The Development Study on the Improvement of Livelihood Through Integrated Watershed Management in Amhara Region
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Food Security Coordination & Disaster Prevention Office Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development The Government of Amhara National Regional State The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia THE DEVELOPMENT STUDY ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF LIVELIHOOD THROUGH INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENT IN AMHARA REGION FINAL REPORT (APPENDIX) March 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency SANYU CONSULTANTS INC. ETO JR 11-002 Appendix A: Assignment Schedule of the Study Team and Pamphlets of the Study Appendix B: Supplemental Data on Natural Environment Appendix C: Supplemental Data on Agriculture C-1: Present Conditions of Agriculture & Livestock and Proposed Approaches for Agriculture Promotion C-2: Project Proposals Appendix D: Supplemental Data on Socio-economy Appendix E: Supplemental Data on Results of Participatory Planning Appendix F: Verification Projects F-1: Agricultural Promotion Component F-2: Natural Resource Management Component F-3: Livelihood Improvement Component F-4: Activity Sheet of the Verification Project F-5: Results of Final Participatory Evaluation F-6: Relations of the Woreda Development Plan and Verification Project Appendix G: Current Dvelopment Intervetions in ANRS Appendix A: Assignment Schedule of the Study Team and Pamphlets of the Study Assignment Schedule for THE DEVELOPMENT STUDY ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF LIVELIHOOD THROUGH INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENT IN AMHARA REGION, THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 2008 2009 2010 2011 The 1st Year The 2nd Year The 3rd Year The 4th Year Expertise Name Company 123456789101112123456789101112123456789101112123 Phase I Phase II Team Leader/ Rural Mr. Keiji Development SCI IIZUKA Deputy Team Leader/ Soil Dr. Motoyosi Conservation/ Rural SCI HIKASA Infrastructure Watershed Management/ Mr. Izumi Remote Sensing SCI KATO Farming/ Agro-Product Mr. Takashi Marketing SCI*1 SHIRAKI Field Study Rural society/ Livelihood Mr. Hideyo improvement/ Gender SCI*2 SHIMAZU A-1 Verification Study Mr. Akira Management/ Watershed SCI Appendix A: Assignment schedule of the Study team andPamphlets of the Study SHINTANI Management (B) Done by Mr. Toru NAKAGAWA Coordinator/ Rural Mr. Toru Infrastructure (B) SCI NAKAGAWA Team Leader/ Rural Mr. Keiji Development SCI IIZUKA Watershed Management/ Remote Sensing ****** SCI Work in Japan Verification Study Management/ Watershed ****** SCI Management (B) Period of Submission Report (indicating △ P/R(1) It/R P/R(2) P/R(3) P/R(4) DFR FR and the name of Report) 1st Homework 2nd Homework 1st Field Study nd rd Study Process & Total 2 Field Study 3 Field Study 4thField Study 5th Field Study Legend: Field Study Homework SCI : Sanyu Consultants Inc. *1 : Agro-x Limited. *2 : Institute for Environment and Development Flowchart of the Study Jica/Amhara Livelihood IMProvement Study (JALIMPS) (Formal Name: The Development Study on the Estimation of Soil Erosion Overall Study on Natural Improvement of Livelihood through Integrated Jica/Amhara Livelihood IMProvement Study & Degree of Watershed & Socio Economic Watershed Management in Amhara Region) Degradation by GIS Conditions (JALIMPS) (Formal Name: The Development Study on the Categorization of 64 Improvement of Livelihood through Integrated Woredas Watershed Management in Amhara Region) Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) Fact and Food Security Coordination & Disaster Prevention Formulation of Draft Potential/ Participatory Office (FSCDPO) Development Plans Constraint Workshops Kebele 11, Bahir Dar in 8 Woredas Analysis P.O. Box 497 Tel: +251-(0)582-18-2115/21/23/27 Fax: +251-(0)582-18-2129 Implementation of Verification Studies Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (BoARD) A-2 Kebele 3, Bahir Dar P.O. Box 437 Tel: +251-(0)582-20-0929/1366 Finalization of Development Fax: +251-(0)582-20-1510/2768 Plans in the 8 Woredas Schedule of the Study Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ethiopia Office Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Mina Building 6th & 7th Floor, Addis Ababa Phase I P.O. Box 5384 Tel: +251-(0)11-550-4755, Fax: +251-(0)11-550-4465 Formulation of the Draft Development Plans For any enquiries, please contact: Phase II Implementation of the JALIMPS Office Verification Studies Room 54, Food Security Coordination & Disaster Prevention Office (FSCDPO) Finalization of the Kebele 11, Bahir Dar Development Plans Tel: +251-(0)582-18-1086, Fax: +251-(0)582-18-1071 The Study Area Background of the Study Formulation of Development Plans The target area of the Study covers 64 Woredas ANRS has the area of 159,174 km2 and the population To formulate Woreda Development Plans, opinions will suffering from food deficit in the Amhara National of 19.6 million, which account for 15% and 25% of the be collected through discussions with the various Regional State (ANRS). These target Woredas are national total respectively. In ANRS, 6.3 million people stakeholders at the major stages of the Study. located in central to the eastern side of the region. are threatened by food deficiency. In particular, the Participatory process will begin with kick-off Workshop eastern area of the ANRS (WS) at the regional level, followed by analytical WS at Also, 8 Woredas (Ebinate, Simada, Bugena, Gidan, has been exposed to Woreda level and analytical & planning WS at Kobo, Aregoba Special, Mekedela and Legambo) are recurrent drought for past community level. the target area for development plan formulation and three decades, thus verification studies. considered as the most Consequently, in gravely suffering area from line with the food shortage. results obtained in a series of WS, The food shortage in this area is supposed to be planning WS at A-3 resulted from various inter-related and chain-reacting the Woreda level causative factors including low-leveled farming will be held. Community Workshop in Ebinate Woreda techniques, excessive land reclamation, destructive deforestation, soil erosion, and so forth. Verification Studies Objectives of the Study The verification studies implemented in course of the Study is characterized as trials not only to pursue The objectives of the Study include: successful results but also to identify how activities are managed and what is the limit of activities. 1. To formulate development plans for the extension of appropriate watershed management and rural In other words, the significance of implementing the development in food insecure area through verification study is to find the “how” and “limit” in implementation of verification study, and implementing development plan. 2. To carry out capacity development of Ethiopian Map of ANRS and the Study Areas counterpart personnel as well as communities concerned. 調査の流れ エチオピア国 アムハラ州流域管理・生計改善計画調査 Jica/Amhara Livelihood IMProvement Study 地理情報システム(GIS) 基礎情報の収集による、自 (JALIMPS) エチオピア国 の活用による、土壌浸食 然・社会経済条件の概定 アムハラ州流域管理・生計改善計画調査 量・流域荒廃度の概定 Jica/Amhara Livelihood IMProvement Study (JALIMPS) 64 ワレダの類型化 アムハラ州政府(ANRS) 食糧安全保障プログラム調整防災室 現状分析 (FSCDPO) 8 ワレダ開発計画 参加型ワー と課題の Kebele 11, Bahir Dar (案)の策定 クショップ 整理 P.O. Box 497 Tel: +251-(0)582-18-2115/21/23/27 Fax: +251-(0)582-18-2129 農業・農村開発局(BoARD) 実証事業の実施 Kebele 3, Bahir Dar A-6 P.O. Box 437 Tel: +251-(0)582-20-0929/1366 Fax: +251-(0)582-20-1510/2768 8 ワレダ開発計画の最終化 調査の工程 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 (JICA) エチオピア事務所 年 2008 2009 2010 2011 th th Mina Building 6 & 7 Floor, Addis Ababa フェーズ I P.O. Box 5384 Tel: +251-(0)11-550-4755, Fax: +251-(0)11-550-4465 開発計画(案)の策定 お問い合わせは下記まで フェーズ II JALIMPS バハルダール事務所 実証事業の実施 Room 54, Food Security Coordination & Disaster Prevention Office (FSCDPO) Kebele 11, Bahir Dar 開発計画の最終化 Tel: +251-(0)582-18-1086, Fax: +251-(0)582-18-1071 調査対象地域 調査の背景 開発計画の策定 本調査の対象地域はアムハラ州(ANRS)の中央部から エチオピア国の北部に位置するアムハラ州は、面積 本調査のワレダ開発計画策定では、様々な関係者との 東部に広がる 64 のワレダです。これらのワレダは、エ 159,174 km2(全土の約 15%)で、約 1,960 万人(全国 情報交換および議論を通じた参加型プロセスに重点を チオピア国内でも、特に慢性的な食糧不足に悩まされ の約 25%)が居住しています。そのうち 300 万人が慢 置いています。最初に州レベルでのキックオフワーク ています。 性的な食糧不足に、330 万人が一時的な食料不足と、合 ショップを実施した後、続いてワレダレベルでの分析 計 660 万人(全州の 34%)もが食糧不足に苦しんでい ワークショップ、コミュニティレベルでの分析・計画 64 のワレダのうち、8 つのワレダ(エビナット、シマ ます。特に、同州東 ワークショップを実施していきます。 ダ、ブゲナ、ギダン、コボ、アレゴバ、メケデラ、レ 部は過去 30 年にわ ガンボ)については、開発計画策定および実証事業実 たって繰り返し旱魃 これら一連のワ 施の対象となります。 に襲われており、国 ークショップの 内で最も食糧不足の 後には、ワレダ 深刻な地域となって レベルでの計画 います。 ワークショップ アムハラ州の荒廃した土地 を実施します。 A-7 こうした食糧不足の原因は多数あり、(1)低い農業技術、 コミュニティおけるワークショップ風景 (2)過剰な開墾、(3)集中的な降雨による土壌浸食などが、 複合的かつ連鎖的に絡み合って発生しています。 実証事業の実施 調査の目的 本調査で実施する実証事業では、プロジェクトの成果 や目標の達成だけを目的とするのではなく、アムハラ 本調査の主な目的は以下のとおりです。 州政府のカウンターパート機関が、主体的にプロジェ クトを実施する際の「やり方(How)」と「 限 界( Limit)」 1. アムハラ州の東部の 8 ワレダにおいて、実証事業を を知るための試行としても位置づけらます。 伴う開発計画策定を通じて、対象地域全体の適切な総 合流域管理・農村開発の方策を明らかにする。 すなわち、実証事業を実施することにより、プログラ ムやプロジェクトを実施する際の「How」と「Limit」 2. 流域管理および生計改善にかかるエチオピア国政 を具体的に知ることができ、より機能する開発計画を 調査対象地域位置図 府実施機関および住民の能力が向上する。 策定する事を目指します。 Appendix B: Supplemental Data on Natural Environment Appendix B: Supplemental Data on Natural Environment Contents 1. Meteorology in the 64 Woredas................................................................................................................ B-1 1.1. Rainfall............................................................................................................................................. B-1 1.1.1. Summary of Mean Rainfall ...................................................................................................... B-1 1.1.2. Mean Monthly Rainfall at each Meteorological Station........................................................... B-2 1.2. Temperature...................................................................................................................................... B-4 1.2.1. Summary of Mean Temperature..............................................................................................