Ernest Davis Ernest Davis. Mayor of Newmarket and later even . Brewer extraordinaire. And one more thing to add to that list; Graduate of Auckland Boys Grammar. Davis was born in Nelson on the 17th of February, 1872. As a child he attended the Bishop’s School of Nelson which closed down in 1895. When Davis became more aware of the superiority of Auckland Grammar to the Bishop’s School, he immediately moved and became a pupil of the grand school; Auckland Boys Grammar. This time at Auckland Grammar must have had a massive inspirational effect on Davis, as you can see in the later events of his life. In 1899, he was wed to Marion Davis, maiden name Mitchell. As an already wealthy man thanks to the impressive ventures of his father, his picking of Marion allowed her to find a career as an opera performer. Because Davis Sr. was profoundly prosperous, it essentially meant that whatever Davis Jr. invested in would do well. Davis chose to start in the alcohol business. Needless to say, ‘ Breweries’ did extremely well and made an immense amount of money to add to the already immense amount of riches and assets Davis already owned. In 1935, Davis was elected as the City. He made great adjustments to the city and made sure that it kept its place as a location where growth and improvements flourished. He kept this place as Mayor until 1941 when he stepped down to lead a less taxing and more relaxing life tending to New Zealand Breweries as the honorary CEO and living a family-centered life. In 1955 on May the 5th, Davis’ wife Marion passed away of natural causes. She was 79 going on 80. Twelve years later, Ernest Davis himself ceased to live and joined his wife and family in heaven on the 16th of February 1962. He died the day before his 91st birthday. Thanks to his great education at the magnificent Auckland Boys Grammar, Ernest Davis was able to use skills no doubt learnt from the classrooms of his former school. Not only did he become the founder of a very successful business, but he also became a Mayor of the biggest city in New Zealand, both then and now. Things like this just don’t happen to people with mediocre education. It is earnt only by people who have learnt great discipline and control, not to mention tremendous levels of intelligence. In short, people who have spent their school days at Auckland Boys Grammar. My father may not be a millionaire, but I’m sure by following in the footsteps of Ernest Davis by going to Auckland Grammar, I will lead a successful, if not even more successful, life like he led.