

' Lrw AND WORKOF KARL MABX...... 3 By Max B~AM



RIUTIOU ap T~mnvro PRA~~. . . . 29 By SAMDON

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PuMishcd by Wonasw MY PUB~HERS, P. 0.30~148, Sm., D, New York City, March, 1933. -1833-1933 LIFE AND WORK OF KARL MARX By MAX BHDACHT

March 14, the revoiutipnary of the wdd mmmemam~ the Ftftietb Auni- of the dca& of Karl Marx. It was &t ri6c work ofKarlMatn toun#wet for themassesof nplaideheMnditirm of their dpariwand to pmiciptt in hit mqgh M& I ditshiswaicwrmtdymthe&ilYstruggkoftbe~& dutiag the last 50 yeam; it sdit espdly in the grtrt Rdau revohtian. Under tht Icadtrship of Lain tfte massa of tht cqrW in Rdmarched vic&oualy along & of bkxb, thou& rwolution to victory. Those sdcntifie & thprohiad apologis~for capitalib, thost pokriul tnitnrs to the EQIl who have in the ptand ate seill now aping to +or d Man, must either dcrse their eyts to, or mue, this gipk hisrorie monument to the wrr~essof Marxiem, the Union of So& Sdab Repddb. The two1utionaiy qualities of Ma& science am adt~ aa dybythefactthis~has~ritbini~Mallthth~farL own Mer deveiopmmtr bur thar its very eiwm is d ftlrthtt &vtIapmmt. It is not a dogma. It is tht 4 +na dyof an epoch but of smicty. That is why the Ltninist of Madm are an in+ part and a legitimak jd~af MMurion I ~itself,pduccdbythe~MorxianhMcuwand~ kid -, in its effm to prove thar its trdmh art still "Stcialist", maink rhat in order to be Mlanina one muse dq Marxism now, in the epoch of 20th century capidism Aeewding 00 tkir theories Madun iwelf presupposes the ddopment of a aew #oad scimce ttDder nm cditiom. UMthcy tdl ttmc wotkm that "the picture Mm d mo gmdmaga of tfse sodPf andeumomiccanditiwsofhktimCmmotbetraasf~~o~sociPl and emmink conditiw of our days". (BtaunM Die Wirtxhaf t de~ Gegmwmt und ihre Gcsetze). This cor~tcntiaais in itself a: of Marxism b4ca~M~*sciaceis- merdy the @of capidism, but also the methods of his anal*, and rhc dd' j cdwions from it. Mad nddare dll appWk; to be today they must bt applied to a ~~~ much Mcr devetopad Md -kttwfibegl~bd~~f thehaaadwerdll I ~oaatt;d~oasmuut~ahiftnin&~~~ Mofxltime;k~nOt~~t'utf~~* ~rli~abtkvery~0fKPri~byrodJ ~~It~an&~~of~deoth,dropa~ eridcplflowtran~ W@d a maumers among the db *dM.n,Ji.tdweo~twxlgnith#t€m hQfMamb. The wwnt 'me of Marxian DhrawoIoav bv the %mid Intctna- tidhbe ~th&ruse of &" ph&-to'm up tbeir~ ~befaretIie~~dyEolrtinnthtii hridoppod- eioa #r the dudrmary m&np of Msrx. ~l~Marrw;rabornhTrc~RhcnishP~on~ 9,1814. Hh fwber, Hdntieh Mars wes a ewnstIor-atIsw. H&rkh Msir'~~hP~tChdi1824wesmorta~ob his Paaadpseioa from digh than of a change of religion. At ~np 4 r*atItdM.n~amezburdcndbyhisfath#withany~ b.He d an =dent education. At dx age of 16 bc wps prrparad to enter a tmhcdy. At hthe studied law at Ekrm It was his fathefs wiph that k should fohhis f-. At1a-d ~d&~&r~uni-i~o~a Y dia 4optPintahgaoourseialaw,trtextmdtdbiu ~~~yintotbedmabf~.An ~dfor~know~~himoain~~~ 3dmheenrttadtht%ulinU~heb#amt~boJerrmy Voa Watpbh Habride was the dadof a hi& PMui.n &d, Lwlwig vorr Wegtphah, aad the sster of Fedhad WW- *nboaftertherrvolurionOf1Wbccomt~0f~~rt- ~*trrsofoaeofrcsmonaryPruasis'sm~~ +. Karl adJenny did not get d d Jutm @43* Iu Apd, 1841, Marx was madc a doctor of &me by thaUtddity - ofJum M~~hebadbamcmbcrofa~d~ in~thc*~Idub".ThweMamwata~hmtfrt mgatedeeofH~~Thedial&~ofdhhg intaodd~&man~yby~gd~~hthisClub, ddwdopad ntgaIhimscLfhadl%en,arrdb ie*&md drrb,rrnteiddh Butitww~rbot432C-m ~byHepIffOmaDdmtGtaek~y~opopddl~llfitad 1 ipdbaseandthea~Iybccrant~~ofrdu~

I lhiq his -kt in Jle army in krh, 1841.42 Friedrich Engeb, -tkHfshgfrimdand~mhofMarx,&becameatddw I thoreid. %f&mbbipofMprralnl~bQIYEVt5b~ Pa& 184344. beface Bis risrI%3 folh?b Tkqidadqmtof1VIPmd~~m tt#anebatsd,d~~rePecionin.tht~sf~dppr, d&ivdy~tbdmrfwMarrtoa~cryetr.InOcopber,

kignbgfrom thtpapcr 14Marxon aphpsiealaadiq jwmcpwhKhldedhhinLondmaadComm~ Fibhew otsc yeat in Paris where he came in close contact with tk b.o;f FdSocialism. TherehehaddmstudVit~Mhprrd There, roo, he and Engels rocogniged bur common d pliw mnqtims. EbrpeUea by the gwcmm;cllt from rhe territory of F& Mit~ mwadto~~tfae~texiletbe~~ b&tw. BotbMamdEn&wbohadjainadM~ntin&rrbsL%, ruahdbdooGtmany. Bothbegmc~1ydveintfia~ tion. Tfuough the efforts of Man the New Rkinisrk -8 rPtlh established in KaIn, with Marw as editor. This pap#: dl fmdartsd ~a~uamplcofad~~.TheGcrmaad tion of 1848 was a -is rwohb. Mant dfrom tht otthbhiatorkdty. Heagimtcd,~dkdrha.lu~ dmp widi a Piew of dtiving tk rcPdudam onwqt. did d,? ~~~indtidsllppartofdh~~ ruthtM~did~Rusiam1917,aadasthcaotiPI~ did $ -y in 1918. fi attitude towards the k~&,dd ~-~dearlVi~~rhathis~l~not~~~ ~+liqbutthatontbe~aftbisrtpubLw~~~. would dydy begin. SoeiaI d- dy,fak and '*- of tI,e~Madr~+d+ItdacPd~~~-~ livin%,thcwaYit~Karl~tdElosa~~ &mew&, Qppithoo~b~-rad-goMN& @. 5 Afasthc~ofdm~Marxms~tdfrolh Gtrmany. He dao Paris. But the hgwb +tic, the pro- dart of the 184 motutipn, wm na mom mlcnnt with bim than had b#n tk prmhof tht I82 redudm, the Orldmonarchy, a fm geacsh Mam~tolea~ePtanceatrdhd~smledin~ ~femiIphaii,intht~,grawnbythrse,tawdaughats,Jan7 andl;aura,anda wa, Edgar.

~Zticsrag,hhadFaeogtlimmdththolkoftl,eir~.He &tW proMcms were not merely +h of phbophy but oP- Hemrr#erda~ofscif~dticharrdscIf~thw &is mt.ht *kbP pried of ir!- study, espdly of sdonomic W.dwh~ th Tung Hegdians had left off. After d Brmo b in their snalyaes of the life of Christ . #dm Imd dd&d dexlY that CheLtianity *mt -&dits&hhin& hi d& ~~htprdflttsUth+-

I od tk&&at hacoinod the epi- -p&-&h.*+tbawP. ~~t6~che6aaf~fbfah.nrrnssrdec- timsoftbrtmtarym~~mcquin~sd~~soaJ~ tbt~wtbat*~phgs~call~escapt~~;** try'to emp Into a '+idHhappincar. The ductd id is+. F&tqdmtdal~,dMan;*this 3 -Id inm a tKtter om;remove tbe need of fioting ftwn s &hI &ty into a "spiritualy', imaginary or hoped-for happind dgimwillkiobaee. Wbikithtsitisnotonlythe~of misery, but one of thc awa of im con-. ReGgim, the fli& fram miserable dtyto hapW hagkitha, help to maiqraitl the misery ptodwing dtiw. Thcrcfote rtIigiQn die ding h.~iathe~umwithwbichthenrlingcsastSdopertre~ into vofrmtary submidon DO uplai~atian. Thosethatfcacewirhtc wiehout*gthtaodnI* th.tptWruceitareeitkr Fyph,orrhyareDcnaw fighingwidmilb. Ana~ofthiskindmaybea~tasrraction- aq;bplrnOd~uti&~8tlbCa~. In hja &ation of the p&mphV of Fcuerbach, anofbe of tbk 6 ~omg'H+, Mu. formdated tk principle that *u his tb~dbislife,inrhcsnrdvroomaswell~~~~d~ ah"Tbe pM+s kconly hplctcd the nwld difjemstls

ad he object of the thgk Thh d in a ddbh tittory and practice. ThuP tbty came to the dwian t&t the maatrial world infIucnces da ccdusbn bbat thought, maa,dm-3bd- mlce3'tharntrrtl worId sd~,~mPoerrPIism. . cgenotooelreamt~ coatard~abfeaodai~~Xtfduft Dia~~ontbt&baad,~~ostbt+ as weU as the creator of hia surroundings. % dhktk g~* h & revolutioaist,ktthcmanwbottie#toundtradQ~to* and nor merely io order to how. Manssid: Th mwdab mcb ing tbat mm arepwductsof cdi~aad~t&dif5azmt PDOPIC,~~a~~ofdiff~~~difkat sd~f02~tbntEondi~urEharrgodbpq~sn,d~the educator^, tm, muse be &tadm TI& nrl%pr mateAb dividm ~intompm,oneofwhichd~tw&eWbtr;itis~tb mmmhmof. . mpib Ittxphsovhy~arcdasseqbatitdw nor~~tftthtmd,aordoeait provide rhe rndmh, to^^ The study of #cwormics, IS well as the & af hr&s %alismiaFrw@Maddcthh. 'Ib~u are tht fnric of Mad dialeetie 1110- mddof dyais. % are thedt of anqphdonof tbe &of dlifetr~bw and tn an dy& Of tht b of tiis dallife M. That, the cdwiom dkLTfint, mb khmhnw as tffeqh and as reduti-w daysa it was whm &st &id Bp Marx bind* Thf~~~ot~ofhie~wrn~~ MPrriaacrid~i~m~f~ofthe~obFrrmeh~~ Sodolism,PierrrP~oudhon. Theimkappdintbeammccnf 1847, under &e tide, The Mky 4 Phihpby. It w hia rfrc . Fdfaypqt. In&ld~dialectiema~is~op:tfss iddbtitma~ofhoodhoaTbsnb&camwq?wmaf w+t myore didd into thsir -.b.g s&n&~~aaaIysis. The uoopintldd~hr&t~ bwdomproduet.iao,trc,.rrbpua#d a mieffp, p~grb'&, I wayasempy~~,tkclasssstmgglcispakbbcit I pkThe exploitatim of the woJ:crs by the cs1phh in provan; the pod.l~ofEnaitPftamiswrtlinedosome~dy~ &&*ofthem;ncrPRhthPttbtdhoftht' ~dthe~isthedmiitiaaofd~nndrhatfar obir~tiandlmtif~~tkwilldmustbc~~~ dclaas~Jarrs,~~ina~~~oIudon. Pmbwas against polid aaion, In mwew m this Matz, for rhe httime, dmh@ his &my of the -tc. He pintmi out that tbe struggle of tht w& must bt a poIitieal smggle beepme w#iricd power u the exprersiotn of class cmtagonimrs within 1 buurgcoir swktf'. Thc mte power whether lodged in derrurcracg or amOllltrChy,b&tbtmaiofofe~~iahatf~l&~!~ tht wo&ma Tht wabmust wrest this d from tbe bouwic I

dllrions from bis &&a of the & stmggk and tbe &mmx of thestate~folIow~T~tbe~mceofthtelnsscsisdtpendmt * definite hisaorie of Mopalt of producrion, scdaad, tht ckrr itrug& ~ustncccssariiy kd to the dictdship of tk pm kt&, ditd this bdpitself is the bndge trr tk Mrion of a all h and to Jle dkentof a chub eodetp.'' ~ane&h~wfriebbatthesamrtimtthefirsr&~ p~~itiw~mtionofMamh,di~~~affdcbsOrial~ d~qrwtc~im~~Wntifrhtrr (dcheaboli. tirrn d h),onrbt rn of muy rcbuilditlgof adtty, dw Irc#wd of sei- will be: 'Smuggle or dcath, bIdy war or tha problem ia inexorably k&d&us!" h1847,rhe mastim~dbest*dof~~ wasi pubbkd-Tht communist Mmiftrto. It wa4 *in KBnlf aadamthe~amof&~tionofCdmmrmisrsin]tcolQa It was &awn up '&tly by Mam and Eqgcls. It is r msmpbm of r revdukaty Letlheddi.irr-bu~d direetIngdlt~dhgtnim~rewlu~ryd~.m d~tlltae&tk&dzatrntn&~owm~butthcy donotmakeit justaa thy* Thepba~emWOrftuptfPCdl" cumstanas&yfimd,aad&eyhPPetoWanma~handddowa wrhcm. Httc,wwlbct.s,~trdtt~~~btht~ yoobave#rdeatwi&mwgodmafrtywuownhiseory,fasbioa your om-Id. In lmdcrtaldng thh d pp have dhgto lase butpwrrklina.butpouhaveaf~~~IdtogPin. The ringing sip& of The Cmmunist Mrmifesto fqh, hew -b#naspurtoth~&~&tnthGirstr~~&,aðe&a ofdleheathavebstatheirgdidek In 2859 Mad Critique of Pditicd Economy waa pubbald It was aforcmmwof himmainworj;CqStd. Xnthb~~1~e#ronmy ~rpadnubjtctadooaaeaKbingcriddsm.Mamhwthat&aeeumuIa- ttoaofcapitalandwd&whieh~~t~asaiktotht ddt and inreIlip of tbt iadividual capitah, is i mlity-tk prodm of erploiting tht w&tm It b nmu+d uut bf mpdd labor. Tht IRWJ3Cf s& hb loboP power; his wap are the ptk far it. ~~it&el!dt,~~~thc~Of~of~ power. The wet of pioductioa is the mst of the main- and rcpra- ducrionofthtezrricrof tbPtlabOipwer,oftheworker. This- ~intwurao~~,~~r*Io~ruthsntkhwuaof lalm tht capi~lim out of the worker ahha bup hb lnbaa power. The differace ia unpaid Irrboa, is surplus vh. This Mpoid labwieappearrraa profit inthe *of thoppi~ s&8fKItn&6prwrfof ~ketm'txp~~tbe@dh$ Capiral then to analyze all of the mccbmia of ~llpitdbmIt Bh~hoWprofltbthC~~~pIeof*;that-, &hws,~arC~tapp~fit.Butitalaopmestfrat this system baa widin itdf the source of irr mohharf desborctioa. ObjdveIy the fmcw spring from the pmp-emh hdili~of +td ismtoswvtd~. 'Wt pdam of unpaid labor acumuiacc into ever ntw eppid, hanew mnchiaerg of arploitath; it aba -dates as product in a plank prod&. This twplw dudby the wd~ inan effort to& it aL~in~,~omwrbackat bimb the foam of wer- paod~and~~~shimofhiEliring.Thia~~ thtIi.ingiarcrtstob&~stldrheptofith~~of~~ ~toerrwshprperstrugpllej,~~Thedembcirnt thdreoeialp..bIunsarcpoliiieof~h. Theyltarn~to&e . the +lmS thep Med pditieaf pwer* Thy figbe for ehie pol'ltiEat pomr w the point of a revdutiollPry Pieoocp. TIxn the wkm vrill - ~thdrs~~drilloxrhd.pnrrrmli~ttdlcLur~t mr@&g pPod~from the base of private profit to hut of 4 lduh3s. The fitet volume of C&d ws p.bW in 1867, It remairwd I tht dyvoh ubIisbed during the lifetime of Marx. Volumcs ll[ and mnrrpublu&dbgI(llsL.hrhdrnthof~.Thefautb voI- was printsd .an& tht tirlt T- Abw Srr'phrr Vdw. TbfoltahvolumeofCapitalmnphinitatlf fourvolunm. Sepbambcr 1864, Marx pa-ted m the mmhg in St. Math's Hall in London which gave birth to the hemdoad Work- mea*sAsdatk,tbePirseIn~Mamaocm~itstead#. d~~t.Hetct&ntdiu&~tionuntiltht~t of the internahad labor mwaatnt idhad autipped d& kt in~~of&&gckanditmppioffthe staaofhisoPcgiE873. siuathm&FlIntemnticgofhfarmda~~heh,t6c c*cattorofbprtdZ~tCDdCtHthe~fm&tmawi~of ~+~fcam~~6mmrmiafn~~ The heroic of the Paris proktia 1871, the Paris &n- mune, found in Mam its in&tipMe adpisor ud defmder. In hb CridSm of tht Commtmc, Marx pve the most: psk formufa- riansoftben~of&PmItrariPtlsmggle. LhiskwttroP5t~- man of Apd 12, 1871 Mam pointad out that the pde&kt of the Commune wodd outoftwo~~~tfxeCorrrmrnse and in time stprr chit war, -6 the nvoiutionntg Central Cwnmime was. trozdErmdric6~ dem~~istic~md*tedtoan~~~tltbtfare it hrd aeeompW its molutionary task. (The rdutimary &vitta iaRtmiadidmtmalrerhemiswke. LU#LPdQfaMbthgt~the dmtdlY, they made that dlysSdiuPe to the Sovh. &x' chPractcrizztion of the Paris hunt in this Iater to Kugchmn is an histo&dY aatidpadng &tiion of b social bnmnq of day. Said Marx: "X%t vth& iaParis-wa thwghitmaywccumb tutbedw,rheswint,aadrhe cammptibk hodof eristhg dcq-k tht mmt glorious eked of 0rrrPartysincethtJuneinsumcticm. ~omparewirhthwe~of heaven in Parig th dnw of heam of the Pru&n&rmnn holy =rmuiderrdth~thr-~Vt~of M.nLrn. Instate 8nd Rdwrim trotin pilkd tht mugade E;ou* d 4 htiamary Marim. The immeof Mad dich of & Camrmmeinthir~wasadtsby b'l#tcr m KugdX- dddbt put up to bavt it eo~tanelyWOE bis tp. 1s cd

- If - ~tbiner,~~kCpttob.ia~~.They* ~oftheh~~atni~cormaddipwittk& J-y. h waa a ktgum of the family, & d~rndn0moneyepench~~themburied~thm;hm alqand ~Q+IHC Kad and Jmny were with mind d body ia the ~fortk~tiomofthedown~.ODtytheonejfisb, d~~~d~frictldehipofFri&~madethclifcdofMacs~ Izbnertto~lemviewthelifed~~rkof&l ~withoueatthcmmetime~thtlifeanddd Pda&gels. However, the hits and purposes of tb Prdclc kadthe impdle. Bicginning with I852 and far mne ttn yms Maa WM hqau mtmpdmt far the New Yo& Tk.fi pay, a b1yfew doka r ide, repeunted an tlprtanr part of Mar*' iacDma ~brilliantaaalpsEBad~~ondmpolitie$~mof Cmmwmin~d&thtgr*atce~&-+ liwrdk. Ar the age of 65, on March 14, 1883, one year after tk dtath of his wifq and FWO mantba after the duth of his most Moved daughter Jtany,hefrlldeepinhiseapgchair,aevertowakeagain. WardaspolctnathiagravtbyMan'lif&gfdcnd,Bagofs,we qmu kre as the best appreciation of the life d work of Marr. Hn&& nWhu the hghk ud Amuian bht.ad what hbmk ACEhu lm in rhu man t hmLuunblb. hmonolrnh d* lar rbkb *u r~intlndptbdrhi.~wiUbshit.... '~wu6mtof3tnnycdwionbt. Hirrulmimh?nUhwnnli.purkE pa~inm.iamqahiarh.o*srrbmrdopitJbl~addQ~' ~o..Pcdbrit,to~~iurb.fmi~dtbr~polct.rut tswhmbabrdhntsivtnrb.~ntmdtbt&shddr&h~ thr~dtb~hth~drhk~S-rrrbir tltnwn~ hdhe fdtwith m r~~ md with r -nu d n dr hw o~utamusm.. ' . "~dLd&mmdhlMsd.addtlnnttomrdPndYtbny~ rho lid irmr % Sibm'm miacr - E- 4 m fe-y C.U. ?wdu... "~irdILi*a~~crm?ar*r;mdrorlllbbmWk" COMMUNISTS ONLY ADHHRENTS OF THACHINGS OF MARX By SAM DON

March 14 marks the Fiftieth Anni- of & dtath of KarI Marx. The kId+idt & of @dim, the md of dative capids dik* the gropp.ing malutimary cdmam- ple, as never &fore, tht tea&tga of hiam The rnaKhof~intheWet Unianisthtgmatdhtkin praEdaeofthett8~of~snd~aa~~~- On the ooeasirm of tbt Fiftieth Ambmq of Mad bd~,we musepop~dapplVthetdhpobMarxt~thc~tldcs as~opdbyLuniuaa8StaIih To~Manhm#nrat the same time to refute the theories of the bo+ a dyhtthtgcneral&~ofea~htthegmwhga~p of emaamicthooricsht arcptfarwatdinadcaperPtetEaa~ocr- plain away tht present ahh and to hold aut hopes fot a returtl of ~eshould~1~-~h~~~oftk~ &at Party to %&m''Mam ad tbtvahmhiahwbrt. tmpcm~~phiI+and~with~- L&iEim Moreover, the grcrwing hhu of Eapitahn tcPealr tke bankrnpteg of im ap~logimZ waanim. AD invohtarg ca&- imof&baaluupPeybtbeUarationmhCIcoelnndTwCcat. pan9 Bulletin: "It h QM dut bite an -um -t ct .mdf d nd rsor*tdr to dw mbhm m ionm prrid d IN^, n do ua dFulp Laar wba cllrr thrpgrutmd im*rlulywadpiod~dbdbiututlntw~~'' Theeel.iwtwaeoompw th!mLof=*='awqrdee piduofhdbwinw~thatwemm Iriadmikveh Prof- Enat& dbtlared, a time art are cicb in gdsandmmnsof~aanoprsPiws~btfwtaq~ great pert of humanity sufFers mme want. PraduetiDa d - sum*falttrsman~~aadhiapuMBEh sdcuh~dasnep#befote.Itis#ifrhccimJator3rsys&m of th whdt ~off~k0rga~b WtYt thgbfddy a. phh ask: 'Why should not our ciPiliaatiotl collapse through innu byia a manam simikr to that of tk W Empire?* An admb shttf ba&qxq fmm & world's ItPding &eatia! ~isaaaiaIbe ooilers. Tht wohrre ~waakqu~ nature. Tbc +dng eff- ob du crirris, the o&nsivc, the cloudsofwar,ddmgrowine~ofthe&brin% v thegrpeseiaa: WhyeoPltiapeasociafordtrrhar~tes~t Pad-? Whatsaps~bttalccnwooeichiowda~? f~isna~~ore,tkdwintatstiMarxhispwingattd, thathqe~ofdersereanrioustorerdaadmdyMa&~- a wridqp. whweh~~onrhcof~~ftom' teadiag lda~that afoar long pmo P" study tbey cpnnot anma why 1 pvah~~s~wt#nI&adingsdmtIsts~fbdthdin~,. . ~&reeprtofdlt)ioww~ans&tchanpttEm, oaroming~~oludaa,icismdrhatehc~will~ Pil~OfthtOritS~t~truttdw rpm die rdegwa of de ct.isia It 'd drhooPitsUtOmthegroar- i.ety critical Pteiardc towardu the *&t from hlqiag, of EO~ex- - m Thltswtate~~~8tadtoa'Technocracy"fpd1t:brruetbatanhn- aadiPte & stimulus fw this "theory" has been the pwhg UDQD~~O~Wand tht cmsqmnt disgrundfmumt mlnug thc d- ~md~.ButTaehnocraegasarhearydahe~- &of &theoryhaaanimputp4sttheMindin~ofi#gem~of the diswt+d md quesrioniAg ppd~tionto the red cawcs of tbe rriris and c+talist cxprWtdb. ThisbJlemtaniagofthtwholemfanglcdTsehnoeepcpead its~~PbW#~rhepcicts~Wtoc. Wbn is tk crvr of the ax e?Mmypmqp~ gaveusthem. 1t~hepw"tyoftAt~~whkhc~srriscs. OurT~disctrsP~asmmpItdy~~frpglpeOdltO to bring the d agaiast eaplrPtw wouId bmgtb~dogoinsc~c~loi~id~*-dm dn~%feaersv~~fiaarblgDStlkv,b r-+of~p$ue. Xtistht'im~~dtb madlintmi *~~is$c~#frhe*drwt t€M crt&t =of pmdmiolqmtbcrd*mecof mlclgldimg k

Wehaveqreoeedatwf-rheUhb-&thae mt bc found no betau mphation for ttae remom of the prestnr 1~1'crLbtb.ninthwd+ofMuqBngcb.Ild~

u*btdk'~wth.tm-borIdlrtasad.ood d h K&JJ Tho mn po. many M k tIw wald, to. mumy wlraar~mprbmkb~md~ma.forhpiDlu~md~ lo k Mdgd h by lip* mtn H = d.g.lt Andirhemmof rk+kmamCditOfDfrhir~ &tion, we have tht faking gun: .- '11 it ~mrdb -trd to p.y tbu tho ht lsrrionr murt - 9o bdd raoaph to WMW so rs.d dm, a If brrsn ia Ohb*lr." Astht&~abautagrowin%inhrcst give them a few-emrpa, and poiswr tvcn these with My thCBt %hrcd" bOu1~gendtmclt At lmt let the thw&o~~t~~tdOciphtr*me, keepaway framMam! LesiahadafmMcrmtidea&~rthe&~oft6e&~ d M~Rad Of mune,oncunaamdIightly the& of thtse $eniusca o the proIaaria5 but no &r cIass, bccme of Be C&SS rtalwe of Mdrurifingr, is ao capable of rmderstding k as iathwakhgelada The old Bolukik ShPpwafoP relam a very interesting story in his b& On tlk Rod to Mamim~He tells of a conversatiun kwta LakaudM~~gue~The gistof ehisstoryb: WhentenintoldLa- ~tHatrhtiewaeasyetnoprtimInR~in --ht &ak 'Thm what do you do ia "Risht at rhr wry mt 4 the motcmnt nu Bwh wakm mnr right m thc mure, that ia. to Cupid, ad dur L dl?am d du rruaau fa t& xol@ioml pl- d Mu- rmmg w, Wacmrid.nd it I* tk ke~wrtadr Mux h~Lml*md h.1Fpm iamvapmg? an thc mdan of the Wftiab Auuivemq of the &a& of worketa will & the ad* not of tht & banan, ut that of the Ma& of all, Comrade Ltnin.

&+d Mmrp Fdfor Ma- have at the prerent he'trekwed'' Marx. why thia aammault? l*he vi8ible &dine of qk&& rtsc i~~+.ft6.-keni.bg~~tb.trhr& Cialiet Puty &king to bt a w&' parry, in & to tctain ib in- h-&tcna the &kers, is exemhi this left mptleum in drdping "ddfia -M& b. jl .hio tb*'-h~n r tbr ax- P- m ies atteaapt to *aeecptH Manbsm. , manaver of thg !bad Sociafist InternatidAsyrr*ngt-+e is fdorpiag of fam. '.+The C;etman &id--& Patty announced that at its I;-veatian a0 March 12,1933, nane abe. dun EliIfdng dmake la pud rrpott to dth convmtian on %I&and ow Pm-Day c rProblemrs." Who is this Herr ~~? He bsts thc honor of ha* ~~thewyofw"w+mpi&m,"atbewywfrichiccemed Y~de~~ in th. d. of pmpity: rhnt c~pirnlhmhr .o *ell <:manad production rndriitr system tbt tbc crisa of -pi. trJiam, wi& wentunemployment, shutting down of fmoik, wc, ,.&as been heaway with. h I927 this aKh-apbgmt for Capadkn .'da reprt to & cwof the GrrmYr Sd-totic Patty.

of fm camptition to OC+ cspih Tbbto ,,atase~coasdws&Pnd~inceotlomicUfe.n bin 1933 he will apc;plt abut and our pmemday pA InlPUthe*MamW~~ofneMsciwsarderd I~pincopi~n;~wc\rrchc~asN~~ did& derday, spak abauuthe rapid brenladwPn of apidhn v&ua -&om of the oldtimc,&AmericanMadw arebtingrevivdnwin r"cdrivtwreclnim~wxaspartofthc~e~t mantuvers of the Amctican lwcial fascists. A new ma#u ddI Orrr Ammi& has made ita appearance. It b &inhated *Iy by the Musteidt mmt dsngcrous of the sodat-fd. The map zinc, let it here be admitt+, redm thc cdhraion of cedn el* meats that have m other & eomt idwith avow& of Communist sympaJrie9. In this fitst issue of Our Adath#c is an article by Lwis Boudin, "A MkLoob at Am&!' To *get his coPlocpdoa of Ma&m, please read rhese words "For Mmxm, it must alwoya bt is not a t& of Sdh,ht a theory of *dltmtma (Ha emphsk) Why this dsdaratirm that Marxism is not a hryof S&? Thwe *Morristrp w&n have s&y awakened from their Rip Vnn Winkle d+ arc brave indeed now, in this pd. of. d&, to to. &re &at qhhmis breaking dmun, But aa for thartheV donote. Thewoplrers,howevtr,wanttoBnwvAolvto~~- taIksm aad how to build a classla hkliit ad-. As to the pra- lttaripn revohtion, as to the dictadnp of thc pdttariatr dmt k nor forrndiatheirMbtheory? T%e@oaof&prodecarienrwe luti~~andthebrdfdia~ofa~W~~~~pplolcefot the new theoretidans of Mamiam A Ma& withour prokb revolution, without the hdpof the phmia4 wiehouP the mchgsof Mar*, En& aadhhotl the r& of tbe Statbamat con~tand~fulW&~forthtrulbrgclass! ItisttaCvuy erwence of the "left" thswin of ~-f~! Akthou&Mr.~~hbdtItd~toatdN~mran Thoma% from ttaemf&"hisMdbinpf#raeooedwiththoto~ T)tomPs, whq in h&- M,A&ds Wsy Out, says: -Nw, Uun th hnmd %him d b fouad ia tbt martlLt -& af bts- a -it &h.it gun mc. m dd princtpk for tn&mding pat hismy md a lrrr dm oj jfedidi~Ik to ~xpllin lm - DD fatwe, It e&ks nun Im km wht hen -11 *hlX will b. in thr tu~.'' (Our tmph.rb.J

Htrc Boudia and baaare in ~EETagremmt. Yes, bbey say,M~hosMpd~~$wV~dd~&bur itisanfasa*e~"oftchgtk\PoctctisbwtoPbOIi$lePpi- talism, hotpr to bdd a clad= So-illisr *. Aeeardiag to k "Mahn rh-tkiam who #peak of Marxism as only thewy of -pi- dim, the statemtnt of Macx "through the dimtodip of the p - ~toa~maSOCiJjle~'v;addmtaf~~-~ ~~of&~''4aoe*h~ plpa:afwdnl. ~&~naf~d~ ~ucc6crId~~forttte~~~in~~~ SUEh~~~hobc~~t~tfOt~~~~ kg dad Thertisana~for~wWiyMamimbysuehe rhb 9s: "m, pMhphY & * -11 Mm##h im *h*b h Mm tkm & il w rwul,wtkd,n (Shy Hwk) Toaay&bb~ctCn~&~~~~ thtConrrarmhSt.~~~~,of-~y midthi& hpbmt sea- in tba C~atrrmlrrMdfesto ~~~~fvaIU~~#~lmQd~~is~~ msmd "~tka#d~d~~b*wriead~.oeintlm ah mmdwbdarmtbd bracpiru f~bismsinta-&fa*- d#l d kb wag I Iaieimpamtmczpse&~ofHmktrrrabMarxhaf dleYeq~oftEtt~~ofthc~Efass ~ePpitsjist~~OfmllmooH&who~&g& from~*nd~fromUand~Itbe~ttmentofLtnitl that "& docthe of ru&s r& is the tsmaof the ecwKmPif tb .'CutairJg a- whi+dmim bas#lantkhwofs~usduc,tfir isa~w~ia'~ b pmk1y an the lam of mtph duetfsat tHc CdtBdrwiftst~ smas ~~~ctacle~~rbr~~tbarnpwr~kinz~mic rsEf,irlitr~ddfaw~r&=*mm*W~- h m&km -kt- as *-.I' '~:~~f~dthe~of~atxlsm,&t~~ of~d~,disd~-Htiskghdrlaabh ~~"M**ua~~~d&der*BIU ~ore~.taneiIl~~of~~ereiawhrtH* d~~~~tgsayabareBRtrsada,aadohied~sbows~ #~lweofHac#s- rP. '~~Ina%I*pf.hb~twSmtwsm?%iaWmd ~ub~mhhhr6rk~~hb&*arbriclS, ~~d.*Opdtm~~dw.afloc;ll*rirbd , d.n+hpmb." "l-Of,,Maolr:&nat~pppinetrjbo#htothtI#adlsd I h-+-Kbpyingtdbmal*Mul 19 ~b+d&~we,;~fWphmmm~and;LtpitKllta MWttire. TbCflnal~bf~~bylOtGanBansecin~pg: The world ha 1- a emtrapm and faithful 3deak'' A umt

isthebgid~. 1 To~~ontheMi~Ami~of Mur'bth ~m~pplgirm~+ofimpd.lum~2~~ lutlon, it means to pop&& Marxh-Luink (A ;M.idLn- dy,whichis~afy~bytkeatireampofdfkd In tb~atiad af th of crdnliu A tion,whui'~mainbLmwtbtdincood~a;rbal~, whm we must rhdr left ma- in ofMatxism, it is well to remember tbe statemtnt of a&=dm&- "... kir=IlctthutninwmLi*-8m&- - oattntdMa*irmwbIchh.dbma~omrby&~dI&~ Iamarrimrl" wd "hinh wlptD.Pd and mw lDDly 4 diu t& d dw WdIntaruHh ooDRkp lllPLPbl m mrrm iu tlu * mu& mphbm.'' 1.t16rpMdOf(hcmdaf~~~~tim,io& ptfiodob~~~of~ftheSovierUaion,wt cannot apply rht mchiq of ~~widmu appIyhg it initsfutther~tby~StaIin.Thtroleofammdt Stalinindh~paeewasdby~Man~iatht~ I

bl**Qfth.~~,dm~d~~~ ~~tor~~RWdd*ur.gdrard.tioal.~~~ PrrW d"

ALL IN THE NAME OF ~~ Pa17 Inertas Use 4 *MhMkft -Phram tu Cww Up FuTthct Tfkschq Agaiasr W&s, By SAM DON The~NcrvLdamtbIastf~pp+isd&w~ ~t~lmmme~~~WBytbmammrY Orbam- OEd,tbe~~Pprtp~~"d~~ but+Camrmmhrtwsh&r"? Ma$mirisnotamatmwtatdL P& somc~fthenewgm~"Ma*~of&~pOrtsr h,&a.d~~~of~~ Lawmeetthth h1930N~~wmteaboiJc,

~th&~~&artPrtielc~hichqpptarodiD& Napm$cr19~of~NewLcder.Rrst,tkwdwkdr.h ~widtacddmthatwhMPctissffk~t~h~ *%it~ohi8tuf€,~n~Burnaw~~~ oni+&6&+m Htaldy~inrhetrctmaof~ WAUGWt~~lotmtek~1~0f~~~ ..of^. . WtshanmerelgW& ~ftY*D&~~~~~~-cmlpcgtstpaa of~~~~*bDt~~tst~Of~l~~ 21 which~thc&~kfmnitaplatfarm,fothcprmtnt- day~~em~antheprtof~~Pwty~proclnimiw adhmtlce to MPrxism. Tk writer of the bwoaedareicte gm so far'u to amc that St (Marxim) will & us see the mcdq and rbe mwhbiky oft&tEemingsodalrrvoluh(I)adlditdmatct~ cipink." Htrcwesoc&eh~ybrtweenthet&o?*p"E pdd 3 re& totht&tetr on tbe part of thcst'~~"0ftht %wit- ability of the mdng d dub" Why phu? he furt#u aa fee the at out of ttte bag: "Amtth nd Madam.* T&tadinoothelanguageoftkdasssm.l&,thia means tht rrndtr the pressure of rk oisis the ksrstdMklhnf M& become we^ more obvbs to Loge mscs of the workers. With t&e shryrenins of thc class smug& OYith the workers beooming tver mwt tadidid, the p&+y ad xdinp of Maxxism are kgtmbmced by larger seaions of the Am&m wwlring cb. OnIgafwpraagotke~Paay,h&tobeamncmorr "Ammkq'' eliminated from its the words &as strug&. Many articles were writkn by SodPlist Party IcaQctn, ;ncMhrP thc bemudadbad by Thomas, w pethat Prlandsm is un-Amtri- an and the Sod?lise Party must bk purpd of Maatian id- (U if it ever derod from Marxion W). But now, ar part of im man- euvers to mtinuc to apptar as a Patry of the working class, it ia & aYcUl¶p>odrres~lfin~phrascs. If we wish to pt aa ideta ob what tbis 'Marrisc" Mt Gka, hadinmind,youcpnsctitfromhis~w~tthat~ianata fdfotmula," that "Madm is far from finikl." Behid these pblie the ~BC@MI that pou caa accept Mamiam wiohwr fol- lowingallim~andpa&&rIybrewrhdcrrrPrg~ Mr. Gibsrvn refus eoatimdy to Marx aa a great tbh. Of ~WM Muxwasthe~ttsttbinkcrof~he.Tbtcmphmthcre to Man, however, w a great thlst;ti is far the of dhg M& of its moat im-t tbcat, dy*rddo~ It is not anaoeidentatdthpt~ngeIsin~fam~rbspssehprthtgro~~of Mm, in referring oa Mm aa the mtMm, point that *ahdl else, Mmwar a reydwthirt." In 1934Thomajin~bkSmmck UWa(c+ndttraorld&.~b.*cdr~~iarmbnup4rwM ~g*irrira@mtrlopn. It bemdoa~oII~.,.~Th iacad&drss~s3otr.~w&i11~~*'tobdatbs- mpthr." Butinthcfmrthpearof&&ifbabittno~~~a+ tempt m appear an a Parrg ef &&Iband at tk t;me ssp tbat belllae&eLamydt.tad&* - -'dnarZepoftktworh is~"~~statemcneofk"~~andltEtrnaMuVm muatkuaedin&to&rhdrtrtMhtroushddip~the dm.hLre tk "&.bnfrom tht abes~a- of

I " . . .Won um ma bmw mrhoin. Sod* smnomic Miw, r& rocLsn .Itd fumtnmwpt.mnlMfd&f*rmr*r,mtosr,rJ~rbd~ d mat+ UIIW 6- Tkr r& nwhd dd plirb tlb; end d dMom tk d YWmeY (Our -1 Taktotfae&aboutrhedofphhgpowet,hkotlt out t)e ltc+mw"aspeas of hwM it. Tb"Mamiah' w. kvts to fate t%e preciac petciatn dP"gaining amt~oiof tht means ofpeoduceioa. Ofcoumdamanermcronhisprtieantd- dad. The workem, bscoming more rdidddng mom pfPinly tht~~iltroIofmonopolVfinancceapital,komemomcadtdof& neadof~pbwrtanw~ty*onthC~hatul,lcft~ bytheS&btPaqltrtdersabwt"gaining#donthtorhu hdbo~b&&~asitorbe"pmck~d"ofdoing away wirh privata ~ag. Marx and Bq& bavc wtddy dWdre pccfsc mu. Tktp hove dWthe fact that only bghtht of rht ptdetariae, dythrough tht estnblishment of a pi-& %tt ~anweachiwea~~edcty. - Thcwritaof&&saysfuccher:%o;mefshipofindusrry - mut~&ftmtbtep@&&andvwtsdin~.~ But IIDPP,~&~by&tm#hd? ThieIreIGapes~thtP1dnt- -of W-m.., .", Hceoea~uphb~with adfactbeestabfishmeatof acWem-,buthett,too,*ate l& in & dark as to how it should be done. Perhaw Mr. W'deme of raisin kdsto bup out tht indtsmcg fmm Mr, ~~~rng.ndnd~;rn~d.aloa~m~Qlo '3 s

ftffuianduhhtby tkidndmframRdddla! Thiaisthe~''ofrhe

WorIdUni~-msfor~idcedant.act~toff~Man aaid that ". . . rhc rl~m idi~Wy Irdr to tht liddam of fh prdam'd. Yhtho diclrtordtip ir onlr r rrdm ta tht drmuc* of rr* &F d ro mkty *ilhad The "Merxiasnn of the Sod& Party is a "M&" for b ~~da~totrtdiceatorahipoftheplttarior.Ith a acgchcKws program which lw abgoIuDtlg dhgin eomman with M&-* For the Sodafirt Party wmr of its piesmt left mao~heHactcrof~SodPIisteoeiay,iscmfpa#~.ctfor *g drp. Forthe~~tbecfasssmggIeinthe~ofMorr~ iadbpdIy to dx &todip of the pcofeeariat. The Smk Uh is dmdy dbg&t tdaqs of Marx "thmgh the dirtdmhip to thest&hmmt of a &stesi &tyP Thomaa la bis bmk, AddsWay Out, declare& "rn *maw mQtriva th.~dhtuvrsr.otlyfmwMuthm(I) In** ~~mrgF~ttOdcapmr)w@dfbsanrn~md~prdmdrBr Sa616r Puck" (mp 140.) I For thm~ of left wumurcts, the Saiaiist Pdty b dded AW to turn rrvduthwy M& into thdogy. The gdf bEtrrrm kft phrases and the pcricd treachrrks of the Sdht Psr~AOW is w& than cvrr bejm. In the mmu of S&, famd k is . prattid in Milw&cc. In the num of S& the of shiAes d the lclsdbrg of strikes to be- them. h the rime Bf Smidiim, the Rc~onsmtiorn PhcCwarian is &&red r sign of mdtionak&. It is no wonder tb, that Algmam kedrrlartd reend in the NEWLBADER that Socialirm cm be Wt dywh the ce'tI kts will get OW of the rriris! Help the c-ts get out of the &is by dc ring thcb nrwdcrmr atteks upma the nvrbg class rmd thm WC srh f havt Sdhf A tcPding edieotial ia the NW York Tim, in irs Dtetmbcr 18 iue, & help m explain thia attempt to drcm np tht Sodalise Patty inMantipm,w&itapeearmakta;papattyofthc&g~ to make e& it^ trdurit~and muding of tht growing of ttbe wmhn. This sdideennot hd wda mwgh to dwwa pmk upon Thomas for ''sraading by his SadaIish gunsy'- grtns that will mt mikt at ca-. This Nool Ymk Tiarcs a4 sditQthlboaeirr~~~dw~*~~* N&#trhcfrrtarcoftbe~Pwty. %-in&& inTlicNatdPn,~c~r~the&to~~~ dwdistPq: ~~isin~daatbw'IljBC*rtsloD ~~forcitia~totetsintbearrmeoftbc~~ Hr~hiaadrrillcrsiar~~f~~pracdeal~ pAthb6tW.-~md"'~iLLaderto~ ' rhemhtot&eba&d Hthc~Partyiswlivcuptoimroltastbeddd~of tl~psrhe~-~partgufAmcth~~it~ &bluftphrwsitsa~asa~paag,d~ $1mcparrrcointhe~danseaan#.asdwithtbe~Parcg~mb. ThPtillwhpthcNcrvYo~Tinncs&dMr.ThomodorticteEa TheN&artthefuamoftbtSodalisePmy~aaewHieh~ his &isem with *P ptdcal of h"It with Nm ~tbatthcapmt~~bt~mtht~of& ~Party*isof~basetif,~Iy~the~hR *-of financeEapitalirrNewYarkCitghcpsh.partyontha d.TheNnvYookTiwsis&agPinse~thr6name Y=&a Soeiafist Party. Tht Timcs is ab aaxia that the SoehIier P~reg.shwfdrmiawiirits~eontaawith&~Bb ~~tgtaDllysucbaSodPlietPanycandybe dforrhempitak - ctasa Sueba~,byits~wirhiadu~of&~ ~wirhthtoidofieftphrases,wiIlhelp~&dwprt&~ &den+s of the ctieis otl the sbouldtrs of the workem. In with tbt FiftiCth aaniw of Mad dda the wi&t cam& must bt carried out to pop^ the tdmp of Maw and their application in this period of wan and rtooIuth4.cn- ~Our~am~aignfor~opularipngM~andLstJaismemabtg hdt~fhCdtgrtthatare*yapplyitm&UnibPd Srares, ad at tht tame time dwtlop a conmte s&t agahst d amto mk adLeairdgn and dtt recant atwnpb ofthtsodpIf~to&Ma~aschdrown. THEORY IS OUR GUIDB TO ACITON!" Spth at the MaMeting of tbe Tmtb Anniverwy C&& of the wmtm Schd, N~twyod, Dmrnbcr 9, I932

Conrrades aad Fritnds celebrating the Tenth Annimry of the workers SehooI: l~wchadrnmt&tc~tionframCamtadt~. hlietmingto~0~1~I~wbatQIae dadd,exceptto~&tthoplsht~k~fw. ward, that our mlutitmary themy &dopa at gut of md is a pattof wrd~~inthedamstruggle. 3mgcoiS dety bas nor dy and wok^ It bas ahseparated ~r.drhcEf"=iem~-' hltrrrnn f ries and plPe#l thcmin~daamme&.~ddomgaretwo~y di&tntatephinbwrgwiss&cty. Tkwbo-Q not do an-. And tholst who do aaphg-dq are not mp pdtoh~ything-Bourg&sdctyhas~adecpgdf betwten hemy ad much so, that in tfae wdinary pop& sense age who b pa&darly ineMin acbia qmkea ofi aa a "thcwist." Of course m cannot accept thta tiaditions and of bourgeois w-Just as it in mr task nw dyto undemd pres- ent-day dq,but to change it, so also it is our: t& to mash tiis seeming conrtadhia hmcuz idea and actiom, bGewcea rtwotp aud paactiee. Theory is our guide to action. Theorg growa au~of 6 Thaory for us is the instrument of dudmazy acdoa, zad it can be the instrument of tcvdutioMty actian dyhfar os it b thswp which is drawn from intc~~~~ of he the II~C and he developme~tof human dty. We do not theory out of our M.Our dmry grows organidY out of rhe developmtnt and meuriag of the xwdutiaarry class, the worker clw. Ir is a historic p+. It has tht ~pmeob- jective character as all sdcntik phxip1e. And m jllst the sam~way as it is nccwary to be owp intolerant qhst aU those who wish w revisc the hdmental knowldge of mankind in order m ias#t in its place tht arbitrary aeationa, thc phanrasics of the individual mind, soalsqitb~~beiadtaatiathe&~td~ deades w reph our scientific kled and ow &cat& practice with individual, d-grcup revisions oP out rtv01udonary body of theory. For it is only the proitwiat, the dymvoluti- dm in ~~~,rPbiehb~ofundewePndingmd* che~~pfesofd~. Our: Warkm Sehooi oi the commimt Party is of- aMlarYl of narrow, -tic artd intoletpne, wing in btoad-* westru$gka~all;ndividdaadgrwpwhottym revise, change and water h the d features of Mamh- fmininn. I In our approach to tbc mag~eswhom we are doing to win, orpak, w mobilk for the revolutkq struggle, m always must bttolrrantandpa&nt,asweltasstubbornsnd~t BFltinehc~eld~frevd~thoo~toPceompZiehwtmain rrrkofwinningthebruad~tbem~ofrtit~~ forthe~~wenuutbeitaoWYinadtwntagaht ~dePioeioninthcwp,~~ctE&t~iEvise~and Luwmn. This throreiicd mhdnsigcwe, this un#dIrPg &ae of the Communht mwmtto the moldomq theory af Bb&hinh is.noc sccthim. It is not dogmutim. It is the messq pre-cmdi- tion for the mhhg of sectmkh of du op~wtunisttMPdmk in the working ths. OurrbeMyisde&pd,mtiD~. OureheOtJfidevaopod in life, in mpas struggle. Only through mass grow and develop further. Our sehooIs are cs. Out sehd ace rhase pbwhere we deavailable thc aYknow Bdgt that baa betn accumulated from the l*periexrcc of the past strugglesit~otdertosdPrthe pMblems of vtadeomingstrug- de. ,Only ia thm by arming oumlvea widi tbe fessars of the past rttugglm, & we dtvelop the thq, the howledge and the pctk tbat makw up Mamk&mum. . Itisin Chip~htweuaderstatadtheWorkmSC;hOOIand~ pl;w in the rev01utiotlary movement. This phase is kmiug more and more imm. And mole and mom kdlyda we ftel th m ccadtyofour~ofrhe~thatitreah. Under the dtim of the cbmug& today, it ia uk to haghe that we could aokratt for me momcne arwh id- as inrhepthavecreaed~wsqttiat~yonwr~tutkm, tbe W&trsSchool,&hg the ten yeam of i&- The Workers Schod i~lfb the pdmof struggle. Tk W& ers School was buiit adgrm strong in the coum of our against Tdy+ and d~tdriving out of the induenee of the ttpm scamtivw of Td+m in America. Perhaps you at p-t in the W&ra SehooI mag not know dmt an influence in shaping the early ~~ladby~ur~;~d~&~~d- society m Cammhwhkh is bugatad with the seiolsre of w. b&~entofthe~~.Thishiadd

-irhkmeonc of thedhmtah&& tioa and the @g through of the ple* mk~II tb united Statel.

~~i~thc~ategyandtpceiesbadupodltbe~abjd~t trmb,which~fmmrhegenaafttndamcntoffowaofMordaa theory. PoItowbg the dimdon of MaRh rhcwp, we ahdl hw maw Pnd nearer to the objective mth (4- erhadq it), fd- ~aantbwpathWk~vdvear~dfatschoodPwe may thttcfore also sag dmt Madm basad on generalid (that is experience dysed and lammi drawn from it), tad by life, in a mtlde m actiom p%& from Wd idea that the task is not mcrtlp w inwrprot hismtybuttochasgeit,Leniad"~toMPrr,&dt'tEt faskofd-kis&ea~~of~htiSt~beiaa pitioatosey that~srtru&is&jdvelyaprairPctofa~ system of production relatidip, to make chr tbe RC~CS* of dw muggIe, irr cantent, its diredon, im conditions of developmmt." Hste we wt hOW with DhC klp of &tory the Party CBP 9t~the *hdd&q of the struggles, understands its ddqmcfle, knowing im ccamu and diddoepens the struggles, gives it wmxbusnms and ' AS we an ste, Lenin, time and again, emphded rk drp, impomnsc and tMv~of &reti4 work. But in dw d of Leaiadh~notmtan"thatth~workshoutdbs*verr,prdtr- to pack11 rcrl~tk,md it dpdor mt & p.wl or ptpd tht - 4i? wotk abdd be given up until thwmtieai rompled." Yes, theory is a guide to action, in fw pa h&pmbIt guide, but above all, life, mwantnt, expt* prac.xiee, Ad b furc, '%theobi work mIy give an mwet to the pdktsjecd by p&," - Wbile both Maw and Lain pIace th impttmm of praceical rcwr Iutionary activities above theoretical actbiue% they at the. samt tSpre with the utmoet vigor, pcrsisrence and poind wt thtsscdoftbewyasaguidetoactiollpndsso~pinckw;ns and making bistory. We mast rdthat etice uith tAtBf? is timittd, ngrrolv, and &hot3 a prrrpective. TL m co~cmtrated * rmd quiekd form ccntrdn* the ICIIORPof gemslkrd cxpdme. self- criticism is one of the best methods in elumining our in the cIass struggle in Titof tbawp and emdung and --our by rtwltdnnaty exprimtea ad praetiec. Eerp tocrg tim,cpntasiIybdbadttoaufwga~orHJ:of~ of somt of the basic ptindpIts of Md-Idnhfbq. Wht theory one cannot tern srrcces.f.r17 ad from Therefore, the vanguard of the worlciag chs the Ppte~ (d~p to link up the immdate strug& with im 4, to raise the to ever higher Icvtls), must be equippd with wr mlu- tb~. Tn fa m we must grasp the full si+e of W'sstatdent: 'r)nlyaPartygrtidedbyaaad~~eanaeasavanguvd in the 6ght md that wiht a revolutbq phwry there ~annattR du- practict." ~yin&~of~qu&~wideningrtwr ~seru%gfcq~hinist~i9dltlunst~d grtidc. The~woeJraaddyinonrPactymmtnaebe~ma smnffgrwpof~cqnormustitb&sp&l6cIdof~pi~ ' ~o£a%peuaIw~gmup~of~.HdInhanddthe slogPrnU~Partymemberana&t~adt"muatgathtrmdee- sdbg dmt every Party m& must kmt quipped with the - bk mpIw of Ma&- as dychea will the Pw :r mddiprnOrr~ygrorp&potdeboftheParrg (dad - baper uadwstarrd Paay rmoiurions and k..) aad krmc its I desire atrd 50e mas~iaEdati- Whiltnotfo~ont~momeatmuatwreforger(whidlhppa 4 qdte ofow) tha mal ghrh hismid &tiom of thc Amwiean wdbg&,andthatmmany -the AmtrknworhgclasP , was a herin &mnt foema of atruh to tbc Immdd . cfasf (&ur day -tr maof May, gaanl

, ~tur*of amtd camp sdcs, eb~.), howwer, in rotnpba with Buroptan working its trdtians and smsggh arc bckwd. ' tht clas, The lack of dmimaq ex+- (and a& spcakine dyin ; cmnphti with the Europeaa +chi) must be made up by dtcphg the theoretical knowledge of thc Party. It is ab9olutdy wrong brcomadm m speak of the bismry of rhc ~mnb.nlabor nuwantnt b onTy. pointing out w its bndrwardtlcss (wbich must not be f-), . and "forgdng" mtircty that in the Unid States in tbe past &re ~acbstmgglcwithshmrp,miIi~furiowbtrltaotl the panof tht wdiug &.. . . The present driving forces of the poleth Mrdwtim in the United States linked up with a maximurn himist L anaf* of the history ot tk cim rmrggk br the t, rnurr 6e dr- . t&es &iy by tk Pw. TI% dl Mpcon X dl7 to clear mp i; 1- prrspcches to tk entire &ship. TOlive and b in dre imperialist #runtrp in the wrIAto livt and srm&inacountrypmpautwi&&tsanddtiam. The-- &a& role of Americas c~phlimnand imperiak which t ~tberote0fourPartgftomoatOfphe~im~~~lt of th6 wrg mwt impmt & of the Commrrnist Inmdd, 1 ~gmt~~mimy~tiesmt6e~~timof ;. our P-. TA~gdp of ~wesdh.Isdaion~ with the p~mt-ddyp4W-