English Translation with Introduction, Notes and Commentary by JACOB IMMANUEL SCHOCHET Published and Copyright by KEHOTPUBLICATION SOCIETY 770 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11213 Copyright O 1998 by J. Immanuel Schochet Published by Kehot Publication Society 770 Eastern Parkway / Brooklyn, New York 11213 . (718) 774-4000 / FAX (718) 774-2718 e-mail:
[email protected] Orders Department: 291 Kingston Avenue / Brooklyn, New York 11213 (718) 778-0226 / FAX (718) 778-4148 All rights resewed, including the right to reproduce this bookor portions thereof, in any form, without prior permission, in writin& from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Tsava'at ha-%vash. English. The testament of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov and rules of upright conduct : consisting of instructions . heard from the holy mouth of. Israel Baal Shem Tov . : and to those were added rules of up- right conduct from the man of God . Dov Ber of the community of Mezhirech. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8266-0399-8 (hard : alk.paper) 1. Ba'al Shem Tov, ca 1700-1760-Will. 2. Wills, Ethical. 3. Hasidism. I. Ba'al Shem Tov, ca.1700-1760. 11. DovBaer, of Mezhirech, d. 1772. 111. Title. BJ1286.W6T7213 1998 296.3'C.c21 98-12351 CIP Printed in the United Sfatex !$America TESTAMENT OF RABBI ISRAEL BAAL SHEM TOV AND RULES OF UPRIGHT CONDUCT CONSISTING OF INSTRUCTIONS, RULES OF PROPER CONDUCT, GREAT AND WONDROUS COUNSELS FOR THE SERVICE OF THE CREATOR,RELATING TO TORAH, PRAYER AND OTHER TRAITS, HEARD FROM THE HOLY MOUTH OF THE MAN OF GOD, THE HOLY LIGHT, OUR MASTER RABBI ISRAEL BAAL SHEM TOV, HIS MEMORY B FOR A BLESSING, FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLDTO COME;AND TO THESE WERE ADDED RUIES OF UPRIGHT CONDUCT FROM THE MAN OF GOD, THE HOLYLIGHT, OUR MASTER RABBI DOVBER OF THE COMMUNI~OF MEZHIRECH [Text of the original title-page] Foreword ...................................................................................ix Introduction I The Literary Origin of Tzava'at Harivash .......................