Cuban reservists are called up 0 aWNEW YORK (AP) -- Newsweek magazine Their presence coincides with re- President Carter disclosed Sunday The two Marxist African nations reports that Cuba has mobilized its ports received in Washington last that he and Egypt's President Anwar are warring over a desert region. military reserve. week that Cuban pilots were flying Sadat had discussed Africa at Camp Ethiopia has been waging an ongo- These troops, estimated at 3,000 Soviet-built aircraft on raids over David, but he provided no details. ing battle for the desert with Soma- to 5,000, will be sent to Ethiopia Somalia, the official said. li rebels from the east. Those re- aboard Soviet ships currently. en Ethiopia's official radio said a bels reportedly control most of the route to , Newsweek said. A State Department official said high-level delegation from the Or- disputed Ethiopian territory. A Pentagon official said in Wash- Somalia claimed the Cubans are fly- ganization of African Unity arrived ington Sunday that a U.S. destroyer ing the raids over its territory, but Sunday in the country's capital. Additionally, British diplomatic from the Sixth Fleet has been sent the official said the U.S. has not The group's aim is supposedly to sources revealed Sunday that Somalia to join three other American war- been able to independently confirm bring an end to the fighting between is appealing to the U.S. and four ships off Ethiopia's Red Sea Coast. the claims. Ethiopia and its neighbor, Somalia. other Western powers for arms aid.


Vol. 33 No. 25 Monday, February 6, 1978 Carter to make statement on summit later

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Carter The leaders returned to the White House, the official residence for However, the talks produced at said he'll have "a much more definite House as dusk settled on Washington, visiting government leaders. least one concrete result. statement" on his talks with Egyptian later than their scheduled afternoon At the White House, a statement It was announced that Assistant President Anwar Sadat before the return. distributed to reporters .said Car- Secretary of State Alfred Atherton Egyptian leader leaves Washington. They decided to delay their de- ter and Sadat, over two days of ex- will return to the Middle East in The two plan to further define parture because they wanted to have tensive talks at Camp David, had the near future to continue working their views on Middle East issues additional time to talk, according carefully considered the further on a declaration of principles be- prior to Sadat's departure for home to Deputy White House News Secretary steps necessary to achieve a settle- tween Egypt and Israel. Wednesday. Rex Granum. ment. The peace talks broke down Jan. 18 Upon returning Sunday from their After escorting the Egyptian leader in a dispute over the Palestinian weekend discussions at Camp David, onto the South Lawn, Carter announced But no details were given as the issue. Maryland, Carter reaffirmed that the there was complete agreement between White House maintained a virtual The U.S. statement Sunday spoke of U.S. role is to be "a friend of both himself and Sadat about a mutual de- news blackout on the summit that had the "slow race" of the Egyptian-Is- sides" in the stalled Israeli-Egyp- termination to work toward a peace been surrounded by an aura of myste- raeli peace talks and said Carter tian peace talks. settlement in the Mideast. ry and tight security. and Sadat "will further refine their A statement from the White House The statement, issued in the U.S. views" before the Egyptian leader later said the two presidents agree He placed a friendly hand on Sa- name only, reaffirmed the impression leaves Washington Wednesday night. that no obstacle must be allowed to dat's shoulders, then guided his given by American officials that It also said Carter gave Sadat a prevent the achievement of a just guest into the White House. there is no basic change in U.S. po- detailed explanation of how the U.S. and lasting Mideast settlement. Sadat stood silently at Carter's licy or any inclination by the Unit- envisions its role and responsibili- Carter said he now has a better side and offered no remarks, either ed States to force peace terms on ties in the peace process as a friend understanding of Sadat's concerns. on the South Lawn or later at Blair Israel. of both sides. * Japan deciphers Russian top secret code

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's National De- friend or foe" code of the Soviets, tion code a pilot uses to identify attacking. fense Agency is reported by the Ja- one of Russia's most closely guarded a plane that appears on his radar The Japan Times said that with de- pan Times to have deciphered top se- secrets. screen while he is cruising at more ciphering of the code, Western mili- cret codes used by Soviet MIC 25 pi- The experts are said to have than twice the speed of sound. tary officials and experts gained lots to identify enemy aircraft. cracked the code after intensive knowledge of the Soviet Union's top study of the data obtained from the Since it is impossible for a pi- secret code formulation, the basic It quotes Defense Agency sources MIG 25 which was flown to Japan in lot to identify such planes by sight, units of pulse signals emitted by as saying the experts decoded what September 1976 by a defecting pilot. he flashes out code signals for a the IFF, and the Soviet Union's code it called the "identification, The so-called IFF code is an avia- pre-arranged return signal before sequence.

This is Vietnam recalls ambassador TOKYO (AP) -- Radio Hanoi said Viet- dicted co-conspirator in a case nam has decided to recall its am- against a Vietnamese national and an bassador to the United Nations. American. The Vietnamese had refused to The two are accused of passing National bring him home earlier, although the confidential cables to Hanoi by way U.S. had ordered him to leave, say- of Vietnam's U.N. Mission. ing he was involved in an alleged The Vietnamese deny any involve- spy operation. ment by their mission. Sunday's Hanoi broadcast, monitor- They had said the U.S. could not Children s ed in Tokyo, said his return was or- force the ambassador out. The U.S., dered because of what it called U.S. claiming it coid, declared his al- attempts to "disturm" his activit- leged involvement was outside the privileges of residence accorded Dental The ambassador was named an unin- ambassadors. Muriel sworn into the Senate WASHINGTON (AP) -- Muriel Humphrey Mrs. Humphrey was appointed to her Health was scheduled to become a senator husband's seat following his death this afternoon. last month. Vice President Walter Mondale, a A special election will be held in fellow Minnesotan, was scheduled to November to fill the remaining four Week administer the oath of office to the years of the late senator's term. 65-year-old widow of Senator Hubert examined, and today is the beginning This youngster is having his teeth H. Humphrey. According to longtime Humphrey aide Dental Health Week, a good time for parents to of National Chlidren's The ceremony was scheduled to be David Gartner, Mrs. Humphrey will Regular brushing and flossing check into their offsprings' tooth care. held in the Senate Chamber at 2 p.m. have to decide "in the next 90 days professional care is the key to healthy teeth that along with regular EST, and a reception was set for af- or so" whether to run in that elec- on tooth and gum disease, see last a lifetime. For more information terwards. tion. page three. Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February 6, 1978 Today's Meetings YESTERDAY'S WATER STATUS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets at 7:30 p.m. at the East Bargo Point TAROFT CONSUMPTION: 1,200, Old Nursery School building. For ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,434,000 further information call 90269 or Community 8275. TOTAL IN STORAGE: 17,450,000

ALATEEN meets at 7 p.m. For more information Bulletin call 90269 AT. Tomorrows Meetings

TAKE * A OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY meets at e 6:30 p.m. at W.T. Sampson Elementary Board sA1)0u a School room B-9. For further infor- 5 * oson mation call Judy at 90253 AT or Tricia at 951049 AWH.

Community Announcements 951144I

Clubs & Organizations CABLE BEACH AND PEBBLE BEACH will ANYONE INTERESTED in being a Special Announcements member THE CONSOLIDATED RECREATION be off limits to all personnel of the Color Guard for the until further notice, effective Seabee Ball to be held COMMITTEE will meet on Monday, THE NAVY EXCHANGE FOOD SERVICES in March, Feb. 5. please contact Feb. 13, at 1:30 p.m. in the announces "Country EOC Jones at 8696 and Western DWH. Special Services Conference Room Night" at the Blue Caribe on Fri- located in the Special Services day, Feb. 10 from 6:00 p.m. until office building. All members are midnight. The menu will include required to attend. Steam Ship Round, mashed potatoes with gravy, vegetable, tossed green salad, rolls and butter, coffee or THE CPO WIVES CLUB WILL HOLD iced tea, and 1 glass of wine, all their regular monthly meeting on for $5.95. The Patio Lounge fea- Monday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. in the tures the exotic Pina Colada, truly dining room of the CPO Club. Visi- the drink of the tropics for 600. tors are cordially invited. Dance to the sounds of "Aries" who will be playing special selections of Country and Western Music from TOPS HAS MOVED. The meetings 7 p.m. - 1 a.m. are now being held at W. T. Sampson Elementary School, Room B-9, on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Anyone who A PADI BASIC THROUGH OPEN WATER needs help with weight problems SCUBA diving class will begin on is welcome. For further informa- Monday, Feb. 13. The cost of the tion, call Tricia at 951049 AWH. course will be $50 with $20 re- quired upon registration. For more information, THE contact Bob Graves at SKIPPERS CB CLUB 952201. will have a meeting on Tuesday. Feb. 7 at 6:30 in the evening. The meet- ing is for the election of club of- THE WOMEN'S BOWLING ASSOCIATION ficers and will be held at the FRA SECRETARY Club at Morin Center. Candidates will be on leave for the next two weeks. Annual Tournament for president are: AC Mar, Bull Ga- Entry Forms can be turned in to tor, Half Hitch, Mister Coffee and "THIS IS YOUR SHIP SPEAKING-AFTER 36 YEARS OF FAITHFUL Karen Brookshier, 98293; Marion SERVICE I PLAN TO SINK IN 10 MINUTES. GOOD-BYE, DEAR Teflon Tank. Candidates for vice FRIENDS, McGuire, 951211; or GOOD-BYE" president are: Bull Gator, Gray any other Ghost, Half Hitch and Homesteader. member of the board of directors. Candidates for secretary are: Half ALL PERSONNEL DESIRING A PERSONAL Hitch, Lady Gator and Teflon Tank. interview with the Atlantic fleet THE COFFEE SHOP WILL CLOSE at THE NAVY EXCHANGE/NAVY COMMISSARY Inspector General, RADM M.P. Alexich, 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 7 for their Advisory Board meeting will be during his visit to Gitmo, monthly spraying for Pest Control. SNAFUu s held contact AV on Tuesday, February 7, at 1:30 Master Chief Blickenstaff at 8421. SRF-CRUITNe. p.m. at the McCalla Administration The interviews are planned to be Building. conducted on Tuesday, Feb. 7. T"' UIOE 'high tide- 8:30 pm low tide-- 3:13 pm Local sunrise--- 7:35 am Forecast sunset--R= 6:56 pm !7m-D O 1:00 General Hospital high------+ 84 ;N 1:35 Break the Bank 67 l------2:00 Early Movie: "The Lonng Hall" Today's forecast calls for partly (BW) cloudy skies with isolated showers "I told you we shouldn't have inspected the Chaplain Activity!" 3:30 Sesame Street and northerly winds of 5-10 knots 4:30 Marcus Welby #Why no. I don -mnd 5:25 Almanac starting at the becoming southeasterly at 10-16. (BW) BOTTOM." 5:30 Newswatch Bay conditions will be 1-3 feet. 6:30 Bobby Vinton ANYONE THE SOCIALIZERS CLUB will hold HAVING ANY TYPE OF AUTO- 6:55 Greatest Headlines (BW) their monthly meeting on Monday, BILE or mechanical parts at the 7:00 Rookies Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Barrel Club. THE CHRYSLER MILITARY SALES REP- Auto Hobby Shop has until Feb. 15 7:55 Notes of Interest All members are urged to attend. RESENTATIVE wishes to announce that to tag them with a yellow tag, or 8:00 The Adventurer the deadline for ordering all Fury, all excess parts will be taken to 8:30 Phyllis Monaco and full size Chryslers is the dump. See the Auto Hobby Shop 9:00 Rockford Files attendant for THE MARINE BARRACKS ENLISTED as follows: tags and more infor- 9:55 Newswatch Update mation. WIVES Club will hold their monthly Full size Chrysler - Feb. 6 10:00 Monday Night at the Movies: meeting on Monday, Feb. 6 at the Fury/Monaco Wagons - Feb. 6 "The Gun and the Pulpit" Clubhouse at 7:30 p.m. All members Fury/Monaco 2 and 4 Dr. please attend. Models - Mar. 6 For more information, contact Jim Movie schedule or Sharon Clark at the Navy Ex- Lyceums THE TEEN CLUB ADULT ADVISORY change. (All movies start at 7:30 p.m.) BOARD will meet at the Club at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 6. All Downtown: Kojak - A Question of An- interested adults are encouraged swers, TV; plus The World to attend. U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba of the NFL - The Best of the Year 1973 McCalla: Black and White BRANCH 100 FLEET RESERVE ASSO- in Color, Game of the CIATION will sponsor a Sweetheart PG; plus NFL ARE yOU Week - Dallas vs. Minne- Valentines Dance FOR ONLY- REALLY PUTTING MEMBERS IN sota on Saturday, Feb. 11, beginning Capt. David W. DeCook FOR TRANGFERLITNIFF, Marine Site: Massacre at Cental at 9 p.m. Music will be provided Naval Base Commander OR ARE YOU JUSTTRYING by "The Blond Bomber'. Dance Naval Station Commanding Officer TO CHEER ME UP2 // High, R; plus short LCdr. Jerry Ryan. Public Affairs Officer subject - Al McGuire contests (Bump, etc.) will be JO1 Cerald Ninser. Leading Jaurnalist Leeward Point: Papillon, held. This is a BYOB affair, (set- PG ups available) for a donation RECOUETBALL of THE FIRST INTERCOFFAND Clubs only $2.00 per person. Tickets TOURNAMENT for 1978 will be held on ]he Guntanm Gazette is published accor ding to the can be obtained at the FRA Home Feb. 18 and 19. This will be open Windjammer: club closed so get yours early for there are to singles and doubles play. Any- Staff NCO: not available only 180 seats available. Plan eq uipant at the Navy Publications and Pricni one interested in participating, sae . acers office, the opinions or satements in CPO Club: Midway, now, don't miss this one, Special Services Sports at PG ship- contact COMO Club: no movie mates. or he qp artmatfhe Navy. on Feb. 16. 951160 prior to 4 p.m. Teen-Club: club closed Monday, February 6, 1978 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Today in history NEX NOTES 7w, Today is Monday, Feb. 6, the 37th day of 1978. There are 328 days left in the year. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first with furniture selection to enhance Today's highlight in history: of a weekly column designed to in- the appearance of their homes. form base residents of On this date in 1952, King George VI of Britain died and was succeeded Navy Ex- Harold Stock, manager of the main by his daughter, Elizabeth II. change activities. The column will retail store, announced a layaway be written by April Thien,a Fresh- plan where shoppers can pay 10% On this date -- man at W.T. Sampson High School, with 90 days to pay the balance. who is participating in In 1693, the College of William and Mary was chartered at Williamsburg, the Career The various furniture manufacturers Va. Workshop Educational Program which represented are Ethan Allen, provides a work-study enviroment In 1701, the War of Spanish Succession began, and French troops occupied Burlington House, Pacific Rattan, under the the Southern Spanish Netherlands. guidance of the Naval and Mallin of California. Major Station Public Affairs Office. In 1715, the peace of Utrecht ended a war between Spain and Portugal. appliance manufacturers are Whirl- The In 1788, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the U.S. consti- Grand Opening of the relocat- pool, Maytag, and Amana. tution. ed Navy Exchange furniture and Lamps and paintings will not be major In 1964, Cuba cut off the normal water supply to the American Naval Base appliances store provolked duplicated, except for lamps that in Guantanamo Bay. a very large turnout of Gitmo are sold as matching sets. residents In 1976, it was announced that former President Richard M. Nixon would Thursday afternoon, On hand for shoppers will be an visit China, at the invitation of the Peking government. Feb. 2, 1978. The store, formerly Ethan Allen catalog. Shoppers may located by the McCalla Chapel, is special order items which will be Ten years ago: Privincial premiers and other Canadian officials were now in the back of the Main Retail shipped with regular orders at no additional beginning in Ottawa the long process of revising Canada's constitution. store, where toys were formerly cost. Deposits will located. not be required Five years ago: The United States and North Vietnam announced jointly The highlight at the Grand on ordered items that a postwar Paris conference would begin on Feb. 26 to monitor the Opening was an Ethan Allen repre- but payment will be due upon arrival cease-fire ending the Vietnam War. sentative who assisted shoppers of the order. One year ago: Opponents of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held a political rally in New Delhi that drew a larger throng than one she had New Incinerator taken part in the day before. It May Aid Services Today's birthdays: Former California Governor Ronald Reagan is 67 years shouldn't old. A new Pentagon strategy, cled paper products. About incorporating ecology, energy two tons of this nonpulpable hurt to be and economy measures, may paper waste is equal to a $43 Thought for the day: We have to live today by what truth we can get to- provide solutions for other ton of coal. At that rate, the a child. day.and be ready tomorrow to call it flasehood -- William James, Ameri- military installations, as well Pentagon is saving more than can philosopher, 1842-1910. as American cities. $200 daily on fuel costs, not An auxilliary incinerator at counting indirect savings from the Defense Department head- unnecessary waste cartage and quarters burns litter and other disposal charges. nonpulpable (non-recyclable) The Pentagon is the first FTG Weekly Ship Schedule paper to generate 25 per cent military installation to have of the building's heat and hot this fully operational waste- SHIP NO. EDA EDD water. Other models of the disposal/energy-production For millions of children. USS CGN 38 Jan. 30, 1978 Feb. 16, 1978 new incinerator have been system. Although the system childhood is not a time of adapted to burn garbage and joy, but a time of hurt. USS L.Y. SPEAR AS 36 Feb. 6, 1978 Feb. 17, 1978 is not for mandatory use They're abused. And they need USS DALE CG 19 Jan. 13, 1978 Feb. 16, 1978 produce steam for generating throughout the Defense es- all the help you can give. electric power. tablishment, officials hope Find out what you can do. USNS MISSISSINEWA T AO 144 Feb. 3, 1978 Feb. 24, 1978 The Pentagon's incinerator this Pentagon solution- P- ~ldd Tau USCGC CHASE WHEC 718 Jan. 15, 1978 Feb. 10, 1978 burns about 10 tons of non- getting rid of litter and gar- Write National Committee USS PAUL FF 1080 Feb. 6, 1978 Mar. 16, 1978 for Prevention of Child pulpable classified paper bage, getting back heat and Abuse, Box 2866, . USS FOREST SHERMAN DD 931 Jan. 26, 1978 Feb. 24, 1978 waste each day, even though energy-can be applied Illinois 60690 USS NIPMUC ATF 157 Feb. 6, 1978 March 3, 1978 most of the building's paper elsewhere in the Armed Serv- waste is converted into recy- Children's Denta I Health Week starts today Children and Carries in children

Dental caries accounts for the periodontal disease greatest amount of tooth loss in Gum disease accounts for the children and young adults. Since the greatest amount of tooth loss in rate of tooth decay is generally adults, but it also affects child- proportional to one's frequency of ren. According to recent U.S. De- exposure to sugar, snacking on partment of Health, Education and candy bars or sugary soft drinks is Welfare statistics, approximately probably the worst thing you can do 68 percent of the nation's youth to your teeth. have some visible form of periodon- Each time you eat foods containing tal or gum disease -- generally of mouth are stimulated to create acids a mild type. that attack tooth enamel. Unfortunately, unless preventive This bacteria is found in a sticky, measures are taken, the disease colorless film called plaque, that progresses over a long period of forms continuously on everyone's time with little or no pain, de- teeth. stroying the gums, bone and other The greatest damage occurs within. structures that support the teeth. the first 20 minutes after eating Often a large percentage of perio- sweet foods. Therefore, the more dontal problems in later life can often you eat foods containing su- be traced to neglect or improper gar, the more often the acids have care of the mouth during childhood. an opportunity to accumulate on The problem begins with dental your teeth to act on the enamel. Children will not be seeing much of dentist's drills such as these if plaque which is sticky, colorless One answer to the problem is to they learn while they're young to brush and floss their teeth correctly substance that forms constantly on limit the number of times you and regularly. everyone's teeth. The bacteria in eat sugar foods each day. In other the plaque utilize the sugars you words, confine your intake of sug- eat to produce harmful acids that ary foods to regular mealtimes and attack the teeth causing caries. But avoid those between meal snacks. this same substance also irritates Instead of selecting sweets in the gums, making them tender and MUAJLNE NEWVV the corner snack shop,look for -likely to bleed. WASHINGTON (MCNews)--The Marine are contained in ALMAR 211/77 sugar-free candy or gum and soft If plaque is not removed daily by Corps is accepting applications for which announced the program. drinks, fresh fruits, milk, cheese, careful brushing and flossing, it a new graduate curriculum in Human Applications for the July 1978 crackers, potato chips or popcorn. will thicken into a deposit called Resources Management at the Naval class must be received at HQMC calculus. Postgraduate School in Monterey, (Code MMOA) by Feb. 17, 1978. For As the calculus accumulates, the California. the January 1979 class, applica- tions must be received by May 31, Take note gums alowly detach from the teeth leaving deep pockets where bacteria The first class is scheduled to 1978. The Investigating Officer of the and debris collect. convene in July 1978, followed by The ALMAR says officers selected fatal automobile accident last week Eventually, if left untreated, the a second class in January, 1979. for the July class will be notified is seeking assistance. If anyone tissues and bones around the teeth Class length is 12 - 18 months, by message in early April. Selec- witnessed the accident or the fire, are destroyed, and healthy teeth depending on a student's back- tees for the January class will be on Sherman Avenue near Phillips loosen and are lost. ground. notified in mid-July. Park, they are asked to call LT The course eventually leads to a There generally are two stages In addition to the new curricu- HUNNICUTT at 8435 during working Master of Science degree in manage- of periodontal disease; gingivi- lum, the ALMAR says officers who hours, or 952253 after working hours. ment. tis or inflamed gums and period- already have a masters degree in Applications are being accepted ontitis which involves the bones Human Resources Management may from unrestricted captains- supporting the teeth. request the additional MOS 9680. CORRECTION: lieutenant colonels who meet the In Friday's Gazette the date dead- The best method of prevention Requests for the MOS should be for the pro- is regular brushing and flossing, general requirements submitted on an AA Form and include line for nominations for the Navy gram outlined in MCO 1520.9C. is regular dental check ups, and pro- transcripts and description of League awards. This deadline Specific eligibility requirements per nutrition. courses taken. 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8. Monday, February Guantanamo Gazette 6, 1978 NBA action NHL finals In the WHA Colegex Friday's games: Friday -- no games Friday's games: Cleebasketballronu Boston 116, Washington 94 Saturday's games: Edmonton 6, New England 3 roundup Cleveland 104, Buffalo 101 N.Y. Islanders 6, Washingt on 1 Cincinnati 1, Houston 0 Los Angeles 105, New Jersey 99 (OT) Philadelphia 2, Cleveland 2 Indianapolis 5, Quebec 4 (OT) In weekend UPI Top 20 college Philadelphia 116, Indiana 104 Colorado 2, Atlanta 2 Saturday's games: basketball action: Chicago 110, San Antonio 107 Boston 8, Pittsburgh 1 Winnipeg 7, Cincinnati 5 Houston 112, New York 102 Detroit 2, Toronto 2 Houston 5, New England 4 Friday's game: Denver 115, Dtroit 102 Chicago 5, Vancouver 1 Birmingham 5, Indianapolis 2 Furman 89, #3 North Carolina Phoenix 115, Milwaukee 105 Buffalo 4, Minnesota 2 Edmonton 4, Quebec 3 (OT) 83 Portland 112, Golden State 92 N.Y. Rangers 2, St. Louis 2 Yesterday's games: Saturday's games: Saturday -- no games Yesterday's games: Indianapolis 6, Birmingham 1 #1 Kentucky 88, Florida 61 Yesterday's game: Detroit 4, Cleveland 3 Winnipeg 4, Edmonton 3 #3 North Carolina 101, Virginia East All-Stars 133, West All- Buffalo 4, Washington 1 Tech 88 Stars 125 N.Y. Rangers 6, Colorado 3 #4 Arkansas 69, Rice 48 Toronto 3, Boston 3 Inter-command soccer scene #5 Michigan State 68, Indiana 59 #6 UCLA 94, California 75 by D.H. Brusnahan #7 Notre Dame 100, Davidson 76 #9 Kansas 69, Oklahoma 68 Thursday nights Soccer action saw #10 Louisville 83, Cincinnati 76 Knotty Dread winning over the Loyola-Chicago 68, #11 George- town 65 (OT) E The Third World defeated High #12 Florida State 72, St. Louis 68 !SPORTSLIN School by a score of 3-0. #13 DePaul 63, Oral Roberts 57 Wake Forest 74, #15 Virginia 62 #17 Texas 87, TCU 60 Allen to lose 'wheeler-dealer' image as Rams' new coach #20 Nebraska 62, Iowa State 56 Yesterday's game: (COMPILED FROM UPI)--The apparently ing experience for him." #2 Marquette 69, South Carolina have a new George Allen. When Allen was asked the direct question if he 66 (Two overtimes) Allen is the new coach of the Rams and he has prom- would trade away choices, he replied, "No, when ised an exciting new offense and a commitment to coach I went to Washington I had a big rebuilding program. (UPI)--Wake Forest Coach Carl and teach only, and stay out of most front office ac- The Redskins hadn't had a winning season in 14 years. Tacy believes his team should be tivities. We were asked to win big at once. We won't have to ranked in the Top 20, and he be- Allen returned to the club that fired him twice, un- use that policy here. I really relish the opportunity lieves he has a pretty good ar- 0I der an earlier regime. He believes the Rams have a just to coach and teach." guement. good chance to get to the , a goal dear to About the Super Bowl, Allen says, "If we don't have The Deacons have won their last the heart of owner Carroll Rosenbloom. any key injuries, I think we have a good chance." four games, including three games Rosenbloom emphasized Allen was hired to coach and He believes the Rams have the second-best personnel against nationally-ranked teams. not to be general manager, which he was with the Wash- behind Dallas in the National Football Conference. They downed third-ranked North ington Redskins. During his seven years with the Red- And the Rams' feelings towards their new coach? Carolina, 71-62 just over a week skins, Allen gained a reputation as a wheeler and , the outspoken linebacker, denies re- ago, then whipped 18th-ranked dealer, who bought experienced players by giving up ports that he said he would quit if Allen came in as Duke, 79-60 and Saturday night draft choices for years to come. coach. Robertson now says he can play for anyone. the Deacons upended 15th-ranked The contract with Allen has not yet been drawn but Quarterback Pat Haden, studying in London, also pro- Virginia, 74-62. agreement was reached on all points for a multi-year fesses joy at the choice of Allen. And defensive end The victory boosted Wake For- pact. Fred Dryer adds, "I've always wanted to play until I'm est's record to 14-5 and into a Both Allen and Rosenbloom agree that there will be 40. Now I'll get the chance." second-place tie with Virginia in no giveaway of draft choices. The Rams won the National West the past five years the Atlantic Coast Conference. Allen was given the right to select his own assist- under Chuck Knox, who quit to go to Buffalo when Ros- Meanwhile, Furman's Al Daniel ants and would like to bring some former aides from enbloom indicated he was unhappy with Knox's conserva- says maybe the Paladins are play- Washington. He will take part with other members of tive offensive tactics. ing in the wrong conference. the Ram organization in selecting players in the Allen praised Knox but said he saw room for improve- Furman knocked off it's second forthcoming college draft. ment in the Rams, most of all in the special teams ACC opponent in as many nights by But the 70-year-old Rosenbloom, his son Steve, the which he said won many games for the Redskins. edging North Carolina State, team president, and General Manager Don Klosterman Allen got his first head coaching job with the Rams 68-57. The school is now 3-1 will carry on the front office work and run the club in 1966 and stayed for five years, compiling a 47-14-4 against ACC teams. off the field. record. Then, owner Dan Reeves fired him at Christmas Rosenbloom and Klosterman have joked about Allen's in 1968, but changed his mind when players rallied to reputation as a trader. Allen's support and fans voiced their displeasure at WHA standings "When we wanted a draft choice, we went to Washing- the owner. ton," says Klosterman, "Now that's going to be diffi- In 1971, Reeves fired Allen again and made it stick. W L T PTS. cult." Reeves died shortly afterwards. New England 30 18 ,4- 64 At Washington, Allen had a 67-30-1 record. He Winnipeg 29 18 2 60 Allen's hiring has also drawn comments from several reached the Super Bowl in the 1972 season and lost to Edmonton 26 18 1 53 celebrities in Los Angeles. Comedian Bb Hope says, Miami. His overall record of 116-47-5, or a better Houston 25 21 3 5 "I'm delighted to see the old antique dealer back, than 70 per cent average, puts him 10th in NFL history Quebec 24 22 2 5 although I don't know if he can handle kids that and fourth among active coaches. Birmingham 22 25 2 46 young." Dinah Shore says she likes Allen's looks. His teams went to the playoffs seven times in 12 Cincinnati 21 28 2 44 Rosenbloom says Allen will take an active part in years and never had a losing record. Last year, the Indianapolis 15 31 4 34 drafting players and believes "it will be a refresh- Redskins were 9-5. Sports notes victory over John Newcombe, a man laitis earned $30,000 for the vic- has now won four tournaments on (UPI)--Second-seeded Vitas Geru- 10 years his senior, to win the tory, Newcombe $15,000. this year's tour. laitis won all his serves and made Men's Indoor Singles Tennis Cham- Top-seeded Martina Navratilova few errors en route to a 6-3, 6-4 pionships at Richmond, Va. Geru- rebounded from a first-set loss and (UPI)--U.S. Open champion Hubert went on to defeat Australia's Green holed a seven-foot putt on Evonne Goolagong 6-7, 6-2, 6-2, for the second playoff hole to clinch gazette cl ssified the $20,000 first prize in the Chi- a sudden-death victory over Bill a. ads Kratzert in the $250,000 Hawaiian cago stop on the Women's Tennis Classified Ads 951144 Barrel boat with 40 HP Johnson Tour. The 21-year-old Navratilova Golf Open. Advertisements for the Gazette will motor, gas can and many extras. only be accepted between 8 and 11 99264 AWH. Late rally lifts East over West in NBA All-Star game a.m. Monday through Friday. Ads will not be accepted on holidays. 11,500 BTU A/C; 5,000 BTU A/C, both ATLANTA, GA. (UPI)--Randy Smith of the Buffalo Braves and Julius Erving Bonafide emergency announcements in good condition, $75 each. 90205 of the Philadelphia 76ers triggered a fourth-quarter burst which carried will be accepted any time. AT. the East to a 133-125 victory over the West in yesterday's NBA All-Star Announcements may be hand carried game. to PAO anytime during working Luggage rack; motorcross handlebars; The East fell behind in the opening minutes, and trailed almost the en- hours. Advertisements will be passenger foot rests; all new, fit tire way until Smith and Evring went to work in the fourth quarter. Down limited to 40 words. Ads which all motorcycles. 8462 AWH. 113-104, Smith and Erving scored 19 points between them in a 21-2 spurt discriminate on the basis of race, that put the East in command at 125-115. sex, creed, color or national ori- '66 Ford Galaxy 500, power steering Smith, one of the shortest men in the game at 6-foot-3, picked up 14 of gin will not be accepted. The and radio, $500 or best offer. his game-high 27 points in the final period and was awarded a car as the Public Affairs Staff reserves the 95363 AWH, 95306 DWN. game's most valuable player. right to edit and rewrite all Meanwhile, Erving put the East ahead for good on a three-point play with submissions. Yellow rug, excellent condition, about five minutes left and he sank eight of nine tosses from the charity $50; green couch, excellent line in the closing minutes to end any hopes of a West comeback. Erving condition, $75. 97154 AT. finished with 16 points. For sale The West, led by big Bill Walton, Paul Westphal and David Thompson, ap- Maternity wear, sizes medium and '72 AMC Gremlin 3-speed on floor. peared to have the game will in hand through the first three periods. large; boys' school pants, sizes 95581 AT or see Dan in Rm. C-203, The West led 39-28 at the end of the first quarter, 66-57 at the half and 5and 6; baby clothes, size infant GHB. 100-92 at the end of three quarters. to 6 months. 95469 AT. Thompson led the West with 22 points while Westphal had 20 and Walton Bar with 2 stools, $150. 8821 AT. wound up with 15. Five 700 x 15 LT mud and snow John Havlicek, a surprise starter for the East, had 10 points and be- tires with wheels to fit a Ford 6,000 BTU Whirlpool A/C, $100. came only the second player in All-Star history to score in double figures truck, 5 lug, excellent condition, 96105, AWH. in 11 games. The first was Oscar Robertson. It was Havlicek's 13th ap- $300. 8691 DWH, 96235 AT. pearance in an All-Star game; this time he was a last-minute replacement Services for injured Pete Maravich. '68 Chevy 2-Door, 307 engine, Havlicek, who will be 38 in June, is the oldest player ever to appear in automatic transmission, excellent Babysitting in my home, ages 2 an NBA All-Star game. The Celtic great was a surprise starter and re- condition, $1050 or best offer; months - 7 years. 8821 AT. ceived a tremendous ovation from the crowd when he was introduced. He '64 Pontiac, 2-Door, 428 engine, responded by scoring the first two points of the game. good condition, $450 or best offer Babysitting, any time, any age. Philadelphia 76er Doug Collins stepped aside, saying he would consider 8506 DWH. 97154 AT. it a priviledge to allow Havlicek to start.