted specimens. Our Folsomia flmetaria (Isotomidae), as only a observations, together with those of

small percentage of the animals' growth Chassain (1973), indicate that it is possible could be accounted for by fungi, but direct that other members of the family Neanuridae evidence was lacking. Although Ing (1967) may also show a preference For or feed recorded adventitious Collembola probably exclusively on slime moulds and perhaps feeding on slime moulds in culture, the only even more commonly on other Protozoa. published observation of an identified Acknowledgements collembolan species feeding on the Plas- The authors would like to thank the anonymous modia] stage of M\ceio/oa is that of referee for the suggestions of improvements to Chassain (1973). He observed feeding of the manuscript. Neanura muscorum Templeton (Neanuri- dae: Xeanurinae) on two species of slime References

Andren O and Sclinurer J ( 1985) Barley straw decani moulds, Dictydiaethalium piumbeum Rost position with varied levels of microbial graying by and Trichia vat'ia (Pers.). Chassain (1973) Folsomia fimetaria <1 .1 (Collembola, Isoiomiduc). Oecoiopa 68 7-62. also noted thai when the slime mould trans- T Blackwell M 1 198-1) Myxomyeetes and their arthropod forms to the sporulation phase, some associates. In / ufigun Insect relationships Collembola become trapped and die. A Perspectives in Ecology and !. volution, pp. 67-90. Eds Q Wheeler and M BlackweU. (Columbia number of other organisms. Coleoptera, University Press: New VorfcJ

1 i Il.-.uii \l (I ).;! Capture d'un insccle Collembola Diptera and AcarT (Blackwell 1 9X4; par lIciix VIvxonn ccicv Document* rttvcologiques Wheeler 1984; and Milncr 1996) Lawrence tf/teS, M 18

have been reported as forming an associa- ( in l-.iuii sen K (1964) Bionomics ol' Collembola Annual Rt wen ol Sntomoloa *>, 147-178. tion with slime moulds (Frederick 1990) but I rederick I. (1990) Phylum Plasmodial Slime Molds

rarely with the plasmodial stage since most i lass Myxonrtycota, In Handbook ofProtoctista the species feed on mature sporocarps. ^structure, cultivation habitats and life cycle* oj the eukaryotic microorganisms, and theit descendants nearly all The Uchidanurinae are heaviK exclusive oj animals, plants andfungi, A guide to the pigmented and have eight ocelli on each algae ciliates,, Foraminifera, sporoioa, waternialds, /.'/>... motdi and tfie other protocti&tst pp. 467-483. J. side of the head. This is suggestive of diur- l-!ds Corliss. M Mclkonian and DJ Chapman. nal activity in these organisms as nocturnal [Jones and llartlett Publishers: BoStOrt)

( l !'}')! n , nskide ( ) Notes on species normally have reduced ocelli and P Australian tJchidanurinae (Co 1 1 cm hoi a; Neanuridae). In reduced pigment of the body. I lowever, tdvances in Management ami Conservation of Soil foraging during the day of cryptic, humid i'umitL pp. 63-65. l.ds Gk Veeresh, D Rajagopal and ( A Viraktamalh. lO\lbrd/IBII Publishing Co. Pvt. log-inhabiting species might not be expect- Ltd: Neu Delhi) ed because these animals would be vulner- Grcenslade P (1993) Collembola, In Insects oj Australia, pp. 252-264. Id ( siKt). (Melbourne able to the lower humidities found outside University Press; Melbourne) the log habitat. It is significant that the Hopkins s (1W) Biology oj th Spfingtaih (Insecta,

Cnilcntholai, (O\lord I niversit\ Press; (Moid) diurnal activity recorded here was at a time

luiz B ( l%7) Myxomycetes as food for other organs i ,/ . when light intensity in these forests was Proi eedtnga uj the South London Entomological anal low and at sites where humidities were Vaiurat History Soeieb l%7, is 23

i awrence JF and M finer RJ I I996-) Associations high. Observations have also particular!) n arthropods and fungi. In Fungi ofAustralia been made of a different species foraging Volume IB Introduction 'Fungi in the Environment, 137-200. ids k MaMett and c Grgurinovrc during the day on the surface of a rotting pp. * (Australian Biological Resources itudj : anberra)

log in rainforest at Cooloola National Park, Kusck .! (1908) Biodiversit; of Collembola and their Queensland (P Grcenslade pers. obs.). ruuciional role in the ecosVSWm, Biodiversity and I 'onservationl, 1207-1 119 suggest that as all members of the sub- We Stephenson SI. and Stenipen 1 1 ( 1994) Myxamycetex: I family L'chidaiuirinae have very similar Handbook ofSlinte Moulds. (Timber Press: Portland. Oregon) mouthparts. they may be specialist feeders Wheeler Q (1984) I voluthm ol slime mold feeding in on slime moulds. This would explain not leiodid beetles. In FuttgUS Insect rr/oiion\lu/i\ Perspectives \n Ecology and Evolution, 446-477. only observations recorded here, but also pp. the Eds Wheeler and M Bt&ckwall. (Columbia the difficult) of culturing these animals and Cnieersity Press: New York)

Vol. 119(5)2002 223 Contributions

Butterfly Management Uses Pollard Walk

1 Bryan T Haywood and Christopher J Wilson


South Australia's first set of butterfly walks was conducted in the Penambol Conservation Park from

I J November 2000 to 25 April 2001 , A simple survey technique devised by Pollard (1977) was used lo record the changes in abundance of common and rare butterflies during a weekly transect walk. Ten butterfly species were recorded during the survey period with A species being regionally threat- ened species. The survey technique has great relevance for the survey and management of threatened species in many terrestial environments with the assistance of volunteers also important for its suc- cess. The presence and absence of particular species in specific habitats can also be objectively used as a guide to overall habitat health and condition. {The Victorian NaturaiiSi 1 19 (5). 2002. 224-226)


A simple survey technique to observe and • record the numbers and species of record the abundance in butterfly fauna was 1 epidoptera present in the Penambol devised by Pollard (1977) as a method for Conservation Park; assessing the changes in the abundance of •encourage local volunteers to be butterflies, The method was first developed involved; at Monks Wood Experimental Station (UK) • use the information collected on butterfly to enable a person (with relatively little presence as a guide to the assessment of a experience) to assess the changes in abun- habitat's health and condition. dance of butterflies in their locality. Fisher (1983) and Grand and Hunt (1997, I ndersby (1994) and Brooks [1993) high- 2000) have previously recorded the butter- lighted the use of the Pollard walk for fly fauna in the Lower South East includ- counting insects, especially dragonllics, ing the Penambol Conservation Park area. suggesting minor modifications to reflect They determined the locality as one ol local conditions but overall Hading the tech- great potential for the discovery of various nique repeatable and very effective. Staff of species oecuring in Victoria but in this the Department for Environment and rare region. This is principally due to the fact I leritage (DEH) in South Australia, with the that the Lower South Last oi" South assistance of local volunteers, want to fur- Australia is the westerly extension of habi- ther highlight the suitability of the Pollard tats (and the range of flora and fauna walk as a tool for the management of butter- species) oecuring throughout south-eastern fly species and as a component in assessing Australia, remnant vegetation health. The habitat throughout the transect includ- The Pollard walk, 'the first of its kind in ed Messmate Stringybark Eucalyptus obli- South Australia,' was initiated in 2000/01 que on deep sandy soil. Swamp Gum E. and is being used for surveying butterflies ovata on red loam over limestone, open in the Penambol Conservation Park, South cleared ground of Bracken Ptevidium escu- Australia, a 178 hectare reserve situated 25 lent um with emergent E. obliqua over intro- km south-east of Mount Gambier in an area duced grasses and weeds, and Blackwood more commonly known as Caroline Forest. Acacia melunoxylon over Mat Rush The aim of the survey was to: Lomandra longifolia. • highlight the simplicity of monitoring a site for butterflies using the Pollard walk; Method • commence the first annual Butterfly walk The Pollard walk suitably should be South Australia: for undertaken from Spring to Autumn each year (Pollard 1977). As this was the first year of the walk the authors began the sur- Department for Environment and Heritage, PO Box vey from 13 November 2000 and ended on

1 04b, Mount Gambler, South Australia 5290 25 April 2001. Each week during this peri- Email I layvvood.Urvanu/ saugo\ , sa.gov.au Wexford Wildfowl Reserve, North Slob, Wexford. od a walk was undertaken along a fixed Ireland. Kmail ewiKonw ealgaie and Segmented transect (between 1 100 and

224 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

1600 hours). Pollard (1977) stressed the Research section of the Department for importance of undertaking a walk during Environment and Heritage. optimum conditions. The weather can have The habitat was assessed using a habitat considerable effect on the numbers of but- assessment technique developed for the terflies seen. Therefore before each survey Property Management Planning program the temperature, approximate wind speed (Primary Industries South Australia 1997). (Beaufort Scale) and direction and cloud The assessment process was to answer a cover (sunshine) were recorded. Any day number of simple questions as to the pres- during the allocated week could be chosen ence and/or absence of various natural fea- for the Pollard walk to allow for the best tures of a habitat of that type and associat- conditions. Each walk was completed at a ed wildlife. The assessment included the slow pace and look on average 25 min. allocation of points for positive and nega- The walk was divided into 7 sections with tive features contained within the habitat. each section reflecting a change in habitat. For example the presence of underslorey All butterfly species seen were identified plants especially grasses would receive 5 and counted at a distance up to 10 m in points and the presence of weeds would each of the seven sections. Any un-identi- receive 5 minus points and so on. The tally

11 able butterflies were recorded as such at the end of the exercise would provide an and/or caught and later identified using assessment of the habitat depending on the Braby (2000) and/or Fisher (1978). Some score. uncommon and rare species were taken as Results specimens, mounted, labelled and stored at In 2000/01 a total of 10 species was the Mount Gambler DEH office inverte-

recorded along the weekly walks (Table 1 ). brate collection for future reference. Notes The most commonly recorded butterflies were also taken relating to general obser- were the Common Brown Heteronympha vations, feeding plants and other fauna merope merope, Common Grass Blue sighted during each walk. All data record- Zizina labradus lakradm and the K.lug\s ed were entered into a spreadsheet and for- Xenica (ieiloncura klugiL The graph warded to the Biological Survey and

Table 1. Butterfl) species recorded including conservation status for South Australia (South

Australian Butterflies 1998). SA conservation ratings: 1 , uncommon; R rare

Common Name Scientific Name Conservation Status

Australian Admiral 1 (ihc.s.sii ilea Australian Painted Lady I'uncssu kershawi Barred Gi ass-ski pper Dtispar compacts U Bright Shield-skipper Signeta fiummeaia R

( labbags White Pterin ru/kic rapae Common Brown IlclcruiiYmpha merope merope

( ummon Grass Blue Zizina labradus lab 'dtins Mug's Xenica Geitoneura klugii Shouldered Brown Heteronympha pern lopepenehpe U White-handed Grass-dart Tatactfocera papyria papyria R

section the wa Ik showing the iresence o rare imd common Table 2. 1 labftai assessment for each of species and total butterfly numb*. rs recorded for each section during sui ve\ period

Section Habits! Value Number of Number of Total rare species common species numbers 517 1 Kigh 3 5 86 2 Low 1 5

> Moderate 3 5 230 4 Low 2 6 93 Low 2 106

(y Moderate 1 5 155 High 2 3 377

Vol. 119(5)2002 225 ( 'ontributions

- - Common Brown *• Klug's Xcnica Grass Rim-

C a 2 f

1 i

V O •?

Weekly dates of transect walks

Fig. I. The abundance of the three most common species recorded throughout the Pollard walk dis- playing the total lor each week. shows the abundance of these three species Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the following individ- each week during the walk (Fig. I ). uals who assisted or participated in weekly The sections of the walk that received a walks, identification of butterflies, signage low habitat score had fewer butterflies along the trail, maps for a Park brochure and and/or rare species recorded. Those com- slashing of walking trail: Jason Bonncy, Kalrina mon species recorded in these sections Eggleston, Zoe Griffiths, Roger Grund, Torsten were normally seen in open impoverished Gustavsson, .lean Haywood, Toni Haywood, habitats. The areas with moderate/high Brad hay. Paul Steed, Greg Wandin, and Ann Wilson. habitat value recorded a greater diversity and abundance including most species of References and Bibliography : conservation significance (Table 2). Braby MI (2000) Butterflies of Australia, Volumes I and 2. (CSIRO: Melbourne) Brooks S.I a to adult Conclusion ( 1993) Review of method monitor dragonfly populations. Journal of the British Initial findings indicated that data collected -4. Dragnnffy Society 9, I using the Pollard walk could assist in identi- I.ndcrsby II) (1994) Counting insects while doing the Pollard Walk. Victorian 134-135. fying variations in the presence of Entomologist 24, Fisher Rll (1978) Butterflies of South Australia rare/threatened populations of butterflies at a I cpiiloptcra: llesperioidea, Papiliiotoiiica. site. The long term trends of any monitoring (Crovcrnmenl Printer; Adelaide) Fisher Rll (1083) Butterflies of the South In program are critical to the actions undertak- East. Natural History a/ the South East, pp 215-222. IZds en \'ov rare/threatened species especially if M.I Tyler, CR Pwidalc, .IK king and JW Holmes. the technique for the collection of data can (Royal Society of South Australia: Adelaide) Grund R and Muni 1. (1007) New bullerlly records and be simplified. Pollard (1977) offers such a new range extensions, food plant recordings and biol- technique for scientific authorities and pro- ogy for some butterflies from the lower south east fessionals, amateur entomologists or nature region of Souih Australia, i'ii-torian Entomologist 27, 50-53. enthusiasts. The contribution and assistance Grund R and Hunt I, (2000) liuttcrjlv Conservation in offered by volunteers is also a critical com- ihc Lower South h'.ast Region (National Parks ponent to the success of a wildlife monitor- Foundation Ine: Adelaide) Pollard E (1077) A method Tor assessing changes in the ing program like the Pollard walk. abundance of butterflies. Biological Conservation 12,

The presence of rare species in some sec- I 15-134.

Primary Industries South Australia ( 1007) healthy tions of the walk indicates that the habitat is How is your patch of native vegetation worksheet. In of moderate/high biodiversity value. The Property Management PI matin y, Extension areas of the walk in which few butterfly Resource Manual. (PISA: Adelaide). South Australian species were found could be an indication Butterflies website (1998), www.chariot.nel.au/ rmind that the habitat is impoverished and needs attention. However with only one year's data this conclusion cannot be substantiated.

226 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

First Record of the Asian Freshwater Leech Earbronia weberi (Blanchard, 1897) (Euhirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Australia

1 1 Fredric R Govedich , Bonnie A Bain and Ronald W Davies-

Abstract Two individual Barhronia weheri, an invasive species from India and southeast Asia, were collected from Common Waterweed Hydtiila vertlctllata purchased in June, 2001 from an aquarium supplier in Melbourne, Australia. Adult leeches were fed Tuhlfex sp. ad libitum and successlullv reproduced under laboratory conditions (2l°C '), This invasive species has the potential to adverse!} affect the biodiversity of native Australian freshwater invertebrates and the extent of this invasion is not clear-

K known. '(The Victorian Naturalist 1 1** (5). 2002, 227-228)

Introduction Members of the family Erpobdellidae are (June, 2001) from an aquarium supplier in typically freshwater predators feeding on a Melbourne, Australia. The adult leeches range of invertebrate prey including crus- were fed Tuhi/ex sp. ad libitum and main- taceans, insects, molluscs, and annelids. tained in 200 ml of artificial pond water (pH Unlike their bloodsucking cousins, these = 6.96, conductivity = 31.6 uS, 21°C) for 3 leeches lack both a proboscis and jaws and months. Following the production of often feed by swallowing their prey whole. cocoons the adults were preserved in 70% Erpobdellids are well known for being ethanol and examined using an Olympus important sit-and-wait predators in aquatic SZH-IO dissecting microscope to determine ecosystems, with a few species being their identity. pelagic predators in the absence of fish Results and Discussion (Blinn et ol. 1987). In addition, erpobdel- Barhronia weberi is distinguishable from lids ma> be important prey for vertebrate two superficially similar Australian erpob- and invertebrate predators (Sawyer 1986; dellids, Vivahdeila oreana Richardson, Daviesand Govedich 2001 i. 1970 and Dineta eyihiilrlea Goddard, 1908. Harhronla weheri (Blanchard, 1897) was Both B- weheri and V. areana have three originally described from India and is native pairs of eyes and accessory copulalon. to south-east Asia. Java. Sumatra, Celebes, pores (Fig, Id) distinguishing them from D, Borneo, Philippines and Afghanistan eylindriea which has Four pairs of eyes and 1086; Soos 1966: Nesemann and I Sawyer lacks accessory pores (Fig. Ic). Barhronia Sharma 1996), It has been introduced to weheri; can be distinguished from V. areana New Zealand. Hngland. Brazil, and the (Fig, la, f) based on the presence of pha- United States of America, apparent!) ryngeal stylets (Fig. lb) and the absence of through the aquarium trade (Mason 1976; simple postcaeca (Fig. le). Sawyer 1986; Pamplin and Rocha 2000; Each adult Barhronia weheri produced R utter and Klemm 2001). Barhronia weheri between 8 and 10 cocoons during a two is often associated with aquatic vegetation, week period and each cocoon was attached using aquatic plants as a substrate for to solid substrates (aquatic vegetation, attachment and for the attachment of rocks or the sides of aquaria). Cocoons .ih. and it is likely this species has were produced every other day over the been transported with common aquarium two weeks and each cocoon contained two plants, Hydrilla vertieillata (Linnaeus. or three small eggs surrounded by trans- 1782* and Elodeavp* parent fluid. Upon hatching the young Methods were 5.6 ± 0.6 mm long and 0.7 ± 0.2 mm Two reproductive!} mature leeches were wide (relaxed), capable of feeding inde- Umiui on flytlrilla veriiei/lata purchased pendently on Tuhlfex sp. and became reproductively mature within four months Unlvei S boa : Biological Sciences. Mona&h of hatching (n 7). At reproductive malu- '.mi. i rily. leeches had a relaxed length of 21.5 ±

Scicnci I rrivcrsttj "i 1 1 irtmenl oi Biological | - 1 I (n 1 ). ersii DmvNU i Eg u Ubcrta, 3 mm and width oi 3 t 03 mm

i' •

Vol. 119(5)2002 227 C Contributions

Adult lUirhronia wchcri were tound attached to Hydrilla verticillata, a weedy aqiuilie plan! thai has been known to invade freshwater ecosystems. The leeches were usually attached near the base of the leaf whorls or along the stem, making them difficult to see. While most of the individual cocoons were attached to the bottom or sides of the container, some of the cocoons were laid on individual leaves.

All cocoons, regardless of attachment site, eventually hatched. Both the behaviour of the parent and the attachment of cocoons to // verticil lulu allow this species to he transported as both an adult and as a cocoon. This close association, al both the

cocoon and adult stages, has allowed II. webert to successfully invade many new Fig. 1. Morphological areas via the aquarium trade (Mason 1976; features of Barbra nig weberi and Vivpbdetta arcana. Top left: Sawyer 1986; Pamplin and Kocha 2000; Dissected vie* of the buccal cavity of V. Kullcrand Klcmm 2001). arcana (a), without stylets and />'. wchcri (h) The //. vcrticillata which contained the II containing stylets. Bottom left: i eternal view wchcri had been part ofa shipment that orig- showing the gonopoxes ofa typical erpobdellid inated from a pool of locally (Melbourne) (c) and the gonopores and accessory copulatory and pores of 5 Weberi and !'. arcana (d>. Right: nationally grown plants making it diffi- Digestive system of 8, wchcri without posi- cult to identify the source of the B. wchcri. caeca and V arcana (I) with poatcaeca. However, all slocks of the //. vcrticilUttu were from Australian sources, indicating

thai II wchcri has been and is being main- References lilinii tained in the Australian aquarium trade. DW, DavieS rw and Dehdashti B

I iihiiudiiiL-ii burrow into the gravel, making ihem virtual- and acanthobdellids, In Ecohg) uiul Swicnnans oj Xoith American ly undetectable. Freshwater Like other erpobdellid invcrtchiaics, 2nd ed, pp 465-504. Ed .III thorp and leeches, B, wchcri is an aquatic predator that At' Co\ ich. (Academic Press; San Diegu)

Mason .! l'>7(.) swallows its invertebrate prey (insects, ( Studies on die freshwater and leirr.ln.il leeches ol New Zealand 2. Orders Gnathobdetttfcrmes worms, etc.) whole. Being a predator with and Pharyngobdetli formes. Journal a) the Hnyat rapid development and (he ability for adults Society ofNew Zealand $, 255-276. iNfesemartn ll and Sharrns S (1996) and cocoons to be transported in aquatic Contribution 10 die knowledge Of the leeches of Nepal (Annelida; vegetation, allows 11 wchcri to invade new llirudinea). Acta Zaoiogica Academtae Scientiarum systems where they have the potential to Hmgaricae 42. 231-249. Pamplin P and Racha o (2000} i irsi compete with or teed on native invertebrate report of Barbroma weberi (llirudinea: Erpobdelli formes: species. The introduction of this invasive Salitldae) from South America, Rcvism Ue Siolom'a species Could potentially have long term Tropical^ 723. R utter RP and klemm DJ (2(KH) Ihe consequences for presence of an the biodiversity and sur- \m.mi leeph, Barbrpruo weberi, in a home aquarium vival of native in Australian freshwater fauna south Florida (llirudinea; Salil'idae). Florida and the ecosystems they inhabit. Scientist 64, 2\b-2\& Sawyer R I (1986) teeah Siohgy and &ehavimn Unfortunately it is not clear how mans 11. Feeding Hiolog^i, Ecology and Systematic^ Volume wchcri are in Australia, or the extent of the ll.(7, is having in Australia.

228 Ihe Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Dragonfly Nymphs with Dipteran 'Hitch-hikers': an Example ot'Phoresy Found in Dandcnong Creek

Anneke Veenstra-Quah 1

Abstract \ phorettc association was observed between larvae of Rheotanytarsu* iutiac (Diptera: Chironomidae] and larvae of \ustroaesckna unicornis unicornis (Odonata: \eshmdae) collected

one i from site near the headwaters ofDandenong ( reek, Victoria. [Tfu h torum Vamraiist 119 (5) 2002 -> 13 1)


Phoresv. from the Greeic phoresis, 'a car- current. Rheatcmytarsm inluic is the most rying', is a phenomenon Where an individual abundant species in cool temperate regions of one species is transported b\ an individ- of south-eastern Australia (Cranston 1997).

ual of another species (Gillian and Cranston \usiroiic\chnn unicorn i,\ mucin ms 1994). Phoresy has been observed in fresh- nymphs are ambush predators, inhabiting

water ecosystems where small or slow-mOv- mud o\~ gravel substrates, crevices in rocks ing animals rel> on larger more mobile and logs, in both montane and lowland species tor transport. There have been streams in south-eastern Australia numerous overseas reports of dipteran lar- (Hawking 198$). lus/roncsc/inn nymphs vae, particularly null- biting midges from the have slow growth rates, hard cuticles with Famil> Chironomidae. attaching themselves manv sites suitable For attachment, and the\

to several insect orders including remain stationary for long periods in mud Ephemeroptera (White ct at 1980; Tokeshi and detritus, habitats favoured by chirono- 1986), Plecoptera (Boltorffand Knight mids (Hawking and Watson 1990). 1987), and odonata (Rosenberg 1972; White aal. 1980; Dudgeon 1989). Hawking Methods headwaters o\ Dandcnong and Watson ( I WO) reported the first associ- The Creek ation between larvae from the chironomid upstream oi' Edgar Track in Doongalla 37° 51' 145°20' genus Rheotanytarsus and the dragon flv State forest S, E were sam- Austrocicschna atraht in Australian waters. pled using the rapid bioassessmenl method Chironomid larvae are popular prey items of tiller and Mel/ling (1998) on 30 August lor manv predators, and increasing their 2001. At this site, the slreambed was com- effective size by attaching to a larger organ- prised of small boulders and cobbles with ism like a dragonfly nymph can decrease the large amounts of detritus present. Tree potential number of predators capable of ferns and eucalypts dominated the riparian

/one vegetation (big. I ). feeding on them ( lokcshi 1995). A phoretic association has now been observed between Invertebrates were collected by kick sam- Rheotanytarsus iuliue (Diptera: Chirono- pling for five minutes using a collecting midae) and Ausironcschnn unicornis unicor- net with mesh si/e 250 gin, live sorted in nis (Odonala: Aeshnidae) collected from the the Held, preserved in 70% ethanol, and headwaters ofDandenong (.'reek. initially identified to family level in the Rhconinvdirsus is a widespread, lube- laboratory using published keys. Dragonfly building genus found in flowing water nymphs were later identified to species level using Hawking (1986) and ehirono- (Cranston 1996). I heir distinctive mm- transportable cases constructed of detrital ni ids to species level using Cranston and algal material, have arm-like extensions (1996, 1997). on which the larva spins a silken web for Results filtering fine food particles carried by the Of the live A. unicornis unicornis nymphs collected from this site on Dandcnong

Creek, two had larval li juliac attached.

< [i Science and honolog) Desk Two chironomid larvae were associated with i ,,i... i. Burwflod Campus ''I Burwood Highway,

1 i the largest i one ood, Victoria H25 \ mail vquahf&deakin cdu au dragonfly nymph attached

Vol. 119(5)2002 229 *

l ( ontributions

Doongalla Slate Forest

Kilsyth /" A


" Dandenong WOWm Creek

? )

? -

Port Phillip 2 i Bay i Carrum km

Fig. 1. Location and photograph of the sampling Fig. 2. Two Rhcotanytarsus Juliae larvae asso- site near the headwaters Of Dandenong Creek ciated with Austroaeschna unicornis unicornis upstream of Edgar Track in Doongalla State the largest dragonfly nymph collected - one Forest, attached horizontally to the tibia of the hind leg (black arrow and inset) and the other near the wing pad margin (white arrow). horizontally to the tibia of the hind leg and the other near the wing pad margin (Fig. 2). The other nymph had a single case attached Acknowledgements

I would like to thank Helen Madden for the laterally to the first abdominal segment. excellent dragonfly nymph portrait, Suzanne Discussion Kiss von Soly, for her kick-sampling expertise, Rebecca Joyce, an observant student who The phoretic association between aeshnid noticed that there was something unusual about dragonfly nymphs and chironomid larvae one dragonfly n\mph, and other students from is thought to be quite common (.III the School of Ecology and Environment Hawking 2001 pcrs. comm.). The headwa- (Oeakin University) Freshwater Biology class ters of Dandenong Creek have been sam- Louise Biggs, Katie Christopher, "Rebecca Pretty, Jacqueline Rosewall and Hay Ice Weaver, pled since the late 1970s (Campbell 1978; Nultall 1982; Ferdinands et at 1995) and References

dragonfly nymphs from the family BmtorffRL and Knight AW { I9H7) ffctosvmhiosis between Ntinoeladins Aeshnidae have often been collected in the downesi (Diptera: Chiroiiomidae) and Ac rone ur la abnormis vicinity of the site sampled in August (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in a Michigan stream, USA.

2001. However, (here are no published EntomoJogia Generate 12, 97-1 1 3, Campbell IC (1978) A records of chironomids attached to aeshnid biological investigation of an organicall) polluted urban stream in Victoria. nymphs. This be may because the associa- Australian Journal ol Marine and Freshwater tion was not noticed when samples were Research », 275-291. Cranston PS (1996) sorted due to the fact thai the nymphs are Identification Guide to the Chiroiiomidae of New South tt'a/es. AWT dark brown in colour, often covered in Identification Guide Number 1. {Australian Water detritus and the brown Rheotanyiarsus Technologies Pty Ltd: West Rvdc. NSW') Cranston PS Revision cases may be easily overlooked. (\?9T) of Ausiralian Rhcotanytarsus Thienemann tV: Bouse (Diptera: It is interesting to note that of the 41 A. Chiroiiomidae) revised, with emphasis on the imma- utrutu nymphs collected by Hawking and ture stages. Invertebrate Taxonomy II, 705-734. Dudgeon D (1989) Phoretic Diptera (Nematocera) on Watson (1990) from two sites in the upper Zygorryvx iris (Odonata: Anisoptera) from a I long catchment of the , only two had Kong river: incidence, composition and attachment sites. Archiv fur Rhcotanytarsus attached, compared with five Hydrobiologie 1 15, 433-419. Ferdinands K, Verlessv D and Smith T (1995) A. unicornis unicornis nymphs collected Biological Survey of Oaftdewong (.'reck ami from the headwaters of Dandenong Creek Associated Tributaries. Report No' 8/95, (Water txoscience: Melbourne) and two of which had Rhcotanytarsus juliac Gullan PJ and Cranston PS (1994) The Insects: attached. An Outline of'Entomology, (Chapman and Hall: London)

230 The Victorian Naturalist ;


Jll Hawking (1986) Dragonfly Larvae of the River Tiller D and Metaling I (1998) Rapid Bioassmment oj \lurra) System! a Preliminary Guide to the Victorian Streams The Approach and Methods ofthe. Identification of Known final Insiar Larvae of Environment Protection tmhority. Publication 604- South-eastern Australia. Technical Report No 6". (Environmertt Protection Authority: Melbourne) -\\ Albur\ odonga Development Corporation; Tokeshi M { 1986") Population ecology of the commensal Albun. ehironomid l-lpoicocladnis Havens on the mayfly hosl .III Hawking and Watson .1 \i. (J990) First Australian Ephemera danica. Freshwater Biology lfi, 235-243, record of ehironomid larvae epi/.oic on larval Tokeshi M (1995) Species interactions and community Odonata. Aquatic Insects 12, 214-245. structure. In The Cluronomiduc: the Biology and Nuttall I'M (1982) A Biological isxexmem oj Water Ecofog) oj Noii-biting Midges, pp 297-335. Eds P Quality in Dandenong Creek and its Major Armitage. PS Cranston and LCV Pinder (Chapman

Trihitrurics, Victoria. (Dandenong Vallej Authority; and I tall; London) Dandenonui White IK, Weaver .IS III and lo\ KC (I9S0) Phorclic Rosenberg D (t97Z) A ehironomid (Diptera) larva relationships between ( hironomidae (Dipteral ami attached lo a lihellulid (Odonata) larva. Quaestianes benthie macroinvertehrales. Entomological News 91, Entomohgicae & 326-3 J6. 69-74.

Acacia obtusifolia - Introduction and Spread in Native Bush

David Cheal 1

Abstract -Icaciu nhtiisitolta has reproduced and expanded from a single introduction in the upper Yarra Valley in native hush as a result of inadvertent introduction of seed on earth-mo\ tng equipment. Initial estab- lishment Was dependeul on soil disiurbanee, but subsequent spread has been episodic and dependent on fire-promoted germination and establishment, There is no evidence of seed germination awA estab- lishment in the absence of fires. The next fire may lead to a dramatic increase in both the number of

_L obtusifolia plants and their local distribution. [The i ktaritm Vaturalisi 119(5), 2002, 231-232)

Many native species have spread from rather than a natural outlier. The site is al their former habitats following European 55HCU975628 on the 1:100000 Mealesville settlement. In south-eastern Australia some Mapsheet. of the most troublesome include Acacia In 1977 a bulldozer was hired by local luiigifoHu (Jameson 1094), Leptospermum residents to make an access track along a laevigatwn (Burrell 1981; Molnar et al ridge approximate!) 1 km north-east of 1989; Offor 1990) and Pittosporum undu- McMahons Creek and through otherwise lation (Gleadow and Ashton 1 98 1 undisturbed forest typical of the region

/_'//< (ileadow 1982), but many others have ( ulv/dus obliqttafEucalyptus radiators been occasionally recorded as weeds or as dlvesi'scattered Eucalyptus sicheri, above the product of recent human-assisted shrubs including Acacia mucronata, spread (see Walsh and Entwisle 1994; Banksia spiuulosa, ilakca decurrens, Walsh and Entwisle 1996; low 1999; Kuuzca ericoides and Leptospermum conti- Walsh and Entwisle 1999). ncntaic; nomenclature follows Walsh and Acacia obtusifolia is a tall wattle character- Entwisle 1996), The bulldozer had been istically found on the slopes and low ridges most recently used in fire prevention works of drier Easl Gippsland forests (Walsh and near Bruthen in East Gippsland and was Entwisle 1996). However, the Flora brought to the Upper Yarra Valley on the Information System of the Department of tray of a large lorry. Natural Resources and Environment, In the first year after the track was con- Victoria, has an isolated record from the structed an unusual wattle was noted grow- Upper Yarra Valley, much closer lo ing in the disturbed earth adjacent to the Melbourne and approximately 160 km from track. That single shrub turned out to be an the nearest Gippsland record (see Walsh and Acacia obtusifolia (Figs 1 and 2). In subse- Entwisle 1996: 597). This small stand is an quent years it grew to approximately 3-4 m example of recent, human-assisted spread tall, flowered and set seed. Despite annual searches over the next 4 to 5 years, no other

\> i i-'< .I, [mi I rUal h i in lituLe n\ ironnn sew A, ohtusi/oliu was found anywhere in the

i id. < i Bro ' i Hi to rg a >08^

Vol. 119(5)2002 231 Contributions

Fig. 1. Acacia ohtusifolta at McMahons Creek, Fig. 2. A closer view of Acacia obtusifolia at February 2001. MeMahons Creek. region (the seed that had been dropped the number of A obtusifolia plants and from this one specimen did not germinate their local distribution. and establish in those first few years). The ridge, including this one wattle shrub References Burrell .IP (1981) Invasion of Coastal Heaths of a tree), in (by now small was burnt the Ash Victoria by ieptospernuun laevigatum (J. Gacrtn.) F. Wednesday fires of March 1983. The fire Muell. Australian Journal of Botany 29. 747-764. was of very high intensity (no nearby Gleadow RM (1982) Invasion by Pittosporum unduia- inni of the forests of Central Victoria II. Dispersal, unburst refuges and all above-ground veg- termination and Establishment. Australian Journal etation burnt). However, in the following of Botany 30, 185-198. Gleadow KM and Ashton DM (1981) Invasion by years regeneration was prolific and some Pittosporum undulatum of the forests of Central

formerly less common shrubs increased in Victoria I. Invasion patterns and plant morphology. abundance (notably B, spinulosa and E. Australian Journal of Botany 29, 705-720. Jameson G (1994) A case of your fongyfolia. 'The sieheri). The single A. ohtusifblia present Victorian Naturalist 111, 145-150. before the fire was killed, but a few Low I (1999) Feral future. (Viking: Ringwood) seedlings established nearby after the fire. Molnar CD, Fletcher I) and Parsons RF (1984) Relationships between heath and Teptospermum lae- In February 2001 the site was revisited. viyjitum scrub at Sandringham. Victoria, Proceedings There were now 14 A obtusifolia individu- of the Royal Society Oj Victoria 101, 77-88. Offor T (1990) What future for the sandy heaths of als, all growing within 4 m of the original Wilson's Promontorv. The Victorian Naturalist 107, (now dead) plant. The tallest was over 4 m 120-123. tall and most of them had flowered. A few Walsh NG and Lntwisle T.I (1994) Flora of Victoria Volume 2. Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and retained healthy seed in pods from the pre- Monocotyledons. (Inkata Press; Melbourne) viability test- vious season (seed was not Walsh NG and Fntwisle TJ (1996) Flora of Victoria ed). There were many Acacia seeds in the Volume 3. Dicotyledons Wimeraceae to Myrtaceae. (Inkata Press: Melbourne) soil around this small stand of A, ohtusifo- Walsh NG and Entwtsle 1.1 (1999) Flora qj Victoria tia. As A, mucronata was also common at Volume 4 Dicotyledons Cornaceac to Asteraccae. (Buiterworlh-Heiiieinann: the site, it is not known what proportion of Port Melbourne) these seeds were A. obtusifolia. The next fire may lead to a dramatic increase in both

232 The Victorian Naturalist , n


The Discovery of Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus lead- beateri along the Woori Yallock Creek, Yellingbo

Dan Harley 1


A single Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobetidem leadbeateri was discovered denning in a nest box sit- uated along the Woori Yallock (reek. Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve. This is the firs! record of the species from this section of the Reserve, which is more than a kilometre from other

sites at which the possum occurs al Yellingbo. l! is likeh that the individual dispersed from the Cockatoo Creek across unfavourable habtlaL [The Victorian Naturalist 119(5), 2002, 233-235)

In 1986, a Sitialt, outhing population of Paperhark Melaleuca squarrosa (Marie) the endangered Leadbealer's Possum unpubl. data). Connecting vegetation in Gymnobelideus leadbeateri was discov- eithej the canopy or middlestorey is an ered inhabiting lowland swamp forest at important attribute of Leadbeater's Possum

Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve habitat, as the species rare I \ descends to the

(Smaies 1994). Significant!}, it is the only ground (Harlev unpubl. data). Notably, aca-

k n o w n extant I o v\ I a n d p o p ul at i o n cias such as Silver Wattle Acacia Jcalhaia, a although there are historical records of the ke\ food source for the possum in montane species in similar habitats from low eleva- ash forest (Smiih 1984), are absent from the tions in south-west Gippsland (McCoy sites utilised by Leadbeater's Possum for IS67:Bra/.enor 1932, 1946). foraging at Yellingbo (Harley unpubl. data).

Yellingbo is located approximately 50 km In order to study the ecology o\ east of Melbourne (37° 47' S, 145° 32' E). Leadbeater's Possum in lowland swamp The reserve encompasses 591 ha of remnant forest, 150 nest boxes were installed at riparian forest and comprises three separate Yellingbo between 1995 and 2000. Coupled sections that span stretches oi' four water- with the results of stagwatc hi ng surveys, the courses, the Woori Yallock, Sheepstation, nest box resttlts suggested that the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks. The Yellingbo population of Leadbeater's nearest records of Leadbeater's Possum to Possum is restricted to a single section of Yellingbo are from Ben Cairn, approxi- the reserve along the Cockatoo and mately 17 km to the north-east (Owen 1963; Macclesfield Creeks {llarley unpubl. data).

I indenmayer et al. 1989), and Mt Beenak, The possum's distribution there extends approximately IS km to the east (Loyn and over a long, narrow corridor of forest, YlcNabb 1982). Mountain Ash Eucalyptus approximately 6 km long and typically less returns forest, typical of that inhabited by than 2(H) m wide. In contrast, Undenmayer

the species throughout its core range in the et al. ( 1993) detected the species al only one Victorian Central Highlands, occurs at both of 49 linear corridors surveyed in montane of these sites. ash forest. Many of these sites contained Since the rediscovery of Leadbeater's habitat considered to be suitable for the Possum in 1961 (Wilkinson 1961), most species, leading the authors to conclude thai records have come from montane ash forest the possum does not utilise linear corridors al. o! lores! in montane ash forest. . ei above 600 m asi f Undenmayer dis- 1991). Yellingbo is situated at 120 m asi . As part of the survey to establish the The sites inhabited b\ the species ai tribution of Leadbeater's Possum at Yellingbo are dominated by Mountain Yellingbo, live nest boxes were installed

Swamp Gum Eucalyptus camphora with a along the Woori Yallock Creek i dense middleslore) in places, comprising February 1999. They were positioned on Woolly lea-tree Leptosperntum tcmigerum, eucalypls at a height of 3.5 m, with a

Prickl) lea-tree /.. fttniperinum or Scented south-easterly aspect. Each nest box had internal dimensions of 236 x 195 x 356 ,ii . ,i ; . Si li in . PO Boh IS, Mum mm, 19 mm thick walls and an entrance .i a 800 Kmail dkpluirleyw lnnnuil.com hole of 50 mm diameter. They were locai-

Yol. 119(5)2002 233 Ctwtrihutinns

cd at sites with habitat most resembling by Messmate E. ohliqua, and is open in

that occupied by Leadbeater's Possum structure. It is very different to the flood- along (he Cockatoo and Macclesfield plain forest inhabited by LeadbeateCs

( reeks (e.g. presence of A', camphora with Possum along the Cockatoo and a lea-tree middlcstorey). The five nest Macclesfield Creeks. boxes were inspected in November 1999, Two likely scenarios could explain the ori- eight months after installation, at which gin of the animal found on the Woori

I i m e there was no sign o I u se by Yallock Creek, lather it had dispersed from Leadbeater's Possum. Cockatoo Creek or a small, remnant popula- Dining the course of monitoring Ihc tion of Leadbeater's Possum exists along the Ycllingbo nesl boxes in April 2001, a sin- Woori Yallock (reek. The dispersal sce- gle LcadbciiteCs Possum was found defi- nario would require the possum to have Irav-

ning in o\M' of the nesl boxes located along elled more than I 100 m ihrough partially the Woori Yallock Creek. This is the first cleared farmland. While seven dispersal record of the species along this creek, [he events of this magnitude (i.e. 870-1120 m) animal was an adult male weighing 121 g have been detected at Ycllingbo, the average and it had built a nesl of shredded bark dispersal distances lor Lead beater's

inside the nest box. It is unclear how long Possums Ihrough favourable habitat along the individual had been resident at the site. the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks are No evidence of the Species (e.g. nesting 480 m for males and 450 in for lemales

material) was found in the other four nesl (I larley unpubl. data). boxes positioned along the Woori Yallock At sites with few tree hollows, nest boxes Creek, all of which occur to the north of can be a valuable survey technique for where the possum was discovered. cryptic, arboreal mammals (Traill and

( after l On 29 December 2001, one hour Coatea W ; Soderquist etah 1996; Ward dusk, the individual was observed approxi- 2000). Ihe discover) of a Leadbeater's mately }Q m north of the nesl box in which Possum along Ihe Woori Yallock Creek

it was First discovered, eight months earlier. highlights their value as a long-term sur-

It was delected through imitation o\ vey technique. One of the main benefits of

I eadbcaler's Possum calls and approached nesl boxes is that they can be left on site to vviihin one metre, This observation indi- for extended periods of time, in marked

cates that the individual was still resident at contrast to the short duration of trapping the site, presumably having established its surveys. They are particularly valuable in

territory in the immediate area. surveying for I eadbcaler's Possums, The riparian foresl along the Woori because the species" presence in an area Yallock Creek is dominated by Manna can be established from the possums' dis- Glim A. viiHtiuiiis, with ;in understorcy of tinctive nesting material, with no necessity Blackwood A, melanoxylon and pockets of for Ihe animals to be denning in the nesl Prickly Tea-tree. Much of ihe foresl is box on the day of inspection. quite open in structure. However, there are Between 1995 and 2001, twenty-seven

a number of small, swampy areas along the different I ead beater's Possum colonies creek, where the vegetation more closely deposited nesting material in 111 of the resembles thai found along the Cock;iloo 131 nest boxes (85%) installed along the and Macclesfield Creeks. The habitat at the Cockatoo and Macclesfield Creeks (I larley site where the possum was discovered is unpubl. data). This result suggests that, at such an area. The canopy is dominated b> Ycllingbo, if Leadbeater's Possums are

Mountain Swarnp Gtun with an under- resident al a site, there is a strong likeli-

slorey o( Woolly 1 ea-tree. hood that they will deposit nesting material More than a kilometre of partially cleared in nest boxes located within their territory. farmland separates the Cockatoo and Thus, the absence of nesting material from Macclesfield Creeks from Ihe site where the four northernmost nest boxes, located ihe possum was discovered on the Woori along the Woori Yallock Creek, suggests Yllllock Creek. The habitat thai remains that Ihe species probably does not occur in

between the two sites is not suitable tor the this pari of the reserve. However, it is pos-

species, as it consists of a ridge dominated sible that more individuals occur in the

234 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

immediate vicinity of the southernmost Victorian Naturalisi 106, 174-178. Lindcnmayer DB. Cunningham R.B. Tanton Ml. Nix nest box that contained the possum, as an HA and Smith AP (1991) The conservation of arbo- area of suitable habitat occurs here on pri- real marsupials in the Montane Ash Forests of the vate property adjacent to the reserve. Central Highlands of Victoria. South-liast Australia: III. The habitat requirements of Leadbeater's Possum Further surveys will be conducted along the (ivmnohcHdeus letulheateri and models of the diver- Woori Yallock Creek to determine which sit) and abundance of arboreal marsupials. Biological Conservation 56. 295-315. ofthe two possible scenarios is correct.

I Lndenmayer DB. Cunningham, RB and Donnelly, CF Acknowledgements (1993) The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the Montane Ash Forests of the Central Highlands of Nesl boxes were purchased with funds from the Victoria. South-East Australia. IV. The presence and Holsworth Wildlife Research Fund and abundance of arboreal marsupials in retained linear Australian Geographic. Barry I rail I and habitats (wildlife corridors) within logged forest. Malcolm Mac farlane kindly donated nesl boxes Biological Conservation 66, 207-221. to the study. Financial and Held support For the Loyn R.H and MeNabb EG (19821 Discovery of 2001 nest box monitoring was provided by Leadbeater's Possum in Gembrook State Forest, The Victorian Naturalist 99, 21-23. Parks Victoria (Woori Yallock). I would partic-

McCiu f 1 1867) On a new genus of Phalangcr 4mj&I& ularly like to thank Ian Roche and Joanne ami Magazine ofNatural History 3. 2S7-2SS, Antrobus for their support ofthe project, and the Owen VV1 1 ( 1 %_1 ) Further sight records oi I eadbeater' a staff that assisted in the Held. Parks Victoria M\ Possum. The Victorian Naturalist 79, 292-293. to Marianne thanks also go Terry Harley, Smales |J i 1994) The discover} of Leadbeater's Worle> and Melinda Collinson. all of whom Possum, Gymnobelideus Icai/heaieri McCoy, resi- assisted with the installation and inspection of dent in lowland swamp woodland. The Victorian the Yellingbo nest boxes. Marianne Worle\. Naturalist lit, 178-182. Smith A (1984) Diet of Leadbeaters Possum, Alan Lill and an anonymous reviewer provided Gymnabelideus teudbeateri (Marsupialia). [tfstrallatt valuable comments on Ihe manuscript. The pro- Wildlife Research 11.265-273. ject was conducted under Victorian Department Soderquist I R. I rail! BJ, Faris F and Beaskw K 1 1996) ol' Natural Resources and Environment Wildlife Using nest boxes to survey for the Brush-tailed Permit Number 10001 240. Phascogale Ptta&cogafe tapoatafa. The Victorian Naturalist 113. 256-261. References Traill B.I and Coates ID (J993) Field observations en Braze nor < W (I932J \ re-examination ol the Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoaiafa ',-', mnob&Hdeus ieadbeateri McCoy. Australian (Marsupialia: Dasvuridae). Australian Mammalogy .:,,,- 7 [06-109. 16, 61-65.

I \\ (2u()(i) versus &razenor( w i §4€\ ast chapter to come; a hfrstorj o1 ard SJ The efficacy of nest boxes spot- Victoria's rarest possum, ft'//,/ //AX. £82-384 lighting for detecting feathertail gliders, Wildlife

: : 75-70. i ,\l\ .rimer DBH Srrritli Craig SA and Lumsden Research 27, l,F (1989) A survej of Ibe distribution of Wilkinson HP (l%l) Ihe rediscover} of Leadbeaters Leadbeater*s Til',', mm. Gytttttobelideus leadb ati Possum. The Victorian Naturalist 78, 07-102. McCoi in the Central Hfgl da of Victoria, The

Ooline Cadellia pentastylis F.MuelL: a Survivor

Ron Fletcher1

Some plants lead adventurous lives. The) Reproduction is often achieved by sucker- manage to survive Hood, lire, famine and ing, regrowth from rootstock or coppice even the attentions ol" the taxonomists. A growth from stumps. The populations are chance meeting with one such was recently widely scattered through northern New south-central Queens- made in the small I regole National Park, a South Wales and lew kilometres south of Morven on the land, and the species is registered on the Warrcgo Highway in south-central rare or threatened Australian plant list. Queensland. Some existing stands are on private prop- Cadellia pentastylis is a large, attractive erly where cooperation is sought in pre- tree, variously described as 15-22 m tall serving populations but where there Is with some as little as 5 m and the tallest at pressure from clearing and grazing. Others 2X m, with grc> hark described as fissured are more secure in reservations in both New South Wales and Queensland . Il or tesselatecf (figs. 1 and 2) apparent!) flowers only spasmodically and little is (Benson 1993). known about the viability of the seed. Cadellia pentastylis is typical of relict populations Of several species ol plants

' r ii i : mie, toria ?.\b such as Uvistoriia Ca&uarina. i BelmotiJ H0thofagu$t

Vol. 119(5)2002 235 Contributions

Fig. I. Ooiine Cadettia pcntusivlis, Tregote Fig. 2. Foliage of Ooiine Cadtflia pentastytis,

National Park, July 2001. I regole National Park. July 2001.

Acacia and so on, which are scattered necr river-boat captain on the Murray- throughout Australia, and many of them Darling system during the late 1850s. His are survivors from warmer and wetter shipping company was responsible for the times when rainforest covered much more transport of about 16,000 specimens, botan- of our continent. In some cases they have ical and zoological, from Mildura to found niches that have some resemblance Adelaide in 1858, from where they were to earlier conditions and in others they sent on to Melbourne. Mueller had of have modified their habits to keep up with course been actively interested in the explo- changing climatic conditions (White ration of the Murray-Darling Basin and vis- 1994). Cadcliia pentastytis would appear ited the area in 1853-54, soliciting assis- to be one of the latter and survives in what tance and making extensive collections has been described with the curious term which resulted in many specimens being 'semi-arid rainforest'. shipped from the region in the subsequent Taxonomically, it has survived several decade (Orchard 1997). changes, being first described by Ferdinand Acknowledgements von Mueller in I860 from a specimen col- The author is grateful to Neville Walsh, Helen lected near Tenlerlleld in Northern New Conn and Sheila Houghton for direction to basic South Wales (APNI), and placed in the fam- references, and to Linden Gillhank for an intro- ily Malpighiaceae. Later, Jadin (1901) duction to Francis Cadell and the Australian Plant Name Index. included C pentastytis in the Simarou- baceae along with C monostylis. Rngler References and Further Reading

(1931) split Guilfoytia wonostvlis from Benson .1 (1993) Biology and Management of Online Cadet iia and established the monotypic [Cadellftt pentastytis) in New South Wales. New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service, llurstville genera Cadcliia, Suriana and Guilfoytia. NSW. Cronquist (1981) placed Cadeiiia, Suriana, Chapman, AD (1991) Australian Plant Name Index. 4 vol. (Australian Government Publishing (Juiifoylia and Styhhasium in a new family, Serviee; Canberra) the Surianaeeae, and this is the classifica- Orchard K (1997) The scientific savant in nineteenth tion followed in the Flora of Australia century Australia. Historical Records of Australian Science 11, JS9-405. (Benson). The monotypic genus Cadetiia While 1994) ME ( After the Greening. (Kangaroo Press; takes its name from Francis Cadell, a pio- kenihurst)

236 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions

Foraminifera from Lake Corangamite, Victoria

KenN Bell

Abstract Surface sediment samples collected at Lake Corangamite, Victoria, contained dead specimens of the calcareous foraminiferan Elphidlum excavatum excavatum (Terquem, 1875). (The Victorian •tiatural&t

1 1? (SI. 2002,23?)

Foraminiferans arc usually restricted to and were present in infrequent numbers, Fully marine or marine brackish waters. about 10 per 200 g of sediment This species They have been recorded from non-marine is usually restricted to brackish or marginal saline waters in man) parts of the world marine environments such as estuaries or

(Resig 1974. and references therein). In brackish lagoons. There seems little possibil-

Victoria, specimens of an unidentified, liv- ity of the specimens being eroded from geo- ing foraminiferan were reported from a salt logical sediments; the COLAC Geological lake near Douglas. Western Victoria (Parr Map (1973) shows no Tertiary sediments 1942) and two agglutinated species outcropping around the lake edges (although

( Trochamminita irregularis Cushman and Skeats and James (1937) mention that such Bronnimann, Miliammina fusca (Brady)) outcrops do occasionally occur, they give no have been found in freshwater (Bell 1983). locations), and the Pliocene Moorabool Cann and DeDeckker (1981) reported a Viaduct Sands, which underlie the recent fauna of two species {Elphidium sp., soils and lunettes in the area, consist of non- Trochamtuinu sp.) from the Coorong. marine sands and gravels. The only recorded South Australia. fossil occurrences of this taxon are two Lake Corangamite. which lies to the west records m the New Zealand Pliocene of Colac, is the largest natural lake in (Hay ward et at. 1997). One would also

Victoria, It is about 32 km long and ranges expect more species to be present if the spec-

in width from 2 to 1 1 km, giving a total area imens were geologically derived. Whether or 1 represent living of about 250 km . In recent geological times not these specimens a popu- the lake was much larger, having an area of lation o\" foraminiferans in Lake 1 perhaps 1700 km and being markedly deep- Corangamite or are representatives of a tran- er (Currey 1964). The lake is shallow, sient, introduced population will require although this, of course, varies with seasonal more study. changes; Skeats and James (1937) give the References depth as less than 1,5 whilst Bayly and m Bayly IAE and Williams WD (1973) Inland Waters Williams (1973) give the maximum depth and their Ecology. (Longman; Melbourne) during the great Hoods of 1953 as 3.4 m. Bell KN (1983) Foraminifera in some Victorian

I reshwatcr Streams. The Victorian Naturalist 100, Because lake Corangamite is a basin of 1 59- 1 62. internal drainage its salinity can be high, but Cann .III and DeDeckker P (1981) Fossil Quaternary and living loraminifera from alhalassic (non-marine) it shows significant fluctuations with values saline lakes, Southern Australia. Journal of of three times seawater (Skeats and James Paleontology 55,660-670,

I ;250n(>0. 1937) to 12.5 ppt in 1953 and 6.5 ppl in COLAC Geological Map (1973J I ed. Survey of Victoria, Sheet SJ54-I2. I960 (Bayly and Williams 1973). Geological Currey 1)1 f 1 964) The former extent o\' Lake The samples which contained the Corangamite- Proceedings of the Royal Society of foraminiferans were collected (May 2001) Victorian, 377-386. Wayward BW„ Mollis C.I and Grerrfell IIR (1997) the northwest side of the lake near on Recent lilphidiidae (Foratntntferida) of the South

I oxhow. The calcareous benthic species west Pacific and fossil llphidiidae of New Zealand. Elphidlum excavatum excavatum (Terquem) Institute Oj Geological and Nuclear Sciences mono* graph 16. present. No specimens were alive when was Pair w.i (1942) Foraminifera. The South Australian collected and none had traces of protoplasm \nturaii\t 21. 1-9. foraminifera from a Hawaiian present Specimens were well preserved with Resig JM (1974) Recent Lake Journal oj iorantimfcrai Research 4, 69-76. frosting in a few cases onl) slight surface Skeats IW and James AV(i (1937) Kasallic harriers and other Surface features of the Newer Basalts of Western Vicloria. Proceeding* oj the Roval Society of Victoria 49, 245-292 120 Mc< allum Road,) rtei ti toria 3321

Vol. 119(5)2002 237 Naturalist in the Mountains

Winter Keeps Us Warm

The lines from the Waste Land by IS mammal in the snow to do it tough, but all Eliot, is not quiescent beneath the snow (see 'Winter kept us warm, covering Green 1997 for what goes on with insects Earth in forgetful snow*,.' beneath the snow),

have always appealed to me for a couple of I was doing a small mammal radio (rack- reasons. Apart from my enjoyment of the ing project some sears ago, looking at what apparent incongruity, Ihey have so much changes in home range were caused by additional meaning to an alpine ecologist. snow cover, and I was alarmed at the mor- The natural assumption about mountain tality among my subject animals, this was environments is that they are especially irrespective of who collaret! the animals, harsh on animals, particularly In winter. whether il was I or a more experienced col- is This more true of countries such as league. I looked back on the halcyon days Australia the where fauna occupying the of my PhD to when I had zero mortality in a not mountains are prc-adapled to the envi- winter radio tracking program. What I now ronment by reason of living at high latitude know is that the big die-off in mountain attendant (with the benefit of experiencing Dusky Anleehinuses is in autumn. I was harsh conditions at lower altitude). merely collaring already doomed animals.

In a paper published last year (Green 2001 ),

I looked at autumnal reduction in body weight in the Dusky Antcchinus. This phe- nomenon, of a reduction in lean mass rather than a melabolisation o\ fat reserves (DehnePs phenomenon), was known previ- ously onlv from northern hemisphere

rodents and insectivores. I lovvever, above the snowline in the Snowy Mountains, the average weight o\^ individual Dusky Antechinuses falls by over 12% in the short period from April to May. To go and lose all this body weight put on at so much expense in foraging effort in late summer seemed inexplicable at lust after all, if there was an advantage to being small in winter, why go to so much trouble to get big in summer? The reason for this loss o\'

weight in autumn is not inextricably linked

with the availability o\' food. This is appar- Inn-ihmits Fig. swahisaitfi Dusks Aiilivlinitis ent when you look at animals that have lost weight in autumn and revisit the same ani- mals in winter to find that they have put the

However, one species gives us a \i,oo<\ clue weight back on again under the cover t)!' as to when the weather is most harsh, (he snow, despite the fact that there is no Dusks Antcchinus Antechtnm swainsonii increase in the amount of food available.

(I ig, I), along with others of its genus, is What is happening is that the animals are well known lor the male die-off immedi- undergoing a period of great thermal stress ate!) alter breeding. Yet looking at m\ in a harsh microclimate when they arc records gathered over the years in the exposed to the frost and cold rain and sleet mountains, and at what foxes pick up in of autumn but are less stressed in winter their foraging, autumn seems In far the when the snow cover keeps them warm, most dangerous lime. Spring has its male flic ev idence for this can be seen in the fact die-off admittedly, and winter is a time that the heavier animals (that lose a bit o[* when sou would expect an insectivorous weight in autumn) can be \\h\\m\ throughout

238 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist in the Mountain*

winter whereas the lighter animals disap- surface (but beneath the snow) where it

pear from the population. It is an advantage takes advantage of a double layer of insula- to be a lighiw eight under the winter snow tion (Green lWN). In contrast, the Bush Rat (the less you weigh the less you have to eat Rattus fuscipes tends to dig deeper burrows, to keep going and therefore the less you and the nevvh excavated fans of soil coming have to expose yourself to the elements by from a rat hole are a feature of autumn

foraging) whereas in autumn it pays to be a beneath the hushes in the mountains. The heavyweight so that you have something in Bush Rat and the two species of antechinus

reserve. This autumnal thermal stress was are particularly active in winter. I he Agile

what was killing m\ animals. Foxes benefit Antechinus .J. agilLi, also active under the

from this. You would expect that consump- snow, is less common above the treeline. It tion of anteehinuses would peak in spring, builds a nest in a hollow tree or rock and

with foxes scavenging all the dead males. insulates it with leaves. In one nestbox I

However, this is not the ease. In a study I placed in a tree for this purpose, I counted have just completed (.Green in press). over 1000 iky Snow gum leaves that had remains of anteehinuses in seats peaked in been carried the three metres or so up the autumn at both alpine and subalpine alti- tree trunk from the woodland floor by the tudes, in all three years o\' the study. This resident Agile Anteehinuses. high autumnal mortality of small mammals The rest of the animals above the snow due to severe thermal stress is not confined (such as ourselves), not kept warm by the

to Australia but is well known overseas, as snow, just have to rug up for the winter or are the ameliorating effects of snow cover, Huff up like birds (although ihornbills and

EltOt seems to have known it too. serubvvrens will roost beneath the snow at Winter kept us COOl? Some species, how- times). Bui for the small mammals an early ever, are more in need of keeping eool snowfall such as we had this year was a

2°C to be exaet. This is the preferred winter blessing, reducing autumn to a short period temperature of the Mountain Pygmy-pos- and covering Earth in forgetful snow. sum Biirrunivs jhirvus. If the temperalure References goes above or below this then the shorter Green K (1997) Inier annual, seasonal and aluuulinal bouts o\' torpor (or rather the longer periods differences in invertebrate aciivily in the Snowj ol arousal) increase energetic demands and Mountains, The Vlctorhtn Naturalist 114,222-229, l (nvcn K i l'' >S| A winter niche: llic suhniveun space. hence use up valuable fat reserves that have In Snow: A \iitiiral Hisinrv; tin I in criain Future, pp to support the animal through the winter. 125- 140, I'd K Green. (Australian Alps Liaison

( oiiiniitiL'L': Canberra.) This is particularly the ease When tempera- Green k (2001) Autumnal body mass reduction in tempera- tures rise, causing increased body Antechinus iwawsanii (Dasyuridac) in the Snowj ture and hence metabolic rate. Mountains. Australian Mammalogy 23, 3 L—36, ( iil'l'ii K (in press) AltiluJinal and temporal differences Other small mammals in the mountains, in the food of foxes (Vtilpei vutpes) at alpine and activ- whilst not hibernating, i.U> restrict their subalpine altitudes In the Snowy Mountains. Wildlife ity. The Broad-toothed Rat Mustacomvs fus Research cus restricts its movements to a minimum in Ken Greet) winter and builds large stores of grass to Nation;;! Parks and Wildlife Service Iced on when foraging is restricted. It also [-olios 222S, Hndabyne, NSW 2627 builds a large ball nest of grass on the soil I ana 1 1 ken. jj.reciiu/'npw.s.n.s vv.fiov.au

Special Issues The Victorian Naturalist

Murray Rivet Special Issues, Volume 119 (3 and 4) 2002

I I rederJck McCoy Special Issues, Volume 18 (5 and 6) 2001 Fungi Special Issue, Volume 118(2)2001

Copies are available for purchase from I NCV Office, Locked Hag 3, Blackburn 3130, Victoria.

Price: $5 lor Murray River and Fungi Special Issues; $8.50 lor McCoy (includes GST

Vol. 119(5)2002 239 Naturalist in the Mountain'

Snow in Spring

In the short days of winter ii is some- aging such as Australian Kestrel Fafoo

; times difficult to find nny evidence of ani- cenchroides, i lame Robin PetrolCQ mal activity in the Snowgum woodlands, phocnicca and the Australian Pipit AnthUS particularly on a windy day when every australis. We built up that work from years movement is disguised by blowing snow. of accumulated records, but to look more Happing bark or falling leaves. The winter closely al the impacts of snow depth, cover,

just past, with ils early, deep snow meant and shrub exposure and flowering I have that the few resident birds were easy to had to undertake a weekly survey from see, forced up out of the shrubs as these about mid-August until the last of the strag- became buried in the best early snow for glers (Grey I'anlails) arrive.

some years. One day, I managed to lick off It is interesting to make these weekly bird

ten species out of the 12 or so I could have observations and to see these patterns fol- hoped to record, by sight, sound or other lowed scar alter year. Of course some unex- evidence. I5ul even on that day the wood- pected effects are unearthed. In spring. lands seemed quiet. Come spring, even Flame Robins forage in the open alpine with snow on the ground, the Snowgum snowfields (above treeline). This means that woodlands come alive with birds, particu- for a lew weeks (he most commonly seen

larly once the Royal (irevillea Gr&villea robin on my rounds of the woodlands is the vtctorinc comes into flower. It is quite Pink Robin I'ctra'tcu rodlfiog&ster and

interesting to follow the regular pattern of another common species at Ibis time is the bird arrivals in this spring migration. Olive Whistler Pachycephala t)livacca. Everything is not lixed in time though, Other movement patterns in the mountains and the timing, if not the pattern of are of interest in spring, including the arrival arrivals, has changed over the years. There o\' insects on the snow. These are not the has been about a 30% reduction in snow annual migrants, but insects swept up into cover in the Snowy Mountains over the the mountains by weather patterns in which past 45 years. This has led to interesting they would have been belter advised not to responses from the birds migrating hack to lly. last spring, hall* an hour a Her crossing a the mountains. is There a pattern of earlier Snow-filled pass on foot, I retraced my steps arrival in the 1980s and/or 1990s com- and counted the insects that had accumulat-

pared lo the l°70s. For I I bird species for ed in my footprints. The insects were rolling which there are sufficient data, the earliest and tumbling across the pass at a rale of at for record nine of them was in the 1990s least I 55 per hour dolling and tumbling and the 1980s (the latter generally differ- because if they had been airborne they ing by only a few da\s from the earliest wouldn't have accumulated in my foot- date for the 1990s) with the lime Of influx prints). Some migratory insects do get into the mountains sometimes more than a caught; the Caper White Butterfly

( month earlier than in the l ?70s, Anap/hti'is Java which includes the Snow\ Interestingly, two species showed virtual- Mountains region in its strange southerly

ly no change in arrival dale across the three looping migratory path is often trapped. decades. The tirey lantail Rhipidwtyjuligh Then, of course, there is the Bogong Moth nosa is probably constrained by the need AgKOtiS infnsa. This appears on the snow in for flying insects and Silvcrcyes Zosterqps spring and is quickly taken up by Little lateralis well, who knows what local Ravens Cofviis mellori and Richard's

migration cues the-} follow'? In some earlier Pipits. I have sometimes wondered where

work I lull I did with Will Osborne, we the moths hide during the day whilst wail- looked al the cues lhal brought in the birds. ing for their boulder pile aestivation sites to The birds that we recorded as arriving earli- thaw out. In the classic 1950s work on the er included honeycalcrs lhal depend on the species. Ian Common found temporary flowering of shrubs which pop out from camps in locations such as under logs in the under the snow, and birds that are largeK woodlands surrounding his study site on Ml dependent upon snow-free ground for for- Ciingera (on the ACI'/NSW border). That's

240 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist in the Mountains

all very well, and the moths do a similar did they get to the middle of the lake? I thing in woodlands in the Snowy rang Harvey. Snow algae hacfrTf been - Mountains, but so many o\' the aestivation recorded on Australian lake ice before

sites are well above the treeline, so where could I get a sample? The next da\ was

are the moths hiding so early? The clue thundery so I gave it a miss and went back

came to me as I sal in my tent while watch- on the 25*. The lake was now either open ing ravens forage in the grass and shrubs water or watery-looking ice too thin to that were exposed in patches in the snow support me. Only about 20% o\' the lake

cover. Despite days of searching for what could support a person on skis - this just

ihe\ were feeding on I could find only a two days after I had lunched in (he middle!

few dead aretiid moth larvae, the spotted I was able to get out 60 m to get a sample,

grasshoppers Won/stria concinno which the but it was useless lor identification. Still,

birds seem to ignore, and ants. It was later maybe this month ...? while catching Bogong Moths on a cold

night for studies on arsenic transport that I Reading list l i >>4) Common II H t \ studv wfthe ecology ofthe adult got confirmation of my guess. 1 released the bogpftg moth Agrotis ifrfusa (Boisd.} (l.epidoptera: moths that were excess to my needs onto Nocluidse), with special reference to its behaviour the grass; they disappeared and within sec- durina migration and aestivation, HtStraUan Journal qfZooiag\ 2,223 E63 onds I could find none. Of course, being Green ^ and Pickering CM (2002) \ sBemwia for grown-up cutworms they are probably used mammal and bird diversiti in the Australian Snowv Mountains in relation to climate change. In Mountain to hiding in grass, but I was amazed at how dfadtversty a Global Assessment, pp 241-249. Eds quickly and completely they were hidden C KoriK-r and KM Spuhn. (Parthenon Publishing. from my searching lingers but obviously London)

not from the raven beaks! Marchant Hi 1 1998) I ile in the snow: algae and other microorganisms. In Snow: a Natural History, an All through spring time the snow is slowly I nccrhiiH Future, pp 83-97, Id K Green. (Australian

retreating. One thing slower to retreat is the Alps I iaison Committee, Canberra) in Osbome WS and Green K | 1992) Seasonal changes ice on Blue I ake. the largest and deepest of composition, abundance and foraging behaviour of lakes. ice gets to l the mainland glacial The birds in the Snowy Mountains. Emu >2. 93- 105.

quite a reasonable thickness; I had to drill

1.4 metres to get through one September. Note: I lie Hips to Blue I. ake referred lo above Eventually, with the warmer weather and are lo build up a data base of iee breakup over lime as a means of monitoring regional evidence the pressure of incoming water from the of global warming. I am interested in obtaining thawing snow, the ice cover breaks Up and photographs or recollections of when iee breakup (loafing bits away or slowly melt. the wash occurred in the past. A photograph ofthe lake

In 1970 and 1971 the ice didn't break up with lull ice on it is of no use (unless it is very until late November and there was still ice late in the spring/summer), nor is a photograph of open water (unless it is very earlv in the on the lake in December, whereas in 1999 it

spring). I low ever, if anyone has photos of Blue was all gone by early < teloher. I ake (with year and month recorded) with iee Last spring, I was on the middle of Blue alreadv breaking up then I will be able lo add the ice was still a Lake on 23 October and another year to the list. I am particularly interest- good 50 cm thick. In places there were ed in 1982 (the cold year when there was not think much snow) and anything pre-1970. Therefore if patches of pink snow algae. I didn't you know, has relevanl dated car you. or anyone much more about it until I was in the photos I would be delighted to hear from you. I on way home. Then I recollected that my can be contacted al the address below. Harvey Marchanfs work on snow algae stated that the spores came from the soil Ken Green and moved up into the snowpack once National Parks and Wildlife Service Box 2228, Jindabyne, 2627 there was free liquid water, returning to the PO NSW Email ken.green(#)npwsaisw gov.au soil as Mton as the snow melted. So how

Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann i issue, thanks to mi i Stance in preparing this Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance).

Vol. 119(5)2002 241 Tri huh

William Nigel Balcombc Quick

6 June 1928-4 April 2002

Nigel Quick (often known as 'Nige'J was During the 1970s the family opened a shop horn In 1 Melbourne and grew up in the inner called 'Gem Minerals in Syndal . The busi- suburb ofToorak, He was the only child of ness reflected a long interest Nige had Hilary and William Balcombc Quick, an developed in gemskmes and minerals over honorary surgeon and head of Ihe Alfred the years while collecting plant seed. Hospital Hoard ai Melbourne, Nige was the Nige joined (he lintomological Society of

great great grandson of Lieutenant Colonel Victoria when il was reformed in 1961, William Halcombe, Napoleon's jailer on and was Vice-President from 1973 lo the small oceanic island of Si Helena in Ihe 1976. In 1971 he began writing articles for southern Atlantic, and Hast India Company the Victorian Entomologist the Society's Representative charged wilh provisioning journal. Over the ensuing 28 years he con- the Company's ships. tributed 51 articles, lie also published

Nige was educated al Melbourne < nammar three papers in The. Victorian Naturalist,

School from 1938 until 1946 and il was dur- Queensland Naturalist and Australian ing this lime thai his interest in entomology Journal of hlntomnlogy. His mosl produc- began, lie made contact with Alex Burns, tive period was during Ihe early and mid- curator of Entomology ai the National 1970s when he handled ihe publication of Museum of Victoria, and through this asso- the journal and was assistant editor for sev- ciation mei Other keen 'youngsters' and eral issues. Most publications dealt with experienced amateurs who provided encour- ihe natural history of butterflies, novel agement, guidance and local knowledge ol methods of setting, preserving and rearing Ihe fauna Of the Melbourne environment. specimens, and technical aspects of the

Nige went o\\ lo Study science a I INI RECS scheme, a computerised distri- Melbourne University but never completed bution database lhal he pioneered in the his degree, instead taking employment at the engineering firm McPhersons where over an eight year period he acquired exceptional knowledge oftools and their practical use. During this period Nige, often accompa- nied by Charles McCubhin, travelled far and wide throughout (he Slate lo collect butterflies and other insects, fish and plants, making trips lo the poorly surveyed areas of ihe uorlh-west (Rig and Little Deserts) and far east (East (iippsland). Around 1956, Nige left MePhcrsons and started Ins own business, selling up a plant nursery, T)argon Hill*, which he estab- lished on an elevaled she on the edge o\' ihe suburb of (ilen Waverley. Ihe nursery specialised in nalive plants, all of which Nige grew from seed and eullings collect- ed on Held trips. Mosl of Ihe plant material came from Victoria but he made an extended trip to WA specificallj to collect samples a\' the rich endemic flora. Nige was a pioneer in ihe propagation and sell- ing of native plants. In I960, he married (iwenda Cierraly. They had two children, David and Lucinda. Nigel Quick al GarReld North in ihe late 1990s,

242 The Victorian Naturalist Tribute mid-1970s (well before most people had explain natural phenomena. Nige was an even heard of computers!). However, he exceptionally gifted naturalist and a per- also wrote on a range of other topics, fectionist in all aspects, from making care- including species protection and conserva- ful field observations, rearing the early tion, book reviews and Held trip reports. stages, to preparing specimens for the col- In 1970, he was made an Honoran mem- lection, which he did with meticulous pre- ber of the Entomological Society of cision. He was a proficient photographer Victoria in recognition of his pioneering and had expert working knowledge of work on the KNTRECS scheme. However, cameras and their lenses. But lie was also he subsequent!) resigned from the Society, an excellent draughtsman and a competent mainly because of poor health, and con- wildlife artist. He painted quite a few tributed very few articles after 1985. transparent watereolour paintings of In 1980, Nige and Gwen lived at Kuranda insects, and also some landscapes in oil. near Cairns where Nige studied the local His current private collection, compris- butterflies, plants and wildlife before return- ing about 40 cabinet drawers and 1 5 store- ing to Victoria in 1983. boxes (representing a diverse array of tem- Nige served on the advisory committee perate and tropical butterflies, macro of the Melbourne Zoo butterfly house in moths, cicadas and jewel beetles), along 1984, and provided advice on suitable with his vast personal photographic species, bleeding requirements, and the library, has kindly been donated by conditions needed to sustain tropical insect Nigel's descendants to the Australian populations. In 19S7, 4023 specimens of National Insect Collection where research Australian butterflies from Nigel's private workers will have ready access to study collection were incorporated with the DF his material- Crosby collection and donated to the Nige was courteous, respectful and elo- Australian National Insect Collection. This quent with a witty sense of humour. He collection includes much important histori- was a thorough gentleman, although at cal material from areas where populations times temperamental. He died quite sud- of many species are no longer extant, espe- denly at the age of 73 soon after being funeral cially in Victoria. diagnosed with cancer. A service Nige had a very wide interest in natural was held on 12 April 2002 at the St history, including botany, geology, Andrews Uniting Church in Bunyip, fol- ornithology and the ecological associations lowed by a graveside commilal in the between animals and plants. During the Bunyip Cemctary. early years he became an expert ou Those of us who knew or were close to Victorian native freshwater fish, and col- Nige were the beneficiaries of his enor- lected many species throughout the State. mous talent and intellect, lie was the last However, entomology, particularly butter- of the older generation of lepidopterists in field. Nige will flies, remained a major preoccupation Victoria still active in the in the future, but his throughout his life. Nige made a signifi- be greatly missed cant contribution to entomology in contribution to entomology will live on Australia and was widely known and for a very long time. respected bv professional entomologists. He corresponded frequently with other Michael F Braby' and !Y1e( uhbiir entomologists, assisted colleagues, stu- Charles 1 School of Botany and Zoology the Held, and was dents and newcomers to Australian National University very generous and helpful in passing on his Canberra, ACT 0200 POBox 'IN knowledge, particularly in his later years. Salt, Victoria 3850 He thought deeply about his subject and was never short of scientific ideas to

243 Vol. 119(5)2002 Booh AVr/cir.s

Butterflies ofAustralia: their Identification, Biology and Distribution

by Michael F Braby

Publisher: Publishing Cotlfngwood, *OQ0 volumes, CStRO f008ppt 2hardbacl 'QcohMplatm ISBN 064 i06S&tl RRP $195

l 01 centuries enthusiasts have Found lul glossary- A comprehensive list ofrefer-

I cpidopterfi to be populfti and accessible enccs is given only in the second volume,

insects for study. Butterflies in particular All chapters arc evenly presented with dopict, wiili their irresistible, exquisite accurate information included (where win) 1 patterns ami complex life histories, known) for ;ill families, subfamilies, gen- The a leresling subjeel oi beautj and curios- «* and *P«tw. systematic placement ol nmsl enera is wdl ^searched and the iiv. 1 hev are also oi scientific importance, B ascription ol each species and genus is being exccllcnl indicator species oi biodi- Bfntsnilly accurate. A distribution map is versil) and useful for pntfk research or vrl lor ...eludes |" each species, and studies in ccolog) and evolution. ! boundaries delimiting lie subspecies. ButlmfihB ofAustralia by Michael li.ahv Some important additions have been has followed the similarly tilled classic made since die publications ol ( ouuuon publications in IFB Common and 1)1 and Waterhousc. These include the use of W.itcihousc (1972 tO 1981), Iwo volumes new common and recently established or of this latesl work ropresenl an indication corrected scientific names and up-to-date of the massive increase in information thai informative";'""""- w««uuui«i,.yN.data on butterfly life histories, has occurred in H.c hurt twenty years. Braby "»»">^ Mli,vl,n »"' dilution, h acknowledges thai much of this new data " 'f "J*"" ls «conipanjed bj black and white has been provided bj ama.eur researchers. ^ hot Wllh bar^icatora emphasising Vulum* One begins with an introduction P " specific pomts ol tdentiflcation. te ihe history, classification, morphology Significantly, several subspecies have and distribution of Australian butterflies and been 'sunk'. Wilh such an action, which also includes an iniporlanl section o\\ Iheii ina\ or may nol be productive, an illustra- conservation. Then follows a chapter (mosl '!"" ° specimens torsimilarspectmens) K i.., amateurs) on the collection, preserve

lmm the |1L' oc;,ll,y ls cssc'ii.al lus has lion and stud} of Ihcse insects. Following a ? ' ™* kv, d lor !«'«»*" M ''•"/*• r/W checklist ol species and subspecies recorded \ .T" / " /l e and '"">' misloiu| - J" °,". be from ihe Australian region, the species " .V''","' m s,mU v *nicullie« ma> ..can- tor ovcr- aocounta begin. These include three fami- 8' \ r Bders '<" instance, "" ' where an list; I Jesperiidae (Skippers), . Papilionidae 1 Australian representative species, dial maj (Swallowtails) and Peridac (Whites and ™ve subspecies in South East Yellows). I he, followa a.lour plates (with . """Jf"*? Xsi m r ls llus be ldcnt'- ' - label data) of all species (400 plus) and °, : «« ; ; ™ Ial ; " lh c subspeci fie level in the text until rnanj subspecies found in the Australian , ,

llsl i l l lk' "" l,m and :,b " iU se tl ls smi "- launal region and peripheral political ;! l 5 ?" . , lsed ' his ls s h ewha' «*«*! ^elud- boundaries. Volume ( toe concludes with a P ,' .V"l > ing the Australian subspecies ' in the check- •.election of field photographs ol aduli and list in Volume One. Inevitably, in such a juvenile butterflies, large iwo volume publication, referral I ilium, • /no lias species accounts of Ihe between ihe volumes can be cumbersome. remaining two families; Nyniphalidac At™teur enthusiasts would probably (Browns, Nymphs and Danaincs) and , h* ve «!»«« moiv coloured figures o( I xcaenidae (Mines, toppers, Hairstrcaks ' • l|lt n ':" lol,s and I ,s - nam subspecies. here and Metalmarks). I he volume is completed al: nl| '', room on om6 colouTed plates for wilh a series of appendices including lists of ", > i Mus ll appears |o be an oversighl dial the arval food plains, attendant ants and a use*

24-1 riu- Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews distinctive female of that great Australian lent quality is seen foremost as a reflection icon, the 'Ulysses Swallowtail' is omitted, of the abilities and perseverance of the wheras the equally spectacular two species author. There are also other line technical of Bird\ving are well accommodated, shar- contributions made by ED Kdwards, MS ing two plates. The species in some colour Upton and Professor .IF R Kerr. plates (e.g. 25 and 34) are reduced a little Butterflies of Australia recently (and too far for accurate identification. deservedly) won the prestigious 2001 These inconsistencies do not detract from Whitley Medal. It is a publication worthy the value of the publication. There arc few of the bookshelves of all naturalists, butter- be typographical errors and the text informa- 11> enthusiasts and researchers. It is to edition tion and photographic presentation is of a hoped that a smaller 'glove-box' high standard. Michael Braby has produced will follow. work, which in this world of a masterful Andrew Atkins

sets the stan- l information and technology, > Killing Slivc-l dard for all other proposed publications on Dudley, NSW 2290 the butterfly fauna of this planet. The excel-

Dragonflies of the World

by Jill Silsby

Publisher: CSIRO Publishing 2001. Hardback 224pages, colour illustrations. ISBN 0643065 121. $59.95

introduction to and Reproduction, Habitat and Refugia. I his book is an excellent Artificial Rearing, the dragonfly fauna of the world and will Evolutionary Riddles, and a large chapter of be a valuable addition to the odonate liter- and Conservation, colour 114 pages on Odonata Around the World. ature. 1 his wonderfully presented is backbone of the book will interest amateur collectors Ibis large chapter the where the reader is provided through to the professional odonaiologists. book and is The author has written the book in a with an overview of the world's dragonlly subfamily level. A general relaxed, easily understood, semi-technical fauna to the overview of each subfamily is given, as slyle that makes it a delight to read. The most distinctive book contains superb colour photographs well as the ecology of the of over 300 dragonfly species, some as lar- and interesting representatives. also includes a very informa- \ae. and many of their habitats. It is testa- The book glossary, which will be valuable for ment to the 20 years of hard work by the tive with dragonfly termi- author photographing and studying drag- readers unfamiliar nology. At the back is included a list of the ontlies in many countries. helpful list is very pleas- World Dragonlly Societies, a 'I he layout and production the bibliographies used, and indexes to ing, with colour photographs on almost of colour both the species and to general terms. ever) page. However, it is not just a Australian odonaiologists will find the book, as the chapters provide a wealth of excellent photographs of 36 species general information on dragontlies, ranging many Australia very useful. The choice from evolution to ecology, to conservation. found in strengthened by having man> of a large photograph of the dazzling I he science is Rhyothemis graphiptera on the front cover leading odonaiologists write or collaborate highlights the beauty of Australia's on many chapters. The book is well struc- also covering dragonflies, The Australian fauna is well tured, with 12 chapters. I I short, and with the many photographs the Introduction, Today's Odonata. life detailed provides the reader with a good insight Cycle, The Perfect Hunting Machine, Lords into the diversity ofthe Australian species. of the Air, Colour Polymorphism, Territory

245 Vol. 119(5)2002 Book Reviews

is heavily criticises the classification system I here are a lew minor errors, which understandable when trying to cover such ol only Hechly and not other phylogcncli-

is as the jury is ;i large fauna. The distribution information cists, which unnecessary, ol ihe caption ^Tasmania's very rare still out in the classification case. this Iviinogomphus dobaoni Dobsoa's Tiger I would recommend wonderful k wingspan 7> mm 1 (the lower photograph colour hook as a mus1 buy" for all people on page 140), is ineorrecl, as / dobsoni interested in dragonflies. only occurs in the north-west oi' Western Australia ("Watson ei ai 1991). The central John Hawking Murray Darling Freshwater Research < entre on page L53 (identified as a photograph 1 Cooperative fin Freshwater Ecology male i'usviilhcnns nigra) is a male CSIRO Land and Water ih-micordtihii QU&traliae. The third sen- IM) Box 921, Albury, NSW 2640 ol' the page 1§G tence first paragraph on References

l second is lo the i .ii )')S) states thai A break Up ir ] I (l Evolution, taxonomy, ami btoaeogra- small family Neopetaliidae, with one iihv ui ancieni Gondwanvan Libelluloides, with com iiK-nis on Anisopu'ioicl evolution and phylogenetic species 1 1> remain in Acshnoidca while systematica ( Anisoptera: Libclluloidea).

I is ;si I \ seven are transferred to ihclluloidcn' Qtlortatoloejca 24. \

II I oulon JA ( t994) Ihe tarva of Nevpetatte ineorrecl. It should read thai one species Carle and punctata and the establishment of AustropataJJIdae remains In the family Ncopclaliidac, which lam. luiv, ((Ulonaia) Proceedings oftht Entomological

is moved io die I ibelluloidea, while the Sacittvof Washington 96, 1 1/ 155. ,\hk*\ Watson -'AI . fheischmga G and MM (1991) remaining eighl species are placed in the I'hc \ustralian Dragon/tits: -> Guide ta the laniiK Atislropelaliidac and remain in identification, Distribution and I lain hits of i), Ion,! hi. ami Acshnoidca (< arlc and I onion 1994, Carte lusri ,i/i>in (CSIRO: Canberra Melbourne) 1995). Also on page 19G, paragraph four

Ntssiims: Ihe Brushtails, Ringtails and Greater Glider

by Anne Kcrlc

Publisher; University oj New South Wales Press 1GQ1 I28pp, AS'AW 0868404195, RRP $39,95

1 his is the twelfth hook in the Australian the information, albeit in a more reader- Natural History Series, a series lo be com- friendly Way than ihe usual scientific nota- mended lor bringing well written species tion. This makes the series useful to the pro- accounts to the general public For the past fessional as well as to ihe casual reader.

lew decades, natural history writing lor the 1 he latest offering is from Anne kcrlc general audience has consisted of books for who grew up geographically and profession- identification of the various la\a, with the ally with possums, starting with her honours occasional travelogue through the natural project on Mountain Pygmy Possums (cov- hisior\ world, or hooks focussed on particu- ered in this series hy Ian Mausergh and

lar regions. Ihe Australian Natural llislorv I inda Broome) before moving on to north- Scries from ihe liniversih of New South ern Brushtail Possums for further research. Wales Press was a natural, and most wel- The breadth of knowledge, gained from her come, extension of this. With this series the OWn research, from the scientific work of tacts about a species or group ol related others and from indigenous people, is species arc available to those with limited brought together in this book to give a high-

access to the scientific literature. Unlike l\ readable and fact-filled account.

some single-author views of a species, I he first mainland marsupial lo he recog- where ihe \eracil\ of an opinion cannot he nised as a marsupial was not a kangaroo hut checked, this scries employs ihe scientific a possum. Took and Banks likened the ani- tradition ol acknowledging the sources o\ mal lhe> saw to the Brazilian Opossum (Ihe

24<> Mie Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews

first marsupial known to European science) Vombalilbrmes) thus on p. 16 the Koala L and the name stuck - minus the Q\ Apart (family Phascolarctidae) is included in the from noises on the roof or depredations to Vombatidae (the wombats). On p. 19 the fruit and rose 3 bushes what do we know flying term 'attitude (meaning the of about possums? Who would have thought its axes relative to the airflow) has morphea" that the Common Brushtail Possum, so into altitude (height above sea level). adept at li\ with tag humans in our cities and Additionally (a quibble from a mountain as a pesl in New Zealand could be declining ecologist and a lapse in an author who has here in Australia? It has disappeared from studied the Mountain Pygmy Possum) on half of its pre-European range. Some of the p. 52 Common Brushtail Possums have v threats to possums are covered in this book. been found in sub-alpine woodlands and The fur trade took four million pelts in above the snowline' (as if sub-alpine wood- 1906, but today the threats are more from lands occur anywhere else). I also had trou- the usual suspects: habitat clearance and ble working out what were the units on the ferals, including one not generally thought Y axis in Fig. 5.2. oi\ the honey bee that in one location occu- There has been some debate in wildlife pied 25% of hollow trees making them circles about immunocontraception to con- unsuitable for possums. trol reproduction in pest animals. This is a This book covers the thirteen species of potential pathway in Australia to reduce large Australian possums in two families, numbers of foxes (a long way from where the Phaiangeridae (five species) and the there are native populations of this species). Pseudoeheiridae (eight species), lour fam- The possibility of this technique becoming ilies are not covered and, apart from one widespread in New Zealand to control pos- single species treatment already published sums (relatively close to source native pop- there is room for another book in this ulations) may well widen the debate. series. This book examines what is a pos- In all, the book was informative and and how the group sum evolved, has gen- enjoyable to read and I for one will be dip- eral accounts of the thirteen species includ- ping into it to learn more about the animals ing distribution, scats, skulls and footprints that manage to raid my grape vine the night of the better-known ones, habitat prefer- before the grapes are ready for picking. ences, food, breeding, behaviour and final- ly their interactions with humans. Ken Green National Parks and Wildlife Service I had few quibbles. Figure 1.1 has Pi ) Boa 2228, Jindabyne, NSW 2h2~! Vombatidae as a suborder (rather than

One Hundred Years Ago

Notes on a Rare Victorian Shark

ByJas. A. Kershaw, F.I .s,. Curator of the Zoological Dept, National Museum

' (Ran/ before the Field Naturalists ( tub oj Victoria, IMhJuly, 1902.)

On the 2nd May last a large shark was captured in Ilohsoifs Bay, off Williamstown, which v.,r quite unknown to any of the fishermen and others who saw It. It was captured through

becoming entangled in the nets of some local fishermen, which it damaged considerably, and unfortunate!) bruised Itselj a good deal in its powerful snuggles to escape.

lis captors immediateI) disembowlcd it, and had ii conveyed to the cits for exhibition purpos-

es, where Si was secured lor the Museum.

It proved lc he a medium-Sized male specimen ol the Basking Shark, Celnrhuius muximus.

Gunner, and measured a total length Of 12 feel I I inches.

I he Only previous record of its occurrence in Victorian waters is that given In Su Frederick

M ( 0) m the Prodromus /nolng\ Victoria, vol. ii, where he describes and figures a large speci-

men measuring 31 feet 6 inches, which was captured in the fishermen's nets at Portland in

November 1883. I his specimen was exhibited in the cay loi some days, hut, being hot weather,

it was rendered useless lor museum purposes.

[ -rorn The Victorian Naturalist XIX, p 02, August 7, C902

Vol. 119(5)2002 247 1

The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. RegNoAG0336] IX

Established 1880

In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES! To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists. Blaekburn, Victoria 3130, Australia. Registered Office: FNCV, 1 Gardenia Street, Australia. Postal Address: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130. Phone/Fax (03) 9X77 9860; International Phonc/Fux 6J 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, AC, MBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers ['resident: Ms Wi NDY Cl ark, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266 3094. 9435 8408 i I Street, Montmorency Vice Presidents: l)u Not i Sou km R, Astley and Dk Ai an Yi n, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3115. 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary. Mks Ann] Morjon, 10 Rupieola Court, Rowville 3178. 9790 0656 Hon. Treasurer, Ms Barbara Bvrns, 16 Montelair Court, Tfeniplestowe 3106. 9846 2608 Subscription-Secretary. FNCV, Cocked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3*130. 9877 9860

1 6223 Executive Editor, The Vic. Nat.: Mrs Mi RiLYN GRl Y, 8 Martin Road. Glen Iris 3 46. 9889 4339 Editors, The Vic Nat.: Mr Austair Lamns, 3/1778 Dandcnong Road, Clayton 3168. 8505 and Mks Anni Morion, as above. Librarian: Mks Sin n a Hough ion, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. AH 5428 4097 3162. 9523 1853 Excursion Coordinator, Mr Df.nnis Mi i i/i r, 8 llarcourt Avenue, Caufield Book Brokerage: Mr Ray Wiiiii, OConglown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 93083770 Hawthorn Last 3123. 9882 3044, Newsletter Editors: Mr Khiiii Marshall, 8/423 I ooronga Road. Mrs Joan Broadbi rrv, 2 Shaun Court, Fempleslowe 3106. 9846 I21S

;indl)R Not i Sent t iCKR, as above. Caullleld 3 162. 9527 560! ( 'onscrvation Coordinator'/M\t. Jim Wai.klr, 167 Balaclava Road, Croup Secretaries

Botany. Mr Ki nil MARSHAI i , as above. 3204. 9557 5215 Geology: Mr Ron 1 I amson, 5 Foster Street, Mckinnon 3106. All 9772 2848 FaunaSurvey: Ms Soi'ini SMA1 t , 107 Bondi Road, Bonbeach

1 All 9877 3987 I 313 . Marine Research: Mr Mkiiai i Lyons, S High Street, Nunawading Microscopical: Mr \<\\ PoWl R, 36 Seholters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 351 MEMBERSHIP the Field News free. The Club organis- Members receive The I 'ictorian Naturalist and monthly Nat es several monthly meetings (Tree to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Field work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations

in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate.

YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION Rates - The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc.

/ irst Member Metropolitan $40 Concessional (pensfoner/student/unemploy xl) $37 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $37 Junior (under 18) $18 $75 Family (1-2 adults, 1 or more under 18) Overseas AU$65 Additional members $18

Institutional Australian Institutions $80 Overseas Institutions AU$90 Schools/Clubs $40

Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn Victoria 31 30, Australia.

Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Lvans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3 125. Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(6) December 2002


Published by The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria since 1884 From the Editors

Authors arc asked to carefully read the guidelines and consult the most recent issue oflhe journal when preparing a manuscript lor publication.

The Victorian Naturalist would not be successful without the enormous amount of time and effort given voluntarily by a large number of people who work behind the scenes.

One oflhe most important editorial tasks is to have papers refereed. The Editors would like to say thank you lo those people who refereed manuscripts published during 2002:

Kobyn Adams John Hawking (ilen Saunders Andrew Bennett Paul Humphries John Seebeck Dave Britton Laurie l.aurenson Kick Shine Rhonda Butcher Richard Loyn Russell Shiel Malcolm (alder Brian Malone l.etitia Silberbauer Rohan Clarke Richard Marchanl Dianne Simmons John Dean Peter Menkhorst John While Kelvyn Dunn John Neil Alan Yen Ian Endersby Tim New

I inden Gillbank Peter Robertson

The Victorian Naturalist publishes articles for a wide and varied audience. We have a team of dedicated proof-readers who help with the readability and expression of our articles.

Ken Bell Pat Grey Geoffrey Paterson

Andrew Bennett Murray I laby John See-beck

Amis D/edins Virgil I lubreglsc Rob Wallis Ian Endersby Michael MeBain Gretna Wesle Maria Gibson lorn May Jenny Wilson Ken Green Ian Mansergh Alan Yen

Sincere thanks to our book reviewers for 2002 who provided interesting and insightful comments on a wide range of books and other materials;

Andrew Atkins Ken Green Cheryl O'Dwyer

Margaret ( Wrick John I lawking Gary Presland Stuart Dashper Simon Lewis Gerry Quinn Gwen Elliot Angus Martin Melody Serena Rodger llliol Sara Maroske Jenny Tonkin Cecily Falktngham Tim New

As always we particularly thank our authors who provide us with excellent material for publication.

Special thanks to Ken Green for his 'Naturalist in the Mountains' series to commemorate The United Nations International Year of Mountains 2002.

Our editorial advisory learn continues lo provide valuable advice and assistance: Ian Endersby, Ian Mansergh, Tom May, and John Seebeck.

On the production side, lhank you to: Ken Bell, who prepares the annual index, Dorothy Mahler for administrative assistance, Kate Smith, for desktop publishing, Ann Williamson, for printing the mailing labels, and Printers, BPA Print Group, especially Steve Kitto. c The Victorian Naturalist

Volume 119(6)2002 December


Executive Editor: Merilyn Grey Editors: Alistair Evans and Anne Morton

Research Reports A Population Study of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, South-western Victoria, by Eve McDonald-Madden and Graeme Coulson 252

Potential Dispersal Agents of Higher Plants in the Kosciuszko Alpine Area, by Karen C Rudkin and Catherine M Pickering ...258

The Red Fox \ uipes vulpes L. in the Dandenong Creek Valley: Impacts on Wildlife and an Integrated Program for their Control, by A Morion, I) Tagg, R Wallis and J While 269

Naturalist in the Flying Spiders and Crawling Flies, hy Ken Green 276 Mountains

Book Reviews Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses, by Cathy Waters. Wai Whalley and Charles Huxtahle, reviewed hy Cheryl O'Dwyer 278

Platypus: the Extraordinary Story Of] low a Curious Creature Baffled the World, by Ann Moral, reviewed hy Melody Serena 219

Working on Country: Contemporary Indigenous Management of Australia's Land and Coastal Regions, edited hy Richard Baker, Jocelyn Davies and Kispeth Voting, reviewed hy Gary Presland 280

Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants, by Ralph Bailey and Julie Lake, reviewed hy Gwen and Rodger Elliot 281

Guidelines for Authors at the end of this issue


Cover: Eastern Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus. Sec Research Report on p. 252. Photo h\ Keith Dempster.

Web address: http://www.vicnet.nel.au /- In v /

E m a i I f n C v (a vicnet.net.au Research Reports

A Population Study of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus gigantem at Tower Hill State Game Reserve, South-western Victoria

1 Eve McDonald-Madden 1 and Graeme ('oulson

Abstract Overabundance in native species has recently become an important locus for wildlife management. The negative effects of overabundant macropod populations include threats to human life or liveli- hood, depression ol the density of favoured species, decline in hotly condition and reproduction, and State a loss of equilibrium between flora and fauna. This study was undertaken at lower Hill Game Reserve m south-western Victoria. The population of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus gfganteus in the reserve is derived from a number of individuals released in l%4, and this study established ol that the current population totals about 150 individuals. The adult sea ratio was at parity and 71 % rapid females In the population were breeding, suggesting that this population has the potential lor the development of a manage- increase, I uriher study into the population's growth trajectory and Natuni/i.si ment plan is needed to avoid problems ol over-grazing and over-browsing, [fim Victorian M*M<>>, ^M2, 252-258)

Introduction Overabundance in native species has closed areas has resulted in problems due to recently become an important locus oi' overpopulation (see C'oulson in press). wildlife management (Oarrott et at 1993; This study was undertaken al Tower Mill ( Reserve, a small reserve of Rodger 1 >°X). In parts ol" North America, Stale Game overabundance of ungulates, particularly native habitat, isolated from other native White-tailed Deer Odocoitetm vlrgimanus vegetation by expanses of cleared pasture. and Elk Ccrvus claphus, has become a Over the years, macropod species includ- major management issue in national parks ing Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macro/uis H'aiUibia and on private land (e.g. I leak el at, 1997; giganteus. Black Wallabies

l ( J lor Red-necked Wallabies McSbea and Kappole l >7). Some hi co and Australian species seem to be undergoing Macropus rufogriseus (introduction unsuc- parallel growth rates to those witnessed in cessful), have been released into the

Norlh America. In Australia, the koala reserve ((ioldslravv 1 986). In November Phoscolitrctos citicrcus (Martin and 1964, Eastern (irey Kangaroos were rein- llandasydc 1999) and a number o\' macro- troduced into the reserve ((ioldslravv

l pod species have been identified as prob- l )S(>). They were initially introduced to lematic (C'oulson 1998). two enclosures planted with open Forest Overabundant macropod species have vegetation, designed to acclimatize macro- been shown to have a negative effect on pod breeding stock before ultimate release. agricultural yields (Hill ei al U>NN) and can The initial numbers ol' kangaroo released also have deleterious effects on biota in seem to be unrecorded; however anecdotal areas where grazing pressure is concentrat- observations of releases and deaths IVom ed, such as nature reserves (Neave and 107° to 1985 are available. Records show Tanlou l°S°; (oulson 1997), In particular, that 19 kangaroos were released intermit- problems arise in populations that are closed tently over six years, with nine of those to emigration, either by impenetrable habitat released animals dying in their enclosures or by fencing. In the past the deliberate before release into the reserve itself* introduction o( kangaroo populations into Records of observations from outside the enclosures over the same period show a

1 Department ofZoologVj University oi Melbourne, maximum number of 36 animals. Victoria 1010 Eastern Grey Kangaroos have been Current address; DBpwtrueni of Natural Resources shown to inhabit ecolones of ample forest .mkI I \ iiiioiiniL-iU, Ailhul K\ l.ih Institute lor

I in ironniental Research, PO Box I 17, Heidelberg. cover and open grassy feeding grounds Victoria M384 (Hill 1981; Short and ("irigg 19S2>. Due to Email evcmemad(i?hoimail,com

25! The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

their need for cover these kangaroos are areas of native vegetation by farmland pas- highly restricted to areas of lateral vegeta- ture and a steep crater rim. By the end of

tion, and are reluctant to cross large areas the 19"' century it was completely cleared lacking cover. The population at Tower for agriculture. In 1961, the decision was Hill is thus effectively closed to natural made to regenerate this area as a State emigration and immigration, owing to the game reserve. Regrowth throughout the expanse of surrounding open habitat. reserve can be classified into five major An overabundance of Eastern Grey vegetation types; Eucalypt forest, predomi- Kangaroos at Tower Hill has the possibility nantly Eucalyptus viminalis; Eucalypt to fulfill all of the problems of overabun- woodlands, dominated by E. viminalis and

/.. dance outlined by C'aughley ( 1981 >. Tower ovata; AKocasuarina woodlands, domi-

Hill is an ecotourisl destination, and there nated by A. vcr/ici/Iafa and A. striata',

is concern about the possibility of injury to shrublands dominated by Acacia meamsii, visitors. In addition, increased grazing pres- A. decurrens and A. melanoxy/on: and sure by overabundant kangaroos is likely to grasslands. affect other ground dwelling herbivores and This study was conducted during Mav also base a negative effect on native flora, and June 1999. Sampling of the kangaroo leading to decreased species diversity with- population was undertaken using a grid east- in the reserve. As has a I read v been wit- System of 15 transect lines running nessed at Tower Hill with the Koala popu- west across the main island of the reserve lation, overabundance and the inability of (Fig. I; Morgan 1997) and by 4WD along animals to emigrate out of the system to the tracks around the outer rim of the find food may see an increase in mortality reserve. Transects were mapped out by the due to starvation. Recently, Tower Hill authors. 160 m apart (as in the Koala sur- managers and 'friends of Tower Hill" have vey o\^ Morgan 1997) and, before data col- become Concerned about the number of lection, transects were walked on the rele- kangaroos present in the reserve. Despite vant east or west compass bearing, and this, the population has never been properly marked using flagging tape. surveyed. Available records are sporadic Over the course of this study, each line and do not account for the possibility of was walked three times, always between double counting; therefore, estimates of 1000 and 1600 hours. Odd lines were population size are unreliable for manage- walked in succession, followed by evens, ment assessment. to minimise the possibility of double The objectives of this study were firstly, counting created when animals moved to obtain an accurate population count of between lines. The observer set off from E astern Grey Kangaroos in the reserve; the beginning of each transect and walked secondly, to determine population structure at a constant speed. When a kangaroo with the aim of establishing the likely group was observed in front of the observ- growth trajectory of the population; and er, the following data were recorded; the thirdly, to assess habitat usage. Overall, the number of kangaroos in the group; the dis- aim of this stud) was to provide informa- tance from the observer to the centre of the tion lor the management of the population group (measured with a rangefinder); the of Eastern Grey Kangaroos at lower Hill compass bearing from the observer to the State Game Reserve. centre of the group; the sex, if deter- minable, of the individuals within the Study area and methods group, along with the reproductive status habitat in which lower Hill State Game Reserve is located of females; and the type about 15 km northwest of \\ arnambool. the group was observed. Victoria, lower Hill is an extinct volcanic The outer rim was sampled by observa- crater of approximately 3 km diameter tion from a vehicle. Established tracks (Morgan 1997), The total land area of the were driven in a 4WD vehicle between hours. a group was study site is 264 ha, partitioned into the 1630 and 1730 When Main Island (125 ha), laity Island (IS ha). observed, the number of individual kanga- with sex and crater rim ( 1 ha). roos was recorded along I lat Island f 1 ha) and the 20

is isolated from other reproductive status of females, in the hope I his small reserve

Vol. 119(6)2002 253 Research Reports

200 400 Main Track N 1 ' Transects/ Management Tracks I Metres

Tower Hill State Game Reserve

Fig. 1. Map of Tower Hill showing grid system of transects (adapted from Morgan 1997). of establishing a maximum stable number estimates population density and three other For the outer rim population. If animals parameters from a set of frequency distribu- moved extensive distances out of sight, tions: a coefficient of conspicuousness (in they were not recorded. This was done to this study 12.91 ± 1.724 m), the lateral veg- minimise the chance of double counting. etation cover (0.05317+0.007573), and the The percentage of each habitat type with- maximum direct-line distance at which in the reserve was estimated from an aerial species recognition is possible (dmax). photo. Using I mm graph paper, habitat The minimum detection distance was 8 percentages were calculated from the num- m, whilst the maximum (dmax) was 300 ber of squares within the reserve occupied m. The highest frequency of kangaroo by each habitat. groups was observed at 23 m. The sighting distance and the curve of the model fitted Results to those data are shown in Fig. 2. The population density (kangaroos/km ) From this set of data, a density of 81.4 ± was estimated using the computer program 3.54 kangaroos/knT (mean ± si;) was esti- MNPS (sec Morgan 1986). This program mated. The population for the main island

254 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports


1 50 200

Distance (m)

Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of sighting distances from the observer to the kangaroo groups.

Triangles indicate actual data points and the line indicates the curve of best fit using the computer program MNPS (Morgan 1986).

was calculated by multiplying the estimated Table 1. The population estimates (± standard density by the area of the main island, giv- error) and 95% confidence intervals for Eastern ing an estimate of 1 17 individuals (Table Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus at Tower

I ). The stable number observed for the Hill State Game Reserve. outer rim of the reserve, which was taken Estimated 95% CI as the maximum number observed over the Population

four counts, was 34 (Table 1). The overall Main Island 1 1 7 ± 5 107 to 127 estimate for the reserve was 151, with nar- Maximum stable

row confidence intervals (Table 1 ). number for outer The minimum percentage of adult rim population 34 - Overall (for outer rim females breeding in the population was and main island) 151 141 to 161 71%. The percentage of males within the sample was 54%. A -squared test found that the sex ratio of adults in the popula- portion to their availability. Differences 2 = tion did not differ from parity (% 0.00, p between the two sets are observed within - 0.05, df= 94). the selection of woodlands and shrublands.

The pattern of percentage use of the five Set I shows an observed usage of shrub- defined habitats by this population can be lands less then expected and an increased seen in Fig. 3. A chi-squared test was done usage of Allocasuarina woodlands in fine comparing raw frequencies observed in conditions. In comparison, set 2 shows an each habitat with expected frequencies cal- increased usage of shrublands and decrease culated from the availability of each habitat in the use of eucalypt woodlands on days of - = (Set 1 fine conditions: j; 9.63, p < 0.05, wet and windy conditions (Table 2). = df 4; Set 2 - wet-windy conditions: X' Discussion 21.98, p < 0.05, df - 4; Table 2). The null This study shows that the population hypothesis assumes that habitats were used of Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Tower Hill in proportion to availability. Both analyses State Game Reserve has increased rejected the null hypothesis, and show that from a minimum of 19, between 1979 and 1985, kangaroos were not using habitats in pro-

Vol. 119(6)2002 255 Research Repor/s








10 5 I Eucalypl Allocasuarina Shrublands Grasslands Eucalypt Forest Woodlands Woodlands Habitat type

Fig. 3. The pei cenlage of the live main habi tats within the reserve (shaded) and the percentage of Eastern Grey K. angaroos Mao opus giganteiis observed within these habitats (unshaded).

to an estimate of 151 in 1999. This esti- kangaroos have been shown to have a dra- mate suggests that the population has matically reduced fecundity (Norbury et increased dramatically. Along with this al. 1988). Continued growth of the Tower growth witnessed o\i:v the past 14 years Hill population can be expected, as a high the demographics of the population at percentage of the females arc breeding. lower Hill suggest that there is potential Overabundance of any grazing or brows- for continued growth in the future. The ing species has the potential to be devastat- rate of increase of a population depends ing to the vegetation within any reserve. upon its current age distribution and sex Research at other sites has shown that

ratio (Bayliss 1 985; Caughley et al 1987). overgrazing by kangaroos can have a nega- This population showed no apparent sex- tive effect on the structure and floristics of biased mortality in adult individuals with ground cover and on soil invertebrates and sex the ratio of adults being at parity. ground-dwelling birds (e.g. Ncave and Norbury et al. (1988) noted a female bias Tanton 1989; Coulson 1998). In these in Western (irey Kangaroos M. fkligfnasus areas, removal of kangaroos had a marked mclunops after drought, resulting in a effect on the regeneration of native ground decreased growth trajectory. However, vegetation and dicotyledon species (Ncave parity or male biased populations are and Tanton 1989; Coulson 1998). Since thought to be indicative of growing popu- Tower I Mil's classification as a State Game lations (Norbury eta!. 1988). Reserve in 1961, a great deal of effort has The population of kangaroos at Tower gone into the re-establishment of indige- Hill also had a high percentage of breeding nous vegetation on this once cleared site. females, with a minimum of 71% of adult Overgrazing by Eastern Grey Kangaroos females carrying young. Females with very may threaten the continued success of this small pouch young are extremely diflleuit ivvegelation effort. to identify as breeding individuals; conse- In this study, kangaroos actively selected quently, this figure is likely to underesti- habitats, although the preferences shifted mate the breeding potential of the popula- depending on the environmental condi- tion. Kangaroos may respond to changes in tions. Selection, it seems, was affected by rate of population increase by adjusting the need for shelter from the elements. For their rates of reproduction (Bayliss 1985; example, when environmental conditions Caughley et 1987). In harsh al conditions. were harsher, more time was spent in

256 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Table 2. The frequency of kangaroos observed in each habitat and the expected frequency according to the proportion of the reserve occupied by each habitat type.

Habitats Kucalypt Allocasuarina Shrubland Grassland Kucalypt Woodland Woodland Forest

Set 1 (line conditions) Observed 23 13 10 14 Expected 21 8 20 11 0.5

Set 2 (wet-windy conditions) Obsen ed 7 9 37 12 Expected 23 8 22 12 0.5

shrublands of greater density where there is Dustin Marshall for statistical advice; Mick more cover than in open woodlands. Such Wright for his unwavering support and assistance in laving out transect tape; and Jill McDonald for results are important to consider when con- her great help in all facets of this project, includ- templating management of the reserve. ing the dreaded removal of transect tapes. Also Time and money should be invested in the thanks to Sue. Alex and Joe MeCulloeh for pro- rehabilitation and protection of areas of the viding accommodation during this study. Our reserve al greatest risk. For example, in thanks must also go to friends of Tower Hill for cooler months, increased management of their financial support. All the hard work that wenl into this study and over-used shrubland areas may reduce the into this final report is dedicated to John impact of kangaroo grazing in the reserve. MeCulloeh. It appears that the population of kanga- References roos al I owcr Hill State Game Reserve has Rayh'sa I* (Wis?) I he population dynamics of red and increased dramatically and will continue to western grey kangaroos in arid New South Wales, increase. The first step in assuring the Australia. II. The numerical response function. Journal ofAnimal Kcology 54, 127-1 v\ effective management of the Tower Mill ( Caughley G (i >Sl) Overpopulation. In Problems in population should be to outline the Issues Management <>/ 1 molly Abundant Wild Mammals, pp Jewell. S Molt and l> Mart. (Academic within the reserve thai are of management 7-J9. Eds PA Press: New York) priority. With management priorities clear- I aughle) (i. Shepherd \ and Short J ()s>87) ly stated, an appropriate management plan Kangaroos then- l-.eolagy ain! Management in the

( Sheep Rangttlands aj Australia { 'am bridge should be designed to effectively maintain University Press: Cambridge) these goals. The management plan should ( 'unison G (1997) Woodlands Historic Park Kangaroo determine an optimal population size of Management Plan: a report to Parks Victoria

Depart men I of /oology. I he I ni versity o\' kangaroos within the reserve. Appropriate Mclhonrnc- methods of control should be investigated, ( oulson G (1998) Management of overabundant and consideration given to use of concur- macropods are there conservation benefits? In Managing marsupial abundance for conservation methods such as exclusion fencing, rent benefits Proceedings oj a Symposium held at the culling and fertility control. Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Australia, This study has been the first comprehen- Sydne) Jul) 1998, Coulson (i (in press) Overabundant kangaroo popula- on the kangaroo pop- sive sludy completed tions in southeastern Australia. In Wildlife, Land, and ulation at lower Hill since their reintro- People: Priorities for the 2 1st century. Proceedings the Second International Wildlife Management duction in 1964. Results have shown that of Congress, hds K field, R.J Warren, II Okarma and numbers in the reserve have increased dra- PR Sieverl I I lie Wildlife Society. Maryland) matically and in light of the population (urrotl KA. White PJ. and White ( AV (19953 Overpopulation: An issue For Conservation biolo- demography, have the potential to increase 1 gists .' Conservation Biology 7, °46-§49. further, thereby threatening the biodiversi- Goldstrav* P (1986) Department of Natural Resources ty of the reserve, further sludy, and devel- and Environment internal fite. Mealy WM, Decalesta DS and Stout SL (1997) A of management practices, are opment research perspective on while-tailed deer overabun- essential to ensure that efforts already put dance in the north eastern United Stales, Wildlife 1 259-263 into the reserve by staff. Friends and the Societ} Bulletin 2$,

Mill C 1 1 1 (19S1) A study of the habitat preferences in have not been in vain. community the Grey Kangaroo, Australian Wildlife Research S, 245-254.

Acknowledgements Mill CUE, Barnes A and Wilson CiR (1988) I he use ol We would like to thank: the Rangers of tower wheal crops by kangaroos, Vlacropus gigantens, in Hill, Kerry Murphy and Iodic Honan. for their southern Queensland. Australian Wildlife Research 15. 111-117. ance wittl this project; David Morgan and

Vol. 119(6)2002 257 Resmrck Reports

Martin K and Kamtasyde (I'W) K ITteXmla Natural the Kabltai of the fauna in the Ttdbiribilla Nature History, Conservation ami Management (University Reserve, Australian Capital Territory. Australian crt'New South Press Wales SydneyJ Wildlife Research 16, 337-351.

McShea WJ and Rappole Jil Mil ( (1W) science and Norbury (i(vl, Coulson GM and Walters Bt (l >K kangaroos and rabbits on the vegetation and

Potential Dispersal Agents of Higher Plants in the Kosciuszko Alpine Area

Karen G Ruclkin 1 and Catherine M Pickering

Abstract Morphcrlogj Of higher plants in the Koseins/ko alpine area was investigated in order to determine probable dispersal agents. Attributes including seed and fruit morphology, presentation mechanisms and habitat lor each plant were matched to ecological syndromes representing four primarv dispersal agents: Wind, water, animals and the plant itself. The most common probable dispersal "aeenl was wind, followed bv animal, water and parent dispersal, {the Victorian Naturalist 1 19 ((.). 2002 >58-268)


Dispersal in mechanisms plants have stiles set upon elongated stalks that open to been the subject of extensive theoretical release small mature seeds when humidity and empirical research, much of which has is low are considered to be wind dispersed concentrated on the anatomical structure of (van der Pijl 1982). the dispersal unit or diaspore i.e. the seed, Principle transport agents Of plant dias- fruit, spores and/or vegetative parts (see pores are animals, wind, water and the par- reviews by van der Pij] 1982; Murray ent plant itself, with the resulting dispersal ( l >N(>). Several criteria can be used to clas- mechanisms termed /ooehory, anemo- sic dispersal melhods (l)ansereau and chory, hydroehory and autochory respec- I. ems L957, cited in van Kheede van tively (van Rheede van Oudtshoom and Oudtshoom and van Roo\ en 1999), van Rooycn I'W). Wind is considered the although the system most eommonlv 'basic' dispersal mechanism (Sernander applied is that of Ridley (1930) using the 1927, cited in van der Pijl 1982), although agent of as transport the criterion (e.g. van in ferns and conifers, animal dispersal was Kheede van Oudtshoom and van Rooycn \\m\\m\ to be dominant (van der Pijl 1982). .999). In this system, dispersal traits repre- Wind is a common dispersal mechanism in senting ecological 'syndromes' are open habitats and regions characterized by matched to the most effective dispersal severe climates and limited numbers of agent (Ridley 1930; \an der Pij] l<)S2). animal vectors (van der Pijl 1982). In litis may involve a single trail, although in regions with few animal dispersal agents, most cases it is a combination of character- the flora may show a range of traits for istics {van der Pijl I9K2). For example, wind and water dispersal (Ridley 1930). In plants growing in open habitats with cap- mountainous areas, mammal, bird and insect diversity tends to decline as altitude

1 Griffith I nn eism. School of Environmental and increases (Meyer and Thaler 1995). Applied Sciences, PMB 50 < iold Coast Mail Centre, Around Ml Koscius/ko, the largest (Queensland. M72o contin- uous luiail cpiekeriniiKMiiailhoxgu edii.au alpine area in Australia, there appear

258 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

R. Table 1. Animals of Koscius/ko alpine area with potential to act as dispersal agents for flora. alpine resident; S, reside in the alpine area during the warmer months only; * introduced species. Taxon Slalus Habils/Dic References Mammals Burrumvs /u/iths R Hibernates during winter, diet includes Mansergh.0fa/.199O; Osborne Mountain Pygmy- cached seeds eg. Alpine I lovea Hovca Green and possum montanu and Mountain Plum Pine 1994 PoJocarpus lawrencei Antcchimis spp. Small marsupial, insectivore, occurs in Dimpel [976; Green

Brown and Dusk} moister areas where adequate ground cover I 9S9 Antechinus of shrubs exist Mastacomysfu&cus Mainly herbivorous, takes small amounts of Carron et al 1990 Broad-toothed Rat seeds, builds nests from grass Ran us fifscipcs Found in woodland, heath and grassland, Carron t'/t// 1990 Southern Bush Rat in winter moves to alpine herblield. Diet diverse including seeds, dicots taken year round, monocots in late autumn and winter Vutpes vuipes* R Diet: insects, mammals and minimal Green and Osborne Red Fox vegetable matter 1 9g I

Birds Anas superciliosa S Found near water, feeds mainly on seeds Frith 1986 Pacific Black Duck and vegetable matter Osborne GaltiHagO hanhvickii S I-'eeds in fens, bogs and wet grassland on Green and Latham's Snipe seeds and invertebrates 1994 Osborne Ambus novaeseelandiae S Tall alpine herblield and tussock grassland. (ireen and Richard's Pipit eats insects and small seeds, grass lined 1994 nest situated in thick vegetation e.g. Richea coiitmcntis nectar Green and Osborne Zosterops lateralis Nest of grass, feeds on insects, 1994 Sflvereye and berries feeds insects and plant (ireen and Osborne Siurmts val -:/.< i$* Nest of grass, on

1 994 Common Starling foods on the ground or in trees Cayley 1975 CoturnixpectoralU Nests on the ground in grass lined Stubble Quail depression, feeds on seeds, green grass and insects

Ants (ireen and Osborne Irulomyrmex spp. Omnivorous, can be found in dry and wet habitats eg. bogs, tracks, herblield and 1994 grassland

to be few animal agents for seed dispersal Methods area (Table I). In contrast, much of the area Study Koscius/ko alpine area extends from consists of wind exposed slopes or valley The at 1830 m above sea Moors with creeks, fen or bogs (Costin el the treeline around for dis- level to the top of Australian's highest al. 2000), providing opportunities (Mt Koscius/ko: 2228 m asl) an persal by wind and water. In addition, par- mountain of approximately 100 km' (Costin ef al. ticularly in harsh environments, optimal area area contains the most diverse dispersal may not require maximizing dis- 2000). This be alpine environment on the mainland with tance, as the most suitable habitat may angiosperm laxa from 40 fami- more readily available close to the parent 204 native lies, one gymnosperm species and fourteen plant ([-liner and Shmida 1981). introduced species of angiosperms (Costin To belter understand the role of seed clis- Koscius/ko et al 2000). Plants exhibit a range of i; the ecology of the i !a l in | forms including shrubs, grasses, alpine /one. this review identifies morpho- growth rushes, herbs, mats and cushions, logical dispersal characteristics for all seed sedges, herbs the most dominant. plants recorded in the region and matches with them to potential dispersal agents.

259 Vol. 119(6)2002 Research Reports

Tabic 2. Dispersal syndrome used for alpine flora of Kosciuszlco National Paris for the four priraarj dispersal agents lor seed bearing plants.

Dispersal Dispersal syndrome characteristics syndrome (ivnvral Pouceae

Ancraocbory Dust-like seeds I lairs present on lemma and/or palea

(wind) I mil on long peduncles Bearded callas Peduncles elongate during fruit maturation Awn present Dry fruits that dehisce in dry air Plumose raehilla Predominantly small herbaceous species

Small < linm), plumed, winged or ribbed ( )peii habitats seeds

I lydroehory Diaspores without other mechanisms { I mini ( ilabrous lemma, palea and/or callas (water) Dry fruits that dehisce in moist ah* Bristled raehilla, habitat near water- Moating ulricle or loose seed coat course Seed coal to prevent germination during Spikelels droop at maturity, tine hairs transport on lemma Moisl or low-lying habitat Absence of awn and/or raehilla

I .ow-growing

/oochory Fruit bci r> , drupe or nut Barbed callas (animal) Fruit or seed colour ra\, black or purple Spiked or scabrous lemma and/or Burred, scabrous, hooked, or sticky diaspore palea f laiosomc present on seed Presence of macro

Small ( I mm) aud/oi scabrous diaspore barge lloret ( 5mm), glabrous Moist habitat lemma Short rigid awn, bristled raehilla Autochory Explosive dehiscence of capsule or lollicle (parental plant)

Classification ofdispersal syndrome (Appendix I) and 14 introduced species Due to the number of taxa to be studied (Appendix 2). For the native taxa, the most and diversity of structures associated with common agent was wind (auemochory. dispersal, classification by agent dispersal I 14 taxa), followed by animals (/oochory, syndromes was limited to the lour principal 53), water (hydrochory, 34) and the parent agents of dispersal (after Ridley L°30; plant (autochory 4; fig. I ). The dominance Table 2). Criteria used to classify taxa were of wind dispersed seeds was due to the based on (I) seed morphology including prevalence of herbs with small plumed, Structures attached to or enclosing seed, (2) winged or ribbed seeds (fig. 2), which plant habitat, and (3) seed presentation together accounted for 73 (35%) of the (where on parent plant). Some difficulties total native taxa. were encountered in applying the criteria to Growth forms typically associated with the specialized structures of grasses wet habitats such as sedges and rushes (Poaceae); therefore, these la\a were con- were characterized by water and animal sidered separately (fable 2). Morphological dispersal (fig. 2) while low-growing cush- characteristics for the seed plants of ions and mat/herbs were wind dispersed. koscius/ko alpine area were identified from Taxa with shrub/subshrub growth forms taxonomic descriptions bv Costin et ctl, ( Epacridaceae) were also wind dispersed. (2000), Harden (2000) and Walsh and Of the grasses, 47.8% are likely to be wind ot l bntwisle (l > >). Native flora and intro- dispersed, with the remaining 52.2% divid- duced weed species were categorized sepa- ed evenly between both water and animal rately. When attributes of a species could be dispersal. Animal dispersal was the deter- attributed to more than one agent syndrome, mined agent for the three dwarf shrubs a subjective decision was made as to the Alpine Uallarl Exocarpus nanus (Santal- 'most likely' dispersal agent based on the aceae), Alpine Kelleria Keller ia dieffen combination of attributes. hachii (Thymelaeaceae) anil Alpine Riec- f lower Pimelea alpina (Thymelaeaceae). Results The most probable dispersal agent of the

I lie major potential dispersal agent was single representative of Gymnospermae, identified Tor each oi the 205 native taxa Mountain Plum Pine Podocarpus lawrencel

260 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports




E -Id

Aiu-mtu.-lu.ty MydrochoO ZOQchCTJ Auhnhnr,

i" -''- Pig. 1. recorded J I Native taxa in Sie koscius/ko E ; alpine area attributed to Ihe lour probable dis- ' persal agents. Anemochorv wind, hydrochorv i- r. 1 rfOWlh 1 nun water, /oochory animal, autoehorv = parental plant, n 205. Fig. 2. Probable dispersal agents of native la\a (in terms of growth forms) of the koscius/ko was found tO be /oochory. Seeds of this alpine area (Costin etal. 2000). species arc included in the diet of the Mountain Pygmy Possum Burramys species found in this region, Luzula aeutijo- their parvus i known For habit of caching lia subsp. nana, have a small fleshy out- in seeds and around nests (Table I ). Within growth of the seed coat (caruncle). These angiospcrms. seed dispersal by animals was structures on Luzula multiflora were found found in four of the six monocot families to be attractive to ants (Ridley 1930), which (40% of taxa) and thirteen of the thirty-two transport the seeds short distances. Ridley

dicot families (20% of taxa). Of the native ( 1930) also recorded finding Luzula inflores- taxa likely to have diaspores dispersed by cences, with seed, used as nesting material animals, 57% had characteristics indicating by sparrows; however, this has yet to be dispersal that involved viable seed being determined for the species considered here eaten and excreted undamaged. The and is unlikely to account for the wide distri- remaining 43.4% had sticky, hooked or bution ol these plants as there are lew bird burred seeds likely to be dispersed by ani- species, and no sparrows.

mals externally (e.g. carried on \\w; Pig, 3), Herbs comprised 55.6% of all native taxa An alternative method for animals to (Costin et a/. 2000). Taxa from common cart) sect! externally was identified by herb families such as the Asleraceae and Ridley (1930) where the small otherwise were determined to potentially be un-mechani/ed seeds of Juncaceae were wind dispersed, as were those of transported from one area to another in Orchidaeeae, (rassulaceae, (ierauiaceae, mud sticking to the feet of waterfowl. This Onagraccac, Cientianaceae, Scrophu- may be the method of seed dispersal for lariaceae, Plantaginaceae, C'ampanulaceae

Jurtcus antareticus, ./. falcatus and J. and Slylidiaceae (fig. 4). Herbs also thompsotiianus in the Koscius/ko alpine accounted for all species classed as auto- area, as the plants invariably grow in chores (mechanical self dispersal) compris- marshy spots where they may come into ing the three Cardauune spp. (Brassicaeeae) contact with the feet or of the and Ihe Violet Viola betoniclf&tia subsp. Pacific Hlack Duck Anas superciliosa hetonicifolia, each characterized by explo-

residing in the area over summer (Table I ). sive seed capsules. However, the small seed si/e, presentation There were fourteen established introduced mechanism and growth form of these taxa weed species in live families, and all but one also suggests dispersal by wind. were classified as wind dispersed (Fig, 5). The six remaining taxa of the family Timothy grass Phleum pretense (Poaeeae) Juncaceae are comprised ol the genus was classified animal dispersed primarily Luzula, many of which were also found near due to the thin and dry outermost of water, and their larger seed si/e (1.0-1.8 the floret lemma extending as a point. mm) indicates water dispersal. Interestingly, Ridley (1930) cited several examples of many species of Luzula, including one viable seeds of this species being dispersed

Vol. 119(6)2002 261 Research Reports

Monoccrtyledotieae 23 Animal Agent Dicotyledoneae


Endozoochory ( )


z n nnnn n nn CO ^


Fig. 3. Number of laxa in each family exhibiting characteristics that indicate seed dispersal by ani- mals. Hndozoochores transport seeds internally, excreting them undamaged. Seed transport on the fur or plumage of animals are classified exozoochores. Numbers at the top of each column indicate the total number of native taxa in each family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area. 40'



Fig. 4. Number of native herbs by family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area (Costin el al 2000) attributed to the four probable dispersal agents. Numbers at the top of each column indicate the total number of native taxa in each family recorded in the Kosciuszko alpine area.

by cattle and horses, both of which were pre- However, many of the species studied in sent in the alpine area until recently. the Kosciuszko alpine area had little or no apparent adaptations for diaspore Discussion dispersal based on morphological descriptions of The diversity of alpine diaspore structures seed in Floras. More detailed examination and presentation at maturity presumably of material and field work may clarify increase the chance of seeds being this. Complications also arose in seeds adapted favourably dispersed (Ridley 1930).

262 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

This study provides information about potential dispersal mechanisms. Observations of species growing in the natural habitat are required to confirm the potential dispersal mechanisms proposed. This also includes examining the role of vegetative dispersal mechanisms such as the transport of torn-off rhizomes, stems and stolons. Based on the data presented here, however, we can con- i clude that be wind appears to the most com- mon type of dispersal mechanism for the Fig. 5. Number of introduced ueed laxa b_\ tamily recorded in the Koscius/kn alpine area Kosciuszko alpine flora. (Costin et al. 2000} attributed to the probable References dispersal agents, n = 14. Carron PL, Happold IX D and Bubeta I M [199ff) Did >>i two sympuirie Australian subalpitie rodents for several agents of dispersal, or for a suc- \ifosiacomys fkscus and Rutins /usetpes Australian

,.,..' cession of agents (Ridley 1930; van Rheede ii ,, ft iearch 17, 479-489

Ca\lc> \W ( 1^75) What Bird is linn' A Guide to the

van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1999). 11/ Biros . lustralia (Angus and Robertson S\dne\ > For example, feathery hairs on seed can be Costin V Ua\ M. Totlerdell C and Wimbusn &(2000) KQSCiussko llpine Flora. [CSIRO/CoHtns; Melbourne). dispersed by wind, provide buoyancy in Dansereau I' and Lems K ( 1957) I he grading of dispersal water, facilitate adherence to animals, and \\ pes in plain communities and their ecological Signifi- assist with anchorage to the ground during cance-, Contributions of the Institute oj Hutain

{ nh ersit) of Montreal 71. t -52. germination (Ridley 1930). It has also been D impel II (1976) Research on some of the endangered demonstrated that the awn of barley is an in;.!.r-.upi;.il-. Burramvs on Mount Koscius/ko. Parks and important photosynthetic structure, sug- Wildlife I, L56-158. Lllner S and Shmida A (1981). Whj are adaptations for gesting the diaspores ma\ have functions long range dispersal rare in desert plants? Oecahgia other than just dispersal (van der Pijl 1982). 51,123-144

I riih HJ {\9&&) Pacific Black Duck, In ne&ders Digest Therefore by assigning seed to a single Book 0/ Australian Birds, p 152 I ds R Schodde and agent, we may have underestimated animal, S( fidemann. (headers Digest: Sydney) and seasonal differences water and plant dispersal mechanisms. Green K (1989) Alliludinal in the diets of Antechinus vwainsonri and A stuartii Conditions favorable for growth in alpine (Miirsupiilia. Djsyundu.) in tthtlOfl to the ivailihlilv environments are often restricted to small of prey in the Snowy Motmiains. Australian Wildlife Research I6.5SI-59Z micro-habitats. Seed morphologies that ( ircen K and Osborne W ( I 98! ) ! he diet of foxes I ulpes

restrict dispersal to the vicinity of the parent \n!/h^ (I ) in relation to the abundance of prey above the winter snowline in New South Wales. Australian plant may therefore be advantageous (van midlife A vearchb 349-360 1*982). Zohaiy (1962, cited in van der Pijj 1 I n- en K and Osbomc W 1994) Wildlife of the Snav y t '

Harden GJ (20(H)) Flora of' \cw ' South Holes, Volumes I- 1999) distinguished two major categories o( 4. (New South Wales I niversily Press: Kensington)

localized dispersal; 1) restriction of dispersal Mansergn IM, Baster B, Scotts f), liradv I and.JoUe> D

1 19903 Diet of the mountain pygmy-possum Burramys in space and 2) restriction of dispersal in parvus (Marsupialia; Hurramyidae) and other small burying of seed or time. The former includes mammals in the alpine environment at Ml. Iloiham. formation of fruits immediately above the Victoria. Australian Manrmalaey 13. 167*177. Meyer I: and Thaler K (1995) Animal diversity al high ground, limiting separation of seed, and the altitudes in the Austrian central alps. In Arctic and presence of sticky material (mucilage), burrs AljiiiiL Biodiversity Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem or other anchorage mechanisms on the seed. Consequences. Ids F Chaplin and C korner CSpringer- Verlag: Berlin) Inhibitory mechanisms of the latter include Press: Murray RD led) (1986) Seed Dispersal i Acadarate.

postponement of dispersal until the following Sydnev |

Ridley UN | 1930) The Dispersal oj Plants Throughout season, and opening or closing of the disper- theWortd (Reeve: \&hfard) sal organ (e.g. capsule or follicle) as a func- Sernander R il l>27) An Morphologic und Biologic der Nova Acta Seiemiannni tion of moisture. The taxonomic descriptions Diaspoien. Regiae Sacietath

! salirtt.-.r., I ppsala, available did not include enough information van der Pijl l. (1982] Principles, oj Dispersal in Higher to make determinations as to the presence or /'Units. (Springer-Veriag: Borffa) van Rhwde van Ottdstshoom k and van Rooyen MW (1999) absence of these types of mechanisms, nor Dispersal Bialo-gyuj Desert Plants, (Springer; London) did they provide post-dispersal details e.g. Walsh N("i and LritwiMle TJ (1999) i'lora of futoria, weight, buoyancy, absorbency of seed coat, Volumes 3 and 4. (Inkata Press. Melbourne) /..ihary M Plant l ift oj Pali .nnc (IU-inliolt Press ( 1962) nature of hairs, etc. hydrophilic London)

Vol. 119(6)2002 263 Research Reports

Appendix 1. Native gymnosperm and angiosperm species, subspecies and varieties recorded from the Kosciuszko alpine area including growth form and habitats as recorded by C'ostin et al (2000). I labitat abbreviations: B, bog; F, Ten; FMa, feldmark {Epacris-Chkmohebe alliance); FMb, {Coprosma-Colohanthus) alliance; H, heath; STG, sod tussock grassland; SAH, short alpine herbfield; TAUa, tall alpine herbfield {Ceimisia-Poa alliance); TAIIb, tall alpine herblleld [Brachyscome-Ausirodanihonki alliance). Zoochory* indicates endozoochory; Zoochory** indi-

cates exozoochory ; • endemic to Koscius/ko alpine area.

Species Common Name Growth Habitat Probable Form Dispersal Agent Gymnosperniae Podocarpaceae

1 Podocarpus latvrertcei Mountain Plum-pine Shrub H Zoochory* Angiosperimte: Mononeolyledoneae Poaceae 2 Agrostis meionectes Alpine Bent Grass SIG, SAH, F, B Anemochory

3 Agroslis muelleriana Mueller's Bent Grass TAIla, STG. F. B. FMa I lydrochory 4 Agroslis parviflora Hair Bent Grass 9 Anemochory

5 Agruslis venusla Graceful Bent Grass 1 Alia, STG Anemochory 6 Agroslis Bp. Swamp Bent Grass STG. F.B, TAHa Flydroehory

7 Atislralopyrum velulinum Mountain Wheat-grass Grass 1 Alia, SIG Zoochory** 8 Austrodanthoiua alpicola Crag Wallaby-grass Grass TAIIb Anemochory l> Chionochloa frigkla • Ribbony grass Grass TAHa Anemochory 10 Deschampsia caespiiosa Tufted Flair-grass Grass STG Anemochory 11 Dcvcuxla affhus Dwarf Bent-grass Grass SAH Zoochory** 12 Deysuxfa carimtct Slender Bent-grass Grass STG, F. B. H Zoochory** 13 DeyeuxUt crassiuscuht Coarse Bent-grass Grass TAHa, STG Zoochory** 14 Deyeuxia montieola var. Mountain Bent-grass Grass STG, TAHa Zoochory** montieola

15 liieroch/ue suhnwticu Alpine Holy-grass Grass TAHa 1 lydrochory

16 Poa eoslinktna Prickly Snow-grass Grass STG, F,B, TAIla 1 lydrochory 17 Pact Jdwcetliae Smooth-blue Snow-grass Grass TAHa, STG Anemochory 18 Poa hiemala Soli Snow-grass Grass TAHa Anemochory 19 Poa saxicola Rock Poa Grass TAHa Zoochory* 20 Rylidosperma auslrale Snowpalch grass Grass SAH Hydrochory

21 Rylidosperma nivicola Snow Wallaby-grass Grass STG, TAHa, 1 Anemochory 22 Rylidosperma nudlflorum Alpine Wallaby-grass Grass STG, TAHa. F Anemochory 23 Rylidosperma pumiiutu Feldmark grass Grass FMa Hydrochory 24 Triselum spicatum subsp. Bristle-grass Grass TAIla, STG Anemochory australiense Cyperaeeae 25 Carex archeri Archer's Sedge Sedge B Hydrochory 26 Carex hrevicitlmis Short- flower Dryland Sedge Sedge TAIla, STG Hydrochory 27 Carex canescens Yellow-headed Sedge Sedge F, B, TAHa, STG Hydrochory 28 Carex eephalotes Button Sedge Sedge F. B. SAFI, STG Hydrochory 29 Carex echinala Star Sedge Sedge SAH, TAHa, B Hydrochory

30 Carex gaud'tchaudiana Tufted Sedge Sedge F. B. STG 1 lydrochory 31 Carex hcbes Dryland Sedge Sedge TAHa, STG Hydrochory

32 Carex hypandra Dark Fen-sedge Sedge F, B 1 lydrochory 33 Carex jackiana Short-flower Swamp Sedge Sedge SAH, B, F, STG Hydrochory 34 Carpha alptrta Small Flower-rush Sedge STG, F. B Hydrochory 35 Carpha nivieola Broad4eaf Flower-rush Sedge F,B Hydrochory 36 Isolepis aueklandica Slender Club-rush Sedge SAH, B, F Zoochory* 37 Isolepis crassiusculu Alpine Club-rush Sedge SAH, TAHa Zoochory* 38 Isolepis habra Tufted Club-rush Sedge B Zoochory* 39 Isolepis monlivaga Mountain Club-rush Sedge SAH. F. STG Zoochory* 40 Isolepis sublilissima Dwarf Club-rush Sedge SAH Zoochory* 41 Oreobolus distichas Fan Tuft-rush Sedge B, SAH, TAHa Zoochory* 42 Oreobolus pumilio subsp. Alpine Tuft-rush Sedge SAH, F Zoochory* pumilio 43 Schoemis calyptratus Alpine Bog-rush Sedge SAH Zoochory** 44 L'nc'mia compacfa Compact Hook-sedge Sedge TAI la. STG Zoochory** 45 Unctnia flacckla Mountain hook-sedge Sedge TAHa, STG Zoochory** 46 Uncinia sinclairii Sinclair's Hook-sedge Sedge STG Zoochory** 47 Uncinia sulcata Furrowed Hook-sedge Sedge TAHa, STG Zoochory** Restionaeeae 48 Empodisma minus Spreading Rope-rush Rush B, STG, TAIla Hydrochory Juncaceae 49 Juncus antarcticus Cushion Rush Rush SAH, B Zoochory** 50 Juncus jalcalus Sickle-leaf Rush Rush F,B Zoochory** 51 Juncus thompsonianus Thompson's Rush Rush B. F, SAll Zoochory**

52 Luzula aeulifolia subsp. nana* Dwarf Woodrush Rush SAH 1 lydrochory

53 Llt.ula alpcstris Mountain Woodrush Rush STG, TAIla 1 lydrochory

264 The Victorian Naturalist 1

Research Reports

Appendix 1 continued.

Species Common Name Growth Form Habitat Dispersal

54 Luzula atrata Slender Woodrush Rush B, F, SAH 1 lydroehory 55 Lunula subsp. austraiasica Feldmark Woodrush Rush Fma 1 lydroehory dura* 56 Luzula moilesta Bog Woodrush Rush B Hydrochory

57 Luzula novae-cambriac Rock Woodrush Rush 1 Alia, M Hydrochory Liliaceae * 58 Astelia atpina var. Silver Astelia Herb B. TA1 la Zoochoiy novac-hollundiac • 59 Astetia psychrocharh Kosciuszko Pineapplc- urass 1 lerb B. 1 AHa Zoochory*

60 Diane/la tasmanica Tasman r lax-lily 1 lerb TAHa, H Zoochory*

61 Herpolirion navae-zeiandiat Sk> Lily 1 lerb STG Zoochory* Orchidaceae

62 Caladenia alpina Alpine Caladenia 1 lerb B Anemochory 63 PrasophyUwn alpestrc Highland Leek-orchid Herb B. PA Ha. STG Anemochory 64 Prasophylhtm tadgcllianwn ladgell's Leek-orchid llcih B, TAHa, STG Anemochory Angiospermae: Dicot) ledoneae Proteaceae 65 Grevillca australls Alpine Grevillca Shrub 11 Anemochory 66 Grevillca victorlac

subsp. nivalis Royal Grevillea Shrub II Anemochory 67 Oriics lancifolia Alpine Orites Shrub II Anemochory Sanlalaccae

6S Bxocarpm nanus Alpine Ballad Dwarf Shrub II, 1 Alia Zoochory* Portiilacaccac

69 Neapaxia austraiasica White Purslane 1 lerb SAIL IAHa Hydrochory CaryophyUaceae ( 70 'olahanthus a/finis Alpine Colobanth 1 lerb IAHa. FMa Anemochory 71 ( 'olahanlhus nivicula • Snow-patch Cushion Cushion 1Mb. SAH. IAHa Anemochory

12 Cohbcmthus pulvinatus 1 eldmark Cushion Cushion FMa. 1 Mia Anemochory

73 Sclcranthus hiflorus Twin-flower Knawel Mat/Cushion IAHa, SIC 1 lydroehory

74 Scleranthus hmckui Brockie's Knawel Mat/Cushion TAHa 1 lydroehory

75 Sc/crantlu/s singullflorus One-Flowered Knawel Herb/Cushion TAHa, STG, FMa 1 lydroehory 76 Stettaria multijlora Rayless Starworl Herb TAHa Anemochory Raminculaceae

77 Caltha tniraloha Alpine Marsh-marigolc 1 i terb SAI 1 lydroehory

78 Ranunculus acra/ilulus • I eldmark Butlereup Herb FMa Zoochory** 79 Ranunculus ancmoncits • Anemone Buttercup Herb FMb/LAHa. SAII Zoochory** 80 Ranunculus dissccii/alius • Feather Buttercup Herb TAHa, SIG. II Zoochory**

81 Ranunculus gramticola Granite Buttercup Herb 1 Alia. Sl(, Zoochory** 82 Ranunculus '.unnianus Gunn's Alpine Buttercup Herb IAHa. SIG Zoochory**

83 Ranunculus millanii Dwarf Buttercup 1 lerb SKI, h.B Zoochory**

84 Ranunculus nuiclleri felted Buttercup Herb i AHa, STG Zoochory**

85 Ranunculus niphoplnlus Snow Buttercup 1 lerb SAH, TAHa Zoochory** VVinteraceae 86 Tastmumia wifplula suhsp. Alpine Pcppci Shrub 11 Zoochory* Xcroplula Brassicaceae

87 ( 'ardamine ashmiac Aston's Bitter Cress Herb B Aulochorv 88 Canlammc lilacina s.l. Native Bitter Cress Herb SIG, IAHa Autoehory

( lab 89 Canhuninc mhusta • Snow Bitter ress 1 lerb SAH, LAI Aulochory Droseraeeae

90 I'huscra arctun Alpine Sundew 1 lerb B, SAH 1 lydroehory ( rassulaceac

1 lerb TAHa Anemochorj 91 ( Yasxitfa uchcnana s.l, Austral Stonccrop R (is iic eae

92 Acaena sp. Bidgce-widgee Subscrub 1 Mia. 11. STG Zoochory**

1 1 AT lab Hydrochory 93 Alchcmilla xanfhochlara auet , lads 's Mantle lerb Kahaccac

04 1 hivca montana Alpine Hovea Shrub II Anemochory 95 ()\ Jnhiurn cl/iplicuni Common Shaggy Pea Shiiib/Subshriib II Anemochory 96 Pndultihium alpcsirc Alpine Shag© Pea Shrub/Subshrub II Anemochory Geraoiseeae 97 Geranium antrorsum Rosetled Crane's-bill Herb lAlla.SIG, B Anemochory Crane's-bill IAHa. SIG. 11 Anemochory 98 ( irraruum paicntilloulcs Mountain Herb VBI ahdituiu -hill ( ,ri aiuuni polcntdhuilcs var. Alpine Swamp Crane's Herb TAHa, STG Anemochory

100 I'clai yannun l/clur-ut Alpine StorkVbill 1 lerb IAHa Anemochory Kulaieae II Anemochory 101 I'hi-i.itihuin oval/folium • Ovate Phebalium Shrub

Vol. 119(6)2002 265 1

Research Reports

Appendix I continued

Species Common [Name (row th Form Habitat Dispersal Staekhonsiaceae

I (12 Stackiionsia pulviutiris Alpine Staekhousia Mat SIC TAHa Zoochory* Viulaccae

103 MeLicytus sp. {Hymenanthera Woody Viok'l Subs limb 11 /ooehory* auct.)

104 Viola hctoiiicijolia subsp. Showy Violet 1 lerh TAHa,STG Autochory hctonicijolia Tliyniclaeaccac

1 05 Kcllaria tiicffcnhachii Alpine Kellaria Dwarf Shrub IMa /ooehory* 106 I'imc/ca alpina Alpine Rice-flower DwarfShrub lAlla, SIC, II /ooehory* 107 Pimclca axi/lora subsp. alpina Alpine Bootlace-hush Subshrub II, TAIIa, SKi /ooehory*

I OS Pimelect tigustrina subsp, koscius/ko Rose Shrub II Zoochory* ciliata Myrlaeeae

1 II) ) Hacckca yjtnniana Alpine Baeckeu Shrub B, 11 Anemochory

I 10 Hacckca utilis vax, ufilis Mountain Baeekea Shrub/ Subshrub II.B Anemoehory

I I I Kttn^ca imic/lcri Yellow Kun/ea Shrub/ Subshrub 1 1, STO Anemochory Onaj»raceac

I 12 Epilohfum gunniamtm (Junn'.s Willow-herb 1 lerb TAIIa. STC.B. 11 Anemoehory

\ I i I'.pilohium san/icnfaccum Mountain Willow-herb 1 lerb 1 Alia. SKi Anemoehory

I 14 b'.pilohiuni tasmanictim Snow Willow-herb 1 lerb SAM, 1-Mb Anemoehory Haloragacese

I 15 (ionocarpns niicranthns Creeping Raspwon 1 lerb F, B. SKi 1 Ivdrochory subsp. /iticranthus

I 16 Ooiiocarpa.s moniamts Mai Raspwort 1 lerb 1 \lla Hydroehory

I 17 Myiinphyllhni pctliinctikiiitni 1 Mai Water-mil foil lerb F 1 Ivdrochory subsp. pctlimcaliitam Apiaceae

1 IS Aciphyiia ylacialis Mountain Celery 1 lerb FAt la Anemochory

1 19 ivfphylia simplhifblia Mountain Aeiphyll 1 lerb FAIIa. SIC Anemochory

I 20 ihchosciiidaiDi raminciiia- Wreath Pennywort 1 lerb SAIL B, TAIIa Anemochory cciim* var, raintnculacciun •

1 2 1 Diplasp'ts nivis Snow Pennywort I lerh SAIL B, 1 Alia Anemoehory * 122 Gwgidia aliens Koscius/ko Aniseed 1 lerb TAHa Anemoehory 12.1 i)rcontyrrhis hrevipes Rock C'arraway Herb TAHa, IMa Anemoehory

124 Orcotiivrrlns ciliata Bog Carraway I lerb B Anemochory

125 Orcomyrrhis criopoila Australian Carraway 1 lerh 1 Alia, 11 Anemoehory

I 26 Orcomyrrhis pulviuifica Cushion Carraway 1 lerb SAIf. TAIIa Anemoehory

I 27 Oscinitria cuuei/o/ia Wedge Osehat/ia 1 lerb TAHa, B Anemoehory

I Scliizci/cttht 28 frayoscum Alpine Pennywort 1 lerb TAHa Anemoehory LCpaeritlaceae

1 29 Epacris facialis Bog 1 leath ShrulVSubshrub 11, B. SIC, TAIIa Anemoehory

I im:ri>/)hvllii s.l. 1 1/0 p.acns Coral leath Shrub'Subshrub FMa, 1 1. B Anemoehory

I I paliuiasii 3 Epacris Swamp 1 leath Shrub 13,11 Anemoehory

I 32 i'.pitcris pctropluLi Snow 1 leath Shrub/Subshrub IMa Anemoehory 133 I cucopo^tin montant/.s Snow Beard-heath Shrub II /ooehory*

I 34 I'ciiiac/ioiu/ra pitwila Carpet Heath Mal/Subshrub 1 1, I Alia, SKi, FMa Zoochory*

I 35 Richca coiitinciiiis Candle Heath Subshrub B Anemochory dentianaceae

I V> Chionoycntias nutcllcrioua Mueller's Snow -gentian I lerh SIC. FAHa Anemochory subsp. alpestris • ltora<>maceiic

A/mve/7.v sp. 1 137 Forget-me-not lerb 1 Allah Zoochory* l.amiaccac

I 38 rrosiitnthcnt enncaia Alpine Mint Bush Shrub II Zoochory* Scropltiilariaceae

I 'In'onolichc 39 ( dcnsijolia 1'eldmark Snow Hebe Mat/Subshrub 1 Ma Anemochory 140 • Euphrasia also Dwarf Fyebtight 1 lerb FMa, SKi. FAIIa Anemochory

1 4 coliina var. 1 Euphrasia Variable Fyebright lerh 1 AIU), SKi. II Anemochory divcrsico/or

coliina subsp. ! 142 Euphrasia Snow Fyehright 1 lerb HO, SAII. F, FAIIa Anemochory ylacialis • 14.1 Euphrasia coliina var. Feldmark Fyebright 1 lerh FMa Anemoehory tapidasa •

t'cronica scrpyUifolia s.l. 144 Thyme Speedwell 1 lerb STO. B Anemochory Plantaginaceae 145 I'lanuigo alpestris Veined Plantain Herb STC, TAIIa Anemochory 140 I'/antayo ciirvplnlla Broad Plantain 1 lerb SIC. I\lki Anemochory

147 i'laniayo ylaciahs Small Star Plantain 1 lerb SAII.B Anemoehory I4S Piantago mucllcri Star Plantain Herb SAII, B Anemochory

266 The Victorian Naturalist G B

Research Reports

Appendix I continued.

Species Common Name Growth Form Habitat Dispersal Rubiaeeae 149 Aspcnilu gurmti Mountain Woodruff Herb TAlla, STG. H Zoochory* 150 Asperula pusilla Alpine Woodruff Herb FAlla. SIG. II Zoochory*

1 5 I Coprosnia niphophila Sno\vpateh Coprosm; Mai Subshrub 1 Mb /oochory*

1 52 \cr!cra sp. Malted Nertera Herb STG. 1 , B Zoochory* CampaDulaceae

153 Wahlenbttrgia ceracea Waxj Bluebell 1 lerb 1 Alia, STG Anemochory /l 1 54 ahlenbergia ghfiosa Royal Bluebell Herb FAlla Anemochory Lobcliaceac

155 Pratia surrepens s.I. Mud Pratia 1 lei b F, B, S 1 Zoochory* Goodeniaccae

I $6 Gf/odema ftederacea subsp. Ivy Goodenia Herb 1 Alia Zoochory** alpestrts St\ lidiaceae sp. 157 Stylidhm

158 . \hrokmeih nivigerm Snow-wor! Mat. Herb SAH Anemochory

159 Brachyscome nivalis Snow Daisy 1 lerb TAHb Anemochory

160 Brachyscome abavata Baw Baw Daisv 1 lerb I Alia Anemochory

161 l-irachyscomc SCaplgera lulled Date) Herb 1 Mla.SFG. 11, B Anemochory

162 Brachyscome spathulata Spoon Daisy Herb I A Ha. STG. FMa Anemochory SUbsp. yatlntlala • 163 Brachvsconiv stolomjera Gwenda's Daisy 1 lerb SAH, 1 Alia, SIG Anemochory

I (.4 Brachyscome sp. ( a I T. Creeping Daisy Herb SAIL lAlla Anemochory tadgeJltf) 165 Brachyscome sp. (aff. Mountain Daisy Herb STG. TAlla Anemochory temheapa)

166 Cehiiisia cosimiu>ta I Icrblictd Celmisia 1 lerb I Alia, SIG Anemochory

1 67 Celmisia pugiottifbrtnis Dagger-leaf Celmisia 1 lerb I Alia. Sltj Anemochory '.'. i ( 1 I elmisia tomentetia Bog elmisia lerb B Anemochory

169 Cnlula alpiftQ Alpine Cotula Herb B, 1 Alia. SIG Anemochory

170 ( 'raspedia ulhu DuaiF Billy-button 1 lerb SIG Anemochory

1 II. I 7 |t raspedia utirantia ( Grange Billy-button lerb FAlla Anemochory

172 Craspedia costiniana* I lain" Bill) -button 1 lerb fAlla. SIG Anemochory

173 Craspedia janws'u James's Billy-button 1 lerb 1 Alia, SIG Anemochory

• 1 I 74 Craspedia /armcola Shinv-leaf Blllv-button Herb Alia. SIG Anemochory

1 I 75 Craspedia leitcaruha Pale Billy-button lerb SAD, FA! la Anemochory

176 Craspedia maxgrayi Wooll) Billy-button 1 lerb 1 Al la. SIG Anemochory 7 17 Craspedia sp. B Sticky Billy-button 1 lerb f Allah. FMa Anemochory 178 Erigeron beilidiodes Violet Fleahanc Herb SIG, FAlla Anemochory

179 Erigeron nitidus Sticky Meabane 1 lerb SIG. lAlla Anemochory

I B I SO Erigeron paludicola Bog leabane Herb Anemochory fleahanc Herb Anemochory 1 81 Erigeron sciasus Dwarf SAG

IS2 Euchiton argentifolUm Silver Cudweed MatVllerb 1 Alia. STG Anemochory

183 EuchilOn jordiaints Ford's Cudweed Herb 1 Alfa, S Hi Anemochory

I S4 Euchiton nitidulus Shining Cudweed Mat/Herb STG Anemochory

Swamp Cudweed 1 lerb B Anemochory 1 85 Euchiion potiochiorus

limhrica/a 1 lerb Anemochory I 86 EucMtOn Cliff Cudweed TAHb IS7 F.wartia i/tthiycini Silver Ewariia Mal/Subshrub FMa. FAlla Anemochory

188 Hchchrvsuiii xcorpioides Builon r.veilasting 1 lerb 1 Al hi Anemochory

Bottle-daisy 1 lerb STG, fAlla Anemochory I so Lagenophora itipitata Blue

sipta/nahis s.I. Scaly Buttons 1 lerb SIG. 1 Alia, FMa Anemochory I 90 I Apiorhynchas 191 Leucochry sum atbicanx Alpine Sunray Mai/Herb FAlla, FMa Anemochory subsp, alpinum

192 Microscns lanceolalu Native Dandelion Herb 1 Alia. SIG Anemochory 193 Olearia atgida Alpine Daisy-bush Shrub H Anemochory 194 Olearta phlogopappa var. Dustv Daisy-bush Shrub 11 Anemochory fkivescens 195 Olearia pblogppappQ var. Dusty Daisy-hush Shrub II Anemochory Kithrcpanda

f >') Alpine I.verlasting Shrub B, II Anemochory i Osothamma edpimn 197 O-othamnus sp. (nil. hookert) Kerosene Bush Shrub B, II Anemochory 198 OzothammtA secundiflorus Cascade Everlasting Shrub II Anemochory Daisy Mat/I lerh SAIL SIG. Anemochory 1 Parantenn&ria uniceps SnowpfltcJl

/•/. //, angusttfoliui subsp. Mountain Picris 1 lerb lAlla Anemochory merxmusilert

''i I'tulalrpi: rohitsta Alpine Podolepr. 1 lerb (Alia, SIG Anemochory u Rhodanth anthemoide& Chamomile Sunray Herb TAlla Anemochory wi mgunnii ( mini's ( iroundscl Herb 1 Mia Anemochory

< VI (i Alieuiochoiy 204 Scni'i in piunanfaiiiis var. 1 iighiand Jroundsel Herb TAlla, pleiocephtdw

.... 1 lAlla. 1 . ciopei tinatm vai ftwy'ty Alpine Groundsel lerb Ma Anemochory

Vol. 119(6)2002 267 —

Research Reports

Appendix 2. Introduced species well established in the Kosciuszko alpine area. Taxa from Costin et al (2000).

Species Common Name Probable Dispersal Agent Poaceae Agrostis capillaris Brown-top Bent Anemochory Dactylis glomeruli! Cocksfoot Anemochory FestUCCL rubra Red Fescue Anemochory Phleum pratcnse Timothy Grass Zoochory Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Anemochory Poet pralensis Kentucky Blue-grass Anemochory Caryophyllaeeae Cerastium vulgare (syn. Cerastium Common Mouse-ear Chickweed Anemochory fontanum subsp. trivaie) Spergularia rubra Red Sand-spurrey Anemochory Polygonaeeae Aceloselia vulgaris (syn. Rumex Sheep Sorrell Anemochory acelosella) Trifolium ambiguum Pellet Clover Anemochory Trifolium repens White Clover Anemochory Asteraceae Achillea millefolium Milfoil, Yarrow Anemochory Hypochocris ratlieata Cafs-ear Anemochory Taraxacum officinale sp. agg. Dandelion Anemochory

One Hundred Years Ago On The Fertilization of Phanerogams

I. Dispersion or Pollen by run Wind.

By (I. Weindorfer {Read before the lucid Naturalists' Club of Victoria, \3th July, 1902.)

For the conveyance of pollen between flowers there exist two main agents, viz., the wind and insects. Phanerogamous plants have been separated by botanists into "anemophilae," or wind-fer- tilized, and "entomophilas," or insect-fertilised plants.

As would be naturally expected, it is, speaking generally, only pollen of a dusty consistency

which is transported by the wind; but the pollen of some flowers is occasionally torn away from the anthers, in the form of sticky masses, and conveyed to the stigmas of neighbouring flowers by the wind, but the occurrence can only be looked upon as accidental, and would happen in the rarest instances, Still more remarkable is the fact that in certain water plants the pollen, though

cohering in sticky masses, is blown by the wind in a kind of little boat to the stigmas, which arc raised above the surface of the water.

From The Victorian Naturalist XIX, p 98, November 6, 1902


Club Members will be saddened to learn of the recent death of the follow- ing members:

Natalie Smith in July

Elsie Costermans in August

Eric Allen in September

Each made a great contribution to natural history and individual tributes will appear in later issues.

268 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

The Red Fox Vulpes vuipes L. in the Dandenong Creek Valley: Impacts on Wildlife and an Integrated Program for their Control

1 1 1 : A Morton , D Tagg , R Wallis and J White

Abstract vertebrate species, I oxes in the Dandenong Creek Valley were found to consume many native including three mammals, thirteen birds and at least one lizard. As well, foxes spread weeds by dis- persing viable Blackberry seeds in their scats. A Co-ordinated Fox Control Committee representing eight landholders in the study site oversees the continuing project on land which includes man) parks, four golf courses, a freeway easement, a water retarding basin, a quarry, two waste transfer stations and small blocks used for agriculture and stock agistment. Recommended control methods include den fumigation and removal of diurnal weed shelter. (The Victorian Naturalist 119 (6), 2002, 269- 275)

Introduction The Red Fox Vulpes vulpes L. is an intro- eastern suburbs. The program relied on the duced canid predator that is now wide- establishment of a committee that oversaw spread across the southern half of the a study into the diet, habitat use and con- Australian continent. Vox predation is con- trol of foxes conducted by staff and stu- sidered a major threat to the conservation of dents from Deak'm University's School of native Australian fauna, especially ground Ecology and Environment. We also report nesting birds and those mammals in the crit- on 'prc-controF data gathered to date in an outline of ical weight range of between 35 and 5500 g this four-year program and (Burbidge and MeKenzie 1989: Saunders et planned future activities. Predation by foxes is listed as a al 1995). Methods key threatening process under both Federal Study sire and Victorian Government legislation and The studs site in the Dandenong Creek appropriate plans have been devised to Valley is approximately 13 km long and 1-3 address the threat to wildlife (Mansergh and km wide. Situated in Melbourne's eastern Marks 19-93; Environment Australia 1999). suburbs, it extends from north of Boronia foxes can also be serious pests in agricul- Road, Wantima, to Stud Road, Rowville, in tural areas, preying heavily on lambs and the south (Fig. 1). Dandenong Valley poultry in particular and are a potential vec- Parklands, managed by Parks Victoria, tor for the transmission of rabies (Saunders forms the largest portion of the study site etai 1995). and combines 1325 ha of popular recreation diet, tak- I oxes are opportunistic in their and parkland settings with conservation ing a variety of vertebrates, insects and areas and farmland. Managed parks include vegetation. A number of dietary studies Koomba Park, Rushy Park Wetlands, have been conducted in rural Australia in Notions Park, Shepherds Rush, the Linear both forested and agricultural settings (see Trail, Jells Park and Chesterfield Farm. Brunner and Wallis 1986), but there have Other agencies that manage land in the only been a few reports published on \o\ study site and are members of the Co-ordi- diet (Wallis et at. 1996) or on fox densities nated Fox Control Committee are the Cities in urban environments in Australia (Marks of Monash. Knox and Whitehorse. Vic- and Bloomfield 1999). Roads (easement of the Seoresby Freeway), report we describe a co-ordinated In this Melbourne Water (Winton Wetlands north control program conducted by eight fox of Boronia Road and the Police Road land manager/landholder groups in the Retarding Basin between Wellington Road Dandenong Creek Valley in Melbourne's and Stud Road), Boral Bricks (which man- ages a quarry and a farmland) and Kingston ool of Ecolog) and Environment, Deakin Links Golf Course. The study site includes University, Melbourne Campus, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125 four golf courses: Kingston Links, Deakin School ol l ;i"d Environment, Tirhatuan, Waverley Municipal and ' ' s;l Van lambool, Victoria >

269 Vol. 119(6)2002 Research Reports

seed germination from their scats; suitable • survey for sites of weed harbour

Boronla^Rd as refuge for foxes; Vermont • survey the site for foxes and dens; Morack Golf • suitable for urban envi- Course review methods ronments for the control of foxes. from Fox scats were collected weekly from January 1998 lill January 1999 As Koomba Park and Boral Bricks sites. frequent, opportunistic collecting Glen Wavertey well, less with occurred over this period elsewhere, monthly collections from transects estab- Shepherds Bush Basin, lished in the Police Road Retarding Corhanwarrabul Section, Jells Park, Shepherds Bush, Bushy Park Wetlands, Morack Golf Course, Kingston Links Golf Course and Drummies Bridge Reserve (Fig. si/e and shape 1). Seats were identified by (Triggs 1996), collected in manila envelopes, sterilised, washed, sorted and the Kingston Lin'KS using Golf Course food items identified and categorised techniques described in Brunner and Wallis (1986) and Wilson and Wolrige (2000). leathers found in the scats (and in den litter) the were identified against specimens held at premises; Bird Observers Club of Australia mammal bones were identified using speci- mens at Deakin University. were Fox scats containing Blackberry seeds period during Scale (km) collected over a 6-week February and March 1998. They were Creek Valley forms the bor- Pig. I. Daudonpng water with a 10% solution of com- Whitehourse washed in der between the municipalities of mercial fungicide to inhibit fungal growth. and Monash U> the west and Knox to the east. Blackberry seeds were placed onto filter a germina- Morack. Two waste transfer stations are paper in pelrie dishes and kept in 9-monlh period, present and large blocks of Parks Victoria, tion cabinet at 18°C over a and monitored Vic Roads and Melbourne Water land are where they were kept moist grazing and Some of these used for horse agistment, cattle for seedling development. believe such for a period. Another fruit and flower growing, We seeds were kept at 25°C 0°C and co-operation between all landholders in fox group of seeds was first treated at is before being placed control in a semi-urban selling unique 4°C for a 3-week period

successful at 1 8°C . and a necessary condition if into the germination cabinet seeds were management of foxes is lo be achieved. Approximately half of the sides by tetrazolium chlo- The study area is fringed on all tested for viability using lo indicate residential and factory development and ride. Tetrazolium sails are used enzymes, some open land. Dandenong Creek has been the presence of dehydrogenase to processes in liv- severely modified over time and is prone which provide reduction reduce heavy Hooding up lo three times per year. ing tissue. Dehydrogenase enzymes tetrazolium salts to red or blue substances methods Study design and which appear as stains on viable seeds. began in 1998. In the first The project Dead tissues remain unstained as there are were to: two years the aims no active enzymes present (MacKay • the diet of foxes in the area to describe 1972). The Blaekberrv seeds were placed the effects on wildlife; buffer determine in a 0.1% tetrazolium chloride and spread • describe the potential for foxes lo solution at neutral pH and the number of Blackberry Ruhusfraticosus spp. agg. via The Victorian Naturalist 270 )

Research Reports

stained seeds counted to estimate viability. table l. Occurrence of specific mammals in In December 1998 ihe remaining seeds 219 i'o\ seats containing hair collected aver one (those not used in viabilin testing) were year from seven major locations in the plaeed into potting mix in four pots which Dandenong Yallev Parklands and surrounding sites. were exposed to normal sunlight and rain. Percentages in parentheses. * denotes introduced species. Fox grooming hairs ignored. I here was no additional watering, In April 1998 six scats containing Species Number of Blackbeny seeds were planted directly into occurrences

potting mix. l-ilt\ seeds from lour of these I uropean Rabbit/Brown Hare 83(29) n were washed in a l() o fungicide solution ()r\\ tolityjis cunictiiim and individual]) placed LeptiS ctirofhtcit.s* in the potting mix. Common Ringtail Possum 7i ( :4) The other two scats were not treated, but Pseudacheirm peregflnus were planted whole into the pot. Ihe pots Black Rat Raima mttus* 5$ {19) were then placed in a glasshouse where ihc\ ( ommon Hoishlail Possum 40(14) received regular watering and monitoring. I rnhosiirus n///ve///

I louse Mouse Mas The public was kept informed about the domesticus* 54 < 1 2) Brown Rat Rottus norvegictat* 10 (3) project through frequent articles in the Sheep Ovh ari&s* 4(1) local press and talks to local resident Sugar Glider P&aurtu breviceps 3(1)

groups. As well, 1200 livers were distrib- ( .ink- />\»s taurus* - ( l

uted to households around the stud) site Cat Felii catus* (- I) sc:its ( Total : which sought reports from residents seeing with hair >i foxes people were invited to phone a 1 fox hotline at the university. well as those which probably came from Each management section was systemati- garbage. Hair was found in 4Q% of scats. cal!) searched for den sites. Dens were Other frequently found items included classified as active if foxes were actually invertebrate (mainly insect) remains observed using them, if there weie obvious (55%), plant material (non-seed) (53%), signs o\' \'u\ prints in freshly raked sand seeds (41%) and leathers (28%). Of the placed near the entrances or it there was 298 seats with seeds, 168 had Blackbern, ( den litter nearby (Coman I )72). The pres- all ol' which were found in summer/early ence til scats and flattened grass around a autumn. Most invertebrate remains detect- den also provide good evidence of activity ed in seats were collected in spring, sum- (Macdonald I987), Dens and weed har- mer and autumn. On the other hand, feath- bour patches were mapped using a GPS; ers occurred in roughly similar percentage volunteers. Green Corps personnel, student frequencies in all seasons. classes and Parks Victoria staff all assisted fable I shows the European Rabbit in these tasks. OryctoiagtiS cuniathis as the preferred food Ihe recommendation of appropriate con- item followed by the Common Ringtail trol measures for each of the eight organi- Possum i'sctiilochcirus peregrinus. Three sations was an aim of this research. These scats contained the remains of the locally recommendations took into account cur- i. ne Sugar (ilider I'clauriis hrcviccps. rent legislation, community concerns and Remains of birds were found in 204 scats the safet) of domestic animals, fumigation and 17 species of birds were identified of den sites using Denco-lumc carbon from their feathers (Table 2). lour of these monoxide cartridges was selected as the species were also found as i\cn litter. most humane and species-specific method foxes in Ihe Dandcnong Cieek Valley o! control in an urban environment. were shown to consume a wide variety of Results and Discussion prey. Mammals, birds and invertebrates Diet studies (chiefly insects) are taken together with seeds such as Blackberry A total of 719 seats was collected from and fruit. Whilst seven areas. Bones were the mosl frequent- rabbits, rats and mice appear frequently in \h\ scats, three native mammal species ly delected loud item (56% of all lox scats arc examined contained bones). These includ- eaten. I he appearance of Sugar (ilider remains fox scats, ed bones ol mammalian and avian prey as in whilst rare, is of

Vol. 119(6)2002 271 Research Reports

containing the remains of rabbits has Table 2. Bird species taken as prey by foxes in significantly. the study area. Feathers found in fox scats were increased compared with those from specimens. * indi- As well, foxes are likely to prey on frogs cates species also found as *den litter" around a and lizards - one Blue-tongued Lizard in Jells between September and natal den Park Tiliqua sp. was found with its skin November 1998. * denotes an introduced removed beside the entrance of a fox natal species. den. Wallis el al. 1990 reported that Scientific name name Common Dandenong Valley Parklands represents a Threskiornis molucca Australian White linear reserve of modified bushland in a Ibis 'sea' of suburbia providing largely unsuit- I 'orpin rio porphyrio* Purple Swamphen able habitat for sustainable wildlife com- Chenonettajubata Australian Wood Duck munities. They compared the diet of foxes, Anas supcrciliosa Pacific Black Duck dogs and cats in the Dandenong Valley Larus novaehollandiae Silver Gull Parklands and from the evidence found Galliralhts philippensis Buff-banded Rail that predation by these three introduced Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested species threatened the continued survival Cockatoo u of some native vertebrates in the Piatycercus eximiu$ Eastern Rosella Trichoglossus haematodus Rainbow Lorikeet Parklands. Accipiter fascial us Brown Goshawk Grall'ma cyanolcuca Magpie-lark Germination trials Gymiiurhina lihicc/r Australian Magpie Those seeds tested for viability with tetra- Corvus meffatl Little Raven zolium chloride showed a positive response * Strepfopelia chinensis Spotted Turtle-Dove with 120 of 391 seeds (or 31%) showing * Acridotheres irisfis Common Myna viability. However, there was no germina- Slumus vulgaris* Common Starling tion from seeds whilst in the germination Tardus merulcft* Common Blackbird cabinet. In December 1998 the remaining seeds were planted into potting mix. In

concern. This species is highly vulnerable August 1999 these seeds germinated with to predation by cats and foxes and its dis- 166 seedlings growing from a total of 660

tribution in urban areas is rapidly declining seeds, a germination rate of 25%, 18 months

(Brunner et at. 1991). Dandenong Valley after being deposited by the foxes (Table 3). Parklands is one of the closest sites to In comparison, the scats that were planted Melbourne inhabited by Sugar Gliders. directly into potting mix in March 1998 Scats collected from different sites in the germinated in August 1998 just five study area had different proportions of prey. months after deposit. The scats planted For example, hair from Sugar Gliders was whole germinated at a much faster rate than only found in scats collected from Koomba the individual seeds. Of 50 individual seeds Park, while scats from Boral Quarry had planted into each of four pots only 29 ger- higher numbers of feathers and bones than minated - a maximum of 15% germination. other areas. Although these feathers were Growth was uneven with one pot yielding not identified, both Boral Quarry and the 32%, but the others only 12%, although proximate Knox Tip supported wetland bird seedling growth in all four was strong and populations. A large population of scav- Vigorous. In the other two pots planted with enger birds including Silver Gull Larus whole scats, many more seedlings germi- novaehollandiae and Australian White Ibis nated - 32 and >50 - but as the number of Threskiornis molucca was present at the seeds planted were not counted no germi- Tip. Many of the bone fragments were from nation rate could be calculated. Many of domestic rubbish accessible to foxes at the these seedlings were still present in 1999 open landfill site of Knox Tip. although growth was limited by the lack of Rabbits and Brown Hares Leptts europaeus resources in the pot. Once these seedlings were common in fox scats collected at Boral were removed more seedlings germinated and the Police Road Retarding Basin. Our in August 2000. One whole scat planting data are similar to those reported in Wallis et had 43 new seedlings present. ah (1996) for fox scats collected in 1989 and We have demonstrated that Blackberry 1990, although the proportion of scats seeds in fox scats are viable and capable of

272 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

Table 3. Tre

Dale collected Feb/Mar '98 Feb/Mar "98 Feb Mar '98 Feb/Mar '98 Mar '9S 1st treatment GCat is°c GCat 18°C GCal IS°C R/F 3 weeks - 2nd treatment Tested for GC at 25T GCat 18°C viability Aug/Sep '98 Jul '98 Planted Dee '98 Dec "98 Dec "98 Dec -''N Mar'9S Germination Aug '99 Aug -99 Aug '99 Aug '99 Aug '98, Auu '00 germination. Fox scats ma\ contain more infestations. Other weeds were also than 50 seeds, which remain viable for at mapped if it was thought they were in such least two years in storage and pots. Since high densities that they might provide foxes may travel up to 10 km per night cover for foxes. Many organisations (Saunders el al. 1995), there is potential involved have since carried out weed con- for widespread dispersal of Blackberry trol and in some places have followed with throughout this area. Blackberries may landscaping and revegctation programs. have a laxative effect on foxes as there are These and other weeds found are declared many more scats collected during the noxious weeds and pest plants in the study Blackberry fruiting season than at other area (Knox City Council and Maroondah times of the year. Blackberries provide an City Council 1999). easy resource For foxes and require mini- Fox Hotline mal energy expenditure to harvest them. u Some 46 people telephoned the Fox Blackberry appears to benefit from dis- Hotline' reporting sightings, although persal by foxes. The whole seats planted in some were for foxes seen outside the study potting mix without other treatment pro- area. Interestingly, a number expressed duced higher germination rales than for concern for the safety of their own pets, seeds that were w ashed in fungicide. Seeds including aviary birds, from fox predation. from the germination cabinet showed no Others were concerned with the noise germination until they were planted into made by foxes. potting mix. while none of the seeds, from the germination cabinet or direct sowing, Density estimate germinated before late August. This may Marks and Bloomfield (1999) used natal indicate that the length of daylight pro- den counts to estimate family group density nutrient vides the trigger for growth. The in Melbourne's suburbs. They found foxes package provided by the fox may also living, and in many cases breeding, in all improve the number of seeds germinating. parks larger than 20 ha within 10 km of the Brunner et al. (1976) collected Blackberry GPO. Foxes were especially common in seeds from scats of foxes and found germi- parkland associated with creeks and rivers. nation did not commence until early Spring, Our study site was most similar to their some six months after they had been col- Box llill/Cambcrwell site in terms of hous- lected. Overall they found germination rates ing, parkland and presence of thick vegeta- of between 22% and 35%. Our conclusions tion and weed infestations used by foxes c al. < >76) concur with those of Brunner el 1 for diurnal shelter. An average of 1.13 and Amor and Richardson ( I9S0) who con- independent active natal dens/knr with a cluded that foxes are a major dispersal agent mean distance to the nearest neighbour of for Blackberry in Victoria, particularly in 1.09 km was found in that area, The natal sites which are prone to Hooding after dens in our study area were distributed in a hcavv rainfall. similar fashion. Furthermore. Marks and Bloomfield (1999) found a mean of 4.36 Weed mapping cubs produced per den, a figure which is The presence of Blackberry, Gorse Ulex comparable to urban den litter sixes record- europeaus and Wandering Tradescantia ed for foxes elsewhere (Harris and Smith Inulescantia flumincnsis was mapped and 1987). Typically in Australia the predomi- the maps used by land managers to control

273 Vol. 119(6)2002 Research Reports nant social group consists of an adult Tradescantia. Other dens were found in breeding pair and cubs with perhaps one or mounds in the open with introduced grass two non-breeding vixens (often young of cover, under trees with introduced or nat- previous litters). However, in sites that ural grass cover, in drains or dug into dam have high resource availability (food and walls (with or without overstorcy cover), shelter), workers have observed polyga- fhe most common factor for den sites was mous social groups (Macdonald 1979) or the use of a mound or earth wall which tolerance of the presence of non-breeding provided easy digging for Ihe fox. males (both itinerant and non-dispersing) A professional pest controller was (Lovarie/a/. 1994). engaged to supervise den fumigation and a Using these numbers and an area of 16.5 total of 29 of the 33 possible sites was km' it is reasonable to estimate that there checked by his dogs. Nine sites were may be approximately 80 foxes living in selected for fumigation from the amount of the study area. Given the observations interest shown in the den by the dogs. Two mentioned in overseas studies this may be other sites were unable to be fumigated a conservative estimate with numbers vari- due to the complete Blackberry cover. able across the year. Two weeks later, three fumigated sites were opened by a backhoe to assess the Fox control success Of the control exercise. Two sites There are few options available in urban had been reopened by foxes since the areas for fox control. The poison 1080 fumigation, one of which was still in use as (monosodium fluoroacetatc) is one of the a natal den. One cub was dispatched at this most selective and safe means of fox control site. Six other sites were unable to be back- and has been used successfully in Western hoed due to the nature of the surrounding Australia where native species have a higher vegetation or terrain. Three of these were tolerance to the poison (Mcllroy 1986; King in sensitive remnant vegetation or were and Kinnear 1991). Fox poisoning has been dug into dam walls. There was no access especially successful when baits have been for the backhoe at the final three sites. buried in bait stations (Saunders et al. 1995). Fumigation is neither as cost-effective Poisons like 1080 and cyanide cannot be nor as efficient as 1080 baiting. Locating used in urban sites because of the risk to fox dens is labour-intensive and time-con- non-target species at bait stations or cache suming and fumigation must be carried out sites. Foxes are known to cache food and within the tlrst eight weeks after the birth might carry a bait up to 800 m before of the cubs. After this time both vixen and caching it. Domestic dogs could be at risk if cubs leave the den. The dog fox and any a i'ox were to cache a bait in a residential sub-dominant females do not use the den area (Kay el ah 1997). but may support the vixen and cubs with Similarly, shooting was ruled out because the supply of food (Macdonald 1979). At of the dangers involved in using firearms best, fumigation will remove only one gen- in built-up areas. Trapping with soft-jawed eration of foxes, whilst leaving other adult traps is an inefficient means of fox control foxes to continue the attack on native (Saunders et al. 1995; Kay et al, 2000). mammals and birds. The only practicable method for fox con- This study has shown that foxes will trol in the Dandenong Valley Parklands reopen den sites that have been closed for and surrounding sites was for natal den fumigation if the site is not levelled with a fumigation and destruction and removal of backhoe. Unfortunately, not all sites arc weed harbour used as cover by foxes. accessible to a backhoe as they were locat- To date, 33 fox dens have been located, ed in important remnant vegetation. These although not all were being used in the sites are then available for reuse by foxes. study period. Five were used as natal dens, Although studies indicate that fumigation whilst six others showed signs of recent may reduce predation by 92% (Hewson use. Family groups tended to use multiple 1986) this would assume that no new foxes dens and den sites were regularly dispersed could inhabit the area. Marks and throughout the study site. Many dens were Bloomfield (1999) have estimated that found under the cover of weeds such as there may be as many as 16 foxes/km 2 in Blackberry, Gorse and Wandering residential areas. Once an area becomes

274 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports

vacant due the effects of a fox control pro- Naturalist 103, 79^87. Brunner H, Moro gram there will be immigration from areas D, Wallis R and Andrasck A (1991) Comparison of the diets of foxes, diu^ and cats in an of greater fox density. For these reasons urban park. The Victorian NQUtraliSi 108, J4-37. fumigation cannot he considered by itself Burbidge AA and Mckenzie Nl (1989) Patterns in the decline of as a successful method of fox control. Western Australia's verlehrate fauna: causes and conservation implications. Biological The manipulation of habitat might Conservation 50, (43-198.

become the means of keeping fox numbers Coman BJ < 1972) Some observations on ihe ikn litter of foxes {Vulpes wipes L.) in to a minimum in the Dandenong Creek Victoria. The Victorian to/wra/isr/M, 23 1-233 Valley. This would necessitate the removal Environment Vustratia (1999) Threat Ainnemem Plan of Blackberry and Gor.se. which provide for Prudation b) the European Red Fox., (Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia: Canberra) food and harbour resources for foxes, and Karris S and Smith GC (19&7) Demography of (wo some of their favoured prey species, rab- urban fox populations, Journal oj Applied Ecology 24, bits and rodents. Blackberry also provides 75-86. harbour I leu son R (19S6) Distribution and density of fox breed for these pre) ; the removal of 1 in* Jens and the effects of management- Journal oj Blackberry and other weed species would Applied Ecology 23, 531-538.

ka\ \i, Mel eod I .wu\ support a program of lox control and aid in Saunders (i 0997) Caching of fox hails. In Proceedings ot the ir lustration the removal of rabbits and rodents. A con- l ertebrate Pest t 'onjerenee, pp 313*315,

tinuation of this study will consider what Km B, Gifftird I , IVrr> R and van de Ven R (2000) effect habitat manipulation will have on Trapping efficiency for foxes (Vyjpes vulpes) In cen- tral New South Wales: age and sex biases and the the success rate of a control program. effects of reduced lo\ abundance. Wildlife Research 27, 547-552, The next stage km- I)R and Kin near J (1991) 1080: the loxic paradox follow-up fox surveys will be carried out Landscape 6, 14-1'). Kncix t"it\ ( oiiikiI and Maruondah t'ih Council (1999) in the next phase ofthe project after weed Pea Plants: Guide to identification and management harbour and den destruction. As well, we of environmental weeds in Rno.\ and \lan>ond,

llyman I nuduii) range in sites and home where weed har- MacKaj 1>H M972) The measurement of viability, In

bour has been removed with a control site. I iahlflt) oj Seedy pp 172-208. I d EH Roberls,

(London I hapman and Hall) We hope this will provide insights into ManserLdi I and Marks C (1993) Action Statement No how fox activity and movements change in 44 Predalion uf Native Wildlife by the Introduced Red response to habitat modification. fox (flora and fauna Guarantee Act, Department of

Natural Resources and Environment, I as! Melbourne) Acknowledgements Marks (A and Hloomlield TE (1999) Distribution and density esdinaics for urban foxes [Vulpes vnlpCS) in We thank members of the Dandenong Creek Melbourne*: implications for rabies control, Wildlife Valle) Co-ordinated fox Control Committee for R< search 26, 763-776, their support and advice, the National Feral Mellroy K (1986) The sensitivity of Australian animals Animal Control Program (NFACP) for funding. nt IB80 poison. IX Comparisons between the major Mans Brunner lor advice and help with hair identi- groups "i animals, and the potential danger non-target

species lace from I CUSO-poi soiling campaigns. fication and Give Marks \hr expert advice We '" lustration Wftdfifi Research U, J9-4S also thank those who helped with weed mapping Saunders t li, i, toman Kinnear.1 and liraysher VI ( 1995,/ and den location: Mick Van de Vreede, Craig Managing lenehrute Tests Foxes, (Bureau of

Lupton. Fin Morrissnn unci Gar> I .ay lor (Parks Resource Sciences: Canberra)

"1 Victoria), the Dandenong Valtej Farklands Green riggs H (1996) Trot < S ffft and Other Traces a Field Guide to Australian Mammals. (Oxford ( orps group and students from Deakin University. University I'll. .'. Melbourne) References Wallis RL, Brown I'R. Brunner II and Andrasek AM (199(1) The Vertebrate Fauna >J DandehOttg Valley Mil- \ f RJ and Richardson RG ft9S0) bfnlog) Of Metropolitan Park (Centre for Australian Applied

i.- 'I I . 'I an '•wed-,, 2. Ruhu i frtttu onus gpp. agj Ecological Research, Victoria College: Melbourne) faurnai oj the Australian tnxlitute oj {gricultural A.iiii Rl Bru i n and Seebeck ill (1996) Diet of red . 46 (bxe i and i als [heir impact on fauna living in parks near Brunner H, Harm RV and Aim* RJ (1976) \noteOi tft \h Ibourrw Tite Victorian Naturalist 113, SOO-305. diapers li ol d ol blackberry {Rtthm pracenu P. J. Wilson HA and Wolrjge J (2000) Assessmeni of (he diet Ol .. :...! I'liius. Weed Research l(>. 171-173. Ihe io.\. l)i//h\ vuiih's, in habitats of (he I aslern Otway Brunnei H and ft allis R 1 1986) Rote i nl pn dalm h ai Ranges, Victoria, lustration Mammalogy 21,21)1-211. .:. iii ; f) Australian mammal research Tfa I h foriun

Vol. 119(6)2002 275 Naturalist in the Mountains

Flying Spiders and Crawling Flies

December has come and the new year is which to lay their eggs. They can be found fast approaching; with summer settling in with ovipositor buried in a hole carved out it tends to be a quiet time in the mountains by beetle or moth larvae. The female docs for the bigger wildlife. The birds have set- ho digging herself but in some holes half of tled down, most of the migratory birds her body might disappear from view. Any having arrived in the mountains for the hole will do. I have had them lay eggs in a summer in September or October; breeding fence post at home or in the apex of my tent is past the raucous courtship phase and Way back when 1 had an A-frame tent. The parents are busy feeding their young. Even female seems to lay all her eggs in the one the Crescent lloneyealers Phyl'tdonyris hole; certainly she lays a lot. The young will pyrrhopWra have quietened down. later descend to live in the soil. The small mammals. Dusky and Agile Also creeping at this lime (and the reason

Anlechinus Antechiniis swa'uisonii and A. that years ago 1 went off the A-frame tent CtgiliSa and Mountain Pygmy Possum without the floor), are male Funnelwebs, Burrumys parvus, are carrying pouch one of the two still-undescribed species of young. The female antechinuses are hard Hadronyche (Hexathelidae) found in the to catch, while the males are long gone, mountains. It is at about this time that the and at higher altitudes the young are diffi- males go in search of the females, who cult to catch until some time into February. remain in their holes or beneath an exfoliat- The Bogong Moths Agrotis infusa are in ing slab of granite. For most people, the evi- their aestivation sites and not going any- dence won't he there until January when where in a hurry. At this time the flower- bodies of male Funnelwebs litter the alpine ing plants have it all their own way with grassland. But at night the grasslands the tourists, while the more obvious insects abound in them, lo the extent thai going out in your field of view lend to be the pollina- ofthe tent in bare feel in December can be a tors: butterflies, wasps and bees. nerve-racking activity. For me it was at But summer days drift on by to the sounds night in my floorless tent, with a Funnelweb of everyone's least favourite. Hies: March glistening by candlelight on my pillow

I lies, bushflies, blowflies, mosquitoes and beside me as I read my book. A torch-lit the knuckle-biting black Hies - these are the search outside revealed another 1.3 males ones that grab all the attention. Out of the within a couple of metres of the tent. A tent limelight of the tourist-packed Main Range with sewn- in floor was purchased soon with its multitude o\' flowering plants and after! The density is astounding, and the butterflies, other animals are equally busy. holiday season is the time when a number Everywhere spiders and flies are creeping. of bites (none yet fatal) occur.

Creeping Hies? The Soldier Fly Boreoides I have recorded flies among a horde of suhulanis (Stratiomyidae) is one of the insects, moths, and wasps migrating across insects most commonly brought to entomol- Dead Florse Gap (a Mecca for anyone inter- ogists for identification and one which peo- ested in migration of birds or insects; see ple only have to begin describing at this time Green 1982), but spiders also migrate. On of > ear for me immediately to know what summer days the gossamer threads, 2-3 m the} are talking about. This strange looking iong. of spiders floating through the air can fly, in which the wingless female is many be seen against the sun. Young spiders use times the size of the male, looks vaguely this technique, called ballooning, for disper- threatening. Not so vaguely to some, who sal from nest siles. When ready for migra- think they have been attacked by one when tion, the abdomen is raised and silk extrud- it tumbles out of a tree on top of them. At ed, drying and being caught by the wind the lower altitudes of Canberra, there is a which finally lifts the spiderling from the spring and an autumn brood, whereas in the ground, sometimes to heights in excess of snow-country Boreoidcs has just one breed- 4000 m. The lines of silk on the ground arc ing season per year. The female emerges often the results of failed take-off attempts. already gravid and is mated by more than Malaise traps (normally set to catch Hying one of the winged males. After mating, the insects) set in the alpine zone between the females climb - up a post, a tree, a tent pole, lop of the Thredbo chairlifts and Mt it doesn't mailer - looking for a hole in Ivoscius/ko during the 'Biodiversitv Blitz'

276 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist in the Mountains

in January this year (Green 2002) collected One thing that constantly keeps me on m> over 100 such dispersing juvenile spiders. iocs in the mountains is the appearance of About 90% of the specimens collected in the unusual among the mundane. Bogong the malaise traps were thorn is ids Moths are well known for their gregarious

( Ihomisidae), comprising what appears to aestivation in cracks among the rock tors be two species of Diaea. Despite all this and blockstreams. During my studies of the gossamer, aerial web building spiders are moths and associated arsenic last year

uncommon in the mountains in comparison (Green et at. 2001) 1 found the relative to lower altitudes. The short summer sea- humidity in a bogong moth site over sum- son, strong winds and snow probably make mer averaged around 75% with the average the capture of aerial food with a web a little air temperature below $°C. These cool problematic, and most spiders rely on ter- damp conditions also attract blowflies, ever- restrial hunting. But spiders have no diffi- present in the snow-country even in win- cult} getting to the mountains or even being ter - and small (lies. These join the giant some of the earliest colonisers of new springtails and other delrilivores crawling mountains or newly exposed pails of old around on the Bogong Moth debris on the mountains, as snow and glaciers retreat. floors of caves. All this (apart from the

Ballooning is their major mode of transport arsenic) was expected, but as I checked a

and they are able to exist even above the cave on one hot dav ! found a particularly

limit of plant growth. This is what is called fuzzy rock. On closer examination it was the aeolian /one, where life forms exist on covered in hundreds, maybe thousands. o\' the material brought in bv the wind (a fairly small (lies, lined up side by side. end to end, obvious phenomenon from the Snowy just like Bogong Moths. These turned out to Mountains to Canberra in October this year be Fungus (mats Exechla sp. (Myceto- when a fair bit of the cropland out west philidae) which are often associated with came visiting). At times, on high moun- damp places, including caves, as are then- tains, spiders may be the only life form pre- relatives the glow worms. Were these sent (except man). Leslie Stephen wrote in fungus Gnats just taking advantage of the 1874 'The only creature besides myself that cool moist environment to avoid the dessi- could fairly be called living was a small eating effects o! altitude and alpine sun? Or. black spider, which had been led by an like the two species of parasitic nematodes apparently misguided spirit of enterprise to Amphinicrmis bogongae and Ifcxa/ncrinis seek for prey in this loftiest zone of organic cav/coia (Mermithidae) that do not depart

existence' (. I Bye Day in the Alps). with their host moths but await their return Of the nearly 70 families of spiders each year, do the Fungus Gnats have an found in Australia, only 27 have been organic connection with the caves? Are they recorded above the winter snowline (1500 also dependent upon the annual cycle of m) in the Snowy Mountains, and 20 of Bogong Moth migration, death, decay and those are only known from one or two fungal growth? These are the sorts of ques- naturalist in species (Green in press). I he best known tions that face the our moun- are the lycosidae (Wolf Spiders) where tains, and vet another good reason for me to half of the eight known species have been spend the summer sticking my head into described. In the herbllelds and grasslands, any cave big enough to admit me. burrows of Wolf Spiders are common, and References you can sometimes find a burrow every \\;isp Green K I 1982) Migration "I .in khnctimoiiKl mci one or two square metres. In December, a subalpine pass The Victorian Naturalist 99, £60,

Green K (2002a) I he biodiversity blitz. The Victorian the female Wolf Spiders sit at the entrance Naturalist I 19, 36- 17, burrow, holding on to to their web-covered Given K led) <2(M>2) tti< 'diversity in the Snowy Mount, mis their egg ease - seullling back inside when (Australian Institute of Alpine Studies: Jmdabync)

I Green K, Broome . Heinze i> and Johnston S (2001) danger arrives, I ater in the summer they I nim distance transport nl arsenic h\ migrating their backs. can be seen with young on Bogong Moths from agricultural lowlands (<> mountain

1 1 1 2-1 Sometimes when you disturb them on a ecosystems. The Victorian Xannalist IS. 1 6, of spider- sunny day yOU can see hundreds Ken Green burrow lings >cu*tt bug back to their natal National Parks and Wildlife S* n U e lindalnne. 2627 on \ our approach. POBnx222S, NSW

I mail ken gro lift npWs IWW gtf EtU

Vol. 119(6)2002 277 Book Reviews

Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating with Australian Native Grasses

by Cathy Waters, Wal Whalley and Charles Hux table

Publisher: NSW Agriculture, 2001. 72 pages, black and white illustrations. RJtP $33.00

The status of grasslands has been largely Throughout the Gt/id/elines the authors overshadowed in recent times by the envi- have included a number of black and white ronmental FbCUS on planting trees, and photos to complement the text. The photos more recently the inclusion of shrubs. of the current machinery being used and Native grasses have generally been forgot- diagrams of how they work are invaluable. ten in the revegctation process, primarily The second section contains details on because information on harvesting, dor- fourteen native grass species considered to mancy and establishment has been scarce. have a high priority for commercial devel- Over the last few years, however, there has opment or those that arc already being been a growing interest in native grasses in used in revegctation. Each information terms of pasture management and their sheet is complete with photos and a environmental values, and consequently description with information on morpholo- there has been a shift in emphasis from gy, distribution, harvesting, sowing and trees and shruhs to native vegetation as a management. Whilst a lot of information is whole. Landowners and land managers are still unknown for many species, it would now becoming aware of the role native have been worthwhile for the authors to grasses can play in rehabilitation of sites include information sheets on other native and are desperate for information on har- grasses such as Austrastipa and Poo vesting and establishment techniques for species, making it more applicable to sites native grasses. Grassed Up: Guidelines for outside of NSW. RevegetClting with Australian Native Included in the back of the book is a

Grasses is the first of such information. It series oi' guidelines produced by provides practical advice with step by step FloraBank which outlines the protocols for instructions on native grass collection and seed collection and storage. There is also a establishment. useful list of publications on grass identifi-

The Guidelines is an A4, 72 page spiral- cation, harvesting and germination. bound booklet which the authors have Grassed Up: Guidelines for Revegetating divided into two easy-to-read sections. The with Australian Native Grasses is a well- first section provides general information written account of native grass revegela- on native grasses (chapter I ) and up to dale tion techniques, It is aimed at landowners, techniques on collection (chapter 2), stor- land managers or anyone interested in the age (chapter 4) and establishment (chapter practical application of the establishment 5). Whilst individual species' responses to of native grasses in revegctation, regenera- fertilisers are covered generally in section tion or the rehabilitation of degraded sites. two under individual species information, I would have liked to see die authors discuss Cheryl O'Owycr Institute Food Resources soil fertility in more detail and the likeli- of Land and The University of Melbourne increased competition hood of weed under Dsofeie College, Victoria .'647 higher soil fertility.

for assistance in preparing this issue, thanks to Kate Smith (desktop publishing), Ann Williamson (label printing) and Dorothy Mahler (administrative assistance).

278 The Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews

Platypus: the Extraordinary Story of How a Curious Creature Baffled the World

by Ann Moyal

Publisher: Allen & t'mvin, 2001. 126pages. hardback. RRP$2Q$5

Today, scientists confidently classify the find no stitching or other evidence o\ platypus and echidnas as monotrcmes: Forgery, The mystery only deepened when applied egg-laying, milk-producing, fur-clad mam- a British anatomist, bverard Home, the task of dissecting preserved mals. Based mainly on fossil evidence, it is himself to revealed believed thai the many attributes which platypus organs. Home's studies bill was distinguish monotrcmes from marsupials that the structure of the platypus duck's beak. and placental mammals including differ- actually quite unlike that of a after examining the reproductive ences in the structure of the ear, backbone, I lowever, females, he conclud- limb girdles, brain and sex chromosomes systems of males and differed in many respects from reflect the fact that monotreines have been ed that they pattern and evolving independently o\' other mammals the accepted mammalian resembled the organs o\' for 100 million years or more. most closely Ann Moyal has produced a fascinating lizards which hatch eggs internally. about whether or not and meticulously researched account o\' Scientific consensus female platypus can produce milk was how the plan pus's place in nature lias come the not reached for another three decades. to be defined, and how that process was about the platypus's mode ititerwoven with the rise of evolutionary Heated debate reproduction live-bearing or egg-lay- theory. The story begins in 1798 when John of not be resolved until 1SK4. As Hunter, governor of the penal eoloin ;it ing would appreci- ;i research biologist, I particularly Botaiu Bay, watched "a Small Amphibious 1 description of the obstacles Animal of the mole kind being speared by ated MoyaPs most brilliant academic minds an aboriginal man near the llawkcsbur> facing the of the 19th century in discovering the truth River. The animal's skin was preserved in a about the platypus, including their appar- keg ol spirits and sent (along with a wom- universal reluctance to countenance bat) to the Literary and Philosophical ently observations made by colonials. Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, which first-hand devotes relatively few pages to had recently honoured Hunter with a corre- Moyal platypus-related achievements in the 20 th sponding membership. Upon its arrival, the though some interesting material keg was Collected by a woman servant, who century, including a description of the was carrying the container on her head is presented, mission undertaken by David Fleay to sat- when the bottom gave way and soaked her Winston Churchill's desire to see a with alcohol, booking down, her distaste isfy platypus midway through the Second grew with the realisation that she had been live World War. carrying the remains of "a strange creature, The text is complemented handsomely by half bird, hall beast, lying at her feet'. of early platypus paintings and The bemused reaction of George Shaw, illustrations examine portraits of the zoologists and natural his- the first professional zoologist 10 in torians who contributed to our knowledge a platvpus (a dried specimen arriving book to any- the of the species. I commend the England in 1799) was fundamentally one with an interest either in Australian same as that of the servant. *Of all the most fauna or the argumentative and all-too- Mammalia yet known, it seems the human process by which scientists reach extraordinary in its conformation, exhibit- of agreemeni on how nature functions. in- the perfect resemblance of the beak head of a a Duck engrafted on the Melody Serena iM.MJnipe.l. Suspecting that the specimen Aiisiialiiin Platypus < onservgnc} POBox si probed at the line , a hoax, he carefully Whiltlcttfl, Victoria W where the hill joins the head, but codd

279 Vol. 119(6)2002 Hook Reviews

Working on Country: Contemporary Indigenous Management of Australia's Land and Coastal Regions

Edited by Richard Baker, Joeclyn Davics and Elspeth Young

Publisher Oxford University Press, 2001. x.xiv t 351 pages, 27 figures, 5 tables ISBN 01955 121 70. RRP $49. 95

One* of the more significant changes over country', 'Sharing knowledge: tools and the past 20 years Of s<>. Ui a range of Held communication', and 'Negotiating manage- disciplines that locus on natural resources, ment'. The llrsl paper in each of these three lias been the increasing involvement of parts, written by the editors, introduces the

Aboriginal people. It has taken too long to relevant issues. recognise the rights of indigenous peoples The siudies that are detailed in this book or to give respect to their knowledge sys- were undertaken in different contexts and tems, so that meaningful collaborations for a variety of purposes, including the man- could occur. As this book illustrates, how- agement of land and sea resource, biological ever, indigenous people now not only have surveys, and heritage siudies. The chapters input, but are directing projects in all parts focus on locations in almost every state of of Australia. Indeed, the major pari of this Australia, the exception being Victoria, volume consists of reports of close collab- which barely receives a mention in the entire

orations between indigenous and non- book. I lowever, this omission should not be indigenous people, working in situations taken as an indication that Kooris and that give accord to Indigenous knowledge (iubbas (non-Indigenes) are not working and experience. Working on Country is together in Victoria. Although not represent- bo ih a statement for the cause of cross cul- ed in this volume, collaborations of not dis- tural collaboration and a testament to its similar kinds are certainly taking place here. enormous value. Working on Country works well as an Of course, collaborations and joint pro- introduction lo the ways in which seeming- jects of the kind reported in this volume do ly opposed perspectives can be reconciled. not happen easily or without attendant chal- The book's breadth of coverage and the lenges. Aboriginal understandings and uses emphasis on non-technical language are

oi' local land and sea resources are often at aimed in the direction of a wide audience. odds with those of non-indigenous man- Although they work in academic environ- agers, administrators, and academies; issues ments, the editors have maintained a style relating to ownership o\' resources and that is both easy lo read and informative.

appropriate access also need to be resolved. An interesting aspect of the presentation is And as the editors of this book point out. the use o\' 'boxes' providing detail on a 1 even the concepts of 'work" and 'country wide range o\' related subjects. These are can have different meanings for different inset in many of the chapters, and could groups. The resolution of these issues is usefully be read on their own.

often a mailer oi' protracted discussion but. This book is an important contribution lo

If nothing else, such resolution and the the subject of resource management. It resulting collaborations can be seen as provides interesting insights into the nature points of reconciliation at a grass roots of connections between indigenous popu- level, lation and land and should also help to dis-

This book is divided into four parts. In the pel the myth of a monocultural indigenous first, headed 'Contemporary indigenous population in Australia, for these reasons

management', two summary chapters pro- alone, it should be recommended reading.

\ ide an overview of the prime issues within Gary Pr island the Held. These essays are followed by a 41) William Shvcl series of case siudies grouped in three the- Uoxllill, Victoria J128 matic sections: 'Approaches lo managing

280 The Victorian Naturalist Book Reviews

Gardening With Australian Rainforest Plants

by Ralph Bailey and Julie Lake

Publisher; Bloomings Books, Melbourne. 2001. 144 pp, paperback RRP $32.95

There is considerable interest in Rainforests and rainforest gardens can be Australian rainforest plants for their con- wildlife havens and the chapter on Wildlife servation as well as cultivation and the> in the Rainforest Garden covers this aspect are certain!) worthy of our attention. in considerable detail. Birds, butterflies Rainforests contain some of the world's (including caterpillars), frogs, other pond richest biological systems. It is vital that life and lizards are all included together we appreciate these natural habitats and do with fungi, lichens and mosses which are ecology. all we can to ensure the preservation of the all an intrinsic part of the total rainforest areas we still have in Australia, Even unwanted creatures receive a men- and. indeed, in other areas of the world. tion and sonic helpful advice. Ralph Baile> and Julie Lake, in Gardening Edible rainforest plants and a section on With Australian Rainforest Plants, remind propagating rainforest plants are included gives us that a staggering 95% of Australia's rain- prior to the final chapter which forests have been felled in the last 200 years. detailed descriptions of one hundred We sometimes think of rainforest plants favourite rainforest plants. Rainforest as being applicable only to tropical regions Gardening With Australian clear but rainforests extend right down the east- Plants is illustrated throughout with also a ern coast of Australia to Tasmania, with colour photographs and there are some pockets of rainforest also in Western number o\' helpful line drawings to com- Australia and the Northern Territory. plement the text. The introductory chapter covers the vari- There is a Bibliography and comprehen- ous types of Australian rainforests includ- sive Index to complete its usefulness. is landscape architect who ing Monsoon rainforest; Lowland and Ralph Bailey a Australian plants Upland tropical rainforests; Lowland and has been involved with Upland subtropical rainforests; Littoral for more than 30 years, lie has written plants, bush tuck- rainforest, Warm temperate rainforest, extensively on rainforest Cool temperate rainforest and to make sure er and ecologically sensitive design. is a horticultural writer and that absolutely nothing is missed there is a Julie Lake particular interest in further heading of Other Rainforests. consultant with a plants. An active Many rainforest species are very adaptable Australian rainforest of the Society for Growing to cultivation and quite a number of plants member Plants and the Horticultural from north-eastern Australia are adaptable Australian Association, she is a regular contrib- to cultivation in cool temperate /ones. Media magazines and The book proceeds to dispel some of the utor to several Australian common myths about rainforests and rain- lectures on rainforest plant identification. With Australian Rainforest forest plants. These include the incorrect Gardening is very easy-to-use book which assumptions that rainforest plants are diffi- Plants a will show readers how to turn a garden cult to grow and don't have attractive flow- haven, and to transform tall. I he into a cool, green ers and that all raintorcst trees are landscape into something distinctively book also points out that rainforest plants do the Australian. not necessarily need a lot of water. Five chapters give detailed advice on GweB and Rodger Klliot planning and planting a rainforest garden ]»(> Ho\ 655 care. Small gardens, and its Subsequent Ik-iiihminil, Victoria H35 courtyards and container cultivation are covered in separate sections.

281 Vol. 119(6)2002 Guidelines for Authors - The Victorian Naturalist

Submission of all Manuscripts Abbreviations Authors may submit material in the form of The following abbreviations should be used in research reports, contributions, naturalist notes, the manuscript (with italics where indicated): et letters 10 the editor and book reviews. A ul.\ pers. obs.; unpuhl. data; and pers. comm. Research Report is a suceinel and original sci- which are cited in the text as (RG Brown 1994

k entific paper written in the traditional formal pers. Comm. 3 May). Use subsp.' for subspecies. including abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion. A Contribution may consist of Units reports, comments, observations, survey results, The International System of Units (SI units) bibliographies or other material relating to nat- should be used for exact measurement of physi- ural history- I lie scope of a contribution is broad cal quantities. and little defined to encourage material on a wide range of topics and in a range of styles. Figures and Tables This allows inclusion of material that makes a All illustrations (including photographs) are contribution to our knowledge of natural history considered as figures and will be designed to lit but for which the traditional format of scientific within a page (1 15 mm) or a column {55 mm) papers is not appropriate. Research reports and width. It is important that the legend is clear- contributions must be accompanied by an ly visible at these sizes. For preference, pho- abstract of not more than 200 words. The tographs should be of high quality/high contrast abstract should state the scope of the work, give which will reproduce clearly in black-and-white. the principal findings and be complete enough They may be colour slides, colour or black-and- for use by abstracting services. Research reports white prints. Line drawings, maps and graphs and contributions will be refereed by external may be computer generated or in black Indian Ink referees. Naturalist Notes are generally short, on stout while or tracing paper, The figure num- personal accounts of observations made in the ber and the paper's title should be written on the field by anyone with an interest in natural histo- back of each figure in pencil. Computer-generated ry. These may also include reports on excur- ligures should be submitted as high-quality TIFF or sions and talks, where appropriate, or comment encapsulated postscript (EPS) files of at least 600 on matters relating to natural history. Letters to dpi, either separately on disc or embedded into a the Editor must be no longer than 500 words. MS Word document. Low -resolution JPG files will Book Reviews are usually commissioned, but not be accepted. the editors also welcome enquiries from poten- Tables must fit into 55 mm or 115 mm. If tial reviewers. using a table editor, such as that in MS Word, Submission of a manuscript will be taken to do not use carriage returns within cells. Use tabs mean that the material has not been published, and not spaces when setting up columns without nor is being considered for publication, a table editor. elsewhere, and that all authors agree to its All figures and tables should be referred to in the submission. text and numbered consecutively. Their captions

Three copies of the manuscript should be pro- must be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, vided, each including all tables and copies of etc.) and put on a separate page at the end of the llgures. Original artwork and photos can be manuscript. Tables should be numbered consecu- withheld by the author until acceptance of the tively (Table I, Table 2, etc.) and have an explana- manuscript. Manuscripts should be typed, dou- tory caption at the top. ble spaced with wide margins and pages num- Please consult the editors if additional details are bered. Please indicate the telephone number required regarding document formats and image

(and email address if available) of the author specifications. Authors who are not computer liter- who is to receive correspondence. ate should contact the editors to make special An electronic version and one hard copy of the arrangements. manuscript arc required upon resubmission after referees' comments have been incorporated. Journal Sty Ic Documents should be in Microsoft Word for Authors arc advised to note the layout of head- Windows v2 to ensure compatibility with the ings, tables and illustrations as given in recent typesetting software Quark Xpress. Other PC for- issues of the Journal. Single spaces are used mats may be accepted (e.g. RTF or later versions after full stops, and single quotation marks are of MS Word), bul additional type-setting time is used throughout. required with the subsequent delay of publication. In all papers, at the first reference of a species, please use both the common name and binomial. TaxODOmic Names However, where many species are mentioned, a Cite references used for taxonomic names. fist appendix at (an the end) T with bolh common References used by The Victorian Naturalist are and binomial names, may be preferred. Lists listed at the t:nd of these guidelines. must be in taxonomic order using the order in )

which they appear in the references recommend- Wolf L and Chippendale GM (1981) I be natural ed below distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. The journal uses capitalised common names Australian National Parks and Wildlife for species followed b\ the binomial in italics Sen ice. Special Publications No 6, Canberra. without brackets, e.g. Kangaroo Grass Themeda triitHiliii. ( Hlier methods of referencing ma\ be acceptable in manuscripts other than research reports, and

References the editors should be consulted. I or those using References in the text should cite author and the bibliographic software ijidNote 5". a style \ear. e.g. Brown il^H)), (Broun 1990), (Brown guide for The Victorian Naturalist is available 1990, 1991), (Brown 1995 unpubL), (Brown and on our website. For further information on style. 1)')!)), to the editors, or consult the latest issue of Green I (Brown and Green 1990; Blue Write 1990; Red 1990). IT there are more than two l he Victorian Naturalist or Style \4anuatJor authors for a paper use Brown et at, (1990) Authors, Editors and Printers (Australian

These should be included under References, in ( fovernmenl Publishing Service: Canberra). alphabetical order, at the end of the te\t (sec < below). I he use of unpublished data is onl\ Manuscript 'orrecrloua accepted if the data is available on request lor Authors can \eril> the final cop\ of their man- viewing. Pers. obs. and pcrs. comm. should not uscript before it goes to the printer. \ COp) o\^ be included in the list of references. Journal then article as 'read> for the printer' will be sent titles should he quoted in full. and onlj minor changes ma> be made at this stage.

.1 (|s>N4> I eigh J, Moden R and Briggs Extinct and Endangered Plants of \ustralia. Complimentary Copies (Macmillan: South Melbourne) Alter publication of an article in the journal, In of five complimentary copies of that issue are sent Lunney I) ( 1995) Bush Rat. The Mammals Authors o\' \ustralia, pp 651-653. Id R Slrahan. to the authors) lor each paper. (Australian Museum/Reed New Holland: Naturalist Notes and Book Reviews will receive Sydne\ two complimentary copies of the journal. Phillips A and Watson R (t991) Xanthorrhoea: consequences of 'horticultural fashion'. The Additional copies o\' The Victorian Naturalist:

( ' postage); 50 copies. $90.00 Victorian Naturalist 108, I HM33. 25 copies, $50.00

( I postage), including ( iS I . Smith AB (1995) I lowering plants in north- eastern Victoria. (Unpublished PhD thesis,

i niversit) of Melbourne)

would like used as references Checking species names is the responsibility of authors. The books we listed below. Authors should refer to the source used lor for articles in The I ictorian Naturalist are be used. species names in Iheir manuscripts, In ever) case, the latest edition of the book should

I Boles Mammals Menkhorst PW (ed) (1995) Birds ( hristidis and W (1994) The Species Birds ol lustntlin Mammals oj Victoria: Distribution, Ecology Taxonomy and <>f Australian and Conservation, (Oxford Universit) Press: and us Territories, Royal South Melbourne) ornithologists Union Monograph 2. (RAOU: Melbourne) Reptiles and Amphibians Cogger II (2000) .III (20(H)) Census of die Reptiles and Amphibians <>! lustralia, 6 ed. Plants Ross (ed) A (Reed Books: ChatSWOOd, NSW) Vascular Wants of Victoria, 6 ed. (Royal Botanic Gardens of Victoria; Melbourne) \ustratia Insects ( SlRO(!991 ) Use Insects oj workers. it textbook for students and research Melbourne) Vol I and IL(MUP:

Please submit manuscripts and enquiries to:

The Editor

I be Victorian Naturalist Locked Bag 3, P.O. Blackburn, Victoria 3130

Phone/Fax (0*) ( )S77 9860. Email ([email protected] Web address: hllp://www. vienel.net.au/ fiicv/vienal.hlnt 1

The Field Naturalists Club of* Victoria Inc. Reg No A003361IX

Established 1880

In which is incorporated the Microscopical Society of Victoria

OBJECTIVES: To stimulate interest in natural history and to preserve and protect Australian flora andfauna.

Membership is open to any person interested in natural history and includes beginners as well as experienced naturalists.

Australia. Registered Office: FNCV, I Gardenia Street, Blackburn, Victoria 3130,

Postal Address: FNCV, Lacked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130. Australia. Phone/Pax (03) 9877 9869; international Phone/Fax61 3 9877 9860. Patron John Landy, At, WBE, The Governor of Victoria Key Office-Bearers President: Ms Windy Clark, 97 Pakenham Street, Blackburn 3130. 9877 9266

Vice Presidents: Ob Not i Snn I ioi.r, I Astlcy Street, Montmorency 3094. 94-35 8408

and Or Alan Yin, 52-54 Brushy Park Road, Wonga Park, 3 I 1 5. 9722 1665 Hon. Secretary: Mrs Anni- Morion, 10 Rupicola Court, Rowville 3178. 97900656 Hon. Treasurer. Ms Barbara BURNS, 16 Montelair Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 2608 Subscription-Secretary; FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. 4877 9860 Executive Editor, The Vie. Nat.: Mrs Mlrii yn Gri y, 8 Martin Road, Glen Iris 3146. 9889 6223

Editors, The Vic. Nat: Mk Auslmr I {vans, 3/1778 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168. 8505 4330 and Mrs Anni Morion, as above. Librarian: Mrs Siilii a HOUGHTON, FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn 3130. AH 5428 4097 Excursion Co-ordinator. Mr Di nnis Mil i/i -k, 8 llareourt Avenue, Caulleld 3162. 9523 1853

Book Brokerage: Mr Ray Whim , 9 Longtown Court, Craigieburn 3064. AH 9308 3770

Newsletter Editors: Mr Kuril Marsiiai i , 8/423 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn Last 3123. 9882 3044, Mrs Joan Brqadbi RRY, 2 Shaun Court, Templestowe 3106. 9846 1218

and Dr Noii St i it i kuk, as above. Conservation Coordinator; Mk Jim Wai ki k, 167 Balaclava Road, Caullleld 3162. 9527 5601 Group Secretaries Botany: Mr Ki -mm Marshall, as above. Geology: Mr Rob IIamson, 5 Foster Street, MeKinnon 3204. 9557 5215

Fauna Survey: Ms Sopiiii Sm\i i , 67 Prank Street, Prankslon 3199. All 9783 1216

Marine Research: Mr MlCHAJ i LYONS, 18 High Street, Nunawading 3131. All 9877 3987 Microscopical: Mr RAY Powi k, 36 Scholters Road, Mernda 3754. 9717 351 MEMBERSHIP Members receive The Victorian Naturalist and the monthly Field Nat News tree. The Club organis- es several monthly meetings (Tree to all) and excursions (transport costs may be charged). Held

work, including botany, mammal and invertebrate surveys, is being done at a number of locations

in Victoria, and all members are encouraged to participate.

Yearly Subscription Rates - The Field [Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc.

First Member Metropolitan $55 Concessional (pensioner/studcnt/unemployed) $45 Country (more than 50 km from GPO) $45 Junior (under 18) $15

Family ( 1-2 adults, 1 or more under 18) $70 Overseas AU$65 Additional members $18

Institutional Libraries and Institutions (within Australia) $80 Libraries and Institutions (overseas) AU$90 Sehools/Clubs $55

Send to: FNCV, Locked Bag 3, PO Blackburn, Victoria 3130 Australia.

Printed by Brown Prior Anderson, 5 Lvans Street, Burwood, Victoria 3125, The Victorian Naturalist

Index to

Volume 118, 2001

Compiled by KN Bell 7 1 1

Authors Leary EJ, Parris KM, McDonnell MJ and Adams R, Simmons D and Lewis C, 16 Williams NSG, 4 Ahern L, 285 LcbelT, 38

Archbold NW, 66 (Tribute), 1 78, 234 Lewis C, Simmons D and Adams R, 16

Ashlon 01 1, 32 MeCann D, 146, 148, 165, 309, 319 Barker R, 61 (book review) Mace B, 287 Bel! KN, 101 (book review) McDonnell MJ, Williams NSG, Leary EJ Bock P, 256 and Parris KM, 4 Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon McLean A and Meagher D, 92 M, O'Lotighlin M, Poore G, Walker K Mac Nallv R and Conole LE, 56 and Yen A L, 242 Maroske S, 305 Broadberry J, 64 (book review), 65 (book May T, 44 review) Meagher D and McLean A, 92

Broome L, I lein/e D, Johnston S and MilneJandThiesAW, 89

Green K, I 12 Morton A, 62, (book review), 142 (book

Burgess DR and Wright MF, 1 17 review) Butcher BW, 226 O'Brien M, 60 (book review) Garkeek M, 151 (VLoughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Yen

Clemann N, 30 (book review) AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J and Conole L and Mac Nally R, 56 Gomon M, 242 Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, Parkin A, 2 O'Loughlin M, Poore G, Walker K, Parris KM, McDonnell MJ, Williams Yen AL and Boyd S, 242 NSG and Leary EJ, 4 Dann P, Jessop R and Mealy M, 76 PascoeG, 193 DarraghTA, 160 Pickering CM and Johnston F, 2 Di Sletano J, 46 Pickering CM and Scherrer P, 93 Dixon J, Gomon M, CTLoughiin M, Pierson R, 219 Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S Poore G, Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, and Coventry AJ, 242 Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M and LarpC, 82 (VLoughlin M, 242 Editors, Vic. Nat., 107, 159, 233 Rasmussen C, 200 Fleming A, 210 SaultT, 106 (Tribute) Fletcher RJ, 27 (book review) Scherrer P and Pickering CM, 93 Gerdt/WR, 231 Schleiger N, 29 (Tribute), 266 Gibson M, 102 (book review) Seebeck J and Warneke, RM 277 GillbankL, 2*-) Simmons D, Lewis C and Adams R, 16 Gomon M, (VLoughlin M, Poore G, Sinclair B, 143 (book review) Walker K, Yen AL, Bovd S, Coventry Slattery D, 25 (book review)

AJ and Dixon J, 242 Stefano J Di, 46

Green K, Broome L, Hein/e D and Thies AW and Milne J, 89

Johnston S, 1 12 Traill A, 58, 59 Grey L, 74, 100 Walker K, Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry Grey P, 104 (software review) AJ, Dixon J, Gomon M, (TLoughlin Healy M, Dann P and Jessop R, 76 M, and Poore G, 242 Heinze D, Johnston S, Green K and Warne MT, 283

Broome L, 1 12 Warneke RM and Seebeck J, 277 Hell AJ, 294 WesteG, 140

Holland GJ, 123 Wilkinson I, 186 Houghton S, 3 14 Williams NSG, Parris KM, McDonnell Jessop R, Dann P and Healy M, 76 MJ and Leary EJ, 4 Johnston F and Pickering CM, 21 Wright MF and Burgess DR, 1 1 7 S, Johnston Green K, Broome L and Yen AL, Boyd S, Coventry AJ, Dixon J, Hein/e D, 112 Gomon M, (VLoughlin M, Walker K KaselS, 127 and Poore G, 242 Birds Fi'NdiMAP, target species notes, 44 Eudyptula minor, at sea, Western Port, 76 Leafy liverwort, Yarra Ranges NP, 92

Little penguins, at sea. Western Port, 76 Mistletoes, galls on Buloke, 1 17 McCoy-Gould correspondence, 210 Moss collections. Lord Howe Island, Red-chested Button-quail, identity, ecol- addendum, 89 ogy, status, 56 Native grasslands, potential freeway Turnix pyrrhothorax, identity, ecology, impact, 4 status, 56 Pedinoplnilum monoicum In Yarra Ranges, NP, 02 Book Reviews Fhytophthora cinnaniomi. Mount Birds French Islam/ Wetlands, D of Stapylton, 46 Quinn and G Lacey (M O'Brien), 60 System Garden, University of our Parks: Proceedings Celebrating of Melbourne, 193 the Firsf Australian Symposium on Truffles, native Australian, 3S Parks History, ed E Hamilton-Smith Yarrow, weed threat, Australian Alps, 21 (DSIattery), 25 Common Australian Fungi: A Entomology

Bushwaikers Guide, T Young (R Igrotis iufusit, arsenic carriers, 1 12 Barker), 61 Ant behaviour, 100

Held Guide to the Orchids of \SW and Bogong moths, arsenic carriers, 1 12

Victoria, 2 ed, T Bishop (J Galls and mistletoes on Buloke, I 17 Broadberry), 64 Leptopius sp. c.f. L gravis, Simpson

Flora of . I astral ia, v 48: hems, Desert, 74 (ivmnosperms and Allied Groups, (M Weevil, large, Simpson Desert, 74 Gibson), 102 Geology Guide to Si/uid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses Black coal McCoy-Clarke dispute, 219 ofAustralasia, M Norman and A Reid Cranbourne meteorites, fate of, 305 (K Bell). 101 Geological time scale, 150 Kosciuszko Alpine Flora, 2 cch AB lanjilian {Early ) fossils. ( oslin, M Gray, GJ Totterdell and DJ Dungaree Creek. 82 Wimbush (RJ Fletcher), 27 Native Orchids nf Southern Australia: A Honours Field Guide, D and B Jones (J David Ashlon OAM (Gretna Weste), 140 Broadberry), 65 Lvle Courtney dam (The Editors}, 107 Nature Photograph}\ K Griffiths (A Gwen Elliot am (FNCV), 141 Morton), 142 Roger Elliot \M(I'NCV), 141 Pythons ofAustralia: A Natural History. G lorr (N Clemann), 30 Localities Wild/lowers of the Brisbane Ranges, C Australian Alps, Yarrow weed threat, 21 and M Trigg (A Morton), 62 Buxton Silver Gum Reserve, historic Wildflowcrs of Victoria, M Corrick and B changes, 16 Fuhrer{B Sinclair), 143 Dungaree, Creek, Central Victoria, lanjilian fossils, 82 Botany Hume Freeway-1'2 link, impact on grass- Achillea millefolium, weed threat, lands, 4 Australian Alps, 21 Kosctuszko NP, grazing, tourism, climate Allocasuarina luchmannii, galls and effects on, 93

mistletoes on, I 17 Lord Howe Island, moss collection in Alpine vegetation, grazing, tourism, cli- MEL, addendum, SO mate effects, 93 , Australian Edelweiss, 2 Australian Edelweiss at Mount Hotham, 2 Mount Maeedon, McCoy's property at, 319

Buloke. galls and mistletoes on, I 17 Mount Stapylton, Grampian NP, dieback

Eucalyptus crenulaia, Buxton Silvergum at, 46 Reserve, 16 Northern Victoria, Red-chested Button- l:\\ art/a nuhtyctta at Mount llotham, 2 quail, 56 Dieback disease, impact. Mount Snowy Mountains, Bogong moths as 46 Stapytton, arsenic carriers, 1 12 1

Victorian Alps, Bogong moths as arsenic FuNGfMAP National Conference, 45

carriers, I 12 (ieological timeseale, 150 Western Port, Utile penguins at, 76 Human and natural impacts, Yellingbo Wimmera, galls and mistletoes on Nature Conservation Reserve, 127

Buloke, 1 17 International Ornithological Conference, Yarra Ranges NP, leafy liverwort in, 92 126

Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, International Year of Mountains I 16 human and natural impacts on, 127 Introduction, McCoy Special Issue, 146 Irish years, McCoy, 160 McCoy, Frederick McCoy grave, 304 Animal acclimatization society, 297 McCoy society, 321 Antievolutionism, 226 Name, spelling of McCoy, 234 Birds, Gould correspondence, 210 National Museum (extract Vic. Nat.), 209 Black coal dispute with Clarke, 219 National Museum of Victoria, 200 Brachiopoda, 178 Naturalist tradition, 309 Bryo/oa, 256 Overview of McCoy's life, 151 Cranbournc meteorites, late of, 305 Prodromus of Zoology of Victoria, 242 The late F McCoy {extract Vic. Nat. McCoy's property at , 319 1899), 276 Timeline of McCoy's life, 148 l-NCV, 314 University of Melbourne and McCoy, 186 (iraploliles, 266 VI NCA Annual Camp, 141 Grave, McCoy's, 304 Ichlhyosaur, 294 Palaentology Irish years, 160 Brachiopoda, 178 McCoy society, 321 Bryozoa, 256 Mammals, McCoy's, 277 The late F McCoy (extract Vie. Nat. Name, spelling of, 234 1899), 276 National Museum of Victoria, 200 (iraploliles, 266 Naturalist tradition, 309 Ichlhyosaur, 294 Ostraeoda, 283 Ostraeoda, 283 Overview of his life, 151 Stratigraphie palaeontology, 165 Prodromus of /oology of Victoria, 242 Tanjilian (Harly Devonian) fossils. Property at Mount Macedon, 319 Dungaree Creek, 82 Snake, Western Brown, 285 Tasmanian devil, 231

Stratigraphie palaeontology, 1 65 Thyiacoleo, 287 System Garden, University of Melbourne, 193 Reptiles Black snake feeding, 59 Tasmanian devil, 23 Thylacoleo, 287 Lampropholis guichenoti, mating behav- iour, 58 Timeline of his life, 148 University of Melbourne, 186 Pseudechis porphyriacus, feeding, 59 Skink mating behaviour, 58 Mam mills McCoy's mammals, 277 Software Review /'daunts norfolcensis, opportunistic ver- ( hmpendium ofFl xa/M.ii' Target Species, tebrate predation by, 123 V. /, [CD-ROM] (P Grey), 104 Squirrel glider, opportunistic vertebrate Tributes predation by, 125 lima Dunn. 1 10 Tasmanian devil, 231 Stefanie Rennick (T Sault), 106 Thylacoleo*2%l John Paul Stewart (N Schleiger), 29 Miscellaneous George Anthony Thomas (NW Archbold), 100 years ago, 15, 105, 140 66 Animal acclimatization society, 297 Antievolutionism, McCoy, 226 Australian Ornithological Conference, 43 ssues 5 and 6 form the Mora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, 91 McCoy Special Issue l-'NCVand McCoy, 314