Prunus Mahaleb
Prunus mahaleb Prunus mahaleb in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats I. Popescu, G. Caudullo Prunus mahaleb L., commonly known as mahaleb cherry, forest edge it creates a scrub vegetation community together is a shrub or small tree with white flowers, producing dark with other shrubby species of the genera Rosa, Rubus, Prunus red edible plums. It is native to Central-South Europe and and Cornus, and other thermophile shrubs such as spindle tree North Africa, extending its range up to Central Asia. It is a (Euonymus europaeus), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), wild pioneer thermophilous plant, growing in open woodlands, privet (Ligustrum vulgare), etc.5, 19, 20. forest margins and riverbanks. Mahaleb cherry has been used for centuries for its fruits Frequency and its almond-tasting seeds inside the stone, especially in East < 25% Europe and the Middle East. More recently this plant has been 25% - 50% 50% - 75% used in horticulture as a frost-resistant rootstock for cherry > 75% Chorology plants. The mahaleb cherry, or St. Lucie’s cherry, (Prunus mahaleb Native L.) is a deciduous shrub or small tree, reaching 10 m tall. The 1-4 bark is dark brown, smooth and glossy . The young twigs are Ovate simple leaves with pointed tips and finely toothed margins. glandular with yellowish-grey hairs, becoming later brownish and (Copyright Andrey Zharkikh, CC-BY) hairless1, 3. The leaves are alternate, 4-7 cm long, broadly ovate, pointed, base rounded to almost cordate, margins finely saw- Threats and Diseases toothed, with marginal glands, glossy above and slightly hairy The mahaleb cherry is susceptible to fungi such as bracket along the midrib beneath.
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