SAT. OCT. 28Th Fall Special!

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SAT. OCT. 28Th Fall Special! FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1967 AYcrege Dafly Net Pre— Rui TTie Weather For H ie Week Knded • Fair, cold tonight. Low 30 to ^ October 21, 1M7 58. Tomorrow fair, continued children of Second Congrega­ The American Legion will all six used vetodes but they Keeney Parents Cool. High near 60. tional V Church w ill. collect for sponsor a Seafood Night tonight Cruisers Waiver only went for the two. UNICEF tomorrow. Their from 6:30 to 10:30 at the post In aiwarding a- contract to Meet Teachers re mom ba r Hie 1 5 ,4 6 9 Oonoordta Luttieran Church ^^(fiCEF collection cans will ad- home, for members and guests. Signed by Board Manchester Plymopth, '.he town - Mancheater— A City of Village Charm wHl have Ite regular services ^ p^rty ui Fellow- is turning down an $8,926 price An open house for paretds Sunday aA 9 and 10:30 a^n.The church at 7:30 The Couples Bowling Teams The Board o f Directors has for six Plymoutha, including six MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1967 (OIOMUled Advertiefaig on Page IIF PRICE SEVEN CENTS signed a waiver to purchase was held ht Keeney 8t. School WILLIAMS OIL VOL. LXXXVn, NO.^4 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTHON) ■V M a r aervloe will not be can- tomorrow. Games and re- of the Newcomer's Club will trade-ins, submitted on Oct. 16 six 1968 polios cruisers, Plym­ oeled, as was pubUshed In The fr^ghmente will be provided by meet tonight at 9 at Silver Lane to EUstwood Motors o f (Port­ Tuesday, during wdtlch piqtUs’ outh'Purys, frmn Manchester Herald Wednesday to a r e t t ^ members of the Junior Youth Alleys, East Hartford. land. Eastwood was one of sev­ work was displayed in the class­ WILLIAMS OIL Plymouth, Talcottville. <* **»• HefUrmation An- pgjj^^gj,jp the church. The eral Hartford-area bidders in a rooms and teachers ouUinsd The wavier was necessary cooperative venture, joined niversary at the BushneU Me- gt 8:30. plans tot the year. WILLIAMS OIL mortal, Sunday at 11 a.m. ____ because an agreement has been by Manchester, East Hart­ Police Arrests reached with Manchester Plym­ ford, Wethersfield, Oladbonbury, The attendance trophy was Tick, Tock— Set the Qoek Frank J. Mansfield Marine outh by negoitiation, and not by won by Alfred Fredette’s 8th . for the best In oil service! Manchester Chapter of <^ypa League Auxiliary will Bloomfield, Ehifleld and New­ North Says Five U.S. Planes legally Advertised bids. grade. By Sol R. Cohen SPElBSQSA will meet and re- have a Food Sale tom ohow at ington. David Wayne Arsenault, 16, The TaloottviUe dealer’s Teachers were introduced by hearse Monday at 8 p.m .at jq g g t Grand-Way at the Although the Manchester Mo­ Bid Peace, of 23 Ward St., Rockville, and price is $9,200 net for the six tors price is $274 more than PrlnclFul Edward Timbrell at Rmember now, when you hit the ^ack, Bunoe Center on Olcott St. The Manchester Shopping Parkade. cruisers and includes the trade- event Is open to all men Inter^ ____ Gary H. Ward, 18, of 32 Emily that of Eastwood, the town will the business session preceding Tb turn your clocks one hour back. in o f six used police cars. ested in barbershop-style sing­ Dr., Vernon, were charged to­ receive $440 more in equipment. the classroom visitations. Read Herald Advertisements End Synod The Newcomer’s Club of the A contract will not be aiwaird- You’ll sleep that hour you lost in the spring. ing. Manchester YWCA will have a day with taking! a motor ve­ ed, however, until the disposi­ VA'nCAN CITY (AP) — The You’ll wake to hear the church bells ring. Downed, Some Pilots Halloween Masquerade Dance hicle without the owner’s per­ tion of two used 1967 cruisers Manchester Community Play­ Roman Catholic biahopa aynod tomorrow at Willie’s Steak mission. is determined. Town Manager ers will have a costume Hallo­ House. Don Colby’s Orchestra Robert Weiss has the approval clOaed today with an appeal to That extra hour you gain in the mom. ITie car involved Is owned by ween party tomorrow at 8:30 will play for dancing from 9 of the board to retain two of You’ll lose at dusk, when the day is worn. Charles Moller of 168 S. Main the world’i^'’!WaJor powera for p.m. at the home of Mr. and p.m. to 1 a.m. The event is open the used cars for town use, and St, who parked it on Hartford peace and a recommendation to SAIGON (AP)—Ameri­ Mrs. Robert Munson, 1 Riga to members and guests. Tickets Manchester Plymouth’s $9,200 Daylight Saving is gone for the year. Rd. and later discovered it miss­ Pope Paul VI to further eaae the can warplanes evidently Lane, Bolton. "The Wildcats,” will be sold at the door. price will have to be adiurted. How many will—how many won’t—shed that tear? ing. hit the Hanoi area today a five-piece combo, will play Whichever town departments church’a nilea on mixed mar­ Arsenault and Ward wei’e for the fifth straifirht day. for dancing. A midnight buffet The Ladles Guild of the acquire the two used cars will riage. But, for what it’s worth, r m«hber Jack, stopped in the car at about 4:12 6 A North Vietnamese will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Church of the Assiimption will have to transfer their value in In Ita peace appeal, the aynod To turn your clock one hour back. Howard Becker are hosp^ Monday at 8:18 p.m. in a.m. on Parker St. north of Ly- funds to the Police Department called on the world’a moat pow­ broadcast said five planes dall St. chairmen, assisted by Mrs. Mun Assumption School Library. budget. erful nationa to “ apread juatlce were shot down over the son. Three drivers were charged Weiss had asked the di­ and love ao that peace may city and some of the pilots Navy Hospltalman Timothy J. yesterday with failure to obey rectors for approval to retain flouriah among men.” were captured. Badger, son of Mr. and Mrs. a stop sign. They are Michael In a move to foster a apirit of In the ground war, the U.S. 2 Pillard, 18, o f 116 Waddell Rd.; peace and unity among Chris­ Frederick W. Badger of 63 Ger­ Rival Plans Split Command announced U.S. Richard Bisson, 32, of East tiana, the synod came out In a 2 ard St., recently grraduated RUBBER MASKS troops killed 181 Communist sol­ Hartford, and Michael Dekon- from 14-week basic training at AND DISGUISE KITS favor of lifting the rule requir­ diers in a series of clashes Fri­ iospital’I ^ ip s School, Great ardis of New Canaan. I ing non-Cathollca in marriages day south of Da Nang. Buckingham All o f those chaig’ed yester­ FOR HALLOWEEN with Catholics to make a formal keS,: Coupon TTiere was no ifnmedtate Congregational day are scheduled to appear in Committee at UN promise to rear the children in American report on the day’s Church Member of Cub Pack 161 of Circuit Court, Manchester, Nov. ARTHUR DRUG the Catholic church. UNITED NA’nONS, N.Y. a formula, but Canada and Den­ air operations over the North. GMastnnbury, Conn. Verplanck School are having a 13. The peace appeal was direct­ (AP) — The Security Council la mark came In Friday night with Intense raids on the Hanoi- . ed mainly at the United States a rival plan. candy sale, starting today and split over rival plans for send­ Halph<mg sector Friday raised SAT., NOV. 4.1967 continuing through Sunday. and the Soviet Union. The six-nation draft outlined - the week’s plane toll so far in 7 ing a U.N. representative to the several basic principles lor a 2 Sittings—6:30 & 0:30 Boys will be selling candy door- Though the two were not men­ North Vietnam to 14 U.S. Jets’ tioned by name in a declaration Middle East to try to open the settlement, Including that Israel Donation Adults: gl.OO to-door, throughout Manchester. Happy Halloween, Kathy, From All O f Us! HOUSE shot down and 27 enemy MIGs should withdraw from those Pioceeds will benefit pack acti­ issued by the 200-member syn- way to a lasting Arab-Israell d<Mtroyed or damaged. Children under 12 yrs.: 81.00 ORCHARD FRESH: Maos, Cortlands, Baldwins, Red De­ parts of Egypt, Jordan and Syr­ vities. od, the bishops made It clear p|eace settlement. Informed Reported American casualties licious, McGowan, Bose Pears, Sheldon Pfiars, Crabapples, ia It occupied In the June war For reservations call who was meant, sources said a drafting team of in the ground fighting near Tam Pumpkins, Gourds, Indian Corn and Fresh Cold dder. and that the Arab states should Mrs. Stegeman—643-1236 Members of the Manchester GARDEN FRESH: Belgium Endive, Peas, Spinach, Beet appeal that “ the most powerful six nonpermanent council mem­ Ky and Hoi An, two provincial abandon their l8-year-old state Junior Women’s Club are re­ Greens, White Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Green, Yellow nations are also those most re­ bers had agreed in principle on capitals south of Da Nang, to­ Menu: Turitey, Gravy, StuN- Squash, Cauliflower, Red, Green P^jpers, Leeks, Shalots, of belligerency toward Israel. Ing, Mashed Potato, Turtup, minded to make Fashion Show sponsible for peace.” taled 19 dead and 75 wounded.
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